#on the tumblr execs' 'are we making money charts'
fallintosanity · 1 year
Calling All Ad-Free Subscribers
if you hate the new dashboard layout and find it unusable, and/or hate Tumblr Live and want it gone forever
and send Tumblr Support a POLITE message telling them you have done so and why.
The ONLY chance of getting Tumblr execs to pay attention to existing user feedback rather than whatever the marketing department is telling them about new users, is to hit them in the wallet.
You'll still get the remaining time on your subscription before they start shoving ads down your throat, and if they haven't fixed shit by then, there's always adblockers.
This is the wording I used:
Hi Support, I have just canceled my ad-free subscription due to the unusuable dashboard layout and the inability to permanently disable/remove Tumblr Live. In addition, I will no longer purchase merchandise or gifts. I am not willing to give money to a company which has made clear that it does not care about or listen to its userbase, especially the loyal ones who've been around for a decade or more. If Tumblr reverts the layout changes or otherwise makes the dashboard usable again, AND provides the ability to permanently disable Tumblr Live (both at no cost to users), I will reconsider my decision.
Tumblr has made clear they only care about money. Let's speak their language.
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theowlsarequeer · 3 years
So Dana said on a stream that it's too late for a full Season 3 of The Owl House (there are going to be three 44-minute episodes instead of the 20-ish the crew had in mind,) probably because the crew has already started working on the episodes and scheduling and stuff. However, it's not yet too late for us to possibly get a season 4 and beyond. The Owl House is an amazing show with off the charts animation, lovable and relatable characters, and A+ representation, and it deserves more than what Disney is giving it.
So many people of different ages love it (I watch it with my siblings and it's our favorite show and there's a significant age gap between me and the youngest,) and the cast and crew have obviously poured their heart and souls into every episode and it shows, so it would be incredibly sad to see it get only 2 and a half seasons.
On a slightly different note, I have heard some stuff on Twitter about some kind of graphic novel based on TOH, kind of like we got with Gravity Falls. I'll let you know if I hear anything about that.
So, what can we do to get more seasons? It's pretty similar to what we were doing before when we wanted a full season 3, except now that we're 5 episodes into Season 2, we have a little more information as to what's working and what's not.
Snail Mail is still the most effective way to persuade Disney to extend a show. This is partially because people who send letters are slightly more likely to be adults, aka people who can pay for a Disney channel/Disney+ subscription, but also because the amount of letters they get is tiny compared to the amount of notifications they get on social media. The address you send these to is: Disney TVA, 811 Sonora Ave., Glendale, California, USA. For people who can't send letters, someone might be willing to mail letters for you. I only found one person and they stopped doing it before I could submit, but if I find someone else I'll definitely tell you. If you know anyone, drop the link in the notes! Another important note: I've heard that Disney will throw out letters they classify as "hate mail," aka anything accusatory, and while I don't know how accurate this is, we probably shouldn't take chances. Explain how much the show means to you/your friends or family, say that it's a wonderful show, talk about your favorite parts, and maybe throw in some fanart if you're an artist! Also mention the queer representation if you can, because that's the part Disney was most against doing, and if they can see that people think positively of it (aka they can get money from it) they'll likely allow more, either in The Owl House or future projects.
Every time we get a new episode, the show trends to a certain extent on Tumblr, Twitter, or both. Disney execs see this. Keep posting! I might try to organize a trend event like with Infinity Train in between seasons 2 and 3 if that's something people would be interested in.
Stream the show on Disney+. I know we hate supporting the mouse, but if you have access to a Disney+ account this is absolutely one of the best ways to support the show. Season 1 recently became available in Canada, and I heard something about it becoming available in Columbia a few months ago. The first five episodes of season 2 will be available in the US on Disney+ starting July 21. (Separate Tides, Escaping Expulsion, Echoes of the Past, Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances, and Through the Looking Glass Ruins.
Petitions only go so far, but it takes 2 seconds and can't hurt. Here's 2 I've signed, feel free to add more if you know more: Petition for The Owl House Season 4 and Petition I've been spreading for awhile now
Create content! Fanart, fanfics, animatics, et cetera. This helps us trend and gives us less artistically talented fans some much-needed content. I'm considering giving 1 TOH-focused artist a week a special boost in addition to my regular art/fic reblogs but idk if my platform's quite big enough for that.
If you have Twitter, consider giving some crew members a follow. Infinity Train creator Owen Dennis has said that networks will often look at a creator's follower count before greenlighting their show, to see how much support the show would get. The crew is also filled with some very cool people who post very cool things.
Animated TV shows are the most popular they've been in a long time among teen and adult audiences, and TOH has a pretty big fanbase. I believe we can harness that power for good and get some more of the show we all love. I'll be updating whenever I get more information, and feel free to drop any petitions, information, et cetera in the notes. I'll make a separate post later to boost content creators. In the meantime, hoot hoot, let's get a Season 4.
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2am-theswifthour · 5 years
This is bigger than Taylor Swift
I get that this is just going out to stan tumblr, that their feeds are going to be fueled by outrage on Taylor’s behalf. But I want to reinforce that this shit show is far bigger than one celebrity. It’s indicative of an entire misogynistic environment.
