#one thing abt is i love turning things into skirts.
loverofallthingssmart · 10 months
exactly t minus 12 hours till barbie and i JUST finished my outfit
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lucidfairies · 6 months
science class [e.w]
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pairing: loser!ellie x cheerleader!reader
summary: when a new cheerleader arrives at ellie's college, face all dolled up and skirt-clad hips swaying, she all but wants to die.
warnings: smut, 18+ mdni, poc friendly, smoking, bottom!ellie, dom!fem!reader, tribbing, cunnilingus, nipple play, sorta thigh riding, overstim ‼️, ellie comes like five times
wc: 3.6k
top notes: I like accidentally made ellie sort of autistic but it's not my fault okay. also when I was writing this I was thinking abt how if this was a novel the reader would be black but I'm white so idk if I can like write that without like getting something wrong but sorry anyway
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sometimes ellie wished she was blind. she wished that she couldn't see pretty girls, because maybe then she wouldn't fall in love with everybody. especially you.
she was two weeks into her sophomore year of college when you showed up. immediately blinded by your beauty, she almost tripped down the hallway as you walked past, in a short little skirt, and a white shirt. your ponytail flicked as you walked by, meeting up with someone you knew already.
she knew she was fucked.
when she arrived at her class, she was astounded to see that you were sitting in the seat next to hers, chewing gum and typing on your computer with cute blue light glasses on. like it was nothing. like her world wasn't crashing down in front of her.
standing in the corner of the lecture room, she debated moving seats. there were plenty of open ones, but you chose the one next to her? how was she supposed to survive this class with a pretty girl next to her, observing everything she does?
the answer is, she wasn't going to.
she was simply going to perish from the sight of you, from being in your presence, because she certainly didn't deserve to be and-
"ellie, would you please sit down? you're creeping me out." her teacher said, and she shifted nervously, then sped to her seat with her gaze trained at the floor. "okay, let's dive in, shall we?"
and the lecture continued. like you weren't right there. she couldn't understand why everyone in the world wasn't looking at you right now, absolutely entrancing, the way you took cute aesthetic notes and reapplied your shiny clear lip gloss.
"ellie?" you said, hoping she truly answered to that. she turned, meeting your eyes with a nervous smile and rosey red cheeks. "hi. I'm y/n. I just wanted to tell you that I like your sweatshirt."
it was a ratty old thing that joel had given her years ago, with a faded queens logo and a hole in the armpit that she had to sew back together every time she washed the poor hoodie.
"it's nice to meet you," she said quietly, tucking back a piece of hair that had fallen into her face. she realized how strange she must've looked and stopped quickly, "my dad gave it to me when I was like 11. I've had it forever."
you giggled. you just fucking.. giggled. "you aren't one of those people who just wears it because it's cool though, right?" ellie shook her head violently.
"no, I love their music. I wish I was born in the eightees so I could've listened to them live and.. yeah. I really like them." she turned away from you ever so slightly, nervously over talking and terrified that she was embarrassing herself.
"hey, you're good. I wish I was too. my favorite song is probably back chat, but keep yourself alive is a close second. how about you?" and you let this loser girl next to you talk. and talk. and talk.
ellie didn't know that you were intrigued by her demeanor in every way. from the stickers on her lap top to the patches on her backpack, every detail about her you noticed. you observed the way she warmed up to people and let you strike up a conversation with her about anything once you knew her. and it was... cute. really fucking adorable.
ellie's life only got a million times harder after that. to add to her series of neverending death sentences, she now had to see you in your perfect makeup and effortless outfits everyday. instead of just showing up to class, you insisted on talking to ellie. about everything. cheer, your friends, some dude that was hitting on you.
and on top of that? she saw you in the hallways, or on campus and you smiled. waved, even. some days you even talked to her. in public. you weren't afraid to be friends with her. and though she had jesse and dina, she still had very little social experience, and you were like a breath of fresh air.
on a chilly wednesday afternoon, ellie was walking to the building that your class had been in, and caught a glance of some other lesbian couple on campus. that settled it. she was going to ask for your number today, it wasn't like she was proposing marriage. just something simple. easy.
"can I have your number?" she interrupted you mid-sentence. and you smiled. of course you fucking smiled. she prepared herself for the notorious rejection, after hearing rumors of you rejecting everyone that came up to you and asked for your socials we. she wasn't just anyone, though.
"duh, you only took forever to ask." ellie was frozen in place. had you wanted her to ask? couldn't you have asked for hers? but before she could overthink too much, you were shoving your phone in her face and ellie was putting her number in. "anyway, as I was saying.."
ellie tuned out what you were saying, purely by accident. there were too many big events going on in her life for her poor brain to handle. the love of her life just agreed to give her their number, and she was plotting her route to dina's dorm as quickly as possible to tell her everything.
"holy shit dina," she huffed, running her hands through her hair. "I asked for her number so she gave it to me, and we talked! dina, we talked. about things. I already have our life planned out. we're gonna have two kids and a dog, she'll be a stay at home mom, because I'll do everything for her. I would kill for this girl, dina." dina was unimpressed.
"you are such a loser, els. has anyone told you that before?" she wasn't a loser, she was just incredibly and obsessively in love with you. ellie rolled her eyes. "I say make a move. you never know what could come of it."
"I can't," she sighed, trying to find words. "I can't just make a move, what if she doesn't like me? what if she thinks I'm weird?" she frowned.
"you are weird. if she doesn't like you like that, then fuck her. maybe start with being friends?" ellie nodded. she thought you guys were already friends, but technically you never hung out outside of class, and you hadn't really texted that much (she got your number today, but that hardly mattered).
"should I invite her to jesse's on friday?" dina rubbed the back of her neck. jesse was in a frat, one of the largest on campus that had absolutely wild parties on the weekends, which weren't exactly the best place for first dates. but to ellie... smoking and drinking around hot people in a random basement? amazing.
"if you think she's into that, I'm not gonna stop you." ellie was up and out of dina's apartment quickly, biking back to the dorms and planning out everything that was going to happen on friday.
- - -
in ellie's defense, she overslept. she wasn't thinking much about grabbing a jacket when she was already going to be ten minutes late, so when she stopped outside and the cool air hit her like a brick, she was less than prepared. but it hardly mattered. today was the day she was going to invite you to jesse's party, so her stupid jacket was like a blip on her radar.
"ellie, you're turning blue." you said, once ellie stumbled into her seat next to you. she was in nothing but a loose fitting tee-shirt and jeans, nothing to protect her petite figure. you hadn't noticed before how toned her arms were, but you certainly did now.
"I'm fine, it-it-it's not that cold." her teeth chattered as she stealthy tried to rub her hands over her arms to create friction.
"ellie, baby, I have an extra sweatshirt," you giggled when her eyes widened, grabbing the sweatshirt and handing it to her. "wash it and return it to me whenever." it was a bland black sweatshirt, but it matched your outfit, and you were more than happy to give it to ellie.
ellie who was most definitely going to pass out. she was probably just cold. it wasn't because she could smell your perfume on your hoodie that you just handed her. like it was nothing. she was going to fall out of her chair, onto the floor, and die.
"thanks," she pulled it over her head and sunk into it. "I'll give it back next class- what are you doing on friday?" she tried to get her thoughts straight while you looked at her with an adorable smile.
"I'm actually packing up and leaving, I dropped out," ellie's face fell, "oh ellie you're face," you laughed hard, and her expression softened. "but I'm not doing anything. why? wanna ask me out?" ellie was definitely blushing hard.
"my friend jesse is having a party at his frat on friday, do you.. do you maybe wanna go?" you tilted your head and looked away, as if you actually needed to think about it.
"hm, I guess I can fit that into my schedule." ellie released the breath she was holding and looked down at her hands for a moment before meeting your eyes again.
"uh that's great. it's kappa alpha, at nine. I would pick you up but I don't have a car,"
"how about I pick you up? what's your dorm number?" ellie texted you all the details, and it was settled. you were going on a date. together. in two days, and you were driving. ellie was on cloud nine- not even, cloud fucking ten.
- - -
"hey els," you giggled as she opened her dorm door. "oh, you look so cute! I'm definitely stealing this from you." you pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and messed with the corner of her collar, attached to a red flannel.
"oh thanks... it's yours if you want it." you knew if you asked she wouldn't ever have you give it back, maybe even give it to you right now. she stepped out of her room and shut the door, then followed you down the hallway.
"so who's this jesse kid? I hear a lot about him." you asked, turning on the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. the frat was on the other side of campus and ellie planned on walking? laughable.
"I really don't know him that well, he's dating my friend dina. he's a big stoner, but he's not super into the party scene. just goes 'cause the frat does." her eyes were trained out the window, not because she didn't want to listen to you, but because she was insatiably nervous.
"nice, nice." you paused for a moment. "are we gonna dance together or what? gonna save me a slow dance?" the tips of ellie's ears turned red.
"because I have such a roster." she joked, rolling her eyes. she would save every dance for you.
"perfect. is jesse's weed good?" she shrugged.
"it's okay. not as good as mine, and his plug is kinda shitty. whatever, it works. we're here." you pulled the car to a stop against the curb, in awe at how many people were coming in and out of the house.
ellie desperately needed to get high. maybe then she could talk to you like a normal person, not like she was trying to brush you off. when she found jesse, he was talking to dina and brushed her off. with a groan, she turned to find some other seller.
you were talking to someone, pretending not to pay attention to ellie skittering around the house talking to people she knew. maybe she wasn't as much of a loser as you thought, or maybe she was just a stoner. one of them. either way, she kept disappearing, but when you finally found her again, she was sitting on a couch, joint hanging from her lips as she talked with some friends.
"els," you fell next to her, taking the joint out of her mouth and taking a hit. "we should play beer pong." you suggested, smiling at her the way she liked.
"we were just talking about that," dina cut in, "me and jesse will play with you guys, won't we jes?" he turned back towards the three of you, dazed and a little confused. "that's a yes." ellie was burning lasers into dina, who was standing.
one of the tables was empty, and the group immediately moved to occupy it. you took your place next to ellie, teaming up with dina who was smirking at the end of the table. "you go first," you handed ellie the small white ball.
ellie was skilled, that's for sure. she made almost every single point, which had jesse drinking until he couldn't see straight. she was trying so hard not to focus on the way your bicep brushed against hers, and the way you giggled whenever you made a point. it just wasn't fair. none of this was fair.
"I definitely won." ellie said, as you made your way back inside. "you had, like, two drinks, max. I had jesse drinking for miles." you could tell she was on something now, the way she grinned and made eye contact and jokes were far from her usual character.
"don't you owe me a dance?" your hand locked with hers as you gently pulled her in the direction of where most people were dancing. you lifted her arm and spun her, pulling her back against your front by her hips.
ellie surely wasn't breathing. she was sure that she had died from alcohol consumption, or maybe someone stabbed her, and she was dead, in heaven. or a fever dream in a coma. there was no way in hell -in hell- that you were swaying your hips against her ass, cunt so fucking close to where she desperately needed you.
"this is fun, don'tcha think, ellie?" you whispered, voice low as you guided her hips with yours. her head fell back against your shoulder, alcohol wearing off as you ground her hips against your front. "I asked you a question, darlin."
"so fun," she muttered, eyes closed as she let you bring her hips back and forth with yours to the beat of the music. "wanna go upstairs?"
"ellie williams inviting me upstairs on the first date? dirty." you giggled, pulling away from her body. she was flushed, her boxers were already wet, and she had no clue what going upstairs entailed. but she needed you regardless. "lead the way, confident." she ran her sweaty hands down the front of her jeans and led you upstairs, to an empty bedroom. it was jesse's, and he wouldn't ever know.. right?
you were pulling her face against yours before she even got a chance to tell you that she didn't know what to do. you were definitely taking the lead on this one - not that ellie objected in any sense.
you nicked her bottom lip, eliciting blood at how chapped they were. you pushed your tongue into her mouth, smiling when she moaned and pulled you in by your waist. your hands traveled, brushing against her tits from beneath her tee shirt. obviously she didn't wear a bra, she was too cool and masc for that.
"you're desperate els," you sneered when you pulled away, pulling your crop top up and over your head. "take off your shirt and pants and lay down." ellie had no thoughts in her head; just you. you telling her to strip. this definitely wasn't a fever dream.
she quickly lost her shirt and pants, leaving lanky limbs and embarrassing boxers. her nipples were perked up, waiting to be sucked and slapped, and her face was red with a never ending blush.
when she laid down, you got on top of her, pushing her legs up around your waist as you sucked hickey after hickey into her neck. she was writhing and whining, begging for you to touch her further than just your hands still placed on her thighs. just from making out and hickies she was pushing her hips into you, clit hitting the fabric of your skirt as you moved to push your thigh between her legs.
"need you so bad," she whimpered when you finally diverted your attention from her neck down her chest. you left soft kisses between her tits and around them, before taking her nipple in your mouth and harshly sucking. like a false sense of security.
her hips were coming down hard and fast against your knee as you continued to mess with her tits, pulling her nipples between your fingers and grazing them with your teeth. she was just so fucking sensitive, and she barely even smoked anything.
knowing she was getting close, you moved your knee and kissed down her sternum, leaving a trail of shiny gloss as you got to the waistband of her boxers. "oh, poor baby, you've been waiting for this, haven't you?" you ran your thumb over the wet patch of her underwear.
"nghh- for so long," she moaned as her hips rutted into your palm. "I think about y- fuck- think about you when I..when I come," her eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment, knowing she was sharing far more than she needed to.
"do you now?" you teased, pulling her boxers down her pale legs. you added them to the pile of clothes and admired how absolutely drenched she was, practically leaking onto the sheets. "what do you think about, princess?" you were bringing her legs over your shoulders, looking at her expectantly.
"think about you- mh- about this," she was immediately distracted by the way you kissed her clit. "about c-cuming on your- shit shit fuck," you pressed your tongue against her clit and licked, before sucking it into your mouth and painting patterns with your tongue.
after keeping your attention directly on her clit for a few minutes, you circled her entrance with your middle finger, lubing it up before pushing it in to the first knuckle and fuck, she was tight, holding onto your finger to the point you could hardly thrust.
