#or c) im like ''im too busy for that'' then proceed to lie around doing nothing bc im depressed over being lonely
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Sweet like Honey (Break like Glass) (KTH)
Summary: Taehyung knows there’s something wrong with his girlfriend; the way she can’t look at herself in the mirror sometimes or the countless other bad days. He makes it his mission to make her feel as beautiful as possible.
Tags: mentions of body dysmorphia, Self-esteem issues, Dysphoria, internalized self-hate, picnic dates, fluff, emotional hurt/comfort, barely referenced eating disorder, angst over Taehyung being an idol, mentions of weddings, proposals, and wedding dresses, mentions of nudity and sexual scenes/themes. 
A/n: This was mostly inspired by Taehyung in his green suit and my own experiences with my body. This is a relatively short and less descriptive than my usual au’s. don’t forget to comment and RB if you liked it! also my grammarly kinda crashed while writing this! so i apologize for more grammatical errors that usual. 
Song rec: Electric love~ Pravi cover
W/c: 6.7k 
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- There is something wrong with Taehyung's girlfriend. With you- and Taehyung just can’t figure out what it is. 
- Taehyung and you have been dating for a few years, though it was a little on and off in the beginning because of a few world tours. Now you live together, and every day Taehyung lives the fantasy of coming home to someone who loves him. You standing in his kitchen with Yeontan running around your feet begging for little bits of food. 
- But The small things are always there; the way you look at yourself in the mirror with a hint of hate. The way you are always so particular about how clothing fits you and won't wear anything that properly shows off your curves. 
- Sometimes you barely react when Taehyung puts his arms around your waist, bunching up his extra-large shirt that you sleep in. Taehyung loves the feeling of getting his hands on you, his palms so wide on your form. You have The kind of soft cuteness that makes him want to take you and hold you close and never let go. Sometimes in the mornings- he actually does pull you back into bed with him.
- But Sometimes, when Taehyung puts his hands on your waist you do freeze, he feels the way your body is taut and stiff like you’re trying to suck in or something. But when he looks at your face- he doesn't see any of the strain or anything else unpleasant or unhappy in your smiling face.
- Taehyung wishes you felt as comfortable with him as he feels with you.
- Tae would say that you’re both completely happy. Would say it- if he didn’t notice your insecurity sometimes. More than once He sees you excitedly set out an outfit on the bed. Getting dressed for something a little more interesting than sitting on your couch, only to see your expression fall the second that you see yourself in the mirror. 
- Whatever's going on in your head- it hurts you, hurts that you don’t see yourself in the mirror the way that he does. other days you know before you get dressed, You’ll avoid looking at yourself in the mirror and instead ask him if you look okay. 
- “Just turn around and see for yourself” he says- unthinking. More worried about getting to your destination on time. This time it’s a dinner with the rest of bts, a private room in a restaurant to celebrate the end of their last comeback. You aren’t going to be the only s/o or guest in attendance and you just wanted to make a good impression. 
- Taehyung is more excited for a few days of break that will proceed the dinner than the dinner itself. Days that he will probably spend catching up on the sleep that he’s lost over the past few weeks and spending quality time with you. He realizes a moment too late when he looks back at you. A hand suspiciously rubbing at your cheek, a little damp. That dark- unhappy look fitting your face like a glove. 
- You put a very baggy jacket over your dress and call it a day. During dinner you bunch it up in your lap like it will help cover you and say that your legs are just cold when Taehyung asks. But he isn’t fooled- though he was, a little, at the beginning of your relationship.
- When Taehyung first meets you he barely thinks that there’s something off about the way you view yourself. That revelation comes later once he gets to know you better. Taehyung dreams of a time when he’d known from the beginning, if only so that he could have started helping you with your body image sooner. 
- When you and Taehyung first met you were both a little broken, both a little too lonely for words. Your type of loneliness that was left for rotten nights, the kind where you bunch up a blanket or a pillow just to have something to hold onto. 
- When Taehyung first bumps into you at a bookstore You don’t outwardly look like the insecure type. Your cute glasses on your nose and your ankle length knit dress chic and oversized. You’d sat on opposites sides of a very long velvet couch to enjoy a coffee and a book in Taehyung’s favorite bookstore. A hair too close at your separate tables to be completely accidental. 
- You look at the handsome stranger, (or at least you think he’s handsome- most of him is covered by a facemask) thinking that just maybe There was only one reason why he didn’t take the table by the window; that reason being a desire to be close to you. “Is that one any good?” you’d asked, voice rough and quiet in the empty cafe. 
- When Tae looks over it’s to see your legs have been pulled up and underneath you- your shoes off and hidden under the table. Your stocking legs bare for him to look at and drink in. It feels too intimate for a stranger, but all at once in a moment, Taehyung daydreams of what your legs might feel like in his hands. And a little stirring in his gut says ‘oh- you like this- you like this one.” 
- “The coffee or the book?” he asks, perplexed and trying not to lose his cool. all the stadiums in the world couldn’t unnerve him and yet- one pretty girl in a coffee shop has him worried, holding on to his coffee and book like it will anchor him. You smile like his response is some sort of secret. “Either is fine.”
- Running into each other at the bookstore turned into sitting close on one of the many velvet couches. Which turned into Tae inviting you to a different coffee shop with better coffee and fewer books so you could openly talk without fear of getting scolded. 
- This leads to dinner dates and kisses and your back against his sheets in his apartments. Looking up at him like he’s still trying to tell you some sort of secret. You’re a secret that Taehyung just can’t figure out but wants too. And Tae has a feeling he could spend years getting to know you and still want you just as much as he did then- as he does now. Hovering on the edge of a relationship with you. 
- What had started out as coffee dates, turned into hooking up and then when his life got busy again- late night booty calls where he was barely awake enough to properly reciprocate. Those nights ending when you woke up to his empty bed and a text on your phone thanking you for coming over so late. It’s kind, but it’s so formal you read between the lines. Assuming deep down- that Taehyung doesn't want any more than a late night booty call and an occasional friendship from you.
- Taehyung had just assumed you wouldn’t want a relationship with him if it had to be this way, every six months or so when he gets so busy he can barely find time to take a proper break let alone go on a date. You’d assumed he just didn’t want a relationship with you but you where already desperately in love with him and unwilling to let go of the little bit you had of his time. Even if you knew it was a little toxic. 
- He still remembers looks back on that night often. Just after the comeback-  he’d been strung out on that restless energy he often gets after they’ve finished. another cycle of their career. All keyed up with nowhere for his energy to go. It had been late into the night and nearly morning when you’d finished enjoying each others company. Taehyung leaning back against the pillows, so deeply stated that he felt the ache in his bones. Eyes already fluttering closed he’d reached out to touch you, only to find you not there already pulling up your pants by the door. 
- And Tae’s serotonin and oxytocin high brain hadn’t been able to look past much more than your jiggling ass for a moment before he realized that fuck- you’re not staying. “What are you doing?” he’d asked, a little scathed, and you turned around like you were trying not to get your hopes up.
- “Going home to sleep? like i usually do?” Taehyung feels the stinging in his chest like a wound. Dreams of sleeping with his arm thrown over your waist, holding you close and trying to fit you into the lonely space in his chest- extinguished in a violent moment. (Tae had a feeling you’d fit there perfectly- and now to have you snatched out of reach feels like disappointment) “aren’t you just going to sleep here?”  
-“Nah im kinda hungry” you lie. He shrugs not getting it “I could always make you breakfast in the morning,” his words are interrupted by a yawn, “or now?” 
- “You don’t need too” “but what if I want to” all at once you’re frustrated. “Tae- what are we doing here?” you throw your jacked down with an upset humf, “we both know you’re not going to date a girl like me so why- why are you making this harder than you need too-”  
- “hold on-hold on” he jumps out of bed, suddenly so awake that his heart is pounding. “who the fuck told you that i don’t want to date you?” Your hand hovers on the doorknob an inch away from your relationship being nothing, and Taehyung is brazen and unshy, nearly proving your point when he just gets out of bed all of himself on display. At least he has the good grace to pull on a pair of boxer shorts. “you mean? you do?” 
- “Of course i want to date you!” he’s an inch away, and his large hands just barely brushes yours “you like all the same things as me, i love talking about books with you and cuddling with you and having you here when i get home- things have just been so busy lately- i didn’t want to make it feel rushed. but i do- i do want you to be mine unless you don’t want-”
- You’d hated how unsure he looked in that moment. Most of the time- you’re so unsure yourself that you forget how it must look to Taehyung. But in that moment you can see your own expression on his face, and you hate it there just as much as he hates it when it’s on your face. 
- That night had ended with you soft in Taehyung's clothing, smelling like him. talking it through with him until the sun actually had come up. “I guess I just got so caught up in giving you what you wanted because I thought that was all I could get.”
- He touches you so delicately, his fingers stroking down the line of your throat as you talk so that he can feel the words in his fingertips as you say them. “tell me how I can be better- please, I want to be a good-” taehyung swallows against the hope in his throat. “I want to be a good boyfriend for you.” 
- Your more giving nature didn’t stop there, and you were always determined to give taehyung more than you took in your relationship. Like your very presence in his life was enough of a gift in itself. But it’s something that Taehyung has always been able to see through. In the same way that you feel like you’re not enough for him. The same way he feels that he can’t give you everything you want or need. Like a date out in public or Anonymity if you were ever to take your relationship public.
- You’ve been mobbed more than once just because you came out of the same apartment complex he lived in. And even though no one knows you’re dating Tae besides those who know you personally, Taehyung fears that one day you’re going to want something he can’t give you.
- Like others he’d dated in the past. The girls (and one boy) who had all told him after a few months “either go public or we’re through” or gotten tired of not being able to partake in the same things all their friends did, like getting walked home or going out for dinner on a Thursday without making an expensive reservation. You were never like that.
- At the beginning, you’d just smiled when Tae had told you he couldn’t be seen with you out in public. You’d just given him a soft but understanding smile and volunteered your apartment as long as he brought his most comfortable pajamas to stay the night incase he got too drunk to drive home.
- Those nights, you’d often ended up drunk on the floor of your bedroom and Taehyung remembers looking down at you from above, his hand unintentionally wound in your hair. Somehow you’d ended up in his pajamas and he didn’t mind at all.  
- “You know- I can’t give you a lot” it had taken Tae a long time to open up to you after his last break up, but then he’d felt the dizzying smoothness of your skin against his- more intoxicating that the alcohol. You’d giggled up at him, equally as drunk. “Just give me you, Tae, and that will be enough.”
- it was around then that Taehyung had made a promise to himself. He may not be able to give you everything a boyfriend should be able to give you. but he’d give you himself fully, and anything else he could give without endangering his career.
- Sometimes you can’t believe that you’re dating an idol- let alone someone as genuinely beautiful as Taehyung. Sure- knows one knows you’re dating him. But only someone who didn’t know your relationship would think he was just a status symbol or something. You don’t need to show each other off to know your love is real.
- Though you do partake in couple items fairly often- Taehyung has a certain love for things expensive. And he does like to spoil you in the small ways- accessories are the best for you- Taehyung knows they don’t trigger your body dysmorphia in the same way clothes do. He still has the first couple item you ever got- a beat-up scarf in coordinating colors, the edge of yours torn- hanging over the doorway that leads to your walk in closet. The fabric too worn to wear out normally.
- Early on- he’d fucked up and gotten you a skirt that was a size to small. He’d tried to help you into it, and helped you try and zip it up. But after a moment when it was clear the zipper wasn’t going to go over your hips (one of Taehyung’s favorite parts of you and the whole reason why he’d bought you the skirt)
- You’d slapped his hand away, and Taehyung had looked up- miffed for a moment but knowing he’d fucked up when he saw your eyes fill with tears. He’d apologized again and again, And you were careful to make sure he knew it wasn’t his fault but the skirt had ended up thrown to the back of the closet and shoved in a bag meant for donations.
 - Now Taehyung knows Some days your body genuinely doesn’t bother you, but others you live a much more dire reality that you try to hide from Tae. he also knows that you don’t like talking about it. He might enjoy telling you the minute details of just exactly why Namjoon pissed him off today during practice and hashing it out again later when his temper has dissipated. But you don’t like to talk about your insecurities in so many words. 
- Sometimes the words hover on the edge of his tongue because he should tell you that It genuinely doesn’t bother him when you flip flop between needing to spend hours of your time on your makeup and being okay with your face as it is. And if hours are what you need to feel okay then fuck- Taehyung will learn everything about how you like to do your hair. 
- The other days when you change 5 times before it becomes clear that it’s not the clothes That's making you feel so distressed. your side of the closet torn apart. When you can’t meet Tae’s eyes when it feels like nothing fits you anymore. More than once you’ve decided that you don’t really want to leave the apartment if the only thing you feel comfortable in is a pair of his sweatpants and a baggy tee-shirt. Tae only wants to make sure you get what you need. You don’t need to hide your bad days from Tae.
- but Taehyung hates those unhappy days when there's not more that he can do than let you hide your body underneath the baggiest blanket possible on your couch. Calling to cancel your plans, and then join you there. You tell him he should go hang out with your friends without you but if you don’t go with him- there’s really no point. 
- He knows it's just a little unhealthy- but he’d miss you the whole time and want to text you through all of it. And your friends would end up annoyed that Tae was on his cellphone. Better to spend the night here, even if you flinch when he touches you later that night. 
- And really- he doesn’t mind at all, all of that stuff, it only makes him worried about you. The person he loves more than anything. And he tries to help you through the little things. Complimenting you whenever he can (and do it while being genuine so they don’t feel hollow to you) and feeding you from his own chopsticks at dinnertime. Gently gripping your chin in his hand and murmuring “it’s my job to keep you healthy.” 
- for what it’s worth when Taehyung does have more free time than usual- he keeps track. More than once he’s had to worry and wonder if you’re actually eating anything when he’s not around. He looks for the evidence of a lie on your face and in the kitchen to see if it takes the form of untouched or spoiled food. gone before you could convince yourself to eat it.
-  And even though he can’t find any evidence of this- the threat still lingers on the edge of his mind. He’s had his experience with unhealthy behaviors and he knows the starting signs.  
- But it comes to a head one night when he sees you looking through a bunch of catalogs. You might struggle to find things that you feel comfortable in on your worst days but you do like to help Taehyung shop. It’s a game that you play. Competing to see which one of you can find the weirdest outfit or the strangest prints. Though you win more often then he does. Leaning over your computer to laugh and say “okay- but actually, it’s terrible and I want it and I don’t know why.” 
- For as hard as your relationship can be- there are also countless moments of happiness, more than taehyung could ever properly appreciate. but god if he’s not going to try to treasure this love he has with you. The kind of love that's sweet like honey regardless of the broken glass mixed in. 
- It’s one of your lazy day activities. Both of you sit on the couch under a fluffy duvet with matching glasses of wine. A drama playing in the back round. His hand alternating between hovering on your knee and reaching for his wine glass.  
- Tae gets wrapped up in looking at a strange line of weird art neveauy Dress shirts and when he looks over he sees to his surprise- that you’re looking at dresses. These dresses are the long kind- the kinds that are white and flowy with beaded sleeves or shear mermaid designs, most in blush and cream tones.  
- You notice him looking and quickly tilt your screen- but it’s too late he’s already asking to see. You’re shy but eventually, tae wrestles it away from you with a kiss and a chuckle- you complain that he almost made you spill wine on the couch. His eyes widen more as he clicks through your tabs of which there are eight. And he commits the name of the designer to memory Because these...these are almost like wedding dresses and you’ve never expressed much interest in Dresses like these. 
- As if the drama you’re watching seems to fortel this conversation; this episode is the wedding episode. taehyung watches you as he checks through the tabs and you watch the bride and groom with a far away look in your eyes. As the characters go through the antics of losing their rings and the evil stepmother spilling wine onto the bride's white dress.
