#one of my many astralaria people because.
glowingplant · 8 months
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stardust girl 💫
feat. Cyhydla (she/her)
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
OKAY okay yes i quietly skipped days three & four because. well three because i don't .. have any krewes ?? :'3 idk it's just never lined up - and four because. uh. Inability to pick just one, honestly !! there's Taimi, there's Blish, Gorrik, Zojja,, i love all the canonical rats ;w; BUT ANYWAY--
Asura Appreciation Week - Day Five "Do you admire any asura OCs from other people on tumblr? Give them a shoutout!" [hosted by @asura-appreciation-corner ♥]
First & foremost, owner of a few asura I love is @forbiddenredjollyrancher!! <3 Eriie's story is always riveting, Saiffa's design & concept has my heart, Alvii's such a fun funky gal, and Liott!! Baby man. ;w; I love the he !!
@astralarias's Jioxa!! Such a cutie, and a beautiful design!! <3 I'm giving her warm tea and cozy blankets to help her withstand The Horrors <3
@catmanderratmander's Kudo !!! Kudo, little man. Rat of all time. why does he eat such weird shit off the floor <3 I love him,,
@commander-gloryforge's DEMIAN !!! !!!!! no thoughts only love, good design and wonderful concept!! i would trust her with my life :)
@bluebudgie's Neljje !!! you have so many Rats Of All Time but I've just adored Neljje since i saw him <3 Crazy chak man,,♥ (Honorable mentions for,, literally the rest of your asura, they all have such good designs and wonderful stories!!)
@ratasum's Vezz & Qirri, and also @wall-legion's Rissia!! ♥ I love the family dynamics, and the baby twins Sieran & Tybalt ;w; And Qirri's been through so so much just on her own, I adore them all <3
@tinymoonmoth's YUZZU !! i love him. SO so much !! i want to put him safely in my pocket and protect him from all of The Horrors ♥ (honorary mention for Nnox as well !! the petty Nnox / Noxx drama is SO funny aksjhdsj)
@matcha-bnuuy ZINNK !! LITTLE GUY !! i love the he,, i love the tiny boy. im offering him fresh warm pancakes at a picnic <3
@dotmander IAXE !! tiny Iaxe !! I'm bundling her in blankets, Liifa is teaching her questionable Necromancer tricks-- wait why is he doing that. Sir. Liifa, no-- KFJDFH
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szallejh · 4 years
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Jioxa loved Wintersday. The snow, the lights, the decoration – and of course the gifts! This was the time of family and happiness, and people showed their love to each other by giving wonderful presents. Some were self-made, some were useful or pretty things, maybe clothes, sweets, anything.
In Divinity’s Reach, Queen Jennah had established a ritual were orphans were given gifts too, as they mostly had no one else. And Jioxa wondered why there was no such ritual in Maguuma too! She knew herself that many progeny couldn’t enjoy Wintersday as much as they wanted, and this year, she would be the one to change that.
During months of preparation, Jioxa collected anything that could be useful for a little progeny. She collected toys, golems, machines, anything. Her griffon, a lovely but also quite playful companion named Pecky, proved to be a great help when it came to gift-wrap all of these little toys. They had collected so many things that the whole room was filled to the ceiling with small and big boxes, some were red, others were blue, and every single one looked unique.
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Jioxa had equipped them with small chutes, and on the top of every chute sat a red light that would beep until someone opened the box. There was also a note, that said: “Happy Wintersday! May the magic of winter fill every corner of your heart and home with joy – now and always. J”
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And then, Wintersday arrived. Both Jioxa and Pecky were neatly dressed up as the tiny Asura fastened all those boxes to the griffon’s body. They were heavy, and Pecky had trouble getting into the air under all the weight, but she did it in the end.
The night sky was dark and a light snowfall covered the houses of Metrica in a white and soft blanket. Flying high above all those Asura, Jioxa loosened one gift after another and let them float slowly to the ground. Soon, the air was filled with red lights and beeping noises, and the first curious progenies came running out of their houses to see what was going on.
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Some of them could still see the shape of the griffon disappearing, and even though they would never know who had made them these gifts, they would all thank their secret toymaker for the new golem, doll or whatever they had gotten.
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Jioxa eventually returned home after a long and cold night. But she was happy, as she had made so many children out there happy. And she didn’t care if any of them knew her name, as long as they would carry a smile on their face this night, because Wintersday was the season of happiness after all.
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My part of the @gw2-holiday-gift-exchange​ for @astralarias​!
I really hope you like it (: Happy wintersday!
