#ooc: I am gonna draw this damn cat though. mark my Fucking Words
kitpine · 7 months
What's your opinion on kit pine? (The cat one) are you guys related? Friends? I'm curious! :3
The what?
*Kim blinks for a moment before moving over to the computer, typing away for a second. After a couple of minutes have passed, she gives a soft "huh" of surprise, before rolling back over to them.*
Just found out about her, honestly. No relation beyond a shared place in our respective universes, I guess? Maybe. I mean, that might not necessarily be true, if there are universes where my role is different, right? Or if- Nevermind. What was I...? Right.
Cats are cool, and she's me, so she's probably alright.
Sometimes I find that animals get a little wary around me, so I don't know how she'd react, but I might like to see what I'm like as a literal cat. Could be interesting.
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