#blackfoot´s reckoning
plumousse-designs · 11 months
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killerwal · 9 months
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!!!tw blood!!!
this scene in blackfoot`s reckoning was terrifying and im not even sure if i could show the depth of horror i felt when i read this
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List of Super Editions & Novellas
Firestar’s Quest SkyClan's Destiny Bramblestar's Storm Hawkwing's Journey Squirrelflight's Hope Graystripe's Vow Leopardstar's Honor Riverstar's Home Mistystar’s Omen Cloudstar’s Journey Tigerclaw’s Fury Dovewing’s Silence Ravenpaw’s Farewell Redtail’s Debt Shadowstar’s Life Pebbleshine’s Kits Tree’’s Roots Thunderstar’s Echo Spotfur’s Rebellion
Moth Flight’s Vision (No name changes) Tallstar’s Revenge -> Star Larkdusk’s Revenge Yellowfang’s Secret (No name changes) Crookedstar’s Promise -> Star Crookedjaw’s Promise Bluestar’s Prophecy -> Star Bluefrost’s Prophecy Tigerheart’s Shadow (No name changes) Crowfeather’s Trial (No name changes) Onestar’s Confession -> Star Onewhisker’s Confession Hollyleaf’s Story -> Hollyleaf’s Acceptance Leafpool’s Wish  (No name changes) Mapleshade's Vengeance (No name changes) Goosefeather’s Curse (No name changes) Pinestar’s Choice -> Star Pineheart’s Choice Tawnypelt’s Clan -> Tawnypelt’s Guild Mothwing’s Secret (No name changes) Daisy’s Kin (No name changes) Blackfoot’s Reckoning -> Star Blackfoot’s Atonement
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woofolotl · 3 years
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"I was a half-Clan cat. A paw in RiverClan, a paw in ThunderClan, and never quite accepted in either. Life is simpler here, without all the Clan rivalries and distrust."
— Stormfur to Tawnypelt about why he prefers the Tribe in Tawnypelt's Clan, page 168
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mud-castle · 3 years
Ashpaw dies au (continuation)
Also, something else, I haven’t read Leoparstar’s honour and Blackfoot’s reckoning, they weren’t out when I started this au so I’m just pretending they don’t exist, same with Graystripe’s vow. So, anything added in those books to canon I’m just ignoring.
5 moons after the battle/ 2 moons after cats left for Skyclan
Sasha drowns and Hawkpaw can’t deal with it, so he leaves Riverclan. On the way he passes through Windclan and gets stopped. Tallstar offers him a place in Windclan, and he accepts.
He ends up close with Nightpaw
10 moons after the battle/ 7 moons after the cats left for Skyclan
The cats return to the clans, after remaking Skyclan.
Squirrelkit and Leafkit are born to Firestar and Sandstorm
Shrewkit and Spiderkit are born to Dustpelt and an unnamed molly.
Dustpelt brought his kits back to the clans and Brightheart nurses them along with Whitekit and Birchkit (They are not mates, just siblings)
(I’m back to using how old two cats are)
6 moons old (Squirrel and Leaf)
Squirrelkit, Leafkit, Shrewkit, Spiderkit, Whitekit and Birchkit are all apprenticed, their mentors are Dustpelt, Cinderpelt, Sandstorm, Mousefur, Frostfur, Brackenfur respectively.
7 moons old
Hawkpaw, Mothpaw and Tadpolepaw all become warriors/ full medicine cat. Their new names are Hawkfrost, Mothwing and Tadpoleleap.
9 moons old (S and L)/ Moon that the cats leave
Four cats are chosen to go, Brambleheart, Hawkfrost, Tawnythroat and Mothwing, Squirrelpaw, Crowpaw, Rowanclaw and Feathertail join them.
14 moons old (S and L)/ 5 moons on journey
The fight with the mountain lion happens but when Feathertail jumps she doesn’t die.
6 moons of journey
The cats return to the clans
Graystripe and Spiderpaw get taken by twolegs
1 moon after they got back
The clans decide to leave
3 moons after the clans decided to leave
They finally get to the lake.