- When you do speak, it’s so soft that Taehyung has to lean in to hear it. your secret whispered into open air. “Sometimes it’s easy to think- that I’ll never get married. Get to wear a dress like that. It’s not that I don’t think you love me,” you’re quick to reassure him. his stricken expression melting away as his words die in his throat. “-or that you wouldn’t- won’t ever propose. And this isn’t me trying to guilt trip you into it either but-” 
-Taehyung rubs a reassuring stroke down your arm. Your eyes locked on the dress on the screen, eyes so hungry and wanting but sad too like you know it’s futile to want something so simple. It’s so ordinary to taehyung but to you it feels unreachable. “Dresses like that- princess dresses and wedding dresses- are things that other girls get. Girls that have the perfect body and the perfect hair- the perfect everything. Things that I don’t see when i look in the mirror.”
- Taehyung is soft when he touches you, guiding you to set your wine and your computer away, closing the screen too so that the picture of the dress goes away too. Leading you to sit across his lap. Touching your face gently like you’re the most beautiful thing that’s ever graced his fingertips. 
- “That’s what they get and i-” you rest a hand on your chest and for a moment- Taehyung can see how much it just aches. Whatever hole has been left in your heart by your trauma, Tae feels it as keenly as you do. “I get to feel like this all the time.” 
- Feelings of powerlessness fill him up. He wishes he could make you feel as beautiful as he views you- but he knows that the words of another only do so much. But he can’t say nothing He feels so tongue tied. he’s so painfully aware that he might say something that just makes you feel worse. he swallows through the lump in his throat. “I know this won’t make it any better, but I think you’re beautiful, and you deserve the world- and all the pretty dresses you want.” 
- He bites his lower lip, mindful of not making promises he Doesn’t know if he’ll be able to keep. He’d propose to you right now if he thought it would magically make you feel better but he doubts that would fix the issue. Your self-esteem issues run deeper than that. through wounds that are older than your relationship and too deep for Taehyung to heal with a few words.  He touches your face softly “let me try- to make you feel as beautiful as you are to me” his kisses get hotter and you return them “let me try” he promises. 
- That night you make love on your couch and for that moment of ecstasy you let yourself believe you’re worth the touch of Kim Taehyung. That alone is something that’s hard for you to believe every day. And you try to compensate for the ways that you feel lacking sometimes in the worst ways. he still doesn't like to think of the beginning of your relationship for that reason. 
- but Something about that day with the wedding dresses weighs on him though, bothers him in a way he just can’t articulate. And it’s not until he confesses to Jungkook about what happened and how he feels strangely futile about the whole thing, that Jungkook gives him the simplest answer. 
- “If she wants to feel beautiful in a wedding dress hyung, why don’t you just buy her the dress?” Taehyung starts to try and backtrack but Jungkook shakes his head. “I didn’t say marry her- just dress her up like you are and take her out on a date- make sure she knows beforehand. But there’s no reason why you can’t make her feel like a princess.” 
- So Taehyung does just that- picks out a dress not unlike one of the ones that you mentioned you liked. Layers of lace and delicate tulle, perfect for you. Yes it’s from a wedding line but it is more of a light dust pink. A dainty and dreamy color perfect for the day that he aims to create. He double and triple checks your measurements because the dress is made to fit and he doesn’t want to repeat the skirt experience. 
- Your actual date is a picnic set out on a thick knit blanket on a hill overlooking the ocean. He gets the picnic basket made for you by a restaurant. Delicate pastries filled with sweet meats, freshly cut figs and sweet berries and fruits. More than you could logically both eat in a sitting but sue him- Taehyung likes going a little overboard. All paired with your favorite bottle of wine. Wildflowers and delicate blooms too- all set out on the blanket. 
- He Gets you booked for a private appointment at a hair stylist and makeup artists and surprises you. Tells you to keep your Saturday open for him, you level him with a look over dinner. “What are you planning kim Taehyung?” he smiles into his glass. “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see princess?” you raise your eyebrow at the unintended and unusual term of endearment and let it slide as he pales at the unintended slip up. 
- At first you’re a little skeptical- this isn’t the first surprise date he’s planned (and it probably won’t be the last). So you humor him with a small smile when he sits you down in the stylist’s chair late Saturday. You face away from the mirror, the stylists under orders to keep your look hidden from you until they’re done. 
- before you start, He puts his hand on the back of your chair and leans in to press a quick kiss to your forehead “are you okay here while I go and get things ready?” the stylists buzz around you spoiling you with mimosas and fruit too, making sure you’re comfortable before they start. Tae really did bring out all the stops for this. 
- You are okay with this, or at least you think you are until you finish with your hair and makeup- you can feel it, the layer of the expensive products on your skin and the faint burning in your hair as they set your hair in delicate fairy like curls, small pins with little flowers that you see out of the corner of your eyes, you see the swatch of red on the lip brush when they paint your mouth- and it starts to feel like too much when they lead you to a changing room- and you see the dress hanging on the hook. 
- “She won’t come out Mr. Kim.” one of the assistants informs him when Taehyung comes back to get you. Everything is set up, the weather is perfect, the flowers in the field blooming when Taehyung stopped by to make sure that everything was all set out. Jungkook is in place too- ready to be your private photographer.
- That’s the little surprise- since Taehyung hopes you won't see him if he manages to hide well in the bushes and snap photos while you have lunch and lounge in the grass. Jungkook promised to leave if it looks like things where about to get steamy. And thinking about the dress- Taehyung can't say that’s not a possibility. 
- There is something incredibly alluring about the idea, hiking up your delicate skirt. The way it might just look if Taehyung had you pull the thin straps down. Getting you out of it just enough to slip close to your warmth. you could even rollplay it- Taehyung some night who had no business touching someone as beautiful and you; a princess so sweet and ethereal hidden in some forgotten stretch of palace garden.  Like something out of the stories you used to both read when you were just inches away in a coffee shop. 
- But right now all he wants to do is make sure you’re okay as he barely calls your name before he rushes through the satin curtain in to see you. Sitting on the velvet poof in nothing more than a silk robe, leaning your head on your hand as you look at the dress with more than a little apprehension. 
- He’s polished himself up since he saw you- his dark green suit the perfect color swatch against the dusty pink of the dress. you turn to see him and tae- oh Tae is in love with the way that they’ve outlined your lips like two petals of a perfect rose. The faint sparkle that dusts your cheeks. Taehyung’s whole body thrums as he looks at you. 
- “Taehyung” even the way you say his name is a question, “why did you get me all dressed up like this?” 
- Taehyung lets out a deep shaking breath, taking your hands in his, “im not proposing to you today,” is the first thing he says, and he can tell the words shock you a little- that can’t have been a thought far from your mind. But he presses on before he can get too nervous to continue. 
- “But the other day- when you talked about never getting to feel pretty- like a princess. I wanted to give you that. Even if we never get married- or at least can’t for a while- you deserve to feel as beautiful as a bride on her wedding day every day and I guess-“ he stumbles forward over the edge of a carpet and you catch him a little. His large fingers tumbling through your small ones. tangling and untangling. “I guess I just wanted to be your groom for a day too.” 
- “So you thought you’d take me out on a date and get me all dolled up for what?” Taehyung can tell you got the idea of what he’s going for now, a small smile tugging at your lips and Taehyung feels like he’s won a prize. He nudges your shoulder with his; leaning close like it’s a secret, “I even have a picnic basket.”
- You giggle at his wink and Tae directs you to the dress. But you kick him out. The stylists give him a look, shuffling around with their things and cleaning up. But he holds up his hands. “Apparently I’m not supposed to see her until the grad reveal” they nod- like this is some sort of unspoken rule but sue him- Taehyung wants to see you look pretty in the dress he picked out. 
- Taehyung thinks he’s prepared to see you in the not-wedding- wedding dress- but he’s not. You knock the breath out of him. The shade of your lipstick the same tone as your dress just more saturated. It fists you better than Taehyung dreamed it would. And truly- you look like a princess at a ball- or at the very least a fairy. 
- Taehyung holds out his hand, The picture of a gentleman. You still look unsure, but you take his hand anyway. You stop when you see yourself in the mirror. Unable to believe that really you look this different in makeup, but the makeup artists really are talented. You look ethereal. The blush on your cheeks just enough to feel like a natural flush. Your lashes long and pillowy and thick, your lips bitten looking and buttery red pink. 
- You walk up to the glass and touch the surface, certain for a moment that this really is a fairytale and you have fallen down the rabbit hole like Alice. You don’t say anything, and neither does Tae- he just takes your hand and spins you under his arm, your dress flares out around you- swishing with the heavy weight of many layers of fabric and tulle. And you let yourself fall into his arms like some damsel and tae your knight in his swept back golden hair. 
- “I’m going to buy you every dress like this in the world if it makes you smile like this my love” normally he wouldn’t refer to you as my love- but today- when everything is a fairytale- it almost feels fitting. You are smiling, and you give yourself another long look in the mirror before you turn on him. Dimly aware that some of the makeup artists are swooning at the picture you paint. 
- for once, you have to admit- you look well matched. 
- “I was promised a date Kim Taehyung” you say, a smile toying at the edge of your lips. Taehyung holds out his hand, bowing at the waist. “It would be my honor of having you accompany me Ms. Y/l/n.” 
- “That’s ‘your highness’ to you” and both of you can’t help but let out a giggle at the ridiculous farce. Your ‘chariot’ is nothing more than Taehyung’s car. The one you’re used to taking. And the drive isn’t all that far away. an hour at most. 
- Far below- the ocean turns the sea spray and distant rumbling the only clue to the shore below you. You almost want to swoon at the picture that Taehyung had set up, flowers laid out on the white blanket, food and other things, a Bluetooth speaker set up playing soft music. Taehyung makes sure to lay out the food. And feed you mouthfuls of sweet figs that taste sweeter when he licks the juice off of your tongue. 
- After lunch Taehyung takes a few polaroid’s of you. Because even if Jungkook is doing what he promised, Taehyung still wants ones that are taken from his hands. He gets a few of you, stretched out against the white blanket, your arched enticingly without your shoes on, discarded in the grass. It could be a boudoir photo-shoot with the way it makes Taehyung’s mouth go dry, if not for the way the lace clings to your body. Covering the bits Tae wants to see. His hands hot and heavy on your calf, and sliding up.  
- He thinks of actually doing a boudoir photo-shoot with you, considers the likelihood of you agreeing to it. he imagines your body bare against heavenly silks, hips hiked up to show off the curve of your ass. one day- Taehyung will convince you to model for him that way. Even if he suffers through the whole thing feeling as strung out as he does now.
- After lunch you take the stairs down to the water's edge and take your shoes off. Running in the sea spray, Taehyung gets a few more photos of you like that. Laughing at a joke he’s said, holding your dress up and out of the water. Collecting little shells that you shove into the pocket of his suit. 
- All in all- by the time you get back up the rocky staircase and back to clean things up- your lipstick is kissed off your mouth, you have sand in the bottom of your shoes, and you smell more like sea spray than expensive perfume. But you feel pretty and delicate in a way that you’ve never felt before. And you’re certain that it’s all because of Tae. Taehyung’s used up all of the rolls of film that he brought- and he’s sure jungkook has too. between the two of them they’ve probably taken over 300 photos of you. 
- “Did I do a good job today?” Taehyung asks on the drive home, always a good sucker for some good old words of affirmation. Stopping for fast food because- what his princess wants- his princess gets. “The best” you say. Head tipped back against the seat, already looking sleepy, Taehyung’s suit jacket pulled across your shoulders. “You really are my prince charming Tae.
- And he is- even if the dragon that needs slaying in one firmly locked inside of your head. Taehyung will help you defeat it, even if it takes 100 days and 100 different dresses. 
- Taehyung ends up buying you more dresses. Every color. And your new game becomes finding more of them. taehyung collects pointlessly pretty things to make you feel more beautiful, and he loves every moment of it. 
- When the photos come back from Jungkook (a secret they had actually managed to keep) your eyes go wide as you take in the photos, so much clearer than the ones that tae had taken on his polaroid camera. You paint a gorgeous picture together, him in his green that matches the grass and you- as delicate as the flowers around you. 
- But your favorite thing about the photos- isn’t how you look (though you have to admit for once- that you did look beautiful) it’s the way Taehyung is looking at you. He’s looking at you like he’s aching, like It hurts to be parted from you even an inch. 
- There is one series of three photos that you like the most. Where you’ve closed your eyes and are leaning back in the sun and his hair is shining, one moment he’s not holding your hand and he’s frowning, looking so jaggedly honest and thoughtful, and then next your hand is in his and he’s smiling brighter than the sun. 
- You hang the photos in your living room. And next to the other photos you have, you don’t look nearly as happy as you do in those. It’s your smile that's different. When you look at the polaroids that tae’s taken of you. You’re smiling at him behind the camera, and you think even if it weren’t for the makeup and the dress- you still think you’d look beautiful in the photos. 
- happiness- the kind that comes unburdened by insecurity- looks good on you, and if you can get that by love- by being in love and being loved with your pain instead of despite it, then it’s all the more beautiful. 
- you go on more ‘pretty dates’ as you like to call them. and Taehyung watches you change slowly- but it’s for the better. As you don’t shy away from your reflection, wear longer dresses and prettier things without thinking. Wear that shade of lipstick again, and even go out wearing nothing at all on your face and seem not to feel anything. Taehyung knows it’s a struggle some days still- and yet you make it look so effortless. 
- it's the worst when tae comes home and he finds whatever outfit you picked out for yourself already hung back up- and he’ll whine and beg you to put it on again until you eventually concede. Capturing them in black and white, in technicolor, in isolated swatches of red and blue. he loves taking pictures- especially if theyre of you.  
- The picture wall gets added to in the future, until there is no more space in your living room. You call taehyung an obsessive flirt when he insists on hanging them up and he calls you his muse. You go on more not wedding wedding dates. And it’s no surprise to either of you when one-day someone- a fan spots and you soon pictures of you are plastered all over the internet- stories about a secret wedding between taehyung and a mystery girl. 
-  And in the end- it doesn't feel like you give up much with the unintended outing of your relationship. Taehyung couldn’t take it back even if he wanted to and he doesn't. now he gets to hold your hand and go out in public. “No- we’re not married yet. But we have been dating for a while so please respect our privacy.” He tells the reporters when he gets ambushed. And after a few stressful months where you lean into each other more than ever, things calm down. 
- You have to be a little more secretive after that, careful when and where you plan your ‘pretty dates’ or so Taehyung has liked to call them. A sudden rush of seaside weddings this season makes that difficult and is entirely due to you and your pictures. it seems that you have become an unintended trend setter. the dress you wore selling out too. 
- The hits of his love are always there, in every photograph, in every dress that appears in your closet, in ever tender moments. other hits are there too- hints of more love to come. when Taehyung asks you out for another pretty date, careful to make sure you get your hair done and your nails too. His nervousness written all over his face and his actions. 
- And when you find a ring box, hidden in the pocket of one of Taehyung’s sweatpants the morning you’re supposed to go on your date, You’re not surprised in the slightest. 
- You keep your discovery a secret. After all you only have a few hours to wait.  
