#online diploma in project management
code-es ¡ 1 year
Last day of school (first day of break)
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ft pics from my walks
let today = new Date(16 June 2023);
Today was the last day of school, and now I am officially done with all the "studying" part of my education and I am very conflicted in how I feel about it.
Next semester is going to be individual projects, and then internships, and in approx 9 months from today I will be getting my diploma and hopefully land a job. 9 months is less time from today to when I created this blog, which is like wtf cause in itself it doesn't feel like too long ago!
Creating this blog was one of the best things i did for myself during my studies. Even though maybe I have not been as active with my own content as i was originally planning to, I've really found support in this community and knowing that I am not alone on this journey. If you're thinking of starting your own codeblr: do it!! You don't have to be the most active, or the best at what you do, any content is worth sharing in my opinion. If not for others, then for yourself, to look back and see how far you've made it. All victories are worth celebrating, no matter how small.
Going into this summer break and the next chapter approaching with internships and my individual project, I am honestly feeling a bit apathic. I struggle with chronic depression and anxiety, but alongside being a ruthless perfectionist I am able to pass my courses and do what I need to do to barely meet my own (very ambitious) standards, but it takes a toll on me, and these last few weeks of school were unlike anything I have experienced before as far as mental health x school goes. But I fkn made it!! Nice walks help (the times I can convince myself to go out) (pictured in the images hehe), showing up even when i feel like crap helps, and accepting support from close ones help.
I think it's difficult to open up and share my mental health struggles, both online and offline, but I am hoping this makes someone else feel less alone. Living, let alone studying, with mental health struggles is ass. It fucking sucks and it can feel like walking in deep water while others are swimming past you and telling you to just do the same. (omg wow so deep analogy) If only it were that easy lol. But we are so strong! and wether you are pursuing a degree/career or just trying to manage life, you're gonna kick ass, one step at the time.
Happy coding and happy summer to my fellow northern hemispher-ers 😎
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snoopmary ¡ 1 year
I realize it’s THE SUN but it annoyed me
No idea who said this and it reads as a half-baked, inexperienced publicist frantically trying to protect an actress at the direction of her managers, but you know, it’s got my professional back up. 
I frankly doubt this is even one of Sweeney’s people working on her behalf because that girl isn’t stupid and her team is better than that at this shit. They’d just drop a line or two to Deux Moi and Page 6, not the Sun. that’s not her audience.
Disclaiming: No one not involved knows the story and I frankly don’t care who is with whom but this SUN article ticked me off so I’m going to vent right now. 
Humour me and let me deconstruct this article for all the many PR oops in it:
Quote 1:
"[Sweeney] doesn't want or need this attention and, to be frank, this is Glen's problem for letting his relationship with Gigi get out of control and for being so public about his personal life on social media."
Pretty sure GP didn't expect his apparently now-ex girlfriend to go passive-aggressive bunny-boiler (yes, I said it and I am so not sorry) on the ‘gram and try to impact the career he's busted his ass trying to build. Those posts? Human scorned shit has a short shelf life and always backfires on the person who goes low in Hollywood. See also Brad and Angelina at the moment. 
Two mistakes: blaming the guy for his ex publicly pulling shit on her personal instagram while blaming the guy for also leaving what clearly became an unpleasant relationship, while also implying he should have ‘controlled’ his ex and was responsible for parenting her behavior online!
Sympathy is going to turn towards Powell if it turns out there really is nothing going down but acting to sell the movie happening and this article will age really poorly. 
Also: the extent of his being public was, this is my girlfriend. [shares photo, red carpet thing]. Pretty sure that has been the exact same extent of Sweeney’s stuff with her BF, who by the by - and yes, I am going there - Sweeney’s supposed BF is 39. She is 25. If they have been together for 5 years, she was 20 and he was 34 when they hooked up. 14-year age difference. 
He could have babysat her before he got his high school diploma. Just saying. The ick is strong with this one, IMHO, and the public (esp the woke part) post-me-too is not fond of that, optically speaking. They aren't the great Leo DiCaprio and people are even tired of that crap from him now.
"If she and Glen were closer, she'd tell him to handle his problems privately instead of letting them bleed into social media," the pal added to The U.S. Sun. "But the fact is, she and Glen don't have much of a personal relationship at all beyond the making of this movie.”
Most people don’t have a personal relationship with people they just met. Weird how that works, yeah? Except she also hung out with his sisters, his niece and nephew, and his parents while shooting an extremely R-rated sex comedy with him with nudity and an intimacy coordinator. 
So from their perspective, I guess that means Powell probably would have been okay with an apparently strictly professional acquaintance [activating sarcasm font] criticizing him for his angry ex-girlfriend going passive vindictive on instagram for attention. 
We’re all fine with ‘near-strangers’ doing that to us, aren't we? ::insert eyeroll::
"Glen's real-life girlfriend problems are now infecting how people will perceive this project before they've even had the chance to market it.”
Oh, honey. No. No, sweet summer child. No.
The *only* reason *anyone* is talking about this project is BECAUSE of the chemistry between Glen and Sydney. Otherwise, it’s just another rom-com. Now it’s - as Lainey pointed out - ShoWest Mr and Mrs Smith territory. 
It’s a rom-com, the believability of the leads doing the rom-ing IS the market strategy.
The PR teams at Sony are loving this because they could not have begged for better press for this flick, even if this pushed JLaw, Denzel, and the Barbie movie off the front pages of the news cycle. Everyone has actually heard this film is coming out now and will probably be dying to see what the what is about it. Wouldn’t be surprised if this got fast-edit for October now.
"It's distracting and annoying as hell and Sydney loathes that she's been publicly dragged into this."
If *that* was Loathing in Las Vegas, then she is a much better actress than I and most of the film industry have given her credit for. Period.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: no man has his sister and her family with young kids, his parents, and his other sister and her BF around AND screws around on his girlfriend in front of them. In fact, I kinda suspect he had them there in order to try and prevent this kind of story because who screws around on their GF in front of their immediate family? He had them down there to avoid this and guess what, it backfired. Why?
Gigi wanted a bit of satisfaction for not getting to be Hangman’s WSO any longer because who TF in the entertainment industry cares who Gigi Paris is when she isn’t Glen Powell’s girlfriend? {Hate me but you know I am right!]
If she hadn’t said a damn thing when they split, none of this news coverage would exist and no one who didn’t follow Glen Powell would have ever heard her name.
Let me tell you how the industry is going to see this situation in about a week:
Glen Powell’s now ex-girlfriend - a model who, while attractive, is just a model among many in LA and NYC - did not handle it well when their rocky relationship finally ended. Despite the brouhaha, Glen Powell showed up and worked his ass off (despite the personal tumult and embarrassment) to sell the movie he was paid to make while he's being dragged through the mud. And he was a consummate professional and he didn't sink to anyone’s level either. 
