#one of them will be a hammerhead shark zora
ganondoodle · 5 months
yeah no of course i cant stop trying still ...
currently trying to get out of the mindset -draw what could be popular- by designing some rough ideas for the weapons shops in the new totk rewrite (fuse isnt a thing here)
to explain; during the first part (before villain rauru reveal and change to shiekah arm) the way to repair or craft weapons is with a new type of NPCs; they are smiths that can repair your weapons, craft them, and have some avaible to buy (mostly for arrows but also small selection of weapons), it costs material and some money, or if you dont have the material/all material, it costs more money but is still doable, price depending on how valuable or hard to get the material is you dont want to spend on it
then after the switch to the sheikah arm and zelda taking on the role of your permanent companion, she can both repair and craft as well (might be limited but expandable with quests, as in that zelda learns more skills- so theres new quests after the switch and you cant just do everything before that) with the difference that you need to have the required materials but it costs no money
this would mean that while no giant change before and after the halfway point of the game, it is definitely different feeling, plus its a convenience that is good to have in the second half but shouldnt be sorely missed in the first, the difference between NPC smith and zelda gives you the option to spend material or money- so you arent forced to grind anything if you need either for something else, plus new quest rewards for the second half and new points of interest in general, similar to a stable but not too close so theres still an element of exploration; they arent super frequent but around the map of the surface enough that you can reasonably reach one in each region (perhaps after aquiring the yiga as allies/or before that in disguise they can do the same for you but are only found in the underground)
it would also allow for more diverse gameplay, if your favorite weapon is about to break (it might not fully disappear but if you use it up it would go into a condition like the master sword when its lost its power, not usable or doing tiny amount of damage, but not gone forever if you accidentally use it too much-) you can decide to throw it away or keep it until you find the next smith, depending on if you already found one and see you are close or havent yet, or spend the material if you have it to instantly repair it
(i havent decided yet if rauru might be willing to repair your weapons, but not to craft them since he lacks the skill (would never admit to it) and he only wants to give you just enough support to enable you to do what he wants you to do- i think that might work better bc its still a difference to zelda, since she can craft too, but not too much so that you would feel like the games forcing you to use the smiths in the first half ... possibly its unlocked with one of the enigma stones, when rauru can claim he is able to do that now bc it lets him recover some of his strength)
what im wondering now, which is a bit important i think, is .. should the smiths be wandering around a set path or have a lil stationary shop? if they wander around it would make it a bit more depending on situation of you wanna use them, but bears the risk of making it annoying if you dont know here they are or happen to be too far away and a lil weird bc should have something to work on there, like an anvil, which would be a lil strange to carry around; a lil shop could potentially turn into a location you keep teleporting back and forth though im leaning towards the shop; you could make helping them build it a quest too, or saving them from monsters? overall i think this idea is a rather nice balance
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thequickbutt · 4 months
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My version of the Indigo-Gos in the BotW style! They're more of a rock band here and I also made Mikau the lead singer. Lulu is second vocals and plays second guitar! If I had the skill and the patience, I would design their instruments as well...
Single images and some info under the cut!
Lead singer and guitarist of the band. Also one of Zora's Domain's most skilled warriors. His headtail was once longer and looked pretty much like your average Zora's, but he lost a part of it in a battle. He wears a piece of jewelry at the end now to hide his scar. Even though most Zora fight with spears, Mikau prefers fighting with a sword. His arm fins are harder than a usual Zora's fins, and also sharper, which makes them useful in battle.
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Second vocals and second guitar. Based on a hammerhead shark (since it's confirmed Princess Ruto is based on one. And since Lulu is more or less a reused model of Ruto... you get the idea). Pink jewelry instead of the average cyan! Her personality differs from her Majora's Mask one, as she's more of a rock girl here! Probably a little more quiet and shy in person than on stage, though. Not wearing a dress, but some sorta skirt, which is attached to her belt.
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Bassist. Lotsa smaller jewelry. Yes, he has eyes. The tallest of the five band members. Arm fins are differently attached to him than an average Zora's, plus he's got extra small fins on his legs to imitate flare sleeves and pants. Super chill dude.
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Band leader. Plays the keyboard. Cool headphones! Rounder fins than your average Zora. Short headtail. Probably dislikes when the other band members just come up with songs on their own, and then steals said songs to pretend he made them up himself.
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Short, round ray friend! Mikau's bestie. Plays the drums. You can probably talk to him about anything. Not the most popular of the band, but he appreciates every single fan!
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its-rat-time-babey · 2 years
Zora headcanons because I replayed Breath Of The Wild:
There are hundreds, if not thousands of species of Zora in the world.
We’ve seen a few different species of Zora throughout all the games. Those being:
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The River Zora from the early Legend Of Zelda games
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The Sea Zora from most of the 3D games
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The Lake Zora from Breath Of The Wild
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And the Ocean Zora from Twilight Princess
The Zora in Termina are also their own species, called Bay Zora.
However, just because these Zora have names like “Ocean Zora” and “River Zora” doesn’t mean that they’re the only Zora found in these environments. Hundreds of Zora species live in the oceans surrounding Hyrule, and hundreds more live in the lakes and rivers found in lands far away from Hyrule. It also doesn’t mean that they’re limited to the bodies of water in their names, at least most of the time. River Zora have a harder time in saltwater environments, but can still stay there if they need to (it’s the same sort of situation with Bay Zora, but they struggle in freshwater instead of saltwater) while Lake, Sea and Ocean Zora, despite the names, are just fine in any water environment, saltwater or freshwater.
The names of Zora species can have several origins. Like we’ve seen in the games, many Zora species name themselves after bodies of water, regardless of if that body of water actually fits them. All the Zora that we’ve seen in the games do this, but they aren’t the only ones. Other Zora species that named themselves like this include: Saltwater Zora, Freshwater Zora, Deep Zora (lives deep underwater), Twilight Zora (lives in the twilight zone), Midnight Zora (midnight zone), Abyssal Zora (literal bottom of the ocean), Falls Zora and so on. This method of naming is more common for Zora species with varying appearances. This is best seen in the Lake Zora, who all slightly resemble different species of fish with no real pattern despite all being the same species.
The other ways that Zora species name themselves include naming themselves after fish and other sea creatures that the species resembles, like the Mako Zora (mako shark), Angler Zora (anglerfish), Hammerhead Zora (hammerhead shark), Squid Zora, Lantern Zora (lantern fish), Oar Zora (oarfish) and so on. This method of naming is more common for Zora species with the same sort of appearance, like the entire species resembling anglerfish.
All the Zora are slightly different from one another in ways other than appearance. River Zora are physically stronger and have innate magic that the others lack, Sea Zora are more durable and lack the weakness to electricity that most Zora possess, or at least aren’t as affected by it, Lake Zora are more agile, both on land and in water, Bay Zora are completely immune to electricity and can actually channel small amounts of it by themselves, but are weaker in all other categories and Ocean Zora are physically stronger and more durable, like a mix between the River and Sea Zora, but are extra weak to electricity. And that’s just the ones we’ve seen. Every Zora species is slightly unique.
As for why we never see two different species in one game apart from the River Zora sometimes being in the same games as Sea Zora, there’s one trait that all Zora share; they’re all extremely territorial with each other. Like EXTREMELY territorial with each other.
If you take the single most pacifistic Sea Zora in existence and the single most pacifistic Lake Zora in existence and you put them in a room together, it will devolve into the most brutal fistfight you have ever seen within minutes. Zora don’t usually show this territorial nature with other races (although some Zora like the River Zora do), nor do they show it with other members of the same species, but if you stick two different Zora species even remotely close together, there will be a war and that war is going to go on until at least one species is wiped out or leaves the area to never return.
Among other races, Zora are viewed as a pacifistic and diplomatic race, not getting involved in many conflicts. Among other Zora however, they’re viewed as warlike and barbaric, with wars over territory, along with wars started for far more petty reasons being common and almost constant. In the ocean, far from Hyrule, there are constant fights between different Zora species, each war more brutal than the last.
Zora also follow the ocean rule of everything getting more freaky and nightmarish the deeper you go. The Zora we’ve seen in the games dwell close to the surface and they have some humanoid characteristics. The Zora that live deeper down are something out a horror story.
The deeper you go, the more powerful the Zora are as well. It’s said that when two Zora species that both live at the absolute bottom of the ocean go to war, their battles cause storms above water and alter the ocean currents. Luckily, the deeper Zora can’t come closer to the surface, as the difference in pressure would quickly kill them.
The several different Zora that we see occupying Hyrule throughout the games are there because they came to Hyrule, went to war with the native Zora and either kicked them out or wiped them out, before settling down in their place, claiming all of Hyrule as their territory.
