#ill tag some of the shows i suppose just cuz idk what to tag
theheightofdishonor · 6 months
2023 year in review: part one
It's close enough to the end of the year that i'm writing my year in review. I decided to do a part for shows that actually aired in 2023. (i may or may not do a second part of this for all the shows i've watched this year but even from an initial glance its a LOT, we'll see. )
From what I have noted, I watched 81 shows this year that finished airing in 2023.
Broken down by country, its
Thailand: 35
Korea: 18
China: 10
Japan: 10
Philippines: 4
Taiwan: 4
48 of these were BL and 16 were GL.
Even this is actually so many that I don't quite know how to even break it down so I guess i'll just go by country?
Thailand just has such a large output of content that naturally, the quality also tends to vary wildly meaning this produced both some of my absolute favorites and some of my most beloved.
On the beloved side, Bed Friend, IFYLITA, Moonlight chicken,My school president, and surprisingly Midnight Museum. And on a slightly lower tier, Be My Favorite, Dirty Laundry, Enigma, Shadow, Only Friends, and Warp Effect.
Bed Friend reminded me almost of Tharntype? But like good. I think the execution was great and NetJames definitely has some of the best chemistry in a year chock full of good chemistry. They're great in Middleman's Love too.
I Feel You Linger In the Air is Tee Bundit at his absolute best. He's great at blending genres together. He incorporated horror brilliantly into simr and I love how he leaned into the historical and time travel aspects of this historical time travel romance. There was some really cool things with the directing and the acting from Nonkul and Bright was great too. Me finding out Nonkul was doing a bl was probably how everyone else reacted back when news broke that Nanon was doing BBS. He's one of my favorite actors.
Moonlight Chicken ofc is near perfect. I loved seeing older queer people in a romance with Jim and Wen and the contrast to Li Ming and Heart was great. Not to mention the family and social dynamics and the way the show addresses Beam and Jim's relationship. The only complaint I have is that the lack of physical intimacy between Jim and Wen in the middle portions of the show and near the end felt weird considering the content of the show but even then, it's a pretty minor complaint and everything else about the show is great.
My School President is definitely the one I was most engaged in fandom for. And the only one I was waking up early every morning to watch. (and i'd watch each episode like 2-3 times too). The social media/shipping stuff at the end was fumbled a little bit but I loved the parents in this show and the friend group and tinngun. I still can't believe Fourth and Gemini were like 17-18 when they filmed this. They're both excellent actors. Oh MSP also had the best Our Skyy episodes btw. I'll die on this hill.
Midnight Museum I'll discuss later on too but it was fun. I liked how intentional they were with the cameos where it purposefully gave the actors roles that were completely different from anything they've done before, especially with Tu, Bright, and Nanon. The worldbuilding was also fascinating. I know someone here was making a timeline for it and they mentioned it was a damn pain to figure out but like kinda in a fun way? The decision to make KathaDome a bromance is odd and I hate it and I hate the implications for gmmtv but other than that it was good.
Be My favorite was way better than I ever expected from Jittirain. I do have to say that my experience was marred by the fact that I was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, just from my experience with her shows but it didn't which was a pleasant surprise. I liked how they handled Aye's character and Kawi's growth.
I didn't think I'd like Enigma because I don't like Win but it was good. The supernatural/horror genre mix won me over. Also Prim is in this and i'm very weak for her. Win was nowhere on her level but he was more tolerable than I expected. I'm annoyed that she's not going to be in season 2 though because she's the main character?? GMMTV needs to understand that the draw of this show is Prim and not Win.
Only Friends. What a divisive show. I went into this wanting mess and drama and with the aim of not having any other expectations and for the most part, I succeeded. This show brought out the best from everyone in the cast, like genuinely these were some of the best performances that any of these actors have done. Absolutely stellar. Storywise, it was pretty good and very unique in terms of thai bl and gmmtv until that last bit with Boston and Nick which felt malicious and just mean compared to the neutral lens that the show had been portraying the other characters with. Watching it was pretty fun though and again, most of the story was really good so I guess i'm allowing it some grace.
Shadow isn't a bl but it is queer and I appreciated most of what it was doing with the historical horror suspense elements. I think towards the end it definitely was way shakier and I don't understand why they made some of the decisions they made but I really liked the first 3/4 of the show. Fluke and Singto are obviously good too, even though they're both way too old at this point to still be playing high schoolers.
The Warp Effect had the distinct vibe of a PSA and Gigie and Fah should've dated but otherwise, it was a fun watch, I think. I liked Alex's character arc, I liked everyone's character arcs honestly. On my notes, I wrote that the ending was a bit flat so points off for that but it was good.
A lot of these are from GMMTV which when it was good, was incredible and when it was bad, I usually was decent at avoiding them completely
The worst offender from Thailand that I didn't avoid is Tee Bundit with the double hit of Step by Step and Show Me Love. I think people far more eloquent than me have written a lot about sbs so I won't say much but like I almost refrained from watching IFYLITA because of how hurt I was by sbs. And Show Me Love was just like offensively mediocre which hit worse at the time because I had just watched Something In My Room and IFYLITA beforehand and made the mistake of having expectations from Tee. In my defense, Tee's usually good at writing engaging characters and casting for good chemistry so I had no reason to believe he'd fail here.
Hmm what else. Oh actually, brief mention of Nanon's filmography this year since I checked out all of it and he tends to be so good even in mediocre shows that I can't help but be intrigued.
Hmm what else. Oh actually, brief mention of Nanon's filmography this year since I checked out all of it and he tends to be so good even in mediocre shows that I can't help but be intrigued. Dirty Laundry by JoJo was excellent. It was a little hard to get into because i'm not a fan of the genre but i loved it. Also Film and Nanon are a fun pair and I think they get better with every showing. UMG actually was mediocre despite the great cast and I want better from Nanon so I dropped it. Namtam and Milk's characters should lowkey have gotten together though. In Midnight Museum, Nanon's a side character (which i honestly forgot was something gmmtv let him do) but he fucking KILLED it. He played three roles here and all of them were new for him and you could tell the guy was having a blast. I can't say it's some of the best acting I've seen from him but that's only because when Nanon is good, he's always this good. Oh and also, Nanon and View in MM is the best chemistry he's ever had with a girl. Our Skyy, there's not a lot I'm willing to say publicly about all that but Nanon even at half-effort is still better than half of GMMTV's stable. The Jungle was a terrible mess but Nanon was so excellent in it that i'm still writing essays about Nannam and Nanfah months later. Nanon and Mild as a pair were also excellent and the only ones that made it out of this show unscathed. The rest as I said, is a mess but one that could've been somewhat redeemed by making Mix a vampire. (this might not make sense but like watch Mix's performance alright he's trying sooo hard to be shady and mysterious and they never let it go anywhere) My precious was a fairly run of the mill movie with excellent acting. As a plot I think it's a little thin for a show but i'm interested to see how they'll stretch it out. Hopefully the longer runtime means the friend group can be fleshed out a little bit more.
Well that ended up not being all that brief but moving on, I thought Korea would have more on a showing because I remembered watching a lot of kdramas but turns out most of the kdramas I watched were from previous years so, only 18. A very dramatic drop from Thailand's 35.
The best of these included The Eighth Sense, Our Dating Sim, and Welcome to the Lesbian Bar with Sing My Crush being ever so slightly underneath. I would rec Lesbian Bar to literally everyone, but especially those who enjoyed MLC. It's got that same queer family focus with the central relationship being this baby lesbian and her lesbian aunt. Out of the not queer stuff, My Perfect Stranger was an excellent time travel romance, The Glory Season 2 was better than all the other season twos that came out this year, and
If Korea produced anything too egregious this year (outside of Taxi Driver and Uncanny Counter's season 2s) I missed it. But out of the ones I watched, the most disappointing was A Shoulder To Cry On, followed rather distantly by Bump Up Business, both for very different reasons. I will say though that whatever is wrong with Tae Hyun in A Shoulder To Cry On is very appealing to me in the same way that Tae Joo from Where Your Eyes Linger was except like a weaker version.
