#once again pushing my chara was like sans agenda
sukifoof-art · 2 years
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hmm. familiar. anyway finally drew asriel making that face toriel makes in hard mode lol
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howlsofbloodhounds · 23 days
i think killer and reapertale chara meeting will be a recipe for disaster. i imagine reapertale chara would loooooove to meet an anomaly, another agent of chaos. i don't know if it's considered canon but reapertale chara and core frisk are somewhat friends/acquaintances due to their anomaly status, so i think reapertale chara would like to meet killer as well. i'm also not sure if reapertale chara is a god, the same way other gods in reapertale are, but imagine they keep blessing killer with even more and more abilities to sow discord and spread chaos.
on the other hand, i think killer would be a bit wary with reapertale chara because they're a chara. if his reaction to underswap chara is anything, killer would be scared at first. he may start to question whether reapertale chara is his chara. and even after he's assured that this is not his chara, there's still things to worry about. a chara with godlike powers? only bad things. but he might be be tempted with an opportunity to study an anomaly, even if said anomaly is incredibly dangerous. i wonder if reapertale chara can kill killer though, seeing that they have reaper's scythe. the mechanics of death's abilities are still unknown lol (which makes me worried about cpau classic sans, will he die once he gets out of the void oops).
~ crowshipping anon
I remember seeing that the Anomaly also has Reapertale Flowey hanging around them, although they didn’t seem to like that he follows them around and is quite a bully to them—im pretty sure they even abandoned him when confronted with Reaper if I remember right. Chara seems to see Flowey as a “stray” they aren’t willing to take in unless it’s to bully him or leave him behind.
but unlike Flowey, similar to Core, Killer is an anomaly just like them. and if i remember right, Flowey is the only one who’s able to track Chara, not even Reaper can—yet if killer can follow and track and sense them, too, then id imagine that Chara would have even more reasons to favor killer (and core) over Flowey.
what im saying is, this is how my chara-flowey-killer toxic partner in crimes sibling agenda can win. (I say delusionally. (for lack of a better word))
they can destroy and cause chaos across timelines and worlds and alternate universes. together.
although im curious how they’d ever actually get there. if Chara shows a genuine interest and favor in killer to his benefit, his manipulative ass would definitely take advantage, but i doubt hed trust it. not the first time a Chara or even a being of higher power has shown an interest or liking towards him, but that’s never meant he was ever safe.
killer’s curiosity and self interest could be lead to a one sided allegiance, but i cant help but wonder what would be needed for killer to ever work with another Chara again. losing everything, color is nowhere around for whatever reason, nightmare is dead or captured or uncorrupted or otherwise has deemed him useless, and he no longer has much left of a reason to go on? an instinctive need to be useful and to obey those stronger, especially if the agent of chaos likely unknowingly does and says things that triggers killers conditioning.
hm. maybe its a sort of thing where he feels an instinctive tug to go along with this Chara (perhaps cause of stage 4) yet he keeps consistently trying to resist, and then eventually he keeps finding excuses for why he could or is going along. its something new, he’s got nothing better to do, he’s just curious, its different this time, etc, etc. as both fear and the comforting feeling of familiarity and purpose push him back into old habits.
i wonder if perhaps this time it can truly be different, even if the fear always lingers. Depending on if this chara truly does favor him a lot, and if they’re willing to tough through the fact that killer will inevitably start confusing them for his chara. perhaps even the reasoning of ‘its not my chara, they’re different’ or ‘they’ve changed’ could be even more excuses for why he’s staying.
and now im struck with the image of reapertale Chara like, trying to get him to trust and like them. like a cat leaving dead rats at his feet or literally just straight up killing his enemies for him 💀. watch them offer up flowey for him to kill.
and im not sure if reaper Chara could kill killer or not. if he still has his save, load, and reset, perhaps it depends on if he’s given up or if someone else is more determined than him?
