#or even loser lover or 0x1 love song
hotteoki · 10 months
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ghostofdiamonds · 4 months
txt makes music that gay people (using as an umbrella term) (myself included) love, so I'm gonna list all the times I can remember their music and music videos being queer-coded off the top of my head.
disclaimer: this is not me assuming anyone's sexualities!! when discussing music videos and using member names, I am referring to the characters they play in the video and not the members themselves.
the 0x1=lovesong music video. holy shit. show this to a queer closeted teenager and they will go absolutely feral. I saw a twitter thread once (when Twitter wasn't locked to people without accounts) about all the queer-coding and it made me lose my mind. I don't have access to Twitter anymore, but from what I can remember, there were a lot of references to Leslie Cheung films. The one example I can remember is the scene for the bridge where Yeonjun dances in front of the other members. also the lyrics??? "I'm not going to get into heaven" oh my god. also again with the bridge, literally everything about the pair dance (and then saying 'girl' as if that would somehow make it seem less gay lmao).
2. the loser = lover mv. Literally everything about Beomgyu's storyline. Gender non-conforming teenager and the only member without a (moa self-insert) girlfriend (but with daddy issues lmao). Also "with you even a fall is beautiful" what if I Cried.
3. poppin star. granted, this is more of a meme than anything else, but if you've ever seen the "txt songs gay as hell so they've got to add a little gendered term to spice things up, because why are the lyrics like "we must keep this a secret our love is illegal in 56 countries- GIRL" tweet, this song is what the tweet was referencing. literally one of the lyrics is "isn't this perhaps something that the country has allowed/something that we have hidden/alright, it's something that's not allowed for just anyone/try popping a whole mouthful" like WHAT? I still have no idea what that means.
4. devil by the window. uhhhhh they're getting tempted by a devil with male pronouns. really the whole temptation album is kind of gay if you look at it through this lens.
5. sugar rush ride. I don't even have any specific examples tbh. everything about the lyrics.
6. crown. a song about feeling like a monster, but meeting someone who's the same as you and learning to accept yourself. shout out to the lyrics "would there be forgiveness?/even for the devils?" and "nobody can understand/but it's you/your life changed my world like magic"
this is all I remember for now, but I'll edit this post or make a new post if I remember more. feel free to add your own in the replies or reblogs!
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goldennika · 1 year
I want to give a big hug to whoever decided the rundown of blue hour wishlist and lover loser back to back like that actually was so good sonically visually energetically??!! the vibes were immaculate and energy was so high!
I honestly did NOT expect Blue Hour to be on the setlist and the dance break ver at that too!!! 🤯 I do think choosing to do the dance break made it a great choice for lolla since it allowed for more chanting and ofc showcase our boys even more 🥹
Wishlist was another unexpected song but once again, the big brains who put the lolla setlist together knew it would work!! When they were at the bridge and it was the “ohhhh oh ohhh oh” part in the background that’s when i thought “yup, this is a great choice for a music festival”
LOSER LOVER STAGE WITH ALL OF LOLLA SINGING ALONG WITH THEM 🥹😭 followed by Magic dance break ver??? They were out for the kill!!! 🫠
Their discography is so strong, it must have been difficult to put the setlist together but it was amazinggggg AND OPENING THE SHOW WITH THE QUEEN, 0X1=LOVESONG, I KNOW THAT’S RIGHT!!! 😌 CAME OUT WITH THE GUNS BLAZING DURING THEIR EVER FIRST HEADLINER STAGE!!!
Love how they gave each dancer and band member solo time too 🥺 Everyone did so amazing to make their lolla stage unforgettable 🥺 i hope they’re feeling good about the stage and themselves too 🥺
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
(I had to go find it and edit it cause its from like a month ago-)
I'm back, and with my ratings!! Within each album, I'll rate the songs. 
Note: won’t be putting the chaos chapter: freeze because it’s the same for fight or escape.
At number one for my favorite album....
The Dream Chapter: Eternity!!
Songs, ranked:
(this was close to impossible btw, I love every single one of these songs.)
6. Fairy of Shampoo
Yes, Soobin's falsetto is fucking ADDICTING, and the song itself has a very pretty vibe but other than that, it does nothing for me.
5. Maze in the Mirror 
This is only here because I haven't listened to it enough to tell yet. I love the guitar though.
4. Drama
The 'ooh-ooh' part is SO GOOD. The whole song is a bop to me, but like I said, I love the whole album, soooo...
(this is where it gets really hard)
3. Eternally
The beat drop has me HOOKED. OBSESSED. ADDICTED. Nothing else to say. Yeonjun shocked me.
Everything about this song I love. Yeonjun’s rap, the music video, Taehyun in the chorus, everything.
1. Can’t You See Me?
This is one of my original favorite TXT songs, and I still love it so, so much. My dancing to it is absolutely crazy, I love the ‘friends don’t understand me any, sh- more~’ part.
In second place for albums, we have ‘minisode 2: Thursday’s Child’
(this one was also so hard to rank T-T)
5. Thursday’s Child Has Far to Go 
I’m so sorry Gyu T-T. This song just isn’t it for me, I like the upbeat-ness of it and it’s on my ‘dance crazy’ playlist, but it’s the only song on the album I didn’t keep coming back to.
4. Trust Fund Baby
Now, hear me out: I LOVE THIS SONG, SO SO MUCH. The vocals, the ‘i wish everything’s a lie, ah ah ah ah…” is my favorite thing in the world to sing along too. I just have others i like more T-T
3. Good Boy Gone Bad
If it was another day, I might rank it first. But not today. I’ve said before how I learned the choreography backwards originally, but I still love singing and dancing to it. Yeonjun’s laugh part makes me go crazy.
2. Lonely Boy
Huening’s voice in this made me DBJUVGHBGUGVHBVG
And hearing Yeonjun’s live rap of it made me love it even more. MY BOY IS SO FUCKING TALENTED
I feel like Hueningkai and Yeonjun tend to be the most stable live performers, so this song live has to be so good.
1. Opening Sequence
Taehyun’s adlibs are so fucking pretty, I love testing my vocals by singing along to them. And the song in general is gorgeous and heartbreaking all at the same time.
For third in albums, we have…
The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape.
This album is actually really good in my mind, I don’t love all the songs but the few I love so much make it that much better.
11. I know I love you (feat seori) emocore remix
The only reason is I haven’t listened enough, and I tend to like originals more than remixes
10. Ice Cream
I just haven’t listened to it enough. I’m pretty sure the only times I did I thought it was kinda cringe but idk
9. Magic
Yes. I put this here. I’m very sorry T-T
I think it’s a really pretty song, when they perform it it’s really fun to watch and you can see how much fun they’re having. But the song itself is just not my vibe.
8. *cries* MOA Diary
This song is only here because the others left are really, really good. I love this song, I think it’s super cute and it never fails to make me cry. I do find it a little too catchy, but whatever
7. No Rules
THIS SONG IS SO FUN OMGGGGG. No complaints here, just the same thing about loving the other songs a lot.
