#one of them was abt how you can only get them married by lying for athena and the op of the post was like great keep being toxic ladies
6-2-aestheticsofhate · 8 months
Sometimes people will call ships toxic over like. Practically nothing. I'm still reeling from seeing some people who thought J/athena was toxic.
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anilovie · 6 months
babe babe babe, my entire tiktok fyp is full of shitty men saying their shitty vows to their gorgeous wives at their wedding, they're fr saying shit like "all you need to do to keep me happy is keep my belly full and balls empty", or "i vow to smack that whenever i can....booyah" (im not even lying, this is full on verbatim) and that's all theyre saying!!! in front of guests and family as well!!!
literal sideye bc ik my man Ani could never, best believe he's crying the moment he sees you coming down the aisle, doesn't even care abt what you're wearing, you could be in a potato sack, and your hair identical to einstein's, but all he can think about is how you wanna be his forever <3 the way he'd tear up at your vows....ugh i need him to be my husband
(the way his vows would sound like a hozier song.....)
Anakin wedding thoughts …
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ugh, the way he would tear up.
I think Anakin is definitely more mature and serious with his emotions than a lot of men, especially when it comes to love. He's super intense about it, cause he knows how to love. it's all-consuming for him. and, he's just a good person under everything... so grateful for the good things he has in life cause he's not used to being able to keep them. so if he has you, and you promise forever with him, he's not gonna play around.
i can just picture him standing on a pretty balcony somewhere, dressed in black, wavy hair tamed down a little neater, standing up so straight with his hands clasped in front of him. he looks like a prince, and his eyes are on you, and you can just see his love for you swirl behind his gaze like a tempest.
you don't see until you're standing right in front of him that his eyes are all glossed over, and -- geez -- now you're getting all teary, too. i think you'd laugh quietly, a little choked up as you try not to let any tears fall, and he'd huff a soft laugh too, ducking his head and blinking rapidly to try and diffuse things.
you know he's got the sweetest, most soul-crushing things to say to you, too. doesn't even need to pull a crumpled peice of paper from his pocket, no, he just says what he feels in the moment and draws from the thoughts he's had about you this whole time. it sounds more like he's worshipping you rather than marrying you, but to him it's the same thing.
i also think that when he kisses you, he'll linger for as long as he possibly can. its the best moment of his life, after all. and only then will you taste something wet and salty on your lips, and you're not sure if it's his tears or yours. probably both.
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thanks for the message!! didn't know i had all these thoughts in my head but you inspired me. geez. 🥹
ps -- hozier is one of my favorites, and you're completely right about that. anakin is actually his ghost writer fyi.
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rillils · 4 months
do you ever think abt how we couldve seen more of nomad steve
ohhh we were robbed, honey, in so many ways! imagine what we could have had!
- more footage of this man, luscious lovechild of hercules and adonis, most glorious chunk of deliciousness, sexy teddy bear man, the mane of a lion and the eyes of a puppy, mr Dirtied Up Good™, holy shield straps of sex, elected man with the sluttiest forearms of 2018 through 2024
- more of this Steve, who ain't playing dancing monkey for anyone anymore, who ain't asking for permission and/or forgiveness from anybody, who isn't taking anybody's shit, he just wants to fight for what he feels is right and he's not going to apologize for that, thank you very much
- his developing friendship with both Sam and Nat! them fighting like a unit! trusting each other, leaning on each other! learning more about each other! actually getting to know Steve, and his fun side, and his darker side, and his brooding side, and his silly side, and nagging him when they know he needs help but he's just too damn stubborn to ask for it
- the three of them trying to comfort each other, each in their own (sometimes clumsy/awkward) way when a mission goes wrong, learning random words from random languages from one another (especially swear words they might have picked up in their respective times abroad lol), watching old sitcoms in their downtime, laughing together, hell even crying together, sharing too little space for too long, complaining about each other's unwashed socks, and still falling asleep on top of each other
- the few times Sam got to call his parents from a safe location. can you imagine Steve talking on the phone with Mrs Wilson? scared at first that she'll tear him a new one for putting her son in so much danger and dragging him away from home? but her knowing all too well that nobody's ever been able to make Sam do something he didn't want to do, that this was his own decision? and she's not actually mad at Steve, she just wants to make sure that "all of you kids are alright"? can you imagine Steve holding back tears the first time he hears a mother's voice talking to him, reminding him to be careful, to stay safe, after so long without it? do you think I'm crying???? I AM
- actually EVERY SINGLE KIND OF INTERACTION WITH BUCKY, even when he's not there. Steve gazing longingly at a picture of Bucky, either physical or digital, that he makes sure to keep on him at all times. taking it out when he's lying awake at night, and everything's quiet except for Sam's snoring and the muffled sounds from the streets, and Steve thinks he saw Nat's eyes watching him in the dimness, but neither of them are going to say anything. he's just sitting in the dark, picture in hand, twirling some secret worry around in his head and missing Bucky so much it hurts. and those times (although he tries to keep these to a minimum) when he just can't help himself: he sneaks out of the room and calls Bucky, just to hear his voice. to listen to Bucky speak softly to him, his voice a little rough from sleep, but always so warm, so sweet for him. and Steve just leans his head back against the wall, and closes his eyes, and imagines he's curled up into Bucky's side, his head resting on Bucky's shoulder, with Bucky's fingers carding through his hair, and it's only then that he finds a little peace again
- all the videocalls with Bucky! the playful banter!! them arguing like an old married couple one moment, and exchanging the most besotted looks the next! Nat and Sam having to put up with all of their old-men-in-love shenanigans, and Steve never hearing the end of it lol
- Steve!! literally bounding out of the quinjet like an excited puppy when they visit his husband Bucky in Wakanda!!! overjoyed and not even bothering to hide it anymore after like the second or third time, 'cause everybody knows by now anyway!!
- all of them actually getting to rest for a while, and Steve enjoying his impromptu honeymoon with Bucky, savoring each day like it's both the first and the last of their life together, love sparkling in his eyes, happier than he's ever been before, finally free, ironically, now that he's an outlaw and a fugitive, and finding utmost delight in that knowledge
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limnsaber · 1 month
Re Amor Fati: what the fuck was that. I have more things to say and more things to think about and no idea how to say them.
I feel like that was the first time mytharc really faltered. Not that it was impervious before, but something abt it wasn’t on target this time
David Duchovny I know you have things to say what did you mean. I’m going to need to have that percolate for a minute
Spoilers (for the mutuals) below:
Mulder always throws in with CSM when he’s at his lowest
The sequence with Diana and Mulder’s faux dream world makes much more sense if Diana and Mulder had been married in the past
Really interesting stuff with keys, and the truth, Mulder’s idea of deserving and fate. Ultimately where I think mytharc is faltering is that it can’t deliver anything concrete, but it’s trying to, and in doing so it’s becoming more aligned with the Syndicate. I have to rephrase that. Hmm. It’s like this with Mulder’s dream too, there are things there he didn’t want and things there that he did. And still the truth is Scully
I think the extraterrestrial vessel was both things at once — extraterrestrial and a fraud. The Syndicate’s guys and Mulder’s dream land talk about God’s plan, and playing God, and the idea that everything was orchestrated is not the truth.
Though maybe Scully’s thesis might say otherwise. Not in the orchestration, but in… where was it. “Although multidimensionality suggests infinite outcomes in an infinite number of universes, each universe can produce only one outcome.” Hmm. Fate, again.
“Hold on.” “Let go.” AGHHHHH Scully… CSM when I get you.
Oh. One more thing. I imagine: when Mulder was lying on that table and Scully was pleading with him, even while he had just been cured of his paracognitive ability he heard I love you as clear as any truth he’d ever known.
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slaythespire · 2 months
im sorry my tumblr followers who dont know me im mad rn, im just rambling mad under a readmore again thanksss
listen its not that i need to be dating someone im just chilling. in fact rn i would not want to date anyone.
but i HATEEEE HATE seeing people say shit like "You dont need anyone, you should learn to be happy without someone else in ur life! why do you need someone else! just be happy without that!" well damn sue me for wanting someone to deeply love me who i deeply love back!! why is that such a bad thing to want!! obviously if you cant function without being in a relationship that's not good, but people always say that shit to someone going "i feel unlovable and like no one will ever want me" and it feels so meanspirted!! damn!!
its been like almost a year since i got ghosted and i know its annoying to hear people complain abt the same thing over and over again. but its just HARD bcus i feel stupid, and used. i really thought my ex was like, THE person, we talked abt getting married and how we'd combine our last names, abt moving in together, supported each other through everything. when i was in inpatient this person called me almost everyday i was there to say hi and check in on me. i thought my future involved them and then they just dropped me without even an explanation. never in a million billion years did i think that would happen (outside of my bad brain telling me it would, which, well i was right so LOL) bcus they were my best friend of 8 years!!
and its scary bcus it makes me think there must be something wrong with me/"how could anyone ever love me when even the person who dated me for 6 years didnt". and people always say things like "you haven't met everyone who will care about you yet" but what if i have, and my one chance at having a relationship i was so happy in was ruined bcus the other person is a self-obsessed asshole who lied to my face abt so much for who KNOWS what reason. WHATEVER.
i feel like when i make posts like this i come off as an insane person in the "no wonder they broke up with you" way, but i promise im actually normal ive just been very emotionally ripped to shreds by a very bad breakup. barely a breakup bcus it was over TWITTER DM. whatever im just gonna be one of those people that obsesses over fictional characters so much i think were in a relationship.
i just rlly rlly wonder what their reasoning for doing this to me was and if they feel bad abt it. or if they think its funny, or if they just dont care. i also wonder if they think they can just message me one day and apologize and think itll be okay (i dont think this will happen, i used to but i dont anymore)
i lean towards they just dont care, i doubt they even think about what they did lol. i mean i HOPE they feel bad, but i dont think thats true. id be shocked if i ever heard from them again which is just, crazy. 8 years of knowing someone and it ends like that through no fault of your own. i wish i had a screenshot of the break up dm id post it in a heartbeat so anyone who actually read this far would feel whiplash like i do. (filled to the brim with "i love you so much" "i feel horrible for hurting you and i hate that im doing it" "i really care about you" "i hope you stay in my life bcus youre my best friend").
and it makes me really sad bcus OFC we would have stayed friends, i loved them so much that while id be sad abt breaking up i would still want them in my life. (WE EVEN TALKED ABT HOW IF WE BROKE UP WE ALWAYS THOUGHT WE'D STAY FRIENDS). but even in my fantasy world where they reach out after a few years all apologetic and guilty i just couldnt do it anymore.
one more but i don't understand what would compel someone to say all that knowing theyre lying and dont give a fuck about you, like it only comes off as evil and fucked up and cruel to me, so how else am i supposed to take that.
