#ontario pr card
floodkiss · 11 months
Say "NO" to Genocide - Call, email, mail your reps (Canada)
Me and my friend spent some time today writing letters to the House of Commons, plus we have been calling MPs daily. I haven't seen too many resources for this floating around on tumblr, so here's a lengthy guide on how to do this plus some sample scripts! Long post ahead since I think it will be most helpful to dump everything in one spot to reference. On desktop, use CTR F/CMD F to search for the topic -> Phone / Email / Letter Mail / Contacts / Demands / Scripts / Fax
Update 1 - Nov 23: Updated emails with "mailto" hyperlinks, edited demands, added fax section, added scotiabank pres fax number.
On the PHONE / General Tips
Introduce yourself and identify yourself as a constituent by providing your postal code or address.
Ask to speak to the MP directly, but do not be surprised if you must speak to the MP’s staff instead. Staff can help move your issue forward.
Give the reason for your call and explain your concern.
Focus on one or two main concerns per phone call. Do not unload on the MP or their staff with all of your political concerns at one time.
Ask clear and pointed questions that require some explanation.
Ask for a commitment to action.
KEEP IN MIND Tips for Calling MPs:
Tell the MP that this issue will matter to you in the next election.
Avoid revealing party affiliation or sympathies. If you show that your vote is already cast for a certain party, the MP may not have the incentive to respond to your requests.
Be as brief as possible while outlining concerns.  Show that you respect their time.
Remain calm and respectful in dialogue. Be willing to work with them.
Follow up: Find out what actions were taken as a result of your call, and respond appropriately.
(Source: CPJ.ca)
CJPME Call Tool - Fill in the form, there will be suggested talking point. The tool will call your phone and then patch you through to your MP. If voicemail, state your concerns in 30 seconds. No address input will default you to call Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly.
Be sure you sign your email with your name and mailing address so they know you are a part of their riding.
You will most likely receive a PR-type response or no response at all, but please still send these. It disrupts operations, and it still contributes to pressuring your MP to act on behalf of your riding.
Mail may be sent postage-free to any member of Parliament at the House of Commons address. You just need to use an MP's full title if they are Cabinet members. Cabinet mebers have "The Honourable" attached to their names.
Postcards are efficient in that they are small pieces of card stock and can be a short message plus demands, no need to get use envelopes.
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6
Find your MP - ourcommons.ca - Contact the MP of your riding, any of the contacts below, as well as any cabinet members in your city or province.
Prime Minister (613) 992-4211 / [email protected] *FAX: 613-941-6900 /*If faxes are closed at the House of Commons line, try their local offices! (See below under "FAX" for fax guide!)
Deputy Prime Minister - Chrystia Freeland (613) 992-5254 / [email protected] FAX: 416-928-2377
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Mélanie Joly (613) 992-0983 / [email protected] FAX: 613-992-1932
Minister of International Development - Ahmed Hussein (613) 995-0777 / [email protected] FAX: 613-995-0777
Minister of National Defence - Bill Blair (416) 261-8613 / [email protected] FAX: 416-261-5286
Canada-Israel Interparliamentary Group (CAIL) Stéphane Bergeron (*he's not a chair or vice chair of this group, but i want to warn that stephane WILL argue with you, so call after hours if you are scared of confrontation 😭☠️) (450) 922-2562 / [email protected] Anthony House-father (Chair) (514) 283-0171 / [email protected] Randall Garrison (VC) (250) 405-6550 / [email protected] Marty Morantz (VC) (204) 984-6432 / [email protected] The Honourable Ya’ara Saks (VC) (416) 638-3700 / [email protected]
Embassy of Israel (613)567-6450 / FAX: 613-750-7555
Summarized from resistance groups such as H/mas, H/zbollah, PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), DFLP (Marxist Democratic Front got the Liberation of Palestine), CJPME (Canadians for justice and peace in the middle east), and other anti-war, anti-imperialist, IRL Palestinians.
Canada needs to...
Call an immediate PERMANENT ceasefire to end bloodshed
Send humanitarian aid to Gaza.
Institute embargo on all military exports to Israel
Close the embassies, and sanction Israel diplomatically and economically.
Use these as scripts for calling, emailing, and mailing. I suggest adding some of your own sentences and changing the subject lines (for email) so they don't end up in spam.
Example from Canada: Stop Arming Israel - World BEYOND War 
As we mourn the thousands of people in Israel and Palestine who have been killed in the past few weeks we refuse to stand by and allow the only true winners in war — the weapons manufacturers — to continue to arm and profit off of it.
Canada exported over $21 million in military goods to Israel in 2022, including over $3 million in bombs, torpedoes, missiles, and other explosives. - 2022 Exports of Military Goods 
Weapons companies across Canada are making a fortune off of the carnage in Gaza and the occupation of Palestine.
This is a call to action. It's time to stop letting these weapons companies profit off of the massacre of thousands of Palestinians. Find a location near you, get friends and allies together, and interrupt their business as usual to demand they stop selling arms and military technology to Israel.
Send an urgent message to demand Canada stop arming Israel and push for an immediate ceasefire to your Member of Parliament, the Prime Minister, and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Defense.
Dear [recipient's full name goes here], We are witnessing genocidal violence playing out in Gaza right now. Thousands of Palestinians have been killed, nearly half of them children. With a blockade on water, electricity, fuel and food, a quarter of all buildings razed to the ground, and over a million people displaced, UN experts have denounced Israel's actions as crimes against humanity. Meanwhile, weapons companies across Canada are arming -- and making a fortune off of -- the carnage in Gaza and the massacre of thousands of Palestinians by selling weapons and military technology to Israel. I am calling on you to do two things: to take immediate action to institute an arms embargo on Israel and to ensure Canada pushes for de-escalation and a ceasefire in Gaza. Sincerely,
Script Sample 2 from Palestinian Youth Movement
^This will open up a pre-written email in your chosen email app or site. Fill in the recipient line with the emails of MPs you wish to contact.
Script Sample 3 from CJPME's Email Campaign
^Complete the form to send an email to Prime Minister Trudeau, your local MP, and the leaders of the NDP, Convervatives and Greens. Canada must OPPOSE A SECOND NAKBA and dispossession of the Palestinians in Gaza by pushing for a ceasefire.
Script Sample 3 for mail:
(a mix of mine and a friend's)
I am writing to ask you to take immediate action to stop the genocide Israel is committing against Palestinians in Gaza as well as the onslaught of those in West Bank.
There is blockade on food, water, electricity, fuel, and the use of internationally banned white phosphorus to exterminate Palestinians. Aid is not able to enter Gaza because of this blockade. UN experts have named Israel’s actions as genocide citing numerous war crimes they continually commit.
While over 10k civilians have been martyr’d (4.2k of which are children), Canada has not even been able to NAME such crimes as genocide or call for an official ceasefire. This is not enough.
Canada needs to:
Call an immediate ceasefire to end bloodshed
Send humanitarian aid to Gaza.
Institute embargo on all military exports to Israel
Close the embassies, and sanction Israel diplomatically and economically.
Using faxzero.com is simple, just follow up the steps on the website. No fax machine required! Tell officials your demands and customize your letter by noting their complicity based on their role as a politician or gov official. Or keep it brief and simple, in large legible letters. 
Demands could include:
That you are a “Canadian” constituent That you are demanding an IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT CEASEFIRE IN GAZA; That you demand a total withdrawal of financial (taxpayer) and commercial support and arms for continued occupation in Israel’s 70+ year occupation in Palestine; That it is shameful that [X] is choosing not to speak up for the deaths of more than 11,000 Palestinians, half of whom are children and thousands of others displaced; That Palestinians like all people, deserve life, dignity and justice; That Israel is breaking multiple international laws daily and Canada MUST meet its international commitment to promote and defend human rights under the Geneva Convention; That not putting these actions in place will harm constituents and undo acts of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and other marginalized communities in Canada by not protecting the Indigenous peoples of Palestine; That unless there is concrete and everlasting action taken place, that there will be no peace until Palestine is free, and subsequently that you will not be voting for them (if applicable) in the next election.
Sign off with your name, address and postal code (if applicable, furthering that you are a resident on the stolen Indigenous lands otherwise known as “Canada”) Extended fax list: Scott thomson (president of scotiabank) - 416-866-5929 joe biden / whitehouse - 202-456-2461
(source: @/harlo.gif on IG)
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Female rugby players are not used to feeling like they have been hit by a bus on the field. Or a truck.
A veteran female rugby player, who plays for the Stoney Creek Camels senior women’s team, said she was hit so hard in a recent game, it felt like a man delivering the tackle.
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This transgender player, known as Ash — said to have registered as a non-binary person who identifies as female — stands about 5-foot-10 and weighs up to 220 pounds. 
“We are women,” said a female player on the receiving end of a tackle. “It’s a whole other thing playing rugby against men.” 
Or one who used to be — especially one of that size, who is also said to have been an MVP at the men’s level just last season. 
“I had never been hit like that before, even at the competitive women’s level,” said the player. “There was so much more brute force. There are women who are bigger than him, but no girl hits like that. This is a strong human.” 
“The player is a nice person, but that is not the point,” said the female player. “We are now at a disadvantage.”
