#one day ill get moneys and you will all be my kittens
sixthcav · 1 year
i despise being from a third world country so much because theres so many really cool artist i want to buy from/commission so so badly but i could never afford their prices. not because they overcharge; quite the opposite i think some people undervalue themselves so much. but my currency is worth next to nothing so $5 is a lot to me
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esleep · 2 months
i am having the most ridiculously, cartoonishly bad day that i think i have ever had and i am going to be pitiful about it for a minute okay. if you read this i hope it makes your day seem much better by comparison, in fact i am pretty confident it will do that for you. it's probably a little funny also if you are not me.
testimonials: "my jaw fully dropped and stayed open the entire time, jesus christ" -shannon in reply to the 3+ minute rambling video i sent her about all of this.
here is my sordid tale, for those brave of heart and strong of stomach.
i woke up at 4 AM while having both a migraine and an anxiety attack (being around my family for extended periods will do that). i was unable to go back to sleep for multiple hours. my morning work alarm went off less than an hour after i finally drifted back off.
at work i spent 10 hours trying to catch up on a bunch of bullshit, because it was my first day back after a week and a half of hastily-arranged sick leave so i could be with my dying grandfather.
midway through my morning, i remember that last night i found a weird open sore on the back of my cat's neck, which i need to call a vet to get checked out IMMEDIATELY after work since i am supposed to be bringing a kitten home on Sunday and I do not want to bring him into a house full of ringworm or some other weird skin infection.
i start looking around online. looks like the only place anywhere nearby that will accept walk-ins AND is open after i get off work at 6 is the veterinary urgent care across town. cool. i call. they tell me their base exam cost is $110 and any treatments go on top of that. i wince and grimly make an appointment for 7 this evening.
at this point it is around noon and my stomach hurts. it's been hurting this whole time but i had kinda let it fade into the background because i thought it was just part of the anxiety. however it has been getting slowly stronger until it finally dawns on me that i am having period cramps. ten days early. cool and nice. i also do still have the migraine, thank you for asking.
i finish my work day at 6, then remember something crucial: rent. i go to bring my rent check physically to the landlord's office since i got back into town too late to mail it, and my landlord is so old school i can only pay by physical check or money order (online portal? never heard of her). the office is already closed, and they don't have a night drop available right now because their actual office was firebombed six months ago (lmao) and it's still being rebuilt so their temporary "office" is just a trailer. i panic-call my landlord, who says i can leave the check if i can manage to stuff it far enough into the door that no one can see it. i try my best. this takes a million years. the entire time i am worrying that i will be late to the vet.
we finally make it to the appointment. things seem to be going well at first - we are alone in the waiting room while i fill out my paperwork, ivy is mostly chill (shockingly). when we are brought to a room she even lets me feed her a churu through her carrier door, a decision i soon came to deeply regret. we'll get to that.
this is the first vet i've ever been to where they fully take your animal away from the "exam room" where you are supposed to wait and into a back area to examine and treat them, presumably because their protocol is built around much more severe illnesses and traumas. predictably, ivy did not like this very much. i nervously told the tech who took her away that if they had too much trouble with her, they were welcome to come and get me, because she usually behaves more for me than for anyone else. i can hear her yowling from the room where i have been told to wait, while i am staring down a sign that says "FOR YOUR SAFETY - PLEASE STAY HERE WHILE WE EXAMINE YOUR PET". it may be a liability thing for them, idk, but it is truly not my safety i am concerned about at this moment. it's not my cat's safety, either. those yowls are war cries. the beast seeks blood.
the vet comes in. he seems like a nice man. he tells me gently that he's having some trouble getting a good look at the sore because ivy is so upset (you don't say). i tell him i am happy to help them corral her, but also, i have a photo of it on my phone if he would like to look at that. he is delighted. i show him the blurry photo i took last night. he is less delighted. essentially, he tells me, this is most likely either an allergy flare-up, an infection/abscess, or possibly (least likely) ringworm. we agree on a three-pronged approach: one antibiotic shot and one steroid shot tonight, plus a tube of ointment to come home with me that i will apply once or twice a day ("whatever you can manage" he told me while nervously glancing at the door that separates us from my pet demon in the treatment room). this ointment contains more steroid and antibiotic, plus an anti-fungal, and it should help kick whatever is going on even if we can't positively identify it. he says if it gets worse or doesn't heal, or if she develops more of them, bring her back.
next to come in is a slightly wild-eyed vet tech who tells me that ivy has been attacking them all pretty badly (shocking) so they had to net her (okay that's a new one). during this process, she shit liquid diarrhea all over herself and them. after they gave her the necessary injections and tossed her from the net back into the carrier, "the poop went in with her" were the tech's exact words. she handed me a cloth and a spray bottle of disinfectant and basically told me i could stay in here as long as i needed to get the carrier cleaned up, but she couldn't stay in the room to help me because my cat is such a menace to society. that is fine. i would rather face her wrath on my own anyway.
they were not exaggerating when they told me she was absolutely covered in shit. that churu really lubricated the pipes or something because it is a frankly concerning amount of feces. her bed and blanket inside the carrier are beyond redemption. i don't really care too much about that - i've owned cats for two decades, i am wise enough not to keep anything i'm emotionally attached to inside the carrier. i am also not very squeamish about cleaning up a little poop. but what really gets to me this time is the smell. it is absolutely unholy. this is not regular cat shit smell, this is like satan's afterbirth. beyond just what's in the carrier, there is shit matted into ivy's fur all throughout her back half and a little toward the front too. she looks pitiful. but she walks out of the carrier so calmly when i open the door, almost like she's trying to preserve what dignity she can. i don't blame her. she's had a bad night.
i do what i can with the carrier to make it transportable, then go out to pay the staggering $365 that i owe for this ongoing nightmare. it is now nearly 9 pm. we've been here for two hours. i am exhausted like someone who has been to war. the extremely young boy they have running the front desk takes forever to figure out how to apply my Scratchpay (which i had to hastily apply for in the exam room), and meanwhile the smell that is coming off both me and my cat is like nothing i have ever experienced. it's freshly shocking to me every time i inhale. it's the kind of smell you never really acclimate to. i am pretty sure i have actually died and gone to hell without noticing the trip.
i bring the cat home (windows down, by necessity, praying it doesn't start raining again like it has been all day). i take her directly to the bathtub - do not pass go, do not collect $200. then i have the joy and privilege of giving her a bath in the tub. with dish soap. because that is all i have available and this is a bit too much of an emergency for me to doordash some cat shampoo. considering my cat's temperament, this goes about as well as you can imagine. by the end, the cat and i are pretty much equally wet, but at least she is mostly clean. i consider showering myself off while fully clothed, but decide against it for the sake of my bra, which is somehow the only thing still dry and untouched.
i am still a little bit in shock at how absolutely horrendous and LONG every aspect of this day has been. i need a xanax, $10,000 USD, a massage, and a handle of whiskey. i will be receiving none of that. goodnight.
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interpidcaptain · 2 years
First Date: Part 1/??
I'm very proud of this, for this being my first snzfic on tumblr.
Summary: James is going out with a doctor, Doctor Matthew J. Edward. However, he gets sick, but he doesn't want to cancel on the guy. Plus, he's experienced in this thing.
Pairing: mlm
Content: illness, mess, mention of contagion, sneezing (obviously), coughing
James, the catboy with cat ears, cat eyes, cat fur, and a cat tail, and the one who'd been classified as a freak in his youth, was on his way to the restaurant he was supposed to go to so he could meet up with his date. He'd gotten lonely, so he'd downloaded a dating app. He'd been matched up with a doctor.
Ironic, since he'd started sniffling and sneezing the very day they were supposed to meet up. Here he was now, being forced to rub his nose raw to avoid being that annoying person that sniffles every time they breathe. He just hoped his date, Matthew, wouldn't notice. Though, since he was a doctor, he probably would.
He gave one last soupy sniffle before heading into the restuarant he'd be eating at. He looked around, scanning the area for his date. He noticed someone waving at him, and yep, that was him.
He sat down at the other end of his table and smiled, hoping and praying he didn't notice the red that sat on his cheeks, his chapped nose, or the sweat that formed on his temple.
Thankfully, the lighting was somehow able to hide all of that.
"So, James, you know I'm a doctor. What do you do for a living?" The conversation picked up immediately.
"I, uh, I do a lot of art." He gave a sheepish smile. "I sell it for a lot of money, but I'm not sure I'm actually that talented."
"Oh, I'm sure you're great at it!" Matthew smiled at him, and it made his hear flutter a little.
The conversation continued. It was as if they were old friends.
James was able to stave off the tickle that had been plaguing his poor nose all day, and just as he thought he could make it without having a sneezing fit, this lady came in and sat nearby with perfume strong enough that James could smell it through his cold.
"...Earlier I had a patient come in complaining about chest pains. Turns out, it was only because he spent all night last night drinking beer and eating pizza like it was the fourth of July."
He tried to rub the tickle away. It wasn't working. "The th—hh... th-things people come in for these d—HIH!... days..."
Matthew furrowed his brow. "You all right?"
"Y–hih–yeah, I just... Sorryi'mgonnasneeze—" He sped up before he let out a rapid, "Hishh! TsshhIIUU! Tsshhi!" into his elbow.
Matthew's expression, to James' relief, softened. "Bless you! That was cute."
His cheeks somehow became more flushed as he rubbed his already raw nose. "Wh–what?"
"Your sneezing. It was cute. Like a kitten. But, uh, I suppose that makes sense."
Before he could respond, his breath caught with another – "Hzzschhh! Nngh... Sorry..."
Matthew's head tilted a bit to the side and he hummed softly in thought. The way he looked at James with concern made him tense up. "Is... Is something in here bothering you?"
"...Y–yeah, actually, I think so. There's a, um... p–perfume— Hnxxtch!" He brought his hand up to catch the next string of sneezes that his instinctive stifle had coaxed out. "S–sorry, force of hh... habit—! HISHIEW!! HISHIUU!! HIH!... HETCHII!!" And along with the string of sneezes, a string of snot came out with them.
He quickly grabbed a handful of napkins as a substitute as tissues and wiped the mess away. "S–sorry—!" He felt the eyes of everyone else in the restaurant staring at him as he grabbed more napkins. Anyone could tell he was uncomfortable with it too.
Matthew grabbed a handful of extra napkins and helped him out of his seat. "It's okay, you're fine. Let's get you some fresh air, yeah?"
"Sdf... Hh'EKSHIEW!!" was the only thing Matthew got in response from James. That, and a cough.
"Bless you." Matthew gently rubbed his back as he held him close, leading him out of the restaurant, away from the disgusted glares of strangers.
James only felt comfortable to properly blow his nose when they were alone outside, and that he did. It did absolutely nothing to relieve the congestion, but it seemed to nullify the tickle a little, as his sneezing soon came to a pause.
The bad news was the lighting made it a lot easier to get a better look at him outside. "James..."
"Hm'b?" Matthew brought a hand to his forehead to check for a fever. James leaned into his warm touch.
"...Mhm... You're burning up." He gazed at the other softly.
"Whad't are you talkid'ng aboud't? Im'b freezid'ng..." He hugged himself and shivered a little, avoiding eye contact.
"...Chills, too..." He thought for a while before deciding. "Do you have all of your stuff?"
"What'd?" His ears perked up, just barely.
"Don't feel bad, but I'm taking you to my house and I'll take care of you there. I'd take you to your house, but I want you to be able to rest in the car."
