#or even at least do hints of nico being gay or in love w percy.....
thaliasthunder · 2 years
do u think disney will include Will in the Last Olympian? im asking bc being honest i dont really think they'll film hoo neither toa for the age-time thing so i just wonder if they'll really get into the topic of nico being gay since rick did not start suggesting it and eventually making it official until hoo........so
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not-magnus-bane · 4 years
My first fanfiction! I wrote this fanfiction a month ago. I hope you like it!
February 14th
3rd person
Will wasn’t worried. At least, that’s what he told his siblings. Inside, he was panicking. He hadn’t seen Nico all day. On this day of all days. February 14. Valentines day. Nico had been acting distant all week, but now he had disappeared completely. Will tried not to let his panic show, but it was worthless.
    “Are you sure you haven’t seen him?”
    “Since you asked ten seconds ago? No.” His best friend Cecil said, rolling his eyes 
“I’m sure he’s fine. You know he needs time alone sometimes.”
    Will stalked off, going to find some other person to pester about Nico’s whereabouts. Cecil would later swear he saw Jason Grace guilty avoiding Will’s gaze. 
    Will however, noticed the way Jason shifted in his seat at the Zeus table and refused to look him in the eye. He walked towards Jason’s table with determination. At first, He didn’t say anything, just looked Jason square in the eye.
    “Do you know where Nico is?” Will asked, his voice deadly quiet. His glare proved that he had possibly been spending too much around his boyfriend.
    Jason looked like a deer in headlights. He paused and then shook his head vigorously. 
    “I’m going to ask you one more time.” he paused for effect “Where. Is. Nico.” Jason looked pleadingly across the pavilion at Piper. She shook her head slowly behind Will’s back. Will gave Jason one more look of pleading, and turned on his heel, marching out of the pavilion. 
    All the campers who had stopped to watch the show continued eating breakfast, disappointed that nothing dramatic had happened. 
    Will slammed the door to the infirmary and sat down on a cot. 
They ask me what I’m so afraid of
That if I tell them, they can help
I sighed, putting my head in my hands. What had I done wrong? Why was he avoiding me on this day of all days? I was jerked out of my misery when Kayla walked into the infirmary. I quickly tried to dry my tears and pretend I was organizing the bandages.
    “You don’t have to pretend, Will. I know you’re upset.” Kayla sat beside me on the cot. She glared at the sky. I knew she was cautious of Nico. She just didn’t want him to hurt my feelings. 
    “I just want to know where he is? Why would he run away?” I said, my voice cracking.
    “Well…” She began slowly “That’s kinda what he does, isn’t it? Run away from things he’s scared of. Run away from camp.”
    “Don’t say that about Nico. He’s the bravest person I know. He doesn’t run away when he’s scared.”
    “Sure Will, I just don’t want you to get hurt.” She said, raising her hands, innocently. I gave her a look and she shrugged, eyebrows raised. I stood up and walked out of the infirmary.    
    Sometimes I can’t believe her. Nico might need my help.
    Or, he might want to be alone. A voice in the back of my head told me. I told the voice to be quiet. 
I realized I had walked right up to the Hades cabin. Cautiously, I stepped inside. The air smelled of dust and pomegranates. I walked over to Nico’s unoccupied bed. I sat down, breathing his distinctive smell. Rain over stones and a hint of peppermint. Not that I spent a lot of time analyzing Nico’s smell. Cecil told me that to everyone else he smells strongly of death. He thinks that it’s me imagining things, but I think he’s just close minded. What does death even smell like anyway?
    I ran my fingers through his thin charcoal blanket. I scanned the cabin for any sign of life. Not that life would be caught dead anywhere near the Hades cabin. 
A creak of the floorboards made my head snap up. Jason Grace stood, stock-still, in the doorway. His electeric blue eyes made contact with mine. 
“Wiiilll.” he mumbled, drawing out the word
“Yes, that is my name.” I replied “What are you doing here?”
