#one of the worst experiences of my life right there
aster-oid · 3 days
To the stranger I knew too well
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Summary: When your recurrent dreams about a puppet become out of hand, a reality check feels like the only way to get back to normalcy. Fate proves you wrong.
Pairing: Wanderer & gn!reader (post Irminsul), the relationship is heavily implied to be platonic
Content warnings: Reader is gender neutral, mentions of blood and murders but I don't go into details, slight angst, Wanderer is bad with feelings, platonic content
Word count: 7.2k | Soulmate AU
Comments: A special thank to my beta @ladyfocalors for always brainrotting with me about Genshin characters. We'll platonify the Genshin soulmate AU one work at the time /lh
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It took you years to understand that your frequent lucid dreams about an Inazuman electricity-wielder leader were actually the memories of your soulmate.
To your parents' defense, every normal individual would have dismissed the idea. While your soulmate wearing an extravagant hat wasn’t impossible, your tales about a place shrouded in darkness and an Electro-user without a Vision sounded like a child's fantasy. There was no such thing in Teyvat.
You quickly got the reputation of an imaginative kid. Adults liked to ask you about your dreams.
"What a smart child you are!", they cooed once you finished recalling your visions. "You could write a storybook!"
Your younger self would shoot them the dirtiest glare they could muster. Unfortunately, adding that the protagonist was a puppet made hundreds of years ago was not the convincing argument you thought it was. To the layperson, your visions were nonsensical dreams.
But you knew what you saw. It felt real. Terribly, shockingly real. Most often that not, you woke up from these flashes with the taste of iron in your mouth, static filling your sight, your muscles locked into place. You were trapped in your own unresponsive body. Even your breath was stuck in your throat. But the worst part of your awakenings was the sticky feeling on your hands. No matter how many times you scrubbed, it lingered on your skin. You didn't know what it was at that time, just that it made you feel gross and that it would sometimes reappear if you washed your hands hard enough.
You learnt what blood was before you knew how to spell the color red. 
When one is repeatedly told that they're wrong, they will come to believe it. You were no exception. As the years passed by, you pushed those fantasies in the back of your mind. The adults in your life must have been right. You were just a strange kid with gruesome dreams, that was all.
Despite knowing that they were figments of your vivid imagination, the sights of snow-covered plains and bloody massacres haunted you well into adulthood. They had grown more complex. Details you didn’t notice as a child seemed obvious now that you had more experience. You could also recall conversations better. That’s how you learnt the name of the body you inhabited. Well, it was more correct to say you learnt multiple names for them. Kabukimono, Kunikuzushi, Scaramouche, the Balladeer... It was like you could never make up your mind.
The puppet you temporarily inhabited was as elusive as the wind: no fixed name to call them and no face to match. They fled mirrors when they saw one, preventing you from seeing their appearance. The only thing you knew about them was their title: number Sixth of the Fatui Harbinger. A seat that was left vacant for centuries according to every Fatuus you asked.
Your constant daydreaming was annoying but manageable until you started having visions about Kunikuzushi taking over Sumeru. You saw them getting experimented on to become one with a robot, wincing in pain at the hands of a masked doctor, rambling about their birth-given right to access godhood, taunting a blonde traveler; a chain of events that could only make sense in a dream. The problem was that your reverie was affecting your daily life. You couldn’t go through a day without getting assailed by memories that weren’t yours. You had to stop halfway through any task, discussing became hard and sleep rarely came to you.
There was little you could do as you didn’t know what had worsened your visions. You were hoping it would go away by itself.
That was until a particularly haunting dream. As usual, you were but a spectator seeing through the Balladeer’s eyes. You saw a hand -their hand- reach for a chess piece, leaning forward as much as they could. Your blood went cold. They were about to fall over the edge of the platform! Your gaze darted everywhere. There was nothing on the distant ground that would break their fall. For the first time in your life, you realized that they could die. Scaramouche, the one you had observed for decades, could die.
You were the only one to realize how far they were leaning. They only had eyes for the violet pawn in front of them, begging and begging with a shaky voice. It had never sounded so frail, so raw with hurt and panic.
"Please, anything but the Gnosis!" 
It’s not worth it! you tried to scream. Stop! You didn't know why this Gnosis was so important to them but it was nothing dying for. Alas, no matter how hard you tried to move your mouth, the body refused to answer to you. You were nothing but a witness of a tragic scene, a powerless ghost with a bleeding heart. Your throat was thick with emotions you were not allowed to express.
Your dream ended in a snap, quite literally. A tearing sound erupted from behind you before you were sent falling down, pain flaring in your back. You bit down a scream as the world turned to blurry shades of blue and fluttering black bangs. The increasing speed made your eyes water and your body burn. You clenched your teeth. The fall was inevitable. Maybe it made you a coward but you couldn't bear to see it. You didn’t want to see Kunikuzushi die. Muttering an apology to the stranger in your dreams, you squeezed your teary eyes shut. 
The last thing you heard was a wet crushing sound, a mix between eggshells broken under the palm of your hand and a fruit being squashed. Your body jolted in your bed and you gagged, fighting the urge to throw up. You had never felt this sick. Not even when you dreamt of unfair massacres.
You sank to the floor, furiously wiping away the tears beading in the corner of your eyes. You couldn't do it anymore. You had to confront your dreaming problem. There was only one solution: if your brain was so adamant on obsessing over an imaginary character, you had to show it the harsh reality, to remind yourself that Kabukimono never existed.
Your trip to Sumeru was the most spontaneous project you ever planned. You were strolling through the busy streets of Sumeru city the very next day with barely enough money to get back to your nation. You had packed the bare minimum in your suitcase to carry it easily, meaning you wouldn’t be able to stay for more than just a few days.
That was, if you found a room for the night. You had no time to check what the usual prices were in the capital before leaving. Now that you were scouring the streets with your meager funds, unable to find a hotel within your budget, you were bitterly regretting your lack of foresight. You sighed. You supposed that the saying was right. Slow and steady wins the race.
As if it had felt your determination dwindling, the crushing sound echoed in your mind in response. You bit your lip, bile rising in your throat. You hadn't been able to forget about your last dream. It looped in your head like a broken record. Even if impulsively leaving your country was one of your worst ideas ever, the quicker you settled your daydream problem the sooner you'd be back to your normal life. 
Your weary steps lead you to an indoor bazaar. The smell of fried food filled your nostrils, making your stomach growl. You winced. The small homemade sandwich you had earlier couldn't compete with the appeal of street food. Unfortunately you needed to save your funds for a room. You let your gaze wander in the crowded marketplace, trying to distract yourself from the appetizing smell. Colorful stalls were full of fresh fruits, potted flowers and intricate trinkets. If you stood on your toes, you could even see a small theater representation in the farthest part of the bazaar. It was a lively place that perfectly encapsulated Sumeru’s charm.
You were about to turn back when your eyes stopped on a blue silhouette near a candy stand. You didn't know how you missed them earlier. In the brown and green crowd, their traditional clothing and their ornamented Inazuman hat stuck out like a sore thumb. They were in deep discussion with the merchant. Turquoise fabric trailed behind them, floating in the wind.
Without a second thought, you cut through the crowd, never leaving the stranger from your sight. Your heart leaped in your chest when they left the small stall. 
"Hey, you with the hat! Stop!" you yelled. To your dismay, the Inazuman did not even slow down. They must have been too far to hear you. Breaking into a sprint, you called again. "Hat guy!" 
You breached the distance in a few seconds. Just as you were about to grab their shoulder, they turned around. A cold hand snatched your wrist, making you wince. When you looked at its owner, you were greeted with a deep scowl and narrowed indigo eyes. 
"Don't." The man’s low voice warned you, his tone full of unspoken threats. You swallowed uncomfortably as your confidence melted away. He managed to be intimidating in spite petite stature and youthful appearance.
As he glared daggers at you, you were hit by a feeling you couldn’t quite place. You pressed your lips together, studying his messy black mullet and his glowing Anemo Vision. The word popped up in your head. Familiar. The stranger felt familiar.