Taylor Swift is a very rich woman. If this were merely about corporate greed, Scott would’ve sold to Taylor because she can no doubt meet and exceed the bids of any of her competitors. But Scott didn’t plan well enough. Big Machine only became what it is today because of her, and without her his label and image fade into irrelevancy. He needs her, she proved that she didn’t need him, and he fired back with a sale that reflects the smugness of a man who proudly swindled a wide-eyed 15-year-old girl. This wasn’t about money, it was a sexist power play.
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She said repeatedly that she wanted to buy back her masters. He offered a deal which would’ve required her to perpetually make new content to get old content back, thereby ensuring a bulk of the profits from her newest (highest-grossing) works go to someone else. That’s a garbage deal and she is high enough in the pop hierarchy to pursue a deal that better suited her interests. He didn’t like that she called his bluff so he sold the very thing she wants to a man who notoriously disrespected her and treats many of his clients horribly. Why? Because there is nothing more threatening and enfuriating to a man than a woman who chooses independence over codependence. Because men feel emasculated when women don’t adhere to the rules they set out. Because he knows that he can with no repercussions. Because his entitlement dictated that he could deal out a woman’s art on his terms and his terms alone.
This is not just about Taylor Swift.
This is about Kesha, a woman who soared to the top of the charts several times over, cultivated an immense following, and was still forced by her label to yield to the contract that kept her chained to her abuser (who still profits from her music I might add).
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This is about JoJo, the youngest girl to ever chart the Billboard Pop chart at 13 years old, whose label stuck her in musical limbo by refusing to let her leave and not allowing her to release her music.
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This is about all the young girls out there who want to sing their hearts out to a loving crowd. The girls who are willing to do anything to get there, without fully comprehending what “anything” entails (forced diets, harassment, unreasonable scheduling, unwanted distribution of their music, revoked image and creative control, etc.) The girls who are going to have to find a way to navigate this inherently patriarchal industry filled with execs who dismiss their role in their own success. The girls who, once they step into a studio, are commodified and stripped of their personhood. If these are the stories that we hear from the most successful in music, imagine how thoroughly dismal the circumstances must be in the stories we DON’T hear about. Every artist should reserve their right to musical autonomy. To not own your voice, to not own your profits, to not own the future of your career is a blatant theft at the hands of these labels. This is 2019. LET WOMEN IN MUSIC SHARE THEIR STORIES AND MAKE THEIR MONEY ON THEIR TERMS!
To any young female musicians reading this post, there are 3 lessons to learn:
1. Lawyer Up
2. Stand By Your Convictions
3. Don’t EVER Let Any Man Tell You How You Should Feel
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
Wall Street Veteran Explains Why He’s “Irresponsibly” Long on Bitcoin
Bitcoin has gained steam over recent weeks, hitting $12,200 last weekend as buyers rushed in.
Analysts say that the cryptocurrency market has room to move higher due to technicals.
But from a fundamental standpoint, some argue that BTC is more bullish than ever before.
Raoul Pal, the CEO of Real Vision and a Wall Street veteran, recently touched on this.
He told his Twitter following on August 6th that he’s “irresponsibly long” on Bitcoin due to the fundamentals.
This Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec Is “Irresponsibly” Long on Bitcoin For This Reason
Raoul Pal, the CEO of Real Vision, doubled down on his support for Bitcoin in a Twitter thread on August 6th. He noted that while gold is good as a hedge against fiat currency money printing, Bitcoin may be better:
“In fact, only one asset has offset the growth of the G4 balance sheet. Its not stocks, not bonds, not commodities, not credit, not precious metals, not miners. Only one asset massively outperformed over almost any time horizon: Yup, Bitcoin.”
He added that this simple fundamental fact is making him more bullish on the cryptocurrency than ever before. Pal added that he is now “irresponsibly long” on the cryptocurrency.
“My conviction levels in bitcoin rise every day. Im already irresponsibly long. I am now thinking it may not be even worth owning any other asset as a long-term asset allocation, but that’s a story for another day (I’m still thinking through this).”
Not the Only Wall Street Bull
Pal is far from the only Bitcoin bull that hails from Wall Street.
Mike Novogratz is a former Goldman Sachs partner and a former executive at Fortress. He has since pivoted to Galaxy Digital, a crypto-asset investment bank, as many know. Novogratz recently doubled down on his love for Bitcoin in a comment to CNBC, arguing that BTC could hit $20,000 this year:
“Bitcoin still has a lot of retail interest in it,” he said. “A lot of that retail interest shifted to the story stocks, to the tech stocks, because they were just more fun … Yesterday you saw a lot of money shift back over to gold and bitcoin.”
There are also other players like Paul Tudor Jones, a billionaire hedge fund manager. While Jones allocates a majority of his time to traditional investments, in May he announced that he is publicly and professionally taking a stake in Bitcoin futures.
“I am not an advocate of Bitcoin ownership in isolation, but do recognize its potential in a period when we have the most unorthodox economic policies in modern history. So, we need to adapt our investment strategy. We have updated the Tudor BVI offering memoranda to disclose that we may trade Bitcoin futures for Tudor BVI.”
He cited the ongoing monetary easing policies by central banks, calling them “unorthodox.” Jones added that he thinks Bitcoin will be the “fastest horse in the race” in a world where fiat money is being debased at seemingly a record rate.
Featured Image from Shutterstock Price tags: xbtusd, btcusd, btcusdt Charts from TradingView.com Wall Street Veteran Explains Why He's "Irresponsibly" Long on Bitcoin
from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/3gBfQgA via IFTTT
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