"ellie, you gotta relax. we can stop if you want to." she shook her head violently, unclenching her eyes and trying to breathe. her body released its tension, which made everything less tense, allowing you to push your finger the rest of the way in.
and... she came. just like that, barely a finger deep her cunt, barely doing anything.
"jesus ellie," you laughed to yourself. you didn't wait for her to finish before you started fucking your finger into her. she whined and thrashed to get away from your hand, but you added another finger and pressed down on her hip to steady her. you curled your fingers up just enough to hit that sweet spot inside of her and she almost black out.
"fuck- s'too much.. s'too much," she slurred, drunk on your fingers. the bed shook lightly against the wall at the harshness of your thrusts.
"is it really, baby?" you grinned, before taking her clit in your mouth again. her moans were practically louder than the music downstairs, and her back was arching. she attempted to get away from you, pulling her hips away, but it was no use.
tears welled in her eyes as her stomach tightened. her pussy clenched around your fingers, sucking them in deep. you pressed against her spot as she came, making her let out a broken shriek.
ellie was definitely crying now. especially when you didn't stop... again. you just kept pounding your fingers into her, adding a third. just thinking about how hard she would cum on a strap instead of your fingers had you dizzy.
her second orgasm morphed into her third before you pulled your fingers out. they were drenched in cum, which was dripping down your arm and the sheets. ellie's cheeks were puffy from crying, hips twitching as she tried to breath.
"oh sweet girl, we're not done yet." you wiped your hand on the bed and climbed off of her, stripping yourself of your remaining clothes and coming back over her, kneeling between her legs.
you pushed her leg up, straddling her for a moment. her lips were parted, breathing heavily as she waited for you to drop against her. your lips quirked up into a smirk as you pressed your cunt against hers, head falling back as your clits met.
ellie's pussy was wet, covered in cum, ready to be fucked until she couldn't say any name but yours. you thrust your hips against hers, and she was crying again, pulling and flicking her own nipples as she listened to you moan and reveled at how phenomenal your pussy felt.
she pushed her hips into yours, so you held them down, forcing her to take whatever you gave her. you came down against her pelvis hard, almost to the point where it hurt, but ellie was living for it, sobbing out your name like it was God's.
"can't come again- I can't- fuck, nnghh," you forced two fingers into ellie's mouth and she shut up, sucking them like a slut.
"yes you can." your voice changed, something deeper and more dominant ripped out of you as you got close to your orgasm. a rock in your stomach dropped, and you could feel ellie getting close as you picked up the pace, moaning at how her cunt felt.
you came at the same time, cum mixing and smearing all over both of you. ellie was still crying, back arched as she moaned over and over. you kissed her ankle softly as you came down for your high, climbing off of her after a moment and laying next to her.
"I want you to be my girlfriend," ellie croaked, voice still hoarse for all the crying. you giggled, looking over at her with a grin.
"I think I can do that."
bottom notes: this is the longest fic I've written and I actually thought I wouldn't be able to get more than 2k words.. anyway sorry about the abrupt ending I kinda wanted to be done
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enhypens-hoe · 9 days
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⋆。゚☁︎。𐙚 summary: Jay and you go to the same church school. He and his friends make fun of you for actually following the rules. You think he hates you, but little do you know about his obsession.
pairing ᯓ★ park jongseong x fem!reader
★ starring: newjeans' DANIELLE
cw ᯓ★ nsfw, cursing, corruption kink, hard dom jay, sub reader, unprotected sex, talk about religion, masturbation (jay), mention of porn magazine's, jay and reader go to a church school, jay’s 20 and readers 19 turning 20, breath play???, face fucking, p in v sex, jay degrades reader in one scene, reader is clueless, jay & reader are inexperienced, reader mentions pee (doesn't know she's abt to cum), lmk if there's more
p.s. ᯓ★ in no way am I trying to mock anyone's religion. I mean no harm this is all fiction and in creative fun. If you are not comfortable with this topic, please do not read and look for something else. also, this story is supposed to take place in the 80's keep in mind that's why there is no texting.
taglist ᯓ★ @anonant @luvnicho @nannetsz @star4rin @lovelysparklyfart @aileeeeeeeeeeeee @jakehooni @26796i @woozixo @kim2005bomi @minseongsworld @sunkislove
series ᯓ★ 80’s love
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There he was for the third time this week, fist pumping his cock with the swollen red tip sticking out. Moaning your name like it was some sort of ritual because he couldn’t stop thinking about you and your pigtails. Oh, how much he wants to tug on them and push you to your limit while fucking you hard. He really shouldn’t be doing this and if his parents found out he’d be in so much trouble but that doesn’t stop Jay. It didn’t stop him when he was 14 so why would he stop now at the age of 20.
“Yea- oh f-fuckk” he grunts as white ropes spill out of him onto his hand. His breathing is unstable as he closes his eyes imagining how you’d clean him up so well. You’re so vulnerable and pure, that’s what Jay loves most about you. Constantly following your parent’s rules like a good Christian girl, but Jay always wondered if he would be able to change that. Minutes pass by and you’re the only thing flooding his mind.
He flinches as the front door opens letting him know his mom is back from the store. Jay groans wiping his hand with a napkin and yanking on the nearest pair of sweats before rushing to wash his hands. Wiping his wet hands on his sweats as he runs downstairs taking the bags from his mom’s hands. He begins to set the heavy bags on the kitchen counter taking out the groceries.
“Thank you. Oh, guess what that girl.. the one with the pigtails. We saw her and her family at church on Monday. I saw her at the store today and she helped me carry my bags to my car. She’s cute and seems like a good girl… hmm?” Jays head rises suddenly not interested in what his mom bought.
“Oh, ___?” his mom snaps pointing at him meaning he guessed right. “She’s annoying and such a crybaby. I’m not even worried about girls right now mom.” He hates how nervous he gets talking about you. The more he tries to conceal his feelings the more they pour out. His mom just laughs putting some groceries in the fridge. “Hey! Be nice.”
Her laughter dies down as she remembers something. She looks up at him her look suddenly showing some disappointment. “I thought I told you not to skip church school yesterday. -” I know I’ll go tomorrow, Mom. “Park Jongseong I’m serious. You’re a Christian man you need to continue on the right path. You’re a good kid you always have been.” Jay just looks away and nods not wanting to argue with his mom. His mom is trying to study his expression wondering whether to drop the conversation or not.
She sighs before speaking again. “Well, go upstairs and shower then come help me cook and set the table.” his mom softly tells him rubbing his shoulder. Jay listens dragging his feet across the floor and up the stairs.
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Your white sneakers hit the floor as you walk in the halls, skirt slightly swaying. Books pressed up against your chest like someone will steal them. Danielle throws her arm around your shoulder, and you flinch looking up before smiling. You guys walk to your locker telling her updates on your new pet bunny.
Jay watches you from across the hallway while his friends complain that he’s not paying attention. “Don’t worry guys he’s just trying to get his dick hard before he gets home.” Jake laughs bending over and holding his stomach.
Glaring at Sunghoon for laughing too, Jay hits the back of Jake’s head shutting him up. “Jake don’t be mad you can’t get any bitches because you and your 2-inch dick are literal pussy repellents.” Sunghoon's mouth drops, looking back and forth at the two guys. Jake rolls his eyes poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue thinking of a comeback.
“Yeah, there’s no coming back from that… sorry man.” Sunghoon pats Jake’s back pressing his lips into a thin line. Jake shakes his head mumbling something about getting Jay back one day. The bell rings reminding everyone to start making their way to the chapel.
All the students along with Jay and his friends are entering the chapel taking their seats. Jay looks around, his eyes meeting the back of your head as you sit on the other side of the chapel next to your friends. You sit with good posture and your hands on your lap as you look forward, attention already on the teachers upfront.
The prayer begins catching everyone's attention except Jay's. He doesn't take his eyes off of you because you're all he sees. During the prayer he would continuously steal glances at you. An hour passes and he's still hypnotized by your presence. Feeling someone tap his shoulder he looks to his left and is met with Sunghoon letting him know to get up. Jay didn't even realize the prayer ended.
You're in front of him and his friends as students walk out of the chapel. Jay softly tugs on your ponytail and asks "Oh is sweet little ___ dropping the good girl act? With a skirt that short seems like you're begging to be looked at as a slut." Sunghoon and Jake just chuckle at Jay's comment.
You turn around looking at him angrily "Y-You… You shouldn’t say words like that. It’s not… something a g-good Christian would do. Actually, unlike you Park Jongseong I have a future I'm looking forward too. While you're too busy ogling at women I am focusing on my studies." you huff telling him in a matter-of-a-fact tone, but you still sound so small. Like a puppy who’s been kicked. Tears fill your eyes as you rush to the bathroom. Your friends give Jay a dirty look and run to the bathroom to comfort you.
Damn that’s the first time she’s said anything back.. he thinks to himself. He follows you when his friends are distracted and knows your friends left the bathroom. As he gets closer to the bathroom, he can hear your sobs. Jay walks in clearly not caring that it's a restroom for women only and bangs on the stall that your locked in.
You flinch staying in the same position. "Why do you hate me so much?" You ask Jay with your trembling voice, and he feels his heart break a little. "What nonsense are you talking about. Can you-... Can you just come out of the stall." Jay responds keeping his cold act up.
There's silence for a couple minutes until he hears you shuffle to your feet and unlock the door. Your eyes are slightly red as you look up at him and hands tugging down your skirt. Jay sits in silence wanting to clam up because he knows you're watching him. "'I don't hate you ___" he admits staring at the ground.
Your eyes stay on him with your eyebrows scrunched together and he continues. "I hate that I can't stop thinking about you. I hate that no matter how much I distract myself you're always in my mind. I hate how I try to get your attention and you never care. You only try to please your teachers and parents because you want to be a good girl so bad."
Your eyes widen at his confession mouth opening but you shut it right away not knowing what to say. He grabs your ponytail, and you whimper. "Now what? Hmm? … What do you have to say to that?" He stares at you, and you feel like he's looking into your soul. You look everywhere but his face because you feel too intimidated.
"I- well... thank you? um I appreciate-" you stop talking when you hear Jay scoff, and you look back up to see him biting his lip. 'seriously' Jay whispers under his breath. Sucking in a deep breath he let's go of your hair.
"Can I show you something?" Jay finally speaks up and you nod eagerly. He grabs your hand putting it on his crotch and you gasp softly. You squeeze your legs together, unsure of why you did that. "Is... is that your... you know. Thing?" you ask him, he laughs and nods.
You know you should take your hand away, but you can't. Your thighs are still pressed together as Jay yanks your hand off of him. He starts undoing his belt as he tells you "I can just walk out of here if you want. We can act like nothing happened but the way you're squeezing your legs tells me you probably don't want that huh?"
You just reach out to his pants slightly tugging at them trying to signal for him to pull them down. "What happened to you huh? What about your parents? You didn't learn this in church" Jay questions you with a fake pout on his face as he pull his pants and boxers down.
My Parents? How would they feel if they saw me like this...? you think to yourself but that doesn't stop you from slowly going on your knees like Jay tells you to.
You stare at his cock wide eyed and guilt filling your body because your mouth waters. "I- um I really shouldn't be doing this. My parents will be so upset." you admit twiddling your thumbs. So, when Jay stares at you with the same unimpressed look and shoves your head closer to him...
You open your mouth, tongue slowly poking out like you're scared of his cock. What are you even supposed to do? You lick his tip, and he groans lightly making your eyes light up. You feel so dirty, but you don't want to stop anymore. Your lips wrap around the tip sucking it like a lollipop and looking up at him.
"Come on baby. Stop playing around and take it." Jay harshly comments pushing your head further down. Your eyes squeeze shut as you gag around his length. He controls your pace holding your ponytail continuously dragging your head up and down his cock. Never in a lifetime would you have thought that you'd be doing this but something about him just makes you want to do whatever he wants.
As his moans grow louder you sit there letting him use you how he pleases. Tears fall down your face snot coming out of your nose as you gag even more while Jay groans. You can't breathe and start tapping his thighs, but Jay just seems to get more aroused.
Something fills up the back of your throat. Your eyebrows scrunch together, and you try to pull back, but he keeps your head steady, nose on his pelvis. You look up at him with teary innocent eyes and he's moaning. His hips buck once more before he lets you pull your head away and once you do; he’s looking down at you.
You're panting loudly and the white liquid spilling out the corners of your mouth. “Swallow it and stick your tongue out.” Jay tells you. His eyes are piercing through you, so you swallow sticking your tongue out showing him. He groans rubbing your cheeks.
Jay picks you up from the ground, hands on your face before kissing you. You're unsure of what to do I mean you don't know how to kiss but it doesn't bother Jay. "Are you okay? Was I too rough? Did I hurt you?" Jay asks concern in his eyes it's like a totally different person from before. This is foreign to you, Jay's usually rude.
A smile grows on your face as you nod at him feeling the blush creep up on your face. "I- I really liked that." You look at the floor and he smiles at you grabbing your hand. Your smile drops when you hear the bell signaling that you're supposed to be in class.
You rush picking your books up and before you can leave Jay grabs your arm and pecks your lips. You push him off getting embarrassed and he smacks your ass as you walk out.
The speed of your heartbeat starts to increase as you wipe your eyes and mouth. Did you really just do that? You tug your ponytail to make it tighter as you run to your class. what were you thinking?! you can't do that again; you'll confess to Father Eri- wait no... no you can't confess...
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It's been a month. You've been ignoring jay since the incident that happened in the bathroom. When he makes smart comments, you just walk away pretending you don't hear him. You made a deal with yourself to never tell anyone about what happened and that it will never happen again.
Currently you're sitting in your bunny's play pen cooing at her and playing with her. Small beads of sweat slide down your back after rearranging your room so Lola can have space for her little playpen. As you tie your hair up into a messy bun your mom calls you from the kitchen, so you pick up Lola and head downstairs.