The chemistry with his blonde-of-the-moment co-star Sydney Sweeney (see also Margot Robbie/Will Smith and JLaw/Helmsworth) was hot enough to dominate the entertainment social news cycle globally for 48 hours now because everyone was interested in a rom-com where people actually had chemistry. (Ghosted is bad, Your Place or Mine was worse, and the best part about The Lost City was Daniel Radcliffe and Sandra Bullock’s scenes together.) 
And after all that: Powell still showed up to do prep for Twisters in Oklahoma without being a dramatic diva about the shitstorm his life became in April 2023 because he left a dead-end relationship? 
Producers are loving what they’re seeing from him. Family-oriented, clean-cut gentleman who can handle his emotions and still work? Christmas came early! 
Whoever this “friend” of Sweeney’s is, it would have been better for them to have kept their mouth shut and let this fade out quietly. That piece did her no favours, especially after that red carpet in Vegas because whoever did that just tried to throw her co-star under the bus to explain it all away and all the other actors in the industry are going to remember that.
And that is the way I see that SUN piece.
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monkeywiki ¡ 1 year
Your name, email, contact should be at the top.
Poop Poop | phone number | Email
include 3 REFERENCES of people you trust, teachers, colleagues, even online friends, anyone who would vouch for you, and format.
Blah Blah | College Of Poop and Farts | Lab Tech [email protected] 3842348394
Blah Blah | College Of Poop and Farts | Lab Tech [email protected] 3842348394
Blah Blah | College Of Poop and Farts | Lab Tech [email protected] 3842348394
Education (I recommend putting this next, OR make it the very last thing on your resume.)
Early Graduate Diploma – EebyHS | 2018
Excelled in the Eeby High School Proficiency Exam earning a certificate of diploma prior to most peers in the graduate class.
Experience (notice putting about 2-3 is optimal and fine, if you have none whatsoever, consider volunteer efforts, charity events when you were younger, art clubs you hosted, and consider framing them as Leadership initiatives. Done art commissions? Handling confidential client information and transactions. Pet sitting, helping someone with their homework, babysitting, lawn mowing, anything can be re-framed into buzzword friendly search terms that show you have the diligence and willingness to learn more.)
Job title | Company | Location | Year
Brand Ambassador | Eeby Deeby Programs | Or, Bo | 2019
Utilized PC technology to quickhand troubleshoot technical issues, lead IT support
Camera and photography operations, lead marketing, staging, lighting and merchandising.
IOS maintenance 
POS operation lead, customer & client assurance, tendering sales
TIP: What did this company advocate for? What were your goals and what did your work accomplish? 
Certified Onboarder | Ourga Bourga | Port, Borba | 2018
Coordinates onboarding & training for new hires to successfully transition into their new roles accordingly and within a timely manner.
Communicates effectively to responsibly manage and maintain workflow between the front of house and kitchen.
Leading to ensure customer satisfaction by managing staff’s ticket fulfillment to company standards and to order.
Go to indeed, create a resume and do their skill assessment tests if you want to add more buff to this, however, first you need to look inward. Have you been online your whole life? Welcome to the first step! your next thing on your resume is your :
(do a wpm test and put your result)
Windows OS & IOS technology
Microsoft technology
Proficient in Word, Excel, Powerpoint 
POS terminals & technology (better way of saying "i was a cashier")
IT support (same thing)
Experience in supervisory, management and training (ever run your own discord? ever recruited for a zine? hosted a re-animated project? No need to say it straight.)
Proficient in marketing, merchandising & staging (AKA: setting up store displays, making sure burgers look Like They're Suppose to, making store aisles clean and products are pulled forward)
(also might help to use indeed, do their resume and their proficiency tests and include those on your resume)
Proficient in OSHA and FDA regulations in food safety control environments (aka i worked foodservice, i have cleaned toilets)
Quality assurance (literally everything ever)
Bonus points if you've worked any place that has access to cleaning products, you can say the following:
Proficient in Ecolab standard protocols.
It's important to consider that recruiters are sifting through hundreds of resumes.
short-term your experience with simple, but BUZZWORD friendly language. Why?
Not only do recruiters want to pick up what you can do Likely within the first few seconds of viewing your application, your application is more likely to be seen by websites like indeed if you use keywords and buzzwords that make your resume relevant to the website's search algorithm.
Sentences are not important. Experience is, and you likely have more than you give yourself credit for. good luck
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panache-academy ¡ 4 months
Unlock Sky-High Careers: Elevate Your Path from BBA to Aviation Success
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Embarking on a career in aviation after completing a Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) holds immense potential for those seeking dynamic and rewarding opportunities. By strategically combining the foundational knowledge acquired through a BBA program with specialized aviation training, individuals can position themselves for remarkable career growth and job placement within the aviation industry. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into ten key strategies to maximize your chances of securing employment in aviation following BBA, highlighting the synergy between business acumen and aviation expertise.
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Understanding the Landscape:Before diving into specifics, it’s crucial to grasp the dynamics of the aviation industry and how it intersects with your BBA degree. Aviation is a vast field encompassing various sectors like airlines, airports, aerospace manufacturing, and more.
Complementary Skill Set:Your BBA background equips you with essential business skills such as management, finance, marketing, and organizational behavior. These skills are highly transferable and sought-after in the aviation industry, particularly in roles like airport management, airline operations, and aviation consulting.
Specialized Aviation Training:Pursuing aviation-specific training after BBA enhances your employability by providing industry-specific knowledge and skills. Look for reputable aviation training programs that offer certifications or diplomas in areas like aviation management, airport operations, aviation safety, or air traffic control.
Internship Opportunities:Seek internships during your aviation training to gain practical experience and network with industry professionals. Internships provide valuable insights into the day-to-day operations of aviation companies and can often lead to full-time employment opportunities.
Industry Connections:Leverage your BBA network and university connections to explore internship and job opportunities within the aviation sector. Attend industry events, job fairs, and networking sessions to expand your professional network and learn about potential job openings.
Tailored Resume and Cover Letter:Customize your resume and cover letter to highlight how your BBA background and aviation training make you an ideal candidate for aviation roles. Emphasize relevant coursework, internships, certifications, and any aviation-related projects or experiences.
Professional Development:Continuously invest in your professional development by staying updated on industry trends, regulations, and technologies. Consider pursuing additional certifications or advanced degrees in specialized areas of aviation to further enhance your credentials and marketability.
Soft Skills Enhancement:Alongside technical skills, emphasize the development of soft skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving. These skills are highly valued in the aviation industry and can set you apart from other candidates during job interviews and assessments.
Job Search Strategies:Utilize online job portals, industry-specific websites, and professional networking platforms to search for job opportunities in the aviation sector. Actively engage with aviation industry groups and forums to stay informed about job openings and industry developments.