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 3 years
1, 6, 7, 11, 16, 27, 36! - @astralarias
1. When did you start playing?
I got the heroic edition as a christmas gift in 2013, and I made my first character next January.
6. What do you prefer PvE or PVP?
PvE. I always feel bad playing PvP, I know I don't have to feel bad about killing other players because that's kind of the point but y'know.
7. Have you spent IRL money on the gem shop?
yes, mostly for character slots. I'm not that much into flashy skins so most of the stuff in the gemstore doesn't interest me.
11. Whats a piece of gear you always transmute because you love the look of it so much?
answered here (short answer there isn't really one)
16. Do you enjoy jumping puzzles?
answered here (short answer YES)
27. First memorable friend you made through guild wars?
Honestly because I found out about the game because my dad was playing it and got the game from my parents as a gift the first thing I did in the game was play a lot with my dad. It's by far not the first thing I did together with my dad but it was what we were doing together right when I was turning into a more independent teenager. Other than that many of the more active people in my rp guild I still talk with regularly.
36. What type of player are you? Hardcore, Casual, Semi-hardcore, Barely online.
bouncing back and forth between casual and barely online.
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the-mystic-dragon · 4 years
30 Questions: GW2 Edition
Thank you to the extraordinary @pr-gw2​ for tagging me!
1. Favorite living world season? Probably LWS4! I loved exploring those new maps, they were so pretty
2. Favorite expansion? Definitely PoF! Being able to have the mounts, explore the desert, and fight with a god was so fun
3. Favorite soundtrack? I’m gonna be honest I haven’t really listened to any that well! I’m usually too distracted by the story or my character aha
4. First profession you played? Ranger
5. First race you played? Sylvari
6. Favorite Destiny’s Edge character? Probably either Caithe or Zojja
7. Favorite Dragon’s Watch character? Canach and Taimi
8. Favorite Elder Dragon? Jokes on you I love ALL the dragons. But if I had to pick, I would say Mordremoth, Kralk, and Aurene! Although Jormag is rising up on this list too, I just enjoy when they telepathically communicate with us
9. Best boss fight (story)? The final fight with Kralk! Although both of the fights with Balthazar are a close second
10. Best boss fight (fractal)? Haven’t played fractals yet
11. Best boss fight (raid)? Haven’t played raids yet
12. PvE or PvP or RP? Absolutely PvE
13. Favorite canon couple? Kasmeer and Majory
14. Favorite fanon/self made couple? I love all of self made couples equally... but if I have to pick I would say Vraeen/Ophre
15. Favortie quote? All of the dialogue from your character and those funky white trees in Jahai Bluffs, you know the ones
16. Most emotional cinematic? When Balthazar kills the Commander
17. Favorite VA? The female sylvari and female charr VA
18. Post a fun screenshot! When I was first leveling my necro I saw him
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19. Post a landscape screenshot! I found this super cool JP under some ruins in Fireheart Rise and it had so many crystalsss
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20. Most used mount(s)? Griffon, Raptor, and Springer
21. Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)? I actually don’t have any skins on my mounts but I would love to get a skin for them all when I get some gems 
22. Favorite weapon? Exordium, Bifrost, Fang of Mokele, and Silence of a Thousand Years
23. Favorite gear set? All of the sylvari cultural armor, but there’s still a lot of armors and gear I haven’t unlocked or know about yet oqwedjf
24. Favorite title? I haven’t unlocked that many.. but I would say the Primeval Scion because it just sounds so cool
25. Something you worked really hard to get? I would say the skyscale (28% done on the saddle right now!)
26. Favorite GW2 Youtuber/ GW2 related video? I can’t remember any specifics but I would definetely say @astralarias​ griffon flying videos are one of my favorite things to watch. Also Talk of Tyria for the super amazing dialogue videos! Also @pr-gw2​ videos of the playthrough of the story with Krystha (I love to see that babe). As well as a griffon flight video by Coffee Box on YT that has my favorite HTTYD song over it, it’s titled Tyrian Flight - Where No One Goes
27. Most used miniature? I actually don’t have a miniature equipped! But I would say the skyscale hatchling because that dragon baby is so darn cute
28. Most used novelty? I haven’t used any before
29. Number of achievements points? I think I’m around 2,000 somewhere
30. Something you’d love to see in GW2? I would say to see Cantha! I was originally going to put giving me more dragons, more maps to explore, and super cool outfits but Anet has already done that! There’s still so much I have yet to experience and play 
I decided not to tag anyone because I feel like everyone’s already been tagged, but this is definitely an open invitation to do this! It was tons of fun and I hope to see more people do it :)
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mystery-salad · 4 years
Reposting this since legit somehow Zero of the tags or bolding carried through holy shit
30 questions: GW2 edition I was tagged by @where-is-caithe and @just-eyris-things
This can be done in many different ways: get asks by your followers, pick some questions for yourself, answer the whole damn thing at once, etc! You can draw, write (to explain in details or not) or just post screenshots! If you miss one it’s totally okay, whether it’s by lack of answer or time. Have fun!
