#or I'll just drop the game just like I did with the other otome game when the voices got switched around 🥲
merry-kuroo · 2 years
I'm so sad. This game won't be the same to me anymore. Honestly, I'd rather take the main story being voiced instead...
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
The Crew Heads with Reader: Gacha
G/N. Silly. (Jake Kim, Eli Jang, Johan Seong, Samuel Seo)
Bro Code | Dinner | Shopping | Television | Gacha | Board Games | Suits
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Honestly, this is a coordinated attack. It's unfair. You're cornered and outnumbered.
"You're rotting your brain," Johan glances over your shoulder to watch the silly mobile game you're playing on.
A terribly addictive combination of gacha and otome.
Eli gives you a look, as if to say 'Yenna would never'.
Well. You want to argue that Yenna couldn't anyway, because she doesn't understand the concept of phones or video games yet. She can't even read. So no. She can't play this very sophisticated, non fan-servicey-at-all game. But then you catch yourself and think maybe they have a point if you're about to argue why a baby couldn't play.
"I'm cutting you off," Samuel chimes in, frowning at his own phone.
"Sammy!" You gasp, eyes snapping to him and jaw dropping that he would be so cruel.
He scrolls and scrolls, his online bank statement reflected in his glasses and muttering, "How the fuck did you spend this much..."
Johan shuffles over, curious that even Samuel would be shocked.
Usually, they're at each other's throats. Johan normally never willing to get that close to Samuel of his own free will and Samuel would push him away anyway if he tried. However, your apparent frivolous gaming habit has united them.
Shame starts to creep in. Surely it can't have been that much could it. Sammy offered. It's not like he couldn't afford it. He constantly buys you much more expensive things-
Johan's eyes widen comically large. His gaze flickers over to you in judgement before continuing to watch Samuel scrolling.
-And the shame comes crashing down.
You're almost pushed over the edge when Eli flanks Samuel’s other side, wearing a matching expression as he observes your many many gaming transactions. Then in dad mode, he looks at you with disappointment and gives you an exasperated shake of the head.
(You're certain Yenna has been on the receiving end of that treatment.)
"I've cancelled everything. Unlinked it." Samuel confirms. "I don't mind spoiling you Y/N but this is ridiculous." Johan and Eli nod in agreement as you feel equal petulance and guilt.
"Shit!" Jake's voice drifts over from the other room, then you hear the creak of mattress springs and rushed steps.
He appears in the doorway, holding up his phone. An unfinished transaction on your gaming buddy's screen.
"Did Sammy cut us off?!"
"I'm also paying for YOU?!"
Damn. Jake winces and physically recoils. He didn't mean to let the cat out the bag, didn't mean to take advantage of Sammy in the first place but then he got so close to the SSS+ pull and levelling up and he just needed a couple more chances-
In slow motion, everyone turns to Samuel. Sees his face turning pink then red then crimson. Eyes narrowed and mouth pressed into a thin line. A split second later, he lunges.
"Sammy, no!" You screech as Eli and Johan look on in amusement.
Jake weaves, narrowly dodges his punch. "I'll pay you back!"
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mythicamagic · 2 months
have you played Love and Deepspace and what is your review on it??
Hello! Yes I have. It's sitting in my homescreen right now on my phone.
I think my opinions on it might be quite mixed or controversial? So just bare that in mind before reading.
I've played a looot of otomes. I think I started playing them in 2009. I can very much say that LADS is a unique experience. It's not like anything I've ever played before in terms of graphics, cinematography and interaction with your fictional boyfriends.
The Great:
I think the interface and design is really nice in certain aspects (the combat is a bit iffy). This is a very pretty game imo. Also can I just say, having a customisable MC is really great! I like that you can change not just her skintone but her voice settings as well. I also just- LOVE the 4 and 5 star cards content. They hold some examples of lovely scenarios written with care, and some good ole fanservice to boot as a treat. Whoever does the lighting for the 5* cards does a marvellous job, as the animations really feel 'alive' sometimes. Great direction with using the MC as the POV so the 'camera' swings or moves closer according to how she's reacting. Love that.
The LIs:
I think having a varied cast is important in otomes but a common vibe or theme can often be shared between their contrasting personalities. For Piofiore its mafia/crime lords and domestic life, for Cafe Enchante cosy coffeeshop vibes. With Love and Deepspace I'd say its cosy vibes mixed with action, mixed with angst. The cast supports this, with all of them having serious or sweet sides. I am definitely not drawn to some of them, but that's okay! I think anyone going in new should know they won't like everyone and that's common for otome. What I find uninteresting might be wonderful to someone else and vice versa. I will say Sylus took the spot as my favourite and he has a very different vibe to the others even when he's doing cosy domestic stuff. I very much enjoy his scenes and how dynamic they feel (also its really nice the whole cast is in their twenties)
The Bad:
The worst casualty in Love and Deepspace is...the main story. I can't overstate how much of a confusing, poorly written and badly executed mess the main story is. In terms of setup, establishing lore, world building and stakes, it somewhat limps from one chapter to another. Scenes can begin and end abruptly with plot threads seemingly dropped. Secrets can often be intriguing, yes- but by continually withholding answers the game can get a bit frustrating. As a new player with no knowledge of the game, I didn't understand why Rafayel kept referring to himself as a fish during the crane game and kitty card mini games. It was like they were referencing something that hadn't happened yet in game, so I was like - okay, I'll wait. I'm sure it'll be explained (spoilers: it was not explained).
Essentially if you want backstory and context to the boys you NEED their cards to unlock their content, and I'm not a huge fan of that. I think the main story should still at least give you a bit more to work with about the boys. (This is especially bad when the lore is locked behind gacha luck). And I get that the whole story is space/time themed but sincerely I did not know the world of Love and Deepspace was capable of casual space travel until I read Sylus' anecdote story. This is not good worldbuilding. Sure it throws loads of terminology at you but you'll have to read the notes yourself to understand what they are. It's a lot of telling and not showing. For an example of how this could've been done: Cowboy Bebop is about bounty hunters in space. It has scenes of them...in space. You're telling me someone as rich as Sylus, who offers MC to go on his motorbike, yacht, and private jet, wouldn't offer her a circle around the planet in his spaceship? Idk it feels like a lot of worldbuilding details have been overlooked.
