#one time i had to switch to a spanish sub for a second because they dont subtitle english but this girl was very not good at it
aahsoka · 2 years
could the vincenzo translators be so kind as to translate the fucking italian i dont speak that either
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darianias · 1 year
My opinions on Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu No Yaiba Dub voices.
Please read this section before giving any accusations, I am not hating on people or thier tastes. Also writing this on mobile else I'd make it prettier. But I am bad at summarizing so yeah.
Okay so I recently got Crunchyroll and I saw they offer multiple dub languages which peaked my curiousity. I wrote alot of notes down for my roommate as we both watched them all + the uppermoons for the english dub as we have seen alot of english dub clips on tiktok.
I am more neutral on the sub vs dub thing and think it comes to personal tastes or accessibility. My dyslexia isnt severe enough I can't read subtitles and use them often for my dysaudia. And as I said people have different tastes so in this case I dont really care. As long as we respect each other.
That in mind, we usually go with the ones that we like the voices for more unless the anime isn't dubbed yet. Usually we prefer the sub but often still like the dub and will watch both. Sometimes we hate the dub and a few times we like the dub better. Just really comes down to how we like the voices. There isnt always a reason for it, its just what feels right to us lol. I feel like I can be picky.
Okay so with this in mind the Japanese voices are our favorite and what we like, but I'm here to give my opinion on the English, Spanish & Porugese dubs. And go from favorite to least favorite.
I do NOT think these are bad VAs but more so bad casting.
Its going to roll as:
⭐ favorite tidbit of it as I want to have at least a bit of a positive for each.
Spanish Dub
TL;DR: Would legit watch if I had it had english subs or if I was MUCH better with spanish. 😅🥰
I feel like it mostly hits the mark pretty well, I don't like Kyojuro's voice and muichiro sounds a bit too old. But a few of them sound like the japanese vas speaking spanish, some changes in voice but voices do that when switching languages I find. But overall if not sounding very similar they go for something that fits the character in some aspect very well. Like Sanemi's unhinged rants when he has Nezuko.
⭐ SPANISH OBANAI GIVES ME LIFE. The guy they chose sounds a little hissy in his voice and it just fits so well and makes me laugh bc of that. (Fits well enough outside the hissy part too)
English Dub
TL;DR: Great VAs, BUT the casting person was high or drunk tho. Its so dissapointing and infuriating to me.
THE CASTING FEELS SO OFF. LIKE I KNOW VOICE ACTORS IN HERE AND THEYRE GREAT, BUT I FEEL LIKE THEY GAVE ALOT OF THEM THE WRONG ROLE SISODHIDJS. Some of these feel like the bad dub voices of early 2000s and 90s anime (not saying all are bad, just talking about the bad ones) very annoyingly so. Not my least favorite but infuriates me the most 😅 Inosuke, Gyomei and Sanemi are alright. The hashira overall bother me the most, though it sounds almost like they aimed for a deku-like voice for him which bugs me as like.... that worked for Deku because he's a dweeb.
⭐ The uppermoons sound great! I feel like its pretty spot on, zenitsu as well. Albeit that Zenitsu is more annoying.
TL;DR: Overall least favorite, maybe its that I need to hear more Portugese voices overall? Regardless it just didn't scratch my brain the right way. Like trying to pet a cat like a dog.
so far one of my least favorite, the voices mostly sound so off.  Sanemi is pretty decent, Gyomei's voice is SOOOO DEEP. The Sanemi is kind of similar to the spanish. But most dont feel like they fit at ALL. Misturi's sounds like a stereotypical spanish tv dramas (tele novellas??) Like in cartoons and such. Shinobu sounds almost like robotic, or a voice filter. 
⭐ So far Second favorite voice for Kyojuro I feel, despite me disliking most of the voices??? Very odd 😅😂
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
catch up tag
tagged by @iris-somnia and @chillingtae to do this tag. thank you so much beautiful angels!! ily!!
Rules: tag people you want to get to know better/catch up with and answer these questions
Last Song I Listened To:
chanyeol - minimal warm. it was the first thing i listened to when i woke up this morning and its literally my vibe, my aesthetic, my mood for the day. im obsessed and just ;~; yeah
Last Movie I Watched:
Noroi The Curse - i watched this last night for halloween. its probably one of my favourite japanese horror films. found footage horror is a genre mode that fascinates me, simply because there are so many ways to do it and it opens perspective/point of view up way better than third party viewership for me sometimes. yes, sometimes found footage can be heavy handed but this is one of my faves. the video ive linked has english subs in film and also spanish subs in caption
Currently Reading:
nothing at the moment but i do have a to read list for fanfic about seven miles long. my fic recs blog was super active over the last few months but with chanvember and some holiday collabs coming up i havent had the time unfortunately. the last fic i read was tips and teasers by @luffles424 and it was amazing i strongly recommend
Currently Watching:
ive been watching a lot of anime again. i usually watch anime when im practicing listening for japanese, and i havent had time the last few months to have long sit downs of study sessions so anime has been keeping me going. im in the middle of yet another rewatch of neon genesis evangleion, halfway through another (the anime), just finished the first episode of parasyte - the maxim (lots of horror anime lmao), am always rewatching episodes of sailor moon. as for tv, i just started the queens gambit however i was trying to finish my hoseok halloween fic so it was mostly background noise. the soundtrack is INCREDIBLE tho.
Currently Craving:
coffee, pancakes (i just woke up), a full nights sleep without interruption, hugs from one of my cats (im at my parents so there are two), the tender hand hold from a lover (touch is my love language and i really am losing my mind with how touch starved i am), an end to the tension of the collective shift, a relief from some of the stress i feel. just some things i crave
Currently Working On:
chanvember fics! a december collab fic, some birthday fics and presents for some friends, the second chapter of vulgar & divine, the final part of ciperion, and the finishing touches on appetite so i can hopefully start posting in january if im happy with it.
Currently Playing:
i have become obsessed with genshin impact. i love open world jrpg games so much so that one is right up my alley. im finishing ghost of tsushima i think i only have a bit more to go. on switch im usually playing overwatch, stardew valley or animal crossing (these two relax me). im waiting to see if i can get a ps5 for my birthday before i invest in any new games coming out. i realllllyyyyyyy want cyberpunk 2077 but i feel like it might be best for ps5 which is why im waiting to order it.
tagging: @yehet-me-up @yeojaa @jamaisjoons @jenmyeons @kyungseokie @j-pping @bikeryeollie @heartcravings @johnysuh @delhyun @readyplayerhobi @ditzymax @johobi @luffles424 @imdifferentshadesofpurple @red-exo @hobi-gif @sahmfanficbts @jiminiethot @sugaurora @yoonia and anyone else who wants to do this! as always please only do so if comfortable!
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kaiowut99 · 4 years
5D's Episode 27... with an “Uncut” Dub?! (Re-Edited 4Kids Dub/Japanese OST - Revised)
“A World Without Light -- The Dark Synchro Frozen Fitzgerald!”/”A Web of Deceit (Part 1)″
Everybody listen!
Took long enough to finish up and polish (partly because of work and activism life actually picking up a bit), but here’s a brand-new “dub-uncut” episode! With my first few takes in episodes 23-26 newly revised, I was looking forward to working on 27 and starting fresh again, lol. In case this is the first you’re hearing about my mini-project here, let’s get you up to speed:
So, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.  To this end, I’ve also used dialogue from Duel Links where applicable, or even borrowed audio from other episodes with the vocals isolated to lend to that effect.
Check out the masterpost of episodes I’ve done here!
Check out this episode’s WIP videos! WIP #1     WIP #2     WIP #3   WIP #4   WIP #5
So, this one was fun to do particularly because overall, save for the, er... butchering that happened on explaining the Dark Synchro mechanic (4Kids wut) and the rewrite of Carly’s interaction with her Editor-in-Chief (and making Carly a “blogger” lol), the dialogue was already more or less in line with the Japanese version, which meant that I was more or less just removing a lot of the fluff as I added back the OST.  As I did in 22, 24, and 26, I added subs for the scenes where 4Kids rewrote things a bit too much for my taste (so, the scenes I mentioned above, but also the occasional line or a few), but of course these subs will be optional in the MKV I release on NAC for this.  I also added back some SFX and tried to remove the dub’s replacement SFX in most cases, though I had to swap out the SFX as Speed Warrior was tuning with Junk Synchron since 4Kids had a tendency to add some new one over the original SFX and made it too loud to work with the Yusei chant I put there.  And I translated the OP/ED credits in Last Train and CROSS GAME, revamping my singable lyrics a bit for Last Train while drafting new ones for CROSS GAME which I’ll post soon; you can see my Last Train translation in the second WIP video and CROSS GAME’s here. Full process breakdown below the cut.
Also, major thanks to yugidmx5 for providing A+ rips of the “The Day Begins/Tenpei” theme in the Carly/Angela scene, the “Vision of Tragedy” theme as Yusei and Ruka talk about the Satellite’s future, and the alternate “Dark Signers” tune which plays as we first see them and then again between the Dark Signer drones recruiting and Yusei chasing Dark-Signer!Dick down (before it transitions to the OST-released version once Yusei gets to the building under construction); I know that since these came out well, he’s working on better rips for some or most of the unreleased OST, so stay tuned there (I also drafted up a full version of the alternate DS theme, but had to get creative since they didn’t play all of it in this alternate style; will post soon).  And thanks to Tiny Spider Productions, who provided the “shock” SFX playing as Carly sees Yusei’s arm actually glowing in her car, some inspo here/there for dialogue fixes, and provided CurtisH from CastingCallClub’s recording he did voicing a line from Tanner translating the original line about the four Signers they know which 4Kids cut short.
I hope folks enjoy! Just breezing through 28 often for lines to use here, I can tell it’s going to be a headache because they did throw in a lot more jankiness in the dialogue... So, fun. 🙃 Once I handle finalizing my subs for GX 56 (and possibly 57 due to how long this took), I’ll start drafting it out; stay tuned~ 
(And if you're able to reblog for visibility, it’d be appreciated given Tumblr’s suckage with links 🙏🏽)
Breakdown, breakdown~
So, I used Duel Links audio for the twins to handle the Noteworthy/Showcased Cards bit (we’ll see if I still can in 28... And as the twins are voiced by Eileen Stevens in Duel Links but not yet in 5D’s [that happens in 65], bear with me lol), and I also translated the sign for this hardsub in Photoshop, masking in the Fitzgerald card and Rua and Ruka’s heads over it in Sony Vegas.  
Moving to the episode proper, a second was trimmed from the shot of the stadium in the TV Rally/co are using once it tunes in, and I couldn’t properly loop the “Yusei!” shouts to cover it, so I just filled in the audio with the crowd just cheering.  In the Carly/Angela scene, I removed Angela’s extra lines about her makeup and hair while Carly was getting ready, then tweaked Angela’s line on camera to remove her last name (which we never learn originally) and move her lines about “Fusei Yudo” winning to play sooner while removing Carly’s “one journalist to another” as she walks up to correct her (as this scene was rewritten, there are subs to show the original dialogue).  Looped chants of “Yusei!” to remove his internal “pointing out the obvious” monologue before the OP.