The Sea Zora were in Hyrule the longest, but were eventually kicked out in the Child Timeline by the Ocean Zora a few decades before the events of Twilight Princess. However, the Sea Zora eventually came back with a vengeance, wiping out the Ocean Zora and reclaiming their former territory not long before the events of Four Swords Adventures. The Sea Zora also butted heads with the River Zora in the Fallen Hero Timeline, being kicked out of Hyrule in the process.
River Zora are warlike and territorial even by Zora standards. They’re also one of the most widespread species in the entire world. The main reason for this is that River Zora simply work differently when it comes to territory.
For all other Zora species, the entire species stays together as a massive group, led by a ruler of some kind. And they only claim one area as their own territory. If the species moves somewhere else, they abandon their old territory and claim somewhere else. And that’s how it needs to be in most cases, because Zora don’t have a way of communicating long distance with each other. If there are multiple territories that a species has claimed but only one ruler or ruling family, how will one territory receive any leadership? And if multiple rulers exist to make sure that all claimed areas have some kind of leader, how do the leaders know what to do in relation to the other territories and how do you prevent one territory of super territorial Zora from turning against the others, as the different rulers have no way of communicating with one another? It just doesn’t work out.
But the River Zora DO have a way of communicating long distance. They have innate magic that other Zora lack, and they can use that magic to communicate across extremely long distances. So River Zora have a multiple territories and a whole Zora hierarchy. River Zora have a king or queen that rules over a specific territory, while simultaneously taking orders from a “Zora Emperor” that lives somewhere else far away, communicating with the Emperor and other River Zora Royalty via magic.
River Zora aren’t made for saltwater environments. They won’t die from entering saltwater, but prolonged exposure isn’t good for them. Because of this, River Zora almost exclusively claim large islands containing lakes and rivers as their territories. They swim across the ocean (despite the dangers of saltwater) to find islands with lots of bodies of freshwater and when they find one, they send an army of River Zora there with the intent of killing anything that poses a threat to their newly found territory, like other Zora and other native non-Zora creatures, and setting up a new city there, with a ruler that can communicate with the Emperor and everything else that they need to live.
In the Child Timeline they start coming to Hyrule not long after the Sea Zora reclaimed their territory from the Ocean Zora, knowing that the Sea Zora would be tried and weakened from the recent war, showing up as Four Swords Adventure is taking place. In this timeline, the River Zora are beaten back by the native Sea Zora, and do not succeed in claiming Hyrule as their own territory.
In the Fallen Hero Timeline, the River Zora also come to Hyrule, but with drastically different results. They arrive around the events of A Link To The Past and by the time that A Link Between Worlds happens, they’ve successfully killed off the native Sea Zora and set up a leader in the form of Queen Oren, but are still unsuccessful in getting rid of the native Hylians and Gorons, who are viewed as threats to their newly claimed territory. They remained the dominant Zora in Hyrule until long after the events of The Adventure Of Link.
However, this didn’t last forever, as the Sea Zora came back after everyone believed that they were wiped out, just like in the child timeline with the Ocean Zora. Since the River Zora were already aggressive with literally every other faction in Hyrule, it didn’t take much convincing from the Sea Zora to get the Hylians, Gorons, Gerudo, Sheikah and even the recently formed Zonai to join the Sea Zora’s quest to kick the River Zora out of Hyrule and give the Sea Zora their long-lost territory back.
The arrival of the Lake Zora happened a few centuries before the Divine Beasts were first used against Ganon. The Lake Zora were forced to flee their original territory because of you guessed it.. .. another war. After travelling in search of a new place to call home for a while, they stumbled across Hyrule and went to war against the native Sea Zora, eventually managing to claim Hyrule as their own. And judging by how the Sea Zora haven’t been seen near Hyrule for more than ten thousand years, it’s pretty safe to say that the Lake Zora did what the Ocean and River Zora couldn’t and successfully wiped out the Sea Zora.
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grandpadaruk · 4 years
Zora Headcanons and the like
A lot of this thought process is from salmon migration, especially Atlantic salmon. Also the flooding of Faron Woods in Skyward Sword and just, Wind Waker. Wind Waker.  
So there is a big difference in Zora’s appearances pre-BOTW and BOTW.
For example; Zora from Ocarina of Time
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They have a lithe form, head tails, long arm fins and adorning hip fins, a long nose(?), iris-less eyes like sharks and feet that have a similar appearance to bony fins. They are all the same light blue, with patterns of the surface of water at the end of their appendages.
(2/10 very creepy)
and the Zora from Twilight Princess
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Probably the closest to the Zora in BOTW. They have pectoral fins (can you even call them pectoral fins???) attached to their head plus the head tail, though instead of flukes are now fins. Their legs are noticeably long, including their feet, which appear similar to flippers, they now have gills lining their ribs, and fins at their hipbones. Their elbow fins are much shorter but more wide. Alongside that, they have wetsuit type patterns on their legs and some sort of shoulder pads(?)
(4/10 fivehead)
Compared to this
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BOTW Zora have shorter legs (which makes sense because for humans, and thus humanoids, our legs barely generate any power underwater), the hip fins seen in TP now with an added fin at the back, much slimmer and small fins located on the forearms. They retain TP Zora’s eyes and torso gills. But strangely enough their feet are removed from both, with a singular big toe and fused smaller toes (and having extremely small feet) and on top of that, retaining a faux-nose on top of their foreheads to end their tailfins, because of their heavy basis on sharks perhaps they have electroreceptors? 
(8/10 Mipha’s cute but I'm always thinking about how they could actually swim underwater and its disturbing- so I’m docking 2 points).
So these differences make them unique to each LOZ game, and, because Nintendo can’t stick to a script or one design (unless its a CARICATUR—) I’m going to try and give an explanation for these changes in appearance.
So, let’s set the pre-BOTW Zora uniting appearances together. They all have some coloring of light blue (Rutela and Prince Ralis exempt), and they have long fins that seem almost more for appearance than functionality.
While BOTW Zora have more range of color (black, red, green, white, etc.) and varying appearances (Muzu). They as well have more large sea predator distinctions (Mipha a dolphin, Sidon a hammerhead). 
So the easiest way to describe how these differences came to be would be a variation in the gene pool. Such as....a freshwater/inland fish coming in contact with an open ocean/saltwater fish.
Here’s the scene.
The Great Flooding in Hyrule, some time before the Battle of Calamity (10,000 years ago) Lanayru was greatly flooded, the wetlands were an entire lake of its own, spanning down to Nabi lake. Waterfalls were created from the flooding of Rutala river over Samasa Plain. 
Back track back to the newly created waterfalls and flooded rivers, these points allowed access from the sea that weren’t possible before. So what happened? A previously separated species of Zora migrate to Lanayru, whether chasing after prey or previously interrupted migrations to spawning grounds being reopened, meeting the endemic freshwater Zora of previous games. 
Generations later, we have the Zora we see in BOTW.
I don’t know how to end this post I literally used all my brainpower so BOOM. Thinkabout it.
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soulcluster-moved · 3 years
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@wayferry​ : 🍋 : what kind of diet does my muse have? do they eat regularly, or the standard 2-3 meals a day? do they have to be reminded to eat, or are they likely to remind others? do they cook, or have others cook for them? do they eat healthily, or not so much? ((for Mipha maybe?? what do those zora eat....))
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ok so this may be getting off tangent to start with but, I know that each zora in botw is based off a different fish, but I don’t really think that makes sense biologically that they’re really all those different fish. I like the idea that they all have sharp teeth and well, they’re carnivores, like most fish. They can still have different patterns and coloring and looks ofc but I like the above to unify them as a race (like mipha is supposed to be a dolphin and sidon a hammerhead shark, so them being siblings does not make sense, and their dad is a whale of some sort so...)
so that’s the small tangent. the other thing is, while zora certainly can digest prey mid swim, cooked food is actually very helpful for calories. in botw setting that’s still doable and they’re much more established, finding it easier to store and cook food as needed. In her regular verse, given her station, I imagine sometimes Mipha has food prepared for her, but she knows how to cook herself too and enjoys it. the only time she needs to be reminded to eat is if she gets caught up in one of her passions, so sometimes yeah she has to be reminded haha she does eat healthy. she’s not really picky either, but she prefers simple, healthy foods the most. 
in a verse more like ww/ph etc., where hyrule has been flooded and zora have receded to deeper waters and become even more fish-like, I think their population would have dwindled due to all the new predators (also suggested by their ancestors branching off to evolve into the rito) and less access to food. in this kind of verse, Mipha still has her preferences but is more careful. food is not in abundance and neither is cooking. her priority would always be making sure her brother gets his fill, as well as her people in general. they can still keep reserves of food but these stocks likely wane and wax depending on what’s going on. She eats less regularly in this kind of verse.
i got so into this I forgot to say that the eat fish. that’s their primary source of food. fish of all types, anything smaller than them, sometimes even bigger than them if they hunt in packs. 
ok I should end this before i get too deep
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nayrusfountain · 5 years
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Here are my newest Zora characters! They are based off of Spinner Sharks, and being a newly crafted species, have yet to be named.