There is also the issue of voice acting. This can again come down to personal preference but in general I always give English Dubs a fair chance, and enjoy many of them. Voice acting has come a long way since the wooden performances of older animes and games. That said, many of the boys, especially in the earlier chapters and content sound extremely flat. This goes double for the NPCs (who can be laughably bad). It's not even a matter of 'oh this person is just reading lines with no emotion' no the inflections in their voice are off- the context of what they're supposed to be emoting to can feel a million miles off base. I barely felt like they were in the scene with me. That said - this was likely a voice direction issue, because more recent content allows the boys to sound more relaxed and involved in the scene. Sylus' English VA knocks it out of the park in his performance though and I really appreciate how much he embraced that role. A lot of people could get embarrassed having to voice ASMR type content but he got fully immersed so 10/10 for that. I haven't tried any other languages apart from Japanese but c'mon, we know the Japanese VAs are like celebrities over there and will crush any role so no notes there except they're all great.
With all that said I do not hate the game, I really enjoy it! (I wouldn't have ranted so much here if I didn't care) I just wish certain aspects were tightened up more for storytelling purposes. It feels a bit jarring when some aspects of the game are SUPER polished but then easy mistakes are made. So I'd say if you're interested in playing - to just embrace the fluff and spicy fanservice. Treat it as your main meal as I do. If you end up enjoying the main story and combat then that's a bonus! I really hope this game continues to be successful because their recent content and chapter has been super intriguing - and in general its just nice to have an otome reach the spot of 3rd highest grossing mobile game during some months (below the giants like Genshin and HSR)
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nonsensemonkey · 2 months
there's so many things to love about love and deepspace but i think overall my absolute favorite aspect of it is just HOW MUCH of the game is tailored to YOU and YOUR tastes:
-i HATED the sounds of the english voices and if that were my only option, i wouldn't have bothered but not only do you have the option to hear them speak english, they can speak chinese, japanese and korean too. anyone that knows me knows my obsession with japanese voice acting and two of my all time faves just so happen to be voicing my two in game faves! you can read it in those languages as well. anytime im given the option to play a game in a different language, i leap.
-mc is fairly customizable. she's long and slender which doesn't fit my description but i'm so used to that in these games and (i'm so old- i dont have the energy to give toward caring about shit like this) but you can modify her face, hair (more so in photobooth) and skin. and that last bit was kinda huge to me bc not only did they include darker skin tones, they looked GOOD. there's not alot of range, no, but i'm so used to the vaguely dark skin being alittle ashy options in games (especially ones made by asian companies) that this was like a massive breath of fresh air.
-you have a storyline- well now there's two from what i understand and although you can't control who you interact with in-story, you can choose how much you interact with them outside of the story. i cannot stand rafayel- and i forget the other's name atm but i dont like him much either. i hate to see either of them coming tbh and so the fact that i'm able to CHOOSE to spend my free time with zayne/rei instead (and now sylus/shin) AHHH wonderful! like you can set it to have only the ones YOU want to interact with greet you in the cafe.
-if i didn't state this clearly enough, YOU CAN CHOOSE WHO YOU WANT TO FOCUS ON!! like, yeah, sometimes you'll do stuff where you still build your intimacy with a character you may not care for but it may not be alot.
-you can choose what they wear. you can choose what you wear (this is limited but still an option).
-you can even customize your phone and most of it is interactive! they react to your changing the text bubbles. you can suggest them changing their pfp and they either agree or reject you with little quips of their own. you can change the bg of your chat with them. you can nickname them in your phone which shows up anytime they text or call. even their online profiles! you can even give them a nickname to call you!
-i got tired of the opening theme song. like, i borderline hated it and GUESS WHAT?? I COULD CHANGE IT! (with an aurum pass) and when shin got introduced they added him to the front of the original intro where it's all light and white and brightness but it's him and darkness and red and blood and the transition was jarring and not appealing to me whatsoever and guess what??? I COULD CHANGE THAT TOO!!! so now, currently my game's welcome page is now rei working quietly to the tune of soft piano. sooooo lovely. i'll switch to shin from time to time :)
like i said, there's sooooo much to love about this fucking game and this isn't even my way of trying to convince anyone else to play it. i could lol but i just know that when it first dropped so many people were shitting on it bc the ads of the boys looking like uncanny valley, creepy airbrushed dolls LMAO. idk if they still look like that now or if i've just grown fond and therefore blind but this is definitely one of those- if you like otome games, maybe don't knock it until you try it babe idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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If we went on a date, where would we go?
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: this is the most delusional i'll ever be and then i'll crawl into a hole and disintegrate into dust ♡
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GENERAL ; setting the stage
Established relationship with the luxiem members (albiet the beginning of one)
first dates !!! fluff !!!
i only know what romance is via otome game, i've never been on a date myself lmao
who proofread lmao (def not me)
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Classic bookstore/coffee date
what can i say? he's a classy guy
he stayed up all night planning what to do for a date and even called vox of all people for what to do on a first date
"NO! I'm not inviting them to my house on the first date - that's too... ris- hey, I know you're laughing at me!"
he figured that the date wouldn't be enjoyable if he couldn't take you someplace that he also enjoyed, so he settled with an article of top 10 dating spots in your city; thankfully, it included a cafe bookstore that ike is a regular at.
he takes you to his favourite rustic/vintage styled cafe and even gives you his Top 10 List Of Coffees He Would Die For
bonus if the cafe was also a book-lover's heaven ; those bookstore/cafes are so neat (i don't know the actual name for those lmao)
the date ends nicely - a pleasant time together just chatting and drinking coffee together, giving each other book recommendations (ike says it's good insight for a novel that he'd like to dedicate to you at one point) and so on. you both decided to go on another date to find more cafes like this together.
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A thrilling amusement park/arcade date !!!
It's like having to walk a dog with a leash except the dog is luca running around the park grounds and pointing excitedly at different roller coasters
"C'mon Y/N! It'll be fine ! Look, I'll even hold your hand at the big drop, can we pleeease go on that one?"
Backtracking into the night prior, luca is the type to call everyone he knows so that way he could hype himself up for tomorrow
and to ask for fashion advice - it's surprising to hear something like this from luca, the man of fashion himself
also he just wanted to share with everyone that he finally scored a date with someone he likes
luca takes you to many different rides - thriller rides, fun rides, rides he's never been on, you name it!
luckily for you, the amusement park also had a small arcade too - luca took it upon himself to win you every prize imaginable even if some of the things he did made him look silly
the date ends off at a romantic ferris wheel ride because vox told him it'll be romantic AND he's seen it in anime before (of course anime would be correct, they are very accurate with the love-story telling for sure!)
the date is a success! luca scored another date - perhaps next time, things will be a little more calmer.
