#christmas vore
Pred and Prey couple agreeing that this Christmas season, instead of kissing under the mistletoe, they'd be doing noms.
Cut to the scene where the Prey wakes up in the morning to realize that their Pred installed mistletoes in every single door in the household.
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intestinalemphasis · 9 months
Pred couple that gets each other fresh prey for Christmas, getting them bound and gagged and nicely wrapped up under the Christmas tree 🎄
Pred couples slowly feeding each other tiny preys they made into stocking stuffers 🎁
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lesbianoms · 9 months
Imagin', iffin' ya will, 's a brisk winer night in December, a festive time o' year. All wrapped up in ya' snug, warm clothes, maybe a nice sweater, some pajama pants, scarf if ya feelin', whatever ya' favourite "cozytime clothes" for an evenin' at home.
That's when ya' hear it, on ya' roof, rather clear at first, the impacts, like two feet(?) landin' on the shingles.
But after that? Slow. Quiet.
Creepin' quietly toward. . . the chimney. . .
A bluster o' winter-wind bounds outta' the fireplace, snuffin' the flame, 'long with any candles cozily lightin' the room, though fortunately, despite the dark, the nearest candle's on the table beside ya. It only takes a moment to light.
Just the moment.
That's all it took to creep silently onto ya' floor.
To rise, silently, up to her "feet".
You wouldn't've known before ya turned 'round to see her. . .
. . . were it not for that snort. That smug, teasin' puff o' her hot. Hungry breath that puffed past ya' from behind like steam.
A deep breath, seemin'ly, given the faint jinglin' that tinkled through the iron bells affixed to what sparse cloth she wore.
Behind ya, 'gainst ya' upper back, ya hear ('n feel) her belly, with a doughy sag o' gluttonous experience, growl, as low 'n as hungry as sin. A strong hand comes to rest upon ya' shoulder, skin warm 'n rugged in texture as well as hue, her fingers and claws long. The hand's match glides down 'long ya' arm, gently takin' ya by the wrist, raisin' ya' own hand tae study.
"Hmmmmnnn. . ." She seems to study ya, delicately turnin' over ya' hand, 'n, ya hear, drinkin' deep o' ya' scent. The latter seems intrigue her especially, given the deep, ravenously gurglin' songs her stomach starts singin'. Her voice is a low, growlin' purr, dusky and mature, 'n ya can practically hear her long, forked tongue lick her sharp teeth,
"Tell, me, m'dear; hasss sssomeone been a naughty girl, thisss year?"
(happy holidays!)
Oh, you spoil me~
This reads exactly like an old Christmas story, I love it…
Of the many ways to spend the holiday evening, being fondled and sniffed by a gluttonous she-Krampus sounds absolutely, incredibly amazing…
(Somewhat of a continuation below)
I stammered. Words didn’t exactly come out, though— they sounded more like the whimperings of some scared prey animal.
But given the circumstances, it seemed appropriate… I stiffened my back as the intruder pressed her belly even closer against me… its plush flab rumbled up the sides of my body, making me feel all tingly… tingly and frightened…
Her breath huffed low on the nape of my neck, washing over me in a chilling warmth. She licked her lips and spoke,
“Gonna need an ansssswer from ya, darlin’…”
Her grip on my shoulders tightened ever-so-slightly, and I let out a small gasp of fear. I flinched in her grip. Her bells jingled as she held me fast in place, pressing me back up against that soft, plush, yet ominous gut of hers. I heard a particularly loud grumble from within.
“I- I don’t know,” I said quickly.
In my voice, I tried to hide the fact that I was a bit flustered. Despite the danger of the situation, there was something exciting about feeling her belly right on me— that fleshy orb growling low and meaty… and murmuring sweet nothings into my ear…
Her hot breath eased in closer, closer to the side of my face. I heard a hiss lacing her words as she went on.
“Ya don’t know then, mm? Are you abssolutely sssure ‘bout it, m’dear?”
I squeaked in surprise as her rough hand traced the underside of my jaw. Gently but firmly scratching me on the chin, like a pet. Like livestock. I bit my lip to keep from moaning.