I once thought i'd never touch a cdrama again but here I am, having watched 3 whole traditional length cdramas this year. The other 7 are almost all from the Legend of Yunze's catalog because I love their content. The best by leaps and bounds was Nu Er Hong by Legend of Yunze. I think it's my favorite out of everything they've made. The studio's really started to figure out their pacing and also this one was fairly dark and dark gl- dark anything really- is right up my alley. A flower for 3 lives and Seven Gods of Joy by the same studio had great concepts but shakier execution. Stepping outside of them, A league of noblemen was probably my favorite traditional cdrama but Mysterious Lotus Casebook was fun fandom-wise since people on tumblr were watching it.
I think the only show i'd classify as bad is probably My everlasting bride which I watched on a whim. Under a miscroscope started good and then ended boring so overall averages into mediocre. This wouldn't be a crime anywhere else but I expect good pacing from my cdramas.
I liked pretty much everything I watched from Japan this year so imma go with my worst off which was Jack O' Frost. This is more on me than on the show itself because the concept just squicked me out a lot more than I expected it to. Badly enough that i've blocked the tag.
On the best of, I don't even know if I can choose. Hmm, Bokura no micro na shuumatsu, Kimi ni wa todokanai, Kinou nani tabeta s2, both the My Beauitful Man installments, and Taikan Yoho. Ahhh, and Tokyo in April is... Welp well turns out I couldn't actually choose. This was pretty much everything I watched.
I didn't think I'd like Bokura no as much as I ended up liking it. And I don't know if I would've liked it as much if any other country had produced this show. But it was achy and wistful and I fell in love;.
Kimi ni wa todokanai though was hands down my favorite from Japan and I don't even like friends to lovers. It also helped that they, mostly Yamato reminded me a bit of Kageyama and Hinata. Like I know it's just common character archetypes but also, it's kagehina core, yeah? The bed scene where Yamato yeets Kakeru onto the bed was both hilarious and just well done. I liked the way Yamato wrestled with his desire.
I watched Kinou Nani Tabeta s2 just a couple days ago since I was waiting to binge it and i'm glad I wasn't watching this weekly because it would make everything else I watch weekly dull in comparison. Honestly would watch 100 seasons of this. It's perfect.
My Beautiful Man S2 and My Beautiful Man: Eternal were both solid. I think mbm s1 had tighter pacing but week to week, I enjoyed s2 more. For some reason I didn't write notes for either but I do remember liking both so.
Taikan Yoho. If not for the kghn vibes from kimi ni wa, this would be my favorite. Like their dynamic and just the layers of it and how it presents itself in the language of the show is just so tailored to my taste. I think I wanted just a little bit more from them, but what I got was excellent.
I only watched four and somehow, it's perfectly split into 2 gls and 2 bls. I really do like pinoy stuff and the way they write relationships but I don't watch a lot of it because I don't know a lot of people who track it and also because most of it is on yt and i don't like the yt interface. But out of what I watched, the best was The Day I Loved You and Stand-In Love.
The Day I Loved You did a good job in handling the love triangle and Eli's illness. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending but it was still good.
Stand-In Love is about 2 best friends who are in a 'stand-in' relationship with each other where the straight one is helping the lesbian one learn how to court a girl but then they end up falling in love. It's like 20 minutes long, it's fucking adorable, very well done for the amount of time it had.
The other two things I watched was Tie the Not and Lei and Mar. Tie the Not is basically just pinoy Wedding Plan and I find that I don't care for the concept. Lei and Mar is a cute friends to lovers that for some reason ends in a car crash. Like it started out really cute and then bam, car crash out of absolutely nowhere. Just, why?
Kiseki: Dear to Me was fun and I liked the cameos. It was a funny experience for me though because I consumed a lot of this show via gifsets but I never actually read the synopsis and whatever the hell I thought this was about was decidedly not it.
Fall For You - it's tragic, it is but I laughed
Stay By My Side reminded me a bit of Hikaru No Go but I can't tell you why. It's more cute domestic fluff than plot but I watched it twice so clearly I didn't mind too much at the time. Plus, it has ghosts and i'm a sucker for supernatural stuff.
You are mine was a mess and I think I watched up til the penultimate episode. What is it with office bls this year?
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
20-22 and 8-10 pleaseee ❤️
got a REAL big fan here, making me answer 6 questions 🤨
under the cut again cuz longggggg ass post LMFAO
20: Pick your favorite edit you've done
I dont really have a fav, its kind of hard to choose sometimes, but heres a couple of favs :)
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21: Pick your least favorite edit you've done LMAO okay, doing a couple again cuz its hard to pick
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first two sims have never been shared and I do plan to share them under the unrooleased tag, but anyways I hate the first one cuz of the text. I generally just hate all the pics I took from the second render, I just didnt know what i was doing or how to do the things i wanted to achieve. now LISTEN FOR THE LAST ONE, i know ITS CUTE BUT .... i just hate Leo's facial expression, its not how i want it to look and i couldnt fucking get it to look right, so i gave up on it.
22: is there an edit you didn’t like when you made it but like now?
so surprise surprise its actually my navi post pic, ONLY because the plan for this render was for it to be a like text conversation between an AI and Roo, so Roo is supposed to look annoyed at his phone and I only realized AFTER I finished rendering and got it into GIMP, just how stupid the conversation seems especially since some of the dialogue is supposed to be cut off but that doesnt work over text ykwim, and i ALMOST scrapped it, but I stuck it out cuz I thought it'd be cute idk, then I hated it, now I LOVEEEE it.
I dont think ill ever actually share the intended dialogue, but the AI was supposed to be named ROO - Recondite Ovoidance Overseer, and at the end of my navi post was supposed to be the end of the conversation with Roo commenting "That's not even how you spell Avoidance. Stupid technology." I mainly scrapped it cuz I figured nobody would read it and it doesnt make that much sense 🙃
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8: show an unedited screenshot and the finished product
Bringing back the Cataleya render (if you were expecting any TS4 screenshots im sorry 😭😭), honestly all the before and afters of the renders from that post would probably give you whiplash but this is the one that i thought best showed off "before and after" screenshots/renders
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9: show us your most recent edit an edit of my own edit cuz I made my laptop Roo themed and I needed a wallpaper version of the navi banner lmao
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10: show us your oldest edit okay now THIS one i can get behind because I actually really like my first edit now looking back on it, im also doing a second one cuzzzzz im really proud of it as well looking back on it. My OLDEST oldest edit (the Catty one) was my first blender render as well, that one I used someone else's pose (i dont remember which one) and then my very next edit (of Constance) is where I made my own pose with a reference and it came out pretty nice, the vogue stuff is reallyyyyyy cute I love it, granted there is a LOT of noise on the first vogue one but from faraway it looks rlly good
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Hiii i saw your matchups/cakes and I LOVE THEM. English is not my first language so i am sorry for any wrong spelings and grammar use lol. Can a Get a boy from Hq?????? I am a capricorn, with a lot of fire sign in my chart. ISTP. Tall girl, 175cm. Dark blond hair to under my shoulders, blue eyes. Lean bulid, but mby a little broad shoulders and waist. Enything else is normal ig. I indeed have cheek bones and jawline, a caps face traits a think. Stretch marked on my ass and things. Im just gonna keep my personality short cuz i dont know how to talk about myself. Im Shy and intro and first, then i will open up and become a messy and late-coming person. Im never on time to anything. Once you know me and logical thinking, feisty, dark humor type of funny, sly, stubborn, determind, strong minded, oberetiv and a daredevil. I will do enything for somthing in return. Nobody can hold me back. I am also a Clumsy person, a will let a word og two slip and offend somone, will break or forget somthing. Im always there my friends, help them out with everthing and my door is always open for them. Street smart all the way, i Can talk about enything and give tips and trix on enything. Im not the Life of the party, in a party im either outside or taking care of Ppl or i am sipping for other ppls drinks. I listen to pop/rock but i Can vibe to anything. I also love pasta. And cats, but im allergic): I overthink a lot, tend to bottle up on my emotions and then just let it burst when im alone. I got bullied as a kid, thats why i keep to myself and have Some close friends and then friends i dont trust that much. I like long lasting realtionships and friendships. I wont settle for somthing that i dont belive will work. I just want to feel safe and loved and held, lol. Am i rly ugly cryer btw so i wont look into another persons eyes. I train a lot, do sport shooting, wresle a lot with my friends and dad in a safe way ofc. I love to have a friendly and funny wtesle. I lough a lot. I said i do sport shooting, and i hate it when ppl take it the wrong way and starts to compare it to illegal activity. That my biggest pet peeve, and loud chewers. I LOVE CHEES AND CARD GAMES. Also late night means and snacks. My favorite time is like late at night, after sundown. Late night walks. Laser tag or paint ball is a must, Water and pillow fights AGH my dreams. Also, just to chill in a bathtub👌🏻✨Pfffff Idk what more. I would like a boy form Haikyuu, whos taller than me. Would be up to my randome and mby dangerous ideas, but also calm and relaxing when it fits the mood. Dosent need to know how to comfort a crying person, just like do the basics and ill be fine. THANK YOU SO MUCH😘
Romantic Matchup
Tendou Satori
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How Y’all Met
Y’all had a class together
And EVERY SINGLE DAY you would show up late
Every. Single. Day
It doesn’t matter if you we’re 5 minutes late, or 15 minutes late
You never showed up on time
This peeked Tendous interest...