After the OP, I used the JP audio to keep the doctors moving Jack quiet (hopefully you don’t notice the chants changing lol), then as Yanagi runs over, I replaced his bit about Yusei having “a brand new enemy” in the media with “we should all get going” from 26.  The Godwin/Lazar scene stays the same since it was accurate, but I did have to put the end of Rex’s “that’s the only thing that matters” line on another track so Lazar’s gasp would play when it should (they added a second to his talking in the dub).  The Yusei/co scene in the tunnel stays mostly the same, just switched to the JP audio as the flashback to the Satellite vision happened, then as Yusei had a quick one before gasping, I recycled a gasp and a “hmm” from elsewhere to cover the commercial-inducing monologue they gave him in the dub.  For the press conference scene, I thought about removing the one “That’s right, Ted” reporter’s line since he’s quiet originally, but thought “whatever,” and then I spaced out Carly’s line as she reads her fortune to match her Japanese line’s pace and remove some of the fluff.  I switched to the JP audio after Carly asked about Yusei’s arm glowing to remove Rex’s comment over it, then stitched up a “Perhaps; still, I didn’t see that” mixing his line there with a “still” from 23.  Carly’s line as she’s excited about Goodwin dodging her question (originally just “I’ll keep moving forward too!” [she references her fortune a lot more]) was longer in the dub, so I cut out the “which means I’m onto something” for use later.  For Carly’s chat with her Editor-in-Chief, I included subs because of the rewrite, but I did shorten Carly’s line just before “bring some dirt and you might still have a job” which was lengthened by 4Kids.  Removed a lot of Carly’s fluff as she began to watch the Yusei duel footage via the JP audio, then stitched together “Goodwin tried to give me that bit but [the whole world will know what Goodwin’s trying to hide]”, the latter bit coming from Carly’s monologue as she’s running at the end of the ep, then switched to the JP audio to remove Carly’s fluff about living in her car.  Then, as we see the Dark Signers looming, because 4Kids removed the commercial break here, I kept only Demak and Kalin’s chuckling and Roman’s “lower the curtains” line over the desk shot, then looped some of his laughing from after the eyecatch to lead into it.
After the eyecatch, I made use of his “Goodwin assembled his Signers” bit, recycled a little chuckling, then cut Roman’s reference to Shakespeare to just the “tangled web” line (thanks to yugidmx5 also providing the SFX for this scene, I was able to move Roman’s laughing to play where it should after he releases his spiders).  Moving to Yanagi drawing the Crimson Dragon, I only kept his “saw it the once” line while using Japanese Rua and Ruka’s interested gasps to fill a fluff gap, then combined two bits of audio to get a [slightly] awkward “t[ail]” to fix 4Kids’s dumb error claiming he had the Head birthmark; accordingly, made Leo say “What about it?” instead of “What about the Head?”.  CurtisH’s line for Tanner comes in here, with a slight tweak or two to match the lip-flaps more, then JP audio as we see all the Signers so far to remove Leo’s dialogue.  Meanwhile, for Jack’s hospital scene, I translated the “No Visitors” sign Mikage walks past (along with fixing “Atlus” to “Atlas”).  The Dark Signer recruitment scene also gets some subs, then I used the JP audio from when we see Dark Signer!Dick walking to Yusei’s birthmark beginning to glow; yugidmx5 providing the SFX was a big help here, too.  Yusei runs out to chase Dick down, and then when he sees him inside the under-construction building, I took “Who are you” from later in the episode, but added a more question-ending “u?” to flesh the sound out a bit (since the line was “Who are you and what’s going on”).  I took “Fine, then” and “What are you planning to do to the Satellite” from 28 (which I’ll likely cut as it was added offscreen dialogue), and TSP provided a vocal-isolated cut of Dick’s line about his master (because 4Kids cut his shot short by a second or two and played it as the SFX for the zoomout as his Disk activated played).  
They begin the duel, and here I just kept “What’s going on?” from the line I noted earlier, recycled some laughing from Dick to match the JP script, then shortened his line about their being offered up “by the light” to work with the new timing.  Dick begins his turn, but I recycled an “It’s my turn now” line from later for accuracy, then his setting-a-card line is cut short at his ending his turn as Yusei looks on.  Carly, driving nearby and seeing lights from the duel off in the distance, gets her reference to the Goodwin “sheen from Yusei’s Runner got in your eye” line that I cut replaced with the “I’m onto something” I noted before.  Yusei gets a recycled “It’s my move!” line from 24 to start his turn, tweaked to remove the drawing SFX that happens in it, then to remove a dub SFX I used a Duel Links line to fill out “I activate the Tuning [Spell Card]”.  “I summon Junk Synchron” comes from 24 (and “Level-2-or-below Monster from my Graveyard” comes from his Graceful Revival explanation in episode 3), then--thanks to Arian over on NAC reuploading some HQ dub episodes--a better-quality vocal rip of his “Level-3 Junk Synchron, tune with Level-2 Speed Warrior!” line from 87, along with a better-quality rip of his “From two come one” chant and “Form the road of light!” from Duel Links.  Yusei shouts “Battle!” from Duel Links, then I slowed down his line at “[Attack his Blizzard Li]zard” to end it there (and remove the “warm Satellite welcome” fluff).  As Blizzard Lizard’s effect activates, I combined an “I activate,” “Blizzard Lizard’s special ability,” and “now” for a better line than “Blizzard Lizard’s special ability is going on.” Yusei’s lines after being damaged and realizing he damaged Dick too are spaced out to match the JP script, then I borrowed Yusei’s line on setting two cards from episode 3.  Then, when Dick plays Ice Mirror, I stitched up an explanation (since the Card Interruption does it for him) combining Call of the Haunted’s explanation with a few other pieces of dialogue (thanks to TSP for the inspo).  I cut Dick’s “Now I’ll play” line there to remove the dub’s zooming-in SFX, and then made Dick’s line about his third Blizzard Lizard end right before the split-screen with all three of them to remove the dub’s split-screen SFX.  I thought about replacing Yusei’s “three’s a crowd” line with “What’s that all about” from later, but couldn’t figure out a way to fill the line in before that, so I left it, but didn’t let Dick acknowledge it by just recycling “With that done” to replace “Well, how about [I release]”, then after Yusei reacts to his Dark Tuner, I recycled some chuckling to match the JP script and trimmed his line about its “power to extinguish;” the Dark Synchro “explanation” gets some subs to actually explain it, then I looped Carly’s panting as she runs to cover the “Goodwin’s trying to hide” line I moved to earlier, and recycled/amplified Dick’s laughing at various points through the ep to remove Yusei’s episode-ending monologue.
In the preview, I just recycled Yusei’s “No way...” and “A Dark Synchro Summon?!” while borrowing Carly’s lines about the Dark Tuner from 28, then Yusei’s line about getting his answers to end it.  I had to speed up the OST version of the preview tune to match the pace here, then trimmed it and ended it with the JP audio for the quick fade-out.
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ohpretty-baby · 5 years
bts as my sophomore class teachers
a thread because i miss my teachers lowkey
anyways enjoy <3
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first hour: ap seminar with kim namjoon
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super philosophical 
is a fanboy for rosseau, calls him the original gangster
intimidatingly intelligent; like reads 3 books in one day and writes two papers on them intelligent
constantly connecting foundational thinkers/texts to real life situations (ex: echo and narcissus and selfies in social media)
makes you feel like a bad person by questioning your moral motives
there’s never a dull day in his class
one time we spent the hour evaluating billie eilish’s bad boy and that one “sweet but psycho” song and talked about double consciousness
the next day we did a full 180 and talked about mass burials
then we talked about the refugee crisis the day after that
extremely thought provoking conversations
gives you independence, which is a double edged sword because everyone in ap sem procrastinates
wants students to exceed not only in his class but also outside of school
my irl ap sem teacher helped me figure out that i wanted to go into a career of law !
also an extensive librarian (hence the ability to read 3 books in one day)
if you have the slight interest in something, he has a book for it
i literally have 8 books checked out from my school library because of him
gives you complete and honest ratings of r rated movies and posts them on your schoology board
not afraid to be scandalous
“now everyone say it with me: premarital sex!”
that was something my irl teacher said, that day we shouted out premarital sex about 15 times with the door wide open
amazing music taste
he listens to anything and everything, from french rap to spanish pop and then english folk songs
will dj for your graduation party for free
second hour: honors english with min yoongi
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insanely calm, probably just very sleepy
easy going, chill
you really don’t feel pressured in his class
people goof off in class and are generally very annoying, but he doesn’t care
occasionally lectures students if he really needs to 
communicates what we have to do and then lets us do the work
lets us fail if we’re not responsible
but will understand if you can’t turn in a project if life gets in the way
i still have a project i need to turn in oops-
i haven’t received any negative repercussions tho
lets kids eat in his class and lets them go to the vending machine if they have no food
i go to my locker every morning to get food to eat
eats with us
lets you use your phone and watch netflix
will even ask you what show you’re watching and if it’s good
actually a really good teacher if you pay attention in his class
kids just think they can slack off, they end up failing tho so it’s really none of his issues
for some reason he’s a substitute teacher for a lot of classes
when he subs, the classes are extremely fun 
one time i spent my whole sixth hour talking to him about my costar and astrology
goofs off with the kids
that same day he subbed, my friends were making panoramas of each other and he rated all of them
isn’t strict
cares about his students and is very easy to talk to
because of this a lot of students open up to him
isn’t a snitch
would willingly make fun of classic literature with you
third hour: honors chemistry with kim taehyung
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Super Sassy
always gets the last word when students mess around with him
“what’s your favorite double replacement reaction?”
