#opm bomb
kikyocaps · 4 months
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jaijaitbinks · 2 years
what r ur thots on Fubuki roping Tatsu into doing something with the main gang (Sai, Genos, King, Mumen and maybe Bang & Bomb) to do smth together and her gradually getting closer to them all and finding actual people she can rely on and trust and omg I'm having so many thoughts about this
First off: Y E S!
Second: I misread this at first and thought you were calling me a thot-
But, back to the idea: I love it. Tatsumaki would be so annoyed with it at first, only putting up with it because it her little sister's friends. But slowly she starts becoming friends with them all.
Saitama because his sense of humor (and by that I mean his typically dry humor) is hilarious most of the time and he's just good to talk to, surprisingly. He doesn't sugarcoat anything, and he says it how it is. Blunt, to-the-point, realistic, and shockingly wise sometimes.
Genos because his eccentricity and generally over-the-top behavior is fun to watch + she already had a leveled sense of respect for the borg after the Garou incident. The kid is all over the place in a sense thaf he would do anything if it meant going above and beyond. And while it's also funny to see, it also makes him (for the most part) reliable. His approach to heroing is also nice to see cuz half the people she works with she feels doesn't take any part of their job seriously.
King because he's very "calm" and down to earth, which is exactly the type of person she like the most (not specifically in a romantic sense, but it's also not unlikely). He's chill, sorta of similar to Saitama but with a more... emotional charm? Like, she feels she can look to him for advice (although she [probably] never would), more so than she can with anybody else. And King in general just has this energy around him that keeps her collected. Like an anchor, almost.
Mumen because his enthusiasm and golden heart is honsstly super refreshing (although she'd never admit to that). What with working in the Hero Association, dealing with them along side boring monsters and irritating peers, Mumen finds enjoyment in his job—has a passion for it. And while she thinks his optimism is sometimes detrimental to C-Class, she admires his friendliness and constant desire to help people. God knows how little of that she sees in the hire classes.
And Bang and Bomb because Bang has a sort of parental vibe while Bang is like that amusing uncle who's the annoying older brother of the dad. Their dynamic is annoying, but in that sort of affectionate way. Bang is this old guy always trying to give lessons and be... well, parental. And Bomb is an older guy that just likes to fuck around while still caring for Bomb. Sometimes she feels jealous that she never had that kind of bond with Fubuki, but she's not the kind of person to resent those old guys for it. Instead, she just silently admires it. Some of Bomb's jokes are funny, too.
And honestly? As a collective, it's so goddamn fun hanging around these bunch of weirdos. Every time she sees them it's always something batshit going on, everytime they're around there's entertaining chaos she's grown used to. They rope her into it all the time after the first time Fubuki did it, but at this point she doesn't mind it. And she can see why her little sister loves these idiots.
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potsweeta · 3 months
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Req from twt! tried different coloring for each piece 🧩
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fuckmesaitama · 3 months
I just love how their fights were just:
Garou against Metal Bat/Saitama: Haha, I can see through your moves, you’ll lose easily
Metal Bat/Saitama: *hits harder than before*
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the-nysh · 21 days
Do you think we'll ever learn the connection between God and Saitama? For me I think that's the biggest chekov's gun of the manga (since in the wc isn't fully developed)
Hmm…it’s true that the wc has barely scratched the surface while the manga’s been steadily setting things up with multiple linked arcs (with the cubes, more corrupted individuals, etc) showing how god(no ID) is likely the series’ endgame Big Bad behind the scenes.
Personally I’m hoping his connection to Saitama remains unlinked - where it’s important to me that Saitama’s just a regular guy who’s earned his power thru hard work + willpower - cause if he’s some special ‘chosen one’ by god or whatever, then all his personal achievements thus far would feel invalidated (and I wouldn’t want to see that.) So I prefer a Saitama who’s accidentally pissed off god by breaking his set rules (the limiter) into a forbidden realm of power that god himself can no longer directly control. Where Saitama’s now a free-roaming wildcard and anomalous threat to the balance of the world in opposition to god’s existence without ever even knowing about it. All that good fun stuff~
The story’s early throwaway line “it’s as if a god resides in his body” with respect to Saitama’s power (way back during his hero test) could hint or foreshadow many things to come, but whatever it is, we’ve also seen just how hostile and increasingly desperate god seems to be towards destroying him and humanity (along with unsealing himself - I’m sure Blast knows far much more about it he’s yet to reveal), and finding all the more vessels (victims) to exploit as a means + power conduits towards that goal.