Wiping the feeling of déjà-vu from your mind, you retreated your hand. "Sorry, I was just trying to get your attention." 
"Well, now you have it," he huffed. Annoyance was written on his face. He crossed his arms. "What do you want?" 
A good question, but not one you had an answer to. Running after the man was a spur of the moment decision.
Self-awareness striked you like a thunderbolt. Why were you even doing this? Your goal was to cure your daydreaming, not to throw yourself headfirst into the rabbit hole nor to annoy a stranger with the tales of an imaginary character.
He clicked his tongue. "Hurry. I don't have all day." 
You huffed. It was true that you were taking too much time to gather your thoughts but he didn’t have to be rude about it. 
"I'm looking for someone,” you said tentatively. It was the closest you could get from the truth without annoying him. Considering his foul mood, the stranger would have walked away if you told him you were looking for the lack of existence of Kunikuzushi, the Sixth Harbinger, the person who tried to become an Archon, someone that only existed in your mind.
The man didn't answer, encouraging you to continue with a movement on the head. His black bangs flew in the light breeze. Now that you had a clearer view of his face, the man seemed more bored than irritated. He wanted the conversation to be over with but he still had the patience to hear you out. This realization gave you the courage you needed to talk again. 
"Their clothes are quite similar to yours, but they're red and black. They also have a hat. A huge one." You opened your arms in emphasis.
He scrunched his brows together, looking at you like you were an idiot. "Right. Because the length of their hat is the most important detail you could give me," he deadpanned. 
You fight the urge to sigh. "I wasn't done. I don't know much about them, but they're linked to the Fatui." The stranger's eyes narrowed in suspicion. He was back to glaring at you, his face closed. Unsettled by this sudden tension, you quickly added. "Probably. I'm still not sure about that." There was no Sixth Fatui Harbinger, after all. Your brain had made it up. 
"Of course." His voice was drier than earlier. What little interest he had in your discussion had melted at the mention of the Fatui. You scrunched your brows. You swore you could read another emotion than ire in his eyes, even if you didn’t know what. "Anything else I should know about that... Friend of yours?"
You racked your brain for more details. There was a lot to say about the person in your dream. Their lack of heart, their coup attempt in Sumeru, their bloody killings, the experimentations they underwent... Nothing you could talk about in public without looking crazy, in sum. The only thing you could still mention was... 
"Their name is Scaramouche."
The man went rigid. "What did you say?" he gawked, his eyes wide with shock.
"Scaramouche. I think that's their name?" Truthfully, they were given so many names that it probably wasn't their real one. But it was the one that came up most in your dreams. 
As if it caught onto the tense atmosphere, the wind abruptly stopped blowing. You barely noticed it, focused on the horror shining in the man's eyes. He couldn't believe what you had just said. His piercing eyes analyzed every inch of you with a newfound distrust. 
“Nobody should be able to-” He interrupted himself with a gasp. Recognition flashed across his face. "Wait. You...!"
His face went from surprise to disgust in the blink of an eye. You had barely the time to react before he pulled his hat down over his head, his scowl peeking from behind the rim.
"Of course fate would string something like this..." He let out a bitter laugh. "Has it ever made anything easy for me?"
You watched as crossed his arms, lifting his head to glare at you as if you had purposely wronged him. You tried to appease him by apologizing. "Sorry, did I say something wrong?"
Despite your question, you knew you had done nothing worth this cold attitude. You didn’t know why he was overreacting, why he was looking at you like dirt under his soles.  It’s as if he was personally offended by your description of the Balladeer. You blinked as pieces fell into place. An Inazuman with a strange hat and dark hair, just like the one you were looking for. Could it be…?
"Is that you? Are you Scaram—" 
The man turned around before you could finish your sentence, the blue fabric tied to his hat smacking you in the face. You yelped in pain.
"Don’t use this name." You couldn't see what kind of expression he was making but his flat tone told you enough.
You were standing in front of the protagonist of your dreams.
Reality shattered around you. There were only two reasons for your dreams to be visions of the past. You either were a seer —which was unlikely considering you had no elemental affinity— or you were using your soulmate link. Realization sank in. You had a soulmate. Everything finally clicked together: why you had Scaramouche's memories, why he recognized you, why you never stopped having those dreams… It was because the universe had deemed you a perfect fit.
Your eyes burned with unshed tears. You were not an anomaly without a soulmate, like you were led to believe. You just didn't pay attention to the signs.
"Wait a minute," you gasped. No matter how happy you were about your discovery, it came a lot of terrible implications. "Does it mean that everything is real? The Fatui, the taking over Sumeru part, everything ?" 
Kunikuzushi immediately clammed up. Not even bothering to look at you, he said without a trace of emotion. "This conversation is over."
Strong wind currents flared all around you with him acting as the epicenter of the small storm he invoked. You stared at him with wide eyes. He was getting away! 
You grabbed his sleeve and tugged hard, adrenaline pumping through your veins. The man gave you the dirtiest glare from above his shoulder as the miniature hurricane intensified. But you didn't let him go. You sank your nails deeper into his arm.
"Listen to me!” you said through gritted teeth. “I'm not gonna pretend I know everything about you because that's not true. I only know glimpses of you. Parts of your past that don't make any sense." 
You closed your eyes as the memories flooded your mind. The Gnosis, the laboratory, the crushing sound as he fell down... You didn't understand what those events meant to him. What kind of story they told. It was like you were in front of an incomplete puzzle where all edge pieces went missing. It was impossible to get the big picture no matter how many combinations you tried.
That didn’t mean the little bits of memories you had taught you nothing about him.
"You were hurt. That much is certain."
Your words only rekindled the fire of his ire. He bared his teeth at you. “Huh?! Who do you think you are, talking to me like that?” He stabbed your chest with his finger, forcing you to take a step back. “Seeing glimpses of my past doesn’t give you the right to assume things about me, you worm.”
"But it’s not an assumption. You lived a very long and lonely life. A bloody one too.” You briefly wondered if contrary to you, he had grown accustomed to seeing his hands covered in crimson. You let out a shaky exhale. “But you cannot talk about your life to anyone. No one would believe you if you talked about the Sixth Harbinger of the Fatui or what you were doing centuries ago."
You had the experience to back yourself up. You still weren't sure what the Fatui thing was all about but if you could barely believe it after seeing his memories firsthand, no one else could.
"See, you’re just assuming things again out of pity," Scaramouche snapped. He tore himself from your grasp, sneering. "Guess what? I don't need you to feel sorry about me."
You shook your head. "I wasn't about to."
You were never going to forget the feeling of blood on your hands, the crackling of electricity as you saw someone charred alive, the coolness of a cadaver against your skin. You couldn't bring yourself to feel sorry for this man. It wasn't what someone like him sought. 
Pity was for those forced to live under the ruling of unfairness, not able to object to its cruel laws. Forgiveness was for those that were mothered by this tyrant and dedicated their life to preach its teachings. For now, the Balladeer deserved none of them.
When you opened your eyes, Scaramouche had tipped his hat down, obscuring his expression. His grip on his crossed arms was so tight you thought he was going to break his fingers. 
"You don't understand. You can't understand."
His voice was lower than earlier, almost like a growl. 
It wasn't enough to scare you.
"You're right," you admitted. "I cannot understand you. But I really want to." 
Maybe it was because you knew him on a deeper level than a stranger, but something had changed. You were starting to notice it. The hurt he masked behind a veil of fury. Until his words, you thought he was just an eternally angry man, bitter at the world and at his fate. Now, you wondered if he was just someone who lived through too much. Someone who was ready to beg and kill himself for a glimpse of a better future.
He snorted, disbelief written across his face. “A human like you, understanding someone like me? Don’t make me laugh.” He leaned towards you. You fought the urge to take a step back, withholding his stare with all of the courage you could summon. His mouth contorted into a twisted smile. “You’ve seen what I am capable of. Not only are you fundamentally unable to relate to a fraction of my existence, you’re also unable to withstand it. Understanding me will only bring you trouble.”
