#onestar´s confession
plumousse-designs · 11 months
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My 2023 Warriors reread!
As you may know, we celebrate 20 years of warrior cats in 2023, so I decided to do my long overdue reread of every single book this year. I thought it would be fun/interesting to keep everyone updated with my progress and thoughts, so here is how this is going to work.
To reduce spam, this is going to be a regularly updated master post containing a continually updated tier list. I’m going to have a short pinned post containing a link to this post, and update that with what book I’m currently reading. I also thought it would be fun to have one sentence reviews/ statements/ thoughts about each book.
Since I have very recently reread River, Sky, and Onestar’s Confession, they’re already on the tier list/review list (I couldn’t find a tier list with Sky yet so that won’t be on the list itself but it still gets a ranking). I will mostly read the books in publication order with a few exceptions which include reading all books in a single arc together, and reading a few books in a reading order I prefer more.
As books come out this year I will pause my reread to read those, give them a review, and then continue my reread after they’re done.
Anyway, the tier list:
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One sentence thoughts on each book:
Into the Wild - A - No wonder this thing got like 100 sequels.
Fire and Ice - B - Graystripe commits manslaughter twice in this book.
Forest of Secrets - S - This book is littered with so many good character moments throughout, and despite reading this book more times than I can remember, the third act is still so tense and emotionally driven for me.
Rising Storm - A - This book is quite chill until Runningwind dies and it all just gets more dramatic from there, I always am unprepared for how hard Yellowfang’s death hits.
A Dangerous Path - A - Seeing just how ill Bluestar gets in this book is absolutely heartbreaking.
The Darkest Hour - S - What an excellent way to end the arc, and what would have been at the time the whole series, special shout out to that guy Vicky knew/knows which came up with the initial idea of Scourge.
Firestar’s Quest - B - The only real problem I have with this book is the extremely forced Spottedleaf relationship drama.
Midnight - A - I do not remember liking this book this much last time I read it at all, I wasn’t expecting this to get an A, I really like the character interactions in this particularly.
Moonrise - D - You know in games where you choose to play a side quest but it goes on way too long and you can’t wait for it to be over, yeah that’s this book’s Tribe plot.
Dawn - B - The workmen in this book are pretty terrible people, one deliberately injures a cat and most of them just don’t seem to care when several cats are running around their active heavy machinery.
Starlight - C - Brambleclaw please stfu.
Twilight - C - I already can’t remember most of what happened in this book and I finished it about 10 minutes ago.
Sunset - B - I was on the fence about whether to give this C or B but the Hawkfrost confrontation pushed it to B.
Rise of Scourge - A - Wherever Scourge is living there’s a pretty severe feral cat problem judging by the overhead shots showing them littering the street.
The Sight - A - I forgot how good the character interactions are in this book.
The Lost Warrior - C - I feel really bad for Millie’s owner, she clearly loved Millie a lot.
Warrior’s Refuge - C - Why does that cat have a hereditary 90s haircut?
Warrior’s Return - C - Diesel is the best part of this book, he’s great.
Secrets of the Clans - B - A cute field guide, it’s interesting to see in particular the stuff which ended up becoming dotc, and how those stories in the book are presented as the stories as how the clans know them rather than be totally accurate.
Dark River - C - The character interactions really hold this together, it would definitely be a D tier book if based on the plot alone.
Outcast - E - There’s a few good character moments, especially from Breezepaw, but otherwise the book is just racist and boring.
Eclipse - A - I wanted to keep reading this despite having my life consumed by tears of the kingdom so you know it’s good.
Long Shadows - B - Everything before the fire scene was C and the fire scene and beyond was S so it all evened out to an B to me.
Cats of the Clans - C - It’s fine, that’s all I really have to say about it.
Sunrise - S - What a tragic story for so many involved, and the emotional beats are absolutely nailed.
