#on top of the rental rate increasing last month
literaryartisan · 2 years
On the one hand, buying a house is incredibly difficult in this market and economy and alone
On the other, I've had the catalytic converter stolen off my personal car at the end of July and 2 windows of my work truck smashed and the binos, flashlight, boost battery, and optics adapter stolen out of it last night (at least. Not sure what I haven't noticed yet) all from my apartment complex's parking lot
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The latest look at Metro Vancouver’s rental market by Canada’s federal housing agency provided a grim outlook that’s likely no surprise to tenants across the region.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s new Rental Market Report showed the vacancy rate for purpose-built rentals in Greater Vancouver fell to 0.9 per cent last year, down from 1.2 in 2021 and 2.6 in 2020 at the height of the pandemic.
The figure put the Vancouver vacancy rate far below the national average of 1.9 per cent.
“In terms of rents, in the region, we’ve seen increases across the board — two bedroom market rents in Vancouver are now in the order of $2,850 per month, and that compares with $2,000 per month for units that have been occupied for longer times,” he said.
“That 43 per cent difference is very challenging for anyone whos looking to move, it’s a strong disincentive to moving since if you were looking for an identical unit across the hall or even down the street you would be facing a significant rent increase.”
The report found Toronto had the second most expensive rental market, with a two bedroom averaging at $1,770.
Victoria’s vacancy rate edged upward to 1.5 per cent on an increase in rental stock, but rents were still up about 7.7 per cent, with a two-bedroom averaging at $1,699 — good for third place nationwide.
Kelowna rounded out the top four with an average two-bedroom renting for $1,690.
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Watch "How The Country's Largest Landlords Are Destroying Lives" on YouTube
Rents in America are completely insane, even as the Federal Minimum wage, which is still the only minimum wage in many states in the US South and Midwestern heartland, remains at historically low levels.
With the Minimum wage still set at $7.25 an hour, last raised in 2009, and rents at historic highs (the average renter is now paying $1'388 monthly), the Working Class is being squeezed more tightly than it has in more than a century. Working Class wealth is being sucked out of the system and shoveled into the pockets of endlessly consolidating and monopolizing Corporations controlled by the same small group of Billionaires and giant Corporate investors. Most of the largest and profitable corporations are all invested in and controlled by the very top 0.01% of the wealthiest billionaires, an increasing number of which aren't even necessarily American citizens, but rather are part of an International Capitalist Class with no National loyalties whatsoever.
To get an idea of just how squeezed the US Working Class is compared with the recent past, consider this: if the Minimum Wage had been tied to Rental inflation since 1968, than today's Minimum Wage would be roughly $22 today.
You can see this in the basic arithmetic yourself.
Average rent in the US in 1968 was close to $100 per month. Today it is $1'388 per month. That's an increase of 1'388%. And according to the Dept of Labor's online records, the Minimum Wage in 1968 for non-farm workers was $1.60 per hour. Multiply that by 1'388% and you get $22.20.
Headline inflation numbers released by Govts hide the true cost of inflation by factoring in things like the falling cost of certain technologies, most of which have little relevance to the average worker whose only concern is providing for their families a safe and happy environment in the midst of consistently rising prices and stagnant wages.
And that's just one example of how we are being squeezed as a Working Class like never before in the Post-WWII era.
We're also being squeezed from new directions and in other ways as well. Such as the consolidation of the food industry into a handful of private companies and giant corporations, predictably causing food costs to rise at an alarming rate. Add to that similar consolidation and rising prices with Banking Fees, Property Development and in the Energy sector and you get a disaster for the Working Class in the making.
We will all suffer greatly until we can close out the noise and division of the media and politicians, and unite as a Class against the Capitalists who long ago united against us.
We must put aside our differences in the culture wars, which are purposely being driven by the Corporate Media and the National Security State, and stand in solidarity with one another against the Capitalist machine, the giant Corporations, the Landlords, the Bosses, the Police State, and the corrupt Corporate State.
Our lives are being destroyed: Working Class lifespans, quality of life, addiction, alcoholism and other indicators are all tumbling downward at a rapid clip. Everything, especially rent, food, Energy and an education are all outlandishly expensive and getting more expensive, even as our wages have been stagnant for decades, Unions have been made powerless and corrupt, and Working Class Political action has died down to a trickle, or even just the rare droplet.
Until we come together and organize along Class Lines, our lives are only going to get worse and worse. And at the rate at which the Corporate State is consolidating its control over our information space, feeding us propaganda to promote their Capitalist Empire and divide Workers, we won't have long before the state of workers in the US is approaching the state of workers in some 3rd world countries under US Sanctions and Neocolonial economic blockade.