This story has sparked a lot of discussion within the rugby community – many comparing it to the Leah Thomas swimming issue in the United States. But as one female player pointed out, competitive swimmers have their own lane and there are no collisions. In rugby, it’s all collisions, all the time. She said Ash’s legs are massive and strong, and “you feel the hits from (them) the next day.”
Diana Murphy a friend of some of the players, tweeted: “Three women’s rugby players had to be removed from a game and treated for injuries from hits sustained by a transwoman” and that she feels “Trans have no place in women’s sports.” Rugby Canada said there were no illlegal hits, but sources in the game said Ash received a yellow card from the referee for a hit to the head of one female player. Ash was pulled from the game. Players said they are not clear whether it was at the insistence of the referee or the Fergus coach. Either way, Rugby Canada said this is a federal inclusion issue and not only is this transgender player welcomed in the league, but the law protects that person from discrimination.
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“We are aware of the matter in question but would advise that Rugby Canada has received no formal complaints,” said Managing Director Tania Richards. “All rugby played in Canada abides by federal government laws which regulates inclusion in sports."
She said there were no players hurt and there were no illegal hits as has been suggested on social media. What there has been, said Richards, is online harassment of the transgender player. The Fergus club has not yet responded, but has forwarded our request to speak with Ash. Meanwhile, there are some players who feel they should not have to play against someone who was recently considered male, but are afraid to reveal their identities for fear of being targeted or cancelled themselves.
All sides use the word “complicated” when talking about this matter. Rugby Ontario sent a communique to members, saying “for those who attended Sunday’s board meeting, you are aware of some concerns that have arisen about player safety in the context of a transplayer playing in club games” and “we are working closely with Rugby Canada senior staff on the matter and are together developing action and communication plans, informed by the counsel of their third-party crisis management PR agency.” They also asked, “if you are contacted by anyone in the community or the media, please do not engage by offering any opinion or comment on the situation.” What they don’t seem to be doing is fully accepting there are some female players who don’t feel comfortable going up against a transitioning opponent in a physical sport where size and strength play a role. One player said the collision she had with trans player Ash was unlike any other impact she has felt in all her years playing rugby.
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myconsultantcanda · 2 years
Brief introduction of IRCC
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Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is a federal government department you will be interacting with both before and after you arrive in Canada.
Clients interaction with IRCC before and after arrival Your exposure before you arrive will be through online immigration applications or the many visa offices outside Canada. After you arrive you may have further involvement through one of more than 500 IRCC-supported service provider organizations for settlement services, and interact with IRCC bylater extending your permanent resident card, and eventually going through the process to become a Canadian citizen.
IRCC in-land offices IRCC has an operations support centre in Canada’s capital city of Ottawa, and immigration case processing centres in Ottawa, Edmonton, Mississauga and Sydney. It also has offices in Calgary and Edmonton in Alberta; two in Vancouver and one in Surrey, British Columbia; one in Winnipeg for Manitoba and Nunavut; Fredericton, New Brunswick; St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador; Yellowknife, Northwest Territories; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Mississauga, two in Toronto, and Windsor in Ontario; Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island; two in Montreal, Quebec; and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
It also has temporary offices across Canada for citizenship tests, interviews and ceremonies and immigration interviews.
IRCC help center Your first point of contact for questions is the IRCC Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100.  Wait times can be long and both immigrant settlement agency staff and Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants complain the answers to questions are not consistent. One call centre employee can give you one answer, and another could tell you something different. However, the IRCC website has comprehensive information.
Front counter IRCC staff do not provide general information or updates on specific files. IRCC was formerly known as Citizenship and Immigration Canada and its website at www.cic.gc.ca is thorough and contains most of the information you will need, including application forms and application guides. There is an online help centre at www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/index-featured-can.asp
The objectives of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and its accompanying Regulations are the sources relied upon for immigration and refugee applications, decisions, and appeals. IRPA has 10 objectives, described in the Act, including: to permit Canada to pursue the maximum social, cultural and economic benefits of immigration; strengthen the Canadian social and cultural fabric; support a prosperous economy with the benefits shared across all regions of Canada; reunite families; promote the integration of permanent residents; facilitate the entry of visitors, students and temporary workers; protect the public health and safety of Canadian society; promote international justice and security; and work with the provinces to secure better recognition of foreign credentials of permanent residents and more rapid integration into society.
Recent PR programs of IRCC  Recent IRCC programs designed to share the benefits of immigration across Canada include the Atlantic Immigration Pilot and the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot. The Greater Toronto Area continues to attract one-third of all immigrants to Canada, with Vancouver and Montreal also receiving large shares. 
IRCC’s immigration plan IRCC is estimating between 310,000 and 360,000 immigrants will arrive in 2020, with a target of 340,000. The largest numbers will be in the various economic streams, with the remainder in family class, refugees and protected persons or humanitarian and compassionate categories. An increasing number of spaces will be devoted to provincial nominees. The immigration target continues to rise each year to counteract an ageing population and shrinking labour force.
IRCC says, in its Departmental Plan, that it “continues to manage permanent resident selection, attracting the best and the brightest to Canada, through its Express Entry application management system and its collaboration with provinces and territories that nominate permanent resident candidates.”
One of its goals is to eliminate the backlog of privately sponsored refugee applications and reduce processing times to an average of 12 months for most applications.
IRCC’s current priorities are to grow immigration; streamline economic immigration program requirements; improve settlement outcomes; improve client experience; provide international leadership on refugee and migration issues; introduce a more inclusive citizenship study guide; and work with Canada Border Services Agency, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the provinces to address increases in irregular migration to Canada.
In addition to a target of 340,000 immigrants in 2020, the number of temporary residents arriving will be in the millions. In 2016-17 there were almost four million visas and electronic travel authorizations issued to visitors, international students and temporary workers.
Another IRCC goal is to focus on improvements to program delivery through the more than 500 service provider organizations it funds across Canada. It especially wants to see improvements in language training, employment services and support to vulnerable newcomers, including visible minority women. 
It also wants to work with the service provider organizations to ensure that services pertaining to culture, history, sports and recreation are available. Cross-cultural activities and one-on-one exchanges will be encouraged to build language skills. It will continue to work with the more than 60 Local Immigration Partnerships across the country to encourage welcoming communities for newcomers. 
IRCC’s budget for 2019-20 is almost $2.4 billion and approximately $1.4 billion is allocated to settlement support services.  It has a total workforce of more than 7,000. A little more than 1,000 people work in the area of visitors, international students and temporary workers; almost 3,000 work in immigrant and refugee selection and integration; approximately 1,600 work in citizenship and passports; and almost 1.600 in internal services. The thousands of people across Canada working for service provider organizations are employees of non-profit organizations, not IRCC.
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triplei2023 · 2 years
What is Canada PR Visa
An immigrant to Canada who has been granted permanent residence status but, is not a Canadian citizen is known as a PR. Citizens of foreign nations are those who live there for the long term or permanently.
A temporary visitor to Canada, such as a student or migrant worker, is not considered a PR.
The Government-Assisted Refugee Program or the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program allows refugees who are resettled from Foreign to become PR.
A refugee claimant in Canada does not instantly become a PR. The Immigration and Refugee Board must initially approve their claim before they may become one. The next step is for them to apply for and get PR.
Is it easy to get PR in Canada?
The simplest way to approach entering Canada is mainly dependent on the applicant's qualification conditions. Furthermore, it is based on the priorities, Profile, and objectives you have made for yourself.
A lot of immigration routes have been opened by the government as a result of Canada's small population. They aid foreign nationals in obtaining smooth immigration to Canada. The simplest means to immigrate to Canada are provided by the government.
If you want to settle in Canada, the best way to do so is to apply for a Canada PR from India. You can stay and work in Canada forever if you have PR status. The Canada PR visa card has a 5 validity period even though it is a permanent visa.
Ontario is by far the most popular province for new immigrants to Canada. About half of all new Canadian permanent residents arrived in Ontario in 2021. The largest city in Canada is also the most populated in Ontario.
If you are thinking to immigrate then, contact Triple I Business Services
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5 Essential Things To Do When You First Arrive in Canada
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Are you considering moving to Canada? Once they arrive, newcomers must complete a number of tasks to get ready for their new life in Canada. Despite the fact that the procedure can seem intimidating, the Canadian government provides numerous resources to aid immigrants at every stage. The top five things to do when you first arrive in Canada are listed below.
1. Housing
When you arrive in Canada, you will need a place to reside right away. Before you arrive, make a reservation for some temporary housing to save yourself some hassle. The majority of hotels and hostels let you book a room online, making them excellent choices for short-term lodging. You can begin investigating a more long-term solution once you have more information about the area where you intend to reside.
2. Health Insurance
The public health insurance programme is open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Once you've decided which province you'll live in, learn what the provincial plan covers. Each province and territory has its own health insurance plan.
New residents may have to wait up to three months in some provinces before becoming eligible for government health insurance. While you wait, you might get private insurance to cover your needs. For any services that your province's public plan does not cover, you can alternatively get private insurance. Some firms in Canada additionally provide their staff with additional health insurance.
Contact your provincial ministry of health for information about getting health insurance:
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Quebec (in French only)
3. Social insurance number
To work in Canada, you require a Social Insurance Number (SIN), which is a nine-digit number. You require it in order to participate in government programs and receive benefits. One can be requested in person at a Service Canada office or by mail. To establish your identification and status, you must present an original main document, such as a permanent resident card or proof of ongoing residency.