Into the woods - D - The priceless look on the big handsome cat’s face was the best part of the book
Escape from the Forest - C - She should have stayed with the captain and Patch, I hope she went back to them later on
Return to the Clans - D- In hindsight maybe Sasha shouldn’t have insisted to her kits that Tigerstar was misunderstood and other cats just didn’t understand him
Code of the Clans - A - It’s a shame more and more of this is becoming retconned, I like to still think that it’s all still canon bar the elements of the stories that directly contradict new canon.
Bluestar’s Prophecy - A- It’s a miracle no one in ThunderClan immediately recognised Mistypaw and Stonepaw at their first gathering only mere moons after the identical Mistykit and Stonekit supposedly died.
The Fourth Apprentice - B - Jayfeather just can’t catch a break can he?
Fading Echoes - B - I feel so bad for both Dovepaw and Ivypaw, I thought to myself “oh honey… no” so many times reading each of their POVs.
Battles of the Clans - C- How and why does Cedarheart know about SkyClan in this?
Shattered Peace - C - Willie is the worst BloodClan cat name ever, imagine losing your home to a cat named Willie.
A Clan in Need - B - It was very satisfying to see Violet and Barley beat up their abusive brothers.
Heart of a Warrior - B - the last 3 pages are a RavenBarley shipper’s dream.
SkyClan’s Destiny - E - I did like many of the character moments, and almost rated the book higher on those alone, but the plot is just a bunch of random things happening before the main plot gets a rushed resolution in 3 chapters after getting barely any focus.
Night Whispers - B - Dovepaw and Ivypaw’s relationship is breaking my heart in this one.
Sign of the Moon - F - It started off ok but then it became very quickly apparent that there is no reason for this book to exist apart from padding out the arc to six books.
Crookedstar’s Promise - S - This book hurts my heart.
The Forgotten Warrior - E - In this one I can just feel the writers struggling under the weight of everything they set up but neglected to plan how they would follow through.
The Last Hope - B - I found about 77% of this book to be C tier but the battle at the end is good, iconic, and emotional so I bumped the whole book up to a B.
The Rescue - B - That old lady seemed really nice, I hope she found a cat which loved her and stayed with her.
Beyond the Code - B - I hope Sol’s siblings ended up having good lives, did Cinders scout the homes for her children beforehand or did she just randomly choose houses I wonder.
After the Flood - B - Glad Shrewtooth got some time in the spotlight like that before he disappeared, I wonder what happened to him, I miss him.
Yellowfang’s Secret - E - This book is just messy; lots of obvious errors, bad pacing, and Yellowfang herself is just so bland, she’s nothing like the cat she is in the first arc.
Hollyleaf’s Story - C - Nice insight into Hollyleaf’s time in the tunnels, I don’t have much else to say about it.
Mistystar’s Omen - C - Probably worth a read again if you’re invested in ASC, you get more out of it.
Cloudstar’s Journey - A - Why no one talks about this book is beyond me, do yourself a favour and check it out if you haven’t.
Tallstar’s Revenge - S+ - Words cannot describe how I feel for this book but maybe the fact I added an S+ category just for it can.
Ultimate Guide (2013 Edition) - B - Nice guide with a few mistakes, B tier rather than C for the art, RIP Wayne.
The Sun Trail - S - Overall I really liked this one particularly the stuff at the beginning up to Gray Wing finding Jagged Peak.
Thunder Rising - A - I’m sorry for the gross treatment you were given Bumble, you deserved so much better.
The First Battle - S+ - What a heart-wrenching tragedy the second half of the book is, perfectly crafted to just continue inflicting emotional pain on the reader.
The Blazing Star - C - You died too soon One Eye.
A Forest Divided - B - Surprised I enjoyed this one as much as I did, not looking forward for Slash next book, such a nothing villain.
Path of Stars - B - Was considering giving this a C until the second half picked up and the ending left me an emotional mess, Slash still sucks as a villain though.
