#to be in love w percy? what if they make Nico&Will meet in The Battle of the Labyrinth season or something...
thaliasthunder · 2 years
do u think disney will include Will in the Last Olympian? im asking bc being honest i dont really think they'll film hoo neither toa for the age-time thing so i just wonder if they'll really get into the topic of nico being gay since rick did not start suggesting it and eventually making it official until hoo........so
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dykeseinfeld · 3 years
u asked someone to remind you to post about your pjo dual protagonist thalia/bianca au and i am SO intrigued by this idea please say more
anon asked: hey queen hope your homework went good yesterday 🌸…now what were you saying about thalia and bianca 😳 ?
ok y’all i’m here...the moment almost none of y’all have been waiting for....bianca/thalia protagonists with alternating pov’s au
warning it’s kind of super long and may or may not read like a 2nd grader’s semi-coherent game of pretend so under the cut it goes!
so the main things you need to know about this au are 1. thalia survives and 2. annabeth’s + luke’s ages are a lil diff bc canon is my sandbox 3. i can’t decide if percy exists in this au or not (maybe y’all can help me decide?)
so the first book:
would start a few months after grover brought thalia (12), luke (13), and annabeth (10, not 7)  to camp half blood. they were chased by monsters sent by hades on the way, and thalia almost didn’t survive, but ultimately she got lucky and managed to send a bolt of lightning through her spear for the first time and they made it into camp
it’s been some time so annabeth is happy as a clam in the athena cabin doing her 10-year-old-with-severe-mommy-issues thing and luke is actually pretty popular with the hermes cabin bc he actually Met Their Dad Holy Shit and also he’s getting pretty good with a sword
at the same time, thalia is alone in the zeus cabin. everyone has been freaking out bc they all saw the huge bolt of lightning that incinerated a couple hellhounds as they made their grand entrance and What The Fuck Child Of The Big Three???
she’s also further isolated because chiron will take her for private training sessions sometimes, since she is clearly really powerful already and also Hades Himself was trying to kill her (chiron told her the reason was the big three’s pledge not to have kids, and maybe about the great prophecy? if he tells her that then she’s sworn to secrecy)
once grover leaves on another protector assignment, thalia mostly hangs out with luke, and annabeth. luke + annabeth both will try to eat meals with her at the zeus table but annabeth doesn’t want to get in trouble and luke is genuinely making friends in the hermes cabin so thalia will feel bad sometimes and send him back
kronos, seeing this bitter isolated child of the big three’s dreams: it’s free real estate
hades is Pissed that thalia survived and zeus got to break their oath And get the glory of a prophecy child
so he sends someone to take bianca (12) and nico (10) out of the lotus hotel and casino a little early.
grover is still their protector, but since the Stirring hasn’t begun in earnest yet and hades is lowkey determined to keep them safe, they make it back to camp half blood with no escort/incident
bianca + nico are put into the hermes cabin, and luke kinda takes them under his wing bc while he’s not bitter he still needs therapy bc this 14 year old has never met a pre-teen he couldn’t try to parent
luke introduces nico and annabeth since they’re the same age and they become really good friends!! she Loves mythomagic and he thinks her dagger is super cool and they’re both just really excited about camp <3
bianca is more reserved and resistant to the whole thing, and she wanders around alone exploring and runs into thalia in the zeus cabin
at this first meeting they get into a bit of a fight bc bianca is still in shock/denial about the gods being real, but thalia at this point has zero patience for this
anyway after that and maybe another scuffle during capture the flag or something they hit it off and become best friends in the way girls can, especially bonding over how they’ve both had to take on raising annabeth and nico basically on their own at the age of 12
thalia is given a quest for [unspecific reason] and chooses bianca and luke, they go off leaving annabeth and nico frustrated at home
quest hijinks etc, bianca is trying to figure out her parentage + her weird mysterious powers? and thalia is arguing with luke because he’s settling into camp/hero life really well actually but she’s getting progressively angrier with the gods for trying to kill her and also keeps getting dreams from kronos and doesn’t get why he doesn’t seem to remember all of the shit that the gods have put him through
bianca + thalia have las-vegas-style-heart-to-hearts where thalia shares her tragic backstory about her mother and her brother and how hades tried to kill her and even about the great prophecy and how she’s trying on this quest bc of that and her dad but at the same time these dreams are making her suspicious that he might’ve been responsible for her mom’s death.
bianca then shares her own stuff, about how terrified she was being on her own with nico having to protect him but also not remembering most of her childhood and not remembering her parents or how she ended up in the care of this lawyer and just the absolute mindfuckery that her memories/past are
luke is asleep in those scenes i guess lol 🧍‍♂️
anyway eventually they finish their quest in this massive climactic battle where bianca discovers her powers in a huge-showy-”i’m the ghost prince”-way and is formally claimed by hades which thalia sees as this Massive Betrayal obviously and bianca is horrified too because she knows what hades did to thalia but at the same time she’s just so happy to finally understand at least part of her past
thalia just reaches a breaking point though because everyone around her just doesn’t understand her anger and just when she thought she had found another sympathetic person who understood what she was going through she joins hades??? no. no fucking way. kronos reveals that he’s the one who has been sending her dreams, prob by sending some messenger who he possesses or smthing and when he offers thalia the chance to join him? she does (dun dun dun)
main beats of the rest of the series:
thalia and bianca on opposite sides of the war training to be the prophecy child, they come together a Lot and have like melodramatic fight scenes where they talk out their anger and try to get the other to join them bc they don’t want to kill each other
luke is extremely conflicted/betrayed and there’s a titan’s curse moment prob towards the end of the third book where they’re fighting and thalia is trying to get her to go with him but here he actually does go to join her (gasp!!) and is evil for at least one book but his heart’s not in it and he goes back to the good side eventually
by the point of luke’s betrayal, annabeth and nico are growing and developing and old enough to go on quests w bianca and by the last book they’re a main trio of sorts and their hypothetical character development is already making me emotional
there’s just a lot of general sexiness with foils and inner conflicts and bianca doesn’t even want to be the prophecy child but she needs to for the fate of the world and bianca is so angry at thalia bc thalia is a daughter of zeus and could control her powers and is perfect and just meant to be the prophecy kid, not some daughter of hades who they didn’t even have a cabin for before
hm maybe by either the last or second-to-last book thalia + bianca are close to reconciling or at least their interests are aligned for the moment and they read the text of the prophecy together and things go Wild bc they both think “single choice shall end his days” either is about luke or nico and it turns up the gas to their fighting both of them care about both of them and yeah
and then i can’t decide if there’s romantic arcs at all but if there were it would go like this:
just a dash of thaluke where at first it was luke having a one-sided crush but thalia misses him a Lot after she goes to kronos and wonders if it’s that she misses him or if it’s something More until to get him to defect there’s like a melodramatic moment in the fight where thalia kisses him and they go off to be Evil Together but it ends bc luke doesn’t believe in the cause and only joined her in hopes of getting thalia back to his side
once luke leaves/is kicked out thalia realizes that she didn’t love luke she just wanted a family and also in the second half of the series she realizes she’s a lesbian as a parallel to her redemption arc
bianca meanwhile is unconcerned w romance until she has her botl-hoe-moment where within one book she 1. runs into the hunters on a quest and has a thing with zoe nightshade who tries to get her to join plus tells her about that time she met thalia, 2. she goes to calypso’s island and falls in love w her in the moonlight or w/e and has her what-if moment, and 3. when they meet up that book thalia somehow knew abt zoe + calypso and seems almost angrier abt them  than the war?? weird bc bianca knows that thalia is Totally Straight right??
my main point is that bianca/thalia is our friends-to-enemies-to-lovers endgame thank you i will take my pulitzer now
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ursie · 3 years
nico, hazel, rachel, reyna, and jason as a team in a superhero au 👁‍🗨(ik this is a lot of characters so if u don't feel like doing All of them ofc don't feel obligated to!!)
