#online food delivery footscray
Best Online Food Order Delivery Footscray
Food poisoning acts quickly and is caused by eating poisonous food. Food, which includes drinks, could have been poisoned by us, other people or by environmental factors. Online food order Footscray
 The major cause of food poisoning is by bacteria, which are microscopic organisms. They are living creatures which inhabit this planet in great abundance. The majority of bacteria are harmless. In fact, without bacteria, it is very doubtful that this planet's inhabitants (animals and plants) would survive. It has been suggested that we all originated from LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) several billion years ago. Luca evolved into different branches: Eukarya, Archaea and Bacteria. We humans come under the Eurkarya domain. It is because of this link that scientists think bacteria have very similar cellular components and functions to us.
 At home, food poisoning can be controlled by good personal hygiene such as regular hand washing and showering/bathing. The wearing of protective clothing, such as an apron, whilst preparing food, can also aid in food poisoning prevention. Takeaway Online Food Order  Delivery footscray Many people prepare and cook food at home but never consider taking an online food safety training qualification to learn about the dangers of food poisoning. Perhaps they think that the courses are only for people that work in the hospitality industry.
 Keep pets out of the kitchen when preparing food as they are a major source of infection. This includes dogs, cats, domestic birds and other cute, cuddly, creatures; they all harbour pathogens.
 Keep raw food away from ready to eat food. All raw meat, salad vegetables and soil-contaminated vegetables hold pathogens and these can easily be transferred to ready to eat food by cross contamination. This is especially important when using barbecues. If you handle raw foods, wash your hands. Do not use alcoholic gels or bactericides for health and safety and environmental reasons. Soap and water is totally adequate. Online Food Order Delivery footscray
 Internal and external bins must be kept clean, inside and out, or they attract pests. Pest such as birds, insects and rodents carry other diseases apart from pathogens. Ensure outside bins have tight fitting lids. Do not leave any bags outside the bin, as these attract pests.
 Have a good cleaning regime in the kitchen. Clean as you go, is a process that is used quite extensively in the trade. It is a method of preventing cross contamination by cleaning up as soon as any soiling occurs.
 There are a lot of things to consider when cooking at home in order to remain free from food poisoning; that is why it is ideal for home cooks to learn food hygiene. One method is by online food safety training. Takeaway Online Food Delivery footscray
 In order to work in the catering industry in the UK, personnel have to pass a food safety qualification. The level of which is based upon the type of job that is undertaken.
 Staff working in the catering industry, such as food handlers, chefs, supervisors, managers, business owners and food hygiene trainers have usually had to attend a training course to obtain a recognised food safety qualification. This results in time off work, finding staff to cover absence and loss of quality output if key staff are on the course. Many companies offer food safety courses online, but not leading to an accredited qualification which is recognised by industry, environmental health departments and educational bodies.
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ozfoodhunterweb11 · 3 years
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ozfoodhunter1997 · 4 years
Order Indian Food for delivery and takeaway at Krishna Pait Pooja West Footscray, VIC. Get 5% Off Use Code: OZ05. Check online reviews and ratings. Pay online or Cash on delivery.
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sandeep94674-blog · 6 years
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/hi5019-strategic-information-system-business-assignment-1-sample/
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
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HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
Table of Contents
Part 1. 2
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems. 2
Commercial Software for Accounting. 3
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure. 3
Control Problems and Possible Fraud. 4
Part 2. 4
Introduction. 4
Development and Adoption. 5
Current Market Size. 5
Market Leader in Accounting Software. 6
Gap and Challenges. 6
Recommendation and Suggestion. 6
Conclusion. 6
References. 8
Part 1
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems
There are several industries and organization in the business m market of Australia. These are manufacturing and production industry, retail industry, sales, and marketing industry, food industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, fashion industry and much more. Every organization has their own set of structure, which is completely based on their requirements. In this context, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been chosen for study, which is also located in various parts of Australia and here it is known as INDIA AT HOME. There are total 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been found to be located in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are present at various suburbs like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong plaza, Glen Huntly and box hill (Sallem et al., 2017). The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company indicates the successful innovation process. This organizational structure is very much important for the growth of the organization in the competitive market. They have their franchise in Melbourne from where they control their overall supply chain process. They stock their products in this franchise branch and distribute the products to the target market or to the target customers as per their customer’s or market demands. The entire organizational structure is subcategorized into several parts which can be described as the top and bottom level of management. There are different levels in between these two main parts. At the top management level, high skilled managers are there who handles all the incoming and outgoing of products and control other processes. The Company mainly imports the products from India or store their own products at the franchise and on demands of the market distribute the products in the different franchise. Here are different managers are present who plays different roles in the organization. They are duty manager, HR manager, financial manager, marketing manager, stock manager etc. Apart from them receptionist, account manager or accountant and other staffs are also there. HR manager mainly looks for the recruitment process and distribute the employees in various departments as per requirements Stock manager mainly handles all the stock related data and maintain the record or incoming and outgoing products from the stock. Financial manager and the finance department team members are responsible for taking g care of cost management and keeping the record of total expense and total revenue generation per month or per year. They also produce the balance sheet at the time of an audit. Receptionist mainly handles the administrative works and do keep the receipt of every purchase or the delivery receipt. They provide the cash memo to the customer after every purchase and keep the record. Including all these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has total 156 employees. The company provides both the offline and online shopping facility. They also have the facilities like cash on delivery, online payment, debit card or credit card through payment etc, which attract more customers towards them and enables the customers to be flexible and relaxed for their payment. The organization has been identified with some major recruitment issues as the recruitment process and the interview process is not online and they even do not keep any data which create confusion during g the recruitment process (McManus, 2013).
Commercial Software for Accounting
It has been found d that INDIA AT HOME Company uses MYOB accounting software for their accounts management and for other relevant work. This MYOB software is quite efficient accounting software which has seven different categories like accounts, banking, sales, payroll, purchase, inventory and card life. This particular software helps in accessing the data regards to daily purchase or daily sales rate per the monthly/ yearly sales data in a single click which helps the accountants or the financial manager to take proper decision for the cost management and to organize the other departmental work efficiently (Curtis, 2015). This also helps in producing the bill for every purchase to the customers and the direct print out of the invoice can be easily taken. For the stock maintenance, it is also helpful like how many products have been sold out or how many new products have been newly introduced to the store every calculation can be easily done through the help of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure
INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complex structure for their supply chain process of products. It is very simple and is easily understandable. The structure of the supply of products follows both the online and offline methods. The company has a very good reputation about their faster delivery process where it has been found that from the time of placing the order it takes very time to deliver the products at the customer’s door steps. After every purchase by the customers, they are handed over with the products along with the cash memo with specific details of the payable amount (Mayasari, 2015). A customer can pay the bill through online, cash on delivery mode or can use credit or debit card for their purchase which has c created a purchasing flexibility or the payment flexibility for the customer. As soon as the order is dispatched from the stores, it is updated with the remaining products numbers and the number of products dispatched. The product order, dispatching, shipping and the final delivery followed by the successful payment updating everything can be tracked over online (Choong, 2016).
Control Problems and Possible Fraud
Every coin has two sides. Likewise, the INDIA AT HOME Company also has two opposite sites where along with the different positive aspects it has different negative aspects too. It has been reported that there are many fraudulent activities are done in the different stores of this company. The major issues that have been encountered are that one person handles multiple tasks in this organization which c creates confusion with the job profile and the job role. Somebody who handles the cash also participates in the decision-making process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). On the other hand, everyone has the authorization to handle cash so the allowance of stealing activities are there and to hide the issues false financial reports are made sometimes which can be considered as the serious offense or fraudulent activity. Even the manners or the behaviour of the employees are also not very satisfactory. This activity must be maintained or controlled over time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).
  Part 2
Accounting is important for any business and the role of the accounting software is thus very much crucial for any business organization. It helps the organization to control the entire business operation along with the accessibility of the total expense and the total profit estimation. For both small and medium or the large scale business operation the importance of accounting software is very high. In the past era when, there was no accounting software, pen and paper and the manual process of calculation was the only way to keep the financial record. The invention of the accounting software happened for the first time in the year 1955-1960 and the change in the business operation process and the growth of different business organization drag the attention of the non-users or the manual accounting process followers (Wong et al., 2017). In this section a literature review on the accounting software has been done which will help in gaining the knowledge n the market size of different accounting software, their popularity, useful features, development, current gaps or the challenges that arise with the use of those brands and the recommendation for the improvement. Apart from MYOB, there are several other accounting software is available in the business market of Australia. These are XERO, QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT etc. Among them, the most popular are XERO which has been discussed in the following sections (Smith, 2017).
Development and Adoption
On 5th June 2007, XERO was launched in New Zealand for the first time in the exchange market at the price of $1. Exactly after 5 years from this launching time, Xero was introduced to the market in Australia in the year 2012 on 8th November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction had been done for the purpose of security exchange for accounting. Eventually, XERO received around $23 million (NZD) funds from the different investors in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from Matrix Capital, XERO received and $49 million (NZD) of funds which are really a big amount (Smith, 2017).
After the launching of this XERO, it had adopted many additional features to it like payroll, cash sharing etc. This was done in the month of July 2011. Before this innovation or the intervention of payroll, the number of existing customers of XERO was 1.9 million which increased up to 800,000. The other advantageous features were credit card payment, an automated banking system, invoice, reporting system to the management and many others. The intervention of the payroll system and the entire XERO accounting software solved all the hassles in Australia regards to accounts (Smith, 2017).
Current Market Size
XERO has 2, 50, 000 users and total 10,000 partners of them in the entire business world. As per the last year financial record, this has been reported that the total number of users has been increased by 53% in the competitive market of New Zealand. According to the managing director or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the winner among all the accounting software in the global competitive market. As compare to MYOB, XERO is far better and efficient. XERO has total 15% of the market share in Australia and has a high potential to increase its sharing percentage. The names of the other countries where XERO has been successfully used by the organizations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and several other Asian countries.
Market Leader in Accounting Software
The market competition of XERO is really had. It also has a high competition with MYOB. But upon the market analysis, it has been reported that XERO is cloud-based accounting software that allows more productivity and allows the users to access the data from any corner of the world and this gives the ultimate flexibility to the users and in turn, this makes the entire business operation easier. As per the report, it has been found that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has developed a market with 1.4 million customers. It also helps in fetching the data directly from a bank and can give the invoice with proper updating in the system. The high degree of accessibility of data over the internet has turned the preference of the customers towards XERO.
Gap and Challenges
This has been reported that the main challenges that XERO has been facing are the data stealing. Stealing of the data is quite possible because it is a cloud-based system and lack of encryption may allow it to be hacked. But, according to the managing director of XERO, namely Chris Ridd, XERO is secured and without the help of the internet connection the data can be downloaded and can be saved. A report says that 70% of the business market in Australia uses XERO rather than MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).
Recommendation and Suggestion
Though XERO has received an enormous success still it requires some improvement or innovation to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. It has been found that XERO takes very long time to run on the computer and crash the application while running it in mobile. It also runs at a very slow speed in mobile. Thus it has received 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. After encountering these issues of XERO, the company had promised to launch a new version with more efficient features and faster processor in the year 2015 but still, this has not been launched. Therefore, these issues must be addressed and the improvement in the INDIA AT HOME organization’s structure and in the distribution of the job profile and job responsibilities must be done in a proper way.