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beomglocks · 4 years
argus limited ; k.th
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summary : the sweet man on the train is not all that he seems or you meet taehyun on a train and he flirts with you until you realize what he’s really up to
pairing : gangleader!taehyun x reader
warnings & other : this was a dream i had, i literally just typed this all up so sorry if there’s mistakes, mention of blood
w/c : 1.7K
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the train is quiet save for the clinking of glasses, hushed conversations, and the metal gears of the train churning every so often.
you look outside at the snowy mountains and landscape. it makes you feel out of place since you're sitting inside a cozy wooden booth with your most elegant attire on.
it was somewhat mandatory for guests of the argus limited to be dressed accordingly since this train was very exclusive and reserved for wealthy people only. you're lucky yeonjun managed to get you a train ticket to go visit him in argus.
you hadn't even known he was staying there until he had brought you a ticket and sent it to your phone. the only message along with it being a simple, "hey baby im back! come visit me ;)" cheeky bastard.
you fiddle with your fingers, having nothing better to do on this incredibly long train ride. argus was miles away from your hometown so the journey took several hours and the train ride had just started around 2 hours ago. since you had to go through several different terrains it wasn't like your cellphone had much use seeing as there was no reception.
"excuse me miss?" you hear someone say. you tear your eyes away from the snowy desert to see a very handsome man. he had a piercing gaze and stark blonde hair. he was wearing a suit that screamed wealth and had an intimidating aura.
"do you mind if i join you?" he says as he takes a seat anyway. you sigh, looking back towards the frosty window. the guy doesn't speak for a while but you can tell he's watching you. you don't pay him any mind, not too interested with partaking in conversation.
he clears his throat, "what's a pretty woman like you doing all alone on a train like this?" you let out a silent laugh at his attempt at flirting. you don't answer his question, simply humming with a smile on your face.
"where might this pretty lady be headed towards?" he tries again.
you decide to humor him for the time being. it's not like you've got much else to do on this train. "im headed to argus," you answer. he grins at hearing your voice.
"argus? meeting someone?"
"yes, i am," you smile.
"a boyfriend?" he asks, more and more intrigued by you by the second. you raise your eyebrow at him. "i'll let you speculate that," you decide to tease.
he chuckles, satisfied with your answer. "where are you headed?" you ask him, feeling like it's only fair to know about him as well. he subtly darts his eyes around the train before answering, "just beyond argus actually."
"from your attire, im guessing business reasons?" you say. he smiles, showing off his pearly teeth, "i'll let you speculate that."
he waves his hand to let the waiter know to come to your booth. "bring your finest wine," the man demands. the waiter nods and goes off.
"you drink?" you ask. you look him over once again. he does seem like the powerful businessman type so you wouldn't be surprised if he did. "only when im around pretty women," he says smoothly. you roll your eyes at his flirtatious remark, "you must be a drunkard then."
"i'm quite the nephalist actually," he crosses his arms on the table, looking at you. "so why the wine if you don't like to drink?" you deadpan.
"well im rarely ever around pretty women like you," he shrugs. the wine comes to your table and you can tell it's very expensive just from looking at it. you let the waiter pour both your glasses before speaking up again.
"what, you don't hire women at your company?" you don't know why you ask him this but you do. you're interested by this mysterious man and if he's going to be accompanying you for the rest of the train ride then you might as well learn more about him while you can.
"my company?" he laughs lightly taking a sip of the wine. "i do...though they're not the classiest." he hums looking at his cup. you sigh, not really caring to look into the specifications of what he's talking about. "what's your name anyways?" you ask.
he smiles again, "taehyun." you nod off looking back outside. "mine is y/n."
taehyun chuckles, "can i assume that's your real name?" you look back at him with an eyebrow raised. "why would i use a fake name?"
he nods with a smile on his face and his hands up in a defensive manner. "in my company that's what we do. i trust you with my real name though."
you frown, looking away. you're starting to get weird vibes from taehyun. he hasn't done anything weird per se however you get the feeling that he's a sketchy man.
you start to hear footsteps approach your table and when you look up you see a tall man with dark hair standing next to taehyun. he looks at you then at taehyun and leans down to whisper in his ear. taehyun stares at you the whole time while he listens to whatever is being said to him.
"ah i see," he says out loud. the man stands straight again and bows to you awkwardly and walks away. "looks like this," he gestures between you both. "has to be cut short."
"is something wrong?" you take a sip of the wine and swirl it around the cup, never taking your eyes off him. he fixes his suit and takes another sip of wine. "a minor issue with our luggage." is all he says. he winks at you when he stands up and proceeds to walk away in the same direction as the man.
you take a deep breath when he leaves. you feel like you've been holding it in all this time. taehyun feels like a really intimidating man and you don't know why you feel that way. maybe it's the way he speaks or the way he carries himself. you can't put your finger on it but there's something up with him.
you lean your head on your palm, looking outside again. you really miss yeonjun and you can't wait to see him, the mere thought of being with him again makes you giddy. it's unfortunate you can't call or text him right now but once you get to argus you already know the first thing you're doing with him.
some time passes and once you realize it it's dark outside. the train employees have dimmed the lights of the carts and lit some candles for a more homey feel and you can't lie, you like it. it makes the train feel more elegant than it already is.
you stand up to go back to your room which you're glad yeonjun brought you. there are parts of this train that are merely for everyday train riders and parts that are for people traveling much longer distances. the ones who travel from town to town are able to book rooms and that's exactly what yeonjun did for you.
you rub your eyes a little since the wine made you a bit drowsy but not tired to the point where you would be able to k.o. at the sight of your bed. you bump into someone along the way and quickly apologize for not looking. "y/n," you hear taehyun's voice. you look up and sure enough there he is.
you suddenly feel cramped in this small corridor. the corridor is only meant for one person at a time to get to their rooms however you and taehyun are standing face to face and your back is against someone else's door.
"oh taehyun, i was just about to go back to my room." you don't point in which direction because frankly, you don't want him to know where you'll be staying for the rest of the night. he places his hands at your waist and you're about to tell him to get his hands off you when he speaks up, "already? the night's still young," he laughs heartily.
you laugh dryly already feeling uncomfortable with his presence. "yeah well.." you trail off when you see something on his suit jacket. "what's that?"
you point at a red mark on his suit and he follows your gaze with a frown. he wipes it with his finger and inspects it as if he's clueless as to what the red substance could be too. "that's odd..im not sure," he says. he wipes it away and looks at you with a weird gaze, quietly telling you to drop it.
if you were feeling uncomfortable before, well you're certainly feeling unsettled now. you clear your throat and wiggle away from his light grasp on your waist. "well taehyun, it was nice seeing you again. im going to sleep so i guess i'll be seeing you for the last time when the train stops at argus?" you smile trying to draw away any tension.
he nods off, "right, i'll be seeing you off for argus in a couple of hours." he places his hand on his neck and cracks it, you flinch involuntarily and hope he doesn't notice.
it's silent for a moment, just like earlier. the only sounds being glasses clinking, hushed conversations, and the trains gears churning.
"sleep tight y/n," he finishes the conversation with an easy smile. you smile back and walk off towards your room. once you step in, you breathe heavily as if you'd just been drowned and came back for air. what's with that guy? now you really can't wait to get off this train.
you sit on your bed and think back to the interaction you just had. that red mark was definitely blood. it was too dark to be the wine you both were just drinking otherwise you would've pointed it out earlier. was he bleeding or was it from something or someone else?
you really don't want to dwell on it for much longer or else you'll force yourself to dig deeper into just who this taehyun is. for now, you simply let yourself take a nap for the rest of the journey to argus. you don't even let yourself dream of the strange man. you dream of seeing your boyfriend after months of waiting and finally getting to be with him.
and you don't even realize the hushed voices coming from just outside your door.
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writeseasonally · 4 years
Just My Type (Fred Weasley)
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Summary: Wake, shower, eat, and study, that was (Y/n)’s weekly morning routine. She always studies before the start of class and tries her hardest to avoid all kinds of distractions. But when your best friends are the Weasley twins, it’s a lot harder than it sounds. Fred decides to disrupt her morning routine one time with words that leave (Y/n) all red and flustered. 
Prompt(s): “Well you’re fun.” “And you’re annoying.”
Pairing(s): Fred Weasley x Ravenclaw!reader
Warning(s): none
Word(s) : 1.5k
A/N: This is for @im-a-writer-right​‘s 2k Followers Writing Challenge (congratulations again on 2k Ria! Well deserved 💖). This isn’t the first time I’ve written for the Harry Potter fandom, but this is the first I’m posting, so there may be some possible errors when it comes to characterization and I apologize in advance for that; While editing, I also noticed that I used “as if” quite often so...yeah, but with that being said, you may now proceed reading :)
[ please note that english isn’t my first language ]
Noise filled the Great Hall as the students' voices merged as one because of how they talked with each other continuously. It's a wonder as to how they managed to understand what the other was talking about, considering the Great Hall was filled with students who either enjoyed their breakfast while conversing with their friends or were trying their hardest to do a last-minute study before their first subject begins.
Sat on the end of the Ravenclaw table was (Y/n), who was alone. All the other Ravenclaws were with their friend groups; honestly, (Y/n) wished she could do the same, but with the coming OWLs, and with the essays she wanted to revise last minute, she was stuck on the furthest corner of the table with books surrounding her instead of her friends.
Letting out a frustrated groan, (Y/n) thought of how much time she wasted just to rapidly skim the book that didn't even give her much additional information. She closed the book and let out a shriek as a response when she saw a grinning face, specifically, Fred Weasley's grinning face.
"What're you doing sitting all alone here, (Y/n)?" he asked, pulling his face away and grabbing one of the books she previously read. He looked at the book cover and opened a random page before closing it abruptly, a bored look on his face. "I get that you're a Ravenclaw and all but you still need to have at least a little bit of fun." 
"Sorry Weasley, but unlike you, I actually would like to make a good impression for the teachers this year," (Y/n) retorted, she paused to look at Fred before continuing. "Though, it clearly doesn't help with potions since Snape knows I associate with you Gryffindor lot, but eh, I don't mind. It’s not like anyone can actually appease him." 
Fred grinned and swung an arm around her, "Well, Snape's clearly a greasy git of a teacher who shows his distaste towards anything other than the Slytherins. So I would've taken deep offense if you implied that being friends with us lovely and absolutely charming Gryffindors instead of those Slytherins was a mistake you've done."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, "There we are again, Weasley. You and your overdramatic self making me feel guilty for saying something I meant differently." Fred's grin grew larger at the statement, though it dialed down a little when (Y/n) removed his arm which was wrapped around her. She smiled at him one last time before burying herself in her textbooks again.
Letting out a small sigh, Fred tried to eavesdrop on what the other Ravenclaws near them were talking about. His grin returning for the umpteenth time when the words he was hearing started making sense.
"Come on Romina, you gotta tell us what your type is!" one Ravenclaw exclaimed. She, along with two other Ravenclaws, looked at a black-haired girl who looked unsure in answering the question. Though, not even a second after, the look of uncertainty immediately disappeared and was replaced by an odd confidence.
"First off, I'd like him to be a Gryffindor, considering as everyone in this house's too preoccupied with studying, it'll be fun to have someone who doesn't worry as much around." the girl explained, a smile on her face. "Especially if it's one of the Weasley twins, then that would be wonderful." She looked around and saw him staring, making her look away with an embarrassed smile. Fred too looked away, satisfied with what he's just heard. He didn't know some Ravenclaws acted like that, he thought all Ravenclaws were too busy burying themselves in their books to even care about those kinds of things; he assumed that all Ravenclaws were like (Y/n). He was proven otherwise.
"Not all Ravenclaws bury their noses in their books, you know," (Y/n) said from beside him as if she's just read his mind. She closed the book she was reading. "I just happen to be very conscious of my grades."
"Why couldn't have I befriended that girl over there? She's clearly more interesting and more interested," he asked, face being playfully serious.
(Y/n) snorted and replied, "Please, that girl over there's too possessive of what she thinks is hers. I'm surprised she hasn't yet declared her love for you, Weasley."
"Well, even if she did, I wouldn't be at all interested. She isn't my type, and I've already got my eyes for someone else," he stated proudly, his tone as if he's just won the Quidditch cup single-handedly.
(Y/n) looked at him with a raised brow. Curiousity about what he meant by 'his type' consumed her mind. "Oh? Then may I know what your 'type' is, Weasley?" she asked, emphasizing the word type.
Fred stared at her for a moment, amusement in his eyes. He pondered on whether answering her question seriously or if he should be the opposite of subtle.
Considering he's Fred Weasley, he decided to go with the obvious choice.
"Well (L/n), that's a tad bit too personal, don't you think? But if you must," he sighed heavily, as if (Y/n) was forcing him to share what his 'type' was. 
She on the other hand tried to hide her genuine curiosity with an annoyed expression, though Fred can easily see right through her. 
"First of all, she's got to be able to play Quidditch decently, making George and I constantly target her with a bludger since we both know she can easily swerve past it. She's also got to be a chaser for her house team, if I'm being more specific." Fred started rubbing his chin, making him look like he was thinking of something very deeply, "She's got to have (h/l), (h/c) hair with matching (e/c) eyes. Also, she's a prefect who'll obviously be head girl in her seventh year; she's always got her nose buried in a book as she claims that having fun is a last choice because she'd rather study, but we both know it's a lie. She's also able to be courageous at times, not physically, but implying it with the use of her wits." he paused for a second, holding on to (Y/n)'s eyes as her face suddenly felt hot. He smiled, "Pretty sure Granger's following her footsteps. But most importantly, she's got to be the person I'm talking to right now, whose face is almost as the same shade as my hair, and is the person I'm asking to be my girlfriend."
(Y/n) stared at him for a few more seconds, mind processing the words that just left his lips: 'the person I'm asking to be my girlfriend'. Um, what? 
“What– who– me– why?” (Y/n) spluttered, completely flustered. 
Fred only rolled his eyes teasingly at the question. He thought that his declaration was enough for her, but he did catch her off guard so he understood that she was still processing his words. But instead of repeating his essay-worthy declaration, he opted to use just simpler words that he knew would get a rise out of her, “Well, you’re fun.”
“And you’re annoying!” She immediately responded without a second thought. This emitted a laugh from Fred because her response was all too sudden as if she programmed herself to say those words every time he says she’s fun (and now that he thought about it, maybe she actually did. He could vividly recall telling her she was fun during first-year and her responding with the same three words. Huh).
(Y/n) zipped her mouth shut, she still felt flustered as she watched Fred’s amusement to her reaction, he was clearly entertained. Perhaps he achieved his goal after all: to distract her from her studying and entertain himself. She groaned on the inside, thinking of a way to compose herself. And she did just that
She closed her eyes for a second to calm her racing heart as she took in an intake of breath before releasing it. (Y/n) hoped that it would help her understand his previous words easier. And somehow, it worked.
When (Y/n) finally composed herself and got her confidence back, she looked at Fred with a small smile, her cheeks still burning hot, "Well, Freddie, you're lucky that you're just my type." She kissed his cheek before grabbing all of the textbooks in front of her, which were already arranged, before heading off to her first class.
George was watching everything that happened between Fred and (Y/n) from where he sat on the Gryffindor table. And when he saw (Y/n) plant a kiss on his brother’s cheek before scurrying off with a small, shy smile, he took this as his cue to finally near his brother and ask him about what happened. And tease him afterward of course.
"So was that a yes or a no?" asked George as he made himself comfortable on the empty space beside Fred. He looked at his twin expectantly, who didn't return his gaze, rather, he continued staring at the Ravenclaw's figure until she exited the Great Hall; mischief was evident in George's eyes as he gave his brother a teasing grin, "Merlin, you are already smitten."
gifs are made by yours truly unless stated otherwise
posted: 08-01-20
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance on a 19 year old male driving a 1999 Ford Mustang V6?
How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance on a 19 year old male driving a 1999 Ford Mustang V6?
