sylfvr · 8 months
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Les fleurs du néant - 2023.
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entities-of-posts · 26 days
I had a lot of grotesque dreams last night but I'll save you two of the stranger ones.
The first was that I was doing an assignment for my Biology class, but every time I answered one question, another question appeared and the assignment kept getting longer. I was doing it on the due date and it was so upsetting.
The second was that there were plants growing between my brother's teeth. I didn't believe him when he told me until I saw it, and then I freaked out.
I think they were stress dreams, if that affects any identification.
The second is the Corruption; for the first, it’s difficult to say… the urgency and neverending nature of it could be linked to the Hunt, or perhaps it could be said that you feel Buried under the ever-expanding task. Maybe the feeling of impending doom as the deadline approaches could even be the End… but hear me out now.
Some may call me a conspiracy theorist for this, but theories I have! Have you ever heard of the concept of the Dull?
The reasoning goes as such; humans love balance, love symmetry. The prevalence of inversion theory when it comes to the Fears prove this. And human imagination molds Them. But currently, one Entity is without a dance partner; the newest, still forming Extinction. There is an imbalance, a void waiting to be filled. And what would mirror the Terrible Change? The fear of nothing ever changing. Being stuck in this state of things, monotony, boredom, every day just the same as the last and the next and the next and the next forevermore. This is exhibit A.
Exhibit B: something happened in recent years. Something that left a large part of the world’s population stuck at home, the days bleeding into each other, getting cabin fever, going stir-crazy trying to escape the tedium. An event like this, on such a scale… couldn’t it be the perfect push for Something to start coalescing?
I call it the Dull, the Forever And Ever And Ever And Ever, the Broken Clock. Apathy and endless repetition, lifeless routine, rows and rows of identical greige-painted suburban homes. Always through the same motions with no end in sight. It will always be like this.
Consider it:)
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eidonox · 1 month
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I pulled out my gambling set and wagered chips worth the equivalent of Ticket Pulls I did and I dragged his ass home with no room for arguments 🫡
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chelshiart · 3 months
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in which it is ethically and morally correct to bully a child
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headlesssamurai · 4 months
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“Hers was an elegant savagery.”
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vesperalia · 11 months
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"Undreamable" [Digital Collage; 2023]
--- {Prints Available}
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markeronacomputer · 15 days
Asking for the DOAI Fandom’s help
Hey guys, do you know any horror monster gimmicks that would make for a good Veldigun? I’m still trying to come up with the sixth Veldigun for Oneiric Observation, and I can’t come up with a good gimmick for it. Here are all the movies my current Veldigun take inspiration from:
Unfriended (and The Ring) for Myke
The Menu for Julian (which I KNOW doesn’t have a horror monster but I just wanted a food-related horror monster that didn’t make me lose my appetite so SHUT UP)
M3GAN for Candice
(basically any infection horror movie but mainly) Invasion of the Body Snatchers for Victor
A Quiet Place for Beau
If you know any movies with monsters that make for great gimmicks that would make for great Veldigun, please tell me!
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sylfvr · 2 months
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Really love these two together
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jasmine-and-irises · 11 months
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entities-of-posts · 1 month
i have repeated dreams in which my weezer blue album poster comes to life and calls me slurs
This is not the work of any Entity, the members of Californian rock band Weezer chose for this to happen to you. Personally.
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low-cool · 1 year
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s-crapbook · 28 days
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A glitch in the fabric of time.
Capri, 2023
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lailoken · 1 year
I had a dream on Hexennacht that has been really sticking with me for some reason. I dreamt I was wandering up a heavily forested hillside in search of a party I could hear in the distance and smell on the wind (WHATEVER could this mean...?)
As I made my way, I finally caught a glimpse of firelight through distant trees and heard laughing and talking, but once I was close, I found myself feeling extremely reticent to join in. I put on an Owl mask I had with me and stood for while and listening, but I ultimately followed my gut, which told me to keep walking into the darkness and pass the festivities by. As I started to shift my trajectory, however, I was approached by a woman in a purple gown (or maybe a shade of dark red?) riding on the back of a cow decked out with copious golden jewlery. She had olive skin and dark hair (either pulled up or cut short—I couldn't tell in the shadows,) and she asked me, "Are you looking for the party?" I told her that I had been, but was feeling inexorably drawn onward now that I was near. She smiled and said, "Sometimes you've just got to dance, but it seems like you've got important business elsewhere tonight."