4. Canadian bank account
As soon as you can, you ought to create a bank account in Canada. Even if you don't have a job, a permanent address, money to deposit into the account, a good credit rating, or have filed for bankruptcy, you can open a personal bank account in Canada. All you have to do is visit a bank in person and show proper identification. Your bank's teller will be able to guide you through the procedure, and many banks offer special services for immigrants to Canada.
5. Connect with your community
It can be frightening to relocate, especially if you don't know anyone there. Not only will making new acquaintances make you feel more at home, but it will also expand your professional network and aid in job search in Canada. It can be highly beneficial for newcomers to be connected with other immigrants or Canadians through immigrant-serving groups. Additionally, you may provide your time to charitable organizations, schools, or community centres in your area. There are numerous ways to get involved; look for events you can attend to meet people who share your interests.
Do you require assistance completing your immigration application to Canada? Discover all of your possibilities by completing our free online evaluation right now!
Settlewise International offers canada pr consultancy in ahmedabad, Start-up visas and Investment visas for Canada in Ahmedabad.
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pinertrendy · 2 years
Ryan garcia next fight
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#Ryan garcia next fight professional#
#Ryan garcia next fight free#
Garcia is a polarising figure amongst fight fans: he is either the next big thing, or an Instagram model masquerading as boxer. On July 16, Ryan Garcia (23-0, 19 KOs) dominated former WBA super-featherweight world champion, Javier Fortuna, dropping the Dominican three times en route to a sixth-round knockout, at the Arena, California. Promotional offers not available in Nevada and New York. What Next For Ryan Garcia Written by John A MacDonald on 18th July 2022. Sports betting is void in Georgia, Hawaii, Ohio and Utah and other states where prohibited.
#Ryan garcia next fight free#
In Ontario, if you have questions or concerns about your gambling or someone close to you, please contact ConnexOntario at 1-86 to speak to an advisor, free of charge. Call or text the Tennessee REDLINE: 80 (TN) or call 1-88 (MS). Rewards issued as non-withdrawable free bets or site credit. All promotions are subject to qualification and eligibility requirements. dollars for the capture of Anastacio Garcia, in 1855. AZ, CO, DC, IA, IN, LA, MD, MI, MS, NJ, NV, NY, PA, PR, TN, VA, WV, or WY. 396 was made a special order for Wednesday next at nine o'clock P. Must be 21+ years of age or older to wager. With an entire decade of youth to his advantage, the American will obviously have the speed and accuracy advantage over the Ghanaian, making it the key to the young prospect’s victory on Saturday night. On paper, Garcia is the heavy favorite to win the match by way of stoppage because of his 85% finishing rate and unblemished record compared to Tagoe’s 32-1 record and only 45% of stoppage wins.Īlthough King Ry only has a two-inch reach and two-inch height advantage over “The Gameboy,” a massive discrepancy in age will play a factor in the match as Garcia is ten years younger than Tagoe. These timings could change due to the length of the undercard bouts. BST with main event ringwalks scheduled for 11 p.m. Now, Ryan Garcia’s much-anticipated return to action will be against Emmanuel Tagoe, as both fighters are looking to sustain their respective winning streaks. The main card is scheduled to get underway at 8 p.m. The win earned Garcia the WBC Interim Lightweight Title and made him the number five-ranked lightweight contender in the world. However, the setback awakened the undefeated fighter as he composed himself and turned the tide in the match by eventually stopping the Englishman in the seventh round through a powerful shot to the liver to send Campbell down for good. LUKE CAMPBELL PUTS RYAN GARCIA ON THE CANVAS IN ROUND 2 💥 /hCQaPiVHjY
#Ryan garcia next fight professional#
The 23-year old suffered his first-ever professional knockdown when Campbell connected a perfectly-timed hook that caught him right in the chin, downing him in the second round. The biggest test by far in his young career came in his last outing against Luke Campbell when they crossed paths in January 2021.
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saabimmigration · 2 years
How to Renew a PR Card
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Canada's permanent residents are issued PR cards, making it easier for individuals to return to Canada following their trips abroad, easing their return to Canada after overseas travels. PR cards are renewable ONLY in Canada. Canadian PR Renewal is necessary since PR Cards have an expiration date, and you must apply for a new one before the old one expires. 
Don't be alarmed if you find yourself in this situation where your PR card has expired. 
Expiry of the PR card does not mean that your PR (permanent resident) status has expired. Permanent Residence (PR) Status stays in effect until the cancellation procedure is initiated. 
There are various methods for resolving the issue of an expired PR card, depending on your circumstances. Several factors determine the strategy to use:
When your PR card expires within the next 730 days & you reside in Canada.
apply for renewal stat
If your PR Card has already passed its expiration date
Are you in Canada
Are you traveling overseas?
 When outside Canada without a valid PR Card, a PR Travel Document (PRTD) is required to return to Canada. 
The main reason for this is that you will have to pick up your PR Card in Canada if you apply for one. 
As a result, only one option is PRTD.
You are eligible if you have spent at least 730 days in Canada in the last five years. 
To reclaim your PR status or renew your PR card, you must be present physically in Canada for a least 730 days out of five years.
You can obtain a new PR card if your current PR card has expired or will expire within nine months and you meet the eligibility criteria. The majority of new PR cards expire after five years.
Documents Required for a PR Card Application
The expired PR needs to be handed over to the PRCC officer on receiving the new PR card.
Other documents listed in the documentation checklist include 
a copy of your passport or a travel document
Photos (as per the application specifications).
Please fill out form IMM544E and submit it with the documentation mentioned above to replace a stolen, destroyed, or expired PR card.
Speak with a professional immigration advisor about your options. You can reach us at +1 (877) 683-SAAB (7222) | [email protected] or visit us at www.saabimmigration.ca.
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virtuemoirdailynews · 5 years
Post-One-Year Anniversary to PyeongChang Timeline #04
Post-One-Year Anniversary to PyeongChang Timeline
Links: #01 Post-Sochi 2014-2016, #02 Post Comeback 2016-2018, and #03 Post PyeongChang 2018-2019
2019, continued:
February 22 – Scott poses with several junior ice dance teams on the ice at Toronto Cricket Club and is thanked for his help (Toronto)
February 23 – Tessa posts from Florence, Italy + Scott at Ilderton Arena + Scott posts a video from Thank You Ilderton + attends Paul Brandt concert that night (London)
February 25 – Tessa posts with Carolina Kostner and Anna Capellini (Florence) + VM confirmed as skaters for Fantasy on Ice + Great Kitchen Party/b2ten release video about their organization’s partnership with an interview with VM
February 27 – Tessa's Nivea Urban Skin commercial debuts + Scott’s Leaf Nation interview game session Guess Who? is released + Scott posts on twitter regarding a Leafs game + Tessa posts from Tuscany (Italy)
March 2 – Scott at a Blue Jays spring training game (Dunedin, Florida) + Scott with Jackie, Cara and friends at dinner (in face paints) in Disneyland (Florida) + Tessa posts from Tuscany (Italy)
March 3 – Tessa posts from Tuscany (Italy)
March 4 – Scott works with Carreira/Ponomaranko at Novi (Detroit) + attends a celebratory dinner + Tessa posts her new Nivea commercial + Toys R Us/Barbie announces Tessa as one of their choices as a Canadian role model and an appearance
March 6 – Tessa announces partnership with Barbie
March 7 – Scott tweets about Tessa’s Barbie partnership
March 8 – Tessa appears on several morning shows with her Barbie “Close The Dream Gap” promotion and a Barbie event (Toronto)
March 9 – Tessa at Toys R Us as an appearance in partnership with Barbie/Mattel as a Canadian Role Model for Barbie’s 60th birthday (Mississagua) + Tessa and Scott individually post about Lajoie/Lagha’s Junior World gold medal win
March 11 – Scott’s Leafs TV interview is released (taped February 19)
March 14 – Tessa tapes commercial for Air Miles partnership (Toronto)
March 17 – Tessa appears as a presenter for the Juno awards (London)
March 19 – Tessa spotted at The Root Cellar for dinner (London)
March 21 – Tessa attends Nivea UrbanSkin launch event (Toronto)
March 22 – Scott in an Instagram story doing coach duty (Montreal)
March 23-24 – Tessa and Scott doing choreography with Sam (Montreal) + Tessa spotted on a flight back to London
March 25 – Scott coaching Lajoie/Lagha (Montreal)
March 31 - Tessa posts an instagram (latergram?) from the cottage (Bayfield)
April 1 - Tessa and Scott attend the M&M Food Market partnership rally lunch (Mississauga or London).
+ Tessa and Scott attend ‘London Sportspeople of the Year’ celebrity dinner and auction (in support of Thames Valley Children’s Centre)
+ Tessa’s Nivea’s No Limits ad (choreographed by Sam Chouinard) is released. + Tessa’s cover on Glory magazine is revealed and Tessa is named as one of Canada’s 30 under 30 leaders by Bay St. Bull
April 2 - Tessa appears on several morning shows to promote the Nivea No Limits ad/campaign (Toronto)
April 3 - Tessa and Scott going for coffee at Starbucks (his treat) (Toronto), shown using his T/S Latch Visa Card.
+ Tessa and Scott lunching together at Calii Love (Toronto) and Tessa posting a picture of her old skates and the newer ones (possibly training for new ex programs?).