6. 0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori
I really love this song. The part where one of the members sings with her?? I love it so much. Also the ‘i know it’s real i can feel it’ part when they sing live??? Taehyun’s voice *faints*
(side note: my dad always says ‘sony jabberjaw’ for that one line ☠️
This song only ranks higher than IKILY because of the ‘lover with a dollar sign is a loser!’ part. I currently have that line on my message board in my room.
4. Anti-Romantic
This song is just so fucking good. I had an era where i was OBSESSED
I still occasionally sing the ‘sorry i’m an anti-romantic’ part whenever my parents are being couple-y
3. What if I had been that PUMA
This song is another I haven’t listened to enough, but I listened to it the other day and LOVED IT. Yeonjun’s intro is so dnfnebvfbjr. The autotune isn’t my favorite but that’s alright (Yeonjun’s rap also has me WEAK-)
2. Dear Sputnik
Actually this song was one that I didn’t even remember how it went, until I looked it up and clicked it. AND BELIEVE ME
1. Frost
The laugh in the intro?? Their voices in the chorus??? The whole thing just speaks to me on another level. One of my all-time favorite TXT songs.
At number four, we have: the name chapter: temptation
5. Happy Fools
Too repetitive at the chorus. They could’ve done better. That’s all. The meaning itself is great
4. Tinnitus
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE this song. 9/10 song. Beomgyu’s voice had me DYING. The english lyrics made me laugh the first time I saw them but also cry T-T
3. Devil by the Window
This song was my favorite from the very beginning. From when the teaser came out, I was in love. I looped the same 18 seconds they first released on YouTube for HOURS. The song itself was not a disappointment, like I was worried. The bridge is my favorite part, especially Yeonjun’s "I'll fly.” The most gorgeous thing, if you ask me. The choreography is simultaneously creepy AND powerful, the lyrics are sexy when you first hear, but the whole song is meaningful, even the ending gasp.
2. Sugar Rush Ride
This song is one of my favorite TXT songs in general. The choreography, the falsetto in the chorus, everything is beautiful. I’ve managed to strengthen the higher parts of my voice by singing along to it.
1. Farewell, Neverland
Everything about this song speaks to me. The lyrics, the melody. I love it so much, I can’t even explain it. And when they perform live?? Amazing.
In fifth place… Minisode 1: blue hour!!
5. Way home
I just haven’t listened to it enough
4. Blue Hour
The “cause of imagination” part makes me cringe. Other than that, I love it
3. Ghosting
So, I haven’t heard this song in a long time but I’m pretty sure I loved it the last time I did XD
2. Wishlist
This song is very catchy and I like the vibe.
1. We Lost The Summer
Almost makes me cry. It’s such a pretty song, and YEONJUN IN THE MV??? AHH???
In sixth place, the dream chapter: magic!!
8. Poppin’ star
I don’t like the vibe very much :shrug:
7. Roller coaster
Haven’t heard enough.
6. Magic Island
Haven't heard enough
5. Can’t we just leave the monster alive?
Haven’t heard enough but I think I liked it the last time I did.
4. 20cm
3. Run Away
This song is addictive. Beomgyu in this music video literally killed me.
2. Angel or Devil
This song makes me cry. Idk why it just does. Also, RAPPER BG FOR EVER
1. New Rules
This is gonna get me slammed by fans but… in seventh… the dream chapter: star
5. Our summer
Haven’t heard enough
4. Nap of a star
Haven’t heard enough but the music video is weird so yes
3. Blue orangeade
Genuinely haven’t heard this one enough either, but the “we like” part is so catchy T-T
As far as debut songs go, this one doesn’t suck :shrug:
1. The one and only… CAT & DOG
omg haha looking at your ranking i believe i should recommend you to listen to maze in the mirror more and especially read the lyrics (BUT please not if you’re in a good mood haha, it’s better to listen to when you’re in a mood to listen to a sadder song 🥺)
we have a lot of favorite songs in common!! i love their discography so much as a whole 🥹🩷 cant you see me is an amazing title track to me seeing it so high in your list makes me so happy 🤗🩷
and omg ada?? you dance?? you learnt gbgb backwards?? what the hell!!! that’s so cool 😳
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Trust Fund Baby
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track 3/5 of minisode 2: thursday's child
translation by translatingtxt on twitter; translation from genius.com
this song talks about how the world puts so much importance on money and also the lack of money that the narrator has. the song starts talking about the life of someone else who has a lot of money. a person with a "silver spoon" means they are wealthy and privileged. someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth means someone who was born into a rich family. for those people, they have no "game over"s in life and they could do anything and protect anything they want, whether its something physical like a square of a room, or something less physical like their dreams or love. the narrator then says that they can't be a lover. it can be about how they can't be enough for their lover or how they can't pursue their dreams and the things that they love because of the price of the world, which is money. how unlike the person with a silver spoon, they might lose again in this game of the world and they might not have enough resources to try again. and that along with their empty wallet, their heart is empty too, they are a "lover with no $ dollar sign". they love too much but the money that they don't have makes it harder for them to pursue the things or people that they love. so they say that they will never be a trust fund. they talk about how stolen hunnit bands (hunnit bands: a lot of money) will only make them more miserable because they will never really own them. they talk about how there will be no paradise for a loser like them who isn't rich, which references their song "LO$ER=LO♡ER". and they even say even if they add or multiply the numbers, it's always a zero to them no matter the number which could be a reference to their song "0x1=lovesong" where 0 multiplied with 1, or any other number, would always equal to 0. because they believe themselves to already be the 0 in the equation. and when they say "i wish everything's a lie", i may be stretching this but in "Good Boy Gone Bad", the track before this one, they have a lyric that goes "love is a lie" which if became the context of the lyric in this song, would mean that they wish love was enough and that the world wouldn't demand so much and that only love would matter in the end, but in reality, we have to fight for the things we love if we aren't financially privileged.
this song in my opinion is especially relevant to the youth who are still finding their way in this world and fighting for the things they love knowing how cruel the world is to the people who weren't born wealthy. and although we will never be trust funds, hopefully we don't let it stop us from being lovers
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orcelito · 1 year
ok analysis of my years long top artists
Stray Kids
Infected Mushroom
Des Rocs
Blue Stahli
Nothing But Thieves
Mother Mother
My Chemical Romance
Glass Animals
Linkin Park
Ólafur Arnalds
Two Door Cinema Club
a little embarrassed that bts is on there but i do enjoy their rap line songs. the rest of these make SO much sense. Stray Kids still being my fav kpop group. one ok rock being an old fav. infected mushroom is SUCH good concentration music. des rocs of course im completely obsessed with. blue stahli's music is SO loud and satisfying to listen to. muse is of course SO good. nothing but thieves i am absolutely obsessed with. mother mother is an old fav even if i dont listen to them as much anymore. my chemical romance makes me go feral. varien is ALSO great background music + great music for Brain Weird Times. txt is just plain catchy. 加藤達也 is trigun music lmfao im so amused by the fact that i listened to it enough that it got shunted to spot #12 of my Years Long top artists. glass animals is an old fav. grandson is GREAT anger music + catchy. linkin park is Self Explanatory. olafur arnalds is an old fav for calm/beautiful/sad music. taemin is my fav kpop soloist of Course he's on here. two door cinema club is an old fav. bts is maybe overrated but i do enjoy some of their music. and siames is Amazing chill music.
the list goes on but this is probably enough. seeing these artists all together makes me happy. this is indeed my taste in music.
