#oof i can't believe i giffed a kiss
totesnothere04 · 2 years
Unexpected Turn of Events Pt.6
Tonowari x Fem!Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own the fanart, screenshots, or gifs used with my stories.
Warnings: Fluffy. Straight-up fluff. It's short. Really short in my opinion.
Pt.5 here.
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You were watching Jake's kids play with your sons. Tonowari appeared at your side and placed a gentle hand on your growing belly.
"I can't believe you got me pregnant again." You chuckled and he nuzzled your cheek.
"I like seeing you carrying my children." Tonowari says as he starts placing kisses on your neck and cheek. "Ma beautiful muntxate." Tonowari says and you chuckle.
"Ma Wari we cannot right now. We are watching the children for Neytiri and Jake to have a date." You say and he huffs against your neck.
"But you smell so sweet. Almost like when you're in heat." Wari says and you look at him surprised.
"Maybe later we can ask Tsireya to watch the boys, and we can slip away for time to ourselves." You offer and he nods.
"Alright." He agrees and you both sit in the sand and looked back at the kids. Kiri still hadn't let Tsu'tey out of her grasp because she said he was her favorite. Mostly because Ateyo had hit her in the eye and now she didn't trust holding him. You all stopped moving when you heard a loud 'oof' and a thud. You look over to see Lyle sprawled on the ground with a net tangled around his tail and feet. You sigh in exasperation and try to hold back the laugh.
"Having troubles Lyle?" You ask him and he stays laying down, but shows you a thumbs up.
"I'm great." He says breathlessly. Mansk tumbles out of the tree line with an angry-looking Miles following behind him. They had all allowed their hair to grow out in the time they've been on Awa'atlu.
"I told you I need my damn net so I can fish." Miles says and stomps over to Lyle. You get up and so does Tonowari, so you can intervene when necessary.
"Hey Miles. How's it going with courting Na'jem?" You ask him and he blushes.
"It would be going smoother if these assholes would leave my shit alone." He says grumpily and you sigh. You start untangling Lyle from his net prison.
"Lyle, Mansk... Be nice to him. Na'jem is an impeccable woman and probably the only one I know that's able to handle this man." You tell them.
"Ma'am I was trying to keep Lyle from being stupid, then I was trying to keep Miles from killing him." Mansk says and you nod. You hand Miles his net and shoo them to go about their daily business.
"They are odd." Tonowari says as you both turn back to the kids.
"They are, but they are happy and comfortable. That's all that matters." You say. Jake and Neytiri join you on the beach. Jake looks at you then Neytiri and gives her the puppy dog eyes.
"Please?" He asks and she looks at you.
"What?" You ask them and Neytiri rolls her eyes.
"Ma Jake wants to have another baby." She says. "Seeing you pregnant again makes him want another baby."
"Well I thought we had enough children, but Tonowari has a heart big enough to love every child he has and more. I do not mind." You say and Jake looks at Tonowari.
"I love seeing ma muntxate carrying my children." Tonowari says and the children come back. Kiri deposited Tsu'tey into your arms, and Neteyam handed Ateyo over to Tonowari. Jake and Neytiri sat down and all of their kids laid down on them.
"Auntie, why don't you join us?" Neteyam asks.
"Because I've got my own family I can have cuddle piles with now." You say.
"Come on (Y/n) why don't all of you join?" Jake asks and you look at Tonowari.
"I don't want to intrude on your family Jake." You tell him and he groans and rolls his eyes.
"You are a part of my family. So join us. All of you." Jake says. Tsireya and Ao'nung didn't need to be told twice. You and Tonowari sat down and almost immediately you were both absorbed into the pile. You were snuggled into Tonowari's side, while Jake and Neytiri acted as pillows for you and Wari. Neteyam sprawled over you and Jake(who was your pillow), Tsu'tey and Ateyo were held by you and Wari. Kiri and Tuk settled with Jake and Neytiri, Lo'ak and Tsireya spread over you and Wari, and Ao'nung snuggled into Tonowari's side.
"Jake I swear if you fart I will fight you." You said after everyone got comfortable and you all bubbled into laughter. Neteyam moved his face a little away from his dad.
"Good call Auntie. His gas is toxic." Neteyam mumbles into your shoulder.