Leafpool finds the moonpool and gets her full medicine cat name, Leafpool
On Tallstar’s deathbed he names Onewhisker deputy.
The civil war still happens but before Mudclaw dies something else happens and Ashfoot gets put forward and becomes leader instead. Ashstar makes Whitetail deputy.
Ok from now on I’m just gonna list the stuff that happens, it’s getting harder to sort the information into moons and I’m getting sick of it, so just a list now.
Squirrelpaw and Crowpaw are the first cats to be named warriors at the lake, Squirrelflight and Crowrunner (Cause Feathertail doesn’t die, and I tried to make it kinda fit with him helping the clans find their new home, flight works for Squirrel anyway.)
Leafpool and Crowrunner still run away, but turn back around because they realise they aren’t doing what’s best for themselves, then Midnight catches up to them and tells them about the badgers
Sootfur helps Cinderpelt defend the nursery so while he still dies, Cinderpelt survives.
Cinderkit is now named Sootkit.
The fox trap never happens so Firestar has one extra life.
Daisy, Berrykit, Mousekit and Hazelkit still join the clans.
That’s the end of TNP, I’ll continue with PO3 later. Also, I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m sick of all the male leaders and deputies. Atm the only tom in that group is Firestar.
Yeah, I feel you on the too many male leaders thing.
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the-erins-forgot · 3 years
I don't have incorrect names but I do have an incorrect timeline thing but uh. Jsut tell me: have you read Blackfoot s Reckoning?
I have not but I have heard things about it. But tbh incorrect timelines are a staple at this point. Just look at Leopardstar’s Honor allegiances.
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Besides Daisy’s Kin, are you excited for either of the additional novellas?
I personally am looking forward to see a look at Blackstar (ig it will be Blackfoot) in his novella. I don’t like him very much personality-wise so I am interested to see what his punishment/consequences were for killing Stonefur etc.
Unfortunately I feel like Spotfur’s novella will just be a sob story about Stemleaf and the story about the rebellion from a different POV. I love Spotfur so far tho. But I’m hoping it will be an interesting look into the life of a mother who may not want her kits anymore Idk
I am pretty excited for Blackfoot’s reckoning just for purely character development- I don’t like him personality-wise either but he went from a murderous bully to a well respected leader who before the end of his life insisted in honouring the dead from the great battle at gatherings when the other leaders wanted to move on, I really want to see him re-evaluate his life as a henchman for the baddies and any consequences he had to face for his actions. I also would love if his nine lives ceremony was full of the cats he was at least partially responsible or complicit for the deaths of like Rosetail, Spottedleaf, Gorsepaw, Stonefur, Swiftpaw, Brindleface, Runningwind Badgerfang, Mintkit/Marigoldkit, or a similar lineup, maybe Shadowstar and/or Nightstar could substitute someone to give him a scary final warning/s, all of them reminding him of the blood on his paws and asking him whether that is the legacy he wants to be remembered for
As for Spotfur, as much as I love her I am the least excited for her novella just because I’m not sure whether the Erins will just turn it into a sob story like you say, but it could be interesting to see the rebellion from her POV as long as stuff isn’t repeated too much (but I unfortunately think it might be) and the thoughts about the unborn kits she doesn’t want if the story goes that far
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mallowstep · 3 years
Just out of curiosity what’s your opinion on leopardstar and blackstar?
have i mentioned how much i hate the new ask editor? i had to manually debold the text thrice. this text is here to make sure that everything is formatted correctly. and again, i had to click to create the bullets that's fucked up
reading crookedstar's promise and discovering i was right, she is hella spoiled, was very satisfying
also, okay, she's such a well written character. like, in a shadow in riverclan. it's just. so good.
i could go on a very long tangent here but in summary, we see a lot of really good characterization and i'd actually argue a shadow in riverclan sets up mistystar's isolationism.
