#or fleet managers
captain-noir · 2 years
‘louis should go to therapy’ and ‘louis should work on himself’ and ‘louis deserves better than lestat’ are for the boring, conventional yellow bellied normies. i sincerly hope he gets worse. i hope he sells everyone he loves and cares for down the river for lestat’s radioactive dick. i hope he turns into the most predatory vampire akasha accused him of being and i hope he does it with a twinkle in his eyes
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moongothic · 24 days
I don't even know how to start this post, I've been just thinking about this concept of like... "Role Redundancy" in One Piece, regarding the OG Shichibukai. A lot of it does come from people just speculating about Crocodile's past and future role in the story, and how often I do kind of feel like certain suggestions/ideas feel somewhat too redundant, as the idea may have already been done with another one of the Warlords if not multiple. (An example of this could be the "former slave" theory, because we already have two former slaves amongst the OG Shichibukai; the fact that Crocodile would then be the THIRD one makes me less likely to believe the theory personally.)
And that just made me wonder even more about how, when you think about it, a lot of the Warlords do actually have stuff in common with one-another, but only to a limited degree. Like there is what almost feels like intentional redundancy amongst these characters and their roles, but it's done carefully so they're not too repetetive?
And to really visualize the connections... I had to make a chart
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(Could've added a "Tried to kill Luffy" but literally the only characters who wouldn't fall into that bubble would be Jimbei and Kuma, so it felt a little unnecessary)
Now this is just what I could think of very quickly at the top of my head, you probably could figure out more "Role Redundancies" between these characters. But figuring out all the theoretical connections/similarities between the characters isn't as important as noting how, yeah, most of those similarities are only shared once or twice between characters. They get repeated, but not so much they become actually reduntant in the story (personal feelings/relationship with Luffy aside, that one is quite natural to repeat after all) Also interesting how Crocodile seems to have The Most Shit going on with him, to the point the only characters he doesn't really seem to have one-on-one similarities to are Moria and Hancock
I don't really have a point to this post, I just thought it was interesting to think about and try to visualize. And I do wonder if this could be used to like, try to predict where the story is going, somehow? But yeah, just something to chew on
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formulatrash · 7 months
in 'cool and unusual motorsport jobs' news, Mercedes F1 team are looking for an Environmental and Sustainability Manager, which needs specialist qualifications in UK environmental certification but which aren't the sort of thing that most F1 jobs ask for - could be a really awesome opportunity to work on implementing green technologies and developing environmental practices, if that's your field
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These mems just get weirder and weirder. I literally just cringed
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sam, you sleepy-eyed SLUT-
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gothbard · 2 months
the next twid needs to start with pete parsons's resignation letter
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https-moonzilla · 3 months
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ignore how mrs lovetts face looks, im in the middle of rehearsal
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ansible-official · 3 months
what is ansible
so you know how when you manage your fleet you gotta log into every machine to do the thing, or you have a shell script that loops through them and does that? it's that but with yaml and less sadness
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robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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this quen and her pet jay :D
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houseofbrat · 2 years
Well, well, well. 
Just as I thought, the stupid wife is going to attempt to use the titles. 
I bet we’re going to get a back-and-forth in the press over this. 
Harry’s wife is too dumb to realize that it’s more embarrassing in the long run to claim a title and have it taken away than to never have lost something to begin with. 
Looks like she’s going to be in for a rude awakening in the next few weeks with all her machinations. She’s going to be subject to sudden changes in her career/public perception over the next six to eight weeks. And the changes will start happening next week, even if we don’t see them publicly.
She just doesn’t know how good she used to have it...