“Mhm,” I replied shakily.
The intruder huffed out a deep chuckle.
“Turn ‘round and look at me, darlin’… let me sssee that pretty face o’ yoursss…”
I turned and held my breath, eyes widening as I saw just what I was face-to-face with. A tall, hulking she-beast, barely wearing any clothing at all, with horns and hooves and rough, claw-like hands. Her tongue dripped saliva as it snaked out from between her fanged maw. She stared down at me with piercing yellow eyes.
Just below all that, she sported a hefty and doughy gut. It groaned and grumbled so much that the sound was almost hypnotizing to me, like a siren song calling… her belly rolled right over her waistline, and as she pressed me against it and looked down me, I felt the bottom half of my face sink into the pudge.
I stared up with wide, terrified eyes.
“I’m visssitin’ ya for a reassson tonight,” she hissed. “Everyone will either be naughty or nice this time o’ year… that ol’ jolly, bearded man getss th’ nice girlsss…”
Her stomach roared at me; I felt it shake through my entire body.
“And I get th’ naughty onesss…”
“What did I do?!” I shouted, struggling against her ironclad grip.
“A lil’ birdie told me ya got a fondnesss for th’ naughty… all those thoughtsss o’ ssin up in yer head��”
Fuck. I knew exactly what she was talking about.
“And o’course, asss iss tradition, naughty girlsss get th’ gut…”
She pulled away from me slightly, but only so she could crane her neck low and trace her slippery tongue across my face. I whimpered as she tasted me.
A hissing laugh. “You like that, don’t ya sssweetie…?”
Her big belly sloshed to the side as she crouched down low, squishing onto the floor with a whining groan. I watched— a confusing rush of desire and fear taking me over— as she opened her mouth wide and rolled out her tongue to me like a velvet carpet.
“Lassst chance t’ redeem yersself, hm? Be a good girl an’ climb inssside… morsssels like you belong ssnuggled up in m’belly… 🖤”
I took a shaky, deep breath, as I marched forward with a sudden burst of courage. It was short lived, however, as I found myself shaking the moment I stepped onto her slimy tongue. I looked up at my captor. She just watched me with patient eyes, drooling… and so I took the other steps into her large, gaping maw…
She swallowed me, gulping heavy, quickly. Her throat had years of experience in capturing and getting down prey…
I moaned and wiggled as I filled up her round belly. The inside of her gut was a slimy sac; it was a bit more spacious than I thought it would be, but as I squirmed I felt the walls rumble and begin to churn. Acids and juices washed over me in waves, tingling my body in pleasurable and sticky sensations. I moaned as I felt her stand back up. Her belly sloshed and tumbled me into the squishy walls that hugged me tightly. There was an aching in my crotch.
I didn’t really want to admit it, but…
“Good girl… goooood morsssel… I can feel ya gettin’ all hot n’ bothered in there…”
Ohh. I guess I didn’t need to admit it.
I wiggled around and curled up in her belly as she gave the stuffed organ a hearty pat. A big, monstrous belch exited from her maw and I felt the stomach squeeze me as she sighed in satisfaction.
“Cute, whimperin’ thing… you’ll be out by new yearss, fully reformed… until then, besst sssettle in for a long n’ gurgly digessstion…”
She burped again and patted my form, hissing in delight at my struggles. She stomped back over to the chimney, ready to squeeze back in and up onto the roof, to return into the cold winter night with her catch.
“Maybe you’ll learn a thing r’ two, bein’ ol’ Krampusss’ss belly fat for a while…”
I sighed, feeling my set of Christmas pjs already beginning to melt off. Mmm, seems like I’d had a Merry Christmas indeed… <3
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scottinaussie · 9 months
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Fr. Mike Schmitz
November 2022
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tummietown · 9 months
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clown vore will be real in 7 seconds
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i also love drawing paws so. smiles
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twistedtummies2 · 7 months
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The sound of rollin’ dice to me Is music in the air! ‘Cause I’m a Gamblin’ Boogieman, Although I don’t play fair!
