#one day I will get back and do the olicity centric fic
theweekinarrowfic · 2 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, September, 2022
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
Trouvaille by SmoakingGreenArrow (Oliver/Felicity, 2/2, 2022-09-24) - When Tommy has to bail on giving his best friend Felicity a ride home from college, Oliver takes his place. The problem? Felicity hates him. And she thinks Oliver hates her back. If they can survive a 12 hour car ride together, could it lead to forever?
Other Arrow Ships & Characters
Second Chances: Artemis - Rough Draft by Lauriverfanboy1 (Thea/Roy, 25/25, 2022-09-24) - My name is Thea Queen. In another life, I spent years fighting by my brother's side as a vigilante but in this one, I now plan to become my own hero outside of his shadow. Hopefully some day, I'll become just as great as he is. I am Artemis. Part 8 of Second Chances.
【明日传奇】末日传奇电影俱乐部:第一夜(末日军团&冷队&原子侠) by buwei (Ray & Damien, 6/6, 2022-09-16) - 命运之矛被摧毁了。雷蒙德·帕尔默给自己选择了最糟糕的庆祝伙伴。比那更糟糕的是,他们或许是成立了一个末日军团与传奇版的电影俱乐部。但另一方面,谁知道他们也会给彼此做心理治疗呢?
Second Chances: Arrow - Rough Draft by Lauriverfanboy1 (Laurel/Oliver, 25/25, 2022-09-24) - My name is Oliver Queen. After dying to restore the multiverse, I found myself back at the beginning of my story and now I plan to rewrite it to not only save my city, but save those I lost before. A lot of things have changed in this new world but one that hasn't is me. I will always protect my home. I am the Green Arrow."
One More Time by Ray_Writes (Laurel/Oliver, 24/24, 2022-09-10) - Upon her death, Laurel is made an offer by a being named Mar Novu to be sent back in time and correct Earth-1’s timeline, as it is rapidly spiraling out of the Monitor’s control. Now, just under five years into her past and armed only with a partial knowledge of the timeline and a certainty she is not the right person for the job, Laurel must unite six Paragons and as many additional heroes as possible to face a coming Crisis. What changes will she make, and will they be the right ones? Time is ticking to save the world."
The Other Side of Lonely by paynesgrey (Laurel/Cisco Ramon, 5/5, 2022-09-07) - Fighting alone on the streets of Starling City, the Black Canary could use a little help from a friend. Enter: Cisco Ramon.
el orbe by Pedroedu (Laurel & Thea-centric, 11/11, 2022-09-13) - esta historia esta basada en un universo alternativo de la tercera temporada de arrow aunque aquí laurel y thea ya asumieron sus alteregos
Laser Tag by sspace_invader (Damien/Malcolm/Eobard Thawne, 2/2, 2022-09-03) - “Remember, no cheating.” Eobard sighed, preparing to just ignore Malcolm’s stupid rules and speed around the course, shooting the other team, easily winning. But doing that would cause them to get kicked out. Plus Damien and Malcolm would be mad at him. He didn’t think it was worth the risk. He mentally kicked himself for letting his partners make him soft, The Flash would laugh in his face if he could see him right now. Or The Legion plays laser tag and leads to other things.
Wedding For the Wilders by FuegoCreativeFlow (Sophie Moore/Ryan Wilder, several Arrow characters listed, 6/6, 2022-09-06) - This is the next series in my Batwoman Stories that’s connected. This story takes place four months after the “Gotham’s Drama” Series. You finally get to see Ryan and Sophie explore marriage, family, and still being badass Superheroes. I hope you all enjoy. And yes, Alani is back!!
Der Bote des Wahnsinns, das Gefängnis des Multiverse by God_of_the_stories_I_heve_written_0 (Marvel-centric, John Constantine listed as character, 4/4, 2022-09-25) - Stepfen Strange wird durch einen Streit mit Wanda Mazimof auferstehen in eine andere Welt gebracht und landet direkt vor dem Lux. In einer anderen Wersion der Arrowverse, wo John Constantine dort Stammgast ist. Er hasst die Welt und will nach Hause.
Second Chances: Kid Flash - Rough Draft by Lauriverfanboy1 (Linda Park/Wally West, several Arrow characters listed, 25/25, 2022-09-23) - My name is Wally West. For years I've traveled, trying to find my place in a world of heroes, trying to find peace. But after getting struck by lightning in a new world, I think I've finally found my place as I become the hero I was always meant to be. I am Kid Flash. Part 9 of Second Chances.
Love at first sight. by Batwoman2019 (Kate Kane/Reagan, Kara Danvers/Sara as side pairing, 7/7, 2022-09-28) - What if instead of Kate and Reagan meeting during Tommy Elliott's party they both met during crisis on infinite earth.
Crisis by WhatIfUniverse (Barry Allen/Caitlin Snow, several Arrow characters listed, 8/8, 2022-09-28) - Last year, the multiverse had a visitor named the Monitor who warned them of a crisis coming to end all life. Now the Avengers, SHIELD, and the heroes of Earth-1 must join forces again to save their universes from being destroyed, with help from a new member who has traveled back in time to help stop it. Is it enough, or will all of reality be destroyed?
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kelkat9 · 7 years
It's super hard to narrow this down, but my three favorites are the Greek Gods series, Ramifications of Bachelor Bidding and probably The Lord of Gallifrey! Though this too, a lot of thinking and I could keep going and going..
Ohhh Bachelor Bidding!  That was a fun one :)  The Lord of Gallifrey was my first attempt at a historical :)  And the Greek Gods is just so much fun to play with all those characters :)  Great choices!  Thanks ZoeB!
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cruzrogue · 7 years
Impaired Judgment
a summer fic for the Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon 
wrote this in the summer can read at A03
John Diggle is out of it by an aphrodisiac truth drug and its awkward field mission. He tells Felicity how he appreciated her and then it leads to how he thinks she is very beautiful and sexy and how he tried to control himself in the beginning before Oliver got a clue and they were just friends. When Oliver shows up Diggle needs his help too. John has no clue what was said. Oliver and Felicity promise to never tell him.
Notes:I just love John Diggle and I don't find enough Dig centric fics.
prompt: Impaired Judgment
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“Overwatch, I’m going to need you to help me with Spartan.” Green Arrow calls out as he leaves the exit door with his partner half on him stagger walking. She places the really uncomfortable mask on her face and runs towards where Oliver is holding Dig up and takes over draping her arm around the man on the other side and helps Oliver get him to safety in the van.
“Need to finish checking the perimeter; will you be okay with John here?”
“Sure. Do you know what chemical he walked into?”
“I’ll draw blood and start analyzing.”
“Okay. Keep an eye out, if you see anything. Get out of here.”
She nods. Oliver gives a quick look to John before he hurries back in to finish his sweep.
Other than a few moans and John having a moment of opening and shutting his visor over and over while giving Felicity odd smiles that somewhat look even more bizarre coming from him.
“I like my new helmet; I should have listened to you from the beginning when you said it needed loads of improvement.”
She made a noise of agreement as she helps take one sleeve off his jacket to roll his shirt up his arm. Placing a stretchy band around his bicep so she could draw blood he is observing at her every move.
“I don’t wanna act like Oliver and not be a good listener.”
“I don’t think anyone can beat Oliver.” She hears a snicker on the communicator and pays no mind to it as she draws blood.
“Good, he’s really thick headed, took him like ever to suck it up and go after one of the best girls I’ve ever known.”
“Awe thanks, I think you’re awesome too.”
“And sexy.”
“Um sure, I think you’re very handsome.”
“Sexy, super smart like really out of this world smartest genius and a loud voice that does wonders.”
“You aren’t talking about yourself at all.”
“No I’m talking about you silly. You are a diamond, did you know that?”
“A mineral?”
“A unique mineral, did you know diamonds exhibits great fire and brilliance just like you.”
“Oh really?”
“Yep, Oliver told me that. Well he went on and on. Diamond is like a 10 on the moth no, no, moors um no …”
“The Mohs scale.”
“Sure whatever, see how you just corrected me like that it so…”
“Educational?” She heard Oliver make a ‘psst’ sound.
“Sexy. Smart ladies are stimulating.”
She just moved to look at the video feed to make sure Oliver wasn’t in any danger while keeping a very vocal John Diggle company.
“Do you know something?”
She looks at John waiting for a reply.
When he just had his head cocked to the side she finally asked, “Do I know what?”
“I threw you way over the friend zone long, long, long, long…” He stops like he’s thinking a bit. “Long time ago threw you to the sibling sector.”
“Yep. You became a little smarty-pants sister.”
They get interrupted a by the Green Arrow as he asks a mission question, “Overwatch is there any movement on the second level?”
“No. There nothing going on under you but movement on the stairwell 800 feet to your left. Plenty of movement happening on the third and fourth floors.”
“Got it. I’m sending in those little gizmos to check for chemical comprehensions to load later at the lair.”
“Be careful.”
John Diggle was snickering throughout their whole exchange.
“You two are wild bunnies.”
“Yep, like catching you two butt naked last week.”
“Oh my God.” Felicity squeals out.
“Oh shit.” She hears Oliver say.
“I so saw you naked once.” He snickered out with a laugh. “Before it became a recurring theme.”
“What do you mean you saw her naked?”
“Oliver, he can’t hear you.”
“You talking to Oliver?” she nods. He continues after shrugging. “I wasn’t supposing too but I did. I was paralyzed with fear you’d see me. But I was there. I was supposed to keep an eye on you.” He laughs. “I sure got a nice eyeful too.”
“I really don’t want to hear this.” Oliver mumbles.