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the ever so classic movie date - but he's the one who suggests to watch a horror movie (even though you do know he's a little cowardly at times, you follow along with his plan)
it was either vox or luca who actually suggested the horror movie - much to mysta's dismay, but !! he's willing to do so for you !!
"a horror movie? are you sure?"
mysta would like to think he's THE shit, the smoothest person on earth who is about to woo YOU
date plan (brought to you by mysta): suggest horror film for your first date with him, watches you get scared and comforts you while putting on a brave face so that way he would look cool and epic in your eyes, fall in love (SUCCESS)
he could've suggested a rom-com, but he wanted to seem so alpha sigma male and not some beta male (cue the eye roll) in your eyes that he completely forgets to pick a movie that was enjoyable for the both of you
he also fails to realize his own fears and instead cowers behind you while watching the scary movie together (bonus points if he is legitimately hiding his face in the crook of your neck or something so he doesn't watch the film lmao)
after leaving the theater, he starts becoming sulky and pouty about looking cowardly in front of you that it literally takes your entire being and a half to practice self control - whatever you do, don't tease him !!! he's trying his best !!! even though he's so cute and all ;;;
you can believe that he instantly started jumping for joy when you suggested to watch a movie together again
SUCCESS! i hope
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a trip to the aquarium is to die for when going on a date with shu
shu instantly thought of bringing you to an aquarium after winning tickets for 2 at a local supermarket for one of their events
the night before the date, shu spent time watching different aquatic documentaries so he could impress you with his knowledge of the fish in the aquariums (yes he watched wild kratz yes it was to impress you)
nerdge shu (REAL) - while you both are touring around the aquarium, he starts to tell you random facts about the fish you see
"oh yeah? that's a clownfish.... best well known for their role in finding nemo..."
lots of photos !!! the cutest couple aquarium photos to ever exist !!!
the walks under the tunnel area felt a bit too romantic - walking hand in hand with shu, watching him ramble off about the sharks that swam peacefully and the lighting.
dear god the lighting
surprisingly enough, the blue and green hues of the aquatic tanks made shu's whole appearance feel otherworldly ; if you can disregard the flames that follow him around ever-so often. it was mesmerizing (he knows you were staring and he's a little glad that the aquarium lights were able to hide his flustered face)
the date ends off well ; shu had a blast and you gained the important knowledge that he truly is a nerd even though he denies it - well, at least he is your nerd.
best believe from now on, every anniversary or important event will be celebrated at the local aquarium.
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an art museum and dinner date, how fancy
another very classy man who had to call everyone he knows because ' holy shit this is THE Y/N he's taking on a date with and his heart is about to combust '
yes we're back with the wiki-how articles on how to impress your date on the first ever date; shu was the one who sent him a link and he thought maaybe it's good for a little light reading
"Shu... you're a genius! they would love this!"
"Vox, it's just a wiki-how article, you don't have to take it to hea-"
he eventually settles on a nearby art museum as they were having an event for an artist you once mentioned - perfect!
that definitely displays that he was listening to your conversations with him and he remembers - how sentimental!
as for dinner, he decided to show off his culinary prowess and impress you with a restaurant quality dinner created by yours truly!
he's about to become the man of sex the man who is going to sweep you off your feet!
well at least that's what he hoped.
the art museum was boring - the two of you only toured around the small exhibit and left quickly THEN went to a fast food chain of all places before you could try vox's cuisine.
it made him pouty on the way home that the date didn't go according to plan, but you noticed how much effort he made in order to make it fun for you, and to be honest - knowing this was a lot better than the actual date itself.
so the date ends off surprisingly well - a little kiss on the cheek for goodbye and another scheduled date where the two of you get to laze around all day is set; vox couldn't be anymore happier than that.
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miku-meeku · 9 months
Gurl, Variable Barricade was literally the first otome game I played.
I'll give you a quick run down, our MC Hibari is an independent girlboss who's just awful at romance. She's from a powerful family so she expects an arranged marriage but her grandfather was like 'LMAO, no. You have to choose from these 4 trash men instead and your gonna live with them for a while'.
So for our 4 love interests are as follow, marriage fraud who is Ichiya Mitsumori who is also the ultimate male wife, the gold digger which is Shion Mayuzumi (material girl), submissive and bully-able Nayuta Yagami and finally gambling addict Taiga Isuguri (personal fav)
The game is very much a sort of rom com, our lovely Hibari has to pick one of them to be her husband which is hard when everyone seems like they would be a dead beat spouse. It's dangerously hilarious, like girl I was laughing every 10 mins
Also to me Taiga is definitely Whitney, hands down no arguments. Shion could be Robin since ya know, Robin doesn't do jack shit and is only there for eye candy, Nayuta is Kylar mostly because he would just straight up do anything Hibari says to the degree that if she said she wanted him to be her dog he would woolf, Ichiya is... I can't really see him as Sydney, well atleast corrupt Sydney, idk he wouldn't fit
Anyways play Variable Barricade
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i feel like literally only one character suits one of the LIs in DoL and its just Whitney BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
Shion is too pretty to be Robin (no offense Robin) but then again, I did a lil digging (cuz blonde boys makes me drop my pants) and wowie this mf doesnt do anything other than loiter, hes just like me frfr- and Robin also doesnt do anything other than loiter (sorry for Robin slander, ily Robin)
Nayuta's dog traits and obeying yada yada does seem to fit Kylar's but this guy is too happy, he reminds me of someone that I can't pinpoint HMMM,,, you think if i color his hair black, he'd look more like a happy version of Kylar,,,
and the one who doesn't fit anyone is Sydney BAHAHHAHA, I read a lil abt Ichiya and they literally have nothing in common, rip Sydney
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anws its actually kinda funny, back then i always look away from bad boys until recently with Whitney cough, TAIGA LIKES BRITISH ROCK BAHAHAHAHA ISNT THIS JUST WHITNEY FR, i wonder if he sounds like floyd from twst since hes voiced by nobuhiko okamoto or is using more of his bakugo voice instead (i really love nobuhiko okamoto sm)
honestly would love to play this game to immerse myself in romancing a Whitney look-a-like but....
no money
no nintendo switch
im poor sobs
goodbye japanese whitney voiced by nobuhiko okamoto
maybe one day in the future...