The Zora to the left is Cascada, a beautiful Zora who bonded with a handsome lord. She is an aristocratic dancer who preformed for the passion of it and earned a reputation among the Zoras for her elegant ballads.
The Zora on her right is her daughter, Layali, and my central RP character for the Termina Empire from Zelda Amino. Layali is a sweet natured, often meek Zora born with weak magical properties as a consequence of her egg being removed from the exposure of sacred moonlight. It is a custom for royal Zoras coming from a line of chosen ones to settle their eggs in holy temples to receive the moon's powers for three nights. If a Zora is selected by Nayru, it will hatched with her holy sapphire inlaid on their fins and be enrolled as the next Champion of their clan.
However, the sacred ceremony consisiting Layali's egg was botched by the Mako King, Adelar, who removed it before the ritual was complete. Thus, Layali, although favor by Nayru out of her brood, had only absorb a fraction of the Moon's holy power, and the royal jewels on her fins appears bleaker and semi opaque, rather then radiant like her ancestors.
Because of her limited magic, she feels insecure around other Zoran Champions, for each royal clan had their own fully realized chosen ones who are fully blessed. Among them being Mikau and Lulu, the celebrity guardians of the Mako folk and Hammerhead people respectfully.
As such, she often receives special training from her Clan on a regular basis in hopes of awakening her dormant magic. She had even enrolled herself in the Sapphire Guard, a Zora police force renowned for their quality services. Despite her timid disposition, Layali has suprising streaks of valor and is a tenacious fighter when out in the line of duty. Even without her full magic, Layali is righteous and a sweet soul, demonstrating the potential she had as a chosen one and why she was eligible for the sacred holy Sapphires.
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(Tumblr probably murdered the quality, so just click on it to see it in full view.)
Still no name on this next gen/au BOTW verse, because I am a creativeless hack, I suppose, but it’s back again! I’m on a roll and this was the first one finished but I decided to go back and add in another extinct animal easter egg like the previous one, so fuck it. 
Yes, this is Sidlink related, because I ship those two nerds like FedEx, and browsing @nakklepiggy‘s sidlink art gave me the push to go forward with it.
More info under the read more: 
1.The little blue zora bab being held by Daddy Sidon is Orna (may change the name, but I wanted it to relate to his species inspiration somehow), who is the biggest part of my BOTW next gen and the one who started it all. His existence came about due to a magical mishap (haven’t really put much thought into it, besides Link and Sidon messed with something unknowingly that should have been left alone), and even though it caused an internal crisis for the both of them (and King Dorephan by extension, because holy shit, he’s now a grandfather???), they loved their little blue pup greatly. 
2. His species inspiration here is the Orca aka Killer Whale (generically, though I took some inspiration from the Southern Resident Killer Whales). It skipped a generation since Sidon is obviously a Hammerhead shark, and came from his grandpa. So he is more mammalian then well, fish like in a sense.
2.1. Common consensus on that is that King Dorephan is likely based on the Blue Whale, which I agree with. Deceased Auntie Mipha is probably some sort of cetacean as well, probably a dolphin (my thought is Bottlenose Dolphin, to an extent). As to how Sidon is a Hammerhead then? He got it from his mom’s side of the family (which is filled in by an OC of mine, who is based on one of my most favorite and weird extinct fish of all time, the Dunkleosteus.) 
3. I again left an easter egg or two in the BG, though this time it is just implied creatures that live instead of being actually moving around in the background. Hints to the ones on the top: Wasn’t a dinosaur but a marine reptile, its name means “Near to Lizard” in greek, and was pretty common in the Jurassic period of our world. Hints to the ones on Bottom: Wasn’t a dinosaur but wasn’t a reptile either... It was a mammal that evolved long after the dinosaurs and such were gone despite its name meaning “King lizard”, it was a cetacean and had teeth, and was featured in a rather popular documentary series about prehistoric animals from BBC. :3c
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insaincat · 7 years
Feeling Zora AU
Link’s arc-
Link is thrown overboard during a particularly bad storm and beaches at a fairly small island. Little bit of trees, some food and wildlife, but mostly sand. He believes he’s alone, but within the span of one week, he is proven very wrong. 
A shark like creature, but with black eyes bellow its near crimson crown, watches him from afar. It feels like a horror movie. Like if he closed his eyes and opened them again, the creature would suddenly be closer with out making a sound. But no, despite actually falling alseep a few times, the thing didn't move closer. It takes awhile to get used to the feeling of being watched, but it does happen. 
After another week of this, Link has trouble getting food for himself. He had been surviving off the fruit of the island, but he was starting to lose energy. Catching a wild boar was not easy and left him exhausted. Fishing with a hand made spear had proven to be even harder the next day. And despite his failures, there was several beached dead fish where he usually lay, watching the sky. This happened several more times before he actually started to catch something, even though it was just a fish or two. Progress had been made. 
Oddly enough, the shark creature had disappeared and Link had to wonder if it had just been waiting for Link to attempt to swim out to get help. Well, it was too bad for Mr. Shark (thats what Link started calling him). Link doesn't know how to swim. That theory was thrown out the window when he was sitting on the island’s cliff and a red hammerhead nose, with black eyes bellow it, poked out of the water to look straight at him. 
If Link had the voice too, he would have screamed. Mr. Shark apparently saw his destress and backed off for the next few days. 
Even though Link didnt want to admit it, he was getting lonely and wished to talk to another, even just a bit. Was it the coconut named ‘Larry’ that gave it away? Or was it the point that he was doing the dumbest thing he could think of and attempt to contact Mr. Shark? Well, it worked. And Link learned that he was more than just a shark with eyes where it’s mouth should be. It was humanoid. And it seemed to be just as curious of Link, as Link was of it. 
Mr. Shark, at first, was shy to come near him, and Link was thankful for that. But they eventually started fishing together, and Link had taught Mr. Shark how to sign a bit, if only to ask if something was edible or not. Link soon found himself being held as Mr. Shark floated in the deeper parts of the ocean, with Link on it’s belly. This close, Link could see the speck of gold in those pitch black sclera. 
Sure, Mr. Shark was hiddous at first glance, with what his weird shark tail on his head, hammer head’s nose, two pairs of eyes, scars that flowed with the creature’s body, and what seemed to be a resting frown that held too many teeth to count. But Link quickly found that Mr. Shark wasn't scary at all. Dare he say he was handsome? No, that would be weird. If he started to think that then he was really in need of some mental help. 
By the end of two months, Link had learned how to swim well enough on his own, but Mr. Shark seemed to want to bury his face in Link’s stomach while he kept Link afloat and just want to exist there. Weird, and at first frightening, but he got used to it quick. It became almost relaxing to have him so close. 
Besides friendship, Link did not feel any sort of romantic feelings towards him. Nope. Definitely not. That would be really fucked up. And yet why he felt depressed when he finally returned home, thanks to a passing by ship, was beyond him. 
Despite being reunited with his sister and best friend, he just felt so lonely. Only when he found out why the fish was disappearing near the harbor, did Link find out why. Actually, no. He had to give credit to Zelda for this one. With out her Horror Movie style scream as she pointed to the ocean, he likely wouldn't have seen the familiar red crown and black eyes that watched them. 
Apparently Mr. Shark had followed the boat that Link was on. The poor thing probably thought he had been captured. And yet Mr. Shark refused to leave when Link told him to. 
Despite Mr. Shark’s incredible hiding skills for someone of his color and height, he had eventually been spotted a few times. Link and Zelda had been careful to cover their tracks when seeing him, but it was only a matter of time before his friend, that he totally did not kiss the other night, had been caught. 
Through bravery and sheer luck, both Link and Zelda had managed to get Mr. Shark out of Ganondorf’s cage. And despite all of the things they had been through, all the pain Ganon had put Mr. Shark under, the creature absolutely refused to leave. Only when Zelda, bless the woman, openly asked if he was waiting for Link did Mr. Shark give confirmation. 
Mr. Shark didn't just follow Link because he was worried, he wanted to be with Link regardless of the strong difference between their species and the point that he would be hunted down. He had risked his life just to be with him. Mr. Shark didn't give up, and Ganon didn't either. 
Only when Link was held at gunpoint by Ganon’s men, did Mr. Shark do something. He tore those men appart, broke their bones, and smash them to nothing. However, Ganon wasn't afraid, and soon, Mr. Shark was bleeding. 
Despite the bullet in Mr. Shark’s shoulder, he only stopped his rampage when Link’s life was once again threatened. But to his dear Sister’s credit, she had jumped the man with her infamous pepper spray. 