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raspberrysmoon · 22 days
is linda in ictd? if yes can i ask abt her 🥹 sorry im. Insane abt her teehee
ehehehe hi zazz hell yes she is. i am so sorry in advance. spoiler alert she dies. im sorry
lindas a... popular face, in hatchetfield. if you don't know linda, you know of linda. and if you dont know of linda, you're lying. she's one of the loudest voices beside solomon lauter, and often argues against him to force the towns views in favor of her.
shes queer. ofc she is. the barnroe fic i wrote for you? canon to ictd. her and gerald have been happily married for.. 15 years, give or take a few, and for 7 of those they've been with gary and becky respectively. as far as they care, all four boys are gerald and garys kids. they dont give a shit who's really related to which kid.
steph's the one to kill her. she doesnt mean to, actually, she doesn't even mean to run into linda that day at all. but she does, and she kills and eats linda in broad daylight, and its the worst thing to happen to the little family the eight of them had built up until now.
post death, linda doesnt do much. i'm sure she'll meet max and ruth and richie, and she might get a moment to speak through a prophet, but otherwise she. shes dead.
gerald, however, has a rough ass time. he takes two full months of grief leave, and ends up having to completely quit working after another month. depression hits him like a fucking train. becky and gary move in and step up to help with the boys, but it only does so much.
to talk about the boys would be a post of its own, so maybe later for them.
linda's a level four pre death. shes off the chart post death, as shes. dead. she's inhuman, but left mainly untouched. she's one of wigglys favorites.
she'll get something else eventually. i want her to have some sort of relationship to solomon, and i want her to grieve for eliza tessburger and grow close with brooke in the process, but im not sure how yet lol
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apotelesmaa · 4 months
fukcing literally. you can have a charavter call another woman her other half, and overall have them act extremely romantic with each other, but people will still ship her with the nearest man. and then go insane over m/m ships with less interaction (i am vagueing a specific fanbase)
U LITERALLY UNDERSTANDDDDDDD people who go “oh het ships r so under appreciated” are 9 times out of 10 the ones who only give a fuck about m/m relationships and not f/f relationships like no I hate to break it to you but the only way ppl in fandom give a shit about female characters is if she’s with a man. Tiring. Why do you all hate lesbians. & it’s always like if these were two guys you would be all over this but since it’s not you do not give a fuck. People only care about female characters in their relation to male characters and it makes me so fucking mad open ur eyes. Unconscious bias etc etc but also atp you should be realizing this and choosing to give a fuck abt female characters.
If you weren’t talking abt pjsk (altho I’m assuming u were because that fanbase fucking hates lesbians as I’ve said recently) ignore this but like. Love ruikasa! I’m insane about them all the time! But an/kohane is quite literally Thee most supported relationship in canon even compared to m/f relationships but you would not be able to tell this from the way the fanbase acts. An saying “I’m going on a date” and getting the reaction “with kohane? 😐” ????? An acting like they’re married? I wasn’t informed of this? Becoming a vbs stan only because of that brb. If I’d been told this before I would have invested in vbs and not wxs (lying I love emu too much). Kanade/mafuyu? Way more canon text implying that. Mafuyu fucking lives with kanade. Whole 2 yr anniversary amv scene for them. Emunene are way closer than ruikasa to the point where they hang out consistently. & you get so many ppl going “how can the fanbase be lesbiphobic/misogynistic we’re all gay” as if they don’t treat the female characters/wlw relationships as side accessories to the m/m and m/f relationships. Searching the emu tags and nene tags is just m/f it makes me want to claw my skin off you guys succckkkk why do you hate lesbians. Whatever. I don’t care. (Lying) (going to send pipe bombs to my own address).
Not even a mmj/leoni stan but like. Those r lesbians. Why won’t u guys talk about them. I don’t give a fuck about the men talk about the female characters. I will be honest a large part of why I’m more quiet abt emunene despite it being Thee Relationship Dynamic Ever is because nobody talks abt it besides them being ruikasa accessories and so nobody else gets them and their depth so it feels like I’m talking to a brick wall. THEY R SO DEEP… TO ME…….. baby dykes….. crying screaming etc. emunene did not get a gay ass card for u all to be acting like this. “Emu/nene/minori/ari/shizuku/shiho would like a man” you are lying to me rn. Get help.
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hardpacker · 2 months
talking abt court so i can get it out of my head and go to sleep :(
what going to court and talking to cops and judges repeatedly has taught me (as if i needed to be taught it more) is that if your life is in danger, trying to get help is just not worth the hassle. the help you try to get will do everything in its power to exhaust and break you. it's not worth how demeaning and humiliating it is, what it robs you of, how horribly alone it is.
if you've never had to convince someone that the circumstances of your weird ugly ass and your stupid little life are real, and that you deserve to not be k*lled— and you have to say this, even though all the while, you yourself probably feel the opposite— well uh... That is good! and i DON'T know what made the judge drop my restraining order last year, but keep anka's and their mom's. maybe i wore the wrong clothes. maybe he really resented abiding by my legal pronouns. i'm not gonna rule it out, why should i? why wouldn't that be the problem? being treated like a man meaning who gives a fuck i'm not in danger / being treated as trans meaning i should just go die already one way or another.
doing this over and over has done nothing to make it easier. it's fuckawful. on top of the pain it causes on its own, lots of important friendships i never expected to lose have fallen away, and so at times it feels like the thing that is most reliable, the truest constant, is this stupid, shitty annual ordeal.*
i had to talk about sh*nth in therapy because i kept putting it off over and over and it still hurts bad that he did what he did when what ultimately lead us to court was only just ramping up. and then when i tried to explain that something weird was going on, and then when i tried to explain he was making up lies about me, not only did anyone really know what to do or say about it, they also... went to hang out with him. he did this when we were becoming homeless... who does that to a person? i'll never know why it happened but even if i don't care About him, even if i don't Fear him, it'll always hurt. crazy that while i know in my heart that it was fake and flimsy, i also know i will never have that kind of relationship with someone again.
i told my therapist that being put in a position of trying to convince/prove to someone that something's actually real and causing me distress is itself so distressing that i think it must be part of why i bypass so many interactions and don't log them as upsetting even when something's off.
telling someone that something is a problem is usually a bigger problem than the thing itself. it's inconvenient and annoying. feeling good is the priority always even when that means lying and covering things up to preserve a sense of goodness and chillness.
i got choked up saying i feel a palpable difference between me and other people in that i can't turn off how i care about them. and maybe that's wrong, maybe that's why i've ended up staying with or chasing people who are really, really bad for me! if i could shut it off i could be so much more discerning about who to trust. as it is i feel like i'm in glass box mode, looking out at people who for some time have stopped looking back. i just want a CHANCE.
i don't want to go to court. i don't want to go. i don't want to do it all over again. i don't want to listen to lies on top of lies on top of lies and there's no accounting for made up nonsense so how am i supposed to refute it?! i can't disprove something which in no way exists, like, that can be anything, you can invent anything. i hate this!!!
* i say annual but *disclaimerfied brain* much like getting married (i assume,) when your life's been expressly threatened it doesn't just come up on the anniversary only, ya feel?
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ssparksflyy · 6 months
piper mclean dating hcs !
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pairing : piper mclean x gn!reader warnings : cursing ( whoops ! ) a/n : heart eyes for this girl I SWEARRRRR
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piper mclean ily pls marry me
piper is SO sweet to you ♡♡
this girl LOVES to spoil you
we all know she's got MONEY because of her dad
and girlie just adores spending money on things she loves
( aka you )
piper doesn't care about the thousands of times you've told her that it really wasn't necessary, and she didn't have to get you anything
she'll do it anyway cause she knows you'll repay her with a kiss 😋
of course, piper'll buy you things that she knows you like or have had you eye on
but she'll also buy you things that'll remind you of her
allow me to explain
say, you don't like hello kitty / it just isn't something you pay attention to
( everybody moved on, i stayed there. page 5. annabeth's pov. mark of athena. "today she was dressed in tattered jeans, worn out sneakers, and a white tank top with pink hello kitty designs." dont play w me )
anyway, say you don't like hello kitty, piper'll still buy you like a tiny plushie or key chain that you can carry wherever, and it'll remind you of her
she also buys herself things that you like, so she can also get reminded of you !
speaking of buying things, piper has all of your favorite colors ( youre lying if you say you only have one ), favorite snacks, fast food orders, and alllll of your preferences down and memorized in her brain for whenever you go out together ♡♡
but just in case she also has them down on a small notepad she carries in her bag
piper is an addict.
what's she addicted to you may ask, kissing you
she's always peppering you face with quick little kisses
and then when she stops, she'll just stand there, leaning her cheek towards you cause she'd "very greatly appreciate it if you could return the favor"
at least she's honest !!
piper'll kiss you at the most random times
lets be real this girl does not give 2 fucks about pda, she's with her #1, got a problem with it?
so she'll just sneak up behind you, spin you around and peck your lips
she's so cute i love her
say you were a little nervous about dating piper, becauses yk, many children of aphrodite want their rite of passage, and she can charmspeak
piper will literally do anything it take for you to trust her completely
i don't think she'd exactly be hurt if you had your doubts in the beginning of your relationship, like, she gets it, but she'd still want to try and prove you can trust her as quickly as she cam
she'd literally never use her charmspeak on you unless she HAS to
like say you were gonna do something really stupid
despite your protests, saying that you'll be fine, and nothing will happen
she'll still give you a dead look and drag you away
she's js looking out for you ya know
piper's favorite "hobby" is spending time with you
if you tell her that's not a hobby she'll straight up pull out her claim evidence and reasoning
she loves cuddling in the aphrodite cabin, as a way to be like "HAH yall wish you could have thisss" to her jerk siblings *cough* DREW
piper likes trying different things, i feel like she'd be really crafty ngl
like she'll LOVE making matching frinedship bracelets for you
and im talking like NICE ones like she's got soo many beads omg
she was for sure one of those kids who started a buisness in elementary school
( as if she wasnt already rich )
she'd be so excited to make some with you
and ofc she'll want to teach u how to make fancy wavy ones yk
her love language is definitely quality time fight me
in summary, if ur looking for a hot, adorable, trustworthy, affectionate, caring, sweet, spoils u, mrs. treat ! you ! right! , piper's the one for youuuuu !!
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a/n pt. 2 : hii! hope u enjoyed this but omg i feel like its kinda short and all i did was ramble abt random stuff in this one ahhh srry
thats all for now! wishing u a wonderful day / night !