.... and while im at it. top longterm songs
0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori — TOMORROW X TOGETHER
Gods — Nothing But Thieves
Jaded (feat. Alex Gaskarth) — ONE OK ROCK, Alex Gaskarth
Why Why Why — Des Rocs
Tick — Des Rocs
Advice — TAEMIN
Amsterdam — Nothing But Thieves
Ruby with the Sharpest Lies — Des Rocs
Takedown — Blue Stahli
Headfirst for Halos — My Chemical Romance
I'm Your Villain — Franz Ferdinand
Change — ONE OK ROCK
Imaginary Friends — Des Rocs
MANIAC — Stray Kids
The Devil Inside — Des Rocs
break break break — Des Rocs
Paper Planes (feat. Kellin) — ONE OK ROCK, Kellin
Born to Lose — Des Rocs
Don't Hurt Me — Des Rocs
not surprised in the slightest that Lovesong is my #1. nor am i surprised that Gods is my number 2. jaded is Such an akechi song so of course. Why Why Why makes me go feral. Tick is the first song of that album so it got a lot of plays ldkjfsldkjf. advice is SOOOOOO good. amsterdam hit SOMETHIN in my brain obviously for it to be listed as #7 in the years-long list. ruby with the sharpest lies of Course was my top song last year. loser lover makes me Feel Things. takedown is FUN (in a murderous & frankly akeshu way). headfirst for halos is FUN (in a self destructive kind of way). i'm your villain is SUCH a good song + makes me think of akeshu. i didnt actually recognize Change by name until i started playing it and YEA this is definitely one of my fav one ok rock songs, it just goes so hard. love to play it as loud as possible. imaginary friends is SOOOOOOOOOOO fucking good oh my god. of course i was absolutely obsessed with maniac for like months after that album came out. the devil inside Hits Somethin in me. paper planes is FUN. break break break, born to lose, don't hurt me are All on that one des rocs album i was absolutely obsessed with
this is genuinely so fascinating to see my longterm taste in music laid out like this. my short term songs are NOT evidence of anything aside from my recent obsessions bc medium term is almost entirely nothing but thieves BUT with Boss Bitch as #5 (lmfao) and then a few txt songs from their newest album
and then short term songs. all goddamned 50 top songs in the past 4 weeks are ALL from the trigun ost. what is wrong with me
#speculation nation#ok i'll shut up now but i find it so interesting to see my music taste laid out & all#drawing hearts around these. i love music soooo much#these really do say a lot about me as a person slkdjfsldf those top artists especially#like those really are all of my favorites. every single one of them are up there#only ones i wouldnt categorize as favorites are 加藤達也 bc that's not love for this artist it's love for trigun anime#and then bts dfjksldkfj i really dont know how they got on here. i just kinda blacked out with the suga love and suddenly bts is up here#ALL the rest of them tho. i would categorize as favorite artists/bands#YES i have like 18 favorite artists/bands. so sue me#almost all of them are ones i listen to the like full discography for. the only exceptions are uh.#infected mushroom just bc they have a fucking MASSIVE discography. what i listen to tho i listen to a lot#there are some muse albums i have yet to check out. but what i do listen to i listen to a lot#olafur arnalds has a Lot of albums & i really only listen to a few of them. but 'for now i am winter' is an absolute fav album#so this dude's a favorite by extension. sometimes ya gotta have sad beautiful orchestral music ok#i dont know Every single song of taemin's or two door cinema club but i love enough of their discographies i think it counts#EVERY SINGLE other artist/band on there (minus the 加藤達也 and bts bc they dont count as favs) are ones i know the entire discography of#and Honestly? i enjoy it that way. find some artists/bands you like and then just listen to All of them. it's fantastic#ok now i'll shut up for REAL this time. if ur still reading this far then hiiiiiiii <3
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mapofthesoul20 · 3 years
The Queerness of TXT
‘TXT gay’ might be a a common joke, but genuinely, TXT as a band has really unique concepts that do present queerness. And because that resonates with me, a member of the alphabet mafia, I wanted to summarize some of their production choices that, while probably not intentionally, do present queerness.
(Disclaimer: This was supposed to be like a five-paragraph essay, and I just got lazy. I’m not claiming this is done intentionally, I’m not claiming by any means that the boys themselves are queer just that the band’s concepts show this, and I’m discussing queerness through a western lens) 
Non-gender Conforming Styling
We all remember the pastels, crop tops, and whatever gender Yeonjun had in Minisode: Blue Hour, yes?
But even Dream Chapter: Eternity, their edgiest, most “bad boy” concept, still had them in painted nails and skirts and just schoolboy looks that reconstructed the “bad boy” concept
But The Chaos Chapter takes it a step further. Loser=Lover, their most heteronormative song, has them notably in skirts or completely genderless styling, refreshing the pop-rock genre looks which sometimes leans a lot on heteronormativity 
Non-conformity and Deconstructing Heteronormativity
TXT debuted with a youthful, cutesy boy concept, breaking with the more traditional “sexy bad boy” concepts that were really popular at that point, thereby establishing themselves as a non-conforming band. And by doing so, it’s intentionally choosing not to engage in the heteronormativity and sexualization that often comes with the “sexy bad boy” concept
The Chaos Chapter is about a heteronormative love story, but it still deconstructs heteronormativity from the love story, i.e.:
The love story is with “You” and You is MOA 
The female love interests are not seen in 0x1=Lovesong or Loser=Lover, and both music videos focus on how their friendship with each other saves them
The one mention of “girl” in 0x1=Lovesong (their other really heteronormative song), comes during Yeonjun/Soobin’s bridge, which the choreography again focuses on the tension between the two of them, not on connecting with the “girl” 
 There’s a really significant and powerful homage to gay icon Leslie Cheung’s famous mambo dance in 0x1=Lovesong. Also, someone on twitter pointed out that the bedroom scene framing also references another Leslie Cheung’s movie. MVs are expernsive and hard to make, these are not accidental choices but were very intentionally done so for whatever reason 
Lyrics, Particularly Focusing on Friendship 
Crown is a boy being ostracized for his inherent differences and finding community and love and pride in his differences with people who are also outcasted and different like him. Sounds familiar? 
Most of their discography centers friendship as the most significant relationship, which is unheard of in Western society, but even in Eastern society, particularly in the Kpop scene, that’s still pretty unique. 
