#the hippocratic crush
outragedtortilla · 1 year
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the hippocratic crush
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the hippocratic crush
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basingstokemercury · 1 year
I'll never understand where people get off aggravating a wild animal and getting all shocked and angry when it gets upset
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frogtender · 7 days
hey why does every post about the house md fandom have like 40k notes . is a fandom revival of a show that ended 12 years ago really swallowing up that many people
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rainderthesomeone · 5 months
Meet the BLU team!
I figured I should make this so everything is a little more easier to understand when it comes to Blu such as personality and behavior, also its some lore insight.
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Blu Soldier the Leader of Blu team, Strong, Durable, and actually has a brain unlike his red counterpart, when not on the battlefield he regularly disappears here and there, no one knows where he go's, he's quite dopy when it comes to social interactions, but he his very very loyal, a trait that is seen with red soldier.
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Blu Demo is the complete opposite of Red Demo, he doesn't drink, he doesn't have wisdom or honor, and he doesn't play with swords, he carries sticks of dynamite and takes his role in Blu very seriously, he's a rule fallower and doesn't take kindly to his team relaxing or mucking about, don't piss him off, due to this aggressive personality he has become second in command by default.
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Blu Medic, is also the opposite of his Red counterpart, While Red Medic is frolicking in the battlefield as blood is spilt or experimenting on his team with animal organs and playing god, Blu Medic is quite, calculated, and flexible, he can be seen in the background using actual medicine on his team, he is quite aware of his surroundings and is by far the smartest of his team, and has a moral compass that's somehow intact, he is quite anti social and slightly temperamental when it comes to carelessness, he has fallowed the Hippocratic oath to the finest detail, though due to this passive nature he cannot defend himself and is a easy target without his team, the closet to a friend he has is Blu Engineer and Blu Soldier, though he sees there friendship as buissnes oriented
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Blu Sniper, A great hunter and Surprise ambusher, but despite that he is very unprofessional when it comes to his job, he loves the thrill of the hunt, and has quick reflexes but in personality...he is quite brain dead, he cant read a map, awful with directions, can get winey when he doesn't want to do something, clumsy, and has little in common with his Red counterpart, he also has the need to upstage Red Sniper in every way.
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Blu Spy, A slippery, Sneaky, little snitch, While Red spy is collected and straight faced, Blu Spy takes great pleasure in mockery and humiliating his targets, he is by definition a Sadist, and a narcissist, more narcissistic than Red Spy, everyone in his team hates him and he hates them, in his free time he stalks his team and gathers dirt on them and anything that he can use against them to blackmail them, so he can control them in order to gain more power and influence within the team, he is a backstabber and doesn't play fair, but when caught red handed he flees like a coward or a child in trouble.
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Blu Pyro, he is a friendly fella, and he is quite fluent in English and speaks quite well, the most innocent one, cares about his teammates, motherly nature, worries about them, puts them all first before himself, people pleaser, hates violence, but if told he has to do it he will do it.
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Blu Scout, is the only one in Blu similar to his counterpart, he just dosent have a crush on Miss Pauling or an interest in women, loudmouthed, and respectless, dosent know what a comic book is or who Tom Jones is (how dare he)
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Blu Engie, as of late incredibly grumpy, no longer being pushed around, is the one pushing people around, secretive, not content, developed a rebellious personality as of late, planning something.
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Blu Heavy, Simple minded, brute, always go's into hand to hand combat if given the option.
I reworked some of there personality traits and looks to make them more diverse instead of having them always being aggressive and spiteful which was there original personality traits, since originally the story was going to have a slightly more darker undertone when it came to the Blu's.
they are all clones of the Red Team, Blutarch wanted to defeat his brother so why not clone a team of mercs that are perfect and capable as Red team, to make the playing field more fair, (that and the Administrator had something to do with this)
if you have any questions about them let me know, I wont be able to give a clear an answer to some things since that would spoil the story a little bit :)
Edit(redid some of the bios have at it :) )
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multifandomthoughts · 4 months
Red Medic with a crush on a Male BLU Medic Reader
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Red Medic, while having a differing approach to medicine, really appreciates your dedication to the Hippocratic oath, and watches you with delight across the battlefield. Each second that goes by, he becomes more and more intrigued by your abilities.