Omg omg so :
I actually am cheating because I have a vague X-men au already :
Nico :
vigilante 1 he’s not here to win popularity points.
Hades fell in love with his team-women with powers of the earth, magic, and herself and once defeating Nyx and taking her powers away they were able to give their kids all that they were and could be
With that in mind Nico takes after Maria (clearly favoring her appearance) but he isn’t blessed particularly with his family’s powers outside of his father-though he shows talent with Nyx’s and an aptitude for the theories and inner workings on everyone and everything-very curious and has the drive to back it up (a side effect from his momma-can’t back down when you know what you want)
Called the ghost king not because he truly commands them but because they listen to him he just has a way with people when he believes in himself
Loremaster and co leader of the team-stepped down to co leader for his own health-was made leader in the first place when Bianca passed. Is the one who gets the final say over battle plans -though often defers to Reyna to it
Was apprenticed under Hestia for magic- still does apprenticeships under different people in all diff positions-knows everyone
Their usual spy
Absolutely still fights with swords will cut a bitch. Uses two-gifted from his father and Hestia-one burns and one freezes. Either way it makes for some drama.
Hazel :
As said w Nico is her family’s legacy. Shows active promise in the earth and magic-true power-though lacks the technical precision she wants-so still is apprenticed under Hecate and studies under her brother and family.
Is 100% the teams powerhouse. Wants to be more in charge with decisions ect but admits she doesn’t always think everything through...and she is a lil young
Not ready to be the face of the team quite yet-knows Jason/Reyna feel uncomfortable filling in for her siblings-it’s not their place but Bianca fell and Nico just couldn’t do it. And she’s..she’s just not ready
Absolutely still rides a horse into battle-gifted from the Amazon’s themselves
Fights with her mothers scythe
Rachel :
her dad got in trouble for some stuff and she started working as a hero-she eventually joined their team-they needed four people. To their surprise when she met the fates something clicked and she now has visions of the future
Feels guilt for not seeing Bianca (who was her gf) fall-not saving her-being there and just..failing-how could she look them in the eyes? She didn’t leave the team (Nico begged her not to) but she just..couldn’t be on the ground anymore. Not again.
She helps as their medic and patches them up when they get back-otherwise she helps Nico w research or works on her visions
She knows Hades blames her-she knows he does. Maybe she is a lil over dedicated to them now but she needs to make it up to them. She knows her guilt messes with her vision but she’ll just learn to live with it-after all at least she gets to learn to live with it.
Worked on a team w Percy and gang but just couldn’t after their breakup and Annabeth being mean to her when Percy and her were dating-it just wasn’t professional-it was effecting their jobs so she has experience
Reyna :
Her and her sister shipwrecked onto the lost island of the Amazon’s. They were blessed with their abilities and trained but while her sister found comfort with them Reyna..she just wanted to go home-wherever that may be. It wasn’t here. More and more people get shipwrecked and she doesn’t think anything of it but eventually it clicks what’s wrong-the women join the island-the rest disappear-she flees with the prisoners at night-taking a ship (she knows her sister kept them from following her-she just knows it)
She starts “New Rome” with the survivors-many of which have no one to return to and keeps up her blessings-to her shock one by one they’re claimed or show signs of gifts and she just knows-at least it was the right thing to do-she does her best to command them-to lead them and ignore every bad feeling she has
She starts a team with Jason, Octavian, and a few others-eventually they’re betrayed and while Octavian faced punishment it doesn’t change the fact that people died and Jason and her are alone again.
Nico’s team helped fight Octavian during his rise to villainy and in the fight Bianca fell-saving them-helping them-the least she’s could do was fill her space.
And she does she doesn’t know it and she can never admit it (she hates herself for even thinking it) but Bianca dying might of been the best thing for her-she found a family, she found a home, Jason is still with her and she has siblings now-Nico just imprinted on her and Hazel thinks she’s the coolest and shes like half sure Rachel has a crush on her-she still is thought highly of-still commands-but it’s different-it’s different when you know they still see you as a person and not an obstacle to get around
She has no powers that help herself but she can boost anyone else’s
She fights with anything and everything
Jason :
While on the run from their father (a highly respected anti meta politician-a meta himself just trying to hold onto power) Thalia manages to get him on a ship heading out-it doesn’t matter where-he cries and screams as Thalia fights and falls distracting their enemies-it doesn’t matter-nothing breaks Thalia’s barriers-and once sound finally comes out he’s far enough away it doesn’t matter
Is saved by Reyna and brought to New Rome-on a mission he is taken by the wolves and while he comes back he’s never the same
Werewolf baby
Had wings like his dad but his father removed them-later on it’ll turn out he didn’t even need them to make him fly (turns out his mother was a meta too)-along with the lightning stuff but doesn’t like using it-makes him sad, mad, scared, he just. Can’t.
That changes as he grows closer to Reyna and Octavian but when Octavian betrays them any words of comfort are just. Hollow and he’s back to square one.
Meeting the new team and attempting to click with them (Hazel didn’t like him at first. Thought he’d be mean to Nico -most guys are) he is starting to get himself again-it isn’t until an incident where he attacks Nico (as a wolf) and Nico forgives him that he realizes oh. They’re a team-and they like him no matter if he hurts them-it happens-and they’ll be there afterwards.