It’s much more fun, I must confess, When lives are on the line! Not mine, of course, But yours, old boy! ow that’d be just fine…
"Oogie Boogie's Song," Ken Page
The long, LONG delayed final image in my “OCs & Inspirations” series, at least for now. This was originally intended to be part of a bunch of pics commemorating Disney’s 100th Anniversary, but the artist was facing some difficulties, so it took much longer than expected. I don’t mind in the least, however, because this was more than worth the wait…and hey, Valentine’s Day may not be the most obvious holiday of choice to release this, but a holiday is still a holiday. And with these two, it felt right to post their pic on such an occasion. Oh, on that note, before I go on: the image was made by @hooter-n-company, who also did my image for Nakoda and Kaa for the series a while back. I can’t honestly decide which of them I like more, between this image and that one; they’re both absolutely breathtaking. Her work always is. Thank you, Hoots. <3 ANYWAY…Reno was the first character I specifically created as a sort of “correction” to an old pred crush of mine. Nako and Billy being more “appealing” versions of their source inspirations (for me) was just sort of a welcome bonus. But with Reno, I deliberately created him with the idea of taking a character I used to have an interest in “that way,” but no longer do, and then creating someone I could “kinkify” more easily via the power of Twisted Wonderland’s universe. When I was a kid, I used to have a bit of a crush on Oogie Boogie from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I even had some rather…VIVID dreams, involving this big bag of bugs, which I shall always remember. However, over time, my interests and ideals with such things changed, and as they did, my love for Oogie dwindled. Reno was my way of trying to do something more “me” with the character.
The name “Reno” comes from Reno, Nevada. It was suggested by my friend, @belliesandburps. Since Reno is just a big a gambler as Oogie, it seemed fitting to use the name of a city known for gambling - and in the same state as arguably the gambler paradise of the world, Las Vegas - for his name. “Rovar” comes from a Hungarian word meaning “insect,” which of course fit perfectly. Combined, the two have a similar sort of “bounce” and syllabic structur to “Oogie Boogie,” and the alliteration was amusing to me. In terms of personality, Reno, in a way, is Oogie…but with a sort of soft side. Like, his source material, he is crass, crude, loud, rowdy, mischievous, a bit sadistic, and constantly thinks with his stomach. HOWEVER, for all his jagged edges, Reno isn’t someone who does bad things just for the sheer sake of it, unlike Oogie. Reno still has the capacity to care about people, and even some of the more “evil” things he’s done were usually out of a sort of bitter desire to get back at people he felt were more fortunate, while also helping himself and those he cared about in the process. He’s not the easiest person to get along with, but he’s not a literal monster.
I decided to sort of reverse things in terms of the way Oogie’s true self is revealed in the film, for Reno. In the movie, Oogie glows green in blacklight, but his actual appearance is a much duller beige hue. And of course, when you strip away the bag, he’s a collection of creepy crawlies underneath. So, with Reno, his human form has dull colors, with a sweater that resembles Oogie’s burlap, but his true form - a sort of “demi bug” - is colored in shades of vibrant green. His Overblot form, meanwhile - which Hoots helped IMMENSELY with working out - has a sort of neon appearance, inspired by the look of Oogie’s lair, and is a collection of different elements from different arthropods.
In this case, I think the different colors help the pair stand in good contrast to each other. ;)
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maniakmonkey · 9 months
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Here's a late, sorta-holiday picture I started a few weeks ago. Rush finds herself in a world of candy and helps herself to a snack, but the locals are not too happy about it. Happy Belated Holidays everyone! Hope you're all doing well and 2024 will be kind to you! :)
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mmmleckerlecker · 9 months
The Magic of Christmas
Summary: Santa grants you the gift of a full year in the North Pole with him. What you don’t realize is that YOU will end up being the true gift of Christmas.
Contents: m/?; fatal vore; willing pred; unwilling prey; size-difference; betrayal; painless digestion; long-term; a little bit of soul vore?