Every child knows the story of the three goddesses. It was the first and original version of ‘god’ that the christians know and love. And the three chosen ones, the holders of Power, Wisdom, and Courage, were the original Joseph, Mary, and Jesus Christ. And when the three powers combined, a wish to one could be given. Any wish could be granted by what was famously known as the Triforce. Why it was named that, historians could only guess. But it was a fairytale, nothing more, nothing less. 
It was that same thing that stopped their fighting. Zelda’s yanking of Ganondorf’s hair, Link’s biting, and Ganon struggling to keep ahold of Link as he attempted to get his gun back. All of that stopped and focused on the three golden objects before them. 
All but Mr. Shark, who seemed unaffected by this, as the creature pulled Link from Ganon’s grasp and started beating the man without mercy. Amazingly, Ganon managed to block some of his harder blows. And before anyone could react to Mr. Shark’s sudden attack, Link touched it first. By total accident, of coarse. When Mr. Shark had pulled him away, he had intentionally pushed Link out of reach so no one could get to him without going through Mr. Shark first. This did cause Link to stumble onto the floating object instead. 
And with blinding light fading, and a new necklace that rested on his collarbone, Link was no longer human. Instead he looked a bit like Mr. Shark, but much smaller. 
After Ganon’s defeat, nearly dead too, Mr. Shark returned to the ocean and Link said goodbye to his sister before the police arrived. Only in the water did he hear a new voice that came from everywhere, yet nowhere. Something smooth and deep, and it sturred a part of him wanted to reply back, to speak. Only when he found Mr. Shark again did he find who the voice was coming from. 
“Here, my love. By the way, as much as I love that name you gave me, you should know it’s actually Sidon.”
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LoZ AU: Races
Hylian: Native to the Hyrule Field area, they are the most widespread race. They possess pointed ears and a slight inclination toward magic. The goddess Hylia is said to have created the Godess Hylia in her image. They rule the land of Hyrule, and are very powerful.
Their appearances vary greatly. They can interbreed with Zora and Rito.
Zora: A race of fish like people, they rule the Zora’s Domain and have many outposts along the Zora River. They have a long tail like part of their head, and two fins that hang down the side of their face. These find vary greatly in appearance. It is not uncommon for a Zora king to develop a frog like look, or for a Zora Queen to grow skirt like fins. They can interbreed with Hylians and Humans. Their fins never stop growing. One Zora has head fins down to the knees and a head tail that trails on the floor.
The Zora are broken into two groups: the Ocean and River Zora. While they both can live in salt and freshwater, the ocean Zora have large fins on their legs in addition to their arms, as well as smaller head tails. The River Zora are generally a bit friendlier than the Ocean Zora. In addition, the Ocean zora have a darker coloration on their backs and a lighter coloration on their fronts. They also have hammerhead shark like protrusions on their heads.
Goron: a race of seemingly all male, rock eating rock looking people. They are completely resistant to lava, but they cannot swim. No one has ever seen a female goron, and the gorons themselves seem puzzled by any questions of that nature. However there are certainly baby gorons. The current Hylian hypothesis is that they reproduce by budding. They often seem to be friendly, but they are also somewhat cold and slow to trust. If one gains their friendship, they will stick with them forever.
Gerudo: a nearly exclusively all female race, they live in the harsh Gerudo Desert. A male is born every hundred years who will become their king. They were driven from the Gerudo Desert by a combination of drought, harsh storms, and displacement by the Hylians who seeked to build a prison called The Arbiter's Ground. They have since returned and rebuilt their old fortress. They are known as dangerous thieves and bandits. They will often marry Hylians or Humans.
While it is just a rumor, people say that another male Gerudo was born about fifteen years ago. If this is true, then the Gerudo will have a indisputable ruler, leading to more Gerudo tribes joining with the ones living at the Gerudo Fortress.
Rito: Half Hylian Half bird in looks, they are known for their wonderful art, high quality cold weather clothing, and the ability to produce a garment that allows one to soar through the skies like a bird. They have feathery hair and beak like mouths, as well as bird like legs. Born without wings, they grow them at about the age of twelve. When not in use, their wings fall like long sleeves from the elbow. Some operate an expensive but fast mail network. They are able to interbreed with Hylians and Humans, as well as Zora, but Zora/Rito tend to be either mostly Zora or Rito.
Rito from different areas have distinguishing traits, but most have red or yellow eyes, and hair that starts out brown and then turns a different lighter color similar to the main color of their wings, often white. Their hair lightens with age, and young Rito who have not yet grown their wings have completely brown hair.
In the Hebra Region, Rito tend to be a bit larger than those from other areas. They have a snowy coloration and much more fluffy feathers than those from other areas. In Eldin, they have reddish colored feathers. In Lanayru,  they have colors that make you think of a swamp, like dark browns and grassy greens. In the Gerudo Desert, they have lighter colors and are much more thin looking. In Necluda, they tend toward various earthy greens and browns, with occasional bits of red. In the Faron region, they are brightly colored. In Hyrule Field, their feathers have black tips and the rest is a variety of light colors.
Human: Humans hail from Ordon, a small village that is also the capital of the very small Ordona province. They look like hylians, but without pointed ears. They also tend to be a little more stocky. Ordona is known for its wonderful produce, in particular it's pumpkins. Ordona Goats are known for their circular horns and high quality milk. Humans are relatively uncommon outside of Ordona.
Sheikah: Generally found only in Kakariko village, many of them work as bodyguards and spies for the royal family of Hyrule. They are known for their white hair and red eyes.
Kokiri: said to live in the Lost Woods and to look like children, little is known about them.
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gexturesvaguely · 7 years
What would the zora version of Sidon's dicks look like? So it's actually 3 diFferent zora
SO basically how his dick would look?
I’d rather answer this on my NSFW blog, but I’ll let this one slide.
It depends on its subgenre.
I believe a Zora will most likely be influenced by the reproductive traits from whichever sea creature aspect given to them.
Sidon, for example, has shark traits, specifically from the hammerhead. We all know the beautiful fact that sharks have a pair instead of wielding one, though I like to think that the positions are rather vertical than horizontal. Its appearance would be similar to the shark, though it would be more flexible and hinted with a shade of pink. It’ll be easily lubricated and it’s always hidden in a sack hidden to the crotch area.
And the way they ask for courting (during their heat cycle. It also depends on the trait of animal species), they’ll follow the same exact pattern if they’re desperate, thus relying on their instincts than rational thinking.
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cyberrat · 7 years
This is Zora!Gabe anon, I meant that each Zora in BOTW has similarities to different sea creatures; Sidon is a hammerhead, King Dorephan is a while shark, Mipha is a dolphin, Muzu a stingray, etc. So I'd think that Hanzo would be a sea dragon like Zora. Or maybe a koi fish? ;P
Oh man I hadn’t even thought of them being different fishes, you’re right of course x3
oh that is a very interesting question tho... I feel like Koi would be so nice for Hanzo? I could see him as vain/docile enough to be just a pretty ornamental fish... but I could also see him being one of those fighting fish that look very pretty but have sharp/barbed fins?
so many possibilities...
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chainsawbettyloo · 7 years
avirhapsodos replied to your post: avirhapsodos replied to your post: ...
Most of the Zora in the Domain in BOTW actually have dolphin-type heads. Sidon and two other Zora are literally THE ONLY shark-types I’ve seen. There’s one or two stingray types but almost all the other Zora have dolphin heads.