Yes he’s dating Nico they’re werewolves together. They had a life changing mission together and came back besties and Hazel finally stopped oppressing him every five seconds (personally the rest of the team kinda misses that..it was kinda funny)
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parcai · 4 years
kit u can be a little smart at times s
o do u have any thoughts to share about nico
hmm i think i’ve shared some thoughts through the months, like i have a solangelo crit post from june and idek if i agree w everything in there anymore (and i don’t remember what it says), but let’s see 🤔 (editor’s noteslkgjlskjgsd: sorry this is so long and disjointed. i got carried away and i had too many thoughts to express in one ask)
percy and nico:
something i’ve always found v interesting about nico is his crush on/overall relationship with percy. and ik you know this, but for all the dumb dumbs out there, i would like to clarify that i do not ship pernico bc i do not condone that age gap at that young of an age.
so anyway lol, something that i think is a cool parallel that people don’t talk about enough is when nico brought percy to the underworld in tlo vs in moa when annabeth and percy are hanging at the cliff about to fall into tartarus. it’s so cool how nico tricked percy (mistakenly ofc bc his father tricked him first) into coming into the underworld and this gets him locked up and eventually percy ends up at the river styx and he’s losing the battle, right? like he’s drowning and the pain is too great and it’s his memory of annabeth that keeps him grounded. and it is so, so cool to me that in moa percabeth are the ones metaphorically drowning, and this time, instead of nico witnessing the horror before him and being too young to help or do anything, this time he’s the one pulling percy out (or trying to). it’s really the growth in percy making him of all people promise to meet them on the other side of tartarus, it’s nico being the one to originally bring him to the river styx where he could’ve died and then being the one, four books later, to help him out. v cool.
another thing that i think is really cool about him and percy is really how nico’s personality, though obvi built around the tragedy of his mother and sister, really does rely on percy. for example, percy is was the child of the prophecy in tlo, and at one point percy even says himself that if he died in the styx, nico would become the child of the prophecy. and that’s something that’s v cool to me bc i think it contributed to his private personality (which i will also mention again later bc there’s smth else i like about that too). it’s very interesting how, despite percy’s grudge against him in pjo (him making commentary about annabeth when everyone thought she was dead after falling off the cliff w the manticore lol, him tricking percy into coming to the underworld even if he had good intentions, him just overall getting in percy’s way), percy saves him time and time again, even if he doesn’t quite realize it. percy saves nico initially by rescuing him and his sister from that school. percy saves nico from being the child of the prophecy (in which case i really think nico would’ve broken down bc he had way too many burdens on his shoulders at that point in his life). percy saves nico from stopping him from joining his sister and zoe on the quest in ttc. (we can’t be sure he’d die, but it’s very likely he would’ve). percy shows him the ropes around camp, he helps him cope when his sister joins the hunters.
it’s so interesting to me that percy helped raise this kid, basically, and in the end that only strengthens nico’s adoration and idolization of percy jackson, which eventually turns into deep resentment and hatred, and in hoo, it’s nico saving his ass for a lot of the books. sure, there are instances like percy helping him out of the jar (and throwing wonderbread LMAO i love how that part of their relationship becomes more endearing with time), but nico keeps his mouth shut when percy comes to the romans. nico searches for him in tlh, nico not telling him about his past in son is him looking out for him (and all demigods as a whole), etc. (there’s more examples and ik it but i don’t remember and don’t feel like searching lol).
anyway that’s just the tip of the iceberg, but they have a cool dynamic and i always have Thoughts about them.
jason and nico:
i just think they’re neat lmao, they have a cool brotherly relationship imo (whereas him and percy are true cousins in how they act, though i’m not sure if i can explain why i feel this way when i compare jason and percy with nico), and i also always have Thoughts about them. (also for the sake of tl;dr and the fact that i spoke about him and percy for like five hundred hours, i’ll just leave it at that).
hazel, bianca, and nico:
hmm i’ll keep this short too for the same reason as jason and nico, but something that i don’t think gets talked about enough is the fact that nico brought hazel back from the fields of asphodel for personal gain of some kind. (gaea says it was “selfish reasons” somewhere, but it’s never explained what the reasons were). i don’t think it’s just that he wanted a sister or whatever, so i think this should be talked about more. interesting detail.
something else that’s really cool is when bianca appears to him as a ghost in pjo, she tells him to be wary of his fatal flaw of having a grudge, and to this day, i think he’s the best demigod to actually heed fatal flaw advice. he holds almost NO grudges in hoo and it’s like he’s done a personality flip. (jason prob comes in second for having a reign on his fatal flaw, but even that took him a while). the only time his fatal flaw is kinda showing again later is with annabeth but he lets that go in boo and he doesn’t even make a big deal about it (bc annabeth was dating percy). he is SO mentally strong and tartarus and everything, just ugh. it really is the self control for me.
fanon nico:
fanon nico is hideous and i hate it. but i hate basically all fanon so what’s new in that 😎 so anyway, key things people get wrong about him that Bothers me:
as funny as it is, he really doesn’t eat mcdonalds all the time nor is he obsessed with it lol. mcdonalds was only mentioned once in pjo (idk which book) and he was feeding it to ghosts to resurrect his sister...which is...another thing in itself lol.
everyone acts like he gets angry at everything (/embarrassed also), but that’s simply not true?? nico’s one of the most calm dudes in the entire series and except for when he was a kid (which, duh, he’s a kid and kids act like that), he’s pretty stoic tbh. he rolls his eyes sometimes and that’s it lmao. like the whole nico getting angry at percy and jason and whoever else people are shipping him with atm thing is so dumb. nico’s anger is almost never unfounded (esp in hoo, when he’s all grown up), he barely yells, etc. v unfortunate that y’all would make him like this, considering his lax-ness (?) is one of my favorite things about him. (this prob stems from the uwu gay fetishization but we won’t get into that for legal reasons 💀)
i hate how everyone vilifies him for the keeping the camps secret thing. hades instructed to do this in order to prevent a full on war. like tbh hades (who was characterized horribly in pjo i might add, but that’s another rant entirely), and nico, they’re very smart, which is smth people don’t appreciate enough. part of hades’ Things is justice and balance. they are the ultimate equalizers, and i’d argue that they’re more valuable intelligence-wise than athena and their children, even without my prejudice about athena, in many cases. they are masterminds, they see the chess moves ahead of time to the point where’s it’s almost prophetic. and the REASON they’re better at it is bc they’re not blinded by pride, like athena/her offspring. their grasp on death and mortality and the idea that everything MUST end at one point makes them the MOST reasonable/grounded/mature/sane people in the entire riordanverse and greek mythology as a whole. they are so rarely tempted or swayed by mortal desires/emotions. it’s VERY cool. so just vilifying him in general, for the camp thing or otherwise, for being smart after glorifying athena for that...mm that doesn’t sit well with me.
everyone acts like he’s a cussing mess when actually he’s probably the most polite kids in the series (like jason, which might be part of the reason they get along so well, besides the cupid thing ofc). perhaps it’s because he was brought up in another time and is old fashioned, but once he’s all grown up and we’re talking about hoo and he understands social cues and manners, he’s one of the most mature, not necessarily because he wanted to be, but because he grew up too fast. (also he’s literally the one to apologize first in most cases, especially when he’s wrong, but even otherwise.) he even treats the olympians and other godly bitch asses with respect. that takes mad patience.
anyway fanon sucks, and there’s more to this, but i’ll leave it at this, even if there’s a LOT more to unpack about fanon nico.
nico’s power/abilities/miscellaneous thoughts:
he’s super powerful and it annoys me that no one talks about that and treats him as an uwu baby or whatever. he can control the earth (geokinesis), and necromancy (summoning dead souls, power over the undead, releasing souls, telepathy with the dead, sensing life auras, ghost transformation (bryce lawrence) and control, seeing the power of the doors of death), osteokinesis, umbrakinesis, thermokinesis, hypnokinesis, phobikinesis, etc. i really recommend looking at his demigod abilities on the wikia. (and everything else on the wikia about him too. his page is so interesting). there is so much people forget about him since it’s not constantly boasted about (since he’s not the main character like percy). truly, and i say this with my whole chest (capitalized and all): I really do think he could beat Percy in battle at some points.
