#one episode in i'd die for BB
macksartblock · 1 month
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idk why i did this instead of sleeping last night but ayo s3 pcs
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bonefall · 5 months
are there any bb!cats with schizophrenia or that regularly experience psychosis? people absolutely suck about mental illness so like. seeing characters like me going thru life and being treated like people and not monsters for something out of their control never fails to put a smile on my face! thank you for all the research and effort you put into making sure your disabled cats are not only believable but human. pd: cinderheart with bpd is an extremely based headcanon
Not yet but it's on my radar, plus NPD. The reason why I feel so unflappably confident with BPD is because I know and love people who have it, and I hate that I don't see any characters who are like them! So I feel like I'm really good at handling it, and knowing what's wanted in portrayals of it. It feels very personally important to me.
Pair that with the fact I write BB!Clans as canonically struggling with ableism and all these being so heavily stigmatized irl, I've gotta be REALLY careful with NPD and psychosis. I'm less connected to them so personally and I don't want to accidentally strike a nerve, you get me?
That said... I got an ask a while back that I'd been thinking about a lot, basically asking me about how Clan Culture would see psychosis in the first place. I've actually always been fascinated by how deeply schizophrenia is affected by the culture of the afflicted, so I've been idly thinking about that for a while without sharing those thoughts.
OH WAIT hangon let me explain some stuff about Schizophrenia and psychosis for people in the audience!!
Schizophrenia used to be diagnosed in subtypes before 2013. This is no longer accurate! A lot like Autism, it's a spectrum of symptoms that affect people differently. It's a cognitive disorder that messes with rational and organized thinking, and that can express in all sorts of ways.
One of the symptoms is hallucinations. It's The Famous symptom of it, but it's not actually something you NEED to have to be Schizophrenic. Not all people who are having hallucinations or delusions are Schizophrenic, either! I want to include an OCD character of some kind who experiences some mild auditory hallucinations, actually. The type where it's just random mumbling.
Delusions and hallucinations aren't the same thing Delusions are false beliefs and hallucinations are false experiences. An example of a delusion is, "If I don't click my pen three times, my family will die." An example of a hallucination is hearing voices.
PEOPLE WITH PSYCHOSIS ARE FAR MORE LIKELY TO BE THE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE THAN TO COMMIT IT Feel like this is common knowledge in this space, and especially within my own following since I make a lot of art about mental illness and awareness, but it's always worth repeating.
So anyway
If you compare psychosis between cultures, you actually end up seeing VERY different expressions of the hallucinations. For example, in some cultures, voice hallucinations tend to say things that are negative or abusive, while other cultures hear significantly more positive, playful voices.
This doesn't mean that they're always less distressing. For example, the study above points out that Nigerian students (reported to hear lots of playful hallucinations) experience as much distress as Dutch students (tend to experience negative, abusive voices) during their psychotic episodes.
Still, there does seem to be a correlation with "less distress" and cultures that encourage psychotic people to see their hallucinations as positive, personal things. Even more interestingly, distress seems to be correlated with income and individualism in a culture.
But it doesn't stop there, the findings are fascinating.
Delusions of grandeur are rare in societies that discourage that sort of social mobility, reflecting social values.
Cultures that believe religious experiences are specific experiences-- like certain smells, temperatures, or sounds, will see those reflected in psychotic episodes
Yet, "voices" seem to be something seen across ALL cultures studied. Though some have more prevalence of random sounds and mumbling than others, they all share some expression of "voices that say stuff."
SO all that to say-- if I include psychosis it's definitely going to be trying to take the culture of each Clan into account, and I need to do a lot more research into what sorts of things people with schizophrenia and various types of psychosis want to see more often.
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asafeplaceforus112 · 6 months
Invincible season 2 episode 4
damn alt right men when they realise they're hurting people"
Why did they give him such a big dumpy?!?!?
Oh shit he was about to kill gimself
Awwwwweee good deed
I wish he kept the beard
I always forget how pretty mark is
He's going to hug him I know he is
))): he can't control that he gives a shit about his dad
is his outfit different???
Use your words goddamn
Does that mean he groomed a bug
Piece of shit
Piece of shit
God fucking damn
This is fucked up
Let him say fuck
You should have gotten an uber bb girl
"is that Cavetown"
That's totally Cavetown, I'm checking the credits later
Spit on his grave
Why the fuck did he marry her, he could have easily been a good baby daddy or something
Now we know which one was the clone
Oh fuck
Oh no
This feels like a bad omen
Are Donald and Debbie going to fall in love???
"ha he finds his own flesh" -> finds his glasses "ur fuckin with me"
I love that they're friends
"aaalleeeennn )):"
"oooooohhhh noooooo their planet is getting sucked into the black hole"
*Different reason*
Goddamn wrap your shit up you dumb old man
Oh wait I think she's just short
"how does she have a place in the city"
Ooooh she can make money
Oh lol it's him
The fact he has bug eyes
Oh her antennaaaaaa awwwwweeee sooo cuuutteeeee
Mother fucker
She's so dead
Girl clean this shit up
They're going to sue her ass
Awwweee little ducks
Who the fuck is he again
He so fucking true
He's true
Reborn dude: ):§
Damn Cecil you dumb
Yeeeeesss lemme see
The silence is horrific
Fucked up
Dumb ass man
OH IS HER!!!!!
Why does he have glasses???
Do they have matching moustaches???
He's a sucky dad
She playin soccer with hum
Ooooooh!!! The squelp sound!!!
She's like a scorpion that's so cool!
He can't do it and he's going to die for it
Yeah but ur a chearer
Oh shit she almost slice his theoat
Just destroyed her jaw
Hes going to die
He just broke his back he's fine
Ugh just means you shouldn't be doing fighting sruff
Oh no he's a robot
The knife dinted but he bled???
What happened to the little brother )))):
I love them ❤️
Bruh you gon get murdered
Good for him
That's why you can't know which one is the clone
I couldn't find I'd it was cave town but I swear that I heard that dude
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Am I doing a review tonight? Heck yeah I am (i would die of too much feelings if i didn't).