Wordcount: 2,398
* * * * * * * * * *
It’s the night of Christmas Eve, and you’re already curled up, fast asleep in bed. Until suddenly you are awoken by someone gently shaking your shoulder. You blink your eyes open and are startled to find someone standing above you. You gasp and sit up. The stranger in your room is dressed all in red and sports a great white beard. As you come to, you realize you’re looking at the man himself.
“Santa Claus!” you blurt. “What are you doing here?”
He smiles at you. His eyes are as twinkly and his cheeks are as rosy as all the stories say. He’s also much, much bigger than you ever expected. You wonder how he even fits down all those chimneys.
“I’ve been keeping an eye on you since you were a small child,” he explains, his voice warm and rumbling. “Not once have you been on my naughty list, and each year I’ve admired your kindness, thoughtfulness, and your ability to bring joy to other people’s lives. It’s because of this that I want to give you a very special gift this year.”
Your heart is pounding in your chest as you ask, “What is it?”
You’ve always known Santa to be real, even when all your friends grew up and stopped believing in him. And now, to not only get to meet him but to receive such high praise from him… it’s a dream come true.
“As a gift for your enduring generosity,” Santa begins, “I’d like to invite you to spend the next year with me in the North Pole.”
Your jaw drops. You’re so honored by the offer that it takes several stuttering attempts to say, “Yes! I mean, yes please!”
Santa lets out a quiet chuckle, each set of, “ho ho ho,” like music to your ears.
“Come,” he says, holding out a mittened hand. “Let’s go.”
You spend the rest of the night at his side, flying over the earth in his sleigh. You expect to be terrified by the height and speed, but you’re not. You’re exhilarated. There are even several times you stop at a house and Santa returns carrying carrots. He hands them to you and lets you feed the reindeer.
When you’re not feeding reindeer or waiting for Santa as he drops off gifts, the two of you are engaged in conversation. A lot of it is asking questions about the North Pole. Very often, Santa’s only response is, “You’ll see.”
As you talk, you can’t help but notice the faint scent of sugar cookies that emanates from him and the way he has a habit of dotingly rubbing his impressively round belly (like a bowl full of jelly). You don’t think too much of it, however. He’s Santa Claus and he’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
At the end of the night, you land in the North Pole and are greeted by hordes of cheerful elves. They’re smiling and laughing as they show you around Santa’s Village before guiding you to your new room where you promptly crawl into your marshmallow soft bed and fall asleep.
The next year goes by like a dream. All the elves make sure to meet your every need. Taking you on sleigh rides, inviting you to snowball fights, teaching you to ice skate, and then always making sure to bring you some cookies and hot chocolate after every meal.
Living in Santa’s village is like living Christmas every day and you couldn’t be happier.
There’s only one small thing that nags at you. And it’s Santa himself.
You see him quite regularly, and every interaction with him is as magical as the last. But as the year goes by, you notice that he starts to lose some of his… glow. The twinkle in his eye grows dim, the rosiness in his cheeks fades away, he loses his distinctive sugar cookie scent, and even his round belly grows smaller and smaller until there’s almost nothing left.
You’re too polite to comment on someone’s appearance, but you also don’t understand how this could be happening. Everything about the North Pole is invigorating and full of life. The longer you live here, the more you feel its influence. You can even see it when you look in the mirror. Each day, your reflection glows a little more brightly, so how could Santa be losing his own glow?
In the last few weeks leading up to Christmas, you truly begin to worry for Santa. At this point, if it weren’t for the beard and red suit, you wouldn’t even be able to tell he’s Santa at all. It’s like all the magic has gone out of him. But whenever you ask if he’s okay, he simply chuckles, pats your head, and assures you not to worry. But you do worry. You even ask the elves about it in hushed tones, but they just laugh and dismiss your concerns.
On the night of Christmas Eve, Santa’s workshop is a whirl of activity as everyone makes last minute preparations for the Big Night, yet Santa looks as un-Santa-like as ever. Still, no one seems concerned about this, least of all Santa. And amidst all the other hustle and bustle, the elves still manage to find time to prepare the grandest feast you have ever seen. Turkey and ham and potatoes and gravy and green beans and cookies and ice cream and cakes and pie.