“You already do.” Scaramouche didn't utter a word, turning his back to you. You didn't let it get to you, instead squeezing your hand against your chest. "I spent my life stuck with visions I couldn't control. Seeing your memories at random moments robbed me from precious moments with the people I love. From enjoying a normal life, one where I don’t have to fear falling asleep."
Your hands were shaking. Whether from anger or sorrow, you didn’t know. Scaramouche was the one assuming things. You may only be a human, one similar to thousands that have come before you, but you knew how it felt to be misunderstood. How it felt not to belong. Nobody had believed you for decades, nor understood why you were so uncomfortable when it came to sleeping. Even your friends couldn’t wrap their heads about your constant worry of getting lost in the daydreaming. You might as well have been from a different species.
You took a deep exhale. Your anger faded away as quickly as it came. "I feel close to you, no matter how strange it sounds. You've always been a small part of me.” Determination seeped through your tone. “So I won't be able to move on as long as I don't know what's going on with my soulmate."
Soulmate. The word rolled strangely on your tongue. It was the first time you were saying it out loud.
Scaramouche gagged at your word choice. "I'm not looking for a lover." Disgust laced his voice. Seems like you were not the only one who felt weird about the whole situation. 
You shook his concern with a wave of the hand. "Me neither. I'm looking for an explanation. A timeline in a chronological order, if possible." 
Your attempt at a joke fell flat as silence fell between the two of us. Your face shifted into a frown. Had you been too insistent? 
"It's alright if you find the situation strange," you said, trying to save the conversation. "I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that you saw glimpses of my life. This is quite embarrassing...."
You didn't have the most exciting life but there were private moments you wanted nobody to see. Especially not your soulmate. 
He shot you an uninterested look, examining the dirt beneath his nails. "I could not care less about your mundane life."
You blinked. You didn't expect him to get interested in your life as much as you were in his, but was that supposed to be comforting? Unsure how to respond, your face contorted into a polite smile.
None of you said a word after that. You didn't dare move either. Weariness taking over you, you watched as the back of his hair fluttered in the breeze, joining the hypnotizing dance of the blue ribbons. The sound of animated conversations and the ringing of distant bells filled the otherwise tense silence.
You were about to leave when Scaramouche let out the heaviest sigh known to mankind. He finally turned to you, uttering a single word. 
Whatever you were expecting him to say, it wasn't that. "Come again?" 
He rolled his eyes but repeated it anyway. "Wanderer. That’s my name. Not Scaramouche or whatever name you heard in my memories." 
You felt your entire face lit up. You could recognize an olive branch when you saw one. "I won't call you anything else, I promise!"
He sighed at your sudden excitement, shaking his head. You were starting to recognize when he was truly irritated and when he was acting annoyed by habit. This time, the look in his eyes didn't match his bored pout. It was not soft by any means, but he did not glare daggers at you anymore.
"I still don’t think someone like you can handle the tale of centuries of existence.” He clicked his tongue. “That being said, I suppose it would be entertaining to see you try. Come to the entrance of Sumeru city in two hours."
Your eyes widened. You thought that you wouldn’t get more than his name, and now he gave you the opportunity to explain his life ? You had half the mind to pinch yourself awake.
"Don't be late Wanderer!" 
He scoffed, readjusting the position of his ginormous hat. “If I were, you'd scream my name in the streets of Sumeru until you get ahold of me. No thanks."
"I wouldn't do that!"
"Oh, really?" A smug smirk took place on his lips. He cleared his throat before taking a high-pitched voice. " 'Hey, you with the hat, stop right there ! I really want to talk to you! Stop, I say !' "
You gasped in shock. "So you actually heard me! Do you not stop when someone calls you?"
"I do. I just don't typically talk to pipsqueaks."
His grin deepened at seeing your offended expression. He even let out a short laugh. You playfully punched the cheeky bastard on the shoulder, not putting much force in the blow. 
Wanderer didn't budge. He instead grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand away from him. His eyebrows were pinched together in irritation. "Don’t think you can punch me and get out unscathed, kid."
Despite his words, his grasp on you was light, as if he was careful not to hurt you. It was easy to slip from his hold. He was entertaining you, you realized. Considering how harsh he had been when you first had tried to touch him, a light scold was nothing. 
Mimicking a fighting stance, you started shifting your weight from left to right.
"You're the one who's gonna bite the dust! I can knock out someone with a single blow!" You punched the air to demonstrate, a smile blooming on your face. "I can take anyone in a fight!" 
Wanderer pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated by your playful attitude. "Celestia above, not another Childe..."
You pouted at his words. "Are you calling me a child again? I'll let you know that I'm a fully-fledged adult!" You may not be as old as the immortal puppet but you were no kid by human standards. You were only teasing Wanderer because you needed something light after your heavy talk. He couldn’t base his whole perception of you on a speech stemming from your sleep-deprived self…
He clicked his tongue in his mouth before looking at you directly in the eyes. "You talk big for someone I've seen fall in the stairs several times."
Horror washed over you. Every little embarrassing moment you lived flooded your mind. The fact that Wanderer had seen some of them sent warmth pooling in your cheeks. 
"You said you didn't care about my life!" you said, absolutely mortified. 
"It doesn't mean watching you was not mildly entertaining. Why would I focus on boring Fatui politics talk when I could be the witness to the mess of your teenage years?” Your expression was decomposing by the second, to his delight. "I especially liked it when—"
You cut him off with a nervous laugh. "Alright, alright, I get it. Aren't you busy?" 
His gaze fell into a small pouch at his sides. "I do, actually. Buer must be looking for me."
"Buer? Who's that?" You didn't remember hearing this name in his memories.
"The Dendro Archon," he said like it was the most obvious thing on Teyvat. 
"...Right. Of course.”
Maybe you were a bit too optimistic about his ability to open up to you.
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Wanderer couldn't believe himself. Three betrayals should have been enough to teach him that closeness only brought pain. Whether because of misunderstandings, lies or the unpredictable and unescapable scythe of Death, the ending was always the same: he was fated to end up hurt. Alone. Cursing himself for loving too much.
He snorted. He knew all of that and yet here he was, wrapping his job up before his meeting with you. How pathetic.
Part of him was not surprised about this new twist of events. Fate liked to throw him in the most ironic situations. He was currently going on errands for Buer, the same Archon he had tried to supplant her months ago and who took him prisoner. Randomly meeting his soulmate in the middle of the streets was not the most unexpected thing to have happened to him. Far from it. At that point, he was surprised it hadn’t happened earlier.
When Wanderer entered the sanctuary of Surasthana, the Archon was sitting on her swing, humming to herself. The melancholic tune didn’t sound familiar but the lyrics in old Sumerian sang the tale of a love long gone. If he rolled his eyes at the song choice, he was polite enough to wait until the end of the song before clearing his throat.
Buer perked up, finally noticing him. She jumped from the swing and greeted him with a small wave.
"Hat guy!" He cocked an eyebrow at the oh so creative sobriquet, making her giggle. "I’m glad to see you. I was starting to think that you had forgotten about me."
"As if my memory would get faulty. I was held up by someone." Holding his hat to pin it into place, he sat on the lush grass. Reunions with Buer always took a while. He might as well make himself comfortable. 
Familiar curious green eyes landed on him. "Was it a friend from the Akademiya?"
He rolled his eyes. "I had never seen them before."
He had expected this flow of questions. Buer was very invested in his relationships with other people– well, rather his lack of. She had made him participate in social events like the Interdarshan championship to socialize. She even enrolled him in the Akademiya. Her argument was that it would help him understand humanity better, as well as himself. 