“my favorite ones are the ones you guys get right; so none”
as you can guess, students love having conversation with him
probably has a dope ass instagram but damnit he won’t let accept anyone’s follow requests
probably because that’s illegal
constant Bad BItch energy
will openly tell students they are annoying without shame
will also openly tell you that you are dumb
once i thought that we had four principals (one for each grade, don’t question it) and my irl teacher was speechless,, like she couldn’t actually say anything at my stupidity
i would willingly sell my soul for my chemistry teacher
always has labs to do, even if they’re not very helpful at times
lets students retake tests by creating a new test 
but they’re actually harder than the actual test
students skip their own classes to visit him
i always skip my 6th hour to go into the chemistry
constantly has to chase away students
actually very sweet and cares about students, but is never really a push over
again, a constant Bad Bitch
fourth hour: honors spanish with kim seokjin
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an even Bigger Bad Bitch
super fun and sassy
we have fiestas but literally the only Spanish thing we have is chips and salsa and tacos
i’m not kidding
people just bring in cake pops and brownies
will sometimes teach a whole lesson in Spanish just to fuck with us
will also try to hold a conversation with us in Spanish just to fuck with us even more
loves seeing our shocked and confused faces when can’t answer his questions
actually teaches us
gives a lot of busy work but i honestly think that’s the better ways of learning and practicing Spanish, so there’s no complaints
engaging lessons, encourages us to make mistakes so we can be comfortable with the language
veryyyy helpful with pronunciation, makes sure that we know how to pronounce certain words
super trustworthy
once after school i spilled tea with my irl spanish teacher about a messy breakup i had gone thru, it was real fun
we have a theory that one of the senior teachers has a crush on her because he always visits her when he comes to our class
really good teacher but heavily overestimates our ability
especially when it comes to tests
but will admit his wrongs when we don’t do well in class
literally the best friend you wish you had
fifth hour: ap world with jeon jungkook
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literally really pretty
really funny and sweet but his class is hard
not because of the extensive work and the fast pace, but because he doesn’t prepare students enough for saqs, dbqs, leqs, etc.
we still love our ap world teacher bc she genuinely cares about us
teaches an ap class but has never taken an ap class in high school
still teaches even tho he’s sick and his own students have asked him to stay at home so he can feel better
really fun discussion activities, like fishbowls
always drinking tea with a cool ass mug that has all the presidents of the united states on it
wears really cute clothes and coordinates colors
but sometimes will just pull up in pajamas
either way he’s Stylin
makes sure that students know that he doesn’t believe in racism and communism
always tells his students to take care when they say goodbye
draws LOTS of smiley faces
sometimes more confused about the content then the students are
but genuinely kind and hard working, even if it takes him 3 months to grade papers
sixth hour: theology with jung hoseok
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confusing lectures
will talk about persecution in rome and then switch the topic onto blts (yes, the sandwich) and then talk about male circumcision
really goofy
talks very loudly because he takes his hearing aid out during lessons
honestly a really confusing teacher
a lot of people don’t like his teaching style, and neither do i, but it’s not a hard class so there’s really nothing to complain about
you really just need to read the slides in his class to pass
gives out homework but never grades it
i never turn in homework,,, 
i get a’s on his test and he just gives good grades for every homework assignment
honestly just really sweet and funny even when he tries not to
talks with his hands way too much
will take selfies with you if you let him
constantly asking for validation from his students
“is my teaching style ok? i know it can be confusing but i really try with making lectures funny so you guys won’t be bored”
can sometimes be annoying but everyone loves him because he just doesn’t make sense
literally the best class to do other homework in
sees students as his friends
once we had a public discussion online about our concerns of the coronavirus instead of actually learning about theology
i said that i was worried that i’d die of the coronavirus before i got a boyfriend
he replied to my comment saying “1. you are killing me ! :) 2. i’m sure that you have a lot of secret admirers, so the boyfriend thing is covered, they just need to figure things out. remember maturity happens at different stages for everyone.”
even though i don’t like his class at times, i know i’m gonna miss how crazy he is
seventh hour: honors geometry with park jimin
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Sweetest, Softest, Most Pure of all
gives out candy during tests
but not just any candy
the really good strawberry candies that grandmas always have and never run out of
sometimes the lessons go by too fast but yet too slow at the same time
a Literal Grandpa
doesn’t let kids say “shut up” or “dumb” in his class
claims that he doesn’t even say “shut up” to his own kids
always reminds kids that this is a No Judgement Zone
rewards students who answer challenging questions with little stand-up signs that say “Expert at Work” or “Rockstar” that they can put on their desk
will buy or make little stockings that spell out the initials of the high school
brags about his kohl’s cash
once bought a $50 scooter for only $5 dollars because of his kohl’s cash
stays after school for two hours to reteach lessons to students
takes little strolls around the school building with his friends during lunch
Mental Math Mondays
mondays are when we play mental math card games with the whole class
lets kids make their own card games
will ask if you’re okay if you look sad
will also ask if you’re okay if you look sleepy
asks kids to be patient with him when they have a confusing lesson to teach
wIll thoroughly explain everything to the best of his ability
definitely has never done anything wrong
this made me genuinely miss my teachers even though i hate school with my whole entire heart, soul, and mind! anyways love u guys
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For the Sean/Finn ask; I did mean all of them but if there are too many don’t worry about it 💞
A/N: Okay, also just so you know, this is sometime after the Blood Brother’s ending so Sean is 22, and Finn is 24 or 25 years old.
Who cooks?
Sean mostly does as his cooking just tastes better and he likes learning about a lot of different recipes, Finn loves his cooking especially when he cooks up some great Mexican dishes and one of his favorites has to be Sean’s cheesy empanada’s.
Who’s the messiest? The cleanest?
Finn is hella messy, often leaving his shit all around in their bedroom, and Sean is a bit cleaner than him and has been trying to get Finn to make it a habit to pick up after himself. It’s a tie between him and Daniel is who the messiest, overall Sean is the cleanest out of them both.
Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?
Of course, Sean does especially since he knows quite a bit about fixing up cars and stuff, so he’ll be the one to fix up the car to the best of his abilities. But of course, Finn will try to fix it if Sean is having trouble.
Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
They’ll both try to fix it but Sean more or likely is the fixer up in the house he would try to fix it up and Finn would try to help him once he sees that he’s struggling.
Who buys the groceries?
Both buy groceries together but Finn will often go out when Sean is busy fixing up cars and whatnot, often they eat junk food especially when Finn buys food but Sean always makes sure that Finn isn’t just eating junk and makes sure that he’s eating full meals that will fill him up.
Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?
They both pay half or if Sean had paid before then Finn would pay and the other way around, also they both order an equal amount of food mostly because they don’t want to pay so much money for food. Also, Finn gets dessert most of the time which he only gets if Sean is fine with it which he is if they’re caught up on bills and have a little leftover.
Would they go to the beach?
Of course, they would I mean I believe that they would live by a beach and they go to the beach after a day of work or whenever they just want to relax and maybe swim together. They often go swimming together or just smoke together and talk about shit.
Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t?
They both know how to swim greatly.
Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?
Of course, Sean is multilingual and knows great Spanish which he does teach Finn when they do make it to Mexico, it at first goes okay, he’s not the greatest at it but after a while, he becomes better and he often speaks Spanish at whatever chance he gets. Even badmouthing some people in Spanish which Sean tells him to stop and he becomes great at it by the time they have their first child and he’s happily teaching their daughter how to swear in Spanish.
Any pets? Or plants?
They do have 2 dogs and the only plants they keep are marijuana plants. The first dog is Daniella’s dog and it’s a small light brown Yorkie who’s named Caramel and they love the Yorkie a lot, well Finn loves Caramel a lot. Their second dog is a bit bigger and he’s a black Doberman who’s named Buffalo.
Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?
They both enjoy showers together a lot especially when they don’t have a lot of time to take a bath but they’ll take a bath sometimes when they get the time to. Sometimes they’ll take showers together but it isn’t too often and they enjoy taking bath’s together all the time. If Finn’s in a playful mood, he might add bubbles and there might be a bubble fight between them if he keeps trying to throw bubbles on Sean’s face.
Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
They can stand the silence and enjoy it a lot especially when they’re just lying in bed or just smoking together. Also, Finn talks the most, and out of them both, Sean talks a little less.
Who stays up late? Who sleeps the most? Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?
They both stay up late sometimes depending on how much work needed to be done that day as well as Sean having a messed up sleeping pattern. Sean definitely sleeps the most and sometimes he has to shake Sean awake to take Daniel to school.
Who is the highest maintenance? Does the other mind?
Neither of them are really high maintenance, I mean Daniel is low-key a bit high maintenance but they both don’t mind unless he tries demanding things.
Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?
They try to both decide from a list of places that they all want to go to and if they could go anywhere it’d be either Costa Rica or Barbados.
How often do they have sex, if at all?
They probably have sex 3 times a week and they go crazy on the weekends especially if Daniel is gone during the weekends, they do it whenever they have the chance to.
Who brings ideas? Who initiates?
Mostly Finn does and he often initiates it, he’ll try and tease Sean, his hands will be just feeling Sean up and he’ll try to hide his blush as well as his grin.
Any kinks they clash on?
Not really, they don’t do any kinks that the other may not like and they’re not gonna clash on something that the other doesn’t like and they just won’t do certain kinks if there’s gonna be a huge fuss about it.
Oddest place they’d have sex?
Either them doing it in Daniel’s bed when their bed was broken or them doing in it in one of their friends car’s whilst their friends were still driving.
Favorite positions?
The cradle sex position which I will link a picture here. Also, they love missionary as well the kneeling fox too. They like a variety of different positions as long as they’re not too hard to do.
Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?
Most of the time, Finn is on top but sometimes they’ll switch if Sean wants to be on top but most of the time Sean is bottoming. 2 out 5 times, Sean will get on top, the other times Finn will get on top.
Genital headcanons?
Finn has a dick that is made to be please everyone and anyone, he’s about 6.2 inches and he’s a bit curvy as well and he has a Prince Albert piercing, Sean thinks that he’s the perfect size and was glad that he wasn’t any bigger. He also shaves his pubic hair into an arrow pointing towards his crotch.
Sean is much more girthy and is 5.8 inches and is hella girthy, he never wanted to get anything done down there and he has a small bush down there.
Favorite erogenous zones?
For Finn, it’s his collarbone as well as his nipples, he’s also pretty sensitive on the back of his neck. He loves being kissed on those areas and it’s a surprise if he’s not gonna be a bit horny after Sean kisses him on those areas.
For Sean, he’s really sensitive on his neck as well as his thighs, and his hips, he loves when Finn kisses him on those spots or sucks on those spots, will be guaranteed to make him horny.
Quickest turn-ons? Immediate turn-offs?
For Finn, seeing Sean without a shirt on or being sweaty as hell, anything where he’s sweating or just showing off his chest is the quickest way for Finn to be all over Sean. His biggest turn off is when Sean is drunk or when Sean’s acting out of character, like being hella perverted or him throwing himself on Finn.
Sean’s biggest turn on has to be sweet-talking or Finn just whispering the things that he wants to do to Sean once they get to a bed, or even Finn teasing him like bending over in front of him or biting his lip. What makes it so much hotter is when Finn looks directly into his eyes. His biggest turn off is being Finn is being cocky or when Finn’s being hella prideful, like he just doesn’t like it when Finn gets hella cocky (pun not intended).
First to orgasm? Last to orgasm? Who comes the most? Does someone ever end up unfinished?
Well, Sean is the first to orgasm most of the time and unless Finn was teased a lot during foreplay, he might cum first which he’ll try not to get embarrassed and will still try to continue to make sure that Sean comes. Finn has a bit more experience than Sean and has a higher libido which is one of the reasons he almost always orgasms after him. Also, no, they both want to make sure that they both cum, it’s a must during sex.
Favorite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?
For Finn, its Sean’s arms wrapped around him or him just sucking on any part of his skin, loves it when he kisses and sucks on his neck during sex as well as Sean’s fingers tugging lightly at his dreadlocks.
For Sean, he loves it when Finn kisses him deeply, or when he kisses him all over his body and or his chest, the boy just loves being kissed the hell out of, lol. He also loves it when he puts love bites all over him.
How are their afterglows?
They most likely kiss deeply after sex before cuddling each other or just lying next to each other and smoking as they either talk to each other or just enjoy the silence whilst smoking and or cuddling in each other’s arms.
Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
Both are equally open about voicing their pleasures but Finn can be a bit louder than Sean sometimes and Finn loves to make Sean just scream his head off in pure pleasure, whilst Sean is the one trying to get Finn to quiet down especially if Daniel’s asleep or if they’re doing it where nearby people are.
Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed?
They don’t mind but they both like it a lot more when the lights are off and they like looking at each other a lot, they find eye contact to be the sexiest thing ever and often look into each other’s eyes when they can.
Open or closed relationship? Do they sometimes share?
They have a kind of closed relationship, I mean they wouldn’t mind adding someone else to the mix or having threesomes but they aren’t sure about adding someone else to their relationship. I mean they don’t mind having threesomes sometimes but other than that they don’t really share the other.
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ren-meteor · 5 years
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Decided to finally do her Bio
Name: Finley MacNamara
Alias: Aquila
Organization: NTOG
Home Base: CFB Halifax
Home Unit: NTOG (Atlantic)
DoB: 07/13 (30 y/o)
Birthplace: Mt Pearl, Newfoundland
Weight: 54 kg
Height: 1.67 m
Armour: 2
Speed: 2
Gadget: Puma AE UAS ‘Muninn’
Maove’s drone, nicknamed ‘Muninn’ was built with infrared technology useful in day, evening and night time situations. The drone will send a pulse when used, lighting up any operator within 20 feet of her, which she can see using her specialized glasses, nicknamed ‘Huginn’. The pulse lasts for 2 seconds before fading, and has 20 seconds between uses for up to 4 uses.
Primary Weapons:
Damage- 62
Rate of fire- 725 full auto mode (can be switched between full auto, 3 round burst or semi auto)
Mobility- 50
Capacity- 30
M590A1 Shotgun
Damage: 48
Rate of Fire: 85 RPM
Mobility: 50
Capacity: 6+1
Secondary Weapons:
Sig Sauer p229:
Damage- 117
Rate of Fire- single shot
Mobility- 50
Capacity- 10
Damage: 35
Rate of Fire: 1270 RPM
Mobility: 50
Capacity: 16+1
“‘Aye, the ship may be good, but ‘tis the b'ys who make it great.”
Petty Officer 2nd Class MacNamara was born to a fisherman father and a barkeep mother in Mt Pearl Newfoundland. From a young girl to now, she was always active, looking for adventure; whether it be hiking along a trail, playing rugby or devising an elaborate prank on one of her senior coworkers.
A first generation military member, Finley knew she wanted to stay close to the water. Before joining, she went to the Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology in Tulsa, Oklahoma earning her Aviation Electronics Technology Associate’s degree. When she applied to the RCN, she had quite a few options to choose from, but ended up picking NESOP; Naval Electronic Sensor Operator, being similar to what she had studied before. As a junior operator she located and identified unknown radars, listened to comms of other subs, ships, aircraft and shore bases, conducted intel and evidence gathering, then moved on to be a fire control operator, firing the 57mm cannon, Harpoon missiles and CWIS systems on Halifax Class Frigates. During her time on the frigates, she became a ships diver, went on drone courses, and joined the Naval Boarding Party, which then gave her a small taste of what NTOG would bring her.
Throughout her entire career she had been sent on deployments, from OP Reassurance in the Mediterainian to OP Artemis in the Arabian Sea. During her later deployments, she was the senior drone operator and maintainer, leading her to apply to NTOG by recommendation of her superiors to become a drone specialist there.
During her time in NTOG, MacNamara deployed again with the Halifax Class Frigates, performing her duty and boarding on non-compliant vessels of interest, ship board protection, drone operations for classified intelligence, planning missions and identifying IEDs. When the activity grew stale, she sought out opportunities and joined various army units including CSOR as an intel operator. It was then, when she was deployed out in 2010 that she met Scorch, recognizing the famous last name.
The two got along for the most part, and on an off comment, Scorch commented on how much more useful the drone would be if the infrared could translate to the soldiers on the ground, cutting out the need for constant communication. MacNamara got to work on the schematics for her glasses, building in a HUD within them that would be able to receive feed from the drone itself. She and Scorch put the glasses through extensive trials, and when they were ready to be deployed in active combat, Scorch took them in and approved them. When MacNamara came back from the middle east, she continued to use them herself in NTOG after building a handheld controller to carry with her.
Rainbow picked up her file, noting her drone expertise and if they ever needed her, to expand to the naval environment. She accepted the offer late 2017.
The first thing I could say about Specialist Finley ‘Aquila’ MacNamara is that she is certainly unique. When she first enters the room it’s like a renewed energy. She is always itching to do something, always ready to go. She almost seems to be friends with everyone, and can never say anything bad about other operators.
I catch myself from laughing when she speaks, the thick Newfoundland accent and speech patterns almost impossible to understand. And the swearing- it’s almost impossible to hear her speak without it. I supposed ‘swear like a sailor’ is a true saying. When I hear her and Sledge going at each other it’s almost like a foreign language. The two have tales of grandeur that when i think one has the leg up, the other has a story that can outdo. And when they’re down at the pub together- lookout. One talks politics and the other starts fights- which had led to me getting her out of jail once.
The roughness, I believe, comes from her two brothers, who she has said showed her ‘tough love’ growing up, and assisting her father as a fisherman. She will go on about her adventures for as long as you let her. Being out in a small fishing vessel that feels every wave, then crossing the Atlantic in a frigate; which the waves can get up to 10 meters high, not to forget the swells. She’s said that at times, there were waves that would put the entire ship underwater. Makes me never want to sail. She assured me it was fun. I said sure.
–Dr, Harishva “Harry” Pandey, Director of Rainbow
- ‘Aquila’ is Latin for ‘eagle’
- Her gadget, the drone 'Munnin’, and glasses 'Huginn’, are named after Odin’s watchbirds, eluding to her Nordic ties.
- While NTOG itself is a naval based operations group, because of her trade and drone experience she is utilized by the army when needed
- MacNamara’s official languages are English, Spanish, and Turkish, she also knows Gaelic
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How about a HC on the kinks of each camp member, I'm pretty sure even the greatest of villains had a weak, guilty spot somewhere ;P (I don't think it needs any reader interaction but of gender neutral.)
I had actually planned on doing this, so thank you for giving me more of a reason to do it! I’m aware that some of the things I included aren’t really kinks, but I feel like they’re important to mention, none the less. Some people don’t have as many kinks as others, just because I hc them as pretty vanilla. There are also a couple characters that I left out, either because I forgot them or I figured there wouldn’t be that much interest in them anyway. So, sorry Uncle fuckers, it’s just not your day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Abigail - Facesitting. Will sit on her partner’s face like it’s a fucking throne. She looks real pretty up there too. Dirty Talk. Domination (switch, but she prefers to dom). She’s a very gentle dom, but she makes it very clear as to what she wants. When she’s with John, there’s a constant power struggle. Spanking. Mostly on the receiving end, but might be down to use those hands if her partner is really into it.
Arthur - Praise. Constantly telling his partner what a good girl/boy they are and uses lots of sweet pet names. Mutual Masturbation. He also has a thing for masturbating in front of his partner/to the sight of them, especially early on in the relationship. Light Spanking. The last thing he wants to do is actually hurt his partner. Dirty Talk. He does most of the talking but loves hearing it back as well. Body Worship on both ends. Sometimes he just wants to be told how handsome and sexy he is, ok? 
Charles - Outdoor Sex. Biting. Usually when he gets close to finishing. He mostly does it so he can keep himself quiet. Afterwards, he kisses any mark he may leave on his partner. Light Spanking. He’s got big, strong hands so he has to restrain himself. Edging. Praise. Primal Play. Face Sitting. Loves having his partner up on top of him, paws at their chest as he pleasures them. General Rough Sex (w lots of sweet, loving aftercare to follow). Body Worship. Gets really flustered if he’s on the receiving end, but he enjoys it none the less. 
Dutch - Daddy Kink. Degradation. Gagging. Can’t have his partner waking up the whole camp now, can he? Light Bondage. Spanking/Belting. Lies his partner down on his cot, ass up, and goes to town on them with his belt. If they make any noise, he gags them and goes way harder 👀. Domination (he’s a dom, and not a particularly nice one). 
(Sorry for the cut, there’s just like,,, 13 more of these and I don’t want to annoy people by clogging up their dash with a wall of text!!) 
Grimshaw - Domination (dom, she runs the show, no matter who she’s with). Thinking about the constant power struggle between her and Dutch makes me feel some kinda way. Praise. I don’t think this is a kink, but Scratching. Marks her partners all to Hell. Back, thighs, shoulders when they eat her out… you name it. Dirty Talk. God she loves hearing it but is fucking fantastic at giving it. A true Queen. Face Sitting. Tell her how hot she is while she’s up there and she’ll die. Not an all the time thing, but she digs complete and utter Body Worship now and then because she’s getting a little insecure in her old age. 
Hosea - Slow/Passionate Sex, but in his prime, Hosea used to be a real stud. Not really a kink, per se, but he loves Spooning. He keeps one hand on his partner’s chest, holding them close, and another stimulating them. Has a thing for Toys, though they’re not readily available. Cock rings are his favourite, just because it helps him stay hard longer. Praise. Edging, though he can’t handle it himself. He encourages his partner to hold off, it’s really sweet. Not sure what it’s called, but he has a thing for younger folk. Probably in their mid to late 20s or early 30s.
John - A true king of Power Bottoming. Biting, but that’s just the raccoon in him coming out. His partner needs to get a rabies shot before they have sex. Mostly on his partner’s neck and thighs. General Rough Sex, but also slows it down sometimes. Light/Playful Degradation, nothing too extreme. Even though he’s not super into giving oral, if he’s with a lady he loves Face Sitting. He might be willing to have a male partner sit on his face, but I think he’d really have to be with the right fella. Domination (a switch, but I’m leaning more towards dom). Light Bondage, tie this boy up and ride him!! He goes crazy!!
Javier - Light Knife Play. Mostly just for show, but sometimes he will run it across his partner’s skin and draw a lil bit of blood. He has cut his hand all to Hell fucking you with the handle of his knife before. Daddy Kink (prolly in Spanish 🤤). Domination (he’s a dom, not into being submissive). General Rough Sex. He can be very aggressive, so be warned.  Facesitting. Choking. Usually, he grabs your throat to make you look him in the eyes, especially when he’s about to finish. Praise/Degradation. He goes from calling his partner a whore to ‘mi corazon’ in .0002 seconds flat. Self-proclaimed king of Dirty Talk. 
Karen - Ok this girl is so into Rough Sex I have no idea how she was with Sean. Domination (such a good lil sub, but does like to have control sometimes). Choking. Deepthroating or if she’s with a lady Facesitting. Just likes to be messy in general.  Praise. Likes to receive it, but she can and will give it back. Likes NEEDS to be coddled and told how beautiful she is afterwards, so I’ll throw in Body Worship as well. Light Bondage; she is the prettiest rope bunny. 