Moth Flight’s Vision - C - This book was so close yet so far to saying purposefully something meaningful about trauma.
Tigerclaw’s Fury - F - I liked Jaggedtooth and not much else at all.
Leafpool’s Wish - D - I liked the last two chapters with the three as kits, that was cute, unfortunately how vile StarClan are drags the whole book down.
Dovewing’s Silence - B - The first few chapters that dealt with the direct aftermath of the battle were my favourite.
Bramblestar’s Storm - D - Would be a lot better if it was about 30% shorter.
Mapleshade’s Vengeance- A - A really good self contained villain origin story - Warriors needs more like this.
Goosefeather’s Curse - S - Genuinely probably the bleakest and most hopeless warrior cats story, and I adore it.
Ravenpaw’s Farewell - S - This story radiates love.
The Apprentice’s Quest - B - The characterisations of Needlepaw and Alderpaw are my favourite things about this book.
Thunder and Shadow - A - “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it”, isn’t that right Onestar?
Hawkwing’s Journey - A - Probably simultaneously both the most hopeless and hopeful warriors book there is.
Shattered Sky - S - Manages to build a sense of horror and dread about the fates of the missing cats that you rarely see in a warrior cats book.
Spottedleaf’s Heart - F - This book is just thoroughly terrible in so many ways, I don’t think I need to explain myself here.
Pinestar’s Choice - B - I really like how Pinestar’s struggle is handled, and Shanty, I fully believe those dream cats telling him to kill Tigerkit were just a normal nightmare rather than a message from StarClan.
Thunderstar’s Echo - A - I liked this one better than I remember, the character bonds and interactions really sell it for me.
Onestar’s Confession - E - Imagine building up a character for an entire book as an awful person then just having them be forgiven by everyone at the end, enjoyed the Darktail stuff so it gets E rather than F.
River - A - I’m really glad to see warrior cats doing some good old murder mystery again.
Sky - B - Wake up bestie new character with anxiety just dropped.
Shadow - A - Nightheart gets smacked in the face with a frog, if that’s not enough reason for you to check this book out I don’t know what to say.
A Thief in ThunderClan - A- After all these years of wanting a Brightheart book it finally came and I definitely wasn’t disappointed.
Riverstar’s Home - S - We got a really nice close platonic friendship between a male and female character in this, to make up for it the Erins gave us the most fridged character in warrior cats history.
Thunder - A - It only took 20 years but the warrior cats discovered therapy.
Wind - A - Oh Splashtail, Tigerstar would have given his tail for a son like you.
Ultimate Guide 2023 Edition - C - I liked the new stories, points off for the horrendous colour errors though.
TPB Graphic Novel 1 - A - I love the art, the pacing for the fire and ice section isn’t great though.
Ivypool’s Heart - S - One of the most emotionally mature stories in warriors, with the underlying message that there is life and beauty in everything and nothing ever truly leaves.
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simply-yelly2 · 3 months
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The Queen of the Wind and proud mama of Gorsepaw.
I was inspired by the style of my friend @onedivinemisfit. You may no longer be involved with Warrior Cats, but it was so fun to talk with you and learn about the various wonders of cat genetics.
Name: Morningflower
Past Name(s): Morningkit, Morningpaw
Clan: Wind
Rank: Elder
Mentor: Palebird
Apprentice(s): Ashfoot
Father: Cloudrunner
Mother: Dawnstripe
Siblings: Larksplash, Appledawn, Houndleap, Leafshine, Rushtail, Robinstep (Robinwing (WC), Muddyclaw, Darkfoot, Oatwhisker
Mate(s): Tallstar
Offspring: *Firestar, *Whitetail, Gorsepaw, Storkkit, Quailkit
*There is an AU I am working on currently. In it, Firestar and Whitetail are both Tallstar and Morningflower kittens.
I got this picture done three days ago and made some touch-ups since then. I can now confidently say that I am 100% satisfied with how she turned out.
