sergelineisidore · 1 year
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OnlineMediaRoom- OMR
Hello beautiful people!
Welcome back to another tell about my Mastery experience here at Full Sail University. The end is approaching, and it's a bittersweet feeling. Anyone who has returned to school knows how exciting and stressful it can be. The goal is to succeed, but you also want to soak up all the knowledge you can and meet your short- and long-term goals throughout the process. Enhancing presence perception and managing reputation is crucial to a PR professional career. This month I enrolled in THE ONLINE MEDIA ROOM, and the course had much to do with presence. A brand presence, awareness, or recognition refers to the level by which your customers remember and recognize your business. The higher your brand awareness, it also follows that you'll have the broader range of audiences familiar with your brand's existence. 
This month, we created an Online Media Room for our capstone client for those who need to be made aware. An online media room is part of a company website created for the media. This page usually lists media content, news releases, and contact information for the organization's PR person.From marketing to blogging to building a website, knowing how to create trustworthy and engaging content can be challenging. This class gave me the knowledge I need to produce stellar content in this industry.
In daily communication, email, memos, and newsletters, it's all about knowing your audience. People visit your online media room, not just journalists or your brand's target audience. Potential stakeholders and future consumers are snooping around your company by visiting your website's media pages. Learning how to create an effective one is so important, and I learned and now understand the critical factors of creating and managing an effective one in my course this month. 
Full sail is a University that pushes your creative button another notch even when you feel you have reached its peak. The consistent goal is to grow from the last creation and understands that branding, managing, and creating is a constantly evolving; you have to maintain the mindset to stay current with the latest trends for your audience and industry and always push to grow with your audience to provide products they can consistently relate to. 
Sergeline Isidore
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jazmyndavis · 4 years
Mastery Journal-The Online Media Room
The course The Online Media Room has impacted my take on media relations and the PR world. Over the course of four weeks and the goals and objectives were made and provided in this course. Initially when I thought Online Media Room my thought was creating a space for others to view your work. Though it does offer examples of work for the public to view, it gives a more interactive feel.
The readings were very informative and useful resources to use. The discussions were based off of case studies that shared relatable topics to that week’s assignment. Not only were the discussions case study based but they provided opportunity for peer reviews and shared thoughts. This course showed me how to prepare for good and bad media and how to handle both.
The assignments showed me as a public relations specialist how to plan, promote, produce, and distribute content. Over these four weeks I have gained strength in evaluating and learning how to effectively reach my target audience. My peers were more interactive this course which is where the critique was provided to help us edit and make revisions to our media page. Tools and many resources were provided during this course to help structure the media room that we created this month.
So much was learned and obtained during this period of time and it helped shape my online presence and my consumer/media interactions. This course provided me with a layout that I am able to use for future use in the PR world. Now, I am able to provide my clients and consumers with a visual concept of my work and a way for them to review my public relations journey. On a personal level this course has shown me that I am capable of providing and organizing a visual representation. Professionally I have obtained the skills needed to handle media content and an entire online media room.
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katasharenee · 6 years
Online Media Room (Month 11)
The Online Room – Month 11
Before beginning this class, I was unaware of what an Online Media Room (OMR) was. My general thoughts about it were that it was a page on a website that included photos and videos of companies. I was not sure what to expect in this class, although I knew the central assignment would be along the lines of creating an OMR. But the first week of class, I was introduced to fairly quickly by having to complete an assignment titled, “Create Portfolio/Project Page.”
The months prior to this class were spent creating content about my Capstone Client, Alexus Brown. We were to create Press Releases, SWOT analysis, webinars, and keynote presentations. These content items were then used for the Online Media Room. It was challenging to figure out how to incorporate each media content item onto the website, but once I was finished, everything came together nicely.
One topic I learned about was Inbound Marketing. The PDF provided in Week two helped me better understand how inbound marketing benefits companies through the tactics used to promote brand awareness and how you can communicate your message through an online media room. The reading material helped assist with the week two discussion post where we had to analyze two different companies’ media room. It was important to look for key indicators like the overall message, tone, and aesthetic of the online media room. I was able to distinguish the difference between a well-executed page and a poorly designed page.