He just nodded slowly, letting Matthew lead him to his car.
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manicpoetic · 1 year
please help a disabled trans person !!
things are quickly heading south for me and my partner. i visisted them in an other country and and we lost all of our savings. first off we had unexpected hospital emergencies due to my disabilities getting worse. secondly, in attempt to rescue a dying kitten we were manipulated by a "vet" into spending money on the treatments that did not help and had to take her to another one, the one that said there was nothing we could have done from the beginning bc her mouth was rotten.
a hospital treating me for a cat bite went against national standards for care and charged me $2000 dollars for a rabies shot (which according to the ministry of health should be free and i also intially went to antiboitics and did not consent to it) and threatened me with deportation if we did not pay it within a day, ontop of it our cats have had back to back illnesses which are costing us money. we are currently broke, have no way of paying off our debts, what little money we still had was taken out of my account without my permission from a company that saved my debit card info without my knowledge and i have no way of getting it back. we need help, if you have anything to spare im looking for 300 to clear my debt and have something left for groceries for us and our cats
thank you. even $5 help a lot
p*yp*l: jaxbill42
c*sh*pp: jaxonbillingsley
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suspiciousmagpie · 2 years
surprise kitten rescue
I never thought I’m going to write that on tumblr but we need help. Cat’s happened. Lots of them. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=5FP4HE4297SWW   the story->
About two weeks ago a white cat came to my house. Very thin, sick, full of parasites. I took him in of course, drove with him to the vets. He got antibiotics, deworming, blood tests then special food because he has liver problems and all that. The big surprise was that he is actually blind - we don’t know if someone tossed him because of that, or if he got lost, but we’re still looking for his previous owners. No one answered the ads yet...
They, because life always gives you all the stuff all at once I found four kittens left on a parking lot, close to a highway. I wasn’t thinking much, I bought a cat box in a nearby supermarket, grabbed the cats and took them home. 
As is turned out they are all ill. With high temperature and bad diarrhoea they need antibiotics, probiotics, again special nutritious food, another round of antibiotics and so on and on and on.
The kittens are getting better, they vets are positive that they will survive and fully recover in time. But the problem is I already spent good over $500 for the vets this month and I’m running out of money and the cat expenses are far from over. So I have to ask you for some $$. Anything counts. Really anything
->> https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=5FP4HE4297SWW
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mr. blind guy at the vets, still slightly freaked out
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and few days later, when he figured out that humans are pretty nice actually
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kittens-shittens. Two guys - black and ginger and two black girls
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and first day exploring outside the bathroom where they were for the first days
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briamichellewrites · 6 months
Matt Damon was enjoying his dinner when he caught a glimpse of a beautiful woman being seated with three guys. She had long brown hair and a tall, thin body. He guessed she was in her early twenties. The guys she was with looked slightly older. Maybe they were on a double date or were just friends hanging out. He heard one of them mentioning not having been there before. She had always wanted to go, but for some reason forgot it existed.
She usually went to Nobu or the Chateau Marmont. Mike had dinner with her at Nobu. It was fifty dollars for a steak but it was the best steak he ever had! Rob jokingly asked him what the poor cow had to do to deserve to be eaten by him. They laughed. Wasn’t Phoenix there, too?
“Oh, yeah. He was”, he said.
“I’ll have to take you, him, and Jason out for dinner sometime.”
“Bria, you will never leave us hungry”, Brad joked.
“I love spoiling you guys. You guys are awesome and deserve it one hundred percent because you never ask me for anything.”
Thank you. They appreciated that. Rob jokingly asked for five million dollars. Fuck you. They laughed. No, he didn’t want that from her. He was content making his own money. What was she going to do now that she was home? She was going to research getting a horse. It was different from getting a kitten or a puppy because they had different needs. She didn’t want to do anything impulsively.
She knew they ate hay and they needed exercise. Mike agreed it was different. They were also more expensive because they were bigger animals than cats and dogs. He would help her research what she needed. She thought that would be an awesome idea. He pointed out she already had a barn with stalls. She could take care of a horse because of how well she took care of Woody, Missy, and Buddy. He just wanted her to be fully prepared. They agreed.
Since she had so much energy, she thought about using her pool. Mike would sit on the edge because he didn’t bring his swim trunks. Was she going to stay awake for another three to four days? She hoped not! They laughed. What happened? She just had too much energy? Yeah, her mind was so exhausted that it couldn’t calm itself down. It was like an overly tired toddler.
When she got up to use the bathroom, Matt finally made herself known. They all introduced themselves. Was their friend single? Yes, she was. He apologized but he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. They agreed she was gorgeous! She was more beautiful inside. He handed Brad a piece of paper and asked him to give it to her. I will do that. With that, he got up having paid his bill and leaving a tip.
Oh my god! He and Rob looked at the piece of paper. What was it? It had his name and phone number. He held it up for Mike to see. Oh my god! Bria was so beautiful, she could turn heads by walking into a room. It wasn’t just them who noticed it. But she was even more beautiful inside.
She was funny, independent, not afraid to keep them in line, and strong. But she also had a vulnerable side. Underneath her personality was a girl fighting against mental illness. Her mind played tricks on her and it wasn’t always kind. They saw what she couldn’t. When she got back to the table, Brad handed her the piece of paper. What is this? After sitting down, she looked at it before holding it up. Dude! They laughed. Oh my god! She got out her phone and texted him to see if it was legitimate.
Hey, it’s Bria. The girl at Koi with the three guys. Just making sure this is Matt. – Bria
They finished eating and paid what they could afford. She got the rest with her card. They all thanked her. They were very welcome. She left a great tip for the staff. It was something her parents taught her. Even if the food and/or service wasn’t the greatest, she should still leave a good tip. They told her that the staff depended heavily on tips to pay their bills.
It was also a great way of saying thank you and appreciation. Every time they went out to eat with her, they modeled what they expected from her. When they got back to her place, they said goodbye to Brad and Rob before going inside. It had been another fun afternoon and evening. She still had a lot of energy, so she was going to use the pool. It had been about a half hour since she finished eating and her stomach had settled. He went in after taking off his socks and shoes.
He sat on the edge with his pants legs rolled up. The water felt wonderful! Next time, he was going to bring his swim trunks so he could swim around with her. Maybe he would just put them into a bag in his car or keep them at her place. It would be easier that way. She came down with Buddy and Missy behind her. They whined because they wanted to use the pool. She asked Mike what he thought.
He thought it would be okay since they would be watching them. Yay! They ran inside. Thank you, humans! They laughed at their excitement. She took off Missy’s dress because she didn’t want it to get wet before getting in. Mike took it from her. He would keep it dry. The dogs got in after her and paddled around. They were as happy as dogs could be. Mike understood why she would be hesitant about letting them in. What if they drowned? She would hate herself.
It was why she had the door installed. They would have to be rinsed off to get the saltwater out. That was why she had the dog washing station installed in the laundry room. The house was designed and built with her animals in mind.
Haha yes, it is. It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself before. – Matt
Rob and Brad were stuffed when they got home. They both had leftovers, which went into the refrigerator. Rob kissed his cheek, making him laugh. Neither of them liked PDA so they always waited until they got home to be affectionate with each other. They were going home to Agoura Hills to have dinner with their families at Brad’s parents’ house.
It was only a forty-minute drive but they had been busy promoting their album. It would be them, their parents and brothers. Rob had a younger brother named, Dave while Brad had two younger brothers, Greg and Jeff. Their families loved each other and they wanted them to get married. They were talking about getting engaged. The only issue they were having was the question of children. Brad wanted children but Rob was unsure.
They didn’t want to break up, so they were working together on how to compromise. Brad was not going to push him into doing anything he didn’t want to. He knew and respected that. Even if they did break up, they were mature enough to not have it affect their friendship or the band.
Did she want to hook up? Yes. She sent Matt her address before getting ready. Mike had just left, so she hopped into the shower to rinse the saltwater off. She was getting dressed as the intercom buzzed. It was him. She told him she would be down in a minute. When she opened the door, she looked at the man standing in front of her. He was gorgeous! They introduced themselves before she invited him in. They then went upstairs to her room.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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aeslandsong · 1 year
i want body mods. i want to get vampire teeth to look more like a kitten girl. i would look so cute like that imo. but what i really need is to just get a whole new set of teeth. i need dental work and i wish i could afford veneers. i wish i took better care of my teeth. they look fine, they're still white and appear nice looking but they feel weak as shit and it would just make me less miserable if i had them done. i brush everyday but i used to be homeless on the streets for about 8 months and they ended up getting damaged, even though i would get a water bottle everyday just to brush them. i fear being homeless now so i know that i have to behave because i know i couldn't survive without the help of living at residential right now. hopefully one day i can get an apartment in a good area. i have to do it by being on a list by a housing authority and have controlled rent because my income is so low. i'm struggling for money right now but i really need to adapt by living a free life for the time being. i have to budget more so my food lasts all month. i have to drink more water so i'm not always hungry and end up getting doordash lol. that shit is so evil. also, i kinda love how instacart has an option for ebt but it's no help if you're completely broke and don't have enough to tip or for the other costs on there. i know it seems irresponsible but since i'm disabled and sometimes can't even leave the house for whatever reason regarding my mental illness, it's a lifesaver and i plan to use it when i live on my own because i don't drive. my money is currently back home because i receive a check as spending money each month and it's at the office right now. i'm putting half of it towards my new look. i cannot wait to achieve my dream hair and i know i can get to the shade that i want instead of being told it won't lift to the color when i've lifted it to what i've wanted before. i can't wait to take cute pics. and yes, i'm going to keep it that way instead of just going for another color. i bet you will think i'm pretty cute with it even if u think i'm stupid. :) and yes, i am stupid lol.
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coeursetcolores · 1 year
Alfyn, the Apothecary: Chapter 2
WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Chapter 2 of Alfyn’s story in Octopath Traveler!
Alright! Time to destroy our hopes of making a difference in the world with the harsh reality of the pharmaceutical business!
I swear, if this story kicks the life out of my sunshine boy...
Well, we made it to Goldshore at the right time! There’s a sickness going through town! And our boy Alfyn’s on it!
His first patient is a little girl! Again. Oh well, he’s on the case!
...Well he would be. Seems another apothecary’s here. One with very suspicious sounding voice clips....
Time to leave little Ellen then. Our sweet boy will continue on his way.
And to Ellen’s mother, ma’am! I was just trying to help! And there’s nothing wrong with being scruffy! Geez!
What a simple chapter! Now onward to...
...No one bought that, right?
Yeah, we got plenty more to cover. Especially about possibly one of the most twisted characters in this game; and frighteningly, one you could see in real life.
Let’s talk about Goldshore first. We’ve made it to the retirement town! Beautiful beaches and a district for the wealthy, you can just see millionaires flocking here to spend their last days. The water blends beautifully with the sand pixels, making use of the 2d-3d presentation. The sand looks great too, great job on the layering. I also like detail of the cliffs cutting into the bricks on the steps, it really sells the coastal vibe. And the sparkles simulating the shimmering reflection of the sun tie it all together. The city itself is simple, even in the fancier district. Just content to let the beach take center stage. This does make the church seem out of place, clashes with the tone. Still nice. Though, you’d think a town this fancy would clean up that boat wreck at the shore...