Kieran - Mutual Masturbation, especially when the relationship is new. He’s not very experienced, so taking things slow would make him much more comfortable. That being said, Clothed Sex is also a thing that Kieran enjoys. Praise. Outdoor Sex. He loves to sneak away from camp and get it on in a meadow or somewhere else that’s pretty and quiet :,) Domination (he’s a sub and he NEEDS to be told what to do), but he does best with a sweet and gentle dom. Overstimulation, on both ends. Particularly enjoys it when he’s on the receiving end, even though he swears he doesn’t in the moment.
Lenny - My baby boy. I don’t think he’s that kinky tbh. Deepthroating is a big thing for him though. Loves to look at his partner absolutely choke on his length. Which is a little out of character, but we all have our weaknesses. Actually, Oral is a big thing for him in general. He always, always, always, makes sure his partner’s needs are taken care of. The amount of Praise this boy gives is unbelievable. When he gets it back, he gets a little flustered, but it’s surely a soft spot for him. Especially if his partner tells him he’s a good boy, or something similar. He has really long Fingers and loves to have his partner suck on them before he goes to town on them. Lenny is a pretty vanilla boy but I love him anyway.
Mary-Beth - Slow/Passionate Sex. Not exactly a kink, but Erotica. She probably has some of her steamiest encounters written down somewhere. She often touches herself while re-reading them. Body Worship. She can be kinda insecure, so she loves hearing how beautiful she is. On the flip side, if you’re her partner, expect to be treated like a queen/king. Forreal.
Micah - General Rough Sex. Domination (a very, very mean dom). Gun Play. For show, mostly. But sometimes he does have his partner suck off the barrel of one of his guns, that’s hot. Degradation. Deepthroating is probably his biggest weakness. Loves seeing his partner gagging and choking on his cock. He doesn’t feel the least bit bad about it either. Belting/Spanking. He really overdoes it sometimes oops. Orgasm Denial, his partner really has to work for it if they want to cum.
Molly - Praise/Degradation. Call her little pet names and she’ll melt. But also responds well to being called mean names when she’s been ‘bad’. Domination (totally a sub). She likes a dom that will be rough, yet loving with her. Spanking. Bonus points if her partner makes her count the spanks as they go along. Edging. She gets really squirmy and whiny and by the end, she gets really flustered and swears to God that she’ll never do it again, but she always does :)) 
Sadie - General Rough Sex, usually the one to initiate… Y’know. Light Slapping, Spanking, the usual. Domination (dom, but does like to switch it up sometimes). Super into Oral, won’t fuck her partner unless she’s given them a nice sloppy blowjob or left their legs shaking from eating them out. She’s also into receiving. She loves sitting on her partner’s face, but I would describe it more as FaceRiding because she really puts in the extra work up there. Likes to hear her partner use some Dirty Talk. She tries her best to reciprocate, but she gets flustered and can’t do it very well.
Sean - Light Bondage. Another boy that likes to be tied up and ridden. But this one gets very bratty very fast. FaceSitting. He swears he wants to die by being drowned in pussy. Can we make that canon? Loves giving Facials. Always tells his partner how fucking pretty/handsome they look with his cum all over their face. Praise for days. Loves to give it, loves to have it thrown back at him. Especially if he’s going down on his partner. 
Trelawny - Heavy Bondage. Whipping/Cropping. We love a BDSM king. Domination (he’s obv the dom). Idk what to call this, but he has a thing for Fingers. Loves to have his partner suck on them, and vice versa. Expect a lot of fingering in foreplay. Praise. Always tells his partner how good they’re doing, especially when things get intense. Edging/Overstimulation and he will be MEAN about it too. Orgasm Denial if his partner is ‘naughty.’ 
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hhi all! so after andy and marius i realized i needed someone soft...er. here’s my poetic and peaceful soul - 
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ emily rudd + cisfemale + she/her— have you seen juliet mancini? they sure have been hanging out at city hall a lot recently. they are a twenty-five year old known as the pacifist, and they currently work for the cobras as a council member, which they’ve been doing for two weeks. a bisexual pisces, they are empathetic + intelligent, as well as idealistic + obsequious. Ink stains, lavender, strolls through the palace of versailles. × rey. twenty one. she/her. pst (antons wc)
The Pacifist; -
tw: drug use, death, protracted disease
TL;DR: A Conflict-Averse Soul and A Smart Cookie and A Hardcore Romantic. Born in New York to a heroin addict. Half-sister of Elias Duval. Adopted by her aunt when after her mother died and thus moved across the world to Romania. Her aunt was married to a surgeon in the Romanian mafia who supplied the organ black market in Europe. Like her mother and her aunt, Juliet has Huntington’s disease. She watched her aunt deteriorate and pass away because of it. 
Knows her own body and mind are just a ticking clock. 
Joined the Romanian mafia as a hacker out of familial pressure. Found a way to escape by convincing the Don to let her go find the supposedly kidnapped Anton Petran. Has been hiding in Valdez ever since. Now works for a Cobras as a council woman by night. By day, she is a graduate teaching assistant working towards her PhD in machine learning and artificial intelligence. 
Juliet was born on the first day of Spring and perhaps that’s why she was able to bloom even in such great darkness. Spring is cold in the city of New York and it was not unusual that March 20th saw chill that year. Juliet came with the spring and her mother, Hannah, began to deteriorate with the winter. Hannah harbored a terrible heroin addiction and this led to Juliet and her half-brother Elias having a troubled childhood. Juliet would later come to learn that her mother was also inflicted with a disease (Huntington’s, they called it,) that would pass down to her genetically, but she wouldn’t learn about it she was at least thirteen and she wouldn’t feel it in her blood till she was at least twenty-five.  Hannah’s heroin addiction took her long before the disease did. 
When Hannah passed away, Juliet’s brother Elias went off to live with his biological father. Juliet, went sent to Bacau, Romania to live with her mother’s estranged sister, Joana, her husband, Matthias, and her maternal grandparents. She was only 9 years old. While the family had effectively disowned Hannah, they welcomed Juliet with warm and open arms. They adopted Juliet and she became a Mancini. 
The Mancini’s though, for all their kindness, came with their own brand of secrets. From day one, Juliet became familiar with the idea of blood. Bad blood, blood money, having blood on your hands - these concepts were made quite clear to her by her uncle, Matthias. Matthias Mancini was a renowned surgeon at the Anadolu Medical Center in Kocaeli, Turkey and a prominent member of the Romanian mafia. The man spent most of his days with his hands dipped in blood. The organ black market in Europe was a dark and dangerous thing, but it saw an influx in supply thanks to Matthias’ handiwork. Despite his job in Turkey and their residence in Romania, Juliet never felt as if she had an absentee uncle. Matthias made a concentrated effort to be part of his niece’s life. He made this attempt to make up for his wife’s absense, who spent most of her days bedridden and to herself because of the Huntington’s that afflicted her.  
When Matthias wasn’t around though, Juliet was raised by her maternal grandparents. They were a kind pair, former members of the mafia themselves, but now grown soft in their old age. They found time for things like languages and literature and they brought Juliet into these spheres as well. Shakespeare. Of course Juliet leaned into the bard when she learned of her namesake. Her youth saw an artistic renaissance of sorts and Juliet would spend days holed up in the library or at her aunt’s bedside. When Joana was finally consumed by Huntington’s, it was decided that Juliet would attend preparatory school. This would be a change for Juliet as she was homeschooled for the first first few years of her life.
Juliet had to pinpoint it, she would say her first and best friend was Anton Petran. When Matthias decided that Juliet would attend preparatory school, the young girl had felt her heart sing despite the tragedy that still hung heavy over the family. She ignored the intentions behind this choice - ‘It’s never unwise to invest in the future of the Romanian mafia.’- and instead focused on the silver linings. Finally! She’d have teachers and classes and schedules, - but most of all she would have friends. This didn’t go quite to plan. Juliet’s anachronistic taste tagged her as odd and isolated student. Put plainly, the other kids found her kind of weird. But no matter. In a few weeks time Juliet had met Anton and all the superficiality melted away. He was smart and tenacious and she liked that. One of the few that could keep up with her. She knew she’d found a lifelong camaraderie in this boy.
Her grandparents heard enough about him too. She invited him over for dinner once, so that they and her uncle could meet him. It was a simple enough affair. “I want you to meet my best friend.” 
The event was the beginning of the descent.
Petran. “Any relation to Adrian Petran?”
An innocent enough question in Juliet’s eyes but she could see what it meant to her best friend. In a couple of weeks, Anton was dragged into the belly of the beast (the mafia) and all Juliet could do was jump in after him and hope they didn’t both get digested.  
Juliet joined the Romanian mafia out of deep concern for her friend (possibly, her only friend?). Matthias, who’d been steering his own daughter towards this path, was over the moon. But as she watched her friend climb the ranks, a new purpose came into existence for the young woman - she wanted to staunch the flow of blood. While Juliet had a distaste for the organization, its values, and its methods - being part of the Romanian mafia meant that she could actively do things to keep the body count low. She could, literally save lives. With her own life on a timer because of a disease that sit in her DNA, nothing felt nobler use of time.
Juliet studied linguistics at the Sorbonne university in Paris and, for the first few years, she assisted her uncle in those black market deals. Her personal work-ethic became clear: no pointless acts of violence and no killing. Indeed, she found her own disposition much more suited for cyber-crime. Juliet switched to computer science for her masters - which she would earn at Cambridge.
As it turned out, cyber crime was the right fit for her. She excelled and, as a result, gained a reputation for it in the Romanian mafia. Juliet loved it because it lacked blood. Meanwhile, she watched Anton skyrocket through the ranks. By the time she was entering Cambridge he was second in command of a clandestine sub-group within the mafia.
But this is the part where things get muddled for Juliet. Suddenly, Anton was kidnapped by another large mafia in Europe - or at least that’s what the Don told them. The Romanian mafia looked for Petran after his sudden disappearance, of course, but all traces of Petran were just... gone.
Juliet was not going to give up the search so easily. Any attempts to reach out to Anton were meeting dead ends. What if he was still out there alive? What if he was hurt?  She approached the sub-group that Anton had held leadership in and sought out membership, hoping that doing so would help in her search for her friend. It did, but it came with a price.
Anton was running with a dangerous crowd you see, and now so was she. Juliet was on the frontlines of the bloodbath once more. She despised it. In an attempt to keep the blood off her hands, Juliet suggested that her next assignment be to find Anton Petran. She lied and said she had a few clues, said she’d managed to catch his trail. The Don agreed. Juliet left. 
For days she searched. And then finally, on a cold Saturday, while on her computer in a small cafe, she found a trace of him in Colorado (of all places.) Juliet ventured out to Valdez and sure enough, there was Anton Petran, not kidnapped, not hurt, but rather…. hiding. When she found him in Valdez -- Juliet decided to stay. Maybe, she thought, she could hide here too - far away from the bloodshed of her old life. 