+ Tessa and Scott tour the Walter Carsen Centre with Canadian National Ballet’s Heather Ogden and Guillaume Côté and announce an upcoming project with them (Côté as choreographer) (Toronto)
April 4 - Tessa and Scott working with Heather Odgen and Guillaume Côté at the National Ballet for an upcoming project. (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott filming new content with Hello Fresh (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott attends the Wanderluxe 2019 event sponsored by Air Canada (in support of the Hospital for Sick Children & the SickKids Research Institute) at the Fort York Amoury (Toronto).
+ Tessa revealed as a guest judge for upcoming season of MasterChef Canada
April 5 - Tessa and Scott spotted skating together at the Granite Club (Toronto)
April 6 - Day 1 of Scott working for Skate Canada’s weekend development camp as a featured “coach” (Calgary)
April 7 - Day 2 of Scott working for Skate Canada’s weekend development camp as a featured “coach” (Calgary) + Tessa doing a photoshoot at her house with redbutton photography [Eric Rockburn] (London)
April 8 - Tessa tweets about the upcoming tour in the fall and their media day from (London) + posts from Toronto
April 9 - Tessa and Scott announce the Rock the Ice Tour for the fall of 2019. Cast + partial dates announced. + Media day for RTR: Tessa and Scott appear on several shows to promote the tour (Toronto)
April 10 - Media Day 2 for RTR: Tessa and Scott appear on several shows to promote the tour (Toronto)
April 11 - Scott tweets about the RTR and the Leafs game + Tessa posts from London, UK.
April 12 - Tessa posts from London (UK): visits the Dior exhibit at the V&A museum and attends the Come From Away musical at the Phoenix Theater.
April 13 - Tessa hanging out with Lilah and Sasha Fear, two british ice dancers training part time at Gadbois, having afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason  (London, UK) + Scott tweets multiple times about the Leafs game.
April 14 - Tessa on the ice with Sasha Fear at the Alexandra Palace ice rink (London, UK)
April 16 - Rehearsals for Ice Fantasia (Seoul, Korea). Scott seen lacing up his skates, T+S on a bus, and Tessa and Jason Brown skating around on a weibo video.
April 16-18 - Rehearsals for Ice Fantasia (Seoul, Korea).
*****Ice Fantasia (April 19-21) (South Korea)*****
April 19 - First Ice Fantasia Show. Tessa and Scott debut a new ex: Dark Times and re-use their 2018 ex: You Rock My World (Seoul, Korea).
April 20 - Tessa posts about their Dark Time program on Instagram. Second Ice Fantasia Show, (Seoul, Korea)
April 21 - Third and last Ice Fantasia Show + banquet with all the Ice Fantasia skaters (Seoul, Korea)
April 22 - Tessa back in Canada. Posts an Instagram story from the airport. (Toronto?)
April 24 - Tessa doing a photoshoot for a “special project” with Genevieve Caron (Toronto)
April 25 - Tessa records the Player’s Own Voice podcast with Anastasia Bucsis + attends the One Connection pop-up event about branding with Bumble Bizz [curated by Jessica Mulroney] (Toronto)
April 27 - Scott spotted in a restaurant outside of Ilderton having lunch with his mother and brother (Ilderton)
April 29 - Tessa doing interviews/media for fillactive/fitspirit (Montreal)
May 1 - Tessa as a guest of honor/ambassador, giving a speech at the Villa Maria high school for fillactive/fitspirit (Montreal)
+ Cabbie presents podcast, The Kit truth or dare game and Tessa x Nivea Elle Canada interview come out.
May 2 - Tessa doing a photoshoot with Bonlook in the morning (Montreal) + attends the Canada Youth Summit as a guest speaker with Sophie Grégoire Trudeau for Fillactive the rest of the day (Ottawa) + Scott coaching at MAC’s Spring Skating School (Komoka)
May 3 - Tessa and Scott brunch with the members of Birds of Bellwoods at Rivoli on Queen Street West + attend the Stars on Ice show incognito (Toronto)
May 4 - Tessa attends a Barre Belle class with/taught by her sister Jordan in the morning + does a photoshoot with Adidas (Toronto)
May 5 - Tessa attends a meet & greet for Nivea [at the Run for Women event] (Moncton) + Scott is spotted at the airport in Florida (Tampa)
May 6 - Tessa posts from her house about a Barbie PR package and her home office renovations being nearly done (London)
***** Canada’s Great Kitchen Party Auction Trip, Mallorca (May 9-16)
May 9 - Day 1. Tessa posts from Palma (Mallorca, Spain) + probably hiking and attending a musical performance.
May 10 - Day 2. Tessa posts from Puigpuñent (Mallorca, Spain). Hiking and tasting rosé.
May 11 - Day 3. Tessa and Jackie appear at what looks like a wine tasting with some GPK guests (Mallorca, Spain) + probably cycling and visiting the Palma Cathedral.
May 12 - Day 4. Tessa posts about Mother’s Day and arranging for a flower bouquet to be sent to Kate (Mallorca, Spain).
May 13 - Day 5. Tessa’s partnership with MAC Cosmetics is announced as part of the MAC Canadian Original Campaign + tapas tour at night (vm + Jackie and the guests appearing in one picture) + probably winery tour (Mallorca, Spain)
May 14 - Day 6. Tessa posts from Mallorca. Probably hiking at Sant Elm, visiting La Trapa (Mallorca, Spain)
May 15 - Day 7. Last day. Probably exploring and shopping in Valldemossa + final banquet and musical performance (Mallorca, Spain)
May 16 - Day 8. Travel Day (Mallorca, Spain) + Tessa’s Air Miles Ad is released.
May 17 - TESSA’S 30TH BIRTHDAY - Tessa posts about celebrating her birthday with champagne from what appears to be her house or the cottage (London or Bayfield?)
May 19 - Tessa spotted by a fan at Romeo’s Corner Cafe (Stratford, Ontario)
May 20 - Tessa attends opening night at Budweiser Stage in partnership with Air Miles (Toronto) + Scott spotted grocery shopping in Tampa (Florida)[unproved]
***** Canada’s Great Kitchen Party Auction Trip, Newfoundland (May 22-27)
May 22 - Tessa posts about working out in her hotel room + Day 1: musical performance with Alan Doyle at the Merchant Tavern (Saint John’s, NL)
May 23 - Day 2: Book reading with Marc Critch and Alan Doyle at the Saint George Anglican Church in Petty Harbour + Scott spotted by two fans at Christian’s Pub (Saint John’s, NL).
May 24 - Day 3: Tessa and Scott skating and having a beer afterwards + pub crawl on George’s Street (Saint John’s, NL)
May 25 - Day 4: Tessa and Scott visit and picnic at the Ferryland Lighthouse + Tessa posts a cute InstaStory of both of them there (Saint John’s, NL)
May 26 - Day 5, Last Day: Tessa posts a picture of her and Scott at The Rooms for the final GKP banquet + musical performance by Alan Doyle at the Yellowbelly Brewery (Saint John’s, NL)
May 27 - Day 6: Travel Day. Tessa posts about leaving Newfoundland (Saint John’s) + Tessa and Scott spotted on the plane and at the Pearson Airport (Toronto) + [probably, timeline is fuzzy, Tessa and Scott attend the IG Private Wealth Management event at the JW Marriott Essex House Hotel as guest speakers (New York, USA)]
May 28 - Tessa and Scott attend the IG Private Wealth Management event at the JW Marriott Essex House Hotel as guest speakers (New York, USA)
May 29 - Tessa’s partnership with Colgate is posted on her Instagram + Tessa and Scott announced as guest judges on Battle of the Blades [two episodes] this fall.
May 30 - Tessa and Scott spotted at the Tokyo train station on their way to Sendai + rehearsing Long Time Running for Fantasy on Ice (Japan)
*****Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 31 - June 16) (Japan)*****
May 31 – June 1 - FAOI Sendai, first and second shows (Japan)
June 2 - FAOI Sendai, third show + Tessa goes to karaoke with some members of the cast + fan report of Scott flying out early to Osaka [unproved] (Sendai, Japan)
June 3 - Tessa’s episode of Masterchef airs in Canada
June 4 - Tessa posts about doing schoolwork from Kobe (Japan)
June 6 - Rehearsals for FAOI Kobe
June 7–8 - FAOI Kobe, first and second show + Tessa’s Run for the Ocean campaign with Adidas is released (Japan)
June 9 – FAOI Kobe, third show + Tessa and Scott attend the final Kobe banquet after the last Kobe show (Japan)
June 11 - Tessa posts about watching the Raptors game + Scott with Javier F. and others skaters golfing (Japan)
June 12 - Tessa’s Player’s Own Voice podcast with Anastasia Bucsis is released (recorded April 25th)
June 13 - FAOI rehearsals + Scott out with Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar (Toyama)
June 14 - FAOI Toyama first show + Tessa and Scott tweet and instagram about the Raptors’ win (Toyama)
June 15-16 – FAOI Toyama second and third shows +
June 16 - Tessa and Scott at the airport in Narita to see some of the skaters off + having dinner with Javier Fernandez, Jeffrey Buttle and Mayumi Nakamura in Tokyo (Japan)
June 17 - Tessa homeward bound posting from the Narita airport (Japan)
June 19 - Tessa comments about being in her own bed (London)
June 20 - Tessa posts from the cottage, presumably a latergram (Bayfield)
June 21 - Tessa does a photoshoot for MAC Canada (Toronto)
June 22 - Tessa attends a Barre Bell class taught by her sister Jordan and later goes to the Arkells concert at Budweiser Stage with Jordan, Craig and Mark McMorris + Scott spotted leaving Boccone Trattoria at Pearson Airport (Toronto)
June 23 - Olympic Day. Scott in Komoka helping at the new Moir’s Skate Shop location.