Alfyn continues to be a sweet boy, nothing new on that front. I am glad I got to see him figure out stuff on his own: he observed Vanessa’s behavior and while he believed her at first like everyone else, once he saw her act in a way contrary to how she was at first, he became suspicious and investigated thoroughly. It’s important to balance his kindness with his intelligence.
I like that this chapter doesn’t just demonize wanting money. Sure, more value is placed on love like the moral goes, but money is acknowledged as something necessary to survive. Love and helping others is great, but you need to support yourself while you’re at it. The problem is when you let your desire for money override your conscience.
Of course we end up having to cure a sick little girl after all. Who is poor. And was sick before this. All to show how depraved someone would have to be to not want to treat her. Hopefully her mom will be more grateful now...
Okay. Did not expect Ellen to say that.
The Caves of Azure were actually kind of pretty, especially the boss room. I really liked how the emphasis on blue worked, and how the lighting hit it.
Vanessa Hyzel...is a scarily realistic villain. Seeming to cure illness, only to give the patient a new one...Hiding behind a facade of charity to build believability so there’s less of a fuss when she overcharges...This could and does happen in real life. Scam artists are everywhere. And we don’t have a lot of Alfyns to stop them.
Of course she’s a summon boss. Well, at least she explains why they’re there!
Dang. That was cold, Alfyn. I underestimated you. I knew we couldn’t let her get away, but I didn’t think he’d drug her. Okay, he’s not all sunshine and rainbows.
Yeah, I deserve an apology! Not all scruffy drifters are bad guys, ma’am!
The ending was sweet. It’s nice to have your efforts appreciated, even if you only get seashells from some little girls. But, okay! Getting money in this game is not easy, but I’m not poor! And grown-ups can cry! Everyone has feelings! And you’ll get there Alfyn. You’ll be just like your hero.
Maybe even better.
As for the other’s thoughts on observing a pandemic:
H’aanit: It’s nice she appreciates how good he is with kids. It’s good for work! But she will smile when she feels like it, thank you.
Olberic: It’s nice to see someone whose work is fighting praise someone who works in healing. And I’m glad Alfyn doesn’t criticize Olberic for being someone who’s caused a lot of injuries. They both respect each other and share a determination to hone their crafts. It’s nice.
Cyrus: Dang it, Alfyn! Have some more faith in yourself! You’ll get there! And you’re already doing a good job! ACCEPT THE PRAISE!
Tressa: Way to get our hopes up, Tress. Don’t come at me with that sentimental stuff, we got a party to feed! Okay, I kinda like the mushy, value can’t always be measured in money.
Therion: ...Alfyn, you’re scaring me. How does a conscience get pricked? What does he need to be careful about, Theri? I think he has more of that stuff!
Primrose: You just defended crying, Alfyn. Now you’re trying to look tough in front of Prim. Make up your mind. But yeah, he’d be a great father. One day.
Ophilia: ...’Kay. TMI, don’t need to know about your nervous itching, or where it is, but okay. We’ll keep the praise to a minimum. Even if it’s well-deserved.
Now we go to Saintsbridge!
...I don’t trust that name. Kind of ominous.
But maybe that’s why they need an apothecary?
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satinofsundays · 2 years
40 questions to ask your self every year || 2023
What did you do this year that you’d never done before? I started vlogging publicly with a lot of viewers.
Did you keep your new year’s resolutions? No, I don’t think I did. 
Did anyone close to you give birth? No
Did anyone close to you die? No
What cities/states/countries did you visit? Trondheim.
What would you like to have next year that you lacked this year? A job
What date(s) from this year will remain etched upon your memory, and why? May 16th. That was the first day the vlog started and I could have been the first vlogger that was not one of the owners, but I waited until next week because of a delivery on school.
What was your biggest achievement of the year? Completing front end developer study!
What was your biggest failure? I don’t think there was any, besides not loosing the weight I wanted.
What other hardships did you face? Well.. I have been away from my family and learned a lot from it. I have grown, but it seems like they are struggling to see any difference. During the Trondheim trip - which was with my family - all I was feeling was hurt and sorrow. I was yelled at, looked at weirdly, I was not allowed to say anything. I was pushed down the entire time. It made me decide not to join this trip anymore. I don’t think I have ever spent so much time alone on a family trip before. 
Did you suffer illness or injury? No
What was the best thing you bought? Everything witchcraft.
Whose behavior merited celebration? Idk
Whose behavior made you appalled? My moms
Where did most of your money go? Witchcraft and getting my business up.
What did you get really, really, really excited about? I can’t remember anything really. Idk.
What song will always remind you of this year? Aden Foyer - Ballet girl
Compared to this time last year, are you: happier or sadder? Thinner or fatter? Richer or poorer? I guess I am still the same. Maybe I am more apathetic, really?
What do you wish you’d done more of? Saved more money.
What do you wish you’d done less of? Eating sugar and flour. 
How are you spending Christmas? I was spending it trying to forget that it existed. I did not decorate this year, and I spent Christmas eve with my boyfriends family trying to forget the hurt I had felt during the Trondheim trip. 
Did you fall in love this year? Only with all our new little kittens <3
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? No, I don’t hate anyone now. 
What was your favorite show? The Kardashians, I guess. 
What was the best book you read? Everything Arin Murphy-Hiscock.
What was your greatest musical discovery of the year? Oh, wow... Witchy music?
What was your favorite film? 8-bit Christmas!
What was your favorite meal? No favorites last year.
What did you want and get? Crystals and herbs.
What did you want and not get? Trips out of the country, another car.
What did you do on your birthday? I did a birthday card reading, and made a straw doll. Later I celebrated without really celebrating with inviting my brother and his wife to a poker match with me and my boyfriend. That was fun! I decorated the house in Marie Antoinette game night style!
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Maybe to have the freedom to do more.
How would you describe your personal fashion this year? A little “don’t give a damn anymore” wrapped in elegant.
What kept you sane? Me, myself and I. 
Which celebrity/public figure did you admire the most? Aubrey Plaza maybe. 
What political issue stirred you the most? The war. And that a walrus in Norway was shot and people rallied like crazy around it while Ukrainians lost their homes, and lives.
Who did you miss? My family.
Who was the best new person you met? One of the chess players! Not mentioning names, but he was chill and a Gemini like me :D
What valuable life lesson did you learn this year? That a lot of people sound like they have a clue, but they don’t necessarily do.
What is a quote that sums up your year? What you do today will set the tone for tomorrow.
[Written and posted January 16th 2023]
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
A heart's guardian
Guardian angel Jotaro x fem reader
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Note: this is a gift from me to my dear friend @helpimhyperfixating. Check out their blog they've got so many interesting fics for our Jotaro boy!
Tw: mentions of depression and suicide
Never in your life, you had thought that you'd be fascinated by the darkness outside. As you adjusted your place on your couch you ignored the hissing sound of the gas that was pouring into your living room, trying to cope with the nauseous feeling the gas's horrible smell brought to you. Sun had just set and the sky lost its red color, forming into an empty abyss, just like your heart.
It was just in the morning when you found out about your partner cheating on you. It was heartbreaking, the one that you had thought of making a future with had been spending their time elsewhere with someone else, while you were working countless hours to make money, so you could afford a decent wedding. In the morning a piece of your heart broke, but there was more to come. Before noon you received a call about the fall of your stake's price, meaning that all of your savings meant nothing now, the horrible news floated into your mind as more and more things went wrong, from your loss of fortune to your car's accident and your sibling's illness getting far worse, your heart could cope with such things to a specific extent and after that, you'd lose it....and that was what you were doing now.
You were neutral to the concept of life, sometimes you'd appreciate your chance of being on earth and sometimes you loathed to think that you were forced into living such a life, but in the end, you haven't thought of taking your own life before, until today. The lights were off but you could see the numbers on the grandpa clock in the room, it was just past 8 pm, which meant there was time for you to rest and take in the gas. Your parents wouldn't call you until it was 10 pm, and everything would've ended by the time they were going to call.
You didn't know how you decided on suffocating yourself, but by the time you gained your senses back, you already had taken three sleeping pills and had sealed up all of the doors of the living room and the kitchen, you had pushed Jojo out of the room. And now here you were, laying on your couch with the set of rings you had bought for you and your partner, as you looked out of the window, your body getting heavier each minute passing. You knew when you closed your eyes, that you wouldn't wake up again.
Your eyelids were going to close and let you lose yourself in the darkness when you heard the distressed noise of a cat. A pair of gleaming eyes that stared at you appeared behind the window. You knew who they belonged to. Your giant British short hair cat had found a way out and now was pawing at the window of the living room while meowing in distress, as if it knew what his owner was doing. Jojo was the only light in your life, that was why you had left a note for your parents to let them know that your last request you'd be having from them is that they take care of him. Your grandmother had snuck the cat when he was just a curious kitten into your room years ago, telling you that he was a special gift from someone that loved you dearly.
You had thought that person was your grandmother, but when years later, you thanked her for giving Jojo to you she just simply smiled "You should thank someone else for him!" Who? You never found out, you lost your grandmother just days after, and the bizarre cat's origins remained unknown to you. Jojo was indeed a bizarre cat, he acted like he could understand what you meant. He was quiet most of the time and liked to sleep next to your feet or on your nightstand, but he refused to be hugged or touched affectionately. He ate his food and was quite eager to have his meals but didn't like treats, he rarely left your side but he never gained weight or need sleep which was strange for a lazy cat like him. He just stared at you with his big blue eyes, its fluffy paws killing off your depression whenever you hugged him.
But this time even he couldn't save you from your severe depression. You groaned and turned away from the window, trying to ignore Jojo's loud meowing. You let out a deep sigh, hugging the ring box tighter as you closed your eyes. Everything will end, you thought to yourself, your pain will be gone. With those thoughts, you gave into the urge to sleep and fell into the darkness.
Some time passed, it seemed like hours already, you thought you were floating in the air, so death looked like this? You thought to yourself, but suddenly a sharp pain on your cheek made you open your eyes wide and find yourself in a place that seemed like a forest where everything in it had turned grey. You were laying on the ground covered by dry leaves, someone's hand holding you by the collar of your clothes. Your mind was alert as if you just hadn't taken pills or were not nauseous because of the gas, that was why you noticed the large hand that held a tight grip on you.
Looking up, you found yourself being glared at by a tall man, and his beauty stunned you. The winged man was fair, with sharp cheeks and strong jaws, his broad shoulders covered by a blue robe, his intense glare aiming at you. "How could you?" He hissed, his deep voice echoing in your mind. "How could you do that?" He asked the question as he raised his free hand to slap you, making you flinch. But his hand didn't hit you, he threw you down so you could lay on the floor as he let out a strangled sob, walking away from you as he talked, his voice hurt and filled with pain.
"After all of those years of protecting you, this is my reward? I have to watch you die and ignore me while I can't do anything to help you?" He said, large bids of tears falling onto his cheeks, wetting his fair features. You were confused as you looked around, it seemed you were in an unknown place which seemed to be a forest, but nothing moved and there was utter silence beside the angel who was sobbing loudly. You opened your mouth to talk but suddenly your jaws were shut close as the angel shouted "You won't talk this time!" So you were forced to listen as so many questions filled your mind.
"From the very first day of your life I looked after you in many different forms, I watched as many of my siblings die of grief, knowing that they couldn't help their assigned humans, but I was determined to keep you safe, so I could vanish with a smile on my face, telling myself I did my duty right. But you! You! You didn't let me! You with your stupid expectations and poor taste in people! I watched you melt down just because of the influence others had on you...and now...you've ended your life...such a selfish human you are!" He spoke as he walked.