Now, Juliet is part of the Cobras. She’s only been here a couple of weeks. She is still a pacifist at heart.  She continues to spoof her trail so that the mafia thinks she is still searching the world for their former second-in-command. Occasionally, she even sends them false updates. Juliet is determined to keep Anton and herself safe in this town. She has been here for under a year and, when she’s not with the Cobras, she is working towards her PhD. in artificial intelligence and machine learning. She is a graduate teacher’s assistant at Valdez University.
personification of an Anne Sexton poem
stops to smell the roses
speaks six languages including: english, romanian, french, italian, spanish, esperanto
always tinkering, always inventing
loves a good conlang challenge
pastel ravenclaw aesthetic
advocate for peace, always
Wears longsleeves or covers the romanian mafia tattoo on her right forearm.
proud cat mom to one cat named Sylvia after the poet and author Sylvia Plath.
While she was working the cyber-crime sector of the Romanian mafia, she used the alias “Miss Honey.” Sometimes she still does. 
Has Huntington’s Disease. Her body and her mind are a ticking clock.
Methodology: no killing. no unnecessary violence. 
A smart cookie. Undergraduate degree in linguistics from Sorbonne University in Paris. Master’s degree in computer science from Cambridge. Now, Juliet is a graduate teacher’s sssistant at Valdez University. There she is working towards her PhD in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
[ will expand on these soon ]
Confide ! - Her doctor and confidant! Huntington’s scares Juliet. She saw what it did to her mother. This person is more than just Juliet’s doctor, they’re her shoulder to lean on.
Geek ! - come geek out with Juliet !! Maybe they’re fellow PhD candidates, maybe they both go to Valdez University, maybe she’s their TA.
Adventure ! These are people Juliet has gone on tinder dates with. Because of her condition, Juliet doesn’t think long term romance is something she’s destined for. However, she loves the idea of romance and love and wears rose-tinted glasses about the whole experience. She’s on Tinder and falls in love with everyone she matches with.
Cry ! - The one that Juliet fell a little too hard for. The one she ghosted without an explanation.
Remember ! - If you have have a character that ever dealt with cybercrime - there’s a chance you ran into Juliet’s alias “Miss Honey.” Juliet is currently hiding from the Romanian mafia for whom she was a hacker. She’s trying to bury and hide her past, but old habits die hard.
Hiss ! - This council woman loves her fellow snakes !
Read ! - Juliet runs a book club. Join it! 
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eldritchsurveys · 6 years
What is your favorite type of cat? >> The quiet, fastidiously clean, low-shed kind.
If you could delete any word from existence, which word would it be and why? >> Meh.
What is your favorite swearword? >> I guess fuck, I say it a lot.
What celebrity do you wish you looked more like? >> ---
If you had your way, what color(s) would you dye your hair? >> I mean, I do have my way, and I still don’t bother with colouring my hair (although I did a few times when I was a bit younger). It’s fine the way it is, I generally don’t wear my hair long enough to bother, and colouring is way too much work (or money, if I pay someone reputable to do it).
Do you support the LGBTQ community? If not, state your reasons. You are entitled to your opinions. >> I mean, yes.
Do you like seafood? If so, what is your favorite? If not, what is your favorite type of food? >> I love seafood. Scallops and tilapia are two favourites.
Have you ever gone vegan/vegetarian? >> I was raised pescetarian -- or, more accurately, “vegan, but fish was the sole exception”.
Have you ever eaten a veggie burger? >> Yeah, I eat them daily.
If you could master any sport, which one would you choose? >> I don’t want to master any sports.
If you could meet any major political figure, who would it be? What would you say to him/her?  >> I don’t want to do this.
Do you play any unique instruments? >> No.
In school, did you take any classes to learn how to play any instruments? >> I didn’t, I was a choir kid.
Do you like applesauce? >> Yep.
Do you know any German words? >> I do, since it’s my Duolingo focus.
How about any Portuguese words? >> I know “obrigado”, and that’s because I heard it a lot from an ex-friend.
Did you actually pay attention in Spanish class? >> I did.
If you drink Monster, what is your favorite flavor? If you don't drink Monster, why not?  >> I don’t drink it because I find it repulsive. Also, I’m not sure the stuff in them is any good for me, and it doesn’t have any benefits, so it’d be pointless for me to drink it unless I just wanted to punish my body for some reason.
Do you think any of your family members voted for Mitt Romney? Did you/would you? >> I don’t know anything about this. No, I didn’t vote at all that year.
Do you have a reason to hate anyone at the moment? >> I’m sure I could invent one, but I’d rather not bother.
Is it easier for you to forgive or to pretend it never happened? >> I usually just try to move on with my life as quickly as I can, and make a mental note to avoid whatever situation fucked me over in the future.
Are you one of those people who remembers EVERYTHING? >> In comparison to other people I know, it might seem that way sometimes.
Do you sometimes pretend you don't remember something about someone? >> No.
Do you own any Webkinz stuffed animals? If so, do you have a Webkinz online account? Do you still go on it? >> No.
If you had/have a Club Penguin account, how old were you when you got it? >> I’ve never had an account there.
Do you own any Nintendo video game consoles/handhelds? >> We have a Switch and a 3DS. Mostly Sparrow plays them.
Do/did you ever own a Blackberry? >> I did own one, when they were popular.
Do you know the band Noah & the Whale? >> I’ve heard of them, but never listened.
Do you listen to Ingrid Michaelson? >> No.
If you have a song stuck in your head, what's the name of it & the artist? >> I don’t.
Do you know who Sue Lyons is? How about Dominique Swain? >> No and no.
Unpopular opinion time. Be honest. The Beatles - overrated or not? >> I’ve never much cared for them, and I’m a little dim on their impact on popular music -- mostly because I never cared enough to research it.
What religion were you raised in? Are you still that religion, if you had one? >> I was raised casually-Christian. I am not a Christian now. (I highly doubt I ever was one, even when I was attempting to be.)
What religion/spiritual path intrigues you the most, if any? >> I mean, all of them do, really. Christianity is just the one that intrigues me least (although the Bible’s kinda neat in parts).
What ancient culture intrigues you the most, if any? >> All of them.
What was/is your favorite subject in school? >> ---
What was the last name of your second grade teacher? >> Condor, I think. She was technically a sub because the actual teacher was out all year for some reason.
Who was your favorite teacher of all time? >> ---
Were/are you a teacher's pet? >> No.
Do you like pink lemonade? >> Sometimes. I generally prefer plain lemonade.
Do you have a Spotify account? >> Yup.
Firefox or Chrome? >> Chrome.
Safari or Internet Explorer? >> Neither.
Windows or Mac? >> Windows.
Desktop or laptop? >> Laptops are what I’m used to by now.
What's your favorite U2 song, if you have one? >> I’ve always really liked Walk On and Sunday Bloody Sunday.
What's your favorite song that's playing on the radio, if you have one? >> ---
What's a song that you remember from your childhood? >> All Coming Back to Me Now, Céline Dion.
Are/were your parents hippies? >> No.
Would you ever consider getting dreadlocks? >> I’ve wanted them for most of my life, but I know I don’t have the executive function to maintain them properly, so I’ve given up on the idea.
If you had a baby boy right now, what would his middle name(s) be? >> ---
What heritage does your last name imply? >> I don’t know.
How about your middle name? >> None, it’s a word.
And first? >> Arthurian...? lmao.
What is your heritage, anyway? >> Black American, Haitian, Native American.
Were your parents born in the United States? Most importantly, were you? If not, what country?  >> One parent was, one wasn’t. I was.
Name an American stereotype? >> I’d rather not.
Name a stereotype from your country/culture? >> ---
Do you have any paint in your house? Is it wall paint, art paint, or something else? >> No.
Do you ever swing at the playground & listen to music? >> I haven’t done that in a very long time, but it’s a pretty good way to pass the time.
What was your favorite age so far? >> ---
What was your least favorite age so far? >> ---
Were you/are you in a rush to grow up? >> I was in a rush to grow up because I couldn’t abide my father’s tyrannical style of parenting. Now, it’s irrelevant.
What's your opinion on tattoos in the workforce? How about piercings?  >> It’s not even my place to have an opinion, I’m not a part of the workforce.
Do women breastfeeding in public make you feel uncomfortable? Why or why not? >> No. Because... why would it???
Do you know the band The Last Place You Look? >> No.
If not, you should check them out. Do you like A Day To Remember? If not, they're a lot like The Last Place You Look. >> I don’t know anything about their music.
What is the most annoying commercial you've seen/heard this past week? >> I haven’t seen any commercials.
What is your favorite holiday? >> Christmas.
What holidays do you choose not to participate in, but others celebrate? >> Valentine’s Day, Independence Day, Easter... most of them, I guess, huh.
"Happy Holidays," "Merry Christmas," or "Merry X-Mas?' >> I really don’t give a fuck. Either way, it’s someone being polite, so.
Does it even matter to you which one people say? >> Fuck no.
Why is that every major Christian holiday adopts Pagan traditions in its celebrations? >> That’s an essay-level question that requires multiple citations and fact-checking and I am not going to get into that on a survey, of all places.
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that-ace-tho · 6 years
my experience in the American education system
Kindergarten: okay.
First grade: I know what I did was wrong; during a spelling test, the word was "one" and this guy in class said, "how do you spell one?" and i don't know why, but I said, "one, o-n-e." I know that it wasn't okay to do that, but the teacher got really mad and cancelled the spelling test, and said everyone can have playtime, except me, and she pointed at me, singled me out, in front of everyone.
Second grade: we had to use those little 3 sided pencil grips to teach us how to "properly" hold a pencil, and when we stopped using them to see how we did, apparently my grip was below par, so the teacher actually forced my hand into the position and put a rubber band around my fingers to keep them in place.
This teacher was known for her cruelty, because when someone couldn't find something in those little desks with the opening slot in front of where your abdomen is when you sit in the chair, she'd take the desk and dump all it's contents all over the floor, in front of everyone, and force the kid to find whatever they needed, while the rest of us watched.
We had to keep a daily reading log, and my parents wanted to get me on a routine, so they had me read at the same time every day. When I turned in my log, the teacher accused me of forging the time I read. I was about 8 years old.
Third grade: the teacher was known as a cool, fun, charismatic man, and I was excited that he would be my teacher. But of course, I was singled out when he was teaching something and I was playing with my lip, since I could never sit still. So this guy says, loud and clear, "Ann, stop playing with your lip." I don't understand why it bothered him so much that he needed to point it out in front of everyone.
We were sitting in a circle on the carpet for story time, and I forget what happened but the teacher told us about the pulses in our wrists, in this one particular spot, although I later found 2 distinct pulses, but I digress. I couldn't find mine, but I didn't want to say anything or look dumb, and my fingers were right near it, so I pretended that I did. Of course, the teacher noticed and pointed it out, using my name, telling me to move my fingers a bit, because I wasn't on the correct spot. What's the big deal whether I'm actually on the vein itself? Is it gonna help me later on in life? Will this be the only time I'll learn about that pulse?
(Edit) in the weekly music class we had, we had these lyric sheets of songs while the teacher played the music for it, like a karaoke version, and keep in mind that they were not ordinary songs, but these weird ones that held no relevance to anything, one was about freaking cranberries, I wish I was kidding. Anyways, one day the teacher thought that I wasn't singing loudly enough, or even at all, when I actually was singing, so this guy comes up next to me and shouts the lyrics in my ear, when I had the lyric sheet in front of me. Other kids looked over, and it was humiliating.