“Oliver was just being a dick. Ha! A dick, I’ve seen his dick too.” He retorts looking amusingly at Felicity’s wide eyes. “His I may have seen a tad more than your blush rosy behind and perky breasts with button nipples that I bet he enjoys palming now. I know I would if I was him.” He looked like he was sobering up but asked, “Do you know I love you guys and both of you love me right?”
“Of course, I love you.”
“Does Oliver?”
“Of course. You two are brothers.”
“Yea. Love that bone head.” He has a faraway look as he shocks her yet again, “I knew you’d been a queen since the day you put him in his place that boy was going to be a goner.”
Felicity took a cloth from the first aid kid and wiped sweat from John’s forehead. He was also slightly heating up so she shoved a thermometer into his mouth.
“Oh really.” She continued as when she took the stick from John’s mouth after the allotted time and saw he had a slight elevation. “Oliver John temperature rose just a tad.”
“At least we know he is breathing fine. Be careful Felicity with his impaired judgment he could become a threat. But keep him talking if he starts to sound off I’ll head back sooner he’ll need medical attention.”
“Alright, you’re doing great being stealthy in there. Did you find any TI points?”
“I’ve found three so far. Whatever they are mixing here it’s big.”
“Well once we have knowledge you can come back with the team.”
Diggle had his eyes on her lap as she was talking to Oliver and when her attention was back on John. He chirped out, “So nothing in the oven yet?”
“No baby Queen? I’m ready for a baby Queen, ask your hubby when he’s going to hurry up and knock you up.”
“Wow, maybe I’m not ready there so much on our hands…”
“Excuses, excuses. You two are so full of it.”
“Wow John, I didn’t think you felt this way.”
“Felicity if you really knew how I felt you’d wouldn’t talk to me again.”
“How do…”
“Felicity don’t you dare.” Oliver said quickly.
“Ah, happy you asked.”
A groan on the communicator told Felicity that Oliver so was not pleased.
After listening for fifteen minutes on how to have intercourse and all the body parts needed and why John was content that he spoke his sexual piece. Felicity moaned in displeasure. Between hearing Oliver fighting some men and Diggle recipes on baby making Felicity was horrified enough for a lifetime.
“Now I’ve been strident with Oliver in this matter but I’m so glad we talked about this.”
Oliver spoke up, “Heading back now. ETA three minutes.”
“Got it. John lets buckle you in.”
“My pants are too tight.” He started to unbutton his pants.
“John please stop, oh god your unzippering.”
“What the hell is going on?” she hears Oliver huffing as he is heading their way.
“John is…”
“I need to be free.” He says as he moves his hand into his boxers.
“Oh God I can’t watch.” Felicity turns away but she can hear a satisfied moan from John as he finally is freed from his tormenting confinement.
The back door of the van opens and Oliver groans.
“Felicity drive us a few miles up then I need to help Diggle get some relief.”
“What do you mean help John with relief.” She says as she pulls away and drives until Oliver tells her to stop. Both men get out and she can’t see them nor hear them. Not until the communicator is back online.
“We are heading back just drive us to the lair.”
Once at the lair Diggle falls asleep. He vitals all stable so Felicity is running the chemical composition as  Oliver stands near John.
“John is going to be so mortified.” Felicity quips looking at the sleeping form.
“That is if he remembers.”
Oliver and Felicity quite don’t know what to say and promise to never tell him like ever. They come to find that John Diggle has no idea what happened after the gas hit him. They wait for Lyla to come pick him up.
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habibialkaysani · 7 years
first lines fic meme
I did this a while back too, in 2016. always good to see how things have changed (if they have ofc) 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories. See if there are any patterns. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
I promise till death we part (like in our vows) (westallen, nsfw) - The loft is quiet as Iris slips back into bed with Barry. 
words of affirmation (canarystorm) - A little after the Waverider is back in the time stream (once they’ve deposited Sir Isaac Newton to his rightful place in the timeline, of course), there’s a knock at Jax’s door that makes him look up. 
thanksgiving (wildqueen) - The sound of voices in the hospital hallway interrupts the conversation Thea is having with John, and they both look up expectantly at the newcomers.
the break of dawn (tomance) - The early morning has always been Sara’s favourite time of day.
carpe diem (olicity, nsfw) - Felicity’s arm is warm around Oliver’s bare torso as he feels her press her face against the back of his neck.
unmasked (barry-centric) - When Barry steps into Captain Singh’s office for the third time this week, he’s sure that this is it.
one more promise (spartancanary, nsfw) - John waits until Curtis and Rene are out of earshot before he speaks, just as Dinah meets his eyes.
new beginnings (snowest) - It’s the little things Caitlin notices first.
behind the mask (spartancanary) - It’s colder than John anticipates when he emerges from the bathroom, and he wishes he had put more than just his pants as he shivers and then reenters Dinah’s bedroom.
supplication (zamaya) - “Knock, knock,” Amaya says teasingly as the doors to Zari’s room slide open.
impossible (spartancanary) - Dinah is in one of the interrogation rooms in the precinct, alone, writing some notes after having questioned a suspect for armed robbery.
dessert (olicity, nsfw) - They barely make it through the front door of the loft when Oliver can’t resist landing a kiss on the nape of her neck, his hand sweeping her hair out of the way.
one and only (olicity, nsfw) - She’s not sure what she’s expecting in the box, exactly - jewellery, maybe (but they’re not together, so he wouldn’t get her that, surely).
partners (spartancanary) - The sweat feels cold on Dinah’s back as she sighs, bo-staff in her hand, and looks up at John.
the rungs of his broken ribs (spartancanary, nsfw) - Boom.
team spartan-canary (spartancanary) - The first time it happens, she’s not surprised, exactly.
for better or for worse (westallen) - (IRIS is sitting up in bed, wearing a shirt of BARRY’s and panties, engrossed in what she’s doing on her tablet.
extend your hand to me (dutchjohnny) - The sound of a loud cry rouses Johnny from his sleep instantly; he sits up, wincing at the pain he can still feel where Yalena shot him in the shoulder.
I’ll take care of you (dutchjohnny) - “You want to quit all this and run? I call shotgun.”
I will not be afraid of your scars (lauryssa, nsfw) - The candles in Laurel’s fireplace burn hot, bright, bathing the living room in a soft yellow glow.
okay, uh, patterns? idk, describing the setting badly? and occasionally dialogue, but either way it’s always vague and not good, lol. also I use “the” or “a” to start my opening sentences and tbh that’s also very annoying.
tagging (not quite ten but ah well): @therewas-a-girl @captainriphunter @karasunovolleygays @crollalanzaa @trufflemores @theshipsfirstmate @smilinstar
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ruwithmeguys · 7 years
Olicity Fanfic Rec List:
(You’ll find all of these on AO3 unless I specify otherwise)
There’s so much love in this fandom and a great way to express them is to write fanfiction! I’ve had a tiny but if a difficult time recently - my mum was ill, ambulances, hospital and lost of chocolate (me) was involved - and I haven’t been able to write a thing.
Coming back to it, I took a quick look through all the bookmarks I’ve near-to obsessed over in the past and thought I’d write this list. @scu11y22 is to thank so if you actually manage to find one you haven’t read, then go send her a word :)
(This list is not exhaustive) They are to be: multi-chapt, slow burn, well written, mature, no threesomes (ditto x 1000), no kids and AU/canon divergent... and not @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 AMAZING FICON
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Legacies series by @chronicolicity
Part 1 is called You’re His Hope ( Felicity struggling to save Oliver's humanity after losing him to the League of Assassins. Anything else would legit be a spoiler. Expect drama, romance, angst, humor, plot and plot TWISTS. Sparked by some amazing Tumblr theories I apologize in advance for completely ruining.) And so on and so forth.
The Crow
(Bratva Captain Oliver Queen has been looking for revenge his entire life. When he can’t trust his own family, the Bratva to get it, he finds the answer to all of his problems in Felicity Smoak; a genius hacker who is running for her life from the same object of Oliver’s hatred, The Triad. With an unlikely partnership, The Crow might just find out that light can shine in the darkest of places.)
AO3 Address: Anthfan
(My personal fav is the Devil’s Backbone)
When the Day Comes 
“Have you talked to her?”
“So you'll call her-” Thea sent a teary look back through the window at Tommy.
“I'll call her if he wakes up.”
“When,” she gripped him fiercely then, her little nails digging into his forearm, “when Tommy wakes up.”
Oliver nodded, “Yes, of course.” His tone as hollow as his smile had been.
An all time favourite of mine: Sins by @smoakandarrow
(Oliver Queen is alive.After being presumed dead in a violent shipwreck five years ago, Oliver Queen returns to Starling City determined to right the wrongs of his family. But the billionaire playboy's homecoming stirs more than feelings for joy; it threatens secrets someone is determined to keep buried. Secrets that threaten the life Oliver has just reclaimed, and the lives of those he loves the most.Vowing to protect his family at any cost, Oliver digs deeper, bringing danger to his doorstep, and leaving him with the shocking realization that the sins of the past are rooted much closer to home than he ever thought.When friends may be enemies, when enemies may be his best allies, when love is used as a smokescreen to hide the most vicious hate, Oliver isn't sure who he can trust. He just knows that he'll do anything to protect those he loves... even it means dying all over again.)
You Have Not Failed This Verse  by @so-caffeinated
(Sometimes a payday ain't exactly what it seems.) Don’t let the brief description fool you. It’s incredible.
(Felicity knows her place in Oliver's life. She's the sidekick not the love interest. But in the Summer after the artificial earthquake lots of things can change.)