Am I publishing last night's review that I wrote in a fit of depression and impulsiveness? What do you think?
I feel a little bad that I couldn't write one for every episode, but i did manage to come so far and since yesterday's episode could be considered an extension of today's, think of this as a review for both.
Moving on.
I loved today's episode. I really really did. It was beautiful, gorgeous and very heartfelt. It was also hilarious and horny but let's not talk about that (or maybe we will?).
I like making lists, so here's one more (a couple of scenes are from yesterday's):
At the Bull Camp: when Pran and Pat start a fight to stop Tian and Phupha from fighting. And morning come, when they're getting up from the tent for breakfast, and Pat asks Pran to rate him: these two really are horny little minxes (affectionate) that use fighting as foreplay.
The confession scene. You know the one. It simultaneously broke my heart and wrapped it in a fluffy blanket. I would have been able to enjoy it more were I in a better mood, but it's okay.
Most of yesterday's episode was them getting lost in the forest. I think this is because in some way or other, all of them felt lost. And it was about finding themselves (and each other) again. It also highlighted, in phases, how their relationships and they themselves are similar and/or different.
Yesterday's episode is beautifully explained in this post, definitely give it a read if you have time.
In episode 16, what I really liked was that while PatPran did things that were references to the original ATOTS, PhuphaTian also did things that were references to BBS. Case in point: Phupha asking Tian to rate him on his 'performance' and Tian first showing one finger to tease him. The eleven was a nice twist though :D And the eye mask- I'm crying T~T
Also, I had an idea as to what were Hona's "conditions" going by Pran's and then Pat's reaction (no this has no connection whatsoever to me wanting them to do a play together shh). So happy i was right.
The waterfall and the classroom scenes- honest question P'Aof, are you trying to kill us with fluff? If so, I'm completely on board, but I have stuff to do, you know.
"We need to talk." Yes you do. You have a lot of talking to do.
We all knew Hona was going to surprise him right (I got flashbacks of The Eclipse OS episode 2)? I did not expect that big of a surprise, though (we'll come back to this later). Happy for Tian.
The play. I loved it so much. I have no words for how much I loved it. Especially the seating arrangements (not InkPa gossiping about PhuphaTian when they are sitting right there). Initially, I'd expected Pat to be Hona and Pran to be Khru Tian, but this dynamic does make more sense. The "No one should use their whole life to repay someone else's." hit me right in the feels because that's what they have been doing their whole lives. They had to hate each other because Pat's dad had wronged Pran's mom. Pran had to "break up" with Pat simply because Pat was his father's son and thus, in Dissaya's eyes, couldn't be trusted. This is also very true for Pa; she had to pretend to hate Pran even after he saved her life. So this scene was only part acting for them. It was also the reality they have to live through every day of their lives.
My favourite scene is the curtain scene; I could write a whole post just on that. Partly because of the kiss, yes, but mostly because of the connotations. Twice, they have been outed with the curtain falling. The first time had a mostly good outcome, however temporary (I'm not counting the Wai Mess™). The second time, they managed to avoid any suspicions. These two times, the curtain falling signified their (not so) secret relationship being exposed. This time, they kiss in front of a whole auditorium full of audience and the curtain closes on them, signifying that they are successful in hiding their relationship from prying eyes. This has both sad (that they have to hide in the first place) and happy connotations (that they are in their own world where they can love each other to the fullest). Also Wai and Korn being the bestest friends 😂😂. "We have no choice." As if Pat isn't screaming and jumping inside to kiss Pran in front of everyone. Yes, of course, Pat, that's the reason. Also, Pa saying "I didn't know Hia could act." –Didn't Pat act in the Architecture play in his sophomore year? 👀
[Unmute :D Do NOT repost; I'll do more than find you]
12. Poor Pa- I wanted to hug her then (the second hand embarassment almost made me curl into the corner of my bed and never come out).
13. Aaaaand Nong Nao is back. Also, in this scene the casual "will your dad be okay with this?" and "what about your mother?" tells us just how much they've come forward together, and how much they are willing to sacrifice for their love. Previously, there was always trepidation, anger, sadness or all three when talking about their parents, now it's just another topic. Like, it's good if they're okay with it, but we'll not stop loving each other if they're not. It's beautiful. Also, this:
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YES!!!!!! I've been waiting for this singular scene since the Our Skyy 2 trailer dropped and I finally get it. My BBS part of the brain is so satisfied right now. Not Pa and her timing again-
14. The ring, oh my gods. I kid you not when I say I literally gasped and teared up a little when Tian (and we the viewers) saw the ring. "Chief finally put the 1000th ring on my finger." Ahhh I'm screaming. It means so much for them both.
15. That post credit scene? I don't have words left for it. TianPhupha is a go! My switch stan (always) brain: happy :D
That's all for today! See you tomorrow when I sum up Be My Favourite.
If you want more clips, feel free to send a request! :D
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theheightofdishonor · 6 months
2023 year in review: part one
It's close enough to the end of the year that i'm writing my year in review. I decided to do a part for shows that actually aired in 2023. (i may or may not do a second part of this for all the shows i've watched this year but even from an initial glance its a LOT, we'll see. )
From what I have noted, I watched 81 shows this year that finished airing in 2023.
Broken down by country, its
Thailand: 35
Korea: 18
China: 10
Japan: 10
Philippines: 4
Taiwan: 4
48 of these were BL and 16 were GL.
Even this is actually so many that I don't quite know how to even break it down so I guess i'll just go by country?
Thailand just has such a large output of content that naturally, the quality also tends to vary wildly meaning this produced both some of my absolute favorites and some of my most beloved.
On the beloved side, Bed Friend, IFYLITA, Moonlight chicken,My school president, and surprisingly Midnight Museum. And on a slightly lower tier, Be My Favorite, Dirty Laundry, Enigma, Shadow, Only Friends, and Warp Effect.