(altho the fact that we don't have any riverclan pov is criminal i want to know what's happening erin)
okay anyway, that said, i'm really excited for her super edition. i would have preferred a blackstar super edition and leopardstar novella, but i'm really, really excited for it
crookedstar's promise was so good and i really hope leopardstar's honor carries the riverclan energy
but okay, the biggest leopardstar thing ever: is she a lesbian? and what's the deal with tigerclaw? (n.b. i've made the decision to refer to them as tigerclaw and tigerheart unless i need to call them tigerstar to avoid confusion.)
so. tigerclaw first. i...don't know. i think she was drawn to him in some way, definitely. but i think it was a combination of pride and fear that kept tigerclan going for so long
and like i said before, a shadow in riverclan really sold me on her
i would've said i had 0 thoughts on her if i hadn't read it
i wish we had more riverclan pov tbh because there's so much drama and intrigue. every leader since hailstar has been an interesting, nuanced, and complex character, and we've barely gotten to see any of it
that said, i...actually kind of like the super edition development of riverclan
like, i think leopardstar is better suited to a super edition, over main arc development, because it will give us the time we need to really sit with her emotions
the alternative would be to cut down the pov across books, and while i'm happy to see we've started to cut down, i doubt we'll ever get six books with just one pov
but i digress; my point is, i like the super edition model for riverclan because when you force a book to be one clan, one character, you have to develop an interesting and rich world for them.
now, am i possibly setting myself up to be disappointed? yes. super editions are wildly hit or miss, and i don't know what their current quality is like because:
i refuse to read crowfeather's trial (even if it has ashfoot)
squilf's hope contained only the sisters. nothing else. that's all. otherwise her desire to save bramblestar would make 0 sense, so it contained only and exclusively the sisters.
i have a weird mandela effect where my brain tells me greystripe's vow came out in 2011. precisely 2011.
anyway, i'm very off topic, i'm just really hoping leopardstar's honor is good because i really, really want it to be
(otherwise i'm just going to have to write a long leopardstar fic)
(i might anyway when i was writing the bone pile scenes in "where the spirit meets the bones" i got ideas)
okay, uh, moving on
boy they sure did him dirty
don't get me wrong, blackfoot's reckoning made me cry, just a lil.
i don't usually like the novellas: hollyleaf's story was good, and there are occasional really good ones, but for the most part, i find them disappointing
i still haven't recovered from the 5d10 psychic damage and 3 levels of exhaustion that reading leafpool's wish gave me
but i digress, blackstar
uh...i think he's interesting, but i don't have a ton of thoughts
i know i said i would have preferred a super edition, and it's kind of because...he has a lot of potential?
seeing his guilt is really good. (erins take notes: leaders with no problems/fake problems = bad. leaders with deep character flaws that have negative externalities = good.)
anyway, seeing his struggle to restore shadowclan, especially with the knowledge that he will ultimately fail, is really good
i kind of have this theory that shadowclan was never a "villain" clan. like, it's a new thing. because, well, cats like the shadows. they belong in them.
and blackstar's struggle, just, mm. good shit.
as a character...i don't know.
ultimately, i think he's just. he's a character that deserves development, but i don't really know where to take it
except, uh, why the fuck does his mother name him blackkit? like? what??
and also; what happened to all the foot names? there was a time when we had three out of four deputies with foot (deadfoot, mistyfoot, and blackfoot), and just. uh. are we ever going to get another -foot?
(before anyone @'s me a
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ok,,im finally gonna get to the new novella to kickstart my day - lets see how many plot holes an such they fit into this bad boy 😩💅
tags ill be using:
blackfoots reckoning spoilers
daisys kin spoilers
spotfurs rebellion spoilers
(no i will not add proper punctuation my wrists do not have time for that sorry also fuck you erins for making them all 's but also..cheers for consistency)
maybe tbc or tpons depending
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woofolotl · 3 years
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"My littermates said I was too small…too weak. But I have proven them wrong. I've learned how to be strong…how to live for blood. Because that's the key. The only answer. I am leader of BloodClan. I am Scourge. And I have won!"
— Scourge thinking about his victory over Tigerstar in The Rise of Scourge, page 82
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mallowstep · 3 years
blackfoot's reckoning is br e a k i n  g  m  e
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