#I’m happy Kaoru was drawn though
sparrowhawk-station · 7 months
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It’s her birthday 🦐🎉
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strongbabe2907 · 6 months
28/3/2024 Oberhausen, turbinenhalle
GIG REVIEW, DIR EN GREY mode of withering to death.
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Since the m&g was at 6 and the gig didn’t start till 8 it was a bit of a long wait.
Luckily they started right on time!
It was just surreal to see them again and so up close, RAHHH. Shinay wore a white dress jacket and black trousers. Kaoru wore a beautiful 3 piece. He later took off the jacket so we could see the waistcoat and billowy shirt underneath better. Die wore his black dress/leather shorts combo with a red and black thing over it for most of the show. Toshiya wore his sparkly black dress with the leather boots, gosh, so pretty!! And Kyo was in his black adidas tracksuit. Tshirt underneath and a necklace over it. He wore 2 rings on his left hand, pinky and middle fingers, I think. He wore a white/blind contact lens in his left eye and his right was normal. Had the bald head with the extensions on it and the make up he did for most of the shows. Ah speaking of make up- Kaoru had two little vampire fangs drawn on him!! It was so cute.
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I don’t know the exact setlist. I’m sure someone has already posted it but I think it was the same for the other Withering shows. It was just amazing to hear these song live and the music was good and Kyo was audible and RAAHH it was just so, so fucking good.
They seemed really energetic and especially during Jesus Christ R ‘n R Kyo was interacting with the crowd a lot. He took out his earpiece to listen to us sing and also shouted ‘Sing!’ at us at the ominous communication part. AHHH. It was amazing! I think I spotted the tiniest crack of a smile on Kyo’s face.
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The others switched places during playing which was very nice! They just all seemed to be in good spirits. I also saw Kaoru singing along with a few songs and so did Die and idk why but it just made me immensely happy.
I’ve worn blind/white eye lenses before and you can’t see much out of them so Kyo only had 1 good eye during the show. He had moments of looking into the crowd but I noticed he spend a lot of time singing with his eyes almost closed for a good while. I can relate, I couldn’t help from closing my eyes from time to time to just feel the music, even though I didn’t want to miss a second of it. He also danced to a few songs, and after having seen them live for quite some years, to me it felt like he generally had a good time and good live. His voice was also SO good, gosh. How that man has grown (figuratively, bwhaha).
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They ended with Akoru no oka (my heart) and it was quiet a moment before Kyo just said BYE BYE in the mic and left the stage. Shinya threw his drumsticks and the other 3 stayed a little longer to throw their water bottles and plectrums. Kaoru threw one of his weirdly on the otherside where we were standing and I think it bounces off the barricade or something!? But it made him burst out in laughter and that was so nice to see ;o;
Die nearly killed someone with his bottle throw LOL, and after that we gathered ourselves and it was time to get ready to leave and head back home. I just felt filled with joy, and still do the morning after. So happy I decided to go and also finally chance the meet and greet.
Feel free to repost pictures, but please credit!
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taiyaki-translations · 3 months
Intelligence - Epilogue 1
Season: Spring Characters: Jun, Shu, Izumi, Kaoru, Yuzuru, Kanata, Mao, Kuro, Nagisa, Wataru, Leo Translator: taiyaki-translations ENG Proofreader:  verdantcrimson (Yuzuru, Kuro), sunnyskiestls (Kanata), raspberrytls (Shu)
<On the day of the performance>
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“In the darkness of the infinitely expanding universe, there exists a brilliant, blue planet shining in its midst - Earth.”
“Life originated on that blue planet, and humans, the end result of many miracles and mysteries, reign as the rulers of that planet.”
“Having built a great civilization, mankind’s progress continues on, unhindered.”
“Eventually, their control will extend beyond their blue planet, towards the solar system… and maybe even to other parts of the galaxy.”
“But that is only if they are allowed to continue to flourish—”
Mendako alien: “...Men ♪”
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Mendako alien: “...Menmen☆”
“Those ignorant humans haven’t realized yet— there are other life forms besides them in the universe.”
“There is a civilization whose progress far exceeds anything that humans have built.”
“And most importantly, they are already trying to crush this blue planet that’s within their evil grasp—”
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Mendako alien: “...Men!”
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Kanata: Wow, the “Mendako aliens” have a very “active role”~♪
Mao: No, no, the play’s just started. Though, that’s a pretty grand introduction.
Kuro: Yeah, for sure. It’s strangely surreal seein’ them all lined up like that, though. Kinda makes it feel low stakes…
Jun: Haha, I agree. They’re supposed to be terrifying aliens that came to invade earth, but they’re oddly cute, aren’t they?
Izumi: Hey you, watch more quietly. But it’s not like I don’t get it… There’s a lot to comment on.
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Kaoru: Woah, it’s rare for Senacchi to hesitate like that. Well, the play seems to be some kind of comedy, so it’s probably fine to make a bit of noise.
Shu: Non! Do not make a ruckus. If you are going to come to the theater, practice proper theater etiquette.
Yuzuru: Fufu. The play’s just begun, so let’s look closely at the story of those Mendako aliens that caused such a fuss at the dorms.
<A few hours later>
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Mao: Wow, that was amazing~ Don’t you agree, Kiryu-senpai?
Kuro: Yeah, I was wonderin’ what was gonna happen at first, but I never expected it’d have such excitin’ development.
Mao: Right? It turned out that the enemies weren’t the Mendako aliens after all, but another species of alien from a different planet.
That scene where the Mendako aliens and Earth’s defenders joined hands, despite the language barrier, was very moving.
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Izumi: Hmph. The contents of the play are still ridiculous, though.
Well, I could see that idiot was having fun with it. Doesn’t he keep in regular mysterious communication with the universe?
Shu: Hm, I participated in the play this time by making the costumes, and I still don’t know how they so often manage to perform so intricately while wearing them.
Izumi: Oh, it’s rare to see you giving honest praise.
Shu: I am always fair in my evaluations. It would be more regrettable if my evaluations were not properly understood due to strange misinterpretations of them.
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However, when the acting is this well done, you’d naturally find your attention drawn to the costumes, after all.
Mao: Are you talking about those mendako costumes?
Shu: Yes, I was short on time and had no choice but to settle on making exact duplicates of the original.
As the one in charge of the costumes, I wish I had the opportunity to craft a more original alien design.
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Kuro: …Haha, I see. As expected of Icchan ♪
Kanata: How about you, Jun? Did you find the “play” interesting?
Jun: I did. Like Isara-san said earlier, the play was very moving. Theater performances have an image of being kinda stuffy, but this one was inspiring and funny. It felt more like I was watching a movie.
Kanata: Fufu, I’m happy to hear that…~ I’m also very happy that my “Mendako aliens” got their big role~♪
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Jun: By the way, do you know why martians have an octopus motif, Shinkai-senpai?
Kanata: No, why is that? Is it because the “sea” is the “mother” to all things?
Jun: I was actually wondering about it too, so I asked Nagi-senpai. Seems like it originally came from an old sci-fi novel. (1)
In it, octopus-like martians invaded the earth, and that image of ‘em got popular as it became more widespread.
Apparently, that sci-fi writer also drew a picture of these octopus-like martians ‘cause an astronomer said that martians are grotesque looking.
Octopi and mollusks also have that kind of reputation, y’know~
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Kanata: Their “appearance” might be scary, but “cephalopods” are very smart, and full of “curiosity”...~
Maybe it’s because these “martians” looked like “octopi” that they were “curious” enough to come all the way to “earth”... ♪
Jun: Ah~, that’s an interesting way to look at it~! Like something outta a dream.
Kaoru: Yup yup. I think I prefer Kanata-kun’s theory since it sounds cuter than the grotesque one.
Kanata: …Not everyone knows how smart “octopi” are, you see?
That’s why, as the “manager” of the aquarium, I have to “promote” the intelligence of “octopi” more ♪
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Kaoru: Ooh, then have you decided on what the next event at the aquarium will be? I hope lots of customers stop by.
…Now that I think about it, I completely forgot that this whole thing started with Fushimi-kun wanting to learn about management, huh?
Yuzuru: Fufu, that’s correct. So much has occurred since then, I had also completely forgotten.
Kaoru: You were planning to talk with Kanata-kun about it too, but it looks like he’ll be busy after this…
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Yuzuru: Kaoru-sama, will you be available after? If you could spare a moment of your time, I would like to talk to you.
Kaoru: Eh, me? I’m fine with time…
Yuzuru: Then, if you would be so kind, I would very much appreciate it if you taught me your management theory.
Kaoru: Ahaha, it’s not so grand that I’d call it management theory.
Got it. Then, shall we talk over tea at a café somewhere? ♪
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Translation Notes: 1. Most likely referring to the book War of the Worlds by HG Wells
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How you enjoying i believe you said Fresh Precure??
Yep, and after watching the first seventeen episodes, I can confirm that unfortunately, despite the title, the show is not about Will Smith becoming a Precure. It’s still good though, even if the first arc is a little slow at times.
The main character, Love/Cure Peach is a very energetic girl who tends to prioritize the happiness of others to the point where her first scene is her crying over someone else’s romantic advances getting turned down after she tries to help them confess, and almost immediately gets over it. Her compassion for others is obviously how she gets her powers, since she saves a dancer she idolizes (which I’ll get to later).
I still think Love is a pretty good character. She’s compassionate, and wants to help others, but she’s still impulsive, and tends to push herself too far at times, not unlike what Nodoka would do nearly a decade later. 
I generally think these Pink Cures are more consistently likable compared to the more hot-headed Red leads in one of Toei’s other heavy hitters, Super Sentai.
It’s also implied that Cure Peach is kind of like a split personality because of how Love acted while transformed for the first time, but it’s pretty much dropped afterwards
Another thing I think is interesting is how Love is friends with the people who become her teammates.
Miki/Cure Berry tends to act more high class (Criminy, is every Blue in this franchise either rich or this stoic?), and tends to balance out Love more, though she still tends to be just as impulsive at times, all while trying to make it seem like she’s perfect. She also has dreams of being a model, which isn’t explored that much compared to what would later happen with Kirara.
Inori/Cure Pine or “Buki” to her friends is the soft one of the three who’s a total animal lover with not a lot of self-esteem, but being a Precure and a dancer helps boost her confidence greatly. There’s not much to say, but I still really like this character and how she connects with the mascots this time around.
Tarte is a ferret from the Sweets Kingdom who was tasked with finding the Precure and raising Chiffon, this... I want to say bear fairy with psychic powers. They’re both pretty fun characters. There’s a little subplot with Buki being afraid of Tarte thanks to a traumatic experience with ferrets in the past, but it’s not drawn out and gets resolved by Episode 10. 
Chiffon’s also pretty cute with how he uses her unholy magic to pull pranks and generally acting like an actual infant the Cures have to raise. The whole reason they get new weapons is because they all had their own episodes to bond with Chiffon, with Love making baby formula for her, Buki taking care of her when she gets sick (It was constipation, and yes, the ending was worse than when “Backwarder” did it), and Miki was aware of how she was the last one, so she voluntarily took care of Chiffon but realized she was trying to extort her into getting a new toy. It’s such a clever way to introduce the new weapons while giving some character growth.
Another major ally comes in the form of Miyuki, the leader of a dance group Love enjoys, and as a reward for Love saving her in the first episode, decides to give Love, Miki, and Buki dance lessons.
I like how they set her up as this sort of mentor figure who gives them some advice, and she’s really like a big sister for Love at times.
They seem to be implying she’ll get a bigger role as the fourth member of the team, but I’m pretty sure she’s just a red herring. GET IT?
But my favorite character has to be Kaoru, the donut cafe owner whose donuts Love and Tarte can’t get enough of. This dude is just awesome. He’s normally laid back, but other times, he’s implied to be aware of the Cures identities after learning Tarte can talk, but most importantly, he’s hilarious.
The villains this time are called Labyrinth, lead by Lord Moebus, searching for something called Infinity, believing human misery caused by Nakewamekes will reveal whatever the hell Infinity is.
