#oops this turned into a lil one shot ig???
blissfullyabsurd · 7 months
*sigh* i can’t stop thinking about satosugu. satosugu calling eachother every second they’re not with the other. talking for hours. falling asleep to each others voices. memorising the others vending machine order. geto getting extra sweets for gojo. casual touches. leaning onto the other, no questions asked. nightly walks after a particularly rough mission. gojo comforting geto after having to absorb a nasty curse. geto soothing gojos thoughts whenever the pressure gets too much. the first time one of them stays over night in the others room. the awkwardness of the days after that, neither of them knowing the source. their first kiss after a long night of talking and joking around. soft lips on lips. the taste of giddy excitement. how everything is different and just like it used to be both at the same time. they don’t have to explain themselves. to anyone. they’re geto and gojo. nothing else to it.
geto staring at rikos unmoving body and realising the meaning of this sight. having no time to mourn his best friend. fight after fight. gojo is alive but geto can’t escape the inevitable. their time together is limited. constant solo missions. never seeing the other. day after day. month after month. he doesn’t sleep. the vermin in his body is messing with his head. he feels unclean. rotten.
the icy dread running through gojos body when he first hears about what geto did. how did he not see the signs? analysing every single mannerism. going over their last conversation over and over in his head. what went wrong? they had been perfect. the disillusionment hitting him like bricks. it’s his fault. he could have done something. he should have done something.
shoko having to mourn both of her best friends. after geto left, gojo was never the same. watching the other man force his smiles. how is he? seeing those blue eyes widen in surprise. of course she knew. the random disappearances. the higher ups asking question, but what were they gonna do? he’s the strongest. sitting outside at 3 am. the smell of cigarettes filling the cold nightly air. gojo catching her up. holding each other close. crying. mourning.
then it’s there. what they both had been dreading. gojo enters her room. bloody and wrecked. he breaks down. she does her best to heal his wounds. the physical ones, at least. geto was not the only one to die that day.
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