Run Away and Loser=Lover idealizes life as a journey to take with your friends 
Even songs like Cat&Dog and Poppin’ Star which appear more romantic are also still about friendships 
And their discography develops friendship as a fully realized relationship.  We see them fall in love with friends (Cat&Dog, Our Summer), deal with heartbreak because friendships fail (Can’t You See Me), separation and longing for friends (Puma, Blue Hour, Way Home, We Lost the Summer) and growing up and its effect on friendships (Eternally, Minisode: Blue Hour, Chaos Chapter: Freeze)
Even in The Chaos Chapter which is about love saving them, there is only one mention of “girl” amongst 11 songs. In a way, the love that saves them is romantic, platonic, familial, whatever you want it to be
And even in 0x1=Lovesong, the way that it describes the love for this person as “holy”...is a very queer concept
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
txt and #s 9-11 :D (for me, the answer to 9 is now a yes after i watched this video today T.T)
hi there mel! (is it alright to call you that? or do you prefer smth else?) thank you for coming to play! ;)
9. Have they ever made you cry?
actually yes HAHA i haven’t even stanned them for very long despite liking them casually since predebut. but recently i bought their concert in seoul, and watched the replay with @kitty-lixie and i started getting more emotional watching it the second time. something about them performing crown got me really emotional. i think it’s bc i always liked their debut song and still listened to it for years so that song is just special to me. also the ending of the concert got me twice, plus at the end they had a behind the scenes of their concert vcr and they played our summer which is the go-to txt song to make me cry. HAHA i was like “i’m so sick of this” when it started playing and i started crying haha our summer never fails to make me emotional. the first time i watched the concert with my mom and when it was nearing the end and after it was over i literally pouted and was like “aww, mom, i love them.” haha xD
10. Favorite music video?
nooo omg this is such a hard question. i think 0x1=lovesong’s mv is my favorite (shocker. not. given it’s my favorite song) i love the overall like storyline of the mv and yeonjun in that mv kinda hits different (i miss black hair yeonjun highkey). i also love loser=lover, blue hour, and eternally’s mvs as well!! :D
11. What do you love about this group?
oooh that’s kind of hard to put into words?? maybe i can hmmm i think i mainly am a fan of the people first. soobin is the reason i got into the group to start with, and i came to love all the members after that. as a group, i am a very big fan of their choreography, their synchronization is amazing and all of their choreo is very energetic. there’s a lot of level changes and line sequences as well which i’m a fan of. another thing i like is the variety in their discography, which is smth i always like with skz, so it’s nice to hear all kinds of vibes from them.
send me a kpop group and a number from this list here
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Good Boy Gone Bad has some serious Boy in Luv/Danger vibes. That’s absolutely the wrong BTS era to emulate, but some of the lyrics are quite similar... 
I absolutely hate the idea of “good” boys turning “bad”, because they got dumped or rejected. It’s toxic and misogynistic. If you turn “bad” and decide not to care or whatever, how good were you in the first place? Good boys just feel sad and leave it at that. I don’t care if the idea is that TXT are heartbroken and being emo and edgy, it still perpetuates the idea that women “corrupt” and ruin men, because they toy with their feelings, “play hard to get”, use them, dump them, reject them, etc. It’s like Step Back. Even if the lyrics in Good Boy Gone Bad are rather vague, I still vehemently disagree with them. Good Girls Going Bad because of men is one thing - because women are encouraged to “be good” to men and to put up with a lot of bullshit, so girls going “bad” means liberating themselves from society (and in particular the male gaze) and choosing their own path. Good Boys Going Bad is... what? What does it mean apart from revenge porn and committing murder? What do TXT mean by going “bad”? I guess it’s all about the aesthetics of it, but you can be emo or whatever without bringing women into it. 
Also, the bad boy thing doesn’t fit them super well. Soobin looks too pure and cute. I think the rest of the group did a good job, but they still look like sweet, good boys. I don’t know what “bad” is supposed to mean here. 
The MV is nothing special, and the song is a bit disappointing. The pre-chorus is cool, but the chorus is nothing special and the bridge is very generic. Still, I did like their vocals a lot. Soobin nailed the prechorus, I think Kai and Taehyun are quite versatile, especially Taehyun who reminds me a lot of Jungkook, Beomgyu seems to be growing a lot as a singer and a performer, and Yeonjun’s ever reliable and probably the best actor. 
The song’s okay, but nothing like 0x1=Love Song, or even Loser=Lover (and that last one was a grower). I think this era of TXT has gone on for too long, but the punk/rock/emo concept is what’s trendy now, so we’ll be seeing more of it until a new trend comes along. 
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silvmoonsky · 2 years
if you're surprised by this do you even know me /lh enha and txt for the kpop asks <3
uwu ily <33
enhypen: i stan!!
favorite member / bias line: jungwon <33 and heeseung bias wrecker
which member I’d fight (& why): ni-ki because we are the same age and i think it would be fun but also he would he would totally demolish me 😭 but it's okay he's cute so i'll give him a pass
favorite song(s): given-taken, fever, just a little bit, go big or go home, polaroid love, and more but these are my most played <33
favorite thing about the group: they're literally so funny SDFDFGHJ their sense of humor is unmatched. and their group dynamic is also so <33 i love them
something i’d like to see from them: another bside that goes viral and climbs the charts world tour!!! let ni-ki spend some time in japan and let enha please come here so elli can get tickets and sob over them hehe
txt: i stan <33
favorite member / bias line: i get bias wrecked in this group literally every other day, but my current bias is beomgyu probably
which member I’d fight (& why): soobin, because he's so nice and he's so done™ all the time and so winning against him would be super easy LOL
favorite song(s): 3/4 run away, eternally, ghosting, we lost the summer, anti-romantic, literally the majority of their discography tbh (except cat & dog. we don't talk about that song.)
favorite thing about the group: their music, for one. and also they are so passionate about what they do. moas are genuinely so lucky (even if txt consistently leaves us with trust issues 😭) because txt really does care a lot about their fandom <33
something i’d like to see from them: i really wanna see them do more title tracks like 3/4 run away, 0x1=lovesong, and loser=lover!! they fit the concept so well and those are my favorite title tracks from them
send me a kpop group and i'll answer some questions!! <33
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ohyoumeanher · 3 years
can u pls guide me throught txt?
ok nonnie, prepare for my info dumping!
first of all TXT is a boy group formed under bighit entertainment and they debuted on 4th of March 2019 with crown!
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he is the second oldest (born on 4th december 2000) and the leader, and the tallest of the group! he tends to blow up on tiktok a lot, like the dolphin fancam and the 'bye guys, hi ladies' video!
he is a really good leader and he is my bias! he is the only introvert of the group lol
his vocals are heavenly and they are really beautiful! i think one song that focuses that aspect is 'our summer' , 'can't you see me'and 'ice cream'^^
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he is the oldest (born on 13th september 1999), which makes him the target of all jokes. he is extra af and tends to umm twerk a lot-
he was bighits's legendary trainee and always got 1st in the evaluations every month! his dancing and rapping skils are *chefs kiss*. the songs that showcases his talents are puma and loser=lover and 'blue hour'
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he's the moodmaker of the group and is born on 13th March 2001! he isn't in the maknae line or the hyung line, he is in the beomgyu line 😌✌🏽
very chaotic, won't stop screaming but he is sentimental at the same time (?) he loves to irritate yeonjun!
his deep voice and his rapping skills just add a really good spice to the songs! he also produced maze in the mirror, a song about not being able to recognise one's own reflection! the songs that i think show off his charms are drama, angel or devil and runaway
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taehyun is the second youngest born on 5th february. even though he looks cold-hearted, he takes care of his members well. he has so many iconic lines and he is the funniest of the group.
his high notes are just *chef's kiss* and he hits them effortlessly. he loves to tease moas the most, often making everyone get biased wrecked (this is actually every member tho lol) he's the shortest guy but he's the strongest!
the songs that i think focuses on him is 20 CM, 0x1=LOVESONG and way home!
