#or a younger toppat lol
loafthecat · 8 months
Happy birthday to violin!!!!
Certified old man/jjjjjjjj
Smol doodle because yes. :3
Hopefully his b-day goes well
This man and his husbean can’t probably fit anymore trauma lol-/jjj
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rarestdoge · 1 year
RHM and Reg are now Toppat!Cameron's father figures, lol. Also, he's best friends with Burt and Sven 👀
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For a bit of context, I made this post last night
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mai-mai-lim · 11 months
Finally!! Have my honey blorbo birthday!
... well i have been wanting to announce for a while but i just keep forgetting oops--
Anyway, Ashley's birthday is on... tiny drum roll
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JULY 20TH 🎉🎉
here are my reasonings for this date:
Originally, I was torn between the month of June (the month I created her) and July. My mental note said that as long as its during the summer holidays cause that's when Hen's family went back to their home country for family gatherings and so the cousins can celebrate her birthday together
the thing that cemented this date is that July 20th is well... national lollipop day! Considering she has sweets as part of her toppat identity, i suppose its fitting
this is more apply to Streamer!Ashley, but this day is also the birthday of Tartaglia/Childe from Genshin. She is happy to have a fav character to share a birthday with. (yes, she plays genshin AND a childe main in streamer AU, i will have a post that explains more someday lol)
This is for the ABC trio shenanigans, but there is this funny thing that despite Ashley joins the Toppat clan earlier than Brutus, she is still considered younger cause Brutus just happened to be born 20 days earlier than her
and also im well aware her birthday happened to be the same month as my own, but oh well, ill take it.
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the-irken-pony · 2 years
That post from the other day about thsc character age headcanons got me wondering why it is that I headcanon Reginald and RHM as young as I do (age 26 and 29-30, respectively) and I think I’ve got somewhat of a grasp on why it is.
Reginald, to me, reads less as someone who’s older and matured and more as someone who’s younger but stuck in a position where he’s not exactly allowed to act young, if that makes sense? I’ve got a couple reasons for this.
Reginald was the person who overthrew and replaced Terrence Suave, stated in one of his bios to be one of the worst leaders in Toppat Clan history. To be in such a position would put on a lot of pressure to be Not That Guy. This sort of mindset would likely lead Reginald to mask and act mature in order to garner approval from the other Toppats.
I don’t doubt that Reginald would’ve been able to overthrow Terrence as a young adult, given how nonchalant the Toppat Clan is with letting just about anyone take over leadership. They even appointed Ellie Rose as leader, when she only just showed up and when the only reason she showed up at all was just to confront Henry with his behavior.
Reginald seems to be a well composed person who can stay calm even in an emergency......... unless his Right Hand Man isn’t available. If he had several years of leadership under his belt, then there would be at least a few instances of him and RHM being separated, so he would need to be prepared in such situations. Instead, he’s very quick to start panicking the second his Right Hand Man is MIA (such as in RPE/RBH, TK, or SSR), suggesting some level of under-preparation or even codependency on Reginald’s part.
Reginald is also more prone to making impulsive decisions that indirectly harm the Toppat Clan when he’s in such a panic state. Not only does he hand over the Toppat Clan to an intruder upon being captured, but he’s quick to fire a giant death laser at Henry for stealing the Norwegian Emerald, and his jealousy lead him to kill Henry when he knows full well that cybernetic revival is a possibility. With how poorly he seems to handle not having his Right Hand Man available, it would surprise me for him to have not run into issues sooner if he were a longer running leader, given the above.
When he’s not separated from his Right Hand Man, he often swings to the opposite extreme, going so far as being nonchalant when faced with an intruder (in SSR and JB, for example, and to a lesser extent in PP/TR), essentially not taking the situation seriously until it reaches the point of being Urgent.
He knows how to competently have discussions about work. Outside of work... ehhhh? Not so much lol.
He's the only person to refer to the Orbital Station's giga laser by name, suggesting he was the one who named it. What did he decide to call it? Supreme Dominance, that's what he called it. I rest my case.
As for RHM, my reasoning is more of a comparison to Reginald.
I see him being in a similar age range as Reginald, partly for copperright reasons, and partly because they have similar enough maturity levels that it's hard for me to see them having drastically different ages.
He’s more likely to stay calm during emergencies, but still treats them as serious issues, which makes me think he's a little bit older than Reginald. Or, if not older, more stable.
