jongyuslover · 2 years
I'll always return to you ...
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jongyulover · 3 years
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Let me Out - OnHyun / JongYu
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jongyu · 4 years
Pairing: Jinki/Jonghyun
Note: mpreg implied
641 words | ao3 link
“Hey Jinki, what do you think about having a baby now?”
Jinki took his eyes off the arrow he was sharpening then answered “We can’t have it, you know that Jonghyun.”
“A-Actually…” Jonghyun began “when I was cleaning our storage room, I found a notebook my grandma gave me when she’s still alive.”
Jinki raised an eyebrow, the way Jonghyun spoke with sudden involuntary pause intrigued him.
“You know that my grandmother was a reputable mage at her time right?”
Jinki nodded.
“She used her power to help infertile couples to overcome their problems.” Jonghyun twisted his fingers into his robe, clearly trying to overrode his thought if Jinki considered him crazy.
His partner regarded him for a second then sighed “But we are not infertile jjong, we’re just—”
“I know, but I’m a mage and there’s something I can do but others can’t.” Jonghyun said stubbornly.
“Do you want a daughter or son?”
A cough “Ex…” then a cough “ …cuse me?” more cough.
Jonghyun rolled his eyes, he would find Jinki’s perplexity endearing at any other moment but this time.
“If you ask me, I would like to have a daughter.” Jonghyun said, smiling sweetly at him.
Jonghyun looked adorable, and Jinki didn’t have a heart to be a jerk. So he just went with whatever Jonghyun had in mind.
“Daughter then?” Jinki then said.
Jonghyun’s smile was the brightest that day, his candy eyes warmed Jinki’s heart pleasantly.
“Jinki!!!” Jinki groaned as he was woken up from his peaceful nap on a comfortable hammock that was hanging up between the biggest trees in their backyard.
“If we want to have a daughter, the book said we need edelweiss flowers as the main ingredient.”
“Edel what???”
Edelweiss was a rare flower, it usually grew in limestone soil in mountain landscapes, on steep blue grass slopes and hills. There’s no way Jinki could pick it for him without getting hurt.
“It’s the special substance for the daughter-making potion.” Jonghyun explained.
“But…” Jinki sighed “…alright, I will get it for you.”
Jonghyun shouted happily then jumped on him, made them both turn upside down and knocked the wind out of his chest.
Jonghyun was enjoying his afternoon tea. He knew Jinki won’t come home before midnight, as the nearest mountain he said he’d go to was a dozen miles away from their house. Jinki had gone since before sunrise, he said he’d go with Minho, the head of an amicable family they both ever met.
Minho and Gwiboon too were still waiting to be given an offspring by The Gods. Jonghyun made a mental note to make one concoction for them.
Jonghyun had just woken up when Jinki came, bringing in the flowers he asked for.
Jonghyun smiled when Jinki’s lips touched his tenderly.
“You did it” Jonghyun whispered “thank you.”
“You don’t have to, cause I wanted it too.”
Jonghyun sat up and kissed his cheek. “You can sleep now, I will start making the potion.” Jonghyun stood up but a hand in his middle prevented him from moving away from the bed.
“Did you forget? Other than sex, cuddles help me fall asleep quickly.” Jinki reminded him, his smirks couldn’t hide the tiredness from his face. Jonghyun chuckled and let himself be pulled onto the bed once again.
“Why do we need edelweiss for that daughter-making potion?” Jinki asked, finally his curiosity got the best of him.
“Because, if someday you have a daughter. You have to protect her at all cost. Even with your life, as when you did when you get the flowers.”
“Interesting,” Jinki hummed, “and what special ingredient do we need if we want to make son-making potion though?”
“Uhm?” Jonghyun looked up from his notebook “there’s no special ingredient for that.”
“What???” Jinki shrieked
Jonghyun winked “Our love is enough” he said suggestively.
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popqueen96 · 6 years
You will be missed...
You were my first bias when I listened to SHINee the first time in 2010. Heck, you were my first bias in KPOP. I had chronic depression and I remember having so much hope after listening to you sing. I am forever grateful to you and the rest of the SHINee members. I am grateful that you graced my life with your music, I am grateful that you made me laugh. I am grateful to say that you gave me a new chance and a meaning to life. I will be sad that you are gone but you will never be forgotten. Sleep peacefully Jonghyun and until next time...
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cute-little-oppas · 6 years
Title: Waves Pairing: JongYu/OnHyun Rating: PG Description: Based on a prompt from writing.prompt.s  given by @sunnydayheroes
You’ve always loved watching waves crash against cliffs. As you grew, you began to paint them, spending many a day watching from different angles, capturing the chaos of foam and water in acrylic and oil. One day, when painting at the top of the cliff, you fall and brace for death, but it does not come. Instead you feel as if you are cradled by the arm of many, “Oh no,” you hear, “We cannot destroy something that has loved us so beautifully.”
The first time Jonghyun had gone to the beach he was a five-year-old. The first whiff of the sea had put him off, but the feel of the soft and warm sand under his feet made him excited. He ran around in the sand, built a lot of castles, swam in the sea with his floaties but the best thing about the sea were the waves for him. He loved the feel of the sand washing away from underneath his feet whenever a wave came in and more than that he loved watching the sea, the way it sparkled under the sun, the sound the waves made whenever they crashed into the rocks nearby, the foam that would form whenever they crashed; he was mesmerized.
Over the next 20 years or so Jonghyun visited the beach many times. As the years went by, the running and playing around on the beach reduced and was replaced by drawing and painting his favourite waves. He would spend hours or sometimes the whole day just painting the sea or the sky or the waves that crashed into the rocks. He would set up camp in a corner away from all the commotion and paint as he hummed along to the song playing over his small portable speakers. There would be an occasional child or two who would come along his way and admire his work, ask him all sorts of questions about his sketches and paintings, he found it endearing.
One time a small girl had come up to him as he sketched. Jonghyun was expecting the exclamations and the questions but they never came. Instead the girl sat beside him, humming a nursery rhyme softly as she watched Jonghyun complete his sketch.
“Can I have the drawing?” she asked sweetly, her eyes hopefully gazing at the sketch of the glistening sea under the setting sun.
“Yes of course,” Jonghyun smiled as he tore out the page from his sketchbook. “Will you hang it up?” he asked softly.
The girl nodded, “But, before that I will show it to the sea, so that the sea knows she is so pretty.”
Jonghyun chuckled as he watched the girl skip to the shore line, sketch in hand. “Look you are so pretty. He drew you so prettily.”
The beach had been closed because of the storm that had raged over the sea and now which had passed through his town bringing in with it chaos. Once everything had settled down he found himself packing up his sketching and painting supplies to spend a day just painting the beauty a sea would be after a storm.
