#ooc: it's been awhile
godblooded · 7 months
just an fyi, and it feels like it needs to be said here: your blog is your own space and you should be able to say whatever the fuck you want. if you’re sad? vent. get sad. maybe put it under a cut, definitely tag it, but get sad. if you feel like you need someone to talk to? drop a freaking message about how you’re feeling like you could use a buddy, or anything randomly engaging. if you’re having a hard time, you should feel safe and okay to talk about it in your own space. we’re writers and we’re people and while there’s a lot to be said for how engagement outside of oneself is necessary in rp (and really really needs to improve), i think there’s a lot that must be said about people reaching out to others. it’s become so solitary here — the whole ‘reblog from source’ thing when it comes to shit like about and musings is absurd. the whole refusing to like things is ridiculous. yes, curate your space, that’s important, but curating your space into a studio apartment only you live in doesn’t make this a community anymore, it makes it a studio apartment you live in.
just be yourself here. do whatever you want. but i’m always saying: remember you’re not alone, and don’t let yourself feel that way.
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enypneon · 3 months
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i've been thinking about this a lot. but i need to shorten my muse list drastically. with the work outside of rp that keeps piling up, i don't have the energy to tend to all of my characters equally. which is unfair towards those waiting for their replies/messages/etc. over many months. not to mention that i don't even get to write down all the headcanons, which are spiralling in my head.
so these are the ones i will keep:
anouar, aventurine, eris, evren, foenix, heimdall, slavoj, songbird and vincent
for easier execution, i will move to a new blog ─ and turn this one into an archive (temporarily), eventually deleting it. i'm aware of the starters i won't be able to reply to because of this decision and i hate to do this when you guys have spent time and effort on them. if you do choose to follow me on my new blog, i can offer you a new starter with a new muse!
apart from this, consider the blog on a mini hiatus. until i have set up everything and can post another update.
again, i am truly sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. in case you want to get a private update/receive the link in the dms for whatever reason, feel free to let me know. of course, you have every right to break mutuals from this point on and there will be no hard feelings, i promise.
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msmvrel · 8 days
STARTER CALL ! ( since i have some new peeps following !! )
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muselexum · 2 months
( waking up one morning after 18 months of hiatus and finally getting the spark™ to freshen up ur rp blog )
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stcrgirl · 26 days
made the decision that i'm putting in my notice at work. so, the next few weeks are going to be interesting...
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iratusmus · 1 year
honestly i think people get so wrapped up in the whole anti-sonic thing and fandom perception that they kind of forget that scourge actually. he is actually an interesting character in his own right. like regarding the whole identity crisis and stuff. like. i dunno, maybe im just overthinking it, but what makes him an interesting character to me is. how to put this. actually im just going to copy paste half of it from a now deleted post that i dont entirely agree with anymore. but this part is still good.
scourge being a discount sonic is literally his designated place by The Universe Itself. that is, by definition, who he is. like, just look at half his introduction boxes - even the comic itself won't recognize him as his own person beyond "evil sonic". at heart he's a deconstruction of the "what about an alternate universe... where everybodys moralities were FLIPPED!!!!!" trope - what happens if the alternate versions of the characters actually hate the fact that they're alternate/arguably discount versions? the point is that he can't actually be his own person. he's always going to be living in the shadow of sonic, and he cant even look in the mirror without seeing it. when people look at him and thing "hm wow that looks like a sonic recolor", they're not. literally not wrong.
scourge's identity crisis, while definitely having to do with ego, primarily is about agency. its the whole moebius problem (which i do talk about in a different post because morality/agency/responsibility for ones actions is actually. super interesting to me but thats neither here nor there) really - are the moebians bound to be the moral opposite of their mobius counterparts, or are they moebians because their moralities are the opposite of their mobius counterparts? does he actually have the ability to make his own choices and be a distinct person from sonic, or is he literally just going to be "discount evil sonic" for the rest of his life? when you find out that you arent your own person - that your existence is literally defined by some other version of you - the "true" version of you - how do you react. what do you do. where do you go.
which is then where we bring in the "scourge, in his desperate attempts to break away from being a sonic, tries to become what sonic isnt, and thus ends up leaning more into his designated place by the universe as anti-sonic" and so on and so forth, which is what makes him interesting. or at least to me anyways
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pinkslenderman · 2 months
Curious, would anyone want to hear Pink say stuff? :3
(.....and like WHAT they should say....as long as it's in character cause I have no clue what to have em say....)
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vincentask · 6 months
Hi Vincent, great to meet you! If you could have a collection of swords (or maybe you already do idk-) What would your top 3 swords be?
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….He’s gonna be awhile
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loneheir · 5 months
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askthecmcs · 9 months
oh also coming someday soon probably this month or next month, me voicing over/comic dubbing everything from this blog 😏
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korzionarchive · 2 months
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gcldfanged · 1 month
I know I'm slow but I do want to interact with people I follow. I only follow people I want to write with.
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designatedbreadbox · 2 years
Some Deathstroke Hcs I have
A/N: sorry for not posting anything legimate these past months i've had no inspo whatsoever ever since I dropped Obey Me. Also these are based on what I remember him to be from Teen Ttitans (2004), 2 clips of him from Young Justice, and the entry he has on Wikipedia.
In my genuine opinion, you're getting manipulated. It's expected but in what field and how much he does it is the varying factors here. Say you're the type to be overly trusting/oblivious to bad intent (ironic imo); I can see him being toned down as he may see that not as much effort is needed to your loyalty.
That being said, he would be more subtle and implicate more what he may want to see from you should you be the distrusting type. It wouldn't be past him to forge situations to gain your trust and loyalty, like a 'sudden' kidnapping from an 'enemy' of his. Do not try retracing to where the bounty for you originated; he isn't dumb enough to not 3rd-party it.
Any skills you have are a priority he builds alongside your weaknesses. Whatever you couldn't do before is learned and harnessed to be used to power you. He can and will make it very clear when you failed to do achieve or do something to a standard he has. Only way to succeed is to get it right.
Random thought but I like being delusional sometimes so I'd imagine he would praise you during training. A reward system must be in place; however, those are few and far in between. Earning his respect for you as his apprentice and/or sidekick would require you to do something he would consider to be 'difficult' or 'nearly impossible'. Whatever the task(s) are is entirely up to you.
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autonomousxselves · 2 months
//Spare Persona drawing ideas?
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ofhope · 6 months
Gonna be adding a new rule to the list, too, once I'm back. I'm not here just for shipping; and especially, I'm not just here to fill a blank space. I'm a person, too. I have likes, and I have wants. I'm not fond of just ... being the new person around that agrees to whatever, just to drop me as soon as the next new thing comes around. Whenever I love something, I tend to love it for a long, long time. Nobody else has to have such commitment, but I'd like to not be brought up only to be dropped just as fast. It takes all the wind out of my sails and just makes me feel creatively bankrupt by the end of it all.
I understand interest waning over time. However; please state as much. I shouldn't have to feel like I'm a burden, or that I'm annoying, just because I keep sending someone stuff for a pairing I - assume - we still write. I need communication.
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ramshacklestar · 2 months
Ooc: Going to admit I'm really curious what kinda dreams the octatrio are having. After all we know those three have 0 chill 😆
I also will not admit how long I've been looking at Jade and Floyd's new SSR's haha.
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