"Hey... I don't fart in snuggle piles." Jake protests. Everyone in his family stops and stares at him in disbelief. "Okay only when someone is laying on my stomach though." He grumbled, and you laughed as you snuggled into Tonowari and your children. Neteyam tightened his grip around your shoulders and Jake's thigh. You rested a comforting hand on Neteyams arm knowing he had been suffering from night terrors. You wanted him to get as good of a nap as he could get and you knew he felt safest between you and Jake. Tonowari watched you with a fond smile and then rested his hand on your baby bump. Kiri started to idly run her fingers through your hair and you felt yourself start to grow tired.
"Kiri I'm gonna fall asleep if you keep that up." You told her, but she didn't relent and you fell asleep a few moments later. As you, Neytiri, and the kids napped peacefully Jake and Tonowari decided on having a conversation.
"Why don't you take her back to your marui so she can get some actual sleep? I know she's been spreading herself thin with Tsahík duties, Tsu'tey and Ateyo, and training Ja to be a healer." Jake suggests but Tonowari shakes his head.
"No. She would skin me if I carried her through the village. She wants to be a strong beacon for the people... But it's taking a toll on her." Both men freeze as Ateyo whines in his sleep, only to be soothed gently by your sleeping hand. When Ateyo stays asleep and you do as well both men continue their conversation.
"(Y/n) has always been headstrong and overflowing with love for those around her. She got that from her mother." Jake says and Tonowari's eyes snap up to him.
"What was she like?" He asks Jake who gains a sad look in his eyes.
"She was headstrong, rough around the edges, but caring and loving. She loved Pandora, mostly through the eyes of science, but when she died she told me that Eywa was real. That she was with her. The love that (Y/n) is capable of is astounding. Especially because the man who killed her mother lives among us now." Jake tells him.
"It's Miles. I know." Tonowari says and Jake is surprised.
"How did you know?" Jake asks.
"He told me about the man his memories come from. I have been debating taking him to the Cove of Ancestors to ask Eywa to relieve him of the stress, but that is not my job." Tonowari says.
"It's (Y/n)'s. She's Tsahík so spiritual healing falls into her category." Jake says and Tonowari nods while his eyes slide back to you and your sons.
"He would need to approach her for that." Tonowari says and he slides closer to press his forehead and nose against yours. You sigh in your sleep and pull him closer by tucking his head into your chest allowing him to rest on your arm. Your sons tucked safely between the two of you with your hand resting on their chests, and Tonowari's hand on your belly. Tonowari starts to quietly sing your songcord as he starts to feel tired as well.
"Through Eywa I was blessed"
"Oh Eywa"
"To be one of the people"
"I was seen by Tonowari"
"My love"
"We mated before Eywa"
"Through him, I gained two children"
"Ma Ao'nung and Tsireya"
"With Ma'Tonowari, I experienced two more"
"Ma Tsu'tey and Ateyo"
"Oh Eywa, I thank you, oh Eywa"
As he finished the last verse he made a mental note to remind you to add another bead to your songcord for the new baby. Though he had a feeling you were waiting to see its gender before adding about them. In your sleep, you place a soft kiss on his head and Neteyam's arm.
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teecupangel · 2 years
Anon from last night:
Nah, I was not the anon who asked about a kink with Basim*.
I would send in a fic prompt about top!Desmond and bottom!Ezio but I have no actual ideas atm, it’s just a concept in my brain, but if I think of something I’ll send it.
If I could send a gif to convey how I felt about your smutty!headcanons it would be a gif of the end of the Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf Music video, when Shia give the one person standing ovation. *chefs kiss*. (I forgot to mention that altdes is also my ac otp last night). Everything that you put down I picked it up and was like ‘yes yes good’ and put it in my pocket like a shiny rock.
*ok, so like, to be honest (and adhd over shared mood activated), I haven’t played very many ac games. I’ve only completed ac1, and I played half of ac4 and then watched my brother beat it. I have watched other people play bits and pieces of other games, but I honestly know nothing about the newer games. That being said, I did in fact read your Desmond #destroys Basim fic and it was very very good, #goodsoup (why am I in an old memes mood today oof). I really liked how you did the whole Desmond (clone? Half?) and his Ancestors thing that was really good, and kinky and nice.
Mmm, one more thing before I go! Thanks for letting me know about the whole won’t post an ask if you ask thing, it’s really good to know! (I don’t….. need that for this ask, unless you just don’t feel like answering it🤣🤣🤣🤣).
Take your time with your prompt, nonny :)
Hahahaha, I'm glad you enjoy my headcanons. I had fun writing them.
Yeah, I can understand why some people don't play all the AC games. Honestly, AC wiki is a good site for summary (and TVTropes too).