Get out there and Organize along Class lines Now! This IS Code Red for Workers!
When the task of the Working Class has been completed and our work as Socialists is done, the whole world will be a safer and better place for it.
It could be the dawn of new, fairer, Safer, more Progressive, Non-Imperialistic, Internationally collaborative, pro-Worker world with a Green future! It's up to all of us! 😊🌅🌱
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singaporebridging · 3 months
Top 10 U.S. Cities with the Highest Rental Yield
Cities across the U.S. have seen some of the highest rental yields to date. From 2020 to 2021, home sales prices rose approximately 20%. That’s great news for real estate investors that held property pre-pandemic, but with low inventory and rising rates forcing the owner-occupied borrowers out of the market, opportunities for high-yield U.S. investment properties are abundant. Here are the top 10 U.S. cities with the highest rental prices and most affordable properties.
Houston, Texas 
The lack of affordable single-family homes has created a demand for rental properties in Houston. Its strong job market makes it a solid play for investors of these types of properties. 
Average Purchase Price: $496,930 
Average price/sqft: $155 
Average Rental Income: $3,455 
Arlington, Texas 
Arlington, a city in north Texas, is ranked 12 on the list of the top places in Texas to purchase a home, according to Policygenius. At $275,745, the average house value is 6% more than the national average, and its five-year growth rate is 63.6%. 
Average Purchase Price: $493,700  
Average price/sqft: $174 
Average Rental Income: $3,035 
Tampa, Florida 
Investors were responsible for purchasing 25% of homes sold in Tampa in the summer of 2021. Average rents have had the highest spike in the country, and impressive job growth in white-color professions shows no signs of slowing.  
Average Purchase Price: $508,725  
Average price/sqft: $252.65 
Average Rental Income: $3,004 
San Antonio, Texas 
San Antonio could be an excellent investment. The city boasts affordable property prices and excellent average rental yields per month. In 2020, approximately 40% of individuals looking to rent were out-of-city transplants, which has mostly stayed the same.
Average Purchase Price: $514,975  
Average price/sqft: $170.53 
Average Rental Income: $2,951 
Charlotte, North Carolina 
Charlotte, North Carolina’s robust employment market, four-season climate, and proximity to the beach and mountains make it a top destination for real estate investors looking to earn rental income.  
Average Purchase Price: $498,750
Average price/sqft: $173 
Average Rental Income: $2,796 
Colorado Springs, Colorado 
Colorado Springs is known to be one of the most substantial long-term real estate investments in the U.S. Since the last decade, Colorado Springs’ typical property prices have increased by around 143.7% based on Zillow’s Home Value Index.  
Average Purchase Price: $487,475  
Average price/sqft: $198 
Average Rental Income: $2,770 
Orlando, Florida 
Home to Disney World, Universal, and a fantastic climate, 60 million people visit Orland every year. Some of the best beaches are a drive away, and the city is famous for its gold courses, nightlife, and shopping malls.  
Average Purchase Price: $482,085  
Average price/sqft: $235 
Average Rental Income: $2,739 
Cincinnati, Ohio 
Cincinnati has long been regarded as an affordable city in general. In fact, Cincinnati was ranked as the 14th most affordable U.S. city to live in by U.S. News & World Reports in 2017. In addition to the generally low cost of living, Cincinnati real estate is more affordable than in many other major metropolitan areas. Cincinnati has become one of the go-to markets for out-of-state real estate investors looking to buy properties at a good price and still earn a reasonable rate of return, and prices have increased as a result. 
Average Purchase Price: $474,750  
Average price/sqft: $171 
Average Rental Income: $2,734   
Jacksonville, Florida 
Jacksonville benefited from Florida’s decision to loosen pandemic restrictions more quickly than other states. The city has one of the highest-performing economies in the country and a dwindling unemployment rate.  
Average Purchase Price: $501,850 
Average price/sqft: $187 
Average Rental Income: $2,564 
Huntsville, Alabama 
Listed as one of the top cities to purchase a rental property for cash flow in 2022, Huntsville is known for its rent growth value. Strong employment growth and low housing costs have led to equity growth of about 24%, 22% more than the national average. 
Average Purchase Price: $487,250  
Average price/sqft: $171 
Average Rental Income: $2,436 
With creative loan options offering fixed terms for interest-only loans, buying down of Interest rates, and long-term capital appreciation, investing in U.S. cities with the highest rental income gives you significant short-term and long-term possibilities.
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ashcovenews · 11 months
'I'm depressed, don't want to lose my house': Homeowners and renters in UK gripped by rising costs
A London housing organization that manages affordable rental homes for lower-income tenants has raised rent yearly and most recently declared a 4% bump to 170 pounds ($223) a week.