At the same time, he's impulsive like Reginald but less conditionally, and his tendency to respond to anger with lasers or yelling makes me think that he hasn't had a lot of time to work on developing healthier coping mechanisms, which makes me think he's still fairly young (again, not young young, but younger than middle age). Unlike how he's unconsciously Reginald's (sole) source of stability, Reginald more directly keeps him in check by restraining him by the arm or giving orders as needed.
None of this is to say that them being older is unrealistic, but this is just me dumping my own thoughts and headcanons
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henrystickminart · 3 years
Sparks rp(meme comic)
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Designs by @browa123​ and @triple-threat-toppats​ Revenge Henry design by me - Been long awaited I finally show stuff based off this rp. We are doing a restart of it so Im doodling him a bit. Thought I could finally start posting him and the first drawing is gonna be this recent meme art. Pretty much Revenge Henry is now stuck in Toppat king timeline two years in the future.(Yes Sparks is younger then King) He slowly starts to get used to the Toppats and will eventually be part of the clan. This rp was a bit of months old, but we are redoing it, so my passion to draw this rp has came back. Lol. I will post the Toppat design soon.
They go by the RPE Twins.
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flamingredanon · 3 years
Sad prompt that'll end wholesome lol
Henry lounged on the couch that was in the shared house part of the airship. He was cuddled under a couple of blankets as the November chill bothered him a little. He had been flicking through TV channels for what felt like hours, trying to find something good to watch to pass the time.
Reginald and Right had left a couple hours ago, mentioning how they 'forgot some items' the last time they went shopping. But that's thing... They got everything they usually got last time. So that confused Henry a little but whatever. He didn't like snooping.
By the time Reginald and Right got back, the sun was setting and Ellie was with them now?
"Ellie? Why are you here, I thought you were busy all week with the new toppats?"
"I was busy, but now I'm not." Ellie vaguely replied accompanied with a shrug before she, right and Reginald scurried off to a different part of the house. Odd but.. Whatever.
Henry awoke with a groan as he could feel someone gently shaking him. Had he fallen asleep? Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, Henry looked at whoever was shaking him. It was Right and he looked oddly excited about something.
"Hey." Right hummed, smiling.
"Hey.. What's going on?" Henry yawned.
"Nothin nothin. Come with me?" Right offered his hand and Henry raised an eyebrow but accepted it.
Right led Henry out of their TV room to the kitchen where-
"SUPRISE!" Ellie, Reginald, Burt and Sven shouted happily, streamers and balloons all over the kitchen as well as a bundle of wrapped presents on the table and a big Chocolate cake that had the candles "29" on the top.
"Wha..." Henry blinked, confused.
"Happy birthday stickmin! Can't believe you're older then me though!" Ellie chuckled.
"I'll admit, Henry does look younger than you." Sven budded in which Ellie agreed with.
"Alright Alright everyone, let the birthday guy cut the cake." Right interjected.
"Yes! Cmon Henry, I'll get you the cutting knife." Reginald beamed.
Henry looked at everyone, confusion still on his face and he cringed at the sentence that left his lips so easily.
"It's my.. Birthday?" Henry's voice wavered, emotion heavy in its tone.
Everyone stopped and looked at Henry oddly.
"Well-Reginald told me it was." Ellie finally broke the silence.
"Because it is! I checked his file." Reginald replied.
Everyone looked back at Henry. Right placed a hand on Henry's shoulder, a worried look on his face.
"Hen did- did you forget your own birthday?"
"I.. I.. Well I mean... M-maybe?.. But wow this is.. Is great, thanks really I just... I.." Henry's voice cracked a little and he could feel the tears running down his face. "I... N-never got to celebrate my birthday s-so.."
Everyone looked sadly at Henry.
Henry had always made sure to remember everyone else's birthday, even if it was a small gift. But the fact that Henry didn't remember his own birthday or even get to celebrate it was heartbreaking.
Right decided to lighten up the mood and cut the first slice of cake for Henry, knowing that Reginald and his sweet tooth would soon be devouring the cake, like a gentleman of course.
Henry wiped away the tears and gave a smile as he decided to not bring down the mood anymore, taking a bite out of the cake and just melting at the wonderful taste.
The birthday party picked up in steam as drinks were had and silly party games were played, as everyone laughed and enjoyed themselves.