So, he asked you about it
You then explained how you never try to be late, it just always happened
Then one day
Satori was walking to class
The bell was going to ring soon so he was trying to hurry
Then he saw you
You were also just trying to get to class ON TIME for once
But you tripped...
And you fell...
And ALL of your papers went everywhere 🥲
You silently cursed to yourself before rushing to pick up your things
And you we’re startled when a certain redhead began to help you
You guys had gathered all of your things before RUNNING to get to class
And you guys were still able to make it on time 😃
The teacher made a remark that maybe you should hang around Tendou more often if it gets you to class on time
Little did he know that you would do just that
Apparently you both had similar interests
So you guys became really good friends
And feeling began to bloom over time
Poor bb was to scared to confess to you tho :(
He didn’t want to scare off one of the only friends he had
Of course he told all of this to Ushijima
And of course Ushijimas LOUD MOUTH
spilled the beans
Unintentionally of course
But still
He just didn’t get the gist that all of this was supposed to be a secret
So one day when he and Tendou were walking together
They saw you
And Ushijima was just like “ah your that person that Tendou likes correct?”
Tendou: 🥲
Tendou then took you aside and properly confessed his feelings
He was 100% sure you were gonna reject him
“I like you too Tendou”
I’m sorry what????
he pulled you in for a bone crushing hug
And promised to be the best bf ever
Awww my boy luvs ya
What They Love About You
Ight I’m just gonna say it...
Mans ADORES your stretch marks
He thinks they’re so cool!!!
He often compares you to a tiger because of them
He LOVES your sense of humor
He also has a darker sense of humor
So you guys mesh very well when it comes to that
Loves that you have the combo of being sly and a daredevil
If there’s one thing satori loves...
It’s pranks
So those traits of yours make pranks so much easier to pull off 😩
He loves how he can talk to you about ANYTHING
He knows that if he’s ever distressed about something he can go to you
So he’s vv grateful for that 🙏
Favorite Things To Do Together
Oh he LOVES to play card games
His favorites is slap Jack
WARNING: he gets REALLY into that game
So he hits HARD
So be prepared...
He 100% swoops you away to stores in the middle of the night
Have you guys been caught sneaking out?
Was that the last time you did it?
Absolutely not
So just take that L
Also paintball
He’s not that good at paintball
Mans aim is booty
But he still likes to play!
Random Hc
You’d actually be quite shocked on how chill he could be
Like sometimes he just reads his manga sin silence
If you want to talk then sure
But those are the moments he prefers to be quiet
The reason he’s so good at laser tag...
Is because kids used to target him 🥲
So he had to adapt...
And now he’s a pro!
If you ever want to talk to him about your bullyed past
ON GOD mans is always there for you
He knows what it feels like
So his goal is to comfort you when it comes to that
Mf chews loud...
So that’s something you’d have to work on 😃
But he’ll try his best to stop if it bothers you THAT much
Capricorn + Taurus
When Taurus and Capricorn come together in a love match, it’s a practical, sensible partnership.
These two Signs share a certain down-to-earth logic and interest in efficiency.
Taurus is not interested in risking more than is necessary in terms of emotional connection and involvement, and Capricorn is similarly disinterested in risk, but more in terms of money and career.
Capricorn’s career is one of the great focuses of their lives; they’re interested in scaling the heights and tend to set very high standards for themselves to adhere to.
Taurus has high standards as well, but regarding love, relationships and possessions.
These two signs admire ones dedication and strength, but, while they have this in common as well as a dependable, realistic, somewhat conservative approach to life (Capricorn more than Taurus), a love relationship between them can go stale fast.
The problem? They’re actually rather different at their cores.
Taurus may begin to find Capricorn too conservative and restrictive
Capricorn may start to think Taurus is too lazy and doesn’t care enough about career and status.
If Taurus can encourage Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of labor, and if Capricorn can help motivate Taurus to achieve goals and make dreams a reality, their union can be smooth, happy and long-lasting.
Overall Aesthetic
Chaotic Teenage Romance
Electric Love- BØRNS
Line Without a Hook- Ricky Montgomery
Scrawny- Wallows
Hey Lover- Wabie
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“i had a dream about the Borderlands are Yours trailer last night for like the 7th time so i guess i ought to do the analysis before i have a breakdown”
find the trailer here
~discussion of the cloth map spoilers occurs in here, but nothing else. if you’re worried about those spoilers do not read~
non-spoiler tl;dr: we discuss why rhys’s head implant is yellow instead of blue in this one particular scene and also go thru a bunch of theories as to what tf is up with Zer0. and some other stuff about giant space lasers
so the intro is pretty much the same as the we are mayhem trailer so we’re gonna ignore that since we figured out where sanc-iii was
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pretty sure this scene has been shown already too, in the official announce trailer, i remember taking note of the pink shots
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another cov camp on pandora (see elpis in the back). ive said it before and ill say it again i adore amara’s as animations
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seen this a bajillion times as well
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from we are mayhem near the end. also im still lowkey convinced that robot directly to the right of moze is jakobs. i know i’m probably wrong but... i want to believe. it reminds me of a cowboy
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The Are. this is directly below Sanc-III (u can see the wall in the background)
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eden-6!!! im interested in the signs in the back there
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Prison, Reliance, Jakobs Estate, and... amoe kyuri??? wtf does this say?? idek.
This A Way (glad to know Claptrap will haunt us from beyond Sanc-III)
im interested in the Prison. i wonder if that’s any of those concrete structures/buildings we’ve been seeing across eden-6. i was under the assumption those were like testing facilities, but a prison would also make a whole hell of a lot of sense.
given this sign here over the bridge to the left of the above shot
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and the fact we see this concrete structure on the far left in this coming shot
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that might actually make some lick of sense...
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also can i just say i love the aesthetic of this supply line
so there’s a lot of shots here we’ve already seen and gone over multiple times, im not going to do that again. sorry but... eh.
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maliwan = cultists confirmed
i mean if the cult-themed t-shirts being maliwan colored didn’t already cue us in on that, this definitely should lol
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and speaking of this shot, i wonder if this has anything to do with Rhys’s building? the one his office would be in. it looks like there are multiple levels to the right of this robo
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ah maliwan working with the cult why am i not surprised
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rhys gets fucking annihilated (TM)
in all honesty... given this quest name
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“Space-Laser Tag” and the subsequent quest “Atlas, At Last” makes me honestly think rhys is about to seriously get fucked up
which sucks. i like rhys. we’ll talk more about this in a second, but i don’t think its coincidence the VHs have come up to the asteroid belt to stop the giant space laser and thus are not on Promethea where the laser is going to hit
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better look at this shot, that definitely looks like a rampager to me. i get it, i think. gearbox is hyping up this rampager fight to be super awesome, show it in all the promotional material, have a kickass fight with it, then the twins come in and steal the kill from you. they steal the satisfaction from getting to kill this super hyped-up vault monster.
im picking up what you’re putting down, GB. 
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did not realize fl4k actually snaps. how the heck do they do that?? gotta be hard with metal caps as their fingers tbh
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404 space station not found
we’re back on the asteroid
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... why this gun shoot tentacles :|
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this is art
wheres his head going
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i was so distracted by the razor blade status effect (??? zeroes??) i didn’t notice the giant-ass A on this banner
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OwO what’s this for
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also this which... looks like it could be an amara skill. maybe the one that releases elemental projectiles after an enemy is damaged? feel like we would’ve seen that one already tho.
