unwiltingblossom · 4 years
Yeah that's def the most awkward part, but I can't help but think they put that in there because 1) Frankenstein book reference 2) lead in to her and his connection to Zicterium and 3) to slow Cardia down so she doesn't confess her love until the last few chapters like with everyone else.
It makes sense they’re play with the audience about it, since Frankenstein’s monster, but #3 also makes sense, considering they still spend more of their route having confessed and being lovey-dovey than others even with that. If the didn’t delay it, it would give the unfortunate impression that Victor falls in love with her in the common route, thus dooming him to one-sided love every time you don’t pick him.
But then Saint Germain confirms he loves Cardia in Victor’s Future Blessings story anyway, so I guess they changed their mind about that kind of angst later.
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wednesdaysky · 4 years
Hi! I've been following you since your DGM scanlation days and seeing your recent post, it seems that you're doing fine even during these trying times which is a big relief! If it's alright with you, I'd like to take the opportunity to ask you some questions, like how to interact with Japanese fandom in general and if you do translation commissions for things like Drama CDs (which I'm happy to pay for!). Sorry for being so forward and ty for reading!
Wow, hi!!  Yeah I remember you :D  I’ve seen your Tumblr around, and I snooped a bit and you used to go by Yamamoto Kou right?  Good to see you still around ☺ And gosh someone actually remembers that I scanlated DGM for five minutes!!??!?! I’m very flattered and sorry that we didn’t go on with that for longer lol.  Anyway gotta be honest, it’s been a minute since DGM for me so my memory is a little fuzzy lol, but I recall you being a chill cool person :)  Hope you’re doing all right yourself, goodness knows it has been a struggle for everybody in the hell year of 2020.
As for your questions, let’s see...
Interacting with Japanese fandom: Gonna be honest, it’s been a while since I did a lot of this.  It is very hard to break into Japanese-language fandom spaces in terms of like, actually making friends, if you’re not Japanese yourself.  If you really wanna make a serious go of it I’d say you pretty much have to be out there producing fanworks on a regular basis, or starting interesting discussions on Twitter on a regular basis, that sort of thing.  As in English-speaking fandom, being prolific with posting and proactively going out to interact is the easiest way to get noticed by like-minded people.  Though at least these days you probably don’t have to be on Mixi or anything like that lol since Japan has adopted Twitter so enthusiastically.  Japanese fandom can be extremely insular though, a lot of stuff takes place in private spaces or completely at offline events, and obviously the latter is something that most English-speaking fans simply aren’t going to be able to break into for the sheer effort and expense -- I’m not sure how that side of things has been affected by the pandemic, but still, the fandom has that tendency.  Sorry this is very generalized but if anyone else has any more detailed thoughts, please do feel free to leave your own comments.  I don’t have more specific advice because the last time I had the time and energy to genuinely (unsuccessfully) try to make Japan fandom friends was several years ago lol.
Translation commissions: I absolutely take commissions! I used to do this more formally in the past and had a site and stuff, but I never really got any bites so it’s more of a case-by-base basis when people ask me these days.  Mostly I am a J→E text translator: my standard rate for fandom stuff is USD $0.04/character for pure text, $1/page for manga (text script, scanlation is extra).  I have not been asked to do a drama CD before as I normally don’t work with audio, but I’m open to the idea!  I’d probably have to listen to and transcribe the CD before translation (unless of course you already have a text script) which can be a quite labor-intensive process, especially as my auditory processing isn’t the greatest, so that would be an extra fee; but I’d be very glad to give you a quote on what I would charge if you want to discuss details.  (Incidentally I have also been commissioned to do E→J in the past, which I’m happy to do as well with the caveat that I’m not a Japanese native speaker so I can never guarantee complete accuracy in that direction.)
Anyhoo, you haven’t been forward at all, it was nice to hear from you! :)  Feel free to shoot me another ask if you wanna talk commission stuff or just about anything in general.  I’m also happy to privately send you my Discord if you might like to chat over there - again, just about anything at all lol :D  Have a good one!!
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Hi! Just wanted to thank you for all the work you've done for supporting and spreading Maruma. I came across the series when I saw a random twitter post about it and thought that I'd check it out. I couldn't believe how much of it there was and I enjoyed it all so much! I might post at you from my own KKM blog @kou-kkm
Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.
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cannonette · 4 years
[ Code : Realize ] Fragment ~Sleepless night~ Victor Frankenstein - Kakihara Tetsuya
Requested by @onewayworld
Code : Realize - Fragment ~Sleepless night~  [ Victor Frankenstein ] - Kakihara Tetsuya 
Hey, what’s the matter at this late of night?
You can’t sleep? I see... ah...! Then, I have something for that.
Here, try drinking this medicine.
You’ll fall asleep on the spot and won’t wake up for 3 days.