Okay, I personally disagree as the majority of them look like sharks to me (tho I do agree on the stingrays) - Sidon kind of stands out because he looks like a hammerhead but all of them have shark like features. Also dolphins still have sharp teeth, tho...or at least, teeth you don’t want to put anywhere near a penis so the point still stands
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kin-drawings · 7 years
could you maybe draw me? i was a non canon Zora named Chera from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, i was dark blue with dark gray stripes and a little pearl spot on my head and tan skin. I had a fin and hammerhead shark-like crest (think kind of like Sidon's, but shorter and wider than his) , and my eyes were black with white pupils, and I had a zigzag scar under one of them, and a deep V scar in one of my ears
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nayrusfountain · 7 years
Simply Human
His raspy shaky breath caught in his throat, the sensation of pulling air into his refined lungs feeling completely alien to him... His body had shrunk, but that is the least of his worries...Pure white scales molted away as he shifts his appearance against his will, giving way to pale light skin. Every fin on his once shark like body completely phase out of existence, with nothing to replace them. He hesitantly look down at his shaky hands with wide startled eyes as his scales peel off of his fingers, sprinkling the metal floor like flakes of new fallen snow. The fingers shorten with the rest of him, and his blue claws cracked off as new, growing nails push them out forcefully in their place. He felt the sharp teeth in his mouth is all but gone now, instead there were blunted and squared, more suitable to grinding plant matter... Mikau wanted to scream, but his voice came out distorted and horribly wrong in his ears...Wait, what happen to his ears?! He reach to stroke where his dangling fin had been on the side of his head...now there were an elf like ear instead, twitching with a soft jingle as he gingerly felt them. As he did, he grew startled as he felt something soft and furry tickling his scaleless fingers, and he realize instantly that it was hair. His hair. He need not to be a rocket scientist to figure out that obvious trivia. Laughing cackle from all direction, mocking him as he dwell in his confusion. It was at the moment that panic overwhelm his rational thinking. With little regard of his new physical form, Mikau instinctively leaped into the pool of water in the lab, disappearing into its blue depths. He suck in the water through his mouth, and instantly regretted it. His eyes widen, wild with fear as his limbs kick and flail frantically, and muffle screams gurgle out of his mouth as the ex-Zora hurry back to the surface. His lungs scream angrily at him, cursing him for his foolish actions as the reality that his gills are gone ram him hard. An explosion of liquid crystals shatter into the air as he practically jump back onto the cold metal floor of the room. He flop heavily to the floor, trending water and heaving painfully as he heard the people laughing at him again. A puny blubbery creature came forward and tap his shoulder. It was grayish blue in color, with a round funny face, tiny polished pebbles for eyes, and a small dorsal fin on the back of its head with a grin that never shifts. It basically looks like a bipedal Irrawaddy Dolphin. When he glare up at her, she presented him with a mirror, her smile never leaving. Mikau angrily snatch the object out of her grasp and look into its reflective glass. What greeted him was the face of a man. Mikau's eyes grew in size and he nearly drop the mirror in his shock. His head was cover in white hair and side burns cascade in front of his ears, with strings and bangs casting shadows over his now cerulean eyes, rimmed with whites around the pools of blue. His skin tone is a pale light shade, and his inner ears had extended out of his skull in a slender elfin fashion. What in Nayru's name did they do to him...?! "How you like your new look Zora?" "Screw you," he spat, his voice dripping with venom. Oh how he wish he still had his claws, fangs and fins. Then he'll gladly rip each of their insides out and hang them with their own intestines! "Be nice, sharky!" she growl crazily, whipping out a surgical knife to his face. She wave it around as one would with their finger, eyeing the use to be Zora with the same unsettling grin. "Not what we wanted; you should've been dolphin like us, but its good enough! Next is your girly friend. She be a pretty mammal too!" "Touch her and I'll fu-!!" "Shut up fishy!" Slash! "Ah!" Mikau's head's forcefully slam against the floor, stunned as he try to make sense of what just occur. A warm liquid trickle down his cheek under his right blue eye, smearing his skin red. He reach with his fingers and pull back to see it was coated in a thin layer of blood as it continue cascading from his slashed cheek. A growl radiated from his throat, coming off as awkward and nonthreatening compare to a Zora's more animalistic noises. "You son of a..." "Son? You mean daughter," she giggled as she did a little dance, stroking the blood soaked blade nonchalantly. "You stupid shark! Always resorting to violence to solve your problems. 'Oh! I mad! Imma bite people and watch them bleed and die!' You so naughty! We trying to help you! Give you better life and purpose. That's what we're here to do; to correct Nayru's mistake and you came out beautifully. Be a good little human, and no bloodshed from me. Kay?" "Don't call me that! I'm a Zora! And don't say such garbage about my species. Who are you to play Goddess by meddling with her creation? Everything exist for a reason, and sharks are vital to the ecosystem to keep the ocean healthy. Stop spreading racial bullshit about sharks just because of your paranoia." "He has delusion. So sad...boo hoo!" The dolphin like thing gave a loving pet to his snow white hair before trotting happily over a frozen Lulu surrounded by more of the mammalian sea creatures. The Malletila Zora stare straight into his eyes, her voice caught in her throat as if trying to say something. The little dolphin creature stop in front of her with the same insane smile beaming from her rubbery face. "Hello!" "Hey..." Lulu murmur absently, adverting her gaze as a wave of cackling echo throughout the small lab. She cringe and gave a low hiss in response. The last thing she wants right now was to associate with these giggling freaks. "Hissy shark. Very hissy," the she dolphin tsked as she materialize a slender glass tablet in her hands from seemingly nowhere. It pulsed with radiating magic as holographic data file up on the touch screen. "Let's see your species' criminal status so we can fix you, shall we?" "Please don't. All I want to do is be with Mikau right now," muttered Lulu as she look back at Mikau. The poor male seems completely out of it despite his outbursts, trying to get up from his shaky knees as he topple over clumsily. "Nonsense! I need to gather vital information to further help you overcome your breed's psychopathic instincts. We're not trying to be mean at all. We just what you to be happy with yourself." "I do not need help!" Lulu yelled sternly, her beautiful fins flagging in anger as her fangs flash. She caught glimpse of Mikau's reaction, the ex-Zora perking considerably from his kneel position and his new elf like ears twitching to her voice. "Right...Now let's see here. Ah! The marvelous Malletila Zora; descendants of the Hammerhead line, the Sphyrnidae family. Habitats: Tropical waters! Yay! I mean no! That's bad! Anyway...Malletila Zoras are timid shark people and only mildly aggressive when disturbed, but attacks are extremely rare. That's good. Out of the 9 species only three had been known to attack people...Great, Smooth, and Scallop variants...Uh oh." "Oh no." Lulu backed away with a warning glare, aware that her Great Hammerhead lineage is going to get her in deep trouble. "It seems your kind is bit naughty," The freak chuckle deviously, getting uncomfortably close to Lulu's nose. Lulu had to resist the urge to strike her stupid round face away from hers. "What else do I have to say on your evil breed? The fact that you're all cannibals!? Ha! Hammerhead Sharks are known to eat their own pups; what are the chances of their Zoran equivalent preforming the same atrocity?" A crazy grin reveal the creature's sharp conical teeth. "And I bet you eat dolphins like us too..." Swoosh! "AIEEE!!!!" The beakless bipedal dolphin squeal bloody murder as a stream of blood splay out of her now shredded face, covering her wounds with her hands. She drop the frail tablet in her agonizing distress, the magical device shattering into thousands of tiny glass shards and magic bursting in a ball of hot white light. She topple to her side with hard thud, screeching in high pitched squeals not unlike her cetacean brethren. Lulu scramble to her flippers and leaped over the injured...thing....and dash over to Mikau's side, grabbing his arm as she help him to his feet. Her left clawed hand was soaked in glistening crimson, the crazy lady's blood. "Damn...The way you bury your claws into her fat face was satisfying," Mikau whistle as he stumble a bit, pleased to see the creature in pain. His weak legs felt like gelatin, bucking slightly as he fights to stand erect. Lulu allow him to fall into her soft pearly body, the welcoming coolness of her glassy scales easing his troubles. He saw his unfamiliar face reflecting off of her body, shuddering at the idea of being trap in this body forever. He couldn't bare to live like this for the rest of his life honestly. This boring, unimpressive terrestrial creature with an ego bigger then their fully develop brains; there is nothing more rewarding then being born a magically gifted Zora and ruling a magical world many would never dream of. He likes humans enough, for instance Kafei is one of his closest Hylian friends, and he loves hanging out with the Sheikah, his favorite breed for they share a lot in common with Zoran Heroes. But living as one? No thank you!   "Savages!" A male creature howl in fury, coal black eyes blazing. He has the face of a striped dolphin, beak and everything, and his humanoid body is mostly the color of moon frost streaked with rivers of silvers. He is also well build, smooth slick blubber that express a fair amount of muscles. Fairly good looking for someone that looks like he's wearing a goofy, black duck beak. The striped dolphin thing cast a hateful glare directly at Lulu, taking a menacing step towards the Zoran lovers while the rest of the mammal-things scramble for their non lethal weapons such as teasers as they help their downed comrade. "Naughty creature! Bad creature! How dare you mistreat my sweet Lianna, you feral fish brained brute! You need a big time out!" "Hey dumbass, maybe if your annoying girlfriend wasn't being a total b!tch and invading her personal privacy, and committed witch crafting to turn me into a human of sorts, she wouldn't had felt incline to cut her face up! The dumb chick was basically asking to be attacked by us 'savages' at that point. Piss off and leave us alone!" Mikau defended, getting ready take on the male as he stood before Lulu protectively. He tentatively usher Lulu to back up with him as he shield her from the crazed creature's seething glare, and the mob of the mutated beasts juggle over the pair in quick fleeting prances, surrounding them. Teasers and electric prods cackled dancing, explosive neon, their intelligent eyes glowing madly. For the first time in a long time, Mikau felt primal fear shallow his courage as he stood at their mercy, spreading his arms in vain attempt to protect Lulu. His newly refined heart thump heavily in his chest, knowing that as he is now he is no match to challenge these quick and crafty cetacean people. More likely, he will fall, and they'll have their sadistic ways. But he has to protect Lulu. No matter the cast. The dolphin man, blinded by his rage, unleashed an madden feral roar and charge straight into the couple screaming, "This is for Lianna!" "Kill!" Lianna hiss in an almost demonic way, a sadistic bloody grin exposing her rusted tainted teeth. She crane her neck back and laugh maniacally as the blood drizzle down her face. "Kill! Kill!" The air in the room soon echo with the word "kill" being repeated as the rest of the cetacean people chanted out the phrase with her. The dolphin man lunge for the fish folks, his neck outstretch as he intends to ram them with his hard beak. Mikau spring forth, diving under the enrage creature and swinging up into his stomach. The dolphin was violently jerked backward and and the two males roll and tumble across the metal flooring. The mammal spring to his flippers instantly and roar wildly as he leap over the ex-Zora for his female friend. Mikau quickly recover and swiftly swung his leg into the rampaging creature's ankle, causing the craze male to drop heavily to the floor. The dolphin grew angrier, and without warning spun around and propel himself to Mikau instead, his beak open to bite his assaulter. Mikau duck and roll out of harms way and the dolphin was met with a mouth full of air. Growling, unleashed a shrill high pitch squeal, and as if on command, the rest of the cetacean people rush for Lulu in a chorus of loud whistling and obnoxious chirps that sounds more like sick birds being butcher in the slaughter. "Mik!" Lulu cry as she swung her claws and sank her teeth into their blubbery skins, shaking her head wildly to twist the flesh beneath. She yelp and growl, turning and chasing after them as she snap and lash at the offending creatures. They jump at her with artificial shocks of their teasers or ram her with their iron hard beaks, pushing her forcefully into the wall as they dug their own teeth his her scaly skin. Creature after creature hammer her into the without letting her recover, only leaping back when she viciously rake their faces and tear chunks of blubber in between her wickedly sharp fangs. The metal began to indent as they bury her further and harder into the wall, laughing insanely as they listen to her squeals of distress. "No!" Mikau push himself forward as he rush to her rescue, but felt his frail body pinned painfully to the ground as the dolphin man trap him under his grasp. Mikau squirm desperately to break free of his iron grip, but his strength is too inferior in this form to properly fight back. "Release me you freak!" Out of nowhere, the scarlet coated face of Lianna suddenly pop into his view, blood still pouring out of her wounds at an alarming rate. Ugly claw marks plague her shimmering blue-grey face as the crimson liquid drench her chin and jaws, drooling from her mouth as she grin. "Beautiful boy. She is impure. Must be dealt with before she cause more bloodshed. After we beat her to bloody plump, we heal her with enlightenment and perfection. You will understand soon enough." "No! I don't care about this 'perfection' you speak of! Just let her go and keep me instead! Or I'll kill you both in cold blood if I have to." "You still dare to oppose me? After what we've done for you?" her male friend boom as he press down on the scrawny humanized shark. "You are a weak little human; a mistake in our experimental hexing ritual. The way you are now, you're only going to end up seriously hurt or dead. Give up already. Its not worth it." "I don't care. Lulu is special to me. I may have lost my previous body, but my Zoran spirit burns strong. I'll protect her even if it means I'll lose to you. Please let me fight for her. Its too painful to watch..." "And yet you think its fine to spread pain onto others? You think it wasn't painful for me to watch that wretch damage my mate's face? You vile creature! All of you sharks are the same! Only thinking of yourselves and expressing your sadistic, bloodthirsty nature onto other creatures. If anything, this is justice being serve! And what can you do as of now, you whelp? A weak, insignificant little insect that are humans? Until we send you to rehabilitation and preform better spells, you are nothing but a cockroach to us." Mikau stop struggling and look at his free hand, his arm twisted in an odd angle. A small noise came out of his mouth, his gaze anything but happy. No blue claws or winter scales, but in their place weak nails and soft skin which is useless in relation to the situation. The hurting is much more evident as a human, whereas his Zoran self have a higher tolerance to pain, being of a fighting breed. But above all that, he felt an unfamiliar weight to him, and he knew that it was because his skeleton had trade cartilage for bone, which is denser... A spark flew through his cerulean gaze, and as he glance up to notice the pair giggling giddily to themselves as they watch Lulu kick out at one of their demented friends. The cheerful Malletila Zora is no push over; she'll valiantly fight back if she has to and this is clear as day as she grab hold of another dolphin creature in her claws and struck her hammerhead skull against its crown (a weapon often use by her breed.) The humanoid animal squeal as it tumble back holding its forehead, and Lulu gradually pull herself from the dented wall and pants at the now wary cetacean people. After dealing a decent round of punishment to them despite their frequent attacks, Lulu manage to give the mammals second thoughts of blindly charging her. Many of them bled from deep cuts and gashes across their faces and adornment, some were even limping or whimpering. They whistle to each other, clicking out various tones in their strange language. The stripe dolphin holding the ex-Zora down beam, chirping to Lianna as he directed his authority to the pod. "Don't be discourage my friends. She's just one mindless shark while you're an army of highly intellectual beings. Give her your worst." "Yes please," sang Lianna playfully, eager to see the female Zora suffer. 'Now's my chance,' Mikau mentally said. In a flash of a second, he thrust his finless arm backward towards the man holding him captive. His elbow dug into the stripe dolphin's stomach, the bones providing extract force to the impact. The sea mammal gasp in shock and release his hold on Mikau, rolling on to his side in pain. Lianna screech in disbelief and anger, lunging for the white haired human. Mikau duck and sprinted towards Lulu, pushing past the startle creatures as they whine and squeal. Lulu's heart flutter with joy as she open her arms. Mikau jump into her welcoming embrace and nuzzle into her chest, the female Zora spinning him around in their brief moment of bliss together Its funny being the one to be lifted off his feet like this when it had always the other way around, being naturally taller then her (Sylovaakiens are normally a towering 12 ft while Malletilas are 8 to 9 ft, dwarf by the former.) He gave her a quick satisfying peck on the lips before being set back down by her, turning their sights on the boiling rage building up within the cetacean pair. They have little time to rejoice, for they must find a means of escape. Lianna nuzzle her partner, squeaking softly as he dwell in his agony. She turn her hateful eyes back to the Zoran couple, bouncing up and down immaturely. "No fair! You cheat! You dummy dumb dumbs! Now you leave me no choice! I'm going to unleash my super ultra sonic means of wavy doom! Prepare to beeee....nullified!" Mikau and Lulu back away, this time with Lulu standing protectively over her boyfriend's small frame. They had an idea what this "super ultra sonic means of wavy doom" actually is. Cetacean are famous for their echolocation, and they had seem some use it as weapons against shark firsthand...Its most likely how they ended up in these guys' clutches; one moment an awkward face to face confrontation with this psycho specifically while minding their business, and the next thing they knew they woke up with major headaches in their cold lab. The room around once again rang with laughter, and the chorus gradually grew in volume as the beakless female's eyes grew wilder and dark. Suddenly the only door to the room slid open, and a larger dolphin man waded through but stop and blink by the doorway. He looks like a bipedal orca, sharing the coloration and dorsal fin on his back. He stand 14 ft tall, very imposing looking. Unlike the smaller abominations, he seems to be mentally stable as his bronze eyes held a calm and relax demeanor despite his surprise. When he spoke, a row of sharp tawny gold teeth neatly line his mouth, and a spotted tongue lays within. "Lianna, Nixon, what is the meaning of this? This isn't right! You're not suppose to torture our guests! We're here to help them reach a new positive life through healthy means. How would they accept our society with open arms if you treat them so poorly?" The room seem to grow eerily silent. Lulu and Mikau watch as the cetacean people stood there, as if realizing their blindsided mistake. However, they dwell little on the creatures' thought process for they practically flew for the open doorway without a moment's hesitation. They swift darted past the orca and race down the hallway, pressing faster and faster against the hard metallic floor. They ran so fast that their feet barely touch the ground as they merge into a fleeting blur for random cetacean scatter around the facility. Mikau pants as he try his best not to leave Lulu behind, knowing how clumsy of runners Zoras make. As a human, Mikau's feet gain more traction, allowing him to sprint faster then he ever have in his life on land. A rush of icy air suddenly chilled them to