Since we're sharing our AC games experience (long rant ahead), the first time I played Assassin's Creed was at my best friend's place and she just gave me the controller and told me to whack people with a broom as Ezio while... I think we were waiting for her printer to finish printing our report or something? I don't remember anymore, all I remember was my main idea of Assassin's Creed before was that I can whack guards with a broom that sounds like a freaking hammer. We were in college then and I was a pure 'JRPG' purist back then so I was really confused by what this game was supposed to be. I know it was related to Prince of Persia in some way and the only reason why I know about Prince of Persia back then was because I watched my brother play all the games on the PS2. How times have changed, hahaha. Anyway, it would be a couple of years before I even actually play AC1 and AC2, then half of AC Brotherhood before dropping it, only coming back like maybe 3 years ago to play the entirety of Syndicate and its DLCs because my childhood friend suggested I would love the Victorian-era setting (I did) and I've been buying AC games either 2nd hand or when it goes super cheap in PSN as they've been part of my backlog since my best friend was a huge fan (she stopped playing after AC3 though XD) so I have all of them just gathering (digital) dust. The truth is, I finished AC Brotherhood to Valhalla only like... last year. From September last year to January this year, in fact. While it's never too late to play the other games, I'm not going to tell you to play them if you don't have the time or if there are any games that you want to play more. I do believe that if you can't play a game, watching let's play (with or without commentary) is an okay alternative and sometimes you can let it play while maybe grinding on the game you're currently playing. (just, FYI, all of the AC games except AC1 are available for free if you are subscribed to PS+... I think the 2nd tier at least? Ezio's Trilogy to Valhalla is free in PS+ as far as I know.)
Anyway, back to the Basim fic. Thank you! I really enjoyed writing about Desmond (considering the narration calls the ancestors 'shades', I think it's okay to call him Desmond's shade as well) and his questionable relationship with the other shades.
No problem! And I like answering asks so, yeah, I'm posting this hahahaha
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canislupus-exe · 3 years
Paladin's of Voltron Falling for Keith's Twin | paladins of voltrn
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>> gif credit to @/sensualkisses on tumblr <<
fandom | Voltron: Legendary Defender
character | Paladins of Voltron
reader | (Kogane) they/them (she ver.)(he ver.)
requested | Anonymous, @wolfhard-tozier, @wukindly, @vivienne-2022
warnings | None
word count | 781
keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (h/c) = hair color
summary | Huhuu could you do a reaction or hc to the reader being keiths twin (having a similar appearance but like a different hair color and not as sassy rather shy) and how the paladins end up falling for them? (protective keith pls) thank youuuuuuuuuu
>> back to prev <<
Keep reading
(Shiro will be depicted as 20 years old and Keith and the reader will be 18, I feel more comfortable writing this than an 18/25-year-old pairing)
You and Shiro had always been close
So had he and Keith
But your relationship with Shiro was
When he looked at you
He felt something
Something he had never felt for anyone
And then he said it out loud
And he knew it was real
That that was what he was feeling for you
So he decided he was going to ask you out
He was moderately confident
And remember what I mentioned about him and Keith being close?
Yeah well Shiro thought he could ask Keith for advice
But the whole "Hey I'm in love with your twin" thing didn't exactly fly over him too well
He freaked out
And threatened him
And said a lot of things I probably shouldn't repeat
But in the end
Keith was kinda glad it was Shiro and not someone else
So when Shiro asked you out
And you said yes
He bit his tongue
Because you were happy
And Shiro was happy
So he was happy
Hunk was a sweetheart
So it was no surprise when he started falling for you
Little ol' (Y/n) Kogane
The twin of Keith Kogane
You weren't like Keith tho
You were much kinder and way less angsty
And Hunk was honestly really in love with that
He was really in love with you
If he could make an excuse to be near you/with you
Best believe he would
But he was really nervous around you too
From being insecure
To the death glare Keith gave him whenever he was even in a ten-foot radius of you
Admitting his feelings for you would be impossible
So he just
Admired you from afar
Which had a nice view of your pretty (h/c) hair
So he was content
Lance saw you
And boom that was it
Soon as he laid eyes on you he was in love
It took him a few minutes to stop staring at you and drooling
But when he did
He grabbed your hand it kissed it lightly
Introducing himself and rendering you to a pile of blushing mess
And Keith saw
Oof bro was mad
He walked over
Stood right in between Lance and you
And stared at him
But that's the thing about Keith
Just him staring at you without even having to say anything was one of the most frightening things ever
Lance kinda raised his eyebrows
And was like "What's your issue bro?"
And Lance almost cried because you're Keith's sibling??????