“I-I could ask you the same question!” he exclaimed. His eyes fell to Nico’s bedside, where a razor usually lay. I followed his eyes.
“Where is Nico?” I asked, all hardness gone from my voice, replaced with pure desperation. Jason scratched the back of his neck, looking nervous. I blinked back some tears. Jason sighed, giving in.
“He told me not to tell you.” he admitted, guiltely. I had a moment's hesitation. What if Nico was avoiding me because he was upset with me! Nico might need your help, and that’s what's important. I gave Jason a look to continue.
“He said he needed to be alone today, and that he was going to the last place.” he paused, looking confused at what he was saying.
“Last place! Where in Zeus’s name is that!” I exclaimed, exasperated. I tugged at my hair.
“Do we know anything that happened to Nico for the last time?” Jason asked.
“Nooo… but we know someone who might.”
I’ve seen to many people walk away
When they know
    One day. That's all I ask. One day without someone’s life one the line. I knew something was up when Will and Jason knocked on my door, Will with a worried expression, and Jason with a nervous one. 
    “Do you know where anything happened to Nico for the last time?” Will asked, jumping right to the interrogation.
    “Hi Percy.” Jason said, looking sheepish. I leaned on the doorway, my brain processing what Will had asked.
    “What?” was my brilliant answer. 
    Will looked exasperated. He repeated his question.
    “Well,” I began “if it’s somewhere Nico went if he wanted to be alone… We know he goes to places that make him sad, for some reason. And if it’s the last place something sad happened, that could be the last place he saw someone… Bianca! The last place he saw Bianca! (Sorry for the run-on sentence. I feel like that’s how Percy would talk.)
“Seems you’re not as much of a seaweed brain as I thought you were!” Jason exclaimed, clapping me on the back. I mumbled under my breath about ‘nicknames and expectations’. 
“Where did Nico last see Bianca?” Will wondered out-loud
“I think it was when she told him that she had been chosen for a quest.” I informed them.
“Where was that?” Will asked. I looked at him with pity. It was Valentine’s day, and his boyfriend was missing. The only reason Jason and I were alone was because Piper and Annabeth had gone to plan something together for today.
“I think it was somewhere in the woods.” I admitted.
“W-what!” Will stammered. He looked quite pale now. He seemed to steal his nerves and said, in a much calmer voice “Okay, let’s do it, for Nico.”
Their hateful looks reserved just for me 
The way the words cut my arms
 We walked into the woods, Will’s demeanor was very nervous, mine was what I hoped was righteously cautious, and Percy’s was an obviously put-on no-cares-in-the-world. His attitude changed the longer we walked, the farther away from camp. He stopped.
“We’re near.” he whispered, in an ominous voice. I rolled my eyes at his antics. This was serious!
We didn’t need to see Nico to know we were close. Pure waves of darkness rolled through the air. Will, who was a few steps ahead, stopped abruptly and we all bumped into him. He turned to face us.
“I think only one of us should go from here.” he whispered.
“Good thinking,” Percy whispered back “you guys head back, I’ll -”
“I was thinking I should.” Will stated “Being his boyfriend and all.” Percy mouthed Oh and nodded. I wanted to go too, but I understood Will’s reasoning. Me and Percy made eye contact. We walked back, the pure misery washing over our heads.
If I die 
Will anyone miss me
    The deeper I walked into the wood alone the more the dark seems oppressive. The waves of darkness almost push me to my knees. I keep walking. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the darkness lessens, leaving only a patch of dead grass. I looked through the dark haze, and spotted a small figure lying prone on the ground. I rushed forward, my head pounding.
    “Nico?” I look over him, gasping when I see blood. I grabbed the razor lying on the forest floor and put it in my pocket. Why was this happening on Valentine’s day? I pushed my thoughts, turning my head when I heard a groan.
    “Nico! Are you okay?” even though it’s obvious he isn’t.
    He groans, turning his head to face me. Tear tracks line his face, fresh ones pouring out. His eyes widen when he sees me and struggles to get out of my reach.
