#or andrew looking up from his crosswords with the blankest face you can imagine saying the words like they pain him a nd then ignoring
dayurno · 2 years
I loved when Kevin says I love you in PFK 😭😭 such a moment to add to the fic….. do you think Andreil says I love you to each other & Kevin as well? I mean obviously they’re soulmates and they show each other in all ways they can but do they say it….. what do you think?
OH HMMMMM... i feel like thats the golden question the fandom has been parroting to each other for the last three years..... im unsure to be honest. i think because i am also not the kind of person who says i love you to people, i can understand a little better when people argue for andreil never saying it to each other/kevin....... nevertheless i dont think its impossible at all!!!!! but i do think that its very embarrassing. i can see neil just slurring the words very quickly one morning because he feels bad kevin said it and he didnt answer in time, or andrew blurting it out very blankly once and never again.... thinking emoji...... i imagine that if they do say it to kevin then its really awkward, and if they say it to each other its even more so... but theyd still try to eventually anyway. if just to get the words out once in their lives
ultimately though i dont think kevin really cares for this!!! not even in a being totally certain of it already way but because kevin himself isnt truly used to hearing the word love either. i think him saying it in pfk might sound like it was premeditated but in reality he just said it in the spur of the moment because he truly felt like he loved neil for those 5 minutes he was afforded to nap....!!! in a similar fashion, i dont think kevin would be able to say it in a serious conversation either, so andreil dont really have to worry about it....... but to answer your question in a more concise way: yes it does happen eventually, but its very cringe and awkward and every time without fail the other person just looked at them like ....ok then went on with their lives
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