The results were arguably mixed. Wanderer admittedly tolerated people a bit better than before. They were predictable creatures but they could be entertaining. Sometimes. On the other hand, he had not grown close to anyone since he started attending classes. Sure, some students followed him around, gushing about the mysterious “hat guy” and throwing a birthday party for him, but he would not call them friends. They were classmates at most. It was for the best: it didn’t matter if Buer claimed he was progressing regarding socialization, talking to him was an experience he wished on no one.
She didn’t seem to agree with him. Excitement and pride shone in her eyes. "Every stranger is a friend in potentiality. That is what makes new meetings so exciting: you might be talking to your new favorite person in Teyvat," she beamed, taking place near him. 
"If you say so." 
Friendship was a human concept. Something he could neither fully understand or get. Melodramatic speeches and lengthy explanations meant nothing to him. That is why Wanderer didn’t try to counter her argument. There was no point in talking about something he knew nothing about.
What he did know was that Buer was wrong. You were no stranger to him.
His gaze fell to his hands. The first time he had seen your memories, Scaramouche had thought he was defective. He had never been able to dream until then. His creator didn’t see the interest in allowing him to do so. The only reason he knew what dreams were was because Niwa liked to recount his when they worked together in the forge. 
One second he was lying down in the laboratory of the Fatui, the other he was in a small bed. Piles of toys were scattered around him, decorating what seemed to be a child’s bedroom. Why on Teyvat was he here? Scaramouche tried to move his arm but it did not move an inch. He cursed under his breath. For some reason, his body refused to listen to him. If it was Il Dottore’s scheme, the man was dead.
Without a warning, his head turned. He was greeted by the reflection of a small child in the mirror of the wardrobe. You.
His mind had been pure madness when he had come back to his senses. He had the time to zap five machines before the Doctor arrived, complaining that his research was being destroyed. The Tsaritsa, the stars, fate itself... He had cursed everything he could think of for giving him a soulmate. There was no other reason behind his sudden ability to “dream”. Fate had decided to intertwine your destinies together. The thought only made him more angry.
He couldn't be mad at the child you were, though. You were barely five. No matter how much of an unfeeling person he was, Scaramouche was not about to hold the situation against someone as young as you. A small part of him, one he had tried to bury for centuries, had even ached to hold your chubby hands in his when he had seen you reach for your reflection.
With the impossibility of breaking a soulmate bond, the Fatui Harbinger had been forced to watch you as you grew. He learnt about your favorite color, the school subject you liked best, the names of your childhood friends, the color of your bedroom, all the details of your ordinary life. He was a spectator to mundane moments, to victories and horrific failures alike.
You had transformed from a kid with shining eyes to a determined adult before his eyes.
If Buer was right and that all friends started as strangers, it meant that you would never be able to grow close to him. You already knew him.
Wanderer plucked a few strands of grass, watching how they fell to the ground. No, hoping for you two to be friends was wishful thinking. You had seen the atrocities he had done as a Fatui Harbinger. Once he filled the gap in your knowledge, you would not want anything to do with him. His erasure from existence didn’t excuse the actions of his past life.
He would not blame you. He deserved your hate. At the end of the day you were another name on the endless list of his victims. Because of your soulmate link, you had lived your entire life plagued by visions you didn't understand, othered because of things out of your control. You were the proof that Wanderer brought suffering just by existing. That he wasn't a fundamentally good person, like the one Buer and Traveler insisted he was. You had every right to loathe him.
That was why he accepted your offer. If he explained everything to you, if he confirmed that every "dream" of yours was true, you would move on. You would forgive Fate for giving you such an unloving person as a soulmate. Maybe you would even want to settle down with someone else... At the end of the day, you'd be free from the chain of destiny. So would he.
The world would let him do a good thing, for a change. 
"While it's true that talking it out will appease both of your minds, you shouldn't only see them as a way to atone for the sins of your past life," Buer intervened. 
Wanderer gave her an unimpressed look, throwing away the rest of the grass strands. "One day, you will have to answer for all of those breaches of privacy before the General Mahamatra."
"Talking about your thoughts with someone else can help you sort them out and gain new insight. I felt like you could benefit from it."
Her growing smile told him that she didn't feel sorry for reading his mind without his consent. He huffed. She was lucky he had grown accustomed to this habit of hers.
She hummed as she stepped in front of him. "Agreeing to a meeting to ease your guilty conscience is not a bad thing in itself. The problem is that you’re assuming that they can only hate you."
“What other reaction could they have?” The answer appeared in his mind before he finished his sentence. “Pity?” Pronouncing the word made his insides hurl. Wanderer would rather feel your wrath than your pity. The former didn’t feel as disgusting as the other;
Buer shook her head. “That’s not it either. It’s alright if you don’t yet understand Wanderer, you will see in due time.”
He fought the urge to roll his eyes. He preferred it when she used complex metaphors. At least he had the opportunity to understand what was going on in her mind, contrary to when she used vague words of wisdom like a drowsy prophet.
"If I can give you one more piece of advice, you should give this relationship a chance." Seeing his scowl of disgust, she explained herself. "I'm not telling you to pursue a romance with them. Just don't assume that tonight is the only time you meet. Keep your mind and your heart open."
Despite her smile, she had a serious look in her eyes. It was the face of wisdom in all of its assured glory. Wanderer closed his eyes. It was easy for him to forget she was not a young child, like the one he took care of all those centuries ago. 
"There is a reason why they're your soulmate," Buer said. "Don't you want to discover why?" 
"Someone like them has nothing in common with me." 
Your memories told the tale of a simple life. In an ideal world, a normal person like you wouldn't have been paired up with him. How it happened in this one was a mystery. If he was inclined to pity others, Wanderer would feel bad for you. Being his soulmate only brought you experiences that you couldn’t talk about to anyone.
“You cannot talk about your life to anyone. No one would believe you if you talked about the Sixth Harbinger of the Fatui or what you were doing centuries ago.” Their hands shook as they lifted their head to meet his gaze. He stilled. He had expected to read loneliness and fire in their eyes. He only found the glow of loneliness. It was the same he had seen in your reflection all those years ago.
Wanderer hid his face behind his hand. He supposed he was wrong. He could see a few ressemblances between you and him. That didn’t necessarily mean you would become friends.
"Don't expect too much from this meeting. I only plan on retelling my story, not on learning more about them."
Gentle hands covered his, pulling them away from his face before lightly squeezing them.
“You don’t need to. You already know them better than anyone else.” Buer's voice was as soft as her expression.
He opened his mouth but no snarky counter-argument came to his mind. From what little insight Wanderer had gained on friendship over the course of his life, sharing experiences with a potential friend wasn’t enough. You also had to learn about the other person's personality, their taste, the little things they did… Such a process was too much work for a relationship that would eventually decay. But the man already knew you, more intimately than any person ever would.
If to be friends was to learn about someone, he had become yours a long time ago.
Wanderer fought the urge to shield his face behind his hat. It would be as good as admitting to Buer her words had struck a chord. No way he would embarrass himself like that.
“You're not going to give up, are you?" he sighed.
“While I do hope you will form a bond with them, I will not hold it against you if it doesn’t happen.” She took some time to think, trying to come up with a convincing imagery. “Fate is a tricky concept. It steers you in a specific direction but it cannot force you to follow it. No matter what, you can always make your own way.”
He let the words sink in as he laid down on the cool grass. From the Sanctuary, he could hear the entire city’s hustle and bustle. The sound of the streets mixed with the chirping of the birds and the rustle of the wind through the branches.
He felt Buer sitting next to him. Her voice interrupted his quiet reverie, sounding cheekier than usual.
"Don't I deserve something in return for my good advice?"
Her eyes were focused on the small pouch hanging at his side.  He had forgotten about it, their conversation had distracted him. Wanderer shook his head in defeat. The Archon didn’t need to use her mind-reading powers to know about the actions of her subjects. 
“If you want to be paid for giving lectures, you should think about becoming a teacher at the Akademiya.”
“I would deprive someone from the joy of educating young minds.”
His lips curled into a grin. “Right. Poor them.”