their cores, but they press on running, never looking back. They blaze through the snow, slipping through the ice as flakes of frigid breath of winter sheered their faces, but still they ran. They ran and ran, never stopping, never turning. They just blasted through the dark blue woods, startling animals into hiding as they rain through shimmering threads of beautiful frozen dewdrops draping like delicate curtains from the branches. Blue fairies lit the forest as they cluster the crusty shrubs and treetops like fireflies, lighting their way through the night. The glow of the city beam from the distant valley, its Clock Tower emitting a beacon for all who lost their way... *** Mikau and Lulu finally slow to a brisk trot as they trudge down the icy street of a well off neighborhood, the streetlights stretching their shadows as they pass by. The shine of their brightness reflected off the slick black ice that froze over the sidewalk they roam on, causing the pair to slip and slide as they continue marching on. Many of the houses were fairly lit, and plumes of fluffy smoke rose from the chimneys indicating the inviting warmth of the indoors. Decorations for the upcoming holidays grace the houses in bushy greens, ribbon reds, and blinking colors as tiny lights strewn across the windows and hangs from roofs and porches. Snowmen would occasionally greet the pair as they past by the yards, and once in a while a dog could be heard barking into the night. One of the Moons shone crisply like a silver sickle in the black, smoky sky, faith glimmers of stars seen twinkling beyond the flurries next to it. Mikau lag behind as he struggle to keep himself warm, hugging himself feebly as his breath converted into frost laced crystals. The only protection he wore was a old trashy t-shirt with cartoonish dolphins on it and tight, ripped sweatpants the cetacean gave him at some point, mostly after his transformation when he was still knocked out. It looks like something they just dug out of the trash so they can cover his exposed dignity, but honestly he wouldn't be surprise as that is mostly the case base given its appalling smell. Lulu meanwhile didn't seem bothered by the cold, her scales insulating some heat during the sunny day to keep her mildly comfortable. She look back at the under dress human, concern laced in her facial features as she confronts her friend. "Oh Mikau, just hold on a little longer. We're almost at Kafei's house. He'll know what to do." "I-I hope so..." Mikau murmur as he cast his eyes to his buckling knees, ready to to drop from the cold and exhaustion. He cough hoarsely, rubbing his throat in pain. "I'll get hypothermia if-if I don't t-t-turn back to my Zoran self. I don't want to be a human forever." "Don't be so rough on your appearance." She giving him a soft hug. She pet his soft hair as she continues. "I think you're cute as a little human." "Babe, you find everything cute...N-not that I blame you." "I mean it though. You're quite the looker as a tiny person. You're adorable!" "Oh Lu," Mikau sigh as he bury into her, half for warmth, half out of affection. There is truly no other girl in the world that he rather be with then with his mate. But in midst of their embrace, he something was off with Lulu, an eerie silence falling on her as her eyes grew dark and concern. "Lulu? What's wrong? You're not hurting from the attack are you?" "Mikau," Lulu breathe, trying to muster up her courage as she carry on. "When I was being ram into the wall of the laboratory, I heard it; I heard the yells and cries of distress Zoras on the other side." "What?" Mikau pull away from her with such a bewildered expression, such surprise as it flash across his blue eyes. Worry soon wash over him. "Are you sure there were others?" Lulu quickly nodded. "Yes. I heard them yelling and squealing from their side. They said things like 'Another one?!' They're torturing her!' 'Leave her alone you warm blooded freaks!' But what really caught my ears were these one sentences; 'How many innocent shark Zoras in Termina are they going to kidnap and turn into dolphin people? They need to understand that our kind matters just as much as any stupid sea mammal!' Mik, there were more Zoras then just the two of us back there. They are all shark Zoras like us, I knew this much by that last quote. They're trying to erase sharks off the earth by replacing them with their own kind." "Oh Goddesses...Its coming back to me. Sharks and dolphins had been mortal enemies since the beginning of time. The instinctual hatred must've carry over in the cetacean people's own evolution line. That's why they were so eager to put us through their little experiment against our will. They want to 'fix' us to avoid competition. Paranoid freaks. I never thought I'd hate a group of dolphins this much, especially since the ones in our oceans had coexisted peacefully with domestic sharks. We can live in harmony if they just give us the chance." "Sadly, they are too blinded by their mammalian superiority complex to care. They see fish as unintelligent and lacking of any real feelings. They'll only continued committing these unspeakable crimes as they come in contact and collect more breeds of shark Zoras." "All the more reason to find Kafei and turn me back then. I'll give them a good asswhipping and serve them to our pet sharks. Come on. Let's find Kafei' house." *** Kafei lean back comfortably in his couch as he read his book, the fire crackling and popping softly in front of him. Sprinkle of glistening snow flutter down from the outside world beyond the foggy window next to him, the lights from houses across from his barely pouring into his living room. He bundle himself with a velvety raspberry robe that match his plush carpet. The golden flames before him danced and licked briskly at the protective barrier of the fireplace as the sparks and embers glowed with an alien hue. By his bunny slippered feet was a Keaton, resting quietly on the rug as it snore. It had its head on its paws, its face masked with a peaceful expression as is side breathes steady, its fluffy tails curled around its body like a blanket. Kafei's mother was understandably never keen on allowing wild animals into the house for safety concern like diseases or attacking, always telling her son to respect their space and admire them from their backyard. The large yard borders a small wooded area where Clock Town's domestic animal and Pokemon residents (smuggle into the realm for illegal pet trades) likes to hang out with their wilder counterparts. Wild critters would pop up on their property all the time through a hole in the fence his father fail to fix up, and his mommy was quite stern when she wants minimal interacting between him and "vermin". But despite her warnings that doesn't stop him from sneaking his little "pet" in when they weren't around. He known the Keaton for years, remembering when the curious fox approach him and Anju during a festival as he wore the Keaton mask. Obviously it was smitten with him for that reason and began a series of it following him around and asking for attention. He started to feed and play with it, and the two had share a strong bond since. A knock on the door pulled him out of the novel he was reading, and he saw his Keaton sleepily raise its head, its eyes still close as it whimper quietly to itself. Just when he was in the most suspenseful part of the plot too! Annoyed with the abrupt interruption, Kafei speed walk over to the door and try not to glare into the peephole. When he comprehend who was standing outside, cover in shimmering scales that brim like opal, he felt his heart skip a beat and butterflies crashing blindly in his stomach. Immediately he undid the padlock and nearly swung the door open. And swirl of powdery snow wisp into the warm house, chilling his skin as it yank his robe back forcefully, revealing an Indigo-Go's boxers that he wore. Kafei squeal like a startled puppy as he try to hurriedly cover himself, his blood red eyes wide as he smile stupidly in his visitor's direction. Lulu held her hand to her as she struggle to surpass her giggle, watching the little elf eared human quickly cover himself as his face grew a hot red. She felt Mikau huddling up to her, peering into the tempting warmth of his house with a longing expression. Lulu clear her throat. "Oh Kafei! Let's ignore that little moment and get to the point. Can we come in?" "Sure!" nodded Kafei with a bright smile. "Anything for a frie-" His crimson sights landed on the under dress person latch onto her silky smooth frame, the man shivering so violently he could hear his teeth clattering. The poor...Hylian? Sheikah?...had frost lacing his snowy white hair, and his skin had turn pale with a tinge of blue from the cold. "Oh my Goddesses Lulu! Who's this sad bloke? And is he poorly dressed in this weather?" "I-its a l-l-long story," Mikau murmur, struggling to speak as his throat became scratchy and irritated. "Wait, Mikau?!" Kafei blink as he step back in shock, his eyes suddenly wild as he recognize his voice. The only thing different was that it lacked the elegant aquatic trill of a Zora. "What the hell-?" "Y-yes, We know. Looong s-st-story. Please let us in already. I'm dying out here. My ass is freezing off!" "Yep, that's Mikau all right," Kafei commented half humorously as he allow the two into his house. Lulu picked up Mikau and carry him in as Kafei locked the door behind them. In the position he is in now, Mikau felt both embarrass for being whisk around like a little pet. The last time he was carry around like this was several years ago, and before that was roughly a decade ago. It was Darmani who had carry him that last time in response to the daredevil Zora having twisted his ankle after skiing down Snowhead. The Goron had to struggle across the mountain just to get his scaly rear to the nearest hospital. Now, here he is, being cradle like a newborn tadpole as Lulu snuggle him in her arms. She keeps saying things like "Who makes a cute little human? You! You're so cute!" and pet names. Zoras sometimes see humans as pets, and vice versa. Though humans tend to be sensitive with being called animals even if that makes zero sense since they ARE animals like Zoras, though not in the same sense as his fish brethren. Lulu rub her nose against his, and Mikau remember that his electro-sensitivity, a trait unique to sharks of all kind, was no more. He no longer felt the tingling sensation that he pleasures when Lulu and him rub their sensitive noses together. But that didn't stop him from closing his eyes with and trying to purr in delight. He nuzzle into the nape of her neck, curling into a ball as he try to take in the warmth of the living room. Lulu's fins were wrap around him protectively, trying to provide extra warmth as she scooted onto the couch. She carefully