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LONDON: For Sadie James, the cost-of-living crisis in Britain just never seems to ease.
First, it was skyrocketing energy and food costs stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Now, the 61-year-old worries whether she can keep a roof over her head.
James, who lives in south London, has struggled for years to stay on top of her finances. Just as she was starting to clear her debts, she’s back to square one: Her rent keeps rising, and on top of higher food and energy bills, her welfare payments just can’t keep up.
“I’m actually in a meltdown each time I think about it,” said James, who cannot work because of underlying health problems. “I’m literally depressed, I’m angry, I’m totally overwhelmed about it because I don’t want to lose my home.”
Interest rates have risen rapidly in recent months, which in turn have ratcheted up mortgages and rents across the United Kingdom. Rates have hit 5% after being below 1% for the past decade as the Bank of England has tried to bring down the highest inflation in the Group of Seven major economies.
As is often the case, the poorest households are bearing the brunt. The rate hikes have led to the biggest fall in household wealth in Britain since World War II, according to new research from the Resolution Foundation think tank.
Unlike the United States, where many mortgages are fixed for up to 30 years, U.K. homeowners are more exposed to changes in the cost of borrowing because a large percentage of them have loans that need to be renewed every two or five years.
Around 2.5 million such deals are due to expire by the end of next year, with around a million households facing a 500-pound ($655) monthly increase in their average mortgage repayments by 2026, Bank of England Gov. Andrew Bailey said.
That has put pressure on both Bailey and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, whose hold on power is tenuous ahead of a likely general election next year. Making it more expensive to borrow is how higher interest rates help lower inflation — people potentially spend less, reducing demand and pressure on prices.
Though inflation has eased from a double-digit peak last year, it’s still stubbornly high at 8.7%, and the central bank is expected to keep hiking rates — already at a 15-year high. That has led to mounting fears of the economy sinking into recession.
Many landlords facing higher mortgage payments want to pass on those costs to renters. A dearth of rental options doesn’t help either.
James says her landlord, a London housing organization that manages affordable rental homes for lower-income tenants, has raised her rent yearly and most recently declared a 4% bump to 170 pounds ($223) a week. For James, who is barely managing to cover her other bills, the rent increases seem relentless and she is terrified of being evicted.
“It’s a nightmare, thinking they’re going to come one day … lock my door and I can’t get in,” she said.
Despite the sharp increase in mortgage rates, renters have struggled to afford their housing to a greater degree than homeowners, according to Britain’s statistics agency. Renters typically spend a higher proportion of their income on housing costs, it said.
Jon Taylor, a debt manager at the charity Christians Against Poverty who has helped James, said his organization has seen a large increase in the number of people in rental debt in the past two years. Almost half of the charity’s new clients seek help paying their rent.
“Already, the rent increases are astronomical here in London, and people can’t afford that,” he said. “There’s this group of people that would have just about been able to pay their rent, but it’s just not sustainable anymore. And so something’s got to give.”
The rising rates are not just affecting people on the breadline or on social welfare, he added. He’s also worried about workers who could easily be tipped into debt because they can’t cover the simultaneous increases in food, housing and energy bills seen since last year.
“I’m extremely concerned that we’re going to see more people coming to us saying, ‘We can’t pay the mortgage’ — people who you’d never have thought of needing that kind of help are now going to be struggling,” he said.
The interest rate hikes have sent the average two-year fixed mortgage rate to 6.66%, the highest since before the 2008 global financial crisis.
Joanne Barker-Marsh, a single mother who cares for her teenage son with special needs, is trying not to think about February, when her fixed-rate mortgage is up for renewal. She is bracing for her payment to more than double.
“I will fly by the seat of my pants,” Barker-Marsh said. “I can’t even address this right now because I am terrified.”
The 51-year-old from Rochdale, in northern England, lost her job during the pandemic and relies on social services payments. She spends a third of her state benefits on the mortgage.
“I don’t have any spare cash, I don’t know where we’re going next,” she said. “It will swallow up the majority of our social services payment.”
Bailey, the central banker, expressed hope that the country’s biggest banks are resilient enough to offer more help than they could before the global financial crisis. He said banks have more capital and are carrying far less debt than they did then, allowing them to offer struggling households more financial options.
Whatever options are available, the drip-drip of bad news doesn’t help those fretting about where the cost-of-living crisis will go next.
“I don’t have a chance to catch up, to get better, because next minute there’s something else,” James said. “And I don’t understand why.”