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he's the maknae of the group born on 14 August 2002, and he's the member in charge of the cuteness. his father is german and he was brought up in china for a small while. his laugh is so loud and he tends to fall down a lot.
he's really affectionate and touchy and loves to cuddle and he collects plushies! he is probably the one with the most duality. he also produced dear sputnik!
his songs would probably be frost, wishlist and eternally!
here is a playlist of their best performances that you should watch!
these guides help a lot too!! [1] [2]
and you can always me more about them!!
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boba-beom · 3 years
Hi~! Feel free to reply in one post to avoid spamming, Tumblr's character limit is just too little for me to write one proper message 😅. I'm actually an INFJ (once I've gotten ISFJ as well), and only maybe two of my biases are the same, my biases are usually extroverted. My fav Ateez songs are Mist, Answer, Wonderland, Inception, Thanxx, Aurora, Not Too Late, Twilight, Promise, Star 1117, so I'd recommend them. :) I listen to Stray Kids too, though I prefer their earlier discography more. ❄️
I could also listen to Dear Sputnik and Anti-romantic all day long! 🥰 I've found it hard at first to write about Beomgyu because I felt like I couldn't grasp this goofy side of him, so all the respect for you for nailing it! Thank you for your words, I appreciate it. *-* I can understand that, but I'm cheering you on if you decide to write for Enhypen! I'll keep that in mind, and try to come up with a good fic idea. 🥰 When do you celebrate Christmas though? I'll try to gift you on that day. ❄️
I absolutely agree with you! It's a toxic industry in that sense, and a lot of times fanwars make it even worse. :( But just look at TXT and Enhypen! They have such a wholesome friendship! 🤩 Also, I've seen you saw the MMA performances! OH MY GOSH, TXT WAS SO GOOD, I DON'T HAVE WORDS!! THAT ENDING!! THE DANCE BREAKS!! THE FIRE!! THE OUTFITS!! How can we recover from this? Hope you're taking the time to rest this weekend. Take care! ❤️ - ❄️
hi hi secret moa ❄️<3
it's no worries! I don't mind receiving multiple asks hehe so you're alright! and that's interesting actually, my sister is actually INFJ and I haven't met any other INFJs until you now! but bruh, your mbti went from the least common to the most common, then again I retake it now and then but I've been INFP majority of my life— at some point during my second year of uni I took the test and I got ESFJ but when I came back home I took it again and I'm back to INFP hehe
I've made a playlist with the song recs and I will surely give them a listen <: I just listened to Mist though, and I really like it actually! I'm yet to listen to more of skz earlier discography since I've been listening to their new releases, then again, I hardly leave my kr&b playlist 😅
I honestly think TCC: Freeze will always have that special place in my heart, like forever. I just love all the songs on that album. I even cried a lil when I watched the 0x1 lovesong mv, especially when it came to the theories behind yeonjun hallucinating the members' presence 😭 then I cried some more after reading theories on twitter LMAO but fr it means a lot when another writer compliments my works :'D it just gives me that little bit more hope that I'm not that bad of a writer hSDJGNK I shall also bear that in mind when or if I decide to write for enha on this account <: and I celebrate Christmas on the 25th!! I'm so excited to know who you are and to read what you'll write, but no stress hehe it's the thought that counts <3
PLS me and my sister stayed up to watch when txt and enha were on the playground episodes! they were so cute interacting with each other and they just seemed so comfortable it just made my heart do mini flips of satisfactory hehe
AND GIRL YES, I LITERALLY HAD MY ALARM SET FOR 8:40AM AND I STILL SLEPT THROUGH IT ;-; but thankfully txt hadn't performed until closer to the end– I actually woke up when enha were about to perform HAHAH honestly, I was shook from the dance break and the fact that it was NOZE that showed up and not Seori fgjnrekjn that definitely didn't stop me from fangirling! BUT LEMME JUST TALK ABOUT HOW NO ONE CAN DO IT LIKE TXT CAN BECAUSE I WAS STUNNED AT THE START OF THEIR LOSER LOVER PERF. AND THEN WHEN IT SWITCHED UP IN FRONT OF THE BLAZING LO♡ER I THINK I WAS TOO STUNNED TO SPEAK 😭 I don't think we can even recover from this, I still haven't recovered from last year's MMA performance!
thank you and you have a splendid weekend too~ let's enjoy the rest of Soobin's birthday hehe <3
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Altar Boys Altered Boys (We’re The Thing Love Destroys) - WooSan
Aurora - 2Ho
Baby Baby You’re A Carmel Macchiato - San
Because I Met You I Draw A Bigger Picture - ATEEZ
(Don’t You Know I’m A) Boss That Leads You - WooSanSang
But You Won’t Do The Same - San
Dancing Like Butterfly Wings - WooSanSang
Do You Wanna Run Away Too? (All I Really Want Is You) - Hongjoong
Forever Fight As One - Seonghwa
I Will Become The Spring To Your Smiles - Mingi
Lonely Hearts - Mingi
Maybe You’ll Love Yourself (Like I Love You) - Hongjoong
Moments Like This - SanGi
One Day at a Time - ATEEZ
Pirate King - SeongJoong
Soon May The Wellerman Come -Yeosang
Spare Me What You Think (Tell Me A Lie) - SeongJoong
Star 1117 - SeongJoong
Sunrise - WooSanHwa
Think You’re Ready For The Monster Monster - JongSan
This Is Our Fate, I’m Yours - SanGi
Twilight - WooSan
Wave - YunGi
We Will Make This Love Together - San
Where’d You Wanna Go? How Much You Wanna Risk? - WooSanHwa
Wonderland - SanGi
(Roger That) Yes Sir I’ll Protect Them - Jongho
Your Red Lipstick - Wooyoung
You’re Not A Constant Star - SeongJoong
Monster - G-Dragon
We’re Classic Together (Like Egyptian Gold) - G-Dragon
Agust D - Suga
Angel or Devil (What Should I Choose?) - Jimin
Best Years - TaeGiKook
Blood, Sweat & Tears - TaeJin
Don’t Leave - TaeGi
Dynamite - VMinKook
Euphoria - Jungkook
Filter - Jimin
Get The Ink, Get The Pen (Let’s Sign It) - J-Hope
Home - RM
How Did We End Up Here? - TaeGi
I Just Wanna Give You Love - VKook
I Want To Write You A Song - YoonKook
It’s Where My Demons Hide - BTS
Just One Day - YoonKook
Lights - TaeJin
Magic Shop - NamJin
Mikrokosmos -KookMin
My Feet Don’t Dance Like They Did With You - JinKook
My Heart’s Already Breaking (Go On Twist The Knife) - TaeGi
Play Pretend - Suga
Plz Don’t Be Sad - Suga
Pretty Words (On The Tip Of My Tongue) - VMinKook