"There you are hun! I need you to go in the garden and pick some fruit please. The Park's are coming over in about 30 minutes." Your mom says as she sets 6 plates of breakfast. She lightly hums a song from church playing on the radio.
Your eyes widen at her words and suddenly you're more conscious of the fact that Jay will be in your house. "The Park's? Mom but I have no time to get dressed and why are they coming over? Since when were we friends with th-" Your mom's soft sigh cuts you off as she wipes her hands on her apron before taking a couple steps closer to you.
"Don't be rude ___. They are very sweet people I bumped into Mrs. Park at the grocery store, and we arranged something. I have your clothes picked out they are in the bathroom. Quickly pick the fruits and get ready." your mom tells you kindly but sternly, so you grab a basket from the closet. You turn looking at the clock before walking outside with Lola.
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While you put the last pieces of fruit in the basket Lola hops around you trying to eat some strawberries. You look down at her smiling picking her up and quickly rinsing a strawberry giving her one.
You walk inside setting the basket on the kitchen counter. 20 minutes... you rush upstairs kissing Lola's head and putting in her cage making sure the door is secure. You open your closet grabbing your towel and make your way to the bathroom.
The warm water hits your body, and you think back to that day in the bathroom. You feel like it's hot down there. You squeeze your legs together wanting to cry because you don't understand the feeling that's been going on for the past month. "___!! Hurry they are going to be here in 10 minutes!!" your mom yells from outside the bathroom.
You rush out the shower quickly changing into a white sundress your mom set out for you. You settled on putting your hair in pigtails using your favorite bow hair ties and quickly putting on some makeup. As you make your way downstairs there's a knock on the door. You open the door and you're met with Mrs. Park smiling sweetly next to Mr. Park and Jay.
Your mom comes greeting them as you hug Mrs. Park and bow. Your mom asks you to set the table as she goes outside to show Mrs. Park the new flowers she planted. Your dad talks to Mr. Park and Jay in the living room as you get some juice out to put on the table. "Honey come here for a second." your dad calls.
Trying not to physically sigh as you turn around walking towards him. Your hands are shaking you can feel Jay staring at you. "Jay got a pet bunny just like you hun!" he informs you and you look up at him suddenly interested. "R-really? What color is it?" you ask him.
"He's black and has a white spot on his eye." Jay answers smiling slightly when he sees you gasp. You didn't know Jay would be the type to own a bunny. "___ I didn't know you had a bunny. How old is the bunny?" Mr. Park talks to you as you nod your head.
"Yeah! She's 8 months and her name is Lola. I got her a month ago!" Mr. Park smiles at you asking for tips on how to care for a bunny since Jay isn't much of an expert. "Why don't you go upstairs with Jay so he can see Lola?" your dad proposes the idea and suddenly your mouth is dry. Jay tells him he'd love to see Lola.
"Dad" you mumble, and he looks at you laughing. Your dad tells Jay and his father. "Sorry ___ can be shy. Come on it'll be quick." You sigh walking upstairs as Jay follows you. Your dad never lets you bring anyone in your room so why would he let Jay. The walk up the stairs is silent as your dad's continue to talk.
Once you get in your room you close the door walking towards Lola's cage, but Jay just stares at you. "Were you ignoring me?" Jay questions you and you can't seem to make eye contact with him. He grabs your hand gently and you look up at him. You can't tell how Jay is feeling, you thought he'd be fuming but he looks almost sad. "W-what we did... it was wrong I know. It should have never happened... but I can't stop thinking about it."
You stare at his lips biting your nails, you quickly peck his lips. Jay looks shocked as his hands immediately find your waist. He pulls you in for another kiss moaning into your mouth. Starting to feel bold you place your hands on Jay's thigh and begin to whine. Pulling away from the kiss he mutters "You've been feeling needy for me? I have been needing you... so much."
Jay is not satisfied with the nod of your head. "Say it. Tell me that you need me." Foreheads pressed together as you look up at him studying his features. You whisper, "I need you... please."
He kisses you one more time before pulling down his pants and boxers. Jay gently reaches under your dress pulling down your underwear. The tiny bear patterns make him smile as he walks closer to your bed tossing your underwear on the floor. What he hasn't noticed is you staring at his cock you forgot how big he is.
"You're gonna put that down here?" You pull your hand down to your bare core shock all over your face and Jay just chuckles pecking your lips. "Jay I- I... that's not gonna go down there. 'S too big."
He turns you around and softly pushes you down to your knees. Guiding your upper body on your bed and kicking your legs open. He gets behind you spreading you apart. You put your arms behind you, hands trying to cover your lower body.
Jay grabs them and puts them on your lower back holding your wrists with one hand. The other trails down to your slit feeling how wet you are as you gasp. "Fuck... are you gonna be good for me and take it... hmm?" Jay asks and you whimper subconsciously rubbing your core on his hand.
Jay rubs his tip on your slit and slowly pushes it in. Tears prick your eyes, and you gasp loudly, one of your restricted hands try to grab Jay's wrist. He groans pushing more in as you tighten around him, pushing some of him out. "I'm sorry baby, you need to relax, okay? If you relax, I promise, I'll make you feel good." Jay coos at you.
He reaches down rubbing your clit and you softly begin to moan. He's able to push his entire length in. His head drops and he's trying to hold in his orgasm. Your warm walls make him never want to leave. He continues to rub your clit and starts to move giving you no time to adjust. He notices your face all scrunched up and tears streaming down. You feel so full it makes you feel like you can't breathe.
The burning sensation begins to feel like pleasure. You feel an overwhelming amount of pleasure. "Jay you- I... ahhh so good!" Jay removes his hand from your clit shoving two fingers in your mouth. "Fuck this cunt is so tight ugh" His thrusts are sloppy and inconsistent. To be honest Jay has no clue what he's doing, sure he and his friends talk about porn magazines they secretly found and kept, but he's never had sex.
His pace speeds up and his thrust are harder. The room feels hot and you're both sweating while the sound of skin slapping fills your room. Jay removes his hand from your wrists grabbing one of your pigtails and tugging on it. "Wait jay I think 'mm going to pee! Stop I have to pee!!" you yell at him hands grabbing your bedsheets for dear life, but he doesn't stop instead he goes faster.
You clench around him cumming all over him. Jay starts to see a ring of white appear at the base of his cock. You're in a daze everything is muffled as tears continue to fall down your face.
"Who knew you could be so dirty huh?" Jay whispers in your ear tugging even harder on your hair. Your sobs are muffled by his two fingers. His hips stutter as he cums and he falls on your back.
You two stay still trying to catch your breath. Jay gives you small kisses all over the side of your face. He plays with the hair ties that holds your pigtails. he notices that both hair ties have little bows on them cute.
"Can you... wear pigtails again? I... I like how they look on you." Jay nervously asks and you turn your head back to look at him. A dusty pink creeping up on your cheeks as you nod.
The door slams open "What are you gu-" shit.
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@enhypens-hoe 2024 - do not steal, copy, or translate.
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divider creds ᯓ★ @/xxbimbobunnyxx
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mariasont · 2 months
hi !!!!! i love your hotch x oc x reid fic so much, literally got to work late because you updated and i just HAD to read it when the notif came in !
can i request a kinda fluff-y turning to smut fic about maybe reader's small hands compared to spencer's large hands (his hands are so INTOXICATING).
maybe the fluff part can be kinda cute with their first time holding hands starting from that "oh lets compare hand sizes" and then intertwining fingers?? one of the best spencer fic tropes/hcs is when he's usually not enthusiastic abt touching but when its You he loves it and hes been so touched starved DHSKDHHD // and then the smut can kinda be like how reader's hands make his dick look huge (or smth! im sorry this is my first time requesting a fic!!)
i hope im not coming out as being too demanding !! you can have all the freedom w this !!!! sorry sorry for the long request 🙈🙈🙈
love your work !!! 😙
HANDS, HANDS, and HANDS-------------
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A/N: AHHHH your mind!!!!! I LOVE IT <3
we need a whole episode just dedicated to his hands fr!
thank you so much for requesting and the kind words, I hope I did it justice <3 xoxo
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, hand kink, praise, size kink, m receiving oral, take a shot every time someone says sorry
wc: 1.9k
Your infatuation with Dr. Spencer Reid was an open book to everyone--damn profilers--well, everyone except the man of the hour, Dr. Reid himself. It was hard to say when it all started. Subtle changes crept in--the extra care you took in choosing your outfits to work; the way words suddenly became hurdles in conversations with him; the sensation of your heart nearly leaping out of your chest anytime he was in the vicinity. 
Despite your skills as a profiler, deciphering Dr. Reid was like trying to read braille through gloves. So, you pushed those feelings down, crushing them beneath a metaphorical heel to maintain professionalism. It wasn't exactly a successful strategy, but that wasn't the point. You reassured yourself that even if romance wasn't in the cards, friendship was the next best thing. And what a friend he was--remarkable in every way, which is why you found yourself here, in his apartment, dissecting case files together. It was a friendly gesture, surely, to escape the office when it becomes a little too suffocating. 
You felt your pulse race as he brought his fingers to his lips, preparing to sift through the stack of papers. A dryness clutched at your throat, fingers nervously fidgeting with the hem of your skirt, while you're sure your eyes betrayed a cartoonish adoration, practically orbiting with hearts. Forgotten was your own paperwork that now served as a makeshift blanket for your thighs, as he spoke. Your arm claimed the territory along the back of the couch, with your own hand gently propping up your check, a picture of relaxed attentiveness.
In the midst of his lecture about the golden ratio and its prevalence in nature, Spencer suddenly grabs a nearby book, flips to a diagram of a human hand, and says, "Did you realize that our hands are a prime example of this phenomenon? Give me your hand."
Your eyebrows knit together, your head angling subtly towards the boy genius. "Sorry, what?"
Without a word, Spencer lays your hand upon the diagram's expanse. Amidst the book, your hand seems smaller, delicate, a stark contrast the bold lines drawn on paper. 
He looks at you with a soft smile. "See, the size of one's hand doesn't really correlate with the golden ratio--it's more about the proportions within the hand itself. For instance, the length of your fingers compared to your palm, or the distance between the tip of your thumb and the tip of your pinky stretched out."
His hand leads yours across the pages, but you're barely registering the words. Instead, you're acutely aware of the warmth of his touch, causing your thighs to clench on their own accord, your mind tumbling over itself.
"Your hands are actually significantly smaller than the average," he comments, almost to himself. The statement is harmless, yet he finds his imagination wandering. He quickly refocuses, saying, "The range of hand sizes is quite broad, which is interesting biologically. Here--"
He extends his hand, palm open, beside yours--a natural extension of your conversation, yet he shifts slightly against the couch. Spencer was taken aback by his own actions. Physical touch was something he generally recoiled from, but here he was, seeking yours out. He realized this had become a habit, finding reasons to be near you, to feel your touch. Anytime there was something to be handed to you at work, he was quick to volunteer, all for the fleeting possibility of a brush of fingers.
He watched, captivated, as you aligned your palm with his, matching up the bottom of your palms. His attention was drawn to the stark difference between your hands; his, significantly larger, seemed to engulf yours entirely. He found the sight unexpectedly compelling. The disparity in size stirred his curiosity, leading him to wonder how your hand would look clasped around his cock.
His thumb grazed the back of your hand in a subconscious motion as he pondered out loud. "Did you know," he began, his voice sinking an octave, "that the ratio of the lengths of our second to fourth fingers is believed to correlate with various hormones, affecting the way we interact with others."
You found yourself holding your breath as you mapped the shape of your hands together, a subtle dampness beginning to form between your legs. This is what got you worked up? Clearly, you mused, getting laid was overdue. 
As if guided by a force beyond your control, your fingers gradually intertwined, each finger fingers its perfect counterpart. Recoiling as if from a burn, you realized the intimacy of the gesture, a rush of apologies escaping your lips. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to-"
A blush crept up Spencer's neck as he hastened to interject. "No, no, it's completely fine, really."
The moment passed, and you both redirected your focus to the paperwork. Yet, the routine task did little to dispel the residual thoughts of his touch. The size difference, the feeling of his larger hand wrapping around yours, and how ideally his fingers would look pumping inside of you or wrapping around your throat. It all kept playing on your mind, a silent movie that you can't stop watching.
Spencer too, seems lost in thought, his gaze drifting from the files to your hands--manicured and delicate. He watches, seemingly without awareness, as those same hands idly toy with the hem of your skirt, or the way they spin your earring when deep in thought. To him, these minor actions have suddenly become fascinating.
Spencer's voice cuts through the stillness as he resumes his concentration on the work before him. "How do you interpret this?" he probes, touching a finger to a page of the file perched on his lap.
You lean in, curiosity leading you to reach for the file. Your actions freeze momentarily as your knuckles brush against his crouch. You pause, blinking deliberately, as you second-guess what you felt. He was hard as a rock.
You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, eyes growing wide with surprise. "Oh, um, sorry," you muttered. 
In a rapid movement, Spencer combed his fingers through his hair, causing the curls to obstruct his view. He snatched a pillow and tossed it in his lap, tilting his head back against the couch with a look of embarrassment. "No, I'm sorry, I, uh--"
Anticipating a scholarly lecture on the male hormones, you quickly interject. "Do you want help?"
Spencer's eyes grew wide as he regarded your face. Your lashes fluttered with a slow blink, your demeanor completely serious. His traced the flush of your cheeks, the gentle parting of your lips, the accelerated rise and fall of your chest. His head tilted slightly, expecting the punchline to follow.
He let out a puff of air. "Do I want what?"
He noted your head tilting to the side, mirroring his own actions. Your hand reached forward, poised to replace the pillow on his lap. Your pinky dragged across the material of his jeans, moving with excruciating slowness. 
"That seems painful," you comment quickly, before your sudden courage fades. "Let can help."