1. Favorite living world season?
As much as some of the fights feel really badly balanced, I enjoy LS2 for the close knit new family feel. The whole little group is still figuring their dynamics out and finding their independence, and it’s a real good found family sorta feel as you Go Through A Lot.
2. Favorite expansion?
Heart of Thorns holds a special place in my heart (lol) just for being the first new story since I’d started playing. It’s got many flaws looking back, but nothing has actually hit me harder since. Maybe because anet overuses the punch of tragedy and death an I’m numb to their attempt to low blow us after several years *shrugs*
3. Favorite soundtrack?
The music in Caledon forest was my first step into gw2, and it will forever hold the top spot for me, alongside the original character select screen music.
4. First profession you played?
Ranger! Still one of my absolute favorites.
5. First race you played?
Sylvari, go figure
6. Favorite Destiny’s Edge character?
It’s a tough choice for me! Eir and Caithe rank highest though due to their unconventional character arcs for women. They’ve both got a lot of nuance and challenges and I respect that.
7. Favorite Dragon’s Watch character?
Again gotta pick two, Braham and Rox have a unique feel too and are amazing foils to each other’s characters. I’d like to see more of them together again.
8. Favorite Elder Dragon?
I love the potential held in Bubbles. Deep sea dragon, whose awakening scared even the krait off? Give me those deep sea horrors.
9. Best boss fight (story)?
I honestly really love the final fight against Zhaitan. It really managed to encapsulate the feeling of fighting a larger than life powerful enemy with an army at your back. No big fight since for me has had the same grandeur to it. We did a lot of fighting dragons in “smaller” ways or with “smaller” teams that just feel more...compact, ya know? I want that grandeur back.
10. Best boss fight (fractal)?
Jade maw is fucking wild! And it’s not the boss of its fractal but the giant living statue.
11. Best boss fight (raid)?
Never been in one, would love to one day when I’m in a guild who does them when I’m awake...
12. PvE or PvP or RP?
PvE by far, and RP is fun when you can find the right people.
13. Favorite canon couple?
In one map, there’s a seraph soldier and a bandit having a secret date. They’re so fucking extra and sappy and unnecessary and I love fining them and reading their cheesy star-crossed dialogue.
14. Favorite fanon/self made couple?
With another player, my favorite currently is Matthias with @ascalonianpicnic‘s Aildyn. The two have a very good dynamic.
Solo, I really love my new commander, Kai, with Caithe. I’ve built up a back-an forth for the two that I’m a lot more compelled by than I thought I’d be! I’m excited to share more on these two.
15. Favorite quote?
“sneaky mode engaged”
16. Most emotional cinematic?
The end of Heart of Thorns. A victory, a tragedy, and a clear sign that it’s set off another disaster just by you winning. There’s so many layers to that *boom*
17. Favorite VA?
I’m so bad at naming VAs but whoever voiced the asura female MC knows what she’s about
18. Post a fun screenshot!
Still love this one~
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19. Post a landscape screenshot!
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20. Most used mount(s)?
I spend most time on raptor still, followed by griffon!
21. Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)?
Raptor: crested plainsrunner
Springer: kourna jackrabbit
Skimmer: river mothwing
Jackal: lucent sands
Griffon: clouded corvus
Roller Beetle: deep desert scarab
Warclaw: vigilant saberclaw
Skyscale: axejaw skyscale
22. Favorite weapon?
Longbow is my favorite kind of weapon, I like it on every single class that uses it. Favorite overall weapon? Idk man too many to pick from at this point.
23. Favorite gear set?
I’m always a sucker for the sunspear armors
24. Favorite title?
Killer Queen
25. Something you worked really hard to get?
Astralarias is my only legendary so far and it’s pretty rad. Really like Mawdrey too.
26. Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video?
Daelin Dwin
27. Most used miniature?
Mini Quail!!! The feather bouncing on the head is an adorable little feature.
28. Most used novelty?
Embiggening tonic!
