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never-gets-sick · 3 months
"Afternoon Dazai. I made some dumplings for the first time. Would you like to try some?"
I’d love too! I bet they fast just as good as the cookies
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ghost-vince · 3 months
(you know the drill) "hmn." [Rody muttered to himself.] -[🍽️🔥@burnt-rodylamoree]
“If I did kill you, then ate you, but you tasted like nothing. I’d hate myself.”
He sighed.
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myjustice · 5 months
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with the new discord update rolling around i just wanted to let everybody know that with the new update it is by default enabled in discord's settings that your voice calls can be clipped by those in the call.
i would highly recommend turning off this feature should private details be shared between you & someone, intimate information, & to avoid being clipped out of context.
to do this go to your SETTINGS > CLIPS > toggle recorded voice clip option off.
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ahollowgrave · 17 days
My queue is nearly full again (almost 1k posts!) so I've up'd the post rate and I also might step back for a few days as well!
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nb-atsushi · 9 days
[ she is just. on their couch reading, their home has clearly been kind of tidied up? ]
[Closes the door and immediately freezes] you decided to come out of the walls then?
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xx0blooming-orchid0xx · 5 months
What the fuck are you doing on tumblr
- @drewybear
Erm uhm uh er k idh suxjd I want to look at flower pictures online and talk to my friends !! ^~^ (please don't kill me I will even travel to the underground and slaughter Sean if necessary)
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tvrningout · 4 months
y’all already know this by now, but this is an official post to say i’m on semi-hiatus/hiatus for the time being. i might decide on an official day to come back later to help get me back into the spirit of being here, or i may pop in occasionally if i’m bitten by the writing bug; regardless, i just need a good, zero-pressure break to rest and handle the internal and external issues happening in my life. i could ramble about it, but i won’t this time :’ )
all that said, you can message me on discord at ‘ waitforspring. ’ and that’s with the period! i still wanna keep in contact, and i might even feel up to writing a few, little things on discord, too. just keep in mind that i may be slow to respond at times — i’m known to be a snail, and i don’t think that’ll ever change asdfg
i miss y’all, and i want you to know that whether it’s a day or a month or a year, you deserve to rest. you deserve to take time for yourself. you deserve to focus on different parts of your life, and you deserve to use your time how you want. remember that, and please take care of yourselves, friends 💜
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magioffire · 18 days
is anyone else having an issue where tumblr only sometimes notifies them of mentions/replies/reblogs?
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hot-sauce-giver · 8 days
I see you're on the ship! Hope you dont mind the interaction :3)
-As you're walking around, booing members of the crew, a cat sits in front of your walking path.-
- @toast-the-boat-cat
Oh, hello, little fellow. Do you mind if I introduce myself?
(Crouches and holds out a hand)
I wonder if you have a name.
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askthedragonriders · 6 months
Good evening dragon riders. This question is for all of you. Life has been very overwhelming lately and loneliness is a very real thing that I (and likely many other people) have been struggling with. Sometimes forcing myself out of isolation can feel near impossible. How do you deal with this sort of stress? (If this question is a lot for you then it’s ok if you don’t answer. I understand).
good evening! this has been sitting in my ask box for a couple of months now at this point (maybe longer). i've finally reached it and i apologize for the wait.
i'm also sorry for not responding to this in character, but i just couldn't bring myself to do it. i am just one person roleplaying as these six goobers and it's hard for me to have them have their own answers while i have my own separate experiences with the same issue and loneliness being smth that has been a part of my entire life until recently.
ik how you feel, anon. life gets overwhelming and you are alone or even with others you feel alone because there's just smth not connecting and putting yourself out there takes up so much energy with the added potential of it not working in your favor at all and it sucks so badly. it SUCKS so badly.
forcing yourself out of isolation is SO much sometimes. at my worst i couldn't even imagine it being possible that i could have the power to get myself out. i can only speak from my experiences and i apologize if it does nothing for you. i understand if it doesn't. we are not the same person, none of us are.
but for me, the stress of it all would be me going to work or having to do smth and being like "you know what. just say hi to someone. introduce yourself." such as a coworker or a fellow student. it gets more difficult if you don't have scheduled things like that which generally require interacting with people and yea, it doesn't mean it'll guarantee the loneliness going away if you happen to talk to someone. i get it.
i've always been somewhat of an outsider and struggled in having friends bc a part of me liked keeping to myself but also i was afraid and stressed but it made me lonely and it just cycled. i was lucky my mom recommended i see a therapist bc she was worried & it ended up working wonders for me in understanding how i operate.
for dealing with the stress of it, sometimes it's as simple as slow breathing, sometimes it's setting tinier goals so it's not so daunting and going step by step, and sometimes it did end up being dealing with the stress head on and jumping in. sometimes finding someone online helped, sometimes having someone irl with me helped. what also helps me is remembering that being lonely will always be part of a phase. our feelings always have opposites. someone else across the world or even across the street is also lonely, either literally alone or at a giant gathering with friends around them. we are lonely together.
you will not be lonely forever and the fact you know you don't like being lonely and don't want to be lonely, even if the stress of coming out of isolation feels like so much, that's enough. it can make the difference. you might even end up not being lonely or fighting it in a way you never expected or didn't even realize because things sometimes just happen. it's what happened to me, i started seeing a therapist and got a new job and there i met my two best friends in the whole world who are some of the only ppl who make me feel happy and full. we don't talk all the time. we don't need to. we pick up right where we left off. i no longer see my therapist and have moved out and my life has changed a lot.
ik that it doesn't always work like that. sometimes you rlly do have to keep getting up, going out, and facing the loneliness head on. usually it'll be a mixture of it happening naturally and being a fight. learning to be comfortable in your own company and taking care of yourself can also be very helpful, and you gotta do that at your own pace. days will sometimes be bad and sometimes be good. it probably won't be noticeable or go as quickly as you hope it will.
i hope you are able to find peace, anon. you will one day see, looking back, that you aren't lonely. even if you still are some time in the future, i hope it's still an improvement from where you are now. i hope your situation has improved for you since you sent this ask.
i wish you the best
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wandering-the-stars · 4 months
How would Starhawk react if he saw a memory/vision of the past ,there Rodimus was shot down by Megatron? (One of the moments from the comics)
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As if he couldn’t hate Megatron more…
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ancicntforged · 2 months
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Thank you all very much. Waking up to so many 'happy birthdays' made me smile like a bastard
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elenaes · 2 days
currently hunting for old threads bc uhh i keep losing stuff oopsies 👹 but if u'd like a starter, feel free to like this <3
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infernal-feminae · 28 days
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Oh hey, she won that most fuckable mommy in Hell poll-
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unstablerk800 · 3 months
Connor boops you back, no doubt about it.
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It's canon. I don't make the rules.
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mayor-mingus-crown · 14 days
Erm... Mingus.
I think I saw Norm smoke THE WEED.
On a picture!! But still-
To be perfectly honest, I do not particularly care whether or not the residents of my town are smoking marijuana. After all, have you seen Shooty and Stabby..? I would be surprised if they WEREN’T smoking something..
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