This is Morningflower, the lovely tortoiseshell queen from Fire and Ice who is the mother of Gorsepaw. She is part British Shorthair due to her father who was a former kittypet who was accepted into WindClan and later became a respected warrior.
Morningflower has always been known as a tortoiseshell with amber eyes, though once I saw on the Wiki that she had "light" as part of her description. Glancing at the allegiance for Onestar's confession has revealed that Morningflower is now a calico.
This version of Morningflower has her being a calico smoke. She inherited the silver gene from her dad and it gives her a lighter undercoat but also dilutes the colored patches on her body.
This coloration appears in a few breeds, but it does seem hard to get. Regardless of this fact, I LOVE calico smokes. I think they are very pretty, especially when you see the contrast between LH and SH. Plus this totally fits her name if you want to focus on a traditional route.
Prefix: Morning - You know how before sunrise the sky will take on a kind of creamy color? And usually the background is still dark because the sun hasn't risen yet. That is what came to mind with choosing this pattern. Some pretty powerful imagery.
Her suffix would come from the fact that she is very good with kits. Given how Morningflower was depicted as a queen in most of the allegiance, I like to imagine that she was like Daisy and Ferncloud. A permanent nursery queen who helped take care of kits and their mothers. This doesn't make her soft, however.
EDIT: I hated the old version, so once again tried to correct the markings. In this case I took inspiration from two real-life British Shorthairs, both featured in the Animal Planet show: Too Cute.
The "spots" around here are markings, the pose would not let me put them as they are supposed to go. So I tried to put them close to the parts of the body where they would normally sit.
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lander64 · 8 months
The next Warriors arc is good be, interesting, to say the least. We don’t really know anything about it, but the only info the Erins have given us thus far is that it will focus on a cat from tPB (the first arc). Which is a confusing choice.
Gonna be putting my thoughts into bullet points to help me convey my opinions.
- ‘Cat from The Prophecies Begin’ is an incredibly broad category. This, potentially, ranges from book 1 elders (One-eye, Patchpelt etc) to cats who were kittens in the last book (Sorrelkit and her brothers).
- But also if the arc takes place after the current arc, well that’s uh, strange? The only cats who are still around since tPB is an elder, or at least getting there. I believe Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt are the youngest cats still alive who come from the first arc, and even those two are getting old. WC is targeted towards kids, so having an elder mc in the main series would be such a weird choice for the arc.
- Some people have been suggesting Princess and Smudge and other non clan cats. While there are stories you could tell with them, few of those are stories you could tell that demands 6 books to tell it. Most likely a whole arc would be full of filler and have a snails speed of a pacing, which wouldn’t be ideal. They’d also run into issue of being too old, but they’d have the excuse to have the arc take place Po3-OotS era. I highly doubt the Erins would stay away from the Clans, for a super edition sure, but for a whole damn arc? For characters that aren’t that popular in the fandom at large?
- This leaves our options limited.
- First option, prequel arc. Self explanatory, an arc that takes place before tPB. This feels unnecessary. We already have a stand alone book for basically all the important first arc cats. Therefore, there’s nothing that a whole arc could tell us that we don’t already know. Hell, a consistent criticism of the new standalone books, like Leppordstar’s Honor and Onestar’s confession, is that they add unnecessary, contradictory, and, well bad, information.
If we do get a prequel arc, it’ll most likely be a sequel arc to DotC. Which was the worst selling arc so I doubt it will happen.
- Second option, Starclan arc. Our PoV/s is a Starclan cat and we have an arc take place directly in the clans afterlife. This is actually my favourite suggestion out of all of them. We’re long past the days of Starclan being a mysterious and unknown entity, so getting to know more about how it works, the politics of it all, and get very interesting character interactions, would be a welcome breath of fresh air. You could do a lot with it and expand upon previously undeveloped cats. You could even have something Dark Forest related. This would be an incredibly unique arc, I do highly doubt this is the direction the Erins would take though. But if they do then I’d welcome it.