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pumpkin-spike18 · 6 months
✨Weekly Progress #11-12✨
Weekly Progress #11
Wrote 400+ words for BWBOK (fin)
Prepared SYVNH script for editing, discussed with editor
Wrote 2.9k+ words for a gift
Did 2.5 panel coloring for DGM
Sketched 4 illustrations for [fan project #1]
Revisited Peter Pan idea
Weekly Progress #12
Prepped SYVNH new art
Made Peter Pan idea outline
Finished 4 linearts for [fan project #1]
Programmed in all new SYVNH art
Sketched sprite for SFB
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This is probably the only art I have to show for the past two weeks so here it is...!
The Beauty Which Only Beast Knows
The script is now done and currently being edited. Unfortunately, we have slipped a bit on the dates we hoped to meet for milestones. I'll probably need to make a new schedule soon.
But, hey... If we take until May to finish, we can submit it for Otome Jam!
Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel... HELP!!
Okay, I may have dropped the ball on this 💦 I got the script to my editor/proofreader and they did amazing!! They finished reviewing well before the deadline they gave themself, but I didn't realize that lol;; So I could've started scripting a lot earlier, but I didn't;;
I was really hoping to finish the entire project by the end of March, but since March has 3 days left, that probably isn't possible. But, it should be done soon. I just have 20k words to script...
But other than that, all the art has been programmed in! (Until I decide I want more animation during CG moments lol
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Other Fanworks
I won't go into a lot of detail for this, but since it took a lot of my time the past few weeks, I decided to add it here as accomplishments.
(I think I wrote over 10k words in gifts the past couple weeks.)
A Sky of Falling Birds
The script for this has been finished for a while so I thought I'd start making some sketch sprite work for it. I still don't know for sure what sort of visual theme I want to use for the game so I didn't get very far.
[Peter Pan Project]
Perhaps I'm jumping the gun a bit, but since SYVNH is coming to a finish, I started thinking about what future projects to do. This idea was something I came up with on a whim last year and I decided to revisit it to see what I can possibly make out of it.
It'll likely be shorter than SYVNH (read: for my sanity, future me, please make it shorter) and is inspired by Peter Pan. It'll be a BL so we have Wendell as our main character, exploring a fictional Victorian-esque kingdom. I'm still debating on the routes and gameplay.
The visual themes for this project are inspired by Pandora Hearts, D. Gray-Man, and possibly Smokin' Parade.
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awiola · 9 months
Normal update, autumn??? XXIII
Okay, so I thought it would be a nice, winter quarterly update but turns out the last one was titled summer and I guess going by calendar, winter barely started so it's??? autumn??? I guess??? Last day of the year but autumn, sure, let's go with that. That being the case, I have no new year's pic for y'all cause I can't draw I was devving uhh, rly hard, let's say. Totally.
Anyway, the mushroom jam has ended and I planned to have a release update BUT THEN I DIDN'T FINISH THE GAME ON TIME YET AGAIN, who would've thought, so, like, there's nothing. I mean, something exists but yeah >_> I'll write a devlog when it finally looks presentable. Moving on...
Current game stuff
The spooktober game has been finished, kinda - The enmity of dead things. It, well, it works and it contains the full script and everything but lacks both art and music cause I couldn't finish it on time laziness goes brrr. Then I wanted a break and worked on other games and kinda left it like that... So that's the first item on my "Finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list. All in all it wasn't a total failure and I had fun for the most part. Committing to my bad decisions [look at the textbox] is actually the main cause the game wasn't finished on time... You live and don't learn.
The failure of the year... Or quarter at least - Mushroom game. Despite being technically published to add it to the jam, it's so unfinished I won't even link it here. And it's all my fault cause I was being lazy and, as usual, forgot I can't actually program. Yeah...
Helped with Cool Days. There's really not much of my work there, I honestly considered making a new category for games I kinda helped with but tbh the amount of work actually finished was close to zero but hey, it's still more than nothing so Check it out, it has cool graphics.
The ace teens game got shelved/postponed and it's not my fault this time but instead we're working on a fantasy kinda thing for Ace jam [and maybe also Zack jam while we're at it but that might've been said in jest]. Fortunately it's small enough I don't expect any delays. I can say it involves a golem who isn't a humanoid (灬˘╰╯˘灬)♥。・゚
Now for the big thing.
Fanfares, please.
IMPOSTOR SYNDROME - is a game for winter jam which also happens to be a demo cause we ran out of time but! - it will be finished soon-ish. I'll share more details in the release devlog so if the link to the game works already, that means the page's up and so is all the info. If it doesn't work, check again in a few hours but I'm assuming most people who actually read all that will do so post winter jam anyway.
Genre wise it's an otome chat sim comedy that's extremely self indulged and I'm not ashamed of that. Gotta make games for yourself and all that. Though, again, my own conribution to the development process remains minimal. I'm truly becoming the idea guy.
The "Finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list aka the stuff that should've been finished already but isn't
Umm, yeah, everything. Or, to be more specific, Mushroom game and Enmity take priority here but all the other games that needed some quality of life adjustments like making the web build work on mobile etc are also included [which is kinda funny cause a lot of them could be corrected in like an hour if I actually sat and did just that].
It's been more than three years since I released Argousze and yes, you gessed it, it's also unfinished. Which is extra funny in a pathetic way cause it was supposed to be a low effort game with, like, 2k words of wordcount. To be fair I kinda dropped it cause I couldn't design my aliens but maybe I'll actually get a good idea for once and manage to release it on its fourth anniversary. That'd be nice.
Other than that, well... That's more of a resolution than anything but I should stop constantly joining new teams and all... And either take a proper dev break or work on ye olde projects waiting for me since the beginning of HS. I'll become older than my oldest LI before I finish them at this point lol
Pariiish noootiiiceees
This year we're gonna have two new jams instead of one. Stuff happened and yeah. No links just yet cause not only are the pages not finished but there's also no planned date/duration beyond 'sometime in the later part of the year'.
The first jam is Tentacle jam which, I'm pretty sure, would bring us eroges. This was not my intention and all kind of sfw tentacles are allowed but tbh as long as there's a proper story, even a nukige would pass. Basically the rules remain like in all the previous jams I hosted.
The second jam is Insect [adjacent] jam which actually accepts all kinds of arthropods but it started as just insect jam and I wanted to keep the name. So yeah. Obviously more detailed rules of what's allowed would be written on the page when it's up properly and not in a half dead state like right now.