In the final hour before Santa’s departure, everyone sits down to eat. You’re at the head of the table while Santa sits all the way across from you at the other end. Every dish you try is the tastiest thing you’ve ever eaten. Even more so than all you’ve had in the last year (and you’ve had a lot of good food in the past year.) You can’t help yourself as you try each dish at the table, going back for seconds and then going back for thirds on all you favorites.
The only thing that puts a damper on your spirit is that Santa himself doesn’t really touch his food. But the elves don’t seem perturbed. They’re all feasting away. And when Santa catches you watching him, he smiles that same warm smile at you, a ghost of a twinkle in his eye.
After that, you’re too embarrassed to be caught looking at him again. You put your head down and pretend nothing is amiss. It’s only when you’ve eaten so much you feel like you’re going to burst does the feast end.
As soon as it’s over, the elves swarm about, cleaning up the table. Meanwhile, you hang back, trying to stay out of the way and nervously waiting as Santa makes a few last minute adjustments before his trip. You know your year in the North Pole is nearly up. You know the time to say goodbye is fast approaching. Something tells you that you’ll never see this place again, and the very thought of it fills you with a terrible, aching sadness.
Finally, Santa approaches, and you know it’s time to go.
“Come with me,” he murmurs once he draws near. “There’s one last gift I need to finish and I want you to be a part of it.”
You blink in confusion as he beckons you to follow. This is not what you’d expected, but you’re not going to argue. If Santa needs your help, after all he’s done for you, the least you can do is comply. Besides, if it means staying here a little bit longer, you’ll happily go along with it.
A little uncertainly, you follow him away from all the elves and into Santa’s private workshop. You’ve never been in here before, and you marvel at the wonders within. So many beautifully and masterfully crafted toys. You wonder how in the world you can help with one of these gifts. They all seem perfect already.
You hardly notice when Santa shuts the door quietly behind you. Your attention only returns to him when he puts his hands on your shoulders and turns you to face him.
You swallow as he looks you up and down with his icy blue eyes.
“Wh- what’s the gift you need help with?” you ask, thrown off by the intensity of his gaze.
Instead of answering, he merely smiles again and says, “I’m so very proud of you for all you’ve done to inhabit the spirit of Christmas. If it weren’t for people like you, Christmas wouldn’t be able to happen at all.”
You feel the heat rise in your cheeks. Your heart is soaring with elation. You don’t think you’ve ever received such high praise. “Of course,” you squeak. “You’re welcome.”
“Merry Christmas, my child,” he mutters before leaning down and planting a light kiss on your forehead. You feel a little electric shock go through you from the contact.
And then your insides shift and you freeze as things take an unexpected turn. The kiss turns into something so much more, and suddenly you feel your entire head being engulfed by Santa’s mouth.
It’s only when he begins to swallow you down that you realize something is very wrong. You start to panic. You struggle and kick and beg to be released, but none of it has any effect. You just feel more and more of your body sliding down Santa’s throat and being crammed into his stomach. By the time your feet join you inside, you’re sobbing and fighting for your life. But it’s all in vain. You’re trapped.
After several long minutes of trying to escape, you tire yourself out, curl into a ball, and resign yourself to your fate.
You can’t believe this is happening. After so much wonder and magic, you end up here, betrayed by Santa, someone you’ve loved and trusted your whole life. And you thought he loved you in return.
At least it doesn’t feel too bad in here. It’s actually quite soft and warm with a sugary sweet smell. You’re reminded of that first night you’d met Santa and the sugar cookie scent that had followed him. You’d almost forgotten about that. It had disappeared so long ago…
And then you’re surprised when you feel someone rubbing at you from outside and hear Santa’s voice.
“There you go,” his voice rumbles all around you. “Just relax in there.”
“Santa!” you call and push back where you feel his hand. “Please!”
But Santa doesn’t miss a beat. “Unfortunately, I can’t let you out, but you’re giving the greatest gift anyone can give.”