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iamjjmmma · 6 years
“Number All My Bones: There and Back and There Again” Part 1, Chapter 4
Beginning: https://bit.ly/2NtGPgu
Previous: https://bit.ly/2H5dDej
Next: https://bit.ly/2tD9Q03
It’s only a taser; I know. I know the basics about these types of guns, although violence isn’t my main research preference. Still, I duck inside, my heartbeat still somewhat yelling at me, my head definitely yelling at me to get back to my work, that it’s probably just some sort of census. But the doorbell rang, and Papyrus immediately sprang out of his seat, with that golly-gee smile impressioned all over his face, and sprinted towards the door. Sans sprinted after him, and I after Sans, all of us except Papyrus seeming to remember the rule that no one was supposed to answer the door except for me. But the door opened before I could say anything, and there stood the one woman I would cry over just a few weeks later. Her name tag read “Ica Grey, Head of the Anti-Monster Department”, the “Jess” part obscured by a shadow for a little while, but I knew who she was. The streak of grey hair, the crossed arms, the badges on her blue dress told me everything. She was the one who had started the “MF” tag, the one who had started the monsters coming home without any sort of occupation, the one who had started the monster children not allowed to take the same classes as humans, the monsters being denied from the hospitals. The dehumanization process didn’t need to be done; it simply was, and it was since when we were born. My smile stretches until it turns taut. “Hello, Miss.” Her hand settles on her taser for a moment, but it stutters just before it settles by her side. “Hello, Doctor. I’ve heard a lot about you.” I nod. “I can say the same. Especially with your ‘MF’ endeavors. What does it stand for, though? I’ll take a wild guess. ‘Monsters Forbidden.’” She nods back, although I can practically see her teeth gritting. Her hand moves closer to the gun. Betty whimpers a little, and Sans and Papyrus hush the other children away before they get embroiled in the grown-up soup of politics and science. In another world, maybe I would have gone with them. But that world is faraway, much too far from now to even think of existing. Miss Grey put her hand by her hip. “Are we conducting the meeting or not?” I nodded, although I didn’t even think about giving her any more than that. I was prepared to send all of the children upstairs, thinking they went into the living room, but it was only Betty, reading a history book for her tutoring program, no doubt. I was about to say something, but one look at the scary lady behind me all in blue sent her tiptoeing away and making her way up the stairs. As we sat on the couches, the coffee in the pot cold by now after my morning cup, I made my move, even though I knew it wouldn’t work by a long shot. “Do you mind putting the gun away? I have four little kids here, and I don’t want them getting-” She laughed, ran her long fingernails through her hair once or twice. “Of course not. You’re the scientist, aren’t you? You should know by now that it’s only a safety precaution. Not that I’d willy-nilly fire at one of your kiddos, right?” I sighed, went into a conversation about geothermics I wouldn’t give to my students until it was May and the graduation caps were being shipped. I counted myself using the words “entropy”, “enthalpy,” “quasistatic”, “Carnot cycle”, and “calorimetry” at least twice each before she started to nod off before nearly bumping her nose on the edge of the couch. Science that would have gone over her head even if she had a fifty-foot mitt to catch it. She jerked herself up so quickly that she started falling forwards, and I almost stretched out my hands to catch her before she could regain her composure.“Well, Dr. Gaster, this was all very, very informative, but can you please focus on the effectiveness of your project?” I went into a slight smile. Finally. “Alright, Miss. The expansion of the Core will help to power our city by-” She put a hand over her mouth in mock shock, but I knew she was yawning underneath. A professor tends to notice these things easier. “So it basically makes our gas bills cheaper?” I laughed, and I almost put a hand over my own mouth. I shifted into a different language, one that politicians love to speak. “What-?! No. No, not at all. If the expansion is complete, you won’t even have to pay for electricity at all. Ever. And thanks to it, we’re starting to see a big