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson
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wakatshi · 2 years
yes omg tell me all abt them!!! im here for the tea 💏💏 also we should go drinking together one day <333 dress up real cute and get fucked on cocktails 💔💔 what's your fav cocktail??? mine's honestly purple rain!!! also it looks pretty so that's a plus... did you guys go and see the sunrise? my friends are the exact same wanting to see it ahaha i have no doubt we'll be getting up early when we go on holidayyy!
also i dreamt i was with someone who i can only assume was an irl tooru </33 fuck im a new level of whipped this is so bad AKSJBA... but u n wakatoshi.... his literal rant abt how much he loves u... 🦋🦋🦋 get married already 🙄😒 u guys are too cute <3 oh but as long as u invite me to the wedding ofc 🐕‍🦺
UHHH OK SO i’m going out with this french guy on tuesday……… he’s here with work he’s such a grandpa just how i love my men 😍 he doesn’t have social media but i feel like he’s lying and i don’t trust him </3 he’s nice we’re gonna drink smth BUT he said he doesn’t know what he wants yet so idk i’ll see idc that much anymore i just want free drinks atp! and the other guy omg we met on tinder but,,,,, we don’t talk constantly he keeps replying to my stories every single day and trying to talk to me ik u’re obsessed with me boy stawp it❤️ and this other guy but idc abt him he’s my backup plan ig LMFAOSNND
call me basic or whatever but i love a good hugo.. i like it sweeter tho. i had 5 this weekend.. and and mojito/bellini. ok and aperol spritz if it’s not too bitter i hate bitter drinks ew BUT I’VE NEVER HAD PURPLE RAIN ): looks rlly cool tho omg i’ll try it next time for u pretty <333333 if u can’t have him irl at least u can dream of him 💔💔💔 i WISHHHHH when i dream of wakatoshi he always holds me in his arms i feel so safe ): i literally love anon so so so much if u see this i’m in love with u
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camilosgirlfriend · 2 years
hello! here to request angst-to-fluff camilo x fem!reader where their relationship is secret, only dolores knows and she makes sure not to blurt it out, but it’s after casita falls and reader rushes up to the hill and runs to camilo and kisses him in front of everyone because she was worried abt him + the family’s (especially pepa’s) reaction to them being together ??
tysm <33
you’ve got it!!
I’m Glad.
camilo madrigal x fem!reader
“Camilo why can’t they know!” Y/N said in a low voice. As she followed Camilo, watching him pace around his room. “Because—“ “Why Camilo? Why? Are you ashamed of me?!” She yelled out. “They want me to date- they want me to marry Mariana!” He yelled back. the empty househould growing quiet, Y/N backed up. “What..?” She whispered. Camilos face turned soft as he held his hands out. “No, no Y/N. I didn’t mean to yell it..” “When.” Y/N asked softly, wiping her growing tears. “Not now, not right now amor when i’m older… when we’re older..” Y/N shook her head. “Camilo, please just say you’re lying..” Y/N hiccuped, looking down. Camilo stayed silent, running his hands through his hair. Y/N shook her head in denial, running off. Camilo grabbed her arm tightly, pulling her into a hug. “I- I don’t love her. I don’t love Mariana. And if I could, I would fight for us until the light doesn’t shine anymore. You know how mamá is though..” He gripped the shirt Y/N was wearing, which used to be his as she cried into his shoulder. “Please, mi vida.. believe me, i only want you. I want to marry you. I want my family to want me to marry you.” “So then tell them!” Y/N said hopefully, sniffing and looking up at him through her eyelashes. “I.. I can’t..” He said loosening his grip. Y/N’s eyes traveled down to his chest as she pulled him in again for one last hug. “I cannot continue being a secret, amor.” Y/N said, putting her hand up to his cheek, rubbing it softly. “We can figure it out. But until then, I must go.” She pulled his face down closer to hers, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “I will see you again soon.”
Those next few days Y/N spent alone in her room, pondering on what to do next. Her father left her food and drinks in front of her door to make sure she stayed healthy. She never finished them obviously, she still felt guilty. Going out snd seeing Mariana everyday made her stomach sink, especially when Camilo made sad eyes at her when they were together. Y/N never missed someone so much. Everything reminded her of Camilo, her pillow they would lay on for hours talking about the future, the dresses she over thought about to wear out with him, even the view of the casita from her house. She felt so lonely, she wanted someone to hold her again. At times, Camilo attempted to shapeshift into her father and lead her out of her room, but she knew how Camilo was. And so badly, she just wanted to kiss him, hug him, hold him close until they get sick of eachother. And she couldn’t. She just couldn’t bring herself to walk up to the casita and hope Camilo was the one to open the door.
That was, when she woke up from her nap to the sound of rumbling. She shot her eyes open and turned her head around to her window, opening to the shades to adjust her eyes to the mess that sat ontop of the hill. Her eyes widened as she jumped out of her covers and ran to her wardrobe, pulling it open and grabbing the first thing her eyes landed on. Her heart sunk, and the first thing her mind went to was Camilo. ‘What if he’s hurt?’ She thought, her hands beginning to shake as she fit herself into the long green skirt and white shirt. ‘Camilo.. Camilo.. Camilo..’ was all she thought as she fixed herself up. She put on her sandals, brushed her hair and ran out of the small home she resided in. “Out of my way!” Y/N yelled at the bystanders watching the house come down. Her feet ���sent her far up the hill, until she finally saw the boy, her boy. “Camilo!” She yelled out of breath. The boy turned his head immediately, aswell as his family. Y/N ran into his arms, pulling his face on hers, kissing him. “Ay dios mio, Camilo.. Are you okay?! Are you hurt?” She says as he put her down. She moved his curly hair out of his face before cradling his cheeks. “I’m okay mi vida..” He replied, kissing her forehead. “Camilo?” You both hear a voice next to you both. You turn your heads to see Dolores smiling and Tía Pepa with a shocked expression. “Mamá..” Camilo said, completely turning to her. He cleared his throat and pulled Y/N towards him. “This is Y/N. She is my former bestfriend.” He said, before continuing. “Now lover.” He looked at the girl, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I cannot believe this.. I’m, I’m so happy for you Milo!” His mom responded, pulling him into a tight hug. “Eres perfecta!” She squealed, squeezing her cheeks.
(sorry this was short im so tired and hungry rn 😭)
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xiaaoluvr · 3 years
randome headcanons i have abt genshin men
sfw, gender neutral
includes; kaeya, xiao, albedo, childe, scaramouche
this man loves to tease you. like literally, the mf will tease you just for funsies because he can
loves to take selfies with you and show it off to everyone because he loves you sm
male wife tbh. looks to cook and clean for you
big spoon, always. he likes to hold you and make you feel safe
diluc always tells you how much kaeya never shuts up about you
definitely good with kids and has mentioned that he'd want to have kids with you one day whether it was adopting or simply having your own
he loves thighs, always in between your thighs. they feel so nice in between his face and warm him up
moves alot in his sleep so you'll probably wake uo to him on top of you but you think thats kinda cute
he stargazes with you on the roof of wanshuu inn
doesnt really use pet names so he'll just shorten your name sometimes (ex: if your name is like victoria he'll call u like vic or v)
he lets you paint his nails only because "it looks undead and not as boring" as he would say
sucker for forehead kisses, bothing giving and recieving
loves to hold your hand, it brings him so much comfort
he always gives you a new flower everyday, he feels that giving flowers are very romantic
falls asleep on your shoulder when he doesnt get much sleep at night
always snapping photos of you because you're his muse and inspiration for everything
sings you to sleep when you really need it
klee calls you her older sibling and thinks you and albedo are married
like kaeya, he also teases you alot because he can and loves to see you get flustered
he never shuts up. he always talking to you about something and someone
always buying you gifts. he is always spoiling you (also because he has loads of money)
as much as be talks alot, he is actually a good listener and can be your therapist sometimes
tickles you sometimes just to hear you laugh because he loves your laugh
likes to prank you all the time and then pretend he never did anything to annoy you because its funny
he is always so rude, like but in a cute way if thst even makes sense. he'll tell you look ugly but you can see flustered he is after and that he's clearly lying
calls you a stupid fucking idiot because he doesnt use pet names
when someone else is rude to you he tries to kill them or literally degrades them
doesnt know how to express his feelings for you so he just writes it on a note and leaves it for you to read later
he always smells so good. he is super hygienic and you will never smell a scent of stench coming from him
tells you he hates you, while literally clinging onto you while he life depends on it because hes to embarrassed to tell you he's literally inlove with you
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cherrysha · 3 years
Remember when i posted abt lumberjack a/b/o Uvo? well here it is!! shoutout again to ram fr helping me with this piece!! This is my first attempt at a longer story with more plot. Part of me wanted to break it up into more chapters but I like the build up thats there by keeping it in one piece. Its my take on abo (I know some people love it and some absolutely hate it but the lewding potential was too much for me to pass up) Very loosely based off of this song by hozier
Summary: Alphas are rare, Omegas even moreso. The standard for society is being a Beta, but unfortunately you weren’t born as one. Being an Omega is a presentation so detestable that it’s hard to even survive. In an era where it’s completely normal to cast you from the village for simply existing, to keep you blind from what it is to truly be an Omega, will there be any respite for you? (Yes, this is a period piece)
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: A/B/O, dubcon (since the readers in heat), predator/prey, a little blood, one slap, breeding, overstimulation, unprotected sex
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“Do you ever get the feeling that they are lying to you?” you stare at the weathered wooden boards of the porch before you dare to glance at her face. The miller’s daughter was an omega as well, and often you found yourself gravitating to her if only out of comfort. The one of few in the village that could relate to you. She looked so soft in the morning sun, so lighthearted and gentle as she picked at the frayed patchwork of her dress.
“I don’t like to think about it too much or else I scare myself, y/n” she giggles. 
So Naïve.
You mull it over before coming to the conclusion that you and her are not the same. “I guess I understand” 
Her father always says she’s too kind, but that’s exactly what was so endearing. A world where it was normal to treat people like you and her as lesser, and she was still so kind. Absently, you wondered if you'd ever see her again after her next heat. It had been too long since an omega went missing.
“Will you still be walking with me to the market?”
“Ah, mother seems to have found some extra fabric that had been tucked away somewhere, so I suppose not. However, I’m glad you came to visit y/n!” she giggles as you stick your tongue out at her like a child. 
The walk there gives you an opportunity to think of her words. Was denial better than the fear that came along with the truth?
Plenty of omegas had gone missing. When you were younger, the elders would tell you that there was a man who lived on the edge of the forest. He wasn't an alpha, or a beta, or even an omega. He was only a monster. 
The path stretches before you and the heat of the summer sun is almost enough to make you turn around. But you persist, the idea of returning home empty handed was enough to make you ignore the sting on the back of your neck. 
This man, this beast, would eat omegas. That’s why it was important to return home before dark, the man in the forest used the cover of night to hunt; to take. that’s why omegas always went missing in the village. 
You momentarily take refuge in the cool water in the creek on the outskirts of the village, watching idly as water swirled around your bare feet.
When were you old enough to realize the flaws of that story? Was it your first heat? When with shaky hands, your mother had packed you enough provisions for the week and whispered for you to leave? Or was it the anger in your father’s voice when you asked to stay and he bitterly told you that omegas only brought misfortune?
You sigh. No, it was the day you'd found out one of the few remaining omegas hadn’t come back and that truth had only been a hard pill to swallow for you. No one seemed to care, it was as if the man in the forest didn’t scare them, had never scared them.
Not much sooner had you made the connection. Alphas were few and far between, but omegas were even more scarce. The ones who couldn’t find omegas settled down with betas, but what would a married alpha do when an unclaimed omega went into heat? Only the forest knew.