this is v unlike hazel who just does the gem/riches thing and the earth (and mist but that's not a pluto power). he would be a great candidate for the child of the prophecy, maybe even more so than thalia (who was especially ruled by her emotions at that age (electrocuting percy) even if she’s grown from that now (telling apollo she won’t pummel him over jason grace’s death DJSLKG). she would’ve failed and died and succumbed to her emotions. nico could’ve had a fighting chance if not for all the trauma at that age (as i mentioned earlier in the percy section).
also he has incredible mental fortitude, the BEST mental strength imo, even more than annabeth, who, as i mentioned in my post about fanon percabeth, falls victim to her own emotions quite frequently. tartarus is a good example, all his aforementioned grief, his self control with both his fatal flaw and just keeping secrets and to himself in general. should be appreciated more.
also, ik i mentioned it earlier, but i like how he has a private personality. a lot of people interpret his privacy as a flaw, but i think it’s v cool actually, and might be something rick did right (even if he ends up vilifying it later, dickald riordan 🤪). so many times once a character comes out of the closet in books and media in general, their personality does a 360. like damn suddenly they’re flamboyant and extroverted, and just ??? that’s so stereotypical and even offensive, and i Hate That. the fact that he preserves that even after being openly gay and joining a relationship with will, it’s very nice to see. i wish more media did that for gay characters, truly. ik a lot of it comes from his trauma and trust issues, but it’s slowly morphed into just a part of his personality that doesn’t necessarily have to be sad, and he doesn’t treat it as something sad anymore, and i think that should be appreciated. 
anyway sorry i’m annoying by talking a lot about this DSJDKJSD. (thinking of that one time on discord where you were like ‘i find you so funny kit, cause you don't talk, but you also talk so much, and if given the time and space, you'll ramble, how sweet.’ 😐 time to DIE IG 😭. also i didn’t read this over, so there’s prob spelling errors and there’s no tl;dr and 🙃
i bet you were expecting just one simple thing or smth idk. but nico’s one of my favorite characters despite fanon and fandom and half my mutuals thinking he’s lame (bc of fandom probably), and this is barely the tip OF the tip of the iceberg, fr. i could talk about him, hades, persephone (who i didn’t even get to, among many others!!), him and thalia, him and percy, jason, reyna, will, hazel, bianca, maria, god i could talk about the underworld/tartarus in itself forever. absolutely my favorite part of anything rick’s ever written. always really appealed to me as a kid, and even now. 🤷‍♀️ i could explain it, but i don’t want to lmao. 
and, even if we joke about it, i think we’ve v much established that i’m a cabin 13 kid  😎 <3
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dilfbatman · 4 years
seeing everyone talk about hoo rewrite hc’s i would like to join and add a few hehe
- i won’t reiterate what everyone’s been saying bc they’re all correct and right (no frazel, no racist/sexist shit about piper, hazel, reyna) no forced outing of nico, no weird “i’m alpha” shit between jason & percy, and overall better leo’s whole arc etc...
- i would swap annabeth’s godly parent (so pjo rewrite) i think having her being a daughter of nike (a minor goddess) would be far more interesting/is fitting for her! her desire to be first, number 1, always win, and having her pride and need for victory be a part of who she is! and in pjo she would have been in the hermes cabin thus making her relationship w luke stronger, therefore making his betrayal hurt that much worse (also for fun in hoo she’d have a crush on piper and play into the whole cocky yet nervous daughter of nike who only wants to be the number 1 in piper’s heart hehe)
- instead i would want to put a black child of athena i think that them within the story would be so interesting and their intelligence is not only of extreme use, but they can offer strategies and ways to get out of dire situations in the skip of a heartbeat! plus i think they’d be great friends w leo & hazel!
- i would like to add more minor/underworld/primordial god kids! i wanna see children of eros (primordial), thanatos, hecate, nemesis, nike, hebe, hypnos, erebus, nyx etc... i think they’d be SO much cooler than to see just kids of the 12 olympians and to see how some of them interact w the 7 + nico & reyna! (son of eros & thanatos & hecate interacting w nico and hazel - son of eros helping nico, son of hecate helps hazel to control the mist, son of thanatos being friends w nico & hazel and feeling a connection w them? daughter of nemesis battling w her internal of struggle whether she hates percy or not and how she’s seen how it’s affected her brother? son of hebe being best friends with leo and relates to his fun spunk? son & daughter of erebus being the antithesis of jason yet seeing his kindess and respect and how he subverts their ideals of a how a son of jupiter/zeus would act? children of nike meeting frank & reyna and look at how strong & good at combat they are and seeing future sparring partners?
- i am. a narcissus apologist he deserves a better and well rounded character arc - i want to see him full of anger sadness and despair and how demigods feel the guilt of fighting him and forcing him to look into his reflection and see him sob bc it’s too much and he didn’t deserve to be held down for eternity! here’s @hazelmagix’s take on it: here’s one, and another, and it makes me sad
- eros is the protector of homosexual love! it would have been better to see him protect and speak to nico and give him advice - he protects young men! it would have been different to see this side of him rather than the mischievous terrifying one the gods know (as the god are actually frightened by eros) and also! no thanatos in chains!
- if you’ve read tsoa then this is for you but for the curse of achilles scene i wanted tsoa!achilles so bad omfg seeing a young man who is the cautionary tale of bearing the curse and who’s THE most famous and one of the most tragic demigods (and how he’s the opp. spectrum of percy bc he let go of his humanity and therefore losing everything he knew and loved) and having percy recognize that would have been heartwrenching and how achilles not only lost his life & honor but something more important to him aka PATROCLUS!
- for fun i wanna see a “sons of apollo” group that has a fun rivalry w the “hunters of artemis” that has so substance for bettering hoo it’s just something i wanna see JDJDJDJD and also........ let the hunters have lesbians! people have pointed out how it’s ridiculous to kick them out and also that they’re all so young so artemis has to make sure that they wanna join which would change the concept fundamentally! i think hunter thalia meeting praetor amazon reyna would have been insanely cool and them being gf’s!
- i love valgrace! i’d love to have seen it! peak friends to lovers trope but first and foremost leo learns how to find self love and be secure in himself and his friends help him! so does the son of eros & son of hebe & hazel & piper! and i wanted to see certain friendships within the two camps like percy & leo, jason & annabeth, piper & will, hazel & charlie, piper & silena, the stoll brothers and dakota, frank & clarisse etc...
- not me realizing that i didn’t add iconic takes from @bunkernine & @hazelslevesquee! caitlyn the foremost icon of the TLH trio her takes are over here! and pearl already has ideas about hazel :’)
- i wanted octavian to be an absolute BASTARD, complete antagonist, just despicable! one of my fav scenes of his was when he told percy that he hoped the roman brand hurt which is entirely fucked up and dark and i love a villainous character! he was a little bitch in hoo when he deserved to be a bad bitch! a legacy of apollo who has the worst qualities of apollo himself and who the “sons of apollo” consider an absolute travesty to the name of their patron!