The first general introduced is Eas, a sly girl who tries to manipulate Love into giving her her transformation device while disguised as a friend.
It’s really interesting because they don’t just dumb down the characters for Eas to get close. She genuinely acts like a friend to Love, and love sees her like a friend too. There’s this one episode where she wins a four-leaf clover necklace and gives it to Eas, and in her next major appearance, she’s shown to be wearing it.
In another episode where Love and Miyuki have a brief falling out, Eas tries to get Love to cut off all ties with Miyuki to drive up her sorrow, and in next time she hangs out with them, Miki and Buki (under the influence of a Nakewameke making them tell the truth) acknowledge how much that hurt Love. It wasn’t just a random filler episode that was forgotten. It was a really tough moment for Love.
And I think all of this is building up to some kind of redemption arc where she either betrays the villains or gets killed for her troubles.
Westar is the brute/comic relief of the team, and he’s pretty funny, though he’s the least interesting of the three.
Soular, on the other hand, is far more menacing and tends to strategize more. His first Nakewameke seemed harmless and just erased toys and food for kids to cry about, but then he thought of doing the same to their parents, and had he succeeded, would have a massive body count in his first episode alone. Compared to Eas and Westar, Soular doesn’t screw around, and I love him for it.
But yeah, while I think there’s a little too much filler at first like with the other seasons I watched, I’m still really looking forward to seeing where this show goes and if it’s really as good as the fans say it is.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 38 - Discovery of new geoglyph in the Nazca lines.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome....
J: Ask me about it..haha
K: Wha..?
J: Ask me about it.
K: .....Today..
J: Haha, no no no. Hellooo? *points at  Tokyo Sports hoodie that he is wearing* Look, look, look, everyone. Tokyo Sports have...actually, where are you selling this again?
T: Don Quijote.
J: Its a collaboration with Don Quijote.
T: Yeah.
J: Have a look. *Shows off hoodie* 'UFO caught in power lines'. I don't know why this scene has been chosen for it though. I've put it on straight away.
K: I've got one too. Its cute, right?
J: It is cute!
T: Oh, that makes me happy.
J: Anyone can get this if they go to Don Quijote?
T: Yep.
J: By the way, how much is it?
T: Its about ¥2000.
J: This is..
K: Its good.
J: Yeah it is.
K: Its good for this time of year.
J: This is great for just going to the convenience store.
Kami: Its cheap. 
K: But isn't ¥2000 a bit expensive for Kami?
T: haha
Kami: Well, its cheap.
J: Honestly, its a bit loose in the body.
K: You don't have to say that.
J: Hahaha
T: No matter when it gets dirty..
J: Its okay? kinda thing?
K: On the otherhand, its easy to wear.
J: Easy to wear! Thats it. Easy to wear.
K: Yeh yeh.
J: Ah, its thin so its easy to wear, haha.
K: Great for when its just a bit chilly outside.
J: Just right for that.
T: Exactly.
J: So by all means, everyone, this is currently on sale at Don Quijote.
T: Thank you very much.
J: This is a super hot item.
T: Thank you.
K: Speaking of Tokyo Sports news, this week's story is..
T: Yeah. A new geoglyph in the Nazca lines has been discovered.
J: I've been waiting for this!
T: Another mystery to unfold.
J: Yeh, a mystery.
T: On the 16th of this month, Peru's Ministry of Culture announced that a group of archaeologists doing maintenance work in an area of the Nazca lines discovered a new geoglyph measuring at 37 meters. Its from an earlier era than any of the other geoglyphs that we know of. It hasn't been visible up to now because it was drawn on the side of a steep slope. But it has become possibe to get footage of it using drones etc, which means more discoveries like this might also be made from now on.
J: Its amazing, isn't it?
T: Did you see it?
J, K: Yeh yeh.
J: It looks like a cat.
K: The moment I saw it, I thought it was a fake.
J: Hahaha. Out of all the topics so far, your enthusiasm for this one is kinda different, right?
T: Its crazy, right? A cat...
J: It looks like that giraffe that Tasai drew recently.
K: haha, yeh.
J: I wondered if Tasai had drawn it.
T: Yeh, like presenting my own work.
J: Yeh yeh yeh. But then you probably didn't have time to go to Peru and do a 37 meter drawing.
T: Well, yeah. Looking at the design of the cat, Im not sure whether ancient people drew this.
J: What do you think, Kaoru?
K: Well, when I first saw it, I thought it was fake news.
J, T: Hahaha
J: It looks like it, doesn't it? It looks like a joke.
T: For sure.
K: It makes you think, 'Eh? Really??'
J: Yeah. Maybe they left it there as a joke.
T: The other designs in the Nazca lines, the birds and things, are drawn very precisely, aren't they? This one has a different touch to it.
K: This one is older than those though, isn't it?
T: Yeah, its older.
K: Maybe it all started from there.
J: Yeah. Its like the very beginning of the Nazca lines. It could've been like a practice attempt.
T: So like, it started from there, and became many different designs?
J: Yeah, that kind of thing, maybe?
T: I wonder.
J: But its said the Nazca lines have loads of mysteries about them. These days, in terms of technicalties, you would draw a small image first, and while looking at that, like when making a map, go equally to various places and leave stakes in the ground. And then gradually make it bigger. If you increase the size by the same amount, no matter what the angle, it eventually turns into that kind of shape, right? But to make that kinda of image back then, with all the obstacles that they faced, there is the theory that it could have been aliens. Its quite a deep rooted theory. What is Tokyo Sports' theory on this?
T: Well, there is the aliens theory, but also former AKB member, Kojima Haruna....Kojiharu, right? She drew a picture of a cat at some event back in 2015, or was it a tiger? It was a tiger. It looks exactly the same as this.
J: Hahaha
K: *looks at pic on Tasai's phone* Well...
Kami: You're talking about Kojiharu's drawing?
T: Yeah, like did she draw this? 
Kami: Oh right. Um, I also..A long time ago, I drew a picture at Tottori sand dunes with a friend.
J, K, T: Ehh?
Kami: It was like a male symbol..I competed with my friend over the size.
J: Kami, how did you draw it, this male symbol?
Kami: Well, I got a tree, and trees are kind of thick, right. I found a really thick one, and went back and forward with it many times. We were saying to each other, like 'Mine is bigger'. Stupid, right? Haha.
T: Kami's type of fun is interesting.
Kami: Yeah, we went to Tottori sand dunes, it was fun though. I wouldn't be allowed to draw it now though, that type of thing.
J: Ah, is it banned there?
Kami: Well, these days its all about public decency. Maybe that was my fault.
K: Definitely.
J: Yeah. Its due to your excesses, Kami, now it has become like this.
Kami: Yes.
J: Stop it!
Kami: Its like as a god, I was the creator of these new rules.
J: Haha
T: I see.
J: Yeh, I see.
Kami: Yes.
K: He puts it very well.
J: He does. So, what do you think about this Kojiharu theory?
T: Well, we got a good response from her. She said something like 'Tokyo Sports, stop being stupid', haha.
K: Tokyo Sports gets about doesn't it?
J: Its great isn't it? haha. Imagine Kojiharu speaking out to them about the Nazca lines.
T: Also, the Major League player, the pitcher Maeda Kenta (Maeken), there has been talk that it looks like it was drawn by him.
K: Basically, the picture is not very good then.
J: Haha. So, Tokyo Sport's conclusion is that this geoglyph is old, but in terms of skill, its not that good?
T: Yeah. Well, because aliens did it to help them relax.
K: Ahh, I see.
J: Like, a drunk alien drew it or something?
T: Yeh yeh. 
J: Ah, there are many possibilities.
K: Its great that there are still others that havn't been discovered yet.
J: Yeah.
Kami: Um, will it be said that I drew it if they find a vulgar drawing?
K, J, T: Hahaha
J: Hang on, you're  a god, so it wouldn't be strange to say you were alive when the Nazca lines were made, right?
Kami: Right.
T: It wouldn't be that odd to find one or two vulgar ones would it?
J: Well, as I said earlier, they could start with a small drawing, and then gradually extend it, but the question is what did they make these for? I can understand that kind of big bird being related to a religious custom or something, but I'm interested in what this funny cat was made for.
T: Yeah
K: Well, I don't mean big ones, but they are a lot of small ones like this, done by people a long time ago, right?
T: Ah yeh.
J: Ah, I see. Yeh yeh.
T: It wasn't that unusual for ancient peope to draw random doodles, like symbols or religious images and stuff.
J: Ah, yeh. Its interesting.
Kami: Joe, I really understand what you said about expanding the drawing equally bit by bit.
J: Oh really?
Kami: Yeh, at Tottori sand dunes, the picture I drew was only circles and a line, but i made it bigger in the same way.
J: Oh right, yeh.
Kami: Yeah, I did.
J: So does that mean you really knew how to draw?
Kami: No, I didn't know how to at all. It just came naturally.
J: Naturally?
Kami: Yes.
T: Incredible.
J: Of couse, you are a god. I somehow wish you'd drawn something more decent. Haha
Kami: Well, I have a knack for that type of thing.
J: Haha, do you? Like, this is you?
Kami: Yes. Im just a vulgar guy.
J: Ah, you're vulgar? A vulgar god.
Kami: Yes.
K: Well, anyway, it will be interesting if they find any more of these.
J: Yeh, im looking forward to that.
T: I wonder if there are any more?
J: Oh, there will be more.
T: Hmm, yeh.
J: Well, I don't remember exactly, but in the place where the Nazca lines are, there is a characteristic type if soil quality, like if it rains, or is windy, the geoglyphs don't disappear.
K: Well, yeah.
J: If you drew a picture in regular ground, it would disappear when it rained, right? So, did these ancient people knew about the soil quality in this area, and draw them there deliberately to preserve them, or did they draw them in lots of different places, and only these ones have survived? Im not an expert, so I don't know, but it makes you imagine things when you see them.
K: Yeah.
J: Isn't it great?
T: There must be more..
J: Yeah.
T: Mysteries in this world.
J: Yes, I think so.
Kami: Isn't there any theory about them drawing graffiti with friends?
J: Well, there may be that kind of theory.
T: Yeah.
Kami: Is there?
K: We just don't know what happened.
J: Right, we don't know. Yeh.
T: That cat does just look like a prank.
J: Yeah.
T: There is no message in it.
J: No, there isn't. Haha.
K: How did they draw it though?
J: As for that Tokyo Sports Tshirt, I wonder if anyone holds copyright for the Nazca lines images?
K: I don't know, haha.
T: How about that? Hmm.
K: I don't know.
J: If its a press photo though, you can use it anywhere as long as you credit it, right?
K: Well, in that case, Tasai's drawing is better..
J: Oh, that?!
T: Hahaha
J: Lets make it!
K: Hahaha
J: How about that with 'The Freedom of Expression'.
T: That sounds good.
J: Kaoru did not seem to agree, haha.
K: No, lets just think about it a little more.
J: Yes, ok.
K: Ok, well lets finish here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
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beguilingcorpse · 4 years
Hey I took ur ouran quiz and the questions were awesome and I did indeed get dragged to filth, as has everyone in the tags, but I think we're all too embarrassed to post pictures of our results bc the callouts were so accurate kjshdfkjsdhf but im so curious abt the others,,, would you mind posting all the descriptions you did? I'm so curious. either way thanks for a banger of a quiz!
