howlingday · 2 years
Sun: (Rings the door bell) Remember, don't worry about anything, and let me do all the talking. In fact, not a word out you. Got it?
Neptune: Go- (Slaps over mouth, Nods)
Oobleck: (Opens the large and ornate door) Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...
Sun: (Opens his mouth)
Oobleck: Sss?!
Sun: ...Yeah, uh, hi, I'm Sun Wukong, and this is my partner, Neptune Vasilias. We have an appointment with renowned headmaster of Beacon Academy, Headmaster Ozpin.
Oobleck: Ah, yes! Please! Please do come in!
Sun: Thanks! (Walks in, Neptune close behind)
Oobleck: (Eyes patch, Glares) I am Headmaster Ozpin's personal assistant, Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck, PhD. Wouldn't you be so kind as to allow me to hand your hats, your jackets, and your White Fang emblems?
Sun: O-Oh! These things?! No, no, no, it's a funny story! We, uh, just came from a rally, and they were just handing them out to everybody! (Laughs as his band is taken, Grabs Neptune as Oobleck leaves and hisses) Why didn't you tell me we were still wearing them?!
Neptune: I tried, but you told me to keep my mouth shut, remember?
Sun: Yeah, I do, but we'll talk about it later!
Oobleck: Please, gentlemen; have a seat whilst I fetch Mr. Ozpin. (They sit, He leaves) Oh, Ozzie~?! We're not alone~! (Walks away, Returns) Here's Ozzie~!
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Neptune: (Whispering) He's wearing a dress!
Sun: (Whispering) I can see that! (Speaking) Ozpin, sir, you look gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!
Ozpin: Ms. Trippitaka, I presume~? Oh~! Forgive the pun! (Laughs)
Sun: (Laughs)
Neptune: (Whispers) I don't get it.
Sun: (Whispers) Shut up, he thinks he's witty. (Speaking) Ozpin, sir, it's good to see you again!
Ozpin: Oh, yes, and you as well, darling~! Oh! It would seem your partner is staring at my gown.
Neptune: Oh, uh, well, you see-
Ozpin: Allow me to explain. Tonight is the annual Vytal Dress-Up Cabaret, and I intend to win best costume!
Oobleck: As we do every year.
Ozpin: Perhaps not this year. I am to look like the lost consort Esmerelda Esclados, but I think I look more like some ghastly ghoul!
Oobleck: Well, without the chest-piece, you're only half-dressed.
Ozpin: Then why don't you go and get it then, oh Wicked Witch of the Wastes?!
Oobleck: If your intention was to pierce mine heart with an arrow... (Sniffles) BULLSEYE! (Runs off)
Sun: Well, I think the outfit suits you, but, uh, back to business, did you read "Lullaby for Belladonna"?
Ozpin: Read it? I DEVOURED IT! It's full of fantastic tidbits of history not well known to the public! For example, who knew the White Fang... meant Faunus?
Sun: ...Yeah! A real shocker there. So, will you present it?
Ozpin: Present it? Oh, heavens no! It's not my kind of show! It's too dark! Too depressing!
The theatre's so obsessed,
With drama so depressed,
It's hard to get a show underway!
Shows should be more witty!
Shows should be more pretty!
Shows should be more-
What's the word?
Neptune: Um, gay?
Ozpin: Exactly!
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