Bed Friend reminded me almost of Tharntype? But like good. I think the execution was great and NetJames definitely has some of the best chemistry in a year chock full of good chemistry. They're great in Middleman's Love too.
I Feel You Linger In the Air is Tee Bundit at his absolute best. He's great at blending genres together. He incorporated horror brilliantly into simr and I love how he leaned into the historical and time travel aspects of this historical time travel romance. There was some really cool things with the directing and the acting from Nonkul and Bright was great too. Me finding out Nonkul was doing a bl was probably how everyone else reacted back when news broke that Nanon was doing BBS. He's one of my favorite actors.
Moonlight Chicken ofc is near perfect. I loved seeing older queer people in a romance with Jim and Wen and the contrast to Li Ming and Heart was great. Not to mention the family and social dynamics and the way the show addresses Beam and Jim's relationship. The only complaint I have is that the lack of physical intimacy between Jim and Wen in the middle portions of the show and near the end felt weird considering the content of the show but even then, it's a pretty minor complaint and everything else about the show is great.
My School President is definitely the one I was most engaged in fandom for. And the only one I was waking up early every morning to watch. (and i'd watch each episode like 2-3 times too). The social media/shipping stuff at the end was fumbled a little bit but I loved the parents in this show and the friend group and tinngun. I still can't believe Fourth and Gemini were like 17-18 when they filmed this. They're both excellent actors. Oh MSP also had the best Our Skyy episodes btw. I'll die on this hill.
Midnight Museum I'll discuss later on too but it was fun. I liked how intentional they were with the cameos where it purposefully gave the actors roles that were completely different from anything they've done before, especially with Tu, Bright, and Nanon. The worldbuilding was also fascinating. I know someone here was making a timeline for it and they mentioned it was a damn pain to figure out but like kinda in a fun way? The decision to make KathaDome a bromance is odd and I hate it and I hate the implications for gmmtv but other than that it was good.
Be My favorite was way better than I ever expected from Jittirain. I do have to say that my experience was marred by the fact that I was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, just from my experience with her shows but it didn't which was a pleasant surprise. I liked how they handled Aye's character and Kawi's growth.
I didn't think I'd like Enigma because I don't like Win but it was good. The supernatural/horror genre mix won me over. Also Prim is in this and i'm very weak for her. Win was nowhere on her level but he was more tolerable than I expected. I'm annoyed that she's not going to be in season 2 though because she's the main character?? GMMTV needs to understand that the draw of this show is Prim and not Win.
Only Friends. What a divisive show. I went into this wanting mess and drama and with the aim of not having any other expectations and for the most part, I succeeded. This show brought out the best from everyone in the cast, like genuinely these were some of the best performances that any of these actors have done. Absolutely stellar. Storywise, it was pretty good and very unique in terms of thai bl and gmmtv until that last bit with Boston and Nick which felt malicious and just mean compared to the neutral lens that the show had been portraying the other characters with. Watching it was pretty fun though and again, most of the story was really good so I guess i'm allowing it some grace.
Shadow isn't a bl but it is queer and I appreciated most of what it was doing with the historical horror suspense elements. I think towards the end it definitely was way shakier and I don't understand why they made some of the decisions they made but I really liked the first 3/4 of the show. Fluke and Singto are obviously good too, even though they're both way too old at this point to still be playing high schoolers.
The Warp Effect had the distinct vibe of a PSA and Gigie and Fah should've dated but otherwise, it was a fun watch, I think. I liked Alex's character arc, I liked everyone's character arcs honestly. On my notes, I wrote that the ending was a bit flat so points off for that but it was good.
A lot of these are from GMMTV which when it was good, was incredible and when it was bad, I usually was decent at avoiding them completely
The worst offender from Thailand that I didn't avoid is Tee Bundit with the double hit of Step by Step and Show Me Love. I think people far more eloquent than me have written a lot about sbs so I won't say much but like I almost refrained from watching IFYLITA because of how hurt I was by sbs. And Show Me Love was just like offensively mediocre which hit worse at the time because I had just watched Something In My Room and IFYLITA beforehand and made the mistake of having expectations from Tee. In my defense, Tee's usually good at writing engaging characters and casting for good chemistry so I had no reason to believe he'd fail here.
Hmm what else. Oh actually, brief mention of Nanon's filmography this year since I checked out all of it and he tends to be so good even in mediocre shows that I can't help but be intrigued.
Hmm what else. Oh actually, brief mention of Nanon's filmography this year since I checked out all of it and he tends to be so good even in mediocre shows that I can't help but be intrigued. Dirty Laundry by JoJo was excellent. It was a little hard to get into because i'm not a fan of the genre but i loved it. Also Film and Nanon are a fun pair and I think they get better with every showing. UMG actually was mediocre despite the great cast and I want better from Nanon so I dropped it. Namtam and Milk's characters should lowkey have gotten together though. In Midnight Museum, Nanon's a side character (which i honestly forgot was something gmmtv let him do) but he fucking KILLED it. He played three roles here and all of them were new for him and you could tell the guy was having a blast. I can't say it's some of the best acting I've seen from him but that's only because when Nanon is good, he's always this good. Oh and also, Nanon and View in MM is the best chemistry he's ever had with a girl. Our Skyy, there's not a lot I'm willing to say publicly about all that but Nanon even at half-effort is still better than half of GMMTV's stable. The Jungle was a terrible mess but Nanon was so excellent in it that i'm still writing essays about Nannam and Nanfah months later. Nanon and Mild as a pair were also excellent and the only ones that made it out of this show unscathed. The rest as I said, is a mess but one that could've been somewhat redeemed by making Mix a vampire. (this might not make sense but like watch Mix's performance alright he's trying sooo hard to be shady and mysterious and they never let it go anywhere) My precious was a fairly run of the mill movie with excellent acting. As a plot I think it's a little thin for a show but i'm interested to see how they'll stretch it out. Hopefully the longer runtime means the friend group can be fleshed out a little bit more.