Oh, uhm... you don’t need it? 
Ahahaha, don’t make that kind of face.
Mm, it was just my way of making a joke.
Thank goodness, you smiled. 
It’s probably that, you can’t sleep because you’re worried.
I wonder if, that’s not the case?
There’s been a lot of troublesome things recently, and you yourself were able to sense the dangers a lot of the times too.
It’s only natural you feel worried.
You’re really giving it your all, and I understand that.
I know very well that, everyday you’re pushing your worries and fears down.
Come by my side. That’s right, closer.
(Small, gentle laughter)
Sorry... for holding you from behind. But, there are times when the best medicine is the warmth of a person.
Just now, I felt that you were looking for warmth.
Ah, don’t worry about the poison.
It’s okay, I’ll try not to touch your skin.
But... just for a moment longer, let me stay like this.
Your warmth, is like the best medicine to me.
Mmm, do I have any worries or fears?
Mmm, that’s right, I do have them, lots and lots of them.
I’m sure there’s so many that I can’t even count them.
But, let’s make that another day’s conversation.
(Gentle laughter)
I wonder if you’re starting to fall asleep now.
Don’t worry, because there's no one who’ll disturb you tonight.
I’m looking forward to seeing your smile again tomorrow.
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aviarei · 9 years
Your favourite Pokemon!
Tumblr media
Ampharos, hands down! (It’s only been my avatar the entire time I’ve been on this website)
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zenellyraen · 9 years
Hi, the bg on your mobile tumblr layout caught my eye. Izzat Luffy and Law and if so, where is it from? Can I ask where the cute JohnDave cursor is from too? That is if you remember it. Sorry to bother you about trivial stuff like this, and thanks in advance! :D
it totally is law and luffy! The art is by lorlocks, and it’s here. The JohnDave cursor, I unfortunately can’t find. It seems like my link to that much is broken. It’s not a problem for you to ask
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kynimdraws · 10 years
I don't really know much about medical stuff at all, so I'm kind of curious if you've got an idea of how the SPW would have dealt with Kakyoin's organ loss and missing muscle mass. E.g. Would organ transplants work ? Your post just got me thinking about this stuff, and honestly I'm chilled by the notion that surviving as a paraplegic is the least of the potential problems he would have and just how miniscule his actual chance of survival is. (E.g. rapid bloodloss, shock(?))
OHHH man here let me dump some info I got…
But the TL;DR answer is: If you act fast, sure. 
I’m just gonna quickly mention a list of organ stuff without muscle because I really did not look into muscle loss and I don’t think you do transplants of that (I might edit this ask after searching). But for now, I’m assuming it’s similar-ish.
If you don’t like medical details and surgery crap, don’t read any further
Based on the donut punch panel in the manga, the greatest impact was at the low thoracic to upper lumbar levels of the spine (I would guess T9-L3 roughly). The surrounding levels are probably also impacted to varying degrees as well. 
It is also safe to assume the majority of his small intestine is straight up destroyed, and there is a possibility that his transverse colon, pancreas, and stomach have gotten some impact.
Unfortunately for him, the small intestine a HUGELY important organ that does the majority of nutrient absorption. Essentially without it, a person can starve to death, even if they eat; the food may be broken down, but it will never be taken into the body properly. Unless an intestinal transplant was done, one cannot magically restore their GI tract (this started in 1988 and technology has improved ever since). Artificial bio-intestines - or general TRUE artificial organs - unfortunately have not yet become reality (I mean you can bullshit SPW technology and get away with it lmao).
Here are some general issues one can have if the other organs (that isn’t the small intestine) are damaged
Transverse colon: if there is enough colon still lying around (i.e. ascending and descending segments along with the sigmoid colon and rectum), you can probably resect this
Pancreas: You can get an “artificial pancreas,” but those are more for insulin-dependent diabetic patients. For other enzymes you can get supplements.
Stomach: You can technically also resect this as well. But the usual context of stomach resection is for weight loss or cancer.
And that’s only the GI system! Here’s the other list of organs you might have to cover.
Kidney: You can do hemodialysis and so can technically live without functioning exretory system
Skin: you can cover any gaping holes if you harvest enough skin from different areas of the body via skin grafting. Still leaves nasty scars though.
Abdominal Aorta: TBH this is probably the biggest reason fof his canon death. It is a major blood vessel to your lower body and well, even if the aorta is a pretty tough thing, break it and you bleed out super fast.
Aaand I think that’s the essentials tbh??? And please do not cite this as a legit medical source. 
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big-wicke-energy · 10 years
onewayworld replied to your post:onewayworld replied to your post:onewayworld...
a break is definitely a good idea! especially since this kind of thing tends to kill morale. ^^; not really the person for colour advice tbh, but colourlovers.com or the hue/saturation slider could help you decide maybe. hmmm, what program is it btw?