Persistence and Adaptability:Landing a job in the aviation industry may require persistence and adaptability, especially in a competitive job market. Stay resilient, keep refining your skills, and be open to exploring different avenues within the aviation sector to maximize your chances of securing employment.
In conclusion, by leveraging your existing skills, pursuing relevant training, gaining practical experience through internships, and actively networking within the industry, you can position yourself as a competitive candidate for various roles in aviation management, operations, and beyond.
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ernmark ¡ 2 years
Apparently me being in IB got a lot of Same Hat responses.
So: Same Hat!
I was in the first year that my high school had the program-- so the enviable guinea pigs, only like a quarter of which got the full IB diploma.
Along with the lock-in, we had
A weirdly insular group-- almost all our classes were together for those last two years, so despite being in a student body of 4000, I only actually knew the other 12 I spent time with (my face blindness was very grateful)
One teacher who was Very Bad at teaching precalculus, to the point that literally every person who had her dropped out of the full program because there was no chance of passing the math portion
Friday pitch-ins during history class every week, because nobody is food motivated like stressed teenagers. Among regular favourites were my mom's apple strudel and egg rolls from one classmate's family Chinese restaurant
A science teacher who took the extra IB duties because he wanted extra pay, who gleefully plagiarized resources from other teachers that he found online. His idea of teaching was to show us video of his marching band
Due to zero supervision and guidance, our class royally botched the Big Group Science Project for his class. So we instead researched the hell out of what our results should have been and falsified a semester's worth of data. So... Um... We definitely learned something in that class.
A surprisingly diverse student body considering our tiny size. Because it was so new and badly managed, the only people who were willing to participate were people who wanted to go to college abroad, or people who were desperate for those low-cost college credits and cofident enough in their academic skill to trade their mental health away for the discount. So, in short, a whole lot of immigrants.
A study hall collective thing where we tried to fill in the gaps in our education and understanding by reteaching each other whatever had just been botched.
Class t-shirts
A motto: "divide and conquer" referring to the way we'd divide our larger homework assignments among the group, each do a part, and then collectively copy down the answers from each other. We all did the homework-- we just didn't all do all of it.
Mental breakdowns to the degree and consistency that would become the norm across the United States 5-10 years later. (During one of my worse ones, my dad flailed his way into giving me a pair of stray kittens we had been trying to rehome because when I was handling them was the only time during that particular period that he saw me not crying.)
It was certainly an experience, alright.
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upes-online ¡ 1 year
10 Most Popular Power and Renewable Energy Management Courses in India
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Climate change and concerns about environmental sustainability have led to a sharp increase in the demand for renewable energy in recent years. So, qualified individuals in India are demanded to plan, coordinate, and carry out renewable energy projects.
This guide will provide the popular power and renewable energy management courses in India and information on the qualifications and skills required for a career in renewable energy and how to get started in the field.
What is Renewable Energy Management?
Renewable energy management involves designing, implementing, and managing projects and systems to generate electricity, heat, or fuel from renewable sources such as solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal energy.
A career in renewable energy requires a strong foundation in Renewable Energy Management, as it is critical to the success of any renewable energy project. Professionals in this field must deeply understand renewable energy technologies, energy markets, policy and regulatory frameworks, project finance, environmental impact assessment, and stakeholder engagement.
Which course is best for renewable energy?
Online courses, certificate programs, undergraduate and graduate degree programs, and executive education programs are just a few of the several types of renewable energy courses offered.
It is crucial to consider aspects like the course's content, the standing of the institution offering it, the length of the program, and the course's cost when selecting a renewable energy course.
Online courses in renewable energy offer several advantages, including flexibility, affordability, and accessibility to some of the best online renewable energy courses available in India.
Top 10 Popular Power and Renewable Energy Management Courses in India
1. Post Graduate Diploma in Renewable Energy Management from TERI School of Advanced Studies
This one-year curriculum covers various subjects, including project management, legislation and regulation, biomass, solar, wind, and other energy sources. The course comprises both practical instruction and a research project.
2. Master's in Renewable Energy from Amity University
This two-year program includes project financing and investment, energy policy, and renewable energy technologies. Internships and a capstone project are features of the program.
3. Executive Program in Renewable Energy from Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad
 Professionals with prior experience in the energy industry should enroll in this six-month program. The program includes project financing, management, policy, and technologies related to renewable energy.
4. Post Graduate Program in Power Management from Great Lakes Institute of Management
Professionals with prior experience in the energy industry should enroll in this six-month program.
The program includes project financing, management, policy, and technologies related to renewable energy.
5. Diploma in Power Management from Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS)
 This one-year curriculum includes energy economics, renewable energy technology, electricity generation, transmission, and distribution.
A final project and internships are both part of the curriculum.
6. Energy Management Certificate Course from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay
Energy efficiency, renewable energy technology, and energy law and policy are all topics covered in this six-month course. In addition, the curriculum includes case studies and site visits to renewable energy projects.
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7. Master's in Energy Studies from the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)
The topics covered in this two-year degree include project management, energy policy, and renewable energy technology. Internships and a research project are part of the program.
8. Advanced Certificate Program in Renewable Energy Management and Finance from Indian School of Business (ISB)
This four-month curriculum covers policy and regulation, financing, and renewable energy technologies.
Case studies and a capstone project are also part of the program.
9. Master's in Energy Science and Technology from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay
Energy systems, renewable energy technologies, and energy policy and management are all topics covered in this two-year study.
A research project and electives in specific subjects are part of the program.
10. Certification Course in Solar Energy from National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE)
The design, installation, and maintenance of solar energy systems are all covered in this three-month program.
The course involves practical instruction and a capstone project.
Qualifications and Skills Required for a Career in Renewable Energy
Educational and Professional Qualifications
Generally, a renewable energy profession necessitates a bachelor's degree in engineering, science, or technology.
Graduate degrees, such as a Master's in Renewable Energy or Energy Management, might give job seekers a competitive edge.
Professional certifications from trade organizations like the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) and the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) can further show expertise.
Key Skills Required for a Career in Renewable Energy
Technical expertise in biomass, wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources.
You'll need project management abilities to plan, create, implement, and manage renewable energy projects.
Analytical abilities are needed to conduct energy audits and assess and evaluate the viability of renewable energy projects.
Business and financial skills to understand project finance, funding options, and investment analysis.
Communication and stakeholder engagement skills to collaborate with diverse stakeholders such as government agencies, investors, and local communities.
Popular Renewable Energy Courses
The Post Graduate Diploma in Renewable Energy Management from the TERI School of Advanced Studies, the Master's in Renewable Energy from Amity University, and the Energy Management Certificate Course from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay are some of the more well-known renewable energy courses in India.