Incidentally, whatever the date ends up being, both of these jams would be hosted at the same time so if you wanted to make a story taking place underwater or something, you could submit it to both of these jams. Neat, right?
That's it for this year.
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imagine this meme but w/ your fave otome boy
#i cannot stop laughing just thinking about it#meme isn't mine btw; a friend sent it to me#as a huge anime nerd and inuyasha lover this is absolutely hilarious to me (tho tbh my crush was always on koga- 👀 ...#....i just shipped inukag too hard yk. thank goodness they were canon and im so hyped for the yashahime sequel 😭❤🙏🏻!!) but anyway lol#I'll never forget my dear sweet mirai from that sleepless cinderella game i played back in hs. was one of if not my first otome and .....#..he was just the loml. i remember his route being introduced just after i'd started playing and i dropped EVERYTHING to go after him.#wasnt interested in any of the main 3 guys but did like the plot. ended up absolutely loving mr addition (mirai) so like..o figure lmfaaoo#his ending was the first time there was a remotely spicy scene in any of the ones i had played so i was like 👁👁 oh-#NO WAIT NVM swd had a f2p ninja one and the orange haired one (sasuke?) was one of my first ones!! it was on my old ipod thats why i forgot#aahh im such a mess lmfao. that one required no internet since it was a fully downloaded one and had multiple free routes-#-and you had to buy the most popular characters' routes. (hanzo goemon etc) it was pretty cheap back then too iirc?#i played thru the emo silent white haired troubled past ninja's route first and then sasuke's(?) and just.... LOVED him too.#he and mirai were the loml for ages#some others i played are no longer available.. even that /one/ i paid for bc the server closed & it req'd access smh.. wish it was a dl :((#wow these tags drastically derailed from one point to another lmfaaaaooooo dangit i always do this-#anyway i just consider mirai like my otome ''first'' if that makes sense?? but i would not complain if yukimura was in that meme-#(i say as i hesitate whether im still entirely loyal to gavin bc.....kiro....whoops-!)#im so sorry mitsus you're just so... adorable... ;;^;;#my post 📫#but not really 📫#aerin.jpg#inuyasha vr meme#the ep this meme came from is a crack filler goldmine 🤣🤣#speaking of i still havent seen the mlqc anime fjdkdkkdf BUT i did happen upon sengoku night blood on crunchyroll when looking for isekai's#idk if anyone has ever watched it (i never played the game oops-) but i absolutely loved that anime!! & the va for hideyoshi is the kny mc!#(hideyoshi was just the most hyperactive fluffball;;; and all the characters mc met along the way i- 🥺🥺🥰🥰💕💕)#(also yeah i just rly love that va's voice sue me fksjdhk he played the main guy in the a whisker in time movie too 😭❤ it was the cutest!)#aerin.tagspeak#otome memes#wall of tags
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sapphirelycoris · 3 years
can i request bokuto and/or kuroo headcannon with a fem s/o who’s a famous actress? Like she’s been in really popular shows and movies and is known all around the world. They get a copy of a movie she’s in early and decide to watch it at home together. As the movie goes on, her and the male-lead have an explicit moment and they get jealous? Hope this isn’t too complicated!💗
Ship: Tetsurō Kuroo I Kōtarō Bokuto x fem!reader (She/her) !separately!
Warnings: Suggestive content and a lot of mentions of sex. I made Bokuto sad. Semi-nsfw.
Author's note: Some of these lines could be straight out of an otome game istg I've been on Love 365 too much and I'm slowly relapsing. So if some lines of dialogue seem cheesy, ya'll know why. Enjoy tho!
Kuroo & Bokuto w/famous actress S/O Part II
Kuroo & Bokuto with a famous actress S/O ft: Getting jealous
✰ 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑜 ✰
When Kuroo tells his co-workers that you’re his girlfriend, they kind of just laugh at him.
They’re like, “Yeah. Keep dreaming.” You’re a world renown actress and your supposedly with a normal office worker? Yeah right.
And then they find out that you’re actually his partner. He will brag about you all day if you give him the chance.
“How did someone like her, end up with you?” People always ask him.
“I ask myself the same thing.”
You’d been away, filming a movie for a few weeks in a different country and that was the last scene.
Kuroo had been missing you like crazy but you updated him on everything.
Everything except… the sex scene.
When you received a copy of the movie early, Kuroo wanted to watch it immediately.
You wanted to put it off as long as you could but there you were, sitting on the couch under a blanket in front of the TV screen.
It was mainly an action movie with a romance on the side but then the main characters get married in the end and end up having sex on their honeymoon.
You’d done scenes like this before but that was pre-Kuroo and you didn’t care about them. It was loveless sex and you had no emotional attachments to your co-workers.
You assumed Kuroo knew that, he was a smart boy.
He should know it takes you awhile to be vulnerable with someone but there was also the possibility that he might've gotten mad for not turning down the role.
My girlfriend is such a badass. He sighed in delight as he watched you kill it during the fights.
When the last scene was on, you tried to escape by getting some food from the kitchen but Kuroo made you sit your ass down.
I should’ve gone to the bathroom instead… you groaned internally.
The guy pushed you down on the bed and started taking off his clothes and Kuroo’s eyes got big.
He knew what was coming and when the guy kissed you, his face instantly dropped. He had his arms crossed and you could see his fists clench.
You tried to avoid contact with him as much as possible but Kuroo kept looking between you and the screen.
”Did you enjoy it?” He asked.
”Filming the movie? Yeah the crew was very nice…“ You knew what he meant but it was just so awkward explaining that to him.
“I mean, did you enjoy the sex?”
”You’re insane. We barely even touched each other and-“
”Yes or no (Name)?”
“No. No I didn’t.“
Kuroo shrugged and acted nonchalantly.
“Are you jealous?” You slid up to his side and rested your chin on his shoulders.
”Kind of..." He admitted.
"You know I have no feelings for him. You're the only man I want. If you want, I'll stop doing those scenes. Can I make it up to you?"
He knew it was part of your job. But he mainly wanted a reason for you to offer sex to him. You were busy these past few months and there wasn't much time for that.
Now that he finally got you alone and at a good time, he really needed to release his pent up sexual frustration.
You were led into the bedroom and he trapped you underneath him.
"I'll make sure you enjoy tonight." Kuroo looked you in the eyes as he slid down your body.
✰ 𝐵𝑜𝑘𝑢𝑡𝑜 ✰
Now it was no surprise to the public when you announced your relationship with Boktuo.