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Why Buying a Home Makes More Sense Than Renting Today
Why Buying a Home Makes More Sense Than Renting Today
Wondering if you should continue renting or if you should buy a home this year? If so, consider this. Rental affordability is still a challenge and has been for years. That’s because, historically, rents trend up over time. Data from the Census shows rents have been climbing pretty steadily since 1988. 
And, data from the latest rental report from Realtor.com shows rents continue to grow today, even though it’s at a slower pace than we saw at the height of the pandemic:
“In March 2023, the U.S. rental market experienced single-digit growth for the eighth month in a row . . . The median asking rent was $1,732, up by $15 from last month and down by $32 from the peak but is still $354 (25.7%) higher than the same time in 2019 (pre-pandemic).”
With rents much higher now than they were in more normal, pre-pandemic years, owning your home may be a better option, especially if the long-term trend of rents increasing each year continues. In contrast, homeowners with a fixed-rate mortgage can lock in a monthly mortgage payment for the duration of their loan (typically 15-30 years). 
Owning a Home Could Be More Affordable if You Need More Space
The graph below uses national data on the median rental payment from Realtor.com and median mortgage payment from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) to compare the two options. As the graph shows, depending on how much space you need, it’s typically more affordable to own than to rent if you need two or more bedrooms:
So, if you’re looking to live somewhere where you have two or more bedrooms to accommodate your household, give you more breathing room to spread out your belongings, or dedicate the extra space to practice your hobbies, it might make sense to consider homeownership.
Homeownership Allows You To Start Building Equity
In addition to shielding you from rising rents and being more affordable when you need more space, owning your home also allows you to start building your own equity, which in turn grows your net worth. 
And, as home values typically rise over time and you pay off your mortgage, you build equity. That equity can set you up for success later on because you can use it to help fuel a move to an even bigger space down the line. That’s why, according to Zonda, the top reason millennial homeowners bought their home over the past year was to build their own equity instead of someone else’s.
Bottom Line
If you’re trying to decide whether to buy a home or continue renting, let’s connect to explore your options. With rents rising, it may make more sense to pursue your dream of homeownership.  
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The amazing thing about this approach is that it enables you to first beat the banks before enabling you to be the bank
How to wrap these mortgages into rental properties that generate positive cash flow - like banks, you'll use the buyer to leverage the current mortgage to pay off while generating positive cash flow each month.
By purchasing an infinite number of cash-flowing properties, you can exponentially increase your wealth if you comprehend these two real estate investing ideas.
Dallas housing prices have been steadily rising for years and this occurs as inhabitants of more western and northern regions move there to escape the harsh weather and high expense of living.
Dallas real estate has always been fiercely competitive, and the top ten locations in the nation where the population increased the most last year, including the Dallas suburbs.
The Dallas region has seen a sharp increase in the number of single-family homes being constructed, but supply still hasn't kept up with demand despite being hailed as one of the more affordable markets in the nation.
Due to the metroplex's relatively balanced renter-to-homeowner relationship, condos and multifamily buildings continue to be in demand. The expense of renting has increased along with the price of homes for sale.
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yaorealestate · 1 year
Real Estate Matters – February 2023
As take a look back on what we said last month:
“We think we are reaching a bottom here in regards to the Vancouver Real Estate Market trend.”
As we look back on the stats from January, this was indeed the case.  But this time, price increases seem to be from the bottom up.  What this means is that this is “need based buying”.  How long as this trend been going on?  Actually, it started at the beginning of the pandemic.  Allow me to explain.
2015 to 2018, we saw a frenzy of “speculative buying”.  Whether it was from investors or foreign money, trickling down to people not wanting to “miss the train”.  This caused a record price hike like no other.  In turn, it caused even more investors seeing it as an opportunity as well as buyers not wanting to let the price outgrow their abilities.  It was the perfect storm.
After that, we saw the market take a pause for a year and a half, until COVID hit.  This was when the “need based buying” began.
2020 to 2022, as many start working from home, spending much more time with their households, and going out much less, the need for space became the driving factor.  We saw individuals and families having to have that home office, extra kid’s playroom, extra pantry/storage, etc.  This created a top down effect, as the desire for larger homes was the driving factor.
Since the numerous rate hikes in 2022, it shocked the market into a transition period.  As we kept mentioning, this was the best time to buy, but the majority of people stood on the sidelines due to the fear of the unknown (risk).  This created a pent up demand, which will need to be released sooner or later – that’s the natural course of the economy.  Now that the rates stabilized (and is coming down slightly), those that have been waiting to see what happens, are jumping back in.  Another factor that is motivating this trend of bottom up, is the cost of rentals.  Because of the rate hikes last year, rental rates have exploded.  To a point where it costs more to rent than to pay a mortgage.  The condo buyers / first time buyers are feeling this, and taking advantage of the last bit of the low market.