Well that ended up not being all that brief but moving on, I thought Korea would have more on a showing because I remembered watching a lot of kdramas but turns out most of the kdramas I watched were from previous years so, only 18. A very dramatic drop from Thailand's 35.
The best of these included The Eighth Sense, Our Dating Sim, and Welcome to the Lesbian Bar with Sing My Crush being ever so slightly underneath. I would rec Lesbian Bar to literally everyone, but especially those who enjoyed MLC. It's got that same queer family focus with the central relationship being this baby lesbian and her lesbian aunt. Out of the not queer stuff, My Perfect Stranger was an excellent time travel romance, The Glory Season 2 was better than all the other season twos that came out this year, and
If Korea produced anything too egregious this year (outside of Taxi Driver and Uncanny Counter's season 2s) I missed it. But out of the ones I watched, the most disappointing was A Shoulder To Cry On, followed rather distantly by Bump Up Business, both for very different reasons. I will say though that whatever is wrong with Tae Hyun in A Shoulder To Cry On is very appealing to me in the same way that Tae Joo from Where Your Eyes Linger was except like a weaker version.
I once thought i'd never touch a cdrama again but here I am, having watched 3 whole traditional length cdramas this year. The other 7 are almost all from the Legend of Yunze's catalog because I love their content. The best by leaps and bounds was Nu Er Hong by Legend of Yunze. I think it's my favorite out of everything they've made. The studio's really started to figure out their pacing and also this one was fairly dark and dark gl- dark anything really- is right up my alley. A flower for 3 lives and Seven Gods of Joy by the same studio had great concepts but shakier execution. Stepping outside of them, A league of noblemen was probably my favorite traditional cdrama but Mysterious Lotus Casebook was fun fandom-wise since people on tumblr were watching it.
I think the only show i'd classify as bad is probably My everlasting bride which I watched on a whim. Under a miscroscope started good and then ended boring so overall averages into mediocre. This wouldn't be a crime anywhere else but I expect good pacing from my cdramas.
I liked pretty much everything I watched from Japan this year so imma go with my worst off which was Jack O' Frost. This is more on me than on the show itself because the concept just squicked me out a lot more than I expected it to. Badly enough that i've blocked the tag.
On the best of, I don't even know if I can choose. Hmm, Bokura no micro na shuumatsu, Kimi ni wa todokanai, Kinou nani tabeta s2, both the My Beauitful Man installments, and Taikan Yoho. Ahhh, and Tokyo in April is... Welp well turns out I couldn't actually choose. This was pretty much everything I watched.
I didn't think I'd like Bokura no as much as I ended up liking it. And I don't know if I would've liked it as much if any other country had produced this show. But it was achy and wistful and I fell in love;.
Kimi ni wa todokanai though was hands down my favorite from Japan and I don't even like friends to lovers. It also helped that they, mostly Yamato reminded me a bit of Kageyama and Hinata. Like I know it's just common character archetypes but also, it's kagehina core, yeah? The bed scene where Yamato yeets Kakeru onto the bed was both hilarious and just well done. I liked the way Yamato wrestled with his desire.
I watched Kinou Nani Tabeta s2 just a couple days ago since I was waiting to binge it and i'm glad I wasn't watching this weekly because it would make everything else I watch weekly dull in comparison. Honestly would watch 100 seasons of this. It's perfect.
My Beautiful Man S2 and My Beautiful Man: Eternal were both solid. I think mbm s1 had tighter pacing but week to week, I enjoyed s2 more. For some reason I didn't write notes for either but I do remember liking both so.
Taikan Yoho. If not for the kghn vibes from kimi ni wa, this would be my favorite. Like their dynamic and just the layers of it and how it presents itself in the language of the show is just so tailored to my taste. I think I wanted just a little bit more from them, but what I got was excellent.
I only watched four and somehow, it's perfectly split into 2 gls and 2 bls. I really do like pinoy stuff and the way they write relationships but I don't watch a lot of it because I don't know a lot of people who track it and also because most of it is on yt and i don't like the yt interface. But out of what I watched, the best was The Day I Loved You and Stand-In Love.
The Day I Loved You did a good job in handling the love triangle and Eli's illness. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending but it was still good.
Stand-In Love is about 2 best friends who are in a 'stand-in' relationship with each other where the straight one is helping the lesbian one learn how to court a girl but then they end up falling in love. It's like 20 minutes long, it's fucking adorable, very well done for the amount of time it had.
The other two things I watched was Tie the Not and Lei and Mar. Tie the Not is basically just pinoy Wedding Plan and I find that I don't care for the concept. Lei and Mar is a cute friends to lovers that for some reason ends in a car crash. Like it started out really cute and then bam, car crash out of absolutely nowhere. Just, why?
Kiseki: Dear to Me was fun and I liked the cameos. It was a funny experience for me though because I consumed a lot of this show via gifsets but I never actually read the synopsis and whatever the hell I thought this was about was decidedly not it.
Fall For You - it's tragic, it is but I laughed
Stay By My Side reminded me a bit of Hikaru No Go but I can't tell you why. It's more cute domestic fluff than plot but I watched it twice so clearly I didn't mind too much at the time. Plus, it has ghosts and i'm a sucker for supernatural stuff.
You are mine was a mess and I think I watched up til the penultimate episode. What is it with office bls this year?
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
OKay gotta distract myself from constantly refreshing my fic and staring at numbers, by continuing my spop rewatch
If you're new here: I'm rewatching all of She-Ra for fic writing purposes, and live-blogging it, with too many screenshots. None of this is spoiler-free. I make a lot of jokes and talk about my life and make references to other shit.
Also, I find Catra's villainy to be kinda hot (okay more than just kinda hot)
s4 ep1 the coronation
"April did you rewatch the Portal scene again"
Yes, because that's where I left it paused, mind your own business
OKAY so I remember this from the first time I watched it, like, four years ago--that of all the emotional stuff this show gets 100% correct, I'm not sure Glimmer's grief over her mother is all that accurately portrayed. She just seems to "get over it" too fast?