The Ways of the Universe 
(No two epic love stories are the same. For Oliver and Felicity, it's quite the long road. What with all the crime-fighting, and super-secret identities, and emotionally-stunted men, and old flames, and meddlesome friends and family. Some goats, too. Picks up right after the end of 'City of Heroes' (2x01). Any similarities with the rest of S2 are, for the most part, coincidental.)
What Happened in Vegas - a very different take on the usual Vegas hookup fics
(It's all fun and games until you wake up hung-over and married to a stranger. Five years ago Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak made a drunken mistake that could never be corrected. After years on a hellish island he comes back as a man on a mission only to find out that what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas. (Season One Rewrite))
Every single story by @supersillyanddorky06 but especially Predator
(Oliver Queen is the one anomaly in the Chicago Outfit. He is the only non-blooded member to be a part of the high circle in the family. His reputation precedes him and he is their best hunter. Felicity Smoak, daughter of the Starling boss, infiltrates his house, intent on killing him. But a startling encounter tips the scales. He goes on the prowl and she escapes. Hate, heat, and friction. Sparks. But something bigger is happening in their world. And despite their disagreements, only they can fight it down. Mob AU. Not Bratva. Enemies-lovers. You'll want to bash their heads sometimes. Stuff will happen. Enjoy! )
The Legacy Series by @ash818 (I’m sort of in love with this universe: it involves Oliver and Felicity’s children and it’s a wonderful and very serious - possibly quite honest - look at what the future might look like for them. Plus, I wrote a one-shot for this. SHE’S THAT GOOD.)
(It's 2039, and Jonathan Queen cannot stop looking for trouble. Then trouble finds him and his family, and Jonny discovers that there is more to his parents than he ever suspected. He must learn to bear the weight of his parents' past, and he must learn fast, because time is running out for his mother.)
Most of these aren’t finished but this one hurts me because it’s been left alone:
Somewhere Out There
(When Felicity falls through a gate that takes her to a parallel universe, she finds herself in a world that is so much like her own, except for one very important thing.)
(I feel sad. Wanted something to cheer myself up. This is the result.I have no set dates for updating, so bear with me.This is the Bratva fic no one wanted. Note - I like that Oliver isn't possessive. I also like when women have agency. You will find both here. This is a Oliver/Felicity-centric story.)
His Girl Wednesday and Some Things Are Meant to Be
Insanely long fics (THANK GOD): Missing her interview for a position in the IT department of QC, Felicity Smoak meets Oliver Queen, son of the CEO and future CEO himself. Only Oliver doesn’t take the company as seriously as he should and after yet another fiasco with his assistant, his mother decides to take matter into her own hands and select one with more qualifications than long legs and deep cleavage. In an effort to get her off his back, he pretends he already hired one: the blonde nerdy girl he met a few minutes ago.Or when Arrow and Ugly Betty crash in my head (except we all know Felicity could never be ugly). It is mostly Arrow, I borrow a few plot ideas/characters from Ugly Betty.
Sequel: Three years ago, Oliver went on a cruise on the Gambit and never came back, leaving Felicity devastated. She forced herself to move on with her life, trying to forget that the love they had shared was one she'd never get to live again.
Except Oliver didn't die on that boat. But no matter how much he wants to, he knows he can't come back. Too many things happened, and the only way to keep his loved ones safe is to stay as far away from them as possible.
It all changes when Felicity starts questioning the circumstances of the accident that took him away from her...
One More From the Top
(In the aftermath of his fight with Ras Al Ghul, Oliver finds himself somewhere unexpected: his hospital room when he first came back from the Island.With a second chance to right the mistakes he’s made since coming back to Starling City, what will Oliver do to save the people he’s loved and lost?Will he be able to change his past or will be he forced to watch history repeat itself?)
(After the events of Unthinkable, Felicity burns out from Arrow activities. So she takes a step back to get some air. This story tracks Felicity's journey of becoming a heroine in her own right as she helps form the Justice League.)
Good, Better, Best Series by redtoes - a three part series each specifying how O + F got together and stayed together. Not very long but 15 chapters so...
The Grand Adventures of Felicity Smoak 
(a.k.a How Felicity did not save the day.Felicity's father comes back only to take her away from the life and the people she loves. But sometimes, it takes a series of misadventures for a girl to discover how badass she really is and how valuable she is to her friends. She gets in trouble, gets rich, gets in trouble, gets hurt, gets in trouble again and gets the guy.Canon divergence. From in mid s02 before the revelation of Slade Wilson.)
Another I need to mention - though it isn’t a multi-chap slow burn - is: This Love Thing
Also a short fic but there aren’t that many slow burns around :) is Love Me Like I’m Not Made of Stone
(When meeting Felicity, Oliver has a flashback. Afterwards, he flees, leaving behind his 'latted' laptop. She further investigates on her own, but lurking underneath everything else is Felicity's concern for Oliver. Just like with anything that matters to her – she doesn't know why he matters but he does, she can't let the episode – what she fears to be PTSD – go.)
The Darkest Hour
(just weeks after moving to Starling City, Felicity Smoak is kidnapped for information she does not have. She endures weeks of torture before she is rescued by a man in green leather and his partner, John Diggle. As Felicity begins to put the pieces of her life back together, she realizes the trauma she suffered changed her in unexpected ways. Restless and with a driving need to help others the way the man in green helped her, she finds herself using her brilliant mind and considerable computer skills to follow a different path fraught with danger and violence. As Felicity grows closer to the Green Arrow and Diggle, helping them in their cause to save Starling City, the three struggle against unseen enemies, and discover the unexpected truth behind her kidnapping.)
All in a Day’s Work
(By 9:00 a.m., she had broken a heel, lost her cell phone, and been the victim of a coffee catastrophe. By 9:30 a.m. she had “borrowed” the NSA mainframe. By 10:00 a.m., she was engaged to Oliver Queen. Really, it was all in a day’s work. Plotty, fluffy fun with a side dish of heart.)
The Best of Friendships have Benefits
(like Communism or time travel, having a sex-buddy sounds a lot better in theory than in practice. However, Oliver and Felicity see it as a means to rebuild each other. So, inevitable consequences be damned, they still give it a go, not expecting to gain a whole lot more than what they initially bargained for.)
Also, most fics by @yellowflicker09011996 will make you want to tear out your own heart but one of my favourites is: All The Worthy Places  (They say if you get hungry enough, you start eating your own heart. When she sits on top of him, arms and legs tight around him and kisses his mouth like she wants to eat him alive, Oliver believes it. ) and To Rage Against the Dying Light (There could be no time to think, no moment to feel. The dark was going to engulf him till there was nothing left, if he so much as flinched.He had known grief and he had known fear but this… this was wordless.Nobody had ever told him that ruin felt so much like death.)
The Fall Verse by @callistawolf
(Taking place directly after the events in “Sacrifice” (the season 1 finale), Felicity tries to pull Oliver back from the edge. But is Oliver ready to be pulled back? Or is he ready for the fall?)
Step By Step
(During the summer between seasons two and three, Oliver and Felicity are attempting to navigate their new status post-fake but not actually fake I love you's, and a kiss that may or may not have meant everything. Or: What would have been different for Oliver and Felicity if that summer had been about both of them truly coming to terms with what they meant to each other. Basically - Felicity decides to live her life, and Oliver realizes that her life doesn’t necessarily include him as much as he may want. How he reacts, and how Felicity responds to his actions, shape the future of their relationship.)
City of Fallen heroes
(Five years ago, Felicity was kidnapped and forced to do the unthinkable in order to return home. Convinced she couldn’t be the loving wife Oliver deserved, she left and tried to keep her darkness from hurting their daughters. The return of an old enemy will force Felicity to decide if she’s the monster she thought she was— or the hero her family believes her to be.)
(It’s been two years since the Atom invented a plague that wiped out most of Starling City. With a ruthless government agency in control, and a hooded vigilante fighting to shut the Atom down, Felicity Smoak quickly learns that life post-apocalypse isn’t exactly like it seemed in movies.)
He Deserves a Shot at Being Happy alos by @chronicolicity
(Short version: an AU where Tommy Merlyn didn't die, and is around for season 2 of Arrow.Long version: Tommy Merlyn has spent most of his life being an expensive disappointment to his family, but now he's a part-owner of a semi-successful nightclub in the worst area of town (it's seriously looking up) alongside his best friend, who — after five years on a deserted island — decided to come back to be a freaking vigilante. It's a long story, one that's longer than Tommy wants to remember, but it took the Glades collapsing and the death of one of their best friends to get him officially done with being a troublemaker. Nothing interesting. Just running a nightclub, and trying not to get into any trouble.Oliver's been gone god knows where for most of the summer, which means he's stuck being the big brother to the guy's snarky little sister, whose boyfriend "Ron" seems completely set on getting himself killed. An afternoon of test-driving Verdant's new cocktails gets interesting when Felicity Smoak and John Diggle show up asking (more) questions about where to find Oliver, and Tommy has to decide whether he wants to keep his new rule.Spoiler alert: he doesn't.) It’s so good guys... THE SLOWEST OF SLOW BURNS BUT SO FLIPPING REWARDING.
In Another Life
(Their lives couldn't be more different - and yet Oliver can't take his eyes off the beautiful blonde woman that leaves the subway every morning at 7.43am. There is something about her that makes him look up every morning - something that also makes him aware he'll never be good enough for her, or that she'd even notice him.He had no idea how much his life would change the day he rushed over to help her...Olicity AU - no Lian Yu, no saving the city (at least not in the way we know from Arrow :D ))
Felicity Takes a Holiday
(Frustrated by Oliver's apparent indifference, Felicity takes a solo trip to NYC where she meets with unexpected dangers. Is it super-soldiers amped up on Mirakuru, or Beasts created by Muirfield? Starts at the end of Season 2; a story of how Oliver comes to realize that he is in love with Felicity, told with help from CW's Beauty and the Beast and a whole lot of Diggle.)