These courses cover many subjects, including project management, financing, renewable energy technology, energy law and policy, and more.
In addition to formal schooling, developing practical skills in the industry can benefit from hands-on experience through internships or on-the-job training.
How to start a career in Renewable Energy?
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Gain Relevant Education and Training
1. Work toward a relevant degree or diploma in engineering, science, or technology.
2. Consider taking additional classes in project management, business and finance, and renewable energy technologies.
3. Take part in internships or apprenticeships to get real-world experience.
Build a Professional Network
1. Participate in trade shows and other events to meet industry experts.
2. Join a professional group to network with like-minded individuals and stay up to current on market changes, such as the Renewable Energy Association of India (REAI) or the Indian Wind Power Association (IWPA).
Look for Job Opportunities
1. Research and apply for job opportunities in renewable energy companies, energy consultancies, and government agencies.
2. Some of India's widespread power management courses include the Executive Program in Renewable Energy from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad.
And the Post Graduate Program in Power Management from the Great Lakes Institute of Management and the Diploma in Power Management from Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS).
3. Consider starting your own renewable energy venture or consulting firm.
Stay Up-to-Date with Industry Developments
1. To stay current on the most recent trends and advancements in renewable energy, read industry publications and news.
2. Participate in professional development programs and continuing education courses to improve your abilities and expertise.
However, to succeed, one must pursue a career in renewable energy, build a solid professional network, stay up-to-date with industry developments, and consider starting a venture or consulting firm.
Suppose you are interested in pursuing a career in India, including online courses in power management. With the proper education, training, and experience, you can contribute to a more sustainable future while building a rewarding career in renewable energy.
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jobuganda ¡ 2 years
Rocket Health Uganda Jobs 2022 – Fresher Pharmacy B2B ClientRelations Officer
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Job Title: Pharmacy B2B Client Relations Officer – Rocket Health Uganda Jobs 2022 Organization: Rocket Health Job Location: Kampala, Uganda Reports to: B2B Client Relations Lead     Rocket Health and The Medical Concierge Group Profile: Rocket Health is a service of The Medical Concierge Group, a licensed and registered Clinic, Laboratory and Pharmacy. The Medical Concierge Group (TMCG) is a digital health enterprise incorporated in Uganda (HQ), Kenya and Nigeria since 2012. It is comprised of a portfolio of innovative healthcare ventures including: health call centers, mobile clinical services, health content development, and healthcare enterprise software solutions.     Job Summary: To support the development and implementation of strategies to drive B2B client acquisition, retention and satisfaction to achieve market dominance in East Africa.     Roles and Responsibilities: Client Engagement and Management B2B clients relationship and stakeholder management Support accurate customer needs analysis, quantification, forecasting and procurement planning Sales and Customer order management to ensure timely processing and delivery of orders Implement order tracking mechanisms and work collaboratively with the logistics team to ensure efficient and timely delivery of orders Conduct customer surveys and implement responsive feedback and follow-up mechanism Effectively manage a responsive complaints management system. Operations Excellence and Compliance To support the development of policies/guidelines and acquisition of required licenses to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements Support development, training, Implementation and compliance to guidelines and standard operating procedures for B2B operations Support development of appropriate technology to effectively deliver Pharmacy B2B services Support development of relevant KPIs, targets and monitoring mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement of customer experience. Ensure adequate resources are available and well managed for effective operations Support the Periodic Reporting of B2B pharmacy business unit performance Ensure continuous quality improvement in the delivery of overall pharmacy services in collaboration with all section leads. Take up any other roles as may be assigned.     Minimum Qualifications:  - Bachelors in Business/Marketing/Project/Operations/healthcare management or another related program - A degree/Diploma in Pharmacy or Postgraduate training/certification in a relevant field is an added advantage - Minimum of 2 years of working experience in a marketing/management role preferably in the health sector/pharmaceutical supply chain - Experience or qualification in the use of digital technologies is an added advantage Job Skills and Person specifications - Innovative Marketing and Sales - Stakeholder management Excellent communication and presentation skills. Ability to work independently and multi-task effectively High levels of organization and output-oriented Good Information Technology skills Values - Integrity - Quality - Innovation - Customer satisfaction     How To Apply for Rocket Health Uganda Jobs 2022 All candidates should apply online at the link below. Click Here Deadline: 10th August 2022     For similar Jobs in Uganda today and great Uganda jobs, please remember to subscribe using the form below: NOTE: No employer should ask you for money in return for advancement in the recruitment process or for being offered a position. Please contact Fresher Jobs Uganda if it ever happens with any of the jobs that we advertise. Read the full article
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collegevidya ¡ 1 year
Project management as a field of management deals with the various aspects of planning, executing, monitoring and supervising company projects. Project management graduates are in high professional demand today owing to large companies looking for qualified professionals who can direct and deliver successful projects for company growth and business maximisation.
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Become a more effective project manager in simple steps
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Good project managers not only need to be professionals in their chosen project management methodology, but they also need to be able to efficiently stimulate action in their teams. Becoming an effective project manager is not just about knowing how to do your job; it’s also about the best of your company and your team.
To become a more effective project manager, you'll need experience, expertise, and the ability to learn from your mistakes. For a bit of a shortcut around these necessities, the below-mentioned are some easy steps that will improve your project management performance.
Spend more time with experts
Stay connected with your peers to learn more. Whether these are in your organization or working in other places, keep in touch via phone calls, and emails. Learn from their methods, skills, and strategies.
Keep improving
Always seek to improve your education and qualification to stay on top of the project management game. You should aim to keep at least one new certificate per year, even if it is just a day course or an online learning program.
Similarly, Anthony Raspa is a result-driven project manager. He is highly experienced in applying savvy executive strengths to whole-of-business situations. He holds solid commercial expertise coupled with strong skills in strategy, solutions, and services.
He determines 24 years of success in delivering and defining improvements in projects, services, and strategic Initiatives.
Anthony Raspa believes that sometimes making a mistake can be just as valuable as getting everything right the first time. When you are trying out new ideas, new strategies, and new tools, sometimes things won't always go as you expected. In this situation, it is important to not only forgive yourself for making a mistake but also to learn from that mistake and use your experience to better yourself in the future.
Anthony effectively coordinates activities and workflow that drive results and ensure the attainment of goals. He even holds strong program management skills and harnesses methodologies, and portfolios.
Earlier as a transition manager at Horizon power, his responsibility was to deliver the major transition projects for government departments and enterprises.
Overall Anthony Raspa is a commercially aware project manager who holds a strong image of delivering the project on time and ensuring the attainment of goals.
