onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 2
hit my goal again today!! i have discovered what works for me and it is multiple writing sessions. this is excellent news.
Total words: 3,856
Words written today: 1,812
Favorite line(s):
"Let’s go around the circle and introduce ourselves. Say your name, your species, and your major. And a fun fact!” We shifted awkwardly in our plastic chairs. Nobody liked this, but Eirwen did her best to make it seem fun. “I’ll go first. I’m Eirwen, I’m a vampire, and I’m studying film. My fun fact is that I’m vegan!” She grinned at our surprised expressions, and I made a mental note to ask her how that worked. Maybe she only drank vegan people’s blood and it was an inside joke. “Next?”
it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship!! p.s. eirwen is a real vegan, she drinks coconut water to mimic plasma and takes vitamins instead of killing people :)
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 15
halfway there! and i already hit the original goal i set for myself this month!! i am in utter shock. i can't wait to keep going and see if i can hit 50k!!
Total words: 30,122
Words written today: 2,584
Favorite line(s):
I made direct eye contact with Ezra as I opened my mouth and let out an extremely loud belch.
oh my god this is so stupid but i love this bit. she's just shotgunned a beer for the first time and everyone is like "but pretty girl?? can drink??" and she just burps at them to assert her dominance. god i love this story.
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
Sorry I haven’t been posting my NaNo excerpts, I’ve been really busy and I think I wrote 200 words yesterday and like 900 today so I’m a little behind (I had almost enough of a backlog so I’m only 500 words behind par overall)
That was a lot of numbers to basically say this - I’ve been a busy bee these last few days and I’ll catch up when my life slows back down. I’m not too far behind my goal and I feel confident that I can catch up in the coming days (even though now that I think about it…my life is only going to get busier lol I have a lot going on)
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 25
this whole bit was just. ugh. my brain is not having fun. but one of my characters is now canonically trans so there's that. oh also i broke 45k!! very happy with that as well
Total words: 45,512
Words written today: 1,330
Favorite line(s):
It felt so intimate to listen to someone else’s breathing while I lay in bed. But I thought back to the afternoon, and how safe I had felt sitting next to him, knowing that he wasn’t going to hurt me. Remembering that he was outside my window to protect me, and had unknowingly been bringing me comfort the whole time, made it easier for me to drift off.
aurelia just learned that graeme has been sleeping outside her bedroom and his breathing has been the sound that lulls her to sleep every night. it's happening they're falling in love IT'S HAPPENING
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onmywaytobe · 1 year
You know what’s wild? I’ve been working on the same WIP for months, and I did have to restart it twice to get to a good draft, but this third draft has only taken me 37 days so far. And I’m almost done.
Now those days have been spread out between November 1 and now, but looking at the data like that makes me realize that I’m not as slow of a writer as I thought, and if I were to write for like…two months consistently (one of those months being a NaNoWriMo 50k event) then I could finish drafts so much faster
Knowing that it only takes x amount of days (not even months!! Days!!) for me to finish a draft could be life-changing. If I can commit to finishing a draft in, say, 50 days, which I’ll know I’ve done before, then I actually stand a chance at writing all the WIPs I have rattling around in my brain. This is huge, each book usually takes me around four years to complete draft one, and then another year or so to edit, but that’s only because I’m not consistent. Knowing exactly how many days it would take, and giving myself a little wiggle room, means that the sky is the limit for me now
Of course I do need to finish this draft to get to that data point but I really am so close. Like way closer than I ever thought possible in such a short amount of time
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 30
yeah so this was another day where i really just phoned it in so as not to break my streak. I'm weirdly nervous about the next scene even though i know what's happening. i want to see how quickly i can finish an entire draft in one go so I'm going to keep working (and maybe posting about it...we'll see)
Total words: 52,256
Words written today: 454
Favorite line(s):
The outfit was simple, but I still felt pretty. The well-fitting dress was a nice break from the heavy layers of winter, and it was a good reminder that I still had legs. The dress had gold accents that brought out the gold in my skin and hair, making me glow. It had been awhile since I had done anything for myself, and making an effort on my appearance felt nice. It reminded me of home, getting ready for the spring festival. But I didn’t feel as nostalgic as I usually did when I thought of home. ABO was my home now, and I was just excited to get to party with my new family.
this is a little silly but we're getting to the whole beauty and the beast scene where she's all dressed up and they realize they're in love or whatever and idk I'm just happy for her lol
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 29
i really did not want to break my streak and write every day for November to get that lil badge on the NaNo website. but honestly i need a break lol
Total words: 51,802
Words written today: 625
Favorite line(s):
“Are you implying that I have feelings for the Beast?” I said, dropping the pretense that I was having a private conversation and glaring at him. Several of the boys exchanged significant looks. “Just because I’m nice to him? Honestly, you boys can be so ridiculous.” I folded my arms, but my heart was beating fast inside my chest. I didn’t have feelings for the Beast, did I? The amount of time we had spent together was friendly. The fact that I sought him out and enjoyed talking to him just meant that we were good friends. Right?
