#op ch20
salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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I love how Oda delivers a punchline.
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Crystal Hearts
Prequel Chapter 20
After helping his dad into a bed, and being told that the building would be fix with magic system of the house. So no need to worry about it.
"Here you go." You give some sweets to your father in law. Who chuckle at why you would offer him sweet at this moment. "It well heal your wounds." You added.
"Oh?" kohaku stared at you with wide eyes. He thought you would heal his father the usual way you heal his wounds, he internally sigh in relief.
"Ahaha. What a nice child." After taking bite of the sweets, he finally able to move more than he wasn't able to do Earlier. The pain become lessen too. "You seems to have a great control and expertise of your own magic it seems. That's quite rare for someone your age."
"I'm not OP. I'm just Lucky I brought the same cookies I give Ei." You added.. "so your an angel fae. " You mumble. " Haftling one. " You added.
" Oh my. It seems your quick on your observations. "
"I was making random guess, father in law. " You smile that say:' i was just testing you.' causing him sweat drop before laughing again.
"Omae..." Kohaku pours as your attention seems to be on his father again.
"... Hmm? Omae? Omae wa mou shinderu? " You joked, he stared at you as you made a Jojo face. It was awkward before his dad chuckle at the two of you.
"Now now, you couple should go out and let this old man be, on his lonely life!" the head of Oukawa complain as he shhhs you both out of the room
You stopped from leaving with kohaku as you reach your hand to give a beautiful blanc flowers.
"I'll give you this.
[ May anything, you wish be granted upon this flower] " you smiled. " Because your so nice to me since I arrive here. You are free to wish your wife to come back or wish for what you want. " You added. His eyes widen as you give him such rare magical items.
" Who did you kill?" He jested. " People who wish to kill me. " You smile, through your words seems like a joke or not. Kohaku eyes narrowed at the thought someone wanted to kill you.
" Oh my... " He laughs, a core life is really something of a dangerous though they are powerful, many greed for what they cannot have, his glad his son identify isn't known by the council back in the world of fae.' he thought as he look at kohaku who's staring intensely at the familiar flower. " anyway, go away now. "
"Night night!"You wave to the ojitan before hou and kohaku left.
While walking in the hallway, you look at the beautiful night sky.
"Won't you regret it?" You ask him. "I am fine to spend my life till my end with you. " You stared at his purple eyes. "Because I want to protect you and that I felt connection of being able to find peace of mind. That if I'm around you, I felt I'm not an outcast. That I'm just a white bug in pile of colorful butterflies... I'm so happy to learn your someone born like me... "
"... Why would you protect me? Am I weak? " he stops from walking, and stared at you. He always wonder why you treat him like his weak. Yes, compared to you who know magic more than he does as his a noob in such department. He still able to handle himself pretty well.
" No. No. Of course not. I will make sure you'll be stronger than me." you saw the look his giving you and quickly apologize and corrected yourself. You look at him for a moment before your eyes went back to the night sky.
"So I won't have to worry when I'm not always there to protect you. " you hummed as you thought of a distance Future. A sad smile pasted on your face yet you look peaceful in such fate.
"... Where are you going? Can I join you? " Standing beside you, he wonders where would you go. He and you would be stuck together now. He would join you where you'll go.
"... Ahaha.... You wanna join me? "
Join me in my hateful fate? Do I really want you too?' you thought as your vision blurry as tears fall from your eyes. The thought of a companion that will held your hand till the end is nice. To join you but
You look at him as you smile.
" To where I'll be going. Is nothing but darkness. A void, the core of the world. Where people like me shall be put for being born for the end. "You smiled before you continue walking.
Yet he stopped you by holding your hand.
"Am I born for the end too?" His eyes narrowed as he honestly question if his like you too.
"No. Kohaku is a dark fae or a light fae which ever you choice. You will never be fully acknowledge to be a core fae. I won't let anyone know. If they do, they won't move against you like they did to the previous one. " You look at the linked hands, to the strings.
" I felt you only care such way toward me because of those strings.... " A soft smile on your face, you grip his hand tighter before you let go. "I'm sorry for having self doubt... " You barely whisper those words.
" What if... It's not the case... " he don't let go of your hand. He really don't understand why you keep doubting his feelings.
" Then I'm very happy. I'm so happy if that's really the case. " you smile. Seeing your smile, he suddenly felt mute.
suddenly you two heard a loud knock from the front door. Since you two are out in the hallway, the view of the front door can be seen.
