#only tagged with writing so more people see this- sorry doods ;'0
eimi-yosei · 3 years
A really concerning convo I overheard in my Double-French Class one time
Boy: So I saw this girl at my bus stop earlier, and when I tell you she was skinny, she was almost too skinny-
Girl: Could you see her bones?
Boy: Well, no- but-
Girl: Well then she wasn't skinny.
Hey @everyone , you don't have to be able to see your bones for my guys/gals/my non-binary pals to like you. You're completely perfect the way you are. If anyone tries to tell you differently, they're wrong. Doesn't matter if they're your parent(s), significant other(s), best friends, a complete stranger- even yourself. If it's negative and isn't helpful, it's not 'advice' worth knowledging.
Plus, if someone only likes you because of how many atoms are in your boy at a specific time, and not who you are as a person, they're cruisin' for a bruisin', mi amigo. Their opinion is worth as much as the pile of dog crap you accidentally stepped on that one time.
Look, I get that it's not the best thing in the world to be extremely overweight, as it most likely will cause problems in the future if it's not causing problems already. But there's a difference between being a healthy weight and literally starving yourself. If you're trying to lose weight, be sensible on which category you're planning on falling into. Stay safe! >:'D
Also, since I know only a maximum of like- six people will see this, I hope that whoever does- thinks about it, I guess? I don't know- I can't control y'all- just- try to catch yourself when you say or think something negative about your weight, appearance, intelligence, self-worthiness, whatever. You are better than no one, and no one is better than you. You're awesome, and no one has the right to deny that.
Signing off for now, Eimi >:D
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