sequencefairy · 10 months
Happy Birthday!! I hope the next year is filled with magic, cake and travel!
Thank you!!! 😊 yesterday was a v good day.
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lastbluetardis · 4 months
Happy Birthday! ✨💖✨
Thank youuuuuuu!!! 🥳💜
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skyler10fic · 8 months
Nine people you'd like to know better
I was tagged by @onthedriftinthetardis! Thanks, friend!
Three ships
Carol x Daisy
Tentoo x Rose / Ten x Rose
Phil Coulson x Melinda May
First ship
Anne Shirley x Gilbert Blythe
Last song
Rush, Troye Sivan
Currently reading
Red Lip Theology by Candice Marie Benbow
Last film
Currently Craving
More free time. It's Sunday night while I'm writing this and I really need another day to get chill and relax and play. I'm excited for everything coming up this week and throughout February, but there's also a lot of pressure on me to get done everything I need to, and that means I need good rest and can't try to sneak in Revenge Bedtime Procrastination and sacrifice that healthy rest.
Tagging: @kelkat9 @zoebelle9 @tinyconfusion @stupidsatsuma @paigenotblank @eb-fanficfan-1458 @scarletquake-n7 @marvel-and-moor @pellaaearien
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lostinfic · 8 months
Nine people you'd like to know better
I was tagged by @wordsintimeandspace, thanks friend!
Three ships
Currently: Cesare/Lucrezia. Still dear to me: Hardy/Hannah and Doctor/Rose.
First ship
Possibly Luke/Lorelai from Gilmore Girls, soon to be followed by Rory/Jess. Also possibly Rachel/Joey from Friends.
Last song
outsiders by Jean-Michel Blais, a very dream-like piano piece
Currently reading
Song of the Nile by Stephanie Dray and many things about Central American politics and culture.
Last film
Last Night in Soho, it was not the kind of movie I expected but I enjoyed it nonetheless
Currently Craving
Anything that will make me feel like The Borgias do? I need more fanfics like I need oxygen.
Let's see [looks through latests notes on posts]... I'm tagging @useyourtelescope, @kelkat9, @fleurdeneuf, @scattyuk @zoebelle9 @littletimorousbeastie @saturninesunshine if you want to 💚
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redprotons · 9 months
Thanks everyone ❤❤❤
Thank you so much @tenroseforeverandever, @shadowtiel, @consultingsnowqueen, @magewriter, @parallelunivrses, @goddessyonakuromatoki, @oceanasky, @zoebelle9, @wtungsten, @MerryweatherWho, @nargle01 for the lovely christmas cards!
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oceanasky · 8 months
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Thank you for all the cards! (And stickers, bracelets, and tea!) They brought a smile to my face all throughout the holidays :) @paralleluniverses @tenroseforeverandever @consultingsnowqueen @shinycupcakebaker @9and9only @merryweatherwho @magewriter @wtungsten @blueboxesandtrafficcones @zoebelle9
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I hope you all got the TARDIS cards I sent :) Possibly overly ambitious to print out and color 20 little TARDIS sketches....
Anyway, my hand was too tired after addressing/ writing the interior to add in an explanation that the piece of paper I included was a double-sided scan of coloring pages from a Doctor Who coloring book I have. I found coloring the cards fun, so I thought I'd give you the opportunity to have some coloring fun too!
Warmest wishes for 2024 <3
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draco9236 · 2 years
Today was literally Christmas where the @dwfandomcardexchange was concerned.
The lovely snowflakes card from @zoebelle9 😍 and @maxtennant I just adore your reindeer themed Christmas card. There are even reindeers on the socks - I love it!
Thank you @consultingsnowqueen for an AMAZING Star Wars card!!! A. STAR WARS. Card!!! I mean... for real?! My inner nerd is jumping in joy and starting to brag about it amongst my family 😬🤩
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So yesterday I was super mad and fed up on my work just coz of those stupid solvent girls wanted to give free shumai that led me to move to a faraway place aka my second workplace again. I don't deserve this crap and almost all of my fella tenants except my new workmate are assholes and betrayed me coz of this! I just need a rest until I will come back to work again by next week! 😖😭
But as soon as I done my lunch, some more lovely cards from the recent @dwfandomcardexchange are already delivered to ease the traumatic pain that caused to me. These are so cute! Anyways shout outs to @benty67, @zoebelle9, @sunniebelle, @shadowtiel and @lastbluetardis for these! These belated Xmas cards make me fill with pure ease and comfort in these troubled times and I really owe to it. Till the next fandom card exchange! 🥰
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sunniebelle · 2 years
Thank you to everyone who has sent Christmas cards with the dwfandomcardexchange! They are beautiful!