You moved swiftly to his belt, and you could hear his breath hitch in short bursts. He murmured your name, his hand threading through your hair to grasp gently at the nape of your neck.
You shot him an innocent smile as you edged his pants down, just enough to access his boxers. Your smile made him believe he could come on the spot--the way you looked so eager, like you had been waiting for this. He let out a shaky breath as you released his length from his boxers.
You were engulfed in a dizzying feeling, your eyes widened to saucers as you seized his massive cock. "Holy shit, Spencer, you're huge."
You were barely aware of the words tumbling from your lips as you gawked. The impact on him was immediate, the intensity of your graze was maddening. Your small hands encircled his base, accentuating his size. His grasp on your neck grew firmer as he coaxed your head down. 
"Don't play," came his growl, so out of character. Warmth bloomed in your face, excitement bubbling in your chest as your thighs clasped together.
You flashed him a gentle, unassuming smile as you hastily took him in your mouth. You felt like a new person, an unprecedented need flowing through you.
Spencer let out a sharp hiss as your lips met his cock, taking him as far as you could. He mentally thanked whatever gods existed, unsure of what he had done to deserve this. His hands deftly collected your hair in his grasp, aiding you in guiding him even deeper. His breaths hastened as he praised, "Good god, baby."
His words only egged you on, your movements turning sloppy as you bobbed up and down, working every inch of his cock. You never knew sucking a man off could be so enjoyable. You wanted to savor the moment, to savor him. You encircled the based with your other hand, granting yourself reach to what had been inaccessible to your mouth as you started to synchronize your movements.
"Look at you," Spencer muttered hoarsely, his gaze flickering to your hands. Those damn hands, they looked so perfect around him, even better than he imagined. "You look like you were made for this."
You moaned around him in response, the slickness between your legs starting to drop down your thighs upon his praise. This elicited a hiss from him, tightening his grip in your hair as he drew you away from his throbbing cock, spit trailing from your mouth as you separated. 
"Wha-?" Your question hung in the air, marked by the crease of your confusion on your forehead. 
He didn't let you finish, simply stating. "On your knees."
Without hesitation, you followed his direction, your hands clasped in anticipation as you moved from the couch to the floor, your balance settling back into your heels as he towered over you. "Open."
You complied with his command, easing your jaw as he guided himself onto your tongue. A soft moan escaped you, enveloping his cock. He coaxed his length into your mouth, your hands steadying on his thighs as he all but used your face.
Spencer's hands cradled your face, fully encompassing your cheeks as he thrusted into your mouth. His pulse thundered at a pace he hadn't thought possible, and fuck, he wouldn't mind if this was how death welcomed him. There you were, on your knees, so compliant around his cock. His breaths grew rapid as your nails trailed up his thighs. 
"You're so good," he muttered, eyes casting down upon you, your glazed expression, the drool peeking out from the corners of your lips. "So good. 'M so close."
He moves to withdraw from your mouth, but your hands find their way to the back of his thighs, holding him in place, denying his escape. He exhales a deep, unrestrained moan, thrusting into your mouth once more, shallowing moving as the warm liquid fills your mouth. 
He gazes, spellbound, as you swallow his come completely, your head lolling back in total bliss. In that instant, he realizes his willingness to do anything to keep you close, to see you like this--spent, disheveled, and content.
Breaking the silence, you ask, "Did that help?" His laughter, soft and subdued, fills the air as he reaches out, cupping your cheeks once more. He descends to meet you, his kiss messy and desperate, finding the taste of himself lingering on your lips as his hands untangle your knotted hair. 
"You're amazing," he exhaled, their lips parting. "Now, let me return the favor."
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bunicate · 3 months
rambling abt diluc’s relationship with his sister from the maid, adelinde’s pov ♡ im pretti sure dis was an ask I received on my old blog too ! !
adelinde didn’t have much expected of her besides her daily cleanings and the occasional rotation of taking out the trash, but recently she’s been burdened with the task of looking after you.
you’re a troublesome girl to tend to.
she would never say it out loud or let her feelings show, but master diluc had you spoiled rotten. you were the only one allowed to disturb him in his study and demand the most menial things for the sake of his attention. 
you're often half-naked and oversleeping when you weren't bothering him.
she frequently dresses you, and brushes your hair so you could look presentable in front of your brother, and you would insist on only the shortest dresses and skirts. or flat out refuse to have your blouse buttoned all the way. she wouldn’t dare to speak out of turn, but your bosom was nearly visible at all times. 
she doesn’t acknowledge her master's subtle glances towards the swell of your chest, or his hand that rests too closely to your bottom.
you both were closer than most siblings. that she knows, the other maids all witnessed it but wouldn’t speak of it lest their master would catch them.
it was an enjoyable job, and it would be a shame to lose it because diluc caught their loose lips flapping away.
adelinde was quick to regard the interactions as siblings who simply cherished each other.
although you’re a handful, you’re also sweet and thoughtful, and she could see why diluc treated you as such. she often helps you clean up your messes from making strawberry tarts, and other little gifts that you give diluc. by the end of the day, you’d be exhausted, and each time she’d lay a blanket over your slumbering body when you waited up late for diluc.
she’d watch you until she’s interrupted by her master's arrival. 
“thank you, adelinde. you may go for the night. i’ll take care of her from here,” he’d say.
like routine, she’d bow.
“well then. goodnight master diluc.”
she would watch him slowly collect your body within his grasp, gentle enough not to disturb you from slumber. 
he’d pull back the hair that obstructs your face and adelinde could never forget the look of utter tenderness that seeped into his visage.
a certain kind of love unbinds the furrow of his brow and eases the tension in his broad shoulders. his figure would then disappear into your room, and that would be the last she saw of you both for the night. 
the next day when adelinde knocks on your door to come in, and you’re already awake.
your pajamas are revealing as always. a skimpy underwear and a strapless cotton top. your hair covers it, but she makes out the bruise on your neck, and she ignores it.
she tries not to appear uncomfortable when you walk downstairs in the same attire and diluc don't even seem phased. he just puts you on the kitchen counter, feeding you blueberries for breakfast.
touches and the palatable air isn’t enough to jump to conclusions, but she supposes she no longer had a choice anymore when she mistakenly walks into the living room and witnesses such a sweltering kiss.
her master trails his hands on the cheeks of your butt, groping the flesh while he buried his tongue in your mouth. 
adelinde is stunned at the sight. her master was kissing his little sister. 
a sensation she’s unfamiliar with runs down her body. his tongue is so much larger than yours, wrapping around your smaller one, swallowing your breathy cries. his hands cup your face, and it’s then she realizes how large those gloved fingers really are.
carefully, she watches them trail downwards, slipping into his pants to pull out his thickening and leaky member. 
adelinde , felt fear and a tinge of arousal.
he was going to insert his cock between your folds. your pretty silken folds, that sweltered with lust. his dick was hard and angry, and your body looked too perfect — too delicate to be touched.
adelinde licked her lips as diluc entered inside of you. your back arches and your tits jiggle from the comedown of his hips. he fucks into you at a rapid pace, and the sound of wetness on his cock destabilizes the maid's ability to react appropriately.
the moistness is audible between the slaps of skin and the loud cries.
the sheets darken with sweat and cum. your skin is bitten and then kissed, and your moans reverberate in the same room.
the air is hot and sticky and adelinde feels a knot in her belly. she quickly darts out into the corridor and begins to dread the following day. anxiety pricks at her skin at the fear of facing you both once more.
she knows that she’ll have to clean you up in the morning and face the dark truth about her master and his younger sister.
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
what abt plug!sukuna?
first time he met you, he thought it was some kinda joke. i mean, pink nails, shortest skirt problem known to man and the tightest shirt with ‘stunna girl’ printed on the front.
now sukuna ain’t one to really hold down any girls but the way you was talking and moving ?? ma boy was down baddd. spent nights at home, fisting his dick to some pic he found on your insta page.
swore that he would kill anyone who you try to buy from other than him. he doesn’t want you to get hooked on anything that’s laced. other than his dick
you can continue 🫣, if you want
oh my goshhhh! 😫😫 fren you stay eating these up. I love this real bad!
you were the last person that Sukuna expected to see running in his face. There was just no way this cute ass girl even ran in the same circles that he did. But here you were..rubbing up on his chest and running game on him in the kitchen of the hang out spot for him and his boys. “Now tell me why I ain’t never seen you around here before..” “I be out the way..” Some of the city’s most notorious drug dealers and shooters and here you were in the midst of the party; a red cup in hand filled with Casamigos, stained with your lip gloss after each sip. Long Hello Kitty decorated acrylics wrapped around the plastic and and he could only imagine what they’d look like cupping his cock instead..he figured that you were the girl of one of his opps, looking to make him jealous or just some rich girl hanging out on the wrong side of town to be rebellious but it was nothing of the sort. You were just bad as hell..and before he knew it, he had folded!
three hours later and he had you in the front seat of his Trackhawk, hotboxing and facing a blunt. His tattooed hands resting on your calves..rubbing gently as he watched you place it between those plump lips. “That shit good, baby?” “Very..” this isn’t something that he’d normally do. Having some random girl in his car, laid up like this but he couldn’t help himself. Not when you were sitting so pretty in his lap as you rolled his weed and licked the blunt afterwards. Out of respect, he didn’t take it any further than night..nothing more than a few subtle brushes up your thigh and a kiss to the cheek. He wasn’t the type to rush things. But later than night, even after you two had long parted ways, the baddie with the butterfly tattoo, dressed like a Bratz doll was fresh on his mental. So much so, he found himself searching you up on social media and it was more than enough to keep his wheels turning. Before he knew it; sitting up in bed with a sheet tossed lightly across his lower half, Ryo found himself jacking off to your pictures. Foaming at the mouth and moaning your name at the sight of you twerking in a bikini and Moon Boots. Needless to say, he was hooked. So the next time you two linked for your next fix, there was no holding back for either of you. “I couldn’t wait to see you again. You been on my mind, baby..” “You been on my mine too, Ryo..shit!” Confessing as he held you midair, bouncing you up and down on his dick. Holding you as if you were practically weightless in his arms. A Cuban link swinging against his chest with each stroke. That night was the best you’d ever experienced! Getting high on both his sex and his weed. Placed into a mating press with his fingers in your mouth, slow thrusts from missionary with your toes in his and the backshots had you tapping out. Even so, you were hooked!..addicted and there wasn’t a chance that he’d ever let you get it from anyone else. Not if he had anything to do with it. Now every time you needed to reach ecstasy, whether through the drug or fucking, Ryo was the one you’d call. Not only that, he’d spoil you with gifts, take you out to eat and although things weren’t set in stone, when everyone saw you, they knew:
that’s Sukuna’s girl.
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trannyctophiliac · 1 year
not good enough for you
where you feel insecure because you genuinely feel like you aren't good enough for him, but he thinks otherwise.
{CW!!: suggestive, mentions of reader wearing a skirt/dress but gn, different types of insecurities, js know you are stunning with all of that baes <3}
characters: ayato, childe, cyno, diluc, tighnari, and wanderer
- set in modern au for a few, ~1.2k words in total -
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ayato: pillar of fortitude
you being insecure just influences his spending habits on you. it increases tremendously.
of course he'll comfort you, give you attention, all that jazz, but him?
he buys even more things he thinks you'll look absolutely lovely in.
dress shirts, dresses, skirts, shorts, literally anything that he might think you'll like he'll get it.
you walk out of your shared bedroom with your hands behind your back and your gaze cast to the floor timidly. ayato nearly choked on the boba he was drinking when his eyes laid on you. the way you looked up at him with your eyes all the way to how you stood, he thought you looked ethereal. "my love, how could you be insecure when you look so lovely?" he pulls you into his arms, hands going down your waist. "are you sure? " you mumbled, your eyes focused on the ground. rubbing over your hip dips before cupping your ass, ayato used his other hand to make you look up at him. "you have nothing to worry about.. let me spoil you."
childe: tartaglia (did my man WRONG)
he honestly thinks you're joking when you first tell him, that's how good looking you are.
he hypes you up a LOT more than usual, making sure you feel extra special before anything.
being so fr, he's the type to comment first and most under your instagram posts
most definitely brags about you on his socials as well, has a highlight for you and everything
cyno: judicator of secrets
"childe, why am i getting hundreds of notifications? from YOUR account?" your boyfriend shrugs as if he doesn't know what he did, replying with a simple, "just making you feel good, that's all." after going to the notifications, your heart gets more and more full as you read the compliments he paints your phone screen with. they all came with such love and adoration which varies from "THATS MY S/O RIGHT THERE YOU GUYS!!!" to dumb pick up lines that have you rolling your eyes. you smile softly as you like every single one of his comments, pinning one at the top of your post. despite his cheesiness, you know from all of these that childe truly does think you're the prettiest.
his jokes slowly turn into cheesy pick up lines about how pretty you are, like those REALLY bad ones
its sort of misleading at first and makes you think he's doesn't care, and trust me he does! he's just bad at words of affirmation
not to mention, i believe he tells you you're so pretty and amazing and beautiful and just EVERYTHING in bed
he's totally up for fucking you in front of a mirror to get it through your head about how pretty you are
when he walks into your small shared apartment after a grocery run, he sees you staring into the mirror. you're poking your stomach fat around your belly button, sighing softly. he comes up behind you, kissing your neck softly as he wraps his arms around your hips. cyno digs in his pocket to pull out a small card, before saying, "good thing i have my library card, because i'm checking you out." you look up at him with an attempt at a deadpan, which morphs into a moan as he starts touching your hips, slowly going lower. "if you can't understand how gorgeous you are, i'll make sure you know by tonight."
diluc: the dark side of dawn
he would for sure be such a good person to talk to about your insecurities to and receive comfort
i think that when he was younger, he was also a little insecure about his appearance because of his hair and eyes, since it wasn't normal (i js know that when kaeya came around he got less and less insecure as he grew up but THIS ISNT ABT THEM.)