- the gaea fight bro......... what was that??? we needed TENSION, I WANTED ACTION, SHE’S A PRIMORDIAL GODDESS AND IS SUPER POWERFUL! we should have that battle be even more dangerous and tension filled than the battle of kronos and were ROBBED! we should have seen aphrodite’s war side, the extent of damage the big three kids could do, minor god kids weren’t considered to be all that strong but are LETHAL in battle! i wanted sm more from this battle it was WEAK in the books smh we deserved better! and there’s probably way more i’d change but my brain is no thots head empty rn but that’s all i have for now hehe
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firerose · 4 years
Grief/A piece of my sad frazel fic
‘‘Where is Frank?“,Hazel asked in a mixture of excitement and confusion . The two Legionärs that just came into the temple share an uncomfortable look and Hazels smile faded.Frank had been on a quest and he had reasurred her that he would come back. She had believed him and had spent the last days without worry  but now...“Where is he?“,She asked once again more commanding.One of the boys cleared his throat and she noticed that both had a damaged armor like they had come from a fight.Hazel would have told them to see a healer but she needed to now what had happened to Frank first.“The Preator…..there was an army of momsters and he…..“ He stopped mid sentence but what he had said was enough.Hazel‘s world fell appart as his words repeated themselves in her mind.A sharp pain ignited in her heart and her vision bcame blurry.No he couldnt be gone he had promissed he would return.“No…..No.“ She said over and over again her body beggining to tremble and then finaly she broke.“NO!“ She screamed and as if the earth absorbed her pain cracks opened and thousands of presious metalls were revealed.Hazel collapsed on the stone floor and the messangers stepped back with terrified expressions when the temple started shaiking.
The whole camp felt it. Weapons and parts of armor were ripped away from the campers. The citzens of new Rome ran around in panic as their houses collapsed and imperial gold threathened to bury them. They all knew what was the cause of this but that did not make it any less terryfieyng. All of them knew that Hazel Levesque could bury all of new Rome in her grief.
Hazel couldn‘t stopp sobbing.She was lying on the ground,to weak to get up or do anything but cry. She felt the cracks opening,felt the earh shaking but she did not care.All she cared about was that Frank,her beautiful sweet boyfriend was….dead.She couldnt fully process it.It had only been a small quest to destroy a few monsters that wanted revenge for Geas death. There hadn‘t been supposed to be any deaths. She remembered how Frank had told her about the vision from his father.“I‘ll be fine it will just take a few days to find them Hazel.“He had told her smiling that soft smile that she now would never see again.She sobbed louder and with every sobb her strengh left her more.She asked herself  if she could sobb so much that she would die,so she could see Frank again.She suddenly felt arms that wrapped around her that pulled her against a warm body.She yelled in protest but the grip around her just got tieghter.“Shhh I‘m so sorry hazel-I‘m so sorry.“ Reyna said softly while rocking Hazel in her arms. She had tears in her eyes aswell,her heart full of regret.She shouldn‘t have let Frank go alone with only a part of all the legions as support  but new Rome had to be protected. Now she had lost him and the only thing he could do to make it up to him was caring for his thirtheen year old girlfriend.“W….why…...why…….why…..“ Hazel muttered unable to say anything else.She wasn‘t sure who she was asking,Reyna the gods or Frank.He wanted to know why he had let himself be killed. Why he had lied to her about their future.“You know  it won‘t change anything just because I‘m Preator now. I will still spend time with you whenever you want.“ He had told her softtly the first night after they had returned to camp after the war.“Thats good.I was afraid I had to dragg you out of boring senate meetings for the rest of my life.“ She had joked with a mocking smile.Frank had laughed and had kissed her.“Don‘t worry we will have a happy peaceful life now and we will live it together.I love you Haze Levesque.“He had said in amusement and Hazel‘s heart had jumped in joy.Now that memory made her angry.Liar.Liar.Liar.Her mind screamed over and over again. She had only known him for nine  months and had loved him for eight.That was not even a year and now he had left her alone in a life full of misery. Hazel pressed herself against Reyna her head buried into the older girls chest. Reyna stroked her back glad that Hazel did not summon metalls anymore.Hazel felt the aftermath of her power use.She was tired so tired. She felt her eyes becoming heavy and she wished that as soon as she closed them Frank would wake up from this nightmare.Slowly her sobbs became quiter and she sunk into darkness.
She unfortunately did not wake up but instead got haunted by nightmared
She stood in the cave in Alaska were Gea had once forced her to bring back her son.
The earthgodess stood before her, eyes closed,body and face hidden behind a veil of earth.“You took my son from me and made us suffer for decades now let‘s see how you like that experience.Leo Valdez destroyed me but atleast you will pay for what you did.“ Gea murmured and Hazel wanted to scream,wanted to tear that mud face to shreds but her body was unable to move.
The dream changed and she stood on a bloodied battlefield.She knew immediately that it had to be the one were Frank had lost his life.Good she thought maybe she could find some mosnters to kill.“Hazel.“,A voice said gently and the blood in her veins froze.She turned around and saw Frank who was shimmering in a weird white light.Other than that he looked just like he had when she had last seen him. His bronze armor was covering his arms,legs and chest.He was smilling as if everything was fine and he hadn‘t just died in battle.“Why…..why did you leave me!“ She yelled suddenly overcome by wave of fury.She knew that it was unfair to blame Frank but his death broke all the promises he had made and a part of her hated him for it.
Franks expression got sad.“I‘m so sorry Hazel.I never wanted to but….there where just too many monsters.Your father has given me this last moment to apologize and...to say goodbye.“ He said and Hazel‘s anger got replaced by desparation.She wanted to run to him so he could catch her in ahug like he had done so many times before but she knew that it would not work. He was a ghost destant to rest in Elysium until she joined him.“I…..I can‘t loose you Frank please. Talk to my father he will bring you back he has to.“ She begged knowing that it was pointless.Pluto was not as worse a father as Jupiter but he was still a god.“I already tried and he told that he can‘t intervire with the fates.I know it‘s unfair after….after everything we went through after the war…..I almost believed that the gods would reward us with long happy lifes.I guess that was naive of me.It‘s going to be hard fo both of us but….I know you can get through this Hazel you are the strongest person I know.“Frank responded in a sorrowful voice  and Hazel let out a sobb. She hated the gods for doing this to them,for taking Frank away just because some old ladies wanted it to be that way.She slowly walked towards him and he lay a hand on her cheek that felt cold but somehow still comforting.“I can‘t stay strong wthout you!“Hazel cried imagining herself living in Camp Jupiter watching her friends grow up and havimg families while she remained sad and alone.Frank‘s body begann to flicker and a look of panic apperared on his face.“Percy and the others will be there for you Hazel.I will wait for you in Elysium it‘s going to be boring without you but I will wait.We will see eachother again maybe Nico can visit me some time.Until then Remember Hazel I love you and I always will.“ Frank said determently and his form started to fade.
So was not sure if this fic is good so I decided to post a pice of it on here I hope you liked it!