He notices your attention to detail, your smile and how chipper you are with your other teammates. He knows it may get him killed, or worse, ridiculed, but he wants to spend more time with you and get to know you.
Once he gets to know you, the two of you are practically inseparable. On multiple occasions he’s asked you to assist him with little experiments involving healing. Finally, he gets the idea on how to ask you out. It may be a little unorthodox, but when has he ever been?
He originally wanted to give you one of the hearts of one of his teammates in a box, but he knows that would involve dismemberment/killing and you wouldn’t particularly like that. So instead, he has pyro help him create an anatomically correct heart out of flowers, giving it to you with a devilish smirk.
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convex-solos · 1 year
tell me felix just how fucked up scar and cub are in this au
Oh anon you are IN for a WILD RIDE here. I will mostly focus on their relationship with each other in order to highlight their key character traits.
I will start by mentioning that Convex’s relationship is full of nuance and is constantly evolving just like the characters themselves.
Some key elements to remember about the characters in order to understand their relationship is that Scar is characterized by a morbid need for attention and would do quite literally anything for the spotlight, while Cub is extremely prone to boredom and has to keep himself entertained in progressively more dangerous mind games and activities.
They both play 4D chess with each other. At the end of act I Scar’s crush for Cub completely escalates in a morbid attachment and downright obsession that will only get worse when Cub convinces Scar he is the only person he has left now.
Remember that Scar has just seen his face, the epitome of his beauty (which equals attention), tarnished forever, he has been humiliated by his defeat. Sure he could get plastic surgery to fix SOME of the damage, but it wouldnt be the same. His ego has been wounded too.
So Cub is there. He is the only person Scar talks to while he recovers and he makes sure to be the only “landmark” that Scar has left. So of course Scar’s obsession with Cub only gets stronger, but Scar knows this. He is aware that Cub is playing him but the thing is. He doesnt care AT ALL.
Cub is willing to give him a chance to be reborn, to forget about his failures and for once in his life take the stage for himself and do as his heart desires. He is enabling him, and that’s all that matters to Scar.
Cub is. Easily bored. He dropped out of med school after refusing to take the hippocratic oath and started a series of incredibly dubious medical practices that he managed to keep for himself, only to satisfy his own curiosity.
At some point he got bored so he decided to bring his attention to the human mind. That’s where Scar comes in. In the story Cub and Scar meet by chance in the middle of the night, they then exchange a few words about the clear luminous night sky above them.
That’s it. That’s all that happened… if it wasn’t for the fact that Cub had visible blood stains on his clothes and Scar didn’t even bat an eye. That intrigues Cub, so when Scar advertises that he’s looking for a roommate, Cub immediately takes his chance. Scar becomes his long term “project” and everything culminates to the end of the first act where Cub offers Scar the chance to work by his side. Perfect, right?
But their relationship is… extremely complicated to say the least. Cub doesn’t do “love”. He doesn’t feel that kind of attraction. Scar’s feelings aren’t love either, they’re more akin to obsession. Scar is extremely unpredictable and that drives Cub insane, but he has to admit he enjoys a challenge and Scar himself doesn’t mind at all how scarily controlling Cub is. He likes the attention :)
Cub promises Scar he will kill Grian when the time is right. You can imagine how ecstatic Scar is, he wants to destroy everything related to his “old life” in order to truly enjoy his new and better life.
When Grian takes Cub’s eye out at the end of the second act Cub’s priorities change. Now he wants to be the one to kill Grian for the sole reason she dared to actually impair him. LOL. Notice the parallels?
Things get worse when they get locked up in prison. Scar is always on edge and is extremely violent. He gets thrown into solitary confinement a couple of times. This is the point in the story where Scar realizes just how empty he is and is just a husk of his old self. He is TERRIFIED of being left alone with his thoughts.
Obsession can imply going through stages of deep hatred for the object of said obsession. So Scar does snap at Cub in this incredibly pressuring environment and it only gets worse when he learns Cub has no intention of letting him kill Grian. Cub doesn’t budge. Scar had the illusion of being finally free with Cub but it was just that. An illusion.