Soon everyone was scattered around either drowsy or out right asleep, with Henry nodding off on Right's shoulder. Right pulled Henry close as Reginald and Ellie joined the impromptu cuddle pile.
Reginald just wondered just how many things Henry missed out in his childhood, and if that missing childhood was the main reason Henry always gave to his fellow Toppats, because maybe he didn't want anyone else to feel the emptiness and hurt of not having.
But that was an issue for another time, as Reginald's arm was being snuggled by Henry, with Henry letting out a sleepy "Thank you" before falling asleep, a single tear rolling down his face.
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(Unseen ask just for roleplay purposes)
Kyle: I recieved a signal of another ask universe.
Leader: What is it?
Kyle: Its called... Ask TTT. They also have someone named Gunman, and she seems like shes not there before... Probably an OC...
Leader: Just like you.
Kyle: what is that?
Leader: Nothing
Kyle: Boss, i'm not dumb. I know you said i'm also an OC and not even real. Just drop the act and lets do this asking at the ask machine.
Leader: Ok, lets- *Gets slammed by a fallen door*
Kallen: Oops, sorry boss... I actually used too much strenght in kicking down the door.
Leader: *Removes the door from himself* Its okay, i need to get rid of that door anyways... Anyways, lets give some- *a sound of glasses being broke then gets kicked into the face by some boots* OOF!!
Lendy: *Enters by the window* WOOO!! PERFECT SWING!! *Looks down to see the boss dead on the floor* Oops...
Kyle: *Sigh* looks like this is gonna take a long time...
Ellid: *Enters the lab* H-hi g-guys, w-what was going o- *Saw the dead leader* ... (Mind: finally, glad to see that guy dead. Too bad he is still wearing his revival amulet.)
(A few hours later the leader revived)
This part can be seen by the cast
Leader: Hello there toppats, i think i remember i sent a deliver to give a cake to you a few weeks or months ago... I really hope you enjoy the cake.
Leader: Come on, its just an organazion that where not my favorite game characters from a game called henry stickmin that was not actually real.
Kallen: You literally just said their from a videogame...
Leader: just don't judge me.
Lendy: Do you toppats have any treasure? I promise not to steal them *greedy grin on her face showing lies*
Kallen: I rather not give asks to such retched, DISGUSTING! Evil clan like yours!
Leader: Come on Kallen, they may be evil but i'm sure they have a reason for it.
Kallen: Yeah right, lets get this over with... What weapon powerful enough to destroy the world? If you have any like that... I will go there and destroy it!
Kyle: Not gonna give an ask right now until i caught something of interest for me to ask about.
Ellid: I-im just a-a n-normal k-kid, not h-hiding any d-dark secrets.
Kallen: You are so lying...
Ellid: no u lol
Leader: Kallen your sus
Lendy: nah kallen is sus
Leader: lets vote him off
*Kallen was ejected*
Ellid: D-do you h-have a d-dark past? Henry? N-not that i l-love to k-know or a-anything.
'Do you have any treasure?"
"We're knowing for being criminals. We're known for stealing things. What do you think?" Ellie grumbles, leaning against the couch of the leisure room.
'Weapon strong enough to destroy the world?'
"Strongest weapon? ...I suppose Supreme dominance would be our strongest, but I don't think it's strong enough to destroy the world. Maybe kill everyone on it but definitely not destroy the planet itself." Reginlad explained, flicking through files. Gunman was resting against the door, seemingly not paying attention, that was until he spoke up.
"Trust me buddy, You wouldn't get close to supreme dominance, nonetheless destroy it."
'henry do you have a dark past?'
"I mean, not really? I wouldn't consider it a dark past at least. My parents are ex-criminals, and my sister is..." Henry fell silent as he tried to say something, anything about his younger sibling. He let out a sigh and shook his head.
"Oh what's the point in lying. My sister got hit by a truck when we were younger. Yet it didn't kill her." Henry's voice was shaky, and he pulled off his tophat. "I remember her so vividly, screaming for me, begging me to help her."
"I could barely do anything though. Dad was already on calling an ambulance." His voice was cracking, and he moved to rub the tears gathering at his eyes. "There was so much blood. I ran over to her and pulled her into my arms, and just held her to my body while she bleed out. The car was covered in her guts, and her lower half had been partially torn off."
"And then a screen showed up."
"Would you like to try again?"
Mod here! I apologize about the text answer. It’s a pain to draw without my dominate thumb.
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