#on one hand it's what irenicus deserves
aimzicr · 1 year
A bunch of would-be adventurers coming into the Adventurer Mart's Bhaalspawn Experience, stepping into the Spooky Dungeon and reading the plaques and talking about the way they would have handled themselves if this was their first dungeon, checking for traps, swinging some punches at the mannequins etc.
Then they turn the corner and see someone kneeling down in the middle of a room full of Spooky Cages, someone who gets up and leaves as soon as the group calls out to them. They don't respond, but they leave behind two bouquets of flowers. On closer inspection, the flowers are labelled: one is 'for Khalid' and the other one is 'for Dynaheir'.
"Huh," the visiting would-be adventurers say, "Weird." And then they move on with the tour.
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voidcrow · 7 years
Lawful Evil
The Copper Coronet. A few tendays after the escape from Irenicus' lair.
Once the leftover sunflower seeds from his salad were gathered in one cupped hand, Minsc let them fall into a small mound to the side of his plate. There, upon the table's oaken surface, Boo began helping himself to them.
Both the Rashemen berserker and Jaheira-- who shared this table-- continued to dine at it, but Laciel of Candlekeep merely slumped over it, nothing in front of her but the third emptied wine glass of the evening; she hadn't hungered. Her glazed eyes stared forward at nothing in particular, a frown on her lips.
The Bhaalspawn's mood, of course, didn't escape Jaheira's notice. "The wine has made you languid," said the druid with a concerned look, "Eifelia and Korgan are laughing and singing over their beers at the counter, yet you..."
"So I'm a mellow drunk," Laciel half-mumbled, "Is that a crime here in Athkatla?"
Jaheira shook her head, blond dreadlocks swaying a bit as she does. "That is not what I speak of. Normally you smile. Today the drink has brought out your melancholy instead, and it isn't warranted at all. It has been a good day."
"Jaheira speaks true." Minsc started to grin. "The crypt teemed with evil things, but their butts were nothing before our justice-flavored boots!"
"Heh, yeah, it was friggin' awesome," snickered the sword sheathed at Minsc's back. Of course Lilarcor was going to get a word in, whether anyone wanted it to or not.
"To destroy that many undead served the balance well," Jaheira added, "And it goes without saying that Korgan and Eifelia are pleased with the profits. Even Edwin is in oddly high spirits, given that Nether Scroll he came away with."
"Why not celebrate with the rest of us?" asked Minsc.
Laciel's eyes went back to somberly looking straight ahead. "Because we could have busted Imoen out instead."
Though the ambient noise of the Coronet's other patrons was still audible, there was now silence between the three at the table.
Finally Jaheira spoke up, adopting a calmer tone. "Your sister is strong. She will survive-- and be proud of you, I think, when she hears of all the good you have done raising money and preparing us for her rescue."
At hearing this, Laciel gave a quiet, wry chuckle. "The good I've done?"
"We've elicited many, many smiles," said Minsc, and when his hamster companion took a moment from stuffing its face with seeds to give a few squeaks, the berserker went on: "See? Boo even kept count of them. The approval of a miniature giant space hamster is hard-won, but you have it. You're a hero of the people!"
"The people," Laciel repeated, slightly delerious. Three glasses of wine was quite enough for someone as short and lightweight as herself. "Poor, helpless wretches. Our adventures to 'help' them are just a different flavor of cruelty, really."
Jaheira and Minsc both gave the Bhaalspawn a questioning look.
"When we help everybody that suffers," Laciel continued, "We strengthen ourselves, but we weaken them. We take the struggle for well-being from them, make it ours, and leave them ill-equipped to help themselves later down the road. If anything, we've only proven that these people deserve to be ruled by us."
Jaheira started to sound stern. "Laciel."
But the mage ignored her. She sat up, scooted her chair back, and looked around at the Coronet's other customers. "You hear me, you lazy butts?! It's always asking for favors with you people! Never so much as a 'How're you faring?' or a 'How can I help you?' Oh, no. You just dump all your problems on me the moment you see me walk by!"
As Laciel stood up, Minsc-- losing his smile-- did so as well.
"Well, to Hell with you all!" The mage was starting to draw quite a few people's attention. "I don't need you!" She raised one hand into the air, beginning to conjure fire in its palm. "You need meee!"
Minsc tackled her to the ground.
It wasn't until she felt a few slaps to her left cheek that Laciel's vision came back into focus. Going horizontal had nearly put her drunken self in a coma, but now she was back in her chair. Jaheira was standing in front of her, bent over, having been the one to slap her. Minsc, Korgan, Edwin and Eifelia all looked on from slightly farther away.
"Fuh..." Laciel shook her own head a bit. "Forget I said all that."
"Crisis averted!" Minsc went back to smiling. "Fear not, friends; once we free Imoen, Laciel's morals will not lapse like that again. Imoen is her hamster, you know."
Ignoring the berserker, Jaheira practically shoved a piece of bread into Laciel's hands. "Eat," she said to her.
"I'm not hungry," the mage objected.
"I have no interest in learning what a hangover would bring out of you. Eat."
Laciel finally started nibbling the roll in her hands, all the while regarding the druid with a contemptuous you're-not-my-mom look.
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