June 24 - Tessa arrives in Charlottesville for the Special Olympics Gala and hangs out with Elisha and Dion Phaneuf (Prince Edward Island) + Scott helping with the renovations at the new Moir’s Skate Shop location (Komoka)
June 25 - Tessa attends the Enriching Lives Gala in support of the Special Olympics (Charlottesville, Prince Edward Island)
June 26 - Tessa spotted at the airport in Charlottesville (Prince Edward Island)
June 27 - Scott visiting and speaking at a school (Parkville, Ontario)
June 29 - Tessa spotted at a grocery store (assumed Bayfield) + Scott spotted by a fan (assumed London)
June 30 - Tessa at the cottage [working out with her sister Jordan] (Bayfield)
July 1-3 – Tessa at the cottage [with her sister] (Bayfield)
July 5 - Tessa spotted at the Medina Restaurant (Vancouver)
July 8-12 – Scott coaches at the MAC spring and summer skating camp (Komoka)
July 10-12 – Tessa on a road trip in California with her friends Liz and Midori (USA)
July 10 - Tessa at the Daou Vineyards in Paso Robles (California)
July 11 - Tessa at a scenic landscape spot in Santa Barbara + in a swimming pool at the Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara with friends (California)
July 12 - Tessa posts from a beach in Malibu (California)
July 13 - Tessa posts from the cottage about being back from vacation (Bayfield)
July 15 - Tessa posts from the London, Ont. airport about going away (London)
July 16 - Tessa in Montreal for a photoshoot for RW & Co (Montreal)
July 17 - Tessa has a ‘girls night-in’ with Jaime Livingston [queenopain] and her family (Mont Tremblant) + Scott spotted at the airport in Washington, DC (USA)
July 18 - Tessa and Scott as guest speakers for the Deloitte Financial Advisory Summit (Mont Tremblant)
July 20 - Day of inclusion, Special Olympics. Tessa and Scott both posting (Bayfield & Québec)
July 21 - Tessa at the cottage watching a golf tournament (Bayfield)
July 22 - Tessa at the cottage (Bayfield)
July 24 (or July 25) - Tessa spotted on the ice by some fans [per a comment on her instagram post]
July 26 - Tessa attends a MAC meet and greet event at the Yorkdale shopping center in the afternoon and is spotted at a bar by a fan in the evening (Toronto) + the Moir’s Skate Shop announces they’re moving locations and will be opening soon (Komoka)
July 27 - Tessa attends a Nivea Q&A and a meet and greet event at Vaughan Mills (Toronto) + back at home posting about books later in the day (London)
July 29 - Tessa presumably at home waiting for her new desk to be delivered (London)
July 31 - Tessa does a photoshoot for Adidas (Montreal)
August 2 - Tessa attends the Osheaga music festival with Nivea and has a meet and greet with the winner of a Nivea contest (Montreal)
August 3-4 – Tessa at the Osheaga music festival with Kelly (Montreal)
August 6 - Tessa attends the hometown star walk of fame event for Chris Hadfield (Sarnia)
August 7 - Tessa and Scott each receive their Walk of Fame Hometown stars (Ilderton, London) + Scott officially announces his engagement to Jackie Mascarin during his speech
August 8 - Opening of the new location of the Moir’s Skate Shop with Scott there selling skates + Scott filming a video for Parachute Canada (Komoka) + Tessa at home in London 
August 12 - Tessa in Toronto for a photoshoot with Paul Buceta + Scott at the skate shop helping out (Komoka)
August 13 - Tessa and Scott do a RTR media day with Birds of Bellwoods, Elvis S., Kaetlyn O. and Jeremy A. (Toronto)
August 14 - Tessa and Scott back in the studio with Guillaume Côté for tour prep + Scott guest coaches at the Granite Club (Toronto)
August 17 - Scott attends a friends’ wedding (Windsor, Ontario) 
August 18 - Tessa at the cottage with Jordan and family (Bayfield)
August 21 - Tessa attends the RW&Co inspiring women in Canada ambassador reveal event (Toronto) 
August 24 - Scott possibly spotted at the Detroit airport in the morning (Detroit)
August 27 - Tessa and Scott rehearsing on ice (Komoka)
August 28 - Tessa does a photoshoot with Yves Veggie + spotted out at dinner by a fan (Toronto)
August 29 - Tessa attends an Adidas 70th anniversary event + films an interview (stroll in Toronto) with Jean-Michel Dufaux, his company Siège Hublot, and Assembly Chef’s Hall (Toronto)
August 30 - Tessa and Scott rehearse at the rink early in the morning for RTR (Komoka or Toronto?) + Scott and Jackie spotted by a fan, location unknown. 
August 31 - Scott helping out at the Moirs’ Skate Shop (Komoka)
September 2 - SCOTT’S 32ND BIRTHDAY
September 3 - Scott helps out with the mini blades team at the Hamilton skating club (Hamilton) + his photoshoot with Harry Rosen comes out. 
September 5 - Tessa appears on several morning and radio shows in collaboration with Air Miles (Vancouver)
September 6 - Tessa stops by her friend Leah’s jewelry store (Vancouver)
September 7 - Tessa attends a meet and greet with The Brick at West Edmonton Mall (Edmonton)
September 8 - Scott helps Steve Mignardi [TTYCT driver] pick up some stuff for the tour (Ilderton) + Tessa attends Dior launch party during TIFF with Lainey Gossip and friends (Toronto) + Tessa and Scott go to the rink at 8 pm to rehearse their new program with Guillaume Côté and Anisa Tejpar [dancer and choreographer] for RTR (Toronto)
September 9 - Tessa and Scott spotted by a fan at an ice rink (Toronto) 
September 10 - Tessa and Scott at Hit And Run Dance with their choreographer Anisa T. + Tessa posts about leaving her hotel (Toronto)
September 11 - Tessa shoots something for team Canada and with Fuel Commercials at the Germain hotel (Toronto)
September 14-16 – Tessa and Scott en route to Vancouver to start rehearsals
September 18 - Tessa and Scott officially announce their retirement and the end of their professional skating career 
September 19 - Tessa and Scott guest judge at Battle of the Blades (Toronto)
September 20 -  Tessa and Scott back in Vancouver for RTR rehearsals (Vancouver)
September 21 - RTR day off. Tessa and Scott and some of the RTR cast attend the Elton John concert together (Vancouver)
September 23 - Tessa and Scott + cast attends the Canucks/Senators hockey game in Abbotsford + Tessa and Scott drop the puck (Abbotsford)
September 30 - Scott visits a local dance school with other members of RTR (Abbotsford)
October 1 - Tessa attends We for She as a keynote speaker (Vancouver)
October 2-4 – RTR rehearsals (Abbotsford)
*****Rock The Rink tour (October 5 - November 23)*****
October 5 - RTR, Abbotsford + Tessa and Scott spotted buying wine by a fan (Abbotsford)
October 6 - RTR, Penticton
October 7 - RTR, Vancouver
October 8-9 – RTR days off. Cast get to Calgary + Scott spotted eating at Moxie’s Grill & Bar (Calgary)
October 10 - RTR, Red Deer + RTR cast watching Friends in the bus after the show (Red Deer)
October 11 - RTR, Dawson Creek + Tessa and Scott and Birds of Bellswoods film a funny behind the scenes video with Tessa reenacting Dawson’s Creek.
October 12 - RTR, Prince George
October 13 - RTR, Grand Prairie
October 14-15 – RTR days off. Tessa + Michael Tobin film a video about Tessa going into the shops she’s partnered with [Bonlook and RW&Co] at the Chinook mall + Scott watches skaters at the Calalta figure skating club (Calgary)
October 16 - RTR, Calgary
October 17 - RTR, Lethbridge
October 18 - RTR, Regina
October 19 - RTR, Medicine Hat
October 20 - RTR, Brandon
October 21 - RTR day off. Tessa and Scott are inducted into the Ontario Sports Hall of Fame in Toronto [they don’t attend the event)] + Tessa and Scott fly back home and meet a fan on the plane from Toronto to London with whom they talk + same fan takes a pic with them at the London airport + Tessa goes to vote in the elections (London)
October 23 - Tessa and Scott are awarded honorary degrees from Western University (London)
October 24 - Tessa and Scott guest judge on Battle of the Blades (Oshawa)
October 25-28 – RTR days off
October 25 - Tessa attends a Leafs game with her sister Jordan (Toronto)
October 26 - Tessa attends a barre class taught by her sister Jordan (Toronto)
October 27 - Scott coaches the synchro team at the Ilderton skating rink with cousins Sheri and Cara (Ilderton)
October 29 - RTR, Sault Ste. Marie
October 30 - RTR, London
October 31 - Tessa and Scott guest judge on Battle of the Blades finale (Toronto)
November 1 - RTR, Sudbury
November 2 - RTR, Kitchener
November 3 - RTR, Kingston
November 5 - RTR day off. Scott appears on several morning show to promote RTR and the Special Olympics’ skaters + Tessa is spotted at a coffeeshop downtown by a fan + Scott and Patrick Chan are spotted by a fan at the Toronto Club bar before the hockey game + Scott, Maxim Trankov and Andrew Poje attend a Leafs game (Toronto) 
+ Scott announced as an ambassador for the for Scott Hamilton Cares Foundation. 