Scar’s mood swings from manic states to depressive episodes so he is extremely delicate to handle with, but Cub manages to keep him loyal to him, LOL! Because at the end of the day they truly only have each other. It’s too late to go back now.
Sometimes Scar scares Cub and they both know. Scar acts like he doesn’t know Cub’s tricks until he does. Their relationship is a constant push and pull, it’s a match made in hell and I wouldn’t have it any other way. <3
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the-babygirl-polls · 4 months
Joo Yeo-Jeong - The Glory
Literally no one has ever been more devoted to their crush. Immediately ready to violate the Hippocratic oath after he learns her tragic backstory. Ultimate Wife Guy. Pink is his colour but pls don’t check. Hobbies include: playing Go in the park with old men, collecting knives, and singing
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shmowder · 3 months
obsessed with the idea that daniil wants to seem effortless and all that with affection but probably can’t even accept a hug in public without having a heart attack. i’m obsessed with him. he’s an asshole but he’s MINE and I am so attached to him
Daniil Dankovsky is nothing if not a tryhard.
He deliberately memorises the most famous Latin Idoms, he goes out of his way to sound sophisticated and make himself look like an intellectual.
That man desperately needs you to be impressed with everything he is, from his unique snake skin coat to the silk cravat, from the way he combs his hair and makes himself look so angelic, to the way he holds himself with elegance and a proud posture.
He is so nosy too, he will make your problems his problems and offer his help without you as much as asking because that is what's just, that is what's right, that is how a noble doctor should behave.
And he almost pulls it off, the effortless look. Deep down he genuinely believes in those traits, being just and noble, having morals and principles. Once upon a time, he really took those words of philosophers and saints to heart.
Before the town came, before life made its mission to force him to constantly contradict himself and swallow his pride. Step on every principle he has ever held, shattering the stained glass view resembling whatever hope for humanity he once may have held. Breaking the fragile dreamers and taunting him as he watched helplessly.
To break his Hippocratic oath to do no harm.
He was sent here to die, to be made a fool and paraded through the squares as a mad man for even thinking he could defeat death, for having the audacity to try and hope. His punishment for yearning for anything at all.
That man is a beautiful tragedy, isn't he? It's reminiscent of watching a crystal figurine crushed by a hydraulic press in slow motion. You're entranced and can not close your eyes. A delicate thing years into the making, someone worked hard on sculpting from molten glass, putting so much care into every detail, believing it will change the world.
Who wouldn't get obsessed with the righteous hero who will save us all? Or was it the prickly prick who will bury us all? They tend to come hand in hand.
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istadris · 11 months
Missing Half AU Shenanigans
Reasons Dr Mario almost broke his Hippocratic Oath in my Missing Half AU :
Mr L trying to fight everything in sight.
Several times a day.
How does he manage to piss of so many people at once?
Mr L stealing some of his medical gear to make reparations on a robot.
Mr L trying to "set him up" with Peach and ending up with a wanted poster.
Mr L calling him a hack for telling him that no, you're not sick, you just have a crush on Prince Peasley, you goofball.
Having only one half-pack of cigarettes with him when he fell in a world where no one smokes
Saving his last smoke for a special occasion only for everything to go wrong and that precious last smoke to be wasted.
E.Gadd casually mentioning his experiments on sentient creatures and then asking Dr Mario to help him with them.
King Boo.
Being reminded of the loss of his Luigi.
Being asked to choose between fixing his biggest mistake or losing Mr L.
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dinoburger · 1 year
kind of an aside on characterization, I find myself coming back to this a lot when thinking about Medic
rambling a bit here but also comic spoilers if anyone cares much about that
while being sadistic and unethical are two of his defining character traits, he still has a code of sorts, even if it's not the Hippocratic one
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I feel like for all the rules he breaks, he still has a considerable amount of respect for the fields of science and medicine, like he sees the work he does as valuable even if nobody else understands it. I think by extension, he sees his subjects as valuable, like it's clear compassion is something he struggles with but it's a sort of work-around.