The beach was deserted, not a single soul in sight, the first time ever he saw the beach so quiet. The deserted beach made him happy; gave him the opportunity to do what he had always wanted to do; paint the waves and the sea from atop of the cliff. He had always wanted to watch the sea from the cliff but someone would always be there before him.
The trail up the cliff was serene, light filtering through the freshly washed leaves casted beautiful shadows around him. He smiled as he neared the top, he could hear the waves crash against the rocks below.
As he had expected, the sky and the sea right after a storm were the prettiest and the view from the cliff was the best.
Without him realizing he had spent the whole afternoon submerged in his thoughts and his painting. He started packing up his belongings after he had finished. As he had sat quite a distance away from the edge to paint he moved a bit closer to get a proper and closer look before he left.
The rain the previous night had made the ground loose and slippery. Jonghyun lost his footing as he turned to go back to a safer distance. His voice escaped him and his vision blacked out before he even hit the rocks below.
When Jonghyun came to he panicked; the sun had almost set, casting a faint pink glow around him. He felt himself for any injuries, but there were none, his damp hair and clothes the only evidence for his fall.
He looked around his surroundings; he was in cave, a cave he had never seen before and sitting near the mouth of the cave was a man he had never seen before. The physique and the aura the man gave off did not remind him of any of the life guards that the beach had. A tanned and muscular back, shoulder length light brown hair, nope he never saw anyone like that before.
“Did you save me? Thank you so much!” Jonghyun said as he got up from where he sat and headed towards the man.
He saw the man turn around, twisting his torso in Jonghyun's direction, a smile on his very beautiful and very handsome face. “Oh you're awake! Are you alright?” the man asked his smile turning into a small frown.
“I am perfectly fine all thanks to-" Jonghyun froze as he stood behind the man. The man had a tail, a fish tail. A huge rust colored tail, glistening and faintly moving along the current of the water it was submerged in. A mermaid. A merman.
This is not real. This is not happening. I might have hit my head too hard. Jonghyun thought as he took a step back.
The man chuckled. “I am real.” he said. “And I caught you before you hit the rocks but sorry about your clothes. They got wet when I carried you underwater to reach this cavern.”
And that's when Jonghyun realized that the man had not uttered a single word, had not moved his lips except for smiling or frowning or laughing.
“Yes, we merfolk speak through our minds.” the merman informed Jonghyun. “Sit down,” he said pointing to one of the rocks littered beside him. “You look so pale.”
Jonghyun nodded, as he sat down, his mind too busy processing everything that was in front of him.
“I have always watched you, ever since I was a child, ever since you were a child. The happiest being I had ever seen.” the merman spoke, a small smile on his lips. “The kid grew up and so did his affection for the sea.” he turned towards Jonghyun, “I’d always see you sitting in a corner and I wondered what was in that pages that had you so mesmerized. And thanks to that little girl I learned that you painted the sea very prettily.” the merman chuckled.
“Ahh I should introduce myself, you still seem very confused,” the merman commented. “I am called Jinki.” he smiled brightly.
Jonghyun swallowed thickly, that man and his smile was definitely having an effect on him. His mind was overwhelmed, it had a lot to process and understand. “I am Jonghyun,” he said quietly after sometime. “Thank you for saving me,” he worried on his lips.
“You're welcome, Jonghyun. I could never let someone who loves the sea so beautifully get hurt.” Jinki said with a faint smile as he ran his fingers through his hair, and this time instead of speaking through his mind, Jinki spoke up loud and clear.
Jonghyun blushed, hearing his name being spoken through that sweet voice, warmed him up, all his senses tingling. “You can speak?” Jonghyun asked cutely.
Jinki chuckled, “Yes I can.” he answered but this time going back to speaking through his mind. “But we merfolk prefer speaking through our minds, you see our voices can be dangerous.”  
Jonghyun nodded, he had read about that in a book before. Jonghyun couldn't resist staring at the merman in front of him, Jinki was very beautiful and very handsome but eventually his gaze would land on his magnificent tail.
Jinki chuckled, Jonghyun's cute and amazed gaze was interesting. “You can touch if you want.” he said watching Jonghyun.
“I can?” Jonghyun asked excitedly, he sat down beside Jinki, his heart pounding wildly in its cage. Jinki's tail was just as beautiful as the man himself, the rust color of the tail complimented Jinki so much. He felt the smooth scales under his fingers, even though Jinki's tail was somewhat covered in water his tail was warm. Oh my god! This is so real! Wow!
Jinki chuckled at Jonghyun's thoughts. “Told you I am very real.”
“Does anyone else know about you?” Jonghyun asked softly as he sat back looking at Jinki.
“No, you are the first human I have ever made myself known to.” Jinki answered. He could hear all the questions Jonghyun was thinking about. He knew he owed the man an explanation for all his questions for turning up in front of him out of nowhere.
“Are there more like you here?”
“Yes, there are more like me but not here. It's forbidden for us to be this close to the shore. We live in the deep waters where man does not venture.” Jinki informed. “Anything that humans do not understand, they consider a threat and try to obliterate it.” Jinki added.
“What are you doing here then?” Jonghyun asked, he had a vague feeling as to what the answer might be.
“I like watching you.” Jinki smiled.
Jonghyun blushed, he had expected that. “How is it?” he asked gesturing towards the sea, “Living in the sea?”
Jinki looked at the vast sea in front of, he turned towards Jonghyun after a few seconds. “It is beautiful.” Jinki said. “The sun does not shine that brightly down there as it does here, but the moon lights up the deep waters much better than the sun.” Jinki said gesturing towards the moon.
“Oh no.” Jonghyun panicked, he hadn't realized how fast time went by. “I should go back home, my mom would be worried,” he said as he got up. He could see the shoreline from above the big rocks that covered the mouth of the cave, it would be a short swim.
Jinki nodded, looking intently at Jonghyun's face, “Are you sure you are alright? I could carry you back to the shore if you want.” Jinki offered.
“I am perfectly fine and I don't want to risk anyone seeing you.” Jonghyun blushed, he added softly, biting his lower lip, “Can I meet you again tomorrow?”
Jinki looked at Jonghyun for a few seconds, “I'll be waiting here for you tomorrow,” he said smiling.
Jonghyun couldn't help the smile that grew on his face. He had found someone more beautiful and mesmerising than his favourite sea.