You were known for thirsting over him and you finally got to go on a date with him.
He loves you. A lot. There's no doubt about that and you also feel the same about him.
So you got to watch an early copy of the newest movie you were starring in with a very well-known actor.
This guy was known for dating his co-stars and he was very handsome.
Of course, Bokuto knows you aren't going to cheat but he can't help that little voice in the back of his head saying, "You sure she wants to stay with you?"
Whenever filming is done you had interviews and all that to do.
And your poor boyfriend was feeling lonely.
It didn't help the growing worry of you leaving him for the other man. You had amazing on screen chemistry with him.
I just imagine Bokuto's hair deflating when he sees you getting along with him during interviews, sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around his head with a sad face.
Poor guy just gets so insecure. My mans needs some reassurance!
Anyways, when you finally get to spend time with him, you're at his side 24/7. This man begs you to come to his practices regardless if you're suppose to be there or not.
His team is thankful when he gets back to his usual bubbly self.
One day after practice, he's greeted by you holding a copy of your newest movie in hand.
"Date night?" You grinned, waving it around.
He hops in the shower and then comes back out and jumps into your lap. You don't know how long he was actually in there, or if he even got in at all.
The movie was a romance and you were in an arranged marriage, trying to get through life with a smile. Then somewhere along the way, you fell into an affair with your boss.
"You look so pretty in this scene." Bokuto complimented, pointing at the screen like a little boy at a toy commercial.
Bokuto's smile faltered towards the middle of the movie when the male lead unbuttoned your blouse.
The way your eyes looked up at his face so seductively, Bokuto wanted to throw up while admiring how sexy you looked.
"Hey (Name)! You still want me, right?" His pent up anxiety finally snapped and he grabbed your shoulders, shaking you back and forth.
"What?" You startled, "What on Earth do you mean by that?"
He pointed to the screen again when you were on top of the other actor and kissing his neck.
You started laughing and shaking your head. You paused the movie and held his face. "'Course I do. He's just a co-worker and friend. Nothing more. Do you know how long it took me to find the courage to ask you out?"
Bokuto pouted as if he didn't believe you.
"I'm in love with you, not him. Don't ever doubt that. You're sweet and lovable, and reliable. Everything he isn't."
Slowly, his pout turned into a cheesy grin. "Aw okay. I'm sorry for doubting you. I want to watch the rest of the movie. But can you skip through the sex?"
You happily obliged now that you got your Bokuto back.
Later that evening when you were coming to bed, instead of getting in on your side, you straddled his waist that barely held up his sweatpants.
"You up for a few rounds tonight?" You asked.
His face lit up as he rapidly nodded his head.
"By the time I'm done with you, you should know how much I appreciate my good boy." You leaned down and whispered in his ear, gliding your nails along his collarbone.
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donuts4evry1 · 3 years
ok but on that 'date or be killed' post where you tagged it w/ your aro blinders comment. Listen. how many of the routes in hatoful actually feel romantic? Cause I'd genuinely argue that there's very few that feel specifically Romantic. I think Ryouta's is the only one that's particularly blatant. maybe there's signs of Hiyoko having feelings in others, but that doesn't mean it's returned or that she has any issue with just staying friends. i'll die on this hill
Ooh yeah, you're definitely right about that. // Honestly, as an otome game, Hatoful Boyfriend is probably one of the more friendlier ones to aros who aren't exactly romance adverse but don't want to see like, actual romance haha. Seeing everyone as birds also kinda disconnects you from the "romance" part and allows you to focus on the story, which honestly, I'm really glad haha
Hmm, but now that you brought that up I kinda wanna rate all the routes by "explicit crush" level. (note it's been awhile since I've played through all the routes and the wiki didn't do a play-by-play of all of them... h)
Putting it under the cut because I have a friend who still needs to play the game and even tho we've finished all the routes she wanted to play through (I think?) and it's more fun to just learn ab it in-game and NOT in a silly tumblr post teehee <3. You know who you are
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ED No.01: While It Lasts (Ryouta) Ro Rating: 9.5/10
This was the route specifically mentioned in the ask, and yeah honestly Tosaka specifically and clearly professing her love to Ryouta is most definitely a sign that romance was in here. //But like... also.... what if it was all platonic? y'know..... just being together for each other because they were really good friends........ my brain likes to second-guess itself when it comes to romance haha
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ED No.03: Song of the Foolish Bird (Shirogane)
Ro Rating: 0/10
Nothing about this route was really romantic tbh. It was more focused on Shirogane's character development as opposed to his and Tosaka's relationship.
Heck, even when she gives him beans she only says she wants the two of them to get along, nothing more and nothing less. They live together, but she's just being a really good pal and letting him follow his dreams of being a musician and escaping the (admittedly) toxic household environment he had to live in. We all know Tosaka, she'd most definitely extend a hand of gracious hospitality to anyone in need and give 110% in supporting her friends' ambitions.
(Not to mention he's very, very gay. The thought of being in a romantic relationship with Tosaka probably didn't even cross his mind once.)
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ED no.04: Dream's End (Fujishiro)
Ro Rating: 8/10
They did confess to each other in the end I guesssssss.... But idk it all seemed kinda sudden to me. He only started to warm up to Tosaka recently and I could only really see them as good friends. Ouch :<
Tbh Tosaka acts a bit like an energetic older sister, trying to break him out of his shell to no avail haha.
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ED No.05: Yuuya Only Lives Twice (Sakazaki) Ro Rating: 2/10
I don't remember exactly if there was a confession but becoming Sakazaki's partner-in-crime (so to speak) is most definitely a Tosaka thing to do. She loves to put wrong-doers to justice!
And also, while incredibly charismatic, Sakazaki definitely lets some of his insecurities and worry slip through the cracks of his mask. Tosaka would most likely be very worried about him, especially after it's known that he skips school often. Which would explain why she keeps going after him independent of any romantic feelings.
I guess you could interpret that as romantic if you wanted to tho, but I like to think it's subtle.
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ED No.07: 2011: A Pudding Odyssey (Oko san) Ro Rating: 0/10
There wasn't any romance in here!! at all!!! Just a fun route where you help Okosan be his true puddi self!
This kind of plays out like... a shounen manga story haha. Going on a shounen-esque adventure?? Dropping out of school??? Finding treasure of grandeur? Peak vibes.
If you saw romance in this you're wrong /lh
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ED no.08: What May Come (Nanaki) Ro Rating: 1/10
the ending of the route rly made me uncomfy tbhhhh,, like that's ur student you're talking to Nanaki plssssss don't say that ghjdsbf.