You could easily read it that way with him trying to resurrect Sniper in the comics, he was willing to blow a substantial chunk of his budget trying to bring someone back despite it being actively counter to the goals of his employers, but also a substantial drain on his own resources that could go towards other experiments.
This is kind of punctuated when C-Heavy crushes Archimedes, right after they were talking about Sniper's resurrection. I think this might be one of the few instances we see Medic express genuine terror. It throws this light of doubt on whether he really did it entirely out of morbid fascination, or if deep down, there's part of him that genuinely does care for his team and dreads seeing them go beyond the point of no return, into oblivion.
I think Medic himself has trouble recognizing that for what it is. It's much easier to deflect by playing into the expectation of being an evil doctor, or disguising it as medical concern/curiosity.
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containatrocity · 6 days
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It's been quiet in my mind, now I'm paranoid. It's just a matter of time before it's making noise.
"I guess you can just call me Doc, but I'm Holder Teichman. I'm 36 years old, and a Boston native which means I'm just visiting Huntsville. I've been a coroner for the past several years, as I find it far easier to work with the dead than the living, these days. Back in my prime, though, I was a surgical prodigy- capable enough that I found myself in the clutches of Boston's notorious Mystic River Killer- and forced to circumvent their death... an act that lead to several more, given that I'm the only surviving victim. I've been in Huntsville for almost a year and have settled as best I can into the position that feels most at home for me. Despite my previously illustrious life, at present, I am a guilt-ridden, repentant, traumatized shell of my former self.- A handful of traits that I fear my best efforts and unwavering loyalty and altruism cannot counter."
Name: Holder Albert Teichman
Aliases: Doc, Dr. Teichman, Holder
Age: 36
Sexuality/Gender: Homosexual Trans Man He/Him
Personality: A deeply nervous man, Holder's speech patterns are laden with stutters and uncertainty, and he finds it difficult in the present day to trust anyone, much less a town full of relative strangers. Endlessly loyal when he eventually allows himself to trust someone, it's guilt that guides his actions and efforts- a constant belief that his stringent clinging to his Hippocratic oath in the moment that he had to decide whether or not to let the Mystic River Killer die caused the death of three more people- and left him the sole survivor of their bloody rampage. Driven to help others to the point of self-harm, he'd set himself ablaze to keep someone else warm for even a moment longer, kindness often taken full advantage of by those without his best interest at heart, sensationalized and exploited for a time after his brush with death- it was really only his arrival in Huntsville that allowed him to take a breath and stop answering to the constant interviews from news media, television, and the dreaded true crime podcaster.
Occupation: While a Coroner in Huntsville, Holder's former work was that of a surgeon- though his shakes and injured right hand have left him unable to trust himself to work on anyone who isn't already dead.
Affiliations: Huntsville Police Department, the Town of Huntsville
Scent Profile: Faint cologne and aftershave he's about to run out of, the constant clinging scent of blood and antiseptic, as clean as one can be in the aftermath of what's happened to Huntsville. There's the faintest smell of wood polish, paints and oils- though this is clearly tied to his hobby over his work.
Aesthetic: Tight leather gloves hiding the reminder of your most crushing shame, blood and sweat clinging to pale skin- the shadow of doubt looming over your shoulder. You are no killer, so now their blood is on your destroyed hands. A pendulum, a pivot- the world changes, so you do. Now the ferryman, pennies on the eyes, a fee for the afterlife- their journey overseen by careful, still-shaking hands and a desperation to right the wrongs you've inflicted. your phone still rings off the hook, they didn't tell you when your morals and virtues die in the split second you make that kind of decision that the vultures come despite the body still breathing. You are a story. You are trauma porn. You are clicks and interactions and you cannot take it anymore.
This place is a godsend. You feel just as guilty for that feeling as you do everything else.
It's like an hourglass I can't turn over And when it's out, it comes down like a mortar.
Now serving as one of Huntsville's Coroners, Doc is, strangely, doing better than he ever was on the outside. The constant media circus unwilling to let his trauma die with the other victims of the Mystic River Killer now on the other side of a barrier that silences all emails, phone calls, and interruptions, he's comfortable in the quiet that's come from being allowed to focus on his work, even if the bodies he's handed are particularly brutal. There's a comfort in the commonality of cause of death- 'ghost related slaughtering' is an easy enough marker to make on paperwork, with the rare deviation to include natural disaster, gunshots, and falls from great heights. There is a comfort in death- a comfort Doc has not been offered- but not for lack of trying.