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@paralleluniverses @benty67 @9and9only @deicticity (I'm sorry, I don't know why it won't let me tag you) @blueboxesandtrafficcones @zoebelle9 @wildchildamandaa @draco9236 @consultingsnowqueen @joi-in-the-tardis @shadowtiel @tenroseforeverandever @redprotons
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parallelunivrses · 2 years
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thanks so much for the cards and goodies! I hope everyone is having a safe and warm December :)
[ID: 9 holiday cards with various holiday and winter motifs, include snowflakes, trees, snowmen, birds, and holiday characters. End ID]
thanks so much @zoebelle9 @9and9only @benty67 @sunniebelle @blueboxesandtrafficcones @deicticity @wildchildamandaa @consultingsnowqueen @tenroseforeverandever @dwfandomcardexchange
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lastbluetardis · 2 years
I’ve received so many lovely Christmas cards over the past few weeks 😍 Thank you so so so much to:
I opened them all at once and basked in the joy and glitter 😍
I swear my cards will be on their way soon, I’ve just gotten insanely busy with the end of the semester and students freaking out about their final exam a d final grades 😂 Now that the final is over and I’m on winter break, I can finally write all my cards and send them out!
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shadowtiel · 3 years
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I finally had time to settle down and bring out my Christmas decorations while watching favorite holiday cartoons! Thank you to all in the @dwfandomcardexchange group for all these Christmas cards! You guys are absolutely wonderful! 💕 I hope everyone has been having a wonderful holiday season and realllly hoping for a better year in 2022!
@lastbluetardis @joi-in-the-tardis @lizann5869 @benty67 @wildchildamandaa @untamedwaywardson @9and9only @thedoctorofsteel @sunniebelle @shinycupcakebaker @tenroseforeverandever @parallelunivrses @zoebelle9 @magewriter @consultingsnowqueen
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skyler10fic · 9 months
tagging meme
Tagged by @sequencefairy! Thanks!
last song: Underneath the Tree, Kelly Clarkson
favorite color: Purple
last movie/show: Watching a sapphic holiday rom com short film, Aging Out. I'm not sure I recommend it, but it's good to have more regardless of bad scripts. haha
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet!
relationship status: single
last thing I googled: the title of the video above to find it haha
current obsession: The Marvels, my WIP, holiday tea
tag 9 people: @onthedriftinthetardis @isolus-girl @galiifreyrose @fleurdeneuf @joi-in-the-tardis @saecookie @wordsintimeandspace @moonofendor @zoebelle9
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dwficfinder · 5 years
Hi there! I've been searching high and low for a fic (I'm pretty sure on AO3) its a fic about dimension-hopping Rose finds the Tenth Doctor except its not /her/ Doctor. It's a Dark!Doctor. He confiscates her jacket (a leather jacket she used to jump worlds) because she's not 'in their data base' and Earth is slightly futuristic 'cause Timelords are alive and some are given a world to 'look after' and he kind of 'keeps her' He takes her on dinner dates etc I've been looking everywhere. Thank you!
Could this be The Price of Victory by Artist369? ~pyf
It’s Burn With Me, by @kelkat9.  (I feel like I should’ve known that - ::forehead slap!!::)
Thanks, zoebelle9!
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joi-in-the-tardis · 5 years
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I figure most of these have been sitting in my mailbox for a while- sorry!
The first wave of @dwfandomcardexchange​ cards! 
My thanks to @ladydiomede​, @parallelunivrses​, @zoebelle9, @shadowtiel​, @notthatmelody​, @9hiddenshallows​, @benty67​, @creativebec​
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chocolatequeennk · 5 years
Very late replies
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@creativebec replied to your post “I’m feeling tired and alone. Smokey has only improved to a point and...”
Gosh I wish you lived in Australia where pet insurance is very inexpensive. People can be real sh***y. Sorry you had to experience that Nancy. Give Smokey cuddles for me X
Thank you. I know that people do Dr. Google and try to find home remedies, but all I wanted was some first hand experience to aid in my research. Oh well...
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@zoebelle9 replied to your post “I’m feeling tired and alone. Smokey has only improved to a point and...”
Hey, Im sorry you got sh** for asking opinions on stuff. I’ve been going through a tough few months with my cat as well, I don’t know if this is for all cats, or just diabetic ones, but one of the things I need to do when she’s not eating, is put this goo she’s been prescribed miratax(sp?) in her ear, it stimulates her appetite. I have also been giving her subcutaneous fluids myself, also prescribed. Maybe one of these things could be a thing to ask for your kitty to get her to eat..?
Mirataz! Smokey’s gotten that, but it seemed to stop working. And her ears are irritated right now. :/ So I got the pill version, and it is definitely helping. Thanks for convincing me to not give up on it.
Subq fluids are the #1 treatment for kidney disease. Smokey hates them, but she tolerates it long enough for me to get her daily dose of fluids in. And yes, if we miss more than a day, her appetite gets even worse.
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@paigenotblank replied to your post “I’m feeling tired and alone. Smokey has only improved to a point and...”
So sorry you were treated that way. I am by no means an expert, but I do have a house full of geriatric dogs and if you ever need an ear, you can always feel free to reach out to me. I am always willing to listen, whether you want to vent or ask questions or just need someone to talk to Smokey about I am here for you!
<3 Thank you. Sometimes I just need to vent. This is so exhausting.
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@pir8grl replied to your post “I’m feeling tired and alone. Smokey has only improved to a point and...”
Hey...we don't all have unlimited funds. Asking for advice is totally legit. {{hugs}}
Exactly. I can’t afford to try random drugs without knowing it’s actually worked for someone. 
Thank you, friends. <3
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