#only a few more pages 🎉🎈
frenchiepal · 28 days
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16.05.24 🌼 i'm so relieved my ba thesis is coming to an end because i kinda like having free time and not having to spend every available second in front of a laptop
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pastafossa · 9 months
Happy Birthday and a merry 6 years to TRT! 🎂 🎁 🎈 🎉 🍰
🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
TRT's sun sign is VIRGO and its moon sign is LEO!
After 6 years, its current wordcount is 932k words. If you put that in size 12 arial font, single-spaced, this would come to about 2000 pages, and even more if the pages were the usual mass market paperback size!
TRT is now 40 in cat years!
The Man in the White Coat is my tribute to the Mad Scientist trope common in scifi, which is one of my favorite genres!
It is old enough developmentally to tie its shoes! Keep going, TRT!
Ciro is partially inspired by John Marcone from The Dresden Files!
TRT shares a birthday with literary great Agatha Christie! Maybe I'll introduce poison-based murder into the fic in her honor...
The idea of seeing threads came to me after seeing a meme about red threads tying soul mates together. Everything that came after - the other threads, the thread world, how it works, is unique to TRT!
TRT is now longer than War and Peace, and Crime and Punishment combined! So if you've read all of TRT so far, then you have the perfect middle finger to anyone who tries to say you can't focus on longer stories!
The inciting penguin documentary that Foggy drunkenly watched (which led to him declaring Matt and Jane 'penguins') was about Adelie penguins specifically!
Jane has a leather jacket because I love leather jackets and think all badass characters should have a leather jacket! And so you should you! EVERYONE DESERVES A COOL LEATHER JACKET.
The long hiatus between Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 was because I had life things pop up. During that hiatus, I realized the plotline/ending needed some work, so I spent those two years outlining, and I also wound up doing a bunch of additional novel writing classes just because I wanted to learn. A lot of this wound up influencing TRT!
The grey threads are one of the only threads that no one has solved yet!
There are absolutely some bad people working for Cyrus James. There is also a guy named Kyle. He is there not for Evil Purposes (tm) but instead because this was the only place he could work that would allow him to pay off his student loans.
When I started TRT, I thought maybe 5 people total would read it. I was told five people total would read it by some shitty people. So I wrote it expecting five total people would read it, and told myself at least I'd enjoy it, and I could use it to learn. In other words: I had ZERO idea TRT would take off like this. None. Nada. Zip. AND LOOK AT US NOW, BABY. FUCK THE HATERS, 6 YEARS AND GOIN' STRONG.
Based on my outline, we're a bit over halfway to the end!
I hope you enjoyed these TRT funfacts. And I hope you know: this fic isn't just me. It's you, too. This fic has become so much larger than just me. It's the TRT playlist you've sent songs in for that keeps me inspired when writing. It's the fanart I look at to give me a boost. It's your sweet comments and likes and kudos and messages that encourage me when I'm sick or depressed. It's the people who've made friends over this fic, or who've been inspired to write fic themselves, adding beautiful works to the community that we all use to keep going. It's all of this love for both TRT and Matt, and I'm so happy that I've been able to contribute in at least a small way in keeping Charlie!Daredevil love alive even after the show's been gone for years now. I love you all so, so goddamn much. I love this fandom. I love TRT with all my heart. Thank you so much for being a part of these past six years through cancelations, through your high school and college years and beyond, through my ups and downs of moving and sickness and fiberglass and pandemic craziness, through late night chapter drops and wild twists and turns.
And I hope the next few years as we enter the second half of this story are just as amazing!
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jin0 · 2 years
Hi!!! I'm sorry but I just saw the 1k matchup thing, and I wanted to say 1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I literally just found your blog but you def deserve that and more your writings awesome!!!! And 2. Are you still doing it? If so can I have a matchup?? If not please completely ignore this!!! I don't remember what you said the limit for submitting stuff was so if it ended like a week ago then please just feel awesome abt the fact that you're an awesome writer and disregard the request part lol. I'm just gonna put my personality description here in case you're still taking them!!! But no worries if not!!!!