It all just kind of boils down to Tosaka: "I kinda like you, is that ok?" Nanaki: "You're a nice girl Tosaka, but I don't have the capacity to fall in love right now so come back later maybe? oh and also you're still my student bllblbllbl"
yeah. i don't wanna rate it higher :<
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ED No.10: The Happy Couple (Iwamine) Ro Rating: -9/10
MAN, do I have loads of interpretive tea to spill on this. (Again, kind of uncomfortable about it but the fact that this ending was messed up in more ways than one kind of makes it easier to digest, believe it or not)
Iwamine most certainly vocalizes his feelings towards Tosaka, but I suspect it's not really "love" (the wiki was also inclined to agree, saying he was probably more attracted to her brain or eyes). Maybe it was just aesthetic attraction he was mistaking for romantic attraction, or maybe it was some other kind of toxic attraction. I believe most aroaces can relate to not being able to differentiate types of attractions, and considering Iwamine's emotional history he would most DEFINITELY not even have a chance of getting a hold of those. Obsessive, destructive love + not knowing how to express that is most certainly an equation for disaster.
Tosaka wonders if she was frozen because of love or something but I think it was just. Shock. After all, the doctor isn't usually so affectionate(?) with her and hearing him spout all that nonsense... ouch.
The player eventually answers "yes" to his question in the end but we were forced to. Iwamine may have given us a "choice" but considering it was all the same answer choices, he could've just been projecting the answer, independent of Tosaka's feelings (she's dead, after all! The only way dead people can speak is if you're imagining they speak).
The man really needs someone to show him genuine affection, he desperately needs it. And DEFINITELY not from Tosaka, she got herself killed hgjsdhfj.
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ED No.11: To the End of Emptiness (Higure) Ro Rating: 3/10
The end is mostly just Tosaka being totally affected by Higure's super hallucinogenic vibes and recalling his timeline.
Though, when she does give him beans, he IS embarrassed because the other birds in his class might make fun of him for being in a relationship... BUT, consider this: maybe he doesn't want to be in a relationship :0. Plus, we get this information from Tosaka, who is shakey at best with her Anghelism translation, so it can't be assured that that's accurate to what he said or felt (she has the perception of a potato, anyhow. as we see in many of her inner thoughts and dialogues she COMPLETELY misreads people all the time).
He also gives her a charm for "easy childbirth" but tbh Higure just doesn't seem like the kind of person to use innuendos to show his affection so either a) it's actually genuine and he wants Tosaka to have an easy childbirth or b) that's just the only charm he had on him at the moment.
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ED No.12: Carve It Into Your Soul, Kid! LOVE★BLASTER (Koshiba and Rabu) Ro Rating: 9/10
The romance isn't for you, but it's still really sweet and over-the-top. I absolutely adore these two love birds <33
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1.14 ED No.13: To Be The True Java Sparrow (Koshiba) Ro Rating: 1/10
Really depends on how you read it, which is why I gave it a 1. Tbh Azami seems to be more of a mentor figure for Tosaka as opposed to a romantic interest. The law-abiding biker gang is still actually pretty epic tho :D
I'm not gonna rank Nishikikouji's route bc 1) I haven't played through it (it's not available on PC) and 2) I ran out of images so you can't see him :(. From what I read on the wiki it just seems like Tosaka's keeping his dumb ass alive tho, which isn't very romantic Nishikikouji is just hungry for revenge (and death at the hands of Iwamine, apparently)
so yea that's it :D feel free to add whatever you want or anything.
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So the Shining Nikki early access was a week ago surprisingly they chose Canada for once i was so happy so thought I'd make my points before global drops
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I figured that they would give us the skin options for free from the get go and I'm happy that they bothered but I will admit that having only 2 darker options is a bit of a let down. They rarely have a shade of brown close to match me but thats a personal nitpick I'm sure over time they'll hook us up.
On that note I hope we get more natural hairstyles sooner rather than later, from what i remember we starting get them in Love Nikki last year or so, which was years after release. I understand its much harder now seeing as how they'll have to actually model the hair and give it texture but I'll hold out hope it doesn't take too long.
I do dislike that the makeup options are locked behind the guild, i was looking forward to this feature but knowing that I'm limited in how quickly i get the items due to my guild contributions sucks.
The voice acting was a surprise, I didn't expect most of the story lines and cards to be voiced but its not bad. Admittedly at first I was verry iffy on the English voices but they quickly grew on me. They're not super anime to the point that its annoying but theyre not super realistic in their delivery either. Nikki's soft spoken tone and demeanor sounds really great imo. And the other voice actors are great in their delivery and inflection too though admittedly Joy does sound fairly nasal . The translated songs dont hold up too well though.
The soundtrack is amazing Love Nikki already had a great soundtrack but somehow Shining Nikki is even better. They're so catchy and beautifully arranged. Starheaven is my favorite theme so far.
The story came outta left field to me lol. I havent played Love Nikki in quite some time and I admit after what happened to Lunar the story became a blur to me, everything just started happening so fast out of nowhere. I barely remember the details just something about Nidhogg being cursed for what he did and the countries descending into chaos, Bobo being a traitor out of nowhere and going missing and honestly I cant recall much else. So imagine my surprise when I started up Shining Nikki and she's telling me the world had ended and she traveled back in time to try and stop it. And it's been a rollercoaster since then characters are pulling out guns and explosives?? a child had a knife!? I'm fearing for my life over here I just wanted to play a dressup game. Personally the story tone feels way more at place in MLQC (aka mr.love queens choice/ love and producer, a supernatural/sci-fi otome game made by the same company). Tone wise it feels like such a sudden shift thats pretty out of place imo. The writing isnt bad, its great it'll just take some getting used to personally, Its hard for me to imagine Nikki in such situations.
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The graphics on the other hand whew boy. Every item is so lovingly modeled with great textures and shading that i cant handle it. Their lace, tulle, metallic, gem textures specifically are breathtaking. I do miss being able to dye duplicates though. Having to unlock diff color sets through the ark cards is super annoying.
The fact that accessories can move to accommodate your hairstyle is great too, and the layering of some accessories is a neat option. The suits we have now are great and I cannot wait for more to come (I have my wallet prepped for that Cardcaptor collab). I dont think we can change the nails yet but thats another feature i cant wait to see in the future.