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thinking of this one, im pretty sure we should’ve seen this in one of the many, many gameplay videos (im so jealous) already available.
so if it is, baller, if it’s not, im not too surprised.
it does also seem to be targeting the double cause its shield becomes visible after being hit
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i thiiink this is eden-6? in which case it may be that facility tina, brick, and mordy are in (the windows). which may, in retrospect, be that prison we’ve been hearing about
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cool angle of the HBC. im pretty sure we’ve seen this shot before, too.
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before we get to the actual best part of this scene
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this looks very Athenas-like. possibly eridian? although the lights are throwing me off. i suppose the order or someone from the order could’ve built these structures... but what for??
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also this fucker has those rocks growing out of his head, too
the ones from the alien guns
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somewhere outside the RC
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back at it again in the space station
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also this maliwan thing looks so fucking cool
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duuuude looks like the cult got their hands on more than just maliwan hoverwheels, check out that dropship on the left!!! looking cool asf
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the cars are STUNNING
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holy shit this skin is amazing
very siren-esque
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we’ve gone over this clip already but given now that we know the maliwan base thing is on the asteroid, it’s fitting to re-address it i think
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a look at one of the metal bois (that im still convinced are jakobs lol)
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i love the way this thing looks
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the portal seems to be giving off the same blue sparkles we’ve seen on pandora
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[edit] we also see them in the newest new trailer as Sanc-III zooms off into space. which is interesting.
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dunno wtf that means, but yeah. they exist
probably some weird eridian/other dimension shit.
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more eden-6
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goliath looking amazing. not red and is wearing a helmet, so that’s interesting
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looks like a part of the space station
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biggggg hallway. im honestly loving how huge these maps seem to be
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geniviv! i love her boss fight sooo fucking much.
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honestly looks like so much fun
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more c a r s
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this fucker
probably eridian
i mean it seems to be absorbing the pink-ish energy from the moving stones so i assume its got some sort of link going on
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also comparing the mask and arm bit to what we’ve seen rhys hand us on promethea
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this thing???
but yellow instead of pink
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u kno all this
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then again it does sorta ruin the eridian tech so maybe... it’s not lol
honestly my other guess is this is part of that ‘experimental forest’ we’ve seen signs for during the eden-6 demo. dunno why it’s destroying the eridian ruins tho. maybe those pink b e a m s are hurting it? entirely possible. some sorta... life succ ability like Tyreen.
but i don’t think it’s coincidence this thing has shown up right on top of some Eridian ruins/buildings/whatever. the leftmost part though looks like it could be human technology, which is weird. maybe some weird sort of mish mash. human tech that trees/plants grew onto and eridian ruins accidentally powered up. iunno man. im tiored.
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rhys’s implant is glowing orange/yellow-ish which is very new
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this is from the dev trailer (not glowing at all in the darkness)
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from the promethea twitter trailer
and honestly that’s pretty wild to me because in tftbl rhys’s implant glows blue 
shown when he’s in the vault next to fiona
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in bl3 during the We Are Mayhem trailer while using his ECHO eye
oh also since i just noticed
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from the promethea demo
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this scene
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also from the promethea demo
they’re missing their monomolecular edge!
we’ll get back to zer0 in a secco
anyway you know who else’s head implant glows?
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im not saying katagawa is replacing rhys because their implants are on opposite sides of their heads, but i am saying Katagawa WANTS Rhys in Maliwan and... well, Rhys’s forehead implant isn’t glowing yellow in any other shot we see of him
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idk gamers i just think its sus
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also rhys is holding onto that thing we see him handing to us in the Promethea trailer
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this thing?? you know?
the eridian thingie majig
tho these look like two different areas... unless there’s like a very drastic wall change between angles (which there may be- these fans look identical)
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which makes sense that Maliwan would want it (for the big laser thing maybe?? since we know they’re going for activating said laser)
... but honestly i get the feeling this is in some way related to... after the laser. especially since we know that that eridian thingie matches up with this one on pandora
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in which case... wtf is the laser for? it definitely looks like its destroying stuff on the surface...
rhys also seems to have knowledge about the eden-6 vault key since he projects it during the dev trailer
me thinks someone got h a c k e r o n i e d
alright galaxy brain theory time:
rhys gets hacked by maliwan not only bc they want a merger, but also because he has info on the vaults/giant space laser, forces zer0 to be maliwan branded now since atlas is joining maliwan, zer0 finds out rhys is not willingly joining maliwan and is instead under maliwan control and tries to forcibly take the key away from him, we stop zer0 and save rhys from both the assassin and maliwan control
Alright but in all seriousness there’s only 2 ways this can go
1. that’s actually our zer0
2. that’s actually not our zer0
and there’s a lot of theories running around about that and i guess we ought to address them
so for 1 there’s a few possibilities:
1. zer0 is a robo/cyborg and got hacked by maliwan (i personally don’t like this one bc i don’t want to know what zer0 actually is. it is a ~m y s t e r y~)
2. zer0 got paid more money to eliminate rhys and is doing so
3. zer0 decided killing their boss would be the ultimate challenge and thus decided to try it out... by joining maliwan
4. they’re faking rhys’s death and/or zer0 is infiltrating maliwan
5. zer0 got the brainwashed/their bodysuit got hacked (i would be interested to see if the monomolecular edge tech caused them to get captured or smth. i mean if there’s a tracker on it, then zer0′s decepti0n wouldn’t exactly work cuz they turn invisible... but they’d still be seen)
6. rhys got the brainwashed/hacked and zer0 is attacking him to get the eridian thingie/key/relic/whatever back
personally i’m curious how they’d play off 1-3 given Zer0 and Rhys are both shown on sanc-iii and zer0 even has crew challenges
im saying idk if the crimson raiders would appreciate zer0 attacking/trying to kill an ally without very good reason.
which is why i’d imagine 4-6 are the more reasonable answers?
also given the explosion of Promethea (what we’re assuming is Promethea) is green and also the laser we see maliwan controlling is purple, i wonder if that’s some brainwashing juice instead of... other stuff. cuz like.
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this is elpis’s giant space laser. very radiant and like... ribbon-y? and has all that blue stuff and orbs and mm.
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THIS is Promethea’s very solid and has circles and just. looks straight up like a death laser.
and yeah again it could be modified by that human-looking (?) tech around it to be like a brainwashing b e a m or something
or just more precise. that too.
and honestly idk if this could destroy a planet like how we see the planet (that we are assuming is promethea bc of the asteroid belt) in the sanc-iii article
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it’s a solid ‘yeah that’s more likely than my theory’. might take a lot of time tho. or maybe those energy rings power it up or deal more damage when they hit the planet...
oh also given Tina literally says “WE blowing up this whole mother humpa”
and the reason im questioning the human-looking tech around it is because
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typhon and leda 100% noticed something here. i guess if it was altered by humans after typhon and leda found it then that would make sense?
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we’ve also got this from the tree guy, so i don’t know for certain.
anyway number 2
(2. that’s actually not our zer0)
i love these ones
1. that’s 0ne (zer0′s assassin’s assassin from the son of crawmerax dlc)
2. maliwan made a/hired a copy of zer0 and it’s easy to copy their voice/way of speech bc of the modulator (that’s just a fake implanted into atlas to steal all their secrets)
and all of these have the idea that the real zer0 shows up to save rhys at the end of this scene (explaining the blue light)
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i personally disagree on that being zer0′s sword. tbh it looks more like a maliwan weapon or a laser or smth to me. that said it could be a weird effect because they’re in decepti0n or smth.
most of these theories have the idea that the real zer0 is either off with Fiona or Lorelei or just off on their own and only show up later. i wouldn’t even be surprised, given their line at the end of Tales. you know the one where they diss rhys like “i was talking to her” lol
so i don’t really have much to add to these. personally i believe that’s our zer0 up there, but i wouldn’t be shocked if something happened with the monomolecular edge that allowed maliwan to create a copy of zer0. or brainwash/control them. whichever. 
i do like the reintegration of 0ne into the story, that’d be a hilarious call-back, but i worry it’d be too obscure (a side quest in a headhunter dlc) for the majority of players. we’ll see
it’s weird if brainwashing or mind controlling thru the maliwan tech is the case bc the monomolecular edge isn’t present on their maliwan sword. or their future sanc-iii sword (but that part DOES make sense bc why would they keep that).