Took a break, I think it helped to clear up some things about why I was struggling, the main conclusion I reached is that I realized these are all things I've struggled with before and I just have to remember what worked then and that should help.
The other thing I realized was that progress takes time and trying to force things to get done just because I had free time probably just stressed me out. Gotta take time for my brain to catch up with my intentions...
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blackhorsemackerel · 10 years
! does that mean you're malaysian? :D cool! i've been overseas for a long time so my malay is really bad now but i can still undertsand some of it~
yep. it's in my about! uvu
i've always been bad at malay even if i've stayed in malaysia nearly my whole life tbf ;;
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lemonbab · 10 years
Hello and sorry for the randomness, but I was wondering if you would know anything about what happened to tumblr user lemonbb and their blog? I'm a fan of their work and was really shocked to find that it was deactivated without warning. I guess the similarities in usernames is what prompted me to ask, but if I'm mistaken about this, then I'm sorry for bothering you!
lol It’s actually me. Hi guys!You are not mistaken.. and I guess I owe you all an explanation (I’m starting to feel really bad about suddenly disappearing and changing accounts all the time but for personal reasons, it cannot be avoided)Here’s what I’ll tell you though, a guy I know irl has been has been logging in my account without permission and has possibly been reading my ‘private blog’ which is in the same account. Because of that, I’ve decided to deactivate (since it doesn’t really have much in it) and change my password everywhere else that is active. So no, I didn’t leave lemonbb because I’m done with Homestuck. No, I didn’t intend on leaving tumblr at all. And lastly, I apologize for not announcing before going (a certain someone might see it and it was a bit risky). Bluh basically, everything got super complicated that I just decided to move accounts.anyway, hi kou! ;u;
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noibatitty-blog · 11 years
the anon lost me when they said that being demisexual was 'sexist and homophobic' because that's not what happens at all???? ugh. thanks for speaking out btw. i also identify as demisexual so reading what this anon was saying peeved me off.
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wednesdaysky · 9 years
Hi! I'd like to ask if you've read the latest DGM chapter that came out last month and if you know about new-xkit-extension? Also, thanks for the GW2 posts. They remind me that I haven't played GW2 since last year because I haven't had the time, though I'd really like to play it again. (;A; ) Also, the Traehearne posts!!! _
Hi! :D  How you doing?
I’m afraid I haven’t kept up with DGM in quite a long time.  It lost me completely during the arc where Alma was introduced and I just gave up lol.  Though I’ll always have fond memories C:
I have heard about the group trying to put together a new Xkit, but old Xkit still works fine for my purposes, so I haven’t felt the need to switch.  I’m also not confident that this new group will stick around considering that it’s a lot of work to maintain a project like Xkit with Tumblr’s constantly changing code, not to mention providing support to users with problems and dealing with the sorts of demanding assholes who ran off the poor Xkit guy in the first place.  I hope their group is able to handle it all, but I guess we’ll see.
Glad you’re enjoying the GW2 stuff, I’m pretty hyped for it lately with Heart of Thorns coming out this year!!!!  I got to try some of the new class specializations during the last beta weekend and the necro one was pretty amazing.  I can’t wait to get to use it for real.
Like all the sylvari though Trahearne is very young :D  He’s actually the first firstborn, so you could call him the original sylvari, but that still only makes him about 25.
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artemisaarte · 11 years
"No eres de donde vienes sino a donde quieres llegar"
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big-wicke-energy · 10 years
onewayworld replied to your post:onewayworld replied to your post:[[MOSo I woke...
D: oh no, that is really frustrating! if your program has an option for it, this might be a good time to set up autosave. >< also, not sure what problems you’re having, but building up refs sounds good at this point imo. in any case, don’t give up!
This incident just seems like a failure of mine to save my progress when it didn't really seem like I had made any, but it was clear once my computer froze up that there was a lot I had failed to save in the interim... These things are bound to happen when I'm not paying attention... I guess that's why autosaving things would help.
The problem is that while there's plenty of reference for similar things to the things I'm trying to design, if feels like I'm not doing a good job of differentiating my designs from similar designs. I might just be me being paranoid, but it's definitely something I'm struggling with in my art right now. I definitely don't want to use the exact same colors that other people are using, but when it comes to creating my own palettes I just completely draw a blank.
I'm not going to give up by any means, but I'm thinking I should probably take a break right now. I mean it definitely can't hurt...
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jacklalonde · 11 years
14, 18, 25
14. craziest thing you’ve ever done
I am literally the lamest person ever um I’ve set off fireworks in front of people’s houses and ran away??? wow so daring
18. quote you live by
"Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." -Doctor Seuss 
25. most recent picture you took
lame edited selfie sorry 
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