Fourth grade: I lived in New England for elementary school, and we learned a bit about the Native Americans. We had a project where we had to use paper maché or however you spell it to construct a type of housing that the Natives had. In class, the assistant took pictures of us with our respective projects. The guy next to me leaned into the frame, and the assistant teacher didn’t say anything nor did she take a new photo. 
One of my classmates started spreading rumors that I was “having sex with boys.” I told the teacher, and she called the girl who started it to her desk, and later told me that the girl apologized. That was it. My parents took it up with the principal after.
Fifth grade: relatively uneventful.
Sixth grade: the teacher gave several notebooks at the end of each row for us to pass down, and I was second to last, there was a green and a yellow notebook left. I took the green one and passed the yellow to the guy next to me. He said that he wanted the green, but I had it, so I said no. Of course the teacher came over, took the green one from me and gave me the yellow, she actually switched them, and then said, “you get what you get and you don’t get upset.”
Seventh grade (I moved to California during the summer between sixth and seventh grade): In my pre-algebra class, the teacher got really frustrated with our poor grades, that he purposely failed all of us to try to “motivate” us. Of course parents, including mine, called and complained and he finally changed them back. We were all doing so poorly because he was a lousy teacher, imo.
Eighth grade: nothing much.
Ninth grade: here’s a really bad story; I was in my Spanish I class, first term, and there were kids of all four grades there, some waiting until the last minute to fulfill the foreign language requirements. Our teacher spoke to us about 75% in Spanish, and we had no idea what the hell she was saying because the most we knew was hola and gracias. A lot of kids goofed off and were quite disruptive, and the teacher would just try like twice to quiet everyone down before she just added 5 pages of classwork and homework, and as an overachiever I tried to do all of it, but then she never checked it the next day. I remember after the first term she switched to Spanish III. 
(this part is actually kind of funny) then in the third term, we had Spanish I again, second term of it, and the teacher we were assigned to was on maternity leave, so they had a sub, who was about 8 months pregnant, and she of course went on maternity leave about halfway through the term, so we had another sub, a guy this time. In short, we had a sub for the sub.
I didn’t learn much Spanish that year.
Tenth grade: I took honors geometry, and the teacher was sort of aloof, pessimistic, and her teaching style was use a powerpoint from some other school, do about 3 practice problems with us, and then give us some classwork to do on our own. I know it was honors, but she barely taught us, we had to self-teach the class. She was about 3 years away from retirement, and she made it clear that she did not care about us.
Eleventh grade: chemistry was essentially lists of vocab, and was pretty easy.
My U.S. history teacher was one of the most monotone people I’ve ever seen, and I swear he said, “the reality is...” at least 5x per day, I am not kidding. He made it very obvious that he didn’t care whether you paid attention, “just act like you are, don’t put your head down, just pretend.” He gave us lists of general vocab for each chapter (that we got to use on the test), and we had like 30 mins of work time at the beginning of the class, and then he’d use a powerpoint from some other school and lecture in the most bored sounding voice. 
Twelfth grade: AP lit was a beast, we had this 50 question, not including the part a, part b, etc bits, 7 page long packet for Oedipus Rex, which was a very easy read, but I turned it in like 3 days late because all but maybe 4 questions asked for at least 2 or 3 pieces of textual evidence. Then we had the AP practice questions, which we never learned how to answer in the regular curriculum. I only took the first term of it, I took regular English 12 after.
Speaking of English 12, my teacher was one of the most passively bitter people I’ve ever met in my life. She always picked who our partners would be, graded very harshly - my AP Lang teacher from eleventh grade would have given me like 8/9 (on the AP grading scale) on the in-class essays that we turned in in  English 12 while my teacher gave me and others an average of 6/9. 
In English 12, this one girl had her phone under her desk, and was checking something, and the teacher had this super strict rule against cell phones, and called her out in front of the class and sent her to OCI (on campus intervention), and later a guy had his phone in plain view, and the teacher asked him to put it away, this happened once more and on the third occurrence she finally sent him to OCI. The girl didn’t even get a warning, while the guy had the classic 3 strikes routine. 
In my American government class, I had the same teacher as I did for U.S. history in eleventh grade, and it was essentially the same thing, except one time this girl was talking kind of obviously to her friend near her desk, and the teacher legit told her to pay attention if she wants to pass, because she apparently had a “very low grade,” but the teacher said that in front of everyone.
In general, a lot of my friends were extremely stressed to the point of having daily breakdowns over the stress of applying for college, and trying to get a good score on the SAT or the ACT, and trying to keep up with clubs, sports, volunteering, and keeping straight-As in all their classes, which consisted mainly of AP and honors courses. 
Most of my teachers never even actually taught, they just handed out packets and told us to finish them by x date or we’ll get a bad grade.
I know these experiences aren’t as bad as others, but I still felt that it was necessary to speak up about my shitty experience in school.
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fuck-customers · 6 years
Luck of the Irish? Yeah, right 😫
This is gonna be long and I'm so sorry This happened over the course of Thursday (19/4) and Friday (20/4). I had 2 closing shifts (5 - 11:30). I work in an Irish fast food chain that sells burgers, chicken, fish, subs and pizza. THURSDAY: ~ I'm asked to put toilet paper in the men's toilets. We store our toilet paper in the staff room because we just have nowhere else for it, so it sits under a counter that we use as a lunch table. So my coworker M is sitting and has a cappuccino on the counter. When I go to pick up some toilet paper, my hat (like a baseball cap, you know the ones that EVERY fast food place has?) well the stupid thing knocked the whole cappuccino all over me and M. It was hot and M got the worst of it. ~ I was already feeling shit about the coffee thing and I was apologising profusely to M while we cleaned up, when she tells me that she just found out her grandmother died and the funeral was the next day, in Russia and she couldn't go home. She was really upset. I felt HORRIBLE ~ So the coffee was cleaned, I got her a new one, and went to serve a customer before i headed to the gents with an armful of toilet roll. The dude was so fucking rude and I just walked away after I served him. ~ Then I go to the toilets to change the rolls in the cubicles. I go to the first one and who walks in for a wee? Yep, rude ass fucker I just served. He was at the urinals and I didn't wanna walk out while he was there so I just did what I had to do and waited for him to leave. Then I went to the second one and AGAIN another guy comes in. This one took longer so I literally had to just stand there and listen to him pee. ~ The rest of the evening was uneventful until after closing. I was checking the temperature of the freezer for the HACCP and I turned and tripped over a tray that was on the floor. I ended up bruised and my shoulder is killing me. (I put in an incident report because of the pain in my shoulder to cover me, but the tray thing wasn't the company's fault, just before anyone says I should sue 😂) FRIDAY ~ My shoulder is still killing me, and after I place my incident report I get back to work but my manager advises me not to do too much lifting. Pretty much uneventful until after 9... My coworker G sections off and cleans half the lobby. ~ M goes on her break so I have to cover pizza. Now, if you've ever made a pizza by hand or seen one being made, you'd know that it takes quite a bit of power in your shoulders... That's okay though because it hasn't been busy and usually it quiets down after 9. BUT NOT TODAY ~ A group of Spanish tourists come in and at least 15 of them order individual pizzas, on top of 2 other customers ordering pizzas, plus 2 delivery orders, AND THEN somehow the receipts get mixed up and we're missing 2 more pizzas so guess who makes them?! Yup. Me. (M put the toppings on but I'm pretty fast with the dough and we had a routine going so there was no time to switch) ~ I swear those tourists were like a frickin tornado. We don't mind big groups at all but most of them left their rubbish on the tables?! And we also had to seat them in the tables that had been sectioned off and cleaned so they had to be cleaned again on top of the rest of the lobby which I had to do. ~ Lastly, the BIN! The bin bag in the first half of the lobby had come away from the bin and people kept pushing it down and made it almost impossible to take the bag out without throwing rubbish everywhere, so with the help of one of our drivers, I decided that the best thing to do would be to hold an empty bag over the bin and tip everything into it. Simple yes? Nope. Rubbish. Everywhere. The driver helped me clean it and then wiped down the tables and trays for me which was super sweet. So yeah, they were my unlucky shifts. My coworker mentioned that "these things come in threes" so I'm dreading tomorrow's shift! #pray4me
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
I do not have dream merch (😔😔) but if I did and was in the discord I would literally never say anything and probably not even make it in time to the vcs before they got full. lmaoo more like dream is a milf. when dilf dream or whatever got trending a while ago because of connor, I replied to multiple people with “milf*” and I think I’d be happy if I ever got cancelled for that
yeah exactly!! I don’t want it to become a chore (which watching vods can be😭😭) I was watching ranboos mcc vod and I got so many ads I was ready to scream. also is it just me or are the ads always so fucking loud like it startles me so many times. idk about the sub thing tho but I’m like pretty sure you get an ad regardless
I haven’t bought a textbook for a single one of my subjects so I hope my lectures slides are good enough. last sem the exams were open book and online so I kind of just googled my way through the bio exam😬😬 also last semester I think I watched very few of my lectures and I’m already doing better than that this sem
apologist discourse is fully the lamest. it’s so boring too. and dumb. yeah!! discourse can be fun! I like having discussions and I love seeing different points of view but Apologist discourse?!?!?!! like seriously?? it’s so dumb especially with the assumptions made. which is why I always defend c!dream apologists. god you’re so right about the “in this day and age thing” but yeah teenagers will be teenagers
right?!?!! like I was like omg dream!! playing bedwars!! and I had a fun time watching it but like right after twt was back on their bullshit. good thing about living in australia though, half the stuff mcyttwt trends, doesn’t actually trend here lol. oh yeah that’s fair. I’ve watched hannah occasionally and she’s cool. absolutely cracked at bedwars. it’s so blatantly sexist!! and they’ll bend over backwards to justify how it isn’t it’s awful. lmao I felt the same when I left hannah’s stream once dream was gone😭😭 it sucks too cause they’ll whine about not getting dream content but the moment he goes and interacts with his FRIENDS they’ll start trending /neg or shitting on them for dumb stuff. like after dream played gartic phone with the ppsat crew and people started saying shit about gumi’s voice :/// plus another thing, kind of off topic but I was reminded, I see so many dream stans on twitter who hate techno so much (I don’t even know why and at this point I’m too afraid to ask like I know what he did but they’re so forceful in their hate) and just like??? dream is literally the biggest techno stan out there like how are you gonna have techno stans dni in your bio but still interact with dream🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
lolll. yeah my subjects really go from physics‼️bio🧫 chem🧪 to 😌being online: internet meets society😌
ranbob🥲🥲 I miss them dearly. the best dream apologist. YES DREAM WHERE IS THE LORE. it’s been MONTHS since the sneak peak. MONTHS. and sam slightly showing the courtyard in one of his streams and hinting at it’s importance??? like please give us the lore
but also!! new dream vid today :DDD
I’ve heard shipping rates to counties that aren’t american are killer and yeah I wouldn’t ever be awake enough to get into vcs….. here’s the thing though I’m not afraid to call dream a milf to his face but calling his mom a milf is a terrible first and only impression you know? My dumbass would walk in, reference the tapeworm post accidentally and be banned on site
They are loud but I’ve also found at that our favorite streamers are super quiet?? Like I was on dream’s stream for mcc and when I switch to quackity’s I got jump scared because he was so loud in comparison. Also if subs still get ads on vods I’ll fucking riot I’m jot subbed to anyone but no ads means no ads mother fuckers
From one college person to another :
Tumblr media
Also all my classes were live so I wasn’t able to go back and rewatch them…. But honestly good on you googling your way through test I was too anxious to do that but I was also too anxious to do well on any of the exams so lose lose for me.