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takotsuboheaart · 7 years
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OTP  :^: 
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jodetejinki · 7 years
Help. I read just few days ago a onhyun drabble, for valentine's day, so, was daddy au and jinki was like a rich person, because he wanted to travel with jong to paris and everything. Well, jong just wanted to be at home with his daddy and they cooked the breakfast (something with blueberries and chocolate chips) and later jong is like "I want to do it in the sauna" and jinki is "hell yes baby boy". And that's it. I can't find that drabble, was so cute i just want to read it again;; Help. UPDATE: I ALREADY FOUND THE DRABBLE, THANKS FOR THE HELP!
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waekey · 5 years
Tagged by @kimhanji99​ ;)
1. Dogs or Cats? Don’t know. QwQ
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? Normal celebrities.
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be? I’m pretty content with life. Denmark. :)
4. Disney or DreamWorks? Disney
5. Favorite childhood TV show? Dexter’s Laboratory, Coward the Cowardly Dog, The Powerpuff Girls. 
Does anime count? Then Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dragon Ball Z as well. :D
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? Hmm... Mulan. Although I’m not into the divergence from the animation that I’ve heard about, but I’ll give it a chance. ;w;
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? None.
8. Marvel or DC? I don’t really read/watch that genre. XD
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member? Same as above.
10. Night or Day? I like daylight and I like sleeping. Both. :D
11. Favorite Pokémon? I hardly remember them. TwT
12. Top 5 bands: Wouldn’t call them a band, but...SHINee x 5 :D
13. Top 10 books: Harry Potter 1-7, Death Note (All-in-One Edition), Never Grow Up, The Little Prince. (I haven’t read the last two, but I own them and needed 10. XD)
15. America or Europe? Europe
16. Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life? Cannot take a stand on this. :S
18. Favorite YouTuber: Atm... cook kafemaru.
19. Favorite author? None.
20. Tea or coffee? Neither. :D
21. OTP? OnHyun (SHINee). Anyone remembers Hello Baby?? TwT
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? Not professionally.
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fy-kaiotic · 7 years
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onhyun | do not edit.
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taenys · 7 years
hi..........................................who am i
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princeyoosung · 6 years
No sé si seguiré actualizando este blog después que salga la ruta de Saeran. Creo que dependerá si hay nuevos contenidos. Pensaba que tener la ruta de Jihyun me animaría más, editar más, hacer más posts, etc. Pero creo que simplemente pierdo la motivación, gran parte de eso es por el fandom. Creo que este es el fandom con mas odio y aceptación por cosas repugnantes (como el abuso/incesto) en el cual he estado. No sé que haré aún, quizás lo borre pero no quiero perder todo lo que he posteado aquí, ni los posts mas idiotas que hice jugando cada ruta. Amo a estos personajes y esa es la única razón por la que a veces vengo aquí. Me estaré mudando de main blog, así que quizás desaparezca. No tengo animos a la verdad de venir aquí, ya lo dije una vez y este fandom saca lo peor de mi. Después de lo de J/onhyun no quiero estar en esa posición. No quiero ser esa persona. Espero que lo entiendan.
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jongyuslover · 4 years
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I'm always next to you, hyung.
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jongyu · 5 years
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Breaking news, Jinki and jonghyun were caught dating at some mall, Jjong was seen waiting for his lover, and they even ended up taking pics together.
cr: owners
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cute-little-oppas · 7 years
The Prince’s Mage (1/2)
Titled: The Prince's Mage Genre: Fantasy Pairings: jongyu + bits of 2min Length: 35 pages//~12.5k words...hence broken into two parts ^^'
Read on asianfanfics  //  part (2/2)
Part (1/2)
The Kingdom of Abyad woke up to the most mournful Herald; The King and The Queen were killed on their way back to their kingdom. Killed by a group of bandits. Killed, in cold blood, but not with the help of a cold knife or a cold blade but with a cold spell. Magic.
People poured in and out of the Palace, paying their last respects. Once they walked in, all eyes landed on the young prince who sat in the lap of his elder cousin as he sobbed and sobbed.
Night befell and the doors to the palace were closed shut. Shutting it away from the cold winter night as the palace mourned in dark and silence.
It was this fateful day that decided the passing of the decree that stated that all sorts of magic were banished from the Kingdom of Abyad. The mages and other beings who possessed magic or were created by magic were to leave before dawn arises or they were to be locked up or killed if they resisted. All relics and artifacts related to magic were to be handed over and burned. Anyone harboring the outlaw would meet the same fate.
Months after the purge everything began quietening and falling back in the routine. Many fled and many were killed, but none were locked up. They weren’t going to give in to the unjust decree passed because of the fault of one.
“Sire, your presence has been asked for in the throne room.” The guard informed Kibum. Kibum was the prince’s cousin, his mother was the sister of the King.
Kibum rolled up the list of artifacts that he was going through and soon followed the guard down. As the prince was too young, a six-year-old child, Kibum was declared the guardian of the throne and the kingdom till the prince was of age. Though he himself was quite young, a brisk sixteen-year-old boy, he accepted the responsibility that fell on his shoulders. He would do anything to protect his small brother.
“There are questions and rumors all over the Kingdom Sire.”
“And what kind of questions and rumors are these?” Kibum asked after he was promptly seated.
“The healers, Sire, the healers living in the palace, the only ones still left in the Kingdom.” The minister informed.
“There are no healers in this palace,” Kibum said, making his voice as stern as he could. “You saw the man leave that night, saw him leave everything behind, even his sons.”
“It is those boys that I speak of. Their father was a powerful mage, it is undoubtful that his children-”
“We’ve gone over this before and you have seen it for yourself too. Those boys don’t possess any magic, but in fact, have a good knowledge and understanding about medicine. And that is why they are going to live here, learn and become the court physicians.”
“That’s all,” Kibum said as he got up from his chair ending all discussions.
He strolled the gardens after, his mind occupied with the events of the night they had to ask Lee Daehan, the court physician and a mage to leave the Kingdom. Kibum was fond of that man; when he was hit with the endemic that he had lost his parents to, Daehan was the one who saved him. He owed that man his life. As Daehan bowed down in a final goodbye, Kibum secretly requested him that he leave his sons behind, they were too young to go through such hardship. He promised he would protect his boys, and he would not compromise that vow by shunning away those boys at any cost or by letting any harm come to them. Therefore, those boys still resided in their father’s quarters, a servant or two visiting them every day to look after them.
He smiled when he saw Jonghyun, the prince, sneaking away from his afternoon classes, hiding behind the bare trees as he tried to escape from the Governess, Aarae. He followed Jonghyun quickly when he saw him run off to the back of the palace. He knew where Jonghyun was headed to.
“Jonghyun!” Kibum caught Jonghyun and picked him up. “What did I tell you about coming here?”
“But I wanna play with them,” Jonghyun whined as he tried to escape Kibum’s embrace.