Before we parted ways, she offered me a cabbage roll of some kind. I could smell that there was meat in it, so I let her know that I appreciated the offer but that I didn't eat animal flesh and she just chuckled and said "it can be vegetarian if you want it to be!" I was apparently less aware of the fact I was dreaming than her because I just kind of laughed awkwardly and tried to change the subject, thinking she wasn't taking my dietary restrictions seriously. So she said, "At least take the cabbage!" and handed me what had become an entire head of cabbage. Something clicked for me then, and I realized I was dreaming all at once and said, "Ohhhhh," before waking up.
I fell back asleep shortly after recording the dream and then slept like a stone the rest of the night with no memory of dreaming. I've been puzzling over omens and imagery and such, for some sort of deeper meaning, but I've come to the conclusion that I probably just had a weird encounter with another practitioner while Dream Walking.
So, to the friendly witch and her beautiful cow who I believe greeted me kindly in the woods—thank you for the cabbage!
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14.5 X 14.5 X 12 CM
ONEIRIC YAM (POT) is an interactive installation piece incorporating 3D printed objects, electronics, sound, and zines.
The Oneiric Yam is an oneiric, crypto-botanical structure (it relates to dreams and mythological or unproven plants). It grows out of the ground in an irregular egg shape and sports a hollow interior and holes in the walls. At night, spores are released into the air through those holes. When animals (including humans) inhale them, they begin to dream.
Several leds illuminate the yam from the inside. an audio jack can be plugged in to play an ambient synthesized track, overlayed with dreams recited by Elevenlab's text-to-speech AI.
The zine SEAMOUNT ONEIRONAUTICS! builds the world surrounding the Oneiric Yam, contextualizing it within a sci-fi story about a lone researcher.
The Oneiric Yam is the main subject of my Seamount Oneironautics series of works, which focus on dreams, lucid dreaming, and crypto-biology.
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For this project, I focused on enclosures: enclosing the circuit in the Yam, enclosing the Yam in a pot, and enclosing/contextualizing the piece within a story (the zine).
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markeronacomputer · 1 month
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It’s the boi!
This here is (the incredibly cartoonified digital recreation of) Myke (or Mychael), the first of my six Veldigun OCs for my DoaI AU, Oneiric Observation.
(lore under cut!)
I think the best way to describe him is that he’s kind of like a ghost. He can possess and fuck around with electronics, and he uses this ability to fulfil his proud duties of getting rid of the other Veldigun’s tracks. In this day and age, whenever someone encounters something they can’t explain, the first place they’ll go is social media: Myke is here to make sure they don’t get anywhere in that regard.
His most recent target is the Oneiric Observers, and their efforts to look into dissaperances around their small local town. To stop anyone from catching on, he’ll corrupt their hard work in any and every way possible, trying to make them look like the biggest idiots in the country.
And I know what you’re thinking: wouldn’t it be easier to just delete the videos? Yes, but that wouldn’t guarantee nobody saw them. What about erasing the memories of everyone who saw them, as Veldigun can likely do? Not an option, for three reasons: A. Myke is NOT going to the effort of tracking down everyone who saw those videos, B. That’s assuming deleting memories is even something he can do, and C. Myke… doesn’t like resorting to the simple solutions.
Instead, he likes messing with people. He likes the chaos of having someone’s attempts at revealing the truth go through a little crash-and-burn. Besides, if he just killed them, that would only INCREASE the chances that someone might realise they were onto something. He has to make them look horrible first… and the best part? The OO are such amateurs at it that sometimes he doesn’t even have to interfere.
That’s what makes him such a great villain. Because, by acting like little more than just a nuisance, he’s tricking the OO into underestimating him. He wants them to think he’s just an asshole of a sapient virus and nothing more: because when he crawls out of those screens and into the real world… it’ll be far too late for them.
Keep in mind that this design is just a cartoon version. He uses this form to taunt the OO in a way more personal than anonymous texts. I actually posted a small peek at the sketch art for his true form earlier today, and… it’s not exactly for the faint-hearted.
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sylfvr · 18 days
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