What was it with him always picking people he had no chance with?????
But just imagine how mad Keith would be when he realizes that you're the one who asked Lance out
Aw Pidge
Pidge didn't know what she was feeling at first
She couldn't ascertain why her stomach felt weird when she was around you
Or why you saying her name made her blush
Or why she kept having this reoccurring dream of you two holding hands in a garden
No idea how she couldn't tell from that last one tbh
And not knowing annoyed her
Knowing stuff was her thing
It was her thing
And who was she if she couldn't even do her thing
So she sat down in her room
And she did her thing
She created charts and collected data and made a hypothesis and all that junk
And when she came to a conclusion
She was shook
"Like (Y/n)? I can't like (Y/n)."
Oh but she did
A lot, might I add
And from her calculations
You liked her too
So she began pacing
Thinking of ways to tell you
Until she decided she'd just pull you aside after a mission and tell you then
Nothing too catastrophic and something she could just walk off if you rejected her
But you didn't and she was so happy
So you two were a thing but decided to keep it on the DL
Mostly because you knew Keith would freak out
When Allura first saw you
She thought you were very attractive
But that was it
Nothing more
Nothing less
When she started getting to know you
I think that's when she really started having feelings for you
You were nothing like your brother
Personality wise and physically
Allura began thinking of you more often
And not in the way you would think of a friend
She was unsure of why she was doing this
So she voiced her thoughts to the mice
Great idea I know
They told her that she loved you
She scoffed
But something in her gut told her it was true
And that she really was in love with you
So she would wait until it was right to tell you
Cause her and Keith weren't exactly on the best terms
And you both had your own things to worry about
And it was at that moment she was definite she was in love with you because she said something she never thought she'd say for anyone
"I'll wait as long as I have to for them..."
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soonhoonsol · 3 years
The stress came mostly from like school because it's exam season for me rn and my final exams are also pretty soon, as well as trying to organize the stuff i'll do after school (there is something called 'voluntary social year' that i want to do, so i'm currently calling different places i wanna go to and meeting them, it's more stressful than i thought oof).
But i think i'll manage, as i don't have to get the best grade at the end because i won't go to uni and especially not study a subject where i need a specific grade ro even be considered^^
Also i totally agree with the action filled gose episodes because they always go so crazy during it? It's very amusing to watch how invested they get^^
But i do see the appeal of the darker concepts as well O.O Something something dark clothes and harnesses sbdjbeks idk that specific combo is just chef's kiss for me
And it's the version where they are in this big field? It's very green ig haha I can't look it up rn but ik minghaobis wearing a beret in it and i think chan has like freckles?? Maybe?? It's just very cute and i love it^^
Okay don't tell anyone but i have close ro one hundred albums now i think oof I honestly don't know when my collection became that bug but i spent my money exclusively on albums and bubbletea, i cry at every other purchase ajdjdbe
It's mostly just me looking at my shelf and going 'hehe albums'. I have the whole discography of many of the bands i stan or am atleast trying to get there^^ but i don't buy every version, because that's too much for me haha
Our local drugstore(? Idk the english word yk those stores that have like everything? Yeah that) aalways has kpop albums so i often buy them there if there are ones i like^^
Hope your weekend will be relaxing at least;-;
Sending you a big hug^^
hello my dear caratadmirer 🥺 I'm really sorry it took me so long to reply but I hope you're doing well ❤️
all the best for your exams!! I believe in you and you can ace them! also it's so cool that you're volunteering. where are you looking to go?
ooop that's so valid! what will you do after school then? my culture here is so adamant about academics... they're always pushing us to go to uni or get straight As and it sucks :/ are you gonna work after school then?
the action filled GoSe eps are great <3 speaking of which, have you seen the new ep? I haven't yet but it you'd like to spoil it for me I'm super open to that!
indeed it do be >< also maybe I'm a sucker for dark concepts because I'm just a dark soul 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows. but also I just want svt to collab with mx once like on an actual song and then I can die happy. are there any people you'd like svt to collab with?
I get what drugstores are! I think. but it's so cool that they have kpop albums! but also 100???? that's like $3k here omg you are a legend. my mother would just disown me if I so much as even touched an album in the store 😭😭😭
I just completed one of the major assignments of the week so I'm taking a break this Friday night and by break I mean I'm going to sleep 😭 I haven't had much time to gif these days and it's lowkey stressing me out... not sure if you knew I have 5 blogs to handle and I haven't made content for any of them so I feel so crappy ><
sorry to go all sad on you 😭 I hope you're having a good weekend!! valentine's is coming up soon so, do you have any plans?