Feeling her gaze on him, he relented. He unclipped the package from his belt and gave it to her, not bothering to sit back up. Buer tried to open it carefully. It was so full that in spite of her efforts, morsels of candied Ajilenakh nuts spilled on the ground.
Wanderer frowned at the sight of the mess. Something churned inside him. If he had known it would be wasted, he wouldn’t have bought so much food.
“Be more careful,” he chastised her. “It’s expensive.”
Buer shot him a perplexed look. He scoffed in response, averting his gaze. 
"I didn't buy them. The merchant gave free samples to bystanders and he couldn't take no for an answer."
Another white lie from him. He had noticed that Buer didn't have much candy left and since he had to go to the Bazaar anyway, he had decided to buy some. He watched as she inspected a piece of candy, rolling it between her fingers. He didn't get why she was head over heels for those disgustingly sweet nuts but he had to keep her in good spirits. Otherwise, she might decide to lock him back in his cell. That and seeing her smile so much sent warmth running in his chest. 
Her eyes crinkled, amused. "A free sample? How nice," she said, popping one of the delicacies in her mouth. He supposed there was no fooling the Archon of Knowledge. She pointed at him. "Your friend hasn't had the opportunity to try food from Sumeru, have they? You could bring them to Lambad’s and keep some of the Ajilenakh nuts to snack on."
“We have other things to do than distract ourselves with culinary tourism.”
“It’s not a distraction! See it as a bonding experience that will allow you to grow closer.”
He arched a brow, unimpressed. “As if I needed something like this to become their friend.”
He stopped after his own sentence. He blinked, not believing what he had just said.
Wanderer didn't know how he ended up in this situation. Truly. He was never one to let Fate decide for him. He defied it at each opportunity, fighting with all he had. This shouldn't have been any different. He was a traveler, an outcast, an outsider. He had no use for a soulmate– a lover. Especially not a human one, one that would be gone in a blink of his immortal life. 
He had no use for a lover, but he supposed that if he had to befriend a single person in the world, it may as well be you.
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aranock · 12 hours
I'm tired.
Just sort of in general I am exhausted. I know I put on a brave face a lot, but the hate does get to me. The constant unceasing hatred both offline and online gets to me. I'm human idk what to say. Been thinking a lot about the Bilbo quote, I might be paraphrasing, "I feel like too little butter spread across too much toast."
It's pride month, I should be feeling happy right? I convocated finally after a brutal long degree I should be feeling happy right? I like how my body looks for the first time in my life shouldn't I feel happy?
And I know that's not helpful, that feelings are not a should thing. And yet I feel it anyway :/. Not that I do not feel happy, I would say on average I am better than I have been at any other point in my life. But it does get to me.
I was invited to dinner with a former family member, a blood relative that breached every boundary I placed and even went so far as to accost me in a public space. It's hard watching someone lose all love for you the more you become yourself. Being told I'm an embarrassment to my parents by creeps online stings a lot more now that I had a blood relative say it to my face while aggressively yanking my jacket so I couldn't get away. I know its a lie, I know that this person saying that hurt my parents as much as it did me. Alas, anxiety rarely responds to facts or evidence.
Everytime it feels like I'm fine and over it; this person manages to weasel their way around boundaries to fuck up my mental health for a week. And the thing about chronic illnesses like mine is they flare up quite horrendously when you get stressed and anxious. Anxiety means waking up to acid burnt throat from reflux.
It makes my voice dysphoric all day.
I think deep down one of my greatest fears is that I am unlovable, that everyone around me secretly hates me and is just waiting for the excuse to finally be rid of interacting with me. I am terrified that I am a burden. Mortified by the false belief that I am broken.
Despite how horrific my childhood adolescence and some of my early adulthood were, my family was at least a safe place. I recognize that I was privileged to have that. With that said I think the reason this whole thing has rocked me so much is that it violated that one last place I felt safe. It has made me doubt the love of those I never thought I would.
Sometimes transphobia feels like drowning, and if you try to swim for air everyone decides to shove you further down cause actually it's proof you are faking needing breath.
I text someone anytime I go run errands, just to make sure someone knows. Had too many experiences of hate. I get anxious when I go to get groceries; will this be the time I get hit by a vehicle driven by a far right transphobe, am I going to get called a slur again, will the store staff get suspicious of me and search through all my groceries to make sure I actually paid for it. But please, tell me how I don't know what its like to be oppressed. When men sexually harass, catcall, creepily hit on, follow me around clearly I am not at all experiencing sexism. Obviously the real worst thing in the world is that women "cancel" people on the internet, and trans people exist. Did they think sending me hateful articles would suddenly make me go "oh yes clearly its all in my head, please genocide my community, I stand for nothing and have the moral backbone of a slug."
I don't really know why I'm writing this, I dont usually feel or desire to express something like this publicly. I will probably delete it later. Maybe I disappear into writing cause its easier to deal with the feelings that way. That at least then someone gets something out of my pain. That maybe it helps to condense emotional mountains to the mole hills of short strokes of a pen or presses of a key. To let them explode outward in a flurry of thoughts and words that others look at and say "I too have felt this, you are not alone, you are not wrong for feeling this way."
Anything to take the weight of it all off my chest for a second.
Because I am tired.
I'm exhausted really.
I don't want to be brave or strong or resilient. It's tiring to bear the weight of that and a billion projections. Atlas does not bear the heavens upon his shoulders because he is strong or brave. He bears it because he has no other choice. Because people put it on him.
I just want to exist; that is apparently too much to ask for as a trans woman.
If you are concerned, please don't worry I'll be fine, I was fine every other time after all. This too shall pass. But right now it hurts.
And I have had my fill of hurt for many lifetimes.
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Why I think Ted is the real villain of the Lorax:
Ted is basically the protagonist right? Yeah I hate him. First he is a simp, and no one likes simps except maybe other simps. Even then if you were a simp, would you like Ted?? First of all look at that haircut. It's really giving 2009 emo Justin Bieber and I hate Justin Bieber. And what is that outfit?? If you walked that streets in that outfit I would laugh. Now this kid is 12 right? He is over here simping over Taylor Swift who is supposedly 14. If I was 14 and some 12 year old simped over me I would reject him immediately before he even asks. Like do any of y'all wake up in the morning and think "I'LL FLY MY TOY IN TAYLOR SWIFT'S YARD TODAY"? I don't!!! He claims she is a woman in high school. If Taylor Swift is a woman then that makes me an old lady. That whole dream sequence is a menace to society. What kind of high schooler would kiss a guy drinking and Milkshake waster?? Like bruh that was a perfectly good Milkshake you threw you devil. We don't waste food. Speaking of food, dude really kissed a cereal box like who does that? The Onceler is a fool. My guy really believed Ted cared about trees lmao. He only wanted a tree to be a simp for Taylor Swift who likes trees. What if Taylor Swift wanted to destroy society? Ted would destroy society. That simp doesn't give a shit about fixing society. His mom is the savior, an angel, the best character of this movie. She stopped the Taylor Swift x Simp kiss and spared my eyes. Ily Ted's mom. You know what I don't love? First of all, tree hating simp taking all the credit for saving society. No the fuck you didn't, you were being a pathetic simp. Nature is beautiful and obviously you don't appreciate it, food waster. And then comes the worst scene of cinematic history. Why tf did you kiss the simp Taylor Swift?? You're better than this!! This is prove you're indeed not a woman in high school. Look at that guy, i wouldn't have kissed him. What he deserves is to be sad, emo and lonely for the rest of his life like the Onceler. This is why Ted is the true villian of The Lorax. Thank you.
Ah, yes. The real total drama takes experience.
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emphasisonthehomo · 3 days
An incomplete list of things that instragram has arbitrarily decided that I’m interested in, when I have never sought out or interacted with any of said content, except to say again and again that I don’t give a shit and I don’t want to be shown it:
Neo paganism
Lana del Rey /Taylor Swift/Chappell Roan (I’m lumping these into one, because it’s like every other week the algorithm decides I must love some random white popstar)
Hairdresser/barbershop (braiding, extension installs, fades, hair dye, wigs, etc.)