“I told you cannot.” Kibum walked away quickly from the quarters of the physician before anyone saw, he didn’t want Jonghyun to get involved with those boys, the boys, people suspected had magic in them.
“Why?” Jonghyun sniffled, “They are my friends, I played with them before.”
“Things are different now little one, you’ll understand when you grow up.” Kibum kissed his cheek, a sad smile on his face as he carried Jonghyun back inside the palace.
It was a perfect day. The snow had completely melted and the air was no longer chilly. Indeed it was a perfect day to play outside, but here was Jonghyun stuck in his chamber looking at the gardens from his balcony. He got up from where he sat, he decided he would irritate Kibum until he gave into playing with him.
“He is not here, My Prince. Left an hour ago to settle some dispute between the Lords.” The guard at Kibum’s door informed Jonghyun.
Jonghyun puffed his cheeks up as he walked down to the gardens. Who was he to play with now? His eyes lit up. Kibum wasn’t here right now, that meant he could play with them.
He carefully made his way across the gardens to the back of the palace. Jonghyun was angry with Kibum, he had always played with Jinni and Taem whenever they came along with their father to the palace. He didn’t understand why he was suddenly not allowed to play with them.
Jonghyun spotted Taem in the small garden in front of their quarters, his hands covered in mud. “Taem?” he ran excited, it had been awhile since he had even seen him. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“Hyunee!” Taem exclaimed. “Come play with me!”
Jonghyun grinned as he sat down beside Taemin, as long as Kibum didn’t find out, he would definitely try to sneak away like this to play.
“Jonghyun are you ready?” Kibum called out as he walked into Jonghyun’s chambers.
“I’ll need a minute, I need to tie up these goddamn boots.” Jonghyun huffed.
Kibum sighed. “22-year-old grown up man and still can’t tie your boots.” He shook his head. “Boy!” he called out to Jonghyun’s squire. “Help him tie up those boots. Quickly!”
“Why do we need to do this?” Jonghyun whined once his squire left to tend to his horse. “You know how much I hate hunting, and especially with those pompous asses-”
Kibum glared. “Language.” he scolded. “Such hunting parties are a necessity to keep up faces and show those pompous Lords that the Prince is alive and fit to ascend the throne soon.”
“Whatever,” Jonghyun grunted as he tied his sword to his waist and followed Kibum outside.
“So has the Prince given any thought to the betrothal I had proposed?” One of the Lords as well as his uncle, In Jung, asked as he brought his horse closer to Jonghyun’s.
“Your daughter is pretty, but I would have to refuse your proposal.” Jonghyun gave him a short smile, he turned towards the approaching guard. “Found anything?” he asked.
“There are tracks of a buck, Your Highness.” The guard informed, “The tracks are headed in the direction of the river.”
“Okay,” Jonghyun said as he pulled on the reins.
“Are you sure you saw the correct tracks?” Kibum complained. “I don’t see a thing, not even a snake.”
“Shh Kibum, wait a minute.” Jonghyun shushed him. “Did you hear that?” he asked. “That does not sound like a buck,” he said turning towards the guard.
“Well, they have been rumors of bears roaming these forests, Your Highness. But we never found any proof.”
“Well let’s go and check it out.” Jonghyun grinned when he saw the look of fear on Kibum’s face.
Jonghyun led them in the direction of the voice, his heart pounding, he didn’t know the tactic to approach a bear,  let alone he hadn’t even seen a bear before. His horse whined all of sudden, disrupting the balance, Jonghyun felt the saddle move against the horse’s vigorous restraint, the saddle wasn't  tied properly.
“Watch out!” Kibum exclaimed speeding up his horse.
“It’s a boar, not a bear!” Jonghyun called out, trying to calm his horse.
The boar grunted and ran forward in Jonghyun’s direction. Fear blinded the horse, and Jonghyun lost complete control over it, he held on tightly, trying to keep the saddle in place as the horse ran away. He heard distant voices of the other guards and their horses behind him and hoped they came soon.
The horse leaped, and Jonghyun fell off the horse, his boot caught in the stirrup and was dragged along. A few attempts later he freed himself from the saddle, he lay there for a few minutes, trying to even out his breath. His head hurt, he could feel the wetness on his back and his leg was sprained, but he got up, the sky was darkening and he needed to get out of the forest soon.
He stopped when he heard the gushing of water. The lake was close. He could feel the fatigue clawing it’s way up his mind. He took in a deep breath and dragged himself towards the lake. He lost his balance on the pebbles littered around the lake, the last he saw was a silhouette across from him before everything turned black.
Kibum paced back and forth in his study. It had been hours, and they still hadn’t found Jonghyun. All the search parties came back with the same report; no sign of the Prince anywhere, it was like he had just vanished.
He called the guards standing at the door, “Ask Minho to assemble a search party again, and tell him he has to find the Prince at any cost.”
It was completely dark when Jonghyun's eye's opened. He realized he was sleeping on something soft, a bed, a bed with a familiar smell. He blinked till his eyes adjusted to the faint moonlight glimpsing in through the windows.
He smiled, stretching his limbs trying to ease away the heaviness that had settled into them, oh he so knew where he was. “Hey,” he said softly, stirring up the lone figure sleeping in the chair beside the bed.
“You’re awake? Do you want anything? Does it hurt?”
“Just come here already, Jinki.” Jonghyun scooted back slowly, making space for Jinki to join him.
“Everything is okay right?” Jinki asked again as he settled in beside Jonghyun.
“Obviously,” Jonghyun smiled, “I’m in good hands.”
“Very good hands I should say,” Jinki said softly as he leaned in closer, “I made sure that no scars remain.” he gave a small kiss to Jonghyun’s nose.
“I’ve missed you,” Jonghyun mumbled lethargically against Jinki’s neck as slumber slowly pulled him away.
“Sleep my Prince, you need all the rest you can get.”
In the morning Jonghyun woke up at the sound of the mortar and pestle, he groaned, getting up from the bed, why were they being so noisy?
“Look who woke up!! Hyunnie!!”
Jonghyun let Taemin hug him. “I am going to be your King, show me some respect,” he muttered.
“Oh shut up.” Taemin pushed him away. “You scared us, covered in blood and bruises, fallen on the other side of the lake. What happened?”
Jonghyun sat down on the stool, taking a sip of the soup Jinki placed in front of him. “A wild boar scared that horse of mine, and I fell off his back.”
“A wild boar? Really? Jinki let's go out on a hunt!” Taemin exclaimed.
Jonghyun rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything. “How long have I been out?” he asked instead.
“Almost a day,” Jinki said as he helped Taemin pour the elixirs in the vials.