After the complete analysis, it can be said that the INDIA AT HOME does not maintain a proper administration process that has allowed the fraudulent activities in the organ isolation. This inconvenience must be improved through the implementation of the proper administrative body and HR manager. On the other hand, XERO must look or the improvement with the resulted issues so that they can clear its way successfully and can get more opportunities towards sustainability in future. 
Choong, C. (2016). Goods and Services (GST) Accounting System for Malaysian Retailing Company (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).
Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons.
Dunbar, K., Laing, G., and Wynder, M. (2016). A content analysis of accounting job advertisements: Skill requirements for graduates. The E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58.
Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2014). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Journal of Small Enterprise Research, 14(2), pp. 1-9.
Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14.
Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).
McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 140-152.
Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.
Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Wong, B., Li, K., Wong, B. and Yau, J.  (2017). E-learning in Accounting Programmes in Hong Kong: Evolution and Effectiveness. In International Conference on Blended Learning (pp. 97-105). Springer, Cham.
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deep94161-blog · 6 years
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/hi5019-strategic-information-system-business-assignment-1-sample/
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
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HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
Table of Contents
Part 1. 2
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems. 2
Commercial Software for Accounting. 3
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure. 3
Control Problems and Possible Fraud. 4
Part 2. 4
Introduction. 4
Development and Adoption. 5
Current Market Size. 5
Market Leader in Accounting Software. 6
Gap and Challenges. 6
Recommendation and Suggestion. 6
Conclusion. 6
References. 8
Part 1
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems
There are several industries and organization in the business m market of Australia. These are manufacturing and production industry, retail industry, sales, and marketing industry, food industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, fashion industry and much more. Every organization has their own set of structure, which is completely based on their requirements. In this context, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been chosen for study, which is also located in various parts of Australia and here it is known as INDIA AT HOME. There are total 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been found to be located in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are present at various suburbs like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong plaza, Glen Huntly and box hill (Sallem et al., 2017). The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company indicates the successful innovation process. This organizational structure is very much important for the growth of the organization in the competitive market. They have their franchise in Melbourne from where they control their overall supply chain process. They stock their products in this franchise branch and distribute the products to the target market or to the target customers as per their customer’s or market demands. The entire organizational structure is subcategorized into several parts which can be described as the top and bottom level of management. There are different levels in between these two main parts. At the top management level, high skilled managers are there who handles all the incoming and outgoing of products and control other processes. The Company mainly imports the products from India or store their own products at the franchise and on demands of the market distribute the products in the different franchise. Here are different managers are present who plays different roles in the organization. They are duty manager, HR manager, financial manager, marketing manager, stock manager etc. Apart from them receptionist, account manager or accountant and other staffs are also there. HR manager mainly looks for the recruitment process and distribute the employees in various departments as per requirements Stock manager mainly handles all the stock related data and maintain the record or incoming and outgoing products from the stock. Financial manager and the finance department team members are responsible for taking g care of cost management and keeping the record of total expense and total revenue generation per month or per year. They also produce the balance sheet at the time of an audit. Receptionist mainly handles the administrative works and do keep the receipt of every purchase or the delivery receipt. They provide the cash memo to the customer after every purchase and keep the record. Including all these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has total 156 employees. The company provides both the offline and online shopping facility. They also have the facilities like cash on delivery, online payment, debit card or credit card through payment etc, which attract more customers towards them and enables the customers to be flexible and relaxed for their payment. The organization has been identified with some major recruitment issues as the recruitment process and the interview process is not online and they even do not keep any data which create confusion during g the recruitment process (McManus, 2013).
Commercial Software for Accounting
It has been found d that INDIA AT HOME Company uses MYOB accounting software for their accounts management and for other relevant work. This MYOB software is quite efficient accounting software which has seven different categories like accounts, banking, sales, payroll, purchase, inventory and card life. This particular software helps in accessing the data regards to daily purchase or daily sales rate per the monthly/ yearly sales data in a single click which helps the accountants or the financial manager to take proper decision for the cost management and to organize the other departmental work efficiently (Curtis, 2015). This also helps in producing the bill for every purchase to the customers and the direct print out of the invoice can be easily taken. For the stock maintenance, it is also helpful like how many products have been sold out or how many new products have been newly introduced to the store every calculation can be easily done through the help of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure
INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complex structure for their supply chain process of products. It is very simple and is easily understandable. The structure of the supply of products follows both the online and offline methods. The company has a very good reputation about their faster delivery process where it has been found that from the time of placing the order it takes very time to deliver the products at the customer’s door steps. After every purchase by the customers, they are handed over with the products along with the cash memo with specific details of the payable amount (Mayasari, 2015). A customer can pay the bill through online, cash on delivery mode or can use credit or debit card for their purchase which has c created a purchasing flexibility or the payment flexibility for the customer. As soon as the order is dispatched from the stores, it is updated with the remaining products numbers and the number of products dispatched. The product order, dispatching, shipping and the final delivery followed by the successful payment updating everything can be tracked over online (Choong, 2016).
Control Problems and Possible Fraud
Every coin has two sides. Likewise, the INDIA AT HOME Company also has two opposite sites where along with the different positive aspects it has different negative aspects too. It has been reported that there are many fraudulent activities are done in the different stores of this company. The major issues that have been encountered are that one person handles multiple tasks in this organization which c creates confusion with the job profile and the job role. Somebody who handles the cash also participates in the decision-making process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). On the other hand, everyone has the authorization to handle cash so the allowance of stealing activities are there and to hide the issues false financial reports are made sometimes which can be considered as the serious offense or fraudulent activity. Even the manners or the behaviour of the employees are also not very satisfactory. This activity must be maintained or controlled over time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).
  Part 2
Accounting is important for any business and the role of the accounting software is thus very much crucial for any business organization. It helps the organization to control the entire business operation along with the accessibility of the total expense and the total profit estimation. For both small and medium or the large scale business operation the importance of accounting software is very high. In the past era when, there was no accounting software, pen and paper and the manual process of calculation was the only way to keep the financial record. The invention of the accounting software happened for the first time in the year 1955-1960 and the change in the business operation process and the growth of different business organization drag the attention of the non-users or the manual accounting process followers (Wong et al., 2017). In this section a literature review on the accounting software has been done which will help in gaining the knowledge n the market size of different accounting software, their popularity, useful features, development, current gaps or the challenges that arise with the use of those brands and the recommendation for the improvement. Apart from MYOB, there are several other accounting software is available in the business market of Australia. These are XERO, QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT etc. Among them, the most popular are XERO which has been discussed in the following sections (Smith, 2017).
Development and Adoption
On 5th June 2007, XERO was launched in New Zealand for the first time in the exchange market at the price of $1. Exactly after 5 years from this launching time, Xero was introduced to the market in Australia in the year 2012 on 8th November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction had been done for the purpose of security exchange for accounting. Eventually, XERO received around $23 million (NZD) funds from the different investors in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from Matrix Capital, XERO received and $49 million (NZD) of funds which are really a big amount (Smith, 2017).
After the launching of this XERO, it had adopted many additional features to it like payroll, cash sharing etc. This was done in the month of July 2011. Before this innovation or the intervention of payroll, the number of existing customers of XERO was 1.9 million which increased up to 800,000. The other advantageous features were credit card payment, an automated banking system, invoice, reporting system to the management and many others. The intervention of the payroll system and the entire XERO accounting software solved all the hassles in Australia regards to accounts (Smith, 2017).
Current Market Size
XERO has 2, 50, 000 users and total 10,000 partners of them in the entire business world. As per the last year financial record, this has been reported that the total number of users has been increased by 53% in the competitive market of New Zealand. According to the managing director or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the winner among all the accounting software in the global competitive market. As compare to MYOB, XERO is far better and efficient. XERO has total 15% of the market share in Australia and has a high potential to increase its sharing percentage. The names of the other countries where XERO has been successfully used by the organizations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and several other Asian countries.
Market Leader in Accounting Software
The market competition of XERO is really had. It also has a high competition with MYOB. But upon the market analysis, it has been reported that XERO is cloud-based accounting software that allows more productivity and allows the users to access the data from any corner of the world and this gives the ultimate flexibility to the users and in turn, this makes the entire business operation easier. As per the report, it has been found that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has developed a market with 1.4 million customers. It also helps in fetching the data directly from a bank and can give the invoice with proper updating in the system. The high degree of accessibility of data over the internet has turned the preference of the customers towards XERO.
Gap and Challenges
This has been reported that the main challenges that XERO has been facing are the data stealing. Stealing of the data is quite possible because it is a cloud-based system and lack of encryption may allow it to be hacked. But, according to the managing director of XERO, namely Chris Ridd, XERO is secured and without the help of the internet connection the data can be downloaded and can be saved. A report says that 70% of the business market in Australia uses XERO rather than MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).
Recommendation and Suggestion
Though XERO has received an enormous success still it requires some improvement or innovation to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. It has been found that XERO takes very long time to run on the computer and crash the application while running it in mobile. It also runs at a very slow speed in mobile. Thus it has received 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. After encountering these issues of XERO, the company had promised to launch a new version with more efficient features and faster processor in the year 2015 but still, this has not been launched. Therefore, these issues must be addressed and the improvement in the INDIA AT HOME organization’s structure and in the distribution of the job profile and job responsibilities must be done in a proper way.
After the complete analysis, it can be said that the INDIA AT HOME does not maintain a proper administration process that has allowed the fraudulent activities in the organ isolation. This inconvenience must be improved through the implementation of the proper administrative body and HR manager. On the other hand, XERO must look or the improvement with the resulted issues so that they can clear its way successfully and can get more opportunities towards sustainability in future. 
Choong, C. (2016). Goods and Services (GST) Accounting System for Malaysian Retailing Company (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).
Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons.
Dunbar, K., Laing, G., and Wynder, M. (2016). A content analysis of accounting job advertisements: Skill requirements for graduates. The E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58.
Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2014). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Journal of Small Enterprise Research, 14(2), pp. 1-9.
Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14.
Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).
McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 140-152.
Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.
Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Wong, B., Li, K., Wong, B. and Yau, J.  (2017). E-learning in Accounting Programmes in Hong Kong: Evolution and Effectiveness. In International Conference on Blended Learning (pp. 97-105). Springer, Cham.
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HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/hi5019-strategic-information-system-business-assignment-1-sample/
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
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HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
Table of Contents
Part 1. 2
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems. 2
Commercial Software for Accounting. 3
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure. 3
Control Problems and Possible Fraud. 4
Part 2. 4
Introduction. 4
Development and Adoption. 5
Current Market Size. 5
Market Leader in Accounting Software. 6
Gap and Challenges. 6
Recommendation and Suggestion. 6
Conclusion. 6
References. 8
Part 1
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems
There are several industries and organization in the business m market of Australia. These are manufacturing and production industry, retail industry, sales, and marketing industry, food industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, fashion industry and much more. Every organization has their own set of structure, which is completely based on their requirements. In this context, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been chosen for study, which is also located in various parts of Australia and here it is known as INDIA AT HOME. There are total 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been found to be located in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are present at various suburbs like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong plaza, Glen Huntly and box hill (Sallem et al., 2017). The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company indicates the successful innovation process. This organizational structure is very much important for the growth of the organization in the competitive market. They have their franchise in Melbourne from where they control their overall supply chain process. They stock their products in this franchise branch and distribute the products to the target market or to the target customers as per their customer’s or market demands. The entire organizational structure is subcategorized into several parts which can be described as the top and bottom level of management. There are different levels in between these two main parts. At the top management level, high skilled managers are there who handles all the incoming and outgoing of products and control other processes. The Company mainly imports the products from India or store their own products at the franchise and on demands of the market distribute the products in the different franchise. Here are different managers are present who plays different roles in the organization. They are duty manager, HR manager, financial manager, marketing manager, stock manager etc. Apart from them receptionist, account manager or accountant and other staffs are also there. HR manager mainly looks for the recruitment process and distribute the employees in various departments as per requirements Stock manager mainly handles all the stock related data and maintain the record or incoming and outgoing products from the stock. Financial manager and the finance department team members are responsible for taking g care of cost management and keeping the record of total expense and total revenue generation per month or per year. They also produce the balance sheet at the time of an audit. Receptionist mainly handles the administrative works and do keep the receipt of every purchase or the delivery receipt. They provide the cash memo to the customer after every purchase and keep the record. Including all these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has total 156 employees. The company provides both the offline and online shopping facility. They also have the facilities like cash on delivery, online payment, debit card or credit card through payment etc, which attract more customers towards them and enables the customers to be flexible and relaxed for their payment. The organization has been identified with some major recruitment issues as the recruitment process and the interview process is not online and they even do not keep any data which create confusion during g the recruitment process (McManus, 2013).