Your mind tried to process what he was talking about, clearly, he was an angel, and the way he spoke meant that he was actually a guardian angel. Your guardian angel. Were you hallucinating or something? "No matter how many times I slay demons and fend off bad spirits you always find a way to be depressed! "Oh, no one loves me!" "Oh, they left me behind!" "Oh, what to do I lost a pair of filthy papers!" He nagged as he mimicked your voice, walking from side to side as you looked up at him, your body too heavy for you to move.
"Then what am I here?" He yelled, making you flinch again. "What am I here? Just a Nany you won't even think of? All those years of sacrifice, all those times that I pulled you out of accidents was nothing? Didn't you think I loved you? Didn't you think there was someone that loved you out there? How many times have I had to beg you to not choose the false thing and you choose the false way? Am I not worthy of your attention?" Your grandmother had told you stories of your inner voice being an angel guiding you to the right way when you were younger, could it be that your old memories were taking form inside your dying mind? You had heard a human's mind could pause the time and make it seem like a long time before it died. What you were watching couldn't be real, right?
"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" The angel shouted, bringing your attention to him once more. "I haven't risked my position as a guardian by pulling your soul out of the abyss of the dying humans for you to just stare blankly at anything but me!" He said, marching to you. "I didn't take the form of an animal and spent years counting insects and watched you ruin your life for you to ignore me like this!" He knelt, his voice losing its sharpness as he held your face when he touched you; his anger subsided as he looked into your eyes, and with saying "You beautiful fool!"   started to cry again.
"Why you do this to me Y/N...haven't you heard so many times that there's someone out there that loves you without even wanting something in return? Haven't you thought how precious you are? I curse all of your thoughts degrading yourself! I watched you grow and saw how you learned to walk and talk, I guarded you through the worst times of your life, and you...you kill yourself...doing the worst thing you could ever do!" He said as his hand caressed your face, his sadness making your non-existing heart clench. It seemed oh so real!
"Thankfully I had the chance to bring your neighbors who could help you...let's just hope you wouldn't end up with something you'd regret for the rest of your life..." he whispered in your ear as he held you closer, his warmth making you close your eyes as he lost his anger, holding you closer. "I know it's a guilty pleasure of mine by letting you know about my existence, but I couldn't help myself, all of that frustration had to be let loose or I'd lose my mind..." he continued to talk as you felt bliss just being held by him.
You didn't know how much time passed, but the angel held you close to him, not letting you go. "Jotaro!" A great voice echoed in the forest, making the leaves move as if the wind had started blowing. The angel held you closer, clawing at you. "Let the mortal go Jotaro...they need to go back!" Jotrao, your guardian angel, muttered a no as his grip on you tightened. "I won't tell others about what you did, because I understand...but you have to let them go...they can't stay here any longer...their mortal vessel demands its soul!" You felt another person's presence but you couldn't see anything due to the bright light illuminating behind Jotaro, so you buried your head in his chest as you listened.
"I...I don't want to!" Jotaro said, hearing his sad voice making you sad as well, he desperately pleaded to have you with him for some more time, never in your life, did you think someone would act like that to just have you beside them. The other person refused his plea, reminding him that you had to leave. Jotaro's head leaned down to press a soft kiss on your temple before he put you down covering your eyes. Whispering in your war before pushing you down into the darkness "Whenever you need me...I'll be there..."
This time your body quickly felt heavy as you felt like you were going to suffocate. Your eyes opened once more and this time your blur vision took in the nurses that tried to calm you down while putting an oxygen mask on your face to help you breathe, your ears ringing because of the constant loud beeping of the monitors that checked your vitals. You were on earth once more, you were saved! But how? Two days passed and by some miracle, you had recovered faster than you normally would, though you wouldn't get away from your family and friends' harsh scolding, reminding you that there were people out there that cared for you.
"Where's Jojo?" You asked your mother as she tried to feed you one more spoon of your food while you had told her that you were full already. She sighed "Good thing that you reminded me, I was forgetting the big fella!" and pushed the last spoon into your mouth as you groaned before she stood up and left your room, only to come back with Jojo in her arms, the heavy cat's weight making her huff as she put him down on your lap. The cat was quick to purr and rub its head on your belly as you scratched his back. "How's my little hero?" You cooed at Jojo, remembering your mother telling you that if it was not for his loud noises your neighbors wouldn't have found and rescued you.
As you scratched his head you noticed the collar around his neck, Jojo didn't like collars, but he had one on now and he seemed he didn't mind it. You looked at the silver medal on the collar, your mother noticing your curiosity "Oh I found this one in granny's stuff... this one was for your kitten but she had forgotten to give it to you! I put it on the fella and he seemed to like it!" "Jotaro..." you read the name on the collar loudly, and the cat let out a meow as he looked at you as if he knew you had called for him. "J-jotaro?" Your voice broke as the memory of the time you were unconscious hit you hard, making you tear up as you called the cat over and over by his name as he rubbed his head to your palms, you cried, knowing well who was inside that cat's body.
As people say...there's always a person out there who loves you, so take care of yourselves.
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quitetheketch-moved · 2 years
Hi, I'm Byron, and this is one of my cats, Little Girl.
We need assistance with a small vet bill, replacing my computer, and saving for living expenses.
Other places to help: Paypal | Venmo | Cashapp
Full context: Little Girl is a stray that was dropped off in my neighborhood a few months back, when she was still a kitten. I live in a rural area in the deep south and have no access to no-kill shelters. Finding her a new home in my area would have been difficult if not impossible. I took her in and now love her more than anything, but while I can feed her and my other, fixed cat with ease and take care of both of their immediate needs, I need help getting her spayed and vaccinated. The upfront cost is $250, more than I can save up for alone.
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This is my decade old desktop computer. It's well loved and has been limping along for the last five years, but earlier this year it started blue screening regularly. Video and audio drivers have been crashing, the USB ports are failing, the side panel will no longer stay on, and it has a host of other small problems that can no longer be ignored. I am disabled and chronically ill. I need to use a desktop for physical accessibility, as well as my safety and mental health; this computer is my lifeline to the outside world. It pains me to do this during the worst inflation we've seen in years, but it has to be replaced. I expect it to cost between 600 and 1800 dollars.
Lastly, sometime within the next 4-18 months I'll be able to move to a safer environment. Plans are still being finalized, but I have to leave my current residence no matter what. Because I am disabled I'm dependent on donations and what few Etsy sales I can make to feed myself and get my meds, half of which are for a heart condition and all of which are essential to my health and wellbeing. The high goal of this fundraiser should ensure I can pay for the things I need to do before I move, and help me continue to stay housed, medicated, and fed until then; if there is any money leftover by the move, it will go towards getting settled in my new home.
My parents died in 2020 and with them went the most important support network I had. While I don't need much to live each month, losing the 50-100 dollars I got from them has crippled me on top of the shock of mourning for them both so suddenly. The isolation of living where I do, being unable to safely be myself or even form social connections in my town, has been a great deal to bear. This move will save my life, but I desperately need help to make it.
I want to thank you for reading this far and helping me spread the word. I hope you have the best day you can.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Uhm its my first time asking for the type of suggestions? 😂 Sorry for my English 🎉
If the four lords are died in the game and they will be reincarnated.. what are their professions or what life they get in their 2nd life?
Thank you 😊😊❤️❤️
hey so i kinda went a little off track so this is sorta like a modern au type of thing but i hope it’s okay
Alcina Dimitrescu
The Lady Dimitrescu is nothing short of CEO of her own company.
She’s the owner of a large winery where she produces her own wines and even some spirits but her company is especially known for the “maidens blood”.
Alcina is all class and style with tailor made suits and dresses that she wears to the office.
Her favourite outfits are the expensive gowns she gets to wear at fun raisers and wine tastings that potential business partners host.
Her daughters are all on the board of directors and mange the wineries while she works at the corporate office.
Alcina owns a large house in the valley where they grow the grapes used for the wine. It’s a large house big enough for her and her daughters to stay when they’re not working.
Having lots of wealth means she’s got an acquired taste for art and she loves to collect old renaissance paintings. She even had a family portrait done with her daughters.
Even though she’s a bit of a workaholic and very passionate about her job (especially with her daughters due to inherit the company one day) she’s still in love with having some down time for herself.
A weekend away at her holiday house is spent curled up on the couch in her nightgown, a glass of wine in hand and the fire place going while she reads her gothic novels.
Donna Beneveinto
Donna lives peacefully in a quiet town where works at a tailor shop. It’s one of those old fashioned ones with a bell on the wooden door that rings each time someone steps in and the floorboards creek under her shoes.
She was taken under the wing but the old lady that owned the store and she considers her as something of a mother figure to her. She was sweet and let Donna bring Angie to work with her.
The two spend their days making small talk and sewing on the garments the locals bring in.
They often have tea together, either on their break or in the afternoon where the sweet old lady brings in little cakes while Donna brings her homemade herbal tea.
As apart of the tailoring store, customers can also buy fabrics and other handmade pieces like towels, clothes, curtains and blankets as a way to make money and the old lady is adored by the locals. Donna was instantly included into the local community, getting to go to markets and gatherings.
The old lady even let Donna sell her dolls along with everything else in the store and it was very popular amongst the children.
Donna is very happy in her local community and they make her feel like she belongs and is loved, what more could she ask for?
Salvatore Moreau
Sal is a physician in a hospital in the big city. He’s always had a passion to help people and became determined at a young age that he wanted to enter medicine.
He came from a small town and worked as the local doctor, making house trips and assisting people that he grew up with. It always made him smile knowing that he made an impact and was able to care for people he loved.
Eventually he moved to the city where he could get a higher education and stayed there to work afterwards where he’s found his passion to help others.
He works in the children’s ward and always does his best to make them smile when they come in with broken arms from skateboarding or falling off the trampoline.
When he was a child he had an accident which left him with some deformities on his face and neck. It was one of the reasons why he fell in love with medicine when he was treated with love and care in the hospital himself.
Sal never let’s his appearance get to him and uses it for his advantage when he sees a child crying from their injuries or illness. He always reassures them with a soft smile as he lets them know it’ll be okay, he’s experienced it too and they’re not alone.
On his days off he curls up under a blanket with a block of cheese and a hot chocolate (a weird combination but he loves it) while he watches those cheesy medical shows and the occasional romcom.
He’s got a pet axolotl that he loves and spoils. In some ways it reminds him of himself by his appearance and its like his comfort creature and best friend.
Karl Heisenberg
Growing up was difficult since Karl was a bit of a troublemaker but he was extremely smart and gifted.
He didn’t get along with teachers at school so he ended up dropping out and getting a job at the local mechanic.
Karl immediately had a gift for working with metal, understanding blueprints and instruction manuals with minimal assistance or training.
One day he was working on a fancy car that belonged to a tech giant that owned a company in the big city. When he offered Karl a job working as an engineer he never looked back.
He’s incredibly happy with his job since it gave him the opportunity to get away from his old life that was full of deviancy and troublemaking. For Karl, it’s never been about making money or being successful, all he wants is a peaceful life where he can be happy.
Work lets Karl be flexible where some days him and his small team of co-workers are designing new blueprints while others are spent testing them out in their studio.
Karl owns a grungy apartment in the city, there’s always bottles of beer, takeout left on the countertops and the ashtray is always overflowing but it’s home and he loves it nonetheless.