- Third option, legacy kits. Next arcs Pov isn’t actually the first arc cat, but a relative. This is ether gonna be another Nightheart situation or we get Scourge’s edgy op daughter who’s here to destroy the clans as revenge!!! Or something boring. This one really depends, and would more likely than not be retreading old ground.
And that’s all The ones I can think of that make somewhat sense. Of course we could always get an elders pov or a whole arc outside of the clans despite my severe doubts and issues with those ideas. Honestly, we just don’t know enough to be confident about anything of the next arc. We don’t even have the title for the last book in the current arc yet. But speculation and conversations about it are always a fun time imo.
Feel free to share your ideas of what the next Warriors arc could look like if you’re interested.
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List of Super Editions & Novellas
Firestar’s Quest SkyClan's Destiny Bramblestar's Storm Hawkwing's Journey Squirrelflight's Hope Graystripe's Vow Leopardstar's Honor Riverstar's Home Mistystar’s Omen Cloudstar’s Journey Tigerclaw’s Fury Dovewing’s Silence Ravenpaw’s Farewell Redtail’s Debt Shadowstar’s Life Pebbleshine’s Kits Tree’’s Roots Thunderstar’s Echo Spotfur’s Rebellion
Moth Flight’s Vision (No name changes) Tallstar’s Revenge -> Star Larkdusk’s Revenge Yellowfang’s Secret (No name changes) Crookedstar’s Promise -> Star Crookedjaw’s Promise Bluestar’s Prophecy -> Star Bluefrost’s Prophecy Tigerheart’s Shadow (No name changes) Crowfeather’s Trial (No name changes) Onestar’s Confession -> Star Onewhisker’s Confession Hollyleaf’s Story -> Hollyleaf’s Acceptance Leafpool’s Wish  (No name changes) Mapleshade's Vengeance (No name changes) Goosefeather’s Curse (No name changes) Pinestar’s Choice -> Star Pineheart’s Choice Tawnypelt’s Clan -> Tawnypelt’s Guild Mothwing’s Secret (No name changes) Daisy’s Kin (No name changes) Blackfoot’s Reckoning -> Star Blackfoot’s Atonement
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gougarpaw · 2 years
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"Onestar thought of telling her it was the name of a Clan leader, then reflected that it wouldn’t mean anything to Snowflake, who clearly had snowflakes for brains."
Snowflake is a plump, long-haired, pure white she-cat with blue eyes.
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clanslist · 3 years
Choose a Cover - 2022 SE
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Vote on your preference for the cover of 2022′s Super Edition: Onestar’s Confession!
Follow the journey of WindClan leader Onestar from his apprentice days to his many moons leading his Clan through battle, hardship, and the long journey to the lake territories—and the checkered legacy he left behind.
(Riverstar did indeed win, and is planned for 2023.)
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hailsfromthevoid · 4 years
Warrior Cats List of Modern + Ancient Tribe Names
Sources for these names are from all the books, the official website's now retired games Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name and The New Prophecy Quest, the family tree, and the username/warrior name generator.
I've also included names that exist in the WC universe that aren't used for clan or tribe cats but could've been, along with realistically plausible fan-created names. They are marked with + at the end. So new suggestions are welcomed!
Last updated September 29th, 2022, for Onestar's Confession.
[ A ] - Acorn That Falls from Tree+ Ash That Darkens Sky+ Aster That Peeks from Rock+
[ B ] - Bird That Rides the Wind Bracken by Tree Stump+ Breeze That Rustles the Leaves Brook Where Small Fish Swim
[ C ] - Cloud With Star In Belly Cloud With Storm In Belly Crackle of Blazing Fire+ Crag Where Eagles Nest Crest of Snowy Mountain
[ D ] - Dark Shadow On Water Dawn of Rising Sun+
[ E ] - Echo from Deep in Cave+ Ember from Where Fire Blazed+
[ F ] - Fall of Snow on Water Feather of Flying Hawk Flight Of Startled Heron
[ G ] - Glitter of Stars in Sky+ Gray Sky Before Dawn
[ H ] - Hiss From Startled Viper+
[ I ] - None yet...