What’s a Little History Between Me and You by @sarcasticfina
([Canon-Divergent] In the wake of The Undertaking, Felicity returns to Starling City when her brother Tommy is severely injured, and soon finds her world turned completely upside down.)
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Tagged by @sometimesrosy! thanks babe, wow I haven’t written fic in months 
1. what is your most popular fic by kudos? comments? bookmarks? are they all the same?
my most popular fic by all marks is We Can Have All That We Ever Want, my first poly rangers fic and the month where I wrote about 15k in like 3 weeks. even though the verse hasn’t been updated since may, it’s still getting a lot of kudos. 
this fic has 719 kudos, 103 comments, and 122 bookmarks and it has been read 10,290 times. 
it’s all insane
2. do you have a favorite of your fics? if not, do you have one you’re most proud of? why?
I’m most proud of my Stydia Big Bang fic, it’s a world war ii au that’s 20k words long called Love in a Warzone. 
I researched a lot for this fic and really got in the zone writing it and seeing people have such great reactions makes my day. 
3. what fandom/ship (if you write for more than one) is your favorite to write for?
I really enjoy writing for the Poly Rangers ship, I feel like I’ve carved out a tiny niche within the Power Rangers fandom. But at the same time, I absolutely love writing Bellarke fic because they’re my babes and I love them so much. 
4. do you have any fics that got more popularity/attention than you expected? if so what were they?
I was shocked at how popular my angsty supercorp fic was, We’re Not Lovers, and also my post finale Olicity spec fanfic was, I don’t think anyone could ever love you (the way I love you)
I wrote them both on the same day, the day I wrote 5k words in like 11 hours. 
5. where do you get your ideas/inspiration from? do you have a fic that you feel is particularly unique in that area?
mainly from my desire to see the fic and realizing I have to write it myself. A lot of it stems from headcanons and needing to write missing moments or first kisses, I have a surprising amount of first kiss fanfics. 
I think my most unique idea is my Ambassadors of Earth verse, which is where the entire universe thinks all the rangers are dating. I keep coming back and adding lines to my word doc at points because I always have ideas. Also the reincarnation series I’m co-writing with @justiceleague2017dirzacksnyder is completely unique and literally comes from a gifset that she made. IT’S GREAT
again for some reason I get very creative because of the ot5
6. do you have a favorite character to write POV for?
I adore writing all the Rangers povs but Jason and Trini come most easily to me. Actually, the vast majority of my fics are multi-pov but I find it easiest to write Bellamy, Lydia and Trini. 
7. what’s your favorite sidepairing to include?
I think I included Scalia in LOVE IN A WARZONE when I first came up with the idea last November and to almost predict canon is honestly super cool. I don’t actually include a lot of side pairings
8. do you have a fic you feel is underrated in comparison to your other fics? or you just wish more people would read?
LOVE IN A WARZONE, it’s a 20k, world war ii, character centric au that has been read by so few people. I think it’s completely underrated and I wish people read more of it. 
also Fates’s Rewrite, a modern dectective bellarke au with some reincarnation mixed, it’s one that I stopped writing, not because I don’t have ideas but there was literally no feedback at all and I don��t have the desire to write it when no one’s reading it. It’s probably my most fascinating idea but I just haven’t had any spark at all
9. what’s something you would go back and change in one of your fics?
god, I always want to go back and do another round of editing. but it’s more I want to add things. I’d add more Bellamy and Clarke stuff to Fates’s Rewrite, right not it’s just a lot of the Greek Gods and that’s less important. 
10. what is your favorite sort of comment to receive on a fic?
“Holy shit, I fucking love how you're writing this, what you're including, and the time you're taking to create honest, vivid introspection for EACH GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL CHARACTER. Bless bless you. I'm avidly looking forward to the next chapter and where you will take this after all the "intros" are done!! (Or maybe I'm assuming too much, I love this fic regardless).” this comment on  We Can Have All That We Ever Want is my favorite comment, sometimes I just go find this comment and grin like a loon and feel better about my writing. That fic also has some of the greatest comments I’ve ever received and sometimes I just go and read all the comments and want to write fic again. like now 
11. what are your favorite genres of fic to write? (e.g. modern au, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, etc.)
fluff with angst is my sweet spot but I also really love missing moments
12. what are your favorite tropes to write?
5+1 things, outsider PoV, fake relationship, I love fake relationship
13. do you write fics similar to what you enjoy reading or completely different? both?
14. what’s your writing process like?
I get the idea and it usually just sticks itself in my head for hours, nagging at me. Eventually I write it down and depending on how my muse is, I write it all in one go or it happens over months with a random burst of inspiration here and there. 
15. multi-chapter, oneshot, or drabble?
drabble collections, a lot of oneshots but I also do write a decent amount of multi-chapter fanfic, especially in my drafts
16. if someone was only going to read one of your fics, which would you want them to read?
honestly, either LOVE IN A WARZONE or We Can Have All That We Ever Want
I tag: @blyedeeks @lydias-martin @stilesprefers-screamers @justiceleague2017dirzacksnyder @ohmypreciousgirl
questions are copied below
1. what is your most popular fic by kudos? comments? bookmarks? are they all the same?
2. do you have a favorite of your fics? if not, do you have one you’re most proud of? why?
3. what fandom/ship (if you write for more than one) is your favorite to write for?
4. do you have any fics that got more popularity/attention than you expected? if so what were they?
5. where do you get your ideas/inspiration from? do you have a fic that you feel is particularly unique in that area?
6. do you have a favorite character to write POV for?
7. what’s your favorite sidepairing to include?
8. do you have a fic you feel is underrated in comparison to your other fics? or you just wish more people would read?
9. what’s something you would go back and change in one of your fics?
10. what is your favorite sort of comment to receive on a fic?
11. what are your favorite genres of fic to write? (e.g. modern au, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, etc.)
12. what are your favorite tropes to write?
13. do you write fics similar to what you enjoy reading or completely different? both?
14. what’s your writing process like?
15. multi-chapter, oneshot, or drabble?
16. if someone was only going to read one of your fics, which would you want them to read?
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theweekinarrowfic · 2 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, January 2022
I’m baaack!
NOTE:  I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Need more Arrow in your life?  Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently (-ish) completed by our talented fic writers? 
Time goes by by Liz2027 (Oliver/Felicity, 2/2, 2022-01-11) - Oliver is in an accessed that puts him in a coma but he wake up two years later."
Le Prix d'une nouvelle vie by Amelia_Queen (Oliver/Felicity, 8/8, 2022-01-21) - Oliver reçoit une visite en prison qui lui donne l’idée d’un cadeau pour sa famille. Mais rien ne se passe jamais comme prévu et Felicity va le découvrir à ses dépens."
Olicity: A whisper to the heart by Dnm (Oliver/Felicity, 6/6, 2022-01-06) - I got insppired by someone in twitter that made a scene on 6x12 . It starts with Felicity giving Oliver the news that she is pregnant. I imagine it happens a couple months after their 1 year anniversary. And its also available in wattpad"
Night at the museum by Liz2027 (Oliver/Felicity, 2/2, 2022-01-26) - John Diggle is a guard at a mysteries museum. He notices strange things happening with the Green arrow statue and the Overwatch statue."
Home by Magspseudonimo (Oliver/Felicity, 2/2, 2022-01-17) - After the island, China and Russia, Oliver worked for Argus until he had enough of Waller ways, he left to work for Diggle Security as a bodyguard. He work, he went home, he pretend like he was happy in front of his sister, he went to work again, he didn't deserve anything more, he is auto pilot until his past comes back and catches up him him, he is just waiting. His last job was different tough he found something he didn't even knew he was looking for it, a family, if only he was brave enough."
Other Ships/Characters
Revenge of the Black Swans. by Batwoman2019 (Kate Kane/Reagan, Oliver/Felicity as side pairing, 2/2, 2022-01-26) - What happens when the two people Mark thought were dead arrive in Gotham to get pay back. Will the Bat team be able to stop them or stay out of it."
Dependencia by dogoncabrera2 (Oliver/Harleen Quinzel, 3/3, 2022-01-20) - ACLARACION: Esta versión de Harley es diferente la de Margot Robbie, también es muy diferente a la versión de su serie animada si esperas algo así te sentirás decepcionado, sobre advertencia no hay engaño lee bajo tu propio riesgo. Si quieres mas información ve a la sección de aclaraciones Sinopsis: Después de una fragmentación con su equipo Green Arrow se encuentra con Harley Quinn que al parecer busca redimirse por su pasado ¿Qué hará Green Arrow? ¿La entregara al murciélago? ¿La llevara a la cárcel? Lo mas probable es que algo mas pase..."
Ships in the Night by Emmeebee (Felicity/Tony Stark, 6/6, 2022-01-20) - With shared interests in computers and superhero justice, Felicity and Tony have more in common than most. By the time they find themselves standing in her living room, their secrets laid bare, they’ve almost met more times than either of them know. (Or: Five times Felicity and Tony almost meet, and one time they do.)"
Cage Full Of Killers by F_my_entire_life (Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Oliver listed as character, 6/6, 2022-01-07) - Stiles and Derek get picked to be the tributes for District 12. Stiles only has one ability he can use, he can talk to animals, wolves mostly."
The Magic Bar by wheel_pen (John Constantine/Leonard Snart, 3/3, 2022-01-05) - Lenny intercepts John after a bad day at work, interrupting his usual downward spiral."