I will say that the game is ALOT. As in they will hit you with feature after feature after feature and I'm sitting here like I only have so much time and stamina to keep up with all this. The current suits are less of a pain to craft thankfully the blueprint/set system is much better this game. But with set crafting, arena, intel, guild stuff, stylist academy, colours newsroom and the ark its hard to keep up with everything.
Cant think of much else to talk about rn, if anything I'll edit some thoughts in. I hope you guys are enjoying the game as much as I am and I look forward to Global Release.
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romance2d-otomegame · 4 years
The Route Thief
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Sumary: Everybody used to tell me to stop playing those games, but what can I do? An otome game is pretty addictive and specially if is one like Wizardess Heart. This game is my life! Wait, I didn't mean literally... Then, why I'm suddenly inside on my game!? Is that Hiro and Zeus? When I said this game is my life I didn't mean to want that this game BE my life!
Pairing: Hiro x Marian
Chapter 2
It's been three days since I woke up and find myself in a totally different place. Regardless to say that I haven't get up from bed since then, and I just stayed here in a fetal position whit the covers over my head. I've been waiting for me to really wake up but... This not seems to be a dream. Times pass just like a normal day of 24 hours, I sleep, feel hungry and get thirsty just like the real life. The food got taste, I can feel pain and touch the staff like always. This... Doesn't feel like a dream anymore. Whatever happened to me on that airplane, it took me to this enchanted place. But... Not any place, I've been joining points and... It seems that I'm in a place identical as is describe on my favorite otome game, Wizardess Heart. Apparently, I live at the Kingdom of Queensblade, and of course, when I asked, there's actually a neighbor kingdom named Gedonelune. The Queen of this kingdom is named Sherazade. And... It does exist a place called Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy. Now you know why I've been waiting to actually wake up, but, three days have been enough, I think, I finally have stared to accepted. I probably die on my past life and now I was reincarnated on a character of a game just like those animes where you're hit by a truck and then send to another world so you can fight a demon lord whit a sword and the help of a useless goddess.
"Young lady? Are you awake?"
I don't know anymore.
"Please rise, breakfast is ready. Then, you could... Take a bath perhaps?"
I lazily took off the soft covers and sit. This young maid is Clarisse, she attends me. She cleans and brings food an medicine for me. Is not that I've been treated bad, they actually treat me like a princess. A bath uh? When I said that I haven't left bed on three days I wasn't kidding. Take the count whit the three days I spend sleeping after falling from the horse. Yeah, probably Clarisse is worried for me. A bath wouldn't be that bad.
"I think I'll take a bath. "
I get up from bed and went to the bathroom
"I - I'll get ready your clothes then young lady!"
You don't have to sound so happy you know. A bath surely do wonders, I feel so refreshed. I took a look of myself on the mirror, long blond hair, eyes so blue like sapphires, perfect pink lips... This is, my new look uh? Is not that bad. I look cute. Clarisse handed me a beautiful blue dress whit a military stile and a blouse underneath. She brushed my hair and put a ribbon on it. She also do my make up.
"okay! I'm done! Hehe, it finally seems that the young lady is back!"
She laughed and I look myself on the mirror. Wait that is... Really me? Oh my God! I look SO CUTE! What is this!? This is how I look right? I look like a porcelain doll!
"he hehe heh... "
"You-young lady? Are you felling well?"
She snapped me back to reality and I felt embarrassed that she saw me admiring myself on the mirror.
"ah! I-I'm fine, I'm sorry I make you feel worried. "
"Ah! No! If the young lady feels nice enough to laugh then I feel happy for you. "
You said that but you definitely thought I was crazy right?
"if the young lady feels better today, then why don't take a walk by the garden after breakfast? A little sun will do you good. "
Since I'm not a prisoner here and probably this is my new life then why no?
"Okay, I'll do as you say. "
I eat my breakfast and then I went on a round for all the mansion. This place is like a castle! Big chandeliers hanging, beautiful paintings, golden vases and marble floors. Through a crystal door I saw the outsides shimmering whit beautiful flowers.
"Oh my god that place look so beautiful!"
I was so lost on myself and the walk, that I totally forgot that I was living another life. There were flowers and trees I've nerve saw in my life. A gorgeous fountain was sending a fresh breeze. And that pergola on the middle if the garden is just like something out of a dream, I always thought on how cool it be to have one, you can sit here whit a set of tea and a good book and relax. Everything was so gorgeous!
"Hehe, are you enjoying your walk young lady?"
"Eh? Ah, of course. This place is beautiful, I've never been in a mansion this huge!"
"Uh, so, did you not, remember something?"
Ah, I see, she make me do this walk to see if I can remember something. I guess, I can't tell them that I'm not lady Marian. And even if they believe, I doubt they'll treat me good.
"Well... "
"For your own good you better remember. "
A severe voice surprise us. It was that woman that was yelling at me the other day. Later I knew she was actually... Marian's mother.
"Thanks goodness that at least you finally leave that room and look decent today. "
That's the nicest thing you can say to your daughter?
"We are going to have visits today, so you better behave understood?"
"Visitors? Who is coming? A noble?"
"He is more that just that. He is your fiance. We couldn't hide from him that you had an incident, and since he's on Queensblade on vacations, he have to come and see you. I hope that you'll remember something from your interaction whit him."
"Oh, I see. "
So now I have to act like a lady perhaps? Uh?... Wait a moment...
"Wait, did you said fiance!?"
"Oh heavens! Keep your voice low! A lady shouldn't scream like that. "
"But you really said fiance? I have a fiance!?"
"Of course you have. And that's why you must behave in the best way. And keep in secret that you lost your memories, we don't want the son of the House of Brundle think of you like you're defective. "
She leave saying no more. My mind went blank for a moment, Did I hear well?
"Did she said House of Brundle?"
"Yes young lady, that was what she said. "
"Wait, then, what's the name of my fiance?"
"His name is Zeus young lady, Zeus Brundle."
"... "
"... "
"Hold on a second!!"
I grab Clarisse shoulders
"Are you talking about Zeus Brundle!? You know, tall boy, light brown skin, bluish hair and eyes that have the attitude of a peacock and always wears a stupid scarf!?"
"Wha- What? Co-Could it be... Do the young lady remember young master Zeus?"
You're kidding... You're kidding right? I dropped my hands from Clarisse shoulders and let myself fall on the ground.
"Yo-Young lady?"
This is impossible... Do I'm really on the world of Wizardess Heart!?
To be continued...
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