“Old man Kibum has gone mad searching frantically for you. He sent in 20 search parties to look for you in the night and now the whole kingdom is searching for you.” Taemin grinned.
“That man,” Jonghyun sighed. “I will leave when night falls.” he shrugged, directing his attention towards Jinki. “When did you come back?” he narrowed his eyes, “You didn’t even inform me that you were here! And what were you doing in the forest?”
“I came back a few days ago, sorry.” Jinki smiled sheepishly, “I was going to surprise you, but instead, you ended up surprising me,” he added solemnly.
“We were collecting Night Blooms for the salve and most of it has already been used up,” Taemin sighed as he packed his bag. “Minho’s so angry, many of the soldiers are hurt and injured because of the search going on in the night,” he mumbled. “I’m leaving, just don’t make a mess and keep quiet,” he said with a stern voice as he shouldered his bag.
“How was the trip?” Jonghyun asked Jinki as he watched him prepare some more herbs for the elixirs.
“Tiring, to be honest, but it was good. I don’t think the plague will spread now.” he gave a sincere smile.
“Good.” Jonghyun found himself smiling as he got up and headed towards Jinki. “Let me look at you,” and he pulled Jinki in his direction. “Ahh I missed your face so much,” he said as he caressed Jinki’s cheeks.
“Only my face?” Jinki teased, making Jonghyun blush. He further decreased the distance between them as he softly kissed Jonghyun. “I missed you too, my Prince,” he said softly.
Unbeknownst to Kibum, Jonghyun had been meeting with the Lee’s. He would sneak out whenever Kibum left the palace and came back under the cover of the night. When he was questioned about his absence, he would simply lie with a smile and escape.
After he was nearly caught by a soldier, they decided to meet in the forest to play. He would help Jinki and Taemin collect the flowers they saw in their father’s books, or they would chase around the hares or would simply just lie down looking at the clouds.
Over the years the friendship between Jonghyun and the Lees grew and became stronger. Once Taemin immersed himself in his studies and refused to come out, the friendship between Jinki and Jonghyun grew even more.
The soft pink hue of friendship darkened over the countless sunsets they watched together, the starry nights the spent talking, those rainy days they could never forget. And the hue only darkened with each moment they spent together.
“Where were you?” Kibum exclaimed as soon as the doors to Jonghyun’s room opened. “Nothing grave?” he asked Taemin who was currently tying up a bandage on Jonghyun’s arm.
“Nothing to worry about. Just a few scratches, that’s all.” He gave a reassuring smile to Kibum. “I’ll come by in the morning to change the bandages.” he collected all his vials and bottles.
Once Taemin was gone, Kibum approached Jonghyun. He held Jonghyun at an arm’s length and examined him head to toe. “I was so scared.” Kibum whispered, “Where were you?” he asked again.
“I was in the forest,” Jonghyun said as he escaped Kibum’s scrutiny. “Rested in a cave at night and moved around the whole day.” he sat down on his bed. “I am here now, so stop worrying, old man.” he teased.
Kibum grumbled, “Don’t call me that.” He narrowed his eyes threateningly, “For now you are safe, and I am going to accept that lame excuse of yours, but the next time if anything like this happens again- you’ve been warned.”
“Whatever,” Jonghyun rolled his eyes as he lay down in bed.
“Why isn’t the balcony door closed?” Kibum asked as he approached the glass paned doors at the side of the bed.
“Let them be,” Jonghyun said as he turned towards Kibum. “I’ll close them before I sleep. Let me enjoy the cool night breeze.” he let out a long sigh.
“Okay fine, do whatever you want. Just don’t come back to haunt me if you get assassinated in the middle of the night.”
“Trust me, I definitely will come back for you,” Jonghyun called out as Kibum left his room.
Jonghyun woke up at a faint thud. “What took you so long?” he asked quietly as he sat up on the bed.
“The number of guards below your balcony has doubled,” Jinki informed as he got rid of his cloak. “Have you been hurt again?” He rushed to Jonghyun when he saw the bandages beneath his sleeping robe.
“Oh, this?” Jonghyun gestured towards the bindings across his chest and shoulders, “It is all thanks to you and your need to overdo things.” Jonghyun fussed. “They found my horse without a saddle and covered in scratches, but here I am without even a single scar. I asked Taemin to tie these for me to avoid any  suspicion.”
Jinki hummed as he sat down in front of Jonghyun. “So do they suspect anything?” he asked.
“Kibum knows that I lie, that I’ve been lying since I was a kid, but he never questions them.” Jonghyun shrugged.
“I see.” Jinki sighed. He lay down on Jonghyun’s bed as he took a big sniff. “Oh, how I have missed your bed.” he let out a content sigh. He saw Jonghyun fidget with the bindings across his chest. “Do you need help changing those Jonghyunnie?” he teased as he pulled Jonghyun towards him.
“No, thank you,” Jonghyun grumbled as he turned around in Jinki’s embrace, his back to Jinki’s chest now.
“You’re angry with me,” Jinki whispered against Jonghyun’s neck as he slowly undid the bandages. “Let me make it up to you. You know? Give you a few scratches or something?” he kissed behind Jonghyun’s ears.
“Idiot.” Jonghyun turned around, helping Jinki get rid of the bandages.
“Wake up sleepyhead.”
“What d’ya want Taem?” Jonghyun mumbled as he turned.
“Kibum sent me to ‘change your bandages’, Your Highness. He said he’ll come by soon to check up on you.” Taemin said as he dropped his bag on the bed.
Jonghyun groaned as he got up, he looked around the room; no sign of Jinki, the balcony was closed too, the curtains were drawn, like every time. “Okay fine.” he yawned. “Just don’t tie them too tightly.”
“So this is where he was yesterday,” Taemin said under his breath as he rolled the binding across Jonghyun’s chest.
Jonghyun felt heat color his cheeks and ears, he looked away, just hoping Taemin would be done soon.
Kibum walked in as Taemin was finishing up. He excused himself once he was done, giving Jonghyun a small wink secretly before he left.
“How are you feeling?” Kibum asked as he helped Jonghyun get dressed.
“Much better,” Jonghyun said as he sat down on the bed to put on his boots. “Boy! Yunhwa!” he called out for his squire.
“He no longer serves you,” Kibum informed as he helped Jonghyun.
“Why?” Jonghyun asked, though Yunhwa was a bit slow, he was a good squire.
“This happened to you because of him. He was the one who tended to your horse and tied the saddle improperly because someone told him to. I can’t have such dire incidents happening again. But don’t you worry,” Kibum stood up straight, “We are currently looking into it, and I’ll find a new squire for you, till then I will help you out.” He gave Jonghyun a stern smile.