By which I mean: yes, it's the focus of this episode, but that's basically it.
When my dad died--and keep in mind I'd been no contact for six months, I'd already done most of my grieving for him!--I was so out of it I couldn't even read anything longer than a few paragraphs for multiple months. All my writing basically screeched to a halt. And Glimmer likes her mom!
BUT tbh I keep remembering someone pointing out that each season covers WAY more time than I originally assumed. Because the first time I watched this I assumed we were like, literally a week or two after the events at the end of s3. It's probably closer to several months. And that makes way more sense.
Also who else is confused as to what "princess" and "queen" even mean in this universe, like there are several princesses who are clearly in charge of their kingdoms? is just when their parents DIE that they become queens? if so wtf is wrong with Frosta's parents "lol you're eight now, time for you to be in charge of literally everything, and you'll never see us again"??
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okay but literally did they only ask Mermista to do the flowers as a joke bc I am literally sad for her now :(
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There she is!!! 😍
Also I read some (old) commentary from Nate about why her hair is flatter this season and nooooooo
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oh hey remember that you tied up Adora
okay do you remember this specific time you tied up Adora lolol
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"Don't talk about my ex-girlfriend!!! it's a very sensitive topic *sobs*"
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Glimmer's coronation robe is so great. I wonder if, like IRL ones, it's made out some insanely hard-to-get fur and weighs approximately five tons.
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The line delivery of "BOW! CALM DOWN!" made me laugh so hard I had to play it for other people and then watch it again.
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"Power changes people"
Not everyone is like you!!! >:(
(if anything, responsibility is more likely to change Glimmer)
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poor bb
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it's Entrapta's little naked mole rat robot!! which is also somehow also a squeaky toy??
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Scorpia wants SO BAD to find a way to see Catra as not a terrible person
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the robot didn't deserve that
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"Don't talk about my ex-girlfriend!!! it's a very sensitive topic *sobs*" (pt 2)
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Scorpia is such a cinnamon roll
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Adora literally only owns like three outfits. And this is her "nice dress."
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Bow's dad's!!
Also this is framed so much like a wedding, even the music is wedding-ish
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okay maybe not
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I'm sticking with my theory that this is several months after the end of s3 which means she's been like this (unable to teleport) for a while
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Yeah, people have discussed this a great deal, re: grief: most people want to talk about the people they've lost, if you give them a safe time/place to do it. You don't have to avoid the subject.
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I once again ask myself: where were you keeping the sword this whole time lolol
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NICE (Glimmer put the fancy lantern into the little niche for it)
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Aziraphale? Is that you?
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I wonder when Angella recorded this
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where did you get the new outfit 2. isn't your other arm cold 3. she's fucking purring
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She says this the exact same way she says "Hey, Adora" and I went "EUGGGH" out loud
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Some people were like, "oh, her redemption arc in s5 was so rushed" and meanwhile I'm like, "I wish they'd made her deranged and mean a little longer, actually. For Reasons."
Anyway I've run out of images unless I reblog the post, SO: she yanks the little crystal thing Entrapta made out of Hordak's suit so he collapses and then taunts him with the knowledge that Horde Prime is not gonna be happy to find out he can't even subdue the Rebellion, basically puts herself in charge, end of episode
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 40: kittens! not in the episode, just in my house.
I won't lie - I'm half an hour late bc I was building a settlement in fallout 4 and lost track of time
mala literally just messaged me "travis: there will be no werewolf dick". I have zero context for this and I don't want any.
I'm assuming imogen had an emotional something or other with her not-dead mom
I swear it's just the in-betweeny nature of the game rn fucking with me, I'll care more once we loop back into the main plot
yanking fearne's hand into the air
"lots of bad isn't unusal" oh bb
at the end of the day we're all just horny undead bird-rats
The Moon Guy
"at night we could tie each other up" marisha's face
lays in the floor about dorym
"I really wanted to punch a werewolf"
"you're in pain long enough it just all becomes background noise"
oh I will CRY
"a dozen is like 20"
combat was mentioned and I immediately checked ALL the way out ksldjfsl
final fantasy boss music intensifies
okay you have my attention now
that's what that picture laura posted was dsklfs
"I watched that conversation!"
"when you die it'll be very special"
that is too many fire
I know I said this last time but: soul eater
"no amplification" travis remembers the last time ronin was involved in a miniboss fight
Super Miss
oh damn
"the big chicken" blinks in georgia
excuse me
imogen??? ma'am???
shocking rats
travis I was so proud of you earlier
at least I've got chicken
the rain effect!
sdkjhfskj no one trusts the werewolf
"lunacy!" taliesin
guess what having two seven-week-old kittens who don't know what a day/night cycle is makes it really hard to pay attention to things
matt what is your voice
I'm only picturing the boar spirit from mononoke
"kinda hate it, kinda into it"
werewolf skillshare
guess what having two seven-week-old kittens who can escape their kitten pen makes it really hard to pay attention to things
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chaoshaven · 11 months
There is a lot that can be said about Deathnote. Too much for a ingle person to talk about. Digging deep into the philosophy, meaning, asking and exploring the question of, what would you do with a deathnote?
I read this series in highschool, and I remember having a wild ride with this.
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I didn't stop to consider implications while reading, I just let the story flow however it wanted. And there was a lot of moments that made me laugh while reading because of how convoluted it became, in the best way possible. That's also a little bit why I'm not a fan of the anime. I only seen the 1st episode, and with the orchestral music it made me feel like I had to take it seriously. Another thing is how Light Yagami, who, spoilers, finds a deathnote and decides to enact his version of justice on the world by writing down those who he deems fit to die into the deathnote. Purging the world of sin to make a better place.
In the manga, from what I remember, he starts off as a smart and decent kid, finds the note, and over the course of the story slips into insanity. Wanting to do whatever it takes to save humanity, and losing his own/dissociating with reality in the process. While in the anime, it felt like Light was 1 bad coffee order away from killing someone. It felt like anime Light was already a psychopath, while the manga showed him becoming one.