Commercial Software for Accounting
It has been found d that INDIA AT HOME Company uses MYOB accounting software for their accounts management and for other relevant work. This MYOB software is quite efficient accounting software which has seven different categories like accounts, banking, sales, payroll, purchase, inventory and card life. This particular software helps in accessing the data regards to daily purchase or daily sales rate per the monthly/ yearly sales data in a single click which helps the accountants or the financial manager to take proper decision for the cost management and to organize the other departmental work efficiently (Curtis, 2015). This also helps in producing the bill for every purchase to the customers and the direct print out of the invoice can be easily taken. For the stock maintenance, it is also helpful like how many products have been sold out or how many new products have been newly introduced to the store every calculation can be easily done through the help of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure
INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complex structure for their supply chain process of products. It is very simple and is easily understandable. The structure of the supply of products follows both the online and offline methods. The company has a very good reputation about their faster delivery process where it has been found that from the time of placing the order it takes very time to deliver the products at the customer’s door steps. After every purchase by the customers, they are handed over with the products along with the cash memo with specific details of the payable amount (Mayasari, 2015). A customer can pay the bill through online, cash on delivery mode or can use credit or debit card for their purchase which has c created a purchasing flexibility or the payment flexibility for the customer. As soon as the order is dispatched from the stores, it is updated with the remaining products numbers and the number of products dispatched. The product order, dispatching, shipping and the final delivery followed by the successful payment updating everything can be tracked over online (Choong, 2016).
Control Problems and Possible Fraud
Every coin has two sides. Likewise, the INDIA AT HOME Company also has two opposite sites where along with the different positive aspects it has different negative aspects too. It has been reported that there are many fraudulent activities are done in the different stores of this company. The major issues that have been encountered are that one person handles multiple tasks in this organization which c creates confusion with the job profile and the job role. Somebody who handles the cash also participates in the decision-making process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). On the other hand, everyone has the authorization to handle cash so the allowance of stealing activities are there and to hide the issues false financial reports are made sometimes which can be considered as the serious offense or fraudulent activity. Even the manners or the behaviour of the employees are also not very satisfactory. This activity must be maintained or controlled over time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).
  Part 2
Accounting is important for any business and the role of the accounting software is thus very much crucial for any business organization. It helps the organization to control the entire business operation along with the accessibility of the total expense and the total profit estimation. For both small and medium or the large scale business operation the importance of accounting software is very high. In the past era when, there was no accounting software, pen and paper and the manual process of calculation was the only way to keep the financial record. The invention of the accounting software happened for the first time in the year 1955-1960 and the change in the business operation process and the growth of different business organization drag the attention of the non-users or the manual accounting process followers (Wong et al., 2017). In this section a literature review on the accounting software has been done which will help in gaining the knowledge n the market size of different accounting software, their popularity, useful features, development, current gaps or the challenges that arise with the use of those brands and the recommendation for the improvement. Apart from MYOB, there are several other accounting software is available in the business market of Australia. These are XERO, QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT etc. Among them, the most popular are XERO which has been discussed in the following sections (Smith, 2017).
Development and Adoption
On 5th June 2007, XERO was launched in New Zealand for the first time in the exchange market at the price of $1. Exactly after 5 years from this launching time, Xero was introduced to the market in Australia in the year 2012 on 8th November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction had been done for the purpose of security exchange for accounting. Eventually, XERO received around $23 million (NZD) funds from the different investors in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from Matrix Capital, XERO received and $49 million (NZD) of funds which are really a big amount (Smith, 2017).
After the launching of this XERO, it had adopted many additional features to it like payroll, cash sharing etc. This was done in the month of July 2011. Before this innovation or the intervention of payroll, the number of existing customers of XERO was 1.9 million which increased up to 800,000. The other advantageous features were credit card payment, an automated banking system, invoice, reporting system to the management and many others. The intervention of the payroll system and the entire XERO accounting software solved all the hassles in Australia regards to accounts (Smith, 2017).
Current Market Size
XERO has 2, 50, 000 users and total 10,000 partners of them in the entire business world. As per the last year financial record, this has been reported that the total number of users has been increased by 53% in the competitive market of New Zealand. According to the managing director or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the winner among all the accounting software in the global competitive market. As compare to MYOB, XERO is far better and efficient. XERO has total 15% of the market share in Australia and has a high potential to increase its sharing percentage. The names of the other countries where XERO has been successfully used by the organizations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and several other Asian countries.
Market Leader in Accounting Software
The market competition of XERO is really had. It also has a high competition with MYOB. But upon the market analysis, it has been reported that XERO is cloud-based accounting software that allows more productivity and allows the users to access the data from any corner of the world and this gives the ultimate flexibility to the users and in turn, this makes the entire business operation easier. As per the report, it has been found that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has developed a market with 1.4 million customers. It also helps in fetching the data directly from a bank and can give the invoice with proper updating in the system. The high degree of accessibility of data over the internet has turned the preference of the customers towards XERO.
Gap and Challenges
This has been reported that the main challenges that XERO has been facing are the data stealing. Stealing of the data is quite possible because it is a cloud-based system and lack of encryption may allow it to be hacked. But, according to the managing director of XERO, namely Chris Ridd, XERO is secured and without the help of the internet connection the data can be downloaded and can be saved. A report says that 70% of the business market in Australia uses XERO rather than MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).
Recommendation and Suggestion
Though XERO has received an enormous success still it requires some improvement or innovation to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. It has been found that XERO takes very long time to run on the computer and crash the application while running it in mobile. It also runs at a very slow speed in mobile. Thus it has received 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. After encountering these issues of XERO, the company had promised to launch a new version with more efficient features and faster processor in the year 2015 but still, this has not been launched. Therefore, these issues must be addressed and the improvement in the INDIA AT HOME organization’s structure and in the distribution of the job profile and job responsibilities must be done in a proper way.
After the complete analysis, it can be said that the INDIA AT HOME does not maintain a proper administration process that has allowed the fraudulent activities in the organ isolation. This inconvenience must be improved through the implementation of the proper administrative body and HR manager. On the other hand, XERO must look or the improvement with the resulted issues so that they can clear its way successfully and can get more opportunities towards sustainability in future. 
Choong, C. (2016). Goods and Services (GST) Accounting System for Malaysian Retailing Company (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).
Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons.
Dunbar, K., Laing, G., and Wynder, M. (2016). A content analysis of accounting job advertisements: Skill requirements for graduates. The E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58.
Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2014). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Journal of Small Enterprise Research, 14(2), pp. 1-9.
Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14.
Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).
McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 140-152.
Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.
Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Wong, B., Li, K., Wong, B. and Yau, J.  (2017). E-learning in Accounting Programmes in Hong Kong: Evolution and Effectiveness. In International Conference on Blended Learning (pp. 97-105). Springer, Cham.
0 notes
Online food order Footscray :: Footscray
your online food delivery restaurant does not put a full stop to your efforts. Nothing will automatically begin working successfully. Before everything falls into place, some actions are required on your part, which could ensure that your business venture is a profitable one. Online food order Footscray
 Before you go ahead with any other steps, the five basic and the most imperative steps that you must bank on comprise:
 Getting familiar with your target audience
Making sure that your restaurant has a complete menu from those available with other best-rated, affordable restaurants in your area
Starting small
Marketing the business strategically
Choosing the correct location
Let's learn about these five plans in detail:
 1. Familiarizing with your target audience - By this, it means getting in touch with those people or understanding the needs of people who your online food delivery service aims at catering to. For the same, you may need to conduct an initial research to get familiar with their eating patterns. It is important to learn at what times they are likely to order food, and what types of food they prefer ordering. Following this simple method, you can easily plan how to make your business a long-term success. Takeaway Online Food Order  Delivery footscray
 2. Offering a complete menu to your customers from what they already love - Once you are aware of your target audience, the second step is to ensure that your online food delivery restaurant offers a complete list of food items from the other best online food delivery restaurants.
 How "a complete menu" would help?
 A complete menu of your own would ensure your customers that you have conducted a thorough study on your rival restaurants before offering them the food from the best of them. They would already be assured that you are serving on their platter value for money. Online Food Order Delivery footscray
 No matter if you want to offer the naans, breads, raita at reasonable price, or affordable masala chicken, or dahi ke kabab, you must carry out a preliminary research on the best cheap restaurants in your region.
 Serving the food hot and fresh will do the rest to make a lasting impression on your customers. Also, timely delivery is an inevitable factor. Besides, never cease to improve the quality of food service you offer to them. Only this way can you turn them into your returning customers who would further help you expand your customer base.
 3. Starting small - Don't rush. This is such a business that can wait to cultivate. It is not important to hurry and start big. Initially, a few customers will do. Nevertheless, you can think big through its operations while you plan for a bigger customer base. Takeaway Online Food Delivery footscray
 4. Marketing and promoting the business properly - As soon as you begin with your tasty healthy and cheap online food delivery, you should begin with making efforts to market and promote it strategically. Your online food delivery service may be excellent with superior quality, but you must still not underestimate the power of promoting it and letting more and more people learn about it.
 For promotion of your business in your region, you can go for online techniques such as websites or emails or blogs, or for fliers or brochures.
 Give a shot to all kinds of marketing techniques, including cards that carry your complete menu.
 5. Choosing the best location - Yes, you can, at any possible time, set up your own food delivery restaurant that delivers tasty lunch/dinner, but it would fail to show its magic if in the first place you fail to choose an appropriate location for the same. Make sure that the place is not very small to receive and manage too many orders as well as not too big to not be able to handle everything all at once. Location is another major factor that decides if your business is a success or not.
  Get More Information visit :: Dosa hut footscray
0 notes
Dosa hut| Indian Restaurant,Takeaway Online Food Order Delivery footscray
Want to order delicious dinner and spiecy lunch, Biryani, Dosa, Rava Dosa, Egg Series Dosa, Set Dosa, Omlett's, Spring Roll Dosa, Mega Deals, Lunch Deals, Dessert Dosa, Desserts, Chef’s Dishes contact Dosa hut for Indian Restaurant footscray, Takeaway online food order and food delivery footscray, Melbourne, Australia, Restaurantongo.