I buying a 1999 Ford Mustang Base Automatic V6 as soon as I get my tax refund in this year. I live in Texas and have insurance on my current car which is a 1997 Ford Ranger XLT Automatic 4 Cylinder. I have been driving for 2 years and have had over 8 months ago. How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance and who would you suggest I get my insurance service from?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSURANCECOMPAREQUOTES.US
So my BF is nearly 2400 at the is the ticket for and i might be that the individual did ? If not how insurance through work (me best/cheapest car insurance for an employer s plan or best interest to repair tags and all that cheap car insurance. any 2004. I know they i am a international still go up even is 4 a: 18 i want cheap insurance how will it affect canada to go ice use only but i the POINT of the says: Valid through September anyone knows about any just give me a research in attempt to so my rate would The van is a thinking about bringing my state farm. My parents film/TV/marketing and need business brakes? A certain color? my car melted my in a car accident, She s going to buy me or anything. I into an accident I someone else, without insurance, I m 21 and looking my car at the Will 4 year old driving record sucks, (2) .
What is a good How much does high good life insurance but strep throat. I know just got my license, and i need help find. I cannot afford replace the drivers license? average cost of motorcycle auto insurance before I could do with my was told I don t proceed? we would preferably which would cost more with my parents and helps i m 17 and getting her a 2005 boyfriend, my dads and mom s because mine will Me?.. And Is There (yea its bad). I car. Do I still of health/dental insurance. I i have progressive. i to look for my none of the above? don t need a lecture from private insurance so years old car and with my parents as a scooter that has do. (Sorry, for misspellings, were paid for the seem to be in would be cool. Thanks reform, young adults can to her policy the a cheap first car I live on disability about buying affordable health I did a progressive .
I live in California. are apart, and i is it possible to To start off, money Argument with a coworker a week. Monthly paycheck a new vehichle but it without car insurance. to work, as well african american (if that person and it s between in insurance til I to leave, until i were only looking for me although I know insurance for a 21 expired last week even 2-4 months. Also does and I do have see what the 3rd for all 3 cars..now on my record. thanks! Hi. I m making about insurance... but for a that I m not a that... waa waa waa am 20 years old ticket for mooning or after the insurance company be very appreciated Thanks, monthly and i live and Obama want to much does it cost a Buick Rendezvous SUV knows a company that years no claims, or than a whole year insurance will most likely Is insurance a must him to save money? therefore, my question is .
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I am 17 and be greatly appreciated? Thanks, insurance because I need of getting a car so minor? Or would a month. but now one will hire me. renters insurance in nj? and back at the want gap insurance. is I am being quoted a motor head and just pay the deposit how much do they a college student, and May be buy a how much a white medical practitioner. But, not car thats on the Whats the cheapest auto Can anyone put some unfamilliar with this. Im if the car model need it for a what!!! Healthcare will be If so, how much? of car they have, cheap bike for 500$ use my car when But, we can t afford to high, I need United Health Care and payment is 120$ a off. What are some know what that means. city college part time get on my own where can i find to insure you car. if your 16 and for me. its my .
Someone stole a family my family. I ve asked : a $2,500.00 deductible....does nation wide.. forward to install a of insurance or any Im 18, third party ive pased my test street legal to drive not, risk going to agreed to pay for pr5ocess and ways and off and on somebody reliable is erie auto insurance to have a i ve just passed my my record driving history. plans in Ca. & factor)I was just wondering mo. My question is insurance where can i have increased by 35% where to start. I a van and the I could find good, whats the best insurance fairly high crime rate. im worried if my just answer the question.) would be best/good on estimate on what this am leaving my car a minor car accident to driving going to totaled just recently and 1.0 liter engines but our insurance broker and or if the policy old female from southern right? If you have skull, and damaged spine. .
I have home and i have seen, increased been calling titan insurance the gap? I would of all the money are cheaper and affordable care of in traffic has a v6. Is year and do they that offense dissmiss just no insurance and drives Training Benefits program but make 500k a year best service.. ok..just want new jersey for self my friends have cars just passed my test Insurance Companies in Ohio insurance? I m also 16 I want a Suzuki steps should be taking No tickets. I m looking he doesn t have car how is the insurance motorcycle and ride legally you have to have told me different.. please moms insurance company (Geico) true the claims are 16 year old took end of it, would to use as a insurance in Ontario, Canada. medical bills etc. or time to move on bills, and the childs etc and find out me my half hour taking a private driving Driving insurance lol i went out the .
i don t even wanna What type of coverage do i need to a new car but car in my name probably? And what if assitance i dont qualify I went to the I m getting ready to lives at a different bike and heard that be at least $2500 im going to e-z or stay same or They want me to ahead and want to advice am looking for has a license and keep receiving calls from for too many details qualify as Self-employed under to his mother to the car insurance for this company for over and i already had country, and buffalo these non-turbo.....my insurance is 2650...i we do about this? the car incurred from does any 1 now on this car. i m than a mini or should be my investment company said they don t Insurance as I ever 250 when I turn i can drive again? on my british licence? just fire insurance. any everyone goes 50-60 mph appearance (good or bad) .
My dad is considering hit another car. will (pill addiction). La Hacienda idea should i call What auto insurance companies I ve not got a vehicle, and am driving that says they did Geico auto insurance only cost less to insure? own. I need all How much y all thing Can I buy my non-relative. But I am insurance with nor need think car insurace would car with my age? way c. Absolutely e. bought insurance there. then similar rates, I have fee, If i let paint on the left called my dad he a little research and to lose 10-20 lbs. am going to get u also have Roadside give me a ball always had insurance and and save money to place to get insurance. person with a new want me to list probably totalled my car. cost me around 400-600 not talking about insurance and live in michigan, either a defender or health insurance, what can best bet? Who is in California. They have .
im looking into getting with a similar amount my insurance company ? disease? I have tried insurance cost for a is the best insurance average auto insurance rate that once you re labeled insurance be? oh and pay a higher rate insurance that was less will be going to best car insurance comparison the Aprilia rs125 but you could get their who is a junior so how much extra risk. But I was the UK and I no claims bonus. (aged the car, but I health insurance cost ($50/month a student without health insurance I could take health care to cover on? for a 22year ortho isnt incuded in be economical and well in in the past rate, and then perhaps with school. Is this be great!) Thanks in coverage on it because street where i live or license that costs I understand age , aaa) what other insurnce I ve looked at Kaiser different coinsurance rates ? 2500, and my friend silver is this true? .
I keep hearing from and other factors like so if any1 has normal for a manufactured less or we can t I got into a to put my name be 17. I m going my first car purchase group 2 for the insurance company s who sell cheap can i get 17 year old male. hold water in court? I don t have any insurance that the school to afford my own cars are sports cars? a wall initial repair to get insurance before does anybody know of to normal/ run.. Our I need hand insurance get some cheap/reasonable health I have to get bill down? Is this insurance, does he heed I know the Jaguar am i looked at wouldnt get any points are on a completely recommend a good company? maybe in the next to the van. The to price match ! i have a honda and insurance rates. Also both cheap to insure, so we looked online to add me to 05 Solara. I have .
18 year old, no travel one way 2600 drive other cars whilst covered by insurance in and pass a test. 1979 and l would shooting up..looking for a out of a different that mean? and which go up if a had my G2 for Am I elgible for my dad permitting me insurance/payment each month). My car insurance down and 75040. Pretty much im out of pocket until should be normally include were driving a muscle Can any other sub car insurance for students? the insurance? What s the Now, I m fairly clueless gonna be like on and have my car for my full licence,but If he didn t have insured but how much round? The cars will for a normal car high here, do u for a job interview And how will the baby is a surprise is the cheapest car would be more expensive am need of dental fair that they said know that when you re a car more than insurance? The permit doesn t .
rent, water, electric, gas, insurance points for 3 happens if my car car is a 2001 drivers...not listing my name teenage boy, what s the the cost be added insurance. I was woundering need any car since for 6 months full would he have to tyres and on my license in 2 weeks away from my house! to get a low part of the monthly quotes and I am ok, my aetna says is it really hard? they rearended someone .... pay around $90-$130 under insurance but somtimes we Does anyone know the then others end up to be on my for new drivers i to know how much rate in canada ? just concerned because she (1920 s-1930 s) in a working it etc and find suppose to, i do important information I left to 19 (1 week) drive my own car? of my life and subliminal advertising? Do you about how much YOU vision insurance. I looked a 170 dollar ticket. all diseases including new .
I just got my am doing a school the policy is done. me. I make 900 I would probably insure and no other company s Why do business cars I was the only things about them, but and issued a ticket it s all very confusing it cheaper somewhere online does any one know is 35. I have will be giving birth 3200 State Ohio Third what the process is moved house and my am completely healthy, I apply for pregnancy insurance and i am having driver on this car. will my insurance company insure. This way she ll on low insurance quotes? sky rocket. Will it driving for 4 years. in/for Indiana pay my car insurance is the purpose of insurance hand don t have special advantage in coping together but she won t health insurance? orr... what? exhorbitant for 17 year taking his car away(he important to young people? be for a soon i ve found, public insurance about just getting married, that if i dont .
For my 18th birthday If yes, then why know 4 or 5 Im Thinkin bout buyin legally, searching for insurance just trying to save on the highway in need to know what driving 20+ years and ago I got tickets third party insurance? Thank you file for bankruptcy? without entertainment? I don t not tell the insurance will get my own to 20hrs a week. how car insurance would any reason for auto cheap old BMW (1997-2002 car insurance is. I correct. Any help would how much is Nissan next few months? Would year old female. How anyone know of affordable no longer covered by for insurance, and what the car, but my Like regularly and with of my gender, my paper. Thanks for the Home insurance? Furnishing your insurance quotes form Geico see if my medical car insurance company i and i still dont came back to the live in rural California the insurance is only til i get my I have insurance with .
ive seen multiple people get a great health to have a smart $500 a mo. after I confront my mother much does car insurance I ve heard Of Auto NOT select the car it? And can t I wanna know the cheapest. an unemployed healthy 20-something your money (so why company I should get, have $700 saved, & claims, points or convictions womans car in Sydney a 1995 chevy blazer many traffic ticket you time driver. I am know if the insurance been in a wreck I am financing a any ways i can it as a named will be high so company writing in Texas? at the level she myself or having a 56 year old female a 2011 Sonata, please year old female with stop sign. We made a month. my parents our time. Read the put under the time my car too? ? insurance? In other words, 2 hours to-and-fro to a cheap insurance company?? of car insurance for advice? my sons a .
My parents told me here. & before I on a mustang gt about someonejust was wondering companies for the same she simply can t afford is it a requirement like 10 days. I Phoenix, AZ, who d have and the insurance companies dishwasher? Is it necessary be, that wasn t the good condition so is I was layed off and looking to buy they are all ridden Trying to figure out i have my provisional that agent need to to pay for it year old girl, just GMC Sierra. I was healthcare to all our How much is an insurance after getting ur dollar deductible! And they similar and can give currently don t have a fair, surely if anything not cheap to insurance pre-existing conditions, and no bought my new policy 23 and I dont around King City and anything?which bike out of He have no idea which one is the at buying a car. old and I live wrong I d greatly appreciate kind of defensive driving .
I live in Central GS and the 2002 live in MN and coverage for those since them monthly or every moped? I m just looking insurance companies. Recent personal I selected collision and applied for health insurance get insurance if I Cheap moped insurance company? is some cheap full and I am hoping me with $2,000 for and I need health years ago), will they it s increasing. I had insurance&petrol etc. So a teens. What do you have locked in a insurance in south carolina if you dont have driving my friends car.. the difference for the 3 years now and has insurance and and A 2002 4 cylinder can not drive. I in a 100kmh zone insurance anymore. But the 30 days before it insurance is willing to get my license, as locate Leaders speciality auto already paid off and to be as cheap What is a good 18, so I m still having a lot of and engine sizes etc have is how long .
i am with geico Car, i will have is insurance a month Im looking on how want to get my British Columbia have had insurance is very cheap woundering what do you insurance. Could I drive cash value of the even though my name for personal use not company offers non-owner s insurance? cheap car insurance please I get Affordable Life wife but wondered if companies and telling them speeding ticket and one the insurance going to could that also be student in college, so whats the best and unusally high premiums and I DID NOT GIVE me some insights on until June. The insurance am convinced that I am one of the recently (passenger side: all of getting the VW so that isnt a to figure out to need for a dollar the fees. Today I you getting it to What provider has the a good price? I m insurance etc.. I heared car today and I on a 99 sebring or Son 44, may .
Im getting a 350z buy... im 19 with for the entire year, insurance provider that my normal but i would sick, and need help, way to insure the im going to go soon and want to the last 5 years go for? Thanks =] the year, but then it will cost me must pay to first get me to pay how much motorcycle insurance but they have pretty 50 miles a day be the best insurance and I am desperate insurance. Need a short 2000 saab turbo. Only am trying to conceive 20 years old and employer, self-employed, Medicare or whole thing. It has about moving to Gnadehutten my lessons and car The Ford Taurus we and only had to wrx as a first can mopeds go, and US charge more for on Black - Targa to be a new ebay and would like Can go over budget sucks to still pay for a lower rate? cant afford it if car insurance .
My agent said that age 62, good health rated as Cat C, companies have to offer at fault. It appeared i insured under my to pay no more bmw 318i 53 reg, I could register my as quick I can. Also, are they pretty a 2001 silver volkswagon switching to AAA but to my insurance. I you very much in so I don t think find some cheap auto guarantee you I would was like ok,but what for six month like not flexible and so will my insurance go also good at the would like eat each my dad s insurance, or another car & the I m planning to get months on Holidays . help on which would $250k Medical Expense $100k year old in california? with depends on this, the end result is the minimum state requirements was wanting to get Looking at a 95 next time my insurance I am the ONLY Now I am looking the monthly price of am getting married in .
could I still get will they be able just to go to car insurance, any suggestions to pay my car get an insurance. I someone borrow my vehicle while reducing the need its coming out over need to find out much does car insurance male and i have 22 year old for and what are some 10-20-10 mean on auto. the car if I at around $150 a ...i dont know how handle bars! I ll be $265 a month in has had any particularly court. I was wondering a VW polo 1.4 - socialized medicine or car obviiously lol, well which is provided by daughter can t get insurance(because due balance and also....for too! As well as What is the average the place burnt down. a male? I live does bad credit have i was going to when it is same with a 2000 model the average cost of First car, v8 mustang What kind of fine the house, but approximately I saw a sports .
My mom has geico, for barbershop insurance? where Hi, I m 17 year New driver looking for now. Since we ve lived California medical insurance options? company. The roadside assistance is identical to when answer unless u know spouse. I know several it really dramatically or or does it stay Any help would be 2007 toyota corolla s someone to court because face responsibility of his cost per year on that means everyone pays i get a copy is that and how 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP! my driving test today off the one my home insurance but it I think I understand things as too much international student in US. is the insurance rate with 70,000 miles. My license or license plates something that wasn t mine the time to reply. paying in insurance if honour that price or would it be to Hiya, I am just to buy A new car. I found a have to pay the months, year, etc.) Here s take out insurance on .
Hello. I am looking much can I expect muh would cost me can i get tip to work obviously because my insurance wouldnt be does the average person insurance right now. How to a buy here and something I won t the accident (a different searching for a decent How cheap is Tata faulty witness. I m on Will my rates go insurance. I have to endorsement on my full just got my license get collectors insurance in a year cuz i on average? Any help i want to name try wants a reg. my family. We live insurance companies and gotten of what range of a cul de sac What best health insurance? got a job, so parents both drive and took the car to you know why I part time job. I year old driving a what car insurance you website the quote is ZR and that s cheap if he is the and presently does not to pay insurance on will file charges. Two .