Sometimes you wished the beast was real, and still the lie had persisted. The younger omegas believed it to be the wood smith and while he was a recluse, so much so that you'd never even seen him, he was far too young to be the monster from your youth. He’d only made his appearance in the village every so often, and in truth he hadn’t lived in the area for that long. You let them hold on to their delusion instead, not wanting to be the one to burst their bubble.
Your heat was many moons away, but the fear of living still persisted.
The water feels nice on your neck, gentle and cooling as you scoop handfuls of it over your burning skin. It makes you forget about everything for a second, soothing over you like an expensive balm. Somehow, It reminds you of when you were little, before you presented and the friends you'd made in the village. Small and unassuming, no worries about presentation or etiquette. Just young and carefree. The thought brings a smile to your face.
Now, boys your age would rather die than be seen with an Omega, not that you cared about their indifference. In their minds it was completely warranted, and in yours the Betas had nothing to offer you. You both saw each other as fundamentally useless. No one gave mind to insects, most of the time they were just there. Some were cruel, yes, but most went their way, and you went yours. That was the best you could ask for.
Sighing, you pick the coin purse out of your pocket, taking a moment to count the few coins your mother had given you. 
It was barely enough to buy thread, but you weren’t surprised. Her and father were still angry that you'd ripped another hole in your dress again since it was one of the little clothing items they had granted you. If it weren’t for the fact that the hole steadily became bigger, threatening the integrity of the entire garment, you don’t think it would’ve been mended at all.
The wind swirls around you, reminding you of your task and the repercussions of wasting time. 
With a grunt, you force yourself back up and onto the road, sidestepping a rather large man carrying probably one of the largest baskets of wood you'd ever seen.
Mother says that its impolite to stare, so you don’t let your gaze linger for too long, but the sight was unusual to say the least. He’s tall, so tall in fact that you have to peer up to even try to see his face, eventually you give up and your gaze ends at the well toned muscles of his chest that are thinly veiled underneath a rather dingy tunic. You couldn’t judge him, right now you were wearing the same dress that desperately needed patching up. Still, he was somewhat of an unbelievable height, it was hard not to wonder of his presentation. Surely, there couldn’t be Betas that tall, but it was even more so unbelievable for him to be an Alpha. The Alphas in your town were well known, their large presence in the village applauded by most and avoided by Omegas. Like the tavern owner with wandering hands under the guise of drunkenness and the butcher who stared a little too long that one might find it indecent. 
 as you make your way through the village opening you can feel his presence pressing closer behind you with each step. It’d be easier to know for certain if the wind carried his scent, but at the present moment it was blowing yours in his direction, a thought that was a little unnerving to you. Nevertheless, you persisted, pushing past the mounting feeling in your chest that seemed to get worse the louder his footsteps became behind you. Surely, he was just selling the basket on his back at the market. And since he was a stranger to you, It would make sense for him to follow you so closely there if he wasn't from the village.
You let yourself relax, tense shoulders easing up as you finally come to the only conclusion that made sense. You were an Omega; A Beta had no better reason to follow you other than directions.
The sun still beats overhead, making the exposed skin of your face damp with sweat. With little thought, you wipe it away with the handkerchief stashed inside your pocket. It was little more than torn fabric that mother had no use for, but you appreciated when she had given it to you nonetheless. 
The market wasn't busy for this time of day, which you were grateful for. Less people to cast you a distasteful glare as you silently perused through the stalls in search for thread. It only takes a few moments to find it at a stand with colorful fabrics, pins and needles and textiles that were definitely worth more than anything you'd ever own.
The smile on your face lights up as you find the cheapest option available, speaking quietly to the stall owner you ask for it.
You're met with silence, its only when you look at them that you realize they aren’t even looking at you. Instead, you follow their gaze behind you, to the burly man who had somehow gotten close enough to block out your view of the sun. 
“Gorgeous too, huh?” he smiles down at your shocked face, even daring to lean down, hand gripping your jaw to force your head up, leaving your neck exposed to him. He’s not quick about it either, his nose coming to scent you as he indulges himself in the smell he finds there. 
“And where have you been hiding?” he whispers it, a secret between the both of you that your too scared to acknowledge. In stark contrast, you've been rooted to the spot, too scared to do much of anything as the complete stranger ungracefully takes his time mulling you over. 
It’s a funny thing, he can smell just how frightened you are, but it doesn’t mask the scent that made him follow you in the first place. 
The scene is far too intimate for such a public space, and subconsciously, you're aware of that. You know this isn’t right, you shouldn’t be letting yourself get so carried away by the stranger, even if he does smell wonderful. Nothing like any Alpha you’ve met. Although his presence is completely overwhelming, his scent isn’t, and he lets out a breathless laugh when you subtly try to scent him back. 
The only thing that snaps you back to reality is the stall owner clearing their throat, forcing you to realize how blatantly improper you were being. It’s far too embarrassing to handle, and mortification sets into your bones. The man pays them no mind, instead using one of his large hands to slam a few bills onto the counter.
“Whatever she wants” his voice comes out as a low and guttural thing, hoarse from days of disuse, as his breath fans across your face. He thinks it’s cute, the way your eyebrows shoot up makes his grin even wider. 
With shaky hands you point to the cheapest bobbin of thread, hands fumbling for your coin purse before he grabs your wrist. “What did I say, Omega?” its stern, but all you can manage to do is bumble over your words, eyes cast downwards as you try to ignore the embarrassment settling on your face. He was just trying to be nice, maybe he was a tad bit uncivilized about it, but his impropriety shouldn’t make it okay to decline such a kind offer. The thread is taken from the counter, his hand slowly ruffling the folds of your dress as he finds your pocket and drops it in.
At this point you’ve become a spectacle, passersby muttering not so subtly about just how close you are to him, how rude it was to make a scene like that in public. With a cough you back away, surprised to find that he doesn’t follow, only aims a grin at you as he continues to stare. Not wanting to leave on a sour note, you ask
“What’s your name?”
  Maybe one day you could repay the favor, although he didn’t look like the type to need to buy thread. He didn’t look like the type to care that much about his appearance at all, if you were being honest.
“its Uvogin. Gimme what’s in your pocket.”
“The thread?” with a wolfish smile he shakes his head no. It takes you a moment but clumsily you pad at the dress before finally finding your pocket and dipping your hand in to pull out the tiny wad of fabric in question. The only other thing in your pocket besides your coin purse. Your handkerchief. You don’t think about it as you hand it over to Uvogin, your head feels fuzzy just by his proximity. Don’t even think about how closely he must’ve been watching you to see that you had one, or how long he’d been doing so as he walked behind you and into the market. Right now, he could ask for a lot of things and you'd gladly hand it all to him with no second thoughts about it.
“You should head home. Maybe get some rest before it happens” he leans closer to sniff at your throat one last time, albeit a lot quicker than he had in the past “Although, I don’t think you’ll have much time.” The end of his sentence comes out in as a laugh, jovial enough to make you forget how sinister his final words were. With little grace, you slowly backpedal, eyes still on his before you turn around and walk out the way you came.
You smell. You reek of him. It’s the only thought in your mind as you clutch at yourself tightly, eyes cast downwards to avoid the shame of looking at others. There wasn't a pair of eyes that didn’t linger on you, most likely smelling exactly what you smelled; The stench of an Alpha. So thick and cloying that you couldn’t pretend it was anything other. Maybe you could rinse it off in the creek before you got home, but you doubted it. The smell permeated through your dress and settled into your bones. Quickly, you head out of the village and towards the sound of running water. 
He was handsome, his scent so alluring that it made your mind wander as you tried desperately to rinse it off of your skin. A hint of sweat, pine and something sweet you had no name for. Sitting on your haunches, you let out a whine at the fact that nothing you did could rinse it off, and part of you didn’t want to, anyway. He’d ruined your dress by doing little more than touching it. If your parents smelled it, who knows what they would do. Probably cast you out like they’d planned on doing when you tore your dress. Any little infraction was worth your disappearance. This would give them every reason not to want you around. 
It seemed to be getting hotter. So hot in fact you were half tempted to wade into the creek, dress and all, just to get the feeling to go away. The sun had been hidden by an overcast sky, clouds threating to burst at any moment, and you prayed they would. It could drown out any scent lingering on your skin, your clothes, the far recesses of your mind that held onto it like a bloodhound. Why was it so hot?
Wordlessly, you waded into the water, thinking little of the repercussions of coming home with a sopping wet dress as you sat down, letting the stream flow over you and around your shoulders. It felt soothing at first, like a cool bath when you were sick, but all too soon the water felt just as warm as you were. It. Was enough to elicit another strangled whine from your throat.
Slowly you stood, the weight of the fabric hugging tighter against your skin all too noticeable. This wasn't right. The sun was gone, the water cool, so why did you feel so sick all of a sudden?
It took a minute to fully accept it, as part of you didn’t want to. But you couldn’t excuse the need growing in your abdomen as anything else.
You had to leave here, quick. Get as far away from the village as possible. Away from the Omegas and your family, away from everything in order to have a chance at saving yourself.
Wading out of the water, you give no pause to the way your skirts cast dark droplets onto the dry ground. 
 With little to no hesitation, you make your way back onto the road before veering right, into the underbrush as you picked up the pace. Before, you'd have a day’s head start to get as far away as possible, but this was different. The telltale signs of your heat stirring low in the pit of your belly was a fortnight too early. Your thoughts were already starting to fog around the edges, an in a few hours all you'd be able to do was cry out from the sheer pain of it all.
 With every step you find yourself walking faster, legs getting whipped by the low lying brambles. The way they so easily tear into your skin going almost unnoticed by you in your sheer panic. It wasn't supposed to be this way, it’s a type of confusion that adds on to the delirium already buffing away at your subconscious. 
After a few minutes of running, only your panicked gasps keeping you company, the clouds burst above you. Fat drops soaking the underbrush and you along with it. In no time the ground beneath your feet becomes even more treacherous, mud and leaves and errant roots making you stumble and fall at every opportunity. After one nasty fall, you can't help but sit for a moment, a manic chuckle ripping through your chest as you examine your skinned palms. Your dress is filthy, the tear even larger than it had been when you set out this morning. Absently you wonder if mother will let you try to mend it before she casts you out for it. Without looking down at your legs, you already know the bruises that will be there from every bump and fall you’ve taken on your little journey. It does little to worry you, once the adrenaline wore off, maybe then you'd feel yourself start to care again.
With a sigh you let yourself rest. Hypervigilance slipping as you gaze up at the canopy in awe. How could rain be so loud? 
Mentally, you try to assess your location. There was a place not far from here that served as your hideaway in times like these. A fissure in the face of a sheer cliff, only big enough for you and any other Omega that had the misfortune of being cast out into the woods. It wasn't much, the crack was uncovered, the rain and wet still able to reach you, but that wasn’t what was important. 
Standing up gives you a better view of your surroundings. With little thought you start to head in the direction you remembered, down the slope of the hill in hopes of finding your salvation at the bottom. 