"MC!! MC!!!" you heard a very angry panda called out as the banging in the door become louder.
"Oh. Nii-tan is here." You wonder if his that angry for your decisions. Probably.
"Your brother?" Kohaku tilt his head as response, you just stared at him and mumble in another reality with a giggle. The two of you look at one another before going to the front door. Kohaku held your hand as he went to open the door with his free one.
Opening the door a bit to only make himself be seen. He saw a person with grey hair and blue eyes, looking down at his direction when the door open a bit.
"Yes? This is the Oukawa household. What can I help you with?" He politely says.
" Oukawa...?. " Suddenly the angry mod is push aside by a red haired, his voice sounding like when yours when you use the same type of magic spell like his. "Yo. Let me look at that small landlord of this place. Gyahaha. " Kohaku soon been stared at by Amagi Rinne.
"...what?" He don't like being look down like his a midget by this person especially when Rinne have to bend down a bit. " Aren't Cha the one that tagged with us." Rinne point out.
"What?" He once again don't know whats this person is talking about.
"Gyahaha. Oh it's nothin." Rinne laugh the question off. You watch kohaku narrowed his eyes at him.
"Anyways, I can smell them beside you... See Niki, the lil copycat is in this place ." You heard rinne says before Kohaku close the door in alarm when he realize they gonna take you away.
"I dunno who ya talking about. Have a good day." Kohaku tried to close the door but rinne stopped it. "Oi. That's quite rude." He jested.
The two of them glare at one another. Not wanting to back down from one another.
"... geez, rinne. Your scaring him. " Niki who snacked rinne from behind says which cause you to giggle. " Niitan is so cool. " You spoke finally.
" MC! So your really inside this place! " You heard Niki gleefully called out for you. You saw kohaku giving you side eyes which you give him a sweet smile. He blush as he tighten the hold he have with your hand.
" Ehh. What's this. This midget is blushing. Could it be this is the spouse. " You heard rinne tease.
"oh. It's rin. " You mumble as you saw kohaku glaring hatefully at Rinne, then peaking at the door.
"MC?" Kohaku watch in question as you open the door so the two of you would be seen.
"Yes this is my spouse. His very cute, handsome and very charming eheh." You hug kohaku who turn to a mad blushing mess. "I--i... M-mm-mc.. M-MC...!" He cover his face in embarrassment, shuttering so cutely.
"Oh my..." Rinne chuckle before Niki thought for a moment. "You sure?" He ask you in a solemn tone. "Hmm!" You nodded your head. "Sigh. I was worried why you said your gonna get engaged and be married to someone here. I thought you get shotgun marriage or something." He mumble as he pat your head and kohaku.
"Since you seems trustworthy enough to let mc hugs you, since Lil mc isn't the type of be friend anyone that often! Maybe your a good lil bud!" He finally smile.
" Eheh~ of course he is." You nodded your head and rub your cheeks against kohaku who's particular about to melt from the affection your giving him.
"O-omae...!(。・//ε//・。)" he tried to stay calm but cannot. The red strings brighter than ever, like his bashfulness.
"Yes hanii?♡(> ਊ <)♡" You sweetly called to him. Causing him to explode.
" H-hanii? "
" Geez. Those two are flirting damn. This is hurting my poor single soul! Comfort me Niki! Merumeru! Also other baby meru! " Rinne shed crocodile tears and fall dramatically of how his being bitten by ants by how sweet you and kohaku are.
(if want to be tagged pls comment or Send mail) Tag List : @valeriele3 @yinenovica
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Ch11: Back Leachbomb or Mom
i’ve been resisting posting all the chapter covers but i just--tatsuhime
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[insert pleading emoji here] i adore them
Ch12: The Gate of the End
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fraccion prototype?
this one also has a cool cover...i think about one of those satire wikis a lot, idr which one it was but the entry for kubo was like “big time fashion designer who didn’t make it as a manga artist (bleach & zombiepowder have been forgotten except in trivia about the fashion guy)” or something...i liked this about the furuba chapter covers too, everyone is in seriously cool fashion...anyway, peak visuals, gg
oh interesting - iirc in the anime it was rukia who said that yuuichi’s mom would be waiting for him (perhaps i am wrong?), but in the manga it’s ichigo and that changes things a *lot*
Ch13: Bad Standard
kon *and* urahara at once, wrow
Ch14: School Daze!!
i wonder if the refs here to contemporary (to the early 2000s) pop culture were that way originally or if it was just the translation...it’s likely keigo’s attempt to teach the bird to say he looks like celebs was, but is the “only bru//ce willis” line?