He owns a cat that he found as a kitten in the alleyway one day. The poor thing was cold and hungry so he brought it inside and dished out the questionable can of tuna in the cabinet.
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cayofdreams · 4 years
my brain is dry of dom baku, except for size difference with him, so- do with this as you will 😩😩 (ill go read a hentai and maybe then my brain will think of smth better </33)
Thank you for letting me tackle size kink for the first time 😌
🎀 warnings: size kink, slight dacryphilia, power imbalance
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You and Bakugou were equal on almost all levels.
Intellect. Strength. Stamina. Agilty. 
Your parallels with him were some of the many reasons why he was so infatuated with you. Since Bakugou was a child, he’d always been looking for a equal match; someone who could give him a run for his money during a spar. And if he were lucky, he’d find someone who could actually beat him. 
And there were times that you actually did. Times where you could successfully pin him on the ground. Where you could bring him to his knees in front of you. He’d smile during those times. It made him happy to have someone, especially someone of your beauty, knock him down during a fight. 
Though your equilibrium, lovely, there were imbalances that made you more intoxicating to Bakugou Katsuki. 
And those moments were during the times his cock could only barely sink inside your little hole. The feeling of you constricting around him, almost suffocating him, was much more reveling than any silly spar. 
It didn’t matter how long Bakugou slurped at your pussy or sloshed his fingers around inside. It didn’t matter how much you leaked or if he even got you to gush as you came for the nth time. You still felt so undeniably tight around his cock. 
The only view better than your pussy twitching around his girth was the view of your scrunched up face as he slowly plunged deeper and deeper inside of you. How your confident, fearless eyes turned pitiable and anxious. Your bratty demeanor becoming that of a cowardly kitten was a meal that Bakugou could never get enough of. 
Sometimes Bakugou would plunge the entirety of his cock inside you in one go. Your body would instantly lock and your bottom lip would become imprinted with your teeth. Your eyes would shut completely, the lids trembling as you desperately waited for your body to become use its phallic guest. 
And then other times, he’d take his time; his favorite way to penetrate you. As your pussy lips slowly took in the head of his cock, your thighs would quake underneath his calloused fingers. 
He wouldn’t let you close your eyes then. He wanted to see you. He wanted you to see him. To see how un-paralled you truly were to him. He enjoyed seeing how your eyes became shiny with tears, how they’d trickle down your cheeks. You’d grit your teeth, fighting the seething sting of his cock. 
But Bakugou wasn’t evil, he’d give you a little help so you could take it all in. His thumb would come down to circle the slick over your clit. Your pussy would lax juuust enough for him to slip the next part of his cock in. It was a lengthy process. But a gratifying one all the same. 
Once his sadistic desires were taken cared of, he’d properly make sure you felt just as good as him. He’d lean down and cover you with kisses, praising his favorite brat for taking his cock so well. Your whimpers and mewls in his ear as he buried himself in your neck were so erotically serene. The only sound equally pleasing to him being the loud squelching of your pussy as you stretched out enough to take his deep pumps. 
He was always surprised at how easy his strokes slowly became as he caressed your face. How more of your juices would lather his cock with each thrust. Fuck, you liked the pain didn’t you? You liked him having this un-paralled power over you, didn’t you? That’s why your pussy would get wetter and wetter as he sunk in and out of you, isn’t it? You didn’t like being his equal. No-
You liked being his inferior. You wanted there to be something that he could indisputably dominate you with. That’s why you’d wrap your legs around his waist, digging your fingers into his shoulders as you begged for him to give you more. It’s why you’d call out his name so lustfully before those calls became a lewd mix of babbles and moans. 
You liked it. You loved it. You craved it. 
You were just as intoxicated as he was, drunk on the power imbalance that only plagued your relationship during these moments of desire. 
Sometimes Bakugou thought you were secretly an angel, sent here purely to keep check on his indulgences. Making sure you took all his rage and stress so that he could look forward to the next day. 
After-all no else could make you feel this way. Could make someone of your devilish caliber moan so saintly. Only Bakugou Katsuki could do that. 
And there was no-one equal to him. 
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bitchylandtyphoon · 3 years
Sugar on Honey🍯
A/N: Hellooo I hope you guys are doing great I just wanted to try writing a Jim Hopper fic since I barely see any like come on he's so fine and ugh. Ahem anyways pls enjoy the story if u have any recommendations feel free to comment! If u have a request feel free to send a message to me! I'm still new to Tumblr so I'm not really sure how to work any of this sorry about that! ------------------------------------❈---------------------------------------- Hopper didn’t understand how you were so calm with Eleven. He tried, he really did. He took care of Eleven as if he was her own but he couldn't be as gentle and soft as you were. “This is an apple ok? It's red, sweet and a fruit. This is a cucumber, it's green and a vegetable!” Hopper watched as you taught Eleven basic English. “Ok, now you try” You hold up a bunch of grapes. “These are...grapes, sweet, blue and...fruit?” Eleven guessed while squinting hard at the grapes. “Heyyyy not bad! You're doing great, you just mixed up purple with blue but no biggie. Do you wanna do another one?” You said encouragingly. Eleven nods and proceeds to pick another product to investigate. “Oooh~ Hopper watches as you two laugh and learn, he couldn't stop himself from smiling, he appreciated what you were doing especially since Eleven was on house arrest. You were the only one he could trust. He absentmindedly takes a sip of his dark coffee hissing as it was too hot to drink. “You ok?” Hopper looks up to see you looking at him with a worried expression on your face. He loved that face, it was pretty cute. He chuckled “Ye, just too hot to drink” “Be careful before you burn your tongue off for good” You start cleaning the food off of the ground. “Yeah yeah, I won't mom” Hopper jokes as he goes into the kitchen. “Very funny Hopper haha” You give a playful glare “What is so funny? Ha...ha?” Eleven asks, seeing you two joking around not understanding the sarcasm. “Oh it's just sarcasm honey, try finding it in the dictionary, you'll find the meaning there.” You give a gentle smile while pointing to the thick book. “Well, there you go word of the day.” Hopper comes back into the hall sitting in the big chair stirring his spoon in the white coffee-stained mug. You wondered how much coffee he really drinks in a day. “S-A-R-C-A-S-M? the use of i- irony to m-mock or con-convey contempt?” Eleven read trying to read the words correctly. She looked at you for guidance and approval. “Good job kid, you’re doing so well, I need to go now, be a good girl for me ok?” you kissed her crown and gave a hug feeling her arms slowly wrapping around your bottom. “Bye-bye now~” “Bye (Y/N)” Eleven gave a small shy smile as she watched you look for your coat. “Here you go, make sure to zip up” Hopper gives you your coat helping you put it on. “Mm thanks, Hopper” “You want a ride?” Hopper suggests side-eyeing you while he refills his coffee. “I think ill manage, il call if anything happens” “Nope nope it's freezing, not letting you go out alone especially when it's night,” He says sternly as he puts on his coat and boots grabbing his keys on the way to the door “I'll be fine-” “Come on, let's go” You sigh “Ok fine” You trudge to his truck knowing he wouldn't let you win the argument. Giving a small wave to Eleven through the window. You pull his hand stopping him from going too close to the truck. “What, what's wrong, did you forget something?” Hopper asked “No you did” Hopper gives you a confused look “Eleven” “What about her?” “You didn't tell her bye” You take your hand backcrossing it against your chest as you look at the chief disappointed. Hopper sighs and goes back to the house, you watch as he tells Eleven bye” “Happy?” He says with his arms out as he walks towards you. “Depends,” You say as you open the truck door. You wait until he starts the car and starts moving out of the parking area. “What did you tell her?” “What?” “What did you tell her?” “I told her to keep the doors locked, not go out, keep windows and curtains closed-” “Hopperrr” You interrupt him,
sighing with your head down “What have I told you, give be gentle with her. She’s smart and strong, she can handle herself if anything happens. All you have to do is give her a simple bye and a hug” You put a hand on his leg “I know you're trying Jim, I really do know that. I've seen some progress and I'm really happy for both of you. Don’t be so harsh on her ok? She’s just a kid” Hopper sighs calming under your touch. “I know, I know I just. I feel like if I don't be hard on her, she’ll run away, get in some serious trouble and go meet her boyfriend.” Hopper rolls his eyes thinking of Eleven and MIke together. “Well if I was on house arrest and a teenager I would've run away to see my boyfriend too,” You say taking your hand off of his leg. “No you wouldn’t, you wouldn't even go out to the park, you were too much of a wuss,” He says as he looks for something in his coat. You dramatically gasp “Ok first of all, you're right, I would've never run away. Second, I have strict parents and you know that. Third I am not a wuss I just like staying home,” you sigh “who am I kidding I hated going out and being around people, especially with those dumb kids running around” You shake your head thinking of how introverted you were as a kid. Hopper laughs, throwing his head back watching you jokingly pout at him. He takes a cigarette out of his right pocket. “Well you were always the kid in the back of the room, quiet and shy, never understood how you could keep your mouth shut for so long” You grab the cigarette out of his mouth throwing it away somewhere in the car making him give you a glare “You know how my parents are, “be quiet,” “be good,'' “do good in school”, “no boys”” You say, quoting your parents' famous words. “Well at least they raised a good person,” He said, giving a genuine compliment your way. “Hah, that was all my doing” Frowning remembering how horrible your parents were at raising a child. You saw Hopper turning the radio on. You knew what he was doing but you weren't going to stop him at all. He turned it to the classic rock channel starting to sing and rock his head. Ah, how you loved him. Hey hey baby when you walk that way, Watch your honey drip, can't keep away Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh, ah, ahOh yeah, oh yeah, oh, ah, ah. “Here comes Jim Hopper, everyone missing members of Led Zeppelin'' You say as if there's a crowd. I gotta roll, can't stand still Got a flamin' heart, can't get my fill You laugh at how amusing he sounds, he's not half bad for the chief of police. Eyes that shine, burnin' red Dreams of you all through my head You throw your head back clutching your stomach, you just couldn't stop laughing. “Come on singggg, I know you know this one” Hopper says encouraging you to sing. “Noooo, are you crazy?!” You yell at him “Come onnnn” He pushes you You roll your eyes as he starts singing again. Hey, baby, oh baby, pretty baby Move me like you're doin' now- “Who knew the kitten could sing huh?” Hopper looks at you while you start singing with a big smile.
Didn't take too long 'fore I found out What people mean by down and out
Spent my money, took my car Started tellin' her friends she gonna be a star~ ------------------------------------❈---------------------------------------- “Thanks for the ride, really appreciate it Jim. Goodnight. Make sure to get some rest ok?” You say as you close the door “Yeah yeah mom, I get it” You give him a glare through the window door. Giving him a wave you turn around to your place. “Hold on!” You hear Hopper's voice shout behind you. Stopping in your tracks you turn around to see Hopper speed walking towards trying not to slip from the thick snow on the ground. The night was so beautiful, the snow was thick and flowing down like paper, it wasn't too cold but just cold enough to make the tip of your nose red. The street lights were on looking like yellow stars in the dark blue sky. It was perfect. “You forgot your bag,” He said, giving it to you. “Oh? OH thank you” you said, giving him a thankful smile while reaching for the bag. “It's fine, it's not like I'm gonna steal it now” Hopper chuckles putting his hands in his coat pockets. “Well, why would anyone steal a gift they gave to someone else?” You said giggling as you put the bag on. He grins “It looks good on you by the way, really suits you” “Oh, thanks” You blush at the comment while brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “I was just thinking, you don't have to if you want, but I just wanted to ask you if u wanted to go on a date? I was thinking of a restaurant but only if u wanted to go there, we can go somewhere else, really up to you," he sighed "I'm gonna shut up now, have a goodnight” Hopper turned on his heel and started leaving but felt a tug on his coat. “I would love to go on a date with you Jim,” You said, giving him a gentle smile. You stood up on your tiptoes giving him a peck on the cheek. It felt different because of the stubble but you liked it. The butterflies in both of your stomachs were going crazy, fluttering around as if they were being chased by a bird. You wanted to stay in his warm embrace but fell back down due to the height difference.