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New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/hi5019-strategic-information-system-business-assignment-1-sample/
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
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HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
Table of Contents
Part 1. 2
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems. 2
Commercial Software for Accounting. 3
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure. 3
Control Problems and Possible Fraud. 4
Part 2. 4
Introduction. 4
Development and Adoption. 5
Current Market Size. 5
Market Leader in Accounting Software. 6
Gap and Challenges. 6
Recommendation and Suggestion. 6
Conclusion. 6
References. 8
Part 1
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems
There are several industries and organization in the business m market of Australia. These are manufacturing and production industry, retail industry, sales, and marketing industry, food industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, fashion industry and much more. Every organization has their own set of structure, which is completely based on their requirements. In this context, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been chosen for study, which is also located in various parts of Australia and here it is known as INDIA AT HOME. There are total 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been found to be located in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are present at various suburbs like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong plaza, Glen Huntly and box hill (Sallem et al., 2017). The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company indicates the successful innovation process. This organizational structure is very much important for the growth of the organization in the competitive market. They have their franchise in Melbourne from where they control their overall supply chain process. They stock their products in this franchise branch and distribute the products to the target market or to the target customers as per their customer’s or market demands. The entire organizational structure is subcategorized into several parts which can be described as the top and bottom level of management. There are different levels in between these two main parts. At the top management level, high skilled managers are there who handles all the incoming and outgoing of products and control other processes. The Company mainly imports the products from India or store their own products at the franchise and on demands of the market distribute the products in the different franchise. Here are different managers are present who plays different roles in the organization. They are duty manager, HR manager, financial manager, marketing manager, stock manager etc. Apart from them receptionist, account manager or accountant and other staffs are also there. HR manager mainly looks for the recruitment process and distribute the employees in various departments as per requirements Stock manager mainly handles all the stock related data and maintain the record or incoming and outgoing products from the stock. Financial manager and the finance department team members are responsible for taking g care of cost management and keeping the record of total expense and total revenue generation per month or per year. They also produce the balance sheet at the time of an audit. Receptionist mainly handles the administrative works and do keep the receipt of every purchase or the delivery receipt. They provide the cash memo to the customer after every purchase and keep the record. Including all these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has total 156 employees. The company provides both the offline and online shopping facility. They also have the facilities like cash on delivery, online payment, debit card or credit card through payment etc, which attract more customers towards them and enables the customers to be flexible and relaxed for their payment. The organization has been identified with some major recruitment issues as the recruitment process and the interview process is not online and they even do not keep any data which create confusion during g the recruitment process (McManus, 2013).
Commercial Software for Accounting
It has been found d that INDIA AT HOME Company uses MYOB accounting software for their accounts management and for other relevant work. This MYOB software is quite efficient accounting software which has seven different categories like accounts, banking, sales, payroll, purchase, inventory and card life. This particular software helps in accessing the data regards to daily purchase or daily sales rate per the monthly/ yearly sales data in a single click which helps the accountants or the financial manager to take proper decision for the cost management and to organize the other departmental work efficiently (Curtis, 2015). This also helps in producing the bill for every purchase to the customers and the direct print out of the invoice can be easily taken. For the stock maintenance, it is also helpful like how many products have been sold out or how many new products have been newly introduced to the store every calculation can be easily done through the help of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure
INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complex structure for their supply chain process of products. It is very simple and is easily understandable. The structure of the supply of products follows both the online and offline methods. The company has a very good reputation about their faster delivery process where it has been found that from the time of placing the order it takes very time to deliver the products at the customer’s door steps. After every purchase by the customers, they are handed over with the products along with the cash memo with specific details of the payable amount (Mayasari, 2015). A customer can pay the bill through online, cash on delivery mode or can use credit or debit card for their purchase which has c created a purchasing flexibility or the payment flexibility for the customer. As soon as the order is dispatched from the stores, it is updated with the remaining products numbers and the number of products dispatched. The product order, dispatching, shipping and the final delivery followed by the successful payment updating everything can be tracked over online (Choong, 2016).
Control Problems and Possible Fraud
Every coin has two sides. Likewise, the INDIA AT HOME Company also has two opposite sites where along with the different positive aspects it has different negative aspects too. It has been reported that there are many fraudulent activities are done in the different stores of this company. The major issues that have been encountered are that one person handles multiple tasks in this organization which c creates confusion with the job profile and the job role. Somebody who handles the cash also participates in the decision-making process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). On the other hand, everyone has the authorization to handle cash so the allowance of stealing activities are there and to hide the issues false financial reports are made sometimes which can be considered as the serious offense or fraudulent activity. Even the manners or the behaviour of the employees are also not very satisfactory. This activity must be maintained or controlled over time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).
  Part 2
Accounting is important for any business and the role of the accounting software is thus very much crucial for any business organization. It helps the organization to control the entire business operation along with the accessibility of the total expense and the total profit estimation. For both small and medium or the large scale business operation the importance of accounting software is very high. In the past era when, there was no accounting software, pen and paper and the manual process of calculation was the only way to keep the financial record. The invention of the accounting software happened for the first time in the year 1955-1960 and the change in the business operation process and the growth of different business organization drag the attention of the non-users or the manual accounting process followers (Wong et al., 2017). In this section a literature review on the accounting software has been done which will help in gaining the knowledge n the market size of different accounting software, their popularity, useful features, development, current gaps or the challenges that arise with the use of those brands and the recommendation for the improvement. Apart from MYOB, there are several other accounting software is available in the business market of Australia. These are XERO, QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT etc. Among them, the most popular are XERO which has been discussed in the following sections (Smith, 2017).
Development and Adoption
On 5th June 2007, XERO was launched in New Zealand for the first time in the exchange market at the price of $1. Exactly after 5 years from this launching time, Xero was introduced to the market in Australia in the year 2012 on 8th November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction had been done for the purpose of security exchange for accounting. Eventually, XERO received around $23 million (NZD) funds from the different investors in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from Matrix Capital, XERO received and $49 million (NZD) of funds which are really a big amount (Smith, 2017).
After the launching of this XERO, it had adopted many additional features to it like payroll, cash sharing etc. This was done in the month of July 2011. Before this innovation or the intervention of payroll, the number of existing customers of XERO was 1.9 million which increased up to 800,000. The other advantageous features were credit card payment, an automated banking system, invoice, reporting system to the management and many others. The intervention of the payroll system and the entire XERO accounting software solved all the hassles in Australia regards to accounts (Smith, 2017).
Current Market Size
XERO has 2, 50, 000 users and total 10,000 partners of them in the entire business world. As per the last year financial record, this has been reported that the total number of users has been increased by 53% in the competitive market of New Zealand. According to the managing director or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the winner among all the accounting software in the global competitive market. As compare to MYOB, XERO is far better and efficient. XERO has total 15% of the market share in Australia and has a high potential to increase its sharing percentage. The names of the other countries where XERO has been successfully used by the organizations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and several other Asian countries.
Market Leader in Accounting Software
The market competition of XERO is really had. It also has a high competition with MYOB. But upon the market analysis, it has been reported that XERO is cloud-based accounting software that allows more productivity and allows the users to access the data from any corner of the world and this gives the ultimate flexibility to the users and in turn, this makes the entire business operation easier. As per the report, it has been found that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has developed a market with 1.4 million customers. It also helps in fetching the data directly from a bank and can give the invoice with proper updating in the system. The high degree of accessibility of data over the internet has turned the preference of the customers towards XERO.
Gap and Challenges
This has been reported that the main challenges that XERO has been facing are the data stealing. Stealing of the data is quite possible because it is a cloud-based system and lack of encryption may allow it to be hacked. But, according to the managing director of XERO, namely Chris Ridd, XERO is secured and without the help of the internet connection the data can be downloaded and can be saved. A report says that 70% of the business market in Australia uses XERO rather than MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).
Recommendation and Suggestion
Though XERO has received an enormous success still it requires some improvement or innovation to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. It has been found that XERO takes very long time to run on the computer and crash the application while running it in mobile. It also runs at a very slow speed in mobile. Thus it has received 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. After encountering these issues of XERO, the company had promised to launch a new version with more efficient features and faster processor in the year 2015 but still, this has not been launched. Therefore, these issues must be addressed and the improvement in the INDIA AT HOME organization’s structure and in the distribution of the job profile and job responsibilities must be done in a proper way.
After the complete analysis, it can be said that the INDIA AT HOME does not maintain a proper administration process that has allowed the fraudulent activities in the organ isolation. This inconvenience must be improved through the implementation of the proper administrative body and HR manager. On the other hand, XERO must look or the improvement with the resulted issues so that they can clear its way successfully and can get more opportunities towards sustainability in future. 
Choong, C. (2016). Goods and Services (GST) Accounting System for Malaysian Retailing Company (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).
Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons.
Dunbar, K., Laing, G., and Wynder, M. (2016). A content analysis of accounting job advertisements: Skill requirements for graduates. The E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58.
Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2014). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Journal of Small Enterprise Research, 14(2), pp. 1-9.
Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14.
Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).
McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 140-152.
Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.
Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Wong, B., Li, K., Wong, B. and Yau, J.  (2017). E-learning in Accounting Programmes in Hong Kong: Evolution and Effectiveness. In International Conference on Blended Learning (pp. 97-105). Springer, Cham.
0 notes
online food order Footscray
Individuals can live without yearly voyages, favor garments or luxurious houses, however not without shopping for food. Obviously, you need to eat keeping in mind the end goal to survive, however in all actuality you tend to waste some of your cash on trivial sustenance things. Online food order Footscray
 You need to discover approaches to lessen your basic need spending on things which are not by any stretch of the imagination fundamental and simply purchase fundamental thing items. Online Food Order Delivery  You need to ensure that what you buy are those which the entire family will truly utilize and not simply wind up in the junk following a while. Numerous ingenious customers discover comfort with utilizing sustenance coupons. You can check your neighborhood Sunday daily papers, magazines, general store stalls, or web for sustenance coupons.
 Nowadays, numerous customers simply want to peruse the web for online nourishment coupons since it is more advantageous and less tedious. Takeaway Online Food Order  Delivery footscray
 To lessen month to month basic need charges, you got the opportunity to assemble your nourishment coupons and sorted out them for you to effectively spot and utilize them. Be straightforward and make a point to mark them appropriately. There is no specific framework to take after. Have it your own specific manner the length of you know it is not confounded for you to discover when the ideal opportunity for shopping for food arrives. Online Food Order Delivery
 Another coupon rulers' prized formula is purchasing and utilizing coupons when there is a deal. By doing this, you can truly twofold your funds on your required nourishment items. Booking of procurement should likewise be finished. It's a monotonous assignment however you can truly spare huge on the off chance that you do this. Recognize what things are available to be purchased on what week and check in the event that you truly require those marked down things. Online Food Order Delivery footscray
 Now and again, you don't have the coupons for the things you require. You can likewise exchange coupons with your companions. That way, you and your companion can boost your utilization of daily paper or online sustenance coupons. Takeaway Online Food Delivery footscray
 Get More Information visit :: Dosa hut footscray
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ozfoodhunter1997 · 4 years
Order Middle Eastern & African food delivery and takeaway online from Khartoum Centre Restaurant-Footscray, VIC. Check online reviews and ratings. Pay Online or Cash. Get 5% Off On your Order, Place your Order Now!!