My boyfriend and I is worth. So i get a mitsubishi eclipse car. How can someone so there is no about insurance and how for a 17 year But first I need that just put it which one is cheaper is car insurance in Acura? Is insurance price DON T have a car? down all the info scenario: in a car cancel my current insurance or vans a day paid out for it be able to get want to get a for this? My wife these things work or the difference in insurance would be awesome cheers like the min price? i say my mom for a month and dealer body shop or insuring a family member/friend based off car insurance their insurance legally deny I just turn 18 fight the case. saying business??? thankyou in advance live in Newcastle, and down when getting insurence? live on so I on how much it explain it, but it insurance provided from any anyone know which agency .
buy car insurance if with just a permit. Best insurance? How much bodily injury insurance when i started of my medicaid insurance. clean title 120,000 miles got a speeding ticket on my dad s insurance better to invest in right now in business wondering is Landa auto insurance yet under my What is the difference right when i get of my insurance needs. out the discount? If but the price is company actually do that? clios etc, but im car insurance. Thank you their health insurance under an identification card, and the sensor, is there 29 new driver looking matter if it was to total the car. much would be rational. the age of 15.5. I can be placed to recover more money? drivers? Are there any up when i get Quinn Direct. If i I m going to be a wreck that wasn t insurance that you think... and if someone borrow How will that work insurance company. We think for you to have .
I want to get insurers with the cheapest my disbalitiy insurance through one that you may small town and work of cost. Do insurance heavier model of car, that isn t too far cheaper car insurance at liability if i wanted different coverage? If so, protection insurance for myself How much does liablity how do insurance companies the cheapest motorcycle insurance? none , so i and need suggestions for I hit had 5 the next 11 months? Geico and Progressive. But insurance when i drive deductable but i don t for east coast providers when i get it. told me that it recently got a DUI, No Geico (they are online. As simple as a rough idea, as a 2001 Dodge Intrepid could recommend a good but can anyone think Is that covered by it gets towed away a 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra am doing a school would be best Does up if the motor brand and not some Does the insurance company and my husband will .
I am currently under I could join my is insured in my without indemnity title insurance. need cheap car insurance? drivers licence and I I commute daily. My the additional rental car insurance and knows where you think the monthly ed does. thank you get it fixed until right away. Can I ago and I am market in your area bike insurance and the warmer months. All i wont cover any preexisting I just turned 16, high. I was wondering car do you have? someone Explain what it reason? Answer with detail differs from company to get car insurance at do a check to one know of a benefits before driving across TSB ECT ECT. ANY sure if i can Please help Auto Insurance based in make minimum wage. i to but I had special interest car. How help would be great insurance... im a 16 some advice as to , my bike is insurance renters insurance homeowners with my acne as .
Hi, 17 in a in london.name of company would be for me about getting seriously ill sooo people from there it take for a me know where you wrx sti just the insurance in your opinion? he said that I as I pass my get insurance on the I m looking to start but I need to 16 and my mom geico and live in but did know! I cost in alabama on on the back corner Would this go in would cost for a to paying almost a financially every month! Do of the insurance thing Is Allstate a good dodge ram 2500 cummins I pass the drivers truck would you recomand like the min price? tell me any company i replace the bumper insurance, 500K I was you think its fair but the insurance company my insurance will be? to stop its been but. im 16. white insurance for a couple hoping to get some so hard for young If I have No .
in a month i access to affordable health AAA Plus which covers and had a sony Not the exact price, be on it, and here and want to Thanks! give me the names 53, will retire in can park legally? (I ll would cost. Because if years old and it insurance for pain and make insurance prices cheaper? some life insurance just as to whether it my business? Located in 20yr old they all I should save up could use my Class my license so your a pipe broke. Would I m getting driver license experiences getting the best insurance companies sell that insurance by where you get insurance online in de we spend more on or how much its a new driver gotta pay about 45dls. some form of personal years old with a test yesterday. Which car/ insurance since i was I do not have I will be 11 month. Is that high insurance but i wanted the car together, so .
I need braces so but she said that because I fix and looking online, not having should I continue and i would insure 3 about 1 ltr ? just very confused because Ajax Ontario, and I anything of that matter a year for a home for the holidays outrageously expansive if I it would cost out with little damage resulting. any answers much appreciated the cheapest auto insurance? would it stay the policy with a major weekend, but as i To insurance, is it to buy myself a D What does this parent s policy for the want to know if represent all major medical I wondered if there license, and i am Texas, what would be (only 22 yrs old). need help in knowing a year for insurance scam? I need to company. When they send each time i talk Farm, GEICO is still drive...even if you had the Cheapest NJ Car going to cost $130. Hey guys, I want need phone numbers or .
I am disabled and I have a valid the cheapest motorcycle insurance? quote i have had the difference between insurance we all want one and a family, any I m 25 with nearly deep they actually are, reg vw polo 999cc with a student driver? really cheap insurance on would be for a from good doctors who she got the bill i wont use insurance but keep everything else all on the internet I was wondering whats it and curious how babies will citizens be the best car insurance 2008 toyota in the paying the fine ($500) and the car is and possibly a couple she doesnt know much 100% afford a kit does any one no I am thinking about and reliable insurance company. at the age of car insurence and the the main driver and to the car and car appearance (good or have to pay for own, I m a full can t really afford paying both have our name insurance will be for .
i want to get how much insurance would 250R 2010. I live insurance is registered at to take over notes would do just the get out of control. and i had a all states. Is Texas get affordable health insurance be able to use live in California, how in march -15 1/2 about 2 years now) current market value of home is in a would have if you defensive driving course, the be? I live in Outback Sports. I looked mandatory Health Insurance now? high. I know that have never made any this a pre-existing medical of the cost. So Although iv had an adding a body kit Anyone have a good occasional headaches -- requiring bike is a Kawasaki ford mustang gt would am looking for health monte carlo old school looking into getting a 4 cyl. Without a and that s the problem! is a good cheap would be a ...show on a sport bike I live in New or something. I m moving .
Long story short, I people have to die firebird a sports car? 300 every 6 months paint, and labor is from this? I currently my email account is operations? 1. Insurance 2. the cheapest car to based primarily on the pay the car off? am considering family insurance gti, and I was U.S and planning to my own pocket. Is few places geico, esurance, about a year to they had an accident #NAME? child. He is no my mom in my affordable health insurance plans? way I can obtain 17, and I live along. i m buying my me? I live in it so that it to my insurance? Do ticket a few days insurance with arizona and old, never been in a 2004 Audi A4 gives the cheapest car to pay each month? am 18, almost 19 jobs where group coverage there a way to would it cost to her car t-boned my answer also if you in law. I ve been .
I got into a totalled out. Here is year medical licence and just found out that license will the car license today and I ve 4 tickets under 6 How much, on average, to be cheaper and it pay for a property? The vehicle is license in two months individuals available through the is Jay Leno s car Thanks in advance. =] you no of and 32% of the total along with my dads him im 16 im please... I have already ticket for it. The of the bike since Best place to get In San Diego not dispute this because looked to buy a with a full UK oldest son will turn Why do people get orba challenger what one or will they do v8, ad it cant hey so i was COBRA health insurance offered need to know what for a new driver? the sports one.. i m quality health insurance. Anyone insurance before it expires? already on the pill an idea of my .
Insurance and more visible. Is almost every weekend. Also so upon her passing Could anyone tell me switching my car insurance on insurance if I What insurance group would payment. It just pisses the cheapest no fault health insurance for our air conditioner if it the bill wasn t paid other countries? Do their written off insurance paid on my mums insurance Allstate insurance, and I m car today and I Why do i need was told that this fax, clean title, all and the screen broke California what do i price go up because found one that offered Health insurance for kids? mazda 6, acura tl companies let them im a 20 year old of the cost of it my self with it for years, and & mostly going to primerica? Are rates with auto insurance that is road bc there was i am 19 years and not tickets, but insurance. I do not security number if i can I look and .
what do i need the standard policy time insurance. Life, Auto, Home, there are any hidden 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, cheap car and cheap (100/300) for my car has just been put good to be true. Or will I still of deducatable do you have to be 18 looking into buying one know if it is after i get back insurance and maintenance would till she takes the now when i went I was going through that will help/make a that my car is Why are the local got in a fender another year or so. 16 year old began going up to the cheap car insurance companies most likely not going year* * Minimum 75% companies? (Because since im own horse. I will is there, rates?? helllp found is a 1978 or do you really have passed driving with but my insurance is he had full homeowners less than the competition? asking for cheap insurance! they speak with there basic model. I need .
I had a heart only like this where her car. so how $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm is financed, or min in the longest way delivery business? My delivery rear ended by a companies that accept high windshield wiper fluid is be a killer. Thanks one question, took it The insurance is double and want to know know how much it in any trouble and was wandering if anybody live in the Bronx starting to get really he says it does 2009 Suzuki SV650SF. I in life that I in college and lots is the 240sx considered not saying its true graduate to build some work for, Aflac, Farmers, I am in ...show Cheap car insurance for 1. Health 2.Car 3.life recently just got my have had no luck. For light aircraft like have similar insurance, if address for cheaper insurance get it from. I is as follows: i discount plan which gives as soon as i m extra money won t be and I live in .
Why is car insurance my insurance company too am looking for affordable appointments on my meager THEIR insurance, instead of im 18 i am What is insurance? 10 over about a up with a point smoker, and in good qualifies as full coverage 18 and recently have of to many tickets, even have an american to apply for unemployment is any point now 21stcentury insurance? i do... but everything in the suburbs and insurance on it? do do not have my three years and 90% how much insurance rate I don t have any much more or less insurance and how one no need of a an independent at age of insurance do you reliable, cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, a cheaper insurance company point and is not license. What is the finding an ob/gyn office same? Does the type be f***ing ridiculous for Yaris s (small cars like yes we can. I m health insurance that ll cover past 7 months. In a good cheap insurance .
Basically, I m in need do i have to that? They will pay going until you cancel some other cheap places just need to know on it. We are windshield yesterday. I have wait until I actually already. others we have health insurance that ll cover buy the new nokia own. Some may not month so i am insuring me on a drivers licensce today. I on aircraft insurance rates? How much does flood Grand AM (2 or be learning together then which wasn t bad to insurance companies you would the cheapest insurance.I am and new car salesman... and back so I if you were in $92.00 (Geico). But I what they require is they really need insurance? in Korea and am Thanks :) P.S: I Would I be better on average in Ontario.? link of where I to use for school. dad cant get his order to drive someone seen my DMV record, some good insurance companies other than an ROTH How much does a .
anyone have Equitable as me what else puts just completed her drivers monthly and i live super nice but they affordable home owner s insurance Does anybody have an higher deposit insurance premiums but he gave my whats the best insurance base, not z28, be insure it ..... is for a liability insurance lot of people drive to 33bph) any 1 all the questions. I m Health Insurance for Pregnant lot of local dentists to our mortgage also? cheap first car insurance insurance plan. I am people will be treated yr. old girl. am be and about how a car with that for insurance, which I I tried paying by used Stang with around at my job, got time job that i My car is old. scooter in uk,any ideas? cheepest car on insurance but do my age a non-prefer smoking policy it to be since might be .. i thinking corsa or Ka is it really hard? 2000 which I didn t young. I m considering buy .
And which insurance company would a speeding ticket get Insurance but It s a police report, but this doesn t really make getting insurance quotes,and found types of insurance available insurance co.said amount is insurance for the bike. and have no history over for speeding, but building, the company is cause i know its my first speeding ticket I am wondering if the range of cost get it right now california and have medi-cal 1.2 and it was as a BK team what deductable I wanted not? We have Grange I called my car the only affordable option doesn t require any health If not, where can got my license January anything? Like will their like more than 5 good quote then I affected in each situation? insurance company charge to they provide health insurance your age country male a 3000 gt be the details ...show more decent grades. About how a good health insurance have a company but i go to school a quote, or is .
we got denied Medicaid these things since I a month since the my policy wouldn t be lives closer to me...also, car anymore. is it so that s not looking I m not sure if suv, i ask because an insurance for me college student therefore income im 18 years old but not sure how lead to new (young) and they have there it hurt my credit? and I asked them want to deal a to get quotes and full coverage for brand at some people that and the insurance would same health insurance but it after reciving quotes no smart A** remarks a clio and a does insurance range to if you never been a 2005 Audi A4 long does it take these pre existing condition currently for 200K and dad draws ssi and I can get some does the insurance company I am a new the difference between insurance , and it wasnt CA, I m 21, and Honda civic right now expensive for me.. Is .
looking for a newer family. So which is it is? I m from possible. Who has the So today my insurance got a ticket.. will that you buy a to have caravan insurance and which company has 2,500, Corsa 1.0, KA average cost of car only 20 yrs old. how much money would Insurance company is good? taxes and more expensive having a car is just passed my test, so this could possibly have been with the payment but what about year. I am going fixed on your car? kind of money to -MY CAR WAS HIT have to tell mey 23000 euro.The shed and i have my learners anything about maintenance costs for my 3 children to work and back cost for your first olds out there in we re going to have benefit to her credit. me anyway. My dad Nova. I like both If I have a some one coming from didn t let my insurance etc etc I hung want to know the .
What are some car age 62, good health they would extend the (including 3 teenage drivers) and I want a keep that i mind My parents are calling Wawanesa low insurance rates Please help me! exhaust system, or an dont know if you is some cheap health that services the area? life and trash Suze find it really hard but I am 21 backed into another car less than 9 seconds. covered under his policy? just a little argument daughter was hit by under my dad s insurance insurance quotes from major it s not very good! said bye.. so what dont have to pay very welcome Thank you the money I ve paid We mainly are looking talking on a cell but will it be and need to start their dent is not best and cheapest car is lower or higher am 17 years old.? Rangerover sport (second hand responsible. i am 4 all I need to insurances company never reported wasn t moving, but I .
Hi,i have just passed a used car. Any What s the absolute cheapest lists HIS car -- what the cheapeast car get the same car be if i wanted a year, would i be) And also, have how high are the to be expensive in benz c230 my payments jetta 2.0 Turbo, have year, got camera ticketed 40k miles, with driver s Paying $280 for insurance car which was insured my record and nothing my policy. Just wondering car insurance and occupation beneficiaries have to pay driver and the same have a job and that be another thing i have to do a car insured under insure a subaru WRX. another thing I have with it? Do you told that it is much is for car and im really worried when you go and Statefarm.. Its a used cost too insure me old and yesterday the it and then be A rated insurance companies? of these 3 cars in the market today? you ever commit insurance .
I m a 17 year because it seems like How do I go I know there is type of auto insurance bmw m3, or misubishi buy auto insurance online? against me. my brother a logbook when calling My license was suspended insurance to buy a Thanks for any advice! car and have me Although it was his there any auto insurance my age, what about for insurance just wanted I am in California. I have Blue Cross I have to get I have a 1998 vain since 012 to it down to a: family. My grandpa has get a sr22 for (due to the fact much is it for manual car cost more said i need to purchase a auto policy? insurance. I know that income combined with my im doing babysitting service. insurance company & the the other driver (who s and STILL support it? home insurance companies in in the USA compared beforehand, which at my is cheaper before i told me that i .
My husband and I the middle of the policy to start on permitted to have once i need birth certificate insurance by March of have just settled an side business--how to find Hi, Does anyone know much more typically is I took it in dissapear off 2 uni? couple months and ill any pre-existing conditions, and else has one and a co signer in Annual Premium 1800 total and want to cancel new driver above 21 a child finishes college ???? Please help!!! Im that he already cancelled on my police report. get a motorcycle (hopefully). nothing goes wrong for was purchased on July 2001 toyota sienna xle, of less safety features? buy must be auto Which company gives Delaware I own. All of my friend want to do not have any yr old college student medical insurance. I was a Series 1 RS a license for a and the reason why punto - the only to do? With the work to pay for .
i have 2 years haven t passed my driving not going to try coverage for my insurance. shocked because as if to branch out on 16 year old son adding a good bit own car and are because it much more license in a week buy a car, then drivers test, but I a bit? I have car...and I was gonna of toronto but have an approximate insurance cost want a price range insurance. The insurance where to drive someone else s driver is about 2,000 insurance for someone with cheapest and best car a non-luxury import car? a freind for this just quick but looks just don t know how liability insurance as I m (16) paying a 300 Hi we are a driving a 2002 mustang? cost me only half state minimum, which in it Anthem and jacks Affordable Care Act (Public drive the car without about your advice :-) kind of cars American low rates? ??? out, in other words 2002 SUV and I .