“6 pm Friday at Johnnie's?” “I would love that, casual dress code?” “Why would we need a dress code?” He joked “Hoppperr” You hit his chest distancing yourself heading to your house. You stood on the porch seeing him waiting for you to go in your house safely. You lean against your doorway. “Goodnight Jim” God he loved it when you called him by Jim, it was like sugar on honey. “Goodnight kitten” You smiled at the nickname.
Heading inside you close the door, leaning against it. “EEEEEEEEEEE he actually asked me out, oh my god” You laugh at how excited you were acting. You couldn't wait. --------------------------------------❈-------------------------------------- Hopper headed to his truck getting in and turning the radio on. “Good job Hop, good job” He chuckled as he drove off. He couldn't wait.
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hansensgirl · 4 years
here, kitty kitty.
summary | Your sugar daddy wants his wildest dreams to come to life. You, on the other hand, aren’t really into it.
warnings | Dubcon, dark themes, pet play, Dark!Sebastian Stan, Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby relationship, degrading, praise, humiliation, spanking, overstimulation, use of a leash, spanking via a paddle, butt plugs, no this isn’t beastiality; pet play is a kink, she’s not a furry, public sex? (the reader takes her panties off in the car), tail plug, dildos, vibrators, kneeling, cat ears (headband), smut, rough sex, anal play, dacryphilia?, use of a vibrating butt plug, double vaginal, finger sucking, crawling, + more!! this is a dark fic!! if you aren’t comfortable with reading any of these things, then don’t read this fic!! i am not responsible for your media consumption. +18!!!
pairings | Dark!Sugar Daddy!Sebastian Stan x Shy!Reader.
authors note | this is a birthday drabble for the lovely @peachyteabuck. happy birthday bb! i hope your day is amazing, wonderful, special and full of love and happiness!! you’re such an amazing person and friend, and even though i don’t know much about you, i can tell you’re an even more amazing person in real life. happy birthday, ily! also, this is a dark!sebastian stan fic. i am not implying that sebastian would do this, it’s basically an au. it’s fiction, and fiction isn’t real! any hate comments will be deleted and you’ll be kindly blocked, even if you’re a mutual <3 also i am not trying to wipe the existence of alejandra, once again, it’s fiction! it ain’t real. gif credit to my special baby @mypoisonedvine !! ily!
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Your dainty fingers flittered over price tags carelessly. Dollar signs filled your eyes, gleaming and glittering with awe and shock. You couldn’t believe yourself. Once upon a time you used to stare at clearance tags over and over, wondering how gravely it would affect your financial situation. Trips to the bank grew frequently and so did the pile of job applications on the wonky kitchen table you owned. You grimaced at the painful memory, there was no way you’d ever be able to go back to that living nightmare. You sighed as you couldn’t find anything you liked in the store. Associates decked down in all black stood in the back of the store, per your sugar daddy’s request. Sebastian Stan, one of the highest paid actors and a complete heartthrob. You remembered how you both had met, you were his waitress at some expensive French restaurant. You were getting an earful from one of his team members and he had swooped in and saved the day. Soon after that came lavish dates and gifts, and eventually the ultimate proposition that changed your life in the blink of an eye.
He made quick work of moving you out of your cardboard box of an apartment and into his regal condo that laid in the Upper Eastside of New York. Your wardrobe was wiped clean with name brands that made your heart flutter. Decadent jewelry was donned as he liked it -- simple, yet elegant. Pearls laid on your clavicle, not too tight yet not too loose. He dressed you himself that day, as he did everyday. He took care of you like a little pet, one that he was very proud of. He stood right behind you, eyes trailing up and down your body as he admired you. You felt shy under his stoic gaze, ducking your head down. “Babydoll, did you see anything you liked?” He asked, placed his hand on the small of your back. You hesitatingly relaxed into it, nervous yet comforted at the same time. He always kept you on your toes. One minute, his hands would be constantly roaming your body, and the next, they’d be gone.
He had done a marvellous job at keeping your relationship private. You knew how paparazzi would camp outside his many residentials, vying for a simple snap of the actor. But he was smart, always one step ahead. “No, Daddy…” You trailed off, your voice no more than a quiet whisper. You were always shy towards him, especially in public. Quite frankly, you were intimidated. And he loved that about you. You always worried that the other workers in the store would judge you, envy you, sneer at you, or even take pictures of you and him. They were paid hush money, a crisp Benjamin would be slipped into their hands discreetly and sometimes along with a ticket to his latest movie or an autograph. An Italian suit framed his body perfectly, slicked back hair and a strong jawline that made your mouth water. It was grey, almost like the muted tones his eyes held in the midst of cerulean. “Poor baby, you want Daddy to choose something for you?” He asked, the name making you whimper.
You nodded timidly, the heat of embarrassment creeping up your cheeks as shame crawled up your body. His large hand came up and rubbed your bottom lip gently, loving the way it had a slight pout to it. “Go to the dressing room, baby.” He decreed, making you nod and walk over to the room that was closed off with velvet curtains. As soon as he heard your footsteps recede farther, his voice boomed around the store. He had heard the workers talking about you, saying degrading things that would undoubtedly make you cry. He was protective, and he wasn’t going to let some measly, ill-mannered people dishearten you. Maybe you did hear their words, that’s why you couldn’t find anything. “I swear to god, I’ll make sure none of you get a proper job for the rest of your lives! You’ll live in your families’ basements and you’ll neve be happy for the rest of your lives. I’ll ruin you all.” He yelled, revelling in the way they all had tears in their eyes. He dismissed them calling the owner to make sure they got fired.
Veins popped out and his face turned red as he desperately tried to calm down. He searched the store for something for his baby, but prevailed with nothing. He stormed to a mirror and smoothed his hair down, checking his suit for wrinkles and swallowed thickly. He walked through the velvet curtains and spotted you sitting on one of the leather ottomans, one leg bouncing with anxiety and your lip between your teeth. You were lost in the deep sea that was your thoughts, not even noticing that your sugar daddy came for you. Strong hands weighed down on your droopy shoulders, squeezing them slightly to disrupt your far too long thought train. “Did you hear anything, baby?” He asked, leaning closer to you. His warm breath fanned against the back of your neck, lips soft against your ear. You furrowed your brows and turned to look at him.
Worry, fury and dominance etched his features. “Hear what?” You asked, pure naivety lacing your tone. Worry morphed into relief, and his frown turned into a small smile. “Nothing, we’re gonna go now. This store is quite -- how must I put it? -- lackluster.” He smiled, ushering you to get up. You followed him like a little puppy, latching onto the bottom sleeve of his suit. The clicking of your heels on the floor were almost in rhythm with your breathing. Long strides managed to keep you up and deep breaths calmed your nerves. You knew anyone could be watching, phones out as they readied to expose you. You could never brace yourself from the sharp teeth of the internet, as they were always ready to tear you both apart. You ducked your head down and cowered behind him as he led you away from the preposterous mall.
He turned around and looked down at you, sternly telling you something. But you don’t pay attention. Instead you chose to ignore him and marvel at the small dog in a stroller. Sure, it was flamboyant in it’s own way, but how could anyone ignore the sight? The dog is a mix between a shih-tzu and something else that you couldn’t quite figure out. You watched as the stroller passed you and headed into the mall, getting lost somewhere in there. “...Are you even listening to me, kitten?” He asked dubiously, raising one of his eyebrows. “Hmm?” You hummed, turning to look at your Daddy. “Sorry, Daddy, there was just a cute dog in a stroller that I saw!” You exclaimed, pouting slightly out of habit. Sebastian took a deep breath before sighing heavily. Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried his hardest to not lose his cool.
He had given you a set of rules when your relationship started. They toed at the line of strict and controlling, but after he explained every single kink and reward they were reasonable in your naive, doe-like eyes. You didn’t dare to question them or his authority, knowing that would only end with him engulfing in flames of rage and fury. He had a short temper, one that he had developed over time. Maybe it was the stress and the pressure of his privileged, well-earned life, but you’ll never know. Listening to him was one of those rules, high on the list that he always prioritized over most things. He loathed it when you didn’t listen to him. “I said, go sit and wait in the car. Oh, also, ditch the panties.” He snapped, making you whimper. In the two years of your relationship, you were never fond of his harsh tone. “Yes, Daddy.” You squeaked, walking away to the sleek Jaguar that was parked along with the other luxurious cars. You bit your tongue as you weaved your way through millions of dollars that were on wheels.
You carefully opened the passenger door and sat in the leather seat that had a pink, fluffy blanket covering it. You closed the door and set your small, round, pink Chanel handbag under your seat. Hesitatingly, you reached up your dress and your fingers blindly found your panties. You hooked your thumbs around the lace fabric that was a bit too expensive for your taste. You lifted your lower body up and slowly pulled the fabric down, falling into a jumble at your feet. You struggled to untangle them from your heels, before finally triumphing with a small grunt. You shoved the panties into your purse and bit your lip. Embarrassment gnawed at you as you saw people walking by. But they couldn’t see you at all. The darkly tinted glass was like flimsy armour for you in your eyes. Nobody saw through them, but it still made you feel like you were being watched. Leisurely, you began to get lost in that deep sea of thoughts again.
What would he do?  Was he going to take you to another mall? You picked at the ends of your Kate Spade dress. It was fancy, dainty, something a princess would wear once and throw away. It made you look classy and tasteful. Underneath it, though, was a different story. Numerous hickeys, bruises and bite marks littered your skin. The marks made you feel small, submissive and owned. Possessed like a play thing, like his pet. Sebastian loved to see you all marked up, it was like you were his work of art and he was the artist. You shyly spread your legs and felt a sweat beginning to form on your back. Your palms began to sweat too, out of pure nervousness of course. You gripped the seats and sighed, before wiping your hands on the blanket. You looked up and saw Sebastian walking out with two bags in his hands. He clutched the silky handles of the bags and walked in long, harsh strides. A small scowl was on his face, seemingly displeased with the day so far.
He weaved his way through the cars as did you. He harshly opened the door for the driver’s seat as if it wouldn’t cost a fortune to repair. He sat down and sighed, shoving the Tiffany & Co. bag in the backseat. You pouted, feeling the anger radiating off of him like heat. The other bag remained in his hands, but you couldn’t recognize the store name. “Daddy got you a few gifts, okay kitten?” He handed the bag over to you as he spoke. You nodded but didn’t dare to open the bag as he hadn’t given you permission. “Thank you, Daddy!” You giggled, your voice holding innocence He smirked at you and crept his hand up your thigh, slowly but surely. Ring-donned knuckles grazed against your wet folds, bumping up against your swollen, sensitive clit. You let out a whimper at the feeling and slick drooled out of you from his touch.