Ch15: Jumpin’ Jack Jolted
Ch16: Wasted but Wanted
I LOVE when two charas are fighting a common enemy and also each other and then the common enemy interrupts their fight and they are Not Having It
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& related to this, i do wonder who knows and how much about urahara and his dealings. obviously he’s able to get goods from soul society, and shinigami know about him (iirc he found rukia after ch1 tho, so she didn’t already know about him). so how open is the secret? his non-shinigami customer base would be like...the vizards and maaaaaybe ryuuken, tho i always assumed (or maybe it’s shown/stated) that he sells regular old human stuff too
Ch17: 6/17
ahh...memories in the rain, everything but the rain, *george lucas voice* it’s like poetry it rhymes
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Ch18: 6/17 Op.2 Can’t Smile Don’t Blame
i do like that kubo chose a concrete date for when masaki died.
also the interspersing of the family going to the grave with tatsuki explaining everything to orihime...
Ch19: 6/17 Op.3 Memories in the Rain
if it weren’t the middle of the day i’d be playing the “drink whenever there’s dramatic irony” game (this time wrt kon’s remark on rukia losing friends bc she’s too focused on her work)
it’s easy to lose sight of rukia just hanging out in the world of the living, sleeping in ichigo’s closet, etc, but she’s isolated from her friends, in deep trouble wrt the “gave up all my powers to a human by accident” thing, and there’s no one she feels she can really reach out to. :(
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*slams down imaginary glass* HOOOOBOY mrs ishida made sure of that
i’ve never actually seen ‘this is us’ but i’ve read some of the vulture recaps and this chap actually reminded me of the latest (sorry paywalled) a bit? you have a mom who is a superwoman to her kids to some degree and they want to be the ones who protect her but don’t know how, and have built up an unrealistic image of her....tho, obviously, the kurosaki kids were still rly young at this point, not actual adults approaching middle age
anyway, dr kurosaki, good job on not sending your kid to therapy after having witnessed his mother’s death at the age of 9! (i mean yeah this would have been the 90s and there’s the whole ghost thing, but...at least recognize your kid’s carrying that guilt around with him and talk to him about it in the ensuing 6-7 years)
Ch20: 6/17 Op.4 Face Again
“I don’t have a method of stepping into the depths of your heart without it getting dirty. So I’ll wait.” nnn
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diobrando · 2 years
Barely on ch20 and it takes me like, a whole week to finish a chapter 💀💀 pls op chill
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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You tell ‘im.
I’m actually a little frustrated with the translation. She just sounds greedy here, but in the Japanese she points out she’s a thief that steals from pirates, and she just stole pirate treasure, so now it’s hers. She’s actually being very reasonable, which explains Luffy’s reaction a lot more.
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Translators asleep at the wheel, he literally says the OPPOSITE. He says it’s FROM the Mayor, not FOR the Mayor.
Does it really matter, though? I mean, I guess not? But it dilutes Luffy's character! Luffy really respects other people's will, and the Mayor's desire to fight Buggy really moved him. It feels weird and almost patronizing for Luffy to say he did this as a sort of payback for what the Mayor's suffered. Saying "think of this kick as coming from the Mayor" makes a lot more sense.
Especially since the one who beat Boodle up the most was Luffy himself...
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Well that's one way to do it
Didn't even get a sound effect lol
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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…but there’s one little problem.
This fight is seriously so fucking weird lol
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Super curious if Buggy remembers Nami after all this time or if his animosity is solely focused on Luffy
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Oda’s having too much fun with these faces
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Boo, they turned Nami’s DON into a… plfft.
Nami's actually gotten a few DONs by now but the translators still don't know what to do with them.
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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The disembodied-head-and-hands look is still so weird if you think about it too hard. Which is especially funny because these days he’s basically like this all the time.
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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And Luffy sends him flying, just as promised.
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Actually a pretty neat technique, especially in a one-on-one fight…
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Zoro looks weird without his haramaki (the panda is wearing it as a headband.) The haramaki is so dorky but his design is definitely too plain without it.
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Some seriously quick thinking from Nami. She gathered all his pieces and tied him up in the space of 3 panels
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