It doesn’t take long before you hear it. Crackling branches under heavy, heavy footsteps. It’s not a promising sign, to say the very least. Feverishly you pick up the pace, mind racing as you try to figure out who would’ve followed you. It’s not like you did much to hide where you were going, in truth you didn’t think about it at all. Mind glazing over, you don’t notice the thick tree root that’s in your way, stumbling over it as your palms meet the forest floor once again. Ungracefully, your body tumbles easily down the rest of the slope, a cry leaving you as you hit the ground repeatedly. 
Uvo’s laugh is audible over the thunderous sound of rain. Its jarring. A wretched reminder that you're actively being hunted down like an animal.
“Sounds like I’m getting close, huh?” he yells, still too far away for you to see him under the darkened canopy. His voice echoes and you can't tell where exactly he is behind you, only knowing that its entirely too close for comfort. Hazily, your mind makes the connection, his voice rattling back in your ears over and over again as you pick yourself up. 
You can’t say that you've gotten any faster after realizing who exactly was chasing you. The ache in your body from multiple falls was finally catching up to you, along with the heat that was settling low in the pit of your stomach that seemed to be burning even brighter than a few minutes ago.
After a few minutes of running, you see it and almost sob with relief. Thick with vines, the opening of the rockface, your salvation, is almost within distance. 
“I hope you're not thinkin’ of doing what I think you're gunna do.” Its not a yell. Not anything other than an irritated statement thrown so casually and so, so close to you that it causes goosebumps to rise on the back of your neck.  Quickly, you look behind you, a slight yip leaving your throat as you take in the distance between the both of you.
In a last ditch effort, your body works on autopilot. Fear drives you, pushes you faster and faster until the only thing you can hear is the thrumming of your own heart in your ears. He’s loud behind you, yelling something unintelligible as you try to make your escape. You're within reaching distance of the opening now, but his hands grab at you. The slickness of the rain serves in your favor. Easily you slip from his grasp, body lurching forward and into the opening as he tears at the shoulder of your dress.
The air surrounding him seems to vibrate with raw anger, something akin to a roar tearing through him at just how close he’d come to having you.
Big hands come to slam against either side of the opening as he peers down at your shrunken form. Chest heaving, the rain glints off of his skin and the image alone is enough to make you whimper in submission. He’s so tall, broader than any Alpha you'd seen, and he’s incredibly angry. Uvo’s gaze doesn’t leave you as the seconds tick by.  After a few moments of him trying, and failing, to collect himself he finally speaks
“I’m not gunna hurt ya, now come here” he says, and it sounds sincere enough that your fuzzy brain almost believes him. Almost gives in to the temptation of his scent, his open arms goading you to leave the small space.
“I don’t believe you” you whine, shaking your head ‘no’ as if he wouldn’t understand the meaning of your words.
It’s so unbelievably hot. The fat drops of rain hitting your face and soaking you through to your very core did little to relieve the feeling. if anything, it overwhelmed your heightened senses, every little drop on your skin felt like something you needed to pay close attention to.
“Just wanna make you feel better” the statement alone forces a whimper out of your throat, body edging backwards as if to physically deny him
“You can't make me feel better, no one in this damn town can make me feel better.” it’s a lot more hysterical than you meant it, but Uvo’s face contorts in confusion all the same.
It’s quiet for a moment as he assesses you. Big green eyes rake over your shivering form, more anger than pity bubbling to the surface of his features as he realizes how much he doesn’t like what he sees.
“You don’t know anything, huh?” he mumbles to himself, letting one of his large hands swipe away the excess water on his face before settling on his hip “What’s it gunna take for you to come out then?”
You want to tell him to leave, to let you be alone but another part of you wants something. Something you can't explain enough to even know yourself.
“Just don’t hurt me, okay?” no matter how much you try to calm yourself down it still comes out too whiny and nasally for your liking.
Uvo laughs at that, boisterous and loud and it almost seems to overpower the sound of heavy rain hitting the tree branches around you.
“I just told you I wouldn’t, you forget that already?” you have half a mind to nod in affirmation, “Come on out then” he gestures towards you, wolfish smile marring his face.
As if to try and soothe you, he asks for your name. The question eats away at the open air before you finally find your voice enough to answer him.
In the quiet that precedes your answer you realize numbly that It’s getting darker out. You have no provisions and now you’re drenched. If you didn’t listen and stayed put, the rest of your heat would be torture. There’s a lot to consider, truthfully too much to consider in your current state. The ramifications of your actions, the honesty of the large man in front of you, the means in which he planned to help, how long you could actually survive out here without him. Your brain functions moved with the viscosity of syrup. The more you thought about it all, the less it seemed to make sense.
Quietly, you make your way to the opening, Uvo lets out an excited laugh as you crawl ever closer to him. It doesn’t take more than a few steps before a gasp is being torn from you as he grabs you by the arm, pulling you completely out and into his embrace. It feels nice, albeit a little jarring, but you won’t deny the full feeling in your chest at his proximity. A big and sturdy hand rakes up your side as the other holds you to his chest.
With little thought, you bury your face in the crook of his neck, relishing in the scent that hasn’t been completely washed away by the rain. Its calming, maybe he’s pumping out pheromones to induce that emotion within you, but at the same time it makes the coil in the pit of your stomach reach incredibly high temperatures. It hurts, oh god, it hurts
“Hurts, huh? I can fix that.” You don’t remember saying it aloud, but the burly man responds quickly by tearing the flimsy fabric of your dress, making sure to rip through your underwear as well. When you whine at the sensation all he does is mutter “Didn’t expect me to let you keep that ratty thing did you?”
It’s a makeshift blanket once he tosses it onto the ground, saving your back from most of the drenched forest floor as Uvo sets you down, his own body hovering over yours. His warmth is so nice, nothing like what’s eating you up inside, and with needy hands you run your fingers through his hair, a high pitched whine leaving your throat at the groan you coax from him.
“Fuck” he growls “M’gunna knot you so good. Bet it’ll only take one time before I get you nice and round”
You nod up at him, delirious and wanting. The only thing on your mind being the feel of him under your fingers.
With little finesse, Uvo thumbs at the opening of your sex before sliding over the bundle of nerves that lies just above it. He smiles at the confusion on your face before slowly, slowly sinking one of his large fingers inside of your heat. Your body writhes with broken sobs at the feeling. Its unlike anything you ever experienced before. 
“All this for me, huh? Must really want it.” It comes out in a huff, his smile ever growing as you nod in affirmation. You can hear the slickness he’s referring to as his finger pumps in and out of you. 
Right now the wind was bustling, rain beating down harder than it had been all night, but all that you could feel was the comfort Uvo gave you. As if his wandering hands were stroking your very soul.
Unbeknownst to you, Uvo’s already dipped another digit inside of you, marveling at the way your body so easily opens up to his touch.  It’ll only take him a few more minutes of his fingers dutifully scissoring you open before he’s able to lay his claim. 
“Doesn’t hurt, does it?” he smiles as you shake your head, mouth open and panting as your lovestruck gaze meets his “Of course it doesn’t.”
He takes his time, languid strokes and teasing bites against your chest. No rush in his movements until you brokenly sob for him. The feeling in your gut was only getting worse with every movement. With weak hands you claw at him, trying desperately to pull his body closer.
His hand moves from your cunt, popping his digits in his mouth with a groan. When he finally sucks them clean, his hands go to his belt, “Impatient little thing” whispered from his lips.
The sight alone makes your mouth water. Too long and jarringly thick, his cock slaps up against his stomach. 
“Gunna make you feel a loot better” he mumbles, taking himself in hand. God, you want it, want every bit of him no matter the repercussions. He kneels above you, chest wet and heaving with excitement as his gaze lingers on your exposed pussy. A Grecian God chiseled from marble and sent here just for you. 
With steady hands he presses you your legs up, folding you in half until hes achieved the angle he’s looking for. You have no choice but to comply, whimpering as he guides himself into your aching cunt.
The stretch of it burns, it makes your body quake almost as if the size of his cock alone has rendered you weak. It’s an overwhelming sensation that eats away any rational thought until you can only focus on the piercing sharpness of it.
“Stop, please, s’too much.” You can't recognize the sound of your own voice. Its hoarse as if you'd been yelling for hours. Uvogin buries his nose in your neck again, hands coming up to press your legs to even further against your chest.
“Here… got somethin’ to take your mind off it” 
With little warning his teeth are in your neck, tearing a wretched scream from your throat as Uvo draws blood. True to his word, he sinks the entirety of his length within you without your notice. Only thing on your mind is the feeling of your flesh being torn open by him, claimed by him. 
There’s’ little compassion in the way his hips snap against yours. Its brutal, making you cry out even more as the force of it jostles the teeth still buried snugly in your neck. Your hands claw at the ground before eventually settling on his back. Uvo groans at your nails digging into him, spurring him on to go faster, harder, to give you everything he’s got until you drain him dry.
The noise of Uvo thrusting into your warm cunt is loud, almost deafening compared to the rain around you. It’s all you can hear; All you can feel as he doesn’t waste any time in finding the exact spot within you that makes you scream.
Every shift of his hips is maddening. Every sharp thrust enough to push the air out of your lungs. Eventually Uvo’s mouth pulls away from your throat, lapping at the bloodied mess he’d left there. You can't focus on it too much. Can't focus on much of anything at the present moment, only the slick sounds of his cock dragging in and out of you filling your mind. 
“Gunna need you to do somethin’ for me, doll” his words are almost too far away for you to hear. As if he’s underwater, it takes a light slap to your face in order for you to process them.
“Huh?” you ask dumbly. You can't remember if your voice always sounded that small. That meek. 
“M’not gunna last long with the way you’re suckin’ me in like this” he growls “Gunna need you to bite down.” One of his hands that was previously holding your thigh up reaches for the nape of your neck, pulling you up until your face is flush against the side of his throat. Something is growing inside of you, burning through your very being and he’s the cause of it. It’s mind numbing, this pleasure you’ve never felt before. Lazily you recognize it enough to know that your own orgasm is mere seconds away.
“Right here.” you nod, heat searing through you as his hips stutter. There’s something catching against your cunt now, impeding every kiss of his hips against yours as he struggles to fit the rest of his cock inside.
With an audible groan being your only warning, Uvo cums inside of you. It sears against your insides as something finally stops his movements, his body unable to do anything besides grind against your own. So full, you jerk with the feeling, finally letting the coil inside you snap. The scream that leaves your broken throat is cut off by Uvo shoving your face harder against his neck and, dutifully, you bite down. Its mere instinct driving you, or maybe the need to drown out your warbled cries for him. Either way, the wound makes him laugh, his hand pushing harder against you as if to force your teeth further into his skin. The tang of metal in your mouth does little to stop the ebb and flow of your orgasm as it washes through you. It’s too good, so good in fact you find yourself pulling away only to be met with Uvo’s unshakeable grip. Tears prick at your eyes at the sensitivity of it all, the overwhelming buzz that courses through you with no end in sight.
It takes a minute of blindly thrashing against him before you give up and settle on the wet ground below.