November 6 - RTR, Mississauga
November 7 - RTR, Ottawa. Tessa and Scott + the RTR cast are spotted having breakfast together at the Sunset Grill. 
November 8 - RTR, St. Catharines + Tessa is spotted having dinner before the show with some ‘older’ friends at The Merchant Ale House. 
November 9 - RTR, Oshawa
November 10-12 – RTR days off
November 10 - Tessa attends a barre class with her sister Jordan (Toronto)
November 13 - RTR, Peterborough
November 14 - RTR, Laval + Tessa visits her facialist friend Linda McDonald and poses for a pic with her dog. 
+ Tessa is announced as an ambassador for Team Canada Classroom Champions Chat 
November 15 - RTR, Quebec City 
November 16 - RTR, Moncton
November 17 - RTR, Halifax + Tessa and Scott and the RTR cast go out to eat at the Press Gang Restaurant & Oyster Bar + The Lower Deck Pub [dancing and karaoke]. 
November 18-22 – RTR days off
November 19 - Tessa spotted at the airport on her way to St. John’s
November 20 - Tessa spotted at the Winsor House Bed & Breakfast (St. John’s) + Scott spotted waiting in line at a restaurant (London) 
November 21 - Tessa does an interview with Melissa Royal for Rogers’ TV Out of the Fog + Scott & Patrick Chan spotted by several fans on George’s street, outside of Christian’s Pub (St. John’s) 
November 22 - RTR rehearsals for the whole cast
November 23 - RTR, St. John’s + Scott spotted out with his family by multiple fans 
November 24 - Tessa spotted at the airport and on a plane to Toronto + Scott spotted at the hotel said to be sightseeing in St. John’s 
November 25 - Scott spotted at the airport on his way to Toronto (St. John’s)
November 27 - Scott plays in a Poplar Hills Flyers hockey game with his friends (Ilderton area) 
November 28 - Tessa is a keynote speaker at the Grow Girl event at St Mary's High School in collaboration with Fitspirit (Woodstock, Ont.)
November 29-December 1 – Tessa and Sam Chouinard spend a weekend together in New York City (New York, USA)
November 30 - Tessa and Sam attend a broadway showing of Moulin Rouge (New York)
December 3 - Tessa takes over CTV and appears on several morning and afternoon shows (Toronto)
December 4 - Tessa attends CIBC Miracle Day in the morning and the Union Holiday Union Station Rink event in the end of the afternoon (Toronto)
December 6 - Scott helps out at the skate shop (Komoka)
December 7 - Scott at the skate shop for their holiday open house (Komoka)
December 8 - Tessa participates in an unnamed photoshoot (Montreal)
December 13 - Scott shoots pictures or a commercial at the Skate Shop (Komoka)
December 14 - Scott helps out at the skate shop (Komoka)
December 13-15 – Tessa goes to Bangkok for Evan Lysacek’s wedding with her friend Mayumi (Thailand)
December 17 - Scott is spotted by a fan grocery shopping at Loblaws near Western U at 9m (London) + Tessa is spotted by fan at the Leafs game [and is rumored to have lost her credit card on Queen Street earlier in the day] (Toronto)
December 24 - Tessa spotted last minute shopping at Best Buy (London)
December 28 - Tessa attends the Leafs game with her friend Midori (Toronto)
December 29 - A picture of Scott playing a beer league hockey game surfaces [exact date unknown) (London/Ilderton area) + Scott coaches the Ice Ignite Synchro team (Komoka)
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visitorassurance · 5 years
Visitor Medical Insurance in Brampton
It is not a surprise for Brampton that their city Brampton is not only awarded for it floral beauty but also designated as one of the most International Safe Communities in North America by WHO.
Brampton is buzzing with excitement not only due to Mayoral Race but the festival season for South Asian community is at its top and lot of travel is happening to and fro from Brampton, as a matter of fact it is of utmost importance that visitors and travelers both remain diligent in protecting their health during their stay in and outside Brampton.
Brampton need to know how to protect themselves from any sickness or accidental injury that may occur during their stay in the country they are visiting.
Visitor insurance which is also called visitor medical insurance is a short term medical insurance policy which protects you from any financial loss which may arise from medical emergencies during your stay in Canada.
Visitor insurance is the best option for anyone visiting Brampton or anyplace in Canada; they may be tourists, international students, and new immigrants or supervise applicants.
Want to Visit Canada worry-free?
Visitor Assurance is absolutely committed to provide you the best protection/medical insurance coverage as per your medical needs during your stay in Canada. At Visitor Assurance we provide you with the most competitive rates without compromising your interests.
Not only are you protected in Brampton but your trips to other provinces and the USA are also covered.
You should purchase the Visitor to Canada plan before you enter Canada, but it can be purchased on arrival as-well, but certain conditions may apply, for example if you purchase your Visitor medical insurance coverage on the date of arrival, coverage may be effective on the date of purchase for accident/injuries but for illness, coverage can start after few days of your stay in Brampton/Canada.
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Can newcomers to Canada buy private health insurance?
For sure, newcomers like PR card holders are not covered by OHIP for their initial stay of three months in Ontario, so buying visitor medical insurance policy is a very good idea for them to remain protected during this period.
There are many people living in Brampton who are not covered by OHIP at all, so purchasing private health insurance must be a top priority for them.
What is covered under Emergency Visitor Medical Insurance?
This is an emergency medical insurance, and the policy holders are covered for most of their health related expenses, but NOT for all. For example, pregnancy related expenditure is not covered by most of the companies. It is your duty to discuss your needs with your insurance advisory so that you get the best possible plan.
Some insurance companies provide the coverage only if you buy the insurance plan within certain days after your arrival in Canada.
Where in Brampton Can I buy the Visitor Insurance Plan?
There are many insurance advisory in Brampton, who will sell you the plan, but your main concern is to find a place where your needs are taken care of with prudence and compassion. Visitor Assurance is the place in Brampton to buy a visitor medical insurance, the decision you will never regret.
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Women in the U.S. Music Industry Study Builds on Canadian Research
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“Erin Barra, an associate professor at Berklee and board director of Women in Music, formulated the project, which focuses on gender equity in the U.S. music industry.”
“The study, "Women in the U.S. Music Industry: Obstacles and Opportunities," was created to provide a current snapshot of women working in the industry. Building upon research conducted by Women In Music Canadian 2015, the study analyzed responses from nearly 2,000 women from a survey conducted during the summer of 2018. The survey explored demographics, employment, and the challenges and opportunities for women in the workplace, among other topics.
“The survey results present compelling data around the challenges and opportunities women experience in the music industry, while also reaffirming that the respondents are passionate about working in this field. Women responded strongly when asked about gender bias, often sharing examples of workplace behavior and personal stories. Nearly half of respondents felt they should be further ahead in their career, including 41 percent of those at the executive level.”
“While both white women and women of color shared this sentiment, 55 percent of women of color felt like they were behind in their careers, compared to 44 percent of white women. Women also overwhelmingly agreed that they had been treated differently within the music industry (78 percent), while over half of respondents felt that their gender had affected their employment (52 percent). These numbers were more pronounced among women who identified themselves as self-employed or freelancers.“
Berklee, March 12, 2019: “Berklee and Women in Music Release Study on Women in the U.S. Music Industry,” by Tori Donahue  
Refinery29, March 12, 2019: “78% Of Women In Music Say They're Treated Differently At Work Because Of Their Gender,” by Courtney E. Smith
Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship, March 2019: Women in the U.S. Music Industry: Obstacles and Opportunities, by Becky Prior, Erin Barra, Sharon Kramer, Ph.D. (39 pages, PDF)
Women in the U.S. Music Industry Infographic Summary (4 pages)
And in Canada
“Established in 2012, Women in Music Canada (WIM-C) is a federally registered non-profit organization dedicated to fostering equality in the music industry through the support and advancement of women. Nordicity developed and deployed an online survey to gather the key profile information about women working in the music industry in Ontario. The survey was targeted at individuals working in the music industry in Ontario and received 455 usable responses.”
“The survey was publicly available and spread through a wide variety of music industry websites, social media, newsletters and mailing lists by independent PR firm, rock-it promotions. On the basis of the large sample size and lack of obvious selection bias, the survey sample can reasonably be considered a randomized sample of the women working in the music industry.”
NordicIty, May 2015: A Profile of Women Working in Ontario’s Music Industry  Final Report (32 pages, PDF)
Secret Frequency (formerly Canadian Women Working in Music) is and education and advocacy not-for-profit dedicated to raising the profile of under-represented people within Canada’s music community – women, trans and non-binary folks, racialized and Indigenous people, and more.
We produce the annual Canadian Festival Report Card, grading Gender representation on Festival stages, skills workshops, research, and more.  We aim to create initiatives with demonstrable, measurable impact, which are also accessible and modular, designed to be shared and implemented by other organizatio
2018 Canadian Festival Report Card
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kevinlowe · 2 years
Ontario immigration consultants
Canada Immigration Consultants is a Toronto, Ontario immigration consultant.