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About his education certifications
Anthoney Raspa completed an Associate Diploma of Applied science in computing in the year 1994. After that, he completed his masters in IT, Agile program, PMP, and Project manager and he is even Microsoft certified system engineer. Anthony is currently pursuing a Master of business administration at the Australian Institute of business. 
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grimgrinningghoul ¡ 2 years
Hi this is uh. An update, sorta? It’s more vent than anything but hey. I see folks toss their woes into the void all the time on here. No idea if it actually helps, but I’ll give it a try
I may wind up deleting it either tonight or tomorrow, or whenever I get most mortified. Putting it under the cut so I’m not cluttering anyone’s dash
I’ve been doing... fine? I guess. DP has been in the back of my brain lately in favor of something else currently, hence the hiatus. Still kicking ofc! Just not over here
IRL though... man I dunno. I’m technically okay, but I’m stagnant. It’s suddenly hitting me way harder than it used to
I’m kinda stunted in terms of growing up, I think. I used to excel as a kid, to the point that I wasn’t getting anything substantial out of my education in public school. So I started homeschooling and taking online courses. We all thought I’d excel there too, even thrive
I didn’t. My grades were phenomenal, that didn’t change. But without the social pressure, I drug my feet. I couldn’t manage to finish assignments ‘cause I’d simply lose the attention span. And the comfort of my own home made it all the easier. Now, here I am at 18, haven’t finished highschool. I can drive, but I’m scared of it, and I don’t have a license yet. I’m working towards my GED, because my dream job isn’t something that requires the full diploma. But I’m dragging behind there, too
I had an awesome opportunity in that field of work. I was doing great for so long, and I probably blew it. Because all of a sudden, I was burned out, and the anxieties about expectations pushed me further and further away. I haven’t touched it in so long, nor have I been in contact with the gal in charge of it. And I got nobody to blame for it but myself and the head on my shoulders
I got no clue if it’s laziness, lack of discipline, something like autism or ADHD, or a conglomerate of the 3. But boy howdy has it left me depressed, because no matter what it is, I’ve let myself and other people down
I feel like I need to move out. I think why I drag is ‘cause, at the end of the day, I live a very comfortable life. And I’m complacent because of it. I’m so used to the norm. And I’m sick of taking up space in my folks’ home. Not only do I feel crowded, but I know they do
So yeah, I guess for a... loose plan; save up on my money. I want to get back to that project I’d been a part of. I don’t know if I���m even still part of it anymore, but I want to try. Maybe one day, I’ll see if I have the discipline to open commissions for the occasional bit of income. Eventually get a small house to live in so I can start fresh
I dunno what’s holding me back. Whether it’s just my lack of drive, or something actually off in my skull, I just want to get through it
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maharghaideovate ¡ 1 day
Top Correspondence Courses Offered by Symbiosis
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Hello There! Are you thinking about diving into correspondence courses? Symbiosis Distance Learning Centre has got you covered. They offer a variety of programs that fit into your busy schedule, whether you’re looking to enhance your career or dive into a new field. Let’s explore the most popular courses, their structures, durations, and eligibility criteria.
1. MBA in HR Correspondence Courses
Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning (SCDL) offers one of the best MBA in HR correspondence courses out there. This course is perfect for those wanting to step up their game in human resources while managing their current job or other responsibilities.
Course Structure:
¡ Core Subjects: HR Planning, Performance Management, Employee Relations
¡ Electives: Choose from subjects like Training & Development, Compensation Management
¡ Project Work: Real-world HR projects to apply your learning
¡ Workshops: Optional on-campus workshops for practical experience
¡ 2 years, with the flexibility to complete it in 4 years.
¡ Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.
Why It’s Popular:
¡ Balances theory and practical skills
¡ Flexible learning schedule
¡ Reputed among HR professionals
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA)
Another top pick from Symbiosis is the PGDBA. It’s almost like an MBA but with a bit more flexibility and a shorter duration.
Course Structure:
¡ Specializations: Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR, Customer Relationship Management
¡ Core Modules: Management Fundamentals, Business Communication, Business Law
¡ Elective Modules: Chosen based on specialization
¡ Case Studies: Real-life business scenarios to solve
¡ 2 years, extendable to 4 years.
¡ Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.
Why It’s Popular:
¡ Offers multiple specializations
¡ Real-world case studies
¡ Flexible completion time
3. Post Graduate Diploma in International Business (PGDIB)
Looking to break into the global market? The PGDIB is your ticket. Symbiosis crafted this course for aspiring international business professionals.
Course Structure:
¡ Core Subjects: International Marketing, Global Trade, Export-Import Management
¡ Electives: Cross-Cultural Management, International Logistics
¡ Research Project: On global business strategies
¡ Virtual Seminars: Insights from international business leaders
¡ 2 years, with a 4-year completion window.
¡ Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.
Why It’s Popular:
¡ Focus on global business trends
¡ Insights from international experts
¡ Flexible learning model
4. Post Graduate Diploma in IT Management (PGDITM)
Tech-savvy and aiming for a management role in IT? The PGDITM is designed just for you.
Course Structure:
¡ Core Subjects: IT Infrastructure Management, Software Engineering, E-Business
¡ Electives: Data Warehousing, Information Security
¡ IT Projects: Hands-on IT management projects
¡ Online Labs: Virtual labs for practical exposure
¡ 2 years, extendable up to 4 years.
¡ Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.
¡ Preferably with a background in IT.
Why It’s Popular:
¡ Combines IT and management
¡ Practical IT projects
¡ Online labs for real-world skills
5. Post Graduate Diploma in Customer Relationship Management (PGDCRM)
Customer relationship management is key for businesses today. The PGDCRM from Symbiosis preps you to excel in this crucial field.
Course Structure:
¡ Core Subjects: Customer Lifecycle Management, CRM Technology, Service Quality Management
¡ Electives: Customer Analytics, CRM Software
¡ CRM Projects: Practical projects to apply CRM strategies
¡ Interactive Sessions: Webinars with CRM experts
¡ 1 year, extendable to 2 years.
¡ Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.
Why It’s Popular:
¡ Focus on customer-centric strategies
¡ Practical CRM projects
¡ Shorter duration
How to Apply
¡ Online Application: Visit the SCDL website, fill out the form, and upload necessary documents.
¡ Entrance Test: Some courses might require an entrance test or interview.
¡ Fees: Pay the application and course fees online.
Final Thoughts
Symbiosis offers a variety of correspondence courses catering to different professional needs. Whether it’s the MBA in HR correspondence courses or specialized diplomas, there’s something for everyone looking to enhance their career prospects while balancing their current commitments.
Thinking of taking the plunge? These courses from Symbiosis could be your stepping stone to a brighter career. Explore, enroll, and elevate your professional journey!