lay Mikau on the cushion, stroking his velvety hair as she cuddle onto him. Kafei trotted over the the next room over and quickly reappear with a bundle of blankets in his arms. He usher the female away and cover the humanized Zora under the thick soft covers. Mikau breathe a sigh of relief and duck his head underneath, disappearing completely as he shuffle to absorb its warmth and get comfortable. "Thanks pal," he smiled, satisfied with the comforting blankets as the fire slowly heat him up. He bundle himself up and nuzzle into its cozy embrace blowing playfully at the little Keaton as it came to inspect him. The golden three tailed fox whine happily and it gave him quick licks with a tiny pink tongue as the ex-Zora tickle its cheeks. "No problem. But I have so many questions regarding your little....er..." "Transformation?" The couple both quoted in unison. "Yeah, that. I mean-What the freaking hell? How and why did you become human?" "There was an unusual incident that occurred today," Lulu began as she stroke Mikau's head. "We were 'invited' to participate in a program geared towards Zoras, specifically those of the shark family. Turns out we were abducted to be part of some bizarre experiment to turn us into bipedal sea mammals." Kafei's crimson eyes grew large and held his hand up to briefly silence her. "Wait a minute. Bipedal sea mammals? Were those the freaky things that pop up in Clock Town a few week ago? Nobody would shut up about these humanoid animals since." "Y-yeah. And they're freaking obnoxious," Mikau growl as he was reminded of the dolphin people's unholy existence. "What do you know 'bout them?" "I'll tell you what I know. They are not native here in Termina. In fact the marine biologist Dr. Mizumi found out that they came from the distant seas of a country called Holodrum, which is in another dimension altogether. Apparently there are no Zoras there, and they rule as the dominate species of their ocean domain unopposed. Ever since they found a way to Termina, Zoras had been disappearing left and right at an alarming rate, all who are shark Zoras like you guys. I keep hearing it on the news and work. Many Zoras are on edge because of those creatures." "Another dimension? You've got to be kidding me..." Mikau groan inwardly. "And in an effort to turn me into one of them, the stupid female creature read the wrong spell book and turn me into a defenseless little person instead. If they're going to turn Zoras into members of their own races, at least be competent enough to do their job. Like really. I don't even know what breed of elf-eared human am I. There's Gerudo, Sheikah, Hylian, Lokomo, Cobble and Twili. Obviously Twili are out of the picture since they evolved separately from the main branch and are radically different from any other members of your species to the point they look like aliens. I don't have the sunburned color of a Gerudo, so that's ruled out too. Maybe I'm a Sheikah given the hair? They do traditionally have white and blond hair after all." "No, you're just a Hylian," Kafei said as he point in the direction of Mikau's newly develop ears. "You see, elfin humans have slight variants of our pointed ears depending on the race. Though because of its minor alteration, it is not noticeable among regular humans and non-humans like you guys unless you really look at them. Hylians have slightly broader ears, while Sheikah ears are slender. To make my next statement really count, all Sheikah have blood red eyes. It is a specific trait that only exist among Sheikah and Sheikah hybrids. Its what defines us as the Shadow Folks." He finished off with a gesture to his own almond shaped eyes, the blood coloration betraying his lineage as a descendant of the ninja people. His grandmother from his father's side was a pure blooded Sheikah, and thus Kafei had inherited the traditional eye genetics of her people. Though he still has more qualities of a Hylian then a Sheikah.     "Aw, that's kinda disappointing. Sheikah are my favorite because they remind me of my own species in so many ways. We share some things in common, and it gives me even more of an excuse to kick those freaks' blubbery asses in the most epic moveset imaginable. Not that there's anything wrong with Hylians." "No problem. I recon that since you obviously had a bad day, you want to get back at those guys and turn back into a Zora?" "We both want to get back at them," Lulu nodded. "With the knowledge we learned, Mikau and I agree that with the combine forces of the authorities we shall avenge our fellow Zoras and punish those giggling lunatics harshly. But at the state he's in now, Mikau cannot take them on. He has no defenses, and can easily be overpowered by the much larger dolphin folk. And you know how Mikau is not one to sit back in a fight. That and he is getting sick from the cold. We were hoping you know of a way to turn him back to normal. You are very savvy with how to solve other people's problems." Kafei click his tongue, ruffling the fur of his Keaton as it nudge his hand with its snout. "Well lucky you, this race change, magic or not, is completely reversible, so you're in luck. However there is only one person that I know that has the power to change you back...and I don't think you'll like the concept of the idea very much." "Who is it? I'm willing to meet them if it means turning back into a Zora again," Mikau said with a cough, getting annoyed at the feeble state he's plunging into. Kafei seem to hesitate, then, in a meek voice utter the following. "The Great Fairy of North Clock Town." ... ... ...Silence... "Oh! Um of coarse," Lulu laugh awkwardly, looking at Mikau's direction. His face was a mixture of complete horror and disgust. She never seen such lively expressions on his face before, all thanks to his Hylian transformation which allows his emotions to be that much clearer. "No way. I think I can get use to a human lifestyle instead. Being a human is suddenly not so bad." "Oh come on guys! I know she's famous for being a little...suggestive...flirty and maybe overly skimpy...but she can really help you regain your true form back. Don't you want to be a Zora again? You ALWAYS boast how amazing Zoras are and how proud you are to be born as one. Besides you can't stay like that forever. What about your lifestyle as a musician? Your career and millions of adoring fans? You're a Zora! Think of your friends waiting for you back at sea. Think of Lulu. You can't have any of this looking like that." Mikau took a longing look to Lulu at the mention of her name. Their eyes met, and he knew deep inside that he want nothing more then to be by her side for an eternity and more. Those beautiful, haunting orbs of magenta shining against her pearly white body. The lilac/indigo tinge of her crown and rims of her wing-like fins. Her curvy hourglass frame. The glittering scales that gleam like opal in the light of the fire. She is the definition of perfection and he knew that life would be hard living away from her. He needs her, and he knew that she needed him too. They were more then mere band mates. They were more then simply mates... "You're right. I need to get my form back not only for the ass kicking I'll commit upon those ocean rejects, but for the sake of my friends. When should we go to the see her?" "Tomorrow," Kafei answered pointing his finger to the clock mounted onto the fireplace. The time signified 10:00 pm, a little late to go out and about especially at this time of year. "The snow's set to settle sometime in the night, and the roads should be plowed by the time we head out. I know you're a little ill, but I already been told by my parents to watch over the house for the weekend while they are away, and too not invite people over. I promise though her shrine is in the park only a couple blocks from here. We should arrive there in a few minutes of foot." "Well I guess we're stuck here for the night huh?" Mikau said as he smile at Lulu. She smirk softly, bopping his nose with her own yet again. "I suppose so," confirm Kafei warmly. "My mom and dad won't be coming back til Monday morning. But I don't mind having company tonight; they don't have to know anyway. I was getting a little lonely today and was thinking of inviting Anju tomorrow. I'm glad you guys decided to stop by, though I know for a fact you two must be tire from your little adventure. There's a guest room that you can use tonight. Its down the hall to the left of the stairs." "Thank you Kafei," Lulu bowed politely, picking Mikau up in her arms. He felt heavier with the thick bundles wrapping around his weak frame, but she did not mind. Kafei got up and escorted them to their temporary room, his Keaton padding along besides him. The travel through the dining room and past the stairs where they came across a lovely little bedroom inviting them in. Lulu set Mikau down and brush his hair away from his eyes, planting a soft kiss to his forehead. Never had she kissed a human before, and his skin felt so... Soft and tender. "If you need anything, give me a call ok? In the meantime I'll prepare some nourishing soup for Mikau's cold and a nice batch of milkberry tea." Kafei quoted and the pair nodded delightfully. He smile as he quietly shut the door, and his muffle footstep journey to the kitchen in preparation of the beverages. Mikau invited Lulu to lay next to him, patting on the open space on the queen sized bed. She gladly crawl in and they curl into each other's arms closing their eyes. Mikau felt so much better knowing that Lulu is with him. Even as a human, he knows that their future will remain bright and positive for years to come. The hardships they endure had only strengthen their spiritual bond for each other, and now, as he awaits the arrival of Din's Dawn to smite Nayu's Night, his human heart thump against her beating chest. And he sigh as he drifted off in her embrace. Beating an unbreakable musical rhythm. Between human and Zora.
Oh my gosh I’m sorry this came so freaking late. But I had no choice but to write a Fanfiction out of the blue because the prompt for that day was "human" and trust me my human drawing skills is atrocious to say the least. I had to write something instead, and I just made up this ridiculous story as I went along. I remember reading a Ratchet and Clank story long ago in which Ratchet woke up as human instead of a Lombax and was deeply confused. That became my inspiration and it help me get through this story. I wanted Mikau to go through a similar thing by waking up as a Hylian rather then a simple alternate universe where the characters are just randomly humans. I think it fits better in terms of the Zelda universe. Spoilers!: If Zelda can turn into a Sheikah with magic, why not expand upon the race changing concept? 
Hope you don’t mind!  
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