29. Number of achievments points?
Little over 18,000 now
30. Something you’d love to see in GW2?
Norns getting the same revamp humans got on african american faces and hairs since they’re also based on humans :) Where is it anet? Where’s the fairness? And asura and charr both have some afro-inspired hairs that need better textures now. When anet.
I tag anyone who hasn’t done this yet! Idk who has or hasn’t been tagged in these couple of weeks, but if you haven’t done this yet I’d love to see it via tag 💕
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GW2 ask: 10, 21, 27
10. Whats your favourite PVP map?- Don’t play much PvP because I am terrible at it, but from a visual standpoint I enjoy Courtyard and Legacy of the Foefire most.
21. Favourite weapon skin?- SO MANY TO PICK FROM probs Astralaria, though what I really want is a Pointy Stick from SAB.
27. First memorable friend you made through guild wars?- My first guild was great but I don’t keep in as much contact with them anymore, but someone who I started out as sorta keeping tabs on from a distance and now am friends with would be the awesome DJ Boss over at @paragonbroadcasting, though a lot of the friends I played with in the start were people I know IRL cause they were the ones who got me into GW2.
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gossamer-scraps · 6 years
All of them; you don’t even have to reblog the post, since you’re me.
- gossamer-scraps
Thanks for the ask!
1. When did you start playing?
Ashlynne's irl birthday is November 1, 2014.
2. What was your first characters race/class (profession)?
Sylvari guardian. As previously discussed, it was not what I was expecting.
3. How many characters do you have?
Depends how you count: ~11 that I play; 20 total.
4. Whats your favourite race?
Haven't got one.
5. Whats your least favourite race?
the male norn model Ahem. I definitely have the fewest charr, but that really comes down to the lack of armor skins that I thought would look interesting/good on their models. So while it's not true from a lore perspective by any means, from a purely ingame perspective I guess it’s charr.
6. What do you prefer PvE or PVP?
PvE. I bet I might like PvP as well, but I just never came across an opportunity to really get into it.
7. Have you spent IRL money on the gem shop?
Once, on a present for someone. Given how things have gone with Arenanet, I feel a bit bad about not having been slightly looser with my wallet. I do think the developers deserve more than the (I just checked) US$135 I've spent for more than 4 years of entertainment.
8. Whats your favourite zone? 9. Whats your favourite city? 11. Whats a piece of gear you always transmute because you love the look of it so much? 17. Whats your best guild wars experience? 18. Do you have a favourite character from the lore? 21. Favourite weapon skin? 38. Best memory in guild wars? 40. What bothers you the most about the game if anything?
Oh, man. I bet back when I played non-raid content in this game and developed my own fanlore, I'd have really interesting answers for these if I gave them some thought. But I really don't remember at the moment. I may come back to some of these.
10. Whats your favourite PVP map?
Absolutely no idea. I've only played like 4 of them. I can tell you which ones aren't my favorite (all of the ones I've played).
12. How many achievement points do you have?
10,534. I expend no effort collecting AP; in fact, I used to enjoy not having that many.
13. Is it okay to ask to RP with you?
Sure! I prefer to do that kind of thing outside of the game, though, for a number of reasons; the most important of which is that I like to keep records of everything in case something really compelling comes out of it and it could be made into a story.
14. Is your guild open to new members?
The actual guild I rep: Yep! They're not on Tumblr though. The "guild" I made, [PS] Please Stack: Sure, why the hell not. Message me if you want in.
15. Have you ever been really angry at the game? why?
Yeah, probably? Though most instances that might count are being really angry at people's behaviors within the game. Things bother me about the game itself all the time, but I can't think of a time off the top of my head that would qualify as "really angry." I'd put the over/under as like 5 times though.
16. Do you enjoy jumping puzzles?
Yes, especially when I experience them entirely within the game. I haven't done a ton oh I'm apparently at 35/44 on the achievement category, though a lot of jumping puzzle experiences in the game aren't on there. But in any case I don't usually go out of my way to do them.
19. Is there a class you like the idea of but the gameplay doesn’t match up for you?
Years ago I wrote a post about this. But... pretty much all of them don't match up in my opinion. I treat the lore implications of each class completely separately from the game-mechanical implications, with few exceptions. As far as classes I particularly dislike the play of but want to like, revenant definitely takes the cake, as I can't stand any of its unique mechanics (energy, not customizing your utilities, few weapon choices, the animations, etc). Guardian too: I still want the defensive, supporty knight class I signed up for at launch whose mechanics all apparently went to chronomancer. (Necromancer doesn't qualify because neither the idea nor the gameplay appeals to me particularly.)