AH omg i’m so glad people are enjoying it!! and im sorry that people are getting called out lol but I did try to warn you. im mad that uquiz doesn’t have a “see all results” feature but here are all of the descriptions!!
you give off main character energy but also don't give a shit about being the main character. if you got this answer you probably also relate to tamaki or kyoya but ONLY one of them. you have mixed feelings about the other. you don't think you can experience love the way everyone else talks about it. you crave physical touch but your intimacy issues prevent you from seeking it out so you're stuck wishing anyone else would initiate it and anticipate your needs. people have said that they were drawn to you and a GOOD number of people have told you that they liked you. 9/10 times their crush was unrequited. you're still friends with all of them. hope ur doing well with that gender crisis you're going through!
wow. you're truly a dramatic bitch. maybe people find you a little grating but you're charming enough that they still hang around you for some reason??? ur a big romantic and your expectations will never match reality. every time you pass a mirror you get caught up in your own reflection, even if you don't consider yourself attractive. your self esteem swings WILDLY between "i'm a terrible person and no one really likes me" and "i'm perfect and everyone wants to be me". you definitely have SOME kind of parental complex and you projected way too hard on disney movies in your childhood. how is your hyperfixation with beauty and the beast treating you now? you genuinely want to be a good person but you find that your actions often have unintended consequences. being a wine mom (or your gender equivalent) is absolutely in your future. you're pretentious as fuck and your favorite book is probably pride and prejudice or the picture of dorian gray or some fruity shit. also you're in love with your best friend and im sorry
you have written PARAGRAPHS of analysis about whatever show or movie you're hyperfixated on and definitely talked about it with people who aren't familiar with the source material. you're just a little bit of an asshole (or at least you think you are) but you have a close group of friends nonetheless. you're a good liar and everyone hates playing among us with you. debate is your love language. you wonder constantly why anyone likes you at all. despite this, you're surprisingly loyal (even beyond your own expectations). you like being in charge of a situation even if people don't view you as the leader outright. you're never manipulative with malicious intent but you enjoy seeing the influence you have on others. usually this amounts to introducing them to a new show or hobby. people have told you that they've liked you and your first instinct was to say "thank you, but no you don't". you're just emotionally unavailable enough to be ~intriguing~ but consider swallowing your pride enough to tell the people in your life that you love them.
you know that feeling where you make a joke and maybe one or two people really laugh at it but everyone else doesn't know how to respond? of course you do. you have a very defined sense of humor and you feel like there are only a handful of people who really get you. in reality, part of this stems from the fact that you judge other people, make assumptions, and are slow to forgive. you've definitely given a friend the silent treatment for DAYS... and what was it for? are you happy living life this way? do you so love believing yourself to be misunderstood? i promise there are other people out there who like your obscure interests just as much as you do. pause your early 00s pop punk for a second and get over urself.
are you excited for the big recital coming up? you must be, since you've been playing second fiddle for so long. you're probably disappointed with this response. you wanted to be a main character. you feel like sometimes ur a background character in your own life. most of your friends are people you met through pre-existing friendships and you pretty exclusively hang out in groups. you're a good person and people enjoy your company, but there's maybe only one or two people who would call you their BEST friend. that's okay. you feel the same way. you rarely come up with plans or jokes, but you can "yes and" like there's no tomorrow. maybe your life is a little boring, but at least its comfortable. it's a shame, though. there are a lot of people who could help bring you out of your comfort zone, if you'd let yourself leave your bubble every now and again.
so. you have a complex. that's okay! most people do. you just HAVE to be the hottest person at the supermarket or the friend that EVERYONE loves. you have a lot of friends but only a few people who really, truly know you. you use humor or flirting or playing dumb to deflect from the fact that you have a SHIT ton of walls up around you and you're afraid to let anyone beyond the facade you put up. you aren't hurting anyone by doing this, but it does get a little lonely sometimes. you like the attention you get, even if it's pretty surface-level. you have a weird thing about crying in front of other people: either you do it too often or you absolutely REFUSE to. you just want to be held. and honestly? don't we all.
holy shit. you're SEXY. you know EXACTLY when to shut the fuck up and it's hot. it's a double-edged sword, though. when was the last time you let yourself be someone's shoulder to cry on? and when was the last time YOU cried on someone else's shoulder? hm. might want to work on that. you don't think too highly of yourself, but you recognize you're a kind person. bit of a doormat tho. perhaps you've even been called "subservient". it's a shame you're so emotionally closed off, because your friends would honestly love for you to open up more. if you did anything competitive in high school--choir, drama, band, sports, etc.--you were never a soloist or the star player. you played defense, didn't you? you were in the chorus, weren't you? i bet you were in percussion (not the quads tho). your biggest flaw is that you refuse to acknowledge how important you are to other people. there's a gardener and a flower in every relationship, and it's time you started being the flower.
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newbie-weeb26 · 4 years
Host (Chapter 1, Part 1)
I’m sort of getting back in to the OHSHC fandom again. It was my first anime that I watched, but it’s been forever
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Its a new day, but the first day of a new school. Your new school, well, is the top of the top. Not only with smart students, but also filthy rich people. You, are not rich. You can’t even afford a proper uniform, so you go in the nicest thing you can find. It’s basically just ripped jeans and a sweatshirt. Your hair makes you look like a boy, but it was still nice. You get your bag ready and straighten up your outfit.
At the front of the school, the cherry blossom petals seem like they are having a ball, floating in the air like that. Instead of the petals, the first thing you see is the huge clock tower. You gasp at the beauty and the sun shining on the top of it. You get distracted while walking and fall on the ground. “Ah shoot!” You scream and everyone looks at you. “Hey! Are you okay?” You hear a voice behind you. Oh, there’s a girl there. “Yeah I’m fine.” She helps you with your stuff and gives it to you. “You didn’t have to help me you know.” “Well, I’m guessing that you are new here. I’m Haruhi Fugioka.” The short haired girl smiled. “I’m Y/N.” You return the smile. “Where are you off to, Haruhi?” You dust yourself off and she gives you your stuff. “Oh, I’m off to the host club. I had to get some coffee and snacks.” The both of you started to walk. “Uhm, Haruhi?” “Yeah?” “Is it okay that I know that you are a girl?” Haruhi smiles slightly and nods. “It’s fine, but don’t tell anyone. I know you are a girl too, but I’m not going to tell the other hosts.” You start to ask her questions about the club and school.
“This is where the club is. Now, I want you to feel welcomed, so I’ll call for you when we are ready. Again, I won’t tell them that you are a girl.” She winks and closes the door. Now you are stuck in the middle of an empty hallway, in front of an abandoned music room. “Is the host club just a place where you can find extra help with school work?” You ask your self. Haruhi knocks on the door, so you open it. Rose petals blow on your face and you hear a group say, “welcome” in unison. Once you see the full group, your heart stopped. Why are these good looking men in here? “Oh my, it seems like we have a new host.” A blonde haired guy with purple eyes walks up to you, making you feel tiny. “Good day sir. I may welcome you to the Ouran High School Host Club. I am the president, Tamaki Suoh.” You start to get nervous and slowly back away. “Oh- Uhm- Nice to meet you?” Your back hits a person and you tense up. “I am Kyoya Ootori. I am delighted to see you in our club.” Your face turns into a deep shade of red. “Aww look Kaoru. Our new guest is blushing.” You look around trying to find Haruhi, but it felt like your vision is blurring from the panic attack. “Why, he’s worse than me.” Twins pop up in front of you and you fall on the floor. “Y/N! Are you okay?” Haruhi helps you up. “Y-yeah I’m fine. I wasn’t expecting that I would act like that.” She smiles and takes you to a table in the corner. 
Haruhi tells you the story on how she became a host and her first impressions. It felt nice knowing that you weren’t the only one who reacted like that. “I think that I need to introduce myself more formally.” “Hey Y/N chan. Are you okay?” You flinch at the sudden, cute voice. You look down and see a boy with big eyes and a bunny plush. Behind him was a taller, quiet man. “I’m Honey, and this is Mori Takashi.” Honey bounces up and down. You smile at his cuteness. “Nice to meet you two. I am going to introduce myself properly to everyone. All of you go to the front of the room. The hosts look at you. “Hello, my name is Y/N and I am the new honors student.” You bow down and start to get shy again. “Why, I am glad that you calmed down. Hey, Kyoya. Do you mind if you can find our new host a uniform?” You widen your eyes. “Yes. I’ll be right back.” Kyoya walks away to find a uniform for you. He comes back and takes you to the dressing room. Why does he seem like he knows your real gender? You change into the uniform and sit back down at the table you were at. Many girls come your way. “Hey, I’ve never seen you before. Are you a new host?” You look at them and smile. “Yes I am. I’m still in training though. I don’t even know what I am doing?” You stand up and walk to Haruhi. “You should really teach me how to be a host.”
“Well I’m still learning myself. You should ask some of the other hosts.” You slowly look at Tamaki, who is surrounded by girls. “Is it usually like this daily?” “Yes, it is always like that.” You roll your eyes and walk to Tamaki. “Tamaki, who is that walking our way.” Tamaki looks at you. “Why he is our new host. This is Y/N.” You smile slightly. “Tamaki, can I talk to you for a bit?” He nods his head. “Tamaki, where are you going.” One of the girls asked. “I have to help our new host. Don’t worry. I will always keep you in my mind.” The girls squeal and go head over heels from his statement. Oh great. You walk away with Tamaki. “You didn’t tell me how I can be a good host.” You cross your arms over your chest. “A good host comes within your personality. What do you like to do in your free time?” Tamaki asks with a prince like voice. “Well, I do like drawing.” He caresses his chin with his fingers, thinking. “You should show some of the girls your drawings. They love artistic type men.” You nod your head and hum in agreement. “Thank you Tamaki.” You walk to your table and take out your sketch book.
Girls come up to you and ask if they can talk to you. You smile and tell them that they can. “So, Y/N, what do you like to do for fun?” One of the girls asks. “I like to draw. I gotta say, all of you girls have the features of a portrait.” They blush and giggle. “Can we see some of your drawings?” “Sure.” You open up your sketchbook to your favorite drawing. They each look at your drawing, passing the book down. “Wow, you are really talented. Can you draw me?” “No draw me!” “I want to get drawn to!” You giggle at the girls little argument. “Ladies, ladies. I can just draw all of you. I’ll make sure to draw each of you as quick as I can. All of you are beautiful, so I’m going to make this a picture fit for you queens.” You get your pencils out and start drawing all three of the girls. One of them pick up a cup of tea to drink. “Wait. leave the cup there.” The girl listened to you and took a sip, leaving the cup at her lips. You make sure to add the beautiful antiques. 
“And... done.” You put the pencil down and show the girls. They gasp and scream with happiness. “So talented!” They say in unison. You blush in embarrassment. Tamaki runs over to your table. “What’s going on?” You shake your head and show him the drawing. “Wow. That is some talent you got there. He really made sure to get you girls’ features.” Tamaki looks at you and smiles. “You are learning fast. You are now the shy artistic type.” You get confused at the word, ‘type’. “What do you mean by type?” Kyoya pops up out of nowhere. “All of us in the host club have different personality types. The twins are the mischievous type, Honey senpai is the boy Lolita type, Mori senpai is the quiet type, Tamaki is the prince type, and I’m the cool type.” You look around and find Haruhi. “Well, what about Haruhi?” Kyoya looks at Haruhi. “Oh, Haruhi is the natural type.” Haruhi walks up and says, “I don’t even think I am a natural at this.” You sigh. “Do any of you mind if I walk around, just to figure out your ‘types’ in closer detail?” All of them nod and you walk around.
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Why I love (Part Five)
I’d like to start this off by apologizing if this is a rambling one and a slight confession for those of you that aren’t very close to me. I’m asexual. However, I do have husbandos. I do not base them off of attractiveness because I’m asexual. I base them off of their personalities. That’s what is attractive to me. If you look at my anime husbandos this spot won’t be a huge surprise for you or if you get me talking about my experience with the anime Ouran Highschool Host Club.
Everyone has their own particular favorite host. I’ve met a lot of people with a lot of different opinions over the years of being a hardcore fan of this show. My best friend who I got into this show by dragging her kicking and screaming much like she did with me and Fruits Basket she was drawn to Hikaru and Kaoru (more so Hikaru than Kaoru he was my second favorite.) My personal favorite host has stayed at the spot of number one anime husbando since I was 13 years old and has not wavered from that spot since. In fact he was when I started to notice that holy shit I had a type of character that attracted me more than anything else. The goofball. 
If you haven’t gotten me talking about this show in the past than you probably would’ve never guessed that my favorite host in this show is the Host King Tamaki Suoh. 