change. Not only in the bills-” I stopped. I was getting a little preachy. I laughed again. Even if I was preachy, it wouldn’t ever stop me from loving the feeling. So I gave in when she asked how the Core worked. Just this once. “Well, it converts geothermal energy from the mountain to-” I couldn’t say “magical”, but there was another word for that. A word I could use. “-idiopathic energy by using the underground chambers. These chambers have magnets with turbines that allow the electricity to be transformed from idiopathic to-” She put her hand over her eyes, although I know they were closed underneath. “It converts electricity to heat.” “Oh, I see.” Huh. So she wasn’t asleep after all. “A non-polluting, unlimited, self-sustaining power source. Of course…” I stand up, and she puts her weight on her toes as if she’ll follow, but she stays right there where she is. People say I’m a good judge, even though I’m a better scientist, but in cases such as this, I can’t always pull out a clear verdict about someone. “...none of this would happen if you don’t sign the agreement tomorrow.” She nods, but puts her hand closer to her taser just in case. “Yes, but that doesn’t mean anything.” “What do you mean that doesn’t mean anything? I’ve just explained an energy agenda that I doubt you’ll find anywhere else, and-” “That still doesn’t explain the rest of your kind.” “Are you-?!” “Yes, Doctor. I am. You think that just because you’ve made energy out of the dirt means that you haven’t come from it. You come up here and steal our jobs, steal our money, all because you think you’re better than the rest of us. You-” I stretched out my hand, reach for anything looking vaguely like a door handle to push. “Miss Grey, I didn’t say any of that-” “Oh, just because you didn’t say it doesn’t mean it isn’t-” I saw her in the corner before I heard her. Betty had come back from upstairs, probably because of all the fuss we made down here, and was looking at me with some of the most terrified two eyes I’ve ever seen. “Excuse me, ma’am.” She didn’t bother me as I went over and patted Betty’s shoulder. Poor girl. Only a few minutes here, and already we’ve escalated beyond what I would ever think of doing if Jessica wasn’t… Jessica. “Betty, it’s alright. The both of us were just having a discussion, alright? It’s very important. So what I need for you to do is to go back upstairs and-” “Doctor.” “Just a minute. What I need for you to do is go back upstairs and tell the others that everything is fine. And even if it does escalate, I’m stronger than I look, huh?” I patted her shoulder again for good measure. “Doctor, please. You’re not talking to anyone.” “Miss, what do you mean I’m not talking to anyone? Betty’s right here, isn’t she?” Chara and Asriel have come back down, too. I suppose the conversation died just enough. “Isn’t she?” Chara shakes his head, while Asriel shrugs his shoulders. “She’s still upstairs playing puzzles with Papyrus. An’ I think she’s learning how to play chess, too.” I look to my right, and Betty’s gone. Anxiety can do more than you could ever imagine, I suppose. If it can keep me staying awake at night after a dream that only mildly alarmed me, it can do what it just did. Anxiety also kept me heading towards my room after Jessica left, after calling down the kids and getting Papyrus to help me fix a pizza and some chicken, telling them that dinner was probably right around the corner. And just as anxiety foretold, something’s wrong. One of my books on human-monster history has fallen on the floor, but even without any sort of education in physics, I can tell it doesn’t fall like that. It’s at least halfway across the room, my bookshelf still in place right next to the door, and when I picked it up, another eerie fact sent a chill down my spine, and I almost felt my coat shaking along with it. It was open only a few pages in towards the end. Experience has taught me otherwise. If books don’t fall flat on the covers, front or backs, it normally falls with the middle pages open and spread out. Meaning if it didn’t fall, someone had to have taken it. Was it Sans or Asriel or Betty or anyone being tutored by him, forgetting to pick it up after they’d left? Or was it Papyrus, who was trying to get his own little revenge for me not getting him the book at the library? Alright. Focus. It’s probably one of them. I put back the book, and I sighed, going out to fix myself another cup of coffee. Anxiety can do everything, I suppose.
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