Cars/motorcycles (including street racing, low riders, classic cars, etc.)
Nails (press on, nail decorating, etc.)
Lash extensions
Mommyblog/family blogging content
Pro vegan propaganda
Anti vegan propaganda
Right wing qanon brianrot
The worst liberal hot takes you’ve ever heard
Fishing (creating handmade lures/people holding up fish, etc.)
ASMR/satisfying videos (slime, soap cutting, people clacking their nails on shit, etc.)
Pimple popping (🤮)
Van life
Text to speech readings of reddit posts
10000 podcasts I’ve never heard of in my entire life
Bigoted memes
South Park/Family Guy/other bad tv shows
High school theater content
Random sports (baseball, cricket, f1 etc.)
Anime clips
Joe Rogan
K pop
Balloon arch companies
Weddings (photographers, planners, people getting married, etc.)
Nurses violating HIPAA
Cosmetic procedures (botox, lip filler, liposuction, plastic surgery, etc.)
Niche memes about industries I’m not in (construction, car sales, landscaping, etc.)
Straight couples
Those man on the street videos where people shove a mic and a camera into a stranger’s face and ask them questions.
Full on tradwife shit
It’s not that these are all “bad” things or anything (though obviously some of them are absolute horseshit) it’s just that I Do Not Care, and no matter how many times I’m say this, I can’t avoid that content.
And I think that says a lot about how you can’t curate your own online experience anymore, without some algorithm trying to shove something down your throat.
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enoughyi · 17 hours
71 for the kiss prompt list 👀
#4: In A Position To Talk
Ship: Imelda Reyes x Poppy Sweeting (x f!MC (Julia Wright))
Summary: Poppy is always wary for each and either of them.
Prompt Number: 71. A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss. [>>>link to the list]
Word count: 740. Rating: G.
A/N: It's brainrot-powered. Characters are in their 20's.
Hufflepuff pride? Yes. Also, a honourable mention of a certain Aesop Sharp.
Tags: @thriftstorebabayaga @espressoristretto-patronum @caramel-hufflepuff
Everything Poppy knew about Quidditch she learnt on accident.
And facts, details, trivia, let alone girlfriends' experiences, all left her with a petty realisation she'd loved to keep her beloved women away from this pernicious game. Imelda's father lost his ability to walk to it. Julia could loose what remained of her health; granted, she stopped playing after the school was over, yet Imelda insisted on broom races held all across and around British Isles.
Her sound reasoning didn't find understanding from Poppy, however.
They both wanted what would be best for everyone but wasn't there less trauma-inducing sport to choose to upkeep staying fit?.. But if Julia seemed to like the activity, then, maybe, she knows better? She only looked sickly, yet her spirits were lively as ever; were, most days.
Questioning Imelda's choices at some point in life felt like a lecture.
Imelda wasn't a person to take it lightly but somehow, whenever a slightest concerned would jump from Poppy's lips in to the room's quiet ambiance, Imelda's reaction at it wouldn't ever turn volatile.
Instead, she'd sigh and in a carefully-picked-words manner explain worst things could happen to the best of the best regardless the skill. If Julia was present, the brief shadow of her silent comment was irrevocable to appear. Any subtle hint of Sharp's tragic recollection of events lead to his career severely dwindled and washed him ashore near Hogwarts's loch was enough for either to say It Is What It Is.
Poppy would always find a way to digress and say either should pay utmost attention. They weren't Aurors to face dangers obligingly. If they could help, they shouldn't provoke it? Needless, those perils.
Poppy had never anything to answer to the query of was she the one to talk after saving quite a few beast and from as young as she was only ten. Lost and surrendering to a defeat, Poppy would still catch on the lingering feeling of wary, "Julie, Melly. I worry sick about you."
They always helped to ease the tension but never enough to have her anxiety fully let go of. Was it the aftermath still present in the air, even after so much time have passed since the Spring of 1892.; or was it something else entirely, creeping into crevasses of her usual very much collected and some could say, insouciant demeanor, from the recent events of her professional life. Nobody really knew, but a few well-planted, wontly kisses would be of tremendous help.
Once, after Julia kissed them goodnight and went upstairs, Imelda suddenly followed Poppy on her seemed-resolved ask, "So do we. Each of us managed to secure a niche that is nothing but a guess how to navigate, didn't us. Don't worry, we've been unsinkable so far".
"I, I think you're right," Poppy answered. "But that doesn't answer my question. Ten years ago we could afford to be menaces on Hogwarts' behalf." Noticed Imelda preferred to change seats, she shifted a tad. "But not now. I understand we are all compensated well for what we do. But it is, I, I don't know, Imelda. Longer we live, less we can risk."
"Wise words, for the ripe old age of twenty five or six."
Before Imelda uttered an apology in a low brogue, her hands held on Poppy's, firmly. "Not a single bad thing will happen to me or to Julia, I can promise you that. What will happen to Ravenclaw on her own fly, though. She'll tell you herself."
Dry and soft touch of her lips to wrist send shivers up Poppy's arm, stuck warmly between shoulder blades. She couldn't resist Imelda's embrace, either, quickly burying face in her flowery-scented jumper.
A lovely while later, Imelda pressed her chin upwards, so they could kiss. Imelda shyly ushered her agitation away, sighed, "Love you," that breezed through strands of her loose hair.
Cutthroat girl she was, sometimes she interpreted the woes of others a little wrongly. What was it made Imelda feel she needed to be coy?
Poppy wriggled in her arms, adjusting herself to then suffocated her in that kiss, no less; and note to herself: ten years may already had passed, ten more will, twenty, fifty, infinity, but Imelda will always squint at her as if ferocious and feverish kisses, intently impressive on the very memory, were a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw's prerogative.
It was not.
Has never been.
Will not ever become.
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imogenkol · 2 days
piggy backing a little bit off of this brilliantly heart-wrenching post by @e-the-village-cryptid I wanted to dip my toe into the whole Bix x Timm dynamic - why Bix chose him and why it reads heavily as compulsory heterosexuality to me.
Bix has so many plates spinning - between managing her own salyard and organizing a black market operation selling ship parts to the rebellion (which could get her incarcerated for life at best and executed at worst), she is constantly keeping herself occupied so that she doesn't have to engage with her own thoughts. But she still has to go home at the end of the day, and if personal experience has taught me anything, it's that no matter how worn out you are, whatever you're trying not to think about will always haunt you during the night.
I feel like Bix dreads when the anvil rings at the end of the day because she has to go back to an empty home, with nothing but herself and her own thoughts. She probably still works on a few projects by herself there, but that can only hold her focus for so long.
After her on-and-off failed relationship with Cassian that lasted for years, Bix doesn't strike me as the kind of person who even wants to pursue a relationship with anyone at all. That takes time she doesn't have or want to waste and requires her to be open and vulnerable, which is counter-productive to her daily goals. However, there is still a gap that really needs to be filled by something.
Enter Timm Karlo, who Bix has employed at her salyard for an undisclosed, but probably decent amount of time. He is reliable at work and her right hand man in the business. Timm picks up the slack that Bix is physically incapable of doing herself because her workload is already massive. So there's a level of appreciation for him already there and he is, of course, already there. Bix didn't have to go looking for him, she didn't have to put much effort to court or be courted. Timm most likely had feelings for her for a while before she finally decided to reciprocate.
Timm Karlo is perfectly convenient and ordinary.
I'm not saying Bix intentionally heartlessly used him per se, I do believe she had some genuine affection for him, but it is very telling that even when they are officially a couple, she still keeps him at arms length and sometimes even further.
It seemed that they had a very specific set of rules set by Bix. Dinner one night a week. Not twice a week. No spontaneous dates (unless she decides to visit him outside of the set agreement on her own terms). One night a week.