Naruto - Arrow by FrostZero007 (Naruto/Laurel/Thea/Felicity/Helena/Sara, 6/6, 2022-01-18) - aruto is reborn in the Queen family. This is the same Arrow, but instead of Oliver, the main character is Naruto. What decisions will he make and what will they lead to? Naruto / Harem"
Paragons by megamatt09 (Harry Potter/various including Harry/Mia, 22/22, 2022-01-21) - Harry Potter always has been determined to the point of madness. The coming Crisis will test his determination even more. Harry/Multi."
Alternate Timeline by drchemist (Oliver-centric, multiple ships listed, 24/24, 2022-01-19) - Alternative world to the one set in Arrow where Oliver never left on the Queen's Gambit and stays to work at Queen Consolidated, fulfilling his desire of being Starling City's biggest playboy"
Hope is never lost by Marhitee (Sara/Ava Sharpe, 3/3, 2022-01-02) - Ava y su compañera habían pasado por mucho en estos dos años desde que el caos comenzó y sabían que no debían fiarse de nadie dada su condición, pero la llegada a una comunidad puede hacerte cambiar de parecer al encontrar personas por las cuales vale la pena darte una oportunidad y quizá quien sabe, esto pueda acabar mas pronto que tarde si encuentras la ayuda adecuada."
A Girlfriend for Christmas. by Batwoman2019 (Calamity/Beca Mitchell, Thea listed as character, 10/10, 2022-01-15) - What happens when a year earlier a plane had come down and all on board had survived but one person did come out of the crash with no memory of the Bellas former rival's or the woman she loves."
Don't Call me Baby by swarley18 (Sara/Ava Lance, 16/16, 2022-01-30) - While schmoozing Star City’s elite at her husband’s fundraising gala, Sara meets a mysterious woman, who not only sweeps her off her feet, but will change her life in more ways than Sara could ever imagine. Ava returns to Star City after a lifetime away, hell bent on getting justice for her murdered parents, but her plan gets complicated when she starts to develop real feelings for one of her marks."
Avengers Injustice Heroes Among Us by HeroWitch (Thor & Kara Zor-El, Dinah Lance and Oliver listed as characters, 20/20, 2022-01-13) - (Injustice 2 MCU Arrowverse) Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy discover a new Earth where a Supergirl, Batman, and Superman exist. As Thor meets the new Kara, he must protect this Earth from the terrible Brainiac, but he don't know that an even more terrible danger is brewing and that could threaten the entire universe."
Cross Destination by GabbySaky (Felicity-centric, 59/59, 2022-01-29) - Felicity Smoak morou em Vegas desde que nasceu. Quando teve a oportunidade de fazer uma boa faculdade, ela foi para Starling e conheceu alguém que transformou sua vida. Ela se apaixonou, foi correspondida, e viveu feliz com o jovem mais cobiçado e rico de Starling City, mas tudo desmoronou e coisas realmente dolorosas a fizeram voltar para Vegas. Lá ela fez uma descoberta assustadora, mas ao mesmo tempo incrível, algo que mudaria sua vida para sempre. Depois de 6 anos ela estava de volta em Starling. Desesperada. Assustada. Fugindo para salvar a ela e aos seus filhos. E isso acarretará em reencontro, alguém que ela não pensava em reencontrar, não depois de tantos anos. Oliver Queen. Agora a mulher de expressivos olhos verdes-oliva terá que explicar o que houve com ela em todos aqueles anos que se passaram, o por que de ela fugir e por qual razão escondeu a existência de duas crianças, gêmeas, do pai. Ele vai querer saber de tudo e então descobrirá não só o perigo que cerca a mulher que ama e seus filhos, mas também coisas desastrosas que o magoará no processo."
The Proposal AU by Hera_avalancefan14 (Sara/Ava Sharpe, 10/10, 2022-01-17) - You read it right. This is one of my fave romcom movie and why not make this an AVALANCE AU. I made some moderation out of it. You know, to make it easy for you guys!"
It’s just an Echo (of All the Things I Hate About Me) by Ashes737 (Sara/Ava Sharpe, 14/14, 2022-04-23) - Sara Lance counts her time in the League of Assassins as one her greatest sins and most plaguing regrets. While there's no doubt her time spent training with the League has given her an edge as a Legend, it's ultimately a part of her past that she would like to keep buried, but when a young girl's plea for help draws Sara, Ava, and several of the Legends back into the League's influence, Sara will have to come to terms with the League of Assassin's role in shaping her life and who she has decided to make herself into without it. -or- When Sara, Ava, Charlie, and Constantine are called upon to save a young girl from the League of Assassin's influence, Sara must come to terms with what it means to re-enter the League and see just how far she's willing to go to escape it again."
When Two Worlds Collide by Sharpe_Lance (Sara/Ava Sharpe, 36/36, 2022-01-23) - EARTH: A dying planet that will eventually be unable to support human life, so ships are sent off into the cosmos to go in search of new planets. OSSORY: 4,000 years after a war between the Alphas, Omegas and the Betas where two factions tried to eradicate the Beta's the Ossarans are now facing extinction. For generations the number of births has declined. To save there race they send out Scientific Exploration Ships to search for compatible races that might be able to help. Will these two desperate races find each other in time? Will they be compatible? Find out When Two Worlds Collide
whoever, whenever, you are (you're alive) by red_banner (Nyssa/Sara, 4/4, 2022-01-08) - She hadn’t quite gotten the whole story; Ava clones looked as surprised as she had felt to wake up in a room collapsing around her. She was told of science and code and a plan about the universe and planets. Clone. She is Sara Lance’s clone and is built in such a way that the memories of Sara Lance’s life stand intact in a way that demand to be felt and owned by this… by whoever she is now. Not only that though because, apparently, there is already another Sara Lance clone; built only hours before her, one who had escaped only seconds before she woke up. or There is another Sara Lance clone and things get complicated. or How Nyssara can still win."
A Second Chance by writewithurheart (Tommy-centric, 21/21, 2022-01-24) - When Oliver finds Tommy in CNRI, he thinks he's too late and is forced to flee to avoid the cops. But Tommy is rescued from the rubble. He survives his injuries and decides to use his second chance to help people the way he always wanted to.
𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐘𝐄𝐃 || 𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 by salvatqre (several Arrow characters listed, 10/10, 2022-01-04) – no description
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theweekinarrowfic · 3 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, April 4-10, 2021
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Also, I'm looking for volunteers to test out my fic recommender! Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
You Are My Home by OlicityAddicted (11/11, 04 Apr 2021) - After being discharged from the Army, Oliver Queen struggles to survive, and is forced to live in the streets as a homeless man.; CEO Felicity Smoak gets mugged one day, but a kind man stops the thief and gives her back her purse. She discovers he's a homeless, and he doesn't want anything in return for his good action. Felicity decides to help him in any way she can.; With time, Oliver and Felicity slowly fall in love with each other.
Falling For You by ElasticMonk (6/6, 06 Apr 2021) - Oliver Queen catches feelings when watching fellow YouTuber Felicity Smoak in a video with his friend Sara Lance. Felicity catches feelings when she meets Oliver for the first time over coffee. Now it's just the matter of getting the pair to admit they want to do more than just shoot YouTube videos together.
Other Ships/Characters
My Brother’s Besfriend by ClashofShips (Laurel/Thea, 2/2, 05 Apr 2021) - Thea Queen gets anything and anyone she wants, including Laurel Lance. Her brother’s best friend.
Purgatory: Hunted by TheHood13 (Oliver & Slade & Shado, 5/5, 05 Apr 2021) - It's been 3 months since Oliver, Slade and Shado killed Fyers. They discover that someone... something is brutally killing and hunting the remainder of Fyers' men. It's not long before they realise that they will be next and that they too, will be hunted by this... Predator.
Relative Strengths by bluepulsebluepulse for Thursday26 (Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Dinah Lance, Felicity listed as characters, 6/6, 07 Apr 2021) - After Jaime starts experiencing troubles with Khaji Da, he finds it extremely difficult to balance his personal life, superhero career and secret feelings for Bart, all at once...
The New Battlefield by Buffyworldbuilder (no characters listed, Buffy the Vampire Slayer-centric but fic is set in Starling City, Felicity and team Arrow mentioned in summary, 13/13, 08 Apr 2021) - This is a grim crossover set in Starling City. The growing criminal element is attracting vampires and other evil entities. Willow senses a hellmouth may be developing. When she and Xander arrive, they both discover a surprising connection to Felicity. Their presence opens the Arrow team's eyes to what's really happening. Can they save the city before it's too late? No Oliver.; Warning: There are at least three characters' deaths in this chapter.; Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow or BTVS.
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theweekinarrowfic · 4 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, January 17-23, 2021
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Also, I'm looking for volunteers to test out my fic recommender! Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
Come back to me by flipflops (14/14, 22 Jan 2021) - Oliver Queen was shipwrecked for five years. He comes home to find his wife, the love of his life is about to marry another man. Oliver needs to rebuild his relationship with his wife, come to terms with his new life and try not to get anyone killed in the process...well, Adrian Chase can die as far as Oliver Queen is concerned...that dick wanted to marry MY WIFE!
Last Wish by smkkbert (15/15, 18 Jan 2021) - Oliver feels like his life is crumbling when his best friend reveals that she is sick. Desperate to help her through the toughest time of her life, Oliver puts all his energy in fulfilling the wishes on Felicity's bucket list. His hardest challenge - Felicity's last wish on the list is getting married.
Artemis by IWantColouredRain (35/35, 17 Jan 2021) - My name is Felicity Queen, née Smoak. For five years, I was stranded on a hellish island. I did terrible things, all to survive to come back to my husband and son. Now, I have returned. But to fulfil my father-in-law's dying request, I must become someone else. I must become something else.; S2 begins July 24th!