They are helping hundreds of families from all over the world that want to immigrate to Canada and call it their new home.
They specialize in corporate, investor, and business immigration to Canada. The range of our immigration services in Canada includes all immigration programmers, including Canadian citizenship, permanent residency, the renewal of PR cards, temporary resident visas, work permits in Canada, and student visas.
For assistance with immigration, get in touch with us.
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christinewyrd · 6 years
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One year ago. It's 2019 and I'm in a better mental place than 2018. I have a PR card, healthcare, and a driver's license. And my Canon 👻 I'm looking into dancing again...I miss it. #memories #christinewyrd #weirdo #artbabe #change #anotheryear (at Oshawa, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWHMJrgT7A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aguprrl3ekdg
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Which is a better country for the aspiring immigrant Canada or the UK?
Although the preference between the two countries would differ according to the prospective of the applicant, but below mentioned are certain facts which can help you make your choice:
1. You acquire Canadian PR the instant you arrive in Canada as an immigrant. The UK, on the other hand, does not give you PR; instead, it gives you an immigrant visa, which you can convert to ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) after 5 years in the UK. As a result, the immigration systems in each country are vastly different.
Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form
2. Compared to the UK, where high taxes must be paid and citizenship cannot be applied for six years, Canada allows residents to apply for citizenship in three years with modest taxes.
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3. Both nations provide free education to children, but you will be eligible for child benefits once you obtain your Permanent Resident Card in Canada, making it much simpler to get by during the difficult initial year. You won't get any child benefits in the UK until you get your ILR, which takes 5 years.
4. In Canada, you don't need to prove a minimum quantity of pay, however, in the United Kingdom, you must maintain a minimum level of salary (which is very high) in order to be eligible for the UK ILR. Not only that, but taxes in the United Kingdom are about half of what they are in Canada.
5. The United Kingdom has an edge in terms of weather and proximity to Asian countries. In the winter, Canada is blanketed in snow, and it rains for the majority of the month.
6. Canada (for example, Ontario) requires a lot of paperwork and a high IELTS score, whereas in the UK, you may get away with a simple checklist of papers and a much lower IELTS score, as well as a shorter visa processing period. As a result, getting into Canada is tough and time consuming, but once you are there, your prospects of becoming a Canadian citizen are very good, and the same is true for the UK.
Source Url: https://aptechglobalimmigration.blogspot.com/2022/01/which-is-better-country-for-aspiring.html
For more info, please Call: +91-7503832132, +91-9131059075, Write to us at: [email protected] Or Fill Free Canada Immigration Assessment Form
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bartoszobrien · 3 years
Things You Require To Think About Prior To Selecting An Immigration Consultant
All people have an aspiration of going abroad eventually of your energy in their life. Be it of any generation, a higher going student or even a middle aged man. People want to produce that drastic alternation in their lives so that they can keep aside everything that has happened before and initiate afresh. So, first of all , strikes any individual's mind who wants to settle abroad is selecting the most effective immigration consultant. These are those licensed individuals that are well aware of all trade secrets which help a person in settling down internationally. In this article, I am about to shortlist a few of the small print you need to bear in mind before selecting an immigration consultant. Let's check out them. Level of experience with the Consultant That is one of the premier points or considerations you need to manage. If you schedule a choosing a consultant you must verify the total experienced that is possessed by him. You should consider asking him to exhibit a sound license or have a glance at his qualifications. Any of the top immigration consultants should come up with every one of the needed or the recommended certificates or diploma.
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Take Recommendations from People The ultimate way to decide whether an immigration consultant will probably be worth your time and efforts and your money are by judging from his past clients. You need to make certain what his specialization is. By specialization here I signify what type of immigration visa expert he or she is. There are certain consultants who have specialization in counseling the students. They may be called as study visa experts. So, must ensure that this consultant you decide on can guide you within the correct manner or otherwise. Is he going to Get you prepared for Visa Interview Cracking the visa interview round isn't that easy as it seems to be. So, you should ensure that the Immigration consultant will prepare you well for your visa interview round. The entire process of granting visa is becoming quite stringent lately. The visa officials instantly reject the use of a person when they are not 100% confident as to what he is speaking within the interview round. In The End As a way to fulfill the ideal of settling abroad in our country of choice, you should be sure you continue with the correct procedure. An immigration consultant will have a pivotal role in achieving your dream. The aforementioned points will behave as guidance for you personally when choosing the very best immigration consultant. North Vision Immigration Services is really a Canadian immigration consulting company providing immigration consultation, application review, and representation services in Toronto, Ontario. You can expect immigration services in corporate, business, and investor to Canada. Our immigration services in Canada cover other areas of immigration programmes, including Canadian Citizenship, Permanent Residence, PR Card renewal, Temporary Resident Visa, Work Permit In Canada, Student Visa, assisting our clients in obtaining Permanent Resident status in Canada through Express Entry, Business and Investor's programme, Startup Visa Immigration, and the like. For details about Canadian Immigration Consultants see our new resource.
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lsundarinfo · 3 years
How to get a Driving License in Canada as a New Immigrant
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To enjoy Canada to the fullest, it’s a good idea to start thinking about how you will get around. Depending on where you’re from, you may or may not be allowed to start driving right away.
Each province has different rules surrounding driving with a foreign license, so you’ll want to pay close attention.
In this post, we’ve answered your top questions for how to legally drive a car in Canada as a newcomer. For brevity, we’ve focused on the six most popular provinces for immigrants in 2020: Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.
Can you apply an international driving license in Canada?
Your first question is most likely “can I drive on my foreign license in Canada?” and the answer depends on a few factors.
If you’re from one of the following countries and can prove you’ve driven alone for two years, then you’re eligible for an equal trade car license in all six popular provinces (unless stated otherwise). This means you won't have to take the knowledge nor road test and exchanging your current license is a fairly easy one.
These countries are:
Australia (except Quebec)
Belgium (except B.C or Manitoba)
Ireland (except Quebec)
Isle of Man
Japan (except Manitoba)
Netherlands (some exceptions within the country and not valid in Ontario and Manitoba )
South Korea
United Kingdom
If your license is from one of these countries, you’re in luck. If your license is not, you can still get a local license, however, the process will be a longer one for you.
Note: Whether your license is from one of the eligible countries or not, it’s often a good idea to get a driving license extract (or DL extract) from your country’s license issuing authority as proof of your driving history and to validate your current license.
If you’re from an eligible country and have an eligible license, but are a student or don’t plan to take up residency in the province you’re traveling, then you’ll want to get familiar with the concept of an International Driving Permit, or IDP.
We’ll talk about IDP next: what it is and how to get one.
International Driving Permit
An IDP is a document that, along with your foreign license, allows you to drive in other countries for purposes of tourism. Not every country accepts an IDP, but Canada does. An IDP also translates your license into English and French, so it’s a good idea to get one if your license isn’t yet in English or French.
Generally if you’re a student from an eligible country, you don’t have to trade in your foreign license for the province’s license. You’ll be allowed to drive on your foreign license for as long as your study permit is active. Some provinces, like Alberta, require you to have a copy of your classes with you when you drive, so double check your province for local rules.
It is best practice to get your IDP before you leave the country where your license was issued and keep in mind that it generally lasts one year from the date it’s issued (unless your current driving license expires first).
Canadian License Requirements by Province
For the most part, when you move to a new province you can drive with your international license (if it’s a valid, full license) for the first 90 days unless otherwise specified. However, if you plan to take up residency in a specific province, you’ll want to look into exchanging your license as soon as possible.
Now we’ll cover some important things to know for each of the six provinces:
Unlike most of the other provinces, you can only drive with a foreign license for the first 60 days while you settle down in Ontario. This is if you plan to become a resident.
The license types in Ontario are different from the types available in other provinces. Here’s a few of them you may want to be familiar with:
Class G: Allows you to drive any car, van, or small truck Class G1: Restricted license and must be accompanied by an experienced driver. Level one of graduating licensing Glass G2: Restricted license but you do not have to be accompanied. Level two of graduating licensing. Class M: Allows you to drive any motor vehicle, including a motorcycle. Class M1: First level of graduated licensing to drive a motor vehicle. Class M2: Second level of graduated licensing to drive a motor vehicle. Less restrictions than Class M1.
If your current full license is from an eligible country, you are allowed to exchange your license for an Ontario license at an Ontario Drivetest centre. There are two additional countries that are eligible for an equal trade:
New Zealand
If you are eligible, you still need to complete an eye exam to complete the exchange and bring the following:
Original ID that shows your legal name, date of birth and signature (passport, PR card) Your eligible international licence to turn in Proof of your driving experience (DL extract with proof you’ve paid for it) Applicable fees Application form
If your license is not from an eligible country, you will also have to take a written test and a road test. If you have less than two years of experience driving, you will have to take the G1 road test and wait until you have accumulated two years to take the G2 road test.
Mini FAQ for Ontario
What are the costs & fees?
Driving license fee: $90
G Road test: $89.25
G1 Test: $158.25 (covers road and written test for G2 license)
Knowledge test retakes: $15.75
Ontario’s Official Driver Handbook: $14.95 plus tax
What are best practices when looking for a driving school or course?