The wildest speculation I’ve seen on that front would be if god’s aiming to mentally break Saitama to become the perfect physical vessel to finally advent into this world’s dimension. Orrrrrr that god -is- a future version of Saitama from an alternate time/worldline. And that would be O.O;;; ???? (almost encroaching into looping convoluted orv territory there) along with the whole Saitama -is- the world’s doomed god-level threat from the prophecy. I’ve seen all such related ideas brought up by fans before! So whatever the truth actually is (which for now is a big maybe and we shall see), at the rate the two stories (manga + wc) are going, we’ll probably receive more god coverage and lore answers from the manga all in due time long before the wc ever gets to it. :’D
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gofancyninjaworld · 3 months
Fubuki: I'm so winsome, they can't help but be charmed by me! I'll have lots of new members in my group. 😎
Saitama: 🥱
King: 😑
Bang: 😑
Bomb: 😑
Genos: 🤬
Kuseno: 👀 My boy has good taste. *To Genos* But why are you being so hostile to her?
Genos: Because I despise her.
Kuseno: Oh. 😑
Fubuki: What's wrong with these people?! They should be finding me cute and charming but they ignore me!
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badjohnspeakeasy · 3 months
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Bomb: I send you free lobster, and you clown on me for being squeamish about cannibalism. You're still a twisted punk, Bang.
Bang: Heh heh heh heh heh Bomb: Laugh it up, you irreverent gremlin. Fubuki: Heh heh heh heh heh
Bomb: Don't make me wake up your sister
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defnotkanyewest · 7 months
Whats going on with those waists 😭
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Me to Murata
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star-fiend · 4 days
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One Punch Man, Chapter 143, "Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity"
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velmashaircut · 1 year
My favourite and least favourite OPM hairstyles
Least Favourite
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Garou’s hair is ugly af it makes him look like an evil rabbit and it looks really knotted too, if you tried to brush it out the brush would break. I hope his hair is naturally styled like that because I refuse to believe Garou would purposely style his hair that way every morning before he goes hero hunting. Idk how anyone could take him seriously with hair like that.
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I wonder how many jars of hair gel Lightning Max goes through a month when he styles his hair, it looks like a stiff dollop of cream on his head. Idk why but the hairstyle, plus the fact he’s blond and blue eyed makes me think of Tweety Bird whenever I see him. Garou’s hair is ugly, but Lightning Max’s hair is plain silly.
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Tbh with Puri Puri Prisoner’s hair everyone I’ve met with this hairstyle I’ve hated. His hair reminds me of the annoying people at school who’d bully you and disrupt the class and that alone makes him worthy of being placed in this category.
Favourite Hairstyles
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Tatsumaki’s hair is so pretty I love how it curls at the end and how it floats and bounces around her, especially when she uses her powers. To me her hair makes her look really classy, I really liked the look of her hair when she was first introduced.
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Let’s not act surprised Flashy Flash is the King of Keratin and could probably be the face of Tresemme if he so wished. Here Murata really went out of his way to draw his hair as shiny and slick as possible even when he’s executing a double kill. Even when Flash’s hair is messy and gets in his face I still like it because I think it makes him look prettier.
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You could argue that Okamaitachi and Garou have the same hairstyle and it’s unfair that I put his hairstyle in my least favourite category and Kama’s in my favourite. But the thing is Kama’s hair is actually nice. I like the slickness of curvature of hair, it actually looks like she takes care of her hair unlike Garou. I also appreciate the bangs clipped to the side and the loose stands at the front. Her hair is cute and eccentric, Garou’s hair only ticks one of those boxes.
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Drive Knight’s hair is underwhelming when you first meet him, it makes him look like a weak, nerdy robot who gets zero robot bitches. But when you see him fighting with Nyan?? It’s like his hair had a glow up and now he gets all the robot ass he wants. It’s longer, more fluffy and luscious and makes him look more scary. I wonder if it’s real hair.
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Bomb’s hair is bomb. That’s all I have to say.
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opmforever · 2 months
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opm manga ch. 137
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opmshitposts · 1 year
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
Out of Context OPM Day #104
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rants-about-opm · 2 years
Nice Dog, Jealous Cyborg
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I don’t think Genos is exactly.... jealous, of Rover.
He can be definitely be clingy, and a threat to his relationship with Saitama is something that he takes very seriously. But I feel his anger here is only at the perceived notion that Rover would mean more to Saitama than Genos does. Just a couple pages later, we see him calculating the price of raising a dog, before suddenly leaving. Call me optimistic, but I think Genos knows that he wont be replaced by Rover. King, Fubuki, Bang and Bomb, there are already so many other people vying for Saitama’s time, and Genos has done what he’s always done: coordinate. He keeps the apartment clean, keeps track of guests and reminds them to bug off when they overstay their welcome. For Genos, the purest expression of his love for Saitama is keeping him happy, and that means sneaking out to buy discounted dog food for your new monsterized pet (presumably).