Save ME - VKook
Speed Demon - VKook
That Should Be Me (Holding Your Hand) - YoonKook
The Truth Untold - Taegi
They Say Love Is Pain (Let’s Hurt Tonight) - V
Too Bad (But It’s Too Sweet) - V
We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal - BTS
Welcome To The House of Fun - TaeJin
What Can I Do? - VMin
Yo Ho Ahoy and Avast - KookMin
You and I (We Don’t Wanna Be Like Me) - VMinKook
Zero O’Clock - HopeKook
2nd Grade (Maths Problems) - Baekhyun
Baby Don’t Cry - Chanyeol
Be Combative or Be Sweet Cherry Pie - BaekYeol
Blooming Day - Chen
Don’t Go - Tao
Heaven Knows I’m Falling (I Can Never Be The Same) - Kai
I Can’t Stand The Rain - XiuBaek
I Just Hit The Lotto - Kai
It Will Wet Your Wings - KaiBaek
Lost In Reality -Tao
Lotto - Lay
Moonlight - LuChen
My Answer - XiuChen
Peter Pan - Tao
Ring-a-Ring O Rosie (Whoever Gets The Closest) - Kai
She’s In A Long Black Coat Tonight - Chen
The Moonlight Fills Your Eyes - ChanKai
The One - Xiumin
Twenty Four - ChanKai
Unfair - Baekhyun
Wolf - Lay
I Wish I Was (Beside You) - Jackson
Just Right - BamBam
Miracle - Jinyoung
School Life (Again Today) - BamBam
Take A Sip From My Secret Potion - JB
(Remember All The Memories) The Fireflies and Make Believe - BamBam
Prince Charming (Ridicule Is Nothing To Be Scared Of) - Gikwang
I Feel So Right Doing The Wrong Thing - Bobby Monsta X: I Will Borrow The Skies - Jooheon. This Way, That Way, Forwards, Backwards (Over The Irish Sea) - Wonho
All My Moments Want You - MarkHyuck
And I Still Want You - LuMark
Assemble - Lucas
Baby Don’t Like It - MarkHyuck
Baby Don’t Stop - Tae Ten
Baby We Two Distant Strangers - Yuta
Born To Be Wild - Haechan
BOSS - LuWoo
But My Heart Goes - Lucas
Candle Light - MarkSung
Can’t Even Talk, Still Stuttering - LuWoo
Complete - LuWin
Daisy Daisy (Give Me Your Answer Do) - Jaemin
Dance Around The Living Room (Lose Me In The Sight Of You) - JohnTenKun
Dream A Little Dream Of Me - LuWoo
Dream Glow - Yangyang
Drifting, Drifting, Drifting - Jungwoo
Everything Has Changed - Ten
Everything I Didn’t Say - NCT
Fireflies - NoMin
Fly Away With Me - MarkHyuck
Fool’s Gold - YuWinIl
Goodnight Sweetheart - Jeno
Grow Up - TaeTen
Hakuna Matata - LuWin
Hello Future - Renjun
Hold Me In Your Arms Tonight - MarkYong
Home - WayV
Howling At The Moon - JohnTen
Hugs and Kisses - Johnny
I Can’t Stop My Hand From Shaking - Jungwoo
(I’m Waking Up) I Feel It In My Bones - Taeyong
I Hate This After Dark - Mark
I Have Loved You Since We Were 18 - JaeYong
I Hear Them Coming For You - Jaemin
I Tend To Glow When You Are By My Side - NCT
I Want To Write You A Song - RenLe
If I Ask You If You Love Me (Lie To Me) - Jaemin
If I Could Fly - TaeTen
I’ll Be Right Here Beside You For Life - ChenJi
I’ll Be Your Genie - NoMin
I’ll Make This Feel Like Home - Shotaro
I’m A Wolf and You’re A Beauty - Jaehyun
I’m Giving Up On You (Say Something) - NoRenMin
I’ve Never Seen You In The Daylight - Jungwoo
Kick It - Taeyong
Killing Me - Yuta
La La Love - RenHyuck
Long Way Home - MarkHyuckWoo
Lost - Yangyang
Love Talk - TenWin
Lover of Mine - Winwin
Make A Wish - Shotaro
Misfit - Sungchan
Most Nights I Hardly Sleep When I’m Alone - Haechan
Music, Dance - Sungchan
My First and Last - MarkNo
My Flower - Haechan
My Heart Is Blind (But I Don’t Care) - MinSung
New Heroes - Ten
No Longer - Taeil
Not Alone - JohnMark
Of Guns and Roses - Renjun
Perche Tu Stasera Sei Perfetta Per Me - Mark
Punch - JohnJae
Puzzle Piece - NCT DREAM
Remember When I Broke You Down To Tears - RenMarkHyuck
Requiem - Jisung
Ridin - NoMinSung
Smooth Like A, Like A Snake - Doyoung
Stop. Rewind. Turn Back Time - Winwin
Superhuman - YuMark
Take Off - LuWin
The Internet Is Great - TenWin
The Sun Will Shine Through - Ten
This Is Halloween - Taeyong
Till The Love Runs Out - Shotaro
TOUCH - MarkYong
Touch Me When The Sun Goes Down - NoRenMin
Wait For Me To Come Home - LuWooMark
Waited For Your Reply (Here In The Pouring Rain) - SungTaro
We Almost Rolled The Dice - Winwin
We Got That (Power) - Jaehyun
What Can I Do? - Jisung
Whatever It Take - JaeYong
Wildflower - Haechan
With Great Power - Winwin
With You - Mark
You and I Go Hard At Each Other (Like We Going To War) - Chenle
You Are My Soulmate(s) - MarkHyuckHei
(This Is Our Sanctuary) You Are Safe With Me - ChenJi
You Became My Crown - MarkYong
You’ll Find Me In The Region Of The Summer Stars - Jaehyun
You’re My Everything - Kun
You’re The One I Want For Christmas - Xiaojun
You’re Unfair - TenWin
Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle All The Way - Hwanwoong
Princely Duties - Hwanwoong
Spooky Scary Skeletons - Ravn
Stay Oh (Baby Touch Me) - Hwanwoong
A Tiger Inside - SoonHoon
Call Call Call! - Hoshi
Extreme Musical Statues - JiGyu
Fallin Flower - JunHao
Fear - Meanie
Giving All My Secrets Away - MingSoon
Home - Dino
How Can I Love You? (If You Don’t Talk To Me) - SoonHoon
Hug - SoonHoon
I’m A Lost Boy - Woozi
Lay You Head On Me - Joshua
Love Letter - JiGyu
My My - Woozi
Smile Flower - Woozi
Snap Shoot - 2JiCheol
Splish Splash - Hoshi
Titanium - Meanie
Cafe Latte - Taemin
Good Evening - Onew
I Growl At You - Taemin
I Will Fight, I Will Fight For You - Taemin
Lucifer - JongTae
Our Page - Jonghyun
Witch - Taemin
Welcome To The Circus - Sungmin
Stray Kids:
A Sign of the Times - Felix
Astronaut - Bang Chan
Authorized Personnel Only (Back Door) - ChanLix
BEWARE - Bang Chan
Burger and Sandwich, Coffee and Tea - ChangLix
District 9 - Lee Know
Finders Keepers Losers Weepers - Bang Chan
I Need Someone - Seungmin
I Want To Breathe You In Like A Vapour - I.N
I’m Sorry (My Handwriting Isn’t Pretty) - ChangLix
Insomnia - ChanLix
I’ve Been To The Year 3000 - 2Chan
Levanter - Han
Little Steps - Han
My Side - Felix
Never Ending Story - JiLix
Please Baby Get Away From Me (I’m Poison) - Changbin
Spaces Between Us - Lee Know
The Story of My Life - 3RACHA
We’re Not Alright But I’ll Pretend - Felix
Better Days - KaiMark
Big Chance - TaemTen
(When I’m With You) Danger Seems Like A Good Thing - TaeKai
Even When I Lose I’m Winning - TaeKai
Please Excuse My Writing - TaemTen
The Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To - KaiMark
Tiger Inside - SuperM
To You In The Distant Future - SuperM
Who Do You Love? (Is It Him or Me?) - KaiMark
Yeah Superhuman! - TaemTen
0x1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) - Yeonjun
Blue Hour - Yeonjun Dubaddu Wari Wari - Taehyun
Flip It On Me Say I Think Too Much - Huening Kai I Know I Could Lie (But I’m Telling The Truth) - Taehyun I Know I Love You - Yeonjun I Know You Don’t Give Two Fucks - Beomgyu (Sorry) I’m An Antiromantic - TaeGyu I’m A Loser - Soobin Loving You Is A Losing Game - Yeonjun