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develeran ¡ 2 days
Data Analyst Course Near Me, Mumbai
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Are you looking for the perfect data analyst course in Mumbai? If you're having trouble finding the right one, we have the solution. Check out our Data Analytics certification course in Mumbai. Our hands-on curriculum is designed to give you the key skills and knowledge you need to succeed. Work on real-world projects and build a strong portfolio to impress employers and make your mark in the competitive IT field. Start your journey to a successful career in data analytics with us.
What is Data Analytics?
Data analytics involves tools, techniques, and methods for collecting, organizing, storing, and analyzing data. The main goal is to apply statistical analysis and technology to identify trends and solve problems. Data analytics also helps companies quickly respond to changing market trends and gain an edge over competitors. The ultimate aim of data analytics is to enhance business performance.
Who is a Data Analyst?
A data analyst helps stakeholders understand data and use it to make strategic business decisions. They act as the gatekeeper for the organization’s data.
Here are some typical tasks and responsibilities for a data analyst:
Use data visualization software to oversee customer satisfaction surveys and report on the results.
Collaborate with business line owners to develop requirements, provide success criteria, manage analytical projects, and evaluate outcomes.
Monitor processes, systems, and practices to identify areas for improvement.
Engage with stakeholders, business units, technical teams, and support teams to define concepts and assess needs and functional requirements.
Convert key questions into specific analytical tasks.
Gather new data to address client inquiries and compile information from various sources.
Use reports and interactive dashboards to apply analytical techniques and tools, delivering new insights to clients.
Transform data and concepts into visualizations.
Work with data scientists to identify the best product solutions.
Create, test, and maintain backend code.
Develop data procedures, define data quality standards, and implement data quality processes.
Manage the codebase and suggest improvements and refactoring.
Create tools and models for data validation to ensure accurate data capture.
Collaborate to assess and analyze key data that will influence future business plans.
How to Become a Data Analyst?
Data analysts work in various industries, including:
Real Estate
Health Care
Information Technology (IT)
There are several paths to becoming a data analyst. The most common way is to get professional certification through courses, self-learning, or by obtaining a degree or diploma in Data Analytics. 
A data analyst's job involves handling data throughout the data analysis process, which includes data mining, statistical analysis, and data presentation. They work with different combinations of data analysis techniques to achieve specific outcomes.
Top Data Analyst Courses in Mumbai
When searching for the right course, consider the following criteria:
Level of the course: Degree, Diploma, Short-term Certification
Duration of the course
Cost of the course
Mode: Online or Offline
Pace of the course
Data Analytics Courses in Mumbai
Often, finding a job immediately after finishing an undergraduate or graduate course can be challenging. This is usually due to a lack of exposure to a real-world, professional environment. While full-time schools teach the relevant theories and concepts well, they sometimes fall short in providing practical business insights and in-demand skills. To address this gap, many organizations and online platforms in India offer data analyst training with placement assistance.
Learning Options
Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer courses that teach the fundamentals of data analytics.
Certifications: Students can earn globally recognized data analytics certifications, covering essential tools and programming languages such as big data, Python, and machine learning.
Data Analytics Course Fees in Mumbai
The fees for Data Analytics courses in Mumbai vary depending on the type of course you choose. Here's an approximate breakdown:
Online Certification level: INR 500 – 10,000
Diploma level: INR 9,300 – 2,00,000
Undergraduate level: INR 90,000 – 21,00,000
Postgraduate level: INR 20,000 – 23,00,000
Please note that these are general ranges, and actual fees may vary based on factors such as the institute, course duration, and additional features or resources included in the course.
Data Analytics Course Fees: Online vs. Offline
The course fees for Data Analytics in Mumbai based on several factors, such as course duration, unique features provided by each institute, and post-course assistance. Both online and offline data analyst institutes offer quality coaching, so the syllabus itself may not significantly impact the difference in fees among institutes.
However, factors like practical projects, access to learning portals, notes, slides, and study materials can play a significant role in determining the variance in data analytics course fees. Data analyst online courses may have lower fees due to reduced infrastructure costs, while offline courses may offer hands-on experiences that justify their higher fees.
Learn more - Best Data Analyst Courses in Mumbai
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Unlock Your Potential with Smart Steps Training Academy's Accounting Courses in Hyderabad
Are you looking to advance your career in accounting or finance? Whether you're a recent graduate, a working professional, or someone seeking a career change, Smart Steps Training Academy in Hyderabad offers comprehensive accounting courses in Hyderabad designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in today's competitive job market.
Why Choose Smart Steps Training Academy? Smart Steps Training Academy stands out as a premier institution for accounting training in Hyderabad. Here’s why:
Expert Faculty Our courses are taught by industry professionals with extensive experience in accounting and finance. These experts bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to the classroom, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their careers.
Comprehensive Curriculum The curriculum at Smart Steps is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of accounting. From basic principles to advanced financial analysis, our courses provide a deep understanding of the subject matter. Students can expect to learn:
Fundamentals of Accounting: Understand the core concepts and principles that underpin the field. Financial Reporting: Gain insights into preparing and analyzing financial statements. Taxation: Learn the intricacies of tax laws and how to apply them. Auditing: Develop skills to conduct thorough and effective audits. Accounting Software: Get hands-on experience with popular accounting software like Tally, QuickBooks, and SAP.
Flexible Learning Options Recognizing the diverse needs of our students, Smart Steps Training Academy offers flexible learning options. Whether you prefer weekend classes, evening batches, or online learning, we have a schedule that fits your lifestyle.
Practical Training We believe in learning by doing. Our courses include practical training sessions and real-world projects that allow students to apply theoretical knowledge. This hands-on approach ensures that students are job-ready from day one.
Placement Assistance Our commitment to your success extends beyond the classroom. Smart Steps Training Academy provides robust placement assistance to help you land your dream job. Our strong network with leading accounting firms and companies in Hyderabad ensures that our students have access to the best employment opportunities.
Courses Offered Smart Steps Training Academy offers a variety of accounting courses to suit different career paths and educational backgrounds:
Diploma in Accounting Ideal for beginners, this course covers the basics of accounting and finance. Students will learn bookkeeping, financial statement preparation, and basic accounting software.
Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Finance This course is perfect for those looking to deepen their knowledge. It includes advanced topics like financial analysis, management accounting, and corporate finance.
Certificate Courses For professionals looking to update their skills or specialize in a particular area, we offer certificate courses in:
Taxation GST Auditing Tally ERP 9
Customized Corporate Training We also offer tailored training programs for companies looking to upskill their employees. These programs are customized to meet the specific needs of the organization and can be conducted on-site or at our training center.
Conclusion Investing in your education is one of the best decisions you can make for your career. With Smart Steps Training Academy’s accounting courses, you gain more than just a certificate; you gain the skills, confidence, and support needed to succeed in the fast-paced world of accounting and finance.
Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to learn more about our courses and start your journey towards a successful accounting career in Hyderabad.