This class has taught me how to develop and update my online media room. It has also explained why having an online media room is important to any company or individual. This class has also prepared me to establish my target audience build an online media room that caters to that audience.
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rkhafer · 4 years
The Online Media Room
Well, here I am, I made it through month 11 of The Online Media Room.  My original goals consisted of:
·      Learning how to manage online media assets within an organization’s webpage,
·      Supporting both internal and external PR messages, and
·      Learning methods on how to strengthen a corporate web presence.
This month we learned several viewpoints from different online media rooms, some of these viewpoints make sense (while I would consider the others to best practices), that is if you want reporters to keep coming back to your OMR (online media room).  Some takeaways or smart additions that I want to add to my OMR would be:
·      A section of high-resolution photographs with my staff, logos, events held or attended, and relevant pictures or images.
·      A section of audio and video files, such as advertisements, B-roll, past conferences, news stories, speeches, and public service announcements.  These files would provide a download time, organized by file format, and size (that way the person downloading the file or files knows what to expect).
·      A calendar of events that you are attending, this may encourage the media to attend and get your possible exposure.  After the event, post a summary of what all happened, and include photographs.  It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words.
·      Lastly, I want to include awards, honors, or milestone achievements for myself or my business.  This type of positivity would boost morale for myself or my team, but it would also show others how we roll at The Rox Star Report.
This course has taught me the importance of keeping my website up to date with relevant topics and how to speak with one organizational voice, this will create a consistent site personality.  Another important factor to remember is to create a browser friendly online media room.  Things to consider are the specific target market, needs of the demographic, and what is your organization trying to accomplish or achieve.  These important things will keep the consumer coming back.  Do not use acronyms, jargon, or high-tech programs because your consumer may not understand or have connection issues.  Always think about how you can improve and update, there is always something new up and coming.
Patel, N.  (2020).  A Picture Says a Thousand Words: 10 Ways to Make Your Blog Visually Appealing.  [Online Image].  Retrieved on February 28, 2021, from: https://neilpatel.com/blog/a-picture-says-a-thousand-words-10-ways-to-make-your-blog-visually-appealing/
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brandiparigian-blog · 5 years
Mastery Journal: The Online Media Room
Just like that another month has come and gone. This week   I’ve wrapped up the online media room course of the public relations masters program. Before I exit this course and enter my last month of classes in this program. I’d like to take a moment to reflect on important goals that I met during the month. One of my goals that were achieved during the month was to learn why it is essential to have a press room section of a company/organization’s website. The importance of having an online press room is for journalists to have access to news coverage but it also benefits your online branding as well. An online media room must have press releases (boilerplate included), high-resolution photos, media mentions, contact information and a media kit. My second goal achieved during the course was to develop and create a page on my website for an online media room. Creating a variety of elements for this page was focused in weeks one through three of the course, where I learned the importance of including call to actions for journalists, and how anyone including visitors to my website can look for the most up to date information just by visiting the online media room. My last goal for the course that I met was to master the following essentials needed to incorporate into an online media room such as background information, image gallery, video content and PR/News contacts. Most of this content and information was developed over time throughout the public relations program in several of the courses. I was able to put this information and content on a single page on my website, and that's when the online media room was born on my personal website/portfolio. Over time I will be adding more content, and potentially find another layout that fits best for my portfolio. Super excited for everything to come in the final course and after graduation! 
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markellcreative · 7 years
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I learned that Type and Presentation are so important when it come to a Portfolio. Creating something that’s compelling and will engage your targeted Audience is highly effective. That means your content must speak informativelly and visually.
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Mastery Journal - Online Media Room
One month into my journey to mastery, I was afforded the opportunity to plan out all of the goals I wanted to achieve for each course. I also established strategies to help accomplish each goal. The three goals I established for the Online Media Room course were to (1) strengthen my web presence, (2) ensure that rich media’s rights and permissions are sound, and (3) successfully manage online media assets.