It’s completely pitch dark now and the rain has quieted into a slight drizzle. You can't see him, can only feel as the hand not gripping your neck finally lets your other thigh down to ghost over the plains of your face. 
“You're mine now” he whispers. Silently, you nod your head in agreement, not fully understanding the meaning of his words. It didn’t matter. Nothing truly mattered anymore besides the man above you. Uvo presses a lingering kiss to your neck, your jaw, before landing on your spit slicked lips. It’s almost soothing, the gentle touches his attentive hands leave on your body. Soothing enough to make you forget how you got here. 
With a gentle tug, he finally pulls out of your sex. The laugh that leaves his throat as his fingers explore the wetness that paints your lower body is euphoric. Soon enough he’s pulling you into his arms and standing up.
“Feel better?” it sounds like more of a statement coming from his mouth, but you nod all the same. As he starts to walk your eyelids droop in exhaustion, mind focused on the way his chest vibrates with every garbled sentence you can't quite hear.
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ bokuto, tendō, matsukawa & suna
tw ♡ gn! reader, timeskip! bokuto (all sfw tho), swearing, reader wears makeup (matsukawa), swearing, mentions of death & food 
cred ♡ thanks to anon for this request <3
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♡ he was literally counting down the days to your birthday, he even took the day off practise to celebrate it with you so imagine his surprise when the special day finally rolls around and he wakes up to an empty bed
♡ at first, he thought that perhaps you were just around the house somewhere but nope, the place was completely empty and even worse, all signs pointed to his theory that you had gone to work/school on your birthday 
♡ outraged. he was absolutely outraged. 
♡ firstly, he tried calling you but you wouldn’t pick up, even after his many attempts so his next resort to call your place of work/school reception 
♡ obviously he managed to get a hold of you then-
♡ he was originally gonna yell about how you lied to him about taking the day off on your birthday but there was no way he could be angry at you — almost ever — so instead, he made the quick decision of telling you to have a nice day before hanging up 
♡ you were kinda pissed that he wasted your time like that but how could you stay mad at him? he’s fkn adorable! he blew you audible kisses over the phone for good luck!
♡ you laboured your way through the day, putting in great effort yet through it all, the only thing on your mind was how much you wanted to just pass out on the couch with bokuto as soon as you got home. you weren’t even sure if you had the energy to change into your pjyamas.
♡ however, when you finally did arrive home, there was no need to put yourself through the onerous task of changing clothes as the first thing you were greeted by when you stepped foot in your own home was a chorus of cheers of ‘surprise!’ followed by people spilling out into the foyer from the kitchen and living room 
♡ then there was bokuto, the loudest of them all leading the crowd, blowing into the party horn while dashing up to, throwing his arms around your shoulders to pull you into a tight hug, ‘happy birthday, sweetie!’
♡ a light gasp escaped your lips at the sudden hoots, and the unfamiliar — and frankly uncomfortable — sight of many friends swarm towards you had you on edge but when you felt bokuto wrap you in his warm embrace, you knew you were home
♡ he held you close until you were forced apart by many guests tearing you away to personally wish you a happy birthday
♡ now that the initial shock had died down, you noticed that there wasn’t as many people present as you thought, it was a humble gathering of all your closest friends 
♡ there was a massive pile of bright-colored gifts lying on the stairs, and it was hard not to immediately acknowledge them as the sheer mass and number of the presents scattered across the steps prevented anyone from being able to go upstairs
♡ the following day, you were made aware of the fact 90% of those presents were addressed from ‘your best ace husband ;)’ which was pretty straight-forward considering you only have one husband; kiyoomi sakusa. 
♡ jokes, you married bokuto but sakusa was also at the party. he originally just wanted to drop off his gift then leave but bokuto persuaded him to stay, though he seemed to be regretting it now as almost everyone at the party now shared an unspoken goal to slam sakusa’s face into one of the cupcakes that decorated the circumference of your cake
♡ speaking of the cake, bokuto remembered what type of cake was your favorite from the wedding planning and he was so chuffed with himself. in fact, he was so confident in his cake picking ability that he ordered a massive 3-tier monster of a dessert 
♡ neither of you would be able to finish it before it goes bad so you ended up cutting it up into pieces  and sending each guest away with a little goody-bag with a slice of cake inside lmao 
♡ once you had finished your goodbyes and everyone had filed out of your home, you flopped onto the couch and let out a deep sigh of relief. well, it was only a sigh for a few moment as it became a wheeze when bokuto laid down on top of you 
♡ ‘happy birthday, (y/n). i’m sorry if i tired you out.’ he hummed, fiddling with your fingers as his lips curled into a shaky smile
♡ ‘i’m a bit sleepy but i had an amazing time. thank you so much, kō.’
♡ bokuto smiled, his heavy lid falling shut as he finally rested his neck, being able to fall asleep comfortably now that you’ve told him that you had fun
♡ unlike bokuto, he’ll actually mention your birthday a few weeks prior to the celebration so he can plan the perfect date :3
♡ ‘so do you wanna go to the aquarium or the theme park? because i know we’ve went to the park before but they remodelled it apparently. plus, maybe the aquarium is a bit underwhelming for such a special day, but it’s up to yo--’
♡ ‘we won’t really get to spend much time in either. if you consider the time school finishes, the train ride and the time the aquarium and park closes so maybe we could just chill at my house instead.’
♡ tendō deadpanned for a moment, the most unamused look taking over his features until he suddenly burst out laughing, cackling as if you just told the joke of the century, ‘seriously, (y/n)? you’re gonna go to school on your birthday.’
♡ ‘yes, of course.’ you replied in all seriousness, resulting in tendō awkwardly beginning to stifle his chuckles.
♡ he frowned, slumping back into the seat beside you, ‘c’mon, it’s your birthday, though! you deserve the day off.’
♡ you shook your head, kindly declining his suggestion, ‘i have a test on that day.’
♡ ‘all the more reason to ditch!’
♡ now it was your turn to deadpan
♡ tendō tossed his head back while letting out a sigh  of defeat, draping his arm around your shoulder to lovingly pull you to his chest, ‘alright, then. whatever you want, dear.’
♡ you smiled, glad that you didn’t need to disagree with him any longer — and you were even happier on the day. even though you insisted that he keeps things small on your birthday, he still managed to find a way to make things extra asf by getting you a massive plush that was about half the size of your stature and a hamper of homemade chocolates ><
♡ honestly, he’s never been the best at giving gifts but he tries extra hard for you 
♡ like if you off-handedly say that you are cold during class, he’ll buy you a bunch of new jackets, jumpers and gloves
♡ or if you say you need more mascara, he’ll buy you exact same one you usually wear 
♡ he’s observant enough to notice and remember the exact shade and brands of all your cosmetic products but he’s not observant enough to pick up on the subtle hints you drop as to what you want for your birthday 
♡ you can never guess what he’s gonna get you and that adds to your anticipation for the day 
♡ if your birthday is on a school day, he’ll bring in a batch of homemade cupcakes (which hanamaki helped him with) and stick a candle in one of them for you to blow out 
♡ he offers you one but they are all pretty stale- just smile and nod while your teeth feel like they are being shattered trying to bite down on the cupcake 
♡ it might set off the fire alarm but oh well, just count that as another present
♡ oikawa will probably get you something like a bouquet and try flirt with you so at that point, matsukawa and hanamaki begin using the cupcakes as weapons 
♡ they are a two for one deal so you’re going to be spending the day with both of them tailing you like lost puppies
♡ (requester specified) your birthday is on the same day as his so ofc he’s going to be a little salty abt it 
♡ you both created a game to see who receives the most birthday wishes and whoever won gets ¥1500 from the loser’s birthday money
♡ for the past few years, he’s usually been the winner by just a few but this year, you made it a point to befriend all him teammates in order to ensure victory 
♡ having to pretend to be friendly with atsumu — who wasn’t very good at hiding his massive crush —was definitely a challenge but you powered through 
♡ in fact, you may have played the role too well as both the miya twins gave you a gift 
♡ osamu gave both you and suna a plastic bag filled with some food he made and water bottles
♡ as for atsumu, his gift to you was a massive hamper filled with an assortment of many different luxury confectionary which didn’t look cheap at all but it didn’t feel appropriate to question the price so you simply took it from him with a bright smile
♡ of course, suna was excited (and very hungry) as he expected the same gift but he was more than disappointed when all he received was a bag of chips and a slap on the back
♡ he goes out of his way to tell every teacher it’s your birthday in hopes that they’ll make the class sing happy birthday to you 
♡ but it pisses him off to no end when you add that it’s his birthday too so he ends up getting roped into your misery 
♡ also your thumbs are going to be sore at night swiping through all the various candid pics that suna took of you throughout the day (in less than flattering poses) which he uplaoded to almost all of his social media stories with stupid ass captions 
♡ but dw bc he’ll eventually post a nice photo of you with a sweet message
♡ ‘happy birthday to @(y/n) . i would die for you, bitch (even though you annoy the hell out of me every single day 🤠).’ 
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leejeongz · 3 years
fluffy a-z JUNGWON (enhypen)
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requested: yes, by @babyjungwonenhypenrascal
🔅ahh enha first win AHHHH i’m so proud of them :(🔅
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
little to no PDA, especially when you’re around strangers. if it’s just friends then sure, linking arms would be cute but that’s pretty much all. when you’re in private he’s practically begging you to hold him (taken from my enhypen as boyfriends post)
when you’re sitting on benches or sofas, in diners for example, and he’s sat beside you, he’ll make you jump sometimes by placing his hand on top of yours that was resting on the seat. when you get startled, he’ll just flash you a gummy smile and giggle a little leaving everyone around you questioning what you pair are giggling at. ugh and he loves to do that thing where you high five and then hold hands afterwards just so casually, and he smiles at you while the pads of his fingers rub over your knuckles.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
more likely to have a best friend that isn’t in his immediate friendship group. you spend time together alone rather than with other people since you’re the only people on that wavelength lmao. you are rarely ever seen together, but people you’re best friends, like they just know.
his advice would be top tier. sometimes, you didn’t follow your friend's advice, but if it was jungwon’s, you followed it because you knew it was absolutely the right thing for you to do. he cares a lot about you and thinks about your situation deeply, eventually coming to a conclusion on what exactly you should do in order to resolve your situation and most of the time it works.
you sass each other out like no one else can. like they can try, but no one makes jokes about the other in the same way that you two can, just because you know each other so well.
on your birthday, he posts all the embarrassing videos and pictures he has of you on his stories along with some sarcastic message about how you’re becoming old but it’s kinda cute and always leaves you in tears.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
he's not that much of a cuddler but when you do,,, he’s the little spoon whether you like it or not 😡 he wants to be held, it’s like a safety thing for him. when you hold him, he likes to tease you too, like he’ll flick his hair around jokingly to get your attention or to stop you from falling asleep. when you’re cuddling face to face, he likes pouting at you or doing his little “🥺” face to get you to kiss him. when you finally kiss him he’s like “bruh wth was that ew” but tickles your sides to let you know that he does actually approve. oh and he’s very giggly when you cuddle early on in your relationship. like he’s relaxed but he can’t help but giggle cos it’s so cute, you’re so cute.