I'm a Gemini, I'm 5'3, I'm black and Bajan with dark skin. I have pastel pink locs right now, but I like to dye my hair a lot. I love learning languages, (especially dead ones, I'm actually learning ancient Egyptian and I know a liiiiittle bit of Latin) I'm a huge music lover but I mostly listen to rock and hyperpop, I have adhd, I sleep with two stuffed animals, I collect vintage tea kettles and my aesthetics are like, a mix of grandmacore, Lolita, sort of y2k bimbocore and lovecore Ig???? and I love mythology!!!! Could talk about norse and Greek mythology, scps, twilight, and fnaf lore for literal hours
Ok again congratulations!!!!!!!!!🎊🎈🎉🍾 and again sorry if you're not taking requests anymore!!!!!!!!! Please just ignore this if that's the case lol
Have an awesome day!!!!!! :)
hi pretty @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame !! yes it is still happening and i am still doing it and thank you so much for you incredible words love !!!
to you i give !! :
our intergalactical prince thor odinson !!
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listening to you speak was one of the most interesting things thor could do and enjoyed in life. the sound of your voice picking up in tone and speed as soon as a topic you found interest in was brought up was one, if not the best thing to witness.
currently sitting on a couch, he watched you carefully, enjoying the next book he brought you from asgard's library on the greeks and their gods. as soon as the book was dropped in your hand, he chuckled as you ran around the room chanting his name and praises, your pink locs flowing after you.
he'd been watching you read this book and the many tales on greek gods but as soon as you seemed immersed enough, he slipped you a second one, more like an album this time. coming from frigga's library. it recounted the many stories of loki and thor during their childhood and over the years, some as recent as from the previous century. he would be lying if he said he did not enjoy watching you throw away the greeks to focus on something centered around him.
you hugged his bicep tightly against your chest and read the stories hand written by frigga, asking for a few more precisions on some particular moments.
watching your lips move attentively, he could not help it, the beauty you were bringing him to a state of trance. he was not focusing on anything, his thumb brought up to your face and brushing your lower lip tenderly.
could he say that he was attracted to your intelligence ? or was it your eagerness to learn ? or your happiness at everything new you discovered ? or the enthusiasm you showed each time a subject you enjoyed was brought up, giving you the opportunity to share more ? he could never truly chose, deciding that ever part of your brain and being deserved attention and worship.
you did not stop talking, used to whatever he was doing. but your eyes did leave the page for a few seconds, staring into his as you recounted his childhood with a soft and sultry voice.
he'd been an idiot to think that he would be able to ignore his urges while you read about him. his ego was fragile and anything you did made it swell with pride and love. you'd chosen him as your lover and now, you were reading about him (and his brother). he could only let all this overflowing love travel around his body to converge towards the point that could never hide how much it wanted you.
letting his thumb run lower to graze your collarbones, he caressed your skin, debating whether or not he should give in to his urges. listening to his name be repeated so long could only push his buttons further. pressing his bulge in his firm hand, he dreamt of bringing tears of pleasure up to your beautiful eyes as you raved about his glorious battles.
the choice was made when he crossed your gaze, soft, loving and anticipating his next move.
"you desire me my love ? do the stories please you to that point ?" he smirks, looking deeply into your eyes and letting his deep baritone voice resonate through your body and send shivers down your spine.
you cleared your throat, attempting to keep your focus on the book, when his fingers took hold of your chin and slipped his thumb to push your tongue.
he watched you suck on his skin slowly, your tongue poking out as you kept looking at him through your eyelashes. as soon as gis finger left your mouth, your eyes dropped to the bulge in his pants, big and pulsating.
"i always want your thor... just... just that you wanted me first today..." you muttered softly, trying to get your eyes back on the page and not his cock, begging and aching for you
"what can i say ? i find carnal pleasure in listening to you speak of things you enjoy. and how could i resist when the thing in question is me ?" He groaned, kissing your cheek tenderly.
it was bound to happen but you still jumped when he suddenly got up the couch to place himself between your thighs. you praised yourself for wearing a soft dress that allowed him to see what the sound of his voice did to your poor pussy, leaking and dripping through the fabric of your panties.
pulling you towards him, he ripped your panties clean off and stuffed his nose in the bunches up fabric to take a big breath, eyes still focused entirely on you.
grabbing two handfuls of your ass, he raised you from the couch to lay on it and place you on his chest, your heated core directly resting on the skin of his abs. he pulled your thighs towards his face and smiled when you looked down on him. he kissed your inner thighs and bit on your flesh before licking a strip of slick that had ran all the way down.
"keep reading darling. i want to have your voice clear and loud while i enjoy the sweet taste of your desperate cunt on my tongue."
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