#or at LEAST transcribe it for them. even if its their language sometimes ppl have heavy accents
aahsoka · 2 years
could the vincenzo translators be so kind as to translate the fucking italian i dont speak that either
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tired-reader-writer · 2 months
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Apologies if the screencap wrecked the citations' quality. I will put the actual snippets in a reblog— no wait let me just transcribe them real quick bc I know people don't check reblogs if they did then this meta I lifted would not have been so profoundly ignored, unless ppl were ignoring it on purpose:
“A white bird, look! We've got mana-wielders!” “Break down the gate!” “Outta the way! Their feystones are mine!”
“They don't seem to be nobles,” I observed. “No, they do not,” Leonore agreed. “No knight would speak in such a manner or use such uncouth language. Moreover, nobles would simply fly over the gate rather than attempt to force their way through.” Indeed, nobles would never waste their time noisily trying to break down a door. And since this temple was right at the center of the Noble's Quarter, they didn't even need to deal with the Noble's Gate, which could only be opened by those who had registered their mana. “Would the commoners here really react so violently to an ordonnanz?” I mused. It was hard to imagine Detlinde or Georgine allowing them to be so crude, considering their attitude toward the country's lesser duchies.
A man had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, his countenance leaving not a shadow of a doubt that he was a member of extended royalty. Yurgenschmidt's archducal families sometimes bore children who looked regal-remnants of generations-old royal blood coursed through their veins-but it was uncanny to see those features on a foreign invader. I suppose it isn't that strange-he was born and raised in Yurgenschmidt before leaving for Lanzenave-but still... Part of me wished Gervasio looked more foreign. Anything to make others deem him unworthy to rule. Yet his appearance was unquestionably that of a Zent, and now he stood between the supreme gods.
“Oh my...” Eglantine said, cocking her head as she accepted the medal. “Should we not at least attempt to negotiate with Lanzenave? We could demand reparations and get them to take full responsibility for the incident.”
Indeed, Yurgenschmidt had no intention of continuing its business with Lanzenave now that the latter had developed so many ways of slaughtering our people. “Now that Yurgenschmidt has a Zent with the Grutrissheit,” I continued, “the other country gates are bound to reopen. Ours and ours alone will remain shut-for the foreseeable future, at least-turning our previous advantage entirely on its head.” Ahrensbach's nobles had long mocked Ehrenfest for not having an open country gate. I trusted they would appreciate the irony of the situation. “As you might have guessed, Alexandria will need a new industry to regain its former glory.” The nobles gave me looks of understanding. I glanced at Ferdinand, who returned a small nod, indicating that I should continue. “To that end, we have constructed a new laboratory within the castle and gathered research done by volunteer scholars on the spices and sugar grown in Yurgenschmidt. We intend to find an alternative to sugar and expect to make great progress moving forward. Once it can be grown, Alexandria will regain some superiority-but research seldom leads to immediate results.”
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