0 notes
gillmahi9123-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/hi5019-strategic-information-system-business-assignment-1-sample/
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
Table of Contents
Part 1. 2
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems. 2
Commercial Software for Accounting. 3
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure. 3
Control Problems and Possible Fraud. 4
Part 2. 4
Introduction. 4
Development and Adoption. 5
Current Market Size. 5
Market Leader in Accounting Software. 6
Gap and Challenges. 6
Recommendation and Suggestion. 6
Conclusion. 6
References. 8
Part 1
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems
There are several industries and organization in the business m market of Australia. These are manufacturing and production industry, retail industry, sales, and marketing industry, food industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, fashion industry and much more. Every organization has their own set of structure, which is completely based on their requirements. In this context, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been chosen for study, which is also located in various parts of Australia and here it is known as INDIA AT HOME. There are total 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been found to be located in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are present at various suburbs like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong plaza, Glen Huntly and box hill (Sallem et al., 2017). The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company indicates the successful innovation process. This organizational structure is very much important for the growth of the organization in the competitive market. They have their franchise in Melbourne from where they control their overall supply chain process. They stock their products in this franchise branch and distribute the products to the target market or to the target customers as per their customer’s or market demands. The entire organizational structure is subcategorized into several parts which can be described as the top and bottom level of management. There are different levels in between these two main parts. At the top management level, high skilled managers are there who handles all the incoming and outgoing of products and control other processes. The Company mainly imports the products from India or store their own products at the franchise and on demands of the market distribute the products in the different franchise. Here are different managers are present who plays different roles in the organization. They are duty manager, HR manager, financial manager, marketing manager, stock manager etc. Apart from them receptionist, account manager or accountant and other staffs are also there. HR manager mainly looks for the recruitment process and distribute the employees in various departments as per requirements Stock manager mainly handles all the stock related data and maintain the record or incoming and outgoing products from the stock. Financial manager and the finance department team members are responsible for taking g care of cost management and keeping the record of total expense and total revenue generation per month or per year. They also produce the balance sheet at the time of an audit. Receptionist mainly handles the administrative works and do keep the receipt of every purchase or the delivery receipt. They provide the cash memo to the customer after every purchase and keep the record. Including all these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has total 156 employees. The company provides both the offline and online shopping facility. They also have the facilities like cash on delivery, online payment, debit card or credit card through payment etc, which attract more customers towards them and enables the customers to be flexible and relaxed for their payment. The organization has been identified with some major recruitment issues as the recruitment process and the interview process is not online and they even do not keep any data which create confusion during g the recruitment process (McManus, 2013).
Commercial Software for Accounting
It has been found d that INDIA AT HOME Company uses MYOB accounting software for their accounts management and for other relevant work. This MYOB software is quite efficient accounting software which has seven different categories like accounts, banking, sales, payroll, purchase, inventory and card life. This particular software helps in accessing the data regards to daily purchase or daily sales rate per the monthly/ yearly sales data in a single click which helps the accountants or the financial manager to take proper decision for the cost management and to organize the other departmental work efficiently (Curtis, 2015). This also helps in producing the bill for every purchase to the customers and the direct print out of the invoice can be easily taken. For the stock maintenance, it is also helpful like how many products have been sold out or how many new products have been newly introduced to the store every calculation can be easily done through the help of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure
INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complex structure for their supply chain process of products. It is very simple and is easily understandable. The structure of the supply of products follows both the online and offline methods. The company has a very good reputation about their faster delivery process where it has been found that from the time of placing the order it takes very time to deliver the products at the customer’s door steps. After every purchase by the customers, they are handed over with the products along with the cash memo with specific details of the payable amount (Mayasari, 2015). A customer can pay the bill through online, cash on delivery mode or can use credit or debit card for their purchase which has c created a purchasing flexibility or the payment flexibility for the customer. As soon as the order is dispatched from the stores, it is updated with the remaining products numbers and the number of products dispatched. The product order, dispatching, shipping and the final delivery followed by the successful payment updating everything can be tracked over online (Choong, 2016).
Control Problems and Possible Fraud
Every coin has two sides. Likewise, the INDIA AT HOME Company also has two opposite sites where along with the different positive aspects it has different negative aspects too. It has been reported that there are many fraudulent activities are done in the different stores of this company. The major issues that have been encountered are that one person handles multiple tasks in this organization which c creates confusion with the job profile and the job role. Somebody who handles the cash also participates in the decision-making process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). On the other hand, everyone has the authorization to handle cash so the allowance of stealing activities are there and to hide the issues false financial reports are made sometimes which can be considered as the serious offense or fraudulent activity. Even the manners or the behaviour of the employees are also not very satisfactory. This activity must be maintained or controlled over time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).
  Part 2
Accounting is important for any business and the role of the accounting software is thus very much crucial for any business organization. It helps the organization to control the entire business operation along with the accessibility of the total expense and the total profit estimation. For both small and medium or the large scale business operation the importance of accounting software is very high. In the past era when, there was no accounting software, pen and paper and the manual process of calculation was the only way to keep the financial record. The invention of the accounting software happened for the first time in the year 1955-1960 and the change in the business operation process and the growth of different business organization drag the attention of the non-users or the manual accounting process followers (Wong et al., 2017). In this section a literature review on the accounting software has been done which will help in gaining the knowledge n the market size of different accounting software, their popularity, useful features, development, current gaps or the challenges that arise with the use of those brands and the recommendation for the improvement. Apart from MYOB, there are several other accounting software is available in the business market of Australia. These are XERO, QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT etc. Among them, the most popular are XERO which has been discussed in the following sections (Smith, 2017).
Development and Adoption
On 5th June 2007, XERO was launched in New Zealand for the first time in the exchange market at the price of $1. Exactly after 5 years from this launching time, Xero was introduced to the market in Australia in the year 2012 on 8th November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction had been done for the purpose of security exchange for accounting. Eventually, XERO received around $23 million (NZD) funds from the different investors in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from Matrix Capital, XERO received and $49 million (NZD) of funds which are really a big amount (Smith, 2017).
After the launching of this XERO, it had adopted many additional features to it like payroll, cash sharing etc. This was done in the month of July 2011. Before this innovation or the intervention of payroll, the number of existing customers of XERO was 1.9 million which increased up to 800,000. The other advantageous features were credit card payment, an automated banking system, invoice, reporting system to the management and many others. The intervention of the payroll system and the entire XERO accounting software solved all the hassles in Australia regards to accounts (Smith, 2017).
Current Market Size
XERO has 2, 50, 000 users and total 10,000 partners of them in the entire business world. As per the last year financial record, this has been reported that the total number of users has been increased by 53% in the competitive market of New Zealand. According to the managing director or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the winner among all the accounting software in the global competitive market. As compare to MYOB, XERO is far better and efficient. XERO has total 15% of the market share in Australia and has a high potential to increase its sharing percentage. The names of the other countries where XERO has been successfully used by the organizations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and several other Asian countries.
Market Leader in Accounting Software
The market competition of XERO is really had. It also has a high competition with MYOB. But upon the market analysis, it has been reported that XERO is cloud-based accounting software that allows more productivity and allows the users to access the data from any corner of the world and this gives the ultimate flexibility to the users and in turn, this makes the entire business operation easier. As per the report, it has been found that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has developed a market with 1.4 million customers. It also helps in fetching the data directly from a bank and can give the invoice with proper updating in the system. The high degree of accessibility of data over the internet has turned the preference of the customers towards XERO.
Gap and Challenges
This has been reported that the main challenges that XERO has been facing are the data stealing. Stealing of the data is quite possible because it is a cloud-based system and lack of encryption may allow it to be hacked. But, according to the managing director of XERO, namely Chris Ridd, XERO is secured and without the help of the internet connection the data can be downloaded and can be saved. A report says that 70% of the business market in Australia uses XERO rather than MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).
Recommendation and Suggestion
Though XERO has received an enormous success still it requires some improvement or innovation to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. It has been found that XERO takes very long time to run on the computer and crash the application while running it in mobile. It also runs at a very slow speed in mobile. Thus it has received 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. After encountering these issues of XERO, the company had promised to launch a new version with more efficient features and faster processor in the year 2015 but still, this has not been launched. Therefore, these issues must be addressed and the improvement in the INDIA AT HOME organization’s structure and in the distribution of the job profile and job responsibilities must be done in a proper way.
After the complete analysis, it can be said that the INDIA AT HOME does not maintain a proper administration process that has allowed the fraudulent activities in the organ isolation. This inconvenience must be improved through the implementation of the proper administrative body and HR manager. On the other hand, XERO must look or the improvement with the resulted issues so that they can clear its way successfully and can get more opportunities towards sustainability in future. 
Choong, C. (2016). Goods and Services (GST) Accounting System for Malaysian Retailing Company (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).
Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons.
Dunbar, K., Laing, G., and Wynder, M. (2016). A content analysis of accounting job advertisements: Skill requirements for graduates. The E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58.
Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2014). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Journal of Small Enterprise Research, 14(2), pp. 1-9.
Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14.
Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).
McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 140-152.
Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.
Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Wong, B., Li, K., Wong, B. and Yau, J.  (2017). E-learning in Accounting Programmes in Hong Kong: Evolution and Effectiveness. In International Conference on Blended Learning (pp. 97-105). Springer, Cham.
0 notes
nuramukhtar64-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/hi5019-strategic-information-system-business-assignment-1-sample/
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
Table of Contents
Part 1. 2
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems. 2
Commercial Software for Accounting. 3
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure. 3
Control Problems and Possible Fraud. 4
Part 2. 4
Introduction. 4
Development and Adoption. 5
Current Market Size. 5
Market Leader in Accounting Software. 6
Gap and Challenges. 6
Recommendation and Suggestion. 6
Conclusion. 6
References. 8
Part 1
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems
There are several industries and organization in the business m market of Australia. These are manufacturing and production industry, retail industry, sales, and marketing industry, food industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, fashion industry and much more. Every organization has their own set of structure, which is completely based on their requirements. In this context, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been chosen for study, which is also located in various parts of Australia and here it is known as INDIA AT HOME. There are total 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been found to be located in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are present at various suburbs like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong plaza, Glen Huntly and box hill (Sallem et al., 2017). The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company indicates the successful innovation process. This organizational structure is very much important for the growth of the organization in the competitive market. They have their franchise in Melbourne from where they control their overall supply chain process. They stock their products in this franchise branch and distribute the products to the target market or to the target customers as per their customer’s or market demands. The entire organizational structure is subcategorized into several parts which can be described as the top and bottom level of management. There are different levels in between these two main parts. At the top management level, high skilled managers are there who handles all the incoming and outgoing of products and control other processes. The Company mainly imports the products from India or store their own products at the franchise and on demands of the market distribute the products in the different franchise. Here are different managers are present who plays different roles in the organization. They are duty manager, HR manager, financial manager, marketing manager, stock manager etc. Apart from them receptionist, account manager or accountant and other staffs are also there. HR manager mainly looks for the recruitment process and distribute the employees in various departments as per requirements Stock manager mainly handles all the stock related data and maintain the record or incoming and outgoing products from the stock. Financial manager and the finance department team members are responsible for taking g care of cost management and keeping the record of total expense and total revenue generation per month or per year. They also produce the balance sheet at the time of an audit. Receptionist mainly handles the administrative works and do keep the receipt of every purchase or the delivery receipt. They provide the cash memo to the customer after every purchase and keep the record. Including all these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has total 156 employees. The company provides both the offline and online shopping facility. They also have the facilities like cash on delivery, online payment, debit card or credit card through payment etc, which attract more customers towards them and enables the customers to be flexible and relaxed for their payment. The organization has been identified with some major recruitment issues as the recruitment process and the interview process is not online and they even do not keep any data which create confusion during g the recruitment process (McManus, 2013).