Of course that could be explained by Bix's ridiculously loaded schedule, but it feels like she views the relationship less like a relationship and more like another quota to be filled. Bix shows very little genuine interest in Timm outside of that. She is easily irritated by him and hasn't really told him much about herself other than what everyone already knows (this is honestly the best explanation I can think of as to why she told him Cassian was from Kenari. It's easier to talk about people you know than yourself). The one time they do spend the night together on screen is after Bix has had some drinks at Cavo's and got too deep in her own head about everything happening. Timm was fulfilling his main purpose in that scene - to be a distraction.
The biggest thing for me is that she does not tell him about her secret operation. Bix doesn't trust him, at least not fully, despite the line "He'd do anything for me." If she really believed that, I feel like she would have told him what she was doing, being the reliable hard worker he is. Maybe a part of her knew he couldn't keep his mouth shut, maybe she wanted to protect him, maybe she was greedy and didn't want to have to give him a cut. Could be all of the above.
No matter how you slice it, I truly don't believe Bix held deep feelings - or really any genuine attraction - towards Timm. I think that's what makes his death even more traumatic for her, in all honesty. She feels responsible even though he was an insecure, jealous man that went behind her back and betrayed what little trust she had in him. Which made her feel foolish because she never gave him much thought at all and that's how she overlooked the obvious signs.
In conclusion, Bix should date girls.
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onegirllis · 3 days
So, about the new LIS trailer
It took me some time, but forgive me for the delayed response. I had to dig myself out of the fandom grave to actually look around and notice what the hell was going on. I spent another moment pondering if I still care, and with the answer "barely," I came here to write this post.
1) For whatever reason DickNein (yes, I didn't miss the scandal, who is the nazi now?) still doesn't understand what made LIS 1 so successful. It wasn't the diversity; it wasn't the same copy-paste lines; it wasn't the murder; it wasn't the superheroes from small towns with different powers. It wasn't even the lesbians (I know, shocking!). There were merely a few elements that made LIS special: - Magical Arcadia Bay with its residents - The rewind time superpower, which was one of the best mechanics in narrative games since the genre was born - Max, Chloe, and Rachel (not necessarily in that order), and you need at least two to make it work, preferably with Chloe at least somewhere there. - the specific art style and saturated colors (butchered a bit in BTS but then going full SIMS 4 for the rest of the games) - and most importantly - the soul Sure, DontNod could get away with alteration, to no fanfare and sometimes to no success, but their experiments came from the right place. This shit ain't it.
2) For whatever reason, Chloe is now a dog. I know. I know. I understand. Listen, my fellow comrades, I know how it feels when the devs pull put shit like, "Oh, they were just friends and grew apart, but now she named her squirrel after the love of her high school life".
3) Max had plastic surgery. She also decided to be entirely anonymous so that she looked like everyone else. Every model looks the same, and I hope they will have their names spelled above them as they walk around. Otherwise, I have no idea who is who. Frankly, she looks a little bit like Steph had a lot of fun with the entire cast of Sims 4 and then had a baby.
4) On top of everything, the new Max, however, probably now goes as Maxine, is teaching her Polaroid skills at a university. Now we know we are in an alternative universe all along. I hope the tuition matches the useful photography skill set you obtain there.
5) For any other reason unknown, she can dress up as Chloe, who can be dead (see the Ultimate edition). I know Max has a long tradition of dressing up as dead people, but I hoped it would go away with her Botox and other plastic corrections. But hey, we survived Chloe dressing up as Rachel and cosplaying as her dad, too, so I guess I shouldn't even be surprised. Not that it's a low-budget movie, and they have a limited wardrobe. It's a video game, but the tradition of having a mental stroke is still strong.
6) Oh no, another murder I gotta solve! I shall use my powers. Why now? Is it another girlfriend who is into printing photos? Or is it her student? Or both? Max becoming Jefferson would be a nice twist, even if not loved among the community, but I don't think it would get anywhere that dark. It just will get stupid.
7) This is supposed to be a fanservice a little too late and on the wrong foot. I know y'all missed Max. I didn't, but I understand the hype on seeing her on the screen. Although following a teenager in Arcadia Bay was interesting, simply by the shot of nostalgia with every step, here we are following a middle-aged single art teacher (or someone who looks middle-aged to the point that they decided on fixing their face). NO ONE WANTS TO FOLLOW THEIR ART TEACHERS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
8) The Nazi problem (well, well, well, the turntables). I know DeckNein had to do some cleanup among their staff. I hope they did, but somehow, I doubt it was done for the right purpose. Therefore, I'm uncomfortable giving them any of my money, now or ever. I know, there are worse studios. I know it's stupid, but LIS was always special, filled with this little genuine spark. It just doesn't feel right.
9) The game has the worst UI in the history of modern gaming.
10) And to finish my rant on something even worse, LIS4 is coming just before DontNod's new game, most likely to compete with it on the market. A bit sus, don't you think?
Anyway, dick move, my friends. All of it. Actually, waving dicks around in the air all along. Despite our differences, this ain't right. And God knows how much worse it could be.
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academiccockroach · 7 months
it's 1 AM and I have a very specific bone to pick with a very specific thing I consume, enjoy and endorse wholeheartedly
here's the thing about vampire bites. they are depicted as this little unhinged and nasty but mostly sexy thing right. our guy (gender neutral) gets bitten and it's like ah! it hurts but also it hurts good ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). and here im talking about like. proper vampire teeth, non of that twilight bullshit just two to four proper fangs nothing more nothing less
well clearly the person writing the sexy biting smut scene has never been bitten by a cat. I dont mean like 'ah no Scruffy bit me a little' i don't even mean 'oh no Sceuffy bit me a lot' i mean like a fully grown ass feral cat that has never been touched by human in its life and craves the taste of flesh biting thru skin muscle cartilage -even sometimes bone- whatever the fuck you got in your meat sack that tiny needle thin tooth is piercing right through it
and here's the thing. it doesn't hurt at first oh no. okay well it hurts but if doesn't hurt too much ya know what i mean. and it leaves a cute little mark nothing serious at all
but in a day that wound is gonna swell. and it's gunna. hurt like all fuck because it just directly injected about five gazillion bacteria directly into a neat little incubation pouch and then closed it right up. its gona swell its gonna ooze and throb and hurt and if that shits in your neck ur pretty much done for i mean an infection right next to the jugular is just easy mode for the bacteria
so unless your vampire boyfriend gargles with antiseptic beforehand you aint gotta worry about turning or bleeding out or developing a biting kink cus youre gonna be delirious from meningitis with a football sized phlegmone in your neck beggjng for the sweet sweet release of death thank you for coming to my ted talk please ensure your vampire boyfriend employs proper dental hygiene
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tricoufamily · 7 months
update tinder guy superliked me, asked me on a date, spent the entire thing belittling and making fun of me and seeming vaguely angry at me. then asked me for a second date
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floral-hex · 3 months
woke up at 4am feeling the weight of my life crushing me, so I’ve been sitting out in my car for the last couple of hours because I just need. to. be. somewhere else.