I dunno, I just can’t believe that Genos would be shallow enough to be overly jealous of a dog. He dislikes Rover being referred to as man’s best friend, but other than that, he seems to have made peace with this new presence. Besides, he of all people knows that he’ll always be the only one to have the title of Saitama’s disciple.
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the-nysh · 7 months
So what do you think of the back cover with prime bang and bomb which likely were gonna see the chapter where bang is having his flashback while fighting garou(well to be honest we only ever saw thwm when murata sketch them and in the the webcomoc we saw teen bang well he looks like that)
I was thinking there was a chance Murata might give the martial art brothers, in their prime, the main cover treatment (if he was going to continue to avoid featuring Garou to save for later), but back cover works just fine too! :D In this way, the entire volume feels 'complete' font-to-back, covering Bang's biggest past and present hurdles. (And while their characters are completely different, there's definitely a visual 'generation xerox' effect between him and Garou - esp when he cuts his hair shorter later like Bang too, aha.) Great stuff!
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
I'm no artist, but I do appreciate good art when I see it. A little love then for Murata's portrayal of hands. I first wrote this sometime in 2016, one of my first posts on the OPM subreddit. I think it it’s still good!
I may tend to dig into different aspects of OPM, but it's only to consider the aspects that the writing or art actually cares about. For example, I'm yet to consider the geopolitics of OPM -- it's not important to ONE and I leave it there.
I like looking at hands in general, but my gateway drug were Genos's. Something was naggingly familiar about them, and then I realised: they're Jack Kirby hands, big, beautiful Kirby hands! Anyone who considers affordances in a mechanical rendering is my friend -- they look like they might almost work. For example he doesn't have the equivalent of metacarpals (the bones in the palm of your hand) as the palm needs to be a solid piece for the incineration cannon exhausts. It means that the width of his hand is fixed and he can’t reshape his hand for many of the precision grips we take for granted. So Murata has taken it into account, for example, when you realise that he has a telescoping thumb in some arm sets to compensate. We wouldn't have minded if Murata didn't consider such detail so consistently, but when someone works that hard to to get the trifles right, I have to care too. And then I started to look at other characters' hands too.
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drawn like some thought has gone into how to engineer a functional hand rather than metal textures drawn over a regular hand -- I just fell in love with Murata’s art over this.
By and large Murata has given regular characters their own hands, rather than generic ones (which again we wouldn't have noticed or cared about). My other favourites then:
Saitama's hands have surprisingly long fingers. One almost doubts that they belong on a fighter... and then they curl into that fist. All part of the character everyone loves to underestimate.
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doesn’t it look like he should be a pianist?
Garou has some of the longest fingers I've seen on a non-deformed character -- when he flips you off, you stay flipped off. But they don't create a sense of delicacy: while they're long and thin, they look as hard as bone. They fit so well with his fighting style -- when he spears them into his opponent, their devastating impact is utterly believable.
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At the opposite end to delicate are Tank Top Master's. Again, without being deformed, his are these giant meat hooks that form into wrecking ball fists. The brutality of those hands contrasts so clearly with the kind face he has.
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Sometimes it's not the look of the hands that's notable, but what the characters do with them instead. In that respect, Metal Bat is particularly noteworthy. He has hungry hands: they seemingly cannot hang at his side but must be touching something, holding a bat, stuck in his pockets, his sister's hand, his own hands, something. It adds a sense of restless energy to his character that you notice, but don't realise that you do.
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this is as still as you’ll ever find Metal Bat
A very different kind of restlessness comes across in Dr. Genus's hands: he has bitten his fingernails to the quick, which go so well with the haunted look he wears.
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Hands I was curious about then:
Dr. Kuseno. I hadn't noticed until I was compiling this list, but I've not seen them at all. They're only ever tightly locked behind his back. Everything he does is effected through robots. Now I'm curious. Well the years pass and chapter 89 rolls round and we get to see the doctor’s hands: they’re tiny, in keeping with the rest of his dimunitive self. And they’re not afraid to touch Genos. But next day comes round and they’re right back behind his back.
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needless to say, this is one of my favourite panels: the care that’s gone into every character’s hands is excellent. I especially like the detail of Bang being left-handed, and notice that Genos’s fingers swivel from the knuckle to allow him to grip the chopsticks precisely. 
Looking at hands, can I draw attention to King’s for a moment?  I thought they looked a bit familiar. And then I realised that Murata has referenced his own hands to give to King. It just gives me the biggest smile.
Even in something so small, Murata has taken care to make sure it speaks to who characters are.
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