Commercial Software for Accounting
It has been found d that INDIA AT HOME Company uses MYOB accounting software for their accounts management and for other relevant work. This MYOB software is quite efficient accounting software which has seven different categories like accounts, banking, sales, payroll, purchase, inventory and card life. This particular software helps in accessing the data regards to daily purchase or daily sales rate per the monthly/ yearly sales data in a single click which helps the accountants or the financial manager to take proper decision for the cost management and to organize the other departmental work efficiently (Curtis, 2015). This also helps in producing the bill for every purchase to the customers and the direct print out of the invoice can be easily taken. For the stock maintenance, it is also helpful like how many products have been sold out or how many new products have been newly introduced to the store every calculation can be easily done through the help of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure
INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complex structure for their supply chain process of products. It is very simple and is easily understandable. The structure of the supply of products follows both the online and offline methods. The company has a very good reputation about their faster delivery process where it has been found that from the time of placing the order it takes very time to deliver the products at the customer’s door steps. After every purchase by the customers, they are handed over with the products along with the cash memo with specific details of the payable amount (Mayasari, 2015). A customer can pay the bill through online, cash on delivery mode or can use credit or debit card for their purchase which has c created a purchasing flexibility or the payment flexibility for the customer. As soon as the order is dispatched from the stores, it is updated with the remaining products numbers and the number of products dispatched. The product order, dispatching, shipping and the final delivery followed by the successful payment updating everything can be tracked over online (Choong, 2016).
Control Problems and Possible Fraud
Every coin has two sides. Likewise, the INDIA AT HOME Company also has two opposite sites where along with the different positive aspects it has different negative aspects too. It has been reported that there are many fraudulent activities are done in the different stores of this company. The major issues that have been encountered are that one person handles multiple tasks in this organization which c creates confusion with the job profile and the job role. Somebody who handles the cash also participates in the decision-making process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). On the other hand, everyone has the authorization to handle cash so the allowance of stealing activities are there and to hide the issues false financial reports are made sometimes which can be considered as the serious offense or fraudulent activity. Even the manners or the behaviour of the employees are also not very satisfactory. This activity must be maintained or controlled over time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).
  Part 2
Accounting is important for any business and the role of the accounting software is thus very much crucial for any business organization. It helps the organization to control the entire business operation along with the accessibility of the total expense and the total profit estimation. For both small and medium or the large scale business operation the importance of accounting software is very high. In the past era when, there was no accounting software, pen and paper and the manual process of calculation was the only way to keep the financial record. The invention of the accounting software happened for the first time in the year 1955-1960 and the change in the business operation process and the growth of different business organization drag the attention of the non-users or the manual accounting process followers (Wong et al., 2017). In this section a literature review on the accounting software has been done which will help in gaining the knowledge n the market size of different accounting software, their popularity, useful features, development, current gaps or the challenges that arise with the use of those brands and the recommendation for the improvement. Apart from MYOB, there are several other accounting software is available in the business market of Australia. These are XERO, QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT etc. Among them, the most popular are XERO which has been discussed in the following sections (Smith, 2017).
Development and Adoption
On 5th June 2007, XERO was launched in New Zealand for the first time in the exchange market at the price of $1. Exactly after 5 years from this launching time, Xero was introduced to the market in Australia in the year 2012 on 8th November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction had been done for the purpose of security exchange for accounting. Eventually, XERO received around $23 million (NZD) funds from the different investors in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from Matrix Capital, XERO received and $49 million (NZD) of funds which are really a big amount (Smith, 2017).
After the launching of this XERO, it had adopted many additional features to it like payroll, cash sharing etc. This was done in the month of July 2011. Before this innovation or the intervention of payroll, the number of existing customers of XERO was 1.9 million which increased up to 800,000. The other advantageous features were credit card payment, an automated banking system, invoice, reporting system to the management and many others. The intervention of the payroll system and the entire XERO accounting software solved all the hassles in Australia regards to accounts (Smith, 2017).
Current Market Size
XERO has 2, 50, 000 users and total 10,000 partners of them in the entire business world. As per the last year financial record, this has been reported that the total number of users has been increased by 53% in the competitive market of New Zealand. According to the managing director or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the winner among all the accounting software in the global competitive market. As compare to MYOB, XERO is far better and efficient. XERO has total 15% of the market share in Australia and has a high potential to increase its sharing percentage. The names of the other countries where XERO has been successfully used by the organizations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and several other Asian countries.
Market Leader in Accounting Software
The market competition of XERO is really had. It also has a high competition with MYOB. But upon the market analysis, it has been reported that XERO is cloud-based accounting software that allows more productivity and allows the users to access the data from any corner of the world and this gives the ultimate flexibility to the users and in turn, this makes the entire business operation easier. As per the report, it has been found that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has developed a market with 1.4 million customers. It also helps in fetching the data directly from a bank and can give the invoice with proper updating in the system. The high degree of accessibility of data over the internet has turned the preference of the customers towards XERO.
Gap and Challenges
This has been reported that the main challenges that XERO has been facing are the data stealing. Stealing of the data is quite possible because it is a cloud-based system and lack of encryption may allow it to be hacked. But, according to the managing director of XERO, namely Chris Ridd, XERO is secured and without the help of the internet connection the data can be downloaded and can be saved. A report says that 70% of the business market in Australia uses XERO rather than MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).
Recommendation and Suggestion
Though XERO has received an enormous success still it requires some improvement or innovation to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. It has been found that XERO takes very long time to run on the computer and crash the application while running it in mobile. It also runs at a very slow speed in mobile. Thus it has received 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. After encountering these issues of XERO, the company had promised to launch a new version with more efficient features and faster processor in the year 2015 but still, this has not been launched. Therefore, these issues must be addressed and the improvement in the INDIA AT HOME organization’s structure and in the distribution of the job profile and job responsibilities must be done in a proper way.
After the complete analysis, it can be said that the INDIA AT HOME does not maintain a proper administration process that has allowed the fraudulent activities in the organ isolation. This inconvenience must be improved through the implementation of the proper administrative body and HR manager. On the other hand, XERO must look or the improvement with the resulted issues so that they can clear its way successfully and can get more opportunities towards sustainability in future. 
Choong, C. (2016). Goods and Services (GST) Accounting System for Malaysian Retailing Company (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).
Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons.
Dunbar, K., Laing, G., and Wynder, M. (2016). A content analysis of accounting job advertisements: Skill requirements for graduates. The E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58.
Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2014). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Journal of Small Enterprise Research, 14(2), pp. 1-9.
Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14.
Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).
McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 140-152.
Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.
Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Wong, B., Li, K., Wong, B. and Yau, J.  (2017). E-learning in Accounting Programmes in Hong Kong: Evolution and Effectiveness. In International Conference on Blended Learning (pp. 97-105). Springer, Cham.
0 notes
dianadorman555-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/hi5019-strategic-information-system-business-assignment-1-sample/
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
Table of Contents
Part 1. 2
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems. 2
Commercial Software for Accounting. 3
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure. 3
Control Problems and Possible Fraud. 4
Part 2. 4
Introduction. 4
Development and Adoption. 5
Current Market Size. 5
Market Leader in Accounting Software. 6
Gap and Challenges. 6
Recommendation and Suggestion. 6
Conclusion. 6
References. 8
Part 1
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems
There are several industries and organization in the business m market of Australia. These are manufacturing and production industry, retail industry, sales, and marketing industry, food industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, fashion industry and much more. Every organization has their own set of structure, which is completely based on their requirements. In this context, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been chosen for study, which is also located in various parts of Australia and here it is known as INDIA AT HOME. There are total 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been found to be located in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are present at various suburbs like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong plaza, Glen Huntly and box hill (Sallem et al., 2017). The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company indicates the successful innovation process. This organizational structure is very much important for the growth of the organization in the competitive market. They have their franchise in Melbourne from where they control their overall supply chain process. They stock their products in this franchise branch and distribute the products to the target market or to the target customers as per their customer’s or market demands. The entire organizational structure is subcategorized into several parts which can be described as the top and bottom level of management. There are different levels in between these two main parts. At the top management level, high skilled managers are there who handles all the incoming and outgoing of products and control other processes. The Company mainly imports the products from India or store their own products at the franchise and on demands of the market distribute the products in the different franchise. Here are different managers are present who plays different roles in the organization. They are duty manager, HR manager, financial manager, marketing manager, stock manager etc. Apart from them receptionist, account manager or accountant and other staffs are also there. HR manager mainly looks for the recruitment process and distribute the employees in various departments as per requirements Stock manager mainly handles all the stock related data and maintain the record or incoming and outgoing products from the stock. Financial manager and the finance department team members are responsible for taking g care of cost management and keeping the record of total expense and total revenue generation per month or per year. They also produce the balance sheet at the time of an audit. Receptionist mainly handles the administrative works and do keep the receipt of every purchase or the delivery receipt. They provide the cash memo to the customer after every purchase and keep the record. Including all these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has total 156 employees. The company provides both the offline and online shopping facility. They also have the facilities like cash on delivery, online payment, debit card or credit card through payment etc, which attract more customers towards them and enables the customers to be flexible and relaxed for their payment. The organization has been identified with some major recruitment issues as the recruitment process and the interview process is not online and they even do not keep any data which create confusion during g the recruitment process (McManus, 2013).
Commercial Software for Accounting
It has been found d that INDIA AT HOME Company uses MYOB accounting software for their accounts management and for other relevant work. This MYOB software is quite efficient accounting software which has seven different categories like accounts, banking, sales, payroll, purchase, inventory and card life. This particular software helps in accessing the data regards to daily purchase or daily sales rate per the monthly/ yearly sales data in a single click which helps the accountants or the financial manager to take proper decision for the cost management and to organize the other departmental work efficiently (Curtis, 2015). This also helps in producing the bill for every purchase to the customers and the direct print out of the invoice can be easily taken. For the stock maintenance, it is also helpful like how many products have been sold out or how many new products have been newly introduced to the store every calculation can be easily done through the help of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure
INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complex structure for their supply chain process of products. It is very simple and is easily understandable. The structure of the supply of products follows both the online and offline methods. The company has a very good reputation about their faster delivery process where it has been found that from the time of placing the order it takes very time to deliver the products at the customer’s door steps. After every purchase by the customers, they are handed over with the products along with the cash memo with specific details of the payable amount (Mayasari, 2015). A customer can pay the bill through online, cash on delivery mode or can use credit or debit card for their purchase which has c created a purchasing flexibility or the payment flexibility for the customer. As soon as the order is dispatched from the stores, it is updated with the remaining products numbers and the number of products dispatched. The product order, dispatching, shipping and the final delivery followed by the successful payment updating everything can be tracked over online (Choong, 2016).
Control Problems and Possible Fraud
Every coin has two sides. Likewise, the INDIA AT HOME Company also has two opposite sites where along with the different positive aspects it has different negative aspects too. It has been reported that there are many fraudulent activities are done in the different stores of this company. The major issues that have been encountered are that one person handles multiple tasks in this organization which c creates confusion with the job profile and the job role. Somebody who handles the cash also participates in the decision-making process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). On the other hand, everyone has the authorization to handle cash so the allowance of stealing activities are there and to hide the issues false financial reports are made sometimes which can be considered as the serious offense or fraudulent activity. Even the manners or the behaviour of the employees are also not very satisfactory. This activity must be maintained or controlled over time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).