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Blood Of Olympus Read W/ Me
This was the worst book of the series by far. I almost didn’t finish it. I think my thoughts are going to be rather short but they’ll still be below the cut for spoiler reasons. There will also be Trials of Apollo spoilers so I highly suggest not reading this if you haven’t caught up with those books! Let’s get into it.
I’d like the start by saying what I like: Nico/Reyna POV. I loved their relationship (which I didn’t see coming at all) it was very big sis-little bro vibes. I love that Nico finally found a place and his budding relationship with Will. What’s funny is though I knew Will would be his love interest (You can’t avoid them in fanfic at all) I thought he’d be more like super sunshine/super happy and that would contrast with Nico’s emo nature. But he was just chill and was like Nico, stop being a dumbass, we’re friends. I think fanfic gave me a different impression of what he’d be like (Granted I never read the fics, just summaries) and I was surprised that he was not like that. It’s not bad or good, just pointing it out. 
Oh and Nico telling Percy he liked him and Percy just being like ‘say what?’ I didn’t expect Nico to actually fess up to that one but Percy’s reaction was gold. 
The best moment in this book is Reyna taking down Orion by herself. She was that BITCH. Correct me if I’m wrong but the only other person who defeated a giant by themselves was Percy right? In the Battle of Labyrinth when he fights Antaeus? I think Antaeus was a half-giant though because Percy, a demigod, managed to kill him without the help of a god. Anyway, Reyna was everything in that scene. Oh I lied, he took down Polybotes too. They’d be unstoppable together (though I love Percabeth). She was about to sacrifice herself too!! What a queen. I respect the crap out of her. UM Jason you really picked the wrong girl lmao. 
I appreciated the Thalia cameo (because again, I didn’t re-read the Lost Hero so I haven’t seen her since the last time I read the PJO series) and the mention of Zoe. I hope Kenzie didn’t really die though, I liked her. 
And that’s all the good I have to say about it. Now for the bad...so much bad.
So after thinking about it, I realize that what makes HoO so different from its predecessor series is that there’s no consequences. The closest we got to consequences was Annabeth and Percy falling into Tartarus because they weren’t saved in time. No one important (protagonist/good guys side) died. Leo was resurrected (And I looked it up and found out that he came to Camp in the Trials of Apollo series so everyone knows he’s alive). Even for the Tartarus one, we didn’t even get a PTSD arc. It would’ve been helpful to have Percy or Annabeth’s POV in this book to wrap up that subplot. Instead we get two lines about their time in Tartarus and when Percy brings it up, Annabeth tells him not to mention it. So no PTSD arc. Got it. But we can just casually mention that Octavian committed suicide (which I don’t care for that ending at all).  Right.
The HoO books are boring because there’s no consequences. I never felt true fear apart from Percy/Annabeth being in Tartarus. In the Last Olympian, mortals were put to sleep, Annabeth was gravely injured, Silena and Beckendorf died. Luke and Ethan died. There was no magical save for them. Blood of Olympus had NO stakes, coupled with a weak, slightly developed new characters made it a bad series imo. It also doesn’t deliver on the questions posed in the book.
Hazel’s curse is still active, no descendant of Neptune has taken it away. I read the wiki summary for every book of the Trials of Apollo (The last one isn’t out yet) and there’s no mention of her curse being lifted. I think Frank’s stick is resolved imo being that it’s safe in the fireproof pouch but for some readers, they don’t think that’s resolved. Kym told Percy he’d have to face his fatal flaw. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t feel as though he did. Percy also never helped Leo find Calypso but Ig that’s null because he never got the chance to. Also is Black Jack, Frank’s grandmother, Hylla okay? Orion said Hylla got away but I was hoping for another cameo. 
Let’s talk about the villains/the entire quest of the Seven. The quest was boring, Nico/Reyna/Hedge’s quest was 100x more interesting and they were transporting a freaking statue. The quest of the Seven was fight this minor god/villain who is working for Gaea who promised them something (Even Jason has a line where he makes fun of this), outsmart/fight them, get to Athens where all the monsters are. Percy and Annabeth’s blood awakens Gaea. The gods come down which makes me angry because most of them weren’t helpful throughout the series. Poseidon wasn’t in this series at all. He didn’t even send a symbol or talk to his son who went missing. I’m pissed that the battle against Gaea wasn’t even in Athens! I’m pissed that they got slapped to New York, like what? The gods really couldn’t poof them back there, they gave some excuse but it was still bs. But I guess Rick needed Argo II to get back to NY so Leo can turn festus back into a dragon. But anyway, the gods come down, the demigods work with to defeat the giants in less than two pages. The giants that were poised as a massive threat for four books straight. Defeated in mere minutes. We don’t even get a cool battle description, they just hack and slash at them and they’re dead. Huh? 
Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, and Frank were reduced to background characters and I understand they don’t have a POV but I never felt that characters who didn’t have a POV in a certain book were ever forgotten/not utilized. They didn’t really get to do anything. 
We also don’t really see the Roman and Greek gods all that much. I know they’re the same people, different Greek and Roman personalities. But like I thought their Roman side could be seen a bit more but they were having difficulty maintain one persona throughout the whole series. I can tell you what the Greek gods are like and how they interact w/ each other based on the throne room scenes/anytime they help demigods in PJO/HoO. But Roman gods as whole? I can’t tell you how they even interact with each other. 
But wait, it gets worse. There’s not even a formal recognition thing like there was at the end of the Last Olympian (where Percy is offered godhood and Annabeth is given position of architect) there’s a little meeting with the gods and the Seven in which Jason is like give minor gods shrine and the gods aren’t really all that interested in what he has to say. There’s no thank you demigods. No, thanks Annabeth and Percy for literally going through Tartarus and Hazel for sacrificing yourself at 13 back in the 1940s. And the rest of them sacrificed something too. Like damn, no wonder why Luke was always like the gods don’t care about their kids. 
Gaea was built up to be a big bad (honestly not really, she talked trash the entire time/sent people to do her work) and the woman is easily overpowered by the three demigods. She’s not even awake for 20 minutes and she goes down. WHAT?? 
Overall, it was anti-climatic and totally did a 180 on everything else established in this series-the fact that Gaea was such a major foe and turned out not to be (that SEVEN demigods had to take her down, not just 1 like Percy’s prophecy) and the giants were to be feared too but they get taken down. At 200 pages in, I dead ass wanted to DNF, it was so boring. I gave it a one star because although the good I mentioned was really great, it doesn’t save the book. So for me, this series had every book be 3 stars or under except House of Hades. 5 books and I only really was able to like one and get through it easily and it still had issues. Like what?