0 notes
canislupus-exe · 3 years
Paladin's of Voltron Falling for Keith's Twin Brother | paladins of voltron
Tumblr media
>> gif credit to @/sensualkisses on tumblr <<
fandom | Voltron: Legendary Defender
character | Paladins of Voltron
reader | (Kogane) he/him (she ver.)(they ver.)
requested | Anonymous, @wolfhard-tozier, @wukindly, @vivienne-2022
warnings | None
word count | 781
keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (h/c) = hair color
summary | Huhuu could you do a reaction or hc to the reader being keiths twinbrother (having a similar appearance but like a different hair color and not as sassy rather shy) and how the paladins end up falling for him? (protective keith pls) thank youuuuuuuuuu
>> back to prev <<
Keep reading
(Shiro will be depicted as 20 years old and Keith and the reader will be 18, I feel more comfortable writing this than an 18/25-year-old pairing)
You and Shiro had always been close
So had he and Keith
But your relationship with Shiro was
When he looked at you
He felt something
Something he had never felt for anyone
And then he said it out loud
And he knew it was real
That that was what he was feeling for you
So he decided he was going to ask you out
He was moderately confident
And remember what I mentioned about him and Keith being close?
Yeah well Shiro thought he could ask Keith for advice
But the whole "Hey I'm in love with your twin brother" thing didn't exactly fly over him too well
He freaked out
And threatened him
And said a lot of things I probably shouldn't repeat
But in the end
Keith was kinda glad it was Shiro and not someone else
So when Shiro asked you out
And you said yes
He bit his tongue
Because you were happy
And Shiro was happy
So he was happy
Hunk was a sweetheart
So it was no surprise when he started falling for you
Little ol' (Y/n) Kogane
The twin brother of Keith Kogane
You weren't like Keith tho
You were much kinder and way less angsty
And Hunk was honestly really in love with that
He was really in love with you
If he could make an excuse to be near you/with you
Best believe he would
But he was really nervous around you too
From being insecure
To the death glare Keith gave him whenever he was even in a ten-foot radius of you
Admitting his feelings for you would be impossible
So he just
Admired you from afar
Which had a nice view of your pretty (h/c) hair
So he was content
Lance saw you
And boom that was it
Soon as he laid eyes on you he was in love
It took him a few minutes to stop staring at you and drooling
But when he did
He grabbed your hand it kissed it lightly
Introducing himself and rendering you to a pile of blushing mess
And Keith saw
Oof bro was mad
He walked over
Stood right in between Lance and you
And stared at him
But that's the thing about Keith
Just him staring at you without even having to say anything was one of the most frightening things ever
Lance kinda raised his eyebrows
And was like "What's your issue bro?"
And Lance almost cried because you're Keith's brother??????
What was it with him always picking guys he had no chance with?????
But just imagine how mad Keith would be when he realizes that you're the one who asked Lance out
Aw Pidge
Pidge didn't know what she was feeling at first
She couldn't ascertain why her stomach felt weird when she was around you
Or why you saying her name made her blush
Or why she kept having this reoccurring dream of you two holding hands in a garden
No idea how she couldn't tell from that last one tbh
And not knowing annoyed her
Knowing stuff was her thing
It was her thing
And who was she if she couldn't even do her thing
So she sat down in her room
And she did her thing
She created charts and collected data and made a hypothesis and all that junk
And when she came to a conclusion
She was shook
"Like (Y/n)? I can't like (Y/n)."
Oh but she did
A lot, might I add
And from her calculations
You liked her too
So she began pacing
Thinking of ways to tell you
Until she decided she'd just pull you aside after a mission and tell you then
Nothing too catastrophic and something she could just walk off if you rejected her
But you didn't and she was so happy
So you two were a thing but decided to keep it on the DL
Mostly because you knew Keith would freak out
When Allura first saw you
She thought you were very handsome
But that was it
Nothing more
Nothing less
When she started getting to know you
I think that's when she really started having feelings for you
You were nothing like your brother
Personality wise and physically
Allura began thinking of you more often
And not in the way you would think of a friend
She was unsure of why she was doing this
So she voiced her thoughts to the mice
Great idea I know
They told her that she loved you
She scoffed
But something in her gut told her it was true
And that she really was in love with you
So she would wait until it was right to tell you
Cause her and Keith weren't exactly on the best terms
And you both had your own things to worry about
And it was at that moment she was definite she was in love with you because she said something she never thought she'd say for anyone
"I'll wait as long as I have to for him..."
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