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nugulover69 · 5 months
Assorted Tusk scribbles 🐘💚
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redbean-nom · 4 months
the contrast between elsbeth's tribe (nightsister... commoners? peasants? villagers?) fighting grievous vs talzin's clan (nightsister royalty) is so funny like.
elsbeth's clan: probably-Mother Selena dueling grievous with two fire sickles that melt/short out when hit by lightsabers (grievous didn't even split his arms! it's literally a leisurely spar for him). approximately three archers in the background. one single unit of B1s and B2s plus possibly a handful of commando droids. elsbeth hiding in a tree and falling out.
talzin's clan: Mother Talzin voodooing Dooku from the castle basement and then levitating in a giant electric sphere and zapping the entire droid army for like five minutes straight. Ventress dueling four-arms grievous for equally long. An entire army of archers casually force-speed/force-jumping over entire trees. Grievous' full fleet, a bomber squad, a unit of commando droids, magnaguards, state of the art experimental tanks, more regular tanks, and a full army of B1s/B2s. Daka long-distance-necromancing the entire clan and resurrecting every single dead nightsister in the entire region. Talzin finally not-surrending by turning herself into a force ghost and then promptly going to start a cult to revive herself/the dead nightsisters.
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sparrowhawk-station · 7 months
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It’s her birthday 🦐🎉
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✨the duality of man✨
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gayspock · 29 days
ok 1
blah blah blah all i do is blah blah blah. whatever. i feel miserable as shit. mmmhm ......... oh this too will pass and for what after it. more shit and nothing good and im tired and im sick and i want it to be over i feel everything stetching before me nd i dont want to have to do a fucking second of it, and frankly i didnt want to have to do a second of anything thats come before this and like
i keepfeeling so fucking miserable all i can find myself doing is scrolling forever and forwhat i dont know i dont care . stuck being a miserablefucking git cuz of that just beingstucktheres never anywhere to go or anything to do or any fucking resolution or anything i jsut . fucking wanna sleep and neverrr wake up again why not bro its like its not like it means anything if i dont and if i do so what at least its like gone and over and
ijsut fucking gh. i feel likeeverything i tried to do it jsut isnt right and it just shuts me out more. i feel like eveyrthing eveyrone says and every sentiment i ever fucking hear isjust so much more isolating. and i wish i could just tell people to shut up more. idont know theresalways that stupid fucking shit thatjsut makes it worse. idoes anyone think about all the fucking times youve tried toask people to stop doing the hting that makes it worse and they insist they know better and keep doing it at you and does anyone else feel like theyreso alone in it . becausei dont think i can feel anything any mroe in some aspects of like i dont fucking trust you like in theslightest and i dont think you zactually think of me at all as a person and if you do its like some completely different fuckign entity. not like the standard ways we all have some projection of another person in our fucking skulls, and i also dont mean that in the arsey boohoo nobody fucking understand me way. i dont give a shit any man. i just meani dont know . i dont think this is workingand tis working for everyone else in some fucking capacity .
likesorry my constant rantings.do you ever fcuking sit there and think of all the ways and all the thingspeople say to try and make it better whether it be sentiments passed around online or shit proffessionals say or shitpeople have said to you when youvetried toreachout and again itjust feels . worse. more isolating. and ha ha ha thisis thepoint where people say :) you havetojust accept it:) and yesss its so bad until it gets good YOU IDIOT:) rightyeah ok. ok . anywyas i dontknow. i feellike theres a constant fucking stram of itrunning through my head sometimes all the fucking little failures and things im never going to grapple with all the ways peoplekeep sayinjg fundamentals and insist ifyou dont fit into it youre wrong except haha not that youre just negative and youre being willfully slefdestructive utits like i fucking wish it worked out i dont knowwhat to do i wished any of it fucking meant anyhting ro fucking helped or was meanignful in any fucking wayand wasntjustanother fucking thing that fucking felt like a hammer to the skull and to fuckng poke at day in day out. kill me or whatever
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The way I want to bust my ass and put in whatever work necessary, to get on gvf’s management team. I’d be advocating for not only Josh’s HEALTH AND WELL-BEING, but Sam, Jake and Danny’s, too. These boys deserve to be taken care of and treated as humans - Not performing robots.
These tour dates are replaceable, Josh’s hearing is not.
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