As we go into 2023, we expect the prices to slowly increase.  It won’t be at the rate of late 2010’s or the pandemic, because supply will come out along with the demand.  Nevertheless, price increases will trickle upwards in the price band.
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What Does a Renovated Apartment Mean? Benefits of Rental Renovations
Renovated apartments offer residents a discreet, creative union of the traditional and the modern through updated living spaces with the finishes, fixtures, and amenities that today’s renters value. Renovations also tend to generate better rents, reduced vacancies, higher property values, and better branding for property owners. But what exactly are renovated apartments and what can renters expect from these types of properties? In this article, we will explore why property owners and renters alike look to property renovations as an excellent way to strike a balance between features, location, and value.
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It is important to run the math of the potential increase in rent versus the budget of your renovations. shares an experience of spending over $100k in renovations, yet increasing rent by over $1,100k per month, enabling them to recoup their renovation costs in under 7 years. Keep in mind, this is an extreme example of particularly beat-up properties, and with some minor renovations, you could easily get a significant rent increase. That’s why it is crucial to run the numbers for each individual scenario. Another bonus is the potential higher rents, which could draw in a higher caliber of renters. Please visit this website Bathroom Remodeling Anaheim CA and you know more about Benefits of Rental Renovations.
Regardless of the size of the property, whether it is luxury or affordable, urban or rural, property owners are concerned about the same things, property value, and profitability. Maximizing rental income and keeping expenses low are the top priorities. When the Net Operating Income (NOI = Income minus Expenses) on a Multi-Family property increases, so does the overall property value. Metro Denver has one of the most competitive rental markets in the country. Demand is high and supply is low. Last year inventory added by new construction was absorbed without increasing vacancy rates, in fact, vacancy rates decreased by over 1%. At the same time, apartment rents grew by 2.9%, which is slightly faster than the overall inflation rate.
To keep up with the competition and capitalize on current market opportunities, property owners need to justify rent bumps while keeping expenses and vacancy rates low. Individual unit renovations and rehabilitation of the property are the main factors in generating and justifying rent increases. For most property owners, complete rehab of the entire property is cost prohibitive and not feasible. However, opting for unit-by-unit renovations as apartments become vacant softens the financial burden of a complete overhaul while keeping occupancy and rental income stable.
Successful unit-by-unit apartment renovations and value-add projects require planning, preparation, and careful oversight and management of the project. When tenant occupancy is high, exterior improvements like new siding, stamped concrete, designer patio finishes, parking lot re-paving, and landscaping can supplement a lower volume of interior renovations of kitchens, baths, plumbing and lighting, new paint, and flooring. To create a strategic plan and partnership to renovate an Apartment Complex or Multi-Family Community, call us. 20 years of experience in the industry, a portfolio of successful outcomes, and our commitment to providing the absolute best customer service will ensure an outstanding experience from start to finish.
In desirable urban markets, residents frequently rate location high on their list of priorities. For an owner/developer, a major renovation is an excellent solution for dated properties in ideal locations. In this scenario, a successful renovation is a win-win for owners and tenants alike. A successful renovation often delivers a cleaner, more luxurious look and feel. The right finishes and fixtures make unwinding at the end of the day that much more relaxing. There are many reasons why renters prefer quality renovations. They might seek a more open, spacious feeling, as well as amenities generally unavailable in older housing, such as fitness centers, pools, high-speed internet, and upgraded common areas. An updated kitchen is of particular importance to those who love to spend time cooking and baking. Renovated living spaces are also popular with those who entertain family and friends from time to time, and onsite amenities enhance an active lifestyle.
Luxury Bath and Kitchens Anaheim CA
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
British Columbia's New Democrat government has been tackling some of the province's fundamental deficits in recent months by spending billions of surplus dollars, says Premier David Eby.
But while lean economic times are on the horizon, Eby said the budget the government tables Tuesday will continue investing in health care, housing, and affordability.
The government's recent throne speech acknowledged the projected $5.7 billion surplus from last year's budget won't be there this time around but pledged "record new investments'' in health care and housing for middle-class families.
"Putting resources when we can do that now is critical,'' Eby said. "There are people who say that we shouldn't be doing that, that now's the time to pull back.''
Eby, sworn in late last year to replace former premier John Horgan, said the budget introduced by Finance Minister Katrine Conroy will put people first.
"Maybe we shouldn't be putting resources into disaster prevention,'' he said. We shouldn't be putting resources into investing in municipal infrastructure for fast-growing communities."