“Well, someone’s been pretty concerned about you lately,” Taemin said as he got rid of the bandages off Jonghyun. They had kept up the facade of Jonghyun being hurt for about a week, a week which seemed to only drag.
“Well I don’t have a squire, and Kibum’s around more often than before, it’s like he’s stuck to me like a bur caught onto the fur of a dog.” Jonghyun sighed. “Henceforth, I have not been able to meet Jinki, or even send him a message.”
Taemin hummed as he rolled up the bindings, “I’ve asked him many times to come visit you in my stead, but he refuses, says doesn’t want to attract attention or instigate suspicion with sudden visits to you.”
“I know Kibum has an inkling of a speculation that something is aberrant about me and Jinki, but he never spoke it out loud, and I never felt the need to explain it to him, because I know he would not applaud it even if he understood my feelings.”
“Then I pray, Kibum finds a new squire soon,” Taemin said with a small smile as he packed his belongings. “What is it?” he asked when he saw Jonghyun’s eyes light up, his lips shaped into a perfect smile.
“Stay, don’t leave yet.” he instructed to Taemin and he called the guard at the door to summon Kibum at once.
“What is it, Your Highness?” Kibum asked as he entered Jonghyun’s chambers. “Do you need help dressing down?” he asked.
“Yes.” Jonghyun smiled as he stood up. “Kibum, have you found a new squire?” Jonghyun enquired.
“Not yet,” Kibum muttered as he folded the royal cloak. “I am still looking out for one.”
“Good,” Jonghyun said as he buttoned up his shirt. “I’ve found one.” he grinned as he gestured to Taemin. “Tell him he’s to start serving from morn’.”
Taemin smiled as he curtsied.
Kibum paced his chambers, his thoughts a mess. He knew who Jonghyun was going to appoint as his squire. He had tried all he could to halt the friendship between Jonghyun and the brothers, but it only backfired; their friendship grew into a stronger bond, merging the lines between friends and family.
He also knew that the bond shared between Jonghyun and Jinki had matured into something more, something special. He earnestly had tried all he could, but Jonghyun always found a way around it, nullifying all his efforts. And, alas, he gave up, if he could not stop him, at the least, he could protect it, try to keep their feelings as shrouded as possible from everyone, try to cover up all that he could. But now, Jonghyun had taken a prominent step that would definitely not go unseen.
He didn’t mind the relation between Jonghyun and Jinki, in fact, he was happy that Jonghyun was able to find such unwavering friends and feelings. It was the Lords that he feared of. There were rumors, rumors since the day Kibum had refused to let go of those two young boys. Rumors that said the Prince was hiding mages, mages he would definitely use to wound his subjects if the odds turned against him.
He had tried to abolish such rumors. Had the boys be subjected to humiliating scrutiny, to prove they were no mages, but just some orderly, regular kids. But nevertheless, those rumors still prevailed.
The people of the town didn’t take favorably to the brothers, especially to the older brother, Jinki. Taemin provided his services as a court physician as well helping the townspeople. Jinki usually avoided such contact. He would only help out whenever Taemin was busy or away on a journey with the Prince and his Knights, or he usually preferred helping out people from the other towns in the Kingdom, whenever an endemic or epidemic rose. This aloofness of his added more substance to the rumors. The Prince’s secret mage who was only seen when situations went out of hand. The Prince’s personal mage who was sent to make things fall back in line. The Prince’s mage.
If Jonghyun was seen with Jinki, it would definitely solidify the claims of those rumors. Make it more convenient for the Nobles to prove that crowning Jonghyun the King would be an erroneous decision. Who knows, maybe the assassination attempts would increase in frequency too?
He had to do something before everything fell apart.
“Wake up, Your Highness!” Jinki exclaimed as he extended his arm towards the curtains, moving them apart to let the morning light in.
Jonghyun groaned as he flipped away from the brightness.
“Come on Jonghyun, get up. Do you want me to get fired on the first day of work?” Jinki asked as he pulled the blanket off him.
“Just a few more minutes and I’ll be up,” Jonghyun mumbled against the pillow.
“If you do not wake up by the time I have finished counting to 5, be warned, I will definitely make it rain in here,” he said softly as he pulled up the hood of his cloak. “One...Two...Three..”
“Okay fine! I’m up.” Jonghyun said as he sat in bed, rubbing his eyes. “Don’t use your tricks here.” he said stifling a yawn, “You’ll definitely get fired for that.”
“Executed, more like,” Jinki muttered as he pulled open Jonghyun’s cupboard. “Are you really sure you want me as your squire?” Jinki asked as he searched through Jonghyun's closet. “You know what everyone says about me, says about you too. Think it over again.” Jinki dumped Jonghyun's change of clothes on the bed. “It will only cause trouble.”
“I don't care what anyone thinks. I've had enough of hiding.” he got up from the bed. “I...I just...I don't mind all the fingers that are going to be pointed at me, by God I don't care even if they see me unfit to rule, at least I'll live freely then, live with you,” he added softly.
“Hey,” Jinki whispered as he hugged Jonghyun. “I'll always be with you, stand beside you come what may.” He pulled back, his face lighting up with a smile. “Your squire is at your service, Sire.” he curtsied.”
“Help me get ready for the court.” Jonghyun chuckled.
“Then let’s get ready my Prince.” Jinki grinned as he gestured his fingers, a faint whisper of a spell on his tongue.
Jonghyun let Jinki’s magic work on him. Untying his sleeping robe, buttoning up his dress shirt, lacing up his boots. He grinned when he was ready in a matter of seconds. “I should’ve made you my squire a long time ago.” he gave a small kiss to Jinki’s cheek.
“Oh my Prince, please do keep your desires in check,” Jinki smirked before he opened the chamber doors.
“What is that?”  a 15-year-old Jonghyun called as he ran inside to Jinki’s room.
“It was nothing. You didn’t see anything.” Jinki muttered as he backed away.
“No,” Jonghyun jumped onto Jinki’s bed. “You made it snow,” Jonghyun exclaimed.
“Jonghyun,” Jinki sighed. “Can you keep this a secret, please?” Jinki pleaded.
“You have magic, don’t you?” Jonghyun’s eyes lit up. “Even Taemin has. I should’ve guessed.”
“I am sorry for not telling you about this before, but you know the law, if we were caught they would’ve surely executed us.”
“You can always trust me, Jinki.” Jonghyun smiled as he took Jinki’s hand in his. “Show me what else you can do!” Jonghyun couldn’t contain his excitement.
“Not much actually, I know a few small spells for healing small wounds and can make it snow. That was all that I could find from the few books we had salvaged from the purge.” Jinki said solemnly.