Reading this as a comedy story, of a cat and mouse chase between criminal and detective where they each try to one up another, is what made this series really enjoyable for me. If you like taking it seriously though, go for it. It just wasn't for me, the anime, where the music and tone and atmosphere made it feel like it was serious and no-nonsense, even when eating potato chips/watching news channels/killing people.
There is also 3 side books, 2 of which I've read. one about an alternate timeline where the best detective in the world, L, stops Kira from killing people and contains the deathnote. He writes his own name in it in an effort to motivate him to do good, and then is tasked with a case to figure out who is planning to spread a lethal toxin across japan. Very suspenseful, and L is not an athlete by any means so it's a fun change to not have the hero decide fist fighting will solve all problems. I'd say to read this after completing the series.
The other, Los Angeles BB Serial Murder Cases, follows a string of murders that L is trying to solve, set in time before the events of Deathnote (the series, not the item). I would reccomend reading this after reading volume 7 of the original manga, because the narrator doesn't show up until then.
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katsukikitten · 2 years
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UwU on the weekends I meal prep katsuki’s lunches for the week. Each day I try to give him a taste of a different culture’s food. Japanese one day, American the next, Korean after that, Mexican and so on. I do it for the sake of practicing making new things but also to give him something interesting in case nothing else about his work day is doing anything good for him. A little extra lmao but he loves me for it. Normally I prep his lunches on Saturday. He’ll prep mine in Sunday. Normally what he makes me are just different variations of bentos, maybe with a little American pack lunch twist sometimes. He takes a lot of care to make or add those like aesthetically pleasing or cute things too! Because he knows they would make me smile uwu. He makes sure within a month of lunches he packs for me I never have the same thing twice (unless I ask uwu). He’s such a sweetie pie and I love him úwù 💖💖💖.
The times he has multiple days off we’ll binge movie series we like. Action and Sci-fi especially. Transformers, Underworld, Fast and the Furious. (Always memeing for days after Fast and the Furious lmao. Whenever he asks me why I did something I’m like “Family” 😂😂😂 and doing a stupid cryptid pose lmao.) Sometimes horror movies too. Even when he’s working tho, we try to get in a few episodes of anime a week, read the manga in our downtime.
UGH the way I get bricked up seeing him just sitting all sexy in his glasses while turning the page of a manga volume PLEASE. He sees me looking at him and just raises a brow. And I’m like, “You wanna make a hentai doujin with me bro?” And he just sighs wondering why I’m such a dork, but bookmarks the volume and gets up to join me in bed anyways ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and is like “You better not complain about me being a couple chapters behind you.”
In the summer he doesn’t have to take me to water bc we have a pool in our backyard uwu. I help sometimes but he does most of the work and takes really good care of it owo. I’ll keep him company and sometimes play music while he puts chemicals in the pool, drains it and fills it back up, puts new chlorine tablets in the floaty bois, etc. Sometimes I’ll sweep it while he’s doing other yard work. Though trips to the beach ever once and a while don’t hurt either uwu. Stay a couple days just to enjoy the sea and the sky. Each beach food. Y’know :3.
After a long day of doing the yard, tending to flowers, washing cars together and stuff we doing go out lol. Too tired. We just shower then spend the rest of the day chillin. I mean, go out and get food if not have ur delivered to the house, but not like go and sit somewhere ya feel? Just wanna vibe in our own company and also prolly not cook lmao.
Fank u for letting me spout some domestic brainrot/goals hskshskshsks
I love you and I hope you’re well kitten :3 💜💜💜
Hope you're well too bb!
Haha yes I get the wanting to be in each other's company but not with anyone else around too 😂
Living my dream life with the pool in the back yard bb! Ugh I'd DIE for a pool in my back yard 😭
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First of all, King's realization to be normal and just be a kid with his family.
A repeat of the heist from season 1 episode 1 but this time it's not King's crown they're getting it's his stuffed toy. Which btw is SYMBOLISM.
ALSSO AHA FCK ME BCKWARDS Coz Eda and Luz fighting? Coz eda cares for her so much that she was too scared to lose her but Luz misunderstands. Luz fighting back which btw I dont want ever to see again unless it's a fun sparring session. But it's nice to see her growth as a Witch. Eda probably saw that too regardless of the emotional stake they were in.
Eda being a total mom this episode is quite realistic coz goes to show shes not perfect bt she just wants her kids safe ok. STOP WITH THE SELF SACRIFICE THO BEFORE I DIE. But also I'd like to knowledge the voice acting of Eda is so fucking GOOODDDDD in this episode. Her voice cracks, the genuine care and worry in her voice, the fright. Also the tears between Luz and Eda are too much just STOP IT. IM NOT OK. Mom and daughter angst PLEASE.
Also STEVE. STEVE IIS A REAL ONE. I admire him. But also Steve and King just casually having a mini self reflect adventure was very heart warming. I love them. "I dont want ppl to see me as a big scary monster anymore" IM CRYING
Lily is a dork this episode. I love her. But pls treat your nephew with love and not praise before he goes crazy. Also her realizing her ideal worshipping is not good when King points out the pattern and Steve suggests a therapist. Lily bb u def need one.
Raine and Darius are dorks.
THA PALISMAN CARVING has me shaking of anticipation. Idk what to expect. But also just give me more Eda and Luz moments coz that hug in that bunker just opened my heart in half. While Eda praises her and being a total mom.
Additionally, the music in this episode was top tier.
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hunxi-guilai · 4 years
Firstly, thank you SO much for taking your time to answer all our Untamed questions. Secondly: if you don’t mind, maybe you could talk about that iconic line around 4:46 of episode 27, which YouTube translates as “If I am doomed to death, at least I could be killed by you. That would be worth it.” I know it more or less works out to “I trust you more than I'd trust the rest of them,” but it seems an odd thing to say regardless, so I wonder how much I'm missing.
oh hey there! I translated this line super fast in this post, but there’s... a lot going on in that post, and I never delved into this line in particular.