Magic - TXT
Oh My God (He’s A Really Bad Boy) - Yeonjun PUMA - TXT
Run Away - Huening Kai
Running Down To The Riptide - Huening Kai Small Town Boy (In A Big Arcade) - YeonBin
Fantasy - Neo
Hyde - LR
On and On - Leo
Thank You For My Love - Leo
The Power Within - Baekyeol
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tomorrowxtogether · 3 years
Tomorrow X Together: “We tell stories of our generation, a generation at the crux of growth”
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The boyband also spoke about their own growth as artists and how it feels like to follow in the footsteps of HYBE seniors BTS
First bursting onto K-pop the scene with their effervescent, boyish debut single ‘Crown’ in 2019, Tomorrow X Together (TXT) have since started to tackle the more intricate emotions of youth, addressing themes of heartbreak and the creeping cynicism that comes with becoming a young adult in the 21st century. In doing so, the quintet have solidified their reputation as the “fourth generation it boys” of K-pop.
This year alone, TXT – comprising members Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Hueningkai – released their second studio album ‘The Chaos Chapter: Freeze’, as well as its repackaged version ‘The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape’. Both were fronted by angst-ridden title tracks, ‘0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You)’ and ‘LO$ER=LO♡ER’, of which the former has become their highest charting song on the Gaon Digital Chart.
The boyband recently sat down with NME to discuss the recent conclusion of their angsty, rock-influenced ‘The Chaos Chapter’ era, their upcoming debut online concert ‘Tomorrow X Together ’, and how it feels like to follow in the footsteps of HYBE seniors BTS.
Hello TXT, and congratulations on the release of ‘The Chaos Chapter: Fight Or Escape’! Can you tell us more about ‘LO$ER=LO♡ER’?
Soobin: “Thank you so much! ‘LO$ER=LO♡ER’ is another love song from us. It addresses a boy’s desire to become a heroic ‘lover’ for the person he likes, even if he’s nothing but a “loser” by society’s standards.
“You’ll notice that the symbols used in the title are a dollar sign and a heart. This represents not only the ‘love’ he has learned and now feels, but also his yearning to change the circumstances of his life – basically, to secure the financial means necessary to rescue not only himself but his loved one from within this materialistic world. I think we can say that this is one love song from the Gen Z perspective.”
Huening Kai: “We really love this song. It’s very catchy and some great songwriters and producers have worked on it. And also notably, our own Yeonjun has his first title track contribution.”
Yeonjun: “I penned rap lines. Overall, the theme was that as long as you and I are together, we can get through anything.”
How does ‘Fight Or Escape’ continue the story told in ‘The Chaos Chapter: Freeze’?
Taehyun: “We started our journey with ‘The Dream Chapter’, which depicted five different friends growing within their circle of friendship. Gradually, the way these boys see the world changes as they continue to grow and mature.
“‘The Chaos Chapter: Freeze’ was about a boy who felt ‘frozen’ within this unfamiliar and very real, ‘non-dream’ world. The world he once knew is gone and he feels helpless until one day, ‘you’ come and find him in this world of chaos. For ‘you’, he feels love, and for the first time since he entered this chaos, he’s certain of something: ‘I Know I Love You’
“If ‘The Chaos Chapter: Freeze’ was about [being ‘frozen’], then ‘The Chaos Chapter: Fight Or Escape’ talks about how this boy now refuses to stay ‘frozen’ amidst this chaos. He wants to fight against the world or to escape from it together with ‘you’.”
Without spoiling too much, what can listeners expect from future releases from this chapter?
Yeonjun: “‘The Chaos Chapter’ is actually now complete with ‘The Chaos Chapter: Fight Or Escape’. But we’re eager to continue our story in the coming years and we hope our audience will be able to relate to more and more of the tales we tell.”
What was the biggest challenge TXT faced while working on ‘The Chaos Chapter: Fight Or Escape’?
Beomgyu: “As eager as we all were to return to our fans quickly, the time we had to prepare for ‘The Chaos Chapter: Fight Or Escape’ was relatively short in comparison to the time we had for our previous albums. We were initially concerned as to whether we’d be able to properly deliver the growth we’ve achieved as a team in such a short time, but this eventually meant that we just worked harder and made the most of this experience! This album was very fulfilling for us, both musically and emotionally.”
Besides ‘LO$ER=LO♡ER’, the new repackaged album also contains a new track, ‘MOA Diary’, that’s dedicated to the group’s fandom. What kind of message are TXT hoping to send to MOAs with this song?
Beomgyu: “‘MOA Diary (Dubaddu Wari Wari)’ is essentially a summary of all the things the five of us have been wanting to tell our MOA, who have been supporting us and giving us strength throughout these years. The main thing is, of course, our appreciation for all our MOA who have supported us through thick and thin.”
Taehyun: “Just as our MOA tell us that our music has given them strength, the presence of our MOA by our side is, in turn, the source of our strength.”
Also, congratulations on recently scoring your first entry on Billboard’s Airplay chart with ‘Magic’! Can you tell us what it was like working on the track, and if TXT expected it to perform as well as it did?
Huening Kai: “Working on ‘Magic’ was a delightful, magical experience. It was also our first English song, which was an exciting new venture for the five of us, and an opportunity that allowed us to grow our capabilities as artists. We’re so glad that the listeners loved the song… because our journey has still only just begun.”
When TXT first debuted, many people saw you as a “little brother” group to BTS. How do you think TXT have shaped its own distinct identity and sound?
Soobin: “I feel that as we went through ‘The Dream Chapter’, ‘Minisode1: Blue Hour’ and now ‘The Chaos Chapter’, the five of us have grown musically, but also as five individuals progressing through our teenage years into our early 20s. We had new experiences and saw further out into the world, and were able to feel a range of emotions. I think such growth was also applied onto our musical identity and colour as one team – as Tomorrow X Together.”