he would kiss every insecurity and go on rants about how much he loves them, because he loves every part of you
for the sex life? things like stretch marks make him go FERAL. literally all of your beautiful insecurities make him FERAL
as you let out a small moan, diluc spreads your legs open and start kissing up and down your thighs. your stretch marks were more prominent in the moonlight coming from the window, and that alone made him hard. "you're so beautiful my dear.." he took his finger and traced over them. when you looked down, your eyes widen to see him, looking at them like how people look at constellations in the sky. looking at them with such admiration, diluc kissed them over and over. "so pretty.. let me make your pretty body feel good."
tighnari: verdant strider
he would 100% accidently turn it into a lecture about self-confidence and would go on and ON
after knowing about your insecurities, he would bring flowers from his research and give them to you, they reminded him of you
although he would comfort you plenty, he is one sassy ass fox so he would be very sarcastic when you do bring yourself down
he would list all of your achievements while calling you the dumbest person he's ever met
"yeah you are pretty dumb now that i think about it." your heart dropped as those words came out of his mouth. before you can say something, tighnari continues. "it's not like you won the nationwide botany fair for sumeru or anything." your lips formed a pout as you spoke, "but you were my partner! of course we got won." he rolled his eyes before looking at you with a deadpan expression; "did you forget i was sick the whole time? you had to do it by yourself." a shy "oh" left your lips while his arm wrapped around your waist. "have more confidence in yourself you big lummox."
wanderer: eons adrift (named kunikuzushi for convenience)
he's like tighnari in a way, but much more heavy on the sarcastic and snide comments
he can't really comfort you because he can't even believe that he's good enough for you
tries his best though, always makes an effort to compliment you, even if the compliment is very choppy
isn't the best person to go to for insecurities plaguing your mind but it's nice to be around him anyways
you yelp in pain as kunikuzushi flicks your forehead out of annoyance. "shut it, you're giving me a headache." you sigh, "i'm being serious kuni, i really don't think that i look good enough for you." as your teary eyes dart to the ground, you feel his arms wrap around you. "you are so annoying.. of course your good enough. more than good enough you dumb fuck." you smile a little at his harsh words, knowing that's his way of comfort. while trying to stop your tears from falling, you couldn't hear his soft words in your hair. "you're so fucking pretty, i hate when you say otherwise dumbass."
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written 3/20/23 || credits go to me || asks open <3
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atomicami · 7 months
omg HIII. could you maybe like- write abt like abby and reader at school (in college obvi) and abby pulls reader into a bathroom and like makes sure it’s empty and locks the door, and things get uh.. hot and heavy?🤭
btw, ur awesome.
hi anon! i hope you don’t mind, i changed the setting to a college/frat party instead, but i hope you like it though! tysm for the love 🤍
all clear
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abby anderson x fem!reader (college au)
- summary: it’s halloweekend, and after a lot of convincing, you reluctantly agree to be dina’s plus one to a costume party that’s being hosted at her boyfriend’s frat house. the night flies by slow for you, until an encounter with a certain classmate changes that.
- content: smut MDNI, no outbreak/modern au, reader and abby are in college (as stem majors), reader is a little introverted, frat house setting, college partying, some alcohol consumption, bathroom hookup, kinda softdom!abby, oral & fingering (r!receiving), reader is wearing heels, and abby tells you to keep them on, nicknames instead of y/n (mostly angel), and i think that’s it but lmk if i missed anything else
- author’s note: happy halloween everyone! i’ve been having a bit of writer’s block with my bfm!abby fic lately, so i have to admit the timing for this request was perfect since it gave me the inspiration to write out this fic. i hope you guys like it!
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“I still don’t get why you won’t come join me.”
You let out a sigh, taking your eyes off of your laptop and looking over at Dina, who was currently getting ready.
“Because, Dina, I’ve told you a million times that parties are not my thing,” you reply. “Especially if it’s in one of those awful frat houses.”
For the past week now, Dina’s been trying to get you to come to a costume party that’s being hosted at her boyfriend’s fraternity, Sigma Chi. It’s known to be one of the biggest fraternities at your university, and it’s also known for throwing the biggest parties.
The thing is, unlike Dina, you could honestly care less about college parties. What was the point of drinking and partying all night long when you’d just end up passing out and forgetting everything the next morning? You didn’t see the fun in it. If anything, you’d rather be spending a Saturday night curled up in your bed with a movie than getting blackout drunk and waking up hungover on some random person’s couch.
Dina finishes zipping up her skirt before turning around to face you. “But it’s Halloweekend…Don’t you wanna get out of here for a bit, and have some fun?” she asks. “I seriously don’t get how our dorm doesn’t give you any claustrophobia.”
You let out a chuckle and roll your eyes. “I think I’ll be fine, Dee. Besides, I need to study for my chemistry midterm next week.”
Dina lets out a groan in response. “You’re seriously going to spend this night locked up in our dorm studying?” You watch as she walks over to your bed with her black over-the-knee boots in hand and sits down next to you to put them on. “I truly love you babe, but you have got to let loose a little.”
You look over to your side as Dina goes on while she zips up her boots. “Besides…” she continues, zipping up her second boot. “There’s a possibility that a certain classmate of yours might be there…” she says with a wink as she nudges your shoulder with hers.
The ‘certain classmate’ that Dina was referring to was Abigail Anderson. She was also a STEM major just like you, but particularly majoring more towards the engineering field instead. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t find her attractive, but you never found the desire to go for her simply because you felt like she was out of your league. You figured that she only saw you as nothing more than a classmate who would always sit in the back row during every lecture.
You shake your head and roll your eyes at Dina. “Just because Abby and I have the same chemistry class doesn’t mean we have actual chemistry, you know.”
“Okay, but she’ll probably still be there…maybe this party could be an opportunity for you to create some of that chemistry…” she replies back, nudging your shoulder once again.
Dina was most likely right about that. Abby didn’t seem like much of a party person either, but her best friend Manny sure was. Coincidentally, both Manny and Jesse just happened to be in the same fraternity together, which created a mutual connection between the two of you. And given that both Abby and Manny were on the market right now, chances are that she was going to be at that party too.
But as much as Dina was trying to convince you to go right now, you were trying your best to hold back.
“Well even if I did want to go…I still have a midterm to study for, so I still can’t come,” you said, pointing toward your laptop screen.
Once you turned around, you didn’t see the smirk that was growing on Dina’s face. She was so close to getting you to give in and join this party with her.
You felt the weight of your bed shift as Dina got up and walked around to where she was now standing in front of you. “You can study tomorrow,” she says, closing your laptop shut. “Come on, we’re going to the frat house.”
“But I don’t have a—”
“You can find something in my closet.” she interrupts back, pointing towards her closet. “Now start getting ready, I'm gonna go fix up my hair so we can leave.”
You watch as Dina picks up the set of bunny ears off her bed and walks to the bathroom, the sound of her clicking boots following along with her. After a moment of hesitation, you finally muster up the energy to get off of your bed and walk over to Dina’s closet to pick something out.
Your eyes meet with a crammed closet of clothes once you open the doors of her closet. As a roommate, Dina was one to keep her things organized, but when it came to her clothes, it was like an addiction. Her closet was so packed that if one more hanger were to go inside, you’re convinced that it would probably burst.
Taking a deep breath, you dive into her closet and dig around for her past party costumes, praying you’ll find a good candidate to wear for the party. You’ll have to admit that it's definitely not gonna be an easy task, given that Dina is obsessed with all things tight and revealing when it comes to going out, especially with costumes.
You fish out a few costumes from her closet and bring them over to your bed, spreading them all out to get a good look. At first glimpse of the costumes, you realize that none of these options are a good fit for you, so you try your best to pick the best option through the process of elimination:
Schoolgirl? No…
Nurse? Not really…
Cowgirl? Perhaps…
Mermaid? Absolutely not.
Eventually, you’ve narrowed your choices until there was just one option left: an angel costume.
You pick up the costume off of your bed and take a look at it. The outfit consisted of a white tie front corset top, paired with a white skirt and thigh highs, and topped off with a halo and large feathered wings. Out of all the costumes that Dina had in her collection, you figured that this one would be the most suitable for you.
The bathroom door opens, and you look up to see Dina now fully ready in her Playboy bunny costume. She smiles once she sees the costume in your hands. “That’s a perfect choice, and I even have the shoes to match with it,” she says, pointing at it. You then feel her hands on your hips, motioning you towards the bathroom. “Now go get ready! I don’t wanna miss the party!”
Yeah, this was going to be a long night for you.
🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸 .𖥔 ݁ ˖🕷️🕷.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
The two of you arrive at the Sigma Chi frat house, and you can already tell how packed it is just by looking at it. Music was blasting, multicolor lights flashing through the windows, and even a group of guys chugging a keg on the front lawn. The sight of it alone was already making you start to feel sick. You’re starting to wish you were back at your dorm now, studying as you were before Dina dragged you to this party. But it was too late to back out now.
You both approach the front door of the house, and Dina rings the bell. A smile soon appears on her face once she sees Jesse answering the door.
“Hey you!” she exclaims, leaning in to give her boyfriend a hug and kiss before pulling away to adjust his hat. Based on the red velvet robe, anchor chain, and captain’s hat, it's clear that Jesse was dressed up as Hugh Hefner to match up with his girlfriend.
Jesse smiles back at her before looking over to you, his eyes slightly widening in surprise. “Wow, I did not expect you to be here too,” he says to you.
Dina looks back at you before looking back at Jesse. “Believe me, you have no idea how much convincing it took me to get her to come join me,” she says to him.
Jesse simply nods in response, his eyes now on the both of you. “Well in that case, welcome to Sigma Chi,” he says, stepping towards the side to allow you two to come in. “Make yourselves at home, there are drinks and food in the kitchen, and whatever you guys do, please don’t fuck with the thermostat…the electric bills in this house are already fucking expensive as it is. But other than that, knock yourselves out.”
As soon as you enter the house, you realize that it is just as chaotic as you saw it from the outside. The night’s just getting started, and you truly have no idea when it’s gonna end.
Before you know it, 20 minutes have passed by, but to you, it feels more like a decade. You were upstairs, sitting on a couch, watching Dina and Jesse play beer pong with another couple. You’ve drank less than half of the Twisted Tea that’s in your hand, simply because you had thought at the time that it was just a regular iced tea when you picked it out of the cooler. The music and lighting were overbearing, and the corset and heels were practically suffocating your chest and feet by now. You wanted nothing more than to leave the frat house and head back to your dorm to rid yourself of this feeling.
But instead, you stand up from the couch, deciding to opt for a different drink from the kitchen downstairs. Before leaving you walk over to Dina and tap her on the shoulder to let her know. “I’m gonna get another drink,” you tell her loudly, hoping she can hear you over the music. Dina looks down at your drink and nods. “Get something stronger next time! I think Jesse has a bottle of Smirnoff in the liquor cabinet!” she shouts back at you.
You simply sigh and walk out of the room, the hard iced tea still in your hand. You look down and watch the liquid sloshing around in the small hole of the can until you bump yourself into a familiar figure.
“Shit!” you mutter quietly, almost spilling your drink. “I’m so sorry, I—“ your words get cut off as soon as you look up to see who you have just run into. “Abby?”
“Hey there,” she said with a smile, looking back down at you. “I didn’t expect to see you at this party…what brings you here?”
“Oh, I um…” you stammer, looking back into the room you had just walked out of before turning back to her. “Dina wouldn’t stop begging me to come so…I’m here.” You tell her.
Abby nodded in response, finally putting the pieces together. “Makes sense, I definitely figured you wouldn’t be a party person, not that it’s a bad thing though.” she tells you. You can’t help but notice her checking you out, her eyes trailing over the angel costume that was tightly hugging your figure. “This costume looks pretty on you,” she says, running her thumb and pointer finger through the large feathered wings that were on your back.
You try your best not to get flustered over her compliment. “Thank you, um…” you take a moment to look at what she was wearing. She had on her usual clothes, dark wash jeans, and a muscle tank, except she had on a backward snapback hat with the fraternity’s emblem printed on it. “Are you…supposed to be a Sigma Chi member?” you ask.
You hear the blonde let out a chuckle before nodding again. “Yeah, um…costumes are never really my thing, so this is really all I can come up with,” she tells you. “Besides, Manny dragged me into coming to this party anyway, so I figured I’d steal something out of it.”
You smile back at her response before letting out a chuckle as well. “Well, it suits you, Abs…” you let out a sigh before continuing. “If I’m being honest, I’m so glad I ran into you…This night has been flying by so slow for me,” you admit to her, briefly looking down at the ground.
That’s when an idea passed through Abby’s mind. However, she needed to know if you were up for it. “I can help it fly by faster, if you'd like…”
You looked back up at her, and you truly couldn’t hide the smirk that was appearing on your face. “Is that so?” you ask her. “What do you have in mind, exactly?”
She doesn’t respond right away, but instead reaches a hand out to you. “How about you come with me?” she offers, smirking back at you.
You hesitate for a moment before soon giving in, leaving your drink at the nearest surface you can find before grabbing her hand and following her. She walks you down the crowded hall before stopping at a door that was on her left, assuming that it might be a bedroom or bathroom. She opens the door with no hesitation, only to be greeted with an angry couple protesting from inside.
“Shit! Sorry!” she exclaimed, quickly closing the door again. She then turns to you and you can’t help but let out a laugh, leading her to shake her head at her poor decision to do that. “Come on, I think there’s another bathroom downstairs.
With your hand still being held by hers, you walk down the stairs with her until you get back to the first level of the frat house. You then feel her hand letting go only to snake itself around your waist, holding you close to her broad build as you both walk through the partying crowds of people. Abby soon stopped at a door that was on her right, this time knocking twice before slowly turning the doorknob to take a peek inside.
You also try to take a look inside to see if it is empty. “All clear?” you ask her.
She nods in response. “All clear.”
You then feel her hand moving over your wings down to the small of your back, motioning you to go inside first before entering herself, closing the door shut, and locking it.