    “Nico! What! No!” I exclaim. He struggles more, trying to get out of my reach. I see him reach for the shadows, preparing to shadow travel away.
    “Why?” my voice sounds rough and hoarse. That gets his attention. 
    “I’m sorry Will, I just can’t -” his voice breaks off. I look at him pleadingly.
    “Nico, tell me what’s going on.” he sighs, looking defeated and broken. I don’t want that. I just want him to be happy.
    “Did Jason ever tell you why I hate Valentine’s day?” I shake my head “When we were on the quest,” he says, not needing to specify which one “Me and Jason -”
    I cut him off “Jason and I.” That earns me a look.
    “Whatever. Jason and I went to Split, in Croatia, and we went to Diocletian’s palace. We met Cupid. Eros. Whatever. Anyway, he made me admit that I had a crush on Percy, and that I’m - that I’m gay.”
    “That doesn’t seem so bad.” I commented. Nico’s eyes look into mine. They look so broken. I wish I could heal Nico’s cracks.
    “Will, I grew up in a time where people were killed for who they were. I was taught to be disgusted with myself. Valentine’s day is like a reminder that I’m not good enough, and I don’t deserve love. I can just hear Cupid’s laughter.”
    “Poseidon's pants! Nico, I had no idea!” I held the shaking smaller boy in my arms. I cradled Nico’s wrists in my hands. 
    “I don’t want - I don’t want you to see me cry.” he murmured.
    “I won’t look.”
    We stayed there for Hades knows how long, just holding each other.
    “You’re not… sad that I ran away on Valentine’s day?” his voice was so soft I had to lean in to hear it.
    “Neeks, I’m sad you felt you had to run away.” I assured him. He let out a broken sob. I hug him impossibly close, letting his tears soak my shirt. He cried so long that when the sound of his tears faded the silence felt alien in my ears.
    “Will?” Nico’s voice cut through the silence.
    “Yeah, Death boy.” I replied.
    “Can we go back to camp? We can do something fun if you want.” I assured him that I was fine whatever we did, and we walked, hand in hand, back to camp.
    When we got there I snuck him into his cabin so that no one would ask any questions. I would have preferred going to the infirmary but I did as Nico asked. 
    After a bit I went to say hi to my siblings so they didn’t worry. I didn’t see Percy or Jason. They were probably on their date with their girlfriends, completely forgetting about Nico. The thought made me feel angry. I walked back to the Hades cabin. Without knocking I scurried through the door.
    “Hey Nico! I -” I paused, realizing that Nico wasn’t in his cabin. I rushed out trying not to panic. I wandered over to the strawberry fields, where I went when I was overwhelmed. I ran my hands over the bushes of strawberries, which were impossibly tall. 
    “Will!” a voice cries out. I run in the direction of the voice. Just past the edge of the fields, I can see a flash of red. I reach it, panting for breath. 
    Standing there is Nico, his hands on his hips, glowering with no menace. He’s standing on the edge of a red and white checkered picnic blanket wearing - I swear to Zeus - a flowered suit. On the picnic blanket there’s an assortment of my and his favourite foods. 
    “Glad you got here. I was worried you wouldn’t come at all.” Nico admits, showing no sign of being worried except a few dried tear tracks left on his cheeks from earlier.
    “Well, now I feel super underdressed.” I said, glancing at his suit. Where in Hades name did he even get that? 
    “I don’t mind.” Nico announced, sitting down with a grin on his face. My heart melts into my shoes when he smiles like that. (Sorry for the bad, cheesy line) I would do anything to keep that smile on his face, so I sit down next to him.
    We spend the evening eating and chatting, watching the sun go down. 
    When the sun is past Half-blood Hill Nico says that we should probably head back. We kiss once more before grabbing the stuff and sneaking back. 
When we get to Nico’s cabin he looks around at the sound of the harpies screaming in the distance. Nico gives me a side-glance and insists that I stay in his cabin for the night, lest the harpies find me on my way to my cabin.
But you are different
When you clean my deep wounds
And help me to stand
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