Even now struggling to trust the people around him- and to cope with the reality of his continued survival in the face of crushing odds when others haven't been so 'lucky'- Doc's tenuous friendships with his coworkers- and those who have attempted to get past the walls he's hastily cobbled together to assure him there's no reason to be alone in a place where more people than anywhere else understand the ache of losing someone to savagery. But their efforts are slow-moving, as Holder's trauma lingers, crawling and creeping through his mind like tentacles to constrict ever tighter- ironic, he reasons, given the current state of things in the place he's found himself. His is an existence of slight hermithood- loyal to those who have taken the time to offer kindness and care- but not trusting, never trusting.
The willingness to turn one's back on someone was the simplest path toward being stabbed in it, after all.
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alexa, play “she bop” by cyndi lauper
Author: kattyshack
Rating/Warning: Explicit
Chapter Count: 6/6
“How do you get your jollies, Cunningham, c’mon, I won’t tell.” Eddie swipes a cross over his heart, puts his hands together as though in prayer. “You have my solemn oath as a customer service representative.”
Chrissy folds her arms. She’s making that face like she’s trying not to laugh at him again. “What is that, like the Hippocratic oath?”
“No, dummy,” he says, all fondness, “I’m not a doctor.”
“Hm.” Chrissy’s eyes scan the wall. She bobs her head, her mouth quirking in this smarmy little grin she does sometimes that makes him want to do filthy, filthy things to her (like, you know. Kiss her tenderly, slow dance in the kitchen, put a little heart eyes emoji next to her name in his phone… and, fine, so he’s already done that last one, but you get it). “Doctor of looooove, maybe.”
“Oh, you smartass.”
(Eddie works at Hawkins’ resident—ah—adult boutique, and Chrissy sure does like to window-shop.)
Tags: Alternate universe- no vecna, alternate universe- modern au, mutual crushes, awkward flirting, fluff, matchmaking, love confessions, smut, Virgin!Eddie, he's kinda a simp, no cap, Eddie POV, multiple chapters, status: completed
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lasenbyphoenix · 8 months
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Unshakable Faith (2023)
Episode 2 Breakdown
Now on the mainland, Ji Danyang has lost his voice due to being struck on throat by Officer Hongmei when in HK. Hongmei is tasked to accompany him by train to the project base in Luman, and the KMT arrange a sniper to be at train station when they arrive.
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Nurse Bai is roped into being part of the welcoming party and gives flowers to Ji Danyang when the sniper shoots at them. Officer Hongmei races to the sniper's nest and arrests a suspect who turns out to be Police Captain Chen - her new team leader.
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Ji Danyang settles in at the project base while the police team search for the sniper and his accomplices. When needing to go to town for extra supplies, Ji Danyang is escorted by Officer Hongmei where his desire for freedom to roam clashes with her duty to protect him. After rescuing a kid from the canal Ji Danyang meets Nurse Bai again who takes him to her father, a traditional doctor who offers to treat his throat with acupuncture, much to Officer Hongmei's disapproval.
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The treatment works and his voice is returned, and he finds Nurse Bai in the project base cafeteria to thank her. Officer Hongmei continues to be suspicious of everyone and everything and Secretary Lu warns Ji Danyang that making friends with the nurses will cause rumours to spread.
Our math man doesn't like his every move being shadowed and our policewoman is a little on the overzealous side, which sets up the pattern for their future interactions, but this is a spy drama and the sniper proves she's got a reason to be.
We get a lot of new supporting characters introduced in this episode - including Police Captain Chen (Li Xinze, costarring with Liu Xueyi for the third time after Love and Redemption and The Blood of Youth), and Secretary Lu who clearly has a crush on Nurse Bai and doesn't like idea of the handsome math man as romantic competition.