Oh man where do I even start with this one without sounding like utter nerdy trash? I think that in my opinion one of the best things about him is the idea of subverted expectations. At first you might think that he’s this flirty overly romantic gentlemen and one of those three things is true that he’s overly romantic. In reality he’s a loud, as Haruhi would call him obnoxious goofball that would do anything for somebody that desperately needed his help even if he gets nothing in return. He gets the satisfaction that he has helped somebody in need. 
The more you find out about this character as you reach the end of the anime the more this side of his personality makes sense. His family life is a bit of a mess. But, he has always remained this positive ray of sunshine. It’s really hard to get him down even when you do he’ll still do everything in his power to do things for other people. Especially if you’re his friend. I loved getting to see his growth and development over the course of this anime. Even if it left my Tamaharu heart wanting more of that I still was content with what I got. 
I joke with my parents and friends that the first thing you have to do to make me love you is to make me laugh and have a heart. And boy let me tell you that nobody makes me laugh like Tamaki. I have rewatched this show I think eight times in different points of my life in the last seven years of me watching anime. It’s gotten me through a lot and my best friend always tells me that there isn’t anything Tamaki can’t get me through. He helped me out a lot when I was in high school, during the time when I was being strung along by my ex-best friend which was its own form of hell and when I was being bullied back in middle school for being an Otaku. As long as I was laughing I wasn’t crying and to me that made everything feel better. 
I’ve always loved the way that he would do anything for the people in his life. Even if it’s Hikaru and Kaoru who he claims that he hates he would still help them out in a pinch. In some cases he saves people that don’t even know that they need saving like his friendship with Kyoya. He makes people happy it’s why he wanted to start the host club in the first place. To make girls happy it was one of the things that he considered himself to be good at. 
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(I think that even though I would love a reboot of this show it would probably kill me in all the right ways. HD Tamaki with better animation *sighs*) 
This one was not easy for me to explain without rambling and I probably did ramble at some point. I’m sorry if I did sometimes I do these things to myself. But now you know just what a massive hunk of garbage I am for this show and this character. He is best Host anybody that says otherwise is welcome to their own opinion but they are also wrong.
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A Real Life Coffee Shop Romance
Chapter 5
First chapter | Previous chapter
Summary: Tsugumi was content to live with her mistake. But Afterglow would never settle for anything that would upset their beloved keyboardist.
Notes: And with that, we are done! I actually finished a multichap fic! Incredible! Thanks to everyone who read this, I really really appreciate the support!
She’d been awake for a couple hours now, probably. Not that it made a difference. Awake or not, she didn’t really want to leave her bed. Fortunately she had that luxury today. It was a Saturday, and since her mother had been the one to find her in the cafe storage room practically lying in a puddle of her own tears last night she’d been more or less excused from her responsibilities for now. This was fine. She was tired. She could do without seeing anyone today. Her eyelids were getting heavy again, so she figured she might as well go back to sleep.
“Tsugu!” A familiar loud voice, followed by an equally loud series of quick, violent knocks on her bedroom door, jolted her awake. “Tsugu! You awake?”
“She is now,” A quieter, sleepier voice drawled.
“Tomoe, no!” Pleaded a high-pitched, girlish voice. “You’re going to break her door down if you do that!”
A long, drawn out sigh could be heard.
Tsugumi sat up, rubbing her eyes as she turned toward the door. “Guys…?”
The door opened (remaining on its hinges, thankfully) and Himari immediately barreled into the room, followed closely by the rest of Afterglow. “Tsuguuuuu!” She threw her arms around Tsugumi’s shoulders, nearly knocking her over with a surprised yelp. As she steadied herself Tsugumi noticed that Himari’s eyes were swimming with tears. “Come on, Tsugu, please tell us what’s wrong!”
“You were acting strange last night,” Ran said, the worry in her voice subtle enough that the other four people in the room were probably the only ones in the world who could sense it. “You insisted you were fine, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.” She took a few steps forward, until she was hovering above Tsugumi. “Tsugumi, I can’t put into words how important you are to Afterglow. If something is wrong, then please let us know.”
Tsugumi looked up at Ran, even as Himari wrapped herself tighter around her, before her gaze fell downward again. “I’m sorry. It’s something silly, nothing you need to worry about.” Well, no, it was a little too heavy to be called “silly,” but it certainly wasn’t something to burden her friends with either.
“Yeah it is,” Tomoe said in the softest, tenderest voice she could muster. Which, given that this was Tomoe, still only barely qualified as an “indoor voice.” “Your problems are our problems, and we’re gonna do whatever we can to help.”
In spite of her lingering sadness, Tsugumi couldn’t help but let out a small, genuine laugh. Maybe she wasn’t very lucky when it came to love, but she was nothing short of blessed to have such wonderful and caring friends. “I’m grateful, but I don’t think there’s anything you could do anyway.”
“I mean, you don’t know that,” Moca said from where she leaned on the doorframe. “Who knows, maybe the key to your woes is somewhere in Himari’s bag.”
“What? Why my bag?”
As the situation escalated Tsugumi went silent. Obviously it was unlikely that any actual, physical key could resolve anything, and she questioned whether there was any kind of metaphorical key either, but...well…
Her attention turned back to the scene in front of her, where Tomoe had apparently lifted Moca up by her shoulders and was holding her aloft. Telling them would at least get some things off her chest, as well as put a stop to...whatever was going on here.
“Um! So…” She first made sure to get their attention. It worked. Tomoe slowly lowered Moca as everyone turned to look at her. Tsugumi took a deep breath to steady herself before continuing. “So there’s...there’s this customer that’s been coming into the cafe in the afternoons, when everyone else is gone. And she’s a high schooler, she comes in after school. She’s been doing this for a few months now, a-and we’ve gotten really close. This has been like a thing for us, where we talk and hang out all the time, and I really like spending time with her, she’s really pretty and sweet, but…” She sniffed. Just thinking about how Sayo had come to the cafe expecting to see her, only to leave in disappointment...everything was all coming up again. “I missed her last night...and I think...I think she’s mad at me…” Tears once again burned her cheeks as they rolled down.
“Oh jeez...Sorry Tsugu,” Tomoe said as she sat down on the bed and pulled Tsugumi into a tight yet comforting hug. She found herself relaxing into Tomoe’s arms as she cried into her shoulder.
“I’m sure she’s not mad,” Himari gently cooed as she stroked Tsugumi’s hair. “Maybe if you just talk to her things will work out.”
“Wait,” Moca chimed in, “you said you didn’t get crushes on your patrons.”
There was a long, pregnant moment of silence as Moca’s words registered in everyone’s mind. Followed by Ran groaning and facepalming. Which was then followed by Himari squealing excitedly.
“OH MY GOSH YOU HAVE A CRUSH! ON A CUSTOMER!” Hearts were practically flying out of her eyes as she clutched at her chest, enraptured at having encountered something she previously only read about. Almost as soon as it had fallen over her the awestruck look faded, replaced by fiery determination. “Okay! Now you definitely have to talk to her!”
“Oh yeah, totally!” Tomoe had now pulled Tsugumi out of her embrace and was now beaming down at her. She didn’t seem to be bothered by the odd look that was a result of having both tear stains and a heavy blush on her face. “Who is it? We gotta know so we can find them!”
“Ah...um…” This morning had been such an emotional roller coaster that Tsugumi was having a little trouble trying to get her thoughts in line.
“Is it Kaoru-senpai?” Himari leaned in very close, looking as though she were ready to determine the answer by reading Tsugumi’s mind directly instead of just waiting for her to respond. “It’s not Kaoru-senpai, is it?”
“N-no, it’s not her,” She said, finally managing to put together a coherent sentence. Himari backed off a little, a small amount of her previous intensity evaporating away. But only a small amount, she still almost looked like she was ready for an interrogation. “It’s...um...it’s…” She took a few deep breaths, before making direct eye contact with Ran. “It’s...it’s Hikawa Sayo…”
“Whoa, wait, really?”
“What? You and Sayo-san? But she’s so...so…”
“Ooh, sounds like a scandal, huh Ran?”
Now that Moca had brought it up, everyone else’s eyes shifted to Ran as well. This was one thing Tsugumi had realized might be a problem, albeit perhaps irrationally. Ran had come a long way in her relationship with Yukina, and hostility had long since given way to the mutual respect of a healthy rivalry, but there was still an anxious knot tying itself in her stomach.
Ran closed her eyes and exhaled slowly. “You know how I feel about Minato-san and her band,” She said, before opening her eyes again and looking straight into Tsugumi’s. “But your happiness is important to me too. If being with Sayo-san is the thing that makes you happy, I won’t get in your way.”
“Ran-chan…” Jeez, now she even had Ran’s blessing. The tears in her eyes started welling up again. If only she’d realized her feelings sooner, then she would have been able to move forward with Sayo, but now…
“Tsugu!” The sudden volume of Himari’s voice forced Tsugumi to snap to attention. “Now you absolutely have to talk to her! You have her number, right?”
“Um…” And now, on top of the tears, there was nervous sweat forming on her face. “I...I never exchanged numbers with her, actually…”
“Whaaaaaat? What do you mean you didn’t exchange numbers?” Himari seemed oddly shocked for something that seemed to make perfect sense, at least to Tsugumi. “How are we going to get in touch with her now?”
“I don’t think it’s normal for baristas to swap numbers with their customers,” said Ran, who thankfully seemed to be on the same page.
“Tsugu may not have Sayo-san’s number,” Moca said, reaching into her pocket, “but I have Lisa-san’s.” She pulled out her phone and held it up, a text log between her and Lisa on the screen. “Playing matchmaker for you two shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that,” Tsugumi said, mildly panicking. She appreciated the gesture, of course, but this situation was much too delicate for Afterglow as a whole to handle. “I’ll figure things out on my own, it’ll be--”
“Too late,” Moca said with a smirk as she hit “send.” “Relax, Tsugu. I don’t have a plan, but I’m sure we can all come up with something.”
As the others chimed in with ideas, Tsugumi remained silent, thinking only about how Moca’s words were probably the least reassuring things she could have heard in this situation.
It had been a day since the rest of Afterglow had put into motion some kind of plan to set her up with Sayo, and so far nothing had come of it. Tsugumi had decided that this was fine, actually. She’d missed her chance, and she would live with it. Perhaps even take some lessons to heart. It was impossible that Sayo returned her feelings anyway. Sayo was beautiful and talented and commanded respect from others, and she was just some barista who happened to be in a band with her friends. There was no comparison between them. It would never work.
The warm, sweet scent of chocolate wafted through the kitchen as Tsugumi took a loaf of pound cake out of the oven and set it aside. It had been a little while since she’d made this recipe, and she wasn’t as confident that she made it as good as her mother did, but she’d been in the mood for it. Nothing mended a broken heart quite like chocolate could, and for this particular broken heart the addition of coffee into the cake made it all the more potent. She closed her eyes and inhaled, letting the scent fill her lungs. It was soothing her already.
The sound of the bell over the door reached her ears. That was odd, the cafe wasn’t supposed to officially open for another half hour or so. Maybe she’d forgotten to lock the door while things were being set up? She did sometimes forget to do that. But usually customers would see the “closed” sign and not even notice that the door was open, much less try to come in. Sighing, she reluctantly left the kitchen to deal with the early bird.
“I’m sorry, but we’re--” She stopped dead in her tracks the moment she saw who had walked in. “Sayo-san?”
In front of the door, looking just as nervous and confused as Tsugumi felt, was Hikawa Sayo.
“Um...Good morning, Tsugumi-san,” She said, her eyes aimed at the floor off to the side somewhere. “I really don’t mean to be a pest. I’m not actually here of my own volition.”
“Not of your own volition…” Tsugumi repeated. “What do you mean?” Oh no, was this the Plan that had been discussed earlier?
