#oough this ended up being way longer than I intended… oh well
lesbianoms · 9 months
Imagin', iffin' ya will, 's a brisk winer night in December, a festive time o' year. All wrapped up in ya' snug, warm clothes, maybe a nice sweater, some pajama pants, scarf if ya feelin', whatever ya' favourite "cozytime clothes" for an evenin' at home.
That's when ya' hear it, on ya' roof, rather clear at first, the impacts, like two feet(?) landin' on the shingles.
But after that? Slow. Quiet.
Creepin' quietly toward. . . the chimney. . .
A bluster o' winter-wind bounds outta' the fireplace, snuffin' the flame, 'long with any candles cozily lightin' the room, though fortunately, despite the dark, the nearest candle's on the table beside ya. It only takes a moment to light.
Just the moment.
That's all it took to creep silently onto ya' floor.
To rise, silently, up to her "feet".
You wouldn't've known before ya turned 'round to see her. . .
. . . were it not for that snort. That smug, teasin' puff o' her hot. Hungry breath that puffed past ya' from behind like steam.
A deep breath, seemin'ly, given the faint jinglin' that tinkled through the iron bells affixed to what sparse cloth she wore.
Behind ya, 'gainst ya' upper back, ya hear ('n feel) her belly, with a doughy sag o' gluttonous experience, growl, as low 'n as hungry as sin. A strong hand comes to rest upon ya' shoulder, skin warm 'n rugged in texture as well as hue, her fingers and claws long. The hand's match glides down 'long ya' arm, gently takin' ya by the wrist, raisin' ya' own hand tae study.
"Hmmmmnnn. . ." She seems to study ya, delicately turnin' over ya' hand, 'n, ya hear, drinkin' deep o' ya' scent. The latter seems intrigue her especially, given the deep, ravenously gurglin' songs her stomach starts singin'. Her voice is a low, growlin' purr, dusky and mature, 'n ya can practically hear her long, forked tongue lick her sharp teeth,
"Tell, me, m'dear; hasss sssomeone been a naughty girl, thisss year?"
(happy holidays!)
Oh, you spoil me~
This reads exactly like an old Christmas story, I love it…
Of the many ways to spend the holiday evening, being fondled and sniffed by a gluttonous she-Krampus sounds absolutely, incredibly amazing…
(Somewhat of a continuation below)
I stammered. Words didn’t exactly come out, though— they sounded more like the whimperings of some scared prey animal.
But given the circumstances, it seemed appropriate… I stiffened my back as the intruder pressed her belly even closer against me… its plush flab rumbled up the sides of my body, making me feel all tingly… tingly and frightened…
Her breath huffed low on the nape of my neck, washing over me in a chilling warmth. She licked her lips and spoke,
“Gonna need an ansssswer from ya, darlin’…”
Her grip on my shoulders tightened ever-so-slightly, and I let out a small gasp of fear. I flinched in her grip. Her bells jingled as she held me fast in place, pressing me back up against that soft, plush, yet ominous gut of hers. I heard a particularly loud grumble from within.
“I- I don’t know,” I said quickly.
In my voice, I tried to hide the fact that I was a bit flustered. Despite the danger of the situation, there was something exciting about feeling her belly right on me— that fleshy orb growling low and meaty… and murmuring sweet nothings into my ear…
Her hot breath eased in closer, closer to the side of my face. I heard a hiss lacing her words as she went on.
“Ya don’t know then, mm? Are you abssolutely sssure ‘bout it, m’dear?”
I squeaked in surprise as her rough hand traced the underside of my jaw. Gently but firmly scratching me on the chin, like a pet. Like livestock. I bit my lip to keep from moaning.
“Mhm,” I replied shakily.
The intruder huffed out a deep chuckle.
“Turn ‘round and look at me, darlin’… let me sssee that pretty face o’ yoursss…”
I turned and held my breath, eyes widening as I saw just what I was face-to-face with. A tall, hulking she-beast, barely wearing any clothing at all, with horns and hooves and rough, claw-like hands. Her tongue dripped saliva as it snaked out from between her fanged maw. She stared down at me with piercing yellow eyes.
Just below all that, she sported a hefty and doughy gut. It groaned and grumbled so much that the sound was almost hypnotizing to me, like a siren song calling… her belly rolled right over her waistline, and as she pressed me against it and looked down me, I felt the bottom half of my face sink into the pudge.
I stared up with wide, terrified eyes.
“I’m visssitin’ ya for a reassson tonight,” she hissed. “Everyone will either be naughty or nice this time o’ year… that ol’ jolly, bearded man getss th’ nice girlsss…”
Her stomach roared at me; I felt it shake through my entire body.
“And I get th’ naughty onesss…”
“What did I do?!” I shouted, struggling against her ironclad grip.
“A lil’ birdie told me ya got a fondnesss for th’ naughty… all those thoughtsss o’ ssin up in yer head…”
Fuck. I knew exactly what she was talking about.
“And o’course, asss iss tradition, naughty girlsss get th’ gut…”
She pulled away from me slightly, but only so she could crane her neck low and trace her slippery tongue across my face. I whimpered as she tasted me.
A hissing laugh. “You like that, don’t ya sssweetie…?”
Her big belly sloshed to the side as she crouched down low, squishing onto the floor with a whining groan. I watched— a confusing rush of desire and fear taking me over— as she opened her mouth wide and rolled out her tongue to me like a velvet carpet.
“Lassst chance t’ redeem yersself, hm? Be a good girl an’ climb inssside… morsssels like you belong ssnuggled up in m’belly… 🖤”
I took a shaky, deep breath, as I marched forward with a sudden burst of courage. It was short lived, however, as I found myself shaking the moment I stepped onto her slimy tongue. I looked up at my captor. She just watched me with patient eyes, drooling… and so I took the other steps into her large, gaping maw…
She swallowed me, gulping heavy, quickly. Her throat had years of experience in capturing and getting down prey…
I moaned and wiggled as I filled up her round belly. The inside of her gut was a slimy sac; it was a bit more spacious than I thought it would be, but as I squirmed I felt the walls rumble and begin to churn. Acids and juices washed over me in waves, tingling my body in pleasurable and sticky sensations. I moaned as I felt her stand back up. Her belly sloshed and tumbled me into the squishy walls that hugged me tightly. There was an aching in my crotch.
I didn’t really want to admit it, but…
“Good girl… goooood morsssel… I can feel ya gettin’ all hot n’ bothered in there…”
Ohh. I guess I didn’t need to admit it.
I wiggled around and curled up in her belly as she gave the stuffed organ a hearty pat. A big, monstrous belch exited from her maw and I felt the stomach squeeze me as she sighed in satisfaction.
“Cute, whimperin’ thing… you’ll be out by new yearss, fully reformed… until then, besst sssettle in for a long n’ gurgly digessstion…”
She burped again and patted my form, hissing in delight at my struggles. She stomped back over to the chimney, ready to squeeze back in and up onto the roof, to return into the cold winter night with her catch.
“Maybe you’ll learn a thing r’ two, bein’ ol’ Krampusss’ss belly fat for a while…”
I sighed, feeling my set of Christmas pjs already beginning to melt off. Mmm, seems like I’d had a Merry Christmas indeed… <3
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