coptorthodox · 1 year
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Our prayer this week is for God to open our spiritual eyes that we may observe Him, discern His ways and learn to live above the "see" level!
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daletrafra · 13 days
Voir les paroles de la chanson “Open My Eyes” de SOJA
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daletraesp · 15 days
Ver la letra de la canción “Open My Eyes” de SOJA
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daletraita · 22 days
Scopri il testo della canzone “Open My Eyes” di SOJA
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daletraeng · 3 months
Check out the lyrics for the song “Open My Eyes” by Hillsong Worship
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Il y a une prophétie sur ma vie
Certains matins, on se réveille fatiguée, fatiguée du monde, fatiguée de la vie, du travail, le sens de notre existence semble alors presque réduit, ou mince. Certains rêves nous déstabilisent parfois, nous rappellent ce qui était "mieux" autrefois, nous donnent l'illusion que nous avons tant perdu, que nous avons toutes les raisons de nous morfondre. Que nous serions plus heureuse si nous retournions dans le monde. Que notre "moi" serait enfin satisfait à nouveau.
S'agenouiller, rendre grâce à Dieu pour tout ce que nous avons, tout ce qui nous passe par l'esprit, et qui est bon, un corps, des finances, une famille, une maison, des amis, la santé, fait déjà percevoir toute la supériorité des bénédictions et de la joie présente dans nos vies, comparée à ce qui semblait ne pas aller.
Savoir et connaître qu'on a gagné ce qu'il y a de plus grand que tout cela, qui est peut-être éphémère, passager, savoir qu'on a gagné Christ, que la vie éternelle nous attend, que sa paix nous fera tout traverser, que son plan pour nous est parfait (y compris les épreuves à passer), qu'avec Lui la vie a un sens qui dépasse notre petite personne et la fluctuation de nos émotions, qu'il y une prophétie sur notre vie!... détruit toutes les attaques du diable, donne l'espérance, remplit notre coeur d'amour, précise notre foi. Bonjour Saint-Esprit, merci pour le souffle de vie. Que ce souffle nouveau soit donné à d'autres, mon vœu est qu'à travers moi tu manifestes encore ta gloire et que beaucoup soient encore sauvés en ton nom, pour ta gloire, par la puissance de ton amour ! Car tu es notre force, tu es ma force.
Je sais que je ne vis plus pour moi. Je vis pour toi. Je vis pour mon prochain.
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kyethemes · 10 months
let faith arise in me. open my eyes to see as you see.
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Uncover the hidden miracles that surround you as you embrace the faith within. Open your eyes to the extraordinary and let life's wonders unfold before you.
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festina-lente-xi · 11 months
let faith arise in me. open my eyes to see as you see.
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Let the power of faith ignite within you, opening your eyes to the beauty of life as seen through divine vision.
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..and again, and again, and again.
Mi fa sorridere che c'è sempre (-spesso) qualcosa che ci tiene separati, che ci impedisce quel contatto di pelle contro pelle che..
Beh, ma è inutile pensarci.
Se una volta c'ero io a premere il mio corpo contro lo specchio desiderando con ogni fibra di oltrepassare la superficie, questa volta c'eri tu.
Mi ha stupito la cosa? Forse un po'.. ma solo perchè assieme allo stupore c'era una consapevolezza immensa del fatto che il mio restare seduta ad un metro dallo specchio a guardarti non era poi così male in fondo.
Una consapevolezza che sotto sotto mi da tanto quanto mi darebbero le tue mani su riuscissi a rendere oltrepassabile quel confine.
( - Beh, oddio. Questo lo dico a livello del tutto teorico. -)
Quindi, in conclusione, vuoi smetterla di non farmi dormire? E ..sì, anche se mi è piaciuto non dormire (-con te. Per te.)
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rogerrcoyle · 1 month
rain fed souls
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coptorthodox · 1 year
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The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 1:18
#coptorthodox #bibleverse #bible #bibleversedaily #dailyverse #coptic #orthodox @coptorthodox #comeandsee #seekgod #godhealing #godhealingpower #openmyeyes #ephesians #ephesians1 #ephesians118 #ephesians1v18 #theeyesofyourunderstandingbeenlightened #youmayknowwhatisthehopeofhiscalling #therichesofhisglory
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daletrafra · 21 days
Voir les paroles de la chanson “Open My Eyes” de SOJA
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vinylanswer · 5 years
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I picked this scrubby-looking record up a few weeks ago, and despite the condition, it’s awesome. The Nazz was Todd “Hello, It’s Me” Rundgren’s first band and I picked it up for one reason only—the opening track “Open My Eyes.” It just might be the perfect Power Pop song, packed with fuzzed-out guitars, stellar harmonies, gurgling church organ and a relentless, slammin’ beat. It’s one of those rare songs that if, after the first time you hear it, you pause before putting it on again, it’s only because you have to stop and say “where has this song been all my life?!” Look it up on YouTube or your favorite streaming service and prepare to have super happy rock music stuck in your head all day. 

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flameangel12 · 5 years
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proveittomyself1003 · 5 years
Ok so apparently I have been in denial until yesterday! But was have I been denying? Well yesterday I stepped on the scale and it was in the 3 digit range (100,3 kg) and that’s when I realized that everything I am experiencing right know was retractable to my weight. My shortness of breath from time to time, my hurting knees and back, my weight.
And up until yesterday I didn’t really realize that, yeah I am bigger, but I’ve never realized how bad it was. I saw myself as chubby, a little bit more but yesterday It just hit me: I AM FAT! I am severely overweight and this has to change for the sake of my health, both physical and mental.
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naturalbowwoman · 5 years
Digging through my archives again. Demostraring the Rotational Draw, I often like to use this as part of my draw and release technique. It has a lovely flow which helps relax my body into alignment for the release. ---------------------- Open my eyes to see the miracle-wonders hidden in your word. Psalm 119:18 ---------------------- To support click my @naturalbowwoman bio link. . . . #archery #archer #archerlife #archerydemo #archerytips #bowandarrow #christianarcher #hipmovement #longbow #naturalbowwoman #openmyeyes #outdoorarchery #psalm11918 #rotationaldraw #smoothaction #sportswoman #strongwoman #tradarchery #traditionalarchery #womanarcher #warriorwoman https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvp8uHPlHEM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j97e2dxec1do
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