The last bit of patience you had left was now gone the moment you stepped into the bathroom. Once Abby had turned around after locking the door and switching the light on, you grabbed her by her muscle tank and pulled her toward you in a kiss. As soon as the contact hits her, you can feel her lips smirking against yours in the kiss. One of her large hands rests at your waist while the other runs through your hair, causing the plastic halo on your head to fall and clatter on the ground.
You try your best not to trip on your heels as she slowly walks you backward toward the bathroom counter that was by the sink. Her hands that were on your waist and in your hair soon moved down to the back of your thighs, giving you a boost to lift you and sit you down on the counter.
Abby pulls her lips away from yours to get a good look at you, smiling as she does so. Your lips were plump from kissing her, your hair slightly messy from when she was running her hands through it, and your eyes were blown out with lust and desperation for her. “Look at you, my angel…” she murmurs, running a thumb through your lower lip line. “So beautiful for me.
Her hand trails down to the front of your corset top, fingertips landing on the silk ribbon that held it all together. “Is it okay if I untie this?” she asks, holding her eye contact with you.
You nod.
“Words, angel.”
“Please, Abby…” you whisper out to her. To Abby, that response was more than enough for her to start undressing you. The ribbon from your corset begins to loosen, and you instantly feel a wave of relief wash through you. Once the ribbon was undone, Abby then uses both of her hands to loosen the rest of it, just enough to free your tits out.
A whimper escapes from your mouth once you feel Abby’s hands on your breasts, your nipples instantly hardening from her touch alone. “God…such pretty tits…” she murmurs out to you, leaning in to quickly kiss down from your neck to your tits, her mouth latching onto one of them and gently sucking while her hand is gently squeezing the other.
More whimpers and whines escape from your mouth at the contact, followed by your thighs rubbing and clenching together. Abby was quick to notice that, removing her mouth and hands from your tits as a result. She takes off her snapback and tosses it to the ground next to your halo before getting down on her knees in front of you.
Once Abby was kneeling on the ground, that’s when you decide to remove your heels, desperate to get them off of your feet. Abby notices this as well, and catches one of your heels before it fals to the ground. “Leave them on, angel.” she tells you, slipping the heel back on your foot. “You look so fucking sexy in these.”
Normally, you’d just protest about how much they were bothering you and take them off anyway. But you simply oblige to keep them on for Abby’s sake. You were willing to go through it a little longer to stay on her good side. You wanted to be good for her. You wanted to be her angel.
Her hands are now making their way up your thighs, stopping at the bottom hem of your skirt. She then bunches the tight fabric that was hugging your hips before pushing it up, allowing more space for you to spread your legs open for her. Her eyes were now met with your clothed cunt, along with a visible patch seeping out of your white thong. She soon hooks a finger underneath the fabric and shifts it to the side, revealing your wet pussy from underneath it.
The sight of your pussy alone already had her mouth watering. Your slick was glistening under the dim, incandescent light of the bathroom and your tight hole was visibly clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled.
“Fuck…” she groaned out quietly as she gently ran two of her fingers over the surface of your cunt, collecting a bit of your slick in the process. “Is this all for me, angel?” she asks, looking up at you.
“M-Mhm…” you whimpered back, nodding quickly. “It’s all for you, Abby, please…”
Abby averts her gaze back down to your pussy, watching as your slick trails itself down to the bathroom counter. She was soon quick to dive her head in and lick an experimental stripe up your pussy to collect your slick on her tongue, achieving the taste of you as she did so.
“My god, angel…you even taste just as heavenly as you look right now,” she mutters out quietly.
Abby wasn’t lying about that. From her perspective, you were truly a sight for sore eyes right now. Legs spread out for her, head thrown back in pleasure with the material of your costume bunched up around your waist and hips to show the parts of you she wanted to see the most, all while your wings remained steady on your back, surrounding your precious figure. You truly looked heavenly in her eyes, and the sounds you were making from her touch sounded just as angelic as you looked right now.
Without delaying any longer, Abby inserts two of her fingers into your pussy, The sudden movement startles you for a bit, before your cunt soon begins to relax around her fingers.
“Look at that, angel…she’s taking my fingers so well…” she murmurs to you, watching as your pussy greedily sucks her fingers further inside. “This pussy is already doing so good for me, baby…I bet you’ve been wanting this for a while now, haven’t you?”
You nod quickly once again. “G-God, yes, Abs…I need you so bad..” you whimper back to her biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning any louder.
Abby notices once again, and brings her free hand up to your bottom lip to free it from the grasp of your teeth. “There’s no need for that, angel…I need to hear those pretty sounds of yours.”
With her fingers still nestling inside your cunt, she brings her mouth to your throbbing clit, gently sucking on it as she slowly pumps her fingers in and out of you.
It didn’t take long for the speed of her fingers to increase. The faster her two fingers pounded into your pussy, the harder her lips would wrap around on your clit, taking away all of the space in between as she continued to suck on it.
As a result of her fast movements, the sounds your body was making in that bathroom were absolutely obscene. Between the wet squelching noises of your pussy and the moans and whimpers that were escaping from your mouth, Abby can’t help but feel so turned on from it, practically rubbing her own thighs together for some relief as she continued to devour your pussy.
Your orgasm quickly began to build itself up inside you, and based on the way your cunt was squeezing Abby’s fingers right now, she could tell you were getting close too.
“A-Abby…I-I think I’m gonna cum…” you whine out to her, both of your hands gripping onto the bathroom counter while your hips begin to involuntarily grind against her face.
“Let it out for me, angel…” she murmurs into your pussy, her movements still refusing to quit. “Take it out on me, baby…fuck my face until you finish, just like that…”
Your hips rut against your mouth a few more times, along with the involuntary movements of your pussy tightly clenching around her fingers and your clit pulsing in her mouth.
You instantly finish into her mouth and onto her fingers with a loud moan of her name, followed by your thighs trembling right after your climax. Thank God that the party’s music from outside was loud enough to keep anyone else from hearing what was going on inside.
Abby soon removed her mouth from your pussy while slowing the pace of her fingers, fucking you through it as you progessively recover from your orgasm. You hear a quiet groan escape from her mouth as she pulls her fingers out of you, watching as your cunt pushes out your thick white release and let it drip its way down to the counter. You watch her do the same movement from before, licking another stripe up your pussy to collect the rest of your release onto her tongue.
Once you were clean, Abby removes each of your legs off of her shoulders and pulls herself away from your pussy, wiping whatever that was smeared on her face with the back of her hand.
Abby then picks herself up off the floor and stands in between your legs to fix up your costume. Once you were all good, she helps you get off of the counter and back on your feet.
You reach over to pick up your halo off of the ground, Abby also doing the same with her snapback. “Thank you again for that, Abby…This definitely made my night.” you tell her, biting your lip again to hide back your smile.
The blonde smiles at you in response. “Of course, angel, its no problem…” she takes a quick breath before continuing. “You know…you can spend the night at my place, if you’d like..” she offers to you, nervously rubbing the back of her head as she does so.
You smile back at her and nod, your eyes beaming at her blue ones. “I would love that, actually.”
Abby then turns the knob and opens the door, revealing the chaotic atmosphere of the party once again. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” she tells you, keeping her hand back around your waist and by her side.
From that point forward, it was safe to say that the rest of that night was anything but slow for the both of you.
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- a/n: i’m so sorry if this looks rushed, i really wanted to have this out by today! @ anon if you’re out there i hope you enjoyed it 🙏🏻
happy halloween y’all, stay safe for me tonight 🤍
tags 🏷️: @ourautumn86 @abbyscherry @whore4abby @zombholic @catfern
2023 © atomicami | all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or translate any of my works.
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aswaki · 2 months
after watching matthew making pancake live on instagram, i just thought abt having sex with him in the kitchen while you are cooking would be nxjskam&/&$&&
you're not alone, anon. oh that live is ingrained to my memory. it gave us so many points of view. his arms there were extra... yuMMy.... i wanted to BITE. whenever he moved his phone & gave us angles that were soo IDHDDJSJKS it made me weak.... ok tbh matthew would like the domestic vibe of you cooking. it felt so intimate. it'd give him a hard on to see you be focused and loving. you were as delicious as the food you prepared. you'd probably never get things done if you were together in the kitchen.
seok matthew x reader | flashfic | explicit (minors dni)
contains: fem!reader, kitchen sex, unprotected sex, backshots, slight strength kink, pet names ("baby", "pretty girl")
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you standing there in an apron and a dress shouldn’t have made matthew aroused and bothered but he was.
he was so aroused and bothered at the sight of you cooking in his kitchen, wearing his ‘kiss the cook!’ apron.
you even turned on music, humming and swaying your hips along with the beat. you were so gorgeous, especially in the morning light that made it look like you were glowing. a smile formed at his lips.
matthew approached you from behind, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist. he rested his chin on the top of your shoulder then turned his head a little to the side so he could kiss on your neck. he kissed you like what the silly apron suggested. you continued cooking as he does this like it was the most natural thing in the world. the only acknowledgement you gave him were soft giggles that made his heart race faster and blood rush to his dick.
matthew wrapped himself tighter on your waist. his hands started to rub over the spot it reached as if he was memorizing how you felt.
“you hungry?” you asked him as your hand came to touch his. your voice was quiet as if you were afraid to break the tranquility this time of the day brings.
“starving,” he mumbled into your ear before continuing, “you look so sexy, baby. let me have a taste.” his breath tickled you as he spoke.
one of his hands lowered down to your ass and gave it a firm squeeze.
you tried to act like this didn’t make you wet. (it did, though. matthew knew you couldn’t control yourself when it comes to him.)
“distracting the cook is a kitchen hazard, you know.” you replied, feigning indifference… which didn’t matter. not when his strong arms moved you from your spot over to the kitchen island. he pressed your face to its cool surface eliciting a gasp from your mouth.
he easily moved and bent you down. automatically, you arched your back and opened your legs a little after being put in this position. you felt your pussy getting wet because of his strength. oh, you were turned on.
matthew flipped your dress up, bunching the skirt to your waist, to see your smooth backside. “no panties? fuck, was my pretty girl expecting this?”
he ran his hands on it and then smacked your ass. you let out a moan that sounded like music to his ears. it was even better than the song you had playing at the moment.
matthew lowered his boxers. he was getting erect. he rubbed his cock up against you, instantly coating his length with your arousal. you spread your ass cheeks wider without even being told to which made him smirk. your cunt was so slick and inviting.
he then entered you which wiped your mind almost blank. you moaned even louder than before. he grabbed your wrists and held it with his hand behind your back. his free hand came to grip your hip.
matthew’s thrusts were slow and sensual, all hips and whispers. he was transfixed by the way your ass moved each time he pushed himself.
you lifted your head and looked back at him, “don't stop,” you pleaded.
 “i need more.”
those were the magic words. he groaned hearing you plead to him. matthew took your urgency to heart and strengthened his stroke. he set a harsh and fast pace that should be enough to give you what you need. this would surely bring you to your climax soon.
he could feel you tensing up, squeezing him as an orgasm threatened to come out of you.
“don’t be shy, pretty girl. cum on my cock,” with a few more strokes inside of you, your walls clenched harder around his length and you orgasmed.
your moans were suddenly mixed with the sounds of the fire alarm as the food you were cooking was left forgotten on the stove. your eyes widened at it. reality sunk down on you abruptly. shit. 
“oops,” he said while at the same time you looked back at him and breathed out, “told you. kitchen hazard,” 
you scrambled to detach yourself from him and turn off the stove.
“we’ll continue later,” he was insane if he thought you could wait for later. you didn’t get to savour your pleasure.
you went back to him and groped his hard wet cock.
“no. now,”
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holybibly · 4 months
thinking abt how yunho's a big pervert when he's allowed to be. best friend!yunho testing boundaries and reader letting him step all over them because they're both head over heels for each other. the rest of ateez thinks they're just super close. yunho's a gentleman after all.
but what the rest of ateez don't know is that they do the most perverted stuff to each other behind closed doors. y/n is lying on her tummy in her cute little skirt while they watch a movie and yunho just can't resist dragging his fingers up the back of her thighs and watch them disappear under her skirt. he spreads his fingers and the tips of his fingers dip into her slit and under her panties and reader likes it so much she arches her back and submits to him automatically.
they take it up a notch around ateez in the most subtle ways too. y/n would be cuddling against yunho as all nine of them watch a movie together in the living room but she'd pull one of his hands on her tummy to creep under her shirt and rest on her tit under the blanket. if anyone looked closely (mingi), they could see yunho's long thumb flicking her nipple or rubbing it in circles under the hoodie she stole off the floor (mingi's). yunho would caress her upper thigh while backhugging her under the pretense of watching her make breakfast, but his large hand would dip into her inner thighs and he'll rest his palm on her warm pussy. mingi sees it all mainly because the poor boy can't stop staring at the two of them.
yunho knows, of course, about mingi's little crush on reader (and on himself. mingi's ears turn red when yunho manhandles him or rests a hand on his thigh) and how he's been a little voyeur to all the times yunho's had his tongue inside your pussy and licking the life out of you, or had your tiny pussy split open with his cock as he pounds you into the floor (because the bed would creak!). yunho's been leaving his door a crack open for his precious mingi and is just waiting for him to snap.
yunho's favourite way to rile up mingi is to call Y/N "Tiny" in a voice that's only heard in the bedroom while they do the most mundane things. he loves watching mingi's sweatpants grow tight when he does it.
Mmm, that sounds so good. You know what I think?
I think Yunho will deliberately drag you into Mingi's studio when he's working on a new track, just to have a bit of fun with you while his best friend is there. He'll bend you over so that your hands rest on Mingi's broad, muscular shoulders, and your face is right next to his. So close that he can feel your warmth on his cheek.
"Our sweet Tiny came to see how you were." Yunho's voice sounds like you've just licked his dick, and damn it, Mingi knows he sounds like that, considering how many times he's hidden behind the door while Yunho has ravaged your pussy. He would have given anything to be in the same place as him at this very moment.