“Well, I was told you wanted to talk to me,” Sayo said, fidgeting with one of the buttons on her coat. “I was planning to wait until tomorrow at our usual time, but the others were…” She looked at the windows behind her, seeming even more confused, “...very...insistent…”
Tsugumi was about to ask why she was looking at the windows, and who, exactly, she meant by “the others” when Sayo’s words registered fully in her mind. “Wait,” She said softly, “Our usual time?”
“Of course,” Sayo said, finally stepping somewhat closer. “It’s especially important since I missed you on Friday.”
Tsugumi’s eyes widened as more tears started to fill them. This time, however, they were not tears of sorrow, but tears of relief. “You mean...you aren’t mad at me?”
Sayo smiled, that warm, gentle smile that left Tsugumi with a floaty feeling in her chest. “Why would I be mad?” She came even closer, close enough for Tsugumi to see the smile in those deep jade eyes as well. “I can’t assume you forgot to tell me Afterglow was playing that night out of malice. I’ll admit I was a little heartbroken at first, but it was inspiring to see you play. Although something was off about your performance, you seemed like you weren’t giving it your fullest.”
“Wait, what?” Tsugumi almost yelled from the shock. “You were at Galaxy?”
“I came as soon as I heard and managed to catch the last few minutes of your set,” Sayo said, still smiling. “I must admit your band is good, even though you were not at your best.” A light blush rose in her cheeks. “In truth I was simply satisfied just to see you.”
“S-Sayo-san…” Her heart was pounding, but it wasn’t the agonizing, painful pounding that she remembered from two nights ago. It was that vigorous, energetic feeling that made her feel like she could rise above the clouds. Sayo had come to see her...Sayo had come all the way from the cafe to the live house just to see her. “Sayo-san, I...there was a reason my playing was off.”
A worried look came over Sayo. “Tsugumi-san, if anything is ever wrong, don’t hesitate to share it with me.” Sayo was actually concerned for her well-being…
If she didn’t shoot her shot now, she was, in this moment, a fool. Perhaps she had been a fool in the past, and she had no doubt she would be a fool in the future, but right now, Hazawa Tsugumi would be anything but a fool.
“It’s because…” She took a series of long, deep breaths, hoping the oxygen intake would keep her from shaking too hard. “It’s because I was overwhelmed… because I had just realized that…” She closed her eyes tightly and lowered her head, not feeling quite brave enough to look Sayo in the eye when she would say her next words. “...that I like you! A lot! I like you a lot!”
Silence. Silence that could be cut with a knife. Tsugumi almost swore she could even hear Sayo’s rapid heartbeat, even over the roar of her own.
“Tsugumi-san…” Sayo’s voice was quiet, almost a whisper. “I...I never imagined I would be able to say this, but…” She nervously cleared her throat. Tsugumi slowly opened her eyes and raised her head, and immediately noticed the deep red blush on Sayo’s face, deeper than anything she had ever seen before. “I...return your feelings, Tsugumi-san.”
She had died, hadn’t she? This wasn’t real. This couldn’t be real. There was no way that the flushed, demure expression on Sayo’s face was real, that the glittering joy in her eyes was real, that the blazing, swirling, uncontrollable wave of sheer elation travelling through every inch of her body was real.
“Sayo-san…” She could feel herself crying again. Tears of joy. “Sayo-san!” She threw herself forward, catching Sayo by surprise as she wrapped her arms around her in a tight embrace. Her heart fluttered as she felt Sayo’s arms around her as well. “You’re so pretty and so amazing and so cool, and I’m just...I’m just some girl!” She mumbled into Sayo’s shoulder as she cried. “I can’t even believe you like me back!”
Sayo separated them slightly, but only just enough to allow her to caress Tsugumi’s cheek with her hand. “Why not?” She said, the warmth in her eyes going straight to Tsugumi’s heart. “You’re kind, you’re passionate, you’re knowledgeable...how could I not have feelings for you?”
For the second time today, Tsugumi opted to do something brave. Forcing down her feelings of nervousness, she closed her eyes and leaned forward, pausing the moment she felt Sayo’s lips against her own.
The second Sayo kissed her back Tsugumi’s mind went momentarily blank. Her lips were so soft, and she was being so gentle and cautious, and in this moment Tsugumi felt so happy that she was starting to worry she might pass out. The kiss was short, but the feeling on her lips lingered as they pulled apart.
“Sayo-san, that was--”
The sound of the bell over the door was heard. Followed by a pair of voices yelping in surprise, and then by the sound of a pair of bodies hitting the floor.
“Himari?” Tsugumi said, bewildered.
“Hina…” Sayo said through her teeth.
“Congrats on the girlfriend, Onee-chan!” Hina chirped from where she lay on the floor.
“Oh my gooooooooosh!” Himari, at least, had the sense to stand up. “That was a picture-perfect confession, straight out of a shoujo manga!” She rubbed at her eyes and sniffled. “I...I think I might cry…”
“Now, come on you two,” chided a voice that Tsugumi recognized even before she came into view. “Give the lovebirds some space.”
“Lisa-senpai?” She said as she watched Lisa pull Hina up off of the floor. “What are you doing here?”
Lisa beamed at them, practically glowing with pride. “When Moca told me Sayo needed a little push, how could I say no? Especially when she’s going for such a sweet girl like yourself.” The last comment made Tsugumi’s cheeks flush red once again.
“I knew it!” Hina pumped her fist, seemingly the only reason she hadn’t tackled the new couple in a congratulatory hug being that Lisa was still restraining her by one arm. “I knew this was why you were always going to the cafe!”
Still smiling, Lisa grabbed onto a sobbing Himari’s arm as well. “Sorry about the interruption, these girls just got too excited and ran off,” She said as she started to lead the other two out the door. “I’ll take them back over to Yamabuki, that’s where the rest of your band’s hanging out, Tsugumi.” Hina and Himari were out of the shop by now, and she was barely in the doorway, but she took a moment to look back, that bright, proud smile still on her face. “Oh, and again on the congrats! Best of luck, you two!”
And moments later, they were alone again. They both spent a long time silently staring at the door, trying to process what on Earth had just happened, until Tsugumi finally spoke up.
“So…” She said quietly, “do you want anything to drink?”
Sayo was quiet for a moment, before that gentle smile spread across her face. “That sounds nice. A mocha, perhaps?”
“Sure, of course.” Tsugumi smiled back. She was kind of in the mood for one herself. She would make two, she decided. “Oh, and I just took this cake out of the oven before you came in, so it should be cool now.” She found herself blushing, her heart still beating much too fast. “It’s a chocolate pound cake, and it has coffee grounds in it for extra flavor. Would you like to try it?”
Sayo’s smile seemed to glow, subtle yet radiant like the soft light of the moon, and it made Tsugumi wonder why she couldn’t have realized these feelings of love soon enough.
“Yes, I’d love to.”
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danwhobrowses · 5 years
Valentines 2020: A Celebration of My Ships
So it’s valentine’s day again, and...yeah it’s not too great when you’re single is it? Considering that I’ve already gone through a tub of ice cream...
But, it doesn’t mean I’m a cynic, quite the opposite. Most of my fandoms involves a ship in some shape or form, hell I shipped before I even knew what shipping was, so I’m gonna talk about some of them...the ones that still make me happy and didn’t crash and burn in heartbreaking and frankly insulting fashion (looking at you Homestuck ¬_¬), gotta mention that these are not all the ships I ship, they’re just some of the ones I’m quite consistently high on
New Entries So with new fandoms come new ships...as is the usual formula anyway, though my pattern of watching things is usually with some delay, I only watched Rurouni Kenshin and started My Hero Academia in 2019, I still hold off on Attack on Titan and My Hero Season 4 because if I get in, I get IN. So these fandoms may not be new, but they are new to me Steven Universe is very new to me, I’ve been aware of how good it is and their concepts like Fusion. I like it, particularly Lapis Lazuli I really relate to her, but ship wise the two I really like are the obvious ones; Steven x Connie and Ruby x Sapphire (Garnet)
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Garnet is badass and chill at the same time, but when she unfuses we see the stuff that makes me smile, the pda between Ruby and Sapphire is adorable, the little pecks and whatnot softens me up like no man’s business. Steven and Connie also have the mushy dynamic with both of them deeply into each other but still being strong individuals. The love for each other is equally platonic as it is romantic as they gel together, both being strong willed in different ways. The laughter probably gets me the most with both of them, the genuine laughter is so sweet and so realistic it’s hard not to love. My Hero Academia seems to be our next wave of shonen anime and for good reason, it does high notes so well and the cast of characters are vibrant and exciting. I haven’t hit Season 4 yet since I’m waiting till it’s all done to binge so I may be a little behind on some stuff (sadly it’s hard to avoid spoilers, I know about Infinity and Unbreakable). While I do like Deku x Uraraka, Tetsutetsu x Kendo and Eraserjoke but the two that I find most enjoyable are Todomomo and Kamijirou
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(artist nonoko135 btw, bit tough to find a single image with both ships) Fairly popular ships in their own right, Todomomo doesn’t get many hints but they are sweet, naive rich kids with their own confidence issues, it also feels like they look out for each other especially after the final exam they did together. With Kamijirou though it’s probably one I favour if I had to choose between the two, simply because it’s a dynamic I really like; she busts on him so hard to mask her enjoyment of his company and he takes it because he feels at ease around her, the best part is when Kaminari goes 0 volts, he makes her laugh and that’s kinda big for Jirou given how self-conscious and stoic she can be. Rurouni Kenshin was always on my list, I have often heard about the Swordsman with a blade that cuts no-one. The anime is a bit up and down, after Shishio it’s just filler, but as documented in my Redemption Arc post it is at its core a great story of redemption for the main character, and the driving force for Kenshin’s redemption is his love for Kaoru
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While Sano and Megumi have a unique dynamic hinted to be romantic at times, nothing can really beat Kenshin and Kaoru, she literally became Kenshin’s conscience, a representation of his hope to be a good man away from the shadow of Battousai the Manslayer. It may be your traditional romance of the two wanting to be by each other’s side in danger but it works so well given the kind of danger Kenshin is often in. Kaoru still strives to protect herself and aid Kenshin in a way that doesn’t make her continuously wonder about being a burden and Kenshin does everything in his power to keep Kaoru from pain, physical and emotional, even if it meant leaving to keep her safe. The main part of what makes this lovely is the fact that not only did Kaoru’s influence make Kenshin value his own life once more but after continual torment in his past she still saw him as the person he wanted to be, and welcomed in a new home, a new family he was able to live a life he never imagined he could deserve. The Regulars Our Regulars are the ships I still consistently ship, they’re not very old but they’re still pretty great and they still stand the test of time. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has quite a few ships over its 6 (coming up 7) season lifespan, being the longest surviving MCU tv series and one of the most consistently great shows MCU offered - especially Season 4, some of the best TV was on Season 4. But while Philinda is close, Mack and Yoyo or even Piper and Davis (don’t, I don’t care if you believe she’s a lesbian with the hots for May these are my ships) there is one one ship in Shield you can all rally behind, Fitzsimmons
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Even when canon it is a consistent emotional rollercoaster. One of those ships where the writers know you love it and decide to put you through as much pain and emotional torment as humanely possible. But you endure it, because these two smart kids are worth it. They have sweet moments, badass moments, emotional moments and even though they get brought apart time and time again, they still find each other, the universe cannot stop them - and it better end happily for them come next season. Overwatch was a phenomenon when it came out a few years ago, Blizzard may have caused it to have some heavily bad rep but I still look forward to its sequel coming out. Given its large roster and most of the characters’ sexuality and relationship status up in the air, it leaves a lot of room for shipping. I do still love Anahardt, Mercy76 kinda falling due to 76 being gay but I like Gency too, my rarepairs include McPharah and Symmzo but my favourite is actually Meihem.