Other Ships/Characters
We will sink into a final coma and end it all by Dorthea (Iris West-centric, Felicity listed as character, 2/2, 20 Jan 2021) - Before she hides the plastic bag deep inside her closet. Throwing some old hoodie over it, hiding a part of her life away inside a box. Because right now, Barry can be nothing more than a memory.; A memory, just like her mother. Pushed to the back of her mind.; In the distance she hears Joe’s car pull up into the driveway. The old engine singing it’s last verse, and soon needs replacement. Replacement they might not be able to afford of Barry needs medical treatment for a longer period of time. Or if Barry never walks again, and they need to find a handicap friendly place to live. Or if Barry wakes up, but never really recovers. A constant, permanent, vegetative state. Leaving Iris and Joe to care for him for the rest of his life.; Iris wonders if Barry would want that. Being unable to do anything for himself ever again.; ***; Iris lays awake, thinking about Barry. And hoping he'll one day wake up. Insomnia's a bitch, btw.
Plane Crash. by Batwoman2019 (Kate Kane/Sophie Moore, Oliver/Felicity among side pairings, 5/5, 24 Jan 2021) - What would of happened if Julia had been the one to find the crash site first in the season two opener instead of Ryan and found the suit first. Can they find Kate and if they do will she be alive or will the city of Gotham lose their hero forever.
The City of Fallen Angels by Bl4ckHunter (Oliver/Faith Lehane, 5/5, 17 Jan 2021) - When Faith comes to investigate mysterious disappearances in Star City, she crosses paths with a certain Emerald Archer as they unveil a secret that shakes their beliefs.
all over me like a wine-stained dress by screaminghalfpastmidnight (Mia/Nora West-Allen, 10/10, 18 Jan 2021) - in the original Earth-1 timeline, Nora West-Allen helps her father punch the satellite with a plan in mind. Reeling off of the death of her best friend, Lia and then betrayal of her mother, her best friends, and her fiancé, Mia, Nora pays Eobard Thawne a visit and enlists his help in moving Crisis up a few years, therefore saving both her own father, and Oliver Queen. She knew it was a one-way trip. What she didn't know was that it would end up being so hard to follow through on her suicide mission, because she got a taste of what it was like to have a father, and to have her mother actually turn out to be pretty damn great.; OR; a short, season five rewrite where Nora is the all-knowing hero who is the reason Oliver could create Earth-Prime in the first place. Plus, some family fluff (no episode 17-20 barry-taking-nora-back-to-the-future BS), Iris West-Allen Love, and a little xstar because i wanted to.
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theweekinarrowfic · 4 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, October 25-31, 2020
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Also, I'm looking for volunteers to test out my fic recommender! Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
nothing this week
Other Ships/Characters
Emerald by RisingQueen2 (FallenQueen2) (Barry Allen/Kara Danvers/Oliver, 3/3, 31 Oct 2020) - Barry and Kara adore their anonymous client simply known as Emerald.; Chapter 3: Kinktober 2020 Day 31-Free Day
An Arrow Rewrite by Superchief5656 (Laurel/Oliver, 3/3, 31 Oct 2020) - In this Arrow rewrite everything was the same as the show until Else Worlds this a what if scenario where when Barry and Kara ran around the world to slow down time what if they destroyed the world and everyone dies but the Moniter saves Oliver and tells him he is going to send him back to when he just got back from the Island and he has to change some stuff and not get Felicity on team Arrow and barely ever talk to her only when necessary so no olicity also he will wipe his memory so he won’t easily beat every villain except for this event so he knows what will happen if he does not listen.
Find Your Way Home by stellarose (Sara/Ava Sharpe, 6/6, 30 Oct 2020) - Post Season-5. Sara's sudden return from being abducted surprises everyone, but not everything can be fixed as if by magic.
What Happens When The World Crumbles by frostedroyaltea (multifandom, no ships, several Arrow characters listed, 9/9, 26 Oct 2020) - And around them the world crumbled to ash.
Invasion! by actlikesummer (Barry Allen & Kara Danvers, Oliver & Felicity listed as characters, 14/14, 29 Oct 2020) - After her recent mind-trip, Kara is happy to get away and reclaim the good name that Supergirl brought her. But can the combined efforts of the Legends, Team Flash, Team Arrow, and two Avengers stop the impending alien invasion in Central City and save Earth-1?; Follows the Arrowverse crossover of the same name.
Every Journey Starts Somewhere by The_Hopefull_Pessimist (OFC-centric, several Arrow characters listed, 15/15, 26 Oct 2020) - Two years ago I left Gotham because I needed to become someone else, something else. A couple months ago I returned because after everything I did when I was gone I was still lost. Now I have a chance to do something completely new, become something completely new.
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theweekinarrowfic · 4 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, March 29-April 4, 2020
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
fall into your gravity by andachippedcup (2/2, 03 Apr 2020) - A Return to the "Broken Bones, Mended Hearts" Universe:; After getting released from Starling General Hospital, life for Felicity Smoak & Oliver Queen has been good. They're both healthy, their careers are thriving, and they're expecting a baby soon. While Oliver is gone on a business trip, he asks Donna to stay with Felicity for company. Every night, the couple count down the days until they're reunited and they read a bedtime story to their unborn child together.; For the Quarantine & Chill fic drive - 'Reunion' prompt.
I Can't Imagine Losing You by melicitysmoak (4/4, 28 Mar 2020) - "He thinks it’s cruel that she survived the ambush and a series of surgeries, and that she conquered paralysis and got to walk again due to the bio-stimulant chip, only to be subdued by a deadly virus. The threat of losing Felicity for good to the dreaded virus is making him lose control by the second." The tags speak for themselves.
It's Always Been You by Bre (6/6, 30 Mar 2020) - AU. Tonight is their ten year high school reunion and... "I need you to pretend we're dating."
Donna's Diner by melicitysmoak (7/7, 29 Mar 2020) - CEO-in-training Oliver Queen every now and then escapes from fast-paced city life and the pressures of corporate life to out-of-town weekends in Ivy Town, a small seaside community where people live simple, more laid-back lives. He frequents Donna's Diner whenever he's in town because he thinks that no other food place in the world he's seen so far serves fish 'n chips better than they do. One fine day in late spring, he meets an adorable blonde and finds another reason why his favorite diner feels more like home than Starling City. [Olicity AU]
We ended as lovers by smkkbert (13/13, 30 Mar 2020) - Three years ago, Felicity’s life was perfect. She was offered a job at two great companies. Her boyfriend just started his own fashion label, and they picked a perfect apartment to live in together. The more heartbroken she was when Oliver got cold feet and it all ended. Now, Felicity is coming back to Starling City, well aware that she is destined to run into her ex-boyfriend there. While old feelings revive quickly, the pain still goes deep. Besides, for some reason Oliver seems to be angry with her.
Other Ships/Characters
Do not let my fickle flesh go to waste by arrowsgirlfriday (Tommy/Felicity, 2/2, 28 Mar 2020) - It's one of those rare nights off for Tommy, and all he wants to do is go home, surprise his wife, and cook dinner. And when she's not there, he's not upset, he knows he shouldn't expect her to just mope around their home when she knows he's not gonna be home.; What he definitely does not expect is for her to not be able to open the door when she arrives.; or; Felicity finally confesses what's been going on between her and Oliver.
The Connection of Multiple Worlds by PirateDragon28 (OFC/OMC, team Arrow listed among characters, 9/9, 05 Apr 2020) - What if the stories from entertainment were alternate universes that lived separately each only dealing with their own problems. But in the future something horrible happens and the gods of all religions team up to save all the worlds; they create a hero that can eventually travel between all the dimensions to save them all. However a mistake is made and instead of sending the unborn hero to 2202 they are sent to 2002, the mistake is unchangeable so in the seconds it takes for the child to reach earth their parentage is changed to those of the greatest heroes alive at the time across the multiverse, so that the change in the past saves the future. Meanwhile the child itself will be living in the world where they are all simply TV shows; this world. A few months before its 18th birthday the conditions to allow entrance to Storybrooke, Maine to open to lead it to the first parents she must encounter on her journey. She will soon find that the stories were not 100 percent accurate and does not know all that will happen in each place.
Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow Infinity War by HeroWitch (team-centric, Oliver, Digg, Curtis, and Dinah Drake listed as characters, 9/9, 31 Mar 2020) - (Continued from "A Meeting of the Thunder") Against Thanos, who wants to exterminate half of the universe with the six Infinity Stones, Supergirl, Flash, Green Arrow, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy must join forces . Will all the assembled superheroes manage to thwart the plans of the Mad Titan?
10 Minutes to Curtain by impoeia (Kaldur'ahm/Tula, Oliver/Felicity among side pairings listed, 14/14, 31 Mar 2020) - He tries not to admit he's as stuck as the clock.; - "Some moments are nice, some are nicer, some are even worth writing about." - Charles Bukowski.
Sanctuary, Secrets, Sacrifice by Kayemen22 (Oliver/OFC, 29/29, 03 Apr 2020) - Katie and Oliver embark on a new journey together. One neither is sure they're ready for, but will face together. There was no time for mad men with neat magic tricks or secrets. How can two heroes find time to bring a life in this world while battling the criminals bold enough to come to their city? Love will be their greatest weapon...until that love is tested. Will they survive?