You go still. “What do you mean?”
You’re not sure if he can hear you, but still he goes on to explain. “You see, I can’t actually produce my own magic. Instead, all magic in this world resides in you, in humans. You attract it to you and absorb it. Only you all cannot sense it or control it. But I can.
“So every year, to keep the magic of Christmas going, I must take the magic from a single human who best inhabits the spirit of Christmas. The past year you’ve spent here has only strengthened the magic within you. I’m sorry to do this, but it’s the only way to rekindle my magic. I hope you understand.”
You kick out and very colorfully explain that you don’t understand, but now you’re sure he can’t hear you because you only receive a distracted pat in response. It’s then you realize there’s nothing else you can do. This is how it ends for you.
You can feel every little movement as Santa leaves his workshop and climbs into his sleigh. And then, for the next few hours, you feel him squeezing through chimneys and stacking presents beneath trees. He doesn’t acknowledge your squirms and occasional kicks beyond a distracted rub and a comforting word. So you’re surprised when you suddenly hear what sounds like him conversing with someone else.
You strain your ears and are able to make out what Santa’s saying, “So as a gift for your enduring generosity, I’d like to invite you to spend the next year with me in the North Pole.”
You go still. You know those words.
Then you hear a muffled reply from whoever Santa is talking to, and before you know it, Santa is back in his sleigh with his new human. For the rest of the night, you listen to the two of them chatting amicably. You even overhear Santa telling them that they can feed the reindeer. And every once in awhile, you can feel Santa lovingly caress you within his stomach. You have flashbacks to one year ago when you were on the outside and witnessed him doing the same.
Then everything clicks together. You’re not the first to end up here. And you certainly won’t be the last.
And so the night comes to a close. You feel Santa return to the North Pole and listen to him bid his new human goodnight before heading to bed himself. As you will yourself to sleep too, you wonder how long this is going to last…
You end up remaining inside Santa for far longer than you expect. From what you can tell, you’re in there for months. You never feel any pain, but you can tell your physical body is slowly being broken down and absorbed. It gets harder and harder to find the strength to move, but every time you do, you’re once more met with a comforting rub and a few soft words.
As the months go by, not only do you lose the strength to move (you’re not even sure if there’s anything left of your physical body to move), but you find it harder and harder to stay conscious of what’s going on outside your little prison. But you’re roused just enough when you hear Santa say one last sentence to someone on the outside.
“I have one last gift to finish, and I want you to be a part of it.”
What little remains of your consciousness flutters a bit as you recognize those words and realize it must have been a full year now. It’s time for you to be replaced.
And just as you have this thought, you feel everything slip away, and you’re met with a void of endless darkness. There’s quiet and freedom. At last, you find peace.
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dragons-eat-people · 9 months
Season's Eatings
Christmas was always one of my favorite holidays, but even more so for my little brother, Everett. He's an absolute Christmas nut, having become obsessed with the holiday. He sings all the songs that the humans do around this time of year with a friend of his, a little French dragon named Wattson. He's a good kid, and the pair are rather inseparable.
Though, this little holiday tale isn't about the two little dragons. Ever heard the saying that "Christmas is about giving"? That's the little moral of this story. After all, the greatest gifts are the ones that wind up on your doorstep.
Our home, whether you'd like to call it Dragonland, or the Alterlands, which is the proper name...but it's separated into sectors. That's how the tribes are separated and such. In our sector, which is called Kulia Forest, we have a...lovely section that I named myself!
Bandit's Run.
The name is more literal than you think. Bandits, thieving humans love to scour own home for ancient treasures. This isn't particularly common during the winter, but...I think you can tell where I'm going with this.
One particular human so far has escaped me. The only exception, he was armed and I had Everett with me at the time, so he's just lucky. Though, you can only imagine the look on my face when an enemy I loathed appeared right on our doorstep...
The season's about giving. Thanks for giving yourself up to me. I pounced forward, latching onto his shoulders with my claws, pinning him down in the snow. He yells, instinctively, struggling against my grip and such. He manages to reach into his pocket, dammit. He still has his gun. My adversary managed to aim at me, clenching his hand around the grip and trigger.