Since taking office, Eby has introduced initiatives amounting to $2 billion in affordability measures, $1 billion toward municipal infrastructure projects, and $500 million toward protecting rental housing.
B.C.'s economy is one of the strongest in Canada and the government will continue to invest in areas that help people despite the prospect of a reduced surplus, Eby said.
"Our government believes that there are other deficits, other than just fiscal when we are talking about the future of the province."
Eby said government programs to help build recreation centers, and paved roads, and upgrade sewer systems also address local deficits.
"Making sure we are putting the resources into our communities to make them stronger helps pay off those deficits that were accumulated over many, many years," he said.
The premier sidestepped reports that the government would soon introduce a $1 billion mental health and addiction treatment program. He said helping vulnerable people get opportunities to restart their lives has always been a top priority.
Opposition Liberal Leader Kevin Falcon said the government was spending too much money in too many areas. He said he expected that to continue in the upcoming budget without a strategic overview or focus on results.
"I don't mind spending more money on programs, but it's got to be tied to improving results,'' he said. "Not just making announcements and spending money willy-nilly.''
B.C. has the poorest housing statistics in North America, the highest fuel prices on the continent, the highest rents in Canada, and the poorest health results in the country, Falcon added.
He said he would look to see if the budget increases access to family doctors, improves wait times at walk-in clinics, and ensures people are safe in their communities.
"Those are the kinds of measurements that we would like to see improvement in, where four people a day are being attacked by random strangers in Vancouver,'' Falcon said.
B.C.'s Green Party has recently called for a tax break to help businesses shift to a four-day workweek pilot project.
The Greens also called for an increase in disability rates to above the poverty line, and for psychologist fees to be covered by the medical services plan.
Last year, the budget was forecast to post a $5.5 billion deficit. However, a faster-than-expected economic recovery and better natural resource revenues created a significant turnaround to a nearly $6 billion surplus.
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travelseewrite · 1 year
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Analysis suggests that car hire rates in many popular European destinations have at least doubled in the past 12 months. This happened because many car hire firms sold off vehicles during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep their overheads down while business flatlined. As the covid situation has come under control and people started travelling again, the need for car rentals has increased. Unfortunately, the number of cars available for rental is still low — there is more demand and less supply, which is why car hire has become so expensive. Add the soaring petrol prices on top of that.
Of course, with the cost of living pressures putting the squeeze on people in so many other areas, the last thing you want is anything that will push up the cost of your next holiday.
In an ideal world, you would say avoid hiring a car. But that only works for some. You may have a young family and want the convenience of getting around quickly and independently. You may be heading somewhere remote where public transport options aren’t great, or you may be on a road trip with your family or friends. In that case, car rental is the only option left.
Whatever your reasons for wanting to hire a car, it makes sense to start planning how to keep costs down now. Here are some tips on how to save on rental cars.
Book early and pay in advance for your rental car
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If you want to find the best deals on car hire these days, you can’t afford to leave booking online for a few days or even a couple of weeks before you depart. The competitive early bird markets are being pushed further and further back. So as soon as you confirm your trip, get online and start looking for car hire deals.
Although it flies in the face of most money-saving advice, it’s also a good idea to pay for your car hire in advance in the current climate. That’s because there have been stories of hire firms cancelling pay-on-arrival agreements. After all, they know they can get a better price last minute. Look for deals that ask for at least a deposit to be paid to lock in the price.
Read more About the blog:- Travel Guide
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anuharhomes · 1 year
What Areas Are Suitable For A Long-Term Real Estate Investment In Hyderabad?
Real estate investments are processes that need to be well-thought-of and strategized.
Manikonda is an ideal location in regards to geography, site qualities, excellent service companies, and real estate business, so it’s simple to see why owning a home here is so appealing. Although there will always be bumps in the road, the long-term development forecast for this industry is strong. However, it is dependent on the IT surge sustaining.
Buyers are interested in Hyderabad real estate since it is cheaper than other metropolitan areas such as Bengaluru and Chennai. This increases the demand for housing within and around the metropolis. Manikonda, Bachupally, Puppalaguda, Uppal, Narsingi, LB Nagar, and Nanakramguda are some areas attracting home buyers’ consideration.
Manikonda is one of Hyderabad’s 10 leading preferred neighborhoods. IT workers like residences in Manikonda since the area is close to IT hubs. Hitec City, Nanakramguda, Gachibowli, and Raheja IT Park are among the nearby IT centers.
The neighborhood is appealing due to its upscale setting. Numerous Gachibowli and Hi-tech City programming professionals are engaged in Manikonda residences and properties. The city’s facilities, business, and amusement are all rapidly increasing.