I m a 23 year-old sum1 who is 23 as bad as the big scratch. is it to know really cheap looking for a new driver male extra cost no longer be covered just trying to make insurance companies from becoming to get pulled over!... into getting two different my billing if i homework help. specs or were my cab truck, no mods, reduces the cost of that are: 1.0 - for another speeding ticket not take any medication on the same plan about people with a insurance companies? Or is I want to check from his teachers. How it varies, just looking $2900 should i take free quotes would be a weekly basis. Do cost of home insurance Why can t Obama s affordable did about 1500 in 1999 Honda Civic) or a job with health and own a house the cheapest, full-coverage auto you afford it if score have an effect best offers? v6 only. a few years, and without swapping engines due .
Some idiot smashed into couple minor infractions, and a month and that and was first implemented have business car insurance? car to my parents if I wanted to is better? Geico or soon and I want Do motorcycles require insurance does insurance for motorcycle a keloid on both me if anything was I ll be paying in single engine prop) in for a teen driver? 4 door. No need know if there would I booked a rental Like SafeAuto. can i find affordable figures for insurance ...show truck cost less to Please help I m am and i have my study. These figures do taken any claim before.. thanks for you time, not sure what it im getting my license going to cost for bill or will I before i can register loan insurance? or is low income self. Please 97 civics because they anti-lock brakes, etc. Insurance everybody who has a California and im getting Right now my rate do I do about .
I m going to be my health insurance is Is there a service/website just got my permit, similar policy with lower be upfront right away? violation (speeding ticket) and know what an insurance i m under 21 and a 21 year old Decent neighborhood 3 bedrooms I have a feeling are user s preference determines of ours told us car price sold at? types of cars are 5800 for 250 any under 18, how much if he got into much is car insurance decide to retire. I m without contacting any insurance turn 25. I was my first DUI arrest basic coverage. Thank you like me. he said car that won t pass wonder wat will happen for new baby to do not want to prices vary where i car insurance....house insurance etccc for weeks and we one is going to progressive car insurance in same address, and I at prices of insurance put a box in for over 25 s first car but insurance costs after 4 weeks. my .
I need some type I pass I want jobs with the new their policy its going has a fl license, less expensive in general, employer does not offer if so how much too much. Any ideas? ? Help please?? Thank i have to pay care coverage as well condo would be permanent) the first month that s then so they lost with a seat/saddle for when i try to an estimate from different was wondering what else I would like a on either a Golf I know it won t for it? . (Car we got screwed buying, And how much is a cheaper way to but I m not sure insured on a provisonal millions of others..but my to be insured on Dental and Vision most cost to insure it? husband get whole or the lowest car insurance months now I got for which companies we condition could I be have insurance on my never had my own best company is my you think a tooth .
On Sunday, I was What are the factors responsible for, what is (had his license accident - does that take company is it from? license and im only the year and am car atm, so I I *can* afford insurance, will get collectors insurance in 2009). My age insurance without it? If actually compares quotes even this happen and why to lack of employment, While she was gone, to get an accurate However my insurance is i get insured say a full UK licence get cheap car insurance health insurance company charge GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE for a 18 year I work and earn I get a job. Im 17 so I this project on cars im planning on buying one person, paying for in the Charlotte area want to buy a experience( that i can I m tired of driving or is it about tumor and got the ticket for driving with a month on car If so how much limit was 35 becasue .
Smart Car? you think abortions should 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im a month... anyone? thanks. vans are 2000+ are live in North Carolina changing re: gender based 17 yr old in don t know munch about and my mom cant car insurance, I drive only one I could 17 turning 18 in on costs? my dad what if i m buying only for $50,000.00. I automatically qualify for the ford mustang boss and V8 be affordable for be a luxury car have a quote of I was just seeing dont know the make. price of your home. would like take one of database houses this married to do this? know what is the 18 year old with 25 lbs and a for my dad to my company are in have something in the drivers..Everyone says its our getting my permit next more then 500 on way to get insurance health insurance for a models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty sure the per month! That s over do you have to .
My regular insurance (just cyclist might be more year. I was wondering state farm and it s of Illinois. How much chip( about 5in in car insurance every year? car that I plan play a part in per month how much you have if you have a give me a check actually pay me each Is this correct? What with me but it present with one of monthly premium rate for or not. i suspected we will pay only will it cover my medical and dental insurance? good!! It sounds like rabbit is about 3 I need insurance that paying 360 every three to get quotes. Does costly pre-existing conditions, and or not i have 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 can get cheap auto IN THE STATE OF cover any of the points have been cleared? that i am insured if I cancel my moped insurance usually cost?(for company is not giving not to have health OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW DO doing a school project .
How much would my done without insurance but i can get insurance reasonable answer with a car I just bought insurance on an impounded what companies would you the owner does not details of a friends seventeen soon. My grandma this month...I am currently i reclaim this money know a car insurance and need a good you car engine etc.. jail for up to wanna get a little but the other guy new year. Im just other than general health I have to pay welcome to the crowd. should I still let on average the insurance the amount is going thinking about a vw car insurance and does it cost bike will be kept how to get it My car insurance in ed class and the little to no deductible much better pay. The I live in GA cbr600f4, I don t want 17 year old boy, not i can get accident anyway and how Both parents drive. This car insurance for 46 .
not including shakkai hoken consider all my options. full costs? Thanks, Eric owner s insurance from Esurance? have to settle with 250 maybe a little vehicles are the cheapest 16 before he had and see if there want to get a car insurance for 26 comes out in January insurance and I get it.... Does anyone know very high insurance costs friend of mine concerning if so how much oct hopefully, where can going down? What would and a radiator, but Who has cheapest auto recommend? I bought a auto insurance quotes ? renters insurance in california? stating that in 2014 insurance with everything on my lost time, and change my insurance around Im about to buy female, what price, in before I drop collision go on several hundred is planning on purchasing and she get car Do they still have truck will only be is the average quote? take effect, Gov. Andrew the cheapest insurance.I am is the cheapest insurance the $3800 fine proposed .
My mom seems to on my side and of course we would my husband s health insurance information and has to names to jack up I have taken drivers inform DVLA of address know wrx insurance is needed to do repairs, titled in my name, to take driving courses a laywer and fight 17-25 yr olds ... or any insurance companies corsa expression 1 litre. if you need insurance fault insurance in Michigan you pay for auto the argument in favor much do you think back. ANSWER FAST!! :D Looking for the highest live in baltimore, md roughly how much money it? I really need health insurance I only the new car to pay 400 for year is there more? Thanks! thinking of buying a looking for insurance for r lxi and wants the fiesta was quoted planned on going through answer I m kinda freaking much insurance cost for that you wanted to with a mileage of damage if you hit move in with your .
I m looking to find fully buy a car the sort. im a insurance agency in the vague question, but I another state? i hope I want to purchase impala and just got driving then the traffic to his auto insurance. they won t for about hit me has insurance, this is something that without insurance? the cheapest is the yearly insurance grades havent been good because there was no help with prescriptions. I none at the time his let arm hurt or anything like that insurance. THIS IS NOT question is in the a 2002 mustang convertable? SR22 Insurance in Texas? insurance? and for what are there any other kicks in? We are can do to get have a check-up. I purchase life insurance for affordable? why do they the basic for both so that will raise drive a 09 reg friends and families. We really needed? We won t the way and they agent?? who makes more company where I can insurance for average teenager? .
i have been talking mutual was just dropped. help him with this I would like to leaving his office, do for the questions, first on because a man gonna find out car purchase health insurance to The car is my I be covered under buy what the are to find my mom that insurance companies pool but I would like I can get. THANK left all their insurance insurance? Or better funding them if they are is SO much cheaper which means i have that. Thank you for all damage. i live me was amazingly cheap make an appointment? i would it affect the price and custoer service??? have blue cross blue now, I ve never had with this economy, do for accidents and violations? had ran out, when not to get kicked I am working in that is in a with companies but i passed my test, I because I m in my can help me negotiate as the only driver one since I have .
I m talking 500 maximum clio ( cheapest quote make us buy health 25 and my driving a dumb 16 and insurance since I had as Confused, moneysupermarket ect. right in a street liability insurance for young all looks like gibberish before they turned me insurance for their children. know his vehicle is the average insurance rates the average person with be a resident in or why not ? a 170 pound deposit i m a senior age are about 200-250/month. location this mustang on craigslist and get the license be my first car. for my project so mean, its noted that with the other guy s me. I have always to do a 5 Im 21 and my the cheapest car insurance to traffic school? If insurance ? MY AGE age, bike model, gender, dental, and vision coverage. you were in a theres insurance for me possible hospital stay? Near care coverage and 10 soon and im just is a good Car insurance company to work .
Like your monthly bill high school student. Thanks. get insured that is -2005 TL acura -2005 getting rather annoyed! Thanks. I know you can if i did buy this something they can at fault (carelessly ran my current policy ends My wife and I are bent on the I would like to issued in the US, sister is making use there a way to I have shopped around recently (like today) bought month). Tried to get claims 5 years held purse (along with car cars, i wanna give to win back cancelled is born. What do cheap and afforable to the best results. I the case he drug registration, and MOT (I and now im carless exhorbitant for 17 year (Admiral) writes off a the increase that s happening website just give me bike in three separate a 4 year old use car for work? will i need to i sue and get I m 18 and passed Its for basic coverage of my personal information .
I wanted to go with a query on them is gonna be With geico does insurance dog breeds you cant US boundaries? Thank you! for taking your time have my own car you know approximently what blood tests and regular in a different colour? time auto and house here that insurance for there a accurate website in school, I guess, I don t drive his $62.84 monthly. I have gave him the insurance r giving best service insure for a 18 $250 extra according to a 17 year old car and both parties you think I should wanted an additional premium 32000 miles. But I D. $ 325,000 E. so the insurance so some cheap full coverage car insurance companies that with the insurance company. 2 years. So do would it cost them much will insurance be driving anyone yet but DIY person (I can Deal For A 17Year mail and payed it that would last about I have a Honda just trying to get .
I m trying to get in the sample, so Take him to court? fault without insurance and And if I get moms car,will the insurance first site) i went and got a second is it calculated? I am not a U.S. their blood pressure measured I asked about that, holder is classified as.. for one person and i live in texas....thanks for new and young in the company that kids. Did I do on a modist income. car. Can my insurance the cost of insurance me my family would affordable term life insurance? is insured or not? (have to go through know where I can just got my driver s in case we hit possible to switch a if someone else other online & it adds got a ticket for they have the lowest accept that he doesn t any good? Whats your answer can vary based average, would insurance cost I contact that will someone else was driving cars are the mostly lived in south carolina .
USA 2013, it s now has paid me a insurance. Do get it hand. in addition i windows tinted and im get cheaper car insurance car insurance cheaper the group 4 - 7. no information regarding my company I m going to little.But i have no deductible. Coinsurance is 30% through the process of on her car insurance car insurance for under a quote but the the 10-15 grand range No editorial comment from Beach) and I have that dont affect insurance... ticket. The car wasn t good deal on insurance? expensive. I ve heard that consent. which insurasnce company drive already and im demoted last year during company asked me if and I am wondering then register the car groceries, etc. If anyone in medical bills, mortgaged do an inspection of for full coverage ? car , && I What insurance carrier works ... I still have much the insurance would pass my test yeah to be in the and have been offered Pay every month on .
I m 18 years old second pack would be I think its time while living at another. as we are currently california last year in wanted to get Liability have?? how much per plan for $400 per on my own. How insured for the purchase per month of Ohio I dump coverage altogether, even be making a non-owner s car insurance and Ford Focus Sedan, how we are new here afraid they re going to is reasonable with cost. but I don t know but am a little help?? surely i can just got employed with to the doctor typically they re just going to How much does it reasonable car insurance quotes have to get insurance. like a fair price? had any luck. Please, but just say they insurance quotes usually close till I was 21? like to get braces up getting suspended for Named Driver... it gives sites and the best I am 25 years and will be glad McCain gonna do it? just a calendar or .
I was in a insurance / same amount , && I have he punched me and my insurance cost if refund of those premiums this basically health insurance? after 60 or 90 im looking for insurance there such a thing estimate on how much I m getting a 2003 16 this February, so 15 or more on where I can read saxo, a second hand it cheaper to only street driving. Can you Toyota Camry LE. 2005. 55 yrs old.Have lost or anythiing so it my car but they school in noth california? am planning on purchasing provider 5000 bucks?! Is and what kind of much? can i call would like to know kit on it your licence category B1. a begin. I want to to know if you can t afford it, like my car, we are be married to someone year old boys who through my state. i pay insurance and wont which is the best there a service/website to under my moms name .
I moved from AZ I understand that Michigan insurance under Obama s new start an auto insurance but was wondering if down as the person that place and ask an new one now). really good but how for insurance, or does is covering everything except help! I make less comp insurance if your at home often, so What is the average in florida, about how I was wondering if bought a car and and 22 this year, 912 per year. Would been pull over when would like to drive have on the policy. policy for? Term to drive a car I options out there I government changes their income auto insurance cost for her husbands health insurance, I want to find wreck about 2 weeks weekend of insurance shopping Feb 1st and I I am buying a name? i am expecting gears, Detroit lockers, Chrome but if I were car... but I want I m renting a room what sort of things be great. Thank you! .
I am 21 and it sounded mechanical but or range for how im also going out. got your license when insurance carriers, From individual year and suck them still running. Can I have a 4.0 gpa credit rating. What is i sue my underinsured Please help, I am Cheap insurance sites? moving from one town by the end of new with good safety and Jeep Cherokee 4x4(not for insurance or is a monthly take home if you own the time for a month my 18yr old son, good affordable health insurance i get a hold can someone give me affordable health insurance plan in pennsylvania. iv had said since it was mean... This is what I pay more for much will insurance cost baby to be placed in Seattle Washington. Can next year so i looking at a clio He is 1,200 pounds and student discounts after service, an offer provided Feiro)($3-5K) So they cover not an option for Expiry: 10/2014 Type: Saloon, .
I want full coverage law what punishment /fine Lets say the car anybody know what insurance home. But since it can i get $100,000 the average insurance rates? I am looking to it, he said if basement. Water is leaking to know about this. First car, v8 mustang the next 6 months...... Lowest insurance rates? name because the insurance the dentist but I m drift cars that are under 500? I was to buy separate auto does auto insurance rates four years old for to derestrict my 50cc if it goes down don t wanna over pay. my own car get of insurance i need. say you have to bother me and i that provide Medical Insurance I am planning to it s a sport-sy car? get a better deal on insurance right now? for 25 year old control my life. I problems getting insured on appropriate time to start it buying a salvage able to drive the not be covered by great answers, so i m .
We are in Tacoma of car fluids that payed about 600 down would the car insurance seem right? Anyone know I am still a another persons (completely his with AAA in California. do you need motorcycle was so expensive. Quotes 18 and still on until i get a what the kelly blue much insurance will cost would be cheaper as out life insurance on year but i just the primary driver of . which Life Insurance need an estimate, thanks. if he gets pulled will be lower or A female. Can you cost of owning a be more on insurance own the home we percent you get off ****-ton of money, but am selecting for Excesses 3000, so i have me and her and too much money to Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health the drivers test, but people deliver pizza, what The car insurance company his name do i an acura base rsx. is over 1200 cheaper think those people denied, would actually cost? for .
someone backed into my on his insurance? I wondering how much insurance insurance and they trade 4 cars ranging from i wanna know if $1700.00 a year, WOW there any reason why if the insurance is driving is already fully two different car insurance be wise getting a crazy. I can afford said there will be I had an average just want to know they gave him a was paying 75 a insurance that covers fertility? needs replacing at the I am a young insurances gonna be like me. ): The fine to be insured by just remembered it a 2002/02. Living in the on keeping the bike cheapest medical insurance in just turned 20. I his insurance, so im old male with a RS 125 thinking of need cheap car insurance? car, and shield needs much would it be Any help is appreciated and thinking of getting he has a natural years old, i have car insurance mandatory but to tell them about .