“You trust me, don’t you Jinki?” Jonghyun asked as he hugged Jinki. “Give me a few days, and I will get your father’s books from the dungeons.”
“No don’t do anything dangerous or suspicious,” Jinki said as he pulled away from Jonghyun.
Jonghyun huffed, his mind already making up plans. Kibum had been picking his brains constantly since a few days about learning the artifacts stored in the dungeons, he was reluctant at first; he didn’t want to look at remnants of the purge that brought about great misery but now he had a very compelling reason to go down and to sort of maybe, make things right, not for everyone, but it was still a beginning.
“From where did you get these?” Taemin exclaimed as he gathered the books Jonghyun had dumped on the table.
“You stole them, didn't you?” Jinki started. “I told-”
“I didn't steal,” Jonghyun argued before Jinki could start chiding him. “I mean taking something from my dungeon in my palace is not stealing,” Jonghyun said proudly.
“You'll get us all in trouble,” Jinki muttered as he sat down beside Taemin, pulling a few books towards himself.
“Oh trust me Jinki, you never will.” Jonghyun grinned.
When Jonghyun walked into court with Jinki behind him it enticed a rich murmur in the assembled nobility.
“Stay outside,” Kibum told Jinki.
Jinki glanced at Jonghyun and when he got a small nod from him he curtsied and left.
“What is he doing here?” Jonghyun was asked as he sat down.
“He serves as my squire,” Jonghyun replied shortly, motioning with his hand for the commencement of the conclave.
“Your majesty, you surely do know the rumors surrounding that boy, he's no good.” Seo Guk, one of the nobles said.
“We should have sent them along with their father, should have never provided any sanctuary to them. And now look at them, walking in and out of the palace so freely, no restraint of any sorts on them.” In Jung seethed.
Jonghyun rolled up the parchment he was given. “Who I appoint as my squire is my affair,” Jonghyun said with a stern lilt to his voice. He turned to Kibum, “Correct me if I am wrong Kibum, the previous squire was sent by him, wasn't he? The squire that tried to get me killed?” Jonghyun gestured towards In Jung.
A silence befell the court at Jonghyun's words. Kibum cleared his throat. “Let's begin,” he said.
As soon Jinki walked into the room he knew something was off. The magnificent pout on Jonghyun's lips spoke volumes.
“What has gotten you so upset?” Jinki asked as he set down the tray in front of Jonghyun.
Jonghyun sighed. “Kibum isn't happy with my decision of choosing you as my squire, and after what happened in court today, he went on and on and on about how this decision has distressed my claim for the throne.”
Jinki gave him a small smile, words of comfort deserting him.
“Don't worry.” Jonghyun shrugged off his cloak. “He'll see through it, he'll come around like he always does.”
Jinki sat down on the other chair, picking up the parchment Jonghyun had got. “A ball?” he asked, a sly smile on his face.
Jonghyun rolled his eyes. “They want me to select a bride, the next queen. Honestly, they are just wasting the treasury. We could use these resources to strengthen the border security. But no they want a lavish ball. To celebrate the complete healing of the prince. To celebrate the Prince’s first love when he sees one of the fair maidens.”
Jinki chuckled. “How very interesting,” he said as he rolled up the parchment. “Do you have anyone in mind, your majesty?” Jinki smirked.
Jonghyun narrowed his eyes, “Now that you ask, I do have someone in mind.”
“Who is this someone you speak of My prince?” Jinki challenged.
“Minho, one of the knights. A handsome face, brave and kind man. He would be perfect for me, wouldn't he Jinki?”
Jinki grinned. “Risk facing Taemin’s wrath?”
“Oh well, I'll always have you to protect me.” Jonghyun leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips.
“That you will. “
“Here you go,” Jinki sighed as he put down the clothes Kibum had picked out for Jonghyun to wear for the ball.
“Oh God,” Jonghyun whined as he approached his bed. “Do I have to try out all of them?” he mumbled as he sorted through them.
“If you ask me,” Jinki said as he reached for a shirt from the pile. “This will be perfect for you.” He picked up the light teal color shirt, “It brings out the blue in your eyes.” he added softly.
“That one it is.” Jonghyun slumped down on his bed, his face pressed against his pillow. “I am so tired,” he grumbled as he turned around.
Jinki rolled his eyes as he cast a spell to let the clothes stack themselves in a proper pile. “You've been sitting behind the desk the whole day. And there's me, who has been running around the whole day preparing for this godforsaken ball. Do you even know where Kibum sent me to get these shirts?” Jinki grumbled as he lay down on Jonghyun, his head resting against Jonghyun's thigh.
Jonghyun sat up, a sly smile on his face. “He sent you to the port, didn't he? To the merchant who lives by the sea?”
“Yes,” Jinki exclaimed. “My arse hurts.”
Jonghyun chuckled. “Good for you,” he said. “And anyways you needed some air and some movement in that body of yours. I've noticed you've grown.” he teased as he poked Jinki’s side.
“Did you just call me fat?”
“No, I didn't.”
“Yes, you did.” Jinki placed his hand at the back of Jonghyun's neck, slowly pulling him down.
“Well, I didn't use those exact words.” His grin was interrupted by the kiss Jinki pulled him into.
They separated hastily when they heard Kibum clear his throat. “Taemin is searching for you,” he told Jinki, excusing him from Jonghyun's chambers.
Once Jinki was gone he chided Jonghyun, “What if it was someone else who had walked in on you both? Do you know what crazy mess it would've led to?”
“All because he is a man and a squire?” Jonghyun asked as he got up from where he sat.
“You know that's not the predicament,” Kibum said softly.
Jonghyun heaved a big sigh, as he sat down in his chair, his shoulders slouched, “Yes I know Kibum. What do you expect me to do? No, I am not going to give up on him.” he said firmly. “I am ready to fight anyone or anything to protect him, to protect us.”
Kibum caressed Jonghyun's shoulder, “I know that.” he said. “I am happy for you,” he added softly, a small smile on his lips. “Just be careful. You know they all are out to get you, a single slip, a single mistake and you will lose everything.”
Jonghyun took Kibum's hand in his. “Thank you.”
Jinki's mind was a mess as he walked through the castle to his quarters. This was the first time he and Jonghyun were spending so much time together, the first they could stay together longer than a day or a night and he found himself getting carried away at that. He had let his guard down for that moment, to only have it get interrupted.
Maybe he could try casting a spell around Jonghyun's chambers that would signify anyone's presence?
He stopped suddenly, his mind going blank. He could feel it. It was faint, distant, but it was unfamiliar. Someone was using magic and it was not Taemin.