(alright also so i just took a bunch of nyquil cuz im sick as a dog so if this devolves into incoherent rambling im so sorry)
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ah aurelia
i love her to bits but i don’t trust her because i mean... she worked alongside Nisha and Wilhelm and Alistair dislikes her. there’s like a 50-50 shot she’ll become evil
i would not be surprised if this is a boss fight (door looks frozen over on the left there) but also i would not be surprised if she’s helping us fight off waves of enemies given it looks like we’re in the jakobs manor
like i said 50-50
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her attack does make the camera wiggle a bit, usually that happens if the attack injures the player viewing it (with the hud off) cuz it will give a stagger effect
so take that with a grain of salt. also we don’t see aurelia on sanc-iii when hammerlock and wainwright are both there in the group shot in the launch trailer
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this fucker i already talked about a bunch in my reddit post on the eridium subject so im going to link that here. i might have already spoken about it on here tbh... i can’t remember lol
anyway here’s the copy and paste from there to here
you can see a huge Tink with Eridium growing out of his head and what look to be Eridium horns. And he's being elementally charged from an Eridian floor tile (in one of those temples, probably the Pandoran one but it could be Athenas, I guess). Kind of like how Bloodwing (also bigger) becomes elementally charged by Jack using element-throwers to change her element. i know it's a cultist tink because on his right shoulder (our left) he has those glow-y pink/purple tubes that are on the CoV guns and other cultists (like goliaths). and while i'm not sure if this is solely Eridian stuff (since they're in a temple) or because of the twins, it's definitely something that should be talked about. 
wait no yeah i did talk about this because of the athenas post. i just remembered lol
uhhh whoops. double dipping i guess lol sorry
still not sure if this is Pandora or Athenas. kind leaning towards Pandora atm
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i like how this guy is able to make a cryo wall thing
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he goes to smash it but we don’t get to see what happens cuz it cuts to another rampager
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dishing out corrosive/radiation (??) attacks while someone shoots it with a fire weapon
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this bamf which i KNOW i discussed in that athenas post
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also something i haven’t noted is that his roar seems to be activating something here, like a spiral light of dooooom. also more blue sparkles. maybe summoning an assist? or a debuff/attack aoe. 
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there is also this weird light near its legs that moves with the camera and sorta reminds me of the weird real-life face talky siren thing. you know the one
very curious as to what this is cause i haven’t seen it in any other scene with a rampager in it. maybe some sort of connection to the spiral/whirlwind thing it’s making?
oh wow im tired now lol
well bl3 is fully downloaded on my computer gamers, so we can officially say it’s happening!!!
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fangwhoria · 5 years
thank you so much to @fluffythewritingplant the god of my existence for tagging me!!
Rules: Answer 11 questions, Ask 11 questions, Tag 11 people!
okay,,,, you asked 15 questions. you even numbered all of them, so it wasnt a mistake,,,,, idk if im just supposed to pick 11 or if you just got excited of if you legitametly don’t know what 11 is,,, Either way im gonna answer all of them cuz people who are bad at math are valid and i love talking about my wip!!
1. What is your favorite part of writing?
you know that moment when youve been kicking yourself over a plothole in your wip for ages, and suddenly something just pops in your head and all the pieces fall into place? yeah. that feeling
2. Do you prefer reading or writing?
i dont have much time for either right about now, but id have to say writing only because im kind of a control freak and if im writing the story it goes the way I want it to
3. How many people have read your stuff?
not many! those of you who see my posts on here and one of my friends occasionally. im very self concious about people who can see my face reading my stuff
4. How many people irl have read your stuff?
like,,, maybe 2
5. Are there any books or movies that inspired your writing?
percy jackson made me a writer
6. How many WIPs do you have?
only one main one atm, but another has been pushing at the back of my mind for a little while, but that ones just a couple of scraps of story
7. What are some ideas you had to throw away because you just didn’t have the time to work on them?
ive nevr had to throw things out because of time, but ive had to scrap some cool things because they either didnt fit in the plot, like in one of the early versions of FYofH where Johanna was acting as a fortune teller during the time Delilah was deceased, or a year ago i really wanted to write something about fairies but i just didnt have enough ideas for that story to really develop it at the time. One day ill go back to it
8. Have you ever written any poetry? Wanna show some of your stuff?
lol i hate writing poetry with a passion, but here ill write a quick one, just for you
I want to 
lie down
in the woods
and become one 
with the roots
There you go! an elle original! right off the top of my head!
9. What’s your favorite line/scene you’ve ever written (several are possible of course)?
im particularly fond of this one from a couple days ago: 
She felt like ice was building up inside her, starting at her heart and encasing her internal organs, then her bones, until ice was forming around her eyes and mouth and slowly covering her entire body until she was nothing but ice, an icicle previously known as Johanna.
and since im too lazy to go through my file of nice lines by elle, heres a thing i wrote at 3 am a month ago while high on cold medicine:
Shes In love with the giddess of desath beacuaes she loves biug tiddie goth gf but since she s agod they canmt be togtgher and since shes a witch he cant deie to be w her so its angsty and sad but big tiddie sun lady UInserstands the gays and is like “its okay lol”n ajnf that s hweom its endas
10. What’s your favorite quote
not really a quote but the whole song No Choir just really inspires me, ya know? like happiness doesnt have to be this big amazing complicated thing, it can be as simple as just sitting with someone you care about
11. What’s your favorite quote by someone you know?
“Knowing the surface area of this chef boyardee party hat is important because if your child has such a big brain from eating so much chef boyardee, we have to make sure the hat will fit”- my friend while she and i were giving an academic presentation. i will give no more context than that
12. What’s your favorite book?
SO MANY--- Carry On will always have a special place, as well as Percy Jackson, and i LOVE the Raven Cycle SO MUCH  and miss peregrines is super wild but soooo my aesthetic
13. Which book do you regret reading?
looking for alaska by john green
14. Is there something you regret writing?
i dont regret anything iveever written. they were all learning experiences that were essential tomaking me a better writer. 
Okay maybe i regret that lams college au just a little
15. If your OC’s were actual people in your life, what would your relationship be like?
they would all be annoyed by me because im annoying
if you actually read all of this youre my hero
my 11 questions are to pick 11 questions from the list i just answered
tagging these absolute heroes: @lauraswritingjournal @nkta-ink @vasilisapeadarsan @inexorableblob @cawolters @kenny-d-juice @katabasiss @floortile-flowers @writer-in-drag @towaniisme @ink-on-poppies no pressure yall!
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
30 question challenge
- tag the person who tagged you
- answer the questions tag 20 people
i was tagged by @rosegoldquintis 
How tall are you? 5′9 (172cm) 
What color and style is your hair? Above my shoulders and brown
What color are your eyes? Black / Dark brown
Do you wear glasses? Blind as fuck, so yeah
Do you wear braces? No way. 
What’s your fashion sense? I love wearing black pants, more sweatpants and oversized sweaters, but I can also be really elegant so tight close as well.
Full name? Tijana ***** and sometimes people call me Lejla which they kind of get from my surname. But I’m changing my name to Tiana without the J.
Where are you born? Slovenia.
Where are you from and where do you live now? I live in Slovenia, in Gorenjska region, in a small town known for its flowers and iron ;)
What school do you go to? Grammar school / High school. I’m in my third year, had to repeat it because of some personal things.
What kind of student are you? the one who procrastinates a lot. I don’t care much about grades and I talk back to my teachers because I don’t like them verbally attacking me or mentally fuckinng with me. Had that for three years there not wasting another two for the same thing. 
Do you like school? Depends. I love hanging around people. I am a social person so mostly because of people but man professors piss me off. 
Favorite school subjects? Ammmmm...English I guess and Slovene is also good. Maybe also BIO cuz I don’t do anything at that class. 