As someone who whines about no dream content I personally love seeing him on his friends stream! It seems like he’s on his bedwars arc rn so I’m really happy he has a bunch of friends willing to play with him! AYO IF ANYONE SAYS SHIT ABOUT ANY OF THE PPSAT CREW ITS ON SITE. How dare they what gumi is someone bothering you I’ll take care of it what the fuck!!! The hannah stuff bothered me but the gumi stuff is pissing me off!!! I like gumi’s voice she’s baller!!! I’m about to start gatekeeping (/j) the dream stan community are you even a dream stan if you’re not also a rivals duo enjoyer???? Shameful. I’ve had the same sub title/heading thing for my tumblr page forever and it just gets truer every day. Also extremely curious to see how many people clicked the links in it. If you haven’t you should, the first one is a joke but the second one isn’t
Actually I can’t call you a nerd I’m put here taking math, spanish, chem, and bio of my own free volition. Actually if you have any group discussions promise me you’ll tell people to touch grass yeah? I just think it would be funny
Ranbob my favorite he/they when will they return from the war…. Or arrive to the war actually. Better yet when will tales from the smp return as a whole karl I know you’re busy but please spare some serotonin please! I didn’t actually read the inbetween lore ever but I liked the idea of it!! I also miss all the banger characters that came from it,,, crops, ranbob, the twins, Cornelius, robin, unnamed cattboy,,,, all of the other characters that I got attached to right away,,,, I miss them always. I was watching tubbo’s stream today and he was talking about how he’s getting bored on the dream smp and oh boy did that hurt. Logically tubbo isn’t actively trying to do any lore and several dream smp members still log in everyday and do something, but it was for sure a kick to the gut. About the courtyard stuff, I wonder what they’re waiting for? Is there something in it that hasn’t happened yet or is there a different reason we haven’t gotten to see it yet? Guess we’ll have to wait
I accidentally watched the wrong dream video so I spoiled the whole thing for myself akhdkfjd funfact the video and the extra scenes look very similar
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tkmedia · 3 years
Watching someone fall in love with football made my Euro 2020
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Saturday 12th June. The Euros are just over 24 hours old and it feels like Christmas. Me, my housemates and selected others are letting our hair down for the weekend, blaring out music and knocking back cans in the basement of our shared house. Bored of listening to Flo Rida and the Black Eyed Peas on rotation, like some hellish flashback to my secondary school prom, I decide to queue some classics on Spotify. A minute later, the opening notes of ‘Three Lions’ begin to echo around the low ceilings. To me, this choice feels fitting – England are playing Croatia the next day after all. ‘World in Motion’ and ‘Vindaloo’ follow, each song belted out by the lads in attendance with arms spread and the atmosphere becoming increasingly euphoric. Well, almost. Stood in the corner of the room are two of my female housemates and their faces are a picture. More accurately, one looks bemused while the other is eyeing me in a manner that suggests I’ve bathed myself in dog shit and used the remnants as face paint. Fast forward four weeks to before the final and I’m having a long phone conversation with the latter about tactics, formations and debating whether Italy or England had the stronger subs bench. Proof, if nothing else, that a lot can change in a month. Euro 2020 was a tournament for the ages, probably the best I’ve ever experienced in real-time. It ticked all the boxes of an all-time classic – loads of goals, attacking football, matches we’ll be talking about for decades to come, drama and excitement everywhere you looked, underdogs doing well, engaging storylines from the first whistle and worthy champions. Even England rose to the occasion, making the final and giving the nation a chance to bathe itself in lager. Football didn’t come home, but that shouldn’t detract from what Gareth Southgate’s young team have achieved over the past month. But my favourite part of these Euros? Seeing non-football fans become swept up in the event. One person stands out in particular. Living in the same house for the past two years, me and Nicole overcame initial indifference to form an incredibly close connection. There were enough differences between us to keep things interesting but we shared plenty in common – a similar music taste, love of animals and cooking to name but three – and generally got on like a house on fire. But football? Football was rarely a topic of conversation. Nicole simply didn’t show any interest in the sport. After clocking my disappointment following West Ham’s defeat to Manchester United in the FA Cup last February, her attempts to console me veered strongly towards ‘chin up, it’s only a game’ territory. On one hand, this was very annoying and a masterclass at missing the point. But I also saw the wider perspective and appreciated having someone close outside of the football bubble. And, like most things, she was right. It is only a game. But none of this led me to expect the Euros would capture Nicole’s imagination in the manner it did. • • • •
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READ: 28 iconic moments that tell the story of a magnificent Euro 2020 • • • • From unpromising beginnings (basement, Three Lions, dog shit), her interest in the tournament grew organically. Noticing the emotionally charged atmosphere at the Denmark-Belgium game. Asking me to tilt my laptop screen so we could watch Croatia play the Czech Republic together. Admitting to checking the score on her phone while out for the first half of England against Scotland. It was Nicole that took the executive decision to switch from Wembley to Hampden Park at half-time during the final group match and wonder at Luka Modric’s piss-taking goal. This was weighed with sympathy as Scotland were brushed aside by a grizzled Croatian team. By now she was hooked and wanted to watch a game in town. Living in Manchester, there’s no shortage of options but work commitments and difficulty booking a table meant finding the right time was proving impossible. We eventually settled on Slovakia against Spain, a fine choice considering her love of Spain and Spanish culture. Arriving late, and convincing the bar owners to show the game instead of Sweden v Poland, we ended up missing Martin Dubvraka’s spectacular own goal but saw Spain stroll through the second half towards a 5-0 victory. It was only natural to stay and watch the conclusion of Group F afterwards. Missing key moments became a theme of the tournament. Denmark’s rollicking win over Russia? Attending to Nicole’s pet horse. The madness of extra-time between Italy and Austria? Squabbling over making brownies. England battering Ukraine in the quarter-finals? Missed the first three goals after trying to find our mate’s house in the city centre and ending up in the outskirts of Altrincham (which, I humbly admit, was entirely my fault for entering the wrong directions). But there was still plenty to savour, such as laughing at Sam Matterface as he shrieked “RONALDO WANTS THE BALL!!” during one desperate Portugal attack. Then there was watching France’s incredible defeat to Switzerland on my laptop as Love Island went ignored on the main television. And who could forget Harry Kane, spilt pints and seeing England beat Germany at our local with a big group of mates? SCENES! Harry Kane puts England two-up against Germany! #ENG 2-0 #GER 📺 Watch live: https://t.co/0Sp2UauTpF#bbceuro2020 #euro2020 pic.twitter.com/KXU7RQgCSl — Match of the Day (@BBCMOTD) June 29, 2021 Interest in the tournament didn’t wane despite moving house before the quarter-finals. Watching games together was replaced with cross-country phone calls and messages as the matches grew in importance and tension. Nicole had the infuriating habit of making correct predictions. It was her that called the Czechs beating Holland, Italy knocking out Belgium and every game from the semi-final onwards. Classic case of beginner’s luck, but I suspect I won’t be allowed to forget it for another three or four decades. These mystic tendencies were matched by her astute calling of matches. Italy did resort to dirty tactics (Chiellini on Saka especially) while other teams played cleaner. England did back off after scoring in the final. And it was hard not to feel sorry for Ruben Vargas and Alvaro Morata after their missed penalties. Ultimately, that’s the point about these tournaments. There’s a certain snobbery towards non-football fans from die-hard supporters, but the joy of international football is feeling part of a national event. Take the emotional rollercoaster of Kane’s penalty against Denmark for example. Only sport can produce those moments, ones you share with half of the entire country. That’s why the international game will always feel more important than club football. I’ll ignore Nicole’s threats to carry on watching football as Manchester United’s newest fan, probably the single most thing that would boil my piss. Because these fantastic Euros were enriched by sharing them with somebody close who’s not usually interested in the game. By Michael Lee More from Planet Football 28 iconic moments that tell the story of a magnificent Euro 2020 Euro 2020’s top chance creators, passers, dribblers, tacklers and more Away Days: 479 days later, a trip to the match at last; now I want the real thing Can you name the top scorer at every European Championship since 1992? Read the full article
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freckles-shop · 4 years
Dachshund Witch Halloween Pumpkin T-Shirt
Would be 12 I didn’t do it all and didn’t break it down all the way I just didn’t feel like could already know I’m just doing is to help cement so so three coming at a Dachshund Witch Halloween Pumpkin T-Shirt 30 that the 12 for Joel night you know if you break it down SCA to be 33 you know you that 30 is what 3D longest with what three so all out I want to know about that 33 number you know I go to Biden 3425 well 34 I want to see if exceeded 34 because I added up the word batting I get 34 I in the sub number C high handed to output from a two over put the knot over the full 501 full is 5 dB month this argument so number now the but check it out see the 294 the five and a five that’s telling you something see what I like to do telling applet to switch stuff around I see numbers I put the C letter that the number County is a language out you may in a way is to eat is bad in the name Biden is telling you what is what he’s doing who we sell is telling right there if you put the letters waited the second letter is be the ninth letter is. To grant clemency which at one point included plans to bring a delegation of rap stars to White House those plans were scuttled first by trumps impeachment and then by the pandemic Weldon believes the presidential lobbying Drive may have impressed the judge we show that this man had a ton of support and is going to do a lot of positive things he said to Leslie that judge is a trouble pointing a Republican appointee Obama point dear what but good good for that judge and trumpet after step back because of the one before that first step act it wouldn’t happen I think we need to read anymore this article I think we can move past so we know who alone is already others wanted to show you guys this in and I should add is pulled up a must for my stream last night when I was talking to a brother Lloyd but black guys matter thing because Turner causes TV ratings crush the woke NBA is the NBA’s on his black lies matter bullshit now they are 12 million viewers lot suckers 39 million viewers when it held that more Americans watch news and sports there was a time. When he does get this out the account both the crankand he needs both of you should get out I was I’d say one thing like Ron has been getting screwed in every which way except the way that he wants it’s like you a lot the Phillies lost the girl he left the castle multiple times can we just let this guy bone please can we just give him even 10 minutesand come inand be like hey I gotta think like not going to wear what actually think is in bronze heartand mind because how many times have we heard him mention the girl in the castle he’s been from askedand it always seemed like his affection for Terryand was very sincere sure I could die but then when he came down to it
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