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prepare for tears tears tears
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Okay so first of all? The slight amount of slow motion on Wei Wuxian’s withdrawal of Chenqing, and holding it out between them? Thanks, I hate it, because it’s reminding me that in this show, there are maybe three instances when Wei Wuxian initiates a fight with Lan Wangji. The first time is the waterfall fight in Cloud Recesses summer school, when Wei Wuxian draws on Lan Wangji and trades a few blows before he realizes who Lan Wangji is (i.e. not an enemy combatant), at which point he promptly sheathes his sword and commences the flirting teasing. The third time is when they stand on opposite ends of a rooftop on the worst night of their lives. 
Meanwhile, Lan Wangji starts fights with Wei Wuxian like, all the time -- their first moonlit meeting, in the Qinghe Nie compound (and if I may indulge myself, throughout all of Sunshot); I’m even inclined to give the waterfall fight to Lan Wangji as well, because he sneaked up on purpose, he was so ready for that fight and probably would’ve been too happy to keep trading blows (I firmly believe that bb!Lan Wangji was ferociously competitive). 
But I’m getting distracted from the sads. This is the second time we see Wei Wuxian draw on Lan Wangji, and the first time we see him do so with Chenqing. It’s definitely the first time we see Wei Wuxian offer a genuine, heartbroken challenge to fight him for real -- this isn’t a sparring match anymore, this isn’t just another friendly bout between fellow cultivators. Wei Wuxian is prepared to die for what he’s doing, and he’s prepared to let Lan Wangji be the one to kill him.
(and if Lan Wangji had fought him, right there, right then? How far would he have gone? How far would either of them have gone?)
Wei Wuxian says: 
蓝湛 / Lan Zhan
如果我和他们之间必有一战 / if there must be a fight between me and them
那我宁愿和你 决一生死。/ then I would rather fight to the death with you.
要死,/ If I must die,
也至少死在你含光君的手上. / then at least I would die by you, Hanguang-jun, at your hands
不冤了。/ I would not be wronged.
Okay! So I’ve gone back and changed some parts of my older translation to be a little more faithful to the text in order to highlight some parts I want to point out:
如果我和他们之间必有一战 / if there must be a fight between me and them
那我宁愿和你 决一生死。/ then I would rather fight to the death with you.
In the first line, Wei Wuxian is fighting the entire cultivation world, one against many. He says 他们 tamen, ‘them,’ the third-person plural pronoun, instead of 你们 nimen, ‘all of you,’ the second-person plural. Then, in the second line, he emphasizes that he doesn’t think of Lan Wangji as one of them. Lan Wangji is different for Wei Wuxian; he’s always been different. 
This is barely two episodes after Wei Wuxian says to Lan Wangji in a sunlit forest on Phoenix Mountain, I had once taken you for the one who knew me, and received the answer I still am.
要死,/ If I must die,
也至少死在你含光君的手上. / then at least I would die by you, Hanguang-jun, at your hands
What I glossed over in my translation last time was the fact that Wei Wuxian, in this moment, specifically calls Lan Wangji by his title, Hanguang-jun. The hands are not Lan Zhan’s, Lan Wangji’s -- the hands he would die at are Hanguang-jun’s. Wei Wuxian evokes the idealized, glorified version of Lan Wangji that the cultivation world knows him as; Wei Wuxian calls upon the Lan Wangji who is famed for his unswerving righteousness and impeccable conduct, the bearer of an impartial light that illuminates good and evil, regardless of factionalism or politics. Hanguang-jun is the version of Lan Wangji that Wei Wuxian trusts with the verdict on his life, and Hanguang-jun is the farthest from the Lan Zhan he called his 毕生知己 bisheng zhiji.
(Not to keep shoving this post in people’s faces, but I have a lot of feelings about how Wei Wuxian trusts Lan Wangji to take him down if he goes too far, and I don’t want to repeat them all here because I used up all of my words there)
不冤了。/ I would not be wronged.
This is probably the biggest change I’ve made in this translation -- in a previous post, I translated it as “it would be worth it” because I was leaning on the 达 da and 雅 ya sides of the translation triangle, and I stand by that translation as communicating the essential sentiment of the line with the least amount of confusion.
But we’re not here for easy answers on this blog, we’re here for the most painful ones --
a lot of this sentence hinges on the word 冤 yuan, which means injustice, grievance (thanks Pleco) or, in its verb form here, to be wronged. Before anyone asks, no, it’s not the same yuan as resentful energy -- which is 怨 -- which is a nice instinct, but alas. 
I personally have a lot of emotional connections with the word 冤 yuan because it’s one of the central themes of 《琅琊榜》Langyabang / Nirvana in Fire, a show that keeps coming up on this blog and one I love with every fiber of my mortal being. Especially through the context of LYB, you can see how powerful of a force 冤 yuan can be -- whereas CQL, one might say, is driven by 愧悔 kuihui / regret and shame and how to live a life free from it (from Wei Wuxian’s 问心无愧 wenxinwukui to Lan Wangji’s 我有悔 woyouhui / I have regrets), LYB in contrast is driven by 冤 yuan -- from 冤枉 yuanwang / wrongful treatment to 冤案 yuanan / unjust case to 冤魂 yuanhun / the unrestful wronged spirits of the dead to 雪冤 xueyuan / to wash clean the injustice, until what’s left is white as snow.
Okay I’m getting distracted by LYB, but the point still stands -- 冤 yuan is an incredibly powerful word, and Wei Wuxian’s usage of 冤 yuan here encompasses so fucking much:
if I die at your hands, I would not be wronged
I wouldn’t come back as a vengeful spirit
I wouldn’t haunt you for what you’ve done
if I die at your hands, I would not blame you
if I die at your hands, you would be in the right
if I die at your hands, it would be worth it for me
you know me, so I trust you to lay judgment on me
and I will accept your verdict with no resentment or ill-feeling
even if that means that I die at your hands
One last dig of the knife, which is something I didn’t notice until I re-watched this line to write this post: Wei Wuxian says all of that -- Wei Wuxian says a l l  o f  t h a t -- with the softest, saddest smile on his face
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because he knows the monumental scope of what he’s asking of Lan Wangji in that moment -- I trust you, he says in that moment, to kill me -- and so that goddamn smile? That smile says two things:
thank you, 
I’m sorry
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vergina-spva · 2 years
two questions for the ask game: if u had to remove/kill off a major character from the story who would they be and why? of the dead characters, who would u bring back and why?