Favorite tv shows? Empire, Chicago Fire, Riverdale aint bad, also Sulejman Veličastni ( turkish show) 
Favorite movie? Probs Nowhere Boy, Dead Poets Society, The Words, Finding Forrester, Hachi (that got me ruined), Avengers all of them...
Favorite books? Mmmmm...The Color of Light by William Goldman, Harry Potter, The Butterfly...
Favorite pastime? Reading, writing, organising, cleaning, listening to music,...
Do you have any regrets? What? Regrets? Me? Noooooooooooo *sweats*
Dream job? New york writer
Would you ever like to be married? Eh. I don’t see marriege as something important but if I was 200% sure in my future and my significant other than yes.
Would you like to have kids? Yes.
How many? Twins are in my family and I’m the genereation that could have it. A lot of my cousins have twins and I hope to have two boys but four kids. So three boys together and a girl.
Do you like shopping? Yes but I’m broke af so that’s impossible for me.
What countries have you visited? Austria, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Scariest nightmare? The moth man and the repeated story of the Japaness forest. Also the Hang man.
Any enemies? I don’t think so. I’m pretty likable and charming but I probably do ;)
Do you have a significant other? Nope...high standards.
Do you get along with your family? No.
Do you believe in miracles? NoPe. Never seen one so I can’t really believe in one.
How are you? Eh..supposed to be studying but I’m doing this so that’s how good I am. I have a test tomorow and tuesday and wednesday. Too tired to even think of hows thats going to go. 
TAGGING: @hekaates, @meteorslunatic, @ashkuuuu, @mandymiglia and idk. Whoever wants to do this . Just say I tagged you and Ill support you 100%
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
tag game
tagged by @mostladylikeladythateverladied
1) Always post the rules.
2) Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
3) Write 11 questions of your own.
4) Tag 11 people.
1. What was the very first fandom you got super into?
when i was in middle school me and my younger brother were both super into artemis fowl and would draw all these parody comics together every summer so i guess it’d probably be artemis fowl! 
2. Do you/Did you like school? Why or why not?
um kind of? mostly i just liked it bc going to school meant i could be on the debate team and not at home with my shit parents, now im at college and its more frustrating than anything lol 
3. What do you do to keep entertained on a long drive? Listen to music? Books on tape? Yell at squirrels?
i always bring a SH I T LO AD of books anytime i have to go on a long drive somewhere but usually when that happens im with my siblings and we do car games and shit together or argue or do president flash card trivia bc YE S im a fucking DORK in case anyone has ever wondered and i genuinely enjoy presidential flash card trivia fight me 
4. What’s the absolute scariest book/show/movie/game you’ve ever read/watched/played?
fuck i cant remember the name but i read this fucked up horror book in middle school about this like demon carnival thing i guess and there was this one scene with all these funhouse mirrors and if u walked thru the mirror you would look like the worst things u see about urself? like idk how to explain it but whatever u thought were ur worse traits would get more and more exaggerated and whatever shit things u thought about urself would get increasingly true as u fell thru the mirrors and the author described like the fuckin flesh shifting around and bones growing to change the appearances and it really fucked me up in 7th grade, i think it was for battle of the books but idk all i remember was one night i kept crying about it bc i was so freaked out lol and ive only seen one scary movie and it was oculus (about a haunted mirror) and my bed was DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM A GIANT ASS MIRROR so that scared me too lol 
5. Do you have any pets? If not, do you want one?
YE  S my DOGgO MY BOY MY LITTLE MEAT-MEATS (technically hes my parents dog but shh hes mine) and my only goal in life is to make enough money to afford a flemish giant rabbit lol 
6. What’s your opinion on PE class? Fun break from studying or absolute hell?
H E L L 
7. What’s the best way to spend a day off?
alone in bed with chocolate milk and memes 
8. Rain, snow, or sunshine?
9. What’s your favorite quote?
ok well the one i picked for my senior quote was “go forth now over land and sea and set fire to the hearts of men with your word” which is from a pushkin poem BUT it was RUINED for me bc when the fuckin yearbook came out they switched my carefully chosen literary quote with special significance with the quote of the girl next to me alphabetically and what she chose was “You gotta work hard to ball hard” SO APPARENTLY THE UNIVERSE IS TELLING ME THATS MY FAVORITE QUOTE NOW IM A  B A L L E R  BITCH
10. If you only had access to one social media site, which one would you pick?
tumblr cuz its where my hoez at 
11. Is there something you want to do that you’ve been putting off? Why?
homework for nearly every fuckin class theres this bnha angst fic that im definitely gonna write at SOME point but im putting it off bc i literally can ONLY write fics all at once in one sitting and with the amount of schoolwork i have in this upcoming week i know starting something like that is Not A Good Idea so maybe after next week when i have my midterm, three essays due AND NOW A RUSSIAN ORAL EXAM BC THE UNIVERSE HATES ME APPARENTLY ill hopefully get to it 
my questions
1. how many otter pops do u think u could fit up ur ass if u really tried
2. what is prime meridian?
3. how many bones are there in ur room right now 
4. what would u do if u had a roommate who gave people tattoos in ur shared room while u were there (Not A Hypothetical) 
5. how many clones of urself do u think u could fuck without it getting weird
6. have you ever worn the flesh of ur enemies as you traipsed gaily across the battlefield, a delicious fresh picked banana in one hand and a severed head in the other only to peel the skin off the severed head and bite into it and stick the banana on a pike? 
7. if u get a solid chocolate bunny for easter, how are you supposed to get ur lil wiener in there? 
8. if you became president what would be ur first step to address the Lizard Tiddy Conundrum? 
9. how many of your friendships are predicated on murder? 
10. if u see a spider do u kill the spider or kill urself 
11. if u had to pick a particular species of cactus to suck off, what kind would it be 
tagging whoever wants to, go for it fuckos
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Get to know me:
Tagged by talented/total babe @offansandflames ♡
Rules: answer 92 83 statements (i skipped some boring ones srry), tag whomever you please.