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theweekinarrowfic · 5 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, September 8-14, 2019
NOTE:  I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org/
Need more Arrow in your life?  Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
Dark Beauty by OliversMuse (19/19, 14 Sep 2019) - Meet Dr. Oliver Queen, local psychiatrist who specializes in PTSD due to his own experiences. He has finally settled into a normal life and his practice is going well. Then one day in walks Felicity Smoak, local mob boss. She is looking to change her ways, to escape the violence and death that has been her reality for far too long. She wants to change but her business keeps dragging her back to that dark place she is trying to escape. Can Dr. Queen see the light inside of her and help her change her ways??
and we're somehow caught up in a web of lies by inlovewithimpossibility (46/46, 14 Sep 2019) -  After their encounter with the Count and Moira's release from prison, Thanksgiving is upon the residents of Starling City but when an article arises in the gossip magazines that throws both Oliver and Felicity under scrutiny, the two of them somehow find themselves caught up in the most elaborate lie they've told. What was supposed to be a relaxing week at the Queen cabin in New Hampshire for Oliver and a week celebrating Hanukkah and Thanksgiving alone for Felicity turns into a week at the cabin of acting, the Queen women and bubbling not-so-platonic feelings.
Kerosene and Desire by SmoakingGreenArrow (5/5, 12 Sep 2019) - An Olicity Notebook AU with a darker twist.
Roll Over Beethoven by OhhMyyDarla (4/4, 12 Sep 2019) - Summary- Signing her name on the dotted line, she did what any other person would do. She Saved him.. she just hopes her husband agrees with what she did. Looks like the Queen Family has a new furry member.Adventures with Beethoven and the Queen FamilyI MPORTANT NOTE IN CHAPTER 4!!!
Run Away With Me by DMichelleWrites (15/15, 11 Sep 2019) - This is basically everything I hoped season 7 would be after the prison arc, but unfortunately we didn't get to see it.Join Oliver, Felicity, their friends, and family as they navigate their lives together post-Slabside. They really can have it all. Watch them balance being heroes, parents, and still manage to hold down day to day jobs. Enjoy their slice of maximum domesticity, and take a peek into their home life together with their four children. Part 7 of Hiatus Drabbles
The Cheese Festival by cruzrogue (2/2, 10 Sep 2019) - Ray Palmer invites the Queens to his home up on the mountains to do some business. The town is having their annual Cheese Festival and they have booked a double room suite but unknown to Oliver and Felicity, Thea cancels and all rentals are booked solid she even has Ray and his fiancé Anne agreeing to happily house them for a few nights. Prompt: Only one bed/hammock- Olicity summer sizzler bingo card 1. Part 4 of Who Knew?!?
Felicity the Vampire Slayer by KimBug (12/12, 10 Sep 2019) - Felicity Smoak had a plan: graduate from Starling Prep with honours, go to MIT, start a tech company that will change the world. But that was before a stranger she meets at a bus stop tells her there are vampires out there and she’s the only one who can stop them.A vampire slayer AU based on the 1992 movie Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
1 8 1 3 by Vixx2pointOh (2/2, 09 Sep 2019) - Trapped in a loveless marriage, Felicity had resigned herself to a life of avoiding her husband and pretending to enjoy needlepoint. When a journey to accompany the dreadful man presented itself, she never considered she might meet a man worth falling in love with and risking it all. Part 1 of A Picture Tells
Other Ships/Characters
Walk You Down The Aisle (One Shot) by abcsupercorp (Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Oliver listed as character, 2/2, 14 Sep 2019) - Oliver has an offer for Kara. Lena asks something from Alex. "I already talked to Lena about it, and she's okay with it, in fact, she thinks it's a wonderful idea. So, Kara Zor El Danvers, as your best friend, and brother. I would like to offer to walk you down the aisle" Oliver told her. "Alex, you're my future sister-in-law, but before that, you were my family more than Lex or Lillian ever could be" She began, She saw Alex's eyes water, she knows, "I talked to Kara and she thinks it's a wonderful idea.. " she said, "Alex, I choose you to walk me down the aisle"  Part 12 of The SuperCorp Kiddos! Part 1 of Arrowverse Trio
I Told A Star by Vert (Flurkin) (Oliver & Thea, 3/3, 12 Sep 2019) - Thea Queen knew her brother was alive. She just never expected him to pop up, staring at his gravestone. Or... You know. Pop up at her house, period. I don't own Arrow: I can barely keep my Social Studies notes straight, forget a TV show! Part 2 of Different Encounters
In family we trust by Bl4ckHunter(Laurel/Oliver, 9/9, 11 Sep 2019) - When someone from family becomes chased by darkness, how far would the rest of the family go to protect them?  Part 31 of The Dar(h)k War Saga
A Tale of Lost Souls by Bl4ckHunter (Matt Murdock/Elektra Natchios, Sara/Oliver as side pairing, 11/11, 10 Sep 2019) - Team Arrow joins Sara in New York as they and new allies face a deadly alliance between their dangerous enemies, while struggling with a decision, whether certain people can be redeemed.
Reality Checks and Ignorance by bubbly_turtle333 (Thea-centric, 2/2, 09 Sep 2019) - When Ollie was away, Thea thought she had it bad. She has no idea what he went through.  Part 1 of The Ollie They Lost Isn’t The One They Found
Flash, Amigo o Enemigo by Vengador_Dragon (Barry Allen/Kara Danvers, several Arrow characters listed, 45/45, 09 Sep 2019) - Con la llegada de los dominadores Barry recurre a sus amigos para apoyarlo, pero tras saber de Flashpoint todos desconfían de él salvo Oliver, Kara, Wally, Iris, Felicity, Joe y HR. Barry y Kara empiezan una relación en todo esto y ambos acuerdan irse a Tierra-38 cuando los venzan, Oliver va a tratar de mantener a su amigo en Tierra-1, ¿Pero podrán lograrlo con Sativar iniciando su ascenso a Dios? Part 1 of Enfrentando al destino
Harry Potter and the Shadow of the Demon by ArlyssTolero (Harry Potter-centric, several Arrow characters listed, 19/19, 09 Sep 2019) - A mad plan two decades in the making has finally come to fruition and Ra's al Ghul, formerly Harry Potter, awakens in his 14-year-old body, intent on cleansing the Light and the Dark of those corrupting them. To do so, he becomes The Phoenix, and soon discovers that there is a new responsibility on his shoulders: to lead the magical equivalent of the League of Assassins.
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theweekinarrowfic · 5 years
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, May 12-25, 2019
NOTE:  I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org/
Need more Arrow in your life?  Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers? (Two-week post because I was traveling for a job interview last weekend!)
Star Stuff by imfallingforyoureyes102 (2/2, 25 May 2019 ) - “The nitrogen in our DNA,” Felicity pauses, her eyes turned to the ceiling as if in thought, “the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood,” Oliver’s turns away from the window to face her, “The carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star stuff. You are made of star stuff." Felicity’s face is wide open, just like she has always been with him, and for a second Oliver thinks – no, he believes, without a doubt, that if he is made of stars, Felicity is the sun. (Or, Walter Steele doesn't really know what to think of his stepson's budding relationship with his executive assistant - he doesn't want to think about what it means. But then he happens upon Oliver on the verge of falling into the darkest corners of his mind and watches as Felicity slowly and surely pulls him back to the light.) Part 5 of On the Outside Looking In
Oliver the //pseudo// Artist by Vixx2pointOh (6/6, 22 May 2019) - Despite Oliver's intentions to recreate the habitat of a sloth, his 13yo sister had somehow convinced him to drive her in the middle of the day to what seemed like a deserted high school.He ends up in an art class, where he gets more than he bargained for. Part 11 of Oliver The ...
Tu n'es plus seul by Amelia_Queen (8/8, 22 May 2019) - Depuis son retour de l’île, Oliver a trouvé une très mauvaise solution pour gérer ses émotions. C’est un secret de plus que sa famille ne doit surtout pas découvrir.
A Shot in the Dark by OliversMuse (3/3, 21 May 2019) - Part of the Silent Killer's series. Oliver and Felicity try to solve the case of a mother that was shot in her car on the way to work. Part 3 of Silent Killers
The Microchip Chronicles by CSM (10/10, 20 May 2019) - Post 713. Follows the next nine months of Felicity’s pregnancy.
What was my daddy like? by melicitysmoak (8/8, 16 May 2019) - [Future Spec Fic, takes off from the Season 7 flashforwards, canon until 7x16 only]Mia Smoak grows up without ever knowing her father, Oliver Queen, also known as the Green Arrow. She loves her mother, Felicity Smoak, and secretly admires her, but their relationship is rocky. They get separated like before, but this time Mia is afraid that her mom is in real danger, so she sets off to find her. In an unexpected turn of events, she meets her half-brother William and his companions, who are also trying to unravel the mystery of Felicity's apparent demise and why the genius wife of the former Green Arrow brought them all together after almost two decades. Mia has been isolated for most of her young life, but the few relationships she makes helps her put together the puzzle pieces of what her father was like. It's up to her to decide what to make of it all.
The last time they're together by CaptainSammyAngel (2/2, 13 May 2019) - Oliver and Felicity are on borrowed time... the time to honor the deal with the monitor has come and this is how they spend their last night together. Part 4 of Mia's journey
Felicity Takes a Holiday by BstnStrg13 (25/25, 12 May 2019) -  Frustrated by Oliver's apparent indifference, Felicity takes a solo trip to NYC where she meets with unexpected dangers. Is it super-soldiers amped up on Mirakuru, or Beasts created by Muirfield? Starts at the end of Season 2; a story of how Oliver comes to realize that he is in love with Felicity, told with help from CW's Beauty and the Beast and a whole lot of Diggle.