  Part 2
Accounting is important for any business and the role of the accounting software is thus very much crucial for any business organization. It helps the organization to control the entire business operation along with the accessibility of the total expense and the total profit estimation. For both small and medium or the large scale business operation the importance of accounting software is very high. In the past era when, there was no accounting software, pen and paper and the manual process of calculation was the only way to keep the financial record. The invention of the accounting software happened for the first time in the year 1955-1960 and the change in the business operation process and the growth of different business organization drag the attention of the non-users or the manual accounting process followers (Wong et al., 2017). In this section a literature review on the accounting software has been done which will help in gaining the knowledge n the market size of different accounting software, their popularity, useful features, development, current gaps or the challenges that arise with the use of those brands and the recommendation for the improvement. Apart from MYOB, there are several other accounting software is available in the business market of Australia. These are XERO, QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT etc. Among them, the most popular are XERO which has been discussed in the following sections (Smith, 2017).
Development and Adoption
On 5th June 2007, XERO was launched in New Zealand for the first time in the exchange market at the price of $1. Exactly after 5 years from this launching time, Xero was introduced to the market in Australia in the year 2012 on 8th November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction had been done for the purpose of security exchange for accounting. Eventually, XERO received around $23 million (NZD) funds from the different investors in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from Matrix Capital, XERO received and $49 million (NZD) of funds which are really a big amount (Smith, 2017).
After the launching of this XERO, it had adopted many additional features to it like payroll, cash sharing etc. This was done in the month of July 2011. Before this innovation or the intervention of payroll, the number of existing customers of XERO was 1.9 million which increased up to 800,000. The other advantageous features were credit card payment, an automated banking system, invoice, reporting system to the management and many others. The intervention of the payroll system and the entire XERO accounting software solved all the hassles in Australia regards to accounts (Smith, 2017).
Current Market Size
XERO has 2, 50, 000 users and total 10,000 partners of them in the entire business world. As per the last year financial record, this has been reported that the total number of users has been increased by 53% in the competitive market of New Zealand. According to the managing director or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the winner among all the accounting software in the global competitive market. As compare to MYOB, XERO is far better and efficient. XERO has total 15% of the market share in Australia and has a high potential to increase its sharing percentage. The names of the other countries where XERO has been successfully used by the organizations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and several other Asian countries.
Market Leader in Accounting Software
The market competition of XERO is really had. It also has a high competition with MYOB. But upon the market analysis, it has been reported that XERO is cloud-based accounting software that allows more productivity and allows the users to access the data from any corner of the world and this gives the ultimate flexibility to the users and in turn, this makes the entire business operation easier. As per the report, it has been found that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has developed a market with 1.4 million customers. It also helps in fetching the data directly from a bank and can give the invoice with proper updating in the system. The high degree of accessibility of data over the internet has turned the preference of the customers towards XERO.
Gap and Challenges
This has been reported that the main challenges that XERO has been facing are the data stealing. Stealing of the data is quite possible because it is a cloud-based system and lack of encryption may allow it to be hacked. But, according to the managing director of XERO, namely Chris Ridd, XERO is secured and without the help of the internet connection the data can be downloaded and can be saved. A report says that 70% of the business market in Australia uses XERO rather than MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).
Recommendation and Suggestion
Though XERO has received an enormous success still it requires some improvement or innovation to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. It has been found that XERO takes very long time to run on the computer and crash the application while running it in mobile. It also runs at a very slow speed in mobile. Thus it has received 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. After encountering these issues of XERO, the company had promised to launch a new version with more efficient features and faster processor in the year 2015 but still, this has not been launched. Therefore, these issues must be addressed and the improvement in the INDIA AT HOME organization’s structure and in the distribution of the job profile and job responsibilities must be done in a proper way.
After the complete analysis, it can be said that the INDIA AT HOME does not maintain a proper administration process that has allowed the fraudulent activities in the organ isolation. This inconvenience must be improved through the implementation of the proper administrative body and HR manager. On the other hand, XERO must look or the improvement with the resulted issues so that they can clear its way successfully and can get more opportunities towards sustainability in future. 
Choong, C. (2016). Goods and Services (GST) Accounting System for Malaysian Retailing Company (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).
Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons.
Dunbar, K., Laing, G., and Wynder, M. (2016). A content analysis of accounting job advertisements: Skill requirements for graduates. The E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58.
Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2014). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Journal of Small Enterprise Research, 14(2), pp. 1-9.
Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14.
Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).
McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 140-152.
Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.
Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Wong, B., Li, K., Wong, B. and Yau, J.  (2017). E-learning in Accounting Programmes in Hong Kong: Evolution and Effectiveness. In International Conference on Blended Learning (pp. 97-105). Springer, Cham.
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New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/hi5019-strategic-information-system-business-assignment-1-sample/
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
Table of Contents
Part 1. 2
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems. 2
Commercial Software for Accounting. 3
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure. 3
Control Problems and Possible Fraud. 4
Part 2. 4
Introduction. 4
Development and Adoption. 5
Current Market Size. 5
Market Leader in Accounting Software. 6
Gap and Challenges. 6
Recommendation and Suggestion. 6
Conclusion. 6
References. 8
Part 1
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems
There are several industries and organization in the business m market of Australia. These are manufacturing and production industry, retail industry, sales, and marketing industry, food industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, fashion industry and much more. Every organization has their own set of structure, which is completely based on their requirements. In this context, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been chosen for study, which is also located in various parts of Australia and here it is known as INDIA AT HOME. There are total 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been found to be located in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are present at various suburbs like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong plaza, Glen Huntly and box hill (Sallem et al., 2017). The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company indicates the successful innovation process. This organizational structure is very much important for the growth of the organization in the competitive market. They have their franchise in Melbourne from where they control their overall supply chain process. They stock their products in this franchise branch and distribute the products to the target market or to the target customers as per their customer’s or market demands. The entire organizational structure is subcategorized into several parts which can be described as the top and bottom level of management. There are different levels in between these two main parts. At the top management level, high skilled managers are there who handles all the incoming and outgoing of products and control other processes. The Company mainly imports the products from India or store their own products at the franchise and on demands of the market distribute the products in the different franchise. Here are different managers are present who plays different roles in the organization. They are duty manager, HR manager, financial manager, marketing manager, stock manager etc. Apart from them receptionist, account manager or accountant and other staffs are also there. HR manager mainly looks for the recruitment process and distribute the employees in various departments as per requirements Stock manager mainly handles all the stock related data and maintain the record or incoming and outgoing products from the stock. Financial manager and the finance department team members are responsible for taking g care of cost management and keeping the record of total expense and total revenue generation per month or per year. They also produce the balance sheet at the time of an audit. Receptionist mainly handles the administrative works and do keep the receipt of every purchase or the delivery receipt. They provide the cash memo to the customer after every purchase and keep the record. Including all these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has total 156 employees. The company provides both the offline and online shopping facility. They also have the facilities like cash on delivery, online payment, debit card or credit card through payment etc, which attract more customers towards them and enables the customers to be flexible and relaxed for their payment. The organization has been identified with some major recruitment issues as the recruitment process and the interview process is not online and they even do not keep any data which create confusion during g the recruitment process (McManus, 2013).
Commercial Software for Accounting
It has been found d that INDIA AT HOME Company uses MYOB accounting software for their accounts management and for other relevant work. This MYOB software is quite efficient accounting software which has seven different categories like accounts, banking, sales, payroll, purchase, inventory and card life. This particular software helps in accessing the data regards to daily purchase or daily sales rate per the monthly/ yearly sales data in a single click which helps the accountants or the financial manager to take proper decision for the cost management and to organize the other departmental work efficiently (Curtis, 2015). This also helps in producing the bill for every purchase to the customers and the direct print out of the invoice can be easily taken. For the stock maintenance, it is also helpful like how many products have been sold out or how many new products have been newly introduced to the store every calculation can be easily done through the help of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure
INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complex structure for their supply chain process of products. It is very simple and is easily understandable. The structure of the supply of products follows both the online and offline methods. The company has a very good reputation about their faster delivery process where it has been found that from the time of placing the order it takes very time to deliver the products at the customer’s door steps. After every purchase by the customers, they are handed over with the products along with the cash memo with specific details of the payable amount (Mayasari, 2015). A customer can pay the bill through online, cash on delivery mode or can use credit or debit card for their purchase which has c created a purchasing flexibility or the payment flexibility for the customer. As soon as the order is dispatched from the stores, it is updated with the remaining products numbers and the number of products dispatched. The product order, dispatching, shipping and the final delivery followed by the successful payment updating everything can be tracked over online (Choong, 2016).
Control Problems and Possible Fraud
Every coin has two sides. Likewise, the INDIA AT HOME Company also has two opposite sites where along with the different positive aspects it has different negative aspects too. It has been reported that there are many fraudulent activities are done in the different stores of this company. The major issues that have been encountered are that one person handles multiple tasks in this organization which c creates confusion with the job profile and the job role. Somebody who handles the cash also participates in the decision-making process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). On the other hand, everyone has the authorization to handle cash so the allowance of stealing activities are there and to hide the issues false financial reports are made sometimes which can be considered as the serious offense or fraudulent activity. Even the manners or the behaviour of the employees are also not very satisfactory. This activity must be maintained or controlled over time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).
  Part 2
Accounting is important for any business and the role of the accounting software is thus very much crucial for any business organization. It helps the organization to control the entire business operation along with the accessibility of the total expense and the total profit estimation. For both small and medium or the large scale business operation the importance of accounting software is very high. In the past era when, there was no accounting software, pen and paper and the manual process of calculation was the only way to keep the financial record. The invention of the accounting software happened for the first time in the year 1955-1960 and the change in the business operation process and the growth of different business organization drag the attention of the non-users or the manual accounting process followers (Wong et al., 2017). In this section a literature review on the accounting software has been done which will help in gaining the knowledge n the market size of different accounting software, their popularity, useful features, development, current gaps or the challenges that arise with the use of those brands and the recommendation for the improvement. Apart from MYOB, there are several other accounting software is available in the business market of Australia. These are XERO, QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT etc. Among them, the most popular are XERO which has been discussed in the following sections (Smith, 2017).
Development and Adoption
On 5th June 2007, XERO was launched in New Zealand for the first time in the exchange market at the price of $1. Exactly after 5 years from this launching time, Xero was introduced to the market in Australia in the year 2012 on 8th November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction had been done for the purpose of security exchange for accounting. Eventually, XERO received around $23 million (NZD) funds from the different investors in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from Matrix Capital, XERO received and $49 million (NZD) of funds which are really a big amount (Smith, 2017).
After the launching of this XERO, it had adopted many additional features to it like payroll, cash sharing etc. This was done in the month of July 2011. Before this innovation or the intervention of payroll, the number of existing customers of XERO was 1.9 million which increased up to 800,000. The other advantageous features were credit card payment, an automated banking system, invoice, reporting system to the management and many others. The intervention of the payroll system and the entire XERO accounting software solved all the hassles in Australia regards to accounts (Smith, 2017).
Current Market Size
XERO has 2, 50, 000 users and total 10,000 partners of them in the entire business world. As per the last year financial record, this has been reported that the total number of users has been increased by 53% in the competitive market of New Zealand. According to the managing director or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the winner among all the accounting software in the global competitive market. As compare to MYOB, XERO is far better and efficient. XERO has total 15% of the market share in Australia and has a high potential to increase its sharing percentage. The names of the other countries where XERO has been successfully used by the organizations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and several other Asian countries.
Market Leader in Accounting Software
The market competition of XERO is really had. It also has a high competition with MYOB. But upon the market analysis, it has been reported that XERO is cloud-based accounting software that allows more productivity and allows the users to access the data from any corner of the world and this gives the ultimate flexibility to the users and in turn, this makes the entire business operation easier. As per the report, it has been found that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has developed a market with 1.4 million customers. It also helps in fetching the data directly from a bank and can give the invoice with proper updating in the system. The high degree of accessibility of data over the internet has turned the preference of the customers towards XERO.