THE LAST. 1. Drink: pabst blue ribbon, yes im white trash 2. Phone call: mom 3. Text message: my bestfriend 4. Song you listened to: keaton henson, to your health 5. Time you cried: erm a lil yesterday but like deep convo tears
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice?: a relit ciggarette never tastes the same 7. Kissed someone and regretted it?: Not enough to recall at the moment. 8. Been cheated on?: I haven’t taken many partners, so to my knowledge, no? 9. Lost someone special?: Yes 10: Been depressed: :,) 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: my life from 15-19 tbh, not in the party, neurotypical fashion more along the Wtf Pls exPlain type way or for shits n giggles
LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. Baby pink and blue, black.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends?:Yes if online counts? Very beautiful and enchanting spirits who i already love 16. Fallen out of love?: never do if its real, cuz im a romantic//also think u always care a little for those you really loved 17. Laughed until you cried?: yesterday actually like rllllly good because my girl dropped her entire jug of wine right before opening it. The universe flicked us off dirty. 18. Found out someone was talking about you?: Yeah, some good, some bad, some wild. Idk. 19. Met someone who changed you?: Yes some beautifully, made me fonder, some not so lovely but thats ok (try to make it ok) 20. Found out who your friends are?: I have fucking one bestfriend who i hold to that certain standard shes my lover/ soul mate and weve been through a fucking ride n shes still my number one. If others let me down i find ways to make it bittersweet. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list?: yus GENERAL 22. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life?: Idk some r family and people from all the schools i went to. I dont care for facebook much. 23. Do you have any pets?: one black, perfect cat with lil rays of auburn going down her back, i named her clementine. Also 4 dumb n rlly cute dogs live with me. I like one a lot, Luna, shes my princess. (Yes i admit favorites idgaf/ she also knows she’s my fav n takes advantage) 24. Do you want to change your name?: mydad originally wanted to name me Xena (after xena princess warrior) whom i developed an intense crush on later. 25. What did you do for you last birthday?: yo lol i dont know i turned 22 i just had drinks and smoked with my bestfriend 26. What time did you wake up?: didnt check, i usually wake up multiple times n go back to sleep If i can 27. What were you doing midnight last night?: either in my gfs car or just getting home 28. Name something you can’t wait for?: my classes to start again, mini roadtrip to Gainesville and maybe being able to see my little cousin soon. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom?: lik e 2 seconds ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life?: sjdufjekwns 31. What are you listening to right now?: Keaton Henson 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: lol nah not that i remember 33. Something that’s getting on your nerves?: the state of the Union, how 2 get my smol dogs to stop barking, why do ppl have to live w abusers and when will my witch powers allow me to cast them off into The Void, my general discomfort n lack of motivation. To casually name a few ,, 34. Most visited website?: ao3, Tumblr RANDOM SHIT: 35. Mole/s?: lol?? Moles can b cute, i have a few. 36. Mark/s?: plenty, one in particular tho i have on my upper forehead not like harry potter sttle unfortunately, its all hidden near my scalp 37. Childhood dream?: i always wanted to do something that would let me swim with humpback whales in natural habitat ofcourse or track the lives n rituals of wolves and then i was like mayb ill just be aschool counsler, all of which i still kinda wana do. 38. Hair color?: blonde 39. Long or Short hair?: i have medium length hair but i like both 40. Do you have a crush on someone?: I literally always have a crush on someone, idk crushes to me means you make me happy and blushy and if you make me laugh, i crush. 41. What do you like about yourself?: i could say i like how i am when im with someone i love. N that some ppl are able to confide in me, id say my empathy but idk i can be a fuckface too. 42. Piercings?: tongue I got snakebites, industrial, bellybutton, reg ol ear piercings too. 43. Bloodtype?: i dont know o.O 44. Nickname?: cookie monster when i was younger, lali, lion, coocoomanga(my dad) renren, rin, my mom says lil shit endearingly and i got the habit. 45. Relationship status?: basically married 46. Zodiac sign?: Aries 47. Pronouns?: She/they 48. Favorite t.v show?: i binge and am not ashamed, supernatural, classic spongebob, south park, parks n rec, modern fam, a haunting, me and my mom watch ancient aliens 2gether , Steven Universe, Adventure Time, the fucking x files, malcolminthemiddle, etc, my animes as well are all shoved in here in my heart. Naruto/free/haikyuu/oourans host club/ HxH etc 49. Tattos: 5 and one on the way, matching one with my love 50. Right or left hand: Righty most def 51. Surgery?: luckily no 52. Hair dyed in different colors?: I maintain the blonde i had at like six, its naturally dirty brownish? At one point i dyed it platinum tho 53. Sport?: In my anime MORE GENERAL 54. I’m about to?: Finish some arts and crafts for some letters im making (: and then a smol walk 55. Waiting for?: some inspo, 56. Get married?: its not very important to me. But if my partner became passionate about it i would be rite there w em 57. Career?: I’m majoring in psychology/minor in education WHICH IS BETTER? 58. Hugs or kisses?: depends on who but I’m a sap for both 59. Lips or eyes?: Eyes, give me them soulful orbs 60. Shorter or taller?: no preference 61. Older or younger?: You can be a shithead at any age, so no preference. 62. Nice arms or nice stomach?: eh,, not sure to be honest. I love hands and forearms, so i suppose arms? 63. Sensitive or loud?: u gotta be both at least every now and then. Either extreme will be bothersome though 64. Hook up or relationship?: eh past experiences make hook ups generally uncomfortable n left me feeling ace/aceromantic for a good portion of my teen yrs but im not impartial 65. Troublemaker or hesitant: ive calmed down but im not hesitant unless my gut says so HAVE YOU EVER? 66. Kissed a stranger?: yes 67. Drank hard liquor?: yes 68. Lost glasses/contacts?: glasses, yes. 69. Turned someone down?: as a chick in miami ¿¿¿ of fucking course 70. Sex on the first date?: lol yes 71. Broken someone’s heart?: seems dramatic i dont feel like i have sincerely done that, just hurt them. 72. Had your heart broken?: In a way mostly by close friends / family 73. Been arrested?: when i was 15 for dumb shit like trespassing 74. Cried when someone died?: yes 75. Fallen for a friend?: i crush on all my friends because i love alot DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 76. Yourself?: Yes because Rock Lee would want me to 77. Miracles?: i think miracles are a byproduct of a fucking amazing universe. 78. Love at first sight?: i think of it as a magnetic pull n interest not love 79. Santa Clause?: i fucking love christmas, idgaf 80. Kiss on the first date?: yup OTHER 81. Current bestfriend?: @mariekankerr 7 years n countin babe 82. Eyecolor?: blue 83. Favorite Movie?: Lilo and Stitch, Pulp Fiction, The Iron Giant, A Fish Called Wanda, Murder By Death, Knights of the Round Table, mel brooks in general, The Changeling (bt like the oroginal one not w Angelina jolie it came out in like the 90s?) Spirited Away, Clue, Hot Chicks, A Bronx Tale I tag: @shamelesssasukestan @hotmessmuffin @narutoandsasukearecanon and i suck at this so just go for it and tag me so i can lurk on u
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leetaeiil · 7 years
11 questions tag
i got tagged by @angelyoons and @cheonsajeonghan1004 a while ago and im finally gonna do them
rules are to answer the questions and then come up with some of ur own and tag people but i just tagged people in something so im breaking the rules by not continuing the cycle 
@cheonsajeonghan1004‘s questions
If you could go anywhere in the world with your bias where would you go? hhhmmmmmmm italy maybe idk 
What is your favorite TV shows or movies? miraculous ladybug, serial experiments lain, eden of the east, nge, interstella 5555, tangled, rent
Do you have any pets/Do you want any pets? i have a cat, a dog, and a bird and i really want a lizard or another cat
Dogs or Cats? why not both
What is your plan for your future? (I hope it works out for you whatever it is!!! <3) i just wanna be financially stable my dudes 
Do you speak more than one language? If so which other languages do you speak? i speak a little bit of german 
What is your ideal life? see question 5
Could you live in a world without any internet? i mean if it doesnt exist at all then yeah i wouldnt know any better 
If you could travel back in time what time/place would you go to? Or would you just stay in the present? Why? ill just stay here i aint gonna potentially fuck up the timeline 
What’s your favorite song of all time? dont have one my favorite song changes a lot 
If you could meet anyone who would it be? hmmmm not to be cheesy and disgusting at 12:33am but probably whoever my soulmate is supposed to be :(
@angelyoons questions
if you and your bias were together, what would be “your song”? make me like you - gwen stefani
how did you meet the last person who texted you? 6th grade math class
how many songs are in your favorite playlist, and does it have a theme? 350 and nah its just random jams
if you had to move to a foreign (as in, not where you were born and not where you live now) country, which would you choose? idk dude probably italy or something cuz i got family there and i cant survive on my own
do you think you could take your ult in a fight? ;) yeah taeils like 5′3″ he cant reach me and jeonghan may be a couple inches taller than me but hes a noodle if i leaned on him he’d break in half he cant handle this fat ass
would you rather play another instrument perfectly or speak another language fluently? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh language i guess maybe.......