Yeonjun: “We’ve always told our own story from our debut till today and it’s a story that many have been able to relate to precisely because it’s a very real story of people living within this generation. We’ve worked with many genres to enhance our musical capabilities and hone our sound, and through this sound, we tell stories of our generation, a generation at the crux of growth.”
How do you think TXT have evolved since your debut in 2019?
Huening Kai: “Our teamwork is certainly one aspect that continues to further improve with each month and year that we spend together. We can see eye-to-eye and support one another on our journey of growth both as a team and as individuals, and I think it’s really a great thing! We’re brothers.”
In your latest full-length album ‘The Chaos Chapter: Freeze’, Taehyun and Huening Kai were involved in writing and production. What have you learnt from this experience?
Taehyun: “As time goes by, we’ve been able to participate more and more, not just on the actual music but also on performance aspects, the concepts, our attire, etc., and we’re very happy to be able to take part in each of these steps. As for songwriting and production, we’re always talking amongst ourselves and actively discussing options and ideas with our writers and producers.
“I think a lot about the story and emotions we want to deliver through our music, and I consider all aspects such as melody, lyrics, the overall sound and performance aspects, and I truly believe that I can not only work more efficiently but also deliver the intended emotions in a more precise and articulate manner.”
TXT have already achieved a lot in 2021. What are some of your goals for the rest of this year?
Yeonjun: “We’ve announced our upcoming Japanese mini-album ‘Chaotic Wonderland’ and we also have our first exclusive concert ‘Tomorrow X Together’ coming up. It’ll be hosted online. We’re incredibly eager to perform for our fans, and we’re excited at the thought of being able to perform for all our fans worldwide.”
Lastly, what can MOAs expect from TXT moving forward?
Beomgyu: “Our music is our story of growth and, honestly, we’re nowhere near done with growing. We have a long journey ahead, and through our music we’ll continue to represent the emotions we feel and the experiences we have as young people growing in this generation.
“I’m sure that the story we’ll continue to tell will be one that all our fellow Gen Z will be able to relate to, as well as all those who have been at this stage of growth in their lives.”
TXT’s ‘The Chaos Chapter: Fight Or Escape’ is out now.
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tomorrowxtogether · 3 years
Unpacking the New Songs on TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape
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The fourth-generation K-pop leaders have released their first repackaged album
Rising K-pop group Tomorrow X Together is continuing the story with their latest entry, The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape.
Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueningkai are definitively in their emo era, doubling down with an extra heaping of angst on this repackaged version of their May release, The Chaos Chapter: Freeze.
The members of Tomorrow X Together (often shortened to TXT) joined Consequence in May to discuss their musical journey. “It’s very different from the concepts we’ve shown so far,” Soobin explained. “We were able to work with many different sounds and genres for this album, which allowed us to grow as artists.”
Now, three months after the success of The Chaos Chapter: Freeze, which peaked at No. 5 on the Billboard 200 albums chart, the quintet has delivered three new tracks for The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape today (August 17th). Here’s everything you need to know about the new songs.
1. “LO$ER=LO♡ER”
The title track from the latest collection aligns with the edgier, rock-inspired sounds TXT has been exploring as of late. Not unlike their song “Dear Sputnik,” “LOSER=LOVER” (stylized as “LO$ER=LO♡ER”) expresses the coming-of-age frustrations plaguing today’s youth.
The accompanying music video continues the interconnected storyline TXT has established in their burgeoning cinematic universe. It’s classic rebellious angst with set pieces that feel akin to youthful rock videos of the early 2000s. The members of TXT have never seem concerned with the norms that may have preceded them, and everything from their outfit choices to the lyrics (more explicit than many K-pop groups, especially in their age demographic) confirms that these guys are on their own path.
2. “MOA Diary (Dubaddu Wari Wari)”
August marks the anniversary for the founding of TXT’s beloved fandom, known as MOA. Such milestones are often referred to as birthdays within the K-pop world and tend to be accompanied by artists dropping songs as gifts for supportive fans. “MOA Diary (Dubaddu Wari Wari)” is three minutes of bright, joyful pop that lands much closer to the TXT of debut — the track feels most adjacent to their very first song, the glittering “Crown.”
It’s clearly dedicated to the fans while also referencing the persisting circumstances that have prevented the five from performing for crowds. “Let’s gather together forever (MOA)/ Until we’re shining again,” they sing.
3. “0x1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori (Emocore Mix)”
Grab the eyeliner: the remix of the already extremely angsty “0x1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori” turns the vibes up to eleven. Dubbed the Emocore Mix, this revamped version of the title track off The Chaos Chapter: Freeze brings in even more driving guitar and heightened drum fills. Whatever the members had possibly been going through when they stepped into the booth feels well beyond their years — Taehyun is singing not only like rent is due but the landlord is at the door.
Catch these three tracks and more on The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape, and watch our full interview with Tomororw X Together above. If you’re having trouble viewing the video, you can watch on our YouTube channel.
The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape Artwork:
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boba-beom · 3 years
Hi~! That's even more interesting because my eldest sister is an INFJ and two of my friends are also INFJs. Maybe we just find each other haha. 😅 I know, INFJs are pretty common these days according to the stats. Yeah, it's pretty fascinating, but I guess we change according to the circumstances and our experiences, no wonder our MBTIs can change. I'm glad you enjoyed Mist! Let me know how you like my other recs.🥰 About TCC: Freeze, girl, saaaame! It hit all the feels and still remains special
I also cried watching the mv! Though it was the same with Run Away and Eternally. There's always something that speaks to me in these mvs (and their songs), and I get emotional watching them. About your works, I've also read text me good night and ice cream and fries, and I was melting!!! They were both such cute stories, but also Yeonjun... please, stop attacking me, you teasing little brat. 😅 Thank you! I'll keep that in mind, I already have a fic idea for you, it just hit me yesterday. 🥰
Yes, they were adorable! It could be seen how the txt members tried to include enha in everything, and it was lovely watching them bond. 🥰 AND YEEEESS TXT ALWAYS DELIVERS!!! When I started stanning them and checked out their award show performances, I was in awe. They always put out something memorable and unique! Pleease, I nearly had a heart attack watching their mma performance last year! Starting with Puma, having a dance-break to Blue Hour and then that TCC spoiler? They were insane!❄️
hello hello! how’re ya doing??
I must say, I really liked listening to wonderland, aurora and promise!! I think ateez’s songs are good but I think it’s just me in general, but sometimes I find it difficult to listen to a new or different boy group compared to txt and enha, it’s a little tricky for me to stan groups these days too 😭
every time txt released a mv I was always so nervous and I’ve recorded my reactions too HAHAH but it’s all for the memories, I still react the same to 0X1 lovesong and loser lover but their albums are honestly topping their previous ones, I’m already so excited for the future albums!
omggg ahhh thank you 🥺 I’m delighted to hear that cjdnck and text me goodnight had me all in my feels 😭 I’m so down bad for yeonjun these days it’s so bad cjdnxj but also ice cream and fries, oh boy I haven’t reread that one since it was posted, and I’m glad you still read that hehe AND ALSO THANK YOU 🥺 I’m already so excited aaaah!
apologies for only getting to your asks now but I hope you’re doing well~
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