“Daddy…” You whined, looking down at your lap. “Yeah baby?” He asked, playing dumb to the fact that he was toying with your sensitive pussy. You bit your tongue before you could beg and plead for more. You knew he didn’t like it when you were greedy for more. He pulled his hand away from your pussy and you both admired the way his fingers glistened with your arousal. He shoved the same fingers into your mouth, making you gag and drool. You sucked on them as if you were starved, the sweet yet slightly bitter taste of your slick filling your mouth. He pulled his fingers out with a sounding ‘pop’ that made you giggle. “Good kitten, guess you’re not so dumb after all.” He husked, the mix of praise and degradation making you wetter. He revved the engine of his car and began to pull out of the parking lot, driving ensuite to his Upper Eastside home.
The rumble and vibrations of his car went straight to your pussy, reminding you of the time where he sat you stark-naked on the hood of his car and revved the engine just to tease you. Later that night, he chided and punished you for being a messy little kitten. The vivid, lewd memory made you clench your thighs as you were desperate for some sort of friction. Sebastain’s right hand danced all over your body as his left hand gripped the steering wheel tightly. You both got lucky that afternoon, as rush hour traffic had yet to start. Smoothly, he parked in the private garage that housed some of his other cars. They were all worth more than anything, probably hundreds of thousands of dollars. He led you out of the garage and into the elevator, a sweet jazz tune playing at a low hum that was almost missable. You still held onto the bag that he gifted you and you even dared to try and take a peek inside.
The sparkly tissue hid the gift well from your intrusive, detective eyes. You bounced on your feet as you wondered what it could possibly be. It was slightly heavy, but you partially blamed your weak muscles for that. Sebastian never let you lift a finger when it came to hard work. You barely paid attention to the ding of the elevator as you had reached the floor of his penthouse. Sebastian gently dragged you out, your short steps barely keeping up with his long strides. The click of your heels no longer made a sound as the carpet of the hallways muted them gently. “Now when we get inside, I want you to strip everything and kneel on the floor.” He ordered, voice at a low baritone that made you even wetter. Your noticed that your inner thighs were slightly damp with arousal, your pussy leaking with want.
 “Yes, Daddy.” You smiled, easily obeying him. You could already feel the ache in your knees that would come with kneeling on the floor. He opened the door and you swiftly  made your way to the bedroom. You swung the door open and was met with the room that you spent most of your time in. Grey hues illuminated under the brightness of the chandelier. You gently kicked your shoes into a corner and quickly shed all your clothes off, gently laying them onto the white divan that was at the feet of your bed. You bit your lip as you wondered whether or not you should take a peak in the bag. But you reminded yourself of the consequences your curiosity always brought you. He knew, he always knew when you let your hands and eyes wandered like tourists in Venice. You hesitatingly set the bag onto the dresser, before clumsily unclasping your pearl necklace. You were out of breath at that point, chest heaving like you had just ran a marathon. You hugged your naked body as you moved back to the divan, kneeling in front of it. On the floor, the fluffy carpet dug into your knees slightly, making you wince.
You looked down at the ground and clasped your hands behind your back. The cool air made goosebumps rise like the dead rising from their graves. Your cunt throbbed with anticipation and neediness, you just couldn’t wait for him. Your heart clamoured wildly as you heard him walk closer to the bedroom, opening the door to be pleased by the sight of you on your knees. “Such a good little kitten.” He praised, loosening the expensive tie around his neck.  The blazer of the Armani suit was strewn somewhere in the kitchen and all Sebastian was left with was his dress pants and dress shirt. He rolled his sleeves up as he walked around you, making the hairs on the back of your neck raise. You were undoubtedly nervous for what was about to come. You heard the rustling of the bag from the dresser, the sound reverberating throughout the room. “You’d let Daddy do anything to you, right?” He asked, pulling out the bottle of lube from the bag.
“Of course, Daddy!” You exclaimed, knowing it was another one of his rules. Let daddy do whatever he wants to you. He smirked as he pulled the glittery box out of the bag, carefully setting it down next to the bottle of lube. He grabbed everything else from the bag, leaving only the tissue paper. “Close your eyes, kitten.” He demanded, and you listened easily. You slowled your erratic breaths down and furrowed your eyebrows at a foreign feeling. A headband laid on your head and was tucked behind your ears. Then you felt his hands ghosting around your neck, followed by the feeling of cool leather. Sebastian fastened the collar together and tightened it just enough to have you slightly gasping for air. His hands left your neck and his fingers played with the little bell on the front of the collar.
The sound made you even more confused and lost. But you didn’t dare to open your mouth. “Such a cute little kitten.” He cooed, walking back to the dresser. He hastily opened the box with a loud rip and marvelled at its contents. Headbands, tails, buttplugs, paddles, handcuffs, ball gags, dildo gags, dildos, vibrators, leashes, and nipple clamps of all kinds were at his disposal, all for his little kitten - you. He grabbed the pink leash and unwrapped, it carefully, opening its clasp to attach to your collar. “Now open your eyes, kitten.” He instructed, gripping the leash tightly. You opened your eyes and gasped, panic taking over your body. “Sebastian, what’s this?” You nervously questioned, your bottom lip quivering. The smile on his lips quickly turned into a scowl, as you had broken a rule. Never, ever call him Sebastian. He tugged on the leash harshly, pulling you up. “What the fuck did you just call me?” He growled, clearly in no mood for you to act out.
“S- Sorry, Daddy.” You quickly apologized, terrified of his hell-sent wrath. You hesitatingly reached up to touch the headband. Your eyes went wide as you felt ears that would resemble cat ears. Cat ears, the leash and the collar… You added it all up and gasped as it dawned on you, he was into pet play. “Now listen, kitten. You gotta listen to the rules, and if you don’t listen then I could punish you by ending this little relationship, okay? I know you can’t survive without me, and you should remember that.” He spat, making your throat tighten up with an impending sob. You swallowed it down and nodded, deciding to listen to him. “Good kitten.” He praised, smiling once again. He pushed you down and pulled your ass up into the air, and you let him manhandle you. Your dripping pussy was exposed to him and shame bit you like a snake.
He let go of the leash and walked to the dresser, and for a split second you thought you could have ran away. But as soon as he turned back around, those thoughts went away. The coolness of the lub made you flinch as he poured some onto your ass hole. He carefully spread it around but didn’t bother to warm you up. You shouted when you felt the tip of the tail plug push into your puckered hole. It stretched your ass out painfully and you couldn’t bear the pain. It shot up your spine and made you feel dizzy. You thought you were going to pass out as the large part of the plug forced its way into you. Finally, the excruciating pain stopped increasing. Into died down to a low thrumming and throbbing and soon dwindled into an aching pleasure. You felt full yet empty, which only made you whine pathetically.
“Poor kitten, so desperate for your Daddy, hm?” He snickered, making you shy away from him. Your wetness coated your inner thighs and began to drip from your cunt, the sweet scent of it making him moan. “Before I fuck that tight little pussy of yours, I believe I have to punish you.” He spoke, shrugging his shirt off. You watched from the corner of your eyes as he stripped down to his birthday suit that was always a delectable sight for your eyes only. Your mouth salivated as you saw his large, hard cock in his boxers. You couldn't fight the urge to rub your thighs together at all. The slight friction was euphoric, but it just wasn’t enough. Sebastian picked up the paddle that had the word ‘mine’ engraved on it. He walked back to your bent over form and soothingly rubbed your ass before speaking.
“Count them, and don’t forget to thank me.” He implored, smacking the paddle harshly on your right ass cheek. “One, thank you Daddy.” You squeaked out. He took turns on each cheek, hitting you with the same amount of agonizing strength. Tears streamed down your face as you sobbed after each spank. Your ass was bruised, the word ‘mine’ indented all over it. “Twenty, thank you Daddy!” You whimpered. “You like this, don’t you? Such a good little kitten, all slutty and dripping for your Daddy.” He gently barked, making you nod. His words only added gasoline to the fire that was your shame and arousal. You felt a harsh tug from the leash and suddenly you were on your hands and knees, just like a kitten. Your mascara was leaking, smeared on your face like in those angsty-heartbreak movies.
Sebastian wiped the tears and ruined mascara away, but he only made you l;ook more pathetic than before. He’d love to fuck your beautiful face until you passed out, or to slap your little cheeks until you begged for more. He wanted to break you, to turn you into his little kitten. You gulped down your fear as you waited for what he’d gladly give you next. Your eyes fell to his hard cock, still stuck in its confinement that was his Hugo Boss boxers. They hung right where his intriguing v-line was, the same path that would lead you to your treasure -- his cock. You looked up at him, watching as he sucked his bottom lip between his pearly whites. “Beg for it.” He growled. You knew how much he loved to hear you beg. It made him feel superior, it fed his ego but it made you feel submissive and desperate. But oh, the rewarding praise it would come with was so addictive, like ecstasy.
“Please daddy? I’ll be a good little kitten! I need your big cock daddy, please?” You begged, your voice slightly strained from the screaming and yelling. You looked up at him and unintentionally gave him those puppy eyes that always made him weak in the knees. Glazed over orbs that were slightly sad, begging in their own language that was silence. Sebastian let go of the leash and stalked away from you, keeping his predatory eyes trained on you. You admired the scratches that were stained on his back that your well manicured nails left behind. Just like a kitten. He sits on the bed and crosses his arms, large muscles bulging and the sight makes you whimper -- loudly. You loved the way your small hands would struggle to grip his large biceps as you’d scramble for purchase whilst he’d rail into you.
The phantom feeling of his cock driving in and out of you sparks something inside of you, pushing you into a light, floaty headspace. The loud snap of his fingers made you jump with fear. He pointed at the floor next to him and you furrowed your eyebrows with mystification. You knew he wasn’t going to help you out then, no. You were all on your own. Sebastian raised his eyebrow as he waited for you to crawl towards him, just like how a kitten should. He wasn’t going to help you out, you needed to learn on your own. He longed for you to fully fall into the headspace that would make you all dumb and stupid. He loved to break you, to see you depend on him for everything. “D- Daddy?” You called out, waiting for him to tell you to do something. But he remained as silent as a stone. “Here, kitty, kitty...” The snapping, the pointing, and the waiting… He wanted you to crawl, didn’t he?
You gulped and winced as you put one knee before the other, one hand before the other. You soon met Sebastian's bouncing feet, before looking up at him. All your arousal leaked all over you, and as much as you hated to admit it, the whole thing turned you on even more. The dominance, the degrading, the feeling of needing him, it all made the passionate fire in your abdomen continue to burn. Sebastian turned to face you and ran his thumb across your lips, smearing your saliva around. He pushed his thumb in your mouth and you eagerly sucked on it as if it were his cock. He abruptly pulled it out, making you put. “Nuh uh, none of that.” He chided, feeling his cock stirring in his pants. “Such a good, dumb little kitten. Take daddy’s cock out.” He jeered, and you nearly sobbed. Finally, finally. You swiftly pulled his boxers down, watching as his large cock bounced up and hit his lower abdomen. Thick ropes of pre-cum leaked down the shaft of his cock and you never wanted to suck him off more in your life.
You involuntarily darted your tongue out to lap up all the pre-cum, but a harsh tug on the pink leather leash halted you. “As much as I’d love to stuff your cute, slutty little mouth with my cock, I’m in the mood to fuck you until you’re just a braindead kitten.” He belted, leaving no room for argument or begging. He leans down and captures your lips in a heated, rough kiss. You can barely keep up with the Greek God-esque man. The kiss is dominating; arduous and vehement. His teeth nipped at your wet lips and you whimper into the kiss, only adding gasoline to the fire. He forcefully pushed his tongue into your mouth and you let it explore everywhere. You sucked out it softly, rubbing your thighs together to alleviate the burning ache that just seems to only intensify. He pulled away from you all at once and you felt dizzy. Your lips were throbbing and suddenly you’re thrown onto the bed.