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Now I know, Mei’s only voice lines towards Junkrat are cold, they have differing views in terms of omnics and...due process of the law. But there’s a lot they do have in common; both are quite intelligent engineers having made their weapons by hand, both endured trauma and both love their puns. But even the stuff that make them different can compliment one another. You don’t have to like it, but I do, I enjoy the dynamic of Jamison being so head over heels that he embarrasses himself to try and get Mei’s attention, while Mei softens to the fact that his very nature is warped by his lawless upbringing and that deep down he is an exciting and in his own way sweet guy.  Back to anime, because what else do I do with my day, getting into One Piece was always going to be a long effort, keeping tabs on the Manga does make it easier and I’ve been able to catch up quickly. Ships are shaky territory with One Piece because Oda does make a point of not having romance happen a lot, not to existing living characters at least. But I still have the ones I like; Shanks x Makino, Sabo x Koala, Franky x Robin, Sanji x Pudding, Rebecca x Koby, the list goes on, but my favourite has to be Zoro x Tashigi
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May not be up there with the ‘big ships’ of One Piece but I do enjoy them the most. Individually the two are characters I have deep interest in; Zoro is well Roronoa Fucking Zoro, santoryu swordsman extraordinaire, master of nothing happening and will cut you 8 ways to Sunday, but Tashigi is a character I like because she also tries, unlike Zoro she isn’t blessed with 2 years training with Mihawk and she’s at constant arms with this self doubt that as a Woman she won’t be as strong (and probably whoever of influence to her made her believe such a thing), people may get on her back for never winning a fight but she fights strong people without a second thought. But back to the pairing, they have an interesting dynamic; two very similar people on different sides of the law, I don’t think Tashigi continues to chase him simply because he refused to cut her in their fight and I don’t think it’s just her former resemblance to Kuina that gets Zoro so riled up about her, I mean Zoro is usually so chill to side characters to the point where he’s ready to throw down but with Tashigi, it’s different, they bicker but he also came to her aid. I still continue to hope that Tashigi shows in Wano for more Zoro interaction, and to prove herself to fans and to Zoro that she is strong and capable. One of my favourite anime of all time is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, a combination of laughter, tears and deep philosophical character journeys in a 20th century world with the alchemy fantasy element drawn from actual legit alchemical sources. It just hits all the right notes for me, and ships hit right too; I love most of the ships from EdWin, AlMay and LingFan, but like Fitzsimmons there is one ship that stands above even the main characters, Royai.
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Mustang and Hawkeye right from the bat have that connection that needs no dancing around, they care for each other but they work together. Like the rest of the ships they banter, argue but always have each other’s backs, to the point that they go into an insane rage at even the threat of the other being hurt. I don’t think anyone can not ship these two, that’s how strong their chemistry is, even if they can’t officially label it as a relationship because of their jobs it’s that line in the sand that everyone knows it, because it’s impossible to ignore. The Old Guard So we get to the oldest ships in my catalogue, the fact that they could stand the test of time is for a long time what shaped me as a shipper. I still ship these to this day so I ship them pretty hardcore Comics is probably the hardest place to ship something, because different writers will try different pairings at the drop of a hat. Even consistent pairings like Spiderman and Mary Jane, Batman and Catwoman, Beat Boy and Raven, Superman and Lois and more can end up being split in favour of Cindy Moon (I do love Silk), Wonder Woman and others. But I can’t ignore the fact that I’ve always loved Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon
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I may’ve liked Teen Titans, but I was never on Team Starfire, it’s fine if you are but to me I have always been in with Dick and Babs. Not only do they have excellent banter but they gel well on and off of crime fighting, no matter how many times DC break them apart (like seriously, how many times do you have to try Bruce and Barbara until you realise that it creeps people out?) they always find each other again someway down the line, they are one of DC’s best couples and while they may never get a definitive ending because of the nature of comics, I still love that there’s a relationship of two strong individuals who can stand as equals and continue to keep their charm and wit after years of being together. When I was young, decades ago as it pains me to type, Digimon was the prime competitor against Pokémon’s tidal wave. Its anime had an awesome opening, more characters with some deeper themes and a quicker pacing. While many could quickly connect to Tai or Matt for their leaderlike attitude or Joe and Izzy for their intelligence or Mimi and Sora for their determination, I gravitated towards TK, a child who had room to grow and the greatest of potential, so when the Dark Masters came in we saw one of my oldest ships take form, Takari
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TK and Kari’s pairing was popular that it managed to carry on into Adventure 02 and we got plenty of lovely moments in TRI (though they shorthanded both by having Ophanimon quickly fused and Seraphimon - one of the strongest Digimon - digivolve as backup in a Sora episode). 02′s epilogue is of course a sore spot we can hope Kizuna retcons because these two have been through thick and thin and their bond is clear. Even as they reach their late teens and TK has become master of hats and joined Matt’s band, they still hang out, banter and tease but they still are comfortable to hold each other’s hand and be vulnerable with one another too. Digimon may’ve been a contender, but Pokémon was still the clear winner, even to this day it is one of the most popular franchises in the world. The anime may be an up and down slope (current series seems a tad boring, 10 episodes before Ash caught a Pokémon, plus I don’t like that Ash won in Alola and now thinks he doesn’t have to try) but you can never take away the nostalgia, or the ships. I’ve shipped many in Pokémon in various media; Mallow x Lillie and Jessie x James in the anime, Ruby x Sapphire in the Manga, Looker x Anabel in the games (with Emma being their adoptive daughter dammit Looker you could’ve taken her with) among others and from Pokémon comes the oldest ship I’ve ever shipped, Pokéshipping
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Before I even knew what Shipping was I shipped this, Misty may also be mostly the reason for my attraction to redheads but that’s neither here nor there. People may not like it, may prefer some of the softer spoken female (or male) companions Ash has had or feel they’ve grown out of it, but not me. I loved Misty’s feistiness and determination but also the fact that she could reign Ash in (sometimes) to make him think things through, as much as Misty was a companion to Ash she was a rival, a teacher and a supporter of his goal, but she also had her own goals which she fought for as well. They may bicker but they have also had tender moments as well and even with Misty’s return in the excellent Sun and Moon episodes they had their chemistry is palpable. To me, Ash and Misty were kindred spirits and the feeling has never changed since. So with another year of Valentine’s Day going the way it usually does, I’d like a moment to thank these ships, and all my other ships I didn’t have the space to mention, for being something that brings out happiness and a soft joy deep within my being, and for all the fanartists and fanfic writers that bring that love to life Happy Valentine’s Day
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amoura-eternia · 4 years
Chizuru reminisces. A oneshot about a possible Sen route. Senchi.
I smiled as I kneeled in front of the small shrine I had built for the Shinsengumi. It wasn’t much but each and every one of them had been very, very important to me I had to give them something. I missed them.
I looked up as I heard someone come up beside me. A smile spread across my face when I saw who it was. “Osen-chan.” I was very happy with Osen-chan living in Yase Village. There was a time when I never thought I would be living amongst demons, I had always seen myself as human after all, it had been strange at first. Demons lived in such a different way to humans.
The road to get where I was now was a long, painful one but I would not trade what I had now for the world. Living with my love in peace was the greatest bliss in the world. 
“Chizuru-chan, would you like to stay in Yase village now?” Osen-chan had extended this offer to me before but I had... well, I didn’t refuse but I didn’t accept either. At the time I had told her I wasn’t ready to make such a decision yet, she had told me that the option would always be open to me if I decided I wanted to stay in Yase in the future.
“Osen-chan I… have some things I want to do first. I want to find my father and I would also like to say goodbye to the Shinsengumi.” I wanted to stay with her but I also wanted to talk to my Father, I had a lot of things to ask him. The Shinsengumi were my friends, I wanted to see them at least one more time, and besides I had to tell them about Inoue-san. 
She nodded. “Ah I see then I will take you to Osaka Castle, the Shinsengumi should still be there.”  Sen stood up followed by Kimigiku-san, who was no doubt going to accompany us.
“Thank you.” 
“As you know, we too, are searching for your Father. If you would really like to help then I will not stop you.” Osen-chan had told me as we began walking out of Osen-chan’s home in Yase village to make our way over to the Shinsengumi in Osaka Castle.
“Hijikata-san, everyone. I… would like to leave the Shinsengumi.” I took a deep breath and told them this after they had expressed their relief I was alright and had informed of everything that had happened. Apparently Yamazaki-san had been gravely wounded in battle and the supreme commander Lord Yoshinobu had departed for Edo, the Shinsengumi would be following soon. 
Silence fell over the room. “I see. Yukimura, you’ve been a big help. Be safe.” 
I smiled. “Thank you. I… I’ll miss you all.” 
It was in that moment, it hit me. I’d probably never see them again. Tears gathered in my eyes. “We’ll miss you too, Chizuru.” 
That didn’t turn out to be the case, I had reunited with several of the Shinsengumi over the course of my journey with Osen-chan to find my Father. They fought impossible odds and went on strongly. I was proud of them. Proud to be able to say “I knew the Shinsengumi, they were very dear to me. Each and every one of them was a great warrior and a wonderful man.” 
…Only a few of them survived. Saito-san, Nagakura-san, Souma-kun, Shimada-san, they were the only survivors. 
Inoue-san had died protecting me during the battle of Toba-Fushimi and Yamazaki-san died from his injuries on the way to Edo. Kondou-san had been executed, beheaded and then put on display at Itabashi. Okita-san had eventually succumbed to his Tuberculosis. Harada-san had been killed in action during a battle with the Shogi Company in Ueno. Heisuke and Sanan had died too, we weren’t quite as sure how. Nomura-kun died in the battle of Miyako Bay. Hijikata-san had died in the battle that pretty much ended it all, the Battle of Hakodate. 
I had lost both my Father and my brother too. My Father had raised me, he had been kind and I loved him very much but he had committed great sins and he was hurting many. My brother I hadn’t even known I had until Kaoru himself told me, I hadn’t gotten a chance to get to know my brother. Kaoru had done a lot of bad things, he wanted to see me suffer but at the same time he was my brother and he had suffered a great deal. I hoped he was at peace now with our family in the afterlife.
“Chizuru, I am your brother.” Osen-chan and I made our way to my old home in Edo hoping to find a clue as to my Father’s whereabouts, we hadn’t actually expected to find much, or anything really, of note but much to our surprise who did we find there but the man himself, accompanied by a familiar looking man. Kaoru Nagumo was standing in front of us, no longer wearing female clothes, apparently he had been a man all this time, a man who also happened to be my…
“Yes, Chizuru. If our appearances aren’t enough proof, you need only look at our swords.” With that Kaoru pulled the sword at his waist out of its sheath. It looked just like mine. “See my Daitsuren is the partner to your Shotsuren, these swords were passed down through our family for generations and eventually they made their way to us.” 
“Father, is that true?” Unwilling to believe him, I turned to my Father. After all, I had never once been informed of a brother. 
“It is. This is your brother, Chizuru. You were separated years ago.”  
“Why… Why did you never tell me this before?” Why had he never told me anything before? Father had been keeping so much from me. 
“You had forgotten. I just didn’t want to trigger that trauma.” I had no way of telling if this was really the case but something about Father’s tone at that moment sounded so sincere. 
My father and brother were long gone now having easily escaped from us after they had shared their disinterest in stopping what they were doing. I guess this meant they weren’t going to be reasoned with.
“Chizuru-chan, you understand what must happen, don’t you?” Osen-chan asked me, her words went straight to the point, probably because she knew nothing she could have said would soften the blow for me. Her tone however was comforting, as was the hand she rested on my shoulder. 
I took a deep breath. If they couldn’t be reasoned with then they must die. They must be stopped, they simply couldn’t be allowed to continue what they were doing. So many would be turned into monsters, so many more would lose their lives. “Yes. I understand.”  This was what had to be done. 
“You don't have to come with me if you don’t want to. Okiku and I will take care of it.” 
While I appreciated her sentiment, I shook my head. “No. I’ll come too.” I couldn’t let Osen-chan and Kimigiku-san do all the work, I wasn’t sure what I could really do to help but I had to do something. “Father and Kaoru are my family, members of my clan, I have to see this through to the end. They are my responsibility.”
Osen-chan smiled. “I thought you’d say that. That is very admirable of you and very strong.” 
That night I dreamt, or remembered I should say, of the Yukimura clan’s destruction. 