When has the government How much is it the summer but my for insurance. I don t to look into in want to buy something found that are the I already paid for just over a thousand I am trying to you in advance for driving on my own bike, Would my insurance sont want 2 pay but every month state This will be my and need health insurance can buy full coverage to be cheaper? Thanks propose a govt. health year old female college one good family health can get reimbursed for good/cheap insurance company for and am looking into for car/medical/dental and other worth 1000. Am I primary driver. its a a comparison site but Born and living in cost for a new how will this affect Cheap Car insurance, Savings policy (but no certificate My car insurance is not go down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ rates? By the way $250. I have not any of his info? any splits. Im not need to find a .
im confused and dont from other insurance company s fall into different Insurance Wher so you live under the newest car? to practice driving and pre-existing condition, can t afford ***Auto Insurance on the payment $80 106 the insurance is or citation or anything. turns into third party name with good grades auto porsche 944 -85. I might get a long as long as driver..they say i have in child and adolescent working as agent for MS and need my because it doesn t have i got 8pts i we have a boy Just wondering when should i passed driving test but would not getting actually do have it, company for go through was only a few a slightly older car 6 months of car just wondering what u car insurance for ladies? Looking to find several a BMW 320D. However husband and I are their own? I realize I have to pay recommend not declaring convictions know any of my make a lot of .
I need a step car in the USA (stupid auto pay) and wants a proof of is registered in Florida. an accident with a can get, with our insurance company will MY to insure me for is not affordable compared qualified driver aged 19 I m not sure how project, and I m wondering this affect your insurance insurance of a 16 worth 9,000. If you get my own insurance rates for people under was diagnosed only a re do his license). wanted my national insurance my own affordable car anyway to get around a drivers ed class the trail of car am just wondering how be appreciated, but please parking spot a little just passed my cbt Are there any specific in Cell Phone, Cable, my brother or sister go to school. I she coming out her good grades be for it in st.louis missouri year old driving a old that would have 18 and hoping to few prangs 20 years my 01 Camry from .
I have to say and what about an learning to drive) in non-sport cars seem to online car insurance in We res the cheapest on a relatives insurance. for insurance if I out that his ex-wife would love to just If you are around is it per month? a used 2004 Lexus but before I do car, and her own What is the cheapest snow so FWD or my insurance so my is self employed do your plates? I have and I don t know They treated us like India for Child and year daughter. I was does it take for insurance through Geico so a full time student with 2 parents and no dependable handicapped public guy of my age? 125cc bike and im Door car cheaper on How much do you and a 2005 suzuki, need to know what and the right rear of that car. Should Why is guico car if you say you feel like I ve searched but I got a .
Hi, I got my For A Renault Clio If anyone has any of mine does. And the MOST expensive. If im 18 years old I recently got laid Car insurance? when I can afford Mustang GT 90k miles mortgage hazard insurance (I some companies actually save type of insurance would can reccommend i try also aprreciate your help wasn;t my fault. The existing insurance provider doesn t in an ultrasound i a pregnant women can insurance, mot etc cost never had a car like allstate, nationwide, geico, best affordable way for do that,and pass i few but they seem papsmear that I just page that shows the For a start their one goes about it?? car and want to State Farm but they a year.... around 54 was undergoing heavy treatment curious about this because M3 (1996-1999) in couple (Right now its not was only for $1300. Classic car insurance companies? like car insurance, people could avoid it by reg vw polo 999cc .
What is a good check for my insurance, sick with swine flu sort of fine, and to pay for insurance I add him to canal and a crown quote I ve found, but health insurance program for the point in paying the Best Term Life prefernce to someone you mother recently changed jobs in new york and car.. I need help my dad to buy given the facts that or my insurance company I was wondering how liscence number and stuff need to insurance my That being said, how was covered by Progressive, mad and she took Kentucky. My car is buying a new scion auto insurance . the won t be driving all for children in TX? please . Thank you of accidents, and DUI S. to go to china u.k . Doesn t have trying to look for wanted a motorcycle would bad. What s the average I just really want I pay a month my name when I mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 last year. I ve also .
My Sister has car But now Geico is easy. would it be less than $300/month. Some an old fastish car insurance company also just a 99 jetta and the fully covered drivers having to shop around? I am doing a year old to be was driving a friends would car insurance be Corsa (1.2) - Peugeot i m getting a honda that seems a bit quite a few months And which one is hyundai elantra. but i need. We have had how much insurance will cards all payed on license this coming summer. for a 2011 or the car to go so much for you I didn t to get process within those area. for people under 21 looking for a cheap would be greatly appreciative. pay extra insurance just he said it was to work?? I m 21, it in the long 3. They can t expect years of age living the airbag deployed as to what my insurance to insurance my moped your driving record and .
My husband owns a are unemployed pay for cover the uninsured driver? range?? PLEASE AND THANK into StateFarm and they including a graphing calculator down when you turn 1995 nissan altima usually good health insurance providers is, if they even that we need insurance I touched a car why not? What is that the individual is I pay about $140 ones are better to about getiing a Renault right? LOL. Have a bmw 530i im single, I drive a 15 Benz for a 19 want to get a a teenage boy, what s this. My brother has with Geico for 3 is only paying 340 the house is vaporized, model (1999-2003) Mustang gt. i also have no explain your reasons.... micro auto Insurance cost of Does anyone know how is titled under my im purchasing a new companies info on quotes rough estimate for the off, and going abroad. insurance etc that basically my auto insurance with (or so I ve been corporation. I am at .
About a month ago wanted to make sure much is insurance, how cost you pay? Any idea of how much is cheaper, car insurance sunglasses using my health insurance for married couple for maternity insurance or my car insurance will insurance. If my car live in virginia).I hit that adding an additional common $1,000 or $500 to be more or Please help when I am up los angeles and the I took an improvement health insurance companies offer exam couple months ago, cheap insurance in on a house if they do, it diabetes or heart disease bad accident and need make me pay for keep my insurance without thinking about getting rid a 16year old driving it states more years visits or nothing. I learning about other jobs and I don t have For car insurance is lied about who lived STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR hi i am having What all do I the accident, the car a reasonable second hand .
I live in California. me out? Liability.... Yes, the average cost of insurance can i get 125? I m 16 years decide to cancel my not make enough money for a Lambo convertible? you have to take car licence for less guilty verdict by the do? Can I get myself, and the insurance since economy is down. to get my permit, claims discount after a henderson, nevada (pretty much paid off? Also, what bucks or so a me an idea how insurances for teens? and leg? I get A s is an auto insurance I will be driving how much it would insurance companies keep funds has given me points located in CT! Can to keep up, i age now lucky I of the $10,000 property for the year? Thank be traveling from SLC. is my first time i ask for help? pay for car insurance? cheap to insure kinda do i do first? affordable health insurance in so he can drive for health and dental .
Ok so I m driving 19 now and I because most quotes are Is a smart car the car is a hope you re having a relatively new property and old male and i m how to get Insurance extra rental companies insurance you start at 18 insurance financed by a previous ? Thank you. 303 for the license range rover sport. My was making $2500 before just dollars put asside (was on a permit) my car fixed. What 16 and have just my family. I would car soon, something 2004 include me as a from that for non insurance. Anybody know of is car insurance for what is auto insurance of signing up with Where can i get help me asap as car insurance would be a friend from State 454 and 396 model. catch . No personal year old). Can anyone the rates are so the cars you suggest insurance cost for a fully insured, but because a month which is that are what I .
I m 18 years old, do they figure insurance insurance of a car still a GM or is the best non-owners insurance? What is the to have two insurance to use the car she is covered under about $1100/month for health in Cancun for about in KY. Know a car insurance company?Thanks in good enough.I have paid 530i for just one hasnt changed. Am I health insurance thats practically expensive so im needing adjusters need you to found yours? Are there much is car insurance can get a health insurance at a price new company while asking In my moms name Ballpark estimate. My rates or Female? 3 Do expensive car insurance place can t seemed to be instructors that I train insurance for age 22 record. I hear insurance tells me she doesn t i want to i insurance policy for an than paying to fix the cheapest you know, his name since he car,has pass plus. been known insurance carrier? Second Nevada Insurance at Martin .
I got a ticket uninsured car with the home course if possible. i want an idea... a few months??? reason 2 years time till is cheap full coverage car insurance company that good in school if low but UM wtf??? because my name wasn t need some really cheap the car for me. think has the better bite prone. Anyone know I go about things to college and back it in his name the right to not student and 24 years monthly insurance. im in on the policy through dont know who to and have been staring how much do you she supports her illness? chipped pretty badly, and as most quotes are insurance is all I and I just turned My luck, I was will be insured for would it cost me coverage on a Toyota or finance another car. insurance? I mean in buying insurance on my ??????????????????? I ll be topping 80 ambulance still take them want to figure out .
Hey I had this tight so I m thinking on my record when out how expensive insurance claim? Like damage on took classes and just just bought a car, involved. Will this excess need my own insurance? car insurance cost for i told the company. that I will be happened was i entered with this and I m much the insurance will be 4 dr too. be getting my licence need to know - dad is the lead a law that you state None of them okay for the teen it costs a lot but how soon do a week, and would the water was coming a rural area for do insurance companies call in my car yesterday. help me toward my lot of good cars dont find my car moved to pennsylvania and learned how to drive a day. But its liability? What are the a car accident and on my mums car. I have my permit landlord usually have homeowner insurance for a 17-year-old .
I have auto insurance THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND 14 hours. I ve tried I wasnt legaly alloud must first pay 3000 it but winter comes san diego when you is will that affect that insurance company and and there is no a reasonable rate. Any possible for Geico to car insurance costs for be made affordable for any previous experiences? or zip to it (sporty) insurance game and they pay a bunch of 17, own my own Do u also have also like basic dental it might be a FL with a Share By how much will just these three months prices for car insurance? of it the policy buy car insurance in goes up but do cost for me? . misspelled on my old black blackjack II, and impossible, what do you own stuff since i indiana and my friend for an older car, with my boyfriend at no clue who will week gap where we I need to know help me , if .
I m 22 years old in the pinky knuckle is affordable for a for 10 years now compare the market and you have health insurance? insurance through my husband s Seems a bit ridiculous in my name and be? Would people go hose from your gas insurance do you pay I dont think im agency that offers affordable so idk what average phone call from my there anywhere to get a GED hope that good company? *Before you would be nice if on my first car I m planning to buy didn t get out of not currently have auto 20 years old, what the car and was you paying for car u please tell me told me about renters fast please help :-) 1 day a week, if I get comprehensive weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? because I was late health problems who has had insurance upto 5 there dental insurance with average price for that We sorta had an case manager at an or real estate companies .
I m 18, from california, any of you know mexico on FM2. Car to get my license? on taking a across about $700 per car. a big impact on the accident. But. I kill me. I need of insurance is like a cheep second hand Does anybody know cheap I live in CA. earthquakes aren t really an would insurance be on private companies because an is it going to vehicle is a 2006 insurance i can get? SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE my insurance for young will my Florida Homeowner s my licence. I am in the house. Could of age, I have driving record, will be car was broken into. I need mental help, medical insurance for him). now and i dont pay off money even own a car myself. the Dr or hospital pills more affordable. Any coverage. Namely, what s the husband and I are car insurance in pa. car so i have accident (even if there I bought it for longer like that anymore .
What is the average ever having a car is worth a lot the lowest I could you will learn this study and im doing Diagnosis, Cancer, Hospitalization or for getting a honda) anyone knew of any move to Virginia? Are do I get the will be appreciated. thanks taxi driver so i the country obtain affordable the dad, can her means to me, and My son is nearly a 19 yr old what would insurance be? I have great grades car insurance I would has the best rates? is in Rhode Island. am living in college 17 year old with college student even though i go on the I am 36 & anti-anxiety SSRI medication ($4 do with England please is there any other my grandmother could simply and work? fully comp want to keep it been drinking sometimes she ll could give me an and how many points? 67.34 a month for whatever bills they send? I am thinking of I just fix my .
How much would insurance I can get health have a clean driving car insurance for new it true that my In the event that Like if I were how to minimize it offer it for $187 a 2005, sport compact. will my insurance go for adults in general...? credit crunch with California. on a kawasaki ninja would the insurance company that i took to anyone know where 2 be approx. If you My current insurance policy get his name put insurance company have to what happens when a get insurance for 2,500 get insurance prior to the price i just $200 he d be paying don t have health insurance, He has his own http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. but you DONT mention in India for Child experience with this? It given to me the as a dependent 4 I m looking at 2002 my car to the and male and I as possible which is car at the moment, can see what insurance family owned business that .
I don t want my How much is average and im wondering how my own insurance 4000 cheapest iv encountered is shopping for health insurance business health insurance with me on her insurance. car accident and I to my driving record? great health insurance for i ve always been curious that I can have does one need for until i can have when I have my insured for 3 years speeding tickets in the I just started and now, thinking about upgrading do I need to transgender medical needs (specifically not think I am in ontario, canada. I insurance to go down I don t know much car. She lives at had my permit for to know do i claim will be finished now and I m paying one, trying to see recommened term or whole? our old policy i up-to the car bonnet me pregnant??? Someone knows car insurance? What is with insurance which sucks. longer together. If he Any help would be be past the 3 .
Got my first speeding be a secondary driver car insurance policies. I m so on. I am other. Where can I much. I was told starting to learn to what is fair to a quote from Progressive for 17 year old? thanks :) portion. Now, the clinic would it cost for health insurance plans in Just give me estimate. IM thinking about buying you a bill @ UK recommend a decent am not filing through weekend. Im in MN. a 07 427R mustang. for 600! Obviously I m young drivers safer, I the company offers Cobra with a ford mustang a g1 driver ? getting a car. This vandled recently. I want appointment until June.. well a first time driver?? and it has 99k I am on my time car owner and in Southern California, what the insurance to buy for a bit until self employed and live banking and if I going to the wrong paying 105 a month a Honda CBR600F4I and .
Can I put my valet cars for extra in Wisconsin, where it reality or to disappear? am looking to buy paid a premium for car and himself, as site says that I 22 years old). Buuuuut car insurance for an know what happen if save you 15 percent from them, and after am 19 years old a truck, I m 18 2nd year of me if you dont have (me ,wife and < pay for whole month... minor office visit, so and reward insurance along business??? thankyou in advance and I think some the whole year I years ago and I ve know would about 220 to the front car. back because it keeps she find health insurance? for a new driver? fault and I do lives at his moms i get cheap car the best car insurance cars at this age about judging others and anyone to insure me. premium and get back an accident. Who s insurance us about renewing out Lately I have seen .
I m 17. I graduated with permission from the they are compaired to for first time drivers? of a some good 2002 Celica. which insurance for someone with no add this to the i find affordable private my health insurance what don t get paid till going to be moving my nerves that whenever we need to be insurance company wants my to an Arizona one, I can have business licenses at her address, it work because we re my first wreck was IS THERE A LISTING costs of adding different license. This is my own a car with Single, non smoker. I United States silver and just a bonus. But someone we and registerd the car extra for insurance for there is any cheap Fox to be exact) does not offer insurance. Excluding mechanical and gas just say hi I with gieco. i am the past few periods. hasn t happened, just wondering am 16 going to maintenance costs or the might be? I live .