He shoots.
The bullet...misses. What a shame. He curses, right as I wrestle the firearm out of his hands. Here comes the fun part. I smirk voraciously as I open my maw, quick to shove him inside. His screams turn muffled as he enters my mouth, sliding towards the back of my maw, down my throat. My esophagus bloats with his form, sinking down the abyss that was myself. I swallow him in one go, relishing in my prey's frantic kicking and shoving as he travels to my stomach.
My belly expands a bit, and I can already feel the wriggling too. What a treat. I stand smug over my prey, before being caught off guard by a lone voice. One too familiar, but the situation alone is enough to send a chill down my spine. I don't spook easily.
"Sis? Are you alright?" My little brother calls me, walking to the front door to meet me there. I stand up, turning back to see him. His gaze was soft and thoughtless, such an innocent being. I laugh softly, approaching him. "Yes, little one. It's Christmas, you shouldn't be awake this early...did the noise wake you?" I ask, enveloping his little being. I wrap my tail around him, lifting the little dragonet up with ease. Shutting the cold out, the door closes behind us once we're both inside. I navigate the dark room to find our couch, bringing Everett along with me. All the while, my prey is fighting me from within, and I just hope he doesn't notice. We lay down together, almost cuddling.
Everett nestles into my fur without a word. He sighs, closing his eyes. Perhaps he's too disoriented to take in the fact that I've devoured someone, and my belly is a noisy mess. I shake my head. Even if he does know, it doesn't particularly matter. I lean forward, nuzzling him with my snout.
"Merry Christmas."
To all of you as well, thank you so much for all the support here on this blog of mine. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a very safe holiday. I'm looking forward to what I'll have planned in the coming year of 2024 too. I will be announcing the start of new blogs as well, so stay tuned for that announcement, probably within the coming week or the next. Once again, thanks for everything. Your support is what drives me, and I couldn't ask for a better gift for the holidays.~
Unless...some of you are feeling bold and would like to be stocking stuffers? I can dine on wonderous little treats such as yourselves, and maybe a few candy canes too~
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fluffybellyhog99 · 10 months
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Advent Calendar (6) Sgt, Nicolaus Vore
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roseytoesy · 2 years
Jades maze mishap
thanks to the work of @dionysusdoctrine I was inspired to write a story using their little prompt. sorry this took so long. Had to get through the rest of finals and travel and packing. Hope you like it!
Running at the size of a rat through a cornfield was exausting. But escaping the Savanaclaw students that had decided to shrink and try and eat a student in the middle of the cornfield was haorrifyung enough to keep them running. Luckily at their small size they were able to scurry between the stalls of corn, quickly loosing the gang of rough student, but then getting very lost themselves. At this rate it might be easier to keep waking until they reach the edge of the maze, but that would take forever and it was starting to get cold.
fortunately, or Unfortunetly, for them they stumbled into another path of the maze, and near the end of it too by the markers! As they stated to walk along the path they forgot that the end is supposed to be a chase, by one of the leech brothers. In their excitement to get out of the constant dark green and brown environment they failed to notice a form looming above them. They shrieked as their tiny body was lifted off the ground by a gloved hand. “well, well. What an interesting specimen I’ve discovered.” A smooth voice hummed as the poor shrunken prefect was lifted higher and higher from the ground. They turned to face their captor and gulped. The sharp fanged mouth and the dark bang on the right side of his face along with the dichromatic eyes was easy enough to tell who had captured them. Jade leech. One of the scariest student on campus due to his mysterious nature and Unnerving habits and conversations. “gah!” They gasped as they were now eye level with the eel-mer. He grinned at the shrunken prefect with his half lidded smirk
“well, well, what a fascinating turn of events~” the vice house warden hummed. “What brings a little morsel like you here?” He chuckled as he eyed the unfortunate prefect.
“I ran into some bad Savanaclaw student who used some potion. To cause this…” they explained.