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jobuganda ¡ 2 years
Rocket Health Uganda Jobs 2022 – Fresher Pharmacy B2B ClientRelations Officer
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Job Title: Pharmacy B2B Client Relations Officer – Rocket Health Uganda Jobs 2022 Organization: Rocket Health Job Location: Kampala, Uganda Reports to: B2B Client Relations Lead     Rocket Health and The Medical Concierge Group Profile: Rocket Health is a service of The Medical Concierge Group, a licensed and registered Clinic, Laboratory and Pharmacy. The Medical Concierge Group (TMCG) is a digital health enterprise incorporated in Uganda (HQ), Kenya and Nigeria since 2012. It is comprised of a portfolio of innovative healthcare ventures including: health call centers, mobile clinical services, health content development, and healthcare enterprise software solutions.     Job Summary: To support the development and implementation of strategies to drive B2B client acquisition, retention and satisfaction to achieve market dominance in East Africa.     Roles and Responsibilities: Client Engagement and Management B2B clients relationship and stakeholder management Support accurate customer needs analysis, quantification, forecasting and procurement planning Sales and Customer order management to ensure timely processing and delivery of orders Implement order tracking mechanisms and work collaboratively with the logistics team to ensure efficient and timely delivery of orders Conduct customer surveys and implement responsive feedback and follow-up mechanism Effectively manage a responsive complaints management system. Operations Excellence and Compliance To support the development of policies/guidelines and acquisition of required licenses to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements Support development, training, Implementation and compliance to guidelines and standard operating procedures for B2B operations Support development of appropriate technology to effectively deliver Pharmacy B2B services Support development of relevant KPIs, targets and monitoring mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement of customer experience. Ensure adequate resources are available and well managed for effective operations Support the Periodic Reporting of B2B pharmacy business unit performance Ensure continuous quality improvement in the delivery of overall pharmacy services in collaboration with all section leads. Take up any other roles as may be assigned.     Minimum Qualifications:  - Bachelors in Business/Marketing/Project/Operations/healthcare management or another related program - A degree/Diploma in Pharmacy or Postgraduate training/certification in a relevant field is an added advantage - Minimum of 2 years of working experience in a marketing/management role preferably in the health sector/pharmaceutical supply chain - Experience or qualification in the use of digital technologies is an added advantage Job Skills and Person specifications - Innovative Marketing and Sales - Stakeholder management Excellent communication and presentation skills. Ability to work independently and multi-task effectively High levels of organization and output-oriented Good Information Technology skills Values - Integrity - Quality - Innovation - Customer satisfaction     How To Apply for Rocket Health Uganda Jobs 2022 All candidates should apply online at the link below. Click Here Deadline: 10th August 2022     For similar Jobs in Uganda today and great Uganda jobs, please remember to subscribe using the form below: NOTE: No employer should ask you for money in return for advancement in the recruitment process or for being offered a position. Please contact Fresher Jobs Uganda if it ever happens with any of the jobs that we advertise. Read the full article
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blog1234name ¡ 4 days
Madras University Distance Education Fees Details
University of Madras Distance Education is famous for its knowledgeable professors and global-class schooling. It offers publications via distance learning and open college formats. This college gives undergraduate courses, postgraduate packages, diplomas, and extraordinary guides. Since 1981, it's been a terrific agency for supporting university students in reaching their academic and expert desires. The Madras University Distance Education utility has improved in popularity, permitting college students to maximize their studying capacity by using reading online.
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Madras University Distance Education Courses
The listing includes the details of the Madras University Distance Education Fee Details, Courses, Eligibility, Duration and Placement. Take a glance right here:
Madras University MBA Courses List
Madras University Distance Education Fees Details
Placement Assistance
Human Resource Management
Rs. 38,740/-
Project fee- Rs 3,000/-
A pass in any branch of study of a Bachelor's Degree/Master's Degree of the University of Madras or any other University recognized by the UGC/AIU
2 years
Financial Management
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Hospital Management 
Marketing Management 
Systems Management
Business Data Analytics
Master of Computer Application (MCA)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Rs. 35,940/-
Passed B.C.A/B.Sc., in Computer Science or any other equivalent degree or passed B.Sc /B.Com / BA with Mathematics at 10 + 2 level or graduation level
2 years 
Master of Arts (MA)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Rs. 13,750/-
B.A./B.Lit.Tamil or any UG degree with Foundation Course Part-I Tamil 
2 years 
Rs. 13,750/-
B.A. English or any UG degree with Foundation Course Part-II English
Rs. 13,750/-
B.A. Economics / Corporate Secretaryship / B. Com / BBA / B.Com (BM) / B.Sc. Mathematics / Statistics or Any UG Social Sciences
Christian studies
Rs. 15,750/-
Any UG Degree
Historical studies
Rs. 13,750/-
Any UG Degree
Rs. 22,150/-
Any UG Degree
Political Science
Rs. 13,750/-
Any UG Degree
Applied Saiva Siddhantha
Rs 15,750/-
Any UG Degree
Rs 15,750/-
B.A degree in Sanskrit or any traditional degree in Sanskrit equivalent to B.A. degree (or) any other Undergraduate degree with Part – I Sanskrit Language
Public Administration
Rs. 13,750/-
Any UG Degree
Rs 31,250/-
Any UG Degree
Master of Commerce (M.Com)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Rs. 13,750/-
Pass in all branches of B.Com degree / B.A. Industrial Organization / BBA/(or) BA Economics (or) B.Sc. Mathematics / Computer Science/ BCA with any two core papers offered in the B. Com degree.