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We also get a very contrived reason for our male lead to meet our second female lead, but I dont hate it because the image of her trying to take a blood pressure in the back of a moving car is quite funny. And a second meeting just to cement their new friendship and to take him home to meet another important supporting character - dad. Dr Bai is played by Ding Yongdai who was the Emperor in both Nirvana in Fire and The Blood of Youth, and I'm really enjoying him in this role.
Oof, do watch out for the janky english voiceover with mismatched subtitles when Ji Danyang shows off his knowledge of the Hippocratic Oath to Nurse Bai.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] ds9 4x04 "hippocratic oath" (1995)
i know that season 4 & beyond is the territory of the moral gray area and it’s been a while since i rewatched this part of the show so it’s going to be a bit of a process seeing what i think about a lot of it. my recollection is that characters mostly struggle to do the right thing in ways that are believable & easy to empathize with, but that ultimately the core values of the federation are argued for forcefully even when they’re challenged by the realities of war/etc, but again, i am interested to see how correct that recollection is.
the thing that makes this a good episode is that even though it’s entirely possible to understand where o’brien was coming from, it’s pretty clearly siding with bashir. without that context, i would not like this episode very much. and, to be honest, while i understand he was only worried about saving his friend’s life and i understand how powerful of a motivation that can be, the guy just condemned a race of people to brutal slavery because he wasn’t sure his friend would succeed in curing them from the drug addiction that their masters use to control them and he goes so far to suggest that even if julian had succeeded, maybe if they were freed from the founders’ control they would get too rowdy, and holy shit that is so completely antithetical to everything the federation stands for, and even divorced from that context just considering the ethical implications of it makes me want to puke.
i go back & forth on how i feel about o’brien because there are a few episodes where he is genuinely likable & relatable, but i’m sorry this single act is more racist than his entire history of racism towards the cardassians. i am just absolutely staggered that this is something we’re supposed to accept & move on from in a like “gosh, that really sucked but what can y’do?” kinda way? dude just condemned a race of people to fucking slavery. like, i’m glad julian is too disgusted with him to play darts that night but i’m not really sure that’s sufficient here?
you joined starfleet, man! we’ve seen a hundred times that part of being starfleet is being willing to die for what the federation stands for. it means putting the lives of those you can help ahead of your own. that also means that you’ve got to trust that your comrades on either side of you are also willing to die for those principles! i understand why this is a difficult position to be put in, but leaving everything else aside… chief o’brien failed as a starfleet officer. and the fact that no one says those words in this episode really bothers me.
again, only the fact that the episode is clearly on julian’s side & what miles does is treated as a tragedy that no one feels good about keeps me from hating this episode. the fact that goran’agar lets them go (after a fakeout where both miles & the audience are led to assume they’re about to be executed) and both goran’agar & julian are clearly crushed is the saving grace of the episode. goran’agar is more merciful than miles, and i wish the episode had made a little more of that, but the fact that it’s there does matter quite a bit to me.
over in b plot land, worf is mad at odo for not copping hard enough, it turns out odo was copping harder than worf realized & worf fucks up his investigation. we’re clearly meant to side with odo here, and you could be forgiven for thinking that i side with worf since i love him & don’t particularly care for odo, but frankly i don’t really care one way or another? like, i recognize that this was a well-written plot & it accomplishes an important bit of character development for worf in reinforcing that his role has changed and also that the realities of life aboard ds9 present much different challenges for him than serving on the enterprise. so like, i think this was a really good subplot, i’m just not emotionally invested in cop drama is all.
sisko kicks ass in this subplot, though. like, again, i don’t love the latitude he gives odo considering that odo is a fucking cryptofascist pig, but i do appreciate that when worf fucks up sisko is basically like, “hey man, welcome to an entirely different job in an entirely different environment. i expect you to fuck up. just learn from it and do better.” i told y’all i remembered him being a better mentor to worf than picard was, but i was thinking of stuff that happens a season or two from now, i forgot how early it starts.
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varsityutena · 8 days
doctor hogback: so anyway I reanimated the woman I had an unrequited crush on and even tho her personality isnt the same and she’s basically a shell at least I can get my rocks off
chopper: huge L + ratio + at least I respect the hippocratic oath
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