Lastly, I want to touch on Jason. I still think he’s bland though I appreciated him giving Nico a hug at the end there. Again from ToA/being spoiled over the years, I learned that Jason died and I won’t be reading ToA but I read the summary of the book where he died and um, wow. I don’t feel anything for his death but the fact that he and Piper broke up sent me into a laughing/anger rage. Laughing because they really said ‘I love you’ at the end of BoO and they didn’t even make it a year lmao. And the fact that PIPER, miss always insecure in her relationship with him, McLean broke up with HIM. WOOOOOW. But it made mad because I listened to her complain/fawn over Jason for 4 freaking books (not counting tSoN) for NO REASON cuz they ended up breaking up. Overall, I appreciated what Jason, Hazel, Frank, and Piper did in the HoO series because they were helpful but I couldn’t connect with their characters. I’ll admit that in BoO we got a little bit more bonding between characters which is what I asked for in my last read with me and I like the Percy/Jason scene underwater and Piper/Annabeth scene from the beginning. I do think some relationships were summarized when they could’ve been shown--i.e. Annabeth/Reyna/Piper friendship but they have potential. 
The bonding was good, it was just too late. It should’ve happened in MoA/HoH as well. Random but I also hate how Leo was treated (esp. by Jason and Piper) throughout the series and I’m glad he got out of that mess. He was reduced to a deus ex mechanic and that wasn’t cool. The Seven wouldn’t have been able to do this quest without him. 
Sooo I guess this is it. I don’t think I’m going to read another Rick Riordan book again unless I hear something drastic happens to Percy or Annabeth/Any of the PJO characters and Reyna. I’m strongly reconsidering removing him as my fav author. I still love the PJO series but this one was not it. I don’t know if Rick was on a tight deadline for these HoO books but it was just poorly executed. I don’t regret reading the series, I think reading HoH was worth all the time I spent reading this series. I wish I had just read a summary of tSoN and MoA, especially because I already read them years ago and knew I wasn’t into them from my first read. I wasted my own time by doing that. So if I had done that I would’ve gotten to just read HoH and then only be disappointed by BoO as opposed to three books. It is what it is. It’s nice to be in the loop because I always see these things about HoO characters and spoilers so now I know how it went down. 
But that’s it guys, thank you for reading this entire thread and the ones before it. I have a lot of opinions and I don’t think I’m in the minority by saying I didn’t like this series overall. I will get back to my writeblr content and I will leave you guys with my final ratings for the series (My rating system may seem generous compared to my read with me thoughts but I personally don’t give less than 3 stars to books that plot wise made sense. It may not be the most compelling plot or have the best characters but if it made coherent sense, I have to give it at least a 3.) :
The Lost Hero: This score is based off of my original reading in 2012/2013 and my thoughts on the main characters in that book, I give this a 3/5 stars
The Son of Neptune: 3/5
The Mark of Athena: 2/5
The House of Hades: 4.5/5
The Blood of Olympus: 2/5 
Worst book of the series: Mark of Athena (Blood Olympus is a close tie but the Nico/Reyna really saves it from this spot) and best book- House of Hades. 
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rickastromega · 8 years
@pjosecretsanta2016 Ok, so this is @daisypeachi ‘s gift, I hope you like it! and sorry if it a little bit sucky, I haven’t written in long time 
Thank you for taking care of your siblings, Percy.” Sally hugged her son as tight as she could. “We’ll be back by the end of  the week, I’m so sorry sweetie, but Paul and I need to go to this conference, it’s really important for his work and for mine, I’m afraid that we won’t be able to spend new year’s eve with you”  
“Don’t worry mom we’ll be alright, Zoe wanted to go to the aquarium today and spend the day there” Percy said with a carefree smile.
“Sally love, as much as it pains me to leave our children alone for the festivities, I think we have to go now” Paul suggested having carried the luggage to the front door ready to depart, “Zoe’s old enough to call us if something happens, and Percy is a wonderful babysitter”
“Don’t worry mommy, big brother and I will be good, I promise!” Zoe insisted turning her big brown puppy-eyes to her mother, unlike Percy who resembled his father, Zoe took a good resemblance to Sally and not just her looks, her personality was just as marvelous.
“I’ll make sure big brother behaves too!” Tyson added running up to meet them having unpacked his belongings for the weekend
“I’m sure you will Tyson,” Sally smiled fondly as he hugged her younger son.
Once everyone had said their goodbyes, Sally and Paul got out to take a cab to reach their flight in time, which left Percy, Tyson and Zoe alone for the whole week. Having nothing else to do today aside from watching cartoons and laying on the couch, they all got ready to go to the aquarium.
“Ok Tyson, Zoe, let’s look back on it again.” Percy inquired once they got everything ready to leave, “what do you do if by any chance we get separated?”
“Go to the reception desk and tell them we’re lost” both answered in unison with a monotonous tone, see, the thing is; having it said the first 5 times, it kind of gets a little bit annoying.
“And if there’s a suspicious person that seems to be following you?”
“Stay clear from closed off places and look for an officer”
“Okay, what if-“
“Big brother, we get it, we have been over this 10 times already, can we go now? The aquarium will be closed at this point when we get there” Zoe pleaded with Percy with the impatience that only a child could muster.
The Aquarium was bursting with life, fishes were swimming idly behind the thick glass wall, a variety of species so diverse it was hard to count them all, there were almost a bajillion fishes here or so Tyson said.
“Look! Look! Percy, its Rainbow!” Tyson Pointed excitedly at a little multi-colored Seahorse, out of all of them, it was the one that stood out the most, a multi colored seahorse, maintaining visual contact with Tyson. The little seahorse was just like one Tyson had. It was a gift from dad, but since he almost died from loneliness and Tyson could barely take care of him, they handed him to the aquarium, Percy didn’t know if that was the actual Rainbow, but he wasn’t going to ruin Tyson’s fun, so he just let him be.
After strolling around the facility for two hours or so, Percy wanted something to drink because, hey, middle of winter? It freezing; so after walking, for what seemed almost an eternity, they found a little coffee shop near the aquarium.
The coffee shop was… cozy. That was the only word that came to Percy’s mouth the moment they got in, fluffy couches and chairs adorned the little establishment painted with a dark earth color, the pleasant smell of fresh coffee penetrated Percy’s nostrils with the little heat that emanated from the back of the counter.
“Hello! Welcome to the Mist. How may I help you?” said the hot dude at the counter, he had tanned skin, blonde hair, and the bluest eyes you could imagine covered by those golden frames with the most tender smile someone could muster.
“Hello! My name’s Tyson and she’s Zoe and this is our big bro Percy!” Tyson exclaimed excitedly, saving Percy from making a fool out of himself.
“Well hello my name’s Jason, Would you like something to drink?” Jason smiled sweetly
“Yes please!” Tyson examined the menu where everything was sorted neatly, there were some coffee names that Percy didn’t even recognize and others he knew too well “I’d like a hot chocolate please!”
“Zoe, would you like a hot chocolate too” Percy asked Zoe whom has being held by her sibling on his arms.
“Yes please”
“w-well then it’d be two hot chocolates and a latte please” Percy said to the hot barista
“No problem, it’ll be $15, if you want to maybe take a seat? I’ll take your order for you” Jason said and he started working. After some minutes the three hot beverages were ready, the blond took them to the table and gave each one their respective drink. “Here you go, if you need anything please don’t doubt on asking”
“Yeah, thank you”
“Thank you Jason!”