"How are you, baby?" You are so sweet. You are genuinely interested in what he is doing and how things are going with the new album. Your hands begin to gently knead his stiff shoulders, and it is at this very moment that two long fingers of Yunhno's slowly penetrate the tight, wet warmth of your pussy. You're always so damn wet to him. Or is it due to Mingi's presence?
God, it is going to take all of your strength not to start moaning at the top of your lungs. Especially when he presses his hips against you and you feel the hard shape of his cock against your ass. The pads of his fingers brush against your G-spot.
His fingers feel so good inside you. They stretch your tight pussy to perfection. By the way Mingi stutters and blushes, you know he knows what the hell is going on behind his back. But he's too shocked and scared to do or say anything right now.
He is trying so hard to look straight ahead. Sweat is forming on his neck, and his dick is getting hard in his trousers. Only the realisation of the situation in which he finds himself can make Mingi cum untouched.
Yunho is fingering you. Yunho is fingering you right in the middle of his studio. Damn.
"Baby," you whisper into his neck, almost touching his sensitive skin. It feels like he's on fire. "You stopped talking about the new track. Is everything all right?"
"Yeah, Mingi, are you okay?" Yunho's face is now on the other side of his neck. Hot breath is flowing over his skin.
And you both have him stuttering about the album and the music. As Yunho continues to push his fingers into you harder and harder, the lewd, wet sound becomes loud and clearly recognisable.
"I want to hear more of this. So please don't stop, baby."
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fictionalwh0ree · 3 months
May i please request Billie x super girly/soft reader? They were friends for years and recently started dating and everyone has always questioned their relationship since they're polar opposites? Tysm!
pink bows- billie eilish
summary: you and billie are completely different, but thats what makes you great. unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way. when some of the hate gets too much, billie knows how to comfort you. word count: 1.4k warnings: none
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billie eilish was indubitably the most gorgeous girl you’d ever seen. with the perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy, the perfect balance of cocky and humble, it was hard not to fall for her. you’d known since the moment the two of you became friends that you liked her in a more than just friends way. nothing had happened between the two of you until a couple months back, and when she publicly came out, she also revealed your relationship to the world.
people had known about your friendship, her posting you frequently on her story. people always replied, saying you guys were goals, your contrast being perfect. see, while billie opted for baggy clothes and a hat, you always leaned towards a tank top and a mini skirt, or a nice dress. you always stood out by her side, especially when you wore pink, which was usually. whether it was a pink purse or some detailing on your clothes, you always had it on. you loved the support you got from her fans. they were a light amongst all the hate you received as well.
so, when billie posted a photo of you two kissing, and then when she took you to the grammy’s as her date, you expected more support than what you’d got. besides the blatant homophobia, your dissimilarity had gone from something that made you “goals” to something that got in the way of dating. you received many messages saying things like “what do they even have to talk abt?” or “they literally have nothing in common, this has to be pr.”
you focused your energy on ignoring the comments, taking moments to appreciate the supportive fans who seemed overjoyed with the announcement. when the hate seemed to slow down, billie posted you again. this time, the two of you were matching, both of you in pink tshirts. billie’s shirt was baggy and paired well with her jeans, while yours was a tighter fitting tank paired with a jean skirt. despite all the positivity, new hate comments were coming in. people accused you of trying to turn her into you, saying you were taking away from her style. this was only on one end of the scale, your dms had become flooded with death threats too.
it started to become a lot. you started to pull away from billie a little, taking a little longer to answer her messages, making excuses to not see her, avoiding being in any photos she took. you couldn’t avoid her forever, though. billie wasn’t stupid. being new to the relationship meant you were both afraid to have serious discussions, worried about how it would turn out. on your side, you were scared that billie would think you were stupid or weak for letting the haters get to you. on her side, she was scared to ask what was wrong, worried that you’d either fallen out of love with her or that she’d push you too far.
the last straw was when you finally made plans with her to go get food. she stopped in your driveway, knowing you were probably strapping your heels or running back for your keys that were adorned with a pink bow, and pulled out her phone. she didn’t even realize when you’d walked out of the house until you pulled open the car door. she looked up at you, smiling, until she took in your outfit. you were in simple jeans with a black long sleeve, basic shoes, your hair down, and no makeup. there wasn’t a hint of pink, or girliness, in your outfit. her smile faltered and she tilted her head to the side in confusion. you planted a kiss on her lips in greeting.
“hey,” you said.
“hi,” she said back, uncertainty still evident.
“whats wrong?” you asked, knowing full well what was up.
she started the car, beginning the drive before she spoke again.
“uhm, nothing,” she said, “its just… i’ve never seen you in an outfit like this.”
“do you not like it?” you asked, worried, “i-i just wasn’t feeling the pink.”
“no no, you look great baby,” billie objected, “but, you weren’t feeling the pink? i never thought i’d hear that from you.”
“does it matter?” you snapped, “we’re just going to get food. sorry i don’t wanna put on a dress and heels.”
you crossed your arms, looking out the window. you heard billie sigh and if you would’ve been looking, you would’ve seen the way she bit her lip in thought and glanced over at you, plotting her next words.
“y/n whats been up with you recently?” billie asked nervously.
“what do you mean?” you said.
“well, i don’t know, you just haven’t been yourself recently,” she took a breath, considering whether or not she’d say what had been on her mind.
“do you- do you not like me anymore or something?” she said, eyes flicking between you and the road.
“no, no, billie, thats not it. i promise,” you said, turning to face her while grabbing her hand off the console.
“okay,” she said, smiling a little out of relief, “then what is it? and don’t say nothing.”
“honestly,” you breathed out, “i was just trying to fit in with you more.”
“fit in with me more?” she asked, confused.
“i don’t know, it feels kind of stupid to say,” you confessed honestly.
“it’s not stupid, baby, i promise. just tell me,” she comforted, placing a kiss on the back of your hand.
“well, ever since we went public, i’ve been getting all these comments and dms about how i’m taking away from your style when we match, and how we don’t match, and how we look like a pr stunt because i dress in pink and girly and you don’t,” you said, looking down.
“i guess i just got tired of it. i want people to see us and know we’re together, for real,” you muttered.
“y/n,” billie said, squeezing your hand, “how could you call that stupid?”
“i just shouldn’t have let the hate get to me,” you said.
“its not your fault,” she said, finally arriving at the restaurant drive through.
you sat still for a moment as she ordered the food and picked it up. she parked in the parking lot, finally looking over to you for more than a second.
“y/n, i like your style. i don’t want you to change, for me or for anyone else. part of what makes us work is that we’re different. i know its annoying having people think it isn’t real, but we know the truth, that’s what matters,” she said, taking your hand in hers and placing a kiss on the back again.
you looked at her, biting your lip shyly. you smiled slightly, trying to fight it a little, but it was hard. your cheeks were burning as you looked at her.
“there’s that pretty smile,” she cooed, smiling back at you.
“i love you,” you said.
“i love you more,” she replied, leaning over the console to kiss you on the lips.
she snagged your house keys from the cup holders in the middle, untying the pink ribbon that adorned it.
“give me your hand,” she spoke.
you offered it to her and she gently picked up your left hand, carefully tying a bow on your ring finger, making you blush harder. you quickly rooted through your own bag, finding and untying the pink bow that was on your car keys.
“give me yours,” you said.
she gave it to you, and you tied the ribbon on her ring finger, just as she had done to you, before leaning over to kiss her lips briefly. you pulled away, holding her hand and admiring the two pink bows, knowing one day those bows would become rings.
“lets go,” you said.
she pulled out of the parking lot and as she drove, you snagged a picture of your hands, one that was sure to become a wallpaper, a constant reminder of your love and how it transcends what anyone thinks.
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subskz · 3 months
what kind of feminine panties would each member wear, and mtl likely to wear them?
i feel like felix would love frilly, floral, lacy, cutesy ones hehe. like especially pastel pink ones with small polka-dots and the little bow at the top and lacy trim.
jisung would definitely wear a g-string. or lacy crotchless ones, but i mainly see him as a g-string type of guy. he likes the aspect of it barely covering anything, and how it would be pretty easy for you to rip them off of him since it’s only a thin piece of string. he probably wore one of those candy g-string panties (https://images.app.goo.gl/DTc849PLjwbjk8pU9) once for shits and giggles, but actually gets pretty turned on when you start eating the candies to slowly reveal his cock
what a delicious question ♡_♡ for mtl i think it’d depend on a few things but here’s my tentative ranking!
felix -> jisung -> binnie -> jeongin -> hyunjin -> chan -> lino -> seungmin
felix in smth frilly and cute just feels so right, esp w a pretty silk bow just like you said! maybe long pretty ribbons on the edges or one right in the center over his bulge <3 i think he’d love a lace trim bc of the delicate, angelic quality it has, but he’d also want it to have a cute twist for an element of playfulness! maybe even sanrio-themed underwear or those panties that have a cute skirt attached to the waistband
jisung in a g-string 😭 i agree he’d love anything that gives you easy access and the panties being so tiny would make for a great visual of his dick peeking out or leaking through the material~ the edible candy one you mentioned would definitely turn him on an embarrassing amount lmao by the time ur done eating it he’d be seconds away from cumming untouched. i also love the idea of him in a garter belt for that tiny waist
binnie goes back and forth between being insanely shy and awkward abt it, to feeling so good abt himself that he’s harder than ever. you can see how giddy he gets when you fawn over him it makes him feel like the prettiest boy in the world, he’d definitely not-so-subtly show himself off just so you’ll keep praising him. i think he’d like either black lacey panties that have a dark, sexy look or the most ridiculously cute, girliest pink pair that you can imagine w a bunny/heart pattern, there’s no in between 😭
given how innie seems open to experimenting w more feminine styles like skirts/dresses i think he’d be very into it despite how embarrassed he might get at first bc he feels like a lil bit of a perv. but he cares a lot abt aesthetics so once he feels comfortable you’re in for the giggliest baby boy ever. i think he’d like smth kinda cute and trendy, in a bright color like pink or purple with some frills! he’d love having to look in the mirror while wearing them while you compliment him
god hyune would look gorgeous in literally anything but he is a little shy which makes him hold back a bit. he has such a natural sensuality to him but funnily enough he’s kinda awkward abt trying to be sexy. i think he’d lean for smth a bit less revealing since he’s not one to like showing off his body too much. lace seems a lot like his style, it’s seductive but also pretty and elegant at the same time, it makes him feel sexy n refined and satisfies his need for artistry in everything <3
i fully believe channie secretly loves to feel feminine and pretty, the only problem is he’s already so easy to fluster on a normal basis so wearing cute underwear would probably make the poor boy short circuit. unstoppable force (channie’s babygirlism) vs immovable object (channie’s shyness) he might like smth simple to start, maybe silk/satin panties bc he he can’t get enough of how nice the material feels <3 he’d go crazy if you snapped the waistband against his skin to tease him and he’d probably say smth like “is it *giggle* is it supposed to be so tight here?” (subtle way of drawing attention to his ass)
lino…do not be fooled by his placement on this list, when he’s in the right mood he’d very much enjoy wearing feminine underwear, esp once he learns how crazy it drives you. i think he’d like the kind w a garter belt attached to stockings/socks, a whole set to accentuate his gorgeous thighs (with cat ear cuffs of course!!!) he’d always prefer to wear thigh highs with his panties or smth sheer that covers a lot of skin bc he’s also kinda conservative abt showing off his body, he doesn’t like to feel too exposed
i’m kinda cheating w this one bc it’s not exactly feminine panties but ever since pink brought up the idea of seungminnie prefering lace boxers over traditional lingerie i have never been the same i cant get it out of my head 😭 i think it’s the perfect balance of pretty and delicate, but still boyish and not as revealing for our modest puppy seungmo ♡ he’s very shy and i think his embarrassment might overpower the thrill of looking pretty for you, so he might not be as into it as some of the other boys
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ickadori · 16 days
You right, i havent been giving my man choso proper attention for the longest....... buuuut,
Thinking abt repressed virgin nanami who falls for a hot milf or smth idk and just like.....hes such a tits man to me idk, would literally love to eat her out for hours and massage her and then take care of her infant so she can get some rest
I js realized this was supposed to be abt choso but oh well!! Still thinking about nasty fat dick naoya and ummmm pls ur dirty talk writing is literally >>>> like its in part why i got so hooked on ur writing (besides that iconic tall!reader scara fic oh my god(
Idk im just so thirsty for virgin male x slutty reader content like theres such sparsity, i wish i cld writeee like u!!! Anyways this was all over the place but im trying to get wasted so happy weekend dori 😋💋
cws for fem reader & lactation kink.
Nanami isn’t big on children. He thinks they’re cute, and he finds his eyes lingering on baby clothes every now and again when he happens across them, but he doesn’t give them much thought other than that.
His lifestyle doesn’t allow for him to - a jujutsu sorcerer having a child? It was a selfish, inconsiderate thing to do. He could die at any moment, leaving behind a child and a mother to support themselves..he wasn’t that cruel.
But he didn’t give you that child —a part of him wishes he had. Wishes he had been the one to slide into your wet, warm pussy, felt you grip him tight and suck him in. The one to pump you full of cum until it was dripping out and making a mess for him to clean— so this was fine then, wasn’t it? You had been doing well enough on your own before him, and you’d do well after him as well, so it was fine for him to…indulge then, wasn’t it?
“I’m starting to think you’re enjoying this more than me.” You sigh out, head lolling back onto his shoulder as his hands work over your breasts.
You had been complaining all day about them being sore, something about the baby not latching properly that morning and not having any time to pump at work, and Nanami had been more than willing to offer his hands as help.
That’s how you ended up sat between his legs on the sofa, shirt and bra discarded as he gently squeezed and kneaded at your engorged breasts. They were heavy, full of milk, and he gently coaxed it out, pointed fingers rubbing over puckered, sensitive nipples as milk began to bead.
“Just trying to help…” He murmurs, chin hooked over your shoulder as he watches. “Don’t like seeing you in pain.” You hum, hips squirming, and he wonders if you’d be wet if he put his hand down your skirt.