you and your bias are the main characters of a cheesy romantic comedy. how do you see yourselves meeting for the first time? coffee shop/barista au style because i frequent the starbucks on campus 
what’s the one song by your favorite band/artist that you think everyone should hear? IT WAS LOVE BY LEE TAEIL OF BLOCK B jeonghan reccommmended this song on instagram the other day and i almost had a stroke because ive loved this song for the last year and my bf jeonghan out here supportin my husband lee taeil :’) lunas version of the song is really good too so either one tbh
what’s the one thing you hope people notice about you on the first impression? that im trying my best 
sleeping in socks: yes or no? no and if you say yes youre cancelled
if you could create a new national holiday, when would it be and how would you celebrate it? mondays and i celebrate by sleeping 
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Today was.....kind of odd. I felt exhausted and like I was running crazy all day, but I actually wasn't? Idk. I remembered today that my psychiatrist wanted me to call him after I'd been on the Xanax for like a week to see if I'd noticed a difference, as I should have, and as I remembered I was supposed to do this I realized I don't think I've actually seen much of a difference. I still feel anxious pretty much all the time and can't stop my mind from racing even when I'm trying to relax, there's always something I need to get done. I'm doing 2 mg of Xanax a day right now (1 at morning and 1 at night) and he wrote me the prescription to use as needed so I can increase it if needed. If I'm remembering correctly, at the time I accidentally went off it I was taking 3 mg a day, I guess I was just hoping I would be doing better by now and wouldn't need that much. Idk, it's weird to be experiencing symptoms of mental illness like anxiety and feeling exhausted and like something in my mind just isn't right without them being accompanied by the overwhelming and soul-sucking dread of suicidal ideation constantly occupying your mind. Because I pretty much consider myself "recovered" at this point. Like I'm SO much better than I was 4 years ago. But I'm still having symptoms that just don't feel like they have a causal connection to my life, because there's nothing that would be causing that in my life- I mean at least as far as the depression, there's obviously plenty to cause anxiety. But I don't really feel depressed at all so I don't really know if that's what this is??? Like my brain felt weird when I was without my meds for a few days but for the most part it's been fine with happiness, just tending to get overwhelmingly exhausted, but with me that could have a lot of causes (see: my abysmal high school attendance record). Sigh. I didn't mean to get into all of this right now, it just kind of came out. I think that's most of what I have to say, though. So, today. Alarm went off at 9:45, and the first thing I notice is its gross and rainy and hell no am I gonna walk 20 minutes to the train in the freezing rain cuz I fucking hate rain, so I consult google maps to see which of the alternate routes I know of would be quickest, and decide on the one that takes my normal bus route to a close by train station of another line that I can then take to the loop. So that worked out fine and I got to school in plenty of time to prep for the panel. Oh, I left out that I woke up to a text from my across the hall at work friend saying she was like ridiculously sick and couldn't come, so that sucked but oh well. After not too long DCFS guy comes over with the PD we were able to get from delinquency, so we hang out and talk for a while as things get set up more and we get food before the panel. So, we ended up having 4 panelists, which worked well because we initially felt overbooked at 6, but 2 had to cancel haha so that ended up being good. We had the PD, DCFS guy, an adoption attorney, and a child rep that does work in domestic relations (divorce/custody court). And of course I was the moderator, so I got ask my questions and they went really well! Everyone had good and varying answers, and even gave some well-reasoned answers to my thrown in at the last minute question about if they could change one thing about the system they work in what would it be, because of course I am so very reform minded, lol. We got to open the floor up a little at the end, and the panelists talked about the last question for like 10 minutes and I was like watching the clock knowing the 1L's all had to get back to class at 1 so as soon as they finished I was like OKAY whoever needs to leave go and we can chat with the panelists if you want to stay, lol. So that felt good overall. I stayed and talked to DCFS guy about some random stuff since he had some time before going back to work since this was an official work sanctioned event for him, lol. So that was cool. When he headed out I switched over to the PAD office for a bit and did something on my computer for a little, I don't even remember what, before going to meet my LARC prof for our individual conference. It wasn't all that helpful because it tended to be just more generalized feedback, and like I know what I'm doing its just a matter of doing it in the form they want. But I got my argument section back and graded so between that and my graded trial brief I should have some good basis to go off when I finish off the appellate brief this weekend hopefully. That's the idea, anyway. After that I went back to school and was gonna go to the PAD office but instead found my spring break friend, summer job friend, and the girl who's gonna be the president of the child and family law group with me next semester chilling in one of the rooms, so I hung out with them and actually got around to reading most of the cases for crim pro tonight. It was nice, even if I still felt exhausted at the end of the day. And I ended up ordering Chinese food because I felt like it before class lol and they had these mango and shrimp egg rolls that are possibly the craziest and most amazing things I've ever tasted. Crim pro was fine, just went over the few cases, and I interjected two short comments on different aspects of police behavior and their consequences (one of which was in result of a wrongful conviction that was affirmed by the fucking Supreme Court before later getting DNA exonerated that besides this man spending so much of his life in prison, there was a fucking child rapist freely roaming the streets). She then told us about how she's gonna like speed through the rest of the cases at the next two classes, and then let us go at 6:45....? Idk, I feel like she wasn't prepared for them or something, although I've discovered when she recites the "facts" of the case she reads almost word for word off the quimbee briefs I've been looking at, lol. But hey, I'll take it. It was still rainy and gross so I tried the alternate route again but with slightly more anxiety this time because I don't like relying on buses at night because, basically, the suck. We end up getting off the train literally right as the bus is pulling up to the stop (like I saw the bus as soon as I got off the train and had to run down two flights of stairs to get to it) and I just made it but like the driver was being rude and I had to like, bang on the door when there were like 4 other people with me trying to get on.....like calm down lady it's not gonna kill you to wait another 2 seconds. So that kind of ticked me off but I was at least glad I caught the bus. Got home and decided to watch the episode of Blindspot that had pretty much just finished airing and OH BOY do I have feelings about this episode. I already did a massive Twitter rant about this (and I mean massive) so I'll just give you the highlights but between this plot and Chicago Justice's (both nbc shows, fyi) treatment of a foster kid earlier this week I had just about had it. The kind of plot Blindspot did tonight was awful because it adds to the idea that foster parents are bad people who are only in it for the money, and that is overwhelmingly false. Are there crappy foster parents in the system? Of course, I spent all of last semester tracking them down and getting the kids removed from their homes. But the vast, vast majority of foster parents are wonderful, loving people who are sacrificing so much for a child they may very well have to say goodbye to some day. And when we are already at such a critical shortage of foster parents, this kind of portrayal is so damaging to that image. It only serves to add more stigma to the idea of foster parents are being corrupt and "foster child" practically being synonymous with "problem child" in some peoples heads, another convention that needs to end. The whole thing just really, really got under my skin. I mean, I know better than anyone that this kind of shit (okay I mean, this was obviously an extreme example, but similar types of mistreatment I mean) does happen, but broadcasting it as one of a very few portrayals of foster parents most people are gonna see is damaging to the idea of being a foster parent and hurts the chance that they would consider being one in the future, and that's just such a major problem for me. I obviously have a lot of feelings about this, and I feel like I should find some higher up at nbc to write to about it, other than tagging the network's account in my Twitter rant. But yeah, the whole thing just really pissed me off. Other than that though, my only other comment on the episode was that I was really sad to see Nas go, even though I knew it was inevitable as soon as she got involved with Weller, because the show has made it abundantly clear that Kurt/Jane is endgame and anyone who interferes with that isn't gonna last. But I really couldn't give a crap about her and Kurt's romance or whatever, she was such a great character in so many other ways and such a fantastic leader that I'm sad to see her character leave. And I mean not all of this is coming from my adoration of Archie as an actress, but she really did a fantastic job with the character that I feel like the show will miss her a lot. Okay, so after that I actually got to watch designated survivor live, which I've only gotten to do a handful of times. And man, this episode was EXCELLENT. Like definitely one of the best episodes of television I've seen from an objective (not fandom based) viewpoint. Like just as a piece of art it was brilliantly done. Admittedly I didn't pay all that much attention to the B and C storylines of Hannah and Aaron's adventures, but they were solid in their own right. But the really just knocked it out of the park with Kirkman's A storyline, like holy shit we're seriously at the point where how can you not be rooting for this character? I loved seeing him prep for the town hall and trying to figure out what he should see and then him in that scene and just being so fucking brilliant. Everything he did in that scene was artistic perfection. I had very real tears running down my cheeks by the end of it, and I have a hard time believing anyone else could watch it and not be similarly emotionally affected (even if you don't cry). Like they used just the perfect amount of personal story worked in there without pushing one issue or over-milking a tragic storyline. Just watching him on that stage and speaking from his heart to that mother was just so incredibly beautiful and I'm sitting there thinking damn, I would give anything to have Tom Kirkman as our actual president right now, lol, I seriously think he would be doing so much better than the current joke of an administration we have. So yeah, obviously I was very impressed with the episode. Kiefer continues to be a spectacular actor, and just shines in this role because he is so very good at bringing out the intricacies of the character, his doubts and fears while still managing to remain a strong leader that the people can trust in a time of such horrific distress. But yeah, obviously very pleased there. And yeah, not long after that I started getting ready for bed and here we are, lol, although 2 hours slipped by somewhere in between (funny how that happens). Big girl job in the morning, and then I'm probably gonna find a Starbucks to chill out and work on my LARC assignment on until small group because I just don't have the physical or emotional energy to go to the kickboxing gym this week, though I have been continuing to do push ups during commercial breaks, so that's good at least lol. Okay I think I'm done here. Goodnight lovelies. Have a good sleep.
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