For the first goal, I intended to promote my brand and increase visibility. The assignments required in this course included creating portfolios and creating Keynote presentations using information from my brand’s website and social media. This allowed me to strengthen my web presence because it encouraged social interaction. Increasing the brand’s followers and group members made the ultimate goal attainable.
By taking advantage of Fair Use and public domain laws, the brand was able to stay within its rights and permissions. Also, the creation of original content ensured for a legally sound marketing operation. The only strategy that was not implemented for this goal was the risk assessment consultation with a data manager; however, this is an idea that the brand has been considering more recently.
The last goal, managing online media assets, could not have been achieved without this course. The principles and practices I learned in Online Media Room helped to create multiple platforms that all have the same information regarding my brand. Creating blog posts and adding certain press materials to my media room made my brand’s online presence actively engaging. It helped to convey fluidity among all media assets.
Ultimately, every objective I set for this course was met. The content was substantive and relevant to the course and to my goals as a future public relations professional. In my personal life, I intend to apply what I have learned to remain a strong communicator. I will always value my personal connections with other professionals because they have helped me to establish my brand’s vision. Professionally, I will use the web presence I have established to continue to publish and share original content for the purpose of increasing awareness and growing my client’s brand.
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Online Media Room
As the Online Media Room course comes to an end, I applaud myself on learning valuable concepts and strategies to incorporate into an organizations media room. My first course objective was to learn how to develop, integrate, and manage online media assets within the organization webpages to support external and internal public relation messages. Objective #2 included learning how to integrate digital media assets with existing third party platforms such as Facebook or twitter. My final objective during this course was to learn best practices for managing and updating online media assets to encourage participation across an organization.
The online media room met all my course objectives through the assignments I completed. In Week #1 we were required to create a branded capstone page for our client. This assignment correlates with my first objective because I was required to post content and media elements for my client that would set the tone and message to my constituent groups. I learned the importance of tone, design, layout, and format all are essential in terms of presentation. Another valuable concept I learned was to have a strong call-to-action for my audience. During this course, I learned the importance of incorporating best social media practice principles which met course objective #2. For example, when creating a media room for an organization one valuable principle to remember is incorporating a client’s social media channels throughout the media room. This drives press and the audience to follow the organizations social media platforms.
Based off the information and concepts I’ve learned I will be sure to remember the importance of creating a media room that compliments the online presence of my client. I plan to remember strategies that will attract press such as placing all media content in an organized format with visuals and media elements to illustrate messaging. Furthermore, I will continue to study fortune 500 organizations online media rooms for furthering studying and samples to master the skill of creating an effective online media room.
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jennymartorres · 7 years
Mastery Journal Entry: Online Media Room
This month time really flew! I can’t believe that this amazing journey is getting to the end. I feel like I need more time, to keep learning and improving myself as a Public Relations professional in the making. This class was very challenging but amazing class where I learned about the importance of having a good pressroom. It is highly important to create an effective newsroom not only for the users but for the media and your stakeholders as well.
I knew I was going to learn more about multimedia content and how to create and develop an effective message to your target audience. I learned how to create a user-friendly, targeted and well design online media room. At first, I thought that this class was going to be focused on creating and editing quality context on my website and on my capstone client pages. But once I began to read the lessons, I knew that it was more that creating and editing, it was also to focus your content on your target audience and the media. It is very important to learn who exactly is your buyer persona in order to create content that they will appreciate.
 I enjoyed reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of several online media room content strategies and its effectiveness on the market. It was very interesting to see the differences and similarities of the different brand's media room. I also enjoyed producing content for my capstone client on my own website. This course met and exceeded my expectations and I wish that I had more time in this class.
 My favorite assignment was creating The Concierge Elite media room and producing its narrated Campaign Snapshot.  I also, love to create content using Storify, which I plan to keep using to develop great stories in a near future. I plan to put in practice all of the skills and knowledge learned in this class in order to develop, integrate and manage online media assets not only for The Concierge Elite but also for my personal brand.
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