Gap and Challenges
This has been reported that the main challenges that XERO has been facing are the data stealing. Stealing of the data is quite possible because it is a cloud-based system and lack of encryption may allow it to be hacked. But, according to the managing director of XERO, namely Chris Ridd, XERO is secured and without the help of the internet connection the data can be downloaded and can be saved. A report says that 70% of the business market in Australia uses XERO rather than MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).
Recommendation and Suggestion
Though XERO has received an enormous success still it requires some improvement or innovation to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. It has been found that XERO takes very long time to run on the computer and crash the application while running it in mobile. It also runs at a very slow speed in mobile. Thus it has received 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. After encountering these issues of XERO, the company had promised to launch a new version with more efficient features and faster processor in the year 2015 but still, this has not been launched. Therefore, these issues must be addressed and the improvement in the INDIA AT HOME organization’s structure and in the distribution of the job profile and job responsibilities must be done in a proper way.
After the complete analysis, it can be said that the INDIA AT HOME does not maintain a proper administration process that has allowed the fraudulent activities in the organ isolation. This inconvenience must be improved through the implementation of the proper administrative body and HR manager. On the other hand, XERO must look or the improvement with the resulted issues so that they can clear its way successfully and can get more opportunities towards sustainability in future. 
Choong, C. (2016). Goods and Services (GST) Accounting System for Malaysian Retailing Company (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).
Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons.
Dunbar, K., Laing, G., and Wynder, M. (2016). A content analysis of accounting job advertisements: Skill requirements for graduates. The E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58.
Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2014). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Journal of Small Enterprise Research, 14(2), pp. 1-9.
Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14.
Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).
McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 140-152.
Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.
Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Wong, B., Li, K., Wong, B. and Yau, J.  (2017). E-learning in Accounting Programmes in Hong Kong: Evolution and Effectiveness. In International Conference on Blended Learning (pp. 97-105). Springer, Cham.
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johnmartin63-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://punjabassignmenthelp.com/hi5019-strategic-information-system-business-assignment-1-sample/
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
HI5019 Strategic information system for business Assignment 1 sample
Table of Contents
Part 1. 2
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems. 2
Commercial Software for Accounting. 3
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure. 3
Control Problems and Possible Fraud. 4
Part 2. 4
Introduction. 4
Development and Adoption. 5
Current Market Size. 5
Market Leader in Accounting Software. 6
Gap and Challenges. 6
Recommendation and Suggestion. 6
Conclusion. 6
References. 8
Part 1
Current Organisational Structure and Operational Problems
There are several industries and organization in the business m market of Australia. These are manufacturing and production industry, retail industry, sales, and marketing industry, food industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, fashion industry and much more. Every organization has their own set of structure, which is completely based on their requirements. In this context, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been chosen for study, which is also located in various parts of Australia and here it is known as INDIA AT HOME. There are total 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been found to be located in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are present at various suburbs like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong plaza, Glen Huntly and box hill (Sallem et al., 2017). The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company indicates the successful innovation process. This organizational structure is very much important for the growth of the organization in the competitive market. They have their franchise in Melbourne from where they control their overall supply chain process. They stock their products in this franchise branch and distribute the products to the target market or to the target customers as per their customer’s or market demands. The entire organizational structure is subcategorized into several parts which can be described as the top and bottom level of management. There are different levels in between these two main parts. At the top management level, high skilled managers are there who handles all the incoming and outgoing of products and control other processes. The Company mainly imports the products from India or store their own products at the franchise and on demands of the market distribute the products in the different franchise. Here are different managers are present who plays different roles in the organization. They are duty manager, HR manager, financial manager, marketing manager, stock manager etc. Apart from them receptionist, account manager or accountant and other staffs are also there. HR manager mainly looks for the recruitment process and distribute the employees in various departments as per requirements Stock manager mainly handles all the stock related data and maintain the record or incoming and outgoing products from the stock. Financial manager and the finance department team members are responsible for taking g care of cost management and keeping the record of total expense and total revenue generation per month or per year. They also produce the balance sheet at the time of an audit. Receptionist mainly handles the administrative works and do keep the receipt of every purchase or the delivery receipt. They provide the cash memo to the customer after every purchase and keep the record. Including all these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has total 156 employees. The company provides both the offline and online shopping facility. They also have the facilities like cash on delivery, online payment, debit card or credit card through payment etc, which attract more customers towards them and enables the customers to be flexible and relaxed for their payment. The organization has been identified with some major recruitment issues as the recruitment process and the interview process is not online and they even do not keep any data which create confusion during g the recruitment process (McManus, 2013).
Commercial Software for Accounting
It has been found d that INDIA AT HOME Company uses MYOB accounting software for their accounts management and for other relevant work. This MYOB software is quite efficient accounting software which has seven different categories like accounts, banking, sales, payroll, purchase, inventory and card life. This particular software helps in accessing the data regards to daily purchase or daily sales rate per the monthly/ yearly sales data in a single click which helps the accountants or the financial manager to take proper decision for the cost management and to organize the other departmental work efficiently (Curtis, 2015). This also helps in producing the bill for every purchase to the customers and the direct print out of the invoice can be easily taken. For the stock maintenance, it is also helpful like how many products have been sold out or how many new products have been newly introduced to the store every calculation can be easily done through the help of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).
System Flowchart of Sales Procedure
INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complex structure for their supply chain process of products. It is very simple and is easily understandable. The structure of the supply of products follows both the online and offline methods. The company has a very good reputation about their faster delivery process where it has been found that from the time of placing the order it takes very time to deliver the products at the customer’s door steps. After every purchase by the customers, they are handed over with the products along with the cash memo with specific details of the payable amount (Mayasari, 2015). A customer can pay the bill through online, cash on delivery mode or can use credit or debit card for their purchase which has c created a purchasing flexibility or the payment flexibility for the customer. As soon as the order is dispatched from the stores, it is updated with the remaining products numbers and the number of products dispatched. The product order, dispatching, shipping and the final delivery followed by the successful payment updating everything can be tracked over online (Choong, 2016).
Control Problems and Possible Fraud
Every coin has two sides. Likewise, the INDIA AT HOME Company also has two opposite sites where along with the different positive aspects it has different negative aspects too. It has been reported that there are many fraudulent activities are done in the different stores of this company. The major issues that have been encountered are that one person handles multiple tasks in this organization which c creates confusion with the job profile and the job role. Somebody who handles the cash also participates in the decision-making process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). On the other hand, everyone has the authorization to handle cash so the allowance of stealing activities are there and to hide the issues false financial reports are made sometimes which can be considered as the serious offense or fraudulent activity. Even the manners or the behaviour of the employees are also not very satisfactory. This activity must be maintained or controlled over time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).
  Part 2
Accounting is important for any business and the role of the accounting software is thus very much crucial for any business organization. It helps the organization to control the entire business operation along with the accessibility of the total expense and the total profit estimation. For both small and medium or the large scale business operation the importance of accounting software is very high. In the past era when, there was no accounting software, pen and paper and the manual process of calculation was the only way to keep the financial record. The invention of the accounting software happened for the first time in the year 1955-1960 and the change in the business operation process and the growth of different business organization drag the attention of the non-users or the manual accounting process followers (Wong et al., 2017). In this section a literature review on the accounting software has been done which will help in gaining the knowledge n the market size of different accounting software, their popularity, useful features, development, current gaps or the challenges that arise with the use of those brands and the recommendation for the improvement. Apart from MYOB, there are several other accounting software is available in the business market of Australia. These are XERO, QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT etc. Among them, the most popular are XERO which has been discussed in the following sections (Smith, 2017).
Development and Adoption
On 5th June 2007, XERO was launched in New Zealand for the first time in the exchange market at the price of $1. Exactly after 5 years from this launching time, Xero was introduced to the market in Australia in the year 2012 on 8th November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction had been done for the purpose of security exchange for accounting. Eventually, XERO received around $23 million (NZD) funds from the different investors in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from Matrix Capital, XERO received and $49 million (NZD) of funds which are really a big amount (Smith, 2017).
After the launching of this XERO, it had adopted many additional features to it like payroll, cash sharing etc. This was done in the month of July 2011. Before this innovation or the intervention of payroll, the number of existing customers of XERO was 1.9 million which increased up to 800,000. The other advantageous features were credit card payment, an automated banking system, invoice, reporting system to the management and many others. The intervention of the payroll system and the entire XERO accounting software solved all the hassles in Australia regards to accounts (Smith, 2017).
Current Market Size
XERO has 2, 50, 000 users and total 10,000 partners of them in the entire business world. As per the last year financial record, this has been reported that the total number of users has been increased by 53% in the competitive market of New Zealand. According to the managing director or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the winner among all the accounting software in the global competitive market. As compare to MYOB, XERO is far better and efficient. XERO has total 15% of the market share in Australia and has a high potential to increase its sharing percentage. The names of the other countries where XERO has been successfully used by the organizations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and several other Asian countries.
Market Leader in Accounting Software
The market competition of XERO is really had. It also has a high competition with MYOB. But upon the market analysis, it has been reported that XERO is cloud-based accounting software that allows more productivity and allows the users to access the data from any corner of the world and this gives the ultimate flexibility to the users and in turn, this makes the entire business operation easier. As per the report, it has been found that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has developed a market with 1.4 million customers. It also helps in fetching the data directly from a bank and can give the invoice with proper updating in the system. The high degree of accessibility of data over the internet has turned the preference of the customers towards XERO.
Gap and Challenges
This has been reported that the main challenges that XERO has been facing are the data stealing. Stealing of the data is quite possible because it is a cloud-based system and lack of encryption may allow it to be hacked. But, according to the managing director of XERO, namely Chris Ridd, XERO is secured and without the help of the internet connection the data can be downloaded and can be saved. A report says that 70% of the business market in Australia uses XERO rather than MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).
Recommendation and Suggestion
Though XERO has received an enormous success still it requires some improvement or innovation to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market. It has been found that XERO takes very long time to run on the computer and crash the application while running it in mobile. It also runs at a very slow speed in mobile. Thus it has received 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. After encountering these issues of XERO, the company had promised to launch a new version with more efficient features and faster processor in the year 2015 but still, this has not been launched. Therefore, these issues must be addressed and the improvement in the INDIA AT HOME organization’s structure and in the distribution of the job profile and job responsibilities must be done in a proper way.
After the complete analysis, it can be said that the INDIA AT HOME does not maintain a proper administration process that has allowed the fraudulent activities in the organ isolation. This inconvenience must be improved through the implementation of the proper administrative body and HR manager. On the other hand, XERO must look or the improvement with the resulted issues so that they can clear its way successfully and can get more opportunities towards sustainability in future. 
Choong, C. (2016). Goods and Services (GST) Accounting System for Malaysian Retailing Company (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).
Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons.
Dunbar, K., Laing, G., and Wynder, M. (2016). A content analysis of accounting job advertisements: Skill requirements for graduates. The E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 10(1), 58.
Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2014). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Journal of Small Enterprise Research, 14(2), pp. 1-9.
Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14.
Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).
McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp. 140-152.
Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.
Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Wong, B., Li, K., Wong, B. and Yau, J.  (2017). E-learning in Accounting Programmes in Hong Kong: Evolution and Effectiveness. In International Conference on Blended Learning (pp. 97-105). Springer, Cham.
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