“Thank you Mr. Jason”
After being there for a little while Jason went to the table and started having small talk with Percy and co. Apparently the café  was owned by Jason’s friend Hazel and husband Frank  which resulted in Percy knowing her by her brother Nico which was a friend of his.
“Wow, I can’t believe this is Hazel’s café, I mean, Nico told me she opened a little business of her own, but this is in no means a little business” Percy exclaimed in awe, because all of this was built from scratch, according to Nico.
“Yeah, Haze, Frank and Leo worked really hard on this, I’d sometimes show up to offer some help, and when we got all done, They gave me the job, said it was easier because they already knew me” Jason said amiably sitting on the chair in front of Percy.
“So what brings you up around here?” Jason asked idly, it seemed he didn’t want to be too nosy, which Percy found completely adorable.
“We were visiting the aquarium near here, I promised Zoe and Tyson I’d take them there and we just left there” Percy explained sipping at his coffee
“And did you two liked it?” Jason asked Tyson and Zoe to make them feel included in the conversation, so far, Jason was scoring point after point in Percy’s checklist
“Yes we did! We saw pretty fishes and seahorses and Rainbow was there too!” Tyson rambled excitedly at Jason’s question, at the mention of Rainbow Jason just arched an eyebrow to silently ask Percy who was Rainbow which Percy explained it was Tyson’s former pet.                                                             They started talking casually about their lives casually sipping their drinks. Percy told Jason that he wanted to study Marine biology and that he was captain of the college swim team. Jason was studying to become a politician and was captain of the football team, which earned him a typical jock joke from Percy.
Time flew by and it was time to head back home, the Jackson-Blofis kids promised on coming back and said their farewells to Jason. Percy, Zoe and Tyson kept their promise and went the day after, and the day after that, and the one after and… Let’s just say they became regular customers.
New Year came and went and Sally and Paul came back, Percy decided after a long- term debate between himself and a skype call from Annabeth. That he was going to ask Jason out, and see if what he thought he was seeing was real or it was just wishful thinking.
“Hey Percy! Tyson and Zoe are not coming today?” Hazel said as Percy passed through the door
“Not today Haze, Zoe went with mom to do the groceries and Tyson is with Paul, they went to Central Park with Mrs. O’Leary, so I’m all alone today” Percy tried to act nonchalantly while his gaze surveilled the premises, no  mop of blonde hair to be found though. Even though Percy wanted to ask Jason out on a date, if the signals he got from him were right the, there should be nothing to fear. What Percy was scared of is that Jason was being just too nice for the Shop’s sake and he was receiving mixed signals.
“Jason took the day off, if you’re looking for him” Hazel said inadvertedly, never taking the look off the coffee machine
“WH-what makes you think I’m looking for him?” Percy dodged defensively and crossed his arms as he tried to make the heat on his cheeks to go away
“Oh, I don’t know, it may be the fact that he’s totally your type, or those times that you were ogling at him when you thought nobody noticed, or the way your whole face lights up   when you’re talking with him;” Hazel listed as if it were the shopping list she was reciting. “And because-“
“Ok, ok, ok! I get it Hazel, I’m pretty obvious,” Percy said, the heat rushing on his cheeks returning full force “you can stop teasing me now”
“Don’t worry Percy, between you and me I think he likes you too” Hazel confided to Percy as she leaned closer so Percy could hear better, it wasn’t like there was someone at this hour of the day, but the secretiveness gave a feeling of insurance, “maybe you should go home, I heard from Annabeth that Thalia needed Help with something, and since you two are neighbors why don’t you go and help her”
“Yeah, I’ll do that” Percy agreed defeated “thanks haze, see you later”
The walk home seemed larger than expected, with Percy’s mind somewhere else, he walked leisurely, through the streets of New York. Mom and Paul shouldn’t be home till 4 o’clock, which gave enough time to Percy for Helping Thalia with whatever that was she needed help.                                                                                             When Percy reached Thalia’s he noticed that some of her furniture was out in the hallway, other stuff was being moved by some of her friends.
“Hey Jackson! How are you man?” Thalia greeted him when Percy entered the apartment, she was carrying a small couch. Scattered pieces of what seemed a lost battle against IKEA were littered on the floor.
“Hey thals, I’m fine”
“Good, cause I need help with this Device from the underworld” Thalia kicked one of the IKEA’s pieces which sent it flying all the way through the living room
“That’s more wise girl’s Territory, sorry about that”
“Ugh’ she’s in Cali with her Family, and this fucker won’t even resemble what’s supposed to” Thalia groaned grasping her hair in both hands
“Dude, It’s from IKEA, what did you expect?” Percy snickered at the punk’s attitude and her inherently defeat against what seemed a… coffee table?
“Why are you moving all the furniture?” Percy asked moving aside to let Phoebe and other girl he didn’t recognize move in with a bar table.
“I’m making a complete make-over to the apartment, my little brother just moved in and I realized my furniture is not exactly “family friendly” since I hardly lived here” she said air quoting the family friendly part, which, was true, because of Thalia’s work she had to go on business trips a lot and seldom lived the place. Percy started helping rearranging and moving in and out the furniture that was supposed to be moved. After an hour or so of moving stuff around the one that Percy expected the least came through the door
“Thalia, I brought Leo here to help us build the- Percy?” Jason halted right in his tracks making the small Latino behind him crash against him and fall to the floor
“Jason, bro, next time warn me beforehand won’t you?” Leo grumbled dusting himself off  ”ok, so where’s the so called “device from the underworld” that needs to be tamed b Bad boy supreme”
After letting Leo do his “magic”, Percy and Jason went to the Balcony to talk, because according to Thalia “that sexual tension is so steep it can be cut with a knife”
“So, Thals is your sister?” Percy casually asked trying to lessen the more than awkward mood that draped over them.
“Yeah older, just by appearance one would think that we’re not related at all” Jason chuckled “it would surprise you how many times we had to clarify we were brother and sister”
“Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised considered how different you’re from her, you look like the goody two shoes and thals looks like the kind of girl who punch goody two shoes and steals their money”
“Yeah.” Jason laughed “it’s kind of true”
Silence befell and the two of them just stared at the landscape, the sun was almost setting, bathing everything in a light orange light, the buildings and skyscrapers making shadows by obstructing the light
“Jason, I’ve got something to ask you” Percy began, as he twiddled with his thumbs “I don’t know if I read too much into things and by any means if this will make you uncomfortable, I’m sorry but” Percy took a deep breath, mentally steeling himself to do this, when did this become so hard? Damn it!
“Would you like to go to my place after this, for a cup of coffee?” Percy asked, unsure of the answer as he ran his hand through his black hair.
The silence that permeated the ambience turned into agony, every second was torture waiting for his answer. At last Jason turned around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“I’d love to” Jason answered leaning on the banister
“Oi! Kelp head! Less flirting with my little brother more helping me move the furniture!” Thalia shouted from the inside the apartment
“Jason bro should I tell piper that you finally got a date or you’ll do it by yourself?” Leo teased having finished flawlessly the little coffee table that was now in the middle of the living room
“Ha ha, yeah whatever you say Thals”
“Shut up firebug, don’t ruin the moment”
And the two went into the apartment
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