20. How far have you made it in SAB (Super Adventure Box) if you had the chance to play it?
I think I beat W1 on normal? I don't remember, it didn't interest me that much.
22. Do you have a legendary? Which one or ones?
I have nevermore and sunrise/twilight/eternity. If I collected 3 more chak eggs I'd enough stuff and gold on me to instantly craft a set of legendary armor and another legendary weapon, but neither seems worth the cost.
23. Whats your favourite legendary?
Hopefully the upcoming ring, since I'll probably make it in that case. But hm... maybe the wielded version of the flameseeker prophesies? Or nevermore? I wish astralaria's metal parts were less flat-looking, maybe with more than one color to visually differentiate the gears. The shining blade's pretty nice too.
24. Is there a race you hate with a passion?
I looked through the whole list, and... nah. The closest would be halloween creatures, due to a general dislike for most of the holiday, but that’s not their fault, and they don't do anything particularly bothersome to me. Can't blame them for being pointless and unfun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
25. What class do you hate to face in PVP?
Let's go with scourge, because standing in a shade and dying of conditions is kind of boring? But honestly I have no idea; I don't PvP.
26. Are there any players you look up to?
Hmm. In small ways, a few, like DEKeyz from back in the day. But I don't think there's really been a player who I met who I thought, "I aspire to live up to the example you set" or anything like that. Rare is the player whose skill at ingame things is notable who isn't also annoying or an asshole in some way, and the ones who I only know from public comments don't get a pass until proven otherwise. If I was being optimistic, I’d like to think a few people might be okay, like Knox from [Ren]. And purely on ingame skill there are a lot of people.
28. Do you play with sound on or off?
Off. I've pretty much always played games mostly without sound. Not sure why.
29. Do you stream GW2? If so where can I watch you?
I could! I've considered it, but I don't know anyone who would watch, and I don't have any particular GW2 content to stream.
30. Are you obsessed with in game fashion?
Yes, arguably. I'm very particular about it, and I don't make characters without putting hours into how they look.
31. Do you have a favourite dye?
Nah. I'm sure there are some I like a lot, but it's all down to how they're used (just like my favorite color).
32. Whats the best glider skin in your opinion?
I'm still waiting! I've been ready to snap up the first glider skin I really like ever since HoT came out, but none has tickled my fancy or whatever the saying is besides the classical glider which I've got right now. iirc I used to like the old ad infinitum glider, but I don't like the changed version and I certainly don't want to spend 1300g on it.
33. Have you ever had to block someone?
Tons of times. This is video games; I’d be surprised if I didn’t. Though, to be fair, none of the blocks I can think of were out of “necessity” in that none of them were actively reaching out to me or anything. They were just annoying/offensive/etc and I saw no value in remembering they exist. So perhaps I’m lucky in that regard.
34. Weirdest map chat experience?
Uhhh... hm. I bet it was back in the HoT-meta-grinding days. In the aerodrome, nothing is at all unexpected. Nothing comes to mind though; the memorable stuff is just offensive or annoying, not weird.
35. Do you have 100% map completion on any of your characters?
Only a few. They were all for the gifts of exploration to craft legendaries for profit. I used to keep track of how many I'd sold, but I don't recall anymore.
36. What type of player are you? Hardcore, Casual, Semi-hardcore, Barely online.
This is such a wide range, so it’s hard to specify. Among all GW2 players I'm sure I'm hardcore. Among raiders I'm still probably hardcore. Among hardcore raiders I'm probably semi-hardcore to casual. 
37. What are the top three tips you would give someone just starting to play?
I would prefer to give them a lot more than 3 tips, and do so in voice chat over a long period of time. Otherwise I try not to get involved with that. I can't stand trying to correct other people's misinformation or judge how much or how little background someone has when they ask a newbie question without really getting into it. Like, I used to read the reddit and answer new players’ questions, but the number of other commenters who’d chime in and be totally wrong or obviously unhelpful drove me nuts.
39. Do you stick to one character mostly or are you an altoholic?
When you get to this point in the game, you really have to be comfortable with a roster of characters. I guess there are some exceptions, but those are still people who have a main but can and do play every class. But ever since basically the beginning, I've switched between a bunch of classes and builds as was appropriate for the situation. I dunno how much that counts as being an "altaholic" though; I've made a new character for non-mechanical reasons probably 3-4 times, which may be many or few depending on who you compare it to actually I just counted and it's like 7, so... maybe. You be the judge.
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