Other Ships/Characters
Starting Something by justafandomfollower (team-centric, 13/13, 23 May 2019) - Oliver Queen returns to Star City with the intent to right his father’s wrongs and stop the poison that has infiltrated his city. He doesn’t need to deal with Superman getting upset about his methods and he doesn’t expect the allies he makes along the way. Part 1 of The Justice League
The Canary's Legacy by Bl4ckHunter (8/8, 22 May 2019) -  Sara gets thrown into an alternate future as she copes with unsettling truth.
unexpectations by brandywine421 (Matt Murdock/Oliver, 2/2, 21 May 2019) - "Do I have to?" Matt asked, dragging his feet behind Foggy and Theo and their mom. Five years in, he should consider Anna his mom, but that would mean he had to consider Ed his dad and he already had a dad. "We paid for your PSATs so you have to suffer the consequences of your grade," Anna replied, entirely too cheerily. He didn't think that was totally fair but the mandatory soul-bond test for college applicants wasn't fair either. Apparently his grade meant he was going to go to college, but still - today sucked. "Aren't you excited to meet yours? I'm totally stoked to meet mine," Foggy beamed - Matt knew what 'beaming' sounded like, Foggy had been his best friend longer than he'd been his brother. Matt would never beam. *AU for everything ever. Matt & Oliver are reluctant soulmates - at first.
Karry Universe: Hunt for the Totems by KarryBeta; KarryMaster (Barry Allen/Kara Danvers, side pairing Alex Danvers/Sara, 16/16, 19 May 2019) - With someone after the totems its up to the Justice League to find them and to find the people destined to wear them. Part 9 of Karry Universe
Nightmare by molmcmahon (Harry Potter/Oliver, 6/6, 18 May 2019) - 5 Times Someone Finds Out about Harry and Oliver and 1 Time Someone Already Knew. Part 2 of Devil's Verse
Dear Friend, by Ray_Writes (Laurel/Oliver, 9/9, 16 May 2019) - When Felicity decides to get serious about Ray, she knows it won’t be a good idea for Oliver to be hanging around. So she turns to the world of online dating to keep him distracted. Unknown to the both of them, over the summer Joanna had set Laurel up with an online dating account in the hopes that her friend could move on from past failed relationships. There’s only one way this can end.
Secrets, Lies and Superheroes by laxit21 (Bucky Barnes/Felicity, 90/90, 12 May 2019) - Being a vigilante (or on the team of one) is complicated enough. When Oliver, Felicity and Diggle rescue Lyla from a Russian gulag, Felicity’s life gets even more complicated. Months later, after the fall of SHIELD, one of those complications comes knocking on her door. You can find me on Tumblr at: laxit21.tumblr.com
Selling Your Reason (Will Not Bring You Through) by backinthebox (Nyssa/Sara, 4/4, 12 May 2019) - "I heard you disbanded the League." "My father's League had been tainted, so yes." Nyssa allowed, even if she held back the question of who had informed Sara, since information on her well-being was apparently not among the things Oliver Queen and his ilk were sharing with Sara. Instead she returned, "I heard you've been busy saving the world." Part 2 of Holy Water Cannot Help You Now
High School and Heroes by violetwolfraven (Dinah Drake/Laurel, 2/2, 12 May 2019) - In a High School AU, Dinah Drake develops a crush on the new nerdy girl, Laurel. Navigating their friends’ disfunctional romances and school life in general, there is a lot of drama.
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habibialkaysani · 7 years
fic meme
tagged by: well technically no one but I saw @anonymous033​ do this and I thought it would be a fun way to procrastinate some more. I’m going to change things up a bit, though, and do either the first two sentences or the first paragraph, whichever is longer.
rules: list the first lines of your last 20 stories (or however many you have altogether). see if there are any patterns. then, tag your favorite authors.
1. “Oliver… Oliver,” Felicity says softly, “I - show me where it hurts. And I’ll make it okay.”
Oliver reaches out, hand scrabbling until he finds her wrist. “Just… tell me that you’ll stay. With me. For now.” 
Tell Me That You’ll Stay (Oliver/Felicity; T)
2. “John, it’s - it - it - it’s over for me. I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m shutting everything down.”
Felicity watches as Oliver winces in pain. 
Show Me Where it Hurts (will you make it okay?) (Oliver/Felicity; T)
3.  (The dawn is just beginning to break, bright threads of white light appearing in the dark blue sky, illuminating the LOFT with a soft glow. BARRY and IRIS are in bed, and IRIS - clad in one of BARRY’s t-shirts - is regarding him sympathetically, one hand going up to his bare chest.)
The Highway of Regret (Iris/Barry; T)
4. The taste of herself is strange on Iris’s tongue; somehow she’s grown unused to it after Eddie died and the taste is unusual, a sharp sweetness that she licks away from Barry’s tongue in a messy open-mouthed kiss. It’ll take getting used to, like a lot of things, but she’s not exactly complaining when Barry’s gazing at her like she hung the stars in the night sky herself.
Heartbeat (Iris/Barry; E)
5.  It’s the middle of the night when Iris sighs, turning on her side, wishing she could sleep. Barry’s hand is on her bare hip and he’s asleep on her shoulder, but when she moves he begins to stir, and inwardly Iris groans, then holds her breath as she waits for Barry to wake up.
A Thousand Trials (Iris/Barry; M)
6.  The sound of Oliver and Mckenna leaving makes Tommy look up briefly from where he’s standing near the dying candles in the dining room as he watches Laurel waving them away. She shuts the door behind them, making her way over to Tommy, just as he blows out the candle so the flickering flames extinguish.
Glass Over the Flame (Tommy/Laurel; E)
7.  The dawn is just beginning to break when Nyssa steps out of the bathroom, and Laurel watches as she stops for a moment to watch the silver threads of light appear in the sky through the window. Outside, the adhaan begins, sounding almost musical as it rouses worshippers in the early morning. Laurel’s not used to it, even after having served in Beirut, but she decides she likes it. She’s always been an early riser anyway, and there’s something about the way Nyssa sighs contentedly, pulling Laurel’s kimono more firmly around her, that tugs unexpectedly at Laurel’s heartstrings.
Surrender (Laurel/Nyssa; E)
8.  (The elevator of the BUNKER reaches the right floor, with LAUREL inside. She’s clad in her Black Canary gear, twirling her bo-staff in her hand absent-mindedly, the other hand holding her mask, and when the doors open she’s greeted with the sound of punches on a sparring dummy. She walks in and finds DIGGLE, bare chest shiny with sweat, punching the dummy.)
Resurrected Siblings (Laurel-centric; G)
9.  The sound of raindrops splattering against the window wakes Barry with a start. He smiles, though, because of the arm wrapped around his waist and the leg curled around his right ankle.
Raindrops (Iris/Barry; M)
10. BARRY: To things not being normal.
OLIVER (lifting his bottle): To life being full.
A Gift (Iris-centric; T)
11. Iris shivers as she quietly shuts the door of the bathroom behind her, wishing she had put on more than just Barry’s shirt when she’d gotten up a few minutes ago. She tiptoes back to their new bed, not wanting to wake Barry, but when she comes back inside the bedroom she finds Barry is awake, looking out of the window.
The Light of the Sunrise (Iris/Barry; M) 
12.  LAUREL: Whatever happens - I still need you in my life. Always will. OLIVER: We’ve gone through too much together for it to be any other way.
I Don’t Deserve Your Love (but you give it to me anyway) (Oliver/Laurel; G)
13. “I love you, Barry Allen,” Iris tells him, arms still around his neck, and her eyes are alight with something warm and bright.
Barry smiles back, making Iris’s heart soar, as he replies immediately, “I love you, Iris West.”
All For You (Iris/Barry; E)
14.  “God, I’ve missed you,” Barry murmurs to her after they surface from another lovely long kiss. They’re on Iris’s couch, and Iris is straddling Barry’s lap, knees locking him into place.
One Day (Iris/Barry; G)
15. The sound of the shower running greets Oliver as he pads barefoot across the cold tiles of his bathroom floor.
“Hey,” he calls, and he can’t see her face yet but he doesn’t need to; he can hear the smile in Laurel’s voice as she replies.
My Sweet Dream (Oliver/Laurel; E)
16. It’s late, almost eleven o’clock, when Iris finally gets to her feet and says she’s going home.
“‘Kay, honey,” Joe says, stifling a yawn with his hand.
Stay (Iris/Barry; G)
17.  It’s a little after ten p.m. when Iris walks up the street to the Wests’ house and opens the door. The streetlamp flickers a little behind her, and the sky is clear save for a thin sheet of cloud that half-conceals the moon. She shuts the door carefully behind her. She wants to surprise Barry – she knows her dad isn’t in (she just saw him working late at the precinct) and Wally’s out with Jesse, she’s pretty sure.
Release (Iris/Barry; E)
18. “We don’t have to,” Laurel says, but she doesn’t move from her position on her bed, her knees anchoring Oliver into place on her bed as she straddles him.
Ollie shakes his head.
You and Me Against the World (Oliver/Laurel; E)
19.  The tears are still in Iris’s eyes when she knocks on Barry’s door tentatively, phone still in hand. Hastily she wipes her eyes just before Barry opens the door to her.
Moving On (Iris/Barry; G)
20.  The living room is warm, the couch cosy beneath her, the wine they’re drinking sweet on Iris’s tongue. She meets his eyes, smiles, and there’s something beautiful about the way his eyes light up in the glow of the candles around them that makes it hard for her to speak.
Kiss Me (like you want to be loved) (Iris/Barry; M)
patterns: um, idk? I like describing settings, but I also like starting a fic medias res. I’m not sure what is more effective tbh. also my nsfw fics thankfully don’t start off nsfw, for the most part, so there’s nothing cringey in here, thank god. also somehow I started writing olicity again, like, whut?
tagging: @yellowflicker09011996 @starklinqs @jeffersonjaxson @karasunovolleygays @crollalanzaa and anyone else who wants to do it - go for it, and say I tagged you. :D
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