It took us a while to track down Father and Kaoru, we finally found them holed up in Shirakawa Castle along with a massive army of Furies. How many have suffered to create this army? How many have been killed to uphold it? 
While attempting to fight our way through the Fury army we were separated from Kimigiku-san, it was only Osen-chan and I now. The Furies were relentless, there were so many and I could tell Osen-chan was getting tired. 
“So you did come, Chizuru.” Finally we had found them, Father and Kaoru stood in front of us, there were no Furies here, at least as far as I could tell. 
I took a breath and opened my mouth. I had to tell Father and Kaoru what I had remembered, I may not be able to get through to them but at the very least I wanted them to know… “I remembered… about what happened to the Yukimura Clan.” 
“I see. I wish you didn’t have to remember such awful events.” Father gazed at me sympathetically, giving me a comforting smile.
“Does that mean you understand now Chizuru?” Kaoru had perked up, his voice sounded hopeful, happy even. 
“...I do.” Kaoru smiled. I spoke again before he could. “Which is why I implore you more than ever, please stop.” 
Kaoru’s smile dropped and his eyes widened. “What?” His voice was shaking, though what was causing it, I had no way to tell for sure. Was it anger or sadness or both? 
“Father, Brother. Do you two really want others to suffer as we have? There is… There is a part of me that does want revenge, I won’t deny that, but the bigger part of me just wants all of this suffering to stop. I just want to live in peace!” 
They were silent and, for a moment, it seemed like they were contemplating it. Any hope I had gained was quickly lost when my Father spoke. “Unfortunately, the peace you want simply won’t come, not without our plan.” 
“You are going to create peace by making everyone suffer? What is a world of peace created on corpses and suffering?” Osen-chan narrowed her eyes at  them and pulled out her sword , ready to attack them at a moment’s notice. “Kodo Yukimura, Kaoru Nagumo you have committed many sins but as you are Chizuru’s family I will extend this offer once more. Stop this and I will consider letting you off lightly.”
“Naive. You’re both so naive!” Kaoru exclaimed and pounced forward, sword drawn, heading straight for me. “Chizuru, why won’t you join us?!”
“Oh no you don’t.” I heard Kimigiku-san a mere second before I saw her, she intercepted Kaoru’s strike and drove him backwards. “I am your opponent, I shall not let you through.” 
“Then, Kodo Yukimura, that leaves me as your opponent. Prepare yourself.” In the next moment Osen-chan flew forward, Father quickly intercepted her with a well aimed scalpel. 
Osen-chan gave a cry of pain. “Osen-chan!” I called out, concerned. Of course I knew, as a demon, Osen-chan would heal quickly but even so she was still in pain. 
“I’m alri-huh?” Osen-chan trailed off, her eyes darting towards her wound. She had pulled the scalpel out but she wasn’t healing!
Father laughed madly at our expressions of confusion. “Surprised? That scalpel was coated with a certain poison. A poison that stops even a demon’s healing powers from working correctly.” 
“Urk.” Osen-chan gave a moan of pain as her hand instinctively moved to cover up the wound, I gasped. Was she going to be okay? Osen-chan seemed to know what I had been thinking as she turned to me for a second and gave me a reassuring smile. “It’s alright, it is going to take more than that to take me down.” 
With those words Osen-chan charged forward again but Father simply dodged her attack and threw more scalpels, all of which hit their mark. I had no doubt each and every one of them was coated in the poison Father had mentioned. This was bad, this was really bad. Osen-chan was already exhausted, those injuries and the poison could not have been helping. She’d said she’d be fine but was that true? I looked over at Kimigiku-san still engaged in battle with Kaoru, she seemed to be taking care of herself just fine but it didn’t seem like she was going to be finished fast enough to help Osen-chan.
...Which meant… I took a deep breath and unsheathed my kodachi. Two things had to be done, stopping my Father and saving the woman I loved. I lunged forward and…
“Ackh.” My Father groaned in pain as my kodachi cut through his flesh into his side. “Chizuru…?” He questioned, shock evident on his face.
“I’m sorry.” That was all I could muster as tears raced down my cheeks. “I’m sorry.” I uttered again as I heard the sound of another sword cutting through flesh and another cry of pain from my Father. I pulled my sword out and fell to my knees as my Father dropped to the ground, no longer able to support his own weight. Vaguely, I noticed Osen-chan had stabbed him through the heart, taking my attack as an opportunity to do so. Osen-chan had finished him off but I had given her the opening. I heard Kimigiku-san come up to us, I guess that must mean she'd defeated my brother. I knew this had to be done but… 
Osen-chan pulled me into her chest and ran a hand through my hair. “It’s over, Chizuru-chan. Let it all out, you can cry now.” 
"Osen-chan, I-I…" Unable to say anymore, I sobbed. Morning the loss of the Father who had raised me, loved and the brother who I never got to grow up with. What would have happened, I wondered, if the Yukimura Clan had never been massacred. 
Even today, I didn't know the answer to that question. I probably never would, the Yukimura had been massacred and there was no telling what could have happened if it wasn't. After all, there was no way to tell what would happen in our future nevermind a future that… Wasn't going to exist. 
"Chizuru-chan?" I looked over at Osen-chan who gave me a smile. 
Osen-chan pecked me on the cheek. "I am going to bed, are you coming? Or would you like to stay a little longer?" 
I shook my head. "I'm coming." 
I was really happy with Osen-chan, if none of this had ever happened then I probably wouldn't be with her right now and all the memories I'd made with her likely wouldn't have happened either. I would be lying if I said there was nothing I wish could have been different but my time with Osen-chan  was something I wouldn't change for the world. 
"Osen-chan, I love you." 
"I love you too."
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vidaflxwer · 5 years
Hey! For the random asks: 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 33, 35, 36 and 50! I hope it isn’t too much
it’s not too much at all!! thank you for sending them in!! 
1. i’m technically still currently reading it and not quite finished but this savage song by victoria schwab! i recently finished a romance novel that i genuinely hated with all of my soul (i love romance but it has to be sad for me to properly enjoy it, or have very little drama) so i was kinda looking for something dark, and i own both books in that series so i decided to pick it up and god do i love it. 
2. the corpse bride! it’s been my favorite movie for as long as i can really remember, and has pretty much everything that i love in it! it’s set in the victorian-era, the romance is sad, the aesthetic of the entire movie is surrounded by blue and butterflies, there’s awesome musical numbers in it... i could go on and on but those are my main favorite parts of it!
3. the girl from the well by rin chupeco and vicious by v.e. schwab because the girl form the well was my favorite for the longest time until i read vicious, and now i can’t decide which one i like more! the girl from the well is good if you’re more drawn to paranormal horror since it focuses on a ghost named okiku who murders the murderers of children, and vicious is good if you more just like dark stories about villains and how they came to be.
6. writing, reading, and listening to music, obviously. i sometimes play piano but not often because it kills my hand, though i do know how to play a part of a song! which is an achievement for me. i make those cool aesthetic boards too whenever i feel like it - mainly for horror series now just because i love the vibe that they give off. sometimes i draw too but i’m not very good at it! i play video games too though not as often as i’d like, thanks to my little sisters and the fact that our play station four is broken. 
11. well for one thing, i don’t shut up about my favorite characters and love talking about them with anyone who will listen! i also love analyzing books/movies/anime and telling people my thoughts about that, particularly my character analyses. oh and talking about writing! i love talking about writing - it makes me extremely happy to meet other writers and just discuss how we view writing and all of that. and i love talking about how much i love people, as stupid as that might be, just because i think everyone deserves to know how much i care about them! and i’m just an extremely naturally loving person. i don’t know what else i like talking about because i don’t talk to people that often but this seems to sum everything up well enough!
33. oh this is one thing that you’ll learn about me - i cry all of the time. i’m pretty sure the last time i cried was last night while my sister was playing bandori because i thought that kaoru as a kid was so cute. i’m way too emotional for my own good but it makes for some extremely funny stories!
35. what i hate most about the world, more than anything, is that it seems to be losing its compassion as the days go on and it breaks my heart to see. everyone seems so eager to attack everyone for anything under the sun and it’s tiring, really. i’ve been through a lot of horror fandoms in my day and the hatred towards all of them made me feel so awful about myself and my interests that it took a while for me to truly become comfortable liking what i do again - and even then, there’s only so much i’ll let onto people that i like. but regardless of me, there’s just so much hatred. so many people hell-bent on hurting others and for what? because you don’t like this one thing that they like? because you think this one character they like is awful? because you ship something different? it’s sad. it makes me really sad. so that’s why i try to be as positive of an influence as i can be, in the hopes that it’ll counteract some of that negativity.
36. i love that the internet’s given us the wonderful gift of the ability to access so many artists and support them with the click of a button. i’ve always adored art - i probably read picture books until i was way too old as a kid - so getting older and having access to the internet just blew my mind, in terms of all the art i was able to find. and the fact that it was for things i liked, too! same went for fanfiction and edits and absolutely every form of media that anyone in a fandom creates. i’ve fallen in love with so many artists and writers and editors in my time that i wouldn’t have, had we not had the internet! i found the manga artist who changed my life thanks to the internet. i’m just so amazed that there is so much talented in this world and that said talent is accompanied by such wonderful personalities of such beautiful people! creators are so fantastic and i appreciate everything they do - be it fandom creators or just regular artists/writers i’ve come to adore thanks to the internet
50. this is just a really funny thing i wanted to share but, depending on which fictional character i’ve been obsessed with at the moment, i’ll take their last name and use it as my own fake last name when making accounts online because i’m a lovesick idiot who has no self control! that’s how i ended up with my name being mei keehl and mei kojima on two separate email accounts, and it still makes me smile, even if one of those characters i’m no longer obsessed with
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pdaliceliveblogs · 5 years
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...what a weird way to end that.
I mean, I have a lot of feelings about both the Kaoru siblings, and I’m glad Miki seemed to realize-- if only briefly-- that trying to be the one to control Anthy won’t actually make her free. I’m a little confused that he came back and said he’d fight again, though, after having that realization. Is he just trying to save face?
I’m glad Wakaba is being kept in the loop. The fact that Utena was apparently recounting the duel to her makes me really happy; just because she’s not magic herself doesn’t have to mean she’ll be left behind.
Touga gets creepier and creepier every time we see him. Juri still fascinates me, and not just because she’s hot. This episode pulled at my anxieties more than any other so far-- what happened to Anthy at the party was dreadful, but we didn’t have to watch it be dragged out for too long; Miki’s descent into possessiveness here was drawn out and really sad.
Let’s watch the “next time on”!
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 148
Episode: Futari wa Precure Splash Star 49 - “In Top Form! Forever Friends Under the Starry Sky!” Date watched: 29 July 2019 Original air date: 28 January 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LingrF5? Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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words don’t do this justice
note: I may revise this later if i look back and think of more to say. I probably will, bit i wanted to push this out now for personal reasons.
This is it. The finale. We finally made it! From November to now, Splash Star has been a long road plagued by personal difficulties and stubbornness and some lost sleep along the way, but I made it! And boy do we have a lot to discuss!
The Plot
When we left off, Saki, Mai, Michiru, and Kaoru, were infused with the power of spirits and transformed into Cures Bloom, Egret, Bright, and Windy. Gohyaan mocks their resolve and points out how all life is gone and there’s no light, no wind, nothing. It’s a world of ruin, except for the four of them, and he’s about to fix that. They battle, and as the girls again try to explain why they consider life so valuable, Gohyaan explains his backstory. He is an existence predating the universe, and he doesn’t like the commotion of life, so he wants to go back to the quiet. The girls won’t let that happen, because they have so much to live for. Gohyaan destroys the entire Earth, and thinks this is the end for them, but no! Saki explains how she needs to lead the softball team to victory. Michiru wants to try baking bread, because Saki’s is so delicious. Kaoru wants to draw with Minori and Mai, Choppi wants to live in the Land of Fountains, Flappi wants to confess his feelings, and Mai wants to keep drawing everyone’s smiles. They stand up, gather their power, and all together they perform a brand new four-person finishing attack: Precure Spiral Heart Splash Star!