One Piece Ask Game
(sorry for the delay in answering!)
Hmmmm my first reaction was 'Blackbeard because I hate him and Ace because I love him', but let's think about it a little longer, right? Like, what would be the effect on the story? I'm assuming Luffy will eventually beat the shit out of Blackbeard. And when he does, it will be extremely satisfying. (if not, I'm going to throw a tantrum lol)
I wonder when you see someone as a 'major character'. Like is Bb even a major character? I mean he's an important character, but he doesn't have a whole lot of screen time yet. So, if with 'major character' you mean someone who has been in, let's say, at least 50 eps, it's gonna get a little more difficult. But then again, Kin'emon has probably been in 50 episodes, right? But I'd see Bb as a more major character…. 🤔
Anyway, the question of removing a character is a very different one than killing a character off. Like, I wouldn't mind removing Kin'emon (if he's major enough), as he's not very special to me, but I also don't think he deserves to be killed off. On the other side: I would very much like to kill off Akainu. (If he's major enough). Would I remove him? Well… The story changes a lot if he was never there. That answer goes hand in hand with the answer to the next question:
Who would you bring back from the dead?
I still think I would very much like to bring Ace back. But again, the story would change a lot if Akainu never killed Ace. So, I'm opting for Akainu did kill Ace, and then later Someone kills Akainu and then Ace comes back. it has the least impact on the story so far, and I do hate Akainu (he should NOT lead the marines, he's not good enough fo that), and I do love Ace and still miss him. I don't even care who kills Akainu to be honest. Though I do think someone like Luffy, Marco, or even Aokiji deserves to do it. Actually, I'd really like it if Marco did it. But even if some rando would do it, I'd be okay with that probably.
Blackbeard should die too, but probably in the end. He feels like an end boss. And so, I don't think it would count as 'killing off'.
Also, if it wouldn't have a great impact on the story, I would love to bring Thatch back. It would be great to see more of him, even though the fandom has given him a live of their own already and canon Thatch would probably be completely different.
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luckylulu82 · 2 years
Who are you trying to fool, Horny? Lmao! Or is it Rostijeras? Stop harrassing Lucky, bullying her anons for not believing your narratives and being biphobic as fuck because we know damn well what you're laughing at as if anyone knows anything for sure the way you and your besties think you do. // Wow. I wish this was an episode of the Masked Singer and we bet big money on it that I'm not this Hom person. Cuz bb, you'd fckn lose big on that bet once I take that mask off and I'd be able to take your house and the clothes off your stupid ass. 🤣 I don't give a shit what beef you have with this other person, that's your thing and I'm not them, dumb butt. That doesn't change the fact that you all have an agenda of your own over here. So damn obvious you hate certain blogs and any people who don't agree with what you believe about lots of things. You've got narratives of your own going on over here, don't act so fckn innocent. Like the time you pushed hard on that one italian hair guy and the SM guy being a thing? That was a fckn trip 🤣 Now you guys are trying hard to pair PP with ALL kinds of women. TH, chicks who interview him, even speculating on MB and P long ago. Some of you will die or drop PP if he ends up with someone who don't fit your ideal. Deny it but we all see you, k? You're tryna prove that he gets major boners for women. Whatever makes you happy, anons and friends of miss Lu. 🤪 And miss Lucky? The Hollywood girl ain't something I made up. I know you hate Tummy, but all you have to do is go back to her old posts from last year. The story details are all there for the world to see. You just gotta read. Like I said, it sounded like some fanfic one of your anons would've told. Similar to what we see over here. 😏// dead give away was the long deluded fanfic essay she always writes on lsa, this is so hornyonmain🤣🤣🤣 bitch get a life you're so fucking pathetic!!
This is getting crazy.
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luckylulu82 · 2 years
Who are you trying to fool, Horny? Lmao! Or is it Rostijeras? Stop harrassing Lucky, bullying her anons for not believing your narratives and being biphobic as fuck because we know damn well what you're laughing at as if anyone knows anything for sure the way you and your besties think you do. // Wow. I wish this was an episode of the Masked Singer and we bet big money on it that I'm not this Hom person. Cuz bb, you'd fckn lose big on that bet once I take that mask off and I'd be able to take your house and the clothes off your stupid ass. 🤣 I don't give a shit what beef you have with this other person, that's your thing and I'm not them, dumb butt. That doesn't change the fact that you all have an agenda of your own over here. So damn obvious you hate certain blogs and any people who don't agree with what you believe about lots of things. You've got narratives of your own going on over here, don't act so fckn innocent. Like the time you pushed hard on that one italian hair guy and the SM guy being a thing? That was a fckn trip 🤣 Now you guys are trying hard to pair PP with ALL kinds of women. TH, chicks who interview him, even speculating on MB and P long ago. Some of you will die or drop PP if he ends up with someone who don't fit your ideal. Deny it but we all see you, k? You're tryna prove that he gets major boners for women. Whatever makes you happy, anons and friends of miss Lu. 🤪 And miss Lucky? The Hollywood girl ain't something I made up. I know you hate Tummy, but all you have to do is go back to her old posts from last year. The story details are all there for the world to see. You just gotta read. Like I said, it sounded like some fanfic one of your anons would've told. Similar to what we see over here. 😏
everything can be considered fanfiction because everything is speculation anon, but the extremes are seen on both sides of anons not just one. You appear to hate all the blogs yet continue to go on each one why is that? I suggest blocking if you hate what is said here not continuing to come back and making it appear that you are this hom person that has a grudge with me.
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