2 years 
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Rs. 15,750/-
B.Sc. Mathematics/ Applied Sciences/ Physics/ Chemistry (or) BE/B. Tech with Mathematics 
2 years 
Rs. 22,150/-
Any UG Degree 
Counselling Psychology
Rs. 23,850/-
Candidates who have completed B.A. Psychology/B.Sc., Psychology in regular and distance mode or B.A./B.Sc., with three major papers as Psychology 
Cyber Forensics and Information Security
Rs. 23,950/-
Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology / Computer Science / Computer Application / Cyber  / other equivalent degree in Computer Science
Rs. 31,250/-
Candidates who have passed the B.A/B.Sc. Degree with Geography as the main subject of study
Information Technology
Rs. 31,250/-
Any Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics/ Statistics/ Business Mathematics/ Business Statistics/ Mathematical Physics
Master of Fine Arts (M.F.W.)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Rs. 31,250/-
B.A Degree (Indian Music) or Bachelor of Music (B.Music) Degree
2 years 
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Rs. 27,910/-
pass in the Higher Secondary Examination (+2) (Academic or Vocational Stream)Examinations under the 10+2/11+1/ 11+2 pattern
3 years 
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
pass in the Higher Secondary Examination (+2) (Academic or Vocational Stream)Examinations under the 10+2/11+1/ 11+2 pattern
3 years 
Bank Management
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Literature in Tamil
Rs. 17,110/-
Pass in Higher Secondary Examinations (+2) under 11+1 or 10+2 or 11+2
3 years 
Rs. 17,110/-
Rs. 25,810/-
Rs. 17,110/-
Rs. 17,110/-
Historical Studies
Rs. 17,110/-
Rs. 25,810/-
Public Administration
Rs. 17,110/-
Criminology & Police Administration 
Rs. 17,110/-
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Rs. 20,410/-
A pass in the Higher Secondary Examination (+2) (Academic or Vocational Stream)Examinations under the 10+2/11+1/ 11+2 pattern
3 years
Rs. 25,810/-
Rs. 27,910/-
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Rs. 20,110/-
A pass in the Higher Secondary Examination (+2) (Academic or Vocational Stream)Examinations under the 10+2/11+1/ 11+2 pattern
3 years 
Diploma Programs
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Accounting and Finance 
Rs. 12800/-
Candidates who have qualified for a Degree of this University or any other University recognized by UGC/AIU accepted as equivalent thereto by this University under 10+2+3 (or) 10+3+2 (or) 11+1+3 (or) 11+2+2 pattern are eligible for admission to the Diploma Programme.
1 year
Financial Management
Rs. 12800/-
Travel Management
Rs. 6800/-
Rs. 7450/-
Teaching Methodology in Music
Rs. 11800/-
Finance and Investment
Rs. 12800/-
Rs. 12800/-
Systems Management 
Rs. 11800/-
School Management
Rs. 6900/-
Police Administration
Rs. 6800/-
Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences 
Rs. 6800/-
Marketing Management
Rs. 12800/-
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Rs. 12800/-
Labour Law
Rs. 6800/-
Intellectual Property Rights 
Rs. 11800/-
Information Security and Cyber Law
Rs. 6800/-
Human Resource Management 
Rs. 12800/-
Hospital Management
Rs. 10800/-
Functional Arabic
Rs. 6800/-
Certificates Program 
Total Fees
Placement Assistance
Accounting and Auditing 
Rs. 8850/-
Candidates who have passed the Higher Secondary Examination (Academic/Vocational) conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu or an examination accepted as equivalent thereto by the University of Madras are eligible for admission to the Certificate Programme
Three Months/Six Months 
Written Tamil
Rs. 8850/-
Rs. 8850/-
Spoken Tamil
Rs. 6250/-
Voice Training 
Christian Scriptures and Interpretation 
Research Methods of Social Sciences.
Rs. 8850/-
Police Administration
Rs. 6250/-
Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences 
Rs. 6250/-
Rs. 10150/-
Library and Information Sciences
Rs. 5950/-
Karnatic Music 
Rs. 9150/-
Indian Christianity CIC 
Rs. 9150/-
Rs. 8850/-
Corporate Social Responsibility
Rs. 8850/-
Computer Applications 
Rs. 8750/-
The college functions as an easy front technique for college college students. The Madras University Distance Education is greater than only a vicinity for people to begin their educational adventure; it is also a pleasant desire who need to pursue their schooling. The university's courses are several and taught by certified academic people. The programs aren't the simplest adaptable but also extremely rate-effective. However, what in reality distinguishes Madras University is its dedication to upholding rigorous accrediting requirements. At the University of Madras Distance Education, you will be assured that you may obtain awesome training. Choosing the Madras University Distance Education is approximately the super of the publications. Prepare your achievement tools for a remarkable voyage with the University of Madras Distance Education.
Madras University Distance Education Fees Details
Visit Our Website:- https://mbatours.in/madras-university-distance-mba/     
Contact No.  9625266808
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lexiconihmpune ¡ 4 days
Hotel Management Course Duration
Are you looking for a career in the real world of hotel management? If so, you may be curious about the duration of hotel management courses in Pune. Understanding the timeframe need to complete your studies is vital for planning your educational journey successfully. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of hotel management course durations, providing you with valued insights to kickstart your career in hospitality.
Why Does Course Duration Matter?
Before we dive into the specifics of hotel management course durations, let's address why this information is crucial for aspiring professionals like yourself. The duration of your course not only impacts your time commitment but also influences various factors such as:
Time Investment: Knowing the duration of your course helps you plan your schedule accordingly, balancing your studies with other commitments.
Financial Planning: Understanding the length of your hotel management course in Pune allows you to budget for tuition fees, accommodation, and additional expenses effectively.
Career Preparedness: A clear timeline lets you to set truthful career goals and timelines for entering the workforce.
Now, let's explore the typical durations of hotel management courses and the factors that might influence them.
Duration of Hotel Management Courses
The duration of hotel management courses can differ depending on some factors, including:
Level of Study: Hotel management programs in Pune are offered at different levels, certificates, diplomas, bachelors and masters. The higher the level the longer the program.
Mode of Study: Whether you pick to study full-time, part-time, or through online/distance learning can also affect the duration of your course. Full-time programs typically have shorter durations compared to part-time or online options.
Specialization: Some hotel management courses in Pune also offer specializations in this program such as hospitality management, event management, tourism management, etc. Specialized programs might have changeable durations based on their curriculum and focus areas.
Typical Duration Breakdown
Here's a general breakdown of the duration of hotel management courses at different academic levels:
Certificate Programs: These short-term certification programs can normally be completed in 6 to 12 month. These programs offer basic knowledge and skills for entry-level points in the hospitality industry.
Diploma Programs: Diploma courses typically last between 1 to 2 years. They offer more wide-ranging training than certificate programs and prepare students for supervisory roles in hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality establishments.
Bachelor's Degrees: A bachelor's degree in hotel management in Pune typically takes 3 to 4 years to complete, depending on the institution and country in which you are studying. These programs offer in-depth knowledge of hotel operations, management principles, and industry developments.
Master's Degrees: For those who looking for advanced knowledge and leadership roles in the hospitality segment, master's degree programs in hotel management typically require 1 to 2 years of study. These programs often contain internships, research projects, and specializations to further refine students' expertise.
In conclusion, the duration of a hotel management course in Pune can vary depending on factors such as the level of study, mode of study, and specialization. By understanding the typical durations of hotel management programs, you can make informed decisions about your education and career path in the lively world of hospitality.
Whether you go for a short-term certificate program or pursue a complete bachelor's or master's degree, remember that for every step of your educational ride contributes to your growth as a hospitality professional. Hold the learning experience, seize opportunities for practical training and industry exposure, and ensure rewarding career in hotel management!
If you have any further questions about hotel management programs or career prospects in the hospitality industry, feel free to reach out. We're here to support you on your journey to success!
Read More:
hospitality management courses after 12th
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