#ophelia hamley
just-gonna-write · 1 year
this poem is written about mourning ophelia from hamlet! i wrote it both from the perspective of laertes and hamlet, so i’d love if people would comment who they see more :)
The Wind is Gone Now
The flowers she once picked
Wilted beneath the ground
A grave the river digs
I hope her peace is found
When she gave her last breath
The wind sighed with her
The moon cried for her death
The sun made her voice heard
Like a vice, she grips me
Holds my soul prisoner
Gone are flowers and trees
They’re busy mourning her
Forgive me dear, I plead
For now I see her woe
I would fulfill her needs
But instead, there she goes
No more wooshing of wind
The world is silent now
My prospects now are dim
I must move on, but how?
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enbysiriusblack · 8 months
thinking about hamlet from a queer perspective. hamlet wanting to leave home because university was a place he could freely be himself. hamlet trying to suppress his emotions. the conflict between hamlet's faith and his self, his feelings and wants. horartio being the only person hamlet can truly trust, his best friend, his lover. hamlet as the disgraced prince.
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rozasadowska · 6 months
Hamlet by Brook
Hamley by Peter Brook
The play is very philosophical and raises a lot of existential questions. It begins with a question: "Whose there" turning it into an enquiry. Because who is Hamlet that had been known to us as a mysterious character for years? 
Hamlet is played by Adrian Lester. Brook shows that there is not only one interpretation of Shekdpare's play and the character resembles a very ironic and inquisitive person who does not prioritize revenge and is rather solving philosophical notions. 
He asks numerous questions that lead to enquiring throughout the whole play. 
Brook also changes the chronology of some events placing Hamlet's decision to test Claudius and the most important question" to bee or not to bee" just before( not after )
he is despatched to England. It undoubtedly shapes the nature of this play. 
The production is multi-dimensional. He brings attention to Shekdpares' arbitrariness of gender showing both Ophelia and Hamlet addressing Claudius as if he were a woman. 
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rozasadowska · 6 months
At the beginning of the play, there is a ghost in the remnants of Elsinore Castle in Denmark. At first, it is discovered by a pair of watchmen that appears to resemble King Hamlet. His brother Claudius had inherited the throne and married the king's widow Queen Gertrude. Hotario, who also saw the ghost, and watchmen brought Hamlet to see it and the king suddenly speaks to him. He confessed his personality and that he was murdered by Claudius. He ordered Hamley to seek revenge and disappeared. 
Prince decided to devote himself to this. However, he started to be very melancholic about this because of his nature as a madman.   Claudius and Gertrude worried about this and decided to employ two of his friends- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Polonius suggests that the man may be simply crazy in love with his daughter- Ophelia, so the girls agree with Claudius on spying on Hamlet. It turns out that the prince does not seem to be that madly in love.
Because there is a group of actors coming to Elsinore, Hamlet decides to make a conspiracy to test if Claudius would react if they make a scene of his father's murder. That would test his uncle's guilt. When the moment comes, Claudius leaves the theatre. Even Hotario agrees that it is suspicious. Hamley decides to kill the murderer, but finds him praying, so he cannot kill him as then his soul would go to heaven. Claudius is concerned about the nephew's madness and decides to send him to England. 
Polonius hides behind Hamlet's mother's bedchamber. The prince wants to confront his mother and is sure that this is the king who is hiding there and pulls out his sword killing Polonius. He is immediately dispatched to England with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Claudius secretly orders Hamlet's death there. 
Ophelia drowns in the river for the grief. Meanwhile, Polonius's son Laertes returns to Denmark in a rage and is convinced by Claudius that it was Hamley who caused both deaths. Hamlet's ship ends up in Denmark and Clausius decides to use Laert to ensure Hamlet's death. The plan goes that Laert will fence Hamlet with poisoned blood so that if he draws blood, the prince will die. 
During Ophelias' funeral, Hamley attacks Laert stricken with grief. There is a courtier Osric to arrange the match.
There was a backup plan the king decided to poison a goblet that he would give to Hamlet should he score the first and second hits. After all, Gertrude takes the drink and dies, but Laertes also succeeds in wounding Hamlet. Before death, Laertes gets hurt by his blade and reveals that Claudius is responsible for the queen's death. They both die.
A Norwegian prince Fortinbras is surprised to see the entire royral family lying sprawled on the floor(along with Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern killed by Hamlet as he discovered the plan). Hotario fulfills Hamlet's last will and tells his whole tragic story. Fortinbras orders to burry him in a noble manner befitting a fallen soldier. 
I think that Hamlet is a very multi-dimensional character with many characteristic traits. He had a very reactive nature because of which he keeps being tossed by emotions and morale. He becomes a madman, resigning from love and having mood swings.
He is ready for death, which is very admirable. What I find interesting is how amazing is his last request. He wants his story to be heard after his death. He is very sensitive, which is beautiful. 
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