All of these components contribute to the formation of a solid basis for the growth of Hyderabad as the next major center for the industrial property industry. When the need for the construction of real estate in one location grows, so does the demand for single-family homes in surrounding or nearby areas.
Manikonda is one such location in Hyderabad. It is situated on the western borders of Hyderabad. Manikonda is a rapidly developing area that has shown a significant rate of progress in terms of investment returns over the last few decades. It is regarded as one of Hyderabad’s most desirable areas for residential development and information technology.
Most IT professionals who work in these areas consider Manikonda to be the most interesting area to buy a home and live in.
What makes Manikonda the best option?Property Pricing
Because of their proximity to IT clusters, apartments do well in terms of financial return, with an average rental return of roughly 5.5 percent. A two-bedroom flat may rent between Rs 10,000 to Rs 25,000 per month, which is quite cheap. Because of these factors, one should analyze the property options available in Manikonda before investing in real estate in other adjacent places.
Furthermore, the intended ITIR Master Plan in Hyderabad, which also will integrate with the HMDA Master Plan, is expected to bring a method of systematic urbanization to the city’s perimeter in the coming.
Top-notch amenities are available
This neighborhood is lushly green and peaceful, thanks to sewage treatment facilities and adequate roadways. It’s a great place to live if you desire to be close to the metropolis yet not too nearby. Given the rapid growth of infrastructure, it is an interesting option.
Manikonda, a growing suburb, provides a diverse range of options for home buyers who are seeking personal or corporate investments in real estate prospects.
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luxicar · 2 years
Quick Tips On How To Get Right Long Term Car Rental Service
If you are hiring a car for a long time, it is important to choose the right Long Term Car Rental in Brisbane. You should check all the important factors before making a final decision about which one is best for you. Consider monthly rates, and required documents, and compare prices with other companies.
Consider monthly rates.
If you are renting for more than one month, it is always cheaper to use a monthly rate. If you want to rent for less than one month, then a daily rate will be cheaper. This is because most rental companies charge a base fee on top of the hourly charge and this base fee increases as the length of your rental period increases.
So if you want to save money, it’s best to book for longer periods of time and take advantage of discounts offered by most car rental companies when renting cars for long periods of time (usually six months).
Know the required documents.
First, you should know the required documents. You will need to carry your driver’s license, passport, credit card, and insurance details with you during the rental process. A driving license or international driving permit is mandatory for renting a vehicle in many countries.
The amount of time that passes between your last license renewal date and your rental date may affect whether or not this document is required by the company renting you a car.
To avoid any confusion on this point, it’s best to check with your chosen rental agency before making reservations so that any issues can be addressed as soon as possible instead of being surprised by unexpected questions at check-in time.
Compare prices with other car rental companies.
You can save money by comparing prices before you rent a car. When you compare prices, you will know how much to expect to pay and what type of service or car is available at different rental companies. You will also be able to see if there are any special offers that might help you save money on your rental car.
To compare prices when renting a car, look for these things:
The total cost of the rental period (including taxes and fees)
The length of time that it takes for insurance coverage to begin after the start date of your trip (insurance coverage starts when you pick up your vehicle)
Whether there are any additional fees for picking up at an airport location versus picking up at a different location (for example, an off-airport lot).
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Check the car’s condition of the car.
The next thing to do is to check the condition of the car. You can easily do this by looking at the body, tires, and engine. If you are not sure about it then you can ask an expert to have a look at it for you.
It is also important that you check the documents of your car rental service provider before renting a vehicle from them. You should make sure that they have all the necessary licenses from concerned authorities with them so that there should be no problem in terms of legal issues later on during your trip or business tour with them.
Besides checking these documents one more thing which is very important for every traveler is the safety features provided by their hire cars so make sure that these vehicles have got all necessary safety measures like airbags installed inside them so that if any accident happens then these airbags protect passengers from getting injured badly during accidents which could be fatal otherwise too!
A Long Term Car Rental in Brisbane service is a great option if you need to travel frequently and don’t want to spend money on buying a new car. This is not only beneficial for the environment but also saves you money in the long run when compared with other options.
Source By :- Quick Tips On How To Get Right Long Term Car Rental Service
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buziness101 · 2 years
The Essence of Unlimited NBN In the Current Era
We are in a world where a lot of people have different kinds of devices that rely on fast internet service. The Australian competition and consumer commission introduced the biggest projects in history which is having a National Broadband Network (NBN). It was known as the replacement of copper cable, with some lines that has fiberoptic and it can access using a satellite for the remote areas. Not only as individuals are relying on technology, business, local governments are also relying to this due to being most advanced technology to stay ahead of markets and us consumers.