When looking to learn how to drive better in Ontario, look for schools that offer the following: -"MTO (or ministry)-approved beginner driver education courses" . Start your search on the MTO website.
Alberta has similar license types to other provinces and here are some of the more popular ones to know:
Class 4: Commercial (taxi, ambulance) Class 5: Full driver license for cars Class 5-GDL: “Graduated Driver’s License” This is a more restricted version of the Class 5 license and it’s for those with under two years of driving experience Class 6: Motorcycle Class 7: Learner’s license for cars
If you hold a license from an eligible country, you can trade in your license for an Alberta license by bringing the following:
proof that you live in Alberta
proof of residence in Canada
your current license to hand in
Proof that you have two years of driving experience (i.e., DL extract with proof you’ve paid for it)
If you can’t prove two years of driving experience, you will get a class 5-GDL until you can prove the two years.
If your license is not from an eligible country, you have to pass the knowledge test which will give you a Class 7 learner’s license.Then the next step would be to take a road test to get a Class 5 license.
Mini FAQ for Alberta
What are the costs & fees?
Foreign exchange: $93
All knowledge tests: $17 each time
5 year driving license: $93
Class 5 road test: $83
Class 5 road test advanced: $138
What are best practices when looking for a driving school or course?
To connect with driver schools in the area: call 780-427-8230 or email [email protected]
British Columbia
If you have a license from one of the countries mentioned above, you may exchange your current license for a B.C. driving license right away. The following two countries are also eligible:
New Zealand
If you’re from an eligible country, the necessary ID to bring includes:
Proof of driving experience (i.e., driving license extract from license issuing authority in your country with proof you’ve paid for it)
Your current foreign license
Applicable fees
Primary ID (such as permanent resident card, work/study/visitor permit, etc.)
Secondary ID (birth certificate, passport, school id, etc.)
Keep in mind that you will have to answer some basic questions about road safety to complete the exchange successfully.
If you can’t prove two years of driving experience, you’ll obtain a Class 7 novice license instead of the full Class 5. This is temporary until you can prove two years of driving experience.
If the license you have is from an ineligible country, you’ll need to pass both the written and road test all over again plus provide the above documentation as well.
Mini FAQ for B.C.
What are the costs & fees?
5 year driving license: $75
Knowledge test: $15 each time
Class 7 learners license: $10
First 2-year licence (for non-learner drivers moving to B.C.): $31
What are best practices when looking for a driving school or course?
When looking to learn, make sure the school you choose is licensed by ICBC and verify that your specific instructor has a professional driver training instructor license. Start your search on the driver training industry of B.C. page.
You can use your foreign license for the first six months after arrival to Quebec. If you become a resident you must then get a driving license issued by Quebec.
Some of the more important license types to know are:
Class 5: Standard automobile driving license.
Class 6a, 6b, 6c: Motorcycles
Class 6d: Mopeds and scooters
Class 6e: 3 wheel motorcycles
Holders from the eligible countries mentioned above must provide these documents to exchange their current license with one issued by Quebec:
Foreign driver's licence (equivalent to class 5) Proof of Canadian citizenship Proof of residency in Québec Proof of residency in your issued license' country Proof of driving experience ((i.e., DL extract with proof you’ve paid for it))
Unfortunately, if your country is not listed above you will still have to bring the same documents plus take the knowledge test and road test.
If you don’t have two years of driving experience, you will need to get a probationary license.
For exact steps based on your situation, give the following number a call: Montréal area: 514-954-7771 Elsewhere in Québec: 1-888-356-6616
Mini FAQ for Quebec
What are the costs & fees? Knowledge test: $11.60 Road tests for car: $29.00 To exchange license: $20.50
What are best practices when looking for a driving school or course? It’s best to visit several driving schools before choosing one because driving courses are a big deal in Quebec. Make sure the schools you consider are a member of the Driving Schools Association of Québec.
If you hold a full driving license from any of the countries mentioned above, you can trade in your former license for a new Manitoba driving license without needing to take a written nor road test.
If your license is not from one of the eligible countries, you will have to take both the written and road test.
Mini FAQ for Manitoba
What are the costs & fees? First license fee: $20 Road test: $30 Annual license fee: $65 Knowledge test: $10
In addition to the countries listed above, residents from the following two countries can also make an equal trade for a car license issued by Saskatchewan:
New Zealand
If you can’t prove that you’ve been driving for two full years, you will be placed at a suitable stage of the Graduated Driver License program (GDL).
Unfortunately, if your country is not listed above, then you are pretty much considered a new driver and must do the following:
Pass written tests
Drive as a learner for nine months
Finish twelve hours of certified driving training
Pass road test
If your country is not listed above AND you can’t prove two years of driving experience, you will also have to complete all 6 steps of the Graduated Driver License program (GDL).
Mini FAQ for Saskatchewan
What are the costs & fees? Written exam: $25 Class 5 driving license road test: $55 Other considerations when driving in Canada
Make sure you look into insurance as it’s illegal to drive a car where you’re not insured. Also keep in mind that we have very intense winters and that means snowy roads. Even if you feel confident with your driving ability and are eligible to easily trade in your license, you’ll want to ensure you are ready for our roads.
Finals words about driving legally in Canada
Once you’re good to drive, you’ll be happy you invested the time to get familiar with your province’s rules. Remember that the rules are in place to ensure your safety on our often snowy roads.
Source: https://www.remitbee.com/
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canadaexpressweek · 3 years
All legitimate confirmation of permanent residence (COPR) holders can now complete the process of entering Canada after a 15-month waiting period due to the COVID-19 epidemic and border closings. In the event of a pandemic in early 2020, Canada still has many COVID-related immigration regulations that potential immigrants should be aware of, such as COVID test certificates for all passengers aged 5 and over. The following guidelines will help you apply for your stay in Canada. Pre-arrival tips for a smooth transition Canada’s borders are open again and if you are fully vaccinated you may not have to adhere to a 14-day quarantine upon arrival. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19 before you leave, you should play it safe and postpone your date of entry. Also, be sure to contact Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC ) and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) with any questions or concerns. Make sure that your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) is still valid and has not expired. IRCC has helpful resources to get your COPR back in place so that you can relocate and travel to Canada again. Housing Before you arrive, make sure you know where you will be staying, especially if you will be alone for 14 days. The landlord will check your creditworthiness prior to signing the lease, but as a New Canadian you may not have one. Exceptionally, some landlords can accept the creditworthiness certificate of their country. To prove that you are not a risk renter, you should bring a copy of your resume, diploma or diploma, driver’s license, and birth certificate. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation recommend checking the local newspapers and real estate agencies in your preferred province for rental listings. Remember, your first job isn’t always permanent or ideal. The place you land determines where you will put down roots. Even those familiar with the country should seek out short-term rental apartments or long-term hotel reservations rather than buying a nondescript new home. As a newbie, you’ll need to set up your funds. Make an appointment as soon as possible with an advisor at your trusted bank. As a beginner, an advisor can help you not only with opening a bank account but also with learning certain basic financial skills, such as How to quickly build a credit history or qualify for a new vehicle loan. Many of Scotiabank’s advisors are immigrants too, so they walk in your shoes and help hundreds of other newcomers do the same. Scotiabank’s advisors support you free of charge with opening savings accounts, taking out loans, and making international transfers. For transfers, use the StartRight application, which is specially designed for beginners. In addition, newcomers do not pay a monthly fee for their current account with the Preferred Package in the first year. If you’ve opened a bank account, now is a good time to start building a realistic budget. The budget calculator makes it easy to find out what you need and how much you will need. The main expenses to consider when you arrive are rent or mortgage, transportation, utilities, and groceries. Gym memberships, cable television, and new home furnishings are among those desires that may not fit into your new budget. It’s also a good idea to set aside some extra cash each month to cover your increased living expenses. In some provinces, food and utilities can be more expensive than your home country, and the extra money you put aside could help you adapt to this change without breaking your budget. If possible, get a credit card as soon as possible so that you can build up a new credit history. Potential landlords, utilities, lenders, and employers in Canada will check your credit history and credit history to see if your financial situation is sound. For example, if you have money or personal information to deal with for the job you are aiming for, a potential employer might want to make sure that your personal finances are in order. New immigrants can apply for an unsecured credit card in Scotia even if they don’t have a credit history. You can start building a loan as soon as you arrive. Obtaining crucial documents. Please concentrate on compiling your documents after your arrival. Newcomers to Canada need the following documents: Permanent Resident (PR) Card You must apply for this card as part of your immigration procedure and have it mailed to you prior to your departure. With this card, you can travel, open bank accounts and apply for other official papers. Provincial Health Card This health card is required for doctor visits, hospital stays, and other medical requirements. If you don’t have this card, you’ll have to pay expensive medical bills out of pocket. Quick access to health insurance is available in many provinces and territories, but some require a three-month waiting period. If you are moving to any of the following locations, you will need to purchase temporary private insurance to fill the void. British Columbia Ontario Quebec Saskatchewan Northwest Territories Nunavut Yukon Social Security Number (SIN) You can currently only apply for a SIN card online or by post. As soon as you arrive, apply for your SIN using your permanent residence card. You need your SIN to pay taxes, open a bank account, put money in an interest-bearing account, and look for work. The post How to settle in Canada if you have an immigration permit appeared first on Canada Express Week .
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