when you guys watch a film together on the sofa, he likes to slowly bring his head to your shoulder and let it rest there for a while before you throw your arm over him and bring him closer into your side while his hand rests on your thigh/knee. when he looks up at you, again, all “🥺” and whatnot, he knows that it melts your heart so he giggles and invites you into his arms instead so you can rest on him for a bit.
it’s not really cuddling, but while lying next to each other, he always initiates a little playful game of footsie just to annoy you and get you to focus on him, and hopefully eventually cuddle him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
his cleaning and cooking skills could do with some improvement, but it’s okay he gets the job done hehe. he’s confident when ordering take always on the phone and that’s more important than his cooking skills anyway 😭 he likes to do jobs around the house and thinks of his jobs as just part of life, something he has to do, so he never complains about them or does a bad job.
he’s still very young, he’s not thinking of settling down any time soon. sure meeting the love of his life would be great, but he’d still keep the relationship pretty innocent and non-serious until he got older. he’s definitely dating to marry, not for any other reason. he’s not just looking for fun to pass the time or for someone’s heart to break, it’s just it’s not that serious right now.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
i don’t think he’d struggle that much doing it face to face. he definitely couldn’t do it by text or by phone call, the only way he would break up with you is face to face. the reasoning would probably be along the lines of “we’re still young” or “this is too much for me right now”. he really doesn’t want to break your heart so he goes about it in a mature way. he explains his side of the story, listens to your side and finally reiterates his point just so that you know that it’s nothing wrong on your part, but it’s still over. i don’t see him being friends with his ex after the split to be honest, if he breaks up with you that’s it. but that’s not to say you guys can’t rekindle an old flame at a later date.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
wow wow wow marriage? that’s a little bit much. he’s a kid, don’t scare him with such a big commitment until you've been together for at least 5 years and he’s a little bit older. he’s excited to propose to you and he does occasionally think of how the moment will go down, but it’s never serious enough to actually do it just yet.
obviously, he wants devotion, it’s love after all. commitment is a huge part of any relationship and he wants you to know from the get go that he’s looking at you and only you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
with his own emotions, he’s not that gentle unfortunately. there’s not much that can break this boy, probably because he’s been forced to grow up so quickly (i get big sad myself thinking abt that oh god) and so he doesn’t let things get to him in the way that others would. he doesn’t like to let other people see him cry, he rarely cries anyway so letting other people see him when he does is a big no no, even if they’ve known him for a while. i think something that does upset him is failure, whether it’s him or someone he’s close to. he doesn’t want to see anyone fail when he knows how much work they’ve put into something, so that upsets him a lot.
with you, he’s very gentle, he wants this to last so he naturally does everything in his power to make sure that he’s giving off this gentle aura. he’s forever smiling at you, whenever you make eye contact he flashes you a small little smile just to let you know that here’s there. he’s there to laugh with you when you need it most, and trust me, he knows when you need someone to laugh with. he listens to you well, he takes on board your concerns and brings back to you practical advice without making you feel condescended. he’d love to be able to help you out more than he already does, but he’s just too busy. any free time he has, he spends it with you, and you do the same too, but it just seems like there’s not enough hours in the day for him to help you with everything that he wants to :(.
this may not seem gentle, but jungwon will tell you what you need to hear. it’s not always what you want to hear, but it’s from the heart. he’s always honest with you because it’s for your own good, he only wants the best for you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
when he’s tired, the only place he wants to be is in your arms. he stumbles through the door and stands there for a while, waiting for you to come and hug him so that he can rest his head on yours or on your shoulder. he likes it when he can stroke your hair while hugging because you hum into his shoulder and it’s like music to his ears.
when he sees you standing alone at home, often looking like your in a trance, he’ll wrap his arms around you from the back and almost jump on you to scare you. he’ll climb off you and land back on the floor, loosening his arms and expecting you to turn around so he can kiss you on the nose as an apology.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
he doesn’t say the words lightly. when he says them to you, he really means it. he'd make a big deal out of saying it even thought he just drops it into conversation, he might even cry (which i already said, he doesn’t do that often) because he’s just so pleased to have met you and started this relationship with you that he hopes will last forever. he will drop it into a casual conversation, making the atmosphere become intimate and deep, he likes that he can do that and that you’re not phased by it (despite getting a little flustered, but that’s only natural and he wants you to react in that way hehe) he’d be sat there explaining to you how you make him feel, how secure and comfortable he is with you and why he loves you, tearing up as he speaks because it’s really coming from his heart.
he’s actually not that anxious to say it, and that’s probably just because he truly means it and that it’s a very natural thing for him to say given the circumstances.
he doesn’t tell a lot of people that he loves them, so you must be really special to him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
his silence is a great tell of whether he’s jealous or not. he’s likely to give you the silent treatment if he feels you’ve done something to make him feel jealous, or will sit in silence around you and whoever is making him feel jealous. he’d just sit and stare at you both, it’s a little intimidating but easily mistaken for him just looking at you after a small disagreement so no one ever questions it. it’s basically over to you to resolve the situation because he doesn’t want to mess things up on his own. he trusts you enough to make a sound judgement on what to do when he’s jealous and there’s got to be a reason why you’re still together, right?! because you always know how to make things right with him.
he doesn’t like it when you get jealous though. like he gets it, everyone gets jealous sometimes, but he can’t really see why you’re jealous at times, leaving you to figure out your pettiness on your own. he wouldn’t be afraid to tell people to back off and makes it known that he’s in a relationship anyway, he respects you a lot and hopes that other people do too, so there’s no real reason for you to get jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
cheeky little kisses while you’re talking just because he can. brushing that annoying bit of hair out of your mouth then kissing you because he can. kissing your forehead then pulling away and giggling just because he can. he kisses you all the time, just because he can :) (taken from my enhypen as boyfriends post)
he gets kind of shy when he has the opportunity to kiss you in front of others. like he really wants to, but he always feels like the kisses you share have that “first kiss on the playground at school” kinda vibe with everyone’s watching on lmao. so for that reason, he doesn’t kiss you regularly in front of other people, but he'd rather save that intimate treat for just the two of you anyway.
sometimes, when he’s feeling like cringing you out in the most ironic way, he’ll kiss your hand and smile at you, waiting for your reaction to his silliness.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
too busy crying over their cuteness to interact, give him a sec.
actually, he’s surprisingly good with kids. other than the fact that he had to take breaks to go scream about how cute they are, he gets along with them and the kids warm to him a lot. he gets what they want, he just knows, and he can always supply.
(i don’t really wanna talk about or even think about him having kids bc he’s still a minor so i’m sorry if that’s what you wanted from this part :/)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
he never wants to get up. he literally wants to lie in bed forever, especially if you’re there with him. he complains when you try and get him up, no matter how awake he is at the time, he does not want to leave the bed and will in fact tangle himself up in the sheets.
on work days, you two just have separate morning routines at different times. you usually only bump into each other when he’s showering and you wanna brush your teeth or something. you once caught him washing his face with your hairband on and he got all embarrassed and giggled about it awwweee. but when you both have the day off or it’s a weekend, you stay in bed until mid morning and then get up and go to a cafe for breakfast/brunch. on a different note, he has yet to go a day without laughing about your bed head or complaining that you snore too loudly in bed even though you definitely do not do that.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
LAUGHING! night time is the only time you get to spend together since you have no plans other than to spend time together. he also likes it when he can spend the evening talking to your family or when you talk to his before going to bed because 🥺omfg that’s the cutest shit in his eyes. he likes to learn more about you, or when you get to learn more about him and he could listen and laugh to their stories all night long.
he likes to play board games/card games with you and then think of a punishment for the loser (but you end up both doing it anyway). you tire yourselves out too much with getting extremely competitive so when you head to bed, you basically fall asleep straight away. one time, you were too tired to even brush your teeth and wash your face before getting into bed so he came and did them for you ahh he’s such a cutie.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
at first, he’s quite closed off with you, he’s definitely got a guard up no matter how much he tries not to. conversations aren’t that deep initially, he tried to gauge how well you two connect just from small talk (even though he hates small talk because he has no idea what to say to you without getting too deep) and he’d know pretty quickly if the vibe’s there or not.
it takes him three dates at least before he starts opening up about himself. the conversations aren’t as deep as they could be, but he’s still talking to you on a level that you weren’t doing at first. he starts to tell you about his life, his past and his family at this point, things that have made him into the person he is and what he’s looking for in a relationship.
only once you get into the relationship officially will he tell you everything. his worries and concerns, his insecurities and his struggles. it’s difficult for him to open up about this stuff to anyone, so when he does so, he just wants you to listen. he would welcome any advice, but will only start taking it seriously after like a year of being in a relationship (not because he didn’t trust it before, just that he thought only he knew what was best for him), by that point, he truly believes that you know him better than he knows himself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
he doesn’t really get angry. his anger is suppressed most of the time, he knows when the right time to express it is, when it would be valid to do so. if a petty situation angers him, he can just hold it and stay silent because he knows it would be worse if he kicked off. he likes to stand up for what he thinks is right though, if someone said something political that he didn’t agree with, he would get angry and start a rather heated debate with them until they were too intimidated to continue.
when it comes to you, he’s not the angry type. fake anger when you do something small, sure, just for the bants. for example when you play a game and things are getting a little too competitive he’ll go to flip the board or something. but never real anger unless you did something very wrong. even then, he’s less likely to be angry, more so upset and disappointed.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he keeps important dates and such logged on his calendar with a week’s notice so he rarely forgets them. he really doesn’t want to forget them so he checks his calendar like every day just to see if his phone was not sending him notifications lmao.
most of the stuff you tell him, little details, he remembers since he already feels like he doesn't know you as well as he should. he wants to know anything and everything about you so he makes a point of remembering them. if he ever forgot something about you, he’d laugh it off in front of you and then go and break down over it because he can’t believe he forgot something about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the first time he heard you sing 🥰🥰
you were just doing some tidying up in your room, forgetting that your boyfriend was there too, when you suddenly started singing along to your playlist. he didn’t say anything, he just smiled to himself. that was when he realised that you must be comfortable around him. when you saw him besides you, you jumped out of embarrassment but he just giggled and was like “don’t stop, you are really good” no matter how good you really were. you actually both eventually ended up belting out a full on duet while tidying together, not caring who heard. it was actually very wholesome. he brings it up whenever you sing around him now and is all nostalgic about it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
he trusts you entirely. he never really sees a need to protect you in everyday life. if other guys flirt with you, he just expects you to deal with it since he knows that you’re capable. he doesn’t want to misread any conversations you have with other people either, so he thinks it’s best to not intervene.