You felt the plug push farther into you -- further shocking you as it already was so deep. It grazed against each and every one of your sensitive spots, making you cry out. It was the kind of pleasure that was also painful, but the kind of pain that made you want to be hurt more and more. You wondered if you were a masochist, if Sebastian had turned you into a masochist. But at that time, that was the least of your worries. From the corner of your eyes, you saw the glint from the glittery box that Sebastian had purchased. He flipped you onto your stomach and slowly pulled the tail out, stroking it every now and then. “Ngh.” You moaned out it was pulled out all the way. Sebastian stared at your gaping hole, wishing he could just stick his cock in you and fuck you into oblivion. He could, but he shouldn’t; not yet at least.
You gripped the sheets tightly, silk slightly slipping from your sweaty hands. A gasp flew past your lips as Sebastian puckered his lips and spat on your puckered hole, before rubbing it in. You fought the need to push your hips back against his thumb, slowly pushing into you. The stretch was just as painful as the plug, your poor ass burning. He pulled his thumb back out before grabbing another plug, one that had a pink tail. He swiftly pushed it in and your eyes rolled back into your skull at the feeling. It wasn’t as painful as before, it was actually pleasurable. You swore you lost your vision for a brief second, and even your breath as well as your morals. Well, you lost your morals a long time ago, to be frank.
You felt him stroke the fluffy part of the tail again, almost trying to soothe you. He fiddled with the base of the plug, trying to find the little nub that was supposed to be there. His fingers flipped it and suddenly the plug began to vibrate. Muted, strong vibrations radiated throughout your ass and up your spine, even reaching to your poor little pussy. You moaned pornographically, bucking your hip involuntarily, humping the air. “Aw, poor little kitten is so needy.” He taunted, even though it was the same case for him. He was harder than anything and it was almost painful. Pre-cum leaked from his aching, silky and dripped down to his swollen balls.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled your hips back towards his and grinded his cock against your dripping pussy. You were so wet that you could smell the slightly bitter scent of your arousal in the air. It was muted, faint, but anybody would have noticed. Sebastian grabbed the base of his cock and bumped the silky, bulbous head of his cock against your clit. You cried out, “Please daddy!” But he only turned up the vibrations and continued to rub the tip against your pearl of nerves. His cock teased your drooling hole, and you just couldn’t take it anymore. “Please fuck me, daddy!” You pleaded. Sebastian sheathed his cock into your wet pussy, impaling you. You wheezed as he slowly bottomed out, his cock slightly grazing your cervix.
You didn’t mind it, though. He stayed still, his cock throbbing inside your core. He reached for the pink hitachi wand and turned it on, pressing it onto your poor little clit. You shrieked at the abrupt amount of pleasure, your hand darting down to where the wand was. You held it in place even though your hands were shaking. Your body held a slight tremor and Sebastian began to pound into your pussy. The sound of skin slapping, both of your moans and the obscene squelching from your pussy filled the room. “Oh fuck!” You yelled, feeling your orgasm building up already. “Fuck, so tight.” Sebastian groaned, thrusting into you even harder. His cock kept nudging against your g-spot, each time making you dizzier.
“D- Daddy… Can I cum? Please?!” You squealed, your voice louder than the banging that came from the bed headboard against the wall. “Fuck- No, hold it.” He growled, before moaning loudly, You clenched around his cock, the pleasure pushing you closer and closer to your release. Sebastian watched as your juices coated his cock, glistening with your arousal. “Please daddy?” You begged, knowing all too well that you might pass out if you don’t cum — at least that’s what it felt like. Your pussy squeezed him with all it’s mine, wetness dripping all over the sheets and you struggled to stop screaming. “Oh!” You gasp as he pushed the plug into you deeper. “Yeah, take in deep in your slutty, tight little pussy. You gonna cum, kitten? Such a good little pet!” He shouted, and you wailed. “Cum, cum all over my cock.” He commanded. The dam inside you broke as you came all over his cock, milking him. “Thank you, Daddy!” You mewled, bucking against his cock.
You babbled dumbly as you soon became overstimulated. Sebastian tugged on your leash and the bell on it rang non-stop. You tried to run away from him, the pleasure becoming too much. But you soon found yourself moving back against his cock, fucking yourself. “Poor kitten, can’t take my cock now even though you fuckin’ begged for it.” He spat, his thrusts growing sloppy. Your pussy spasmed as you came for the second time, your vision becoming darker than usual. You fell against the bed but you didn’t relent your grip on the wand. Your body was on fire, heart clamouring at such a rate that you couldn’t calm it down. “Oh fuck…” He groaned, pulling out of your pussy to stave off his orgasm. Your cum dripped from his cock as he flipped you onto your back and spread your legs wide.
Sebastian plummeted his cock back into your pussy and grabbed the sparkly dildo in the box. Before you could ask him what he was about to do, he slowly pushed the dildo alongside his cock. It wasn’t as big as his cock, no, but it was enough to have you screaming at him to stop. You pushed at his hard chest but he didn’t budge. Instead, he growled at you to stop. “...If you don’t listen then I could punish you by ending this little relationship, okay? I know you can’t survive without me, and you should remember that.” His words echoed in your mind like a memory that you wanted to forget but you were always reminded of it. You both moaned once he stopped pushing the dildo into your stretched out pussy. You were sure that he ruined you for anyone else.
He slowly began to thrust both his cock and the dildo in and out of you. His thrusts were slow but sharp and hard, even though they were slightly sloppy. You came for a third time, your mouth falling open as you let out a silent scream. Tears streamed down your cheeks again and you couldn’t take it anymore. “One more, kitten.” He bargained even though you knew you couldn’t object. His cock and the dildo hitting your g-spot over and over, the butt plug, and the hitachi wand were all too much for you. But they all ruined you over and over, and they all made you cum over and over. “Oh- Oh my god! ‘M gonna cum so fucking hard!” You preened, arching your back off the bed. You unintentionally pressed the hitachi wand harder against your clit, only intensifying your orgasm.
You gushed around Sebastian’s cock as thick, white, hot ropes of cum painted your walls. His cock pulsed in your pussy as he continued to fill you up. Shockwaves were sent throughout your body and you left the conscious world for a few seconds — making a quick trip to heaven. Or hell. Sebastian pulled out and watched as his cum followed both his cock and the dildo. Your sore hole gaped slightly, all fucked out and ruined. He turned the vibrators off and you curled up into a ball. You slowly descended from your powerful high, sighing heavily. You shut your eyes as you ushered Sebastian to cuddle you. But he just chuckled like a sadist. “Oh no kitten, did you think we were done?”
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the-american-witch · 3 years
Sweeten the Pot
Title: Sweeten the Pot
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35116618
Created for @spnkinkbingo
Square Filled: Virginity
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Summary: Reader is ill and at the edge of their rope. So they do what any desperate person does. They go make a deal. 
Word Count: 940
Rating: General
Warnings: sick!reader, talk of virginity
SPN Kink Bingo Masterlist
At the crossroad, you coverup the box with the ingredients and wait. You’re getting sicker by the day. You know it, you can feel it. You’ve gotten so weak you can’t work anymore and the money is running out to pay for your family’s medications. You would take out another mortgage but you’re already in so much debt there’s no way the bank would approve it. You’ve become truly desperate--not for yourself, your family. Their futures. You’d do anything to save them. So, you wait.
You’re about to give up and turn back to your car when you suddenly feel a chill  behind you. Turning around, braced for anything, you stop short when you see a man (in a suit? on a dirt road? you have no idea why but it’s better than what you thought would come and greet you) holding your box.
“Well...isn’t this a surprise.” 
“Uh…--” before you can even actually form a real word your voice is stolen from you.
“That’s okay, kitten, it’s better if I talk and you listen.” You nod slowly, now scared out of your mind and you start thinking the voice stealing trick wasn’t necessary. “Good. Now, you’re looking for a deal, yes?” You nod. “You’re ill, and desperate.” Another nod. “And now you want to sell your soul to be cured.” You shake your head this time.
This makes him walk closer and put you under his scrutinizing gaze. His eyes on you makes your skin crawl but you need this to go well so you let him and merely avert your own gaze to the dirt under your feet.
“You don’t want to be cured.” You shrug in response. It’s not that you don’t want to, you do, but that’s not why you’re here--you’re thinking more long term. “Speak then. What do you want?”
A cough comes out first as your voice is given back to you. “M-my family. I want them taken care of when I’m gone.”
“So you’re dying, and you’re willing to sell your soul in order for them to be happy?”
“Well...not just happy. I, uh, have a list.”
He chuckles and it sounds rough, like sandpaper, “You have a list...I’ll admit it takes some balls to bring a list of commands when you’re the one in need.”
“It’s my soul...and I think what I’m asking for is rather modest for what I’m offering.”
“And what…” he steps closer, now right in your space, you can smell what can only be described as fire and brimstone. “Is that?”
You swallow thickly and try hard to let yourself look or act as intimidated as you feel. “...I’m a virgin.” His whole face changes and you feel a tiny bit more confident than you did thirty seconds ago. “Yeah...that’s what I thought. No sex, no one else’s touch...barely any time or energy for my own fingers...so, yeah.”
“I see...well aren’t you more than the sum of your parts.” You flush at his words and try looking away again but this time he catches you by the jaw and makes you look at him. “You’re telling the truth, aren’t you. Don’t bother answering, I can already smell the pureness of you. Interesting...so this family of yours?”
“My family--the people I love and who love me. Is that not enough to call them family?”
“I suppose, for some people.”
“I want them taken care of and I have a list for how that would best happen for them. In return you get my soul. My virgin soul...I don’t know a lot about a lot but I’ve been told that’s a big deal in your...department.”
“Yes…” he lets go of your jaw and you have to pop it to ease the tense. “It is.” He circles around you, inspecting you.
“So...does this mean we have a deal?”
“We could...or you could sweeten it.”
“W-what? Look I don’t have anything else I--”
“Oh hush up I’m not asking for much. It’s true, getting a virgin to sell their soul is pretty hard in this day and age. You’re all hedonists.” You roll your eyes but let him keep speaking. “And your soul would be quite the commodity down under. There is one thing that would make it absolutely perfect…” Now he’s behind you, pressed against your back. You can feel the heat of Hell coming from him, his breath hot against your nape.
“You let me take it.”
“T-take it?”
“Oh yes...your virginity. Let me take it. I can think of about fifty uses for it off the top of my head. Ten years is a long time, you may not be a sweet little virgin by the time we come to collect and then we’re both fucked. So we may as well, well, fuck.”
“...what do I get in return?”
“Besides instant gratification?” It’s like he feels the sarcasm about to roll off your tongue because he quickly says, “I’ll cure you too.”
“...you will?”
“Of course. I don’t care what you do with your body once I’ve got what I want. You may as well have a nice life before you’re tortured for all of eternity.”
You know he’s not wrong, and you wonder to yourself if he knows he’s actually giving you more time than you naturally have left to live. At this point though, you don’t care. You’ve come this far. May as well go the distance.”
“Okay.” He smirks and offers his hand. “Before I do...do I at least get a name?”
“Of course, love. Name’s Crowley.”
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