50k in and the romance is just now starting to romance. this book is going to be so freaking long lmao
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
Starting to get to the point where not breaking my NaNo streak is stressing me out instead of being fun…
Don’t want to break my streak or give up, especially this close to the end. I’m almost at 45k and I haven’t written yet today. I’m going to write something so I don’t break the streak but I’ve hit the boring middle of the story and I’m not having fun with the writing. I’ve lost my motivation and inspiration but I do want to win really badly….
I have a lot going on man!! I am tired and I want to give up but I’m going to push myself :(
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
Ugh wow I really don’t want to write today
These last few days have been kicking my butt and I’ve barely done 1,000 words a day. I’m feeling very demoralized and like I won’t hit 50k.
Part of the issue is that I already hit 30k, my tentative goal for the entire month, and another part is that I now know 50k won’t be the whole story. So if I can’t finish the whole first draft I might as well wait and keep working later since I won’t finish now anyway. And also I’m really busy irl and hit a slow point in the plot.
Basically everything is working against me right now and the only thing keeping me going is not wanting to break my streak…we’ll see how long that lasts
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
My brain is just chanting at me “nanowrimo NaNoWriMo NANOWRIMO”
It’s still the 31st for me but I guess I’m excited
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 28
i did it!! i won!! am utterly shocked that i did the thing but i did it. holy moly. 50,000 words. what an achievement.
Total words: 51,177
Words written today: 2,825
Favorite line(s):
Light started to peek over the edge of the trees, and one by one, the werewolves started to shake. I ran to get the robes, and by the time I emerged, there were five naked human boys waiting for me on the deck.
this line isn't very exciting but i had to pick something didn't i? sorry for being so anticlimactic for my winning post lol
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 21
i'm getting faster. this writing session only took me about an hour and I'm honestly surprised I've been able to draw it out so much. getting a little worried that this story is going to spiral out of control and be way too long but we shall see!
Total words: 39,652
Words written today: 2,000
Favorite line(s):
“That hurts!” he growled. I threw down the rag I was using to dab at the cuts. “If you just stopped moving–” “We’re done here.” He tried to get up and leave, but I grabbed his paw. He froze at the contact. “We’re done when I say we’re done. Now hold still.”
thought i would remind you that i'm doing a beauty and the beast retelling by showing you some lines of dialogue that i directly stole from disney's beauty and the beast. you're welcome
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 16
i super duper did not want to write today. we are entering the filler stages of the story and i am stressed. i do know what the next big event will be but I'm worried I'm rushing to get to it. oh well! pacing is a problem for draft 2
Total words: 31,775
Words written today: 1,653
Favorite line(s):
There was a strange depth to his amber eyes that betrayed the intelligence within. I held out the bacon again, and he lowered his head to take it. The touch of his damp nose against my palm was oddly intimate, especially when his tongue grazed me lightly.
i would like you to imagine feeding a giant wolf bacon out of your hand. now imagine inside that wolf is a frat boy. that is what's happening here. it's very weird and i love it
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 14
today was a filler day for sure. but you know what i hit my goal and i have a great scene lined up for tomorrow so i am still excited!! two weeks down, sixteen days to go!!
Total words: 27,538
Words written today: 1,569
Favorite line(s):
“Remember when I told you that some of us would need to be restrained?” He gestured with the chain, making it clink softly. “That’s what these are for. You’ll need to learn how to tie me up.” I burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it. The serious look on his face, the way he was holding the chain out to me like it was some kind of weapon – I couldn't handle it. He watched me, unsmiling, until I had calmed down. “That’s kind of kinky,” I said, setting off another round of giggles.
this is the best silly goofy part of the segment i wrote today. it's all such nonsense but I'm having fun
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 13
broke 25k today!!! i'm honestly shocked this is still going so well and I'm at the point where even to hit 50k i only have to write 1500 words a day. this has never happened to me before. who am i.
Total words: 25,969
Words written today: 2,470
Favorite line(s):
The howls coming from the yard told me that the wolves had emerged, and there was nothing left of my friends.
plot things are finally happening!! this dumb book is going to be so much longer than i wanted it to be but that's okay we're here now and I'm going to make it work lol
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onmywaytobe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 12
bit disappointed i forgot to write today until the end of the day, a bit below par but i think I've been keeping up with things enough that this won't be too big of a deal!
Total words: 23,499
Words written today: 1,140
Favorite line(s):
In my time, I had found that men deserved more punishments than they received for the way they treated their girlfriends.
this is almost definitely going to get cut in later revisions lmao but for now I'm going to share it bc it's kind of a banger
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