The faint trail of magic led him to the previous King’s chambers, the chambers that had been sealed and were to be only opened once Jonghyun becomes the King.
He could hear whispering behind the door, intriguing him. As he was about to push the doors, they opened from the inside.
“What are you doing here?” In Jung asked.
Jinki saw him quickly hide away something within the folds of his clothes.
“What are you doing here?” Jinki asked slowly. He could feel something was off.
“What is it to you? Has the Prince sent his dog to keep an eye on me?”  In Jung took a step closer to Jinki, trying to intimidate him.
Jinki could see all through that. He could feel In Jung was scared, nervous. He saw the shifty demeanor in him. He was up to something, but Jinki couldn't point it out. “You are not allowed near these chambers.” Jinki informed him calmly.
In Jung scoffed. “And who are you to tell me that?” he caught hold of Jinki's cloak at the neck, “If I ever see you near me again, that's the last moment you'll be alive.” he pulled away quickly and was out of Jinki's sight in a few moments.
He was definitely up to something.
Jonghyun chuckled when Jinki expressed his concern over In Jung and his possible intentions the next day.
“He's always been like that, finding one way or the other to find something wrong with me or Kibum.”
“But I heard him talking to someone inside,” Jinki stressed.
“Might have been cursing my father’s portrait that's inside.” Jonghyun shrugged. “They never got along even when they were children, and uncle’s chagrin only increased when my father was selected, King.”
When Jinki didn't speak up, Jonghyun approached him, “I’ll increase the number of guards appointed in the castle if that appeases you.”
Jinki gave him a quiet nod, his mind still trying to comprehend what happened yesterday.
Jonghyun clapped his hands, distracting Jinki’s attention to himself. “Okay, enough of brooding, we have a ball to prepare for.”
“How do I look?” Jonghyun asked as he stepped out from behind the screens.
“Yes?” he asked again when he got no reply.
“Very handsome,” Jinki said finally, his being still mesmerized by Jonghyun. Like he had thought the light teal color shirt complimented him really well. His blonde hair was brushed back, accentuating his features.  
He picked up the royal cloak and helped fasten it behind Jonghyun.
Jonghyun chuckled when his eyes met Jinki’s through the mirror. “Enough with the staring,” he said. He turned around, “Aren't you going to get ready?”
“I don't feel like dressing up,” Jinki said as he placed a small kiss on Jonghyun's nose. “And I have a lot of work to do. I should have never agreed to be your squire.” he groaned.
“Liar. You are loving every moment of it.” Jonghyun kissed Jinki on his lips. “Help me tie up my boots,” he said.
“Not going to use magic?” he asked when he saw Jinki bend down to tie his bootlace.
“Don't feel like,” Jinki said as he tied Jonghyun's boots.
“Come, let me escort you to your ball, my Prince.” Jinki held out his hand for Jonghyun.
At the ball, Jonghyun couldn't keep his attention on the maidens and the princesses he was being introduced to. He would somehow end up searching for Jinki amidst the staff that served them. At times he would catch Jinki gazing at the dances going on, and on some occasions, he would catch Jinki staring at him, they would hold contact until the other would shy away or get interrupted.
A few hours later he saw Jinki leave the ball, talking to Taemin briefly before he left.
“Are you tired?” Kibum asked Jonghyun as he stood beside him on the balcony.
“Not really,” he said as he took a sip of the wine he held.
“Ahh, you are not interested then,” Kibum said as he scanned the ballroom for Jinki. “Just go to him,” he said.
Jonghyun choked a bit on the sip he had taken, “What?” he asked, bewildered.
“Go.” Kibum waved his hand nonchalantly. “I know you are missing his companionship. Go now.”
“What about the ball?” Jonghyun gestured in front of them.
“I’ll take care of them like I always do.” Kibum shrugged. “Now go before someone offers you another dance.”
Jonghyun couldn't help the grin that broke out on his face, he hugged Kibum and handed over his glass before he left.
“Have you tried searching for him?” Jonghyun asked. He had looked all over for Jinki, had even searched Jinki's quarter's stealthily, but here was Jinki sitting in his balcony, his father's locket in hand.
“I did.” Jinki complied as he pocketed the chain.
“And?” Jonghyun asked as he approached him.
“I found his grave,” Jinki informed.
“I am so sorry.” Jonghyun took Jinki’s hand in his, caressing his knuckles with his thumb.
“Don't be,” Jinki said lightly. “He died a happy man.” he gave a small smile.
“I really am,” Jonghyun said, biting his lips in worry.
Jinki rolled his eyes slightly, no matter how many times he talked Jonghyun out of it but Jonghyun would still blame himself for the departure of Jinki's father.
Jinki entwined his fingers with Jonghyun. “Dance with me,” he said as he took Jonghyun's other hand in his.
Jonghyun smiled as he let Jinki lead the dance, his hands settled around Jinki's waist.
“Why did you stop?” he asked when Jinki abruptly stopped mid-step.
“Someone's coming,” Jinki informed, his hold tightening around Jonghyun's waist.
“I cast a spell on your chambers to make it known to me whenever someone approaches it.”
“So?” Jonghyun asked puzzled.
“So, there's a ball going on downstairs, and what affair does anyone have to come searching for the Prince till his chambers.”
There was a loud bang on the door, somebody was trying to open the door forcefully. Jinki cast a small spell, firming up the doors foundation so that it wouldn't budge.
“Behind us,” Jonghyun informed as he unsheathed his sword.
People in armor and masks were climbing down into Jonghyun's balcony from above, from the King’s chambers.
“That bastard.” Jinki cursed under his breath as he pushed Jonghyun behind him.
“What are you doing?” Jonghyun whispered. “Nobody can find out you are a mage.”
“I know,” Jinki muttered. He whispered a small message into the waves of the air and directed it with his magic to Taemin.
“Trust me.” he told Jonghyun as he took Jonghyun's sword in hand.
There were too many of them, and he knew he couldn't hold on any longer. He noticed a gleam of silver in the back. Archers.
“Trust me,” he said again as he embraced Jonghyun, putting himself between the men and Jonghyun as his shield. When he felt Taemin’s presence getting closer and closer on the other side of the door, he let go of the spell he had placed on the door. The door burst open, revealing more assassins.
“Jinki!” he heard Jonghyun scream and felt a sharp pain in his back. He closed his eyes when he saw Minho and the other Knights infiltrate the room.
part (2/2)
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takotsuboheaart · 7 years
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The mermaid Jonghyun¿ and the prince Onew
crgifs :  shineetho  ¿ *u*
pics: as  tagged/to the owners ¿
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jongyuslover · 5 years
I'll sing for you, if you sing for me
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