#tumblr ate something like this but I think I deserve to shout uselessly into the void#shits rough dawg#I know it’s rough for everyone. I feel shitty even talking about myself. still… compelled to vent… big butts#haven’t really been on here much since it hasn’t really scratched that itch lately & just makes me feel lonelier#it’s cold#saw the Jazzercise studio open across the street. 5am for Jazzercise? wow. early.#and then everyone left an hour and a half later. lights out. everybody gone. weird schedule. I am perplexed.#went down the road and got a soda and I’ve been sitting in my driveway contemplating for the last 2.5 hours#guy at the gas station tried to talk to me but I just half assed a smile and nod and left#even though I know I’d love to just… talk to someone. I suppose it has to be ‘on my terms’ whatever those are#I miss having a therapist. or even just when my little brothers would talk to me. when anyone would. blegh#my insurance is still a mess and I’m about to run out of one of my blood pressure meds this week#maybe I’ll have a stroke. scary to think about. I think about dying a lot but that potential feels too real. just… pop! and I’m done.#I’ll try today to finally push to straighten it out but everything feels daunting#woke up with so much anxiety. about my health. my hearing. no money. my life. had to get out of the house even if it’s just right outside#hate to say it but I need(want) thc. haven’t wanted to spend money on it but I could have really used it this morning#can’t be sad if you can’t feel anything (jokingly but also not. whichever is less sad sounding)#actually treated myself to Dune 2 last week and it was so so good. wish I could go again. but it’s drugs food or movie right now. so…#I know. dumb priority but BIG SCREEN. maybe it’ll hit theaters again for the next awards season hopefully. just a real nice loud experience#anyway… I should go inside. almost 7am. need to take my brothers to school then drive my mom to her daily appointments#I’ve felt so hollow and angry and sad for so long it feels like. I feels so weak and sad and I’m tired of it. I’m so tired.#I’ve been eating about 1 meal a day and sleeping a lot. this is the worst my body has ever been. I feel like I’m just waiting to die.#is this relatable?#just have to look past it. it is nothing. this body is nothing. just enjoy your soda.#gonna look at pictures of butts now#ok gotta go I love you goodbye forever#you can ignore this#text
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
question: when you're starting a new job, what do you most want out of your first week of onboarding? what's most helpful for you to know/understand upfront? also... what's not helpful? tell me your onboarding nightmare stories too lol
#i honestly do not ever think i've had a positive onboarding experience#in my entire professional life#i guess for me a lot of my early-job anxieties are around expectations and 'rules'#like i want to know what time i'm supposed to be there and what time i'm allowed to leave and what the dress code is#and how the hybrid schedule works#so i don't make dumb mistakes right away#i also think i want to be involved in the real work as early as possible#like i don't have to be DOING anything yet but i want to be watching people do things and shadowing in meetings#so i can start to develop a sense of who's who and what the actual work of the office/workplace looks like#and also because i really value getting a feel for personalities as early as possible lol i want to know what the vibes are#hmm and also maybe most importantly#i feel like in any new situation i need a very loose conceptual framework to hold the new information being given to me#otherwise it's just random pieces of info you know? like it's helpful when someone is actively helping me fit information into a frame#like they're saying 'here's the HUGE picture - now let's zoom in and start looking at this one corner of it - and as we add new corners#i'll actively help you fill in the connective tissue that holds these different parts of the big picture together'#hmmm#my worst onboarding experiences have been when the person training me comes in and throws lots of#long complex extremely context-dependent documents or readings at me#and is like ok spend the week reading those and get back to me#and i'm like ??????????#i have NO understanding of what my role is or how this organization functions#at this point it is not helpful for me to pass my eyes over tons of dense info without a guide to tell me what's important#i have no way of gauging of something is important or trivial and then i feel stressed like i have to learn ALL of it#even though i know that a huge portion of it will end up being not that relevant to my day-to-day job
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funny thing about attraction is that i am Not at all interested in cis guys. right.
except for the literal worst fictional men you've ever layed eyes on.
this character is horrible and *will* harm my general health?
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comfort character babey.
occasionally theres the just Regular Ass Guy right, but 90% of the time its either women or the literal scum of the earth (or both. lady villains. aaough <3 yes please)
#idk why i went on a rant ab this im just thinking of the fsct that i can name like 5 literal The Worst villain characters (or like.#not villains but are scum of the earth anyway?)#that are all fictional men id smooch.#not a single irl man ever that id smooch though sorry guys </3#and affectionately trans men are on thin ice 🫵 (as in i love trans men but. Thats A Whole Ass Man Right There)#i find romantic attraction in the shared experiences yk?#i literally have no shared experiences with a cis guy.#also cis men scare me :lmao:#i have at least one shared life experience with trans men and thats the whole transmasc thing yk?#and thats a comfort and something that can open the door to potential romantic interactions#and nonbinary folk are under that same umbrella for the most part#and... aouegh... womemb.#<3#dude i just love women thank you. do i have to explain myself here.#tho also totally cis women also intimidate me lmao#im the least intimidated by trans and nonbinary people. because i am also trans & nonbinary#more intimidated by cis people because I Am Not That.#most intimidated by cishet people. idk i just Am. sorry cishets </3#and actually MOST intimidated by allistic cishet people lmao. ur telling me ur brain works AND youre seen as “normal” in society? HUH?#/silly. mostly#also i cannot speak fully on trans women bc. ive never met a trans woman irl#idk what it is wirh my state (<- yes i do its the general everything-phobia of the people here) but its hard to meet other trans folk#pleaaaaaaase dont take this post too seriously. its 3 am and im mcsleepy and i just wanted to ramble ab my general experience w attraction#ALSO I HAve no shared experiences w the fictional villains. its just that theyre fake and i can rotate them in my brain at mach 20#i just think its fun snd attractive of me to put them in situations
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tamagotchikgs · 2 months
last post ended up deleting my tags so im continuing them here
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#but.#even after all the time i had aparti still went back at 16#i traveled across the country just to see her again#and it fucking sucked#she ripped that wound right back open#which . felt so weird because she WANTED me to come#she made all the plans#honestly the train trip there was nice#i got to experience a lot of cool things#but the second i got there. it was . one of the worst times of my life#just nonstop#and now ive finally been away for awhile again#but i still miss her#& i dont know why#but it also doesnt help the only gf i have ever had did the same type of thing LMAO//.... i .. i just cannot win#maybe it's just my roll#say all these nice things n then immediately flip#she would make me hang out w her friends n talk me up n then. cheat on me with them with me there#& then get upset when i cried or tried to break up w her LMAO...#like. she wasnt poly or anything she was actually against it#but the worst part is how openly & loudly she'd love me right before it. so now i never know who is telling the truth. i never feel safe#but anyway. again. i stayed#over n over again id try to break up w her but then i loved her & so when she got upset n threaten to kms id flip n stay#n she'd do it again#until eventually she broke up w me n left me so fuckd up im not gonna lie JHVAJH#she still tried to stay friends after that n i tried#but then i started sobbing mid card game & it was very embarrassing top 10 worst things i have done#but i just. all i want is to be a good person. i want to be someone good & loving but i feel like im such a jealous monster#even if i dont let myself show it n try to ignore it bc i dont want to hurt anyone or be this awful it;s still here. just. permeating.#what if i feel too much what if ill never know when someone is genuine what if im just an evil obsessive freak n everyone i love hates me
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
“It’s like you kicked a big hole in the side of my life.” things even would say if they met the doctor After-
#askfjglsjkf its. coalescing. im putting the pieces together of where their story goes.#and one solid piece is that. the doctor is their best friend in the whole wide world. and they kind of hate him for that.#because without him. what would they know about friends. or the universe beyond their ship.#he blew a hole in their life and gave them the best gift anyone possibly could and. if they could look at the whole of their life.#if they could see all of it at once. they would be happier that he did. despite everything.#but people can’t do that. they’re fresh out of the worst experience anyone could have. and they never would have been in that situation if#not for him. (and worse - might never have been freed again. if not for him. it stings to be saved twice when you’re regretting the first#time.)#and so they blame him for it. (it was their own fault. their own choice to run rather than face the consequences of their actions - however#well-intentioned.) (but at the same time. where’d they pick that skill up from huh?)#and they hate him for it too. a little. a lot. it varies.#and they still have the watch. the one they can never return to its rightful owner anymore. and they still have the beads of their#friendship bracelet - the bracelet itself long since broken. it was. after all. authentically cheap.#and he was their best friend. and they love him. and they hate him. and it probably doesn’t help that they’ve spent the past however long#being influenced by someone who had an investment in fucking up their remaining attachment to the doctor.#god i wish this show would stop making me ramble about my silly oc just because i hears a single line aksjfkjfls#or not. never stop doctor who my beloved.#dw oc#dw#dw lb#dw 8x07
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skoulsons · 7 months
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redrockbutch · 6 months
DnD players will brag openly about making life as hard as possible for the DM and then wonder why they can't get a playgroup and never ever connect the dots
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