he gets protective of you around guys who don’t know their place though. walking past gangs of guys, just people who make you uncomfortable in general in fact, he would wrap his arm around your waist. it’s like protectiveness, almost anger (cos he’s disgusted by the way these people make you feel), but mostly for your comfort.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he’s either really sweet with his gift giving or so bizarre you can’t even comprehend how he managed to come up with the idea. he’d buy you something small, cute and sentimental for important events like a little figure/ornament or a necklace. when it's a less important time, his gifts are like,,, useful but strange asf (jays bday present is a perfect example of this lmao). he’d get you an alarm clock with your celebrity crush’s face on it and hand it to you like “so you start to hate them since they’re the one waking you up”.
oh BOY your anniversary is always romantic. he treats you to dinner at a restaurant in the evening, you get dressed up all fancy, that’s when he gives you the necklace that he bought for you and puts it on for you. people think it’s strange because you’re so young, but it feels so right and he can’t wait to do it for the rest of your lives.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
as friendly and lovely as jungwon is, he can sometimes come off as a little cold and withdrawn to people who don’t know him yet. he tries his hardest to make connections with everyone and seem genuine while doing it, but he can’t help but put up a guard around people he’s not yet comfortable with. he doesn’t want to welcome people into his life that he doesn’t want there. it’s not exactly a bad habit, but to those who don’t understand his reasoning it may come off that way.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
it's not the first thing that comes to his mind when he thinks about his own beauty. he’s a big believer that beauty comes from within and would rather work on his personality and emotions than think about his appearance. sometimes, when he notices people are mentioning something about his appearance regularly, he becomes a little concerned about it, even if what they’re saying is good, and he’ll try to change it but in the end he decides against it because it really doesn’t matter what other people think. he does like to make himself look good, but it’s not something that he’s particularly concerned about.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
you bring out a side of him that he would never have been able to show anyone else. he’s so thankful that you understand him and aren’t always expecting something from him. if he had never met you, he could never truly be himself around anyone, and so for that reason, yes, he would feel incomplete.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
this boy loves when you let him put jewellery on you :(. like every time he sees you struggling with your necklace or a choker he’ll be like “you want help with that” and he’ll do it for you. it’s an underrated form of affection for him, his hands so close to your neck in the most adorable way. and the fact that he gets to help you with something that you’re struggling with is a (subconscious) boost for him and fills him with so much joy, hence why is wants to do it again.
not just necklaces, bracelets in the same way, but also rings too. he’ll slide them off your finger just so he can put them back on again. he’ll do that thing where he presses his thumb against them too to “secure it in place” uh cute.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
immaturity. sure, immaturity to some extent is good for your mental state, but he’s not gonna have time for people who are excessively immature and do not see an issue in it. immaturity as in those always start unnecessary drama and are self centred, defensive and never own up to their own mistakes. a big one for him is wanting to have deep conversations. immature people wouldn’t be able to talk with him about the things he wants to, hence why he’d avoid them. he finds it hard to relate to people his age due to his maturity and mind set. he tends to struggle with small talk with them despite the amount of effort he’s putting in to adapt to their personality. this is why i think he’d know pretty early on if things were gonna work out or not.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
the twitching 😭😭. okay so we all saw him “popping” in his sleep lmao, i doubt anything would change even if someone was sleeping next to him. he might accidentally knock into you on the odd occasion but he’d wake up straight after he did it and apologise and be all like “omg i’m so sorry it wasn’t me i didn’t mean it please don’t hate me”. doesn’t happen every night, but is still noteable lol.
but other than that, he’s pretty calm. he likes it when you hold him while he sleeps :((.
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punnyasitgets · 3 years
[cha cha slide voice] reverse!
Freeze! Everybody clap your hands!
Ok so Catwoman Guardian of Gotham was a disaster so I'm taking it into my own hands. Only Bruce and Selina are swapped and Alfred still exists, not. The weird maid lady and Bruce is Not a bloodthirsty murderer
This got Very long so it's under a cut
Selina's parents were murdered by Joe Chill and she vowed to never let anyone feel the same pain she did, hence why she later became Catwoman
Bruce grew up on the streets with his big brother Thomas taking care of them both, but Thomas ended up killing a guy in a mugging and got sent to prison and left Bruce on his own
Catwoman hears about a number of high-profile thefts (museums, aristocrats) springing up and starts trying to track down the cat burglar and ends up interrupting a burglarly from a wealthy woman's penthouse
She chases the burglar down and they have a fight on the rooftops where they kick the everloving shit out of eachother but the burglar throws her off the roof and when she gets back up he's gone
Next night, she attends a charity event and meets an activist and fundraiser by the name of Bruce Wayne and they have a nice chat and hit it off
In the middle of it, a waiter bumps Selina in the side right over where her ribs got cracked from the other night and she doubles over so Bruce helps her out of sight and asks what happened
She tells him she tripped down the stairs of her house but he does Not believe it and ends up sticking by her the rest of the night, at the end of which Selina is like. "He's nice I think" and invites him out for lunch soon
Jump a day or two and Selina runs into the burglar again but this time he's got full body armor and a bat motif and she is Not Happy With This Development
Bruce stole a ton of armor and weaponry from the GCPD and made his own suit because Selina rly messed him up the last time they met
So they fight and Bruce hits her in the side and it floors her and he is like. Wait A Minute, but she recovers and he's forced to run
And then over a period of a month or two, Bruce starts hanging out with Selina in the day (lowkey stalking her to see if his wild theory is right) and while over at her manor he spots a bloodstain on her shirtsleeve from a wound that bled through the bandages she was wearing and when he questions her she says she cut her arm open on a nail accidentally and it's not a big deal but he's just. Hm
Also during this period, Catwoman keeps showing up to stop all of Batman's robberies and he's really getting sick of it because he's been using the money from his stolen goods both to like, feed himself but also to support a gang of homeless kids in the neighborhood he lives in and to help provide food for the local orphanage and it's getting Really Hard To Do That When He Can't Steal Stuff
So basically he knows she's Catwoman and Selina is his friend and he's just. I Have An Idea
Batman starts going out more often just to taunt Catwoman while she's on patrol and he starts going to other rogues like Two-Face and Cobblepit to egg them on and he actively breaks Bane out of prison and the Riddler out of Arkham just to set them loose
He's basically manufacturing a crime wave to try and wear Catwoman out and it's working
She's really exhausted because of all this and every time she has to make an appearance in public she's all tired and struggling to keep it together and Bruce makes a point to be there and to cover for her whenever she's too overwhelmed
Eventually Catwoman gets severely injured during a fight and she's too far from the Cave so, not really having another option, she shows up passed out in Bruce's apartment bleeding out and he's all surprised and helps her and gives her impromptu medical care but never pulls off her mask
Selina wakes up on his couch and he's asleep in a chair he pulled up next to her and she's like :] and leaves him a thank you note before going
So Batman has basically become priority one but he keeps causing so many new problems to spring up that she can't actually go after him while he commits a robbery spree, and every tine she deals with everything else he goes to ground for weeks on end
All the while Bruce is there being Supportive Friend Of The Year and they keep going out to eat and they spend events together and it's Grand
Eventually Bruce asks her out! And she's like. Oh No because while she likes him, she genuinely doesn't know if she can handle being in a relationship at the moment but she doesn't want to say no so she gives a tentative yes and so they're dating
Luckily he is a very understanding man and whenever she has to dip out to be Catwoman or when she's too tired to go out he's all "oh it's fine, I can reschedule" and it's a Very Big Relief
Batman goed to ground after another round of Mess With Catwoman and he stays that way for like three months and she puts all her rogues away so for the first time in a While she has proper free time to spend with Bruce and it's lovely! And shes like. "If this is how our relationship is, I don't want it to end" but because she's Catwoman and she doesn't know that she could hide it from Bruce if they were married and so one night she shows up in his apartment as Catwoman and shows him that she's Selina and he's just "!!!!! Oh that explains a lot, that's really awesome"
He swears he'd never tell anyone about her identity and makes a joke about how because Selina makes herself seem so ditzy at parties, nobody would believe him anyway and so Selina proposes to him the next night and they end up getting married and Bruce moves into the manor ❤️
Unfortunately Batman comes back and he pulls a pro gamer move which involves releasing every inmate from Arkham and Blackgate, including but not limited to her entire rogues gallery
So she's having a Time and literally just can't handle everything and every time she does well against a rogue Batman swoops in out of nowhere to divert her and really it's exhausting and she's working herself to the bone
Eventually she manages to wrangle most of them but the Joker is still on the loose and Batman keeps evading her and she Has Not Slept For Four Nights
While she's in the Cave, Alfred makes a comment about how at night it always gets so nerve wracking, especially since Bruce tends to leave after she does and Alfred is worried he might get caught up in something dangerous considering Batman and the crime wave and Selina is like
"He leaves the house at night??? [wh]" And Alfred gets confused tells her how he can never find Bruce in the manor from around eleven pm to two in the morning so he assumes Bruce goes out to visit friends or to deal with personal business and he tells her abt how he asked Bruce about it and he told Alfred that he and Selina had already talked about it
And Selina is just. "He was lying to you, I had no idea he was going out" which makes her Very Suspicious
She can't Do anything about it because she's trying to track down supercriminals but she checks the manor security feeds and she can't find any trace of Bruce leaving which is Concerning
Basically she ends up finding the Joker and stopping him from bombing the city and he gets sent back to Arkham, but before she can go home Batman shows up and they facedown on the roof
Batman goes all "I really didn't want to do this but you gave me no choice" and then starts trying to kill Selina
He gets a bunch of good stabs in but Selina seems to get the better of him and so he runs and she follows him into an apartment building but loses him in the hallways
She spots a bomb behind one of the doors and realizes the building is about to explode so she gets out of there just before it does and Batman corners her with a gun on a nearby roof
He tries to kill her again but Selina manages to get close and hits the gun away
Batman tries to run but she grabs him by the cape and yanks him back and manages to rip his cowl off before he gets away, at which point she sees that it's Bruce and she's Horrified
And it finally clicks that Batman has been trying to get every other criminal in Gotham to either kill her for him or wear her out so that he can do it himself, which would Also be killing Selina Kyle, and since she doesn't have any other heir, Bruce would get her fortune
And she's all "why would you do all this" and he gets really angry and starts telling her all about the people that aren't as privileged as her and he basically tells her that he wants her money so he can use it to help the people living in the East End and the Narrows, since Selina and the other aristocrats of her stature didn't know the problem like he did and refused to help
So Selina is just baffled that he'd go this far and he apologizes to her genuinely before he tries to kill her one last time because now that she Knows, this is his last chance to get away with the plan
It doesn't work, Selina fights him off and manages to get cuffs on him but he gets away and Selina goes home and Divorces That Man Immediately but also realizes that while he was living with her he'd been stealing things like jewelry she never wore or fancy paintings from rooms nobody ever went into and she is just Not Pleased
But she also allocates a ton of money towards charity projects focused in the more rundown areas of Gotham and actively starts funding all sorts of orphanages, soup kitchens, clinics, etc
She tries to track Bruce down but he's just Gone and so she lets it go even though she's very heartbroken and sad that he tried so hard to kill her
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