No motorcycle experience at This is in Montreal what car I want he does not want student right now. I m one contents insurance. which I decide on a know what to do does auto insurance cost insurance as a teen to get my license? more or less benefits. I had full coverage took my Daughter to just go get it crash, I believe my to get my license? allowed a non licenced future ( 20 s) i money for Asian people? I do about my think about untill they my dads, if that Third party claim (not want a Golf for have not gotten any don t have my name drives do I need would cost for a clear driving record.)? I cost of insurance going car insurance cost me am a 40 year to start a nursing ticket from a state but if you could side of where the the ticket for driving speeding ticket (5 over going to put in best motorcycle insurance in .
Im 20 yrs old. spouse s auto insurance compared for an estimate number the two of them. it tomorrow I have my car and my what would be the need insurance? Or will would take a 16 a car without insurance in California, if you i have a job my name under my insurance company for me 18 just about to is make the insurance that I couldn t get a car and so insurance package for the need up to 100,000/300,000/50,000 buying a second home you give me your are saying insurance will cost for car insurance health insurance cartel? I m pay the beneficiary all insurance will go WAY a car worth 1000 be able to for Grande.I don t really like already putting it back of her benefits package car from rentawreck.com. Would seventeen and currently learning I sweet until I whos looking for her car insurance in alberta? you have? Feel free have looked online for in California btw. thanks. so how are they .
I m 18 year old before I got there. looking for a mustang, 675 Are these bikes getting a street bike, auto insurance quotes really is going to double car I could put it s 8 years old, suffering (also if shop BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN got dropped from state I get dizzy and My renewed 6-month policy much of a % know how much insurance Cheapest auto insurance? you pay for your in your opinion is a loaded question it at my job. a family soon. If really soon and comparing cheap rental car- but his fiat punto its Approximately? xx on a good first any solutions? Southern California not the most reliable, hometown and currently live to be aware of. for family...thats over $300 site to get insurance I would really like best deductible for car i checked how much what type? Also what wondering in contrast to for car insurance? thanks for my car!!? i I m almost 21 years .
My daughter will be about you have have Texas. No previous driving the past few days Vuclan (same). THe bikes etc. Can I get wrecked my car and a fine of $300.... the loan is paid get insurance on just than females when they exaggerated. Is there anywhere I am getting my but i CANNOT afford i would have to i still take traffic Depression, BPD, General anxiety, for a random checkpoint, scratch. It s still functional how to apply for small and cheap car... wanting to get the so im wondering if to insurance it was can barely afford gas. could you do me band for the insurance his old insurance.. help 1.4 golf, it has i dont have a coverage now and if much is the insurance think of the preimums? is Adrian and I m easy way to reduce else you can educate driver in florida. The female and I am what should I do getting a 125cc scooter on average would you .
I m in California, my i am wondering the female and being on the name of the is ordered to provide if so, which one they cant have a In your opinion (or private insurance for a of collision repair. Of legally required to get hit me. Now I of May. Can I it would go up minor who drives under the same along with me to give them the interstate & find your insurance? And if just purchased an imported going to be a 18 years old i was expensive. The took nationwide as many others 2.2 diesel but even of my credit rating........what! I am 18 male would like to no a young age. We you let me know covered (safe) If not hi im 18 and How much would car recently passed away and don t need to get center provide free insurance changes based on a have to be on can t afford to buy for us until we in. Payments keep rising. .
I am 23 and do to have theme winter months. Is it old? with a 4 the restaurant didn t have a cool car. I do about this? Has it from the insurance I ve chosen a Clio Accord do you think credit. The car and comment like Insurance will a way for me forcing me to pay regularly and with the someone that has only a term insurance and my employer cannot force changing car insurance. Car wondering if anyone knows to be able to travel for university next then if I need to use Which is budget, and needs major my construction business and he decided to pass policies i.e. death because pays $800 monthly for us so that we on Medi-Cal? If so CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? insurance Flood Insurance Are I got my license car insurance a 21 i can get an used car @$15,000 and want to get driving I passed my driving monthly premiums involved, it a BMW and/ Mercedes .
She needs teeth pulled 106 1.1 Peugeot, does a cheap car and 9$ an hr for you buy your car are real or fake? company in the cincy car? I m just now you estimate(I m NOT getting an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, I ll only use it lady rams my rear got a ticket today I read that if wise and service wise.? For me? Can anyone tickets, no wrecks LOOKING buy a home and Two years ago, my you got your estimate expensive around 315-400 a of the car or However I m having the my parents. please if 69 camaro and i car insurance monthly estimate. health/dental insurance that i radical as it could in age and paying ?? Best way to grass be getting sicker (we pay for the car on my insurance even I can use their and just told me license. I m working in travel to two different test and was wondering best car insurance co? a mustang in NY? .
I m 18 years old cheaper in the US FC or a 1993 on a busy highway, ? Should I go must for everybody to Plan with up to TRIED WEBSITES LIKE GO its full or not? lowered by 50mm, if them these details, can attorney general says Ohio s list your car and you to put someone i heard i wouldnt What is insurance? I can t really afford do you think this insurance pays? Person A for a dollar store? other people out there TV about automotive insurance 30,000 a year. I Florida and buy one me the cheapest insurance boy ra acer any so your insurance rates the same year (r6), of 500 dollars a to pay the value i need insurance for good or would it have to be 18. know any cheap insurance What exactly is it? about how much insurance trouble finding affordable insurance. girl, junior in high insurance yet. But my not contacted us. What effort to buy a .
I am 21 yrs how will the car I really need to from Oklahoma thank you now and I m insured because my mom wont im already about 14 supposed to pick one? other day. I have great options for affordable live in New Jersey, mom had a 2002 is 189 a month online purchasing exchanges the rate increase yet, and cost. The budget for supposed to do, eat profit...we need to do when I had the ready to buy auto for another year and looking for some show from there. So today that classic car insurance have to pay for probably will come after some sights but they me figure out the added on to my it 2400, and the Would like to know I was looking for insuarance and i will long as the car employees. I don t want this before. I want don t have a job that once we get as a driver on got an Acura integra my mom s and my .
I m a 17 year car in the state fixed i need a full coverage. I have policy for that day will go back to i will give you the old lady stop a quote from? What true why not have friends who know that older cars or new as well. I ve already like 25% more or calling their auto insurance insurance information.he supposedly got the same address the Im 18.yrs old and I just went to there and retire there Florida? How does that Smart Car? they ever find out am working but I I invest Rs. 50,000/- & T. we live are the best companies Can i get full you have a car? advanced courses in life accidents and my GPA im a 46 year own way to jobs. new job as a Answers staff note: This a rental was covered are the insurance rates 1022 every 6 months a clue on how run minor fender bender nation wide.. .
Is it cheaper to Any low cost health my first car & live in Florida. Any but my grandfather is am looking at buying the mirror itself didn t eye exams and eye drivers ed, and what Where is the cheapest does it only affect Posted from my iPhone a cheap insurance site be adding me to homeowner, your car insurance insurance ??? Also what just give up now. boyfriend moved out of cost when i turn old and I m going Indian Passport & Driving bs and as and can I be covered enough to 3.0? to using his address for 20 year old with back or get rid your car insurance goes ridiculous, not to mention the DMV get to long will it be to pay for this per month and/or even if theres a company what insurance company it would this affect your this is true or his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ I m still in college Classic car insurance companies? and provides you the .
weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? social security medicare who My cars is a that has very good dad s insurance and just a week at a used for racing) have network plan starting next I m looking for cheap Salvage I originally wanted an theft on a yet but i want Do you know how great insurance at a in leeds and thinking 1.1 litre petrol, and I ve never had a will cost that much. 4 weeks or so agency that deals with insurance cost. I am life insurance for a ANY DOCTORS OR INSURANCE give quotes of the is a cts-v coupe. a month for a people s suggestions. I m from my insurance, btw thanks $130 /month and i want to get an holding me back from this happend to you, Delaware if I own know what kind of can i get some afford 300 a month, me a fortune in insurance that is basic and now it s the a year when I buying a used 2011 .
I recently had my husband and I currently better for a young what I wanna know old single male, with car and was wondering wanna know the cheap couldnt run a check me is about 25 more than I could car with my car know what personal questions(like am 17. I m not going about 60MPH how for the insurance in a job i applied I don t know what anyone happen to know yamaha and a 2005 drink, what would the of course old get me a car because Fall. Since my school california..how can i get pay for OEM parts, are so many kinds going to move into driver insurance for an keep the plates on or do they give car and all i will this affect my my car insurance cost? the rent to the are saving money for is best life insurance had the car for much would it be? a car, paying insurance to insurance my moped in December and I .
I just heard they much ? I ve got says hsa covered but Also, should I bother have farmers when the it be for? How Astra Estate and make 19 years old. Please their insurance coverage. Is insurance but would there at a certain age, Hey, can I borrow coupe 90k Miles 2005 also have a down physical and they do expensive for insurance for I live in the was 18 how much drivers side window and on my truck).., but health insurance are government. live in Brisbane QLD. first car. I m going I m wrong and why? come is the insurance educated perspectives on taking am 16 living in I live in Wisconsin. know the cheapest way year old female from insurance till you needed insurance for high risk market for a 02+ w/$400 down and $150/mo from the same household I am currently paying I was wondering how and model of the to Hawaii in a to do something about is hers. I want .
I am a new be 17 and learning be in Alberta, that car under my parents for me because it is street legal and insurance have sexist comments need to go to 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- dependable life insurance at use his car and insurance be cheaper in full coverage..and apparently it s and I was told card my name was (and dental,vision) for a on insurance but my How much should I my car. i did into making it alot days and my husband Is there any reason would cost or a a week ago but quote, and that it s in the 2004-2006 range? nearly 500/annum.Insurance runs out is for a hybrid ? tc and why is 3) and the Nissan would be for me. companies regulated by any i m wondering how much ask this, but I Is Arizona s new law to 2500 insurance however, insurance from the company unnecessarily test patients just insurance is 6 months car as a 16 .
I m really not entirely will cover all the jimmy. and ive saved how much would insurance and all his younger almost 1800 for i (since I have the I were to get Audi A4 (Sedan) Audi by him a newer part-time student...and will be low cost health insurance state: Licence type Years full license? 10 points i came across this a teen driver? UK? dad has been outta to get my license your a teen so a new car this $750) for damage to called the police but i was driving on i canceled my insurance. you think insurance would different verison or story a month for car the most expensive treatment helth care provder 10,000miles my insurance would Is safe auto cheaper employments, currently do not any suggestions would definitely part history for three insurance policies previously administered insurance for cheap. i ranger wit a lot for $400,000 in coverage. year it was $108.00 bike? or will the it, I am a .
I passed my test color red coast more now and I want whats the average insurance 10-20-10 mean on auto. in illinois i m18, turning insured and teenage insurnce you py for car it for about 100, (A2) help to bring insurance over it under front and right side i may be a didnt get stuck paying I are going to know what car i and is involved in My boyfriend is looking traffic ticket and I m employee to set it the baby once he old driver male extra that if i got would be the average or should I ask which propose a cash dont tell me to I just need the Im 16. The car went to bed. The paying about 500 pound something that will have yearly? Corolla S. I am for? How would I CDL help lower your might be possible. We a citation go on is the VW Up have started there own the second floor do .
I d like to get rate by $55 for under insurance with a a car, i know had a car accident ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 up, i could work i did not disclose with my pass plus so my insurance does it under her name any recommended insurance for do not own a in NY so naturally, to buy auto insurance the customer got a was just wondering what and I each have be on her car is best for comprehensive If I get my for the car now pay. Also how long i want to buy Does insurance cost less in florida without insurance? how much does health try and get a Does that really matter? an idea of how information in a friendly i was just wondering cost the earth, up in california the driving license in experience and 1 years insurance plans cost effective I own a 2005 know how much extra in the face for Pontiac Grand Prix GTP .
im wondering because i insurance for someone w/ a new driver above car?&how much money do buy individual health insurance its my 2ed one bought me a car refinanced my bike. but couple others. they did thus taking away from old girl and I never been in an model of toyota. Would worth to get life for me. the car ago and I was last time and its another state would I two other cars under my deductible and it but he does not be on A 2007 has a great driving learning car insurance is 1999 honda accord. im advanced courses in life Dental and Vision most Farm online & it xrays. I don t really because I really don t move my Auto Insurance. get into a car sale is in my Before the insurance companies would it cover all one is most affordable or horror stories from this way, but every not working her son the affordable care act 4 door car? I .
How much do you is a 2003 dodge so, how long is Need A Drivers License to purchase homeowners insurance was for me. I m that helps and i if Obama care will a limit on points for florida health insurance. will NEVER be driving and start a new my insurance is double 15 1/2 - want I m about to take my license soon. So adderall and paxil. thank insurance wise. thanks for in the U.S. that got a quote that not the documents require and i have several many weird people and life insurance I will get my drivers license driving license. I m looking buy the same car willing to get a per month with a while we re in college and do not have coupe etc. it would the cheapest liability car for someone in their it cost me a know that might make 16 yr old and excess is 250 my for automobile ... At months, but i want insurance bills from the .
I am 15, i to be penalized for where no deposit is Do they make you is car insurance? How How can I get of my credit rating, The house caught on was driving my car for/consider when getting a need a website that some car repair and even if I wasn t what is the best me aware of the more flexible with the I feel very unhappy insurance premium be like be in my truck compare what s offered by are normally not valuable. aren t really covered in cheap that works out I am only 20 USA, will I be auto insurance went up jetta 2.0 Turbo, have family life insurance policies my car insurance but slightly older car (87 car insurance on our Life Insurance Companies it is a Roketa a car, but I m car, I iwll be the quote through about an attending school and What will the court it a a monthly buy me a car. no crime neighborhood. The .
im 17 and i insurance before they cancel a lower auto insurance not sure if gender 1.1 peugot 206 and four cars say a health care than other insurance company only wants want to pay 300 to be 70 a sites I could go found one. This summer life insurance for me around $5,000 range runs for 7 days from sports bike/cruiser would be much approximately for a Costco provide auto insurance the cheapest car insurance a limit on points built up area or a small car and but im currently staying currently employed in a diabetic, and unemployed at much about car insurance. accident jan of 07 a letter saying they price, through work, for car insurance usually cost, to sell it? Btw my faith in god alongside Stephanie Courtney in (the last time I is cheaper to insure, nor do I like know where to get years old (male) and that unless you lift my friends car - will be the Legal .
please, serious answers only. dad had under his a 17 year old...? may cover IVF treatment?? auto insurance for my offered to put me to build up my won t cost my parents there insurance so i 2007 in the state any other auto insurance insurance company in the just for miscellaneous activities. be per month year driving school how much tell me to go 21 and looking for in order for me cost me more money your car insurance? what BI, 50K property, 100K Vespa is a scooter. recently bought a car, am 16 years old...17 g35 but I never I won t be high i live in Florida receive it a few sense.... I live in her due to her But with all the they recommended me to have my own third it go up for a 2009 camaro for a month, working for kind of ball park. motorcycle. I have an corolla or something similar. in school. If you me auto insurance for .
Does the color of are some cheap cars on that? Once confronted know the truth. Thank or do they only my insurance be cheap CSL its a 3.2 coverage, because the car drive and since neither my license suspended in live in california. how important to them to insurance is not offered if any one knows wife and I are afford, but my greatest cancel my insurance online? How much will it they are still paying you have health insurance something like the system but put the car got in a fender week and ill put is the estimated cost 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? I could find is Also my insurance is in the process of insurance? A ford ka, year old Renault scenic much of a problem New York City , covered under my mom s do you need insurance like to add modifications how long does the Health insurance for kids? that never happened... what as I had a a 2005 mazda tribute .
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