With NBN Co they can upgrade all poor performing tools of its fixed line network primarily the fibre-to-the-node and fibre-to-the-curb to allow download speeds of at least get 100 megabits-per-second, and let households to upgrading to get full fibre at their own cost had better to wish even advanced speeds. This will prepare by encompassing fibre appearances since the nodes from the end of a street to cover the whole street. This will consent a customer to upgrading their plan into a higher speed, NBN will ablet to fulfil by then ranging the last bit of fibre since the street to the home. NBN is going to recompense for upgrades to let individual on those networks to get up to 1Gbps.
Benefits of NBN
i. People in rural areas can attend online classes.
ii. College classes can be remotely attended to get degrees or certificates
iii. Increased productivity a lot of people can do basic things like emails, downloading's large files much easier.
iv. Easy to communicate make phone calls over internet, teleconference is way better since it has faster speed, so it provides individuals or businesses to be more confidence in collaboration between workers.
v. Helps to boost business Online for entrepreneurs will always be needed available online in which it creates good customer experience and can encourage new customers. Businesses can also offer product online.
vi. Improve economy develops business to cut down on time to perform a certain task and makes life balance or nationwide work.
Carriers offers NBN Plan
This section is going to help you understand the various NBN plans.
a. Tangerine: they offer free set up with a modern rental, bundle plans, and mobile sim or phone.
b. Mate: this one is known as top rated NBN provider and offer free set up, modern modem, bundle plans and phone.
c. Internode: this is best for customer support, offers free set up, modem rental, bundle plans and phone, internet pack, fetch, and channel packs.
d. Ausie Broadband: they offer free set up with a modern rental, bundle plans, and entertainment packs
e. Telstra NBN Plans: they offer a not many of simple bundles that are easy to choose from. It deliberates the amount of data that you will be needed every month.
NBN has a huge upon society today. It permits all of the countries to experience and join the technological age of the world. Corporations and consumers are easy can interact with other people from any location. Advanced machinery and computer applications will continue to move forward, and it is all dependent on good communication infrastructure to lead to a better future.
Dig more understanding about NBN by visiting our website at https://www.nextelle.com.au
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sellmyhousefastohio · 2 years
Zillow’s Predictions for the 2023 Housing Market
Zillow released a series of predictions for housing markets in the coming year, based on data from their own observations and also common trends many people in the field have noticed. Initially, focus was on the Midwest; however, results and shifts in population have shown that the South and West are stronger in housing. In 2021, attention will turn back to the Midwest with affordability as the primary concern. “Unlike nearly every other region in the United States, prices in most Midwest metro areas haven’t run up to extremes,” Zillow wrote. “Mortgage costs as a share of income are still within healthy, sub-30% levels across Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kansas, upstate New York, Iowa and smaller metros in Illinois, which will allow first-time buyers to take the plunge. Lower rents and home prices in these areas make it easier to save up for a down payment.” Also, there’s more inventory in that area compared to other parts of the country. Next, as prices continue to increase, buying with friends and family will become more popular.“With housing costs rising far beyond previous affordability norms, those chasing down homeownership are turning to unconventional means of making it pencil out financially, and this should continue in 2023,” Zillow says. “A Zillow survey fielded this spring found that among successful recent homebuyers, 18% had purchased along with a friend or relative who wasn’t their spouse or partner, and 19% of prospective homebuyers intended to buy with a friend or relative in the next 12 months. For both groups, affordability and qualifying for a mortgage were cited as the top reasons for buying together – challenges that are now even more acute.” Third place is the affordability crisis stabilization. If nothing else, one would have to wonder how long it could continue to accelerate. Monthly mortgage payments have doubled since 2019 and average hourly wages are up 23% over the last five year, compared to 37% growth of rents over the same period. The company expects home values should remain relatively flat and rent growth close to historical norms. Zillow expects a surge in first-time landlords. “The record-low mortgage rates of 2020 and 2021 spurred lots of investment in a second house, especially from mom and pop investors getting their second property,” the company wrote. “As rent growth continues its aggressive pace, many of these second homes have an even better potential to yield regular rental income above mortgage payment fixed with record low rates.” If rents do grow faster than home values, then renting out properties should be an attractive option. In addition, anticipate that most new construction will be in rentals. Due to rising prices and mortgage rates, purchasing has decreased; however, homebuilders had already planned for this possibility by Units under construction are up 42% from October 2019. Even with this effort, there will still be more properties on the market than Developers would prefer because people still need places to live even if they can't afford a home purchase.
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