“You’re so good to me, Kento.” You rub at his thighs over his slacks, and the muscles tense underneath your touch. He squeezes, a thin stream of milk dribbling out and over his fingers, and he sucks in a breath at the feel of the warm liquid. “Fuck.”
“Hey.” He softly chides, and you whisper out an apology, head turning so you can kiss at his bobbing adam’s apple. He squeezes again, a steadier stream coming out, and he harshly swallows as a need begins to curdle in his stomach. “Can I…?” He doesn’t finish the sentence, and he doesn’t need to, it’s a request he’s made before, and he gets the same response.
“Just a little.”
He’s on his knees between your spread thighs the next second, hands latching onto your waist just as his lips latch onto a nipple. He groans at the taste of you, lidded eyes locked onto yours as he sucks, your milk filling his mouth and sliding down his throat. Your fingers are curled tight into his hair, hips still squirming and rocking against the sofa, and one of his hands leave your waist to venture underneath your skirt.
His cheeks hollow out just as his fingers slide past drenched, sticky panties, and you both moan when he meets puffy, wet folds.
“Ken,” you tug on his hair and he relents, tongue laving over your now puffy nipple before he’s placing a wet kiss against it. “‘s aching, Ken.”
“Yeah? Because of me?” He rasps out, hands roughly tugging up your skirt. You lift yourself off the couch to allow him to bunch it around your hips, and then he’s pulling you closer to him, face burying itself between your thighs as he mouths at your cunt over your panties.
They’re quickly tugged to the side, and he sighs into you, lashes brushing against the tops of chiseled cheeks as he licks a stripe up your slit - starting from your dripping, clenching hole up to your twitching clit.
Your essence is dripping off his chin and coating his face in seconds, and he relishes in it - breathing your scent in deep, suckling at your clit to coax more of your juices out, suctioning his mouth over your hole and swallowing down everything you offer him.
He’s greedy as he eats you out: hands kneading at the body he’s sworn to love and protect, lips mouthing at the first, and last if he has anything to say about it, cunt he’s had the pleasure of worshipping. His cock is heavy and leaking in his pants, but it’s the last thing on his mind, especially when you cry his name out and yank on his hair, a rush of fluids rushing into his mouth as you come.
He drinks it down as if it’s second nature, not protesting as your thighs close and squeeze around his head. His frantic sucking turns to languid, gentle licks as he helps you come down, nose nudging up against your clit as his tongue traces your slit.
You eventually ease up, body melting into the cushions as your hands slip from his hair, and he lifts his head up, tongue swiping over plump, wet lips as he looks you over.
His hand moves to his belt.
“…baby…crying.” You pant out, and the blood that had been rushing in his ears finally settles down, allowing him to hear the cries coming from down the hall. You make a move to get up and he stops you with a hand on your stomach.
“Relax. I’ve got it.” He places a sticky kiss onto your lips before he’s rising to his feet and heading back, but not before making a quick stop in the kitchen to clean up his hands and face, as well as making a quick bottle with the formal on the counter considering he hadn’t been much help with the whole pumping thing.
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ilyhaitanii · 6 months
id love to hear your thoughts abt jealous ran <3
nonnie, you’re gonne regret asking me this ohymdosnsn
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jealous ran is deadly. he’s awfully sweet and charming, more than usual. his sickly sweet smile is only reserved for you. god forbid the person who is making him feel like this is around, it’s over for them.
he’s irritated, to say the least. his body tenses at the way sanzu smiles and jokes around with you. he knows you two are childhood friends, and ran trusts you with all of his heart. he’s pretty confident in himself as well. he likes to think he’s a pretty handsome guy with a good personality, but when he watches the say you smile with sanzu, he starts to doubt himself a bit. in an irrational manner, ran walks over to you two, an arm looping around your shoulders.
“whatcha guys laughin’ about?” his smile is wide— too wide, sanzu notices. you look uo at ran and smile at him, brightly exclaiming what you were discussing with “haru.” even the nickname makes him sick, but ran is soon hit with a wave of embarrassment. what the hell is he doing? why is he comparing himself to sanzu? he doesn’t give a fuck about sanzu (he makes sure sanzu eats his meals, sometimes even poorly tries to prepare him meals after long nights of drinking)
so why the hell was ran haitani, one of the most handsome guys from ronponggi, comparing himself to sanzu. it’s almost as if you can read his mind because you’re quick to compliment how good he looks today. he gives you a soft smile and a kiss on the cheek. sanzu quietly excuses himself, going to rindou to make conversation. ran takes this opportunity to pull you away from the party into a private corridor. his hand is firmly grasped onto yours as he pins you against the wall.
instantly his lips lock onto yours, hands groaping random parts of your body. he wants to stabilize himself, remind himself that you are his. when his hand brushes against the jewel on your ring, ran is hit with another way of embarrassment. that’s right, you picked him. despite all odds and struggles you two went through as kids, you picked ran haitani. he pulls away from you, staring at you dumbfounded.
“when did our hello kiss turn into a hello make out?” you smile up at him, fixing a few strands of hair that had gone astray. “you feel better?” you ask him in a hushed voice, lips leaning closer to his.
“yeah. i love you,” whenever ran speaks to you, he never thinks. his tongue simply rolls out words and phrases. he feels free from the constraints of everyday life, of his past mistakes. he can just be himself.
“i love you too, ran.” and ran knows you love him. whne he’s jealous like this, the only thing that consumes him is self-pity and self-hatred. but you’re able to pull him out of that dark hole by reminding him you chose him for a reason.
you aren’t with him for his money, his looks, his connections. you’re with him because you love him— you love the boy who would bring you flowers every time you went on a date. you loved the boy who took your backpack from you, slinging it over his own shoulders so you could freely move around. you love the boy who draped his tenjaku coat over your legs whenever you sat down and wore a skirt so you could sit however you deemed comfortable.
you loved ran haitani for his heart. and he too loved you.
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sorry i got carried away.
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brattyfork · 7 months
matt nsfw alphabet
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*these are about sex! if that makes you uncomfy, don’t read it!*
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
-the whole nine yards, a bath, drink, snacks, cuddles, your fav tv show, literally anything that will make you more comfortable he’ll do + sex debrief! talk abt what you liked, what you didn’t, what went “wrong”, what was funny+naked cuddles ofc.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
-he loves your thighs, loves squeezing them, having them wrapped around his head, leaving hickies on them. also your stomach! he loves squishy.
he likes his hands, likes how big they are compared to yours, loves wearing rings bc he knows it drives you crazy.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
-loves cumming inside you (in a condom to avoid a mess lol) but also loves cumming on your tummy!!
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-he’ll never admit it but he loves when you lick him, his neck, his stomach, literally anywhere. he also really likes amateur porn, so much so that you guys made your own so he can watch that instead.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
-not super experienced, only has one or two bodies but he’s always asked you how to do stuff or what he can do to make you feel better so he’s much better than he used to be.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
-sucker for missionary, wants to be able to kiss you and watch the faces you make. also loves when you ride him, watching you use his cock to get off.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
-he tries to be serious but sometimes things just aren’t going right and you gotta laugh abt it. make sure he knows you’re not laughing AT him tho, it’ll ruin the mood entirely.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
-usually just trims, doesnt wanna be bare but also doesn’t want it too long and def doesn’t want you getting pubes in your teeth lmao.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
-always telling you how much he loves you during, wants to make it as special as possible so you know you’re not just a quick fuck.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
-wants you to talk him through it over the phone, tell him how good he’s being and give him permission to cum eventually.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
-unpopular opinion! i think this man likes your feet!! not super into foot jobs he just thinks your feet are cute. loves being in control but will never turn down the opportunity to be dominated. +basic shit like praise and degradation, choking to an extent. also loves edging and overstimulating you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
-prefers to fuck in your bed so you have privacy, also likes the couch or car sometimes and very occasionally, wants to bend you over a table.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
-just being close to you can get him worked up. it drives him crazy when you wear shorts or a skirt that hug your thighs so perfectly.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
-up for mostly anything unless it’s obviously gross, but gets nervous with any kind of impact play because he does not want to hurt you. also doesn’t love the idea of anal, kinda grosses him out.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
-matt the munch! this man loves eating pussy and he’s phenomenal at it. he likes when you suck him off but he won’t ask. he wants you to want to do it if that makes sense.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
-completely depends on how he’s feeling. if he’s super worked up, you won’t be able to walk the next day but sometimes he loves soft slow morning sex. either way the pace is always perfect and exactly what you both need.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
-doesn’t love quickies, he wants to be able to take his time but sometimes if you haven’t fucked in a while and you have the opportunity for a quickie, he’ll take it
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
-up for trying (almost) anything once, he just gets nervous that he’ll hurt you or not do it right and embarrass himself.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
-i think on a good night he could go 2-3 rounds but most of the time only 1, maybe 2. he doesn’t finish super fast unless it’s been awhile but he probably won’t last more than 20 min of straight fucking.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
-doesn’t love toys, doesn’t have any for himself, not a fan of using dildos on you, he’d rather just fuck you. does like vibrators tho, and shit like handcuffs or restraints, perfect for overstimulation.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-he tries to tease but it never lasts long. he can’t deny you when you make your pretty noises or beg him. also can’t resist you so it’s hard to tease lol.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
-usually grunting and groaning all up in your ear. sometimes a whine or a whimper comes through and he gets all embarrassed, which is super hot.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
-loves when you ask him what bra/panties you should wear (his fav is a sparkly dark blue set)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
-we’ve all seen his sleeper build. he’s not super muscular but he’s also not a twig, he’s strong and can throw you around. his dick isn’t super long, which doesn’t matter bc he knows how to use it, it’s proportional in length and width. his dick is as pretty as a cock can be. you KNOW this man has a cute butt and i imagine him having little lower back dimples🥺
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
-he’s not a complete horn dog, he can turn it off and just have sweet romantic moments with no thought of sex, but he also finds you irresistible so it’s hard. he doesn’t want you to think he’s a horny man that can’t control himself.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
-he gets pretty sleepy after!! once he gets you all settled and makes sure your comfortable, he’s out like a light.
a/n: hi this was so fun, i’m also working on one for chris and i have a sfw template for both of them as well :) i promise i will post more soon lol, i been busy <3
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m-ayo-o · 7 months
what abt ichigo + bunny reader for the emoji event?? loveddd ur kisuke one!
ty kisuke is a fave 😌 -evidently since i couldn't keep him out of this... emoji event : 🐇🧡 bunny!reader x 21+ ichigo 18+ needy f!reader, sending nudes! thigh riding, fingering, sex- he feels bad for leaving his grl :( wc .7k
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You watched your man leave three days ago now. You just can't stand the heat between your legs any longer. Driven by your crazed, horny desires, you get dolled up in some pretty clothes- the shortest skirt you can find, a skimpy top, with no underwear. And, although you know your man is working hard, on some serious mission... protecting the soul society or whatever he's doing up there... you stand in front of the mirror and take the sluttiest photos you can muster.
You slowly start stripping off pieces of clothing, feeling turned on by your own seductive actions, until you're bending and spreading that pretty bunny pussy for him to see.
Satisfied with your work, you open up his contact and send away your beautiful images. You know they'll drive him crazy.
He opens his phone carelessly, tapping on your icon and-
You take his breath away.
"Kurosaki, who- who is that?" Kisuke ogles over his shoulder as they stand together in the R&D lab.
Not for much longer.
"A girl?? With, with bunny ears? W-w-where-" but Ichigo is already turning to leave.
"I, uh," his face is bright red, "I have to go."
He didn't realise you were quite in this state. He tries to stay by your side as much as possible, but this time it just couldn't be helped. He can't help but feel guilty- he knows how much you struggle by yourself.
And minutes after your messages were read, you have your gorgeous owner back, apologising for leaving you, telling you how much he loves you and that he'll never do it again.
"Please, baby bunny, let me make you feel good," he strokes your floppy ears and takes you to the bed, where he gets you sitting on his lap.
You feel his fiery hot touch over your body, his hands starting to pull and drag your heat over his leg.
"That's it, bunny, please use me," he whispers and kisses you hungrily, loving how you're starting to hump him.
"Want you to get off right here," he watches the way your hips move, leaving that wet slick on his clothing.
"uuh, huh" you hum and moan, getting closer with his hot encouragements.
And once you've got his leg all messy, it's his fingers. They give you that dizzying stretch that you can't manage with your own.
"Baby, I'll make it up to you, I promise," he's desperate to make you feel good, holding you close while he slots his thick fingers in and out of your needy pussy.
Your mouth hangs open with another silent scream, feeling his thumb push on your clit, getting you buzzing again.
Now your perfect body is ready for him, he strips, and you stare at the way his muscles are illuminated in the soft light.
And he pushes you down on the bed, laying you flat on your stomach so he can play with that soft little tail.
"I can't believe I left you feeling like this..." he pushes your legs nice and wide as he mounts you, getting his cock all covered in your cream.
"hnn, Ichi- Ichigo, it, it's ok, please, please, just-"
Before you can even finish he's gliding in.
"Don't worry, baby, 'm back now."
He's so glad, to see your face overwhelmed with that satisfied, fucked out expression already. His heart fills up, watching your toes curl with the first orgasm from his cock. The guilt of leaving you eases with every thrust, until you're gripping at the sheets and begging him to fill you with his cum.
He knows he wants to. You know he eventually will.
"Not yet, baby." But Ichigo doesn't do things by halves, and he has endless stamina.
"After those pictures- bunny, I, I'm gonna need a bit longer, ah, with you tonight, ok?"
"mmmh- yeah, please, Ichi," you hum, loving the sound of that.
"Good, good, because I love you and need to treat you better," he hums and moans, bending over your body to press kisses to your temple while he fucks you softer.
And your body sinks into the mattress, letting yourself relax and enjoy the overwhelming pleasure of him.
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i love him, he's so intense and cute :c
bleach | m.list
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