[ J ] - Jagged Rock Where Heron Sits (Jag)
[ K ] - None yet...
[ L ] - Lark That Sings At Dawn Leaf That Sways In Wind+
[ M ] - Mist Where Sunlight Shimmers Moon Shining on Water Moss That Grows By River
[ N ] - Night of No Stars
[ O ] - Owl Screeching over Prey+
[ P ] - Pebble That Rolls Down Mountain Petal From Wilting Rose+ Pine That Clings To Rock
[ Q ] - None yet...
[ R ] - Rain That Passes Quickly Rain That Rattles On Stones Roar of Rushing Waterfall+ Rock Beneath Still Water Rock Where Snow Gathers
[ S ] - Scree Beneath Winter Sky Screech Of Angry Owl Shadows that Slant on Dusk (Slant) Sheer Path Beside Waterfall Snow Falling On Stones Splash When Fish Leaps Star That Shines On Water Storm Clouds At Dusk Swoop Of Chestnut Hawk
[ T ] - Talon Of Swooping Eagle Teller Of The Pointed Stones Thorn That Grows in Cleft
[ U, V ] - None yet...
[ W ] - Wing Shadow Over Water
[ X, Y, Z ] - None yet...
[ A ] - Acorn Fur
[ B ] - Black Ear Briar Stalk+ Bright Stream Broken Feather Broken Shadow
[ C ] - Chasing Clouds Clear Sky Cloud Spots Cloudy Sun Crow Muzzle
[ D] - Dancing Leaf Dappled Pelt Dark Whiskers Dawn Mist Dawn River Dawn's Breeze+ Dew Nose Dew Petal Dewy Leaf Dove's Wing Dust Muzzle
[ E ] - Eagle Feather Echoing Song+
[ F ] - Falcon Swoop Fallen Leaves Falling Dusk Falling Feather Falling Rain Fern Leaf Fish Leap Flower Foot Fluttering Bird Furled Bracken
[ G ] - Gorse Fur Gray Wing
[ H ] - Half Moon Hawk Swoop Hollow Tree
[ I ] - None yet...
[ J ] - Jackdaw's Cry Jagged Lightning Jagged Peak Jay Frost Jay's Wing Juniper Branch
[ K ] - None yet...
[ L ] - Lapping Wave Light Whisper+ Lightning Tail Lion's Roar Little Mew+
[ M ] - Melting Ice Misty Water Moon Shadow Morning Star Morning Whisker Moss Tail Moth Flight Mouse Ear Mud Paws
[ N ] - None yet...
[ O ] - One Eye Owl Eyes Owl Feather
[ P ] - Pebble Heart Pine Needle Pink Eyes
[ Q ] - Quick Water Quiet Rain
[ R ] - Rainswept Flower Raven Pelt Red Claw Reed Tail Rising Moon River Ripple Running Fox Running Horse
[ S ] - Shaded Moss Sharp Hail Shattered Ice Shattered Sky+ Shy Fawn Silver Frost Silver Stripe Snow Hare Sparrow Fur Spotted Fur Star Flower Stone Song Storm Pelt Strong Pounce Sun Shadow Swift Minnow
[ T ] - Tall Shadow Tiny Branch Turtle Tail Twisted Branch
[ U ] - None yet...
[ V ] - Violet Dawn
[ W ] - Whispering Breeze White Tail Willow Tail Wind Runner Wolf's Howl+
[ X ] - None yet...
[ Y ] - Yarrow Leaf+
[ Z ] - None yet...
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hailsfromthevoid · 4 years
Warrior Cats List of Suffixes
Sources for these names are from all the books, the official website's now retired games Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name and The New Prophecy Quest, the family tree, and the username/warrior name generator.