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This is too much for Gohyaan to handle and as the girls proclaim the strength of their hopes and futures, he is blown away.
The spirits of the various fountains and the Fairy Carafe reappear, and they restore everything to its original, beautiful state. We see all six fountains one final time, as the girls stand in front of the Sky Tree as they realize that it’s connected to the World Tree in the Land of Fountains. Princess Filia is fully restored to power, and Korone returns to being a normal, non-talking cat. However, Michiru and Kaoru have exhausted the last of their remaining energy, and they begin to fade away. Saki, Mai, Flaapi, Choppi, Moop, and Foop all cry deeply, not wanting to let their friends go, and even Filia seems sad but unable to do anything. However, a miracle occurs as the spirits of the Land of Greenery flow into the two, and Filia deduces that the spirits themselves want to live with the Michiru and Kaoru. They’re restored to life, and Princess Filia finally returns to her place in the Tree of Life.
At this point the first ending theme begins to play as we get a montage of events: All four girls visiting the Fountain of the Sky at long last, fulfilling that promise. Waving a tearful goodbye to their fairies. Mai and Kaoru drawing in school. The girls sitting on Gourd Rock in the spring. Saki and Michiru baking. And then, the softball tournament. Kaoru and Minori have drawn a picture to support Saki, while Michiru baked some bread in the shape of Saki’s head. Kaya, Miyasako, Kenta, Hitomi, Yuuko, and Mai are all in the stands anticipating the game. Saki looks into the stands and sees Izumida, the former captain, and suddenly gets nervous. She walks out of sight, and Mai walks up to her. They hold hands and Saki comments about how holding hands lets Mai’s energy flow through her, a callback to an earlier episode.
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Then Saki walks out onto the field. Next thing we know, we’re treated to a few of Mai’s drawings: Saki holding the championship trophy, indicating they won. Everybody gathered together with Saki: Mai, Michiru, Kaoru, Kenta, Miyasako, Kaya, Hitomi, Yuuko, Izumida, Ms. Shinohara, Saki’s parents, Mai’s parents, Minori, Kazuyua, Korone, and all the fairies. Basically, every major character in the series. How nobody saw the fairies is not answered, and I have to assume it’s actually a photograph that Mai copied but details aside, it’s a great picture.
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We zoom out to see Saki and Mai sitting beneath the Sky Tree, closing the sketchbook, and the real credits roll.
The Analysis
I absolutely love every minute of this. Even with the powers of all four spirits, Gohyaan is a formidable opponent, but the girls hold their own and manage to overcome him in the end. What is the power of destruction next to an indestructible will? He underestimates the power, the value, of life, and that is his ultimate undoing. He gets the peace and quiet he wants.... at the cost of his existence. And, indeed, this explains the Uzainaa’s name. It’s derived from “Urusai na”, which means “it’s annoying”. Gohyaan is an existence that predates the universe, and he doesn’t like the commotion created by life. It’s a darkly mundane reason to want to try to destroy everything, and frankly he should find a new hobby, but maybe in the end he learned that life is precious. Doesn’t seem like it, though. Honestly I don’t have much to say about the battle itself. There’s some good scenes, like this part where the cures all flip Gohyaan, but it’s more of an exchange of wills than a physical fight. Both are important aspects, as I’ve commented many times, I just want to note that the physical stuff was done last episode.
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Let’s talk Michiru and Kaoru. Officially, they don’t get new designations even with the powers of Moon and Wind, because the idea at the time was still that Precures were only ordinary girls, but I think they deserve to be called Cure Bright and Cure Windy. Their journey is heartbreaking, even if their death was an inevitability and they were given a new lease on life very quickly. They never deserved what they got, but their tragedy is a part of this show I honestly forgot about, and I think it makes it more powerful. I knew Splash Star was an underrated gem but I had forgotten the depths of tragedy the Kiryuus were in, I kind of thought everything was pretty hunky-dory when they got back. Their journey escalates this show to a higher tier in my view, and I’ll have to remember that when making recommendations.
Obviously, they already had powers from being Dark Fall denizens, and getting Cure abilities doesn’t make them innately better, but it’s a great next step for them, epitomizing the journey they’ve undergone from mindless servants of Akudaikaan to friends and sisters who have a network of people who care about and support them, discovering their own interests, and getting to live life. They are every inch heroes in the way that Saki and Mai are and they have been done dirty by the franchise writ large.
The epilogue gives us a lot of things I really wanted. Michiru and Kaoru finally get some casual clothes, and they are really stylish.
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Also, we fast forward to spring and see them in spring outfits and Michiru’s outfit is extremely similar to Nagisa’s spring clothes.
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I’m happy to see them living normal lives, practicing baking and art and getting to experience life, finally. They seem so happy and I’m sure they have a bright future ahead of them and GOD DAMN IT TOEI WHY DO YOU IGNORE THEM. They were lucky to get Figuarts.
The softball championship game is something else I honestly forgot happened. I commented back in the last softball episode (35 I think) that we would never see Saki lead the team to victory the next year, because the show didn’t get a second season. Well, they took care of that here, and Saki did live up to her promise to Izumida by winning the championship.
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In general it’s a lot of tying up loose ends that I really appreciate. Flappi finally confessed his feelings to Choppi and they’re a couple now, Kenta and Miyasako are still going strong as a manzai duo, Yuuko feels inspired by his encouragement even if they don’t seem to be a couple, and... well, the last closure we got on Saki and Kazuya was in the Christmas episode, but that’s just as well because Saki’s only love is Mai. For real though I love that the episode closes out on them being close, and you can choose to interpret their friendship any way you choose. It’s just perfect for this show.
Oh and there’s a little epilogue after the ending theme. On the TV broadcast it was probably a preview for Yes! 5, but we don’t get that here. Instead we get  , some stills of Saki and Mai thanking everybody for watching, and saying that Precure will continue for a long time! And boy, truer words were never spoken.
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Next time on precure Daily, I’m going to revisit a little Splash Star something that I forgot to do sooner. After that, I’m going to try to push out a retrospective on the entire Futari wa era, before we change up the formula big time with Yes 5. My goal is to finish Yes 5 by the end of 2019, but if I’m really good I might even be able to start GoGo this year. I don’t want to drag another show out for 8 months, so we’ll see where we end up. I hope to see all of you again soon!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 Zekkouchou Nari!, in the title of the episode.
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vianna-orchidia · 5 years
Rockin’ Star - Epilogue
Raw provider: https://enstars.info
Not proofread
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Location: Rock Fes Stage
Koga: "Kuhaha! Did ya lose your shit at our appearance? Ya'll makin' some funny faces...!"
"This ain't Yumenosaki Gakuin, so I bet there's some of ya who don't know us."
"We'll introduce ourselves, so open your damn ears and listen!"
"I'm Oogami Koga from UNDEAD!"
Adonis: "Otogari Adonis, also from UNDEAD."
Kaoru: "Girls, remember my name well, I'm Hakaze Kaoru from UNDEAD~"
Rei: "The Demon King who rules over the world of darkness, the immortal vampire. I'm Sakuma Rei from UNDEAD."
"The moon hides behind the clouds, and silent darkness envelops the world. However, one sliver of light shall decorate this stage with brilliant colors."
Subaru: "The number one shining star... Akehoshi Subaru from Trickstar! Nice to meet you ☆"
Hokuto: "I'm Hidaka Hokuto from Trickstar. Even though I'm not exactly good with rock, I'll do my best to sing and dance."
Makoto: "I'm Yuuki Makoto from Trickstar. I-I'll try not to drag everyone down!"
Mao: "Ahaha. Don't get too pesimistic~ I'm Isara Mao from Trickstar. Enjoy our performance 'til the end ♪"
Koga: (After we enter the stage and do some self-introduction, Trickstar will join in on the stage.)
(That's good, everythin's accordin' to plan.)
(Who would've thought the moon would be hidden at this timin', but I guess that Vampire Bastard predicted it, huh?)
(No, wait, not even he could've predicted natural phenomenon like this. It's just a coincidence that works on our favor.)
(That means even the weather takes our side, huh... ♪)
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(That's it, that's it. The audience is gettin' pumped up nicely.)
(They're holdin' their breath, expectin' us to start singin' anytime now.)
"Yeah, let's do this! We're gonna carve our song deep into your soul...!"
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Rei: (Fufufu, the audience is cheering for Doggy's passionate vocal. We have them in our grasp perfectly, and I shall not back down here.)
(Now, because Doggy has been working hard for this day without neglecting the practice for Halloween Party...)
(As a reward, let's shift into serious mode once in a while ♪)
(I'm unrivaled in the world of darkness, where the sun has set. I will destroy those unlucky enough to stand in my way.)
(I will swallow down all the artists before us, and those after us.)
(Do feel blessed, for you will become the flesh and blood of the Demon King... ♪)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Subaru: (Woah, what a force! It's like my head was hit hard enough to make me stagger.)
(I know rock is UNDEAD's main genre, but at this rate we'll end up as the side characters.)
(Even the audience is only looking at UNDEAD, they're not giving us any attention.)
(This is frustrating~ If we don't do it more wildly, we'll get thrown away, unable to even crawl back up.)
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(This isn't UNDEAD's solo live! This is a joint live.)
(If we get outdone by UNDEAD here, that's just like telling the audience that we joined only to match up the numbers.)
(Just wait, Gami-san, I'm catching up to you right now... We want everyone to remember Trickstar too...!)
(We'll get right next to you even in the hurl of storm!)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Makoto: (Akehoshi-kun's guitar changed...? He's not only using brute force, he's polishing up his performance.)
(With the litheness of a predator, the audience's attention is getting drawn away from UNDEAD to Akehoshi-kun.)
(Akehoshi-kun is really amazing. He owns the stage even though we're doing a different genre.)
(He's a complete opposite from me who always takes a step back.)
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(...but, we have experienced various DreamFes together, and I've grown too. I'm standing here by my own volition.)
(It's not the time to cower from the audience's enthusiasm. I have to show off the results of Oogami-kun's special training...!)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Mao: (Ahaha, he really did it, that Makoto. Subaru isn't holding back either.)
(We can't keep taking it easy, huh?)
Hokuto: (You're right. In rock, if both parties start giving space to each other, it's like asking to be stepped on.)
(Let's go bolder, Isara.)
Mao: (Haha, on your mark ♪)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Hokuto: "~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Adonis: (Oogami looks happy. We managed to join the long-awaited Rock Fes. I'm glad your dream came true, Oogami.)
Kaoru: (I know you're concerned about Doggy, but don't forget to focus on the song, okay~?)
(Don't you hate it if Doggy and Sakuma-san keep hogging away all the attention? The girls' gazes are supposed to be mine~ ♪)
Adonis: (You're the same as always, Hakaze-senpai. But you words hold truth.)
(We can't leave everything to them. We are UNDEAD too.)
Kaoru: (Yup yup. Even I will do my best if it's in front of the girls~ Really, really ♪)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Adonis: "~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Koga: (Ha, UNDEAD or Trickstar, it doesn't matter. We'll just do what we wanna do.)
(Rock is the soul. The collision between souls, the resulting heat. That is Rock 'n Roll...! )
(I ain't one to say something like 'thank you very much', so I'll show my gratitude with my song. Now, let's go...!)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
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“I’m taking a pcture of this. I’m TOTALLY taking a picture of this.”
“Not surprised.”
“Come on, Christelle! Don’t sound that serious!”
I’ve drawn them again!! I wanted to draw them in the snow for a while now so I drew this!! I’m happy with how it turned out!! I can imagine them randomly talking to each other on a bench and they’re spotted by some people. Of course, Dai reacts the most compared to the rest! What do you expect from the matchmaker?
Bonus: Also Kaoru reacts to it too because he’s like that
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In reality he only wants her to rest for and have fun because it’s Christmas!! Supports her decision on what she chooses to do though!! He wants her to be happy during the Holidays, after all.
Hanako belongs to @polar-stars!!
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