“how fortunate for me to find you then.” He said smiling a bit wider, revealing his large sharp teeth. “I must say though, it’s quite cold out. Are you alright” he looked down at them knowing the answer from how they shook despite his hands around their frame. They glared at him.
“just put me in your pocket, being small sucks…” they grumbled knowing that they couldn’t stop the leech, whatever he was plotting.
“hmmm, it seems that all my pockets will be insufficient in this weather,” he said showing his thin lab coat for his mad scientist costume. “And I believe that my monster floyd would smell you out easily, you know how… excited he can be when he finds something small and cute.” Jade added squeezing them a bit in his hand to accentuate the word excited. They shuddered and wheezed as they were squeezed a bit. They opened their mouth to speak but jade beat them to it.
“Seems I have nowhere on my person to put you dear prefect,” he sighed sadly. The shrunken students eyes widened and they paled a bit at his next words. “But, I do have one pocket inside my person I can put you.” He added staring at them with obvious hunger in his eyes. They started to squirm in his hold.
"Jade put me down! please!” They begged, “I was just lost!”
“And now you’re found” Jade purred. “I’ll put you somewhere safe until the potion wears off. No need to worry.” He added licking his lips. They shuddered at the thought of where that somewhere safe would be with the eel-mer looking at them with a mischievous hunger in his dichromatic eyes. Just as they started to scream they were flung forward into the dark maw of the leech twin.
He hummed happily around them as their taste blossomed on his tongue, he moved them around drenching every part of them in sticky saliva and exhausting them. At one point they held themselves firmly in place by laying on their back with their legs pushing against the hard pallet above them. "Let me out of here! get me out of your mouth Jade!" They screamed up at him from their strained position.
He chuckled around them at how poorly they worded their request, he hummed what sounded like 'as you wish' before tilting his head back. they let out a screech but didn't move despite the tongue trying to push them down along with gravity. They let out a 'hah!' of victory before something hard and bony hit the back of their knees, causing their legs to colapase and the tonge to pin them to his pallet. They felt their legs get siezed by that same bony somthing that had alot of sharp bits now. They stopped struggleing when the sharp pricks threatened to pierce their skin. They gasped as they were dragged down into the throat by this strange alien-like thing.
Jade swallowed hard and smirked as he felt the poor shrunken soul start their trip down his throat, wiggling all the way down. He traced their journey with his right hand as his left fell to his middle patting the eagerly grumbling organ beneath his skin.
He shuttered and let out a muffled moan into his mouth as his wiggling guest slid into his stomach, stretching it out nicely, but not making any difference to his outward appearance. They imediatly started kicking and punching the soft spongey walls around them, screaming at jade to let them out.
He said nothing as he quickly made his way to a secret spot where he would await maze goers to spook and chase. He sat down on a bale of hay and reclined a bit onto his right hand. his left hand happily rubbing circles into his middle. He stiffled a small burp before speaking.
"rrp, pardon me" he hummed as the pleasent fighting in his core started to settle down. "I don't understand why you are so upset with me, I did as you asked. I removed you from my mouth, and I'm keeping you safe and warm."
"This isn't safe! how in the 7 could it possibly be safe! im in your stomach! I'll be digested, jade! Let me out! please!" they yelled feeling a bit of despair in the darkness around them.
Jade chuckled. "yes you may be in my stomach but you will be safe, Unlike you land folk, stomachs are hard to keep constantly full. So we are able to control our digestion however we please. I don't plan on taking a life today. So relax and enjoy your stay, unless you want to keep wiggling, it does feel oh so wonderful." he explained prodding a bit at the exhausted prefect in his gut.
"i- I'll be safe? you promise?" they asked shifting to get more comfortable.
"I don't make promises, but I'll give you my word that you will receive no harm from any acids while you are inside of me tonight." he reclined to lay on his back. happily humming as his prey squirmed to get comfortable against the walls pressing in on them more due to jade's reclined position.
"rest easy prefect, and happy Halloween week," Jade said closing his eyes to bask in a meal he hoped to have again in the near future.
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zootopilove · 9 months
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What then
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