I've also included names that exist in the WC universe that aren't used for clan or tribe cats but could've been, along with realistically plausible fan-created names. They are marked with + at the end. So new suggestions are welcomed!
Last updated September 29th, 2022, for Onestar's Confession.
[ A ] - Ant+ Apple+
[ B ] - Bark Beak+ Beam Bear+ Bee Belly Berry Bird Bite+ Blaze Bloom Blossom; from the username/warrior name generator. Bracken+ Branch Breath; from Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name. Breeze Briar Bright Brook Burr Burrow+ Bush
[ C ] - Claw / Claws+ Cloud / Clouds+ Crackle+ Crawl Creek Cry+
[ D ] - Dapple Dash+ Dawn Drizzle+ Drop+ Dusk Dust
[ E ] - Ear / Ears+ Eater Eye / Eyes
[ F ] - Face Fall Fang Fawn+ Feather Fern Fire Fish Flake Flame Flare+ Flight Flower Flutter+ Fly+ Fog+ Foot Fox+ Frog+ Frost Fur
[ G ] - Gaze+ Gorse
[ H ] - Hail+ Hare+ Hawk Haze Head; from Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name. Heart Hoot+ Horse+ Howl+
[ I ] - Ice+ Icicle+ Ivy+
[ J ] - Jaw Jump; from the username/warrior name generator.
[ K ] - Kit
[ L ] - Lake; from the username/warrior name generator. Leaf / Leaves+ Leap Leg / Legs; from Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name. Light Lightning+ Lily+ Log; from the username/warrior name generator.
[ M ] - Marsh; from the username/warrior name generator. Mask Meadow; from the username/warrior name generator. Mew+ Minnow+ Mist Mistle; from the username/warrior name generator. Mole; from the username/warrior name generator. Moon Moss+ Moth; from the username/warrior name generator. Mouse Muzzle+
[ N ] - Needle+ Nettle; from the username/warrior name generator. Nose
[ O ] - Owl+
[ P ] - Pad Patch; from the username/warrior name generator. Path; from Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name. Paw Peak+ Pebble; from the username/warrior name generator. Pelt Perch; from the username/warrior name generator. Petal Pike; from the username/warrior name generator. Pod; from the username/warrior name generator. Pool Poppy Pounce Puddle
[ Q ] - Quail+
[ R ] - Rabbit; from the username/warrior name generator. Rain+ Raven; from the username/warrior name generator. Red; from the username/warrior name generator. Ripple+ Rise+ River+ Roach; from the username/warrior name generator. Roar+ Robin+ Rock+ Root+ Rose; from the username/warrior name generator. Runner Rustle+ Rye; from the username/warrior name generator.
[ S ] - Sage; from the username/warrior name generator. Sayer; from Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name. Scar Scratch Scree+ / Screech+ Seed Shade Shadow; from Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name. Shell; from the username/warrior name generator. Shimmer; from the username/warrior name generator. Shine Sight Skip Sky Slate; from the username/warrior name generator. Slip Snout Snow Song Soot; from the username/warrior name generator. Soul+ Spark+ Speck / Speckle Spirit Spit+ Splash Spot / Spots Spring Squeak+ Stalk / Stalker; from Consult StarClan for Your Warrior Name. Star Stem Step Stipe+ Stone Storm Stream Strike Stripe Sun; from the username/warrior name generator. Swimmer+ Swipe+ Swoop
[ T ] - Tail Talon Thistle Thorn Throat Toe Tooth / Teeth Tree+ Tuft Tumble+ Twist+
[ U ] - None yet...
[ V ] - Vole+
[ W ] - Watcher Water Wave+ Weed+ Whisker / Whiskers+ Whisper Whistle Willow Wind Wing Wish Wolf+